Saga 1948

Page 34

CabrKloooo. Bruck. T........ Co....." ....IId . ..:. BI....,. o.n.t","". ail An,n. ....lbt.�. Can· $tcnd Ita.. f.n... Do.. ....nlk....... l>nrwlll. (l"''''''ft.on, Ct_n,on•. Fn.en. 8.unn",. eo.,l. 'vlOOIIl. ".11.1<"",. fait. Q.n.u... . f ....nd..,...... 'r�,,,t Ito... F ....n<ln.'n. B..khd fwd. f_. Dyb.... Cot...aJd. CIhooA. 8"..h, B.ynt'>t.d. M. s.,..·.n. C,lb•• O�.""

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With !',e5,dcnt O'lI'cokl $;.tCfll at the "helm." the S"phomllcc Cw. uf 1947·48 rompk:t�,",

,I( ".m.,(Mh 1'l1hng" In fun �mJ aeuvlty. A...,,,un!! DardJ on til.: d-u. Clluncil

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Lerry 1tt� ;oJ

YICC'prcsoJ.:nt. Phyllis Bryn....aJ � kCretal)·. Bcv\::rly WIj..'CIl u treuurcr. and NOr1JI,Jn Crurll""Y


.. I,'':. AS8 ..., prcs:nt

Th.: Ii .., , umkn"kcu by .he !II 'phomOlfc, for the- fall 1I;,rm I,d plM:c dunng the Homcoon"ll� fau,,"� of O:I�r when the d.... .� lho: Pcp R�l1y fl" tho: I'LCB.:lllnl.otIam g;l.m�. Dxlw •• nlm for lho: (Yent


&kJi" I)'Jrl1thy �11J Bc\'Crly Sweh.

The h'J.:hhijhl of trw sprong aC!IVIUC' for, the ClaM 1Io."� ,he &,g .. C,rmv.d of M;&rch ;ro�CI""y



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tn.: ompw<

The JOrhl we,,' rep,.:":n,,,", In thit annwl \.'VC'nl in booth

Comm,U..", Icatkr3l"ur fur the booth COlltl$lN in DuJn.: Nordstrom. \V Ch,I$I!ao!ltTl, Drkwa

Lo : otJd. �nd Emu: Ct:mc-1I1\1"IOI .. 1 t'nrollmeot W,th 101:

( 2n (01 lho: )'I:a,. t!I\"t! 200 t" )7 In '..\lOr of thl.- ma",uln'll.'


'I.I\"lIy p"ck"'J yt":..r .. tLl "".Other .. . JtuUcot$ lonlt fu, ....",J . ... .... ""l J)....'H



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