Times journal v 8 no 6 oct 23, 1952

Page 1

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l' . ran un1 Pierce fn. k. A UJIStnct 'I EXIra MI mage




I!Elk Plain P=TA Pkms

·PLA·. nu PUT l 0 VOTERS ~uu. lon,~~ !lJ ~ H~U

~~~~~i'~~:,~YT;~~::i:t~r;;;~~:1~ n:~~il:~; held Saturdey, Oct. 2.J. 1



Pomona Grange Urges


Meth·' .od"ISts Pl an n•Ing· New $50 000 00 ·u n"tI

will start wit.h a turkey

~~~~~'." ~~~~~.~ ::::c c~~ti::~n l~~~

':11 -





5:00 till 8:00 o'clock. .J 1 . f cl ...t uc g1ng- o inasqucra e cos u~1cs will be held during the early part of the evening-. ·rhe ba;.aar "''ill feature the -sale o f npron.t;, l en t owe l s, I10 Id ers: d o ll s, baked i~oods and other itcn1:L 1~h(~ childrc~ will find the fish pond, candy · I in · tTrcs t . an cl popcorn b oo ti1s of spcc1a . B'in go an d o tl1cr gzi 1ncs ¥.'I. 11 1JC p 1ave d • The regular mcetrng . . · of. the Park· d · . · 'r , t. . . ·b land _Orthopedic Guild will be held an an auc1ion u an iques w1 11 e . ,, ~ . nt thr. hon1t' of Mrs. 1-...cnnr.th 1 nrnble, 1 ~Id "The friendship qtiilt raffle and tlw 128th &. "C" Sts., at 8 o'clock Monsty lc sI1ovv arc h'ig h spots o f t I1c eve- rlav · ' cvcnmrr~' Oct. 27. . \11 1 0 f ti1 a·18 t. t -~·~ / ning. pcop c c n: arc a urged to come out foran cvcnmg of f ' . J . · . C · · un and to Juy attraCl!YC hnstmas gifts a the booths.

Harold Knabel Radio


d D II. I ir.rescnOOu Plans ..Spook Shuffle"



irCilfll\1CHli ,

Parkland Preschool announces a "Spook shuffle" for Saturday evening,

PHILCO Sales and Service • Complete Tube and Repairs for all sets.

3020 PC1dfic HI 5942



Democratic Meeting

fire Insurance House & Contents Evans, legislative chairruan, ha.s invited all candidates, Loth Democratic and Rl'publlcan, cspcci~lly those running for ihr lrgislature in the 25th, ~6th and 29th districts, and many will nttcncl the rnccting and speak briefly. A question period will follow the speaking. A pleasant social hour with refresh1nents Yvill conclude ihe evP.ning with Sam ·n1,ow~1 iu charge of arrang-emcnts.

Arms.ea! Payment





"Before storing sure they're really clean and free from insect-attracting stains! You can be sure with our modern dry cleaning methods."



Order. your TRICK or, ·TREATS or pther PARTY) CAKES. \Ve also have lots of Do· . _nuts, G:ookies, Small Cakes

:Five young incn living in TimesJ ournal territory \Vere involved .in two serious auto accidents over the Week-end: all f'Scnping \\.·ith only minor injuriFs, though each of the~ crashes cost a life.


"Every trace of dirt is re· moved-your clothe.s are fresh, and ready for safe stor-

PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Enjoy thee Healthful Bcucfits of Swedish Iviassa~c in the Privacy of Your H~rnc or Mine H. C. !\ALLARD, MASSEUR For Appoinirncnt Phone EVENINGS Ta('.oma, GRanite 4'.H2 ~-------


CLAY ROLEY AG.ENCY 98th and Portland Avenue

GR 8501 DR.



Modern Eye Care

4002\12 Sn. Yakima

RA 2113


I/ 209 So. 34th _ =




Parkland 4 Shoe Store


4 U Garfield St; (In the Parkland Centre Bldg.) Across from the Parkland Post Office

Hi. 40721 mu


"Call me today, Puyallup 5-6651, for expert LUSTERIZED dry cleaning service."

FRYING TURKEYS 7 to 3-Jb. average

Special Notite TO THE CLEANING OF YOUR FALL GARMENTS You will be surprised ho.w fresh, how dean, how bright they will look when they are returned to you~


St., end Raymond Strong of 909 K St., All suffered painful but not critical jnjuries. The only fatality in the case was that of Edward F. Jones, a Seattle · trucl-: cl.river, \Vha attempted .to aid the young men. He tripped over a power line knocked· down by the wrecked can and was imtantly elec·trocuted. Only two were involved in the second accident, which occurred Sunday when a car driven by Elmer W. Doyle of 919 So. 102nd St. veered off the highway and turned over several ti111es nf't:ir Abercleen. His companion, Archie Dodge, also of Tacoma, was killed in the crash. The l\vo men had been on a hunting trip_.



Armstrong's Poultry Market 11009 Pacific Ave.

GR 5524

GR 3221 For,free Pickup and Delivery Service ARE YOU IN A HURRY? Stop in at our plant 11004 Pacific Ave., I block north of bank. Folks, we have lots o.f parking spaee for you.

Parkland Phone GRanite 3221

leaners 11004 Pacific Ave. M>rth of the Bank Comer


LET US CA.RRY ·lHE BAll ON YOUR HEATING Oil Enioy That "PLUS" Service LY.Ybrkat~@n

arkland Fuel ii erv1ce 1111

With Witch's Hat and Pumpkin Face


-Trav Dryer.




lores - Batteries Auto Parts





The next monthly meeting of the Parkland Preschool well baby clinic will be held on Monday, Oct. 2 7/with registration from 9:00 until 11:00 o'clock. Dr. Buel L. Sever will be the doctor in charg~, _assisted by several nurses and other assistants. All child~ rcn --of preschool ag;c in the Parkland di.strict are \Vclcon1c andthcre is no charge for _ these cxa1ninations, inw npculaiions 'or vaccinations. T'hc clinic is held in the basement of the Methodist church. For further inforn1ation, call MTS. Ray Pochcl, clinic chairman, at GRanitc 6689. •

I Parkl(llnd Ort.hopechc



Wel!ml:;aby Clinfo

/ Ha~~oween B~zeiar

. General Requ. ircments: To serve the · _ , . f 1 · ·. . h~ 'Id I.'est rntcrcsts o t 1e e1t1:rns, t '. 1 ing should cncio~_c tlus space . 11: a m~-~ne1: that' pcnn1ts the 1nost eff1c1~nt utilization of. personnel ~ . _ _and _epu1p_ rnent.. E_sthct1<;ally .1~ .should exprc~5the dignity and stability of democratic government ._ , . and .be. the Tfornl pomt of Co1mtY-Ctty he. ._ structure ' . act1v1ty. should dominate any other County. . . . C 1ty ;:itt1_v1ty 3nc1 1t should 1Jc as near~ ly as possible a center of intcre>t arch1tccturallv, 1 • __ _ . H1~tory: Taco1na has outgro\Vn the 1890 ers Dnd civic rffici,ency <1nd l · :! d pn•_ e ernanc propPr quarters . . . s. u c·11c1cnt . -c l cctora · I f ·1 l support a1 cc to develop at the polls recently to pass enabling legislation, although the majority of those voting favored the proposed Civic Center and County-City building dcvt:loprncnt. Vote FOR (Yes) the County-City building bond





A far cry frolr) the "little red school house" common in rural districts in yestery\!ars.is the new unit recently completed at Lal~ev1ew school. Eleven extra large _class rooms, the principal's 1 off!CeS, health center rooms, custodian's room, steel vault for




P. 0. Box 654 >/

NE~V COUNTV-CITY HJl~~v!~;' ~:;~~~ ~-;: ~:::a~ho::nit~


S ta.mdy of Bond lss1111e



school records and various storage facilities arc housed in the h~ndsom_e for its management. A. E. Spencer, \ . one-story structure whose m~m corn- the principal, appears to hold the place I. d.ur la.cks only 15 feet of bcmg a full ·of "ncxf best friend" of each child city 10 ck_ 1°~g. and molds. the policies of the school The bu1ldmg reflects the most mod- management from the viewpoint of By Morris Ford, Si1perintcndcnt ern ideas in school construction. Each each individual youngster. During the The Franklin Pierce schools will room is lighted from all four sides with brief visit of the Times-Journal 'folks ask th~ voters o,f District ,102 to pass one wall all .glass. Across this ex- last Thursday, children app~oached two .millage measures at the Nov. pansc, clrapcnes of deep green may M. r.. Spencer. with a dozen smell probclcct10n. be drawn on traverse rods to darken ]ems, important to them: A little girl's Proposition No. 1 calls for 2 o mills the roo~ for visu~l ~duc~.tion features doll had lost an arm, the little boy who for 1 year only to he used for equip- for _which ~he bu.'ld.mg _m adequately had taken a football out a few minutes men! and improvement of facilities equipped. 1 he bmldmg lS soupd pro?f- before ran in to report that a window at the high school and new grade ed throug_hout.. Floors are._covered wit~ had been broken, one of the small school. · asphalt tile, nch green m the corn. . P ,. . ? . • dors and neutral beige in the class( Cont1n11cd on Page 5) roposition No. - calls for 10 m~lls rooms, lessening the sound ·of foot!or 1 yea~ only to. be used for mam- steps. Quick and easy egress from the enance ~nc.1 o~erat1on costs. buildjng is a "must" in all modern . The d1stnct. 1s at !"resent on a build- schools' and the new Lakeview school mg program rnvolvmg $1,892 252.52 · I · · · of which the district pays $379, 843 35' IS C0'.11P etely empt1e_d In 4.5 seconds or The following communication has . . f ' ~l · l ' less m the weekly fire dnlls. been received f-·om Pierce County th e b A I.ancc b <nng state unds ~' 15 1.. 808.67, and Federal funds, 360, 600 _ . Desks aren't what they used to_ be, Pomona Grange No. 16: The equipment for these buildings either. In all the_ rooms.are sturd_Y little WHEREAS there is provision for becomes a district problem. Classroom t~blcs .and cha~rs of proper size for the formation of city county govern. furniture, laboratory equipment, hand t 1e children 1:1".ng them, all. made of ment when the area has a population and power tools for wood and metal pretty blond fm1sh wood, easily .moved of 300,000. This municipal area would . shops, gymnasium equipment and to any part of the roo':', Some of the make and adopt a charter for the l. • locker facilities must be provided. dcs~-tables hav? adjustable tops, area. Could it be that this charter The United Methodist church In June of 194·9 the district had wh_i~h may be r~ised to any angle for j could abolish all municipalities and decided that it must build. a 1icw · d"t · · t h c new area and make church to meet t h c expandrng · · . · , is nets m s1tua2148 pup1'I s. () n S ept. 12, 1952, the wntmg or drawmg (Continucd on Page 2) Another . improvement in the· one m1!nicipality called city county. tion. Congregations arc filling the "sch_ool o! tomorro~" provides !avA county city building could be the present sanctuary and the educational atones for boys and g_irls. 1bctween e~ch next step for Tacoma taking over the facilities are cr~wded out. At the .offitwo. classrooms. Drmkmg fountams rest of P.ierce County when the .popu- c1al board rneetmg last Monday mght, lation of the county reaches 300 000. it was decided to crusade for $50,000 The Democrats of Parkland will are, m the corrH)ors. Scientifically modei;n as the new THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED with which to build the san.ctuary as hold a public meeting Saturday forebuilding is, beauty has hy no means that we urge volers to make a careful the first unit of the new plant. The noon, October 25, in the Sales Grange hall, Parkland. The program is been neglected. Beauty is everywhere, study of the $5,000,000.00 bond issue educational and recreational units will scheduled to begin at 10:30 with Rep. in lovely lines, richly fiIIi~hed woods, for .a county court house to be known be added later. Hugh B. Mitchell, candidate for Gov- soft glowing colors. The color scheme as a county city building especially . The Rev. Alexander Pollock Aiton ernor, speaking. He will be followed stresses restful greens with delicate as no provision is made as how much 1s the pastor of the U mtcd church and by .Prosecuting Attorney John J. a?ricot and beige sh.ades for w~rmth. tl_ie city of Tacoma shall pay as a those ;-rho arc headi,ng up the .various O'Connell, candidate for Congress in 1 he fact that there is not one sign of city's part of the building. Amend-, cot'!1'.111ttees 111 the $50,000 dn~e are: the Sixth District. Several other Dem- defacement shows that the children ment No. 23 of the Constitution of·1 Orville D. Weeks, local chairman; arc just as proud of their building as the State of Washinr;ton provides for 1 Mrs. George Mil.ler, chairman of the are the school pa:rons, board of dir- t~c formation of a municipality called p1:ospccts co_mmittc;;, Mrs. Stanley ectors and teaching staff. It seems city and county when the area has a P1ctryzkowsk1, pu,bhc1ty' Mrs. Guy probable that it will be a long time population of 300 000 or more. Ncdervold, womap's division; Charles before Lakeview s.chool needs .redccAdopted by Pi~rce County Pomona K Peterson, organi,ation committe.c; Grange ]\/o. 16 in regula~ session this Richard Snnpson, speakers committee;· 11th day of October, 1952. ' Albert Grodvig, auditor; F. W.·Traill, Fr.ank Swalande treasurer. Master. r, _Other committee chairmen and capMinnic Chesley, tams are chosen and the entire con" ti


OFFICE 118th and Pacific Avenue



A delicious dinner will served oh Satu!day, ·. O~t. 25, from .5 to 8 · p:m. at the Gmham Grar1ge hall. The Ladies.' A.id So~iety of the Graham Cormnunity ~h1,irch will sponsor . the dinner and. aiso have·. fancy. and useful articles for sale .. Christmas·cards and. Christmas wrappings will. also be av.ailabk .. There. will be. no sale. ?f tickets but everyone . is welcome ·.to attend .. Donatfons. for .the new ·parsonag~' which is now. urder construction, and for the general fundwil.I be grate,, fully received. .,




Eastv~ld lhe Teacher of Law I~ addition to conductinis own successful private prac• tice, Eastvold for the. i:><ist ·.· .3 years has taught law at Pacific Lutheran College. bi~

Eastvold the Attorney

''Eai;tvold. appears. often my court. He always is well ptC· pared and presents .his case con· · vincingly." A Y'oung ···Republican



Jl;fidland Community dub and many Midland merchants '1rtc'. spoasoring the annual Halloween party for grade Beverly Corriu;an GR 8545 school children in p;ra.dc.'S one through The Harv;u d-Midland P-TA, the . the fifth. This party, preceded by a parade in cost111111-, will be held at the 1 . Midland Community club hall Friday [ cvc11ing, Oct. 3 l. The school bus will furnish transportation. The 6th, 7th and 9th .l\"raclcs will have .their annual 1-fallowccn mixer at the school. More information will be in next week's

Iordearly lwaring anything all about this loved puppy would you please

Trinitv Lutheran to Observe Bible Week

Mr. Smith. She also introduced Dr. Thnrsday, October 23, 1952 THE TIMES-JOURNAL M. A. Tweit who talked ahout vision 1 • call Mr. Christeuseu at his service and then afterwards, with the aid of s1.-1tion, GR. 9987, 0r the fan1ily rcsi- Dr. Clark, put on several interl'.8ting 1,rinity Lutheran church in ParkR dencc at GR. 5083. demonstrations on new wrinRlcs in 1 land will co-operate in the ohservBridal Shower testing eyesight. Mrs. Smith's first ancc of National Bible Week. A Bible A hriclal shnwcr honoring Miss grade room won the attendance prize. display will be shown at the Pa;·kland Marie Stauffer, soon to he the. bride Refreshments were srrvr:cl a rt<T the Light and Water dompany office on of Arden (Pete) Johnson, was given meeting. Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this Oct. l () al the Midland Community Good NcigJ1bor Club week. The display will be moved to lnll. Bingo was played, and after the The Good Neighbor clulJ will meet the Friendship room of the Parish honored gtwst had opened the gifts, this Friday noon for potluck lunch at ·house lo be shown on· Sunday. Bibles, a lovely lunch v.ras. scr\rcd by the hosR the hon1c of Mrs. Edward Ilcndricks ancient and new, in various la~guages Costume Pn-rty ' u-,;scs, Mrs. Victor Eshpetcr and Mrs. nn 96th and Colden Given road. It and of many versions, will be on disThosc not altcmling the costume Joyce Vance. was supposed to have been nt -the play. party sponsored by members of llic Pn:SClll were the honored guest's Ht:rbert Piper borne but they will not The 11 a.m. church service on St. John ~f the Woods parish last.J'ri- mother, M1:s. Ruth F.irth; the bridc- have arrived back frou1 the middle S:-inday wi!l witness a cli1'.1ax in the 1 day f'.\T'.n1ng rcnlly rnisscd a grand groon1-to-bcs n1othcr, lvlrs. Frank j west. We,,vcrc sorry to hear that Mr. ]ugh position and honor given to the ti111e:· It was· very difficult to rccog- Jnhnson, and his gran<ln1othcr, :Nlrs. Piper was sick back there and had to Bible in-the church and its prbgrarn. nize even your nearest nci.c;-hbor. Jn- Elizabeth .Johnson. Other guests were I"' in the hospital. Members attend- A class of 16 young people who have dians of every tribe and description the 1v!esdan1es I~ois' ]\{organ, Duard ing the n1Ceting rrrr· nskf'd to bring been given an extensive and specialwcre present as well as witches, ho- Wyatt, Hamid Horton Sr., Harold Hallowcrn treats for the children at izcd two-year course of traininp; in hoes, trnmps, southern belles, ghosts, Horton Jr., Andy Christensen, James the Rainier school at Bucklt:y and also the truths of the Bible will declare clo\vns, 0Jd-fr1shioned lndics, I-L:i.i.vaiLin ! I-L1rtlcy, VVilli:n11 Shanahan, George ;iny extra scr;1ps of in;1tcrj;-ih; or en1- their faith in the truths of il-}c Word girls, ChinctJe, couples in pajamas and 'rurncr, Don Kcn1p, C. B. Sn1ith, broidcry threads for the school pupils at rthis service. nightgowns, the gay 90's, cow girls, Clarenec Johann, Eel Kindell, William at Buckl<'Y to make their Christmas and costu111cs of every Jiin<l. Angus, l{usscll Lloyd, August Peder- .e;ifts. Anyone \vishing to assist .in this Puppy Lost sen, Albert Bombardier, David Mc- worlliwhik cause are welcome to this The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Pherson, Frank Baskett, Paul Tur08ik, meeting .. Roy Christensen are very sad these .Jack Quinlivan, lfarry Weeks, Nrls, Sew and So days after losing their pri?e possession, Swonlganrcl, John Deering, Phillip The Ndghborhood "Sew and So" The "Lower Light" missioners from a little purebred black and white fox Z1frfluh Jr., Robert Hanslcr, Walter c'luh will have their next meeting in Portland, Ore., opened a revival camterrier about nine ·111onths of arre vvho Eshpetcr, v·ioJn Burston and Miss the forn1 of a costume Hallowec:n paign Sunday at the Apostolic Faith answers to the name of "Spai'.l;~." He Sharron Eshpcter. party at the home of Mrs. Edward church, 1313 South "J" street. The also has a short tail. Anyone seeing I Harvard-.Midland P-TA Hendricks, assisted . by .1\frs. Peter campaign will continue indefinitely. The Harvard-Midland . PcTA had Tcffrc. Be sure and come out for a with .The "Lower Light," 104-foot misn \ cry interesting- 111ccting on last good tin1c and n1cct the goblins. sionary vessel, is owned and operated Don Eastvold · Wcdne.s.day evening. The president, IVIrs. Bolden Passes by the Apostolic Faith headquarters Mrs. Robert Sharpe, presided. Several Mrs. Ethel Bolden, 60, of Rt. 7, Box in Portland. She · is berthed in TaI •got a phone call in Ephrata ~ast commiltee reports were given and 17, died Thursday nt her home. She coma, and used ·to carry the Gospel Mrs. Frank Geitzenauer, head of fi. was born in Georgia, had been in week advising me that the followmg to islands of Puget Sound and up the nanee, told about. selling special .pie Tacoma for 35 years and was a nu1se morning the attorney general was coast of British Columbia into southgoing t~ use the power ~f hi~ office tins to make money to sponsor things at the Midland Home for the Aged. eastern Ala.ska. needed for the school patrol members Mrs. Bolden was a member of St. to completely destroy me m this camThe local church, formerly an- in.and also asked cvc.ryone to save rum- Benedict's. Catholic c~urch at Span- paign. I was advised that i'. h~d somedependent organization, is uniting ..NATIONAL BIBLE WEEK mage for the coming sale to be held away, of 1ts Altar society and of tbe thing to do with my soldiers bonus. w it h t h e Portland denomination, Nov. 24, 25 and 26. Morris Ford, su- Third Order of Dominicans. She is Thi; information was given to me ten October 20-26,' 1952 which is world wide. The Rev. Mrs. perintendent of the Franklin Pierce survived by two sisters, :Mrs. Grace minutes before I was to address a Freida L. Martin, local pastor, is as-· THE-ONE HOPE OF THE WORLD - THE BIBLF: district, explained the need for the M. Hoffman and Mrs. Florence· B. .dinner meeting which was to be broadsisting the Rev. R. Robert Craw£ord, cxti;a mills levies for the school dis- Moore of Tacoma. The funeral was cast locally. With the uncertainty of it Sponsore<l__ll~ :~ay~_11~ationa~ £_om1n_ittee~ Inc. captain of the vessel, with . the cam1ST DISTRICT trict and said that everyone should held Tu,,sday at 9:~0 a.m. at St, Bene. all it was a difficult situatiOn to be paign. Mr. Crawford is overseer of in.' But I went ahead. with the speech stud y the initiatives very closely and diet's church under the dircc.tion of the Apostolic Faith, be sure to vote Nov. 4. Mrs. Fred Gaffncy's mortuary and burial was in and then left for Moses Lake where The Lower Light is docked at TaI made another speech about 8:30. Rousseau, hcal_th chairman, told of Calj!ary cemetery. coma boat mart during the series. The Bernie Lollctot, who was accompanythe wonderful covered play area that -----~----~ ing me on this trip, and I became. s.o crew will live on board the vessel. \Vas co1npletcd during the sun1111P.r and Special music is a feature of the engrossed in discussing the poss1b1hthanked everyone who helped to n1akc For Iloysseries, The Lower Light musicians ties of the expected blast that we comit a reality, especially Sam Dillon and Soft Cottons by Rob Roy WITH THE 25TH INFANT.RY 1;1ctely forgot to watch. the gasoline include some of the headquarter's finFor MenDIVISION IN KOREA-Cpl. Rich- guage, and as a result we ran out _of est talent. Mrs. Agnes Ekelund, soC:otton Plaids by Van Heusen anl 9hri.stcn::;en, whose wife, Joan, gas as vvc were crossing the mountains prano, and Mrs. Sylvia Hiatt, contral100% Wools by Black Bear Used Sewing Machines lives in Eatonville, Wash., is learning several n1ilcs fron1 the nearest gas sta- to, are soloists featured in .many Apohow to work with the Army hclicop- lion. After flagging several cars, a stolic Faith concerts. The Lower Light ter in Korea. good old farmer, who was slightly in mixed quartet include Mrs. Hiatt, He has been participating in the i1 is cups, stopped and offerea to push Mrs. Ekelund, Arthur Hiatt and Mr;_ 121st & South Park Parkland, Washington DR. ERNEST B. STEEN, Pastor 25th Infantry Division's training pro- us to the nearest station. What a ride Crawford. Their most requested number on the recent Alaska voyage wa.s gl'am designed to train foo~ soldiers that w<is! It never rains but what it "I Will Meet You in the Morning." in how to clear atid mark landing pours! When we got hame at 2:30 in the The orchestra (violin, cello, piano) sites, indicate wind directions, mar1' haz::irds and assist 'copter pilots in 1noi·ning, several of my friends were play many special numbers. A wellloading and unloading the craft. waiting for me with a long list of liked selection they play is ·"Angel's Helicopters in Korea have been in- phone ·numbers to call, of newspapers Serenade," in which Mrs. Ekelund valuable in· evacuating woundr;d di- and radio stations all over the state. sings the solo part. The schedule of services are as folrcctly to the hospital and in trans- They were desirous to get statements lows: Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m.; porting supplies to isolated areas of from me regarding this new developTuesday through .Friday, 7 :4·5 p.111. thc front lines. · mcnt. I finally got to bed at five .;;;{,) Christensen, who entered the Army o'dock in the morning and after two COW VIA.VE Vrf£RGNG W&NDS 5,.30\'V in October,.1951, jg a member of tlit" hours of sleep, was awakened by more 90th Field Artillery Battalion. He hh~ phone calls involving inquiries, words served in Korea since last May. :·;-· of encouragement and advice. I. had Spana'Yay. Trinity Lutheran Church While in civilian life, he attended six engagements schcd~lcd for that So. 1<?9th St., 2 bfo~ksJ>o,. 1\'.(t. Hiway the Cqllegc pf l'uget Spun~!; in Jca- .?-<!cY, .}'h~ 011Iy one "."!:'~~' ';"f~ c~nH. ;N:,syinth, J''!Jltor con:la; · · · · ·· , .. · ·c,· celled was the debate ·w1't!i····Sm1th Sunday Scho~l 10:30. a.m.; Harolll. Troy, and that one. was ·:ancell~d at I Ruddick, superintendent. his request. As I am learmng quickly, · Divine Se.rvicc 2 :30 p.m. politi'cs,.is a messy business, but there We are always at your service. arc compc;nsations even for public ·* * * abuse. The firm faith of good people Parkland Lutheran Church and their continued support is the !23rd & Pacific Ave. great reward of public service. Walther C. Guilixson, ·Pasto1· I will make a state-wide broadcast Ho~c: l32°nd & A St., GR 7377 on Thursday, October 23, at which Sunday School 9:30 a.m. W Al,THER C. GULLIXSON, Pastor time all of the pertinent facts will be Divine Service 10:30 a.m. Home: 132nd & A St., GRanite 7377 presented and, I might add, at that time I rxpr.c:t to rriakP. so1ne serious Sunday School .............-······-··············'············································9:30 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church charges of Iny own against our attorDivine •Service .......... 0•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ----···-· l 0:30 a.m. \Vomen share the responsibility 121st & ·so. Park Ave. ney general, but they will be directed in the home. in business, in Dr. Ernest B. Steen, Pastor towards the administration of his ofeducation. Why not equal 9:00 a.m ......... Chapel worship service fice and not against him personally. I responsibility in gov:crnment? hope you will all find time to listen l 0:00 a.m ..... Sr. school & Bible classes 11 :00 a.m ............. Jr. worship service to that broadcast. J>cr_ Hag 11 :00 a.rn ......... Church worship service 7:00 p.m ........... ·-·····-··Luther League EASY ACTION - ?~O MUSS 2x8 Cedar Log Siding, per 100 ft.-----------"--·-------------$9.25 2(1.'j East 96th St. Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church j~x6 3-Ft. X Grade Cedar Siding, per 100 ft. __________ $2.50 Republican - EVERY SUNDAY 7302 So. Park Ave. ;Y:;x8 3-Ft. to 5-Ft. X Grade Cedar Siding, per 100 ft. $3.00 3:00-Holy Eucharist Black Asphalt CartrigeS-. ........ 25c H. N. Svinth, Pastor lx8 No. 4 Sbiplap, per 100 ft. ______________. ______________ $3.75 '9:30-Church School Classes White Caal!dnrr ......... ..13c Residence '1t church: Phone HA 7601 lx6 Utility Kiln Dried T f:I G, per I 00 ft. _____________: __ $6.50 10:15-Worship; Sermon & Music Sunday School ····'···--····-- 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship ········-·····--10:30 a.m. Ask About Our Monthly Pay Plan Luther League Bible Hour .... 6:00 p.m. Best Parts - Service Available YOUR NEXT For The BEST SPANAWAY FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE PACIFIC AVENUE LUMBER COMPANY 'r' r1. c;. .. Easily Installer! . 166th & Pacific Ave. P. 0. Box 148, 34TH & PACIFIC AVE. PHONE HI ·9515 Spanaway. Rev. S. R. Beddle, pastor; TT PAYS TO LOOK WELL 9 WEEKS TO LAY AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS GR. 7676. Sunday services: Larg·c \{atc1; (~apacity per ft. Bible school, 9:45 a.m .. Worship, 11:00 a.m. A...-fi.iJ.J PARKLAND SHOPPING ~ Revival Hour, 7:45 p.m. _,,,_p;!)f' l . ' Tuesday: Bible Study and Prayer, 7:45 p.m. Thursday: Christ's Ambassadors, young peo· tJ tr~.J. ..e- "'·:· ."' ~: pie in charge, 7:45 p.m. i-;;~ 35 Lh. 500 Sq. Ft. nt

Special Services at Apostolic faith Church



Shaking Hands







Madden's Men's & Little Men's Shop

Parldand Centre Bldg.

Training in Korea

"The Word Alone, Grace Alone, Faith Alone" Our Message for the World ofToday


$9.95 & Up



Materials to Protect Your Homef,\ From

The Whole Bible For The Whole World The Full Gospel For The Full Man



Rev. S. 'R. Weddle

166th & PaeificAve-.




12lrd ·&Pacific Avenue

LE Lumber Co

Save fuel By As Much As



Representative 29th District


AH Saints Church

Celotex Wallboard· 3/8 .. 4x8

per sheet



per ft •.


'Schwinn' Bikes - Colson Trikes




. _,, .,;: \sc~~i..'· 'i)l}C?.f~tf


\Ir H:w<' t,ath

1313 South

per gal.


t!1".ll ....



conducted by Capt.. and Crew of M. V. LOWER LIGHT

Shop Our Store and Save!

Services Sunday: 11 a.m. & 7:45 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday: 7:45 p.m.


AH ll!n...lr,: 'Ellll_

Vie Ci;,n1tl'act HcMse Wirin


REVIVAL CAMPAIGN Open Sunday, October 12

Stops Drnft, Dust & Snow




ROO f TAR' fell Vt eatherstripping



.--. ,, ' ~oP t '· ,





Let's put an end to Fair Dealing Congressmen who go along with Truman and Acheson regardless of their own convictions. Congressman Jackson's record shows that he is a rubber stamp candidate, always at the administration's beck and call. On the other hand, your fighting senator, Harry Cain, has always stood his ground for what. is right.

Let's end the mess Jn VJashington by voting for Ike, Nixon and Cain This advertisement paid for by Retain Cain Committee, Fred Hansen, Chairman-

Powerful Preaching Personal Testimonies Excellent Sacred Music

.When • • •

lhe -Newest of JACKETS 100% Dupont Nylon Water Proof Warm Lightweight For Men & Boys


Pacific Avenuel

Metropoli!an Park

Saturday Night. Nov. 1st

To give citizens. in this area best possible emergency service

Music • • Good. Very Good Lots of Good Clean Fun! Y{ho is Weh:ome?


326 Garfield Street Parkland





mbulance anee

• •

Tbe residents of Parkland, Midland, Elk Plain, Lac~ am.is, Sp:inaway, Kirby, Roy and any one who wants to have an evening good clean fun.


Our Ambulance covers these areas • Why don't you come and help us. Maybe yo"u will need our service. We don't turn' anyone down who needs · in Emergency cases.


Ope'.ationspl the Washington State Liquor Control Board, the Washington. Toll Briclge Authority :rnd the Departrnent of Employment Security are the three r,najur -divisions Whose f_unds are disbursed outside the state treasury. Sco~·es of lesser agencies dis, bursc a total of almost $50 million each bi.ennium independent of the Stntr Treasurer. The problem is now receiving study by the Little Hoover Commission which is drafting rccomn1CndC(J change's in gOve1:nJ-nent organizat. io·n.· fo~ consideration by the 1953 kg1slatmc. "I do not contend all funds must be. spent th. l.'OU.f.\h t. he T.rcasurcr's office'', Maybury said, "In some cases it works out better to have the funds handled directly by the administrative agencies. But I strongly believe all of the agencies in that. po· sition should follow standardized

):iookJ.:eeping practices and be required to file regular reports with the State Trc,1surcr so .that office can give the prop le a full and complete report on \vhere their n1oney is_ being spe_nt." Maybury also exprd\;ed his intent to irnprol'e the mechanical facilities of the Treasurer's office, if elected. Ile pointed to the many operations in the office still being carried on by costly band methods because of the JarJc of modem time saving equip· 1neI1t.


Ma).,b.ury brings to the Tr~a~urer race a long background of admm1strativc experience. He was Director of Liccn.scs. far many years and served several terms as chief clerk of the State legislature.





A. size, to fit



j'I'~':'.rs~Z:~Oclober 23, 1952


Stiudy Group The P:irkland Prcsdrnui study gruup will lwlJ its monthly ·meeting Tuesday, Oct. 27, at 8 p.m. in the 6th g r :i cl c room of the Parkland school. Mrs. William Betts, chairman,


will be in chnr~e of the film tq be shown} "'EnH:rging of Personolities." She will be assisted by Mr. .!1ctts. A dis.cussion period will follow. All parents arc invited to :::i.ttcnd study group sessions. Bring your therrnos of cof .. fee; cookies will be provided.



TRY OUR. any rate increased county taxes not advisable. Franklin Pierce Notes Nice to hear my good friend Morris Ford, Supt. of the big new Franklin Pierce School District and the principal Orville Weeks on M urt McM urtries famous "Breakfast with McMurtrie" broadcast 1"'uesday. n1or.ning. Believe it or not someone actually has missed this darn column . . . thanks B11rt for the nice plugs. See the new Franklin Pierce High Football Team won their game Monday .by defeating the Puyallup Sophs 7-0 . . . . nice going fellows . • . Next Monday the 27th another game is scheduled at three at the PLC field between the White River Sophs and the FP Cardinals. Coach Tlm Tornmcrvik and his assistants Bob Richadson and Del Schafer are doing a good job. Franklin Pierce High Th'e folks of the area ar~ fortunate

100. lbs. $4.75 I HLAND FEED ILLS



GR 8585

9 6 f9 Portland Ave.

STORE HOURS: 8:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M.

~t-~?##M .'I:!~ ~l~MfM1iUl!lliii!Mi

larad Clearill'S9 And Leveling !Excavating

ILbs.1 Lbs.




~ ~










~ ~



~·~ ~ c

WHEAT 14c ~ n tb :z> ~&1a~$2~89 li""'ll"I! ~

fadl Lb. Jars Reg.


Case 24





-~ms I~

Lafge_variety of good beers and wine largest display of magazines in Tacoma - household hardware - gifts seasonal and variety Hallmark greeting cards-.- a complete drug department - good restJurant fcaluring borne cooking- Sherwin Williams paints and Kem-Glo - good lineof 1,ugarcfree and diabetic foods -- many imported fish and cbeesi; foods. Good line of childrens' toys and booR's.


NEws I



Mcsdaincs llud Root, Karl Cordes, ·1 road a.nd he the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clara Lavik, Marnie Ward, Louise F. H. yhristian of Gravdly Lake I Root, Ida. Allen, Clara Cook, Belk) Drive, Tacoma. Jordan, Rose Andrain, Ruth Coffman, Rena Keller, Theresa Lee, Alma Keil, ;Louise Konschuh and Mary Calvert. The hostesses were Mrs. H elcna Keil, Mrs. Elizabeth Adler, Mrs. Mabel Litton. and Mrs. Goodner. Following the meeting, secret pals were revealed and names of new pals drawn. The next meeting will be Nov. l 2 at the home of Mrs. Cook in TaShower Frienrls and relatives of Phyllis Louise Collier met recently at the home of Mrs. James Snow of Parkland

.. I

your car her honor. Games were played, .with Hof these under the hood? prizes awarded, and refrshments were does . . . sec Earl at • . . served. Miss Collier's marriage to Eugene Christian was solemnized at 4 o'clock Saturday, Oct. 11, in a quiet cere122ND & PACIFIC mony at her home. She is the. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ·cecil Collierof Cedar

for a 1niscellani::ous bridal shower in

Gladiator Service




GR 3049

Every Saturday ·at the

FRUITLAND GRANGE DANCE JAMBOREE 7 Miles East of Pacific Ave. on Airport Road Dancing 9:30-2 Admission: $1.00 (Republican) Sincerely appreciates the vote of confidence given him in the primaries and respectfully asks the voters of the 26th District for endorsement in the finals. AS STATE REPRESENTATIVE Steele pledges to his district honest and conscientious representation on all -issues and measures, . and a faithful· discharge of his duties. without fea,r, favor or prejudice.

You're Invited



measure which WOL1ld imperil the pension and schoo.l programs under guise of providing increases in old age pension payments.

Eligibility Standards Smashed Initiative No. 184 is dangerous because it breaks down eligibility standards. It broadens the definition of .. need" to qualify thousands for pensions who are not now eligible. It authori'zes payments to inmates of insti· tutions contrary to the requirements of the Federal So· cial Security Act exposing the program to non-conformity penalties from the federal government. It forecloses the legislature from considering the protection to the pro· gram po~sible through relative responsibility and state reimbursement provisions. It bans all public inspection of welfare records. It removes needed limitations on property holdings of pensioners.

Increases Costs $80 Million School Financing Endangered Schools likewise have a problem of great magnitude. They need more teachers, more school buildings, more teaching facilities. Nohvithstanding the heavy investment in school improvements authorized by the people two years ago the projected .cost of the remaining require· ments is staggering. Of this we can be certa)n. The people of the state will support their schools to the limit of their ability.

Initiative 184 Dangerous

The most serious effect of Iniciative No. 184 is that it will increase the CG_?t .of government $80 million per biennium to met;f a new responsibility it a time when the sta'te is finding it exceedingly difficult to finance the re, sponsibilities it has already assumed. It will create a new segment of· welfare recipients which will receive new benefits from funds so sorely needed for schools.

Give Legislature Free Hand Washington can and will meet it~ obligations to its aged citizen.s and its school children alike if its legislature is lefr free to deal fairly with these problems. But if a fair and .equitable approach to these problems is cutoff by the passage of so ill considered a measure as Initiative No. 184 economic chaos and a !=Onsequent collapse of both our pension and school programs may result.


I9-Real 'h


SELECT Used Cars

Acre - Midland

2 BEDROOMS and a· chifd's room. Nice living roorn, laundry roorn :rnd attached gar:ige. Orw block from Portl:ind /we. at 'Mth St. G. I. Equity. Only $7500.00. Call lvfr. Inloes GR 362•1 or HA 25•1·7. .


IJ---.=Business Service . .

3-Bedroom - Parkland


Acre - 3-Rm. House

PARTLY FURl\ISHED. Chicken house and Brooder House. Garage. Corner location, good soil. A real buy at $·1950.00. Call Mr. Inloes GR 3624- or HA 2547.

Septic Tanks, Cess Pools Cleaned

SU BURBA~ REALTY Member Tacoma Real Estate Board 9920 Pacific Ave. GR. 3624

Contents Hauled Away HUTSON TANK CLEANING HI 3980 HA 7038

FOR SALE-1 acre, 2-bedrm. house. Rt. 11, Box 394-, Waller Rel. $8,000. 9p6 $4,000 down, terms.

UPHOLSTERING Recovering and Rebuilding Cushions•· Rebuilt Free Estimates

More Cars to Choose From


Parkland Realty Co. Insurance of All Kinds Notary Public Est. in Parkland since 1941 GR 7232 days; GR 8210 Eve, & Sun. 208 Garfield Street

Parkland U phol~tery 140th & Pacific Res: GR 3181

TERMS TO SUIT YOU 52 NASH States. Radio, Heater, 0 D ............................. $2595 51 RAMBLER Hard Top ~:1895 51 NASH States. 4·-dr. Custom. Loaded. ............................$1925 52 $TUDE Yi-ton pickup. 0 D. Low rnikagt; ..................... $1695 50 NASH Statesman 4-dr. 0 D. Weather Eye & beds .... $1595 50 HUDSON Pacemaker Club . Coupe. Low mileage, one owner, 'radio, heater .................... $1595 49 N.ASH Ainb. custom. Radio, heater, OD ........................ $1595 49 NASH "600" 4,dr.......... $n95 49 MERCURY Sed .. Radio, heater OD, foam cushions, sun visor, turn indicators, and priced at only .................................... $159.5 ,19 FORD Club Coupe. Hot mill new skins, radio, heater, sharp. A steal at ., ..........................$1295 48 LINCOLN clb. cpe., OD,· R & H . Loaded .... $461 dn. pay. 48 NASH Amb. 4--dr. ... , ...... $1095 48 FRAZER 4-dr ................... $995 4·7 FORD fordor. Radio, heater, Columbia overdrive ............ $939 46 PLYMOUTH 4-dr......... $875 46 NASH 600 4-dr ............... $795 4-2 NASH 4.-dr. . ................... $445 4·2 PONTIAC, only ............ $195 39 FORD· 4--dr. , ....................... $99 37 PLYMOUTH cpe ............. $99

:::ORNER LOTS, fenced with picket fence. Beautiful lawn, several trees. Detached garage. Price reduced fur quick sale. Sec this today. FHA contract selling price $9875.00 .. Call Mr. Inloes GR 3624- or HA 254 7.

!COMPLETE tractor work. Loosening ground and leveling. Average lawn, ~ $12.00. Don Af:,bot, GR. 3846. 3ctf ,j~UTO GLASS INSTALLED-Auto Upholstery, convertible tops. MA. 2200, Art's Glass Co., 816 So. Tacoma Ave. 3c50

GR 3201

PARKLAND FURNISHED, 3 rooms and bath; :i lots; priced nt $3,000 with small clown. Also 2-bedroom house, partly furnished; cement foundation, priced at $3,950; very clean. Call Ralph Decker HA 0365 or BR 0702. ' 584-3 SO. fUNETT LOVELY nearly {iew, nice clean 2 bedroom home with garage, within a couple of blocks of grade, junior high nncl Catholic schools. Sec this FHA appraised home. Call Rex Rector HA 0365 or HI 8344.



Inc. Nash in Tacoma Since 1918' . 5815 So. Tac. Way HA 1760 722 Broadway BR 0303


Property Management Insuranc. GARDEN SERVICE Notary ROTO TILLING Member of Tacoma Real Estate Board Lawn rebuilding, fertilizing, top soil, Office: 328 Garfield St. GR. 3369 dressing maintenance. GA. 5885. Homes ID Parkland Cpuµnmrl.'7'; HI. 2722. 3ctf Acreage close in, either with or with• LAND CLEARING and leveling; reasonable rates by hour or contract. out buildings. Rt. 7, Box 195-X, GR 4-294·. 3ctf WE BUILD HOMES, remodel; level 11220 Pacific Ave. buildings; concrete work. ReasonOffice-Days, GR 3341 able. GR 3550.-3ctf. Evenings, YU. 9221, LA. 3066 DRAINAGE -· Septic tank installaAgen~ for .American Express tion; side sewers; earth work of any Money Orders type; by hour •or contract. Hauser & Seifert. BR. 914-1; Res. GR. 8121. 3ctf SLEEPING R. OOM for rc.nt;.' GR

Alan's Refrigeration SALES AND SERVICE House and Commercial Makes Motor Service Washer Service GR. 6662 16lst & Paiific Ave. Next Door to Target Sport Store Spanaway ROTOVATING, blade work; no job too small. W. L. Lewis, GR 7492. /l!llo;«\·· I 3ctf HOUSE MOVING; level!ng; foundations; ceD'lent work; free estimates. PR 2653. 3ctf JOE'S Tractor Service. Rotovating. Ditch digging. Truck]oading. Complete tractor work ..GR 5932. tf 11


GR. 4343 HA 5704


RAY GOGAN LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION General landscaping service new lawns, peat soil, topsoil, shrubbery, rockeries. Nothing clown, 36 months to pay. GR 3127. 3ctf SPECIAL - If you use oil to heat with.and live within a 2-mile radius of lOOth and Pacific Ave., we can offer you a 1·eal saving on your beating oils. Lapenski Fuel Co. 9920 Pacific Ave.; Call GR 8173

5-Help Wanted EXPERIEl\CED waitress wanted for Saturday nights and extra work at Orchard Hill Country Club .. Call GR. 9968. 5p6

6=Lost & Found


LOST--Pandy, black and white toy poodle, family pet. Finder please Call GR. 3966. 6c6

7~Hatcheries SPECIAL -1- .UlC ._i __


J __ .._


About 3000 reel cocker-.CC


""--'--1-.. '-'ClUUCl




.. -~


part November, 8c. LaCrosse Hatchery, Sumner. 3-3122 7ci'

8-Wanted to Buy -- ·


Bedroom Set in Sonora Mahogany

. . . . . • Sc

Pumpkins •••• • 21/2e

Legal Publications


Cider .. . 69c

PARKWAY FURNITURE Open Till 9:00 P. M. Delivery Service

l 41st and Pacific Ave•. GR 3941







10331 Pacific




Doll & Marie's Shoppe


II-Repair Service

8420 Pacific Ave. Hlnside 2012

16-livestock & Equip.

12-Used Autos


4 Miles So. of Puyallup



FOR SALE-Sonel mare, 8 years old; gentle but SJ~iritcd, $65. Graham 7-2229. 16p6 FOR SALE - 1 2-horsc trailer, very reasonable; l 1-horsc \railer, a bargain; sell separately 'or together; terms to suit; Bannerman Motor Co., Puyallup. 5-2288; evenings, 5-7811. 16c6




TD II f K~








HI 2722



Carrots •



5 YARDS $10; 4 Yards $8. Finest black peat topsoil, state tested, · 1- to 5-yard loads. Lawn construction and rockeries. Evergreen Landsc;iuing Co.


legion News


CASH for equities. Fife Motors, 5 il26 So. Tacoma, Way. HI. 9241. . Bctf And SERVICE SPOT CASH For Your Used Furniturt 135th & l'acific Avenue 1 Piece or House Ful'. ' GR 8688 Block's Furniture Matt 8205 So. Tacoma Way ··LA. 2882 RADIATORS, scrap iron junk cars FOR SALE - One Cub Tractor and equipment. Also '51 Chevrolet Y2and batterieJ!. Puy. 5-2'Al. Hecker, ton Jrt1Ck. Cal[ 5c8508 Puy:,l!lup the Wrecker. after G. 12c6 8ctf

Hominy .••••• 2/llc

Oysters •••••• 69c





Nothing like it in Tacoma under $300.00. '


GR. 7512


PeG11muts •••

Mr. & Mrs. Dresser 42"x30" Beveled Plate Glass Mirror Roomy 5-Drawcr Chest Bookcase Headboard Bed and Nitc Stand


Spanaway Food Center Cut Gr. Beans 2/27c

, .....


In my home, clays. FOR SALE Oil Range in good 14-ctf condition, $15. Sec it at the Spanaway Auction Barn. 15c6 IPAY- C:ASI-I-f~;:--,-;;liat hm•~y;;;7; HECKER the WRECKER - Used Dave's Fix-It Shop; MI 0 Pacific and rebuilt transmissions, also gears; Ave. 15c9 all makes and models; phone Puy- FOR SALE New white steel l;athallup 5-2141, days; Tacoma, HI tub, slightly damaged, $35; cement 3242, evenings. 15ctf • stationary tub, $5; Haag Washing 3503. lOct~ UPLAND WOOD, 2 cords $14. GR machinr. in good running condition FOR RENT - Furnished house a'ncl 3306. 15ctf $10. Call HA 0024-. 15c6 garage; For Rent or Saie-fur~ish-1 VALLEY TOP SOIL, rich and black, FOR SALE .,.... Service station cash any quantity. GR 7259. 15ctf ed trailer, Terms. East F & Piperegister, late ty.pc, rings up to 6 $100; also fill dirt, top soil, or peat, , lOp LEAVE FILM AT Quality Photo line. . FOR RENT-Partly furmshed 3·bcdService for developing. In at 10, out $3.50 up; \lpland slabs aml sawroom home with basement and nice at 5. 9610 Pacific Ave. 15ctf dust; also '4· 1 Plymouth 4-dr. sed., 3 in good repair, and '46 Plymouth yard; $55 per month. GR. {6~6 SEWING MACHINES Lowest coupe, mechanically pcrfrct; best prices in Tacoma. N ecchi-'Singer15ctf offer; call GR 6520. HALL FOR RENT - At 11102 So. White. From $29.00. Central SewYakirna. For information call HI ing Center. 607 So. Pine. MA: FOR SALE-2-rnan hand saw; also standard saw; garden tools; box of 2439. lOctf 6393. 15ctf Olympia shakes, russet color; new ~;;;==================~~ FINE TOP SOIL plastic wall tile; 10 yards white Rich and black; delivered. Call PuyIrish dress linen. GR. 7925. l 5c6 allup 5-8228. 15ctf FOR SALE-New set "Child Craft" WANTED - Chickens and rabbits. books, $40; miscellaneous antique Call us before you sell. Cope's Pouldishes. CR. 3172. PARKLAND WESTERN AUTO try Market, 703.6 Pacific Avenue, WILL trade boat, motor or what have Tacoma, Wn. GA. 4406. 15ctf Airport & Pacific GR 3112 you Philco ·TV, phono-radio com:_ q FOR_ SA.LE - State- inspected Rock bination; A-1 condition. HI. 59,~2. Hill Strawberry Plants; GR 6552. FOR RENT-6'room partly furnished FOR SALE-100 G-months-old New W. E. Wilson, Rt. 3, Box 520-G, modern house; chicken house and Hampshire pullets, $2; 300 9-mths.Tacoma. 15c8 barn, woodshed an<:! large trout old New Hampshire hens, $1.50. pond: also 6-wecks-old pigs for sale, FOR SALE - Henney & Long upRt. 11, Box 39+, Waller Rd. 15p6 right piano, $100; HI 3767. 15c8 $10. Clarence Dye, Graham 7-2113. FOR SALE-BY, cu. ft. Colclspot reFERTILIZER by yard or sack. GR. frigerator, good condition, $60.00. 4· 108. 15ctf Graliaw 7-2229. 15p6 WASHING MACHINE PARTS SLABS, 8ft. to 1G ft. Jong, $1.50 -·a ALF ALF A HAY By the bale or Largest stock in town.. }lepairing load, yot1 haul. Tooles Sawmill, ton. Grass hay $1.00 per bale. Will that pleases. B. B.'s Washer Service, Davis Road, Graham. l 5p9 take livestock in trade. Delivery can 3722 So. G. GA. 5115. llctf be arranged. 2nd house past Roy Y CERAMICS-Day and evening classSTOVE REPAIRS-Largest stock in es; supplies, firing, gifts. 755\ So. on Mt. Road. l.5ctf Northwest. Hyder Furnace, 1513 84th. HA. 9614. . 15p6 Pacific Ave. MA 4767. Established FOR SALE - Boys and girls bicycles, in 1872. 1 lctf $25 each; GR 5577. 15cltf BABY FURNI'I'VRB, new and used. HORSE SHOEING now available SMALL FRY EXCH., 1109 Market. every day. Drop a card to Rt. 1, FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet club 15ctf Box 475, Graham. J. R. Young. coupe Flcctmaster; in perfect con16ctf ROTTED COW FERTILIZER dition. Call GR. 3959 after 4:30 $1 SACK or by the yard; peat and and weekends. 12c6 MILK COWS, sold on terms. Garntopsoil. HI. 4056. 15ctf. . mon, Rt. 3, Box 703, Tacoma, 4 miles south of Summit. 16ctf AFRICAN VIOLET REGISTERED Herefords; cows, heif· crs and bulls; also commercial HereNUR.'SERY fords, Angus and Shorthorn cattle. New Crop On Now Phone GR 6112. 16ctf REGISTEI~ED polled Ilercforcl bull service. Breed the horns off. Phone . TOWARDS GRAHAM GR GI 12. 16ctf Lctourneau's Puy. 5-6844 CASI.CJ: I• OR m.ilk ~ows, be.~£, heifers, veal -mid hogs. Call R. fhackcray II t p '11 5 5H'l 16ctf TAP, ACROBATIC, BALLET Clas:: co cc ' uya up -, · · · . ses. All ages. Mildred Keller, G!l FOR SALE Fresh 3-ycar old 7881. 15ctf Tr.rs~v cow·: a1so heavv sur.inger Bl s "' "" "V' ll a. .,., l'EKT!LE, screened. top soil; pulverlieifc{-s; Ba;1gs vaccinated; - $250; ized peat; 5 full yards $8. All Kresse, Davicl 0. Rcichlcin, Rt. 1, Box GR 5192. 15ctf One Price To Fit 53, Roy. 16p6 Every I>ockct Book FOR 'SALF-Roan idcaL , 'gddirw . .~, . . hunting and packing. Reasonable. GR 7913. ' 16c6 LUCKY SALES


,, Al

~'\\.'~ ·~ •~/IJ:rJ. /

Here ls a Beauty




who plans n1any cxcitinp; things for

..'"~ /;,.\\d~ . \•""'J..

."I'd divorce him too, if I found out that my bedroom set didn't come from PARKWA Y FURNITURE."



Happy Vale 303 Tins the group. Last Thursday the troop went on a hike and the girls'wcre pre''"" _/.~~ ~. Grade AA Doz. sented with their hostess badges they lrncl earned. Members of troop No. Med. Eggs ••• I~! ~, '\ ., /., t:d arc Thcilla Roman, Sylvia AnderWdco White 2Y2 Tin i son, Suza~nc Flanagan, Judy Garri·~~}:~~ son, L.inda Healy, Marilyn Godfrey, Hi C 46-0z. Marilyn Larson, Lea Kay Lerig, Dor"'~A'-~\ _,, d I - K·)~ othy Irish, Beth Tillman, Committee Orange Ade •• 2/57c . . . ~-,;-Al".~i~- i' · members who will assist Mrs. Irish are Borden's IY,-Lb. Brick And Baby, Sweet And Now A New Car :Mrs. Roy Larson, Mrs. Brown Roman And Pure Without A Mar Cheese Food •• 75c and Mrs. I'{ ed Anderson .. F1·esh 'Roasted 1-Lb. Buy Your New Horne From Suburban Realty Boy Scouts on Trip We Specialize In Your Protection 8 G tit 0 Saturday, Oct. 11, Sam Tillman, Lb. scoutmaster of Boy Scout troop No. INSURANCE SUBURBAN 92, took some of the boys to the Mt. Rib Steaks e D G G 69e GRanite 3624 9920 Pacific Avenue Rainier Ordnance Depot for an inFresh 12 - 15 Pt. Jar spection tour. The commanding offi3 HORSES FOR SALE Reasonable. cer took the boys all through the I 2Yo-ycar-old Bailey Hancock filly, Crisp Lb. Base and each boy had the thrill of broke. riding and inspecting the tanks and Green • 4c 1 5-ycar-olcl Morgan mare, very ducks. The boys that took the trip Bunch gentle. were Jessie Waller, Paul Purdue, Lew1 Registered quarter horse mare. Parklanct•Post and Unit No. 228, is Tillman Jr., Kunschak, David AnWill sell separately; phone Puyallup Halloween Lb. American .Legion 5-2288; evenings, 5-7811. 16ctf derson, Bill Otto a'nd Ray McCdy. The boys arc very busy now making· Ily Phyllis Blackstone Fresh cider for their Halloween party to Gal. "When we spread the doctrine _of whi~h they are inviting their parents. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ~pple Tots Club THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Americanism by changing 'They and PRICES COl\jSISTENTLY LOW FOR THE COUNTY OF PIERCE Their' to "We and .Om"~thcn only· Tots club is to be earlier than usual. No. 54825 QUALITY will we be telling the world that. it's Because of the election falling o,; the NOTICE TO CREDITORS CONSISTENTLY HIGH OUR TOWN, Ol:R' SCHOOLS, regular night, the Tots club wiUhold In the Matter of the Estate of OUR CHURCHES, OUR. GOV- the meeting Tuesday night, OcL 28, Prices Effective. Oct. 24 & 25 AUGUST BUCHER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the. un- ERNMENT, ·OUR COUNTRY and i!j the kindergarten rooni at 8 o'clock. dersigned has been appointed and has OUR FLAG. Let us pledge ourselves Mrs. H. W. Halliday, program chairqualified as Executor of the above to kcp our eyes on that goal. Ameri- man, is planning to have a very inFREE entitled estate; that all persons having canism cannot live unless it works bet- teresting speaker. The hostesses for 20% DISCOUNT with this ad dairns against said deceased are here- ter than it is working right now." the, evening arc Mrs. E. G. Gartley, on SHOE REPAIRING of $1 or by required to serve the same, duly Mrs. Henry Ahnemille, president of Mrs. William McGee and Mrs. Hanmore. This offer expires Nov. 15, verified, on said Executor or his atnah Stenbak. 1952. torneys of record at the address below the Department of Washington AmerOfficers and members of the club state, and file the same with the ican Legion Auxiliary made the foreWolfer · Shoe Clerk of. said Court, together with going statement to the Fourth District \vill meet Friday, Oct. 2+, at the ll411 So. Park (Fern Hill) proof of such service, within six American. Legion Auxiliary at the fall lwme of Mrs. Halliday, Mile B and HA 3355 months after the date of first publi- conference held in Olympia. Mrs. Collins road, at 1 :30 p.m. m Open 7 a.m. Weck Days cation of this notice or the same will Ahncmiller announced the memberCollins Grange be barred. Collins Grange meets Thursday eveship quotas for 195.3. The Parl~land Date of first publication, Oct. 9, unit received the number 4-3 for its ning at 8 o'clock in the Grange hall. 1952. COMMERCIAL MOVING are urged OTTO BUCHER quota. .·All members . . to attend this & STORAGE CO. Executor of Estat~, Mrs. Myra Bloomfield announced vny important nirPtlng. 'Warehouse Storage& · ·r or· I10sRoom Mothers Meet Rt · I · Box 58 ' . Household Goods that checks of contn"b ut10ns . Snohomish, · t s arc t o b c sen t d'1rcc ti· y The room mothers of Collins school Agents for United Van Lines r O Washington. · p1'ta 1 proicc I 701 Puyallup Ave., Tacoma GOODWIN, EASTV LD & HICKS, to the ckpartmcnt office earmarked met last Monday afternoon to ma 'e Attorneys for Estate, " . . . ,, . . pl;ins for the year. Those attendmg MA 7101 Eve. PR 8413 Rchab1htat10n. The department will M Tl s·IC lu11an an d~ Nat '! Ban!·\. of Wash · Branch' ParHand ' \. 1· ·1 h f h were rs. 1 o n1 as p o Box 728 then c1stn1utc t c unds to the os- "'.' N' . f. . 1 1'me1crgarten: 1 rs t • 1·an d , W ashrngton. '· ·. Is nee d'rng t 11e. money, t 11us avrn"d - "r·orgc Park pita l. 1-I ag ' c, J t · 2 ·d M 1 1 Published in the Times-Journal, ing one hos1;ital receiving more than grac c, rs. ~·f . ciE·ig; n ~-s. PLATING OF AI,L KINDS Oct. 9, 16. 23, 1952. allotted for the project. Mrs. Bloom- Wm. Root; ,3rd, "v rs. •vcrctt ur~1s; .. ._ . . ., . . . ,'I.th, lvirs. Frank Healy and Mrs. Mike Fire Sets - Silver Gifts .:rE SUPERIOR COTJRT OF IH.ld is the Dcp.,1tmcnt Rchab1litaM _. " :tvl. F. I· S ·lk· . . IN TI .i _, .__ - __, Tea. Sets - Many Designs i - l. t" I··., nuncunc_, ,lt 11, ~ rs. ian\. c , 1 1 THE STATE OF WASHINGTON ion c ·'1.'.1lrn. Gth, Mrs. William McCcc: 7th, Mrs. EASTERN ELECTROPLATING CO. FOR THE 9ouNTY OF PIERCE Mrs. Milton Schroeder, Dcpai~tment Max Effcnbcrgcr; 8th, Mrs. Honus 1407 Pacific Ave. No. 54899 Child Welfare chall'man, stated m her Nusbaum. The 7th and 8th grade NOTICE TO CREDITORS t a II·' t o tiie g10up · ti1at " we aie · · no t a· room mothers met later to plan the In the Matter of the Estate of . r f . W . J , t0 l . ' HERMAN A. SIRLES, Deceased. ic JC agency. e ai': on) supp'! parties that their rooms have together Notice is hereby given that the un- cmcrgc;ncy help, to fill ~he gap until during the year ..,The first is to be a clersigncd has been appointed and has such time as a. commumty or county roller skating party at the Roller Bowl qua.lificd as Executrix of the ab<;>ve age."cy can take _o:er." The Parlda~d when it is completed. cntJtlcd estate; that all persons havrng Umt reported g1vmg emergency aid ]\forl Dehms Settled c)aims a(l"ainst said deceased a.re here- to 12 children and three families in Friends have received word from Mr. h)i. required to serve the .same, ~~Jy, the .Parkland area since· July. " d M.1 · M J D ·I t t' ti c verified, on said Executrix or' li'e'r at-· . . «II s. er c u_n, s a 11;g iey torneys of record at the address below The 1;1eetrngs were well attended arc very 1:Jcasantly s1tua~cd '.n Hol' state, and file the same with the and durmg the afternoon a tour of brook, Anzona. Mr. Dellm 1~ proClcrk of said Court, together with Hie state capitol was enjoyed by the prietor of a store am! service station. proof of such service, within six ladies. Rcpncscnting the Parkland Collins Bazaar mo;iths afte~· the. date of first pub~i- Unit at the various meetings were Collins Bazaar is to 'be Nov. 21. Ave. f~tjon. ~~this notice or the same will Mesdames Jam es Linder, Willard Mrs. E, C. Cardcy is general chairJCDJatll e .f f" t bl" . t" O t 9 Blackstone, Ted Amon, ''I alter Fritz man. Shf' is looking for help and maRcpait-ing of Fine W atche$ a c o irs pn 1ca 1011. c . , cl J L . · ~·'B' ,, - b Our Specialty 1 the sewmg an oscp1l anz. tcna, s w1 11 . e start1952. Commancler Lloyd V. Stoddard of ing soon. If you can help m either MYRTLE SIRLES Executrix of Estate, Everett, Department of Washington, of these ways, please contact her at Rt . .3. Box 844-, urged the Legionnaires to vole in the GR. 7634. Home and Auto Insurance Tacoma. Washington. corninrr dcction. He further stated. Hi Booster Club GOODWIN, EASTVOLD & HICKS, FARMERS' MUTUAL "pay ~1ore attention to not only yom: Don't forget thr. Hi Booster club Attorneys for Estate, OF ENUMCLAW Nat'l Bank of Wash. Branch, Parkland own children, but the neighbors' chil- meeting at Parkland, Tuesday, the drcn and teach them the American 2 Bth. All candidates running for RcpP. 0. Box 728, It Will Pay to Check Our Rates way of life." rcsentative in this district will be there Parkland, Washington. GR 3733 M. SLATER GR 9939 Published in the Times-Journal · to. give their . views and answer quesD t1 r 1· ng d'mn er · many d"1gm·t anes Oct. 9, 16, 23, 1952. ere · t cl . cl Kl Kl !Jons. Here 1s your chance to catch w ·rn ro uce '. em. cmensen, up on politics. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Department Service Oficer of SeatTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON ~le; F1·ed M. Fueckei·, Depa.rtment AdTRINITY LUTHERAN Rcadin FOR THE COUNTY OF PIERCE iutant, and Ralph Gooclnch, Grand . . :c; Overhaul C:h f cl G . 0 f th 4 0 t 8 1 0 f dub has postponed its mcctmg until No. 54957 e e aie e e ' a so Thursdav Oct. 30. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Seattle. Members of the Parkland post ·' G Cylinder In the Matter of the Estate of in attendance were James Linder, TJARK U. PETERS, Deceased. Motors Notice is hereby given that the un- Walte1· Fritz, Severin Kittelson and JOIN THE BOOSTERS • , dersigned has been appointed and has Joseph Lanz. 1 1 qualified as Executrix of the above DRESSMAKING * * * Only ·······-··-·····--······-·-· ' cutitlcd estate; that all persons having A joint meeting of the executive Buttons and Button Holes Gas at Competitive Prices claims against said deceased are here- boards of the Post and Unit was held Imported Baby Line by required to serve the same, duly Friday evening at Ping's Gardens on Gifts BOB1 S PLACE verified, on said Executrix or her at- South Tacoma Way: Plans for the torneys of record at the address below Airport Road & J. St. GR 3395 stated; and file the same with the coming year were made and discussed. 18 Years in Parkland 1022 So. ll5th GR 7231 The two groups are planning many Clerk of said Court, together with ~· proof of such service, within six activities together and chainnen wiii months after the date of first publi- be appointed to cooperate with comcation of this notice or the same will munity groups in charge of the Parkbe barred. land Round-Up and the churches for Date of first publication, Oct. 9. Memorial Day and other special days. 1952. Plans arc also underway for a basket AGNES GHILARDUCCI social in November in cckbr<Jtion of Executrix of Estate, Armistice Day and the Christmas proRt. 3, Box 738, gram in December. Tacoma, Washington. GOODWIN, EASTVOLD & HICKS, The m cc ti n g was attended by Attorneys for Estate, Messrs. and Mesdames James Linder, Nat'! Bank of Wash. Branch, Parkland \Vashing -Wool Blankets - Spreads - Rugs - Pillows Walter Fritz, Leonard Blakdy, JoP. 0. Box 728, Washing - Drying - Dyeing seph Lanz, Ben Bronignrd and Phyllis Parkland. Washington. Published in the Times-Journal Blackstone, Scv Ki ttclson and J amcs -No one can please everyone-but we trySt, John. Oct. 9, 16, 23, 1952. ~




Because of serions illness in the fmnily, Mrs. John Fbnagan 11as had to giw up her leadership of Girl Scout troop No. G+. Howr\Tr, it has been ably taken over by Mrs. William Irish,

Plus Furniture For Sure


1· - -

Mrs. John G. Gorow GRanite 7070

They bought a house And Ceased To R.oan1






GRanite 8905


~· ~~I

13--Farm Ads

CHECKOUR LOW DOWN PAYMENT INSURANCE PLAN. WE NEED listings of all kinds. Farms, acreage, lots, building sites, homes (new or old, 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedrooms). We have cash buyers wait· ing.




F orcl coupe, 6 cy Imder; gest offer takes. Call Gra- FOR SALE - Boy's 27-inch bicycle; excellent condition, $25; call GR ham 7--100. . 12c6 534-4 after 6 p.rn. 15ctf WOOD-Upland slab, 2 cords, $14; planer ends, $4 and $8 loads. HI. GOOD SELEC.'T. I.ON OF US4·D 4056. 15ctf FORD & FORD FERGUSON TRACTORS New Ferguson Tractors UNFINISHED furniture. Hag g's, New and Used Titan Chain Saws 15ctf 1107 Market Street. USED Garden Tractors. The Pippin Excavator digs, shovels and loads, one operation, from your tractor seat. Buy, Sell and Exchange BUCK AND SONS Quality Recapping & Vukanizing TRACTOR & IMPLEMENT CO. 114 Puyallup Ave. MA 4117 Ault Tire Service Tacoma, '\.Yn. 220 Puyallup Ave., Tac. BR. 1888 TRACTOR WORK, leveling. GR. 4282. 13ctf Singer drop-hrnd CASH for livestock-beef, milk cows~ FOR SALE Sewing Machine, electrified. Call veal and heifers. W. H. Thackeray, l 5c6 Puyallup, 5-8228 collect. 13ctf, - HI 5264 after 7 p,m. DEAD STOCK REMOVED' WITHOUT . CHARGE. Highest prices Rupe Machine Works paid for tallow, hides, grease and bones. PUGET SOUND RENDER)hop GR 7450 • Res. HI 6190 ING WORK$. Phone. LAkewood Pacific Ave. at Brooltdale 2434. 13ctf MOTOR REBUILDING WANTED - Fryers and hens. Top LATHE 8 PRESS WORK prices paid. GR 3328. 13p7 PIN FITTING, ROD ALIGN14~-Situations ING, PI ST 0 N FINISHING, DRESSMAKING & ALTERATIONS VALVE & SEAT GRINDING, in my home. 7Q2 So. .! 18th St., BRAKE DRUM TURNING, Parkland; GR 3216. 14-c7 HEAD & BLOCK GRINDING, CON ROD GRINDING. CHILD CARE - Under five; on bus · 1426 line: GR 3426.

SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED-Contents hauled aw~y.. Don Redford, 8232 So. Fawcett. GA. 7334. If no 6311 McKinley Ave. GA. 0365 answer call GA. 9222; 3ctf Member Tacoma Real Estate Board Cleaning • Electric Pipe Thawing


• R SALE H? · . ,_.'41·



', LINDY Icnf

Don't forget to come in and sec the excitingly new Golden Airflytc Nash for '52.

AN ATTRACTIVE 2 bt'droom home, automatic heat, tile bath and kitchen. Automatic washer. Garage. One block from Pacific Ave. Priced at 87600.00. Call Mr. Harmon GR 3.621· or HA 2547.

SEWERS - SEPTIC TANKS DRAIN FIELDS - WATER LINES., City and County Licensed. Free Estimates., Jim Malyon, 3739Y2 McKinley Ave., Call HA 6351; Eve. & Sat. IIA 6068. 3ctf




AUCTIOr-. SAL!k W YOU want more cash. quick, sell by auction. Every Fri., . 7:30 p.m, Glen Betts, 8113 So. Tacoma Way. Free pickup service. LA. 8505. 2ctf

FU 2400

Thursday, October 23, 1952




IN THE SUPERIOR ·COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF PIERCE No.54194 .. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estates of LEWIS ANTHONY FOLDEN & EDNA EDITH FOLDEN, .Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the above cnti tlcd estates; that all persons having claims against said clcccascd arc hereby required to scn;c the same duly. vc1.·ificd, on said Adrninistra. tor or his f attorneys o record as the address bclow stated; and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with nroof





* * *

Friday, October 2+, will be the next meeting of the Post and Auxiliary at the Sunshine hall. There will be no business meeting, this meeting will be strictly a social one. Preceding the meeting a dinner will be held at the Alnor Cafe in Parkland at 1 7 p.m. Roland Durst, Fourth District Commander, will be the honored guest. All members of the Post arc invited to , attend. The social activities at the meeting will include a movie on safety and entertainment furnished by Joe Lanz, Post entertainment chairman. F0,llowing the entertainment, a light lunch will be served by the ladies of the auxiliary. The public is most cor-

.l:-11-- ;_ ..:._...l :;;ix uui.uy .lU\ n .. \,·U

... __ .,_ ... __ ...) 1.u






;nonths after the date ~f first publiquaintcd with the members. cation of this notice or the same will be barred. • Date of first publication, Oct. 23, 19"9 ::i ••

CRE!qHTON C. FLYNN Adrn1mstrator of Estate, 828 Rust Building, Tacoma, Washington. GOODWIN, EASTVOLI' & HICKS, AttornPys for Estate, Nat'! Bank of Wash, Branch, Parkland P. 0. Box 728, Parkland, Washington. Published in the Times-Journal Oct. 23, 30; Nov. 6, 19.22.




ON INITIATIVE \Viii.Ht. ·each nlfo.ute seems l

an eternity


you struggle

and choke for breath from an uttu.ck of Bronchla.l~Asthm.n, try NEP'llRON lnhalutlo_n 'l'hernpy nnd be con,v,i_nced., Spasme most chronic cltlles rfllleved quickly .. 1umnHy In l minute. Regardless <>f wl1ut you -lla.ve tried do not gtve u_p. Ask your druggist for full 1mrtleulurR and a 10 dB.y eumpl_e of N ephroJt Inhalant to

use Jn Kno_x;:Azmn va,Vorizer.

(Paid Adv.)

.A.5s't. NaHey's Halloween Candies, J cello 39c pl<g.) · "V\rhy hav'e the '\·von1en of Pierce county allowed themselves to become unrepl·cs-entcd -citizens ?:i asks Addeline M. Mason, republican candidate for .Representative from the 29th Dis: trict. "Pierce county, with five legislative districts, sends .fifteen legislators tel the Olympia sessions. But it will .be ten years, this coming January, since: a wo1nari was i.l1cludcd in that

By Clarence La .Crosse


I haven's be.ch out mµch this week since I have been laid us in the hospital for a minor operation w,hich will prevent me from being out ·tiding for a month perhap~ .• . '. blJ.t I'm sure looking forward to getting out again. Milton Club Show Success Have a little note here from the Milton Riding .Club •. , Dear Mr. LaCrosse, "The Milton Riding Club wishes to thank you· for · your help in making the ribbons for our play day last Sunday. It was a grand success and everybody enjoyed themselves. tremendously. Thank you again for your aid and interest in oUr first vellturc," sincerely Gloria Shoop, secretary; Katherine Jensen, president. · It is always a pleasure to assist any club in any way that .I can and I'm happy to hear that .the Playday was

KRISPY CRACKERS • • 1-lb. 13c CORN BEEF HASH • 1-lb. tin 19c COf f EE, Schillings . . . . lb. 79c PAPER MATCHES KRAUT. TasteweH. 2112 • • GREEN Bl.ANS, Happyvale

2 ctn. 35c •.• 2/29e 2/25e

TOMATO SAUCE . . . 6-cans,,.35c BROWN SUGAR 3-lb. cello 32c B

GUM. Carton • 73e; 4/l5c HUBBARD SQUASH • lb. 2e KRAUT CABBAGE lb. 2e • • • •

Crisp Red Delicious Apples • • • • · 'lb. 9e Crisp Red Delicious Apples, 35-lb. box $2.79 (C grade) CIDER

gallon 59e

Prices Effective



His acts as Com1Tiissioner are not prompted by hope of person.al gain, or the fear of adverse criticism A vote .for him is a vote "for a clean, above the . board administration, a11d will be appreciated by him.

has done a Great Joh for Our State

Rummage Sale Auspices PLC Auxiliary

HERE'S a real E.ghter-a man who believes m getting things done! Elected to Congress in 1940 at the age of 28, Henry Jackson has won the' admiration of the entire state for 12 long. years of hard work. He led the battle for the building of new dams, transmission lines, and reclamation projects. He brought new .industries· and payrolls to otir cities. He supported the REA's, the farm cooperatives, and stable pricesfor farm products~ Jackson is honest, levelheaded. • aggressive. He stands for govern· ment economy as proved· by his "yes" vote on every recommendation of the Hoover Confu.rission to eliminate waste. He consistently fights for the farmer and small businessman~ · Let's vote for a tnan we can all respect-Henry M. Jackson! He's earned the job.• ·





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