Saga 1983

Page 43

I hear tell that a few have made it to the top. Otllers go to tile

But, Oil a clear day. we can see

moulllain to I,ilw, or tobirdwatch , or

forever. Or feel as if we have, after , a glimpse of Mt. Raillier. . Have

10 pimic. Some speak of Ihe skiing

YOIl seen Ihe /llDtIllMi,., ? "

al Paradise. For studel/ts about to

the com mOil queslion, though ii 's

graduale. it's oftell ol/e poillt 011 all

1IJ0re all il,credulous exc/amatiol/.

1-5 tOllr for parents.

Ti,e mOllntai" is Ollt am! life is

" 011 your

right, MI. Raillier. O" your lefl ,


the Space Needle. "

a/SOli Alldilorium.

For PLU studellts. ME. Raillier iSll 't really a place 10 go.

II 's a

place to look to, a place to poillt 10. Like fi,e paillted, slightly unreal

We ask

\Ve see it frolll II/{ďż˝ steps of

above 'he track.

We set.' it risillg

Or we ride the

Tillgles/ad elevtttors 10 a strategically placed loullge. The HlOlllllai" stallds impervious.

"IOWllaill pai/lled 011 a backdrop,

Coming and goillg. Ilirollgil

Rai"ier sets our scelle.

orie"talion and gradualion, ";fl.

We look to

tIle mmmtai/l (far away, yel

Rail/ier creales a COllstallt cyclorallla

seelllillg'y IIear) and place oflrse/ves

for us. Alld we carry away with liS

il/ Ihe PaCIfic Northwest, pari of a

its image all T-shirts . Choir of the West programs, and 'he postcards

wider slagt.' than just PLU. Tlml is wIlY willter wearies us. We Call 't see the moulltaill.

We are

for sale at Ihe informatioll desk. We needll 't go to the IIIoLllltaill; it

left alolle dllrillg the gray, wet

has heen e/lough for us 10 have

weeks of willter. Exams, papers ,

gazed (II tlte mOlmlai" al/d to have

mill, a/ld 110 1II01ll1tai/l view.

set ourselves 011 its stage.

We 're

blocked 011 a set bel wee" dllll red brick and moist gray cloud.

Mount R:lInit'r 39

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