Saga 1967

Page 241

Mig hty Dorm s From Littl e Ho uses G row . . Stuen Hall, new residence unit for no women which was dedicated October 23, is named in memory of the late Ole J. Sluen. Born in Norway, he attended Pacific lutheran Acad足 emy as a student i n 1902. I n 1913 he returned as a teacher and coach and, with the exception of three years, served on the staff as a professor. librarian, and alumni secre足 tary until his death in 1953. Sluen Hall is located on the site of the home in which the Sluens lived. As a new residence hall, Sluen received a great deal of recognition this year. Homecoming honors included the election of Sylvia Olson. dorm president, as a princess in the royal court and the winning of the Songfest. I n December Sluen's blue-eyed blonde Jan Swanson reigned as lucia Bride; and Lynn Olsen as an attendant. The Stuen Hall main lounge was used for receptions following important events on campus.


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