Saga 1983

Page 181

OPPOSITE PAGE Tor LHT: Dandk G...tdy l�ulth, al Ihe Ch"'lma' l:uo�,am. TOP RIGHT: Manlyn lah h,.. momnUll,· Ricn,,,dson I�I� Alan An.k...,n • priSOll<" . BELOW: Santa Clal" ddlV(h Itlr" wllh Ih,· aSS;Slan(t of a "Ollhy elf. THIS PAGl: TOr LEFf, A

dedlGued ,Iudenl ,daKn ..uh ht. '>'ltdi,·,. TOP CENTER: M"lklO<' dot-s Ihe.rob fOi C""I)'I Han.,.,n;l/lcl Bruce La.son. AROVE, D,l\"( 5p<fI}' .tmuv"," .he evidencr of 25 pitta,. LET, IHall .1"<"<10' B,," B",kh..kl... I<",.b Alp"'" "'un a lllll-" Cukt.




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