Saga 1983

Page 38

Lecture Series

Missing, Entropy, The G-Spot authors provoke controversy rill' ( KilliK"

1082-81 LClHJr\' 5I:rll"

])('p.;m on

1 0 wht'll Thurn", H.llh('r. ,Iuth"r ,)1

,he Pn/c-nnnlln;uc(1 hook Nf'!I'lIIq. 'l)ll�l'.11 PLU. In ,lit' ll'ullrc. ,I" III till' h.H.k. he t'xpl.lincd ,hl' ('fCUIIl"';I!lCC, �urroulldm� 111\' dC;lIh 01 eh.I,lc, I-iorrn;m in Chile in 1971 lind p.",'d 'OIlW of 11Il' ,till-UlHIIlQ\'CU,J qlll·�tlon.. aboUlil pt.".hl.., U.S. J!O\'crnnWIlI 11l\-nh cmen! In Hurlll,III'" death. A Ic" dOl\".. ,.ItCf .lil' ired\· d('Cted ,ocl.,II.., ),!OH'rnmellt 01 Clull' ...... , oVl'rthrnwn IJV till" 11111,IH'\ ,' H"rrn.U1 \\;1, _.rrl',lcd. Thl, "';,Ied,(c wa.. ,I (urt ..'" v."I:niun. lim 11.IU'cr 1,...1,('\\,., ,hal H,ltIn.m w;" ,nT.." ll,d lor .... h,lt h.., h.ld 'l'.'n and hc.lul III IIll' p,t-cedins.: d ....... : l'vJ(ll'll("l' of U.S. Wl\l'rnmem 1Il\'Oht'llll'nl III till' Clulean cuup d 'el,lt. Fnr [I monlh .llIer III� .llfl"I, Hurm;m \\,1' 1ll1'�IIlJt-no OIW, ',I\'l' III� ',Iplllr�, knc\ \ ")U:ll' he wa�. I t.� deadl \\,,1' Verified 11)' U.S. olhual� "Il<'r 111'rman' � Wile ;md f,uher �p'ent .1 monlh

prior 10 Hall,cr\ leClufe. Thl' �<'Iie\ conlinued on Nm', 2 whl'n Jerem" Rif"km, amom of ElI/fOl')" �poke In Chn� Knlll71'll H.llI. A 1,\·eI�· Il"Clurer. Rlfkm kept eVl'r\'Unl' III thl" audwnn' un Ihe l-dJtI' or 11I� '1';11 .... hl' II :llkl'd ,·nl'f).!l'lIc"l1" ,inIon).! thenl. ... , kin).! que�II()n. p()�m).! hYPolhetlc,,1 "llli:lllon.. :Iml Illund:tllll).! e,'', r\'llOl' 111.11 mr,mmIlUm, Throu).!houl till' :lppfOxim:udy Iwo hour� Ih:ll he .. poke. Rltlon 1)(I\I'd m:m) ' hard qUl·qjun.. ..btlul Ihe r:lpld rc..nurce (UII�urllpItOn 01 our pre�clH ,echnoloJtle.., Ihl· rri!!hlerlln� tmplicallon.. of !!enellC en�lncl·rm�. ,he (omln).! "informatIOIl ,,).!e" o( Ihl.' cumputer "nd ,he I'HllI" 1'( Ilucle"r power. At une PUItI! he .hkcd ""ch Iwr�on in thl' ,mdiell(l' 10 imn).:lJle hem).! onc 01 the ..dentl'l" [lh"l11 10 ,plil Ihe atom 1m til<' Itr..t lime. "\Vould vOli dn II?" hI' :t..kell. Afler :t Ion).! bleak, Ihe �I.'rll'� mncludl·d

st';lfchIllR for hilll, One llil'!)ry i� Ihal U.S, ()mdal� knt'w Ih:1I Horman had been killl'c \\hll,' Inlpn-.oned b), Ihe Chilean milila�\'. H:tu�er wrole lhe book III Ihe hope Ihal �oml" of Ihc unccrtalnlle� �urroundin� Horr!l;m'� dealh IlllR1I1 hI' �cllied. "Frolll Ih\ point nf achie"ing Ollr nhjc(,lives, Ihc hon� lailc<1, " he �aid. Thc ""c ha� not beer looked inlo seriml�l)' �lIlce lvtissi'19 \I ll ' puhll�hl-d, Halber (ommenled on ,hl' Illovie or Ihl n:tme, relea�l·d e.lIlll.'r Ihis rear an< lIoll1in.lle<l ror several O�c;lr�. ., [I'� heel quite �ucce�srul :Inc conln)Vl"r�i:l1, " he �:lid Tht' 11I1Il, which �1"rrc(1 St....f Spacek and Jad Lemnlon ll� Horman'" (Ie�pcrale wire all( fallwr, wa\ �hown IWU "UCle',,""'C C\cnlll).! \.11111.'

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