Vol. 26 March 26

Page 8

8 MARCH 26, 2015 • WNC HOMES & Real Estate

Henderson County

Prepare to Be Moved! Incredible...

A Delight To What You’ll Find

Simply Stunning...

,QFUHGLEOH OLIHVW\OH LQ D 0RXQWDLQ VHWWLQJ 2SHQ À RRU plan, gourmet kitchen, inviting porch with corner ¿ UHSODFH H[TXLVLWH PDVWHU VXLWH DQG JXHVW EHGURRPV RQ main level. Lower level perfect for entertaining, UHOD[DWLRQ RU IDPLO\ IXQ $ KRPH \RX PXVW VHH 0/6 ZZZ UHZQF QHW

in this handsome home nestled on two beautiful acres. Features include a light/bright interior, captivating kitchen with granite tops and a plethora of cabinet space, spacious master suite w/ dressing room, delightful den Z FR]\ IS URRP\ XQÂż QLVKHG EDVHPHQW FRYHUHG IURQW SRUFK DQG EDFN patio. Note: Dual gas-fwa/heat pump zoned system, tankless gas water KHDWHU QDWXUDO JDV SRZHUHG JHQHUDWRU 7D[HV 7%' 0/6 ZZZ UHZQF QHW

best describes this enchanting Laurel Park home nestled on a beautifully rolling parcel. Features include light/bright interior, JRUJHRXV JUHDW URRP Z FR]\ VWRQH Âż UHSODFH H[SDQVLYH PDVWHU suite, captivating kitchen, lavish lower level with delightful den & spacious bedroom & much more. 0/6 ZZZ UHZQF QHW

We Make Your Real Estate Dream... a Reality. Call Us Today!

A Rare Find...

Brand New and Perfect For You!

Delightful Cottage!

is what you’ll discover in this delightful in-home business opportunity. Features include a wonderfully adorable second story apartment with an awesomely open main OHYHO FRPPHUFLDO VSDFH 0/6 ZZZ UHZQF QHW

That is what you’ll discover in this handsome home with numerous upgrades and special touches. Features include a light/ EULJKW LQWHULRU H[SDQVLYH PDVWHU VXLWH FDSWLYDWLQJ NLWFKHQ ZLWK WRQV RI FDELQHW VSDFH KDQGVRPH KDUGZRRG À RRUV EHDXWLIXOO\ tiled baths, durable metal roof, wonderful rolling parcel and PXFK PRUH 0/6 ZZZ UHZQF QHW

/DXUHO 3DUN 7KLV KRPH KDV ORFDWLRQ XSGDWHV FKDUDFWHU curb appeal. Lovingly cared for cottage sits on a beautiful rolling corner lot. The eat in kitchen gets lots of natural light thru windows that overlook the fenced backyard. Great Deck IRU HQWHUWDLQLQJ 0867 6(( 0/6 ZZZ UHZQF QHW

116 North Main Street Hendersonville, North Carolina, 28792 828-692-7939

Laura Linhart

Lee Linhart

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