Resident Magazine: October 2012

Page 117

workshops and history based food events. There is also the “Amazing Maize Maze” made of corn every fall. For information visit or call (718) 347-3276 In Brooklyn are two working farms, Wyckoff Farm at 5816 Clarendon Ro., and Red Hook Community Farm, Columbia and Beard Streets. Wyckoff Farm uses no chemicals in its work and practices environmentally safe farming. Located on property surrounding the Pieter

Claessen Wyckoff House (c. 1652-1820), the farm provides a considerable amount of food to City Harvest. Local high school students are employed at the farm and given an education as “Garden Interns.” There are also free workshops on cooking, composting, medicinal herbs and natural pest control.

only eight blocks from a major highway. It is surrounded by high-rise projects, ferry ports and shipping containers. The amazing aspect is that it still manages to keep up its farm atmosphere.

For more information contact the farm at (718) 629-5400 or visit www. garden.html

The Bronx Zoo provided nutrient rich soil for the produce and local volunteers and interns dig in. Much of what is grown here goes to the local community. They also sell what they grow to and shops and restaurants in the area.

Red Hook occupies an old asphalt lot formerly used as a playground and located

For additional information call (718) 8555531 or visit


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