Saga 1967

Page 240

Pflueger Ha l l

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Pflueger's officers discuss plans for an outing. They include, from left to right: Dave Dion, vice-president, Tim Chandler, treasurer; Phil Anderson, secretary; and Greg Karlsgodt, president.

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R a m sey Rose Bid s Fa rewe l l Ramsey House, that little brown house across from the Cub and the only small dorm for women on cam­ pus, saw its last year as a housing unit. Eight women bid a tearful goodbye to what they considered one of the richest experiences of their lives. If the walls of Ramsey could talk they would tell the tales of the trials, traumas, loves, and laughs of the "Ramsey Roses." The most unique thing about living in a situation as Ramsey offered, was that rather than one or two roommates you had six or seven. To come to know well so many of such varied backgrounds was reward­ ingforall.

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The uniqueness of Ramsey House will remain in the minds of her past occupants.


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