Saga 1967

Page 135


Student nurses are "needled" into smiling as they are about to be "shot."

Delta Iota C h i G ives N u rses Com m o n Goa l Delta Iota Chi is an organization for the student nurses on campus. In January several of the mem足 bers attended the State of Wash足 ington Association of N ursing Stu足 dents (SWANS) Convention and several workshops. The club's main project for the year was working on a slide file which was sent to SWANS illustrat足 ing the nursing program at PlU. This will be shown to students who are interested in nursing but have yet to decide on what college to attend.

Delta Iota Chi officers Miriam Sucher, Bev Ramsfield, president; and lang Kemple meet between classes to discuss club plans.


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