Presbyterian Healthcare Services - The First 100 Years

Page 261

Chapter 18: You’re Only as Good as Your Customers Say You Are


the community was especially gratifying to Jim Hinton and other members of the Presbyterian Board. In the thirteen years since becoming CEO, Hinton worked hard to advance the organization in multiple arenas while also seeking independent validation of Presbyterian’s progress toward national excellence. Presbyterian has earned and maintained AA financial rating, has received two national Baldrige examiner site visits, and has moved the needle positively in patient safety. “Being rated as the most trusted and being viewed as a good neighbor,” said Hinton, “is the kind of customer endorsement that would have made Mrs. Van and Reverend Cooper smile.” Left: Presbyterian serves to improve the health of individuals, families, and communities. Max Chavez and his family represent four generations who were born at Presbyterian. Clockwise from lower left: Michacla, Matthew, Dennis Chavez, Virginia Saiz, Max, Viola and Gabriela Chavez, and Rita Torres. Presbyterian Healthcare Services Photoarchive


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