Saxifrage 37

Page 52

Art Gallery Sunrise Gulls, R OGER I VERSON , J R . Untitled, S HEA E AKES America, A ARON B IZIER Time, J EN J EPSEN En Route, K EVIN K NODELL Relic, K EVIN K NODELL Color, J EN J EPSEN Man and Sea, S HEA E AKES Tale of Two Cities: Tacoma, S ARAH W ISE Koi Wheel, K ARLA D AWN C. V ILLANUEVA Textured Plates, L I I S A N ELSON Shuksan, T HEODORE C HARLES Crater Lake, S AMUEL H OSMAN Westlake Center, K ELI B OOHER Peony, M EGHANN S UNWOLD Somewhere Close, N ICOLE L AUMB

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