Saga 1967

Page 90

U ndersta nd i n g T h e A n a to m y O f Music Singing in the choirs and play­ ing in the band or orchestra of­ fered students four ends: enjoy­ ment, work, expression and accom­ plishment. Other opportunities for music expression were through member­ ship in Mu Phi Epsilon, the local chapter of the national music so­ rority, and Organ Guild, student chapter of the American Guild of Organists. A woman's world prevailed in the music department this year with about 80 fresh women choos­ ing music for their major with only ten fresh men following suit. An increase of students in music classes was evident when Mr. Newnham's Music Survey class grew from only one class last year to two large classes this year. Music majors were required to attend recitals and concerts which helped them to see, through the talents of others, where their po­ tential might lead them. Vigorously conducting the orchestra is Mr. Stanley Petrulis.


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