Prairie pointer v 2 no 40 jun 12, 1947

Page 1


Your news and GR FJlOO I advertising

Mrs. Robert Haner, reporter GRanite 7551

Vacation in California - Mrs. Pearl Elliott oi Sales Road and Mrs. Lillie NI.orris, a former Polk street resident, left last Saturday for a two weeks vacation trip to Los Angeles. E:nroute they will visit friends and relatives. Among those they will see is 1V1 rs. Gladys Fastier of Van Kuys, who lived on Silles Hoad nL~ar 'J'aco111a i\.vc. Shower-1\d rs. Pearl Elliott entertained recently in her home on Sales Road, a group fro111 Prairie Mission Ladies Club, honoring Mrs. J. N. J•:ngelirttsen at a vink and hlnc sliO\\·L·r. { ~ a 111 c s \Vere playc<l under the direction of l\·l rs. Norm11 l{i11ld1·y. ;\ fter the gifts \\'Cl'e opened, rdrc,;hments \\'ere serl'lod ..\s.sist ing· the hostess were Edna 1.nca,; llnd Mrs. Ruby 1l ackerd. C u c' st s present \\'ere lVfe,;dames Engebretsen, Li 11 i e Morris, Ecllla Lucas, G. Ledford, Margaret Jvl,>rtcnsen, Norma lli11kley and Judy, Rose Freernan, June Hrttnton ..\nlla J\rtlmr, Ruby l:I ackertl, Lottie h: Jeese, Frances Steffki, f,Iary Greenlaw and Gertrude Tarpenning'. Unable to attend but sending gifts were Mesdames Mary Kinney, Clayton Milligan am! .1->fiss J\lary Jane Torrey. New Addition- Mr. and Mrs. ]. N. Engebretsen announce the birth on June 6 of their fourth daughter, l{ose Marie, at their home on Sales' Rt'lad. Sharing in the happy event arc sister lVlary, Louise and Bonnie, brother John and grandmothers, Mrs. Caren Engebretsen and Mrs. M. B. Griffin, both of Tacoma. Vacation-Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Olson are on a month's· vacation, their first stop being in Portland, Oregon, to visit their son and his wife, Mr. and l\lrs. Alton Olson. From there they will travel lo Davis, Calif., to visit Mr. and Mrs. George Olson. George, a graduate of Roy high school. has since his discharge fro Ill the navy been s-tutlying at the agricultural branch of the University of California. Before returning· to Parkland, Mr. and Mrs. Olson will go to Riggins, Idaho, to \'isit \\·ith their daughter and son-in-Jaw, J\lr. and Mrs. Bruce \VallCl'S and children, who operate a large sheep ranch. Thorpes Leave - After a week in Parkland; Re\'. and Mrs. N. B. Thorpe left \Vednesday of last '"eek for their home in Santa Barbara, going by car with Rev. and Mrs. Melvin 1\ndrcws of San Pedro. During their stay they also vis·ited in Bremerton, aud found time for a brief dri\'c to the 111ountain. Just before they left they recei1·ed word that their daughter, Louise, had received the coveted Mills College sclmfarship granted each year to one junior girl in the Santa Barbara high school. This will give Louise, who was prominent in Parkland junior high activities. the opportunity of attendiug Mills for seven '"eeks this summer. Luncheon~Luncheon guests of Mrs·. Buel Storaasli Thursday were Mrs. Elmer Liud of Smnner, Mrs. H. C. Lind of Tacoma and son DaYid, and 1frs. \V. T. Storaasli of Parkland. Visit Uncle and Aunt-Mr. and Mrs. Bert Streng and sons Paul and Byron, spent Memorial Day in Bow, Wash., visiting at the home of Mr. Streng's uncle antl aunl, Mr. and Mrs. George Teitjen. Shower-le! onoring her cousin, Miss Gladys Peterson, who after teaching in l~enton the past two years, will leave shortly for her home in Maddock, N. D., where she will be married, Mrs. Bert Streug and her mother, Mrs. A. L. .Ellingson, entertained Sunday afternoon. Guests for the bridal shower were M esclames A. S. Ellingsou, Arnold Ellingsoa, Byron Ellingson, Frank Peterson, Stanley Peterson, Abrahamson, Piper, J. S. Brye and Misses Hulda Svare and Irene Peterson. Mary Martha-Mrs. Eel win Ellingson opened her home W ednesday ~vening for a meeting of the Mary Martha Society. Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs was the speaker, Mrs. Robert Johnson led devotions antl roll call subject was church windows. Final plans were made for the wedding gown fashion show which will take place Friday evening, June 20, in Trinity church. \Vedding gowns of all periods will be modeled, either by the owner of the dress or a younger model. One dress of over 80 years ago will be featured, antl also one of 40 years ·ago which was worn at the first wedding in Trinity church. Everyone is invited to attend. Entertain - During the home missions conference held on the PLC can1pus, Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Ea;;t.vuld entertained more than forty visiting pastors after the Tncsday evening session. Lunch was serYed in the patio. W ednesday afternoon Mrs. Ea§tvold invited the pastor:;' wives and parish workers to a lea. Mrs. Olaf Eger, district president of the Women's Missionary Federation, from· Los Angeles, poured. Guests were the Mesdames Milton N esse, J. l:ierge, Oversdal, C. Solberg, K. G. Eggerts{Jn, Husby, K. 0. Kanda!, L. 0. Lassesen, Gaylord F a 1 cl e, Donglas Jacobson, T. H. Collin, Frithjof Eide, \Valdo Ellickson, M. \~· Aalen, E. M. Bremer, Nor( Continued on Page Fonr)

phone number. All copy must be in Tuesday night for Thursday's Pointer.



VOL 2, NO. 40


Office: Bas·ement PLC Chapel, Parkland

PLC St:udent:s Fei:ed ai: Hamburger Fry




Pacific Lutheran College Alumni reunion, held this year ill connection with Cm11ne11ce111ent instead of during the usual February weekend. proved so successful that it rnay lie adopted as the permanent reunion date, with fall Homecoming, balancing the twiceyearly gatherings on the l:'LC

During past years it has been the pleasure of the Harvard-Midlancl PTA to honor the graduating seniors of the Midlantl Junior High School with a dinner. This year the tradition has been complied with under the able leadership of Tvlrs·. Clarence Johann, who took over the chairmanship of the affair when it was vacated by llilrs. Alex Kreshak. The banquet was held in the Midland Improvement Club hall. During the C\'ening the i1 i n t h grade students proviclecl the program consisting of speeches and musical numbers. On the dinner menu were: sliced ham, buttered new potatoes, candied sweet potatoes·, peas and carrots, tomato juice cocktail, ice cream and cake. Mrs. Arthur J acot, Mrs. Densil Fells, Mrs. Keller and Mrs. La Mar were in charge of the tables and decorations which were in blue and white, the class colors. The stage was decorated in greenery and a white· fence giving the illusion of a garden. The nut cups were in the form of "mortar boards-" and the place cards were similar to diplomas, t h u s adding to the graduation theme. The following committees were in charge :serving, the Mesdames Morud, Roley, Burkette, J ohnsqn and Shipton: kitchen, the Mesdames Elbertson, Kreshak, Mayfield, Brittain, Higdon, Ta}'lor, Eshpeter and Turner.


The music festi1'al on the evening of May 30 in the new gym was an outstanding feature of the festivities, with Prof. G.. T. Malmin directing 1he college ba1;d, cliorus, choir, men's chorus and Little Symphony. Attracting the most attention, perhaps. \\'l'rL' the appcaranc·es of the 1'927 and 1937 choirs, under Malmin. ln spite of the fact that only a small percentage of


choirs \Vere pres-

ent, they presented s-evcral numbers which had been sung 10 and .20 years ago. Those singing in the '.27 choir,. the first a eapella choir to be organized on the coast under the leadership of Prof. Joseph 0. Eclwartl,;, were M i,;s Sophie Peterson .of Bow, and .M.esdames Arling Sannerud, ] I enry Berntsen, T. 0. Hageness and .Kenneth Jacobs. Appearing in the '37 group were l\lrs. \Villiam Linington of Tacoma, J\.f(•sdame,; Mel Pedersen and :\ lbert Johnson, Parkland, Otis Grande, Tacoma, Donald l\lonson, Olympia, Lloyd Thompson. Bremerton, and .Kenneth 1\nenson, !'LC. Officers Elected \ t the alumni banquet, held on Saturday, May 31, at the New Yorker Cafe in 'Tacon1a, 111ure than 200 attended. Re\'. A. 'vV. Ramstad. was elected faculty represent:1tin' to the alumni board, and the following alumni were named: l\lrs. Stanlev Willis, Marvin Shaw,'" Bertru1;1 Myhre and \lice l•'ord. l\lorris Ford was· reelected to the PLC board of trnstees. Other hoard mern hers. sencing their second year, are Mrs. Man· l-1 arshman, Mrs. II en r y Berntsen. :\lrs. J. U. Xavier. \Vilircd J ewe II and 0. J. Stuc11. Delta ]{ho Gamma. under direction of Miss Kathryn \ti/alien, held a "punch and cookie hour" in the girls' lounge during the Saturday campus open house, and Sunday alumni joined with students·, faculty, Parklanclites and visitors from many places for the Baccalaureate and· Commencement services in the Memorial gymnasiun1. ---0---

Stuen- TVillis Rites In Trinity Lutheran By IRENE HAGENESS Before the altar made beautiful with candle-light and huge baskets of pink and white peonies- and blue delphinium, the marriage of Miss Mary Elizabeth Stnen, daughter of Prof. and Mrs. 0. J. Stuen, to Mr. Howard Bruce Willis, son o[ Mr. and Mrs. James C. Willis of Puyallup, was sole;1111izecl in Trinity Lutheran church Saturday evening at 8:30 o'l'lock, Dr. E. B. Steen performing the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a bouffant gown of white eyelet, fashioned with a train, long sleeves and sweetheart neckline fastened to the waist with tiny buttons·, Her long veil was fastened with a halo of satin and tulle. Her botll1net was of white daisies and stephanotis, cenler('d with pink roses. For "so111cthing botTO\ve<l," she vvore her sister's pearl necklace ;;ent from China. Miss Anita Stucn, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, wearing a pink eyelet gown similar to the bride's in sty le, and she carried blue tinted daisies. llridesmaids were Mrs. J. Stanley Dahl of Mukilt,·o and Miss Gcrtrndc Tingelstad, wearing identical gowns of blue eyelet and carrying pink daisies. All wore daisies· in their hair and agate and silver necklaces, gifts of the britle. Miss Mary Dison and Miso Delores Burmaster, cousin of the groom, lighted the candles. They were dressed in gowns· of green eyelet. Mr. Stanley Willis was best man. Another brother, Mr. Don \Villis, and a brother of !he bride, Mr. John Stnen, and Mr. Carl Jasmar and Mr. Hohcrt Krueger were ushers Mrs. Gunnar J. Malmin was at the organ, playing a groIJp of Norwegian selections before tlir ceremony and t h e w d d i n g marches frorn Lohengrin and Mendelssohn. She also accompanied Mrs. Clifford 0. Olson, who sang Grieg's "I Love Thee" and "The (Continued on Page Fonr)



Stanley 'Williamson and Dr. Har- Stolte and Ross Bischoff. old Ronning. Second row: Delbert Zier, VirThird row: Luther Gabrielsen, gil Schmidt, Arling Gano, Harry Joseph Heuchert, Walt Klapstein, C. Carlson and Edwin E. Sandvig. Barney LeRoy, Alfred Schedler, First row: Martin Gulhaugen, Theo! S. Hoiland, Ame 0. Aakre, , Albert Gerstmann, Ver I y n K. Maynard Moen, Luther O. Wat-1 Kraxberger, Harry Soloos, Earl ness, Ralph E. Baird, Claude Van- Milbrath, Ernest Collard and Mrs. derstoep, Merlin W. Zier, Emil Eastvold at table.

seen above: top row (left to right), Robert Olson, L. W. Linnerson, Jay Zimmerman, Rudo 1 p h B. Johnson, Earl C, Erickson, Gerhardt Zellmer, W. A. Williams, Ronald Josi, Morris Hendrickson, Dr. Eastvold, Robert LeRoy, Jess Thompson, E. Silas Torvend, E. Harold Hauge, Dwight J. Boe,

Forty-six students at Pacific Lutheran College enrolled in the pre-seminary course were entertained last week by Dr. and Mrs. S. C. Eastvold at a hamburger fry. Forty plan to enter the Lutheran ministry and six into other denominations. Among those at the "fry" are


'Stone' baid al PbC Ior Student Union Building



TENINO CUTOFF ASS'N PLANS DEDICATION Copies of Tacoma daily newspapers The Prairie Pointer SUNDAY AT JUNCTION · · ' f s ~ . college catalog, Lutheran pubhcat1ons, the Commencement' ' . l"'SH1en ts o t 11e , outh End \nll f d f gather Sunday :it Z:OO p.m. to cele- .program and the roste.r o. stu e!1~s and aculty are a:nong the brate the new Tenino cutoff sign 1te~ns seal~d .for postenty 111 Panfic Lutheran Colleges student \I hich is l'xpcctetl to he placetl at l11110Il bmldmg. till' inlt'r,ection d11ring the latter They were placed there Tuesday I dents who in the past have been part tlf th.c \\'eek. al a cornerstone laying ceremony limited in social and culture The marker. ll'hich was l.rnr- for the building that \;ill be cen.l~r o~tlets. The building wi~l c?nchased hy the newly-orgamzed of student extra curncnlar act1v1-' tam rooms for the pubheatlon Tenino Cutoff Association, will ties. The three story, brick struc- staffs, drama productions, club, direct traffic from the son th on tnre is. expected to be completed meetings and general assembly 1-1 ighway 99 over the Mountain in time for the fall term. rooms for student mixers; road, thereby reducing the mileage The Rev. A. R. M. Kettner of The Rev . Carl E. Rvclell, pastor for motorists heading for Tacoma Newberg, Ore., vice president of of the First Luthera;1 church in and Seattle. the board of trustees for the Tacoma, laid the cornerstone and The Cr en i 11 o merchant "·ho college, paid tribute to the the inncation was· prononnce'd by leased the group his property at $1,000,000 building program un- Dr. J-1. L. Foss of Seattle, presithe junction for the sign \vill be der which three major buildings dent of the board of trustees. Dr. host at a picnic lunch that will have been started in a year. He Eastvolcl read the list of items follow the dedication ceremony. 1 gave particular credit to· Presi- placed in the cornerstone. Talks will be made by Tenino of- dent Dr. S. C. Eastvold and his ---o--ficials·, association le ad er s and associates who have been instruthose who worked to rally mer- mental in creating "a major chants behind the project. Christian institution." • Following the dedication the The cornerstone speaker saitl group will travel to a nearby lake. the s·chool has become a moral and Th t . t . . . . · I I I 'JI · · l f e ouns season 1s upon us w iere t 1e 1unc i w1 1)e servec. sp1ntua orce t 1111t ts g1vrng stu. f . . . . 1 1 The move follows shortly on dents "the strength to combat a and rom a I mdicattons it should the heels of erection of the Park- world that seems headed for sui- he a record one for the state of land sign which was· placed in cide." PLC will be known as a vVashington. operation last week. Many of the Lutheran citadel on the coast, a A large sum of money has been Tenino Cutoff Association mem- school that will imbue lasting con- spent by individuals and groups bers are also active workers in the victions, he declared. Parkland Business Club which. in The addition of the student inte1.·csted in the financial results cooperation with the college, were union will be a boon to day stu- of the influx of out-of-state visitors. lt has been estimated that rec.ponsible for the Parkland sign. The public is invited. over $2,000,000 will be spent by.



Tourist Business Could Flourish Here

SUMMER RECREATION SCHEDULE FOR ADULTS AND STUDENTS IS GIVEN Summer recreation for Spana\\'ay. residents began _on l'vlonclay, June 9, at Spanaway school. Many interesting sports, hobbics and general entertainment are be'.ng. planned by Sam Green, di1cctot of recreatrnn. Children and Adults The daily schedule is: 1 :00 to 5 :00 p,111.-Recrcation for students from the fourth grade through the eighth. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. will be f1:ee for the tee1:-agers· and adults to come and enjoy two hours of relaxation. Beginning June 30, Mrs. Ida Green will supervise sports and entertainment to the youngsters of 5 to 8 years of age. Parents are asked to not send children under the age of five years. A schedule will be announced at a later elate as to the time for this , groups P1ay.





School Librarians Picnic at Defiance The librarians of the Parkland school library had a picnic at Point Defiance on Thursday. They left at 12 o'clock with Miss Lorna Rogers assisting. After their lunch on the beach, where they saw the seals·, they went to the center of the park and saw the animals. Later in the afternoon they visited Funland. The following sixth gratlc girls altcntlcd :Pat Murray, Joan K.ittleson, l(aren Taylor, Joan Hanson, Catherine Sannerud, Barbara Pepper, Lois Overland, Barbara Brvan Pat Miller and Miss Lorna -RL>~ers, their kaclter.

Midland Intersec.tion I vacatiLmcrs· T O G e t T .ra ff"lC L"ght 1 vear. The Midlantl 1rnprovement club had its regular meeting in the club hall on June 2. . The club was informed in a lettcr from the state highway depart111ei1t that a blinker light will be installed at 98th antl Portland ave-' nue- as S·oon as one can be obtainccl. The club has been trying for some time to have a light installed at this intersection and is happy to report now that there will be. one. lt was decicletl to let the 4-II Girls have the use of the hall fo.r benefit square dance classes to be held twice a month. A lamp raffle was held and was woH by Mrs. George Turner.



1Yz t cornstarch


% t salt Vanilla or almond flavoring, or both

c (scant) sugar

Scald the milk in double boiler. Beat egg yolks with sugar mixed with the cornstarch. Stit- milk into yolks; return to boiler and stir un.til'thickened. Add salt and flavoring. Serve cold with jello, to which, when jello has begun to congeal, have been added whites of two eggs stiffly beaten with 2 teaspoons sugar. LINKA JOHNSON The above recipe is from the "Sauces" section of the Mary J\fartha Cook Book, published at Beard Printing Co. by the lvl ary Martha Soeil'ly of Parkland Trinity Lutheran Church. Mrs. Johnson says this was her mother's recipe (Mrs. J. C. K. Preus), and that it probably ca111c from her mother in turn, as it "has alwavs been an olcl standbv in our familv." Mrs. Johnson is secrctllry to the regis·trar at P.L.C. and lCves with her husband and daughter at 317 Grant Street. Mr. Johnson is an adjudicator in the V cterans' Administration regional office in Seattle. Barbara is a student at Clover Park high school. (Note: Hlly these cook books at the offices of Trinity Church, Prairie Pointer or tl1c Parkland Light and Water Co.-$1.25).




· lt is anticipated that a majority of these seasonable visitors will, in their tra1·els, go to Mount Rainier National Park, since it is the state's Number One tourist attraction. The Greater South End area i,;, therefore, in a very adYantagcous position lying astraddle the main arterial to the mountain. Not at all snrpris·ing is the fact t hat an increasing number of South End people will become vitally interested in this tourist trade. As an aid tu thnsc planning tourist court or cabin businesses, the Brookdale Lumber Company is at present offering the means hv which otll' may become establi~lwd in that bu~iness without a great fin an cia 1 o u ti a y. 0 rv i 11 e Torgeson, manager of the company, recently made public a finance plan 111Hlc·r which one or two comp kte cabins can be constructed ll'ithout a down payment. ;\ period of five years is allowed in which payments c a n be m a cl e on a monthly basis. Under this plan the cabins must be constructetl for rental purposes only and the owner's el]uity in the pro)Jerty on which the cabins arc constructed must be at least 20% of the amount of the loan. These three-room cabins are <i:fferetl at $875 finished outside only and $985 finished outside and partially iusitle. The cos( for one unit complete with wiring, lighting fixtures, all metal kitchen sink cabinet, threepicce bath set antl paint, etc., is $1455. The monthly payment for one cabin is $31.53, and for two ca hins, $54.17. Th ts· see1m; to be a wo.ntlerf ul opportunity for one interested in cashing in on the lucrative tourist or rental business.

Edward Erickson Guest Speaker in Gym Event; Students Receive Awards

Commencement exercises were held on Thursday at Spana way school. The program for the evening presented Lois Snyder reading the Class History; Class Will, Donna Kidtl; C 1 ass Prophecy, Donald Satter. Valedictorian, A I i c e Scearce, gaye a s.peech on "Our Hesponsibilities in the Community." Miss Joyce 1-1 ughcs, Salutatorian of the class, ,;poke on "Our H.esponsibilities in the home." Chosen best all around student by her teachers and classmates, Mis·s Joyce :Ylattscn s po kc on "Our Hesponsibilitics in V ocation:-;."

There was an accordian solo by graduate Jam cs Oclden. Guest speaker of the evening was Ed Erickson, director of Educational- Guidance at Clover Park high school. The class song, was sung by the graduates·. Mrs. Harold Baker, chairman of the school board, presented the diplomas and a gift to the three honor students. Reverend James v\lhitc of the Spana way Community Church gave Invocation and Benediction. The program was immensely enjoyed by those attending antl people admired the fine decorations of the stage. Those who graLlllated were: Donald Anderson, J amcs Arcntls, John Binney, James Brandfas., Raymond Hoyle, James Dubacker, VVilliam F c d cl er s o 11, Marvin Gunns, Herbert Kinney, Raymond Marcelle, James Ockfen, John McCauley, Joseph Mulligan, llinriek Patfons, Donaltl Satter, James Schroeder, Charles Slead, Alfred Smith, Barbara Bci:kman, Marion Dunlop, 1-l.elen Hans en, Joyce 1-l ughcs, Donna Kidd, .Arlene Lirnbeck, Joyce Mattsen, Leona Morhardt, Beatrice Packard, A 1 i cc Scearce, Betty Schroeder and Lois Snyder.


GRADUATION AT ELK PLAIN Thirteen Pupils Leave Eighth Grade at Impressive Ceremonies The annual eighth grade promotion exercis-es were held at the Grange Hall on June 3. Those receiving tliplomas were Betty Ausbun, Delores Barnes, Joyce Elston, Raymond Flannery, William Flannery, Ca r o 1 Ann Hornbeck, Earl Lowery, Shirley Norton, Marilyn Ock'fen, Nicholas Odden, Ca Iv i n Sartain, Betty Theil, and Delores Yager. Rev. H. N. S1,inth delivered the Invocation and John Lamb, principal, presented the class. Ben L. Kuper and George Dorfner, school boa r cl directors, presented the diplomas. The class officers· were: President, Marilyn Oclden; secretary, Delores Yager, and treasurer, Betty Auslmn. The o.fficers for the Safety Patrol were: Captain, Nicholas Oclden; lieutenant, Calvin Sartain, and lieutenant, Earl Lowery. Special school patrol awards were made by an officer of the Washington State Patrol. The class of 1947 held as their motto, "Keep Climbing." Student speakers were Valedictorian, Marilyn Odden; Salutatorian, Calvin Sartain; CI ass- History, Betty Theil; Class "Will, Nicholas Ockfen, and the Class Prophecy by the class. There were musical numbers which included the Processional and Recessional by Beverly Cruts, a violin solo by . Dorothy Yager, a trumpet solo by \Villiam Flannery, a piano S·olo by Beverly Cruts and a piano duet by Beverly and Betty Cruts. The speaker of the evening was Anne E. Knudson, a faculty member of Pacific Lutheran College. I-l er topic was "The Third Builder."


Father's Day Dinner At Benston Grange The second annual Father's Day turkey dinner s·ponsored by the Rocky Ritlge Women's Club will be held on June I 5, 2 to 6 p.m. Last year the event took place at the Gaul Acres turkey farm and was very successful. The dinner, which will be at the Benston Grnnge this year, will be bigger and better than before. The fruits of real home cooking will be available at $L25 a plate for grown-ups and SO cents for the youngsters.

TIME TO PAINT Use our spray guns to make your every painting job easy. Also to spray fruit trees. Save Time - Save Paint ~~ ... .o.


"n'.1"'10 .. 0''l[J'


$3.50 for 24 hours


USED CAR~ 96th & Pacific GR8613


Page Two



Mrs. Albert Nelson, reporter Phone G Raham 206

ELMER BEARD ......................................................... Eclitor and Publisher Honor Dads-The Commando NORMAN JENSEN .......................................................... Associate Editor 4-ll boys entertained their dads ----------------··---·· /\ community newspaper for Midland, Parkland, Brookdale, and at a lmicheon al the Kirby schoolSpanaway. Published every Thnrsday by Beard Printing Co., P. 0 house Sunday afternoon. Those Box 797, Parkland, Wash. atknding were Mr. a1id Mrs. McEntered as second-class matter October 3, 1945, at the post office at Gra\\' and sons Danny, Dennis and I'arkland, Washington, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Tenny; Mr. anrl M1\. C. 0. Neil and s·ons Don, R a y m o 11 d anrl SUBSCRIPTION RATES, By Mail: 1 year, $2.50; six months, $1.75 \Vayne; Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Goddarrl and sons Donald and Sammy; tvl.r. and Mrs. Golden Small1Vornl and son Melvin; Mr. and There seems to be more excitement in this nation smce M rn. Ben J\: nper and son Bobby; Russia moved into Hungary .than at any time in the past war Mr. and Mrs. Ross Plnmb and sons Terry, Jerry and Larry; Norperiod. mlh1 Burskrn, Dick Drown, Allan Apparently many Americans figured the "foreign" situa- and Jerry Loucks, Don Jupiter, tion was settled when Congress approved a $400,000,000 Bob Jupiter, l\Jr. and Mrs. Albert loan to Turkey and Greece. They imagined we bad those Rus- Nelson and grandchildren, Helen and Billy Erickson; l\'1r. and Mm. sian fellows halted in their own sphere. Preston 11 cnderson. Don Jupiter But, it appears it is going to he a battle of two ideologies, was host. Terry Plumb and lVIeland that one will eventually be adopted by the rest of tbe vin Smallwood served. After lunch the boys challenged the dads to a world-or there will be a third world war. ball garnc. The dads were victorThis can be an opportunity for tbe United States to lead ious. J)on Jupiter and Bob Jupiter the rest of tbe world toward our interpretation of democracy played the guitar and sang "Gray Haired Daddy of Mine." The boys by building a strong, viril economy that offers the individual served a delicious lunch. as much economic security as our constitution permits political Schoo1 Picnic-The mothers and children attending the school picfreedom. If our system works, and our production continues to nic at Spanaway Th11rsday were :Mrs-. Lester Cruts and daughters, mount, there will be little to fear from Communism. The Beverly and Betty, Mrs. Manley Soviet type of government flourishes wbere the economy is Shook and children Betty Lou, Lorraine and Howard, . Mrs. C. weak and the people are disorganized. . O'Neil and sonsRaymond, V\Tayne Give aid where it is necessary to put former occupied coun- ·and Donald, Ross Plumb and tries on their feet. Keep our trade free so that others will build sons Terry, Jerry and Larry, J\frs. their economy wbile we build ours. Then let Communism Golden Smallwood and son MclYin, Mrs. A I be rt Nelson and sound its trumpets, and none but the fanatics will be around grandchildren H clen and Billy Erickson, J ctTY and Allan Loucks to listen. and Mr. Martin Veeksinic, Dolores and Mary Jupiter and Don and Bob Jupiter. Attend Graduation - Those atParkland's new deputy, Don Knapp, asked the commu- ending the graduation at the Elk nity's business club last week to assist in reducing the speedin:g Plain Grange hall on Tuesday with the_ thought that this action will thereby reduce the e1·ening \\'ere ?virs. l.t,ster Cruts am! daughters Beverly and Betty, possibility of accidents. .Nlrs. l\l. E. Shook; Martin VnkHe w·as given unanimous approval by members wbo dele- siniL'. and Mr. and Mrs. Ross gated the secretary to request further speed limit signs from Pln111b and ~ons. At Dance-lVlr. and Mrs. Ross the county commissioners. This is a forward step, but a useless Plnrnh, 11r. Martin Vuksinic, one if residents fail to cooperate witb the spirit of the move. I rcne Koltyk and Juue Ruds-dil We all know that there are careless drivers in our midst. attended the benefit dance at Elk Many wbo travel down Park avenue at 60 miles per hour are !'lain Grange hall held for Mrs. Emily Craig on Friday. our neighbors. We grumble but that's usually tbe extent of Wedding- Mr. and Mrs. Paul our reaction. Lindberg annDunce the marriage Perhaps it would be more effective, perhaps we'll be saving of their daughter Lois Beverly to our own children's lives, if we work with Knapp in his efforts Mr. Gordon Darrell Bole1i, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolen. The to bait this thoughtless practice. wedding will be held at Trinity He too can reduce the race track driving if he arrests the Lutheran Church at Parkland on offenders and shows be means business. We've had so many J nly third at 8 p.m. Leaves-Mr. and Mrs. ·waiter accidents due to excess speed that it is almost inevitable a serious \\Theat of Ekalaka, Mont., left for crash will soon result in loss of life. their home Monday rnorning after Knapp can be sure he will bave the cooperation of this spending· ten days with her sister, Mrs. Joe Jupiter. 1i.ewspaper in publicizing bis arrests. Visits Daughter - Mrs. 'vV. R. Stanger is visiting her paughter, Mrs-. Walter Farley of Tacoma, for a week. Visits Mother- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reece and son Gary of Port Orchard, \Vash., visited with her parents, Mr. and J\;lrs. Pan! Linrlberg, Sunday. Reunion-A family reunion was 751 & 757 CLEVELAND STREET held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jupiter on Snnclay. brothTwo more beautiful suburban homes just completed. Immediate er, Irvin Jennings, and his son possession. Nice, large combination living room and dining Jim Jennings, Ann Scott of Seatrooms with built-in china closets, hardwood floors throughout, tle and Mr. and Mrs. 'vValter two large bedrooms wfth roomy closets, beautiful kitchens with two compartment sinks and loads of cabinets, three-piece bath, Wheat of Ekalaka, Mont., attendutility rooms ·vvith double compartment laundry trays, autoed. This is the first time they have matic hot water heater. Walls and ceilings throughout house been together for eleven years. insulated with rock wool insulation. Attached garages with Dad Visits-Chas. Smith, Sr., of concrete floors and overhead doors. Each home situated on Spokane, \Vash., was a \•isitor of three nice level lots among groves of fir trees. One block to his son, Chas. Smith, Jr. bus line, three blocks to shopping center and Pacific Lutheran Visits Friend - Althea SmallCollege. wood visited with Jewel Conway of Spanaway on Sunday. THESE HOMES WERE F.H.A. SUPERVISED See Uncle - Mrs. Joe Jupiter, AND BUILT TO MEET REQUIREMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wheat vis·OF VETERANS' G. I. LOANS. ited at the home of their uncle, Mr. Fred Jenning of Vashon Island on \V cdncsday. Guests- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ackerson visited at the home of Mrs. K.ate Nelson 011 Monday afternoon. In Seattle - Mrs. Joe Jupiter spent Thursday night at the home of her niece, Mrs. l'l c r b e r t Owner and Builder Deutscher of Seattle. Office Phone: GR. 8581 Res. Phone: GR. 8948 Visit Nelsons-Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hanson of Tacoma visited at the home of Mr. and :Mrs. Albert Nelson on Sunday evening. Camping-Mary J\1111 Loucks, daughter of i'd r. and Mrs. Francis Loucks, is going on a camping trip with the "Fire Fly Girls" to GRanite 9978 Pacific Ave. and Sales Road be held at Lake Tapps. 4-H Girls-The Rainbow 4-H girls held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Les-ter Cruts on S at u r d a y afternoon. Since school is out the girls will hold their meeting on Thursday afterOpen: 7:00 a.m. to 1:30 a.rn. (Saturday 'til 3 a.rn.) noon, starting this Thursday, June 12, at the usual time. ALICE GAMACHE, Proprietor Home From Hospital- .Mrs. Francis Loucks and baby son Ricky Lee came home from the hospital Thursday. Visit Smallwoods-Mr. and Mrs. B. U Irick visited at the home of l\llr. and Mrs. Golden Smallwood on VI/ erlnesrlay evening. ---o--ACCESSORIES Cleaning Solvent

Here's a Challenge

We· Can All Help



SUNDAY, JUNE 15-2-5 P.M.

Price$7,25Q ... $500 Down

el Pedersen

The Hu:n.sH.low. Complete Breakfasts, Lunches and Dinners

.-.._rklan.d m:=uel Oil and §e:rvice §tation


Battery Sales


Battery Service FURNACE OIL

Distributors of Standard Oil Products

GR 8112 V. R. SELLE


Pointer Classifieds Are Paying Dividends

P'RE-SCHOOL PICNIC Due to tl1c weather conditions prevailing· last Tuesday, the Parkland Pre-School picnic was postponed. The picnic will go on as originally planned except for the 11ew date which will be Tues-day, June 17, weather permitting. Mrs. Robert Lynd, GRanite 7380, will be glad to furnish additional in formation.

Parkland, \Vashington, Thursday, June 12, 1947

Elk Plain News


Alice Dorfner, Reporter Graham 458

PARKLAND METHODIST CHURCH George W. Cooper, pastor '\Vorship Service, 11 :00 a.m. Church School, 10 :00 a.111. \Vedncsday, \Vomen's Society for Christian Service will S·ponsor an afternoon tea \\·ith a surprise

To State Grange-Emitt H.ich, master of Elk Plain Grange, has returned home from Port Angeles where he attendetl the annual State Grange Convention as a delegate. Hich will make a report on his- trip at the regnlar meeting in the Grange hall on June 12. Joe Mickus drove to Port Angeles on J unc 4 to attenrl the Pierce County banquet which is held each year at the convention. · Weekend Guests-Mr. and Mrs. L. \V. Dillingham had as guests last weekend, Elaine and Evan Barker o[ Tacoma. Fire Victim Housed-l'vlrs. Emily Craig, whose home and furnishings were completely destroyed by fire, is now living in her new home. A building· on her 1 !)lace, hy the help of n~ighhors., was mon~cl to a better location, repaired and made livable. The benefit dance which was given on Saturda)', June 7, at the Grange hall to raise fonds to pay for this material was a great hdp. Local Women Take Trip-.Mrs. R. E. llazen of New York City, national head of the Order of the \V h it e Shrine of J ems al em, is making her first official visit to Mespah this Tuesday. Mrs. Lela \\T cllivcr and Mrs-. Edith .Morrissetti were two of a party of eighteen members of this order who enjoyed a trip to Mt. Rainier. On a charterc(l bus they 111otored to Parndi,;e where a pleasant day was enjoyed. J<etnrning to Tacoma the party stopped at Longmire for di1111<;r. Entertains Club-ldrs. E di t h Morrissetti entertained the Sojourners' Club for its monthly meeting last Friday, June 6. After the order of business '"as compktecl, hrncheon was served. 1frs. Clifford I<. Cowie of Tacoma was a guest. Mother Visits - Mr. and Mrs. A. Vv. Howe \\·ere pleasantly snrprisecl last w e ck w h en Mrs. Howe's mother, Mrs. L 11e11 a Frame, arrived by plane front Los.\ngeles. Mrs. Frame expects to spend several weeks here.

pi·ogr:un and oi-chestnll and other

musical items. Mrs. Tom Swayze will be the special speaker. A free offering will be taken. TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Parkland, Washington Ernest B. Steen, Pastor Thursday, 1 :00 p.m., Circle 7 meets at the home of Mrs. Stroud. Friday, 6:30 p.111. to 9:00 p.m., 'frinity Missionary Society will serve a stra\\'berrv social in the church parlors.. J{,·eryone is invited. Sunday, 10 a.m., Sunday School; I l a.11i., Junior Service and regular Worship Service. PARKLAND EV ANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH Walther C. Gullixson, Pastor Su11day: · 9 :30 a.m., Sunday school. 10:30 a.m., Morning worship. MIDLAND COMMUNITY HOME CHURCH Thure Moberg, Minister Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning Service, 11 a.m. Bible study and prayer, 7 :30 p.m. Wednesday. Ladies' Circle Wed., at 1 p.m. Girls' Club Wednesday, 4 p.m. ST. JOHN OF THE WOODS CHURCH Rev. R. E. Logan, Pastor Masses, 8:00 and 10:30 a.m., in Midland Community Hal1. Catechism after mass. MIDLAND PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor, Arnie Konsmo Sunday School Superintendent, August Sumuland. Meets every Sunday in Midland P.-T.A. hall at 11 a.m . Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. HARVARD SUN. SCHOOL At Harvard School Inor Bergstrom,· Supt. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. every Sunday. Harvard Sunday School Mothers' Circle meets the first Wednesday of the month at 2:00 p.m.





SPANAWAY METHODIST COMMUNITY CHURCH "The Church by the Side of the Road" James White and Raymond McMillan, co-pastors' Sunday school. at 10 a.m., Mrs. Gahn, supt.; Mrs. J. Snider, pianist. You are invited to come and study with U$. Church service at 11 a.m. Mrs. O'Vera, pianist. Sermon by the pastor. We extend you a very cordial welcome. Our a:im is friendlines·s and brotherhood. Youth Fellowship at 6 :00. Interesting lessons.

means when ~y~u step into our parts department. We have things that you may have been looking for for a long time. and didn't tbink you could find so close to home. Sorry, Sahib! Many beautiful things we have in otir country but nothing like

We Do

Aui:omoi:ive Machine Work * Wrist Pin Fitting * Valve Refacing * Brake Cylinder Honing * Brake Shoes Lined

The "\Veil Baby" Clinic. spnnsored by the Parkland Pre-School, will continue through the summcr months, according to l~ohcrt Lynd, president. On June 20 the next such clinic \\'ill be held in the Parkland Methrnlist Church parlors. 1\ doctor will be in attcmlanct' from 9 a.rn. until noon. Immunizations ior \\'hooping cough, smallpox and diphtheria arc a\_'~.tilablc free to children of preschool age. Free examinations

SPANAWAY FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Stanley R. Weddle, Pastor Sunday School, 10 a.m. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Evangelistic service, 8 p.m. Christ's Ambassadors, Wed. PRAIRIE MISSION SUNDAY SCHOOL Denny Lucas, Superintendent Fred Southwell, Ass't Supt. Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. Special children's day service. Bible study, Monday night, 7:30. Everyone is cordially invited.


lmprovement Club Of Harvard Elects The Harvard Improvement Club met on Wednes-day, Jnuc 11. The 111eeting gut under \\·ay at 8 p.111. with business of interest to all 1-1 arvard residents. The election or' the clnb's officers was carried out. Names of new leaders are not yet available. Jn the absence of Lloyd Olson, president, Frank Gura·!, vice president of the group, occupied the chair.

Tl p ·r N I •\ I · ic act tc ort iwest · rn~ua ~onfere1~cc of ~he 1v1 ct hod Is t Urnrch is meetmg at the College of Puget this week beginning Tuesday and ending Sunday afternoon. Rev. George W. Cooper, pastor of the Parkland Methodist church; .Mr. Fred W. Traill, lay' member of the conference; ; . ,,. .. rr,. .. . l\1 rs. ~- R. ,I 1tt111'."e1, preo1de~1t. of the \\'omens Society for Chnst1an Service, and others will attend from the Parkland church.


HOME SERVICE atUt GIFT SHOP Mt. Highway at Hancock St. Next to Red & White

GR 7536 7


* Sun Suits * Tee Shirts * Overalls * Stockings * Dresses





Get Your 1947 Fishing and Hunting License Here

Daniels Hard a GR 7947


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I Parkland r

..Hi~ "

...." :,t

H i"


Drive-In Pacific Avenue at Parkland

Phone GRanite 6294

HOURS: Monday - Thursday: 6 a. m.-12 midnight Friday: 6 a. m.-2 a. m. Open Saturday, 6 a. m. UNTIL Midnight Sunday ' . . '


rt«ta - 7t-ze - £~



Office 223 Tacoma Bldg. -

Phone MA 3311

PHONES GR 8052 & GR 8718

Finer Funerals For LESS for a complete funeral service Including this beautiful metal casket. only Including 48 Items of Service

SUGAR CURED We are specialists in cutting and caring for your Locker Meat

Gjoerloff Inc. Pacific near Airport





and all other forms of Insurance


MEAT DEPT. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Processing Plant Serves Locker Customers Only


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Wholesale Frozen Fruits and Vegetables for Locker Storage

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We'u 'i<eadef to Se'Uie toee

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You would expect to pay at least $600


326 Garfield St.




Hny Scout 'T'roop 31 of Parkland elcL·tcd officers for the coming· year at their 111eeti11g '0,T etlnesday, J rrne 4. Earl Bn1w11 \\'as chosen temporary J trnior Scoutmaster. Bud !(ichartlsnn was elected to the post of st'!'ihc and secretary. The mernbcrs of the new troop arc: Earl Brown,- Van Kenatc, Fred I\: ram er, Neil Richardson, Spell<'<'r, Cene c;rewell, ArYid Q11:.1m, Jimmy Millikin, 'vVaync 11 all, Bud Laska antl Bud Rich1ardson.




* Rod Aligning * Valve Seat Grinding * King Bolt Fitting * Ridge Reaming

Baby Clinic Will Run IBoy Scout Troop Through Summer Chooses Leaders

arc also given.


* *


Attend cParklahdites . 'f At CPS on erence · l,.


** You'll see what he

I 1

Larchmont Sunday School meets in the Parish house at 9:30 Sunday mornings. Harry Hessert, Superintendent. . --CLOVER CREEK BAPTIST Military Road opposite Clover Creek School 'b W. C. Rhea, Pastor Bi le School,_ 10 a.m. George Chessum, superintendent. Morning worship, 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship, 7 p.m. (Junior and Senior). Evening Gospel Service, 8 p.m. Mid-week service Thurs., 8 p.m.


Other Complete Funeralr As Low"'


J. Reed and their son-in-law and



Rose Marie Righetti, Reporter GRanite 8227

Visits Parents-Visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Jvl rs . Ardith Frazier of Sixth and E streets, ll'a:i- Ivrrs. Althea liamilton and clanghter Marie of Roy. Visits Canada-Visiting in Canada for a t\\'n \\'eeks vacation are Rt. 7, Box 497-A GR 8625 11 iv! rs. Meta Overley of '1th street a11d her daughter, Mrs. l~oy De Carteret of Olympia, 'Nash. Guests-Guests at the home of her niece, iVl r..-;. Gleason Shafer (Lucille Hnhr) of Second street, were l'l'lrs. Verle Wright ancl her Phone G Ranite 8235 daughter Charlotte of T;tcoma. WOOD - Dry or Green The \Vrigh!s are former residents of Spana\\'ay, COAL - All Types Guest-Guest at the home of Mr, ancl t,Jrs. Joseph, Netzel of Mt. Higlnvay' was her .aunt, Mrs. Bertha Young of Portland, Ore. :\ dinner was served in her honor with g·uests attending: Mr. and .Mrs. Clyde Slater, Mr. and !Vlrs. SPANAWAY Tony Schwanz. Mr. Bernard NetUnder New Management zel, the host ;rnd hostess and dah!g·h tcrs Sandra and Sharon. Vacation in Texas - Mrs.. Ida Grern of l\lilitary Road is Yae<.1tioni11g in Rahm, Tex;1s. While there she will attend the wedding of her sister, Miss Kathryn I..:enned)·. First Child-The st"1·k de!i,-ercd the first child In Ill r. and ivlrs. SHOE REPAIRING ]{ay Bagley (Cele Niesrn) of Fifth OF ALL KINDS street, Friday, June 6. The baby g i r 1. 1-.:ay Lorraine, weighed 6 ])()1ltHls, 7 ounces al birth in St. Berntsen Building Joseph\. 11 ospital. Cran<lparents arc Mr. and l\{rs. Frank Niesen, Garfield St. Parkland First street, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bagley, Tacoma. Pink and Blue Shower-Mrs. Gene Cecil (Andrey Schnelle) was honSTERLING orc<l at a babv shower held at the RUG CLEANERS homt' of Mr,-_ Clifford Mason of Fourth street. l>anll'S \\'ere played RALPH W. and pri/.cs won liy J\I rs. \'cs ta Gorman, i\ \Vill.iam High~!ti 6205 So. Pu et Sd. GA 4633 and i\11-,;. (:,eorgc Sdrne!le. l·olg ·lowing a clehgh1t11l lu11ch served by J\l rs. I\las<>n and C<>-hllstess, Mrs. Mabel 1\1ttu11. Mrs. Cecil oprncd her rna11y Iu,·cly gifts. ]'hu,;e ath'tHling \\'('rt' Mesdallles M crlc Handy, Jr., Alice Randall, Ceorge Schnelle. Violet Turner, l\Jildrcd 5435 SO. PUGET SOUND Tvlodahl, Mabel Patton and daughGA 5436 ter Sharon. Dorntlty Right'!ti. and Carey Jones, all of Spanaway;

Poche I Distributing Co. SPANAWAY FUEL CO.




HUTCHISON Piper Funeral Home

Ve:.;ta Gonnan


D. W. MOSER Parkland Theater Bldg. GRanite 8581




Stella s Flowers


Roy antl 1'la.r-

garct JI odgcs uf Tac<Hna. Those "'ho sen! gifts- \\'L're Me<dames Dorothy Gillson, Evelyn \Voods. Clesinc Crisman, l'at Christiansen and C. C. Phipps of Spana\\'ay; Cora rd:u;on of Cc1os Bay, Oregon; Lorraine Smith of l\oy o.rnl Ellen Thompson of \Vallport, \Vash. Vacation-Leaving for a two weeks vacation at Redondo Beach in California are Mr. and Mrs. E.

Weddings - Corsages Funeral Designs STELLA lf\COBS

GR 7863

MARIE SPARKS, Beautician

Margaret's Beauty Shop Open 9 to 6 Evenings by Appointment Spanaway GR 8080





1'101ttttWES1 BONDED

Olson Electric 0. M. Olson GRani.te 7705 11222 Pacific Ave. Tacoma

\> 0u\tt~ \>\t\ute :r •

No, our chickens aren't shrink-

Parkland BEAUTY SHOP GR 7460 I.ahoure 1'Tur§iu= Dolllle Tula Lake Road


GR 8077


ing in size but they are in number. There are over 1 million less chickens on Oregon and Washington farms now than last year. At the same time Oregon and Washington population has increased 28% in the last few years, resulting in a critical shortage of poultry and eggs in this area: Poultry growers are urged to increase their Aocks and help alleviate this situation. See your local Triangle dealer and let him help you plan.

daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Critchley and son Monty of Firnt street. Guests-Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Cooley of 12th street is a sister of Mr. Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Watske and daughter Betty Jean of Dunseith, Nor th Dakota. Observes First Birthday-Little Eickcy, son of Mr. and Mrs-. Rich· an! De Remer of Fogg street in llrooktlale, observed his first birthday 011 Friday, Jnne 6. Ill-Sammy Crisman is recuperating at his home in Brookdale from a 11 attack of influenza. Motor Trip and Dinner - Mr. and Mrs. llcrt Samuel and daughter, Mrsh. Ethel H nnt and sons Cary and Larry, and Mrs. Emma Eblcy and son Leonard motored along Hood Canal recently, Dinner guests at the home recently were 1'1rs. Samuel's brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Potts and danghter Sharon and son Richard of Bend. Ore., her parents, Mr. and Ivlrs. J. \V. 1---lilterb!'and of \'elm and l\fr. and Mrs. Leonard Ehley and son Leonard of Tacoma. Guests in the evening were !vi r. and M rn. Marvin Antonie and daughter Barbara J can of Graham. New Son - S/Sgt. and Mrs. Philip Taylor of Ro5·e's Auto Court are being congratulated on the birth of a son, named Robert Stanley, weighing 7 pounds and 8 onnces, in Madigan Hospital on Friday, J unc 6. 'l'hc new baby will he wekontt'd home by a brother, Freddy. _ Birthday Party- The birthday party at the Top o' the Ocean being observed by the SpanawayElk Plain Firemen's Auxiliary will lw on Friday, .J nne 13. J\ ll members are asked to meet at the Spana\\'a)' school at 7 p.m. Please notify yonr chairman, Miss Han<lall, if unable to attend. Ball Game-The M incral-Spanaway hall game on Sunday, June 8, was puslponed due to rain. The next gallle lo he played will be Eatonville and Spanaway at Span· away nn Snn<lay, Jnnt' 15. at 1 :30 ]l. lll.

Guests-Gne,;ts- al the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Lorien Buck, Seventh street, on l'ridav \\'ere l\frs. Russell Niesen and - Mrs. Lonis Bennett of Mort<rn. Return-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stci1lel, 10th street, and son Bobbie have retnrned from vacationing· at Eureka, California. Recovering-Convalescing from an attack of influenza is Charles· Fnnkhousct' of Extension Road. Picnics-Pupils of the 8th grade graduating class enjoyed a picnic at Deschutes Riv c r on Friday, June 6, under the direction of Sam Green. At Home-Mrs. Morgan \>\'ebb aml infant son Donald arc now receiving visitors at their home on Second street. New Neighbors-Mr. and Mrs. Amos- Ouhl and children, Gerald and Kenney ,are now making their ho11w at the Richfield station on the Mt. n ighway. The Ou his' are from Cavclier, N. D. Twice Surprised-Monday evening, June 2, the Oli\'er Olllat's and Harry Pillslmrys surprised Mrs. i'vL L Kirby of Second street, whcn they came to help her cclehratc her birthday. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rhone, Miss .Margaret Bailor, and Ed Spahr surprised her again by bringi11g in a prepared meal. The honored gncs.t was recipient of many lovely gifts. At Ocean-Mr. and Mrs. Robert

Clover Creek



Bessie Roland, reporter

Crk. Church IClover Children's Program

Mrs. George Turner, reporter Dinner Guests-Mr. and Mrs. GRanite 7727 Harry Markstone, Mary and Wallace had dinner at the home of Mr. and °NI rs. Joe .Griggs of South Coke Party-Miss Peggy DeerTacorna, Sunday, June 8. ' ing, who resides on Spruce street, California Trip- Ccorge Allen had a coke party at her home for is going tu California with his her Junior class uf nurses· of the uncle, .John Allen, and will return St. Joseph's School of Nursing, with his sister, Marjorie Allen, After they had their cokes the who has been attending college couples all ldt to attend the Senat the Bible 1 nstitute of Los An- ior Prom. There were twenty-five gelcs. couples present. Sixth Degree-Mrs. Ruth Al- Recovering-Mrs. Alice Smith of Jen, Mr. Juhn Kuper and \Vessel 1-Jal'\'ard is reported recnperating Kuper motored to Port Angeles from an operation she underwent where 'Nessel took his sixth de- on June 2 at the St. Joseph's IIosgree initiation for Grange. pita!. Grange Convention - Mr. and Entertains at Dinner-Mrs. J, R. Mrs. H.. E. Renner returned from Montg·omery nf 93rcl street enterPort Angeles where tlll'y attend- tained the Sewing Society, Lydia cd Grange Convention as repre- Phelps Tent No. 24, at a lovely sentative;-; of the Clover Creek dinner Thursday. Mrs. Anna H.obGrange. erts presided. A good time was Adults Winners-At the school reported by all. . picnic June third, the adults played . Returns From Oregon - Ivlrs. baseball with 1he kids and won Robert Williams has just returned 7 to 5. from \Vheelcr, Oregon, where she Visitors-Friday night, J nne 6, took treatments for arthritis at Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Allen and the Dr. Rinehart Clinic. She reMrs. E111111:1 Allen were visitors at ports that s·hc is Ycry much imthe home of Mr. and Mrs-. Harry proved. Markstone. Child Passes-The infant child Entertain-Saturday night, June of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark of 7, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Markstone Milllaml died last week. It was a entertained Mr. and Mrs. Joe twin, the other twin dying at birth. Gigg· of South Tacoma, Mr. and Sen·ices were held at Cassidy and lvlrs. Alton I' ing of Portland, Mrs. Allen and interment was at the Pc a r 1 Stangcn and Mrs. Lois Yelm Cemetery. Dcsides the parPick'ett of Aberdeen, Mr. Clyde enls three brothers ancl sisters King and danghter of Port Or- survive. cit a rd, Mr. am! Mrs. VV. \V. Plew Bridal Shower-A bridal showof Lake Louise, Mr. and Mrs. er was held for Miss Patricia Fulks of Eletra, Texas, and the Hahner, formerly of Midland, at Markstonc family, Ma1:y and \Val· the Midlan<l Improvement Club lace. hall on Jnnc 5. Hostesses were Calf Show - All day Friday, Mrs'. Hobert I I ar~sler, Mrs. Myrtle June 20, a 4-11 calf judging con- DaYH:s, Mr~·· .Clarence Johann, test will he held at the George Mrs. Roy Christenson and Mr,;. c;eorge Tnrner. Bingo was played Mill er lll)me of Clover Creek. Vacation Bil:>le Sch 0 0 I-The with prizes going to seYeral of the Clover Creek Baptist Church is gllcsb. 'l'hc tables were decorated planning a daily Vacation Bible "'ith beautiful fiowers from the sdwol for the last two weeks of gardens of the hostesses.. Ivlany June, het\\'een ] une Hi and June nice gifts were opened. by the ho11· 27, from 9 to 12 a.nt., with Rev. orcd guest after wl11ch rcfreshercnd \Vm. Clyde .Rhea in charge. mcnts were sen·cd. Those pres.cnt It is suggested that the program were the Nellie Lacy, following· will he on Sunday eve- mother of the hrrde-to-be; Howning, June 29. · land, John Baskett, Bathe, Stauf· Port Orchard Trip-Mrs. Harry fer, Simpson, Cu}~cr, H11s~1ed .and Marks tone motored to Port Or- daughter, Roy l aylor, Cu11111ng·chard Wednesday, June 4, to t<;ke !~am,. Huff,. Car I '.l~aylor, ~oel ' J;~nma Din\\'iddie to sec her I,a!mer, ,Campbdl, Stella Cook, <laughter wlw is in the hospital!;:,=============== there. New Residents-Mrs. Freeman i\'lyers arnl falllily have arrived from lllinois to take posscs·sion of their new home which used to be the Rudolph Ripoli home of Clover Creek. Visit Boness Home- Mr. and Mrs. Marion Chard and their two <laugl1ters were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boness -tr the last week. Returns-Fred Boness Jr. has arrived home from California to he with his family. The Fred Boness Jr. family have moved to a home just outside Tacoma where they will stay indefinitely. Fred's Rent Our HILCO parent~ live in Clover Creek. Sander and - do it New Neighbors-Mr. and Mrs. yourself. Joseph Clark arc now living in the new house between Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boness, Sr., and Mr. and MADE TO ORDER Mm. Robert Hammond on MiliCABINET WORK tary Road. ......-... ,....__ In Hospital - Mrs. Lawrence ' Failey is back in St. Joseph's HosSee Us for Finishing pita! for an operation. lt was susMaterials pccted that she has a broken blood vessel. 11 I ,

!··'•{hone, and lvl a Mr. r g. a and r. ct Mrs. Bailo.rM. ..•Ed Spahr L. Kirby spent the weekend of May 29, 30 and :ll at Lakeland, \,Vash. l.11ci'.le1.1tall.v .. arga.1.·c.·t \\.'<IS cclebra1111g her lnrthday at !he same time. Twins Die-Twin daughters of ML an<I Mrs. Lee Felkins (Chris- ' tine Gu.inn) o,f Spanawa.y dicd.r.May 31 at Pierce County hos\iital. They were buried at Spanaway cerne-


· · L · Clopver 1C18reek Am2 edncand 4th11gF10~ ost meets n an nd · S h I ay at panaway sc oo. VFW-Rodger Lunde Post No. 5052, meets every Tues. night, Sunshine hall, Parkland, 8 p.m.












Licensed Public Accountant Tacoma, Washington 1532 No. Oakes PR. 3980

Roy Rogers and Trigger "DON'T FENCE ME IN" and "CRACK-UP" O'Brien and Claire Trevor

99th. & South Tacoma Way -. GA 9024 Open 7 :00 -

NEAR McCHORD FIELD Show Starts at Dark - Enjoy Movies in Your Car FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 13, 14

"The Perfect Marriage" with Loretta Young and David Niven and "HI NEIGHBOR" with All Star Cast CARTOON and NEWS

Shabby Floors Made Beautiful

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"SIS1"ER KENNEY" Rosalind Russell and Alexander Knox "PARTNERS IN TIME" Lum and Abner NEWS and CARTOON

* *


"The Very Thought of You" Dennis Morgan, Eleanor Parker. and Dane Clark "SWAMP FIRE" Johnny Weismuller, Virginia Gray and Lester Crabbe"


Father ~ Day f1ards .. lJ '




.=or June 15th

" I# --j



tJU.blA, (J,

- ·-·-7 Across the street from PLC


!DBlltT. CAVELIEl'f. H LA SAW * 1643-1687 * French Explo~r. Discov~ of the Mississippi in 1682, when he planted the 1lag of Franceatitsmouthandnamedallitsadjacent territory Louisiana, after _King Louis XIV of France. Great ihdeed was LaSalle's contri· bution ~o man's. desire for adventure and expansion. Grear, too, was the courageeand vision of all such men.


Walter Young, Prop.



13497 Mt. Highway (BROOKDALE) E. R. Crain BRAZING



SUBSCRIBE to The Pointer

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 17, 18 and 19


GR 7900

PACIFIC Welding Service

Spana way



A gambling driver always loses.

STEWART Hay & Grain Company




Sold locally by

Clover Creek Baptist Church had its annual children's day program Jnne 8, between 10 and 12 a.m. The following committee was i11 charge: Mrs. Cyrus Greenlaw, chairman assisted bv Mrs. Lester Cruts, J'vr'rs .. I\alph i1cCorkle and . . , -, ·r'J . · Mrs. Vv m. Uyc1e . ' tea. The following young folks took part: Barbara Cope, Ruth Saylor, Nancy Heller, Barbara Cope, Curtis Sandhurn, Dorotl1y Baker, Ray Collier, San d r a Strout, Betty \Nolf, Jane Leonard, Barbara Renner, Barbara Norris, Edward Roland, Maxine Leonard, Norman Hale. Evelyn Cope, Ruth Rowe, Shirley H~ller, llelen Erickson, Hettv Crnts. Tl~e sermon, "The Youth of Yestcrday, 1'oday and Tomorrow," was <leliYered by Rev. VVm. Clyde Rhea.

Tuttle, Jiihnson and son, VValker, Stark, Floyd Cook, Ga~lwa, M. F. Pe.·tcrsun, Mable. Cook, Br.antner, Maud Taylor, Tiff rec, Esh peter, \Villiams, \Valt Cook, Hull, \Var- I 1.enbec. C. Smith, Mike Hansler, Friday &'Saturday, June 13, 14 Steye11s, a.nd the. Mi.,;scs Ida Hausler and Marjorie \Villiams. "MOUNTAIN RHYTHM" Promotion-Mr. and Mrs. 'RobWeaver Brothers and Elviry ert llansler have recci,·erl word "DEAD END KIDS" that their son John has been proAll-Star Cast moted to the rank of corporal in the army. John has been in Yoko- l ham a for five. rnonl. hs, engaged in Sunday & Monday, June 15, 16 clerical work in the army legal "SILVER SKATES" s-cction there. I-le is expected to he Kenny Baker, Pat Morison home before next January. and Belita ---ll--"HOME SWEET HOMICIDE" YARD BEAUTIFIERS Peggy Ann Gardner, Randolph Rose arbors and trellises for Scott, Lynn Bari s·ale, Brookdale Lnmbcr Company. !'r GRanite 8362. (Adv., 27tf)

Lumber &Hardware



Election of Officers Clover Creek L.egion Post an_<~ A11x1hary Urnt 118 will hole! theu reg u .1 a r meeting at Spanaway school Friday, June 13, at 8 p.111. ivlemhers are urged to atten<l as new officers will be nominated and voted on at this meeti1:g. . Delegates to the convcnt1011 w.ill also be chosen at this rneeting. Refreshments will be sen·cd by the Auxiliary.


!cry on Tuesday, Jnne .3

GRanite 7914




Marsh & Knudtson


Two Chairs for Fast Service Across from Parkland .P. O.


Page Three


Parkl:ind, \Vashington, Thursday, June 12, 1947



At Your Service SCREEN DOORS



LINSEED OIL T. L. Z. Paste Enamel

Satisfaction_ Guaranteed




JJl.ll UHU~

~'Xl-'---"" UL\;;l

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AT MIDLAND 0 96th and Portland Avenue

G Ranite 8488


Shell Oil Company Products





15 Y ea•s Experience in Correct Lubrication · GRanite 8539 Airport and Pacific



Page Four

guest of the Rev. and Mrs. A. W. ~esults Ramstad. (Continued from Page One) Birthday Celebrated-Mrs. Rudy ~J!an N el~on, 0. C. Heipler, Irvin Strom en_ tert~inecl. Friday evenin,g A wave of vaildalis·m swept Midln the soft glow of candlelight l weet, },elmer N. Roe and A. M. on the occas10n or her husband s land last week. Several windows Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock and Fortne. Also Miss Eleeson and birthday. Sharing birthday cake were broken and articles stolen in Miss Kjorstat, parish workers. were their children, Stephanie, before an altar flanked by huge the onthrcak of petty crimes. baskets of pink and white peonies Engagement Told-The engage- Lorna and Leland; Mr. and Mrs. Nearly all the windows were and Jlluck orange, Miss lngricl ment of Miss· Carol El e f s 0 n, Max Parker and Melvyn, Keith broken in a building owned hy Mr. Jvfartinson, da11ghter of Mr. and and Mrs. Robert Williams. Buildd~ughtcr of Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. and Steven, Miss Inga l·l?n?·· Mr. m• o. , UC> mQ> "' --- '"'"·- "' .... tinson of PrineJ~ldson of Stanwood, to Mr. Les- 0. D. Hong and Mr. Art Suhc. . () . ,, . . rng rnatenals were stolen trom tile 11 . · T · ·wenatc h ee - 1'1c ,. 1 l vi e, . re., was umteu 111 marriage ' . . . tcr Storaash, son of Mr. and Mrs. np to 1an . '·! f , same structure, wl11d1 1s 1iemg re"]' . , 1 .. 1'vn 1Joe, son o lv1r. r. .arC . l l ex apartments. \\ ' r. 'I' . ,S toraas 1·1 o f· ·1'· ar ldand was Cl . emens ancl ]·I~ans D a l1l, J r., l e ft to lv. l "I S ·1, l . 'ti D 1110<1c I cc l rnto cup , ' ' S t t .. t ant lv rs. . . 'vn Joe, w1 1 r. , ]~ \"'l . .. . l at a_ • 1iart" 1· hursc1av announce< , a urc1aY mornmg on a rip o E' l.'i, ._St•cen per f·ornung · . ti le d ou lJ I e . JV1r.s. :'-.. •v 1 son, a wH1ow, 11vmg • _,,, .J ,) ~ cvcmng when Miss Elefson enter- vVenatchee. . . . ccrc111011y 111 . 'I' . 't.v 1.--~u tl· 1eran 111 the Midland area also reported r1ng _ nn1 . . ta111ecl a gro11p of rnttmate friends Picnic Postponed-The Violet Cl • broken wrnclows- rn her home. 1 at the Storaasli home. During the Prairie Garden Club picnic which :~ire 1. • A car belonging to Carlton Jlast year Miss Elcfsuu has taught was scheduled to be held on June _1 h'c bn.r!e'.5 ~ow~t ~n:s ofllshter Smith who resides at the Peterson the sec o n d grade at Parkland 13, has b_een postpont•1l until the dotted ~-" 1 ~.s: 11 Ith:'. '.e 1~. s ~ 1,r~ l1011ic at 96th an cl .l l arrison was school, and Mr. Storaasli has con- July meeting. ,u'.rl. 10.'.1<o<_: 1''. 1"· l_lu fmg~i-llp entered via a smashed winclm;" tinned 11is courses at Pacific LuPot Luck Luncheon-'l'he YT .A 1' ,is Ltsll llL d to a slnrred nc~ Contents of the car such as a rad10 theran College si.ncc his discharge wiil meet on Tuesday. lune 17. for crown, and .her houqnet '.''assn and 111irror were stolen. , he f ro1.11 the_' n_avy. 1\ s_ each guest ar- a pot-luck lnnl'i1eon. to· be held at wlute roses. and stephanotis. ---o--, ·r 1 1Jrt<1euroom s g·t t, a pear 1 . 1 l · u· C l .. · . wore tic nver at t 1e party, . ht1ss at 1y the home of Mrs. Ray Renwick._ . "r· ·.. · b • • • 1 1 1 1 . ung \\· r·ii· 1 what a__ ppearec1 to i 1s presenter Birthday_ Mrs Russell Mc- nee' acc. ]" ant· 1 or1 somet JI · f orl • . 1 · · . l' l . , , -] . · rowec carne< a 1anr <ere 11e · sent ,. . .. , . l)C, n11matu1 c t 1_p _ . .l f.irst carrte . d (Continued ft om l age One) 1Ni"liolas . . . 0111,1s to eac 1 one, . ' · ,,..•15· lir·)stes" · · to a j)art" lron1 1Jen1nar 1.c ~UH this, ,herng appropna!e in honor of her daug,.htcr I ovena l)Y t I1e groon1 •s 111ot l1er an d t I1c11 I.A_J1·rl' s· ]'1-aue-1-" ']']1µ h1·1'cle's~ brr1'ft s· 1 · ~, partic_lllarly. ~ ~ J • -:-1 .. 1.. ~L;c !\ \lefso::.. h,dd Jllst_ ie ]{use, on her 10th birthday Sat- by his aunt. Her father gave her to them were agate pms. ett1 ed her B .. \.debt ee frorn PLC. f urdav afternoon. Gu cs ts were · n·trri e I For the reception in the church Unon unrollino· j·Jip srn·111 "'rnlJ;; . " 1. ~ • .. " . tll I . .' ag . ' s mother rece1vcc . 1 ~ - - · ' · -- --·-, nuuanc amt' 110 JD\' ;)Cllmlllt, .l<...at11-j . . ., . -, . parlors the bnde ]1()we1·e1· tl1e1·e ·11JJ)e·1re•rl a Jlt.ctt1re' · - ...D avenport · Miss . a o-own with . . · • ' ' ken l'-ellt. ))e11nv a1Hl · Mary · .E1 erson of I ortland, . · 111 black skirt and )I'e. Al't'ct· se , . v- Sandra , . Ore., was 111ctlll of honor, · blouse. Her corsage o f ti1e engage cl cou1 H 1l1111c111. · . .· wearrng . . white "eve let l\I r. amI 'f an aqua ht 1desma1ds · roses and white . carna'A1·aJ ga11·1°s '" J11i1cl1 \\•as· se 1·1·•ed f 1·0 m Weeken d G uests-1' Jv.. rs. . . . gown · - ' and · , , \\-as of ·reel 't' ]·ic" CO"Cl'e'cl taJ-L, ce 11 tei·"d , ..' 1·u1 Eo lJcrt N .Miss Elsa .M.atson. oi I ot- t1011s. . ' ' ' ~ "o i cwto11 o f ]'<.ven~tt an<l were . . 1, he groom's mother wore T· ,. . · - - • , , • . • , " latch, ldaho, rn blue; Miss Ardys . . . \ •111 l lcet ioses 111 A laige Miss ~orrna (Jnllcson of Iacoma . · . 1 printed silk Jersey and identical ·I a 1 ca k e cau · · ··. . . wearing 1JrH ier l tl1e 11 ·,unes 0 f were weekend v1s1tors at the T. C. Brcdvuld. . . · -velkl\\·, . ·and c 1rs·1ge . · Miss Betty l<,,enworthy, 111 pmk. ' · ' ' .. . tl ie ~oup t~· as· d'd 1 ~ J so tl 1e. t'rn," Lien home. 011 Sunday they were ._ . -- . , , . .· . The huge cross-shaped weddmg · 1 at a fan11'] Y cl'mner at •J he go\vlls "ere 111 smular bouf- "tk' centenno· . 11 '·11)l<1i1s · Gtte·. ·st"·" ·sl1·'1r111g ti1e 11a1)py· entertarnct a lono- lace-coverecI · · '·1 · l· St I, , . · . , ·. rant. style and all attendants· wore table L, e and flanked "' . 0 c·c as1on "ere iv. est ames ' "n e} Dittemore s by .Vlr. Sam Lien. . by"' double silver a11cl C t1 l-l ·i"o]r·I Peter L . A . ·L ,,. , matclung tulle and flower caps, . 1 ,, \ P1'll1's 1 ·v • " -• '' · ad1es ux11aryau1cs nux. candelabra was cut and served I1Y • ]> ] St .. 1· \\' 'I' S · . . 'llld L"1rnerl sweet peas Candles son,_ •UC ·: o~aasi, · · ··,tot- iliary nf L'arkland Fire Depart-' '.. · - .. _,·· :,. , ,M.iss Clara Christensen of E1erett ", . , . ,., '" . · , . . were hohted bv Miss B1ethold . . ,1a~h, and Olai ll,igcncs.,, ,md t! 1c. ment \\'ill meet \Vcdnesday, June .. b .. •• and tlk groom's s1ster-111-law, l\rlrs. 1vl~sses Lorna Rogers, Betty Chris- 18. at 8 p.111 .. at home of Mrs. and '1'liss henwmthy. Donald vVillis. J\t the urns. were tcnson, Virginia Seaburg, Ardys J{oberl Lvnd on Morton street. ·The groom's father served as the bride's aunt, Mrs. Esther J-1. Bre<h·old, Betty Kenworthy, DorHouse. Guests - Recent house best man, and ushers wcr.e Del Davis and another sister-in-law of o,thy Elefson, Ka,Y1.erine Breun, guests of Mrs. Jennie Palmer were Schaefer and Vern Fink: the g~·oom, Mm. Sta11ley \;\/illis. (,race Johnson, hll1e l·lellbaum, her parents, l\lr. and Mrs. \;y_ E. Dorothy Brann Malmm was. at They were assisted by Misses l\Ja.ry Jane Brehon, Jo l:farshman, (;ellatly, \\'ho came to attcncl the the organ and also accompa111ed Anita Noriiian, Doris Berg, Bar'\_mta Roth, Selma_ (,underson, o-radnation from Clover Park High Lydia Lentz Hoberts \vhen she ]y ··t Pe111ier and Catherine San. . 1· svi·1'· '·f 1 D avi'cl son, "'School of their oTanclson, John sang "l J_,ove 'l'I· tee, " 1)y G neg, . .ti. \ ·..irg111ia iv yrt e c cl Jv'1 rs John Stuen of Mukil· 1·· Y an d e ll ' S\\'anson. ·f ohn is. "the proud recip- and "I " he lo•enediclwii. · · " n rn · · · 1, at· I" 11r1•is, '-at I1_enne teo s-ister-in-law of the bride, had lle.len,_ Peterson, ]{nth Pflueger, icnt of a "scholarship from l\eed Fo~lowing th~ ceremony, Mrs. the' ~-ucst book and Mrs. Walter Lms· lollfeldt and Pat Hubbel. College where he will attend next l\fart.111so11 rece1vec! the g u es~ s, Young and Miss Alice Ford had Strawberry Social - 'J'he Mis- year. wearn:g a tan print dress with charge of the gift table. sionary Society will hold a StrawPresented With Corsage - The matcl11ng hat and car.sage, of roseFor their motor trip to Banff berry Festival at Trinity Lut}1eran Girl Scouts presented a corsage to bt'.ds ant!_ Stephano.tis .. She was Mrs. Willis wore a navy gabardine Church Friday from 6:30 to 9:00 their leader, .\![rs. L. B. Hichard- JtHned by the groom~ mother \\'ho suit with \\'hite accessories and a p.rn. Everyone is invited. . son, at the last Scout meeting on w'.1re aqua crep~ _ wit.h f 1 w er corsage of roses. Upon their rcHome From College--Miss He!- \Vcdnesday in Parkland school. trimmed hat and identical corsage. turn to' Parkland the new home en R. Ramstad arrived home Fri- l t was made up of roses· and carFnr the supper, served as- a will be made on Cleveland street day from Northfieicl, Minn., where nations. Barbara Jenson present,ed smorgaashord, many t<~bles \\'ere Mrs. 'Willis is <l graduate of Pashe has attended St. Olaf College it. set !II bauquet style with ccnter- cific Lutheran College and s·en'cd during her freshman year. She Mrs. Swayze to Speak-:\ surn- pieces oi roses ancl gre_ens._ Pre- I during the war as .a .member of the motored as far as Spokane with mer event with tea and a surprise siding \\'ere Mes dames h. \Iv·. An- I 'Naves. Mr. Willis also se1:vcd five other St. Olaf sJudcnts and program will be sponsored by the tonsen, Joh1'. .sal:ter, A. vV. l~am­ in the navy, in the Pacific arena. completed her trip by train. Helen \\lumen's Society for Christian stad and I'l11ltp I~. Hauge, as~1sted I Since his discharge he has been will attend PLC next year. Service in the Parkland Methodist hy Albert Johnson, Robert Clark, continlling hi,.; courses· at PLC. Delegates-Miss Delores Jens en Church, vVednesday, June 18, be- M. Hoff man, E. S. l l indcrlic and --r>-and Miss Marilyn Pflueger will ginuiug al I :30. There will be mu- ~· Hinder_lie, John Lamb'. Carl leave on the Great Northern June sic hy an orchestra, vocal, violin Coltorn, C. M .. Olson, '!,Ir g' I 23 for Milwaukee, \Vis., lo rep- and piano items· by Mrs. Freel Bergh, H. L. J. Dahl, \IV. 1. Stor1 rescnl the Trinity Luther League Mevers and pupils and Mrs. Er- aasli, Gerhart Haakenson, H. J. th.e at the international Luther League nest Sheppard. The special speak- Leraas, Jenny. Palm~r, vValter I convention. er with a surprise topic will be Young and Miss Marilyn Pflue- 13th, the Explorer Boy Scouts have chosen a fitting theme for Sisters Visit-House guests of Mrs. Tom Swayze, well known gcr. Dr. and ~Irs. Harold G. Ronning and interesting speaker of TaCutting the _square three-tie'.ed their dance. The "Jinx Dance" is one of the recently were Dr. Ronning's twin coma. Free will offering will be cake topped with a clove carrymg sister and her·, the Rev. taken. two wedding rings was Mrs. Lud- regular bi-monthly series of chapand Mrs. J. L. Hanson, from Santa Crystal Springs - The Crystal vig Peterson o.f Prinveville, Ore. erone<l teen-age dances. It begins Rosa, Calif., and another sister, Spring's Garden Club will meet Miss H.elen l'-ams·tad had charge at 8 p.m. and will be over at midMiss Victoria Ronning·, of San Friday at 12:30 at the home of of the guest book and Mesdames night. Ho\\'ie Lee and his band Francisco. Miss Victoria Ronning, Mrs. \,\/illiam Storaasli on Pacific Max Oleson and Mrs. Carl John- will furnish music for the affair which is to he at the James Sales a nurse, was stationed in the J\ venue and Collins- I<oa<L Lunch- son received the gifts. European theatre during World eon will be served and the meeting For _;:heir Canadian weddi1'.g tr.ip, Grange hall. The patrons and pa lronesses for \,Yar II and is now ~on her way to will follow. Roll call will be Mrs. 1, ynboe "·ore a gold smt with visit her father in the Peace River "Don'ts for my Garden." The pro- matching brown accessories a1;d the evening will be Mr. and Mrs. counfry of Sas.katchewan. gram will be a talk on "Carna- corsage of roses. The couple will Morris Ford, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Guest-Mrs. A. HJ 0. Erickson tions," by Mrs. Fritz Beitz. There be at home in Parkland on Park Dahlberg·, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Whisler. of Aberdeen, past president of the will he a display of flower. ar- Avenue. \Vomen's Missiona,ry Federation rangcments by the members. Plans Mrs-. Fynboe graduated from on the coast and honor guest at will he made for the annual picnic P?tlatch High School, attended the recent convention, was in July. Pacific Lnthera.n" Co 1 ~ e g e. ~nd spent one year 1n nurses tra11ung at Immanuel Lutheran Hospital in Portland. Mr. Fynbo~ gradu- BOOK repairing~ We mend and cover any type of book. J. E. ated from the high school departBrittain. GR. 6253. 39tfc ment at PLC and attended the University nf VJashington before \VANTED-H o tt s es to wire. Honse wiring of all kinds. Call serving in the navy during the now, don't wait. GRanite 7524 .war. Since his discharge he has evenings. tfc l;een a pre-medical student at PAPERING, painting, Kem tonPLC. ing. GArland 0130. W. C-npGuests from out-of-town includbell. 40c ed Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Denneby, CAIU'ENTER remodeling, large Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Lynn, Mr. or small jobs-. Gene Russell, 707 and Mrs. Guy Wheeler and Rev. Hendricks St., Parkland. Ph. GRanite 7036. 23tfc an<l Mm. 0 ..L. H aavik of Seattle, Mrs. P. A. l verson, Mr. Truedson WANT ED TO BUY-Stamp collcctions or accumulations. Write and Miss l·l ildnr 'frnedson of Puywhat you. have. L. Tendick, Rt. allup, and Mrs. Ludvig Peterson I, Box 262, Spanaway. 38,39,40p of Prineville, Ore. l\HJWING, raking and combin---0-ing. Elvis Simon, GR. 7787. 44c EXPER.T FURNITURE REPAIRING and finishing-cupboard doors and drawers. Sub· urban Woorlworking, 9643 PipeOf interest to many Parklandline Road uear 96th and "A." ites is an account received from a GR8662. tfc Santa Barbara, Calif., newspaper WELLS DRILLED and pumpsregarding held for the on a F.H.A. loan.' 3 years to pay. Einar Thorsen, Rt. 7, Box fiancees of the t\\'o sons of Rev. 437, Tacoma. GH. 8707. tfc .and Mrs. N. B. Thorpe at their SEPTIC tanks pumped, C<,mtents parsonage. hauled away. Established busiThe affair honored Mis-s Helen ness. Phone GA. 1986 or GA. Marguerite Henry, daughter of 9794. 39tfc Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Henry of Bellingham, whose marriage to FOR papering, painting and kemtoning, call GR 7231 or GR 7496. the eldest Thorpe son, Burton Free estimates, reasonable. 19tfc To provide telephone service to more people, there are' David, will be an event of this MYRTLE'S BEAUTY SHOP at more party lines in use these days than ever before ... and August, and Miss Barbara Fixen, 706 Lafayette St., Parkland. Ph. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 0. FixGRanite 4679 foi appointments. most telephones are busier than ever before. When you en of Everett, fiancee of Jerrold 28tf share a line with one or more parties, you'll all get the Bruen Thorpe. PLOWING, discing, lawns levMiss Henry is a graduate of most from your telephone service if you'll remember ... eled, back-filling 'and s c o op Pasadena Junior College, and her work. Ray Gogan, GR 8842. tfc fiance, a PLC graduate and former naval officer, is studying law DUNCE FUEL CO. now offers Los Angeles. good upland mixcil mill wood, o Space your calls instead of making an extended series of in Mis·s direct from the Loveland Mill. Fixen and Mr. Jerrold them ... and talk only as long as necessary. For prompt delivery, call PR. Thorpe met in 'Parkland when the 33tfc •If yours is an emergency call, and the line is in use, ex- Thorpe family occupied Trinity 5001. plain the circumstances to the person using the line. Lutheran parsonage and when NEvV and used pumps for sale. For service call after 4 o'clock e If you are calling from a dial telephone, always make cer- both young people were attending or Sundays. E i n a r Thorsen, PLC:. Mr. Thorpe was also in the tain the line is clear before you dial. GRanite 8707. tfc n::ivy :inil 1-- ~!t prt.:'~('!!t !?! s~!n.t2. 6 A ol-. "'""''"'"n.n+ri..,,.n .,....,.../.. ./-,,.. ~,..,.""'....,.-"'7~·.....,,. ./-l....,. .,_,,...7,,.._i. .............. .i..a..v'" .)'VlA.11 .,rvc.c-1"5oi.-..::.,.1 t:1 /f,VI/ 1'V llVVIC;~JJVl/ttNt;;. t<l(.-t;.. (/r;;,Vt;,}//"Vlf,tJ. FOR S1\LE-Two new vanity Barbara. dressers and stools, one small Gil Replace the receiver properly when you finish your call. Rev. and Mrs. Thorpe were in night chest with 3 drawers. Or Parkland the past week as house '·Thank you! will t r a d e for chickens. Call guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford GI<anite 8393. 40p 0. Olson and met many of their FOR' SALE-Maple twin beds, former parishoners and friends coil springs., cotton mattresses. while attending the church conExcellent condition. GR 7100. Tacoma 1 Telephone MAin 5161 757 Fawcett Ave. vention, Commencement and re- Fl l lated a~tivities. mg, $20.00. GR 7100.

Parkland School Afternoon CeremonylVandalism Joins Popular Pair In Broken Windows Teacher Engaged








St ien Willis Rites




.... 1



Parkland, Vlashington, Thursday, June 12, 1947











IJinx Da!1ce Friday

~~:10::~ ~!~~nl~~lay,


Sons of Rev. and Mrs. N. Thorpe Engaged

Good-neighbor policy party-line style

The engagement of Miss Carol Registrations are now open for Three young people from Clover Elefson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Campfire Girls and Blue Birds al Creek are attending the State 4-1-l E. 0. Elcfson of Stanwood, to Camp Scalth on Vashon Island. Camp at Pl1llman, vVashington, Mr. Lester Storaasli, son of Mr. The ca111p will open on J nnc 21 this ·year. They are Elsie Keene, and Mrs. \V. T. Storaasli of Park- and conti1111c with three separate Alfred Sonthll'ell, and Omer Rolland, was announced at. a. party ses-sinns th;·ougil July 14. 1{egis- and. All have been acti1•c in 4-1-1 'fhnrs<lay c.vening when M~ss .Elcf- trations close on June 14, and Miss \\'Ork for some time. son cntcrt_ai_ncd a. gron.p of mtunate M·ilefvt local C·unt)firc executive .1 liter o f · _\._eene -1· i 11e uaug ~ 1_- 1:-;1c 1s fnends. at the Sto_r.aas!t hollle. ~.1 rs. W 111. 1,eene . . -. . 11rn-('s .-: . ·· ..·di ·g'·irls· g·ct · their · 1nmes ' . . in l\.l/ r. anl1 .iv. anl.I During the past year .Miss Eld- e· 1rl" . · 1 l · 1 f or four ' ~r .• 1 1ias 1H.Tll 111 c u) wor \: son_ has taught the sccon<_I grade ,\ Cam1)cr's Guide \\'ill he nnilecl · · -, · ' · ' y ea r s ta 1nng 110111e econonucs at Parkland school, a11d Mr. Stor- to ·t]J registered c1111pers i11 which · · ' SJ · · ·l f I · I l · ' ·· · ' . · . trammg. , 1e 1s vice presH ent o . a__ as· ]1 ias cont111uec ns courses at w i I I be i11format1011 regardrng · 1 1 1 1 · tr:rnsport:ttinn and all, other • nee- t 1e c u 1 t 11s year · . l· ac1f1c Lntheran ollege s111ce 111s discharge from the navy. cc:sary information. A l1 girls inAlfred Sonthwel.l is_ the son of :\s each guest arrived al the tercsted in attending these camp M1. an cl Mrs. Merlm I'. Southwell, party, Miss Cathy \Villis presented sessions should c;tll Bl~. 43 9 5 or and has also taken '.on; ye~rs. of \\'hat ap]lcarecl to he llliniatnre go to the Campfire office at 530 1 cl uh .work. Alfred d1dn t st1cl'.. to diplomas to each guest, this being Provident Building. Jone lrne of 4-l-l. work thongh. hrst particularly ap]lropriatc since Miss I he took coukmg, and was very Elefso11 had just received her B.A. . ---o--i good in that. Then the following degree from PLC. Cpon unroll~·ear he was in a swine club, and ing the small scrolls. holl'ever, j tor ~he past two years he has been there appeared a picture of the 0 1 ra1s111g p~~1ltry. engaged couple. Chief David McPherson received Omer l~ola!l(l is the son of l\lr. After seYeral games, lunch was word this \\'eek from the Howard and .Mrs. 0. E. Roland. He is in sened from a lace covered table Cooper corporation that the pump his sixth year of club work. Tlw centered with Van Fleet roses in for the new l-l. M. & L Fire De- first two years he took cooking. crystal. A large bridal cake car- partment truck has arrived. The winning· several awards at the fair. riecl the names of the couple, as truck is now in the process of The second year of cooking, he did also the tiny napkins. completion. c and Alf Alfred went with the Guests sharing the happy occa.McPherson stated that it will be co11nty agent to different places sion were .VlcsdamL'S Stanley \;yil- delivered to the department in over the county giving demonstralis and Cathy, Harold Peterson, about three weeks. tions on home-made canning Bud Storaasli, \V. T. Storaasli and ---o--equipment. '{he past three yearn Olai Jclageness, and .\ilisses Lorna ATTORNEY OiPENS he has been )n swine club "·ork, Rogers, Fletty Christenson, Vir- OFFICE IN PARKLAND winning the Kiwanis trophy for ginia Seaburg, Ardys Brcdvold, Kendall O. Halvorsen this week the mu:;t otitstancling achievement Betty Kenworthy, Dorothy Elef- opener! a Jaw office in the Arneson in this work. This year he is takson, Katherine Bn1e11, Grace John- building on Garfield street in ing· hnth Swine Club and cooking. son, Ellie llellbaum, Mary Jane Parkland. He will engage in the Brehon, Jo llarshrna1.1, ·?''.ita R~th, general practice of law, specializSelma Gunderson, V trgrn1a lsvick, ing in civil work. .VI yr t 1e Davidson, . Pat Purvis; '11 alvorsen is a g-raduate of the Me~ting Katherine Yandell, Helen Peter- University of \'Vashington la 1\· son, Ruth Pflueger, Lois Tollfelclt school and was admitted to the The next pack meeting of Cnb and Pat l-1 ubbel. bar in this state in 1926. Jl e came Pack 34, Spana way, will be an ---o--here from Huston, Minn., after outcloo1· weiner roast at Little Peace has not broug·J11 plenty. serving in the army during the Spanaway. This will be held on Drought in many food producing war. Friday, June 13, at 7 p.m. countries has cut clown harvests. ---o--The Cubs and parents are as.keel America has been fortunate in that Pre\'cnt spring shower spots on to bring their own weiners and good growing weather in 1945 J new leather handbags. Apply an buns. Coffee and pop will be furmade it possible for farmers to even coat of good floor or fnrni- nished by the pack. Mrs. Hayden grow record crops. vVheat is eas-1 ture wax. Let the war dry and Stewart will Ile in charge of the ily shipped. Americans- can help by polish thoroughly \\'ith a clean, games. continuing to eat less wheat prod- soft cloth. Repeat the process in J Boys rcceiYing· badges are Lar1cts. t 24 hours. ry Ha11gen and Darold Haugen. : •

' ··


The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company







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f-I. M. L. Fire Dept. T G· .· N T k et ew rue


Spanaway Cubs~to Have Picnic



l j ;


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