Prairie pointer v 3 no 27 mar 11, 1948

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Jewelry Expands I-I er sch el 1vfoblcy of Mobley's Jewelry in Parkland has taken over the PX watch repair com~es­ sion at Madigan General Hospital The expaLision is expected to enhance the Parkland establishment For the Ladies New operator of the Midland Beauty Shop on 98th and Portland ;\venue is ](oy E. Cook of 84th street, bet w<:cn Portland and Van Buren. Cook will specialize in permanent waYing and hair styling. H.c attended ach-ancc styling school and has had experience in that work. }Jc will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and will take c1·ening appointments. Rates Lower Iforc's sorncthing of interest to those living in fire protection district No. 4. All insurance companies have received lo,ver rates sincc'lhe formation of the iire district. Home owners with fr·e insurance policies can turn them in to their insurance con1pany and receive ne'v policies with lower rates, retro active to July 9, 1947. This is one of the benefits of having a fire department. Parkland Blood Pool A blood pool was formed recently by the Parkland volunteer fire department. Since the purpose of the fire departmrnt is to save life and property, the blood will be available . to anybody in Parkland needing it. Anyone may also donate blood at the blood bank, crediting it to the pool.

Football, Basketball Awards Presented At Midland School A letter a ward ascm b ly was held Friday afternoon in the Midland junior high school auditorium. Awards were presented for first learn football and midget football and for first team basketball and midget basketball. Albert Reihs, midget football coach, presented the letters to the midget football squad, who won the championship in the fall. Those receiving the awards· were Billy Squires, lfoward .Mansfield, Paul Ha"·kins, Keith Vaughan, Joe T,awson, Je1Ty Vvoodard, Richanl Johnso 11, Fred Reed, T.loycl H aavik, D o 11 a I d Recd, Tcrry Hansler (captain), David ·Dunham, Jottrdan Sullivan. and David Pease (manager). First Team Letters Awarded Carl Coltom, coach of the first team football and heavyweight and midget basketball teams, presented them with their letter awards. Those receiving firnt team fn~thall awards were Clifford Mayfield, Ronald Tvfarshall, Donald Larison, Ralph Hubert, Jack Crossman (captain), Larry Christenson, Eel \Vhitlcy, Harold Snyder, Terry Piper, Robert Hensley, Richard Hanson, Richard .Hals, Larry Howlin, Charles Berry, Jim Howard, Sollie Christel, and Eugene Kennedy (manager). Tho;;c receiving a1Yards· in first team basketball w c r c Clifford Mayfield, Ronald Marshal (manager), Ralph }Jubert, Jack Crossrnan (captain), Larry Christenson, Terry Piper, Eichard Hanson, Richard Johnson, and Donald Reed. Those receiving awards in midget basketball were Joe LawH 0 ward Mansfield, Billy Lloyd Haavik, J e r r y (captain), Dadd Dunharn, Leslie Horton and Dwight \Vlritney (manager) The players voted Jack Crossman the inspirational award in both heavyweight football and basketball. In the nridgcl division, Billy Squires and Jerry Hansler tied for the inspirational award

Spana'y Cub Scouts To Hold Meeting The Spana way Cul) Scouts, pack 34, will have a pack meeting at 8 p.m. March 12 at the Melropolit an Park hall. Tliernc of the meeting \Vill be "Ifandicrafts." The cubs arc collecting magaziues for the veterans at Madigan llosvital, Anyone in the Spana way district having magazines for them may ha,·c thcrn picked up by the cubs.

Do You Know? Adverrising in

the Prairie

g e ts



action-results when want

( ':?A




you you

need them. Advertising in the

"'~ ~telt keeps Consumer Dollars m the community.

GK 7100



VOL. 3, NO. 27


ist:ri ts



Parkland Church Dedication Services Slated for Sunday

l-Ielp \Vanted!


Office: Park AYC11ue and Wheeler St., Parkland

s Ii


BANK PROBLEM MIDLAND HOME !~Ti:~;.:!:~tr:iu::~e~id:aro~ IITO BE VIEWED




nion High Bond Issue, 28- ill Levy Fail t:o Pass

Two special services will mark dcrlicatio11 of the Parklanrl Evaugeli1·al L11thcran Ch11rch on SL111day, J\larch 14. He1·, Adolph J larstml of PrinceFor tire second time in less than tricians, stage h~nds, p;omp\Val tcr ,\. Johnson, supcrvis·or ton, Minnesota, president of the two year,,, the home of the \Vayne ters,. make-up artists, designers of hanking ior tire stall'. of vVashNorwegian Synod, will speak at Ilnllock family was completely deandf ushers. . ington, has accepted an invitation the regular n1orni11g service at slroyed by fire· I you can dance, s~ng, sew of the Parkland Business Club Residents in Parkland, Midland, Collins and Central Ave. 10:30 a.rn. in the Memorial church, . . . The honsc, located at SOth an•l or do carpentry they ,11 want to meet with the members at its located at !24th street south and voted ovcrwelmmgly to consolidate at the election March 6 \Vilkcson, caught fire when a gasrou to help. There will be a next regular session, Tuesday, olinc lamp exploded. Tire H. M. JOb and lots of fun for everyApril 6. The club has as one of Mt. Highway. Special music will with 737 voting for tbe consolidation and I 75 voting against be furnished by the children in I 't and L. fire department was 1111- body. its 1948 projects the qstablishment 1 the congregation who al tend tire 1 · . . · 8 able to save tile house bccanse ~~you ca.n, turn m~t at i;;m; o_f banking facilities for the South Concordia school. This will be the The next move will be to vote on the fmancmg of a the fire alarm was delayed. Mai ch 12 m the. Midland" al J~rnl. Bullock, who rccei,·cd s·econd an.d 1.1elp orga~,ize the Gay A committee, composed of El- first service held in the new chmch new consolidated high school at a special election later in the building ye a r, according to Mrs. Ruth dcgrce burns around the face, was Nmetres R~v,ue. . , mer Beard, R. E. Poche! and Afternoon Dedication Bcthcl, cnunty school superintendgiven first aid by Fire Chief Dave For . additional mformation 'llcrschel Mobley, bas been workThe actual dedication servrces MePhcrson. Tl;c estimated loss call Ohve Huston at HI. 6515 i11p; on the bank problem and a ent was $1500. The house 1~as coYcred or Floyd Ayers at GR. 73oo. preliminary sun·ey of business will be held at 3 p.m., beginning The breakdown of the votes cast is as follows: Parklanrl 353 for bv insurance. firms met \\'ilh such enthusiastic with lhc procession of pastors into the church. Professor N. A. Madand JO against; Midland, 177 for Benefit Dance response that it was· decided some son, dean of the Lutheran SemHave you subrnitted your entry and 40 against; Collins, 66 for and t '.l'l . ·11· '! l r f' concrete plan should he set up 1 lt~ . n' . ant ~· 1re ( cpar -inary in Mankal<>, Minnesota, will iP .Moblcy's essay contest yet? .16 against; Central Avenue, 141 t 1 ll I r • \ T fohnson was contacted and he men· an.< JC .ac 1 ~ 5 1 nxi iary are :1"Tec1l to come before tile club in be the speaker with ReYercnd If not you'<l better 1lo so soon for and 89 against. Harstad making the dedication s1'!)01111solnug a l~cn~fl1t9rl?nccl fo~1t·h1e a~ advisory capacity. fur tire contest has less than two Defeated Last Year Othn pastors participating rn weeks before it is over. Don't pass ,u oc .;:s Oil "pn Ill tie iv H .. , , o en Meetin land Improvement hall. ?v[rs. 1 lelen 1 urncr and Gladys N . Tl p · t f ti The same proposal was defeated the Sl'rl'ices \\'ill include Re\'. vV up yonr chance lo win a 17-jcwel 1 1 Anyone interested in helping the Carlson, botlr Parkland teachers, , 1 . ~ 1 . f;m~s, l~reCsilc Jen ic C Gnllixson, pastor of the Parklast year w:hcn Central J\\'enue wrist watch absolutely free. 1 a1, <1nl1 ,usrness ·1 ·l · · · · E . llJ, 1ras ,rni . am1 }'. \nt 1 cas·h or mcrclranc11se were rmltatcc 1 mt<~ t 1re ',psi 1Oil nounce<l tl~at tire April rllecting land chnrclr, :\ls Merseth of LakeAll yon have to do is tell, in voted the merger down. donalw11s may lea 1·c the1u at the Chapter of Delta happa Gamma, 'll · 1 . _ . ll ., . t : wood, 'fheoclorc Brackmann of SIJO words or less, what the value ln Union High School District home of Mrs. George Turner, 96th National Honor Fraternity in Ed- wr I'". opcl·n tol al pcrslolns rn Aet- Pnyallt11i, It 1\. Frantz of Tacoma and benefits of Moblev's new 205, (Spanaway, Elk Plain, Clover · '·' S· · '·f I 3 es.tee rn t 1e )an.;: pro) cm. · n Creek and Lacamas) voters deanc1 P ort lancI A· Ycnuc, mrs. tan uc.at10n, u arc 1 . ,fl' , . "ll I . l' t . t· 'l . ll and \Valtcr Amacher of Tacoma. street clock arc to Parkl~nd. L' I p 11 A ·l M' !\ lli1 N' l e 01t 111 le m.u.c o con,ll. •1 rp (C on .. o .;: venue ?r '.tl t 1c 1 iss . n~1a _arn ~ re sen was business iirins in the Parkland Mass Choir Entries should be in on or be- feated the proposed $48,000 bond home of Mrs. Dec Brrttam on hostess \\'h1lc Mrss l•lorence Pct. I . 't t' t tt I '\ mass, choir, compo;;cd oi the fore l\Jarch 22 and should be issue and 28-ruill tax levy for the · ·I c I1apter, . anrI 'l'l. area wrt. 1 an rnvr. a 10n o t'a enc.t " I \.Happ an d 1' . ay 1or. i:rson, f on1H.1er o f tic purchase of a "ilc, but at l11c same · · I · · l 1rs w1 11 1)C a c1inner mcc 111g a choirs from tire Parkland Evan- mailed to the Prairie Pointer, Box If tbcv wish them to he prckcd Mrss Lucrlle Parsons pourec. ·l T 1. I I t' time approved the selection for a g-clic:il Lntheran church, the Zion 797, Parkland. '["I · · · · reserva 10us up t l 1cy - mav ca 11 t Jre f'trc cI cpart.. 10sc a.t I l1e rn1tial1on were ,, mr·s·. t 1c·. . Inc ran ·l .nn · . anc I high school site. Lutheran church of Tacoma, and · I',utlr l'.•att111, · I\·'' \ Cl· · must mcnt.;; ! nne 110tt1, Tl )C mace. 111 acvancc.·u .11 members of the Grace and ReThe Elk Plain district approved 1 1 Mrs. Adelaide Fryar, Miss Nora . JC Jan rn1g ;0111m1 cc w1 a special 25-mill levy for a builddeemer Lutheran churches in TaJ. • ·1·1· I I . '·I' meet Sundav cvenmg ;it the home l·I a ll , 'I" ing fond and Clover Creek resi -u iv 1ss .cona - rn' Cl', h rss f 'f I' l l l.. anra l l o, J\I · · H arrny fo tliv .l" anc1 "' >Care to ma (e coma, will fnrnish special music J · 1s s . dents· Yotcd for the 10-mill tax levy for the dcclication. They will sing 1 Holstrom, Miss Adele Koster, m rcr Pans. By Darlene Weddle to lY.11~1.: a gyn1nasiun1. the "Hallelujah Chorus" fro rn . Mis·s Palma Larson, Miss Aleyna --------Spanaway school played a basHandel's M cssiah and "Praise to Director Elected Books for children, juniors and Linq11ist, Miss Audrey McDonnell, the Lord, the Almighty," by Llaclr . ketball game with Milton, Feb· 27. \nclrcw Christenson was elect.idults arc all found among the Miss Lucille Parsons, Miss Ca, • Because both S1mnaway teams A Dedication. Day tea will be ed to serve a three-year term as many new hooks rccrntly rccei,·cd milla Payne, Miss Katherine Rowheld at S p.111. in the Concordia were rlefeated, a return game was played "·ith Spanaway \Vedncs- director in Midland while Floyd at. the Parkla1;d branch of the l;rncl, Miss Marie Scheitlin, Miss Lutheran school. Ayers and A· L. Bombardier were Pierce county lrbrary. Emmaline Schlauch. Miss, Hilda n · Ue OWe 1 rlay. "Nicc~demus," by Dorotlry \i\';il-1 Skreen, \liss Gladys Sorenson, J\ ''pink and blue" shower was The Milton girls were defeated chosen for the two-year and oneworll1, rs the story of four peoj,!~, ! JV[ rs. l'c:irl Stafirlback, Miss Mary given for Mrs. Charles Lorenz, 12 to 9 while the Milton boys year terms, respecti\·ely. C. 0. Olson will serve the thrcea.II who attend a fas.hionablc New! Elizabeth Talbot. 'March 3 al the home of Mrs won 29 to 20. York ,church on Easler s,,,Hfay' Guests \\'Crc Mrs. Ada Dauglr- Ross l'lurnb. March 5, Spanaway played Cen- year term in Parkland while John Officers were elected by the tral A 1enuc, \\'ith both games go- Smidt was elected for the 011e-year 1944 for different motives. How crty, a funner member, and Miss The table was decorated with their problems are answered Fl~rcm:c Peterson· a doll cradle having twins in it Tccn-Ag-e Club at their meeting ing to Central Avenue. Score for term. Directors for Spanaway are makes an engTossing counterpoint. Some of the rmrposcs of the while a large doll stood, over them March 2. The 11ew leaders arc Jirn lire giants were 38 to 30: for the John Newell, one-year term, \A/. C Feddcrson and \\Tilliam Righet"The Wilcl Sweet Wilch," by I fralcrnilv arc lo aid in elevating The home was decorated for St Oclcfen, prcs,idcnt; Jim Ames, vice midgets, 16 to 10 president; Della Cooley, secretary: Phillip \Vooclrnff, includes the the teaciring proies,sion and in de- Patrick's Day. The game winds up the S·eason ti, two-year terms., and Harold story of three grncralions of life ,·eloping· high i<lcals and profcsA lovely lunch was served by Beverly Wallen, treasurer; Billy for the boys. The girls played Crisman, three-year term. \~lilliam Meyers was elected for the threein I n<lia-from 1375 when Kalyan sional spirit among women teach- the lrostess. The afternoon was Fecldc1:son arid Dennis Mickey, Parldancl yesterday. year term in Clover Creek. Singh's reckless bravery in the ers; to form scholar';hips to assist spent by playing games. Prizes sergeants-at-anus; Beverly Nolan, The three-year term as director hear hnnt laid tiw foundation 'Of members to p u rs 11 e advanced were won by Jo Ann \oVilliams, social secretary; Pat Mulligan, in Elk Plain was gi1,en to E. Vv his family's fortune, tn the rnnd- courses of sludv; to honor those Mrs· Ellen Lorenz, Mrs. Frank scribe: ancl Opal Cooley, assistant Castle while ()urdon Johnson ob<'rn 1n<lia of his granclsrn1, Jogn who have achic.vcd distinction in Kearns, Mrs. Joe Jupiter and Mrs scribe tained the tw• -year term Singh, \\'hose equally reckless de- the teaching profession. Albert Nelson. After the games Spaua\Yay's contribution in the votion to the cause of Indian free---------were finished, Ellen opened the March of Dimes campaign this dom brings the novel to a climax. gifts for her twins, Susan and year totaled $86.61, according to "vVild J\lli,r,n.als of th~ f'.i1c HivD~vid. They received some Jovel) Mrs. Blanche \\Tilkerson, execucrs Country, 1s a non-f1ctwn book gilts tive s·ccrclary. The money was 1 for juniors but is one both young A pre-Easter slyle show will be collected through the school presented hy Helen Da1is at 8 Pal'idand\ official total is nO\\ p.m. March 17 in the Junior Ball in and :1111011nts to $622.35, ex- Meetings every second and fourth Cory 1· ranklrn and illustrated by Friday at 8 :00 p.m. in the clusive of the $122 collcctccl from room of the \Vinthrop H otcl. Mary Ogden Abbott. Sunshine Hall BOYS' CLUB TO GIVE Violet Prairie Garden Club will The show is being sponsored by PLC. The author draws the swift BOXING, TUMBLING ACTS hole! their annual guest 1lay at the the Venture Club of Tacoma. All "Tire response in Parkland can't l t was dcc;icled to change tire moving and dramatic action from FOR COMMUNITY CLUB ' i'vfethodist ChuJTh parlors·, Park- proceeds will g,) lo the children's Lie c1.1rnnr<:nded Inn highly," J'vlrs rnccling dates lo the second and tnre incidents, land. March 12. Members "111 w;ud at the Cushman Indian Hos- \\'ilkerson said fourth Friday oi each month at lkrtil E ] ohnson, prominent Tascrl'e a pot luck dinner at 12:30 the last mecli11g. This change was coma attorney, will be the guest p.rn. The past presidents will be pital 'fickcts may be obtained by callmade in the hope it Y:ouhl enspeaker at tonight's meeting of honored al this time. ing Marjorie Hingstad at GRanite courage more mcm bcrs to attend the Parkland Commnnily Cluh. The president, Mrs. J. F. GraAttendance at the meetings has Ilre meeting 11·ill be held at 8 ham. will name her committees for 7100 days, or BR. 2085 evenings. been good in the past with almost p.m. in the Parkland grade school. the fall garden show· A flower a 75 per cent attendance of the Johnson, one of the founders of arrangement competition will be Lorraine Dorothy Shipton and post ancl auxiliary present, but it the Tacoma Boys.' Clnh, will speak the order of the day with each Howard C Perkins oi Harvard is hoped that the change will bring 011 the operation of the club and STUDENTS WILL CROWN eHn more out. Among other member and her guest acting as Mrs. Virgil Hodi11s was hostess 11'erc married Feb. 28 at the First tell what it has done in relation to a learn in preparing an arrange- to the ladies of the Clm'cr Creek QUEEN AND KING AT United Presbyterian Church things we hope to solve the "baby juvenile delinq11ency. Boys from ment. Those competing will bring PT:\ when she gave a pink ancl ANNUAL CELEBRATION The hri1lc \\·ore a wc•drling gown sitter" problem of the members· the clnb will also be present to their own material for the arrang·e- blue shower for Mrs. Adin Hanwith a bodice of cmbroitlcrccl lace, * ~: * The c:unpus oi Pacific Lutheran pnt on boxing a111l lnmbling ex- mcnt. s.c~n at her home Feb. 24. a sll'ccthcart neckline, and full The birthday of lhe American College is adorned this week with hibitions Those present were Mrs. Ivan posters, bumper care!:;, and blot- Legion will be celebrated at the skirt over white satin. Iler finger!\ report frorn the police protecCollier, Mrs. Ruth Thompson, Mrs. ters, all campaigning for a favorite next meeting of the post, March tip Ycil was held to her head with tion committee will be included in James Leonard, Mrs. C. E. O'Neil, person for Saga Queen or Saga 26. A pot luck dinner will be a £oronet of orange IJlossoms. Hc1 Mrs.· Robert )..fcCullo11gh, Mrs. King. bouquet was composed of nine tire business of the evening. The served at 6 p.m. The ladies are group will also discuss supervised small orchiLls surrounded by \\·hitc 'M '\ H C lT 11-Elk Plain Grange Fcna N. Ellridge, lvfrs. 11 arr y The king and CJ ncen were elected furnishing the dinner, and the men playground adivity for the sumWhite, Mrs. N. F. \Veimcr, Mrs. Iviarcih 10, but their names will the cake. There will be plenty to tulips and small white bells at 8 p.111. in Grange hall. mer as well as- sponsorship of a F. 'Tuttle, Mrs. Ace Orsborue, not be annonncccl until the crown- cat for all. Motion pictures and Rev. II enrv Dietz read the douMARCH 11-\Vomcn's Auxiliary Mrs. \V. Rone, and the honored ing· .March 12 al the annual Saga a magician's act will be inclu<lccl ble ring c~rcmony. Matron-of- float in the Tacoma daffodil paof the Clover Creek Grange at rack in cooperation with the lmsiguest honor was the hricle's· sister, Mrs the home of Mrs. Freel Sutter. in the program. Carni1·al. George Puckett (Gloria) wearing lll'SS clnb MARCH 11- Parkland CommuThe carni1·al, which begins at l\c11· committee members will acqua and carrying pink carnanity Club al H p.m. in Parkland 7 p.rn. in front of the Student ,t!so be annonnced at the meeting. Representatives of a uniform tion;;. Bridesmaids were vVanda Union building·, is open lo all resi- firm in Seattle were present at school· Nance, dressed in blnc, and BarMARCH 11- Midlancl Teen-Age 0 dent;,; of Parkland and outlying bara Becklund, dressed in gold. dance at 8 p.m. in :'vlidland ImSt· Patrick's Day will be the districts·, acconling to John Nico- the last meeting and displayed caps aud it looks as though we They carried bouquets of white provcrnent hall. theme for the youth dance held lai, chairman of the affair. arc going to have a snappy lookcarnations. l\IARCH 12-Junior 4-11 Boys hy lire Explorer Scouts, of ParkThe program will be presented Candleligh!ers were Carole ShipClub meeting at the home of land, !\·larch 12 in the James Sales in the Student Union lounge, once ing post. Come out and order yours next time· \Ve get three day The Methodist Church is planI t011, wearing· pink, a_pd Marlen<' Mrs. ll arry vVhite. Crangc. at 7 fur the student~ and facKennedy, wearing blue. They harl ning a ho111cco111ing seryicc in MARCH 13-Parkland Post 228, Dancing begins at 8:30 p.rn. with ulty, and again at 8:15 p.m. for delivery on thes·c items. corsages of pink carnations. The memory of early church pioneers \merican Legion, at 8 p.rn. in music furnished by Howie Lee's the others. Tire crowning of the best man was Lewis· Perkin, broth- at the usual 1noruing service on Sunshine hall. orchestra. Saga King and Qlreen will be from Don't forget tl.Jc dance. torn?rer of the groom, who came from .l\I arch 21. MARCJl 14-Clover Creek Post Green colors will be in order 7 :45 to S:lS p.m. \row at CJ p.m. ll1 the Sunshrne Chapin Fosler, district lay leadCalifornia for tire occasion. 118, American Legion, and Aux- for this special occasion. All tecnAdmission to the program is 25 h.ill Ushers \\'ere Donalrl Perkin and er of the Methodist Church, will iliary at 8 p.m. in Spanaway ag·crs are invited. cents. Games will be from 5 to 25 preach on "Pioneers of the KingFred Sullivan. school cents. No money will be used to George Cunningham of Oregon dorrr." Foster is president of the M 1\ l< CH 16-St. Patrick's party buy from the booths. Instead, State 1l istorical Society and curCity sang "Because" and "Still Is hy St. John of Woods parish script, at five cents a ticket, will the Night." Organist was Mrs. ator at the State llistorical Muat 8 p.m. in M iclland Improvehe sold from four or five strateMartha Rasmuss·cn. A reception seum in Tacoma. '\ movement to form a11 infor"The Seven Last vVords," by gically placed offices. ment hall. mal softball league among the was held in the church parlors for ~JAECH 17-Card party at 8 p.m. DuBois, \\'ill be presented at 8:00 150 gues·ls, Mrs. E. R Kennedy, rural fire departments in Pierce in Elk Plain Grange hall. March 18 by the Trinity Luanother aunt, poured, assisted by county was made at the regular MAH.CH 17-Clover Creek PTA theran choir of 40 voice& under £"11_,.., __ t""l---1- r-11-_.1 __ TUT'>A h1.~~i11i:55 1."!~C'.:'th!g 0f the Pt!get Mrs. Rex Kelley. the direction of l\frs. Ella Olson 'T'h-...PP NP'uu MPmh.a.-...o I at 8 p.m. in s,chool auditorium -'*'"'v'-'1 v.iccn. .1VJ.n.::i-, Ult:: r..LCJ. ~ I\<IARCII 17- Harvard - lvfidland The program will be held at the Ivirs. Aiired Emery, and :iYirs. ~~~A Sound Firemen's Association, held needs your talent. T h e y are Three new members were voled PT A at 8 p.m. in Midland ltmch church Joe Hartman were in charge of in Parkland March 9. sponsoring a home talent show, room. the wedding gifts, aided by Patri- into tire Parklan<l Volunteer Fire Seventy-six visiting fir cm c n Soloists will be l\fr. Charles or amateur night April 10 at cia Steidel and Mr·s. Fred Sulli- Department at the business meet- MARCH JS-Concert by Trinity Martin, tenor of the PLC Choir, from King and Pierce county were the school auditorium. ing March 8. They were Norman Lutheran church choir at 8 p.m. Mrs. Burt Raymond and Miss van. If you have any talents or at the meeting in church. After a wedding trip to Victoria, \Vold, John Curtis· and Edgar Movies on the collapse of the Helen lbmstad, sopranos, Mr any novelty ideas for the show MARCH 18-Sunshine Sewing John Richards and Mr. Richard 13. C., the couple. will be at their Larson. Narrows· bridge were shown. Rep 1 ease contact Mrs. N. F. Jim Brown was ,·otcd in as an Club at home of ).frs. Matilian- Svare, baritones freshments, prepared by the Auxhome on Sixth Avenue. Mrs. PerWeimer. sen. kin graduated from Lincoln high honorary member. The public is in\'ited. iliary, were served. They are sponsoring a "Gay Nineties Revue" to raise funds for the improvement of Dawson playfield. They need elec-




Elk Plain Residents Approve 25-Mill Tax Levy for Building Fund; Clover Creek Citizens Vote 10 Mills for Gym


Clock's Values, Benefits Subject Of Essay Contest

Parkland Teachers A re I nttlate • • d JntO Delta Kappa Ga1n111a



f °..

Spanaway Defeated In Milton Games

l\1any New Volumes At County Library

Mrs. Chas. Lorenz Honored at Pink A, d Bl • Sh .

Teen-Age Group Elects Officers

Spanaway 'Dimes' Contribution $87

ATTORNEY WILL I :'.1 '.'.~ 7;,':,ri~·~lla.1e~1j,~1;.;t;~,1~r~)~vi6~~,;~.1~~ SPEAK TONIGHT Garden Club Plans Annual Guest Day Lorraine Shipton, Howard C. Perkin Marry in Church

Helen Davis Will Present Pre·Easter Style Show Soon

Parkland Post 228 Reports

SAGA CARNIVAL Cl over C r'k W 01nan Honored at Shower DAY MARCH 12

s1!:~{a1'!~f t~~:i, I

St. Patrick's Day Tlletne f p arty

Homecoming Service Planned by Church



Firemen to Start Softball League

Trinity Choir Will Give Concert Here

Fire Dept. Votes --



Got Any Talent?

Page Two


. f~~?-:_-· .1v1ARJOJUE lUNGSTAD community newspaper for .Midland, Parkland, Brookdale, and Spanaway. Published every Thursday by Beard Printing Co., P. 0 Box 797, Parkland, Wash. Entered as second-class matter October 3, 1945, at the post ofiice at Parkland, vVashinr;ton, under the Act of March 3, 1879. A

SUBSCRIPTION l{ATES, By Iviail: 1 year, $2.50; sis: monlhs, $1.75

Support Your Civic Club Only 16 Midland residents were present to carry on the civic duties. of the Midland Improvement Club ;it its meeting last week. It is indeed appalling that the majority of Midland citizens arc not community minded enough to ;ittcnd a meeting once a month for the betterment of their community. A handful of people cannot carry on all the projects for improvements needed in a community by themselves. They need the help and support of all the people in the community. The work of the club is almost doomed to failure unless more people show an interest in it. Support the Improvement Club, Midland residents. Show that you want to help make your community a better place in which to raise your children. Attend the next meeting of the club. It will be held at 8 p.m. April 6 in the Midland Improvement Hall.

* * * New Projects The Parkland Community Club meets under its new officers for the first time tonight. Besides carrying on with the old projects in the club, the group will launch new plans for the betterment of Parl<.Jand. Among them ·will be plans to sponsor supervised play~ ground activities during the summer months, more adequate police protection, and plans for a float in Tacoma's daffodil parade. All the projects arc ones that Parkland residents should be interested in, for they are for their benefit. So come to the meeting tonight and support them. Help the new officers start their terms out right by having a big crowd at the Parkland Community Club at 8 o'clock in tbe Parkland grade school tonight.

* * * Voters Commended Voters in the Parkland, Collins, Midland, and Central Avenue school districts should be commended for their approval of consolidation last Saturday. The measure is the first step in obtaining a high school for this area. The next step will be the approval of a millage at a special election some time in the future to get appropriations for the building of the high school. If the turnout is as satisfactory as it was in the recent election, a high school is almost ours. Residents in the Union bigh district voted down the proposal for a 28-mill tax levy and a $48,000 bond issue. This also is a progressive measure f9r it leaves the district open for consolidation. If the consolidation proposal is brought to vote by the county committee for school district reorganization, residents in that district will also get a chance to obtain a high school and the South End may be able to have the two high schools it needs.



to make posters advertising the "Gay Nineties Revue,". which will be_ put on by the H.arvard J\tulland lmpro\·emcnt Clubs to f1nancc work on the Dawson playfield. Tryonts will be held at 8:00 )l.m., March 12, in the Midland Improvement Club hall. Anyone interested in being in the play, or work~ng for the prod11clion of the play is urged to attend. Bookmobile- The Bookmobile will be hack to Jopp's Corner on J\1arch 18, 9:20-9:50 a.Ill. Ill-Jackie Tho111pson, son of J\fr. and Mrs. J\rmaucl Tl10rnpso11, of 93rd and Golden Ginn l{oad, was ill over the weekend· H c will lie able to attend school Monday. Spokane Visitor - Visiting :rvfr. and Mrs. A. J\. Drath of. 84th a11d McKinley Avenue, was Mrs. N ellic Cook, of Spokane, \Vash. New Owners-Mr. and Mrs. I. M· Monnett of Dieringer, will be the new owners of Jopp's Grocery Store on 84th and Golden Given Hoad. The Jopps will be lcaYing the comn111nity .March 28. Attend Weddmg-Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drath of 84th and M~Kin­ ley AYenue, Pat Drath, 'vV;ilter Zugncr, and Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Smith atte1;ded the wedding of Mrs· Drath s nephew, Earl Jorgeuson, who· was married to Miss Nellie Kneclu11d in a double ring ceremony, March 5, at the Green Parrot Inn. Sunday Guests-Mr. and Mrs. Harry vVeeks of 84th and East Jay s·treet had as Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Robinson, Delores and :tvfarcilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Branchee, Nels Swolgaard, and T.nrry, Gail nncl Cheryl \Vecks.

. S 'th R t L M rs. Alice mi , epor er GA. 73 02 _______ Enters Logging Business - Ivfr. and Mrs. Cyril Blanchard are moving to Shelton. He has gone into the logging bnsincs·s with other members of his family. Give Donations-The Sunshine Se1ving Club met at the home of 1frs. llla Shipton, BOth and Golden Given Road, March 4. A beautiful table lamp was presented to Mrs .. Homer Mansfield, who is moving out of the community. Clnb members decided to bring· all kinds of useful articles such as clothing, food, furniture, or cash, to the home of Mrs. Helen Matilianen, on 74th and YVilkcson Road. She will take them to the Bullock family, who lost everything in a fire last week· 1~hc next club meeting will be held March 18 at the home of Mrs. Matilianen oh 74th and \Vilkeson Road. Mrs. Minnie: Jacot will be co-hostess. Celebrates B j rt h day- Ervin Smith, 30th and East L street, celebrated J1is birthday March 2. Guests present for ice cream and cake were Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Dralh, Mr. and Mrs· E. B. Smith, Buster, Buddy and Billi Jo, and J\frs. Ne 11 i e Cook of Spokane, vVash. Visit s New GranddaughterMrs. Ray Smith Sr. has gone to Big Lake, Minnesota, to be with her daughter, Mrs. John Brentcnson (Helen Smith). She will sec her new granddaughter, Shirley Marie, born February 15. Also welcoming the baby is a brother, Michael· , Make Posters-Mrs. Olive Fluston, and Mrs. Clarence Johann, met at the home of Mrs. Harold I POINTER WANT ADS PAY Olson on 74th and East L street


\. 11---.., ~ -·



..... '{f.. ........


1 i<e


ELK PLAIN NEWS Good Fishing News! Alice Dorfner, Reporter Spanaway Lake Graham 458 Will Be Restocked Ohio Visitor-Dr. B. W. Castle,

MIDLAND NEWS Bee Brittain, Reporter GR. 8231

brother of E. W. Castle of Elk Recuperating- Mrs. Har 1· c y Plain, arrived Friday from Rome, Dagger of 9lst and Taylor is now Ohio, for an extended visit· His able to be out and tu rccei1·e com- son, Bret Castle, is expecting a pany after ha\'ing a seYcrc case of clischarge from the navy around the flu. Mrs· Bagger had lunch al April 16. He and his father plan the home of Mrs. Albert Kncsa! to motor home at that time. on March 4. Aitcr lunch the two Shrine Meeting-Mrs. Lela \Velladies called on lvfrs. \Vallacc Fike liver, accompanied by Mrs. Edith wlio is home in bed aftei- being Morrissette, drove to K.apowsin in the hospital. She is able to to attend the \Vhite Shrine Club ha\·c visitors for a short time. at the home of Mrs .. Paul Scaman. Hosp it a 1 i zed-Mrs. Charles Stop Over-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shearer of 90th and Portland Avenue is in the hos.pita! at Ellens- Thorton of .Forks, vVash., stopped burg under observation. She has a over last Friday night at the home sister in Ellensburg and. wished of Mr. and Mrs· E. vV. Castle, Sr., while enroµtc to .. Los Angeles. In to he near her. Los Angeles they intend to visit Leaders. Meeting-4-H leaders of the Midland girls and boys 4-H Mr. Thorton's and Mrs. Castle's dub motored 0111· to Hoy to the s.ister and brother-in-law, Mr. and en1111t:y 111ecting·. 'Those g·olng \\'ere cVIrs. E. E. Lutz. They "-ill also Mr. Victor Eshpetcr, leader of the bring their mother, Mrs. Flora lioys' group; .Mrs. Albert Knesal Thorton, home with . them, after her three-month stay in the sunny a11d Il'lrs.. Elmer MonHl, leaders southland· for th<: girls' duh. Mrs. Eshpctcr . . 'f I '[ W ee lten d V 1s1tors-Lv r. anc iv rs. and Mrs. E. Brittain were guests. anc.I son D.arrc 1 o f Plans were made for the raliv dav !\ r t· l,SmeC'I tzer , \.\T -l . . 1, progran1 and the daffodil v<;rad~. C on Jt} • ·.a, L, we> e \\CC,_ Several demonstrations were made end v1s1tors of Mr. and Iv[rs. Roiby members of the leaders that l:lnd ·Gregg. -' attender! the meetings at EllensSchool Club Meet i 11 g-Thc burg. After the meeting lunch was Ma~·ch third meeting of. the E;lk SCr\' Cd· Plam School Club was filled with Auxiliary Meeting- The ladies busincs-s of all types. The cl.uh auxiliary of the H. M. L. fire de- YO!ed to sponsor and help organize parlmcnt met at the :Vlidland fire ~ub Sconts in the :ommtrnity:,.An hall March 3, with ).frs. Lorccne m~er:sted g·1:onp signed for F 1rst Baskett in the chair, dne to the Aid 111struchon through the Red illness of the President, lvf rs. Eu th Cross \Yith the idea that the school Lipke. Hostesses for the e\·ening sick room will be used as a highwere Ivirs. Huth Eshpeter and 'Mrs. way fint ait! station. The Tviarch Clrolyn Deering. 6 election was discttss~d and final School Musical- The Midland plans for the March l; card party school students pres·cnted their were mark Spring J\fnsical nn ]Vfarch 4. i\. Uncle Sam Visits-Not the orig·program of solos, quartets and inal Uncle Sam, but a man of the cliornses oi both the boys and same surname visited the T A. ::tirls glee clttbs was given· A Tihbctt's home this past week. Yaricty of tumbling acts \1-ere pre- Uncle Sam Tibbet.ts, with plenty sc11tcd by Jvliss DcMille's P. E. of zip at 80 years, started from c I ;1 s s. Mrs. Toll'nsend was in North Dakota and visited Louischarge of the 1·ocal numbers while iana, Tes:as, California and now Mr. B;:irras had charge of tlte in- \Vashington_ He is. visiting his strumental numbers. sister-in-law, Mrs. L. M. Tibbetts, Cub Committee Meeting - The of Elk Plain. members of the Cub Pack comBirthday Club Meeting - The mittee of pack 84 met at the home neighborly birthday clnh met at of Mr. anrl Mrs. Don K cmp on the home of Mrs. Hanna \!Vrest\\Tashington street :Vfarch 5. In the absence of Chairman Dan ney, March_ 3. The afternoon was Smith, Mr. Kemp actctl as chair- spent P~~yrng .~oo •:ummy aft:r First. pt 1ze \\ ent to M.1s. man pro tcm· A discus.sion was lunch_ Grace Ladw1ck and second pnze held on the themes and stunts for tn Mrs· Stella Carlson. Those who the following pack meelings this attended were Mesdames· Clara spring. Yon cubs better be on Lad wick, Laura Louden, Stella hand at the pack meetings and Carl~on, Grace Lad wick, Jean have yonr parents witlt you or you Dobiash, Alcatha Flannery, Flormigltt be in the dog-house for a cnce Park, and the hostess, Hanna while. There is fun coming up for v\'rcstney. some of yon cnhs. Mrs. Kemp Candy Sale-The Hainbow 4-H served a deliciotts· lunch and the Club, under the leadership of lvfrs. meeting adjourned. The next meetE. Ha skins, sponsorerl a candy ing will be at the home of Mr. sale March 8. Their efforts will and ?virs. E. J\. Brittain on Knapp be rell'arded with an Easter party and Taylor. sometime in the future. Teen-Age Dance-Don't forget Attend 'Services-Mr. and Mrs. the first tecn-ag;c dance Df this E. \V. Castle, Jr., and children year is sl'.l for March 11 at the atlended Sunday scniccs at the Midland hall- Dancing is from First Methodist C:h11rcl1 in Tacoma 8 :30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. on . March 8. Af!e1- the sermon Noel !lain, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence they attendee! dinner at the D. K. Johann and Tvlr. and Mrs. lfoy H arlrncss home. Taylor will be on hand to keep order· P. T. A. Meeting-The JTar-11 nrd-Midlantl P.T.A. will meel al th(' Miclland lunch rootn at 8 March 17. Mothers of the seventh ;\ triple shO\Hr was held at the grade will he hostesses. Nomination of officers· will be included at Parldancl home of Mm. J. U. Xa1·ier, Tuesday for l\frs. Ralph the meeting· An interesting program is being ·planned. Come out Carlson, Mrs. Mark Stucn, and and hear your new directors speak. Mrs· Henry Senner. Mrs. YV. St. Patrick's Party-The Holr S-toraasli, Mrs. H. Dahl, and Mrs. N'ame Society of St. John of the Ludwig Larson \\' c r c assistant \Voods Parish are giving a card hostesses.. T h o s c attending the shower party at 8 p.rn. March 16 in the .\'lidlantl hall in honor of St. Pat- were M'esdames Paul Larson, 0 . rick's Day. _\frs. Jack Reding, the Hageness, A. Ellingson, B. Streng, newly elected president of the L. Rasmussen, 0. J· Stuen, II. r;roup, is general chairman, assist- Olson, J. Slater, P. H_ Hauge, ed by other officers, Mcs·dames C. M. Olson, L. Kreidler, Louise 'v\Talt~r Corrigan, Eh·in Bomhar- Sales, H. Willis, A. Ramstad, clicr and John Uaycs, and all the Alberta Preus, E'sthcr Davis, E· men of the parish. The public is Tinglestad, lvI. A. Pflueger, Carl cordiallv invited and a good time Fynboe, Al Johnson, and Misses is pron;ised to all that attend· Re- Anita Slncn and Rena Jcrmstad. freshments will be server!.


Local fishermen will be hauling bigggg'ens out of Spanaway lake some time in the future. Twenty-five thousand rainbow fingerlings wilI be planted in the lake soon, according to Lloyd N cil, county game commissioner. And those fish will be twentyfive thousand fish that won't get away, for the ontlet of the lake will he screened with a w at c r wheel. The game commission has restocked the lake before but most of them left the lake through the outlet. The project is expected to be completed within the next month in time for the opening of the fishing season April 18. So, gnod fis.hing.



Triple Shower Given in Parkland

HML Resuscitator Again Saves Life 'The resuscitator of the I-I. M.

and L. fire department saved the Jiie of Mm. Elmer Schrag of 102 Portland Avenue when she had a heart attack Feb. 27. It took Fire Chief Dave McPherson one hour to rc\'ivc Mrs. Schrag. Others who assisted him were Frank Baskett and 1Irs· McPherson.

Midland Students Elect Officers J crry Hanslcr was re-elected president of the Midland Junior high student body in the election last week. Other officers arc as follows: ·, ' Don Recd, vice president; Laura 1 Krapf, secretary; David Dunham, treasurer, Grace Hanslcr, publicity chairman; Ralph Hubert, sergcantat-arms; Marilyn Crossman, yell queen, assisted by Marilyn Madsen and June foringdahl. PARKLAND

BEAUTY SHOP ''Beauty is our business . Smart headiuork is yours" GRanite 6481



Esteemed Service. Our customers have found, in coming to us for their building materials, that they can do so with confidence in our policy of offering only the best for price, selection and quality. Come in today for an estimate on your building problem.

M A d h any tten 85t . Birtlulay party . ,

Mrs. Shelstad of Parkland wa.s surprised with a party on her " l1 1}!rt · I Hay l I ast wee' I b}' f ncnds. · 8 :>t . . daughters, gr:rndcluldren and great-grandchildren. Those present were Mrs. Thor~.r I)1·11 e, N ort I1 J). a I(Ota; son o f .L\'tay Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Allen and daughter Darlene of Parkland; Joe Shelstad of Parkland; Mrs. Art Holman and children, Mary, Gale and Joe, of Collins; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Hough of Ohop; Mrs. Stacy Lowell of \Vfolock, \Vash.; Mrs. Nellie Scversun of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sillifant and sons, Elwood and Deracc, of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Haymond Argo and daughter Madaline Rae of Enumclaw; Mrs. Gene Brown and daughter J can and sons V/illie anci' Kcron of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Joel A 11 c n and daughter Linda of Tacoma. . I ~Ir. and Mrs. Man·in Faltinson and dang·hter Arlene Marie of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Marv i 11 llowcs a11d daughter Marva of Spanaway; Mrs. Murial Alexander of Parkl::ind; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ingham of Parkland, and Blanche Shelstad and Mary Cooper of \i\Tinlock, \!'/as.hinglon. lvlrs. Shel star! received many !only gifts.


American aviator, who blazed a trail of successful transoceanic flight with his dal'ingsolo trip across the Atlantic in 1927. Truly a pioneer of the air age in this intrepid hero, world acclaim for whotil served to gt·~tly stimulate interest in aviation. His kno....!oclge in this field can only be gaugP.d in terms of esteemed ~rvice to manhlnd.

2x4's and SHIPLAP-$35 per,M Windows Lath Shingles Siding Plywood Doors Flooring Shakes ROOFING OF ALL KINDS PHILCO RADIOS-all types and models Electrical Supplies - Insulation




Parkland, \Vas·hington, Thursday, March 11, 1948

For Rent: Floor Sander, Edger, Polisher

made of pine needles, haskets made or raffia \\..-appe11 around clothes lines, and a clothes basket.

Basket fV eaving S 0 l.ves Ch rzstmaS , Sho· 'n P·. bl


~'.11S· is the,, basket, ev~rybody " 10. kno \s me by, she explamed. as I he days. of home sp1n11111g ~nd she h~J~! up a well worn shopprng home wea1~ngare aI.1:10st c;trnct; . . Ive already \\:~;',n out two but Mrs. Ed 1l111de1 lt.c of Thur- 01 handles ?n Ic •. , man and Park A v~nue 111 Parkland \V.lule. Mr~. F~mderlte s ba~ket has somewhat revived the Jost art rnak111g is pr1111anly for recreation. of homemade wares with her hob- she found them a ready solution hy of making bas.kets. to her Christmas shopping probJ'vlrs. Hinrlerlie has woven bas- lem. kets into ;ilmost every shape and Mrs.. Hinderlie doesn't stop at size possible since beginning her making baskets. A 111 on g other hobby several years ago. She has I things, she has woven serving tall flower baskets, shallow sewing J trays, footstools, a dressing table baskets, fr u i t baskets, baskets bench and a serving cart.

ppi g








For All Your Cleaning Needs

" . .



GRanite 7914 >

~-a .1~sfi11g




!Jifi, of Quafillf

GRanite 6445

idland Beauty Shop

Distinctive Permanent Waving, Hair Styling and other beauty work hv Roy E. Cook Open 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.-Evenings by A:ppeintment Beginning April l we will be closed on Mondays East 98th St. & Portland Ave.

Phone GR. 8889 Res· GA. 5074



Weddings - Corsages Funeral Designs

GR 7863





Bicycle Repair and Fixit Shop


MIDLAND BICYCLE SHOP Home of Floyd Davis East 9lst just off Portland HI. 3934

DON REDFORD Septic Tanks Cleaned Contents Hauled Away GA. 7334 417 So. St. Tacoma

Laboure 1'1'ur§ing DoBDe




LIBERA_L TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE For your old, inefficient Oil Heater

Styled Rite UPHOLSTERY 9602 South Tacoma Way GA. 9534, evenings 1


MA 4122 Interurban Auto Freight; Inc,

Daily Service to Parkland, Spanaway and Surrounding Territory ,,, PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE





Tale Lake Road


GR 8077

R. G.


Licensed Public Accountant Tacoma, Washington 1532 No. Oakes



0 Ison Electric 0. M. Olson 11222 Paciiic Ave.


PR. 3980

GRanite 8625

GRanite 7705 Tacoma

JONES SEPTIC TANK SERVICE Tanks, cesspools and grease traps cleaned and contents hauled away. QUICK SERVICE 813 E. Harrison St. BR. 3956

Parkland, Washington, Thursday, llfarch 11, 1948

KIRBY NEWS Mrs. Albert Nelson, reporter Phone GRaham 206

Overnight Guest - Beverley Cruts was an overnight visitor at the horne of 1 [ clcn Erickson on Th11rsday. Home Again-All the frienrls :11Hl neighbors are glad that Mrs. \Valter Schulz is home again. Visits Parents-Mr. and Mrs. \V. P. Failey of Tacoma were dinner guests at the home of her parents, 1fr. and Mrs· !~. \V. Stanger, on Snnday. Visit R_usdsil-Mrs. Ross Plumb visited at 1he home of Eugene Rusdsil and Irene Koylclk on Saturday while Jerry, Terry and Larry attended the show. Weekend Guest - 1v[iss Helen Hansch of Kapowsin was- a weekend visilnr :11 the home of Jo Ann \Villiams. Repair Ball Park-The Graham baseball team worked on the ball park Sunday 1111\rning. 'J'he ladies served a pot luck di11ner at the Grange hall. 'l'hc ball team will hold another meeting on Tuesday night at the Grange hall. Sympath;y - \\I c all s(!ncl our deepest sympathy to Mrs. George Ellsworth and Rawlcigh and Bob


I Smith on the death of their brother, Samuel Smith, who died at Madigan hospital on Thursday. Visits in Bellingham-Miss Rose Tinius was a weekend visitor at the home of Miss Patrica Dalton in Bellingham, \\I ash. Overnight Guest - Miss Mary Jupiter was an overnight guest at the home of Helen Erickson on Tuesday. Visits Sister-:\ ndrcw Chabot of Spokane, \\lash., is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Preston Henderson. Business Caller - ?vfr. Howard Miller of Los Angeles, was a business visitor here last week. Good Wishes-We all hope Mrs. G· Thorsen will soon !Jc able to be up anrl aronnd again. Team Entertained-Miss Jo Ann \Villiams enteriained the Kapowsin bas-ketball boys at a chicken dinner at her home Saturday evening. Those present \\'ere Jack Pres I e y, J can Christoff, Don Lindberg, Mare c n Thompson, Soinja Marlinvold, Helen Hansch, Richard Hansch, Bud Foreman, Crkkct If ansch, Cleora Cope, Hay lllcCunc, Lester Hittner, and Don J11pitcr. After dinner the young people altclllled the dance at Elk Plain. Feeling Better - Friends and neighbors arc glad to hear Jvlr Victor Anderson is feeling J(eep np the good ll'nrk.

Before You Buy or Sell a Car Only 16 Attend Better Check with Midland Meeting Money-Mad Shandrow at


GR. 6779

Next to Brookdale Lumber Co.

\Vars to·ha1·c the railroad i11gs in lviidlancl marked to the danger of rnnning into a ca1· nf freight train al night the main topic of discussion at Midland I111pro1·cme11t hall it met last week. OnlJ' 16 meeting.

Page .Three

Clover Creek By Bessie Roland, Reporter Phone GRanite 6468

• •



Sunday Visitors-Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Knous of Seattle were· S11ntl~y vi,itors at the '110me of ilfr. ancl Mrs. Orange Gager, Mrs. Knous' parents. Dinner Guests-Mr. and Mrs· Jack Dunn werp dinner g·ncsts at . the home of ?vl r. and Mrs. A. L. I Dixon of Tacoma, March 3. Niece Marries-nfr. and ~frs. J. '\. Sns:rn attended 1he wedding nf l\1 rs· Susan's niece, Mary Anna l'osid<, March 5. Campers - A 1 fr c d Southwell, Dirk Susan, Alvis Simons, and llarris Cox camped out Friday night. J\brch 5, some\\·herc on the Cox place. Attend 'Schoo I Play- 'J'hos·c from Clover Creek who attended Ruth Purvis Kvllonen and son Harvey the school play at the Puyallup Ruth Purvis Kyllonen, missionary from Alaska, will speak at high s ch o o l in.elude Maybelle 7 :45 p.m· Friday at the Spana way Full Gospel Tabernacle. She T.conard, Jane McCammon, Robwill show slides of Alaska and speak on her work there. Mrs. Kyllonen is here soliciting contributions for a new servicemen's ert Campbell and Maxine Camphome and retreat at Anchor Point, Alaska .. bell. They \\'Cre accompanic<l by "As thousands of young men are already stationed in Alaskan Mr. an cl 1frs. Harold McCammon. territory, and other recruits arc being flown northward continuConvalescing-\.Vanda Fix, who ally, the need for such a Christian servicemen's ce11ter is one of has just recently hccn discharged the outstanding 'musts' of Aiaska today," the missionary said. from tl1c 'facoma General Hos''The center is being built for the boys who appreciate the touch pital, is convalescing at the home of home life while in military service." ___ of her sister in Ka11owsi11. IA!anda gym. Dancing will be from 8:30 has bcrn staying "·ith the Freel x I to 12. This dance is being held to J. Boncss's 1111til her recent illness. raise fnnds for Scout uniforms. Visits Ill Friend-1,lrs. C)'rns Mrs. Marie Jensen, Reporter Lee Corp is supervisor. The public Greenlaw spent Feb· 29 with Mrs. Phone GRanite 6560 is invited. Kistemachcr, who has been ill for Attends Dinner-llfrs· William PT A Card Party - Thc PTA I .ong of Sc con cl s trcel attended some time. Now Living with Mother-Mrs. hcl1l their regular 1mblic card the dinner given i11 Orting by the Kis-tcmacher's daughter, J oscphinc party March S, at: the Spanaway A mcrica11 Legion Auxiliary. \\lard, and her husband h a,. c sd10ol. Thirteen tables of 500 and Lease Home-Mr. Phil Phillips pinochle \\'Cre at play. Those win- has leased the home 011 Ludwig n1ovecl into the home with J\lrs.1 prizcs were :tlfrs. \Villiam and Turner l<.oad for the co111ing Kistemachcr . Spring Training-Cyrns ( )rcenMrs· ,\11thony Mronsc, year. law, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrousc, Lewis Folder, Enlists in Army-Lloyd CranConley, rvr rs. Oliver dall of Mt. Ilighway has enlisted Cyr11s Greenlaw, and pitcher for the Tacoma Tigers, left last week,., Omat, Charles Merrill ancl Loren in the army, this tillle selecting MIDLAND Buck. The <loor prize went to Mrs. the air forces. He must report for spring training at Ontario, c..,liiornia. Ile arrived \Vcclnesday Erlith Yo1111g. Refreshments were to lvlcChonl Field March lS. 96th and Portland Ave. GRanite 8488 and was to start training Thursserved anrl ~n·ryonc had a good Sons Visit Mother - Kenneth day· lie will he there at least two l lartman of l .os Ang·cles, Calif., or three weeks. Card Party-The Spana\\'ay-Elk and Darold Hartman ~>f American Plain Firemen's Auxiliary will Lake spent the weekend with their their rcgnlar social card mother, Mrs. Frieda Hartman . PTA Card Party-The Span.March 19 al the home of Bcrtha Fccidcrson on 7th away PT!\ will hold their card Cubs and parents of Pack 84 and Lake Road. The co- party in the Spana\\'ay school on for the c\'ening· will be April 2. The door prize will be a met at the Midland Improvement 11 elcn Taylor and Mrs. Beu- s.Jab of bacon· Pinochle and 500 Hall, l'cb. 27 for their first meetBallard· Al! members are 1 will he played ancl prizes given. ing with tlte new cuhmaster, Harto attend. Lunch will be sc!'l'cd and the pub- ry Skelton. ---------·-----------,---------------As the thc111c for the rnonth was Hear T /Texas Tyler-Ivlr. and lie is invited. "birthdays," each den put on a Horton, Mr. Al Benston and l~ed Cross Drive Chairman rs. Frieda Hartman went lo the Mrs. Jack Henricksen of 7th play. These were "\Ve All Knew llalh·oom, located nn street is the Red Cross drive Lincoln," "! .incnln Fr c e d the Olympia highway, lo hear chairman of this community. Her Slaves," and 'Lincoln 1\s a Young PACIFIC AVE. & ARTHUR GR. 8460 Tyler and his group. t'.O·w11rkers are Mrs. Bertha Fed- l\Jan." Awards were presented lo Delon Furlough - Ray E. clcrs·Cll ancl :Mrs. Martha Symmar Brittain, Dean Brittain, Larry "f Mt. II ighway .is home 111011s. Bittner, Delvin Foster, and RichIS-day f11rlo111;l1. IT e ha;; been American Legion Auxiliary at Sand Point. Upon The next rcg11lar meeting of the arcl Gorenson. Membership cards uf his furlough he is American Leg-ion Auxiliary, were given out to all the rcgis·tered for oYerseas dutyCloH·1· Creek U1iit Nu. 118, will members. Mrs. Roger Sharpe, Mrs. HraclVisit Idnho--i'd r. anti .Mrs. Wil- he held in the Span:iway school m Fucstos ancl claughlt'r Cla11- at 8:30 p.m. March J2. All mcm- street ancl Mrs. Dennis \\'C1'C pre- m scntcd with Den Mother cards. !ii of l\Jt. .I I ighway left Satur- hers are urged to attend. ·Den No. :> won the prize for the Hi for Craigmont, Idaho, to visit Party-A party 1Yas hcltl reccnlthc ho111e of i\l rs. Furs ton's Iv in the home of Mrs. Irene relay race. ::: m ancl ialllily, '.\Ir. and 1{rs. c';riifie of East F street in honor i:= YARD BEAUTIFIERS \Vright. ,,f her little son Bobby. Eight ~~i Firemen's Auxiliary Meeting little guests attended and spent Rose arbors and trellises for Office: 703 Tacoma Bldg. - Phone MAin 3311 Spana way-Elk Plain Fire- the afternoon playing g a 111 cs. sale, Brookdale Lumber Company. (Adv., 27tf) Auxiliary met at the Span- Those al tending w c r c Beverly GRanite 8362. RES. PARKLAND PHONES GR 8052 & GR 8718 schoolhouse Monday, March L'etocki, Gary Taini, Nancy ancl ~---··-------------~··---------------i~~:a:::::::::;:::::::::::::::::;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~E:EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!EEE were two new members, Shirley Qualla11d, Genie, Johnnie Althea Flannery of Flk arnl f11,Jic Sanders, and Bobbie and lift's. Violet l\:.,·hblcr Criffi~. Spauall'ay· i\ II members reIll at Home-Mrs. Cliff Anderthis a goo cl meeting. sun of Mt. Tl igh ll'ay is ill in her New Hampshire, Panmenter, Accident-Mrs. Mary i\cgcrtcr home. and Leghorns from U. S. Rt. I, Box 217-A, fell anrl fracNew Residents-Mr· and Mrs. Certified blood - tested hens GRanite 9978 Pacific Ave. and Sales Road her hip March 3. She is rnn- Charles Caw ar<c the new owners Place Your Order Now to the lwspil al and will be of the home of Mr. aml J\f rs. vVil11itc some time. liarn l{ccd on Henry Berger Roacl. Call GR. 7928 Senior Scout Dance-The Senior 1vlr. Caw is employed in the dry ALLISON RD. HATCHERY troop will sponsor a dance eleaning office at Fort Lewis. AND FEED STORE J\farch J 9 in the Spana way schoool They formerly i:csitlccl at AmcriTRY OUR DELICIOUS HOTCAKES Located 1% mile east Parkland ; --------- --·----------· ---------------1 can Lake. Theater on Allison Road Open: 7 :00 a.m. to 2 :00 a.m. (Saturday 'ti! 3 :00 a.m.) Vacation Soon Over-Mr. l'a11l Maynard, rural route dhier who ALICE GAMACHE, Proprietor is Yacatio11i11g in sunny California, _.......... ..................... o~•e•••••••••-.-•--...-....•.._................... 1100•0~•~•so.1FOR HOUSE WIRING is expected to return soon. He will be back on the route March 16 Call PARKLAND- BROOKDALE or thereabouts. Friday & Saturday, Mar· 12, 13 ELECTRIC American Legion Meeting-The "KIT CARSON" Your N cighborhood Electrician next regular meeting of Clover Jon Hall - Lynn Bari Creek Post No. 118, Amerir~an F. J. Nordyke Dana Andrews Lc!.!:ion will be held at the Spa11GlZ 6789, days---GR 7524 eves. "DANGER STREET" aw~1y ~cl10olhousc, on Mountain Jane Withers - Robt. Lowery Highway, at 8 p·m. Friday, March --::-12. All memgers arc asked to atATLAS TIRES AND tend. A lunch will be scn·ed by BATTERIES Sunday & Monday, Mar. 14, 15 the Auxiliary. "I WONDER WHO'S KISSING HER NOW" CHEVRON SERVICE June Haver - Mark Steveus Spanaway on Mt. Highway "THE MYSTERIOUS MR. G Ranite 6465 PARKLAND GR 7947 VALENTINE" IJ St. Patrick's Day will he the William Henry. Linda Sterling theme of the Clover Creek PTA --;~-on Dad's Night, March 17. Tues., Wed., and Thurs. The nominating committee will Watch for the Opening of March 16, 17, 18 be elected at the meeting and final "MOSS ROSE" plans made for the home talent Peggy Cummings, Victor show April 10. Mature, Ethel Barrymore "TWILIGHT ON THE RIO GRANDE" SCREENS MADE TO ORDER Gene Autry - Champion Jr.

ill Save You






2 x 4, No. 4, 8 feet ------------·--------··-lOc each





2 4, No. 3, 6 feet ··--···-----------------15c each 2-x 4, No. 3, 8 feet ----------·-··------$50 per M 2x4, No. I, 8 feet ......... -.......$65 per M 1x8 No. 3 Shiplap, 6 feet._ __ $60 per M 1 x8 No. 1 Shiplap, 8 feet_ ___ $70 per M


Awards Presented Midland Cub Scouts

en era I


bomber Go"


Brakes and Motor Work a Specialty

ladiat:or Service








YOU can modernize your own kitchen and bathroom walls wi'tn colorful TYLE-BORD pastel panels. The streamlined pattern is a great improvement over imitative "checkerboard" designs . . • the hard baked plastic enamel surface makes cleaning a ple,asure.

and all other forms of Insurance




TYLE-BORD walls 4' high for a 6'x8' bathroom average $72.50 - including all the necessary application components. $37.50 of this cost is for the panels themselves. Come· in and ask for a free estimate today. Insist on Genuine TYLE-BORD.

Six beautiful, distinctive westen; pastel colors. to

choose from. See this displ:::ry


our store.


RT. 7, BOX 125

GR. 8362


Finer Funerals For ljESS You would expect to pay at least $600 for a complete funeral service including this beautiful, copper-toned, solid aluminum casket. -at C. C. Mellinger Co. only

The Hnnscn_low











Sporting Goods and Hardware



St. Patrick's Day Theme of P.T.A.

Jl!Jyrtle Mockel's

Daniels Ha


Listen to BOB LYND on the



PARKLAND LUMBER & HARDWARE Wilson St. just off Mt. Hiway GR. 7900

in Gratias' Parkland Center


We have pipe and complete bathroom fixtures in stock for immediate installation.

1'.Tr..i-..,. ....., -P .. h1~,.. "V'-f....t..l. J .a. '11..1.llJ.l..ll.V

Septic Tanks Installed


~~~~~~ ~ ~ Other

Complete funerals Ai Low ai


Pacific WELDING Service 13421 Mt. Highway /D ... ..-.....-..1-...1 .... 1.-..\. , ......... V'VJ.11.UU,J. .... ,

'I:'\ .L:.t •



~-~! ••




, FLOWERS for all occasions at the

Parkland Florists Cor. Pacific Ave. & Lincoln St.

GRanite 7270


Complete Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners


rookdale Lumber o.




CLAY ROLEY Agency ~· GR 4586 Midland GR 8501 98th and Portland Avenue


HEATING G Ranite 8088

12:15 p.m. Friday over KTBI (810 on your dial)


Page Four

Parkland, \•Vashington, Thursday, March 11, 1948


A SMART DUMMY V~(1/ /:/,/>

Parklandite Gtiven Hanky Shower On 85th Birthday


The Spana way ]-] ome League surprisl'.d Mrs. Lena Shelstad with a handkerchief s how c r at the lfo'/' / meeting 1vfarch 4 to celebrate her 85th birthday. Mrs. John Seaburg sang a hymn /! i.1l I.· in honor of Mrs. Shelstad \\'hile ?dr"'. Eric Anderson sang and -=--played a Swedish song for her. }\frs. Everett Ingham, assisted by Mrs. Hazel Martin, served the 1\n :\zcalia, a present from ;,;-··~- lunch· l\Jadalinc Ihc !\rgo of Enumclaw, .' v..,: '~ Mrs. Shclsu1d's grcat-;;rflnddangh"//> ler. severed as the centerpiece for 1hc table. Scriptures were rca<l hy Id rs. Ander,.on. I HOPE THE GUY WHO 8UVS TlllS SUIT IS ltJJS[ lNOUGH TvLrs. Carrie 1--1 cg111an, 89, sanµ; 10 Al.WAYS HAVE IT ClEM'~ED MJD PR.l'SSfl/ AT a song arnl read a piece in S\\'cdish for Mrs. Shelstad. Those present were Maj1Jr and lvlrs. Eric /I ndcrson, Mrs. l I imilher."·cr, I'vl rs. Marjorie 'l\rown, ivf rs. Carrie Tlcgman, Mrs· John Seaburg, Mrs. !\nna Sinl1110ns., all oi PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Tacoma; Mrs. !laze! Martin, ?vlrs. Mountain Highway between Sales and Airport Phone GR. 6301 Jol1nson, nl rs. :\nnison, Mrs. Je"llie Dupuis, Mr. H crn-y K.ight, rvirs. Ceorge Clark, all of Spana way: Mn;. Lou Flnn;;hs anrl granrlhy a Scandina1·ian Smorg·asbord. daughtcr, l\Jan·a I [owes of Oh op; Guests present were: Mr. and the honor ;;m:st, ]\·[rs. Lena ShelMan Mrs. E. Strandin, Mr. and Mrs. stad, and the hostcs-s, Mrs. Everett A surprise birthday party was F. ;\mri11, Mr. and Mrs. A. \Vik- Jngliarn of Parkland· given for Mr. \V. \.\Testman at his lt111d, l\Ir. and Mrs. K. N clson, Mr. 1 home in Elk Plain, Feb. 21. It was and Mrs, J\, Nelson, Mr. and iVfrs. his 70th birthday. w. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. K. LojCards and games were followed dah I, lVlr. and Mrs. J\. Lojdahl, A handkerchief shower uas gi\' Mr. and Mrs. II. Scttcrqnist aud ell ior Mrs. Tames Leonard, l\-farch MORE FOOD FOR YOUR gr;rndd;lllghtcr Ann, .Mr. and M,rs.12 at the (:Io\"''." ' Baptist MONEY 11. ll a11s{m, Mr. an<I Mrs. 0. l'.cl-. Church by her fncrnb m the cornAt Don's hrnd, Mrs. 1\. Coffee, and Mr. and i munity. }I,! rs. r·~. Berg, · l\frs. Iva" Colliers 11·as gc1\eral -----------chairrn:rn of the party while l\frs. lhrry \\'hite was in char'"C of ELK P.LAIN SCHOOL CLU~ 1.;;:mcs. " TO SPONSOR CARD PARTY Prizes ,,-ere won !iv Mrs. LcunThc School Club of Elk Plain an!, Mrs. Jlarold McCammon, and will sponso1· a card party at 8 illrs. Robert McCullough. OPEN p.lll. M.arch 27 at the Elk Plain lfrfreshmcnts \'.'L'rc served to the 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., weekdays Gra1lge hall. follo\\'in.l!,· guests: Mrs· Orangc 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., Saturdays There will be table:; of SOil and Gag-c1-, Tv!r,., A. D. Tlo\\·arrl, Mrs. 9 a.m. to 11 p._m Sunday pinochle. Refrcsrbmcnts will be Cy;·ns Greenlaw, Mr. and Mrs. GRamte 8829 served. \Villiam Clyde l\hca, Mrs. Hamid McCa111111011. :Mrs. Cora lvlcrrit. ' ' Mrs. Inga Solaas, Mrs. J- B. \Vallacc, Mn. Hobert McCullough, SIGN UP FOR YOUR FLIGHT INMrs. C. F. O'Neil, Mrs. llarry STRUCTION BEFORE JUNE 30· TAKE \\!hilc, l\Tr,;. \V. Tntle, Mrs. h·an ADVANTAGE OF Y 0 UR BILL OF Collier, Mrs· Norman \cVcimcr, and RIGHTS AND FLY FREE. the honor g'tl('Sl, Mrs. Tames I .eonarrl. USED AIRCRAFT FOR SALE ---. -------'------·----



(•aeh 1non lh. :-:;(·hool fron1 l p.1n. to :! p. m. P\.('J'Y Suntlay. TRINITY LUTHERAN Parl<land, W -ishlugton



Ernest B. Steen, Pastor

'l'lrnrsrla)-, }Jnrel1 lJ: ti:·lf> p.111.-Clioir n~hPnrs:il. .i.\ :00'ifth n1id-wePk Lenten ~crviee. Se1Tnon the1nc: "Dyinp; for L7:-;,'' Hp~~dnl 1.1..1usic h~r Trinity choir and ;.\Lrs. L1:1rold Ronning, soJoi~t.

S:1t111·tl:1y, ALnrch

H:!HI class.

IO a.m.-Sun<lay Scllool


S:OO p.n1.--t'.in·Jr" No. I :lt lh<' linine of lVIrs. J\:pnneth Jacobs.



p.11l.~<'ird1· l\~o. :~ l~uio11 Jonnt:!.'e, with


in Stu~ l\ll'S. K.

.\. lfolsLul as lu-;st.ess. S :00;il'd('. No G :11 linnH· ,,f' J\lr~, lla!Jlit.z. s :00 p.111.-Cil•('}p ~n. 1: ;\ t \\OnH' or l\ln-::. l!ol1er1 ] Ian er. \\·1·dnesda v. i.\Jni·l'h 11·: :::1;, Scouts 7: ::o p.111.-·-·BO~· Seo11 ts

PRAIRIE MISSION SUNDAY SCHOOL Inte1·cle110111inationa.l Freel Soutl1well, Su1ierintemle11t Denny Lucas, Asst. Supt. !"-iunda y School, !J :ao n.111. nihl(! Study in U1e book of 110111ilns <ll 1::10 l\Tonday ni.:..~;ht, wHl1 :\·l rs. Cl1arlrs ·Knnut.z t.raclling·. Conic and l)ring a friend. CLOVER CREEK BAPTIST

Military Roac1 opposite Clover Creek Scllool W. C. Rhea. Pastor 8~hoo1,


10:00 (i(•orge s11peri11tP!Hlf'nL l\lonli11g wnrsllip, 11 :Ltn. Yuutll Ft~11ow:-;llip, 7 v.111. (Junior




J<:\·P11i11g GoHJHd 8r:r\·ice, 8 p.111.

lY1hl-\Yf.~Pk Servke, Thui·sclay, p.lll. ( 'hoir practi(·1~ 'l'ln1rst1ay at 7 p.111. 'l'l~:tl'!J!•r llh:..:~tinµ; Thinsdny at 7 JI.Ill.

FERN HILL BAPTIST CHURCH South 86th and "G" Streets R. w. Ledyard, Pastor r:ible St".11001, D:·Jf, a.Ill, Cla.f;SC8 for all ag·P8, 1\-'Irs. Norn1:·1n S\\'(•nl:tnd, s11 per in lrnllen t. \Vorship nt LI. En~ning·· 8er,·ice, 'l::!O. \Vcdn~~sd;1y at n;.JG, J;.Y.P.U. \\'N111e.sday at 7::30, :--;iudies 'il1 the r!onk of I h~h1·1·\YN, nnd Prnyc~r. SPANAWAY FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Stanley R. Wecldle, Pastor Sund:1y School. l On.n1. ).fo1~11inp; \Yorsliip, 11 11.111. Evang·eli~t ic seryict~. 8 p.111. < ~hrist::; An1h~1ssaaor.s,


MIDLAND PENTECOSTAL Arnie Xons111ot Pastor f::iunday School Superin ten aen t, A ug11:-:;t Su1nulau(L l\Jppt_;.; every- S11nday in l\iidlnnd

"We Fi~. Anything Fixable" SEVERAL USED RADIOS $8.50 and up

P.~'l' .. \.

hnll nt 1'1 a.111. 8111Hl:ty School, U:-15 a.111.

The FIXIT Shop Clover Creek


p.1H.-('.ird1~ No J\;1j 111'\'ll ..\l'lliZf~ll



GA. 411

<Lt horne

S:no S:OO

Parkland rill

Mt. Highway at Roy "Y"

?\'1:1rl'l1 lti:

S :OO p.111.-Circle :No. ·1 of l\lrs .-\. E. Jj1}\\'lnan.


L [ Mrs . .I. eonarli Honored at Party


anr1 Bible

1 J :1.n1.-J11nior \\'Ol'Ship SCl'\'icG. ~Honda~., i\1ard1 J:i:

Surprise Party Held For Elk Plain



Su11rh1,\· 1 l\-1arel1 1-1;


Maintenance and Overhaul at Reasonable Hates

LOVELAND CHAPEL Rev. B:. N. Svinth ·11ureh :-;c•rvicc:-> ~ to ::: p.1n.1 first

:-:111:<1:1:\' jn ~11nda>~

50 j. .

HARVARD SUNDAY SCHOOL At Hal'Vat«l School 11101• :Be1•gstro1u, Sttpt. 81n1dny School, :10:30 e\'ery

GR. 8787

Sunday, fl:1J·1·al'<J Sunday 8ehooJ i\lolhers'


Circle lnPr~t8 thf~·· fi1·st of the n1onth at :~ p.1n.


LARCHMONT SUNDAY SCHOOL 1 .arclnnont Hunday School 1neets in th(~ P~1rish; ~tL 9:30 Sunday n101·11ingi-.;.



How we write the


'J f('.fn~c-rt,


SPANAWAY METHODIST "TIH·· Ch 11reh by thn Si do of the Rond'' James White anll Raymond McMillan, co-pastors :-;1u1t1:1y Sdrno1 at ·10 a.111.: l\1t·s. IL J\lo~~"l'. ~11pt.; l\1rs., .T. Snid~r. !iii111bl.. )"'ou are inYitc·il tf1 t·o1nc- and ·~t 11dy wi ! 11 us. <:1111rch service- at 11 a.Ill. l\lrs. ()'\'er:1. pianist. 8Pl'1lHH1 by tlle pas!l)r. \\.(• «xt'cnd :-·on a \'er:-.' cordial w1·l1·ou1t-.




.-ind lindllPrl1ootl. Yontl1 l't'.llowsliip at lng·· Jc,.;.;~ons.




MIDLAND COMMUNITY ROME Tlrnre Moberg, Mi11ister Sllnda.1· Sclwol, 10 a.Ill. \l.or1,.1in,u; ~Pr\·\(·r~, 11 u.n1. J,Ildt~ Rt11dy HIHl J)l':l?01' 1 7:~0 p.111. \\'ednestl:1-:.-.


1. Check ••• check and check againthat's how we guard the accuracy of your telephone book. .It's a job for specialists, like those above, skilled in working with masses of names and numbers. Others give new numbers to information operators the morning following installation of a telephone.



:un .. "'""'"'' st'!rnDI.


111or11i11g ""'rship.

PARKLAND METHODIST George w. Cooper, pastor

>'111 ..


1Ji1·in<; wo1'shi11 all<l p1·eaehing, 11 a.u1. 'I JJr• s:-11•ra 1nent of t11e L1}nl'x SllJlJ><'l' will be> ohs"n"·"I :it this t--;<~rvic(" NurKery fur ('.hilllrcn in t llP ha:-:t>ment roo1ns. \ 'hurcll st'.11001 l'll. 11 a.m. Clas8e8 for :Ill gTad£~s: An adult Hihl0 ('l;t~}-; i~ !wing- Jed h~' UH: pa:-;:tor.

,~1'.;t11o•fo.t •. ?'out!!

Fellowship al group rrnm Spanaway will visit 11s at lliis Jrl(•(•tinµ;. So(•i:d f\·llow::-::ldp, song~. recr1·ation, ;:;anles and li;.;ht ref1·(':..;linu~nl~. followed I.\\' a, disl'11ssion :11111 devotional in·ogTanL Tnpk: "Ph~·skal 1\'1Pans for Spir1.... 0




it.nal J.:nd ...:;_" :\J ond:n·: (~hoii- pi-ad kP al

I f"R f H"STER V

f'l1111·c]J, S


Thi• \V.~·;nwn's Society for Cllrisl i:111 8f·l'\'kP wi]} l1H\C•l nt 12:!~0 p.lll. <~ovi.~i·ed dish l11nclH·on fo1low<·d l1y bu:::;iness. sol'i:ll :iutl dt•\'ol iunnl progT:un.

TIHll'sd:tY. .-\.



the· pnr-

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE "N11b~tant~e" is the subject of the I .1•sson-~er1non which \Vill he read 111•xt :-:11nday in all hranl~hes of The \Jot hl'r Clturd1. rrlie F'irsl Church 1)-f' c 11 r i 8 t, ReiPntist. in HoRton, :\ 1:u"s:1l'l111~~i'~Us. ~

~. It's always

handy-there when you need it. Providing this service is an immense job. For example, the paper we used last year would fill three mile long freight trains. Yet publishing directories is just one of many things we do to furnish the best possible service to the \Vest.


tend and i~prove ~er;ice ... ! cu1nc, not 1run1 tctcpnune n1us,

but from thousands of people who put their savings to work in the telephone business. To attract these working dollars, we must pay a reasonable amount for their use. This depends on the sale of our services at fair and adeauate prices.



For steady growth, your chic_ks need the: right hBlance of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Tri'an!Jle Chick SilJrter is. a scientifically bnlanc-cd ration built to fill the requirements of your chicks during the fir:Jt eight weeks of growth. See your dealer .




Daraifi,. Tolonhnno


~ o.~l I


···6th week



···2nd week

@ and Telegraph Company




1J1cet /.t th~ hon:c of JC?KES S~PTIC TANK Clean-. ·. . \\: Beitz ! 0 ~ lun heon rng Service. Also cesspools and ,\la,.ch 12.. l\ :\. Lllmgson will grease traps. Qui e k service. J,c the ass1stmg hostess. Phone Blfoadw;iy 3956. 12tfc




Distributors of Standard Oil Products

Parkland .=u:el Oil 01u1d §ervice 8totiou GR. 8112




u H ~

ft ~

IRed Tag Salel •



!1 :::





in:! o


!:! i•t





20% discount on all Paint


M i:~


!:~ •H

Some items less than 1;2 price






IElectrical Appliances I :t



~:~ ' ~

~~ ~


Sold Locally by n 6 STEWART HAY & GRAIN ~ u Mt. Highway between Brookdale and Spanaway ~ GRanite 8615 ~



H • u n

FREE Beauty Counsellor get-acquainted presentation (skin analysis, facial, and matched makeup) in the privacy of your own home.






FOR SALE-\Vestinghousc range. A ntomatic flavor zone O\'Cll with clock. A good baker. Spanaway, corner 4th and Lake St. 27p F 0 R SALE-Concrete b 1 o ck business building, · 25:xo60. Two store spaces, one leased, one available. Located Garfield St., Parkland. Call Don Knapp, GR 8660 or GR 8829. tfc llELP 'vVANTED - \tVoman to care for mother and infant, middle of April. GR. 7708. 27p

\/~.'~' ;~:.'~!


nish ever-better telephone service to the West

TRADE 1939 ;/,-ton Chevrolet pick-up, good condition, for 5passengcr car. Prefer '39 to '41 1nodcls-. GRanite 7646. 27p ClllLD--CARE by clay or hour. Convenient Park Ave. location. GA. 8652. 27tfc DRESSivlAKING, tailoring and altPralions. Mrs. c'.:'rcen, GRanitc 7354. 24, 25, 26, 27c

remodeling, large or small jobs. Gene Russell, 707 Hendricks St., Parkland. Ph. GRanite 7036. 23tfc The Junior Choir of the Prairie BUNCE FUEL CO. now offers Mission Sunday School in Pa1-kgood upland mixed millwood, land presented a musical program direct from. the Roy mill~ For for the patients at the Mt. View, pr?mpt delivery, call \ nkon Sanitariull1, Feb. 26, under the di- I 96.'9. 33tfc rcction of Miss J crry Lucus. CARPENTER-!{emocleling M "'"hers of the choir are Dornew eo1;struct10n. F1;_ee Esti1 1 }' l s. J ·. mates. Gene Eusscll, ;07 Hen0-1 1y all( ~ut 1 • tewar~, uamta dricks St. Parkland. GRanite kenned.\', \>\•ayne lla~l, h·cd Shol' 23tfc 70:16. strolll, llcverly Haviland, Buddy Sf'AN/\'vVAY LUMBER CO. Laska. l~.olanrl Durham, L~irry and Better Lumber for Less. RoofJack1e! Darlene Blackburn, ing, l-fanlwarc and Paints .• \Ve BcYCrly Milligan, Joe Lucns and rent floor sanders. GR 823:i. Hoh Sol1lhwell. FOR SALE-$2,000 for three yea1 Dllt'!s were ,;ung by Lois Payold 3-room house, hath not co111chcck and Jerry Lucu;;, accomplctcd, plumbing fixtures ready panic:rl by Mrs. Clayton R. Millito install, new electric range and ;;an. Sofos were sung by Bob oil heater inclnrled· Locater~ on Southwell, Bcverlv Milligan and Sales Road near McChorcl Field. ' House must be moved. Call GR. j O\' l.l1Cl1S. .. 8711 27 28 ?9 Clayton R. Milligan was the _ ·. . ' '~ maskr of ceremonies. 1-'T.0\VlNG, lcv~lrng and top sot!. Ray Gogan, GR 8842. tfc ACE SEPTIC TANK SERVICE GAHDEN CLUB TO ME.ET -Septic tanks pumped, contents ']'! C t l S · n , hauled away. GA. 3446 or GA. .... 1c . rys a ._ pnngs uarucn 9794. 13tfc


More than 70,000 people working together to fur-

C ll GR . _100 a an1te I




Per Word ............... .,·-·-·· .. ·--··-····-···03 Minimum ····-···· -·· ...................... _...50

· f p • • Ch Olr rOtTI ra1r1e • M US1Ca • l . · Ul M lSSIOn




Ii UUI UU H.1ltlflllUIU.1

bara :\nu, ';n•mlparents, Mr· and Mrs. A. F. \\leaver, Tacoma, and Mrs. J. Benson of Parkland. :Mr. and \:lrs. Lowell arc former 1:csidents of Pal"!dancl. Cousin Visits - Miss Borghild Ness of Dul11th, Minnesota, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Kenneth J acohs oi Allison Road. Mrs. Jacobs first met her cousin when she and Mr. Jacobs were in Minnc:;ota last year. Miss Ness also l'isited her aunt, l\J rs· John Andcrsc!l1 of \Vilson street. March 1 the .l acohs anrl Miss N rss- harl dinner at the Milton Nesvig home. Editor Visits·-Miss Marion Patterson, managing editor of Marqcc in Seattle, Yisitccl at the home of l\fr. and Mrs. Ray Henwick of i\llison Eoad. Miss Patterson is Mrs. Rcnwick's niece. Minister Sick-Rev. ]. U. XaYier was called to preach at the Free Church Sunday when Rev. Syk-· ness. minister of the church, became ill suddenly.


::: / -~ ? " . · · 8 t h week ?-! •

South 102nd and Ash St.




GR.6256 Parkland

Millions of new working dollars ... needed to ex-

GllU\Hl'li'ilil ftUDln-

start your chicks on

1\larch 18:


r:nn;ig-p :it k p.rn.

2. High- speed binders and trimmers like this are kept busy tmning out finished directories:W-e issue 99 different telephone books on the Coast-a total printing of more than 6,000,000 copies a year. And in addition to the daily lists, completely new directories are printed frequently for information operators.

Business Trip-0. H- Ellingson of A street took a two-day business trip to Richland, V\Tashing1on. last 11·cek. He was accompanied by nfrs. Ellingson. Baby Boy-Mr. and Mrs. 'v\/. D. \Vhipplc of Puyallnp are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby boy, horn Ma re h 2. Mrs. Whippie is the former Helen Remme, who lived for many years iu Parkland· Adopt Son-Mr. and Mm. Oscar lvlorkcn, Ht. 3, Box 805-F, have adopted a five-months-old baby boy. His name is Kenneth Edward. Grandparents arc Mrs. H en r y Morken of Spokane and Mrs. Bertha Flowe of Seattle. Shower-A shower was gi1·cn for l'virs. Gscar Morken in lier home Sn11day. There were sixteen guests from Seattk and Olympia prcscn t· See Ski Jumps-l\lr. and Mrs. El111cr n card ll'crc amon.t; the many persons \\'ho took the ski train frorn Tacoma last Saturday to witness the ski jumping contest at the Snoqualmie Ski Uowl· Sunday Supper-Mr. and Mrs. I farohl Peterson 11·erc hosts· to a group of Seattle friends last Snnday evening. They served supper to the following: l\Ir. and Jvlrs. Jonlrn Moc and da11ghtcr Connie, ?.fr. cliill rvlrs. }\cn11cth Johnson and ::\liss Corinne Fosso. Mothers' Chorus M e et s-'The l\·fo1hers." Chorns. the first of its kind in the Parklanil PT A, met n[arch l for its first regular rehearsal. Those attending we r c Mcsdall1es B. J· Fox, N. Molinck, :\mold Ellingson, 'vV erncr Stay, \V. \V. Cline, lfarolcl Peterson, Dora Pctcr:;on, V. Tuttle, Gladys Carlsnn, E. \V. Trail, Chester L. llarn'y and Miss Lorna Rogers. Mrs. Cliff Ols-on is the director and 1\I rs. Stanley ·willis is the accompanist· The group practices cYery :vfonday al 3:30 p.rn. New members are welcome. Executive Board Meets - The executive hoard of uhe Parkla!l(l Unit No. 228, American Legion Auxiliary, met at the home of Mrs. James SL Juhn, March 9. Plans were completed for the Legion hirtluhy cliuuer an<l future plans discussed. 1vf e n1 be rs allcnrling \\'Crc Dorothy l'. Smith, Bertha L l\ohcrts, Frances r. St. John, Mary L. Kittelson, Kina Brimhall, Kay Srnilh, and Virginia Knapp. ·Auxiliary Sews-The Parkland Unit No. 228, American Legion Anxiliary, \\'rn1 t1l the home of Mrs. Edna llrnn1garrl tu sew for thr: coming May Day Festival. Those attending were Dorothy P. Smith, Helga Doering, Mary Kittelson, Gundrnu T,icn, Kay .Smith, La Verne Murphy, Jl.facleline Bray, Bertha Roberts, Frances St. John, and Marion St, Tohn. Getting Better - Mrs. Eldon Cook of ·Thurman Avenue has been ill for the past few weeks with flu, hut is now getting lwtter. L ad i es Club to Meet - The Prairie Mission Ladies Cluh will meet at 12:3[) ]\[arch 18 in the Prairie Miss-ion Sund av school. Absent from Classe~-Dr. ]- P. Pfl11eger has been ab.,eut from his classes at PLC this past week. He is i11 the Tacoma General Hospital. Congratulations - A son was horn l\l arch 8 to :>.fr. and Mrs. Mark L. Lo\\'ell of Appleton, Wisconsin. The hahv Mark Rich. . . . ~ -' ard, weighed / pounds, 12 ounces. I le is \\'clco11:erl by a sister, BarMayflower Inter-Insurance Exchange Your Auto Insurance at Cost Save 20% on Standard Policy Sav.e 30% on the. Temperance Policy-Careful drivers deserve the low cost-Call your local agent, GRanite 7394. VICTOR L. AMET 205 Airport Rd.-Rt. 3, Box 117 Parkland, Wash.

PARICLAND EV. LUTlIERAN Walther C. Gullixson, Pastol'




It Happened In Parkland

ST. JOHN OF THE WOODS Rev. R. E. Logan, Pastor .98th ancl Taylol', Midlancl ?da:-:ses, g :1nd 10:30 a.111. C:ltec·lii.<::111 after ?Ila:-;:;;;,



Price ·

Electric Heating Pad___ 6.25 Single Burner Hot Plates__ 3.25 Electric Room Heater ______ 9.50 Electric Room Heater ______ 20.75 Elec. Stemn Radiator ________ 37 .50 Electric Glue Pot ________________ 7.50 Hot Plate, 2-burner_ .. _________ 8.95 .






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