Saga 1977

Page 48

Christm as festivals - of song, dance It was 0 casuat eveni"9. Everyone just out for good lime-no houles, no coreil It wos Ihe night of rhe Christmas Tolo. Selling Ihe mood were green and fed str s (you know, the kind Ihol come down holf-woy during the donee and everyone grabs 10 donce with). The dancing wos medium slow with Ihe sounds of Merilee Rush. Everyone drened Ihe way they were most comfortoble. Some war. ponh, some dresH!s, some leisure $uils and there wes even 0 guy with 0 holter dreu and 0 girl with Chorlie suit, complete with brush mousloche. "Holf lime breakI An, 01 lost 0 breath of fresh oir." "Here comes Sonia Claus, Whol 0 kick! We even get condy conesl" "Hey, who is this funny looking guy with the pol belly? Who? Frosly Weslering? Oh nol Thol's 100 muchl" ".. . Humm ... since Ihis is Ihe 1010, om I suppose 10 moke the moves lonight?" Veh .. . it wos 0 cosuol evening. 0




Tokinll ...... out fram ".."nal p••uu•••• Paul a.-.he and Jan T)'dlnlll •• whll. ltvmpinll ta Merit.. .u� and her band,



Me.';I•• •u� ,lng, her bill hit "Anll.1 the MDrnI"ll" no, _•. but twl,•• at the Chriltmal Tala.


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