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Renewing Winona’s river-based identity, Reclaiming Levee Park as Winona’s front porch, Integrating Levee Park into Winona’s larger riverfront system, Seeing the riverfront as a park with a river running through it, Exploring the river as a “natural main street,” Enhancing the vibrancy of existing grassroots cultural initiatives and identifying opportunities for new initiatives, and Addressing the unintended consequences of infrastructure projects that have sapped the park’s vitality and limited its civic role. 7KH 9,6,21 3/$1 UHVSRQGV WR WKH IROORZLQJ LVVXHV LGHQWLȌHG LQ WKH &LW\ RI :LQRQD &RPSUHKHQVLYH 3ODQ S City Policy Planning Issues (selected) Balance of Uses: The VISION PLAN balances recreational uses with the adjacent commercial and industrial uses. Improved access: Access to the river and the park are improved on Main, Walnut, and Huff Streets with an overlook at the terminus of Walnut Street River-related uses: Fishing, watching towboats, canoe and kayak landing, enjoying being by and looking at the river Trails: Mississippi River Trailhead and pedestrian trails along the river Redevelopment & Mixed-Use Buildings: Developed and

repurposed historic buildings are located next to the Park. These could include a River Education Regional Center and park RIȌFHV Water-based recreation-Identify and promote key riverfront destinations: The water feature on Main Street strengthens the Park’s water identity; its spotlight draws people to the riverfront during riverfront events. Park Committee Programming (selected; from May 2013 meeting) Multiple-season use and programming &OHDU ZD\ ȌQGLQJ DQG HQWUDQFH GHPDUFDWLRQ Kayak and canoe launch Views of bluff; not just river. Relocate John Latsch sculpture Grassed slopes to roll on play on non-traditional play structures. Concerts at water edge Quiet space and art in park Overlooks that extend riverfront experience over waters edge Limit parking to limited service access, ADA and deliveries. Trailhead connection to existing trails in city. Bring water to people Park as an economic driver These strategies, along with programming input from the Levee Park Committee and members of the Community, resulted in a set of recommendations for programmatic support and physical changes in the riverfront park. The VISION PLAN recommendations include:

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