Saga 1983

Page 65

Kids and College Students One-to-One provides fun, friendship for local kids Ten yeurs ago.

four young boys were

caught vandalizing Trinity Lutheran Church , :.(ro�, the street from the PLLI campll� .


wa, �mal1 lime stuO"-breaking pencils in the ,ancillary lind damaging the grounds. pari�h








Tt'OIlized ,hal the boys needed

;111('1111011. mIl punishment. $cafturon (Ontllclt"d some PLLJ student" �he knew

[0 Sl'C if Ihey would be interested in

hcfricndin� lhc�c four boys.

They agreed.

and One-Io-One was begun.

The One-lO­

Om' program. �ponsorcd by Trinity. pairs tip troubled

youngsters with PLU student

volunteers. or

The students :lel

in big hrother

hi/o! sbler roles . being a friend [0 the kids. Once the progmlll was �Iarled. Scafturon

Tl'a1izcd that there were many childrcn in thc (!rca tlmt could benefit from it. 50 , �hc went to

loc�11 schools looking for chil(lrcn who

nccdcd help, and �hc �tartcd recruiting at PLlI for vt)lunteer�. One'lo�Onc involvc, weekly .Iflcrruloll mceling� where l'\'loryonc-kid� and COIlC�l' ,cudenh-gct'






" Somc of [he kids come from

really hard backgrollnd�. It can be frusuating Ht time�, but whcn you sec what a llifferel\ce

football . ha'l·h'IIL jump ropt.° , CrJrl�, ta� ,IIIJ

yOll Gm make in worthwhilc. , .

four square. "The meetings are a great way for the PLlI

"oy� tell years ago to over forty children ages

�lUdel1t!> to gel away from campus, and forgel

6�J 2.

ActivillC' JI thc weekly mel·ting� include



for a

while . "




kid's life , it makes it all

The program ha� grown from those four

The succes� of One�to·One seems 10 he

volunteers from Trinity who supervise the program . Trinity also sponsors several relreats for Ihe PLlI studcnts e.lch ycar

10 develop a dose�

knit community.

PLU studenlS tlrc husy peop le . and ils'�

hind for Ihern to find exIra hours in the week. but the over 40 �tu(lelll� involved in One�to� One think it's worth the time,

thc combination of willing PLU studenls and

volunteer Brian Schlueter. Many of Ihe kids come from broh'n home... .

so One�IO�Ol1e

provide� h:ldly

needed 'KKial interm:tion for them.

It al'>O

give!> Ihem somCOl1e 10 depend on illld tru�l.

A�ide from Ihe weekly lI1eelin�!> . the PLlI

,tudellls �pend a minimum of two hour, a week with their ' 'little brOlh(Or, · · or " lil[le �i�ter�. , . Thi� time is �pcnt alone with the child. " You Icarn a 1m ubnut what'� gnin� Oil out,idc

PLU . "




OnC:�IO�Onc: 6 1

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