Budapest: Palace of the Arts Season Brochure

Page 36

A Day with Gergely Bogányi – Liszt and Bach The 201st birthday of Franz Liszt will be marked with an event at least as special as anything in the year honouring his jubilee: three recitals by Gergely Bogányi in the space of a single day. Not only will the day’s offering be generous, it also promises to be enlightening and uplifting. The pianist pays special attention to Liszt’s devotional works striving towards the higher spheres, but – acknowledging the almost perpetual wanderings of his life – will also include the composer’s artistic interpretations of his defining experiences in Italy. The influence of Bach, reflected as an underlying motif in Liszt’s art, will be rendered still more perceptible to the audience by the conceptual pairing of their works. Moreover, the inclusion of Bach’s preludes, toccatas and fugues will focus our attention on the exceptional empathy of Gergely Bogányi, not only as a performer but also as a transcriber of other’s works.

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