Saga 1998

Page 54

L\luur BYA."iGELA O·BRJ£.'V


n,., Sd>OOl of t;d"""'tion a' l'aclllc tu,hrr.m Unr...,nilty -offen ptq(..."", ofMudy Io;od'ng ,ocertlflcation forr�t.�ty and OftOrvl

III) '�a�hln8. "",,".IoB. ., n,,�a. aclm''''.....'o'". <'ducato,,: U 1I,., PLU ca'''''''' "",""rl� It.



n", PUJ SC>hoot of Ed""",ion 15 '''''Y demanding. but also '''''Y ,..,..."rdl,1fI. ",.,""hoot Is growIn�mooh ynu. but Il.e quality 0( classes tk>a ,101 drop......d 31 P!..U. II,., ""hoot 15 '"ttY coml'dlll,..,. All the .,""",,'" ha• .., 11...<>VJ>I>I1"'�ty to ,..,ntu'"a.""""11·...1en. \IIa"l\I ngt"" '011'" h."U.cI. OI''''K�nt I�""hlng uprti.:nl..,. Sm'�nuowho gra</uhtdml1l It>< 1''''8''' """ �dy 10 �Iejllnto 111<' "",I wnrId of '''''''hl''l(. And ...nh b prognm' 11k" Il," OTl" PLU has.

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