Saga 1977

Page 64

Chief Prou" uto. in the Monson murders. Vinunt Bueliosl, shores 0 few hoir.roislnll in.:iden" witt> Wotereded iilleners.

Su bliminal what? For my firsT aHignmenT os lecture ond Convocation chomon, I mel Wihon Brian Key in !he UC office November .5 and escorted him to closses and a preu conference. The ma., purpose fOI his visit was 10 presenl a leclul. on subliminal ocIvertising led,.,iques that evening. I found his lecture 10 be vely informative and also a bit startling. It appeared to draw the some response from the audience as I heard a few gasps when he showed slides. We saw pictures of magazine odverlisemenh and exposed intricately oil brushed figures suggestive of sex arid death. Key explained that these imoges are detected by the sub-conscious, thus causing a desire for the product. Hi, lectule left quite on impact on me and it would be my guess that those who attended often inspect magazine odvertisemenl$ with greoler scrutiny than ever before. Vincent Bugliosis's (pronounced Bull-yo-s;) lecture d,ew Ihe lorgesl crowd of the yeor. (I shale with you the correct pronunciotion of Mr. Bugliosi"s name os thot wos the hardest port about organizing his lecture). He was Chief Prosecutor of Charles Manson and wrote Helter Skeller. The question and answer period brought much response from the audience and ane PlU student actually informed Bogliosi on CUffent Manson family aclivity ir1 California. On the aflernoon of March 1 .5 , I drove to Sea-Tac Airport to pick up Laurence Peter. Having only a photograph of him as means for identification, I seorched the terminal and after a time, manoged to find him. Through our conversation, I learned he was concerned with the environment and man's future. Ahhough his booiI, The P.t.r Pt-Inciple, deals primarily with incompetence, he sincerely believes Ihere is a roule to a competent and peaceful existence. His lecture was keyed at presenting some of his ideas on the subject, along with a few anecdote,. The last speaker of Ihe year, Alex Comfort, is besl known for his book, T"e Jay of Sex_ His topic was not ,ex at Ihe spring afternoon lecture in Eastvold. Rother., he chose to speak on the sociological impocl

of aging, Even though it is nol possible for students 10 attend every lecture on compus, I feel that faking in just a few will give one a beller insight inlo each topic which is discussed. seduction, includln8 a �lde show.


Wnson Brion Key "e,ents fo," on lubllmlnat


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