2013-2014 Course Catalog

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CUL 108

CUL 111

Saucier II

Dry Heat Cooking Methods

Students practice the techniques and

Students practice the preparation of various

fundamentals of the soup kitchen, preparation

proteins and side dishes using dry heat cooking

of clear and broth-based soups (consommes),

methods; techniques of broiling, grilling, roasting,

thick soups as purees, veloutes, cream soups,

baking, sautéing, pan-frying and deep frying are

bisques and chowders. Cooked and uncooked

learned. Selected proteins and side dishes apply to

chilled soups are explored, as well as regional,

cafeteria menu offerings. Seasoning, presentation

national, and international soups, the garnishing

and hot food holding are discussed. Food quality,

of soups and proper serving temperatures are

sanitation, mis en place, and teamwork are

discussed. Food quality, sanitation, mis en place,

evaluated. Prerequisites: CUL 101, CUL 102, and

and teamwork are evaluated. Prerequisites: CUL

CUL 103. CUL 112

CUL 109

American Regional Cooking

Entremetier I Students research and study the regions of Students practice the preparation and production

the United States heritage “melting pot.” The

techniques of potatoes, grains, legumes, pastas

cooking methods of the foods indigenous to the

and a variety of vegetables. Students learn such

specific regions are discussed. Students have the

preparation and cooking methods as blanching,

opportunity to prepare two dishes per region:

par boiling, steaming, simmering, grilling, frying,

New England, Midwest, South, Northwest and

sautéing, roasting, stewing, braising and baking,

the Mid-Atlantic. The preparation and cooking

cutting, peeling, and trimming. In addition, proper

should reflect on texture, flavor, consistency

portion sizing, seasoning and presentation are

and appearance. Smaller meat portions, low-fat

practiced. Food quality, sanitation, mis en place,

intake, lighter foods, fresh food properly cooked,

and teamwork are evaluated. Prerequisites: CUL

food present at ion, and hot food holding is

101, CUL 102, and CUL103.

discussed. Food quality, sanitation, mis en place, and teamwork is evaluated. Prerequisites: CUL 101,

CUL 110


101, CUL 102, and CUL & 103.

CUL 102, and CUL 103.

Moist Heat Cooking Methods CUL 113 Students practice the preparation of various

International Cooking

proteins and side dishes using moist heat cooking methods; techniques of poaching, simmering,

International Cooking students research and

boiling, and steaming are learned. Selected

study Continental and European cooking. The

proteins and side dishes apply to cafeteria menu

methodology and techniques used in the cultures

offerings. Seasoning, presentation and hot food

and cuisines of Spain, Portugal, Germany, Austria,

holding are discussed. Food quality, sanitation,

The Netherland, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, Poland,

mis en place, and teamwork are evaluated.

England, Scotland, Scandinavia, Africa and Asia

Prerequisites: CUL 101, CUL 102, and CUL & 103.

are discussed. Students select five dishes from any of the cuisines and display the preparation


2013 - 2014 CATALOG


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