Prairie pointer v 3 no 46 jul 22, 1948

Page 1

MIDLAND NEWS Mrs. Lois Johann, Reporter · GRanite 4429



4 <;; 1~

CLOVER CREJ~K POST NO. 118 AMERICAN LEGION Meetings every second and fourth VOL. 3, NO. 46 Friday at 8:00 p.m. in the Spanaway School Things arc on the move and time's awasting, so we have a regular meeting for both the Post and its Aux· iliary Unit set for 8 p.rn. July 23 at the Spanaway schoolhousP. We anticipate some plan of action to be discussed in the matter of reconstruction of our building material, so, if you have any pet ideas which you may think to be of value, bring them with you and s.ce if you can get the newly ap· pointed committee to act on them. The ladies of the Auxiliary are also on the alert for ideas. They are anxious to get along with the task of raising some of that filthy lucre that is reputf'd to make more than the mare go. Each member of the Unit has been urged to come .out and share in the project. You know, there is a certain enjoyment to he d e r i v e d from the exchange of thoughts and ideas; as well as shouldering the responsibilities of our rnutual problems. So, don't be bashful-every ·gal is needed. Of course out· initial step in the fund rnising campaign will he our annual Jamboree, which will be one evening of fun and frolic for all hands and the cat. The time and place will be decided, along with other . details, at the meeting. So come one and all and bring someone with you. Be scein' ya Friday.


To Preach at Af: Trinif:y f:o Parkland Church pen Aug. 2 Candidate Iver Johnson Jr. will conduct the service at the Parkland Ev. Lutheran Church,

124-th and

Mountain Highway, this Sunday at 10:30 a.m. The pastor, W. C. Gullixson, is leaving to attend the general Pastoral Conference in Chicago, Ill., July 27 to 30. Mr. J obnson will address the con· gregation on the theme, "How have you heeded the call of the Father?" A w.eek later, August 1, he will be ordained into the holy ministry and installed as pastor of the Lake Mills and Lime Creek Lutheran Churches in Iowa. Last June Mr. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Iver Johnson of Parkland, graduated from Bethany Luthernn Seminary at Mankato, Minnesota. On June 13 at Thornton, Ia., he was united in holy matrimony with Miss Marybelle Ingebretson. The couple, now on their honey· moon, are visiting with the groom's parents.

meeting to be held tomorrow will He entered the Concordia Sem· be dedication of Post Unit. col- ·mary a t St . L Ollis, · ''f ,,. o., an d a ft e r . and . ors. Post colorn; will be dedicated two years became a member· of the to the memory ol the l~te Lt. Llo~d first theological seminary student O; Jen_sen and the Umt colors will body at Bethany in Mankato, Minn., be dedicated to the Gold Star Muth· in 194-6. The Norweg·ian syn 0 d ers of Parkland. I opened .its own semmary . then after George Lange has been named to twenty-nine years of depending on receive the Post colors, while lvfrs. the seminaries of affiliated church George Lange will do these honors bodies, the Missouri and Wisconsin foi' the Unit. Synods.· The 1 o c a 1 congregation Invitations have been extended to humbly acknowledges with gratitude all Posts of the Fourth district to .. d ~d n--r d' .T t _ "lth_e. C(llli!)g of__a11other talented ''.son'' atten an le a ies WlS 1 0 an· into the ministry of the Gospel of nounce that a special invitation is Jes us Christ. out to all .Gold Star Mothers of Parkland. A large attendance is an- ; ticipated and the usual culinary refreshments will be served at the




mprovemenf: or termi1.iation of the evening's cere- D . monies. awson Fe1e Id * * ·Meeting Topic Congratulations are in order tu -K·


Veterans of Foreign Wars Meets eve1·y Tuesday at 8:00 p.rn. in the Sunshine Hall Rodger Lunde Post's annual pie~ nic will be held Sunday, August 8, at Little Spanaway, starting about 11 a.m. Pot luck dinner will be s e r v e d between 12 :30 and ·1 :30. Bring your own hot dish, salad or dessert and your own dinner utensils. Horseshoes, checkers, volley-ball, softball, etc., and a diaper derby and other games will be held. Prizes will be given. The Post will furnish coffee, sugar, cream and cool-ade. Comrades Don Ward and Ronald Steele are the committee in charge of plans. All members, their families and friends arc urged to come out and have a real good time. So come one, come all! For further informa· tion call any of the following manbers: Ward, LA. 2+73; Gullberg, (Continued 011 Page Four)

Birthday Party Held for Former Spanaway Resident

Iver Johnson Jr. Bible School

It is significant that Iver John· son Jr. will conduct the service at the Parkland Ev. Lutheran Church on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his parents' marriage. He has been PARKLAND POST NO. 228 a life-long member of the local AMERICAN LEGION church, Pducated in local elemenMeetings every second and fourth tary and high schools, and complet· Friday at !l:OO p.m. in the cd his pre-theological training at Sunshine Hall Bethany Lutheran College, Man· Order of business at the joint kato, Minn.

Don Knapp-his 12 new rnembe1:s won the diamond ring. For those of you who arc interested the ring is now on display on Don's second finger, right band. Nice work, Don. We appreciate workers like you.


The possibility of sponsoring a scholarship to Lake Bible Camp for any young person who learns a prescribed number of verses was discussed at the last meeting of the Women's Iv!issionary Union of the Clover Creek Baptist Church held July 13.

Dean P. E. Hauge In Minneapolis For Conference





South End Sporf:s l!I




Under 20 League

Spanaway Takes Two The ·. Spanaway Fire Department

Members of'fy'Hdland's "Under 20 League" baseba!\ team wish to thank e\·eryone for the interest and support which led their drive for funds to a successful dima°'. Margie Rogers was the lucky winner of the pop-up toaster.

chalked up two more wins when they won from Midland last week with a score of 10 to 1 and bested l"irerest 12 to 6. Keith O'Leary pitched, and Pnul Fread was. the catcher in both games. Tennis Demonstration Lyle Morton, Tacoma tennis instructor, will give a demonstration on l'riday afternoon on the Parkland War Memorial tennis courts from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. He is coming to the playground through courtesy of the. Washington Hard·

I ji&

Mountain I-Iighway at Parkland GRanite 8356 and GRanite 8442

*~{ -•

t ¥t

Busy Bee Club Talks About Con1ing Fairs



Scraf:ch Feed




2 for 27c • • 100 lbs. 4.75



Cent:enn;al Dairy Feed 100 lbs. 4.75

Those present were Edward Roland, Gary Susan, Howard and Glen White, Larry and Charles Cox, Ray Collier, Mike LaMarr, and the lead· er, Mrs. Harry White.





Moonlight Raiders Hold First Meeting

Visitors includt'd Mrs. I van Collier, Mrs. ,Jack LaMarr, and Gene La Marr.

Darigold Milk, lge. cans

lb. 82c

Cousins Visit-Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Richmond of Seattle visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Totten over the weekend. The Richmonds arc cousins of Mr. Totten. Visiting Parellls-Rev, and Mrs. A. Halvorsen and three children of Forest City, Iowa, have been visiting Reverend Halvorsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Halvorsen of Morton street. Reverend Halvorsen is attending the University of Washington. The younger family will I eave next week for California, where Reverend Halvorsen will have charge of a Bible camp. Guests-Guests Monday night at

Coming fairs, both the county ~ and the Western Washington Fair a't Puyallup, was the main topic at the meeting of the Clover Creek Bee senior 4-H .Club. They H Busy met at thtc home of Georgia Bolieu Liie Ai Halvorsen home on :iviunon on July J4.. street were Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Xavier, Rev. and :tv[rs. L. Rasmus· !·: sen and Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pfluea TRINITY LUTHERAN ger. Trinity Ladies' Aid will sponsor a Move to Tacoma-Mr. and Mrs. potluck picnic in the church park Victor Arnet and children, Victor, Wednesday at noon. All are invited. Edward and Jimmy, of Airport Road




Midland Youth Hurt: When Car Hits Freight:








But:ter, Red Shield



Sunday's game with Gig Harbor at Dawson Field wound up a busy week for the boys. On Monday they met Portland Avenue at Dawson with Portland Avenue taking the g·ame, 1 to 0. Batteries for Portland Avenue, Cebula and Schegrue, Mid(Continued on Page Four) Peck 'and her mother, Mrs. Selma month. Ivfr. and Mrs. Leroy Streby, land, Beshaler and Taylor. Peck of Park Avenue and Hendricks who formerly lived in the Arnet Thursday, Midland was top man, street, left Tuesday for Lindsborg, house, 'will m o v c into the house in a 5 to O score with Edgewood Kansas, where they will make their again. The Strebys have a littk girl, at Portland Avenue field. Batteries home. Miss Peck will t a c h at Diane. were: Edgewood, Leisi and Jensen; Motor to Seattle-Mr. and Mrs. Friends Uni\'ersity in Wichita, Kanj Midland, Larson and Taylor. sas. She bas taught at PLC during Bill Schmalenber, Mrs. Albert JenThe boys traveled to South Ta· the last two years. sen and Mrs. Ingulf Gulscth motore.d coma Boys' Club for Friday's game New Home-Mr. and Mrs. War- I to Seattle Tuesday. Ralph Hansen of Midland narwi'th 26th and Proctor in which 26th ren Campbell, parents of Mrs. Gene At Longbeach-Visiting at Long- rowly escaped death last Friday 1 and Proctor triumphed by a score Russell, have moved into their new beach over the weekend were Mr. when the car he was driving crashed of + to I. Batteries were: 26th and h o m e on Hendricks street. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sehmalenberg, Mr. into a moving freight train. Proctor, Glueck and Smith; Mid- Campbell has been in business as a and Mrs. James St. John, Mr. and Hansen "was traveling south on land, Larson, Fredericks and Taylor. painting contractor in Tacoma for Mrs. lngulf Gulseth. and Barbara Golden Givan Road, unaware of Sunday's game with Gig Harbor ~O years. and Marilyn Jensen. the passing freight train at 90th was called after two innings because Return from Bellingham- Mr. Vacation Ends-Miss Joan Beard and Golden Givan. He applied his of rain. Midland was ahead in a 3 and Mrs. William Lee Bailey of returned tu Spokane Monday night brakes too late, lost control of the to 0 score. Batteries were: Gig Har- Route 13, Box 126, have returned after enjoying a ten-day vacation machine and slid into the ditch bor, Arnold and Kahan; Midla~d, from Bellingham where they attendwith her parents, Mr. and Ivfrs. El- where an extended beam of one of Semeron and Taylor. 1·cl the Disabled American Veterans' mer Beard. During her stay the the flat cars caught the automobile Convention. Beards spent several days on a mo- and carried .it along the tracks. The Seventh Birthday - Mrs. Robert tor trip along the Washington and car was completely demolished. Haner was hostess Monday at a Oregon coast. Miss Beard will •cornHansen, who was thrown from birthday party for her daughter plete her training at Deaconess Hos- behind the whed into the seat along Susie. Guests were Mrs. Franklyn pita! in Spokane on October I 0, and side, received a fractured vertebrae The first meeting of the recent! y E n ea r I and Sharon, Mrs. Burt take the state examination in Se- and multiple bruises. He is the son organized Moonlight Raiders, 4-H Streng' Paul and · · uf to 1)ecome a reg· ol· Mr.. and Mrs. A. C. Hansen . . Byrum '. Mrs. Rob-1 attic, shortly alter Club, was held July 14· at the home ert Snyder and Marilyn, Bobby and istered nurse. .. 98th and Jackson St. of Mr. and Mrs. Jack LaMarr. Buddy, Mrs, R. E. St. Clair, Bobby/ _ A pienic lunch followed the meet- and Marie, Mrs. Gale Haner and ,;:::;:::;:::;:::::;::;:;::;:::;:;;;;:;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;.;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;::;:::;::;::;;;:;::;::;~. ing. Boys attending also went swim· Dennis and Ronald and Bobby and ming and boa ting in Clover Creek. Cindy Haner.

I ~

Parkland :Firemen Plan Picnic July 25


scoreless and allowed only two scattered hits. Parkland's scoring came in the fifth when they took advantage of 6 errors and scored as many runs. The game was played last Thursday at Spanaway ball park. The score by innings: Puyallup .................... 200 000 0-2 Parkland .................... 000 060 -6 Battery for Parkland: Wilkerson and Steichen.

Johnson and Anderson Cash Market:

coffee with out meals. Bert Vaughn, acting president of music teacher, Mr. P. E. Schroeder, Mrs. Austin came to the United I the Harvard Improvement Club. , who played the guitar. States in April on the Queen Eliza·' Proceeds from the lunch served' Guest from Oregon - Mr. and beth, first visiting her sister and an-I amounted to $20 and will be added Mrs. Aaron Balmer of 98th and othe1· niece at New York and other to the Dawson playfield tennis court Washington street have as a house guest Miss Dolly Hendrickson of relatives, coming to Spanaway last fund. . J Ba~er, Oregon. Miss Hendrickson month. She. hopes to..get. an exte1)is Mrs. Balmer's sister. sion on her visa so that she can visit Family Reunion - The first allwith her niece for two additional farnily gathering of the Johann clan months. She and her husband are the only Tl.1e Parkland Firemen's picnic at their cabin on Clear Lake, was members of her family still living will be held Sunday, July 25, at greeted by rain Sunday. The children were the only ones b r av e in England, she said. Her niece, Gaffney's Lake Wilderness. Mrs. Stewart, has been here fivt> .Coffee, cream and sugar, and ice enough to swim, but the grownups enjoyed the day spent indoors visyears. , cream will be furnished. iting. Families taking part in the --~--~-outing were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kratochvil, Nadine and David; Mr. and Mrs. Lenhard Winter, Richard, Move to Kansas-Miss Anilaura will move to Tacoma the last of this Gene and Jimmy; Mr. and Mrs.

It Happened In Parkland



Funds f:o Operate Dawson Field Available From Sf:af:e

A birthday party was held at the Assurance that funds are available for Dawson Playfield Trip to California-Mr. and Mrs. home of Mrs. 0. B. Barnes, 3822 South Fawcett street, recently. Mrs. through the summer months, was given by Mrs. George Cole, Francis Rushek and children, Mary Bible School will be held during Barnes formerly lived at Spanaway chairman of ,the Washington Srate Recreational Group, when F r a n c i s and Charles, and Mrs. I-Iushek's mother, Ivfrs. Maude Tay· the first three weeks in August at for many years. she spoke at the social "get acquainted" evening presented by lor, left Sunday for a two weeks' the Trinity Lutheran Church in Guests were Mrs. Leroy Gammon, Parkland. The session will begin at Mrs. E. Southwell, Mrs. A. Sutter the Harvard and Midland Improvement Clubs on July 16. motor trip to Fresno, California, to Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Gladys Holm visit Mrs. Taylor's uncle, Mr. J. E .. 9 a.m. August 22 and will continue and daughters Frances and Annette, wrre present to discuss recreational Moore. On the rctmn trip they plan to August 20. Classes are dismissed Mrs. l''red Sutter, Mrs. Elmer Cof· problems of various communities. to stop in Portland for a visit with at 11 :30 a.m. fey, Mrs. Ethel Weatherall, Mrs. She said that the funds are avail- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hoover (Betty A very fine course of study has 0. Storlie, Mrs. C. W. Erickson and ahlP from moni1>s appropriated by Taylor), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. been prepared by the. Board of Ed· Duane. the 194· 7 legislature under the pro- Carl Taylor of Midland. At the ucation of the Evangelical Lutheran visions of the 19+5 recreation law. time of the floods this spring Mr. Church, written by Mrs. Fernanda All school districts are eligible for and Mrs. Hoover were living· in VanMalmin for the grades. A new course this aid from school-community rec- port and after taking Betty and their by Dorothy Norquist has been pre· Trip to Continue reation program and she advised two small sons to safety in Portpared for the kindergarten departTony Ivforous, who left last week that a committee comprised of the land, Mr. Hoover. returned to Vanment. on a 1,000-mile trip to Utah on a leaders of the various groups in the port to help with the evacuation of Registration will be in the church motorcycle, arrived there July H, two communities be formed to inves· other families. The Hoovers lost a parlors. Parents arc asked to bring with no mishaps except that his rear tiga te the ma tier. large share of their household equip· small children the first day or send Dr. Philip E. Hauge, dean and tire on his cycle wore out. He writes ment in the flood. Mr. Hoover is them with an older brother or sister registrar at Pacific Lutheran ColCommissioner Entertains so that names and records may be lf'gi;, left for Minneapolis, Sunday he is "awfully .tired' 'f.rorn his the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Huse· During the evenino· the group · l ~ I bv of Midland. accurate. If this is not possible; they to represent the college at a con- tnp but that he will contmue on was entertamed )y the Harmony ' ar: a,5ked to send a note tell'.ng the fcrcncc .of college pres'.dents to be.] to Maryland in a few days. At Harvard Meeting-Mrs. Ruth Venders quartette, a geoup of Tachild s name, address, parents name, held this week. He will represent : --Eshpeter and Mrs. Lois Johann vi.scoma businessmen, one being Counage and birthdate. Dr. S. C. Eastvold, presid,,nt of the English Visitor ty Commissioner Paul Newman. The ited Harvard Improvement Club Dr. Ernest B. Steen will be in college, who is touring Europe dur"Y~u're so large, aren't ~ou ?" group sang several nun1bers during meeting, July 14, where they recharge of the Church School with ing the summer. exclaimed Mrs. H. E. Austill of the program and later during the ported on a visit to the Metropolithe department teachers as follows: Presidents frpm the colleges of Bournemouth, England, about the tan Park Board office. They asked supper hour. Mrs. Kelmer N. Roe., kindergarten; the Evangelical Lutheran Church United States. Mrs. Austin has been Ivfarlene Berger's interpretative that Harvard appoint a comn.1ittee Mrs. John Lamb, primary; Mrs. will be meeting in Minneapolis to visiting her niece, Mrs. Stewart of dancing was well received by the to attend the Park Board meeting Esther Seiger, intermediate. The discuss a church-wide drive for $2,· the Mt. Highway at Spanaway, since audience , as was violinist Ronald July 26 along \\>ith a committee junior teacher will be announced 000,000 for the capital investment June. Kilde. Other parts of the entertain- from Midland. Those on the comlater. funds of the colleges. PLC's share However, the thing that amazed me11l included color films of Mt. mittee from Harvard arc lVIrs. HarChurch busses will travel their of the funds raised will go toward her most was not the size of the McKinky and Alaska, shown and old Olson, Mrs. Bert Vaughn and regular Sunday morning routes to the erection of a chapel-conserva- country, but the quantity of food described by John Korsmo, who Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Smith. Attendbring children from the east and tory of music building. here. One of her greatest pleasures ing from the Midland club are Mr. took the pictures. west communities. Whik in the .rnidwest Dr. Hauge since being in this country has been Dancing followed the cl i n n er Doug Morris, Mr. James Woodard, Busses will leave the church at will interview prospective teachers cooking, she said. However, she addwhich was served by ladies of the Mrs. Georg·e Turner and Mrs. Clar8:15 p.m. 01· an hour earlier than for the college faculty. Fifteen new ed that she often found herself two clubs. Door prizes were won by ence Johann. the Sunday schedule. faculty members will be added to starting to use her wartime recipes. Birthday Party-A .party honor· Mrs. Elmer Murud and Harold SnyAll children in the community the staff for the fall semester; and It's so difficult to get out of a ing Betty Turner on her 13th birth· between 4 years and the Bth grade about 20 new courses will be added routine." ckr. day was given by her mother, Mrs. are invited to attend. to the curriculum. She also said she found our eating J\1aster of ceremonies for the evehabits strange, such as serving both ning· was Floyd Ayers, president of Georg·e Turner, July 14. After tl1e games and lunch the twenty-four hot and cold foods at the same meal the Midland Improvement Club. and drinking large quantities of Official doorman and greeter was guests were entertained by Betty's

A committee to meet with the superintendent of public recreation July 26 to discuss improving Daw· son Field,. was appointed at the last meeting of the Harvard Improveware. rncnl Club. All adults and children interested The committee is composed of are invited to attend . Mrs. Elva Vaughan, Mrs. Caroline Still Undefeated Olson, and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Taking advantage of a fifth inSmith. A committee from the Mid· ning opportunity, the Parkland Post land Improvement Club will meet 228's boys baseball team nosed out with them. the Puyallup Junior American LeHostesses for the evening were gion aggregation by a 6-2 sco~e· Mrs. Caroline Olson and Mrs. Alice W. H. May's boys gave the visSmith. Mrs. Clarence Johann and itors their only opportunity to score Mrs. Victor Eshpeter, representing in the first inning. Thereafter the Midland, were also at the meeting pitching skill of Russ Wilkerson, with Mrs. Johann winning the door coupled with an airtight infield and prize. outfield he I cl the Puyallup boys

Group May Sponsor Bible Scholarship

Garden Club Meets - La Fleur' :;:, r-<- _ Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. E. A. Brittain on Knapp Road July 13. After a dessert luncheon served by the hostess, J\frs. Caroline Office: Park Avenue and Wheeler St., Parkland Deering presided at the business mf'eting. Those present were J\.frs. Blanche Alden, Mrs. Elsie Hiller, Mrs. Ruth Lipke, the chairman, Mrs. Deering, and the hostess. The iwxt meeting will be July 28 at the home of Mrs. Hiller.



Dow Being Delivered -ill-


Brookdale Spanaway midland Waller Road For I rnmediate Service .. Call GArland 3301

Page Two·

Parkland, Washington, Thursday, July 22, 1948


union at Olympia, Saturday, July 16th. By Bessie Roland, Reporter Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Phone GRanite 6468 Mrs. Albert Nelson, reporter Renner are visitors at the home of Phone GRaham 206 At Copali'. Beach-Sunday, July },.fr. and Mrs. Roy Renner. W. C. Tandberg, James I-Ieanski, ]. L. Ghesqniere .................. Publishers -forVac~tion - lvfiss Marjorie Allen Breaks Arm \\le are sorry to 18, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton and J\;[arjorie Ringstad .................................................................................... Editor hc;ir that Larry J>lumh fell and son, Melvin Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. had a two-day vacation which she A community newspaper for Midland. Parkland. Brookdale, and broke his arm. Here's hoping he D. A. Crist, Mrs. Clemons, and Mrs. spent at the hon~e of her mother, Spanaway. Published every Thursday by Beard Printing Co., P. 0 gets better soon. Patrick spent the day at Copalis Mrs. John Kuper, July 19-20. Box 797, Parkland, Wash. Picnic-The Grace Warner CirVisitors - Mr. and Mrs. W. P. 1 Beach. Entered as second-class matter October 3, 1945, at the post office at cle of the St. Paul's l'vfrthodist SoWE GIVE S. l.1 H. GREEN STAMPS Farley and Mr. and Mrs. Jean Bots-j Tour Mexico-Paul Patrick, forParkland, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. for<l of Tacoma visitccl with Mr. mcrly a studt'nt of Clover Park, who ciety will meet Wednesday for a Parkland Centre, across from Po:;t Office GRanite 7333 SUBSCRIPTION RATES, By Mail: 1 year, $2.50; six months, $1.75 and Mrs. R. W. Stanger on Thurs- has been journeying in Mexico, will picnic at the home of Mr. and l'vfrs. . clay. be joined this week by another for- Ray Turner. 1 Sunday Visitors Mr. and Mrs. mer Clovn Park student, Jerry Taco 111 a Guest-Miss Arlene Prct-1 cousin" and "Four Chaplains" comJ. Raise of Seattle and Mr. and Groff, and together they will tour tyrna1.1 of O.xford .street. in Tacoma MORE COMMEMORATIV.E Baseball, the traditional American sport, bas come to memorative 3-ccnt stamps and the Mrs. Max Heinzman of Puyallup Mexico. is spending the week with Mr. and STAMPS TO BE ISSUED Parkland in the form of a boy's baseball team. Yakima Guests - Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ray Turn1'r, starling July 19.1 visited at the home of 1fr. and Mrs. William Allen White, Frnncis "Swedish Pioneer)) 5-cent plaster, W. H. May organized, coached and financially supported Charles Lorenz, Sunday. Dnn Hill and children of Yakima Dinner Guests-Mr. aml Mrs. Byrl Scott Key and United.States-Canada Beard said. Visitor-Mrs. Ross Plumb visited s p e n t W cdnesday, July 14-, and Justin and children, Connie, Larry J friendship will be the: subjects for the team that boasts a record of 20 victories and no defeats. The Parkland Post 228 recently became interested in the at the home of Mrs. D. E. Gooch Thursday, July 15, with Mr. and and Judith, were dinner guests on three new commemorative stamps to A wise lllan has more hallas-t Mrs. Jack Dunn and family. on Friday. Sunday, July 18, at the home of be issued by the post office depart- than sail. t-eam as part of the post's youth program, and, with the Visit Jupiter Home - Mr. and ment in the near future. Elmer Visit Cousins-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. Ray Turnrr. cooperation of ·Parkland merchants, have succeeded in oucfit- Mrs. C. E. Gunter of Steilacoom, Dunn and sous 1notorc<l to Long~ Home from l\.1iddlewest-Mr. and Beard, acting postmaster at I'arkting the team with uniforms and equipment. FOR HOUSE WIRING Mrs. H. J. Hcnderso11 and daugh- view last week to visit their cousins, Mrs. Lester Cruts and daughters land, has announced. These stamps Games have been scheduled and transportation furnished. tt'r of Rapids City, S. D., Mr. and l'vfr. and Mrs. Merle Davis, who Beverly and Bettie, of Kirby, who will all be of the 3-cent denominaUnder !¥Jay's guidance the team has mastered the national Mrs. H. Deutscher and son of Se- reeently rno\'ed to Longview fro1n have recently been visiting in the tion and are expected to be avail- PARKLAND- BROOKDALE attle, visited at the home of Mr. Cherryville, Kansas. Mrs. Ad cl i e rniddkwcst, w c r c visitors at the able for local sale on 01· about the ELECTRIC sport to a degree that indicates perfection. They' re sportsmen, and Mrs. .Jot· JupiLcr, Sunday. Dardon, mother of· Mrs. Dunn, also home of Mr. and Mrs. Omer Roland 15th of August. Your Neighborhood Electrician every one of them, and they play because they love to play. New Home-Mr. and Mrs. Gor- accompanied the Dunns. At present, the Parkland post ofand family Tuesday, July 13. F. J. Nordyke's only one thing the boys lack-and that's fans that don Bolen (Lois Lindberg) have On Leave-Jack Dunn, who has Dinner Guests-Dinner Guests at fice has a small supply of the "Wismoved into their new home, 5701 will come to the games and cheer them on. The boys have been on lc:we from the l'vfariannas the home of l'vfr. and Mrs. Cyrus for the past '.JO days, left for San Greenlaw, Monday, Jtily 19, were worked hard and deserve the loyal support of Parkland citi- North 4·5th St., Tacoma. Visit Parents - Kenneth Lind- Diego, Sunday, July 18. · Mr. L. Greenlaw, Mrs. Edith An-

Clover Creek


dahnsan's Drug Store * Ice Crean1

* Prescriptions

* Film Developing


Some Fans Needed

Call GR. 6789, days

zens. No team likes to play to an empty grandstand. The team is doing a good job representing Parkland. It's a privilege to watch the boys in action. Why don't you plan to attend their next game. y OU ' '!] see some first class baseba!J playing.

h. c-rg· ' ' and .Walter Anderso.n . . . . home over the wctekcnd v1s1tmg their parents. They arc working at Longi mire ' Wash . Celebrate Rirthclavs-Thc following ladies gathered at the home' of - - - - - - - - - - / M r s . C. Westlund, Thursday: Mrs. WISCONSIN CLUB PICN.r'i::: Park, Tacoma. Fred Erickson, Mrs. Eva l\"dson, A Wisconsin picnic will be held. Form c r Wisconsin people arc Mrs. C. 0. Lindberg, Mrs. Paul July 25 at the picnic grounds near I urged to bring a basket lunch and Lindberg, l'vlrs. ]. Adamson, 1-.frs. the Rustic bridge at Point Defiance [ comt'. Coffee will be furnished . Herman Jcrticrson. They celebrated the birthdays of Mrs. D. T. Lindberg and Mrs. Westlund. Eatonvillc Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Creadwell of Eatonville visited at the borne of lvlr. and lvirs. ~ R. W. Sta11gn on Sunday. Sunday Guests - Mr. and Mrs. r Walt,"r Stanger and children were g·ut'sts at the home of Mr. and 1frs. Vesley Ackerson on Sunday. f m Vacation Over-Mr. and Mrs. 0. 1== . . ::: j!! Office: 703 Tacoma Bldg. - Phone MAm 3311 !!! M. Olson and Mr. and l\.frs. Ernest ill Northscro111 visited with l\1r. and RES. PARKLAND PHONES GR 8052 & GR 8718 Mrs. R. \V. Stanger after returning home from their \'acation.




rw·~~~m·:·=·;;:m•m~~·m·:;;m•m•m] -ill iii and all other forms of Insurance








Ut::::::::s::====================:=================================:::.;:::::================;====================;~i GIFTS



Sporting Goods and I-Iardware


Daniels Hard are PARKLAND

GR 7947.

Listen to

Louise Lynd "The Voice of Parkland" ·on the



D"mncr G uests-1v '1"1ss ,,. · l"l "' ey derson, Mrs. A. D. Howard and son I of Waller Road was a dinner guest Larry, and Cyrus Greenlaw Jr., the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tacoma pitcher. Discuss Materials - Possib]1, uses Dunn an<l family Thursday, July 15. of the new material recently acSunday Dinner Guests-Mrs. Cyquired was the main topic at the rus Greenlaw, 1vfrs. Iugas Soloas, meeting of the Clo\'er Creek Grange and Mrs. A. D. Howard and son on July lfi. L~rry


home of Mrs. Fcna Elledge, Sunday, July 18.


Television Permanent Waves Breck Scalp Treatments and Hair Conditioning Evenings by Appointment ROYE. COOK CLOSED MONDAYS 98th and Portland GR. 8889 Res. Plione GA. 5074


For All Your Qleaning Needs

r'A-lle9e (?te4"e"t4



dinner guests at the

Visits Relatives-Charles w·erner, son of 1frs. Peter McLeod, is making an extern.kc! visit with relatives. He first visitr·d with relatives in Enumclaw, and from there he went to AberdC'cn and Houiam, where he visited with his father and grandpnrenls. From there, accompanied by his father, he went to Longview and Vancouver. Visits Sister - Miss Louise Jol111son, who lives ;lt the: Boness home, visited with her sister in Seattle during the wr·ek of July 19. Grandfather Dies - Miss Leona Sweet, a member of the Boness famDoc tur: Diel l Ji a t medicine JI ily, left for Ravensdale, where she ~·ave yuur lrnsband straig-hten him will attend her grandfather's funeral. out all right? At Steel Lake - Nancy Boness \Vife of Patient: \"c·s. we> buried · stayed with her brother and sisterhim yestenlay ! J Ltly 17-18. Family Reunion - Mr. and Mrs. Harold l\1cCarnmon and daughter Jane attended an annual family re-

Beauty \Vorh of Distinction




HEADQUARTERS l'OR BULK AND URICK ICE CREAI\·f Have you ever tried using the different colored gum drops, finely minced, for cake or dessert decorations? They are very effective and inexpensive and always please children.

11222 Pacific Ave.

GRanite 7705 Tacoma

PRATTS Home-made Pies

GRanitc 6316

Airport Road and Tacoma Avenue


~~ ~~? NOT AT

lover Creek arket Plenty of FREE PARKING 111 our parking lot while shopping GR. 8013



Olson Electric 0. M. Olson


Stella~ gfoUJeis Weddings - Corsages Funeral Designs

GR 7863


B ft.


r BBc

Baskett Lumber \-o. MIDLAND 96th and Portland Ave.

GRanite 84815

Assorted Varieties in 4· Sizes Parkland Centre on "C" Street



Floor s·anders and Waxers FOR RENT


PARKLAND LUMBER AND HARDWARE Wilson St., just off Mt. Hiway GRanite 7900

lllE E


If You Subscribe to the P IRIE PDIDTER now!

GRanite 7914

12:15 to 1 :00 p.m. Friday over KTBI (810 on your dial) Guest Speaker: SUSAN McKINNEY Junior Iluyer for Helen Davis Shop




1'f uir§iug Home

?Ho&eff '4


Tula Road




GR 8077


uj Duality


GRanite 6445

Before You Buy or Sell a Car



Better Check with Money-Mad Shandrow




• SENS\B\..E LOW pp.\CES 111

13522 Pacific Ave.



• cou aTEOU s'


,1;rr1.t-1T 10"'

GR. 6779

Next to Brookdale Lumber Co.

You will find

Sincerity and Simplicity at

DON REDFORD Septic Tanks Cleaned Contents Hauled Away GA. 7334 Tacoma 417 So. 84th St.

Just 50 Cents More Than a R.egular Subscription All you need to do is get a friend to subscribe to THE PRAIRIE POINTER also. Each need send only $1.50 for a year's subscription to the paper. One or both must be a new subscriber to get in on this offer. So, if your subscription needs renewing or will run out soon, rem new it for a year now and get in on this bargain . Just fill out the following coupon and send it and $3.00 to The Prairie Pointer, Box 797, Parkland, Washington. ~--------------------------------------

Please send the following a year's subscription to the Prairie Pointer:

__ . . ._« -

Address I

Name ____ .




(Enclosed is $3.00 to cover the cost of both subscriptions)


ELK PLAIN NEWS Alice Dorfner, Reporter Graham '458

y· ·

F · d M' B . J I isits ~ nen - · iss · ctty a~ c~on spent three days last week with · I f r1cn · d 'f' l ier gir lv 1ss G era Id'1nc D'isc1l ' · . . 'r 1ace.. o f Umvcrs1ty .Yacht Trip-E. ''.gene Jackson, with two otht'r Jnends, spent last week yachting to Canada and back.

ily were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Higgins and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Strait and family. Son Home on Furlough-Mr. and Mrs. Orville Melton have had with them for the past week, their son, Pvt. Loran Melton of Fort Bragg, . . North Carolma. Private took . . Melton . his furlough at this tnne .m order to attend the funeral of !us grandmother, Mrs. Grace Schuffert, who passed away last week in Olympia. Dr iv i 11 g East_ Mr. and Mrs,

Return to Spanaway-T /Sgt. and Mrs. Taylor have returned. to Spanaway and are occupying the Howard Holman residence on 12th St. T /Sgt. Taylor has j u s t returned from Alaska and is at McChord Field. During his absence Mrs. Tay!or resided in Scapoose, Oregon. 111 in Seattle-Mrs. Clunlcs Caw of Henry Berger Road, who has been quite ill with pneumonia in her home, has been moved to Seattic in the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Woods. We wish her a spe1·dy recovery. Home from Richmond-Mr. Louis Syrnmons of lZth street, who is em. R'ic h inon d , ts . enjoying . . p 1oye d tn a . . t'ion \VI'th h'ts f anu.1y. wee k', s vaca . . Fust Child-Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Vojta of Route 1 Box 198 are ' ' re 'oicin' over the arrival of their .J ~ . , f1rst .<111ld, a son, 1n St. Joseph. s Hospital, July 13. Raymond Eddie weighed s e v e n pounds, fourteen . o;mces. To welcome hnn home are his maternal grandparents, Mrs. Darn:ll Ray of Spanaway and Mr. Wallace Imus of Raymond, and his paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Vojta, of Spanaway. To Ogden, Utah-S/Sgt. J. A. Jensen of Henry Berg·er Road has been sent to Ogden, Utah, for 30


Station Attendant Back at Spanaway


Better Lumbr.>r for LESS

for Batteries ROOFING -- HARDWARE

Pick-up and Delivery Service

PAINTS Two blocks North of Auction House

We Rent Floor Sanders

G.Ranite 7651

GRanite 8235

::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1 MOTOR TUNE-UP

LUBRICATION Atlas Tires and Batteries -

Complete Line of Ignition Parts

Anderson CHEVRON Service Spanaway


GRanite 6465

Mt. Highway

HERMAN'S SHURFINE Third & Pacific, Spana'\'vay GR.8213 JULY 23*24 No Highway Traffic to Contend With 25-LB.

Gold edal Flour • $1.98 Gane Sugar • 87c Chocolate Drops lb. 29c Grab • • • &9c .lge. pka. 41c Peets • Ii















• 4 sew 97c




PR DUCE ... Yakima Fresh Gorn • 35c 6 FOR

bettuce • Apricots




9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Dealer,~





lb. 7c box $2.25

making Tacoma their home. Son Born-Mr. and Mrs. William E.. J a phet arc receiving congraulations on the birth of a son, Friday, July 9, in St. Joseph's Hospital. He has been named Ronald William and weighed six pounds, fourteen ounces. He has a little brother, Kenny, waiting to welcome .him. ' Leave for Oregon-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Holman of 12th street have leased their residence and gone to Oregon for the summer. Back Home-Mr. Frank McCabe who has been living in Tacoma has re-uprned his home on Pacific street. Goes East for Vacation - Miss Wilma Righetti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Righetti, is accompanying her ;iunt, Miss Minnie Righetti, on her trip back tu Pittsburgh, Pa. She will be gone six weeks. They will motor back with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bender of Pittsburgh. Returns to Pennsylvania - Miss Tracey Righetti, sister of William Righetti of 12th street, who has been visiting her brother and family, ldt Thursday for Frederickstown, Pa. Yakima Valley Mr. and Mrs . Harvey Bradshaw of 12th street and Mr. and Mrs. L. 0. Woodall of Tacoma spent Sunday in the Yal<ima Valley visiting with Bob Bradshaw, son of the Bradshaws, who

SHEA'S TACKLE Hunting and Fishing Licenses FISHING TACKLE

Mt. Highway at 8th., Spanaway

Len O'Hern Popular Service. Station Attendant is now back with

Spana'\'vay Texaco Service Mt. Highway at !st.

GR 7929


S · 1 , C b' Sh d nnt 1 s a met op, operate . by A. M. Sml!h, was started a year . d F h d ago. 1 t is 1ocate on ~ ourt an P T 1. b 'ld' b '] b S · h a~i ic ~ a ui mg. ui t Y mit which will also provide a home for . . . f .1 • 1um an d 1us am1 y when 1t is com leted. p. . Smith docs all kmds of woodwork such as cabinet re airin • \Vindo\V p g, screens, \Vri ting- desks, \V i n <l o \V frnnws, cedar chests and the like. He has lived. in Spanaway for the past I 0 years and formerly ran the cabinet shop at the Spanaway Lumber Co. He is married and has three children, llustcr, I', Donna, 14, and a married daughter, Mrs. George Woracek of 13th street oil the Loop road.

Miss Florence Davis Wed at Spanaway Miss Florence Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marion Davis, recently became the bride of S l / c Floyd Houk, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Houk of Kansas City, Mo. Rev. Stanl1·y R. Weddle performed the ceremony in the Spanaway I•'ull Gosprl Tabernacle before an altar bedecked with peonies. Stqilwn Burwash gave the bride in marriage. Baroid Smallwood and Leonard Cook were the soloists. The bride was attired in a gray suit with pink accessories and carried a Bible topped with a bouquet of roses and gardenias. Miss Alice Funkhouse was her attendant. She wore aqua with pink accessories. Misses Lois Hill and Vivian Davis were candlelighters. James Snow was the best man. Ush· 1·rs were Samuel Crisman and Rob-



. .. 100 lbs. $4.50

DAIRY FEED, 16% .................................................. 100 lbs. $4.45


Specialty on Pump Work

Bill Righetti, owner

TED'S PLACE VARIETY STORE AT SPANAWAY Attention Berry Pickers Straw hats, white caps, anklets, slacks, overalls, gloves, baseball caps, head scarves, work shirts, tee shirts, cotton dresses. Attention Homemakers-Buttons, threadst.rick rack, bias binding-, seam tape, organdy trim, braid, sewing machine needles. For Gifts-Ba by clothes, bath to\vcls, "ne\v" aprons, nylon hose, gan1es, srnall toys. For Fancywork-Knit-Cm-Sheen, Coats mercerized crochet, Coats tatting, crochet, Coats 1'mbroidcry cot-

GR. 6547 and GR. 7583


Paul's Shoes and Repair \.Vith the recent addition of new machinery, we arc now one of the most modern equipped shoe shops in or out of Tacoma WE WILL NOW HE ABLE TO FURTHER THE GOOD SERVICE WE HAVE GIVEN YOU IN THE PAST


We Have New Shoes for the Farnily



arket Genter

G1·ocetcria -

Variety Store -


Gift cards, crepe paper, gift tie and wrap.

Service Plus Quality

GREENWOOD Service Station

FRED AND WALLIE BUTTS, Props. Opposite Span:11yay School

GR. 8'122 or GR. 8179




THIS IS A REAL BARGAIN Two 52-gallon National Electric WATEI{ TANKS

Also l'op and Jlmzen Bars Across from Spanaway School


GRanite 6671





Regularly $13 7.00 FULLER PAINT

Saanaway Hardware Store Mountain Highway at 10th.

GRanite 8378

Open 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Target Sport Store

See Us for Your Needs in Sporting Goods SPANA WAY

Gift Shop




GR. 7082



PreI man Heating Service





SM I TI-I'S C'< Y Tr>.~ .::) .l .1 v r

SUGAR CORNED BEEF BRUSKETS .................................... 49c


4th and Pacific St., Spanaway GRanite 7949

Mountain Highway

GRanite 784 7

A. M. Smith


Kresky Floor furnaces -· Basement Furnaces •• Circulating Heaters 146th on Mt. Highway

I'< A D T1'.. TDrf"' '-.Ar-3...u .i 1 "'I u .1.

Free Estimates


Emergency Phone: GRanite 8227 (After 6:00 p.m.)

Cabinets Built to Order

SKINLESS WIENERS .................. ,....................................... lb. 55e



SUGAR CURED CORNED PORK ................................. .lb. 55c

IlEEF !'OT ROAST ............................................................. .lb. 59c


Patronize Your Advertisers

Presiding at the reception at the home of the bride's parents were lvfrsdames Charles. Funkhouser, ]. Wadham, Harold Smallwood and William Righetti. The couple art now living in Tacon1a.


Mt. Highway near Roy Y

CENTENNIAL RABBIT PELLETS ........................ 100 lbs. $4.45

If we don't have it, we'll gladly get it for you

Wholesale and Retail

Fourth of July, 1904-, a fire completr·ly destrnyed the town of Lake Park, which then consisted of a large hotd, a store and a Catholic Church. A small train, "Old Betsy," which went thrnugh South Tacoma, furnished the connection with the "'outer world." Today the town which grew out of the fire-destroyed Lake Park is an active community called Spanaway, which supports many grncery stores, a variety store, a shoe store, a lumber mill and many other shops. An active community club, although formed only last year with Paul Fread as president, is at present having a drive to buy a resuscitator for tlw community's volunteer fire department. Among their activities will be a dance July 31 at the Elk Plaiu Grange and a smorgasbord at the schoolhouse in September. Spanawa y has a fine grade school with Richard Fraser as principal. As yet, high school pupils ha\'C to travel some distance to attend classes, but an _effort is being made to secure a high school for that district.

ert Funkhouser.


akes of cars

Expert Automotive Repair SOUTH END PLUMBING

BLUE RIBBON EGG MASH .................................. 100 lbs. $5.10

G. A. King

Spanaway Cabinet Shop Over year Old

for· all

Spanaway Called Lake Park Before Fire Back in 1904

\Ve carry a complete line of fishing tackle, guns and ammunition

Free Estimates


milk tcst<:'r of that district.

Among the fastest growing businesses in Spanaway is Paul's Shoes and Repair which will celebrate its second birthday next month. The store was started in August of 1946 by Paul Chalk, an ex-service man. It was then just a repair shop hut as his business grew he increased the size of the shop and now sells both new and used shoes. In addition he has been able to buy more and more equipment so that he is now one of the better equipped shoe shops in this vicinity, Chalk and his wife live at Hth and E streets in Spanaway. They have one daughter, Joanne, 8, who is a stuc~ent at the Spanaway grade/ school.




is employed thc·rf'.. Bob is a bit of farm life and enjoying it, too. Boy Scout Meeting - There will bt0 a meeting of all committeemen and their wives of Boy Scout Troop 31 Tuesday evening, July 27, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bradshaw on 12th street. At Rosedale-Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B'rndshaw of 12th street have been at Rosedale for the past week. The condition of their little son, Clifford Jr., remains unchanged. Scout to Camp Hohobos-Ronnie Bradshaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bradshaw of 12th. street, )eft Sunday on a Sea Scout boat for Camp Hohobos, the Boy Scout camp. He is being sponsored by Clover Creek Post No. 118, American Legion. The trip takes one ' week. . . . · · V1s1t 111 Roy-Mr. and Mrs. Wtl. R'1g1c I tt'·1 o i· 1.:::·1 ntl STee· t t an d M r. 1ian1 · an d M rs. ('.ar 1 l\f' ar t'1 o [' 01 ympia spent S un d ay ·rn R oy a t ti1e h ome of Mr. and Mrs. George Cloyes. Move to Milton-Mr. and Mrs. " 1 G_,a 11 ,1g .. ·l ie1. (L au1c .. ll·'1 M c L e 1nea 0 f ' 1· h ) 1an , ornH·r 1y o 1 t s t ree t·, l1ave moved to Milton. Neal is county


10-lb. Bag

Do. I D Onions

IPaul's Shoe Store ·Will Have Second getting Anniversary Soon


Returns Home-Nick Ockfcn Jr. James Keough and their daughter, returned home with his father after Miss Eutrophia Keough, left by car a two weeks visit in Lewi.~ton, Ida,, fur Iowa, where they expect to visit where Mr. Ockfen has been work- with relatives and friends. Miss ing as an electrical engineer, build· Keough is teacher of the third and ing a plywood plant. fourth grades in Elk Plain. Working in Auburn-Miss Betty 1 On Vashon-Mr. aud Mrs. G. H. Thiel is working in Auburn for the Dorfncr were guests on Saturday summer. She plans on going to evening '- at the home of- Mr. and school there this fall. Mrs. Henry Willis at their summer Convalescing at Home-Wilhelm home on Vashon Island. llclmholtz is convalescing· at home Grangers Picnic-The Elk Plain after a short illness in the,. Pierce Granoe was well represented last "' County Hospital. week when they gathered at SpanWorking in Ellensburg - Johnny away Park for their annual picnic. Ji'arren is vacationing in Ellensburg A large picnic supper was enjoyed where he is m1nbining \;"Ork with and later · a game of baseball was pleasure. In his spare time there played. he is helpiug with the haying season. Improving Home - Ernie Haskins, with the help of friends and his wife, can be seen these days Len O'Hern is again back at the using his carp~ntcr's ability for Spanaway Texaco Service on the the: purpose of adding an extension Mt. Highway. on thi· family .home. O'Hcrn opened up the station in Sund a y Guests-Last Sunday, days. to do es~ort duty.. March of 19+6 hut left November dinner guests at the home of Mr. Dmner Guests - M1. and Mrs. · S f ? I h d of last year. He and his partner, L ou1s ymrnons o 1 _t 1 street a and Mrs. Ernie Haskins and faml · S . E. W. Percival, both live in Spana d mner party at t 1cir 11ome unaway. day. Then· guests were their two daughters and sons-in-law, Mr. and . Id R ll' d M d POINTER WANT ADS PAY M rs. H aro o ms an r. an M Cl d R II' d f .1 f rs. y e o ms an am1 y o Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Ead R 11' d f ·1 f A ]' Tl1 0 ins an. a~i Y 0 • ustra ta. e OPEN SEVEN DAYS Earl Rollms iust recently returned A WEEK from Australia and are planning on


Page Three


Parkland, Washington, Thursday, July 22, 1948


GRanite 8263






Full Line of TRIANGLE FEED for Best Resulls




Best Qualit_v · - Any Quantity


Mountain Highway between Hrookdalt: and Spanaway GRanitc 8615

Opw 7 :00 :un. to 6:00 p.m.


Page Four

Midland News

VAUGHAN'S SPEUIALS 1 x 3 4-FT. POINTED PICKETS ..................................each 15c 1 %-INCH LATTICE ........................................ per 100 feet $2.00 ROSE ·TRELLISES ........................................................ each $1.50 Y, x 6 to 12 in. No. 3 and Btr SHIPLAP ........ : ... per 100 ft. $6.50 16-in. x 16-in. and 16-in. x 32-in. CEILING TILE .... 100 ft. $10.00 COME IN AND GET ACQUAINTED


84th and Pacific A venue


Val Lt es

ON OUR Clearanc~

Quality Photo Service



PLAID SPORT SHIR TS ----------··---·----·regular

$ 5. 9 5

LEATHER BAGs ______________ regularly $2.50 to $7.95 COTTON BLOUSES __ regularly $3.95 to $5.95 WASHABLE SKIRTS _____ ______ reyu/arly $7 .95, $8.95 SUNSUITS

20 % off cotton dresses

Used Car Radios Ranging in Price from

$15.00 up ALSO USED 1948 TABLE

Philco Phono-Radio Now $79.50 Original Price $I :H.50

.Niyrt1e .Nioctel's Apparel Across from the Parkland Post Office

GRanite 7617

Veterans' News


fContinuec! from Page One) (Continued from Page One) GR. 6813, or Steele, GA. 2363. Peter Johann and Slanley, and Mr. *** and Mrs. Clarence Johann, Claude Resolutions changing the by-laws and Doris. Special guests were Kay Lee Coffelt nf Seattlc and Merrell will be voted on Tuesday night, August 3, 1948. All. members are urged Kemp. Register Now-Du11't forget, you to come out and vote on this improspeetive voters, the time for reg- portant issue. * * ·* istering for voting in the Septern· Absenteeism has been noted among her primaries is running short. August 14 is Lhe deadline, but Registrar the membership. 'We won't mention Luis Johann of Midlaud precinct any names, but, heck, fellows, don't asks that you please make an effort you think you should come out and to take care of this duty before the lend a helping hand tu those of us end of ] uly as she goes on vacation who are trying to carry the burden the first of August. Hours arc 9:00 alone. Each one of you is as importa.rn. to 9:00 p.m. every day at her ant as we arc and a welcome hand honw, 96th and Portland Avenue, is gladly extended to you to come two houses south of Baskctt's lum- out. So think it over and then come ber mill. You students going away out these Tuesday nights and get to college should come. and register in on the discussions. 11ow and then send to Room 400, * ~' * Pierce County Courthouse, for your A cruise and a series of dances a_bsentee ballot 30 days before elec- are planned in the future. A large t1on. social program is ahead for the fall season and this will be a means to ren. ew old acquain.tances and make FOR SPEEDY SERVICE new friends. Remember the fun at LEAVE FILMS AT the party of June I 0-wcll, that was just the beginning.

10 a.m., out at 5 pm GR.In7271 g6lO Pa~ific


Parkland, Washington, Thursday, July 22, 1948



Mt. Highway

Hnabel GR. 7563



FOR SALE--7x14 double construe- I FOR SALE-Maple twin or bunk tion chicken coop; also 7xl4· cabbeds, complete, reasonable. GR. in, interior unfinished. A pp 1 y _.::..B.::..6_64.::.."·----------Jesse Simmons, 700 block, Cleve- 1- AD" 1 , -. _ l · l · - b 1 cl s c 11 GR am'te 7647 ~ i ces-11es p am 10me rn su an ' t., or a · · nrbs. Some nursing care. Call 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _4_c or see rnom 104 at 409 South GENERAL LANDSCAPING, "]". 46, 46, new lawns, old lawns rebuilt, TUBEROUS rooted begonias, fa rm fertilizers and top soil. geraniums, bedding plants. SeaG Ran it e 8842. tf c mons, corner of Hendricks and FOR SALE - Small davenport. "G" St. lfc Phone GR. 7100, da_..ocy_s_._ _ __ ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE FOR RENT-Paint spray guns. -Septic tanks pumped, contents Complete units, $3.50 per day. hauled away. GA. 3446 or GA. 9614 Pacific Ave. GR. 6616. tfc 9794. 13tfc


Mrs. Alice Smith, Reporter GA. 7802

Visiting Parents - Mrs. He 1 en (Smith) Brenteson, Michael and Shirley, of Big Lake, Minnesota, are visiting hete indefinitely with Mrs. Brenteson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith Sr. Mr. Smith has just recently returned home after an operation. First Birthday-Little Cheryl Dee Weeks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weeks, celebrated her first i)irthday Sunday, July 18. Family Reunion-Mr. and Mrs. Ames motored to Centralia on Sunday for a family reunion in honor of Mr. Ames' father. Spokane Visitor - Mrs. Ne 11 i e

I Cook of Spokane I the home of Mr.


was a visitor at and l\1rs. A. A.

Drath last Sunday. At Hot Springs - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weeks, Mrs. Fran Johnson and Arlene, and Mr. Frank Morry spent last week .vacationing at Ohan-1 apecosh Hot Springs. Surprise Party-Mrs. 0. E. Smith had her birthday party brought to * * * her Sunday, July 18. She is stayc.omrade and Mrs. Ray Manges ing··· •at ti1e J)CITY f'1e Id, so 11rs. arc Yacationing at Yellowstone and Goodell, Mr. Smith, Adelle Hobbs, 1 the Larsons are still in North Da-1 a~d Nora Dawson left from .1.'acoma kota. with party "fixin's" to nwct with * * * Osie Walker and Buster Smith in Puyallup for the occasion. Georgine Ward and Beverly Kerth Supervised Play - There will be arc new members in the Auxiliary. supr-.rvised play for the children We hope they will like us and keep every Thursday rit Dawson Field 1 on attending meetings. from 9 'Lni. to noon. Be sure to I * * * • send or bring; the children out on Keep your eyes on the Prairie that day. Pointer for more news of this live wire organization. Ione .tv!. Johnson, Pub. Chrnn.


Our Closeout: Sale Is Still In Effect: DROP INTO OUR BARGAIN DEPARTMENT



This We·ek's Special

Shingle Stain Red and Green - 5-gal. Lots

only $1.B& per gal.

Teen-age Dance at Sales Grange Friday

Clothes Drying Racks __________ only $1.98 Fence Pickets, each ..... _.. only 4c to Be I-IOT PLATES (2-burner) .... 1;2 OFI~"'

The Explorer Post 250 of Park1:1 nd will sponsor a teen-age dance

at the James Sales Grange, July 23. Music by Howie Lee's orchestra will start at 8:30 p.m.

Hansen's Garbage Service (formerly Bunce) DEPENDABLE SERVICE $1.00 Per Month YU. 9480




Per Word ... _. ..................................03 Minimum ......................................... 50


Call GRanite 7100




now offer' good upland mixed millwood, direct irom the lfoy mill. For prompt delivery, call Yukon 9659. 33tfc EXCELLENT yppurtuuily for


young· rnan on ne_wspaper ag-ency, open about Sept. l. Car allowance


and commissions. l\1u1st be able to handle sales boys at Fort Lewis. Write to Robert Skamson, Box 625, Chehalis, Wash. 46c PRICED for quick sale. Almost new


Prcrnier vacuu1n cleaner and at-

only $3 . 00

tachnwnts, $'15.00. Olson Poultry Ranch. East Airport and Harrison St. GRanite 4-3.4-7. ~Hie TOOL sharpening and commercial knife g-rinding. Hand and circle sa\vs, ::ixt".s, scis!'ors and

I • • •


f II

tools. 515 Lincoln St. GR. 4-666. '1·6c DOMESTIC flour furnace and at· tachments. Good as new. 515 Lin· coin street. GR. 4 G66. 46c '38 DODGE coupe, clean, radio and heater. Spot and fog lights. $695 or trade for clean s~dan. 4325 So. M St. GA. '.l95·l.

• • Ill





Garbage Cans only $1.50



CLAY ROLEY GR 4586 Midland GR 8501 98th and Portland Avenue


ruled forms, vvedding invitations, personalized sta·

Auto View

tionery, pamphlets, leaflets, dodgers, books, periodic

Friday & Saturday, July 23, 24 THE HOME STRETCH Corne! Wilde • Maureen O'Harn (in Technicolor)



ALL MY SONS Edward G. Robinson and Burt Lancaster

* *

•, q11




Sunday & LINDA HE GOOD Elyse Knox - Marie Wilson

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday July 27, 28, 29 TO THE VICTOR Dennis Morgan • Viveca Lindfors -ALSOCartoons News -- Sports Show Starts at Dark, Rain or Shine

GR. 8362

RT. 7, BOX 125

* * Monday, July 25, 26

Phone GRanite 7100

Extension Ladders Lawn Seeders and Fertilizer Spreader


Brookdale Lumber o.

ALONG THE OREGON TRAIL Monte Hale - Adriane Booth

and design. BEARD PRINTING CO. Fine craftsw.

Floor Sander and Edger Floor Waxer and Polisher House Jacks, both screw and hydraulic



Business cards, letterheads, envelopes, state1nents,

publications, 1nagazines. We specialize in service





men in the printing trade.


Distributors of Standard Oil Products

.=n:el Oil I «1.:u.d §ervice 8t«1.tion 'I

j 11.

GR. 8112

Brookdale Lumber Co.


On Mountain Highway ORVILLE TORGESON Manager RT. 7, BOX 125

GR. 8362

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.