Times journal v 7 no 46 jul 31, 1952

Page 1


I U.S. POSTAGE PAID Sec. 34.66 P. L. & R. Tacoma, Wash. Permit No. 51


118tb and Pacific Avenue DEADLINE: News, Monday Noon; Advertising, Tuesday Noon


JULY 31, 1952 (VOL. 7, NO. 45)



Trraffie Warden School 1Mrs. Mason Files Pkmned by Area C. D. For Representative


llUXHOtDER OR OCCUPANT The members of the Civil Defense auxiliary police of rMidland, ParkRURAL ROUTE POSTMASTER-If unable to deliver, land, Spanaway and Clover Creek met \Vcdncsday, July 23, at the Dryer return postage is ~uarantecd. · - - - - - Mortuary with coordinator of the

Local l<ids to See TV. Comic in Person



I j



56th & M St. GA. 7373 Doors open 1 :00 p.m. Sat, & Sun. 6:qo p. m. Mon. thru Fri. Enjoy Movies in Comfort New Seats Now Installed

. By Clarence LaCrosse . . Thanks, friends, for making our Big Open House of last Friday a huge success ..... We were n1ore th~n flat~ tered at the amount of attent10n rpceivcd and the many friends who dropped ___ in to wish us success. I thmk I saw.nearly.everyo~e we have ever .dune busm~ss with, beSldes a host o~/ri.~;;ds who iust dropped by to say Ih. I don't have a count on the number who passed through but there were a plc~ty ... both Jack and I were busy all day shaking hands and tr,::ating our friends .. « from the both of us \VC wish to say "Thanks a mlllion, glad .J you rcn1em )ClT d us. ,, F'or t 1e inany 1. . ly1 want ,co flowers received we certarn say "Thanks" ... sometimes "thanks" is about the only appropriate remark · , . one can n1ake ... Thanl'l.s .again.

Wed., Thurs., Fri.; July 31, Aug. 1-2 CARBINE WILLIAMS James Stewart - Jean Hagen FLESH & FURY Tony Curtis - Mona F.reeman Saturday Matinee MARSHALL OF LAREDO Red Ryder Sun., Mon., Tues., Aug. 3-5 JUST THIS ONCE Peter Lowford - Jonet Leigh CAPTAIN BLOOD Errol Flynn - Olivia DeI-Iavilan.d Wed., Thurs., Fri., Aug. 5~9 TH:EWILD NORTH In Color Stewart Granger - Cyd Charisse BUGLES IN THE AFTERNOON In Color Ray Milland - Forrest Tucker

New Store Name



Community Theatre

"Tic-Toe" Is

Addcline M. Hasan, Tacoma writer It has ·a woman's name, but even Mrs. Maude S. Twining, 214· South of n1agazine stories and articles, is a th~ kids don't think it's a wom~n .. It 96th St., is the proud owner of. a Republican candidate for representahas a face, but nobody ever secs it un- lovely new 17-jewel watch, her pnze tive to the State Lcgisbturc from the der the clown's paint. And .it may .have for winninf( the "What's Our Name?" 29th District. a voice, but fans only hear the solemn contest held by Glen A. Carmack to area 'frav Dryer, Director \ 1irginia Mrs. Mason, a Tacon1a resident for "honk" of a horn! provide a title for his recently purSeaman of Parkland and Director Wil,·· . .·'T'his confusing personality is "Clar- chased jewelry store, for1ntrly known lia1n RighetLi of Spanaway, to fonnuThe owners of the B-Lm.e Transit abell," one of the stars of the popular as Mobley's Jewelry store. Her entry late plans for a traffic warden school. Co. haw an important quest10n to .ask HOWDY DOODY television program, was Tic-Toe Jewelry store. There arc 25 members on the force, all residents of the Park.land-Spana". who. will. make a personal appearance The ~ame was chosen Wednesday all of whom have graduated from the way area: DO YOU WANT BUS at Soine's Parkland. Shoe. store on evening, July 23, by members of the police school sponsored by Pierce SERV~CE, If so, on what streets,-at August 12. Local. kids will have a Parkland Business dub in a brief bu.siCounty Civil Defense and the sheriff's what tnne.? . chance to see the silent clown between nes sessibn during the annual cruise office. It was decided that, in order to . They ur(\eotly ~cqucst that anyone 10 a. m. and 12 a. m., when Clar!'lbell on the Virginia V. . rapidly expand the force necessary to interested m service drop a card or will greet ·all comers and d1str1hute M C . ily pleased control traffic in any large scale 1 letter immediately to B-Line Transit free ;;.ifts. . hr.h armac' was e_speci~ ill fea This is a hectic week for Don East- cn1ergcncy, a school should be set up Co., P. 0. Box 707, Parkland. "'Clarabell' is a popular TV star,"' wit t e. ~ew ~am{ J'nce ~ri::g· als~ void, brilliant young Parkland attor- by this group to give the limited train1 The newly otganized company. be- according to Al and Malcolm Saine, tuf;-e .watc a~ /epa\ .. ' elry ney \vho gainP.d national recognition ing necessary for traffic wardens. They 0 ennghan aSOracti':"e ine . 0 rJeecwei',.ed. gan serv.ice _July 21 and later- su_s- prop-:fict~rs of Soinc's Shoe stOrc, "whoM at Chicago when hr· led the fight for would be privileged to take the much d d · t ·1 h · 't . • d . f rf All ore t an en nes .. · ' ex , pen e service empo_rar1 Y ~- en 1 p_uts on a \von er u 1 pe orrnance. f th . t we1t'e g an·d longer course provided by the sheriff b ecame h at. t h c ong.na · : l personal -- - been smash many. -o O em very Jn eres 1n apparent t appearances have · t · t if they wished. 1.n ~n .e~.[i~ tirnc schedule and routes would have successes." pressiv~. :i;e ·)ers~n t~n The traffic warden s.chool will probto be _revised. The company plans to bsomeBw ':'t s. imilarb 0 ebwmmngfcr 1• d ably require only two or three cvcc .... , ·" ,· · 'f d · . ut us1ness cu mcm crs pre 1e rcsun1. e ser\ icebe . soo~ I rout.es are . ,, Th e o th er en tr Y was po..stnings to complete. Dryer appointed a schedules can worked out to a.n the .·1 ·.·. Th··.e frames. of. tennis rackets . k h "T'1c-T oc. committee composed of the four chiefs accep · t ancc of· th e genera l pu· bl·i·c. usually made of ash or hie ory; t e marked at' a later date than the wmof the auxiliary police of the four Upon resuming service, the com-. hpndles of. cedar. ner. co1nmunitics to \vork out the subject pany plans to offer connections to Mc-1 - - - - - - n)a.iter tog be covered by the course: Chord Field, Mt. Rainier Ordnan.ce The four are Clyde Spangler, MidDepot and South Tacoma, plus. pre·~· land; Walter Fritz, Parkland; Emervious connections offered to Tacoma. son Tarpenning, Spanaway; Charles "Few people realize th" g_rcat cost Weymouth, Clover Creek. per mile to operate a bus and the use Anyone wishing to take part in this and acceptaoce of the new service by Mrs. Addeline M. Mason interesting _and vital phase of Civil the public must be. accomplished if. the Defense should get in touch with Coor- over 20- years, .is_,a past president of line is to prosper.," states .Bill Black, dinator Trav Dryer immediately. the Business and ProfCssional Vv·omcn's co-owner. HWe believe the entire area club, and during the last three years will benefit and grow with the servicl; has represented that group on Civic through the acccssibil ity to local shop, Affairs and Legislative committees of ping areas and the. growth .of real estate vali.res where bus service is of" the Tacoma Chamber of Commerce. She is married, husband is a line fered." foreman; they live at 805 So. Geiger St., and have raised and educated First Farmer: "What three children, all grown now. In ad- plosion over at Zeke's dition to hon1e interests and writing day?" activities, she has had newspaper and Second. Farmer: .. Oh, Zeke started Don Eastvold, business experience. "Members of the _State Legislature feeding his hens some of that .'Lay o~ Eisenhovvr·r on tl:c flou1~ t!f. Lhc .conven- ( . tion. 1'hc \Veclcs nct1vltH'S includes (Excerpts fro1n a letter received by should be men and women who take Bust' . . . arid one of 'em ..was a more than 3,000 miles of _air tr::ivd! Dean Philip E. Hauge from President an active· part in community life," Mrs. Mason states. "It is through such spanning the contmcnl twice witlun S. C. Eastvold.) . 48 hours. On Tuesday he flew tu Los ''Just a word of greetmg as I,;nake contacts that the needs and desiTes of GR 3221 An~dcs for a political dcba tc with ready to leave Erbil, Iraq. I arri\,ed in those who must live with the laws are Serve 'These Free and Jimmy Roosevelt On the panel !o Ba9,hd.ad on fa'.t Saturlay, July. :i, kriown to those who make them. LegisDELICIOUS qucstjon the pair were Cah~o~n1a ~t ". p. n1. I v1s1tSd the ~rcsby.tc~·1an lators should also take the lead in a Gov. Earl Warren and Sen. Wilham Miss10n and founa that tne m1ss10n· 'program of better information to the .ARE YOU IN A HURRY? J(nowland, along with two De?10- ary's Wife ca111c fron1 Le Roy, Minn., public on legislative matters, particucratic kackrs of Roosevelt's choosmg. the home town of Mrs. Eastvold. That larly in regard to the mechanics of I A half hour after leaving the TV opened a friendship which was helpful. electing the members of Legishrture. ~le with Ic,e qream "My interests and activitif's have f studio, Don was planing toward ~he He will meet me in Baghdad when I cast coast for his Wednesday cvcnmg arrive there tomorrow morning, July brought me in touch with the probAngel Food with Whipped lems of schools, parks, law enforceparticipation in a roundtable discu.s- 10. ' Cookies and Milk sion of the prC'sidential campaign _m "I took the night train on July. 4 to ment, social welfare and other public New York City, with Sen. Blane Mosul, where I was met by our native isues. With family obligations no Rye Bread and Ice Cold Moody of Michigan talking for the missionary. I am, as you may kqow, a Ion o·cr occupying my full time, I can Buttermilk Democrats. Elmo Roper acted as member of .the board of directors of give year-around attention to ·better moderator. the Lutheran Orient Mission. :'.\o g-overnr:pent. Coffee .Cake with Fragrant Hot North of the Bank Comer "\'Vornen share the respopsibility in Takinf( a plane for the west follow- board member hns ever been here. Coffee the home, in business, in education. ing this TV appearance, Eastvold will They work somewhat" in the dark. back in .~racon1a for the "Big ""Vhilc in Mosul, I visited the 11 1.is~ Why not equal responsibility in gov,,, n1ass meeting: in Tiger P<;lrk sions run by the Prt"sbyterians, Seventh ern1nent ?i' (Thursday) evening, at which Day Adventists, and the Dominion he v'ill reprnsent Gov. Arthur Catholics. We have had the sma!l,,.t E R mglie, unable· to be ·present, as work in Iraq and no mission anywhere Ome Orll rUr 011.191&1 well as himself, candidate for th~ post else by Lutherans among· the Moslems. Sgt. Rona'td R .. Turner, U. S. 9f '\~torncy general for the st:itc m the I am convmced we should do more. Marine Corps, a\'nved Tuesday to conung elec.twn.. . . '.; <; ·'• "I have pre:iched twice here and spend his 30-day furlbugh "With his, On ·Friday,. !'nstvold will.. ·be th~ have visited many bomcs. The con- partnts, Mr. and Mrs.' C .. H. Turne'i: principal speaker: at the OJ? Settlers trasts between g~od aod evil here are of Collins road. He has been in the picnic at ll'ernQ,alc, near Bchngha1n. jndcscribablc. Jtapi<l strides are .being- service for t\l\.'O years, the past year ------1nade in n1any linf's. I visited the J having· been spent in Korea, and can1c , schools ancl directors of education. In north from San Diego for his fur-1 Pennsyhramia The fourth all-state Pennsylvania ten years things will be very different [laugh. He will be assigned t.o further picnic, sponsored by the Pierce Conuty as they are far far advanced over ten duty. Another son of the family, Larry Pcnnsyh·ani;1 club, will be held at Wa- years ago. At that time they selected Turner, also is in the Marine Corps, pato park Sunday, Aug. 3, at 1:30 the students for the public schools. and will be in Korea until September, p. nL Plca~-;c bring lunches, service and Soon it will be compuloory. When that when he, too. will be here on furlough. all your family nnd friends. Maybe you happens, Mohammedanism will have will mel't someone from the old home to go out. Then it ·will be important town! Plrnty of fun and good fcllow- \vhat \VC as a Christian Church l1avc :-;hip is in store. Coffe, crearn and sugar done to Le ready for the new day jn the Moslem ,world. They need Jesus nrc provdccl. KEY TO ILLUSTRATION Christ here. If our Lord could take oyer, this \Vould Le a transforn1cd 1-FURNACE measures 79" high, 20" deep world. It is so very difficult to get Y:, Gal. Flctt's Ice Cream and one our people in America, . , . . . . , ., of our own Ang-cl Food Cakes and 30" wide. to. realize ho\A.-' prefcrn:d they a.re above others in a divided world. PLC has a 2-PARTITION wall cut aWf!.Y to show how v<·ry important role in this per!nd. . furnace _is set in wall to extend out equally 11 (~hristi;in 111cn and "'N0111cn are n•?eth.:d ! on eaGh side (7" in the case of a 6" wall) u;orc than anything else. We are on or can build in flush with walls. tbe right track, let us push steadily for".\'·ard.' 1 3-FURRED OUT section of wall directly S. C. EASTVOLD.


Coming Attractions




pecial Notice





You will be surprise·d how fresh, how clean, how bright they will look when they are re. +.urned to you.









H. C. Little









7-COLD Am intake grilles.

Perfect for smaii homes without base· ments, saves valuable floor space, automatically lights itself, ·burns low cost furnace· oil, Underwriters approved. 65,000 B. T. u. output per hour.

OPTOMETRISTS DR. L RICHARD McGlRK Modern Eye Care 4802Y, So. Yakima HA 2113

"Estimates Gladly Given"


S.pe.cialized H. C. little Furnace and Heater Service


* Floor Furnaces

PEACHES Hales • Elbertas



** Dual


Basement 'Famaces ·Regis~er Furnaces NOTHING.•DOWN

* Wall furnaces * OH Circulators * Utility furnaces



&HARDWARE BR IU H ••• Eves~ VU 98361 GR 5940

CEMENT, ;S·1 . 45"per.-.·sack ,.,... SAND OR GRAVE l, 35c p~r sack -Trav Dryer.


6-RADIA.NT PANEL, 12"x49".

GR 8501

DR. JOSEPH G. HANSON c l'h ysician Tacqrna Way Building Tacoma 9, Wash;


5-WARM Am d.'.scharge grilles.

CLAY ROLEY AGENCY 98th and Portland Avenue

ROY V. ROSTEDT 8201 Park Avenue {'hone HA 2342

(In the Parkland Centre Bldg'.) Across from the Parkland Post Office OPEN 10-6 (Daylight Time) GR 3526

4-PATENT FL1JE, which COJ:!les .down frCl:r,n above, without danger of contact with wood or other combustible material. (Or brick chimney constructed at side may be used.)




4H Garfield St.

above furnace on both sides provides<4tmple ;room (20x30) for the patent flue.

A CONCERT presenting Madmne 1'.1aret Pank, operatic soprano, Will be Pacific Avenue at Airport 'Road given Tuesday evening at 8:30 at I Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.M;ison Mrthodist church, T8con1a, under auspiu:s of the Wesleyan Service I Phone GR 3330 Guild ol the church. I


Parkland Ottee 4 Shoe Store di




11004 Pacific Ave.




10 A.M.

Clarahell will be HERE, kids . . . yourfavorite T.V. star. Tuesday, Aug. 12, is the day to meet Clarabell in ]Jerson . . . and there'll be laughter galore as the comical clown honks hello! It'll be a party you won't want n1iss.

Parkland Cleaners



411 Garfield

Delivery Service

Stop in at our plant I I 004 Pacific Ave., block north of bank. F~lks, we have 9ts of parking space for you.

Phone GRanite 3221


.;;;J0t~e4shoe Store



on. s -


California Trip M/Sgt. and Mrs. Joel L. Chapman of Croft St. recently returned from a three-week trip to California where they visited two high school chums. of Mrs._ Cnpn1an, Mrs. - Margare~- llunt and Mrs. Lynn StitCl', at Vista. The Chapmans enjoyed the sunshine immensely and plan to return_ to C21ifor-

nia when Mr. Chapman 1'ctircs from the Air Force soon and they dispose of their home here.

Wedding Announcem'ts la CR OS$E PRINTERS GRanite 7100

PARKLAND Plumbing & Heating GR. 3710





OVER 10,000 CIRCULATION Published every Thursday by LaCrosse .Printers' in Parkland, Wash. Distributed by direct mail to every home and business in Parkland, Eatonville, Graham, Roy, Firgrove, Midland, Waller Road, McKenna, Elk Plain, Kirby, Kapowsin, Spana way, Collins, Summit, Thrift, Berkley, lfarvard, Fern Hill, Ponders, Frederickson, Harding, Woodland, Lake view, Firwood, and southern portion of Tacoma.

DISTRICT VOTERS! If you have not registered yet do it TODAY at tl)c s!;Jp 'n' Sho~, 64th. ar.1d Waller Road. You have ;int 1•1 im1mght, A_ug. 1 8 to register. Wijh a .~ "L very unport>huH frnlal tters t '!' t wi t ·te bom\'jg up t JS a ~ you \Vl 11 wan 0 C [i 1 C lo vote, so register no.1": Home Agam Mrs. E. Munsey returned to her ho'.11c .o:; Cany~1: Ro~d. S~:1 da'.. aft·c·r spcndi~~ a .>'eek \ISttm,, rcl<ttl\es and fncnds rn Kelso. v· . . . E 1 'numcLaftcrcll aw Mr and isit Mrsm Royal ·md · : · ' . · fanuly and Ronny Mathis spc~t last Sunday w1lh . Mr. and. Mrs. Chester .fl.aker at thr•ir home 111. Enumcl,~"'.· 1 he Bakcis foirn~rly rcSJdcd at East 72nd street and Canyon road.

, . . . . . . . . D 'E B S .. f T . 1 he Air Force Aid Society membership campaign goes mto 1 itv ~ u,th~~-~ln ·ch~~~~]; P~~toiP~rkla'~:J: full swing Saturday, it w~s announced this we~k, w'ith hopes that w;·otc the following very interesting all·lVlcChord personnel will cooperate to the fuilest extent to make letter lo the Timcs)ournal as a mes- this a record drive. sa~e to his many friends in the corn- It- • is' hoped through united and. - en• airmen in the .·A·.·.·.i·r·. F.orce •do not conITI~nit r • , • • C'.,,_ ,,--,_ • • JEI~USALEM Jul 17 1952_ thuSiast1c cooperation '.'f everyone on tacl the. society a~ any tune u1 thcJr '-Tlwre arc n~t Jiany' tourists in the base that the showrng of last year ca:·:ers except _durmg the annua.l fund Palestine these days. The reason is will be snrpassc~. Last year Mc.Chord raismg campaign,. but _that. docs not lhc Arab-Jewish war which broke out personnel contributed less th.an four mean that the society is ummportant in J9.J7 and the tension that has con. thousand dollars to the Society. In to them. · d · . h · I. · 11 · h ·· · tmuc smcc t at time. t is we mg turn, McChorcl personnel were grantEvery squadron on the base is ori1rpossible to lr,.vel from Arab tcrrid t" h • 0 099 d · 1 ed · · · · · .· . . . e ou 11g t 'P'»· an wmc nan· gamzed for the drive with one o ff'1cer t(>ry to .the Jewish held portion. It is $29 217 •17 · irnpo;sible to come back if once you • ·, . : · · . and one NCO rn each squadron aphavcc succeeded in getting into Israel. • Offtc1ally the Red ~ross JS. th_e re- pointed to handle its contributiOns to "Wr< are visiting the Arab a'"igned li~f a~ency of the. sc~-v1ce, b~t it IS the this worthwhile activity. territory which include.s most of. the Air l•orcc Aid Society which works Each squadrnn seeking to gain 100 historic 'µlaces. Old Jerusalem is in for the Air Force alone and which '· · the Arab wnc, while most of the sets in to aid destitute airmen when percent membership, will be rcsponsThe word .independence is united the Red Cross cannot assist. ible for McChord's standing on an to the ideas of dignity and virtue; the newer portions belong. t? Israel. . "~t. has been a tlmllrng expenen~c The majority of the officers and Air Force-wide basis. \vord dcpendenc:r, to the ideas of in~ fcriority and corruption. Jcrc1ny to v1~1t the many places ment1on~d-1n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - the Bible which were. the setting for I Bc11tll;nn. the great cvcnls which creat~d our . faith. W c haw spent most of om ti,uc · · ., . J iri Jcnlsalcn1, whfr·h is now a city of • 1_2(.l,000 Ull lhc Arab side alone. It_ is .U.



ADDRESS ................ P. 0. BOX 885, PARKLAND, WASHINGTON ] 18th and Pacific Avenue Phone GRanite 7100


CLARENCE W. LACROSSE, JACK BROWN.............. PUBLISHERS NEVA T. HONEYWELL............................................................ EDITOR GIBB THEIS ....................................................................ADVERTISING SUBSCRIPTION RATE ..................................................$2.00 per year (Beyond Free Distribution Area) ADVERTISING RATES-LOCAL l to 3 Column inches, per month ....................................: ................. $1.40 3 to 100 Column inches, per month ..................................................$1.25 JOO to 200 Column inches, per month ................... :................... , .....$1.15 Phone for Additional Volume Rates NATIONAL RATE .................................................... $1.47 Per Col. Inch Classified Ads ................................. Ac per word-Minimum charge 50c

rMarch 0 n ' TV· Soc11al . . Securitv .

Printed in Parkland ~

s1t1rntc-d on v1··ry rough and



Of SMAll $4,750 HOMES and




GR. 8669




Air 1 orce Aid Society Begins Membership Campaign Sat.I



ous terrain which is 2,600 fc.ct above sea level and +,000 feet above the kn·] ::>f the Dr;ad Sen. "Onc day was spent making " trip through Samaria and into Galilee as for as no-man's l":nd !1ctwrcn the Arab and Jewish tcrntones: Another day \vas di:votcd to visiting Bc•.hlchcm and Ifrhron. The finest part of this country in agricultural development is that which sunound;s Bethlehem ar.d Hebron; It was ~mazmg to 3ec what th~ thnfty Arabs had. clone t·o make tlus rocky a~d mountamous land P' oduce wdl. I vc not seen anythu1g to compare with it since leaving Switccrland. "The shock of this visit has been. to disco.vcr the . inhuman trcatn~cnt .ai<· cord~d lhe Ara):>s who were driven oi, t of West Palcstmc to become rdu15ces in the Arab held section of P:alcstmc. They lost their homes and all other property. Their money in tl1c banlrn was frozen and is unobtainable. Nearly all of these refugees now live in tents and caves and have done so .,irn:c 19+ 7. You can imagine the result because the

R·eturns to A 11r .A mend ment 0 T7'd ,



· The Armed Forces of. the Puget Sound area television show. "March On," will return to the air Saturday, Aug. 2, at 7:32 p. m. This unique half-hour presentation, which gives the military personnel a , . . chan~c to display their talents before the .1 V camera, also presents to. ~he m1lhon and a half. J?erson televlSlon ~u~1cnce of the Pac_if1c '.'lorthwest the. ms1d_e story of t?c v1tal JOb the Armed Services are domg. .



A new policy o~ Air Force. personnel has been designed by Airman First Class Barry Myers, Air Force rcpr?scntative, whereby personnel will be gi".cn mo~thly reports so th:it commandmg officers can determme the effectiveness of having his personnel on tlw TV show.


President Truman has JUSt signed the new law amending the Social Se· curity Act, which was passed by Congress July 5, stated Mr. Leo C. Raa· berg, manager of the Tacoma Social Security office. Th · h · ] d ". _rc_e major ~ ange~ in~ u -C: an in crease of benefits bcgrnnmg m Scp!ember; a person who is receiving bcnefits can accept them even if he is working and earning as much as $75 a month. The third important change is the inclusion of military service



Air-to-air refueling of F-8+ Thunderjets shown here recently passed its first operational test successfully. B-29 tanker aircraft from Travis AFB, Calit, fueled a squadron of 20 jct planes in mid-air en route between Travis and Honolulu's Hickam Field. The Thunderjets, aided hy the new maneuver, raced 2,400 miles non-stop in five hours and 27 minutes--the longest non-stop air refueling jet flight. The tanker pumped fuel into each of four "tear drop" tanks on\ the F -8+-two on the wings and two under the fuselage. July 24, 194). This period has been extended to January 1, 195+, Raaberg stated, to include coverage of service men who died in Korea. Even though the deceased service n1an n1ay never have had a social security number, this change in the law may mean monthly payments for his widow and children or for his dcpcnden t parents. More information regarding the new law may be received by calling Broadway 3295 or through contact with the social security office at 1113 A street, Tacoma.

2x4's, 8-ft., No. 3 Com. 3 Oc ea. at th~ yard Y Rustic Siding

8 Foot 4x4 Cedar S4S For Fences, 12c Lin. Ft.

Split Cedar


credits for survivors of mci; who died as the result of Korean service. World War II service men were given social security wage credits of $160 a month for service performed between dates of September 1940 and '

Pierce County Refuse· Co.

A/le Myers feels that "there is an abundance of new talent at McChord. 1 ., Our job is to find it and give it an . opportunity .to appear before the Weekly GARBAGE Collecti011S tcn1pcrature is bc]O\V zcfo in wint;:.-r "March On" ca1neras representing the ;i.nd ·winter rains con1r· in Dccernber to Air }i'orcc. Phone GR. 8688 Mrirch. Thei_r rati9ns_supply no 111orc - I than 1,200 calorics, which is bnt h;,.lf • of wha.t ·is IjOrmally needed. It is a pitiful story which I would welcome American Art Co. SOIL the opportunity to tdl when I return. CW1tom Pictnre Framing Remember that what has happened SANDY LOAM was by decision of the Unit.;d NaBR 4327 Reasonable Rates tions."



Ray Gogan - GR 3127

Fence Posh 35c ea. At the Yard

I x4 Fir Flooring {fJ

This Could Be You • • I

With all these beautiful summer days a11cad when you'll want to be out on the road, why take chances on brake failure. Sec Earl today for guaranteed brake and motor service.

Door Jambs Window and Door Sills Garden Tools Paints

Gladiator Service 122ND & PACIFIC

GR. 9946














45c • 1/11c PEARS (half) • 39c IPE OLIVES • . 13c YRUP

• • •


3 LBS.

WHITE STAR (Solid Pack)




"It's 'vondcrful here in Mianii," says Rhoda W ctz, as she beckons fro1i1 a shady spot at Crandon Park Beach. Preu y Rhoda appears cool. calm and very well collected despite the torrid heat of Mian1i's sunnner lVeather.



EMPRESS CReg. or Drip)

300 TIN

CEMENT BIRD BATHS Large and Small, 3 Styles URNS, FLOWER POTS, 7 Styles NOVELTIES, Priced Reasonable . E. C. CATT, Rt.13, Box 283 GR 5378



Puss'n Boots

CAT FOOD all tin . 1/17c

PURDUE Plumbing & Heating Installation & Repair Service

GRanite 4477

Have your Cabinets ;;[ J So;• •


It costs just as much to apply cheap paint as it does to apply BOYSEN Paint. Get the most out of the dollars you spend for a paint job. Insist on " BOYSEN Paints. They JCsf longer, ,§ cost .less in the long run.

1.75 qt. 1.59 qt. -


• • • " "The original rubber base paint"




A Plastic Dase Ena.?nc! '.Vith a 1\firror-!ik'e Finish





TOMATOES • • • • • lb. 8c • . lb. 69c LETTUCE • • • • • • lb. le ..

Graded Good



Graded Good

Snow White Heads

RIB STEAKS • • .• · •. lb. 83c CAULIFLOWER · • • • lb. 10t · Carsten's Old Fashioned

$5. 90 Per, Gallon •

"?ORK STEAK • . • • • lb. 55c POT ROAST •

';tn'44~k~ 4#4 ftMtu~ U4e BOYSEN PAINTS


ice and lean

6.22 9al. 5.19 gal.

Mice fer StGJffing

SMOKED BACON • . •· ·• lb. 55c GREEN PEPPERS . • • lb. 15c Pure



4.40 9al. 1.33 pt. - 2.45 qt•

2.86 per gal. in S's



Pb.one Gllaoite 8550 Prices Effective August 1 and 2

SOFT as• cushion FLEXIBLE as a Jlyrod For the most valuable feet in the wodd -YOURS-Roblee has designed the ' most comfortable shoes ever. Cushion·Flex w:e call them. Only select, extra flexible sole and upper le!Lthers 'are used and they're specially treated to furnish added softness. Foamed rubber cushions your ever}' step. Treat yourself to this new thrill afoot today, VISIT OUR NEW

Priced From



GAY S. NESS, Manager


To 15.95

"USE.YOUR CREDIT-IT'S GOOD" Downtow~ Tacoma 11th & Commerce

, 4

Pouhel's FOOD PLAN HOW DOES THE PLAN OPERATE? ·It enables the' qualified families to become Club members and buy better foods at lower costs. HOW CAN WE BUY FOOD CHEAPER? Buy buying in wholesale quantities, usually a six months supply.

HOW CAN I PAY FOR SO MUCH FOOD AND HOW CAN I STORE IT? Club members pay for the food monthly, just as you do now. They also receive a huge home freezer, generally without extra cost. "Of all the egg mashes I have ever. used, Triangle Xtra Egg Producer has given me the.best results I have ever had. For instance, this ye.ar, on a flock of pullets that have never been culled, I have been getting an average production of 81 % over a th~ee month~ period."

HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? In most cases Club Members get both food and freezer for less than they formerly paid for food alone. You can prepare meals ahead and eliminate kitchen drudgery.


Feel Free Extra Egg Pl'ofits with


to Phone



for More


lnformati@n .

or Appointment

~I .


_ a ·:::::::1

Upright or Chest Freezers

Be Sure to Visit the Showmalbile When It's In Your Area YOUR FUEL Oil AND APPLIANCE DEALER

DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 140th and Pacific Ave.


GR. 8615

National Bank of Washington has 1 "uninterruP.,ted service • to .savers . 1· since 1885 ••• paying withdrawals and interest immediately on demand

The Aqua FoHies of 1952, feature of the Seattle Seafnir, will have it.s first pc1·formanec Tuesday night for the current_ season, and will continue nightly through Aug. 13, according to Al Sheehan, producer of the brilliant svviin~n1usical for the Seattle civic organization, Greater Seattle, Inc. The1;c will also be two moonlight matinees on August 3 and I 0. Unforgettable entertainment for all the family is promised by Producer Sheehan, who will put 100 stars of water, stage and . screen through a swim-musical which delights both the

to the Don't Delay and Be Sorry


DcM1\1othing, CJeaning, Glazing in Our G. E. Cold Storage Vaults

for 01ilBy $2.50 For the Season


Restyling Repairing ·,,.~






Cve and_- car.

· Incomparable Johnny O'Brien, the "It's Impossibk" man, is the star of the stage show, which .also includes Jorn.· I "production numbers," lavishly mounted: ''Aqua Show. Case"''Trade

Winds"-"Aqua ,LaScala"-"Country Club Capers." Katherine Rawls, holder of more titles and awards than any other girl in the history of swimming and diving, heads an all-star cast on the "water side." , Mail orders for tickets are at Aqua Follies, 16N 'Ith Avenue, Seattle, and the theatre box office is also open daily from 12 noon until 8 o'clock.



UITll INS Two Communist officials discussed the possibility of substituting· Stalin's birthday, Dec. 21, for Christmas. "Well,' one of them remarked .somewhat dubiously, "it could be done, but how are you going to get people used to a Santa Claus 'who doesu't give presents but comes around to collect theni ? 11


PEACH ES laru·~e

2 ·112 Ti1r1s



• s~1mshhlle


l"'T'!I l""f":1i


Come in and Try Our Top Quality Meats





Shop Where Quantity and Quality Go Hand in Hand. Park 'n' Shop's Super Market brings you the best in Price and Quality the year pround:






""< ~


LOCKER BEEF ALSO AVAi BlE IN ANY AMOUNT Ask the Meat Cutters on Duty. They Are

Glad to Help You GET THE BEST.







By Rog McDonalc!

a mere 148 pounds, this. is a phcnom~ eiial rcco.rd: I guess• it isn't how big you are, buf how good you are that counts. Bicycling tool< the sports limelight in the Northwest. over the weekend. The Washington State Bicycle championships were held Sm1day afternoon at the Seattle-Tacoma speedway. Bicycling has become one of the more popular sports in the country in recent years. This is one sport that requires the pa~licipant to be in excellent physical condition to withstand the long and. gruelling race .. In the events held Sunday, J eny Olsen, a res'idcnt of Oregon, but on a~tive reserve duty with the army at Fort Lewis, was judged the winner of the Senior division on .a point basis. This decision, however, must be ruled on by the America:i Bicycle league of _America s_ince there is_ a question as to the eligibility of Olsen. The participants had to be r.esidents of the State of Washington and whether a soldier stationed here is considered a resident. is the question to be deter-

The Northwest's brightest prospect for a world chmnpionshiJ? boxing crown 1net a sudden and disastrous left hook Monday night in Madison Squa,re Garden and went . down. and out. Harry ''Kid" Matthews lasted just 5 minut.es and 4 seconds against the explosive punching Rocky Marciano. Matthews, after winning the first round with a fine display of fancy boxing, was caught with a vicious lefrhook in the second round and was counted out after 2 minutes and 4 seconds. Jack Hurley, Matthews' manager, claims that Harry had a lapse of memory. I agree ·wnh that statement and besides that I think he forgot to "duck." The Fort Lewis Rockets defeated the Busch'.s Drive I.n nine, 7 to 3, to capture the Pierce County semi-pro baseball championship Friday evening at Tiger park. Both teams qualified in the recent tournament for the State tournament to be held later in the season. The Fart Lewi; tea:m headed hy Kenny Lehman, the Pacific Coast l.eagu. e . star of la·s·t . y.·ear, sho..uld h.ave an exci=llent chance .of taking the state crown with their strong lineup. Here's wishil)g both teams the best of .luck. I Bobby Sbantz, the pint-sized Philac delphia hurler, could be the first 30game winner in- the -~ajar league_s since Dizzy Dean if he keeps up.his current pace. He has a record of 18 wins against 3 losses .to elate. Considering the fact that this young ma'n is only 5 feet 6 inches in height and weighs

mined later. The . decision is awaited with considerabfo foterest by· Did' Perkins of Tacoma, who captured the second spot behind Olsen. If Olsen .is declared ineligible, Dick will represent Washington in the U. S. Championships later in the year. In the Junior division, Al Miller of Tacoma took the I-mile and 5-rnilc races and Gary Lund of Seattle captured the 2, mile event. Coeta Hartman of Bothd won botb the· Y,,-mile and 2.-rnile races in the girls division. ·Jean Pollard of Bellingham came in first in the I-mile grind. Cliff Olson of Tacoma scored a ·hole-in-one at the Brookdale golf course last weekend. The lucky shot, or should I say the well. placed shot, came on the short 15th hole. Rogers Hornsby, the ex-Seattle , Rainier _n1anager, has signed a con.. tract to manage the Cincinnati Reds for the remainder of the 1952 scasop and for the 1953 merry-go-round. He started the season as the pilot of the St. Louis Browns, but was released earlier this year.





PA·RKLAND CYCLE Parkland Shopping Center 433 Garfield St. GR 5772 See a Complete Linc of the Finest LAWNMOWERS Available Come In Today



WA 7071 On U. S. 99 East Side of Bridge Thursday, Friday .& Saturday II Hits In Color II "Wild North."· Stewart Granger • Wendell Corey and "Bugles In The Afternoon" Ray Milland~ Forrest Tucker Sunday, Monday & Tuesday "That Cheaper by the Dozen · ·Family" ·

in "Belles .On Their Toes" Technicolor and .


Parkland Recreation Group Program Grows . -- _-, . .

Sponsored by a group of mterestcd parents and friends, tbe Parkland recreation program for youngsters is I steadily growing .in scope and importance; The children are being taken to Spanaway lake for swimming on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the bus leaving the Parkland school at 12.30 and returning at 3.30. The age limit for unattended .children. has been lowered from 10 years to eight, but all must have the written consent of parents to join the group. Children of any age may go if accompanied by an adult. The bus fare has been reduced to five cents for the round trip. The baseball program is also imp1:oving. Adequate equip:q>ent has been provided through the generosity nf the Parkland Kiwanis; Daniels Hardware, Magdanz Hardware and Garfield Variety store. Two baseball groups have been fon;ned so that the games will be more interesting . for different age groups. A meeting of parents is ,.called for 8:30 Wednesday evening. Aug. 6,. at the.. school .. D.ctails of_ the pl,anned wemer roast or Aug. 9 ad. other matters will be discussed.

Jane Russell - Robert Mitchum s!~rting Wcdnc;'day . Red J\;fountam" "S aHnd " ea



Membe.r:FederaISaVingtiandLoanlneuranceCorporation· Federal_HomeLoanBankSyatem

· .. __

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. ~nT:8-I!


ONLY 199.50 Beautiful Mo~air Frieze Cover '

Soft, Luxuri·ous Spring Construction Makes Into Comfortable, Full-size Bed Large Matching Club Chair


LOVE SEAT BY DAYTIME FULL SIZE BED BY NIGHT Mohair Frieze Cover Full Spring Construction

ONLY s1395o - ;1 ~·:~1;t';~f~~?W-,:z. ·?\"#\'. ~·.i;:··".,-:1-.~:<i\r....,w ~ l~T~!+<~r,.;_:S;-$}iW,';im~~~


'if .,~,~~JB


3- Room Furniture 3 Stores Easy Parking



$39~m50 Downtown 13th f!5 'K' St. BR 0386 On the Mt. Highway. 7208 Pacific Ave. HI 9556


HOGAN'S HAVE LOWER PRICE PACIFIC AVE.-140 ft. FRONTAGE by 290 ft. DEEP This is value plus. Has a large 2,bedrm. modern home, extralarge living



2 bee.Inns., big living roon1, dandy cab. kitclwn. Garage. On % acre, all cleared. Short drive to Tacoma or Puyallup. Only $•1,950.

5 acres. 2-bednn. home. Needs minor repairs. Garage, chicken hsL'., 120' drilled well. Best value c\·er 2t only $3,200. Some terms.

"Come across

other <lollar. You know I'm going· shopping at the PARKWAY FURNITURE




Twiti1 Si:11:eu Ptastic Covered Head Board




With purchase of regular $59.5D or $79.50 box spring · and mattress set.

< m I


.PARKWAY FURNITURE GR 394-1 14 lst & Pac. Open Until 9 p. m.

GREATEST values in the N. W. in completely and thoroughly reconditioned used t;uck transportation. 1946 CHEV. )12-ton P.U., runs.'vcry good. You paint and save the difference. As is, oniy ···-················ $695 1948 DODGE ;!,-ton panel, completely rccondiLioned, new paint, Chev. O.K.'d truck .................... $1,195 1950 CHEV. Yo-ton panel, A-1 condition throughout. Chev. O.K.'d truck $1,695 1945 CHEV. Y,-ton P.U. A • splendid running truck and priced to sell now


27-FT. ALMA tandem house trailer. Best of condition. Familycsize refrigerator. Propane gas. Electric brnkes and turn signals. $1,595. Terms to responsible parties. 'Will consider trade fqr equity. 14-FT ALL ALUMINUM trailer, late model, fully equipped, 1~eady for the road. Small down payment and E.Z. terms.



South Tacoma Motor Co. Fer Trucks

CLOSE TO JAY and Sales Road. CLOSE TO PARK on I 14th St. CORNER 10-fTH near Pacific, NEAR AIRPORT and Cedar St. On Lake Phillips (Olympic Peninsula) Call Mr. Black,





3 bcdrms. down, breakfast nook, !iv. rm. Garage and chicken hse. All fenced and garden in .. Close to school. Full price only $3,950.

Just the place to start in raising beef stock. Two houses, 2 barns. All newly fenced. Large corrals. 4· miles from our office. Only $7,000, with terms.

HOME AND·FARM BUR.EAU-REAL ESTATE 12810 Pacific Avenue, Parkland

19.50 CHEV. Y,-ton P.U. Al mechanical condition, new paint, H. D. traction type rear tires. A 1·cal value at .................. $1,495 1942 FORD C. 0. E. flat deck body, runs very good. Complete price ........ $495 1945 CHEV. !Y,-ton L. W. B. chassis and cab, extra H. D. springs front, rear and 0. L., 2-speed rear axle, H. D. engine. In splendid condition thruout. Priced to sell now $1,195 1949 INT. 1-ton. Dual tires, flat bed body1 in A-l mechanical condition thruout -....................... $1,595 1949 DODGE !Y,-ton L. W. B. chassis and cab, dual tires~ new paint, mechanic.1lly perfect. Splendid buy at ·······················-··, lP 1,595 1946 INT. lY,-ton complete with dump body and hoist, good rubber, in splendid running condition. Only ................................-.. $895 GMC lY,-ton L. W. B. flat deck body, 2-speed rear axle. Complete as is $295

Mail Address: Rt. 3, Box 819, Tacoma, Wash. Evenings: Mr. Loring, GR 3570; Mr. Wallace, GR 544-1

SPRING VALLEY 70-ACRE HORSE RANCH, fenced and cross-fenced; dandy vineyard and orchard, chicken house, large barn, 2-bedroom . house, approximately 1,500 feet of year around creek; some merchantable timber; all this for $11,500, exceptionally fine terms. Mr. Carlson, HA 4768. 16 ACRES IO MILES FROM CITY CENTER, has large chicken house, good barn, large family orchard, house is modern, $6,950 on excellent terms. E. A. Peterson, SK 1413, or Mr. Imeson, PR 0081. 2 HOUSES, 42 ACRES, $10,500 SECOND HOUSE NOW RENTED;• 1st house has 4 bedrooms, Jiving room, dining room, attractive kitch~ en and nook, 3-pc. bath, utility roon1, attrac:tive lawn, flowers, and evergreen shade trees; good barn Many More for 15 hea<l, chicken house for 200 birds, 22 acres under plow, baance Choose open pasture. Mr. Lemm, BR 5291. DUPLEX 2-BEDROOM, living room with fireplace, cabinet kitchen, wired 220, 4--piccc bath; basement, wired 220, 1 bedroom, plumbing, located 13th and K; full price, $1·,950, terms. Mr. Peterson, SK 14-13 or Mr. Imeson, PR 0081. TRADES, CHICKEN RANCH 5-BEDROOM modern home, housing space for 1,800 layers, barn for G head, numerous outbuildings, has attractive kitchen, full cabinet; scp• arate dining and Jiving room with fireplace, fine soil, with a Jim-dandy wnter systcn1. 'I'his jg the tiznc to Known for Good, Clean Sharp get into the chicken business. For information call Mr. Lemm, BR Cars 5291. (Mrs.) Jennie L. Grodvig HOLY ROSARY GR 7232 days, GR 8210 eves. and Sun. Way FIVE-BEDROOM HOME, walking WORDS cannot tell you how nice distance, very fine shapr, price now GRAHAM DISTRICT they really are. See them before reduced to $5,950; excellent terms, 15 FERTILE acres; 7 acres of cl ca red you buy. peat soil. Modern 3-bcdroom h0me; quick posses. s·1···on. Mr. Carlson, HA (Tacoma's oldest Chev. 4768. bai·n for 5 head; chicken house; 2- '50 CADILLAC "62" 4-dr. R., H., truck dealer) 16 ACRES, $6,000 car garage; fenced; nice grove of fir Hydra-Matic, visor, bock-up lights, TWO-BEDROOM HOME. This is a trees. Folks, if you want good value, U. S. Royal Master Mid Century shake rambler, modern, wired 220, this is it for $7,250, on terms. Bill tirC's, exceptionally low milca,~c, view property; excellent water, 110 Dacy, LA 7605. very, very clean .................. $3,495 I 'J51 29-ft. Columbia trailer; modern; ft. drilled well, garage, space for CLOSE-IN TRADE '50 OLDS. "98" 4-dr. R. and H. Hy3'322 So. 92nd St., So. Tacoma Wcty. cow and chickens. Trade for TacoFERTILE acre; ri10dern 2-bcdroom dra-Matic, W.S.W. Only 17,000 ma hon1e or bench ho1nl'. lvlr. Lcmn1, cabinet kitchen, room for third hcd=-=--~--,~-=---:----127.p46 actual miles .......................... $2,295 PR 5291. ho1nc with ]arge living· room, sunny FOR SALE-'4-7 Pontiac convertible; CUTE AND MODERN roo1n; garage. Goo<l <listricl, clo!:ie '50 CHRYSLER New Yorker. R&H, very good condition throughout; automatic shift, WSW tires, fenHOME, 2 acres finest soil, Woodland to bus. Owner will trade for city will accept trade-in. GR 993 7 before der skirts, spotlite, chrome winschool, bus by door, price reduced property or sell for $6,950. If you 8 p. m. l 2c4-6 dow shades A beautiful car, $2295 to $4-,500 with very fine terms, want good value, this is it. Bill Dacy, FOR SALE-2-whecl utility trailer, quick possession. Mr. Carlson, HA '50 BT.:TICK Super Riv., 4--door, R&H LA 7505. 6.00x16 tires, box 6x5x4; $55. GR 4768. Dynaflow, U. S. Royal master VALUE GALORE 3719. 12c46 LAKE LOUISE mid -century tires, two tone, EZ SOUTH Tacoma; modern 3-be<lroom BEAUTIFUL YEAR AROUND 4-glass. Real sharp. -····-········$2 295 home; part basement and oil furbed room home, hardwood floors, nace; large living room; large cabi· '50 BUICK Super Riv. Coupe, R&I-I' ··abinet kitchen, f1rcplace, base1nent_, net kitchen with lots of built-ins; Dynaflow, low mileage and clean. automatic furnace, garage and pabreakfast nook; 2 spacious bedrooms ················-·················$2295 tio. To sec, call Mr. Peterson, SK with bath between, 1 bedroom up. '51 FORD Victoria. R. and H., 0. 14-13 or Mr. Imeson, PR 0081. Fully plastered, hardwood floors. D .... :.................................... $2,175 LINCOLN-WHITMAN Good district, bus at door; price 94·15 Pacific Ave. BT.:TICK Special deluxe 4-door. R. • 50 MODERN THREE - BEDROOM $8,500, FHA terms. Bill Dacy, LA and II., Dynaflow, E-Z glare glass. Open till 9 P. M. HI 5100 BUNGALOW, garage, workshop, I 7605. block fro1n transportation, stores; ·········-.. ·······-····-··············-······ $1,895 BROWNS POINT '51 BUICK Super Riviera, 4-door, cxcrl1rnt te:rn1s \Vith inuncdiate pos- VERY modern 4-room home; living '50 MERCURY 6-pass. coupe. R., H., 9,000 miles, R&H . session. Mr. Carlson, HA 4768. 0. D., spotlight, back-up lights, room with fireplace; q1.binct kitch'51 MERCURY +-door, ovcrdrrvc NEW RAMBLER W. S. W. tires, beautiful car $1,895 en; 2 bedrooms; den. This is a home '51 FORD Victoria Fordamatic 3-BEDROOM LOVELY BIRCH cabyou'd be proud to D\vn, priced to sell '49 OLDS 98 1·-door, R&H, Hydra'51 CHEV. Y,-ton Pickup, new inets, large living morn', hardwood matic, visor WSW tires ....... $1895 fast at $7,950, FHA terms. Bill '5'0 DODGE Club Coupe, R&H floors throughout; 2-car garage; Y2 Dacy, LA 760.'i. •'51 PLY. Cranbrook. R., H., clean '50 DESOTO Club Coupe, R&H acre grounds. To sec, call Mr. PetPARKLAND $1,785 '50 FORD 2-dr. V-8, R&H erson, SK 14-13 or Mr. Imeson, PR HERE'S a honey! Spit and span. Liv'50 CHEV. 4-dr. Sedan, R&H '49 OLDS. sedanet. R., H., Hydra0081. ing room with wall-to-wall rug, fire'50 STUDE. Champ. 4-dr., O.D., Matic, fog lights, U. S. Royal Masplace; cabinet ldtchen; 2 bedrooms; heater. ter Mid Century tires, low mileage. storage space; garage and worksh0p; '4-8 MERCURY Sedan, overdrive A real value ........................ $1,495 .nice lawn and shmbs. Owner. has '48 CHEV. Club Coupe, R&H bought ranch, will sacrifice for '50 PACKARD de luxe 4-dr. R., H., '47 DODGE Town Sedan Ultrarnatic. A real deal ...... $1,695 $7,950; imrnediatc possession. BUI '46 DESOTO 4-door Sedan '51 FORD V-8 2-dr., R&H ....$1695 Dacy, LA 7605. '45 OLDS "78" 4·-door '50 CHEV. Styline Deluxe Club 75 More to Choose From Coupe ······-···········-··············· $1,595 .BR. 1219 '50 FORD Custom V-8 2-door, R&H, Two Lots to Serve You overdrive. Choice of two .....$1595 FOR SALE -~ 3-bcdroom house, 3 years old; Parkland area; $8,950; '50 FORD Custom V-8, R&H. $1,54-5 low down payment; by owner. GR '49 CHEV. Fketlinc de luxe 2-dr. or I 3365. . 9c4-6 Aero ·········-···--·········-········-···· $1,395 '48 BUICK 4·-dr. R., H., automatic 94-1-5 Pacific Ave. HI 5100 transmission, back-up lights, W.S.W. Member Tacoma Real Estate Board . . 4532 So. Tac. Way HA 5533 UA 2156. FOR RENT-2-bcdroom . furmshcd l 105-7 Commerce St. with only 15,000 actual miles $1,395 apartment, 100 block on Park Ave. '4-9 PLY. Special de luxe 4-dr. R., FOR SALE-f95J Dodge pickup; sell GR 7305. 10d6 or trnde for passenger car· of equal H ......................................... $1,345 $MALL house, dose to downtown on NEW 2-bcdroom home, 5 acres. cii-;;~~r value. GR 8076. 12p46 '49 FORD Custom V-8 1-dr. R. and Center St. 1 bedroom, partly ·furCreek, floor' furnace, auto1natic hot ·FOR SALE-'39 Chev. panel, new H. ·····-······-··························· $1,295 nished, decl. stove. and elt;ct H.W. water; 220; private water :;;yste1n; tires, motor in good shape. A buy' SmaJl clown payment or will accept avrilable Aug. 21; $65 a month. '4·8 OLDS. "98" 4-dr. sedan. R. and at $225.00. 12c46 H., Hydra-Matic, visor and spottrade for equity. Call GR 9937 or GR 7578. 10c4·6 GR 3931. 9c46 litc. Areal buy-··-·········-···· .. ·· $1,295 $4-li. UPSTAIRS duplex. 3 bedrooms, CAFE in cxccllcnr growmg comnrnnliving, kitchen and bath, water fur- '4-8 CHEV. 4-door, R&H, clean. ............ c.....................................$1085 WHITE 'F'ACE registered bulls and ity. This is a wonderful spOt with nished, mow the lawn, $50 otherheifers, .polled and horned; a 1 s o excellent business, lovely buil<liug 4-9 !'ORD V-SPickup. A real, real wise ..50!j So. l 32nd, Parkland. commercial cattle, steers and heifand everything in the line of fixclean one ...............................$995 . !Op46 ers. Take other cattle in trade. Rt. tures. Owner must sell because of '41 STUDE. Champ. 4-dr. R., H., 3, Box 610, Tacoma, Summit View. other busine"8, Call GR 3931 or GR O.D. ·········-··--··················,······· $345 Cattle wanted, call collect, GR '.·1272, Mr. ~lsek. 9dG '40 CHEV. 4-dr.. R&H ..............$285 6112. 13ctf FOR SALE or trade for acrcao-c or JOE'S Tractor Service. --Rotovating. water front; 56th and ] St. district; Local Bank Terms - Trade J:1'U.l{ Complete tractor work. GR 5932. tf 1 ;;'.,-bedroom modern home, front Up to 24 months to pay CASH FOR milk- cows, beef, heifers: roo1n, kitchen \Vith built-ln cabinets, .·· PARF..LAND.· WESTERN AUTO• veal and hogs. Call Thackeray colstoreroom an<l utility, 3-piece bath; Airport & P~cific GR 3112 Open till 8 P. M. lect, Puyallup 5-5414-. 13ctf g:i rnge and shop, concrete (lri_vc\vay· 2 lots. GR 5827, owner. 9dG Cash for Good, Clean Late Model DEAD STOCK REMOVED WITHNEARLY NEW-3-b~droom rambler 1 FOR RENT-2- and 3-room modern Cars or Will Sell Your Car for You OUT CHARGE. Highest prices firrplnec-, hardwo_od. floor_~' 3 cornc; c.o. ttage.s and apartmeyt~s.; all ut.ilipaid for tallow, hides, -grease and lots, fenced, new lawn, reasonable. . tics paid; laundry fac1!tttes; $60 to bones. PUGET SOUND RENDERc KNUTE LOILAND 11262 So. Yakima. GR. 3714-. 9p45 [ $,75 p~r m.ondl. Dakh!nd Court, inING WORKS. Phone LAkewood 2434. 13ctf By OWNER-In Parkland, 2-hccli;oom side city hmrts. HA 9688. !Octf home, 4· ycai·s old; floor furnace, FOR RENT-Completely furnished 4 .MILK GOATS-French Alpine and Where Your Dollar "'.all-to-wall ru~s; fenced yard; ?cau1-. and 2-?edr?om apartmcn(s, .. all Saanen. Rt. !, Box 309, Spanaway :t1fu1Iandscapmg; garage, cluckcn ut1ht1cs paid. GR 6770. !Octf on Muck-Kapowsin road, l:ietween · Goes Farther hoosc;--monthly.-payments,-l1l4-2.-GR 2-ROOM furnished cottage near McMeridian highway and Mountain 1 HA 4112 I highway. 13ctf 8107. 9c46 Chord. $30. LA 2988. 10c46 34·02 So. G. St.

II-Repair Service

Small Fresh Hams



Eastern Go[}(!. 3 lbs. for $1.00


I12-Used Autos


to From


We have the pick of the market.


'RAY GOGAN LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION h General landscaping service new AUCTION SALE 4-0 ACRES - $3,:JOO peat suil, topsoil~ shrubbery, U' YOU want more cash quick, sell lrrwns, unfinished house. rockcries. Nothing down, 35 months t'OTiR-ROOM by auction. Every Fri., 7:30 p.m. Fenced. 5 or 6 acres of peat soil. to pay. GR. 3127. 3ctf Glen Betts, 8i13 So. Tacoma Way. Excellent terms. Call Mr. Inloes, ji'ree pickup service. LA. 8505. . GR %21 or HA 25•17. 2ctf NEAR SPANAWAY LAKE SALES AND SERVICE 2 BEDROOMS down with.unfinished (~Business House and Commercial Makes u_pstairs. 5 lo,ts .. G. I. equity. Near store, bus and school. $1,000 down. Washor Service ~ _....,...,.,....,....,,...,..,.,"""""""' Motor Service Call Mr. Darnmd, GR 3624 or GR CR. 6662 161st & Paiific Ave. 3681. Next Door to Target Sport Store •l-0 ACRES ~ $5,775 SA;\'DY soil, 25 acres dcarcd. Fenced Spana way and cross fenced. 3-bcdroom older Contents Hauled Away ROTOVATING, blade work; no joh home. Large garage. 8 acres oat hay too small. W. L. Lewis, GR 7'192. , to cut. (;ood _tenns. Call Mr. Inw HUTSON TANK CLEAi~ING 3ctf locs. GR 3624- or HA 254-7. HI 3980 HA 7038 . $250 DOWN - G. I. HOUSE MOVING; leveling; foundations; cernent work; free estimates. PLUS dosing costs. 2 bedrooms with !:EPTIC TANKS CLEANED-Conan extra sleeping room. Wall-to-wall PR 2653. 3ctf tents hauled away. Don Redford, rug. Attached garage-. + lots fenced. 8232 So. Fawcett. GA. 7 334-. If no ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Good garden spot. Priced at $6,200. 0, B. Ackley, owner. Septic tanks answer call GA. 9222. 3ctf Call Mr. Harmon, GR 3624 or GR I cleaned, contents hauled a\\ray. GR.. 6896. 4·343; if no answer, <:all HA. 5704. 2Y, ACRES ctf 3-BEDROOM home with full baseSheet Rock Taping, Texturing l\fA YT AG - FRIGIDAIRE ment. Large garage. Barn and outand Painting BENDIX Service Headquarters building. Excellent soil. Convenient FREE ESTIMATES Any Mal<e Wringer Type terms. Call Mr. Damme!, GR 3624· Guaranteed Used Washers or GR 3684-. For Sale 10 ACRES - $5,000 VINCENT'S SERVICE '1--ROOM house and full basement. HA 3097 Barn. Garage. Spring water piped 3ctf 5G20 South Tacoma Way to the house. Excellent soil. ConRecovering and Rebuilding venient terms. Call Mr. Inloes, GR Cushions Rebuilt 3624 or HA 254·7. Free Estimates SPANAWAY . WOMAN for nursing duty in nursing home; must have transportation. NEARLY new family home with possibility for 4 bedrooms.. 3 corner lots. Call Puyallup 5-7211. 5p46 140th & Pacific GR 320.1 Garage. Priced at $8,750 with Res: GR 3181 terms. Call Mr. Inloes, GR 3524· or Most Modern Methods of HA 2547. CASH for equities. Fife Motors, 5026 Location and Devdopment UNFINISHED - $1,800 So. Tacoma Way. HI. 9241. 8ctf 2 BEDROOMS, on 4 corner lots. Livof U n<lcrgrouncl Water able. $800 'down, $4·0 monthly. Call USED FURNITURE. Also generous trade-in allowances and bank. terms.' Mr. Inlo_es,.GR 3624 o.r HA 2547. Parkway Furniture, Hist & Pacific. GR. 3941. 8ctf .COMPLETE tractor -.;;,.ark. Loosening SPOT CASH ground and leveling. Average lawn, For Your Used Furniture $12.00. Don Abbot, GR. 3846. 3ctf 1 Piece or House Full Block's Furniture Mart AUTO GLASS INSTALLED-Auto Homes In Parkland Community; LA; 2882 Upholstery, convertible tops. MA. 8205 So. Tacoma Way Acreage close in, eithe? with or with· 2200, Art's Glass Co., 816 So. Ta- WANTED TO BUY-Old cars for coma Ave. 3c50 junk. GR. 784-7. . 8ctf out buildings. RADIATORS, scrap iron, junk cars BETTER and- batteries. Puy. 5-2141. :flecker, VENETIAN BLTNDS 11220 Pacific Ave. the Wrecker. · FOR LESS Office-Days, GR 3341 Sctf STEEL slats with plastic tapes at Evenings, YU. ~221, LA. 3066 only 49c per sq. ft. Agent for American Expres• ALDERMAN'S Money Order• 54·25 Pacific Ave. HI. 2200 5219 PACil'IC AVE. 3ctf !\ TRULY lwautiful 11-yr.-old ramCHECK OUR LOW DOWN PAY. MENT INSURANCE PLAN. bler in our finest district, pri eccl for quick sale. ()wncr niust leave for WE NEED listings of all kinds. Farms, PLUMBING REPAIRS •• Sewer ()n~gon at oncec. I-Iug1~ living roon1 acreage, lots, l:ii!ildin:g sites, homes Cleaning • Electric Pipe Thawing with fireplace, dining· room, lovely (new or old, 1, 2, 3 a,nd 4 bed· cabinet kitchen with 7x8 nook, good Call rooms). We have cash bliyers wait· sized bedrooms and closets, attache<l ing. garage, sprinkl~r systcn1i lavn1 and shrubs. Call Rex Rector, HA 3'!15, or HI 83·14. Property Management Insurance SOT.:TTI-I ·TACOM;A Notary GRanite 3905 $6,950, terms. 2 beurms., 3-pc. bath, Member of Tacoma Real Estate Board liv: rrn., kitchen, dinette, c.:~mcnt Office' ::121! Garfield St. GR. 3369 GARDEN SERVICE fdn., r;ara~c, ,;cvvcr, sidCv;ii.Jk:;. Ca)l PARK AND HOME ROTO TILLING Ralph Decker, HA 0365; eve. III PARKLAND area: 2-bedroorn home; Lawn rebuilding, fertilizing, top soil, 4706. dressing maintenance. GA. 5885: A MOST desirable rarnbkr home in · foll J)ascrncnt; oil furnace. Excellent la\vn and beautiful C\'ergrcen grove. HI. 2 722. 3ctf the cou1itry, c1oSe to city lin1its, ~.rM FHA terms_. Call C. N. Curtis, PR tcsian well., 2 lrg. bcdrrns., 26'x !+' 8325: Forrester & Lee, Realtors. 9c+6

Alan's Refrigeration




Septic Tanks, Cess Pools Cleaned


GR 7770

HA 3854


5-Help Wanted

Parkland Upholstery

8-Wanted. to Buy

Call Turner FU. 2400 GR. 8108



9 .· ReafEstate





living room _with fireplace, dining PARKLAND: I bedrooin down,'--2 rooJ11, beautiful kitchen, utility ch~ldren's sizC t1p; on 4 nice corner roon1. F'ur price and tcnus, call Mr. lots \Vith trees and spa~c for garden; Kelly, HA 0365, eve. HA 4613.


1 block to bus, 3 to grade school and

college; _new carp(:ting to go \vith

hqmc; FHA terms; $6,600. Call owner, GR5792. 9c46 F WILLTifl\.DE equity, Parkland h-;;-[;;~ 631,McKinley Ave. GA. 0365 for trailer house, or· sell cquit)'. GR Member Tacoma Real Estate Board 3089. 9p17



Parkland Realty Co.

Priced Right


Come in and select your used truck. All sizes, all makes, all models.



SOUTH TACOMA MOTOR CO. 5602 S. Tac. Phone HA 3311





G. H. IMIESON CO. . 110-Rentals





Center SPANAWAY Sunshine

SODAS • • 1~~b. ZJc, Hi C

46-oz. Tin ·1

S1vift Prcrnhnn

12-oz. Tinl

ORANGE ADE • l9~ ..


CORN BEEF ·Hunt's Fruit

No. l Tin

. COC«TAH. • 2/39e;


S. & W.

13-oz. Tin

" roM~~e !~~!f .JJc PUE FH",lER


18-oz. Jar

\Viid H1J,1t:Bdeberrv l5ir:. lS-oz. Jar



~' ~:

.........•................•....•.. $635

GRanite 3931

BY OWNER-Small 4·-room house 1;1t. FOR RENT--3-room furnished mod· Fircrest: 220 wiring and automatic ern house, 1 mile east of McChord hot water. Days HI. 95-56, evenings on Spanway Lake. GR 6362. 10p46 HA. 5743. 9d6 FOR RENT _:_2 small partly furnished PARKLAKD houses. 216 So. ! 18th St. GR 3104. IN THE heart of Parkland, 4-"bedrm. !Op46 home with partial basement, double PARKLAND fully furnished new 4plun1bing, fine. auto~atic furnace. rnom duplex; 10 minutes from McCorner lots with frmt trees. Ideal Chord; excellent location; extra nice home for rental income. $9,500, for couple, no pets. GR 3 708 or GR tcrn1s. 60+ 7. !Oc4-5 _ BEDROOM home. Hardwood 1--~-­ floors, furnace, Thor Automagic washer.. Nice lawn, property 100x 100. $6,950, small payment down. WASHING MACHINE PARTS 126TH STREET, bungalow, 2 bedLargest stock in town. Repairing rms., basement, 75x100 lots. $5,950, that pleases. B. B.'s Washer Service1 this is a \'Cry good buy. 3722 So. G. GA. 5115. 11ctt NEW RANCH type home, attached STOVE REPAIRS-Largest stock in garage, 3 hcdrms. and fi~·eplace. Northwest. Hyder Furnace, 1513 Partial acreage, very good soil, $11,Pacific Ave. MA 4-767. Established 000, terms. in 1872. llctf 2-BEDRM. ranch type home with CUSTOM GUNSMITH Rebarrel, fireplace. $1,000 down. .. ·ing, head-spacing, stock work, re· DUPLEX with 5 rooms and bath m each apartment. Wired for 220, bluing. Guns and ammunition. Jerry auttnnatic tank, part basement, atShannon, Mt. Road, near Loveland. tic, separate entrances, double gaPhone Graham 537. llctf rage OUICK POSSESSION. This ;s 'ar; ~,cc1knt place fo1· a family and ther~ is garden space, chicken coop and pasture and the property is only 3 blocks to bus and store. $500 down and monthly payments. This is a good property and can _be subdivided later. Wishing ~o sell, are fovited to call 1-BEDRM. home with landscaped or come in for appraisal and inforyard and fenced. $·1-,000. Don't over- mation concerning consignment of look inspecting this home. your car. REPAIR garage located on Pacific Ave., with property approx. 320x75; Now under lease. A very good in9415 Pac. Ave. HI 5100 vestment. Call for information. and · BURNETT ROAD HA 5533 2 Y, ACRES, small home and barn, 4532 So. Tac. Way $5,950-to settle estate. KNAPP ROAD PARTIAL acreage, home .and outbuildings. Small greenhouse;:vabl'>it" hutches. Close to Central school. $5,500, will consider trade for closein property.

Span.away Food



BUILDING SITES 177 x200 G2y,x100 70 xl5D 217 x305 75 xl6+ GR 9937.



room. Big cab. kitchen,. breffkfr1st nk., part basemr_>nt v.dth oil-fired -hot

ai.r furnace. Garage and small chicken hse. Full price only $7 ,500. Good terrns. Lan<l alone is \VOrth the asking price. ·







1.65 11

CARROTS. 2 btHn.




SLICED BACON • 53~ Swifts Premium Whole or Shank



• •· lb. 65c:c

Prices ConsiStcntYy J,OW Quality Consistently HIGH Prices Effective August 1 & 2 1;~;1>ts:::W



HAY CUTTING, tractor work, ing. GR 4282. 13ctf IS DRY GRASS A FIRE HAZARD AROUND YOUR PLACE? Cut it off with a sickle bar atta.chment to a M crry Tiller. W c demonstrate on your ground. Call PR 1800. Dt)ll Arthurs Distributors, Arthur W. Dahlberg. 13c+.7 FOR SALE-Weaner pigs, $10. Ca.11 GR. 3581. 13c+6 +-YEAR-01,D Shetland, sacl(Jlr,- arid bridle; sell or trade for poultry or pigs. GR. 3'.l2B. l '.i1AG FOR SALE--?i ~~ -months-olcl pu llcts, New Hampshire. GR. 552+. I 3p4-6 TABLE model ~;:-1;,:;;:;;;~-;.-,-~Tth-~·;,t~:,;;;: For sale, or trade for bed. GR 570i'. l:lpl'G FOR RENT-70 acres past,",'rc. In: _quire H.t. 7, Box 5G8J 'Taco1na: aftL:r () p. 111. or weekend. ] 3c46 FOR SALE-'47 Ford-Ferguson t1:;,,etor and plo\\-·, reasonable. GH.anitc :J55!. 13p·1'7

14--Situations Wanted CHILD CARE-Wish to do child care in my own home. GR. 3503. 14ctf WILL CARE for children ages 4· to 12 in my country home by day or week. (;o~fl Jg,qd_, t~Je':!si~l!,-~ playground near. GR 4412. 14d6 WILL baby sit by the hour. Call GR. • '.1565. · l4cl.6

15-Miscellaneous WOOD-Upland slab, 2 cords, $14-; planer ends, $4· and $8 loads. HI. 4-056. 15ctf HECKER the WRECKER ~ Used and rebuilt transn1issions, also gears; all makes and models; phone Puyallup 5-2141, days; Tacoma, HI 324-2, evenings. 15ctf UPLAND-Wo60:--2 cords-:~14:-GR '.l306. 15ctf



5 YARDS $10; 4- Yards $8. Finest black peat topsoil; state tested, 1- to· 5-yard loads. Lav.in construction and rockeries. Evergreen ,,Landsc..!l.'O~ ing Co.

HI 2722 SUMMER SPECIAL-Top soil from Pnyallup. You may see· this fine dirt at 9920 Pacific Ave. For sale by the sack or trailer or pick up at our fuel yard. We deliver 4". or 5· yard loads. Call us for prices.in yam locality. GR 8173, Lapenskf Fuel Co. 15c(f VALLEY TOP SOIL, rich and black, any quantity. GR 7259. 15ctf ROTTED COW FERTILIZER :j;l SAC!( or by the yard; peat and topsoil. .HI. 4056. 15ctf

' Tires ., Tires·


Buy, Sell a;,d Exchange Quality Recapping & Vulcanizing

Ault Tire Service 220 Puyallup Ave., Tac. BR. 1388. TAP, ACROBATIC, BALLET Cla~ ses. 'All ages. Mildred Keller, G!:'i 7881. l5ctf FERTILE, screened top soil; pulvcr~ ized peat; 5 full yards $8. All Kresse, GR 5192. 15ct~ BABY FURNITURE, new and used_, SMALL FRY EXCH., 1109 Market. 15ctf SPECIAL 127 - 520 - 120 guaranteed film, 3 for 97c. Quality Photo Service, 96lll Pacific Ave., P. 0. Bo;; 12, Fern Hill Sta. 15ctf




Side Delivery Raking SEWING MACHINES - Singer electric with attaehments, $23.50; Whit.e electric, $24.95; new lightweight ...,.,.,. ......... h1..;;.. p-v~ ......n._ ... ,

(•Q'7 i:::A.

•pv' .•.H ..J)

l'\T- ........ L!




nc_££ ldll.


$69.50; many others, new or used; terms and trade. So. Tacoma Sewing Machine Co., ·54-4-4 So. Ta.coma Way. IiI 7154. 15ctf DOUBLE steel lwd, coil springs; wiH trade for chickens or g·un. 9-monthold pure blood Jersey bull, fat, $125 or trndr for lv·ifcr. Wanted, J11an tO cut wood on shares. Ilomcn1ade trnctor, Che\TOlet rnotor, dual tires-, $250 or trade for truck. Rt. 13, Box 486, Tacoma, Allison Road, GR 7193. 15p.J6 FOR SALE- All white enamel.wood range, cast iron, clean a11d iu v~ry good condition. C:R '.14-9·1-. l 5d I


Clover Creek Baptists

Holding Services Evangelist Dr. Carl Swazcy of Los Angeles will. hold special .evangelistic services at the Clover Creek Baptist church Friday and Satmday. evenings of thi_s week, Aug. 1 and 2, and also Sunday morning, Aug. 3. Dr. Swazcy is said" to be man of wide .experience an_d outstanding ability in both the evangelistic and pastoral ministry and has for years been one of the leaders ·in the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches fellowship. . . Pastor L; .R; Hagan, minister of 'the church, will speak at the Sunday evening- services:


All evening services begin at 7:'.t:> o'Clock. Sunday school is· at 9:45. a. m. and the morning serviCe at 11; Young People's meeting is at 6:30 .p. m. The church is located on the Metropolitan Park road across from the Clover Creek school.

MISCELLANEOUS household furniture, including Spark oil heater, wood range. May be seen at J\fanning Seed Co. office at Roy between 15i:;47 10 and 3 Saturdays. FOR SALE~B;,_by scales, Thayer buggy, Welch stroller, and de luxe Trimble bathinet.te, all in excellent condition ..·Also lawn mower, $5. Call GR 8171 oi· see at 619 lllth St. 15p45 FOR SALE-Red cocker pups,. 2 months old. GR 84-56. 15p46 FOR SALE-Tap dancing shoes, 8~;. See Mildred Keller, ca,ll (}R 8364. ' 15p46 STOLEN~Titan 40 chain saw, motor No. 303-R. $50 reward for recovery. G. L. Cloys, Rt. 1, Box 93, Roy. 15p4-6 YOUR '.HOME fitted with cabinets, remodeled or repaired, or will take your home on a new one. GR 7102. 15p46 NO. I CEDAR shingles, $10 per square; weaner pigs, $15; Underwood typewriter, $45; red pullets, $1.65 each. GR . 7252. 15c46 FOR SALE-!Gx32 tent. GR 6783; 15p46

Orange Juice, Minute Maid • 2 for 33c 6 Oz. Frozen

' Titan Green Beans lOc; Case of 24 $2.39

Crisco . . . . . . .. l~lb. fin 79c Flour, Shurfine, 15-lb. Print Bag $1 .97 . 10-LB BAG 89c (Why Have Our Flour Sales lpcrcascd So•Tremcndously? No, It's Not Price But Quality) .

Breeze, lge. Pkg. with Dish Cloth 19c Jenney Mop


(Special Price Available At All Times on Complete Line of Frozen Foods by the Case-Consult Us,)

Rabbit Pellets Scratch

25 lbs. $1.35

Gaines Dog Meal

• .•

100 lbs. $4.65 25 lbs. $2. 98

FREEZER CONTAINERS 6 for 19c Lb. 19c

Fresh Corn Seedless Grape~

Potatoes, 'l:akima Reds

10 lbs. 4~c

No Sales to Dealers-We Resen'e the Right to Limit Quantities FOR SALE-Leg type bathtub with fittings; inside electric fence control; DeLaval hand operated cream separator; .allin good condition. GR 7554. 15pt6

·_[R· M·.A•·N; 'S . ._.162nd & Park Ave.· · Spanaway H ,








GIL 8213 Au!!llst 1 and 2

BACON ENDS AND PIECES ---------------~------------Jb. SMOKED HAM HOCKS -C---~------c______________________ Jb. Good with String Beans SKINLESS WIENERS _________________________________________ Jb. POT ROAST -------------------- --------------- _________________ _! b. Lean Center Cuts' ·

22c l 9c 49c 6 9c



Ruhber>Stamps Made to Order LaCROSSE. PRINTERS GRanite 7100

FOR SALE by owner~Small home.FOR SALE: 2-8N Ford tractors, with 6 lots, Parkland, 3 blocks from each $1,195; 1-2N Ford tractor, PLC. GR. 7350. · $965, overhaule<i and guaranteed; FOR SALE-Rcg_i.stercd. C.how pup. 1 T'.?wncr offSct disc harrow pickup, pies, red or black. GR. 5165. 15c46 &>17:;. Barclay Tractor & Imp., Inc., ' FOR SALE-24-ft. cabin cruiser 93-. Yom Ford Tractor Dealer, 1407 Puyallup Ave., Phone FU 2254, Tah orse motor, h ea d , a fterd eck ; 's leeps . W h 15 45 4. Consider 14-ft. or 16-ft. outboard coma, · as · . c in. trad. c .. A steal. Call. LA. 9.0. 50 _or·I FOR. SA.LE-Drum set, .c.,hea. p. Phone LA. 7161. · ·.15c46 Puyallup 5-2029. . 15c46 · USED metal bed frame, link spring



Large Asortment

Appliances • TV Radio Sales and Service


Furni~ure &: FRYE'S Apphances


Parkland Centre Bldg.

GR. 3691





MIXER AND ICE Road Signs from McKcnna and Yelm


GR. 3713 Serving· Parkland, Lakewood, Midland, Summit, Spa.naway arid Lakeview-Pierce oounty permit.


and innerspring- n1attress, con1plctc,

$19.75, Parkway. Furniture, GR FOR SALE 16-ft. house i:rail~r; 3941. 1.4 lst and Pacific. 15c46 partly furnished, sleeps four. $275. Rt. 2, Box 32 7, Puyallup, between FOR SALE-White unbleached flour sacks, 100-lb. size, 15 cents each. Pear and Airport Road on 5th St. Patty Ann Bakery, Pacific Ave. at Airport Rd. 15c16


110NIO ~~ 110HKI {~- HONKI

Rupe Machine Works

) ~




piston finishing, valve and seat grinding, cylinder and line lloring, head grinding, brake drum turning, pin fitting and rod aligning.





Poultry Equipment Rabbit Feeders Water Founts


Lathe and Press Work




UNFINISHED furniture. H a g g's, 1107 Market Street. 15ctf WANTED - Chickens and rabbits. Call us before you sell. Cope's Poultry Market, 7036 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma, Wn. GA. 4406. 15ctf

Clarabell Famous TV· Personality

16-Livestock & Equip.



MOTOR REBUILDING 5hop GR 7450 • Res. HI 6190 Pacific Ave. at Brookdale

HORSE SHOEING now available every day. Drop a card to Rt. 1, Box 475, Graham. J. R. Youn. g. t6ctf at · , MILK COWS, sold on terms. ,Gammon, Rt. 3, Box 703, Tacoma, 4 t!"P • ' Parkland ' miles south of Summit. 16ctf FOR SALE-Buckskin mare, 6 years old, well broke but spirited, $90. 411 Garfield St. GR. 3526 Phone Puy. 5-8118_._ _ _ __ Parkland Centre Bldg. Op'en 10-6 8-YEAR palomi,;o gelding, drill trained, with 1 horse trailer, or will sell , TUESDAY, AUG. 12 - 10 A.M. horse separately. 124.-J Eatonville. . 16p45 -

.JOUte 4 Shoe· Store

VAUGHAN'S VALUES 2x4, 8-foot No .. 4 Common ------------------------"-------each 20c 1x8 No. 4 SHIPLAP __________________________ per M feet $ 3 7. 5 0 2x8 and 2x I 0 No. 3 Common ____________ per M feet $ 65. 00 45-LB. ROOFING-NAILS AND CEMENT ________ $2.15 Ask About Our Monthly Payment Plan

Avoid wony about coal strikes and possible future price . increa_ses. Have a good supply of. coals on hand NOW! Quality is at its very best. The best Wyoming and Utah . Stoker Coals. Aberde.cn and King Utah. Lump-Utah or. Wyoming, your p<)rticular size. Nut-Double-screened clean. Gasco Briquets, leave .no ash. Presto-logs-Long llurning, clean.




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