Evolution of Social Welfare/Work in UK, USA &India

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S.Rengasamy 2. Understanding the History of Social Welfare from various Welfare State Models “Any religion that professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the slums that damn them, the economic conditions that cripple them, is a dry-asdust religion” Definition of Welfare And Welfare State: The Welfare State consists of a number of programs through which governments pursue the goal of social protection against economic and social risks of life & well-being. Welfare State Objectives ü to protect individuals and groups against economic and social risks of life and changes in society; ü to secure income and conditions to live a life in human dignity with fullest participation in society; ü to combat discrimination and inequalities; ü to promote social cohesion and inclusion and to avoid marginalisation; ü to combat poverty and extreme gaps in the distribution of wealth in society. Welfare State Aims It redistributes income from the working young to the retired old, from the rich to the poor, etc. It also helps to solve many problems with risk, market failures, ethical norms, poverty and inequality, justice, etc. Welfare systems are financed on the basis of solidarity; the access for all citizens to high-quality services of general interest at reasonable prices; economic democracy through social dialogue and collective bargaining. Welfare State Spending • Social Protection • Social assistance - Income support Social insurance - Retirement - Unemployment - Health care • Benefits in kind • Education • Housing • Public goods - Public transport - Public service broadcasting The European Social Model n Solidarity n Social Justice n Social Cohesion n Equal access to employment n Gender equality n Equal access to health and social protection n Universal access to education n Universal access to health and social services n Equal opportunities for everybody in society, in particular the elderly, the young, the disabled, the socially excluded and minority groups

European citizenship includes social citizenship


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