Folleto de Inglés IV 2013

Page 54



Vocabulario y Ejercicios VOCABULARIO DE LA UNIDAD III  Expresiones de tiempo acorde a las estructuras gramaticales propuestas.  Beneficios derivados del trabajo, educación, política, investigación, economía, etc. Ejercicios: I. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. a) She sang a song. - _______________________________________ b) Somebody hit me. - _______________________________________ c) We stopped the bus. - _______________________________________ d) A thief stole my car. - _______________________________________ e) They didn't let him go. - _______________________________________ f) She didn't win the prize. - _______________________________________ g) They didn't make their beds. - _______________________________________ h) I did not tell them. -_______________________________________ i) Did you tell them? - _______________________________________ j) Did he send the letter? - _______________________________________ II. Write the whole sentences in the passive voice. 1. Paul and Peter watched the football match. ____________________________________ 2. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. ____________________________________ 3. Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. ____________________________________ 4. Anna painted the Wilsons' house. ____________________________________ 5. The American team won the cup. ____________________________________ 6. Philip took a picture of the sea. ____________________________________ 7. My mother saw Mike. ____________________________________ 8. Freddy Mercury sang 'We Will Rock You'. ____________________________________

C.B.T.I.S. Nº 84


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