BUSRide August 2013

Page 16


Oregon study offers guide to success for small-city transit By Norman Clark

Public transit allows rural populations access to jobs, retail centers, healthcare and social services.


s the training coordinator/planner for the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Public Transit Division, I often see cities and transit agencies struggle over ways to make local transit systems more accessible, more comfortable and supportive of general community goals. These goals include downtown revitalization, economic development and better mobility for local residents. I was therefore pleased when I received an invite to serve on the Project Advisory Committee for the development of a new guidebook, Transit in Small Cities: A Primer for Planning, Siting, and Designing Transit Facilities in Oregon (www.oregon.gov/LCD/ TGM/docs/fulltransitprimer4-4-13.pdf). In partnership with ODOT Public Transit Division, the Oregon Transportation and Growth Management Program (TGM) produced the study in conjunction with Parson’s Brinkerhoff in Portland. The new primer gives specific guidance to smallcity transit providers for planning, designing and locating transit facilities. It offers instruction for



bus shelters, signage, access-ways to transit stops and other amenities that support public transit systems. The primer lays out a basic planning process and offers tips for success that are easy tailored to the particular city. Finally, it draws upon successful examples from Oregon to provide relevant advice and illustrate best practices. This study addresses dozens of questions central to making public transit easier to access and use: • How can bus shelters be integrated into the community? • What shelter fixture and amenities, such as benches and lighting, should the agency provide? • How can transit agencies improve access to transit for everyone, including elderly and disabled pasengers? • How can access to transit stops be improved for pedestrians and bicyclists? • Where should transit providers locate park-andride lots? • How can these and other parking facilities be integrated into surrounding neighborhoods? busride.com

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