Mast 2012 fall

Page 1


EFT. 7, 2012


Krise and Class of 2016 join P U


M.NAG�C NEWS lilllTOIl I rnnri'\ih.@plu ...uu

Pre' ldent



Krise s har d his first day at

Pacific Lutheran University with 640 10 mlOg students Tuesdav. PLU1sannual conv c, tion c n'mony wel come d fir t­ v r ilnd tranfife.r tud1m ls, but for lhe first tim in t nty ye r the back-t , eh I i'\';- ff also included the inauguration f a ne w prl:'siden t. Krise, the ( rmer dt>an of Ll C lIege of the Pad fie at t he University of the Pa ci fic in Stockton, Calif., descri bed convocation as "a great l aunch" to


Chorale, instructed by profe sor of music Richard Nance, ang A Mighty Forl re s is Our G d. Afte rwar d, Krise' c;; Loren pr dece or, And rs n, who ser cd a PLU p resi den l since ] 992, gave his presidential speech. u cre sian


rema rked


"g reat university musl be about change" and call1'd !-.�r"ing PLU lhe "honor nd privil ge lalifetime." "He did a reall go d job of pa sin g over the responsibility. H wa-





Emma Pa lum bo said about Andt'r n.

PLU's 123rd a ad mic --�yea r and I

first year as president, i n part b 'cause "1 he w rld need of lh" blue m r PLU - i need and sky tremendous you and what you can audience bring to the world. turnout, Knse aid. commitment A' acuity, Thomas W. Krist' cl rgy and pr , ident, Pacific Luthernn f r o m new student stud en ts, Univ fflity walked From f ac ult y, regent, staff, Ped Squ r� 01 n constituent!>, to Auditorium alumni an d the d el egat e s for support c remony, to Lh the n ew pr esident. Krise PLU Symph on y played was lhen o utfitt ed in a Orche stra the black presidential robe, a Processional of Joy under gold ho d and a med allio n l he iru I:ru tion of as ooate professo r of mill k Jdfrey displaying the PLU .rose Bell-Ranson. Once inside, window on one side and the proce s ion and other the name s and dates of all 12 fOrnler preside nts on the attendees, including alumni, del gates from variou other. wuversities, Krise is the first PL U national p re ident r turning studen ts, faculty to rec ei v e a and staff, as well as m edallion at inauguration. guests, were greel d Wlth "This robe and this sea 1 feel very hea vy to me, and and well wishes prayer they remind me of the f camp us from memb rs organizations. weight of res ponsibility that t hey symb lize," Krise aid. Vice pre sldent for admission and enr ol lm en t "f pr o m ise I won't forget." servi e5 Ka rl Stumo and As Krise addres sed the Provost and d an of audience, he said he was tudi e s St eve n both nervous and excited, grad uate Starkovich r cognized two emotions he said he shared w it h the student s in tudents receiving R gen " Act Six, Harstad Founder', the Clase f 2016 on the first o r "President's Scholarships, day of school Krise was sel cted for the a' well as those re ceiv ing Provost' M er i t, Faculty p sition in February and too k over office June L Merit or Rieke Leadershi p Awards. Research fcH ow s "One day you wake up and gra nt recipients, in and you really feel it: 'I'm a Lute!' I think that day addition to fac til ty achieving promotion..<; and awards, came (o r me thU morning," were aI a honored. Krise, aid. "Looking a t you, I know that feeling la a Members of the Choir of the West and Univ rsity lifetime." e



"«cnUy i.ndl1cl�l'L I'ruideul Til llUU ,"" Kri .... jp." hi i.n.aul.'tUlI! ,.ddn-,� tn fi40 in,'oJniJII( r,...,.h numduring hi.ln,lUgurn�i I in lh.. 01. In, 'WilitorillDH'D 'J\re,<da.y, KrI,e "" ur..d tlu; tr wd ornrw .Iudenh t lllli . wlti] tht'y mil) h" n!.'now Klollul alllh" n�w dccl:iinlls tho:y will h� Q Inaiu- about thdr Ii,· . '" IN. wn h . "nut lh<:n, PLU t...'.,.. m,," )mIriilmi alld yoJlU" farnili r pl:U" Slmn II w ill 1ll 1 be aboul Lhe hard wo<k lind �'T�.I fllllllflivin g th,· LU �fl<";'\'IIC . 1 10 d y<:ru rue UT' m,d you rc. Iy leel iI' 'I'm a Lute.' r t hin k that day c.a.m.. lur ml' HItS mlJrning! .llul. , J""Ic� at you now, T know Lhlll feeling lasts It IUi:tim£," Kril<e .Ai(L

description Throu gh of alumni achievements, Krs i e illustrated the kind of student PLU attrac s, tho e with wild hope and an attitude of service and care, before ass rting "th e world n eds more PLU." By referencing PL u's l i ber al arts foundation and Lutheran values, Krise asserted again, "the wor d needs more PL U - it needs you an d what you can bring t the world."

"I though t the repetition kind of fun," Palumbo said. "It got a good message


acr: "." Prcsid bal inaugural events continue throughoul September, including women' s soccer on the new artificial athletic fiel d at 4 p.m. Friday and Saturday's PLU.t tbal1 game aga inst Concord ia Lutheran UnIversity. Both events are part of PLU's annual sp irit weekend.








SEPT. 7, 2012 *









The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, popularly known as the "Buckley Amendment" and carrying the acronym "FERPA," governs the Uni­

versity's collection, retention, and dissemination of information a bout stu­


dents. (The document appears in the Student Handbook.)

One category of information covered by FERPA is c alled "directory infonna­

letter tll�EDITO pf(�sident and vice president

tion." Pacific Lutheran University has designated the following items as direc­ t ory infonnation: student name, local and pennanent addresses and tele­ phone numbers, E-mail address, date and place of birth, participation in offi­

cially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of ath­ letic teams, dates of attendance, class standing, previous educational agency or institution(s) attended, major and minor fields of study, anticipated date of graduation (if that has not yet occurred), and degree(s) and award(s) con­ ferred (including dates).


welcome Class 0/2016

Ian Metz


Taylor Astel


asp u@plu.cdu

On behalf of all of y ur ASP LU for the 20U-2013 school year we'd like to welcome you to the Pacific Lutheran community. As your tudent government here at PLU, ASPl�U i. t: cited t o help brmg In the new year and ev n more excited to hav you b orne a part of ill When we ran to be you r president and vice president, the two of us had many clear goals in mind f r the up ming year We, along with ou r staff, ha e worked hard to revItalize ASPLU a an organization, reconstruct how we operate and make it easier for yo u, PLU's tudent body, LO get involved and remain in the oop regarding decisions that affect campus life. officer.


The PLU FERPA pol icy appears on the Student Handbook website for your re­

We hope as the year goes on you will get involved WIth these n w ppo rtu niti s through our numerous tude t-funded and stud nt-planned e ents and committees. We will also be holding senate elec 'ons in the coming weeks. Ii you would like to run for an at�large or residence hall po ition, pl ease feel free to emai l s at aspluQQplu.edl.l. Once you've had time to s «Ie in and adj ust to life as a ollege tudent, take time to visit us either in person at the ASPL office in lh� lower level of the Ander UniVersity Center or online at http://www asplu and http:// www .facebook.coo1; ASPL U. We will bring you c ntinued updates on what student government 15 up to at PLU, what events we have planned and much more! ASPLU is ha ppy to welcome you o the PLU family, and the two of are excited 0 help you make the most of your time here at PL ! '

view at:





e du/ tudent-handboolJccde-of-conductlFERPA.php.

Under FERPA the University may disclose directory information without prior

written consent unless an "eligible student" (18 years or over) or a parent (if

the student is under 18 yea rs of age) gives notice in writing to the contrary to the Office of the Vice Pres ident for Student Life rest rictin g th e d tsclosu re of the directory information, as it pertains to the student, by

the last day of reg­

istration for any given academic term at this University. please be assured

that PlU uses discretion when releasing information (e.g. roommate notifica­ ti o n or compliance with federal requirements.) If you participate in a ctiv itie s

such as music ordrama perfonnan ces, athletics or represent PLU in other

public capacities, University policy is to Issue minimal infonnation in press re­ leases.

If it is your wish that PLU NOT disclose "dir ect o ry information'! about yo u un


der any circumstance, you must come to the Student Ufe Office, Hauge Ad­

ministration Bu ilding, Room 105, on or before September 17, 2012 to com­

plete the appropriate fonn and meet with Laree Winer to understand fully the impactofthe restrictio n

This restriction will remain in effect until the loth

day of the fall semester of the next academic year, unless you revoke it in .




S EPT. 7, 2012


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J. Sicll Troudscll

A&EEDITOR Alex omine

lett 'f.



DlTOR {I(I.�i' IIIn uprn . rlppllJ "'llillt.


Ihl! ri rIll I



rtti t cd fur l.ellgUI

COPY EDITORS 1'0 II/(ln,'opt'n appl oniillt' ADVI EftS CUtfRm..e rl Land

ASPLU and RHA bring up-and­ coming artist to Homecoming

Editor projects best- and worst­ case scenarios for fall sports






Tray removal reduces trash Student collaboration removes trays during all­ you-care-to-eat meals Jessica Trondsen MANAGING NEWS EDITOR lrond

Fol lowing s u s tain ab ili ty initiative

in place at

th r u niversi ties, Pad fic L u t her an University hils

a dopted a'trayles



durin g all-you-care-to-eat

al 'n the Common . When Erin McGinnis,

d l rector of din i ng

was approached by

Su - ta inabil ity dep ar tmen t

student workers la t year

ab ut removing the black plastic trays found in the dining area, sh wa s at first "gun-shy" and

reluctan t, " McGinnis said. [Sustainability worker'J

was to get students

i nvolv ed," McGinnis said.

Dining servic s had

previously tried to

colle cte d data by weighing food that was

d is car ed on tray' after dinner.

A we k later, dur ing 16-17 din ners, trays were removed rom the Commons in recognition of Earth Week.

Su tainability students were Ulen a ble to gather

inform a ti on on food waste

trayl e ss dining' in sp ring


the right way," M cG i nn is

said, citing the lack of

student involvement as

a reason JOT eventually tr ays . II

M cGi n nis said.

S tudents involved with Su tainabillty and Food Club set up tables outside

when trays were not used. An average of 856 stude nts swiped into wl th an av erage iood

waste of 4.1 ounce'

spread awareness about


Get t PLU




phomore quart rb�ck Dallon

Ritchey, p.13

Construction upgrades continue across campus

Camille Adam.

aver aged 2.8 o u n ces per


were used . Food Wa te removed, ac cording to

Sustainability departm en t fi ndi ngs.

Alum DanielJe Palmer,

who worked on the '

trayl ess campaig n ' last

year, said the difference

GUEST REPORTER Over the summer, the campus was abuzz

gallons of water are


First-year review, food

the Commons and Old Main Market, p. 7

The Mordvedt Lib rary,


the other hand, wi ll

transformations continue.

Student Services.

cooling system. The

Kaniss, director

first floor and a fire

of con truction

suppression system for

management, temp o rary

the computer center,

Hauge Administration Building rooms 204A and

206A, have undergone

remode l in g . The physics

remodeled. The cost of

Approximately 356

Harstad Hall have been

purpose, are shut down

for construction.

with change - and the

meal period where trays are not u sed .

refurbished gu tters. Across campus, the first three floors of

which usu a lly serve this

soon receive a new

'Offices in Rieke S cience

translates to rou g h ly 300

and safely walk under the

completely revamped

meals saved du rin g each

ptions in


per person when trays

the Commons during

the week of April 2 to

\'1I0I'l) 8\' II

BTown walk lllwanl the Anderson Univ n;ity eflter dining Ilr\'jl CIlITyin' two Iilic of pizza alltl no Lm,y. nays weTe recenLly tu.k..a oUl ol'U,c AUC in an inlti(,tiw 10 redu!'c lood and waleT wasle. "I think it' [goinJ.( Lmy-Iells] prelly:oo<1 ,yc>u clvll'l hllYe to worry ,moul getting l)tufl' thaI you don't n 'cd if "n're just cnnying Om! plllle," Br wn Mill. Fin; 'year .. turci

person when tray' were

i mp lemen l a change to

lilt didn'l work,

On April 9-10, students

you-care-t -eat meal,

"My main point to them

bringing back th

less food, water and

monetary waste.

dinner during each all­



dini n g,' which include


and culinary se rvice s,

2008, but "we didn't d

the benefits of ' t ray l e ss

Center have also been

these classroom upgrades

a pproaches $100,000.

In Mary Baker Russell MUL ic Center, music students can now perform on the refinished stage


President Krise llnsw rs qu stions ab ut fnture of uni" rsity, getting to know student



as wel l a. th e lobb y o£

According to John

"boiJers in a box" are currently providin g heat for Hong, Hinderlie,

and Kreidler Halls, due to of the renovation of Ea tvold, soon to be th Karen Phillips Center for the Per forming Arts. Boilers in Eastvold,


Guest colWlUlist expresses concerns about trayless dilm , f r stud ,nts with disabilities, p. 10.


library also acquired carpeting for the

totaling almost $448, 000.

The swi mmin g pool

will be ready for use as

soon as leakin g pipes are

rep laced, and the exterior

wor k at Harstad w i ll be

WTapped up in the next

Grant fWlds addition of solar panels 0 roof of Facilities

Management building, p. 3,


Focus pp. 8-9 Opinion pp. 10-ll Study Break p. 12 A&Epp.5-7

Sports pp. l3-11l










SEPT. 14, 2012

The Mooring Mast is currently looking for an online editor, a copy editor, paid reporters, columnists , photographers and cartoonists.


Contact for more information.



the university at the

make clear who we are in

include retailers, the

trail runs through what

intersection of Park

the community," first-year

Department of Human

used to be the golf course,

and Garfield. The front

Liesel Shulholm said.

Resources, and the

A new cross country

few weeks. These upgrades do not

and the hammer throw is

entrance will feature a

come at a small price.

now located south of the

roundabout drive and a

of Garfield Street, which

Therapy Department on


welcome sign.

PLU now owns, across

the ground floor. The top

Repairing boilers in Olsen alone cost $18,000. PLU spent 2.6 million on the synthetic and natural turf fields on lower campus. The perks of the new facilities include Wi-Fi, water, power, and an

automated irrigation

system on the natural turf field, which will be ready for use next year. The synthetic field is nearly completed, following the pending installation of lighting and a scoreboard. The adjacent softball

field has meanwhHe been

leveled to accommodate a

new drainage system with a total cost of $35,000.

The pitcher's mound and batting cages have also been relocated.

There are still many

"I think a new entrance

Plans for the north side

Marriage and Family

from the US Post Office,

three floors will feature

improvements on the way,

to the campus is a great

are also in progress. The

one- and two-bedroom

such as new bleachers in

idea because it would

four story complex will

studio apartments.

Olsen Auditorium. This project will commence in December and undergo three phases until its completion in March. Classes will continue around the construction. "It's inconvenient," senior Melanie Venahus, who lived on campus over the summer, said of the recent repairs. "But it's all for the better." Starting next summer, a project


scheduled for this past

June called the Campus Entrance Project will

begin. It will revamp the main entrance to

auditoriunl has been renamed the Karen P hillips Performing Arts Center, and will be converted from


two le vel seating

tl-rrangement to a single level of seats. Construction on the auditoriwn began 2010 and is projected to end in 2013.

Important D ad in xpires



,Sept. 17

Mon, Sept. 17 with

add/drop form

*Must be in original condition - including any packaging

ept.21 Mon,


A sign warns passersby to be cautious ,uowld Eastvold Auditoriwn, which is undergoing renovations. The inside of the

Dec. 10 Sa , Dec. 15 -


SEPT. 14, 2012


Faci ities b ilding adds so ar panels

Je e Maj r GUEST REpORTER To olar


doesn't that

demon trate energy




viable in Washington state, solar panels were added to the Facilities Management

building over the summer.

They are not meant to significantly reduce Pacific Lutheran University's carbon footprint, Christine Cooley, ustainability manager, said Although the cells cover

less than half of the roof, they have a lifespan of 20-

25 years and the potential lo save PLU over $6,000. Germany,


a climate very


imilar to

Washington, leads the world

in solar energy, Cooley said. Although






production Significantly,








heard of Solar 4R



. erendipitous. '

University Center displays real-time


energy and






interactive graphs at that kiosk, how

Christine Cooley

sustainability manager



students the








loude; do not prcveilL energy TQduct ion fr{)lU solar ct'lls. "Although ottlpul dt>ercast>· when


random search on the internet. It

A kiosk in the Ander on


S hools through a



building, director


Dave of








sustain ably



debate, but so that students a

The graphs show hour ly,




as to how they feel [PLU]



should proceed to face the




weekly. yearly

Cooley solar

monthly product jon.












PLU pays 5 cents per kilowatt-hour,


said. With th

solar panels






approximately $300 a year. This to











electridty- whlch is enough lectric cars

to charge two day.











The hour


system was funded in




instrumental grant;'





plans to be carbon




carbon emissions through energy attaining

programs a


carbon footprint, by 2020. Cooley

did a surve



the PLU campus and found a




energy grants for over a



be used for solar cells. She

I looked into Power

Purchase private


donors, and smaller

local grants;' Cooley


"Finally, 1 heard of Solar 4R Schools through

search It








serendipitou ." Orion Bras


talked with Cooley la t year










Both Kohler and Cooley are




looking into the possibility of




to other parts of campus, {<But





are showers on campus.







that could

also would like to install

instaJIinga solar arrayat PLU. Bras

down said.








meeting with Pacific Light &


in the Anderson University


Center and working with


ASPLU to secure funding.

when wanting to assist in

Water, setting up the kiosk

Solar 4R ScJtool, wehsite tracks tIle number ofkllowalt hours of Iectricity PL rooftop olar panels on the Facilities M nagement building. As of Sept. l:l. PLU h s generated 166.2 kilowatt-hours of electricity for the week.





L oking into the future.





Kohler. "was



that we face in the corning






''f researched renewable

/,'Cneru.teK I'r()m


electric vehicles with these


·FiT C F 31r t 1. �a d�' pOT




"Projects are

like not




first have


funding for new buildings

project not only to help

or renovations:' Kohler said.




d ltd, the cell!:; HUll produc' " significant of energy, amoullt Dav Kohler, director of Fa -ilille < lanugement, .'aid. If Il solar sy lcm more titan pro(hl it tl�es. a (· an be Inuit with lhe toeal uLiUty

con IpUlIy.

Funding The m<jority 01 the funding tor the solar irom ·ll.l'll (:elL

prOb'Turn. 4R





4R �eho()I); i a progr�m\ that ducat· •


stnueut·, �cher' ltnd

lIleDlO rs providing ulaf'






'Y f.<>nl






TIle project 'was fWided with It fiO 000 b'l'anl from Sul r <tR S ·hunl • t




Parkla ld Light & Wnkr and . )1 00 from donal! lIS lhruu,h th· De '('topmen! me . at I acifi(' Lui h r m Universit '. Tllt� proj\.' l was co

Iplct I

ug. 2;,

'rraphs II de ·tricity produ lion ('an e jQuud on the Solar .. -hool w('btiit " (hLtp:11


org/�ch ov) s/ptt l' i fj c­ lulheran-univer it ) .


on the level of PLU are

carry dinner dishes. "But

project acknowledge that

meals, where dishes are


'trayless,'" Powell said.

in the long run, it will

more effort is necessary.

served a la carte.


saved each night trays are

not washed, a figure that equat s t the per-day water u sage of two-and-

a-half Ameri ans, Palmer s aid .

Sustainability students

then created a resolution

and presented it to ASPLU on May 8, 2012. ASPLU got involved to bridge the gap between students and Sustainability, Hillary

Powell, ASPLU public relations representative,


"A lot of universities

"It's not something that is

pay off for the Earth and

new. It's something a lot

students," Powell said.

"We don't think

"At lunch, we don't

'trayless' completely solves

have a problem. Lunch

of universities are going

food waste on all ends,"

is more selective because

toward ."

McGinnis said. "We know

it's coming out of their

we have more work to do.

[students'] dining budget,"

This is just one piece of a

McGinnis said .

After attaining student feedback, ASPLU "felt

like it was something we co u ld p ss and have good support from students,"

Powell said.

"At lunch, we don't have a problem. Lunch is more selective because it's coming out of

ASPLU passed the

their [students']

resolution a week later,

dining budget."

Palmer said. There "wasn't much flack from students," McGinnis said. Powell added, "I'm sure there are students who

Erin McGinnis Director of Dining and CuJinary Services W hile removing trays

are not fans of it," because

from the Commons helps

of "the inconvenience" of

reduce food waste and save

taking multiple trips to

water, participants 1n the

bigger puzzle on trying to educate students,." Within the coming

But a t dinner, students

"take more and they are not accountable for it in

weeks, dining and culinary

the same financial way,"

services would like to have

McGinnis said.

students weigh food waste again to see how much

For those who need to use a tray during all-you-

money the 'trayless' project

care-to-eat meals, a stack of


trays will be available near

"Any cost savings go back to PLU, not to someone's pocket," McGinnis said. Trays are still available during breakfast and lunch

the cashier stand.

For more about the trayless campaign, see

Opinion page 10 and

Sidewalk Talk on page 12.

EPT. 14, 2012



Website streamlines career serv· ces Career Connections helps students find jobs, internships, work study Taylor Lunka








friendly and it didn't take

to help students make a


m u ch effort to find my way


around the website," first­



PLU to a life after PLU. employment

Studen t


year Lauren



tor jobs on and off campus,

Connections is more than

will take you straight to



just student employmen t."


volun teer


and work study. The


student C are er



l inked to several

Connections students



w i th


advising, career planning,

other websites. While these offices have





appli cation.


Connections gives


good description of what

also offer career counseling


you're going to be doing for

and resume h lp."

calendar online.

the pOSition you applied fOI." Coordina tor


and offers information for

is a new resource online,

students who are planning





as ur s




Ram tad 1 12.


school. The



T clmology





ad vising,


career counselor or student through

em ployment

Career Connections. "The to



The resume workshop is




recommended for students to



attaching a resume to an account. Although students can






apply for most on campus jobs






are not limited to cam pus

w w w . p l u . e d u/ c a re e r ­


change to the website is

employment. "We provide

connections/] for so many

attached to an a pplication

Connections, describes the



a list of current openings

different items is great,"

"gives you an edge."

new website

opportunity board. On the

in the community. All of

Skaggs said.

board, students can find on­

these off-campus positions


students . "What's new i s



the way we have organized


Bobbi Hughes, executive of







opportuniti s 1 are


Career a ,better






so to






Students an

time, Career Connections


first- ear




Lauren Leyba


been a part of PLU for a long as well as on campus, in


doing for the position you applied for."

"AU of the job openings

a n important part. Career

B sides

description of what you're going to be

sai d.

la unched i n June, is one site


" Career Connections gives you a good



volunteer at





opportunities and



Parkland community.



career," "The




said. [of



website easy to navigate. "It







b ilding They


6 p.m. in Ramstad 112 or




graduation," Skaggs said. "In


o ffers two sessions to assist


every Tuesday from 5 p .m-





available for the alumni as





It is

well to find positions after

information is in one place,





persona l and professional

students .





Career have



Connections center


engagement We


academic internships. We

Delta Iota Ch · receive s award for blood drive help Nursing club increases campus donations to Cascade Regional Blood Services

Senior Meglw.nn Frekr Oeft) IAuKhs at I� comment 1Ilade during the presentation of an IlwlUd to P D' nl1t8iJlg service cluL. Dclta 10 Chi. by Ule CB.lIl:'lllle Regional lood �rvice8 on Wednesday. The award wa presented to the . ub lor their dl'o in .,s,usting eRB, U1 their blood drives on the PLU campus l.wlt year, during which 8,169 people made donations. Such actlollS extend the definition of nursing. "It [ nursing] is not ju�l working in 8. hospital or taking CIU't of (l. patient, it's much, much brl'lader lhllll lhnl, !L nurse catl crvc anyWhere they can be an influence on the health of a community," Rulli Schllfe fi r, 1'acuIt;y adviHOT for Delta Iota Chi, said.


from 2

p .m-

3 p . m . in the Anderson University



212. To sign up, go to the



isit PLU Career


"EPT. 14, 2012

item, because i t's easy to store, has

Rachel Diebel GUEST WRJTEn.

a lot of protein, doesn' t rot and is

di belru@Plu. ·du ha s


Pad fie

easy for colle ge students to get."







had a homeco m ing concert.

has This

year ASPLU, in collaboration with the








like Macklemore and Alan Stone, " she sa id


The concert is a part of the official

pa r tnershi p

Homecoming Week schedule. RHA


a11d ASPLU have allocated a total



A&E 5

alumni. The students will pr vide

of $10,000

Lo sponsor

this event. To

On Thursday, Sept. 27 at


Eric Hu tchi son w il l



the stage on Foss Field, with PLU

H rrmann opening

tude t Cha li

"I think it's really cool that they're bringing

in son1eone [Hutchinson] who maybe not everyone has heard of."

the show. Admission is free, but along a jar of peanu t bu tter to t





E mergency


Netw o rk encou ra ges peanut butter

in prote in Hillary Powell, ASPLU ,

public relations director, saL Anyone who

dona tes

entered into a raffl e

will be

0 win Lute

gear. "Not a lot of people think to

A rch bi shop



ahead -of- the-cu rve

feeling about PLU mu ical guests is shared by other students.

"1 think it's really cool that they're

bringing in someone [Hutchinson] of but has the potential to become really




student Hannah Ferguson. "I di dn't know that it was the

first time in ten years tha t th re's

b eca u e it is the hardest food to get the most va luable gi ven its density


who maybe not everyone has heard

Charlie Hermann junior


from college students wh He being

Herrm ann is no stranger to a large aud ience, having performed

Des mond Tu tu' s ast public s p eech.

students are encouraged to bring donate

Hermann said .

at the Be the Spark event two years

Association, f absence.

of the stuff I'll be doing is Original,"


has brought the PL U Ho m ecom i ng concert after a decade

"111 start off with a few covers so the crowd can sing along, but most

been one of these concerts, but I

a prize for an al umn i winner and

think it's really cool that I get to

keep the cost of the concert down, . go," she added. " It makes me want

the alu mni will provide the prize

ASPLU and RHA will not em ploy

to go even more, and I think that

for th

outsi de staff.

bringing in a big artist will really

student raffle winner.









Char l i e

has always been a little ahead of

Hermann said she was anxious to


open for the lead show.






donate peanut butter," Powell said.

" We've had a lot of people come

"But it's actually a really good

in right before they got really big,






said, has

always been an inspiration for her.

get people amped . "

Hutchinson i s known for his hit

song, "Rock & Roll " .

He will be

promoting his new album, Moving Up




released April 13, 2012.

Col ege isn't cheap. But seeing a movie can be. Bring your LuteCard to The Grand


Cinema in September and you/re in for only $450!

Check out The Grand Cinema, Tacoma/s only nonprofit cinema! Located in the always eclectic Downtown Tacoma! Showtimes:



606 Fawcett Ave Tacoma, WA 98402

,--_ I


C Of� P P

CO .



SEPT. 14. 2012


6 A&E

e s s on . PLU features art exhibit on Earth, Sea and Sky Kel ey Mejlaender


Kadazia Perry



Earth, sea and sky h ave become tangible at Pacific elements Lutheran University. Until Oct. 3, veryone will have a chanc . to see a l l three thr ugh the eyes of artists in an hosted exhibition by PLU in Ingram's gallery and in the Anderson University Center's display case. Heather Mathews, assistan t professor of art & design and Ingram gallery coordinator, was tasked with assembling and coordinating the exhibition,


First -Year Kimberly Bdleville glances ut a painting f tbe famow; MI . Rainier in the new Earth, Sea, Sky exhibit on Mo nd ay. " rve h ard the mounllLin is gorgoous in persOI1,n 9/1 ' Kimbed�'. "I hope to hike i t with my feUQW 1.utcs someday , oon! "

subjects are local too ­ including M t. Rainer and one painting depicting

paintings by F. Mason Holmes," Mathews said " [Holmes] taught at PLU in th early 20 h century and is well­ known for his views of Mt. Rainier and other regIOnal landmarks." effect The the of art is certainly not lost on

a ppropriately Earth, Sea, Sky. liT wanted to find a way to showcase one of the of str e ngths the collection: l a n d s c a pe , " Mathews said regarding the Reather Matthews inspiration assislant professor of art & design Mathews. b e h i d "I enj�y lhe gallery being m concept. "We and just have a l a rge number a part of PLU i 1 1896, the space displayed in the AUe. comparing the different really interesting of Former PLU faculty enjoying works, the paintings and works on played a big part in Earth, vari ty of approaches pap r that are images of a pplied," the artists Sea, Sky. M st notable the countryside, £he s a she said. "There's such is F. Mason Holmes, a and shore, mo untains, former pr fessor who city streets . . all kinds f a range of mood in the views in many different painted the 1896 scene pictures - not an of them are restful, relaxing styles." f PLU and C W1tless others. His contributions images. A few are more The exhibit h igh-energy, and there include i gh t pieces in includes a range of are sonte more somber the ingram gallery, pIllS media - oil on canvas, images, as well." woodcut every painting in the lithograph, The gallery in I ngra m and photography - all AUe. "The show does is op n every week d ay portraying rural and £eatur from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m a number of urban beauty. The



"I wanted to find a way to showcase one of the strengths of the collection: landscape."


WH O? former PLU facult" . WHAT?



Every weekday froim


inspired by landscape.

The galle ry in


a.m. to



Ingram and A. U. c.

See landscape throu gh the eyes of

PLU artists


After viewing the ne Earth. Sea, Sky exhibit in Ingram Hall, First-Year Maria E T tt wished to learn future information 00 the University Galiery. "The pnintingJ; helped me

j!l!'t " "1\ellk peek ofwhal the ;'c"'l.cry is like here in WaJihi ngt.on," Mnriu Mid.

SALON PROFESSIONAL ACADEMY 3702 South Fffe Street, Tacoma, WA 98409


All services performed by supervised students.


l!1 Appointments 253.61 7.7008


Ad must be present Expires

MANICU E urch e of a edicure

All services performed by supervised students. Ad must be present


1 01311/2


EP.f. 14, 2012

A&E 7



" I ' D LI KE TO



Noel Mayoral

Ingrid Clark




FO O D . "

first year

first year

Alex Domine AlcE EDITOR

ood Revi----w

Fresh tastebuds explore the Anderson University Center



Ingrid Clark first. year

CH OCO LATE M I LK . " .Jacob Glickman fir.




TO TH E P IZZA EVE RY DAY T T Jacob Glickman first year

" EV E RYT H I N G KI N D O F TAST ES T H E SAM E . " Bonney Melton first year

- -




.J tek





mast@ It's th

in the lower I vel of th

Cen te r, and the staff of The Mooring Mast is finally putting the paper to bed,

antici a ting the release of



new - every night we of






Pae fic







ch rDnicle, document and





pwards the


feedback, prai


b ol d



in formation. We promise



tD any praise f 'ucces ' i how ur


.t/L ur


nt: v

time of dOli t.


On bl' lalf of the

f r ar






But for others,

mental and physical. In my Cerebral






for most people who eat

. . ass of 2 016 om "Krise and Cl mu m. ty" 0n page




Thr Moorillt) MII.d adheres to the Society

of Profl'SRional Journalists' code of elm



birh ' eludes the guidelines



"mimmize harmt "ad independently" and uhe accountable." TIt! Moo ring .\fCl$t has also taken the TAO of Journalism pll' . which promi!IC1l OUT reade", wt" and


\\;U he I rnn�t'llt ahuul who [" 'ountaWf' 1(lf . IUT lOis

til fit hl:r ]loi b at·

l� ,11I






dmini!ilratiuD. fl&•."ul





PL '


rcsponsibilit.v is to serve

PI. ("ommmul '. This ('l InunUnity •

Our primM)' role i� to discover, report ,


ludl:utM or

slu,kub. Ja,·ully. .tillT. and


our stAff.

ill tri mte




lIiHHC , CW Ill!! ,

documenl Illld t"hrnni c.

fin.1 clruTt tJf



and Ifend"

lhl' P lot; I llmmuni

,I., '.

I )ur

III proVide

ti" 'rsil) hislury.


iiII'll i n tht! pt'rfonnallce

of our dl les are reO in til Society or ProfessioJlw Journwisls Our pri mary

fode of Ethic!! and the TAO of



!"Ont lIeL

the Bu III


is very



Subscriptions cost



di sa bi l i ty,


treatment beeau e of my

WA 98447 if yo u 'd l ih! to subscribe. lh.·



cnmumge leU

(JOroll] 10.'//



I tlr. \. ...t1 , 1"'1 mU'It Iw 'Iubmittt'd

1II u.�t@plll.

1\w!ldu.y LeU



( !heck addressed to TIu- Moorilll) Mast at Pt.cific Lutheran University; Tacoma.




want to be given

$25 peT semester

utters to the editor: M.!fore

'" it

lu b\

'i p.m.

puhlk liw).




number /Illd cl8!i1o slandin"




t.i It· fflT

verification will be di!l!"arded. T..etters

should be no longer than 500 words i n length and typed.

\fuOTing MlI!Jt



ri Il lu

r -fuse IIny let cr. IA'tleP.l IIUl�· bc cdiled

for len h. IJI -t e and erron;.




Man aging




Trondseu 's







dinin g





McGinn is


trays were available at the

cashier standfor nn yone w ho

McGinnis added that she

0 per academic year. Please mail




Manager at maslaw. a or visit




www.plu.edulmasl lor our advertising



Adverlu ing & subscriptions:



At a school that put







rates and contract.


is a nice idea, we would

2012-2013 STAFF

Ille 11\



feel uncomfortable. I don't



while keeping everyone in




parts of the body hurt.

I have a major problem




just like everyone else.

to build those skills and traits within




making muscles or other

cafeteria to the eating a rea for

activitit'"s in studen t mcWa


would make using a tray

Without a tray, I have t

primary concern is to assist the

that i1upu



go back and forth from the

students for lives ofthoughtful inquiry, Our nice, leade rship, and care.




different from

with disabilities.

larger PW mission of educating all


IUld advt:rll..ernt·nt. du n ,I

�11ril). rt' pre�cnt those oj I

Our prim

we a�

IIlJd open

vi,"", expn �ed ill the ..IIi

'flli" {ooring \fast �1.alT.


· ·s






said the 1 shoUld have y ed ag� nst d m footbaU lea p\ay a tur !:ia eran On Califor nia Lutb a n w on 37 -23. her Lut California



way to keep the University


to eat. This is very simple


policy and try to fin


While leaving trays for




but I have not seen any.

before heading to a table

'The artide PLU



could pose a challenge by

for those with disabilities,

also make

in major sell 01 changes,

we can reexamine this new

supposed to be available

stops to grab silverware,

tend to

get overlooked. I fe el that

for those with disabilities.

have heard that trays are

than one dinner plate and

disabled student


What is worse is that I

Most people get more



conversation. I hope that

hard for us to go trayless.

at a time.




students and a big hassle

are disabled and

carry more than one plate



Lutheran Universi ty who

As a result of this, I cannot




an inconvenience for some


directly on my right side.



I know several people

case it is most!y physical ­ my


walking back and f rth is

I have Cerebral Palsy, a





disability that can be both


y ou.




up certain challenges.

Mast sta ff, we are lookin




like me, dinner now brings

in times of success, and watchfully

balancing plates and other

dinneT i tem s to g t to the


to be there applauding by


trayless dinners are not a

And we promise you to



the trayless decision was


irrelevant if we are proud a mounts



be your tru sted source of

- all t hat truly


However, I do not fe

your opiniDn is all that ot ourselve



contrDl po rtion s at dinn r .

our students, faculty and

ma tters. In the end it is


Going trayless cuts water

III tell us hat you want 'e in 'our new paper. ill tru t that I;! YOll 111" pape r belongs to you,

but in the end




c ndl: mnatwn. r h pe you

i . meaningl > .. We c n w at, rej i 'e and Cry ov r the work

with disabilities, but I have not seen any."

Commons dining hall has



trays are supposed to be available for those



I hope you will provide us

la ding

"What is worse is that I have heard that

trays at dinnertime. The

unity, I humbly ask



why there are no more


ou i nformed, you will � Drk to keep us informed.



noticed and are wondering

while we work to keep

But in the end, JlI f w r


Going tray less hinders some more than others


hl toricize the collective

week new ' 'aper, not tu m ntiDn the hDurs w d 'ote during the e k.

we dD






produ cing


embarks Dn yet anDther

Wed nesday



achievement to




our first issue.


D· sabled stude ts 'overlooked' in po icy


early morning




EPT. 14, 2012

Jack Sorensen


Jessica 'Iiondsen trond.Vk a'


Ale.x Domine

domin"a" @fJ ,udI'


Ameli lIea hrnlhum/f.!p /l.(II"



thought it possible s tudents

who may not require a tray could take advantage

of the

service, though she said she hoped that was Hot the case.

For more an tlte TrayZess

Policy, see News page 1.


PHOTO EDITOR. Ben Quinn quinn if@plu.e II


Po. it iOl 1Ipt"


apply ml/ n

PY EDlT as

1y ttlyar@plu.etlll

Amanda '


Posit IOn (lfJtR - IIPP/Y (In/II


Clitf Rowe

Kelsey Hilru


ilml. l@plu.rrlll

Nathan Shoop lOufJna@plu cdll


Art Land


SEPT. 14, 2012


Student define s nat · onal greatne ss Gregor Uvila GUEST COLUMNIST A s I watched both the

Republi an and Democrat National

Conven tion a ttention

rec u rri ng

theme .

I noticed som ething abo u t American p o l iti cs f r t he first time: rh tori c tha t relies on the pre mi s e tha t we a re, OT need to be, the greatest country on earth.

Whether i t is pres i d e ntial

n ominee



Mi t t




attacking Obama


R i ce

C ondo le e zz a





i ts place as "top dog" in t he (or


world, or it is Michelle d efen d i ng



rel igious freedoms?


sp eec hes, my tu rn ed to a

as Com mander in Chief, the rhetoric is al l


husband ' s time in office



buiJ t

hu man




the United Sta tes is the


greate t country.


Let me be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with coun try the

be l i e v ing








ex pectations to a i m for.


It is u p to you and me to




the greatest country on

excell en t



sophisticated of




set those stand ards, and to set them high. Inves t in

educa tion?



m u ch





V lunteer


organizations believe W ri te


a re

d i fference mayors,


m a ki n g


l etters


for a

to move away from such


congressmen, governors,



rhetoric superiority

over o ther nations. It h a s co m pa s sion for a l l people and realizes that before we we re Americans we were a l l h u mans in thi s world together.

goo d .



on earth has the h u mi l i ty ethno entric

i nformed


comm unities.



learned upon

every aspect of our own

to convey what you think it means to be the greatest Be


im p roved

you r governm ent the time

coun try on eartl .


the world. "Without direction from it H owever, people, government has no cha l lenge you rs e l f to standards and expectations to dig in to the aim for." vague idea of wh at i t means t o b e the grealest. D o e s that mean we have the as a country is not only economy o r r warding, but in so m e strongest mili tary ? Does that cases it is the righ t Uling to mean we have the most do. We must be exce llen t



governm ent





pe o ple,

incred ibly


e rth .

Withou t i ts

The on


a rth



is one





that i s w i th those

p re s i d en t and any other


top official. Help in your

sp reading a political or

comm unity to make it a

moral philosophy.

need than it is wi th

Today, 1 encourage you

hea l thier and more life­ If you

to dream a dream of th e

real l y think your country

world's greatest country.

sustaining place.


in our treatment of all life

is the greatest, you m ight

W11 a t does it actu ally look


if we truly want to b e good

want to look around you .


Challenge that j dea. There

l i ke? Then hel p b u i ld i t.



of this

world .


Make PLU home away from orne -

Shannon .l:ie 1 in


face it orientatiOn just what first years needed: getting up early,


goin g to bed late and all of

those activities kept busy and tired we

us sO'


had time to think about home.

ow all of that .is

and we are first


colJege. College


ettling into

real i.

days of



change in our live;. We are


perien �ng ne v


meeting new




adjusting to college





" On :il FLU become honle to u we luay find our elve ' h



halls. For sorn� college is do what y u can to create home. Emotional and academic a .far cry from the place a place for yourself first. they've called home all Try to get involved. Join preparedness can also play a role. Functioning their lives. a dub, sport or other n '1 P U h om like activ'ty on campus. Make independently:. home to u we may find sure that you .get out of doing your own laundry 1 aning up after ()utselves homesick. It your room every day, or is completely normal to more than Just to go to yourself,. can make the feel anxious in these new lass or at meals in the transition easier. It is selfw empowering. Knowing surroundings. Elizabeth dining haU. Barton, a




natu ral

this may not be idf'aL It may temporarily reduce

f�lings of homesickness,

.$450 -










differeru;e. The



new friends.



by making




TV . et, washer &

dryer. Large living- room and bedroom, all uUliliell & cable plrid. In walking di l.ance to all shopping and bu ' lille in lhc vicinity of 152nd and Pacific Avenue wilh ample

is 700 per For mol' infomlfttion. call (2.53) 531-6412 Qr cell (253) 732-9019.

par -ing. bedr() m upartment,

suilable for one or 2 person ',

Completel� lilmi. lied, including


month pLus deposit.

Visil Til Mooring M . l u.u.line at www.plu.edulmasl to


past. Memento can bring

fari'Uliarity and security

a new


One of the be t


things a

person ('.an dQ is esLablish a routine In college there 1s a temptation to do whatever you want, like stay up until four in . the hpw to do these tflings morningor not go t'O class. maki$ us feel like we, are This do sn't make us feel adulrs and we belong in Secure. Establishing college. routine gives us a .:en e of If you have feelings control and certainty over of homesicknessf Batton our day. If r�commends asking you have yourself, II What am I homeSickness that is missing from home?" affecting your ability and "is there a way to to take care of yourself, bring that into my life then you should visit the here?'t For example, 'ou Counseling Center on may have a favori te dish campl1� in the upper 1 vel that your mom always ()f the AUC. makes for you. Wen, In allege we all venture

It might st":etll strange but in the long run you may be isolating at first. You mlgJ1t have yourself from your new known the friends YOll community. If you go had back hom all your home eyer weekend the life. You might not know first month of sch I, you anyone here. It takes consider submitting the­ may not have as many time to create lasting recipe to Lut Bires and opportunities to · make friendships and m a ke fhe Anderson Univ�rsity connections �ViUl new them strong. Hanging out Center might make it for W1 th new p opte can lead dinner one night. people. To make college eem Wait at lea't a month to more of the tong-Ia ting before you 0 home and friendships you had back Ie frightening, take soml.!



The distan

YOlU new environment and your old one can

instinct further away you are from when you're homesick home.. the DlQre jarring a is to go home. HO\vever, nev place may be. The



Counseling Center� said uncertainty makes u

things with you from your





online-only content photo albums and more!









anxiety Think about what want to do and who you want to be U'\ college, QU

ThenJ do it.






SEPT. 14, 2 012



Meet the Editoria Bo a d Managing News Editor

Editor-in -Chief

Focus Editor

- -.

Jack S rc ns o n is a senior pursuing a C mmunicati n j ourn al i sm and Theatre double maj .r with a minor in

Je sica Trondsen is a junior English writing and C mmunlca tion do uble major with a minor in Womens and Gender Studies.


a soph omore p ursuing Theatre and Communicati n j ournalism double major and president of Society f Professional Journalists .

Amel i a Heath is


A&E Editor

Opinion Editor

Sports Editor

Alex Domine is a senior double major in musical arts and communication with an emphasis in journalism.

Kelsey Hilmes is a Communication Pubic Relations major with a minor in business marketing.

Nathan is a senior Communication journalism major. He is a pitcher on the baseball team.

Copy Editor

Photo Editor

Business and Ads Manager


Ben Quinn


a Sociology a.nd S cial W rk

uouble mttj r wilh inl rests in

ommuni ty

advocacy, transportation and group identity.

s · dewal

Amanda on


eely A m anda is a


major in

ph more working

A nthropology

Women's and Gender Studies.


Wl n . lon Alder is a sophmore Finance and E

on major and an Analyst in the Mary Lund Davis S udellt Investment Fund.

What do you think of trayless meals in the AUe?

"Th y hould have tray '

d uring dinner and not at

br akfast and lunch because

at dinner there's arry,"

mo re


Naamah Stockdale, sophomore

"I d n't like having to sit my fo d d


and go back for


A ndrew Cheney, firs t-y ear

"J ee . om

advantages and disadvantage . They do it

for sustainahility reasons

but it

also kind of a pain. )

Sydney Barry, juniOr

"The thing I

Uk is it

rem ve ' the menlaJi ty t


alot of fo d but i is nard for those who genuinely do eo. alot of' food. "

'leereD Hawkin , sophomore

EPT. 14, 2012



Upe ming Games Sept. is at lWllan.d.� (Cali):), 7 p.m.. &pt. 22Bye Pre"ious Game

Loss (37-23): Sept. 8 us. Ca4( Lnth.



Men's Soccer

Women's Soccer

Cross Country

Sept. 14 U8. Whitworth. 7p. m. Sept. 15 vs. Whitman, 5 p.m.

Sept. 15 vs. George Fox, 2;30 p. nt.

Upcoming Game

Sept . 16 vs. Pacific.

Upcoming Games

Upe ming Meets

Sept. 22 vs. Lewis and Clark, noon

Lincoln Park, Seattle

Previous Games

Previous Games

Previous Meets

Upe ming Games

Sept. 16 vs. Pac�fic, 2;30 p.nt.

Previou Game

Win (1-0): ept. 10 at Northwest Win (4-2): Sept. 7 us. lhnit,lJ Lnth.

Tie (1-1); Sept. 8 vs. Corban Loss (2-0): Sept. 7 vs. Wheaton (IlL)

Loss (3-1): ept. 8 vs. Colurado College Win (3-2); Sept. 8 vs. Taas-Dallas


Sept. IS at undodger Invitational

Sept. 7 at CWV Invit., MXC (Third) WXC (Third)

Meet the new man under center Sophomore Quarterback Dalton Ritchey thirsts for spotlight have





quarte rback.













his work ethic won him the starting quarterback job.


thing I really respect ab ut him."

very oriented around the

Ritchey sai d . "It was an

quarterback and I wanted

awesome time. I ended up

. tranger to being a leader,

to step into


starting midway through




the season. It was a great

fair share of class rival ry.

freshman year and it kind


Ri tchey say

of propelled me into where

I am today."

helped me as a quarterback

sport he played at Onal aska

a proclivity for doing what

a d it was great."

High School in Southwe t

is necessary to support his

southwest Washington and

team. In the 201 1 season,


seems to seek leadership

his first at PLU, Ritchey

quarterback is really home

every opporhmity he gets.

was initially positioned as



a backup quarterback, but

high stress.

always the runnin g back,"

Ri tchey s ai d . "I saw my

decided with Head Coach

opportunity in high school

Scott Westering that he was

quarterback. I love being

needed as a wide receiver­

the guy in the middle of


a shallow position on the

the field, the guy who is

team due to player injuries.

always there, the guy who



Ritchey it








quarterback job. The sophomore business major was captain of every


u p,




graduated, and we didn't ..







spot, a role that I could do

















is the leader,"



NON-DISClOSURE OF " D I RECTORY I NFORMATION" The Fam i ly Edu altio n a l Rights a nd Privacy Act of 1974, popu la rly known as the ' B u ckley Amend ment" and ca rry i n g the acronym " F E RPA," governs t h e U n I­

versity's collection, retention , a n d d issem ination of information a bout stu­ dents. (The document a ppears in the Student Handbook.)

little different a t PLU. "We're


teamma tes .

quarterback. 1 love

It doesn't m a tter if he' s

middle of the field,


being the guy in the the guy who is always there, the guy who is




e' s

we have each

other's back all the time. It's never about 'that's not your place' - nothing l ike that. t's everybody's place,

the leader."

collectively, to get things going and be a leader out

Dalton Ritchey

starting quarterback

there," Ritchey said. At the end of the day, Ritchey is still a guy from a


small town and a big family

of five. He was coached

by his fa ther throughou t

was kind of like the thing



I worked hard and got. I

career and say family was

earned it."

always an important part









standp oint,





tory information : student name, loca l and perm a n ent add resses and te le­


phone n um bers, E-m a il address, date and place of birth, pa rticipatlon i


letic teams, d ates of atte ndance, class sta nd i n g, p revious ed ucationa l agency

"1 love being the

things are a

to put that off

tion . " Pa cific L u t h e fCl n U n iversity h as design ated th e follOWing items a s d irec­

or institution(s) attended, major a nd m inor fields of stu dy, antici pated date of


time," Ritchey said . "So it


off i­

Leading a tea... '!l as an underclassman

"I didn't want

O ne category of information cove red by FERPA is ca lled "directory informa­

Cia lly recogn ized activities and sports, weight and h eight of members of ath­




like it wou l d come with its


on the field. I filled in a

Ritchey a ppeared to have




the summer and I put in



get guys by









narr wly won the starting j ob

ver Ru sell.


a thletic

of his life. Ritchey



land a job in the sports management



graduation. "It's always a dream and

i t' s always out there. It will


"Kevin will always be


pushing me, pushing and

write itself out as I go,"

pushing me to do my best,"

said Ritchey.

things right." Ritchey said


Ri tchey said. "That's one

graduation ( if that has not yet oecu rred) , a n d degree(s) a n d awa rd( s) con­ ferred ( including dates).


The PlU F ERPA po l icy appea rs on the Student Handbook website for you r re­ view at: http://wvvw ,plu , e du/student-handbookicode-of-conduct!FERPA php. U nd e r FERPA the U n iversity may d isclose d i rectory information without p rior

w ritten consent u n less a n " e l igi b le student" (is yea rs o r over) or a pare nt (if

t h e stu de n t is u n d e r 1 8 yea rs of age) gives notice

in writin g to t h e contrary to

t h e Office of the Vice President for Student Life restricting the d isclosure of

the d irectory inform ation, as it perta ins to the student, by the last day of reg­

istration for any given academ ic term at this U n iversity. Please be assured that PLU u ses discretion when releasing Inform ation ( e . g. roo mmate n otifica­ tion or compliance with federa I requ i rements.) !f you partiCipate in a ctivities such as m usic or d ra ma perfo rm ances, ath letics or represent PLU i n othe r p u b l i c capacities, U n iversity policy is t o issue m i n imal information i n press re­ leases. If it is you r wish that PLU NOT d isclose

" d irectory information " a bo ut you

u n­

d e r a ny ciraJ msta nee, you must come to the Stu dent Life Offiee, H a u ge Ad­ m i n istration B u i ld i n g, Room lOS, on or before September 17, 2012 to com­

plete the a ppropriate form a nd m eet with La ree Winer to u nderstan d fu ll the impact of the restriction. Th is restriction will rema i n in effect u ntil t h e 10th

day of the fa II semester of the next academ ic year, u n less you revoke it in writing.

Sophomore quarledllU'K Dulton Ritchey SC1'IlIIJbles against the visiting California Lutheran Kingsmen IA.'il Saturday. Ritchey completed 22 of 43 p!l!IJ/CS for 837 yanis willi two intcrc pliOD&. The Lutes dropped the game 37-23.

191ro IJ1'lllORsruBl'IN.iKIY


Spida I takes the re ns •

Coach enjoying his first few weeks with women's soccer program Brand n Adam


adambg@Plu .edu

201 2 season.

"Our goa] i s to finjsh

in th t p hal f of the A new year, a new conference," Spidahl said . field, new players, and "I think it's feasible for us a new coach . On Friday, · to be in the top ha l f of the S th Spidahl officially confer nc ." Spidahl is a former P LU became the fi fth coach in th history f the women's s ccer pl ayer himself. He graduated in 1994 and was soccer program. Spidahl said he has a four-year letter winner enjoyed the short amount while playing soec r as a of time he has already Lute. "1 ob vi o u sl y have a lot worked wi th the players. "It's been a good first o f prid e in the school," two and a half weeks," Spidahl said . Finishing i n the top ha l f Spidahl said. "Couldn't be of the con ference will be happier." Spidahl is optimistic chal Jenging for the players coaching the women's and coach. " We took eighth place soccer team and said he had high hopes for the au t of nine teams last year

Selh Spidahl, head coach gi;v . � his alhlete;; dire -I iOll in the lI11Lu·h a.gninst 1Hnity Lu heran. The liTid�v. Scpo 7.

so we have a lot of work to 't know what the opposition level is like so it's going to be a learning curve for me as well." S idahl has extensive coaching experience in you th and college 1 vel soccer. He was assistan t coach for the Unive rsHy of Wa sh i n gt n from 2001 to 2009 and was recently head coach of the Seattle Wol ves. Spidahl said coaching collegiate socc :r is different do," Spidahl said. "I d



soc e r .




college soccer," Spidahl said . "You real1y get to see a lot of improv ment in a short amount of time." Though 5 j ah l has only coached the PLU team for a sho rt time, he has developed a good rela tionshi p wi th his p la ye rs "I ca n feel they're excited about the change," Spidahl sai d . They re .




expectations are."



me wu;;

"I PLl


Aside from coaching at PLU he is the techni ca l cl i recto r



Premier Fa tbaIl Club and local director of the girl's soccer league, Elite Oubs National League. d irects Spidahl 9 Washington youth teams and coaches two Elite Clubs National League teams

Spidahl's tenure at Pacific Lu theran started w i th a 4-2 vic tor y over Tri n i ty Lutheran on Friday.

ew era for women's soccer begins Lutes defeat Trinity Lutheran in game offirst 's for program -

fir t played n the new meaningful athletic ev nt synthetic field after $3.5 on the new fiel d . The . women's program ho ted m illion of fund raising. to new He re' s "I thin k i t' s grea t, said · three Scri m m ages with beginnings . Ernie Gonzal z( father local community co11eges The knocked of first-year Lutes g alkeeper before last F riday's match. off T rin i ty Lu heran 4-2 Marisa G nzalez. " It's . The L utes won two of those Friday, Sep. 7, championin been a l ong time corn ing scrim mag s . a m u ch Fri day's victory also mu ch-nee d e d from what I under tand transi tion for the wornen ' s but l think it' s outstanding marked the first match socce r pro gra m . The for both the men's and played under new Head Coach Seth Spidahl. w o m en ' pr o gr m is 25-63 - women's programs." 8 since 2007. Ninety-fi ve soccer Spid ahl brought fourteen F ri day's match wa s the fans witnessed the first first-years into the program after taking his place at Sports n ights on Th u rsdays! Come the helm l ast watch the games with friends and spring. enjoy nachos, tostadas and tacos for F o u r SO cents with PLU ID! m i n u t e s into the new era for PLU Open 7 days a week. · 1 1 am- I I pm w o rn e n ' s 4 1 1 Garfield St. (253) 538-2368 soccer, firstyear forward - - - - - - - L a u r e n L a r s o n headed a REYNA' S MEXICAN RESTALTRANT cross from PLU SPECIAL sophomore m i d fi e l d e r $4.95 H a n n a h Bush. Larson burrito w/ free chips and Bush free refills ALL DAY on coffee/soda both went on to have





memorable performances. In h e r first collegiate game, Larson added two more goals, completing the hat trick. Bush added two more assists, hoo king up with Larso onc more in the 76 th minute. "I was super excited before the game since it was our first real game other than the scrimmages," said Larson. "1 think the excitement kind of helped build u p m y energy and helped make today happen for me." Junior f rward Samantha Benner added the lone non-Larson goal of the afternoon, finding the back of the net from 23 yards out in the eighteenth minute. Bush provided the assist. Trinity's final goal came in the 83rd minute when Kaeli Eberth stroked a shot from 45 yards out. The shot wowed even some of the PLU faithful. "It was one of the craziest things I've seen on a PLU soccer field," said senior Kyle Font. The four goals


by the Lutes are

the m st the program has

sco re d since Oct. 24, 2009

wh en i t trumped Linfield 7-2.

"It was a nice first game for us to be abJe to get out here and get a win . Hopefully it gives us some momentum to buH on for th rest of the se ason, added Larson. The Lutes outshot th Trinity L theran Eagles out o f Everett, Wash. 1 7-13. The victory pped the Eagles record to 0-6 on the season. every With new beginning, st ruggles will und ubtedly follow. But it is a new beginning that is nece sary for a program that has dwelt in the b ttom half of the Northwest Conference for the majority of the past two decad es. Change and the wins that will result won't come overnight, but Friday's victory symbolized the greener pastures ahead. "



SEPT. 14, 2012

some seriolls) clt'l c1 no6, so seriolls) bes6,- elnc1 wors6,-Celse sce:nelriOs For Felli elbhle�cs Nathan Shoup SPORTS EDITOR sho

powerful scoring tandem of Chad Kearns and


Junior goalie Joe Rayburn becomes known as

Spencer Augustin who accounted for 57 percent

of the Lutes goals last season. All three graduated.

"the WaU" around the conference and is named

2011: 6 - 3, 4-2 Second in NWC

conference defensive player of the year. Still

Best case

bitter about being forced to share the conference

Dual- threat sophomore quarterback Dalton Ritchey excels in his first season under center. Stud






ru hes for over 1,000 yards. Junior safety Sean McFadden anchors the conference's best pass defense en route to earning defensive player of the year honors. The Lutes break a ten year losing streak to defending conference champion Linfield at home on Sep. 29 and Linfield's senior quarterback Mickey Inns reportedly cries

title with Whitworth last

seas n, the Lutes

sweep the season series from the Pirates and celebrate the inaugural season on the new field with a second straight conference championship. Freddy Montero of the Seattle Sounders hears about the budding men's soccer dynasty and promises to send his children to PLU,

Worst case Goals are hard to come by and the Lutes


sputter through the season. The Lutes are forced

the locker room. The victory propels the Lutes

to abandon all title aspirations with five games

to an undefeated NWC campaign and its first conference title since 2001.

remaining. Out of frustration the Lutes lead the conference in red cards and are forced to play the

Worst case

following season on Foss Field.

fell w , ophomores Dal


Ritchey and

Kevin Rw sell platoon the duration of the . ea..

defen ore

n. With


in 'onsi t nt passing attack,

k y on the run game. The Lutes


less than 20 point: a game nd rely


the def«m e to keep games compet it ive . After a marginal sea plae

n, the Lutes finish in fifth

in the NWC. After playing the season

finale at Menlo College near San Francisco, fog e nvelopes the Bay Area and the entire team must take a long bus ride home.

find an identity. The team uniforms are lost in a traveling mishap and the team is forced to wear uniforms from 1984 for the final five games of the season.


2011: 21-6, 13-3 Second in NWC

Best case As mundane as it may sound, the best case scenario for the 2012 volleyball squad is that nothing





Head Coach Kevin Aoki, the Lutes have been a

Best case

makes a seriolls push for conference MVP. With


After being named an Honorn.ble Menti n All ­

4-13-1, Se enth in NWC

ReJuvenated by a new u field and a

American etter a. 11 fre. hman, Samantha North n

ew head

coach, the women's s ccer team is the surprise story of the conference. S ph more standout

only one game remaining, Lhe Lutes


lebra te a

conference championship in Olsen Audi torium Oct. 31 after knocking off cross- town rival UPS.


The Lutes win a couple games in the NCAA

conference season and finishes among the top

Regional Tournament and classes are cancelled

three in the conference in scoring. The freshman

so the school can watch the games stream online.







experience already in place and the team fails to

Women's Soccer


class makes a quick transition to college soccer

Worst case Injuries. With a team as tal ented


perennially deep as the PLU volleyball team

since 2006 and are considered title contenders

injuries may be the only thing that could prevent

Spidahl's face are circulated around campus and

title. The injury issue becomes so serious that

in 2013. T- shirts with new head coach Seth

Best case

youth on the squad is unable to mesh with the

conference titles in the last six seas ns and ha e

finish with double digit wins for the first time

2011: 15 -4, 12 -2 First in NWC

was picked to finish seventh in the conference for the second straight season. The abundance of

finished worse than seC' nd only once since 2003.

and is able to contribute immediately. The Lutes

Men's Soccer

The team lives up to the standard set for them in the preseason coach's poll. The women's program

model of consistency. The Lutes have won four

The qua rterback picture becomes unclear a

Worst case

become as popular as chicken strips in the UC.

the program from making a run for the conference winners of the "fan serving contests" between sets win roster spots as opposed to t- shirts .

The Lutes have no problem replacing PLU career assists leader Surafel Wodajo and the

One of the beautiful parts




the d is cus sion that surrounds games. Most of you that have a favorite sports team, or even a fantasy team, have opened up the paper looking for projections . You want to know how others think your team is going to do. Maybe the person writing the piece has no idea what they are talking about, but if they are supporting your team, you are going to love it. Because of this we are a dding projections to the s orts section this We have year. established "The Mast Monday Night Football pick ' em league." Not surprisingly the league picks the NFL Monday

Night Our

Football league

game. consists

of seven PL U figures. Records will be kept

and a champion will be crowned . Predictions were not made for we k one of the NFL season so this upcoming Monday, when the Denver Broncos travel to Atlanta to take on the F aleons, is the first week of picks.

Stacey l-Iagensen

Hagen. en wa a first team aU - world softball player in 2011.

pick: D£N

Among numerous accolades, Hagensen was named the

record: 0-0

College Softball World Serie's Most Outstanding Player.

�ance /"ute

aimJ to have en ered t he league purely for e nt er tainm e nt. Bul behind t h e knights armor lies the most competi tive rna 'col in the Nortbwe. l C nference.


pick: D£N record: 0-0

Shane Gutierrez pick: flrL.. record: 0-0

Dalton Ritchey pick: D£N record: 0-0

Denver at Atlanta

Geo ff �oomis pick: flrL..

Lan e Lute


------ --. . - --

Gu lierrez is a senior midfielder f r the men'

soccer team.

Known more his h ir then his fo tball knowledge, Gutierrez enters the league as a clear underdog. Ritchey is the starting quarterback for the PLU football team. Ritchey was a wide reciever for the Lutes last year. His diversity makes him an insant title contender. Loomis owns a 246-151-2 record as the head baseball coach. He is pleased that there are no ejections from the leagl1e.

record: 0-0

Ste ve Dickerson pick: fl 1t

Dicker on ha ' been tIt He i the clear winner for best facial hair in the league.

record: 0-0

Allison McDaniel

pick: D£N

record: 0-0

AlIi on is the biggest self- acclaimed " bro" in th


She takes serious pride in her tank- tops and her apparel alone makes her a legitmate contender.




SEPT. 14, 2012

Lute s upended in season opener


. nph()more wide redcvcr [(,lien Wcs ring i� tripp d up on kick-lllf retuITI in t he ecund haJf "f l he 37-23 1f1�" , ILl urdll)". West son uf' Heali Coach. Sc(,t l WI!' tering.

No. -


St even Me




si ght

Sp arks


wel co med Lutes back ho me for th e start f the 201 2 sea on . Stu den ts families and pa c ked the stands. They we re n o t let down by t he res i lien t effort of the PLU the team, b u t football visitin the g to Lutes tell L utheran California Un iversi ty Ki ng smen 3723. The Lutes d rove d o wn


thei r first series of the game, but the lack of ecution made i t difficu I t for them t o score insid e the 20 yard line. " We


hot ours e lves in



Sco tt Weste r ing said.

C oach

,'li th a o u ch d own run by firs t-year running back

Romello Good man. On


d ri ve,

L u tes


R i t chey

ta rgeted sophamo re wide receiver Kellen Westering, but the pass wa s perfe ctl y timed and in tercep ted by the Cal. Lutheran carnerback, Vincent MinOl"j wl10 had

speed to autrun everyo ne for a touchdawn. Wi th 2�51 1eft in th e first qua rter the Kingsmen seemed to display why they ar ranked high ly. t in the coun ry. But the Lutes had the fi gh t in them

twa tu rnovers that resu lted in Ki n g men touch da wns,

came through again forcin g a qui ck three and aut for




grea t


co mp os u re


and accuracy p o cket only

hitting rus receivers where they cou l d catch the ball The next Kings men drive was hal ted, when j un i o r co rnerb ack Janny Volland intercepted a d efl ec te d pass .

en ough

"We shot. ourselves

the foot.'


A fter


turnaver by Cal PL U offense




R i tchey ' right aIm, hitting

Scott Westering Head Coacb




Lutes. A

s coring

easy for the slight hesi tati an


saphomore wide receiver

by Westering on the COIner

fu mbled handoff between




K, Ie Wa rner for 29 yards . . The drive en d e d with

dawn, and a perfect pass


Da l ton Ri tchey and senior runnin g



James gave the Kingsmen excellent field po si t i on on the Lutes 23 y a rd line. Five

p la ys









a fter




brought PLU dow


p l a y by Minor, d e flecting

a fade ro ut i n tended fOT

Wa rner,

the Lu tes sent sen i or kicker Nick Kaylor in for a field goal . The sc

re 1 7-14 Lutes.


K ings men

d rove

Kellen it I he

PH0'I'() 1IY !GO





The defense of the Lutes

scarej 14- 4.

throu ghou t


the ga m ; ca mm itting



We s te ring



Herr, all sophomores, howed a lot o f skill and pro m ise for the recei ving gr u p.

Stephens-Brown said.

but we will facus on us thi



The positive feeling soon


aga i n unti l 8:51 in the fourth quarter when senior fu l lback Cody Po hren scored from twa ya rd s aut. experience The af playin g this t eam will a nly make them better goin g into the next game. The maturity and canfidence 0.1 R i tchey was ev ' d e n t

North Central in Illinois.

sop hom are

diminished once the second


The Lutes ca u ld n o t sco re

halftime to. tie u p the game with a field gaa l gaing into the locker raom. The L u tes were even with the no. 11 team in the country . "It felt goo d bemg dawn early, b u t battl i ng back even thaugh they Were able to tie it up goin g into hal f,"

to the

the end zane tying up the


line. After a nather s t a ndout

five yard line. Two plays



o ptian pl ay . EVen


Two qu art er b a ck runs a handoff to James brau g h t the offense to the Cal Lu th eran nine yard

the ball dawn fiel d before

to come back.


the Kingsmen.

success fu l kick made the

Daniel Herr for 11 yards,

Late in the first quarter, a


cap i ta liz ed

appositian The

on seve n r C ·ptions.

California Lutheran pulls away from PLU in second half


S tadi u m

rin ' finish" d til(' gam ' villl III redcving , urd.

The next game for the

Sept. 1 5 wh en the team travels down to the no. 1 4 team in th e country, the Redlands B ull d o gs . Red l andv drapped their season opener 42-16 to L u te. i

"They are a great team




half began. The Kingsm en



B r own said.

scored on all thei

pos ses sions,



themselves a 37-17 lead.




hopefully the



w i ll

be in our favor, " Ste p hen s -

Editor reque ts condoms in all residence ball bathrooms

Author of ' Into the Beautiful North "visils campus



Renovations will revamp Garfiel Taylor Lunka GUEST WRITER

lUllkIlLn@plu .edu


"cloH d"sign hangs in the cleared out storefront of Kim's Beauty 'tudio 00 Garfield street. Many businesses have clo s ed lIS Paeilk l.utheran University plans renovations to cr lite '0 rfield North,' a l'ombination storefront and apartment complex, on Garfield Street. Construction will begin .Jnn. 2013. PHOTO BY BEN

Garfield Street will soo n have a new apartm<:!l1t and retail comple known 'Garfield North ' as The $20 million project, funded in partnership with A ffinIty inv tments and the i r inve�tors, wi l l i ncl ude 104 apartments, new retail spaces and new offices for the human resources department and marriage and fami ly therapy departments. The ground floor will accommodate retaJ l space and new office pace ' while upper levels h use aparnn c nts. PaciIic L u th eran Urtiversity aims to provide opportunities members and staff for other professionals to live near campus ins tea d of in downtown Tacoma or Seattle. The new complex on Garfield North will feature oneand twobedroom apartments for rent as

street well as studjo spaces. John KanisB, PLU construction projects manager said he thinks Ga rfield North will be good for the PLU community. "Once lhe design gets done, those are going to be cool apa rtments. If you're li ving nearby or In Seattle and are tired of the commu te you might want to take a look because they're going to be nice, " Kaniss said, "If you're e pecting a Parkland a partment comple x that's not whal you're getting It' g o i ng Lo be a really neat pl ace." ,


The rtrn · t mpl , will fea ture an e erci e comp lex, meeting r oms and

other perks for tenants. K.miss suggests bal conies could be i ncl u de d On some uni 15. However, the project w iJ I no t be costing PlU anything. PLU is supplying the 1 nd wh ile the other


ce ha s cut copyrighted the Ashley Gill



When sr dents ente r d thei r reSIdence ha l ls this fall,

many expecLd to see familiar themes inspired by screen characters, board games, and pop culture. This year, copyright res tn ctions have prevented themes to have that pop cultu re aspect that is easy to identify with. Last spring, the Resident Hall Association and Student Life jointly made the decision that hall themes could no longer include copyrighted

SPORTS Men's occer lasL


women's soccer ties.

Pbol collag , p. l'�

material. .In previous years,

residence halls enjoyed themes such as child ren's book based 'Dr. Stuess' f r Smen, board game inspired ' Hongopoly' for Hong, and s u per h ero focused 'Justice Pfl uesze' for Pflueger. Th roes used in the ast now violate newly enforced copyright restrictions. Students now follow particular must guidelines when it comes to the halls' theme. Emily Meltzer, junior and residence assistant for Pflueger, said she misses the themes from previous years but "the hall themes are still a really fun tradition at PLU."

Meltzer has experienced the previous themes and SoundOff events fo r the past three years.

"It does

show more in te!!Tity that we are . . .

not using copyrighted

mate 'i als."

Emily Meltzer junior

Meltzer's opinion was positive though as she pointed out, "I am actually really happy with


First years list top Len frights of coUeg life,

p. lO


Columnist reviews tilVorite al bu m s

for "fall of £012" playlistj p. 6

how it turned out this year, and I think it does show more integrity as a university tha t we are not using copyrighted material." Sophomore Alex Devine, Pflueger hall activiti es director, has been in vo l ved with the planning of this year's theme, 'Pfancy Pfluege Presents: The Roarin' Twen ties and various hall events. The change was thrown Devine's way last spring, but before any serious planning took place. "It was just a curve ball. You have to adapt to it," Devine said. With previous themes, such as 'Justice Pfluege,' the images of comic book '


vVellness Access Plan en. ures heal thcare for students, exllands nutriti n programs, for a price, pp. 8-9


characters were used as decoration throughout the residence hall building. Also the 'Justice League' symbol was used on hall T�shirts. For 'Pfancy Pfluege Presen ts: The Roarin' Twen ties' theme this year, pa i n ti n g s and mt outs of d ancin g silhouettes and

out lines of black and silver dangling chandeliers can be seen on the windows of th

building and in Pflueger's lobby as well. A tuxedo design was used for the hall T-shirts.


\Vornen's center und Diversitv center for 'Follow team the ell colaw Trail, -p . 2





News pp. 1-4 A&E pp. 5-7

Foell! pp. 8-0

Opinion pp. 1O-1l

Study Break p. 12

Sports pp. 13-16

SEPT. 21, 2012



' Trail' leads students to chocolate Open house encourages social justice conversations, education Ashley Gill GUEST WRITER

An estimated 75 students abandoned the sidewalks of campus last Thursday and traveled the annual Chocolate Trail instead. For the second year in a r w the Women's Center and Diversity Center held a joint op n house caJled "Follow the Chocolate Trail." From 3-5 p.m. on Sept. 13, students went back and forth between the Diversity Ce ter and Women's Center answering trivi , playing games and eating chocolate. tudents dipped marshmallows, drenched strawberries and layered with Graham crackers chocolate from overflowing fountains.

Students simultaneously were able to see how the Diversity Center and Women's Center work together for similar goals. "I think the most important part of this, the Chocolat Trail, for me, is bringing together everybody," sophomore Mckenzie Sumpter said. "It's bringing together all types of people from all different backgrounds, ethnicities, groups, to enjoy a common thing like chocolate." Open houses have been an annual event since the Women's Center opened 23 years ago, and the Diversity Center was introduced to campus 1 1 years ago. These events present the centers as welcoming environments for all students, notify students of upcoming events and

introduce the staff. "It's not just about diversity, it's not just about women," sophomore Nicole Jordan said. "It's about building a community in PLU and providing a r .source for the students, a safe place and just support for everyone." Diversity the Since Center and Women's Center both publicize that they work toward social justice, Jennifer Smith, director of the W men's Center, and Angie Hambrick, director of the Diversity Center, decided during fall 2011 to connect the two centers to highlight that mutual goal. Follow the Chocolate Trail is a "good time to think ab ut issues of social justice, equity, diversity and sustainability," Smith said.

"I think the most important part of this, the

Chocolate Trail, for me, is bringing together everybody." Mckenzie Sumpter sophomore

"Chocolate is an easy way to

draw people into that," Smith

added. Connecting the open houses allows students understand to resources available at both centers and how they mutually promote social justice education. A goal of the open house is for the centers to be viewed as not only informational, but also safe places to relax, volunteer and meet new people. Hambrick, director of the Diversity Center for seven vears said, "We see ourselves in artnership with other places on campus, like the Women's Center, as being one of many hubs where these types of dialogs and conversations can happen." The Diversity Center

and the Women's Center collaborate on a series of retreats induding the Students of Color retreat on Sept. 21-22, the Women's retreat Oct. 5 and 6, Men's retreat on Oct. 6, the Queer Student retreat Oct. 1 3, and a Coalition retreat on Oct. 27, which brings together all four groups of students from previous retreats. The Diversity and Women's Centers also work together to put on the Se + series along with Lute Fit and the Health Center. The first event is Ocl 1 and will address the topic of


The two cent s also bring authors, documentaries, workshops and other events to campus throughout the year.

Contact Angi Hamhrit' at ha mbrillz@plu. edu to sign up for the Students of Color r treat, Sept. 21 -22, or Queer Studen t retreu.t. Oct . 13. To attend the Women's reI feELt , l he 'naliU


relct-at ,

.r nnif'


JWlior Rachel Paquin, 'oph Alure lutie A.we and firsl -year" l lJumtili .J" kc and Arum EWe tlip ilems in elm 'olu\ ' l ''', ,110\\ th > hlwolClt Trnll l", l TlrursJI'Y. Th' opell h(ilIl;e iS I.IWluaLl . h(>ste.:i by lhe Women" 'enter Ilnd th Oiveillity ('enter 118 II wa.\. t lcadl st udents a.bout re ourCCb ull ��unpus I hlll promote S(J�" I justil!c educat ion.

COPYRIGHT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 "It' no t s m 1ch th na you use, it's how you de or te, what your shirts look like, th a t is sOm one else's intell ctual p roperty," Devine said. TIle i sue of copynght i not new to Jeff Olsen Krengel, director f resi dential program . In fact, i n the past when RAs or RJ-iC m mbers would request to host movie nights fu the hall s or any th r place on campus, the rights to those movies must be bought. The Federal Copy Rights Act states that when movi are rented or p urch a stl d, the rights to show those movi .s publicly, a ide b: m hom viewings, does n t come with the mOVle itself. Purchasing the movie, and purchasing the copyri gh t s for public viewings are separate from one another and must b purchased separately as well. To match the guidelines set when showing movies on campus, themes, apparel and signage inherited similar restrictions as well. "To make sure consistency was across the board, we made the change," Olsen Krengel said.


( cl. 27

' milh at

et. 5 - 0, or

onl' ·t

mit h.ib@ plu.edlf.

C( n ad on than hr 'e at b"fO 'cjk@ )lu .cdu to . ign up for til i 1 t· · rl!t r 'ul. Oct . (j .

Printing companies that print the shirts could also be liable. They assume the school has the right t us submitted designs, "and rightfully so," Olsen Krengel sai d . A l though lheme p lictes are b coming stricter, r sidence hall s were till abl to carry on the tradition f pa rodied songs at SoundOff during orientation weekend, "Most of the haIls are ha rd ly using even a percentage of the original lyrics. We felt much more comfortable saying 'Well, since you're basically' changing it, you're only using m l ody as opposed t lyrics, let's be okay wit! tha t,'" Olsen Krengel said. Themes this year include "Hind erl ore " for Hinderlie hall with an enchanted twist

f folk lotI' and fairy tails Also

" Reach for the Stars tad" for Harstad, had an inspirational star and space theme. Hall directors have found even with the new policy guidelines, students are still able to keep the traditions of resident hall themes alive. "This is absolutely probably the best year 1 have seen in terms of creativity, originality, and just excitement," Olsen Krengel said.


1\Vo figures dancing the Charleston adorn one of the front windows of P fl ueger hall as part of their theme of 'Planey

theme that involved a copyright, you could get sued. Apparently, D isney has been suing pJ.lees

Pflueger Presents: the Roaring 'lwcntics,' which follows PLU's new mandate for hall th€mcs not to contain any copyrighted materials. "lfyou did have


that have been doing it," sophomore Amanda BrasgalIa,


resident assistant for Pilueger, said.


SEPT. 21. 2012


POSITIONS AVAILABLE AT THE MAST The Mooring Mast is looking tor an online edi tor


copy editor)

paid reporter and columnists, photot,rraphcrs and cartoonists�



7 ·8



Contact rna for more information.


GARFlELD CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 busines partners, Korsmo Construction and Affini ty Invesbn nts aT providing the funds for the project. Sheri Tonn, vice president PL U and finance for opera tio ns said of business parlners in the Garfi Id North construction, " Korsm Construction is an experlenced contractor and is very, very experienced at building building in Tacoma. Affinity manages a lot of real estate," Organizers ar in the process of obtaining building pennits from Pierce County. "We think i t will help stabilize the neighborhood," Tonn sai d . " We think it will make for a stronger Parkland community and will defini tely help a tl:rad more student . Kanis. agrees this addition to Garfiel d Street will be nothing bu l bene ficial for the PLU community." "'The whole block will be brand new with new business opportuniti going in along that blo ck . Thanl pruce up Garfield and make it more vibrant" Kaniss SaId. ,



"You know it11 be mor e fun to walk [ Garfield Street]. Also, Garfield will become more pedestrian friendly." Wider sidewalks and a mid­ complex wal kway between Garfield and 208th street will allow for a better traffic flow. "That will nice be said. I<aniss then," While PLU facul ty agrees the addition to Garfield Street will be beneficial, are divided. students uJ think it' s going to be great b cau e it will be converuent for som one like me who i out of tate and doesn t have a car, " first-year Sam Cook said. "T think it will bring the PLU communi ty together. " First-year Sarah disagreed. Haywood '1t could be good to have more living pace for coUege students but at the same time it takes away the m a iler community feel when there is a bi g complex among all the U ttle shops," Haywood 'aid . lilt's not going to be as cute and l i ttle." Construction for Carli ld North is set to break ground in January 2013 and is schedu lt!d to be com pleted in 2014.




A po:<tcr dbplu,ving the projected e nd-resul Ui 01' Paci fic Lut heran liniver,jl)·'� rlunn tl l'CllO�II1iuru; ['C;nrficlel . Ilrlh ih po'ted \111 t II VAcant turd'mnl tt l' tI. luml ' r l""ir lLllln antl ltoul i4uc om I II iolt·, t,�·ltlll1 ,.1 .arlield Ilud C , ' t n' I • nutl.. BCClluse ofrenovulioub, rrumy bUlilO '��es closed or relocated, "J sluuo.l to bcndil ffroDl lhc rCllO\ atio""' I . lJut Ihl' VIU'rI!.II1 bu,� ln ·�s "WTIl no Imy , luu! u prel t) mugh go ar iI.� Ed "urn,;. 1\\ lU'1 all d Ilperul r .;f !limth "m PI1.l:Ui� ('(1 ' nn!pnny, snid. "Smne: h", ,,, be 'n lo ccllful1y dispwce . there s bceu SOnic iClI'tl[ i N-,ll " , lh{'rc'� b,,�n oml: poor ,etliclUcnh. ali<I a l"L uf t It 'Sl: fnlkh ha l' pul Ulcir 1,lauo <W1'11 • !lnd , . ' ill licit bu�int'.· t· � f( or ' I1l1mhl'1 of y 111': lilt! ' In It n nil "fit h ,kill!) t"I,,'o II"',," hy I his dcwlnpment."


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S EPT. 21, 2012

Fair offers local volunteer options Jesse MaJor Gm::ST. WRITER •

First-year Peyton Schmidt searched for her chance to volunteer in the community at the volunteer fair on Tuesday, Sept. 18. Whil� walking through the Anderson University Center, she was able to representatives talk to approximately 10 from organizations that offer volunteer opportunities to students like Schmidt. This would not be her first time volunteering. Schmidt previously volunteered for L'Arche Farm and Garden in Tacoma, which provides farm and garden work to people with developmental disabilities. After her experience, she was looking for more opportunities to volunteer. Schmidt attended the involvement fair earlier this fall and didn't find the volunteering options she was looking for. The volunteer fair was a "great opportunity to find out about volunteer options," Schm idt said. "I really like

helping people and supporting my community in any way I can." Although she likes supporting her community, Schmidt said she is limited by not owning a car. Joel Zylstra, director of the center for community engagement and service, said there are many options to volunteer locally and the CCES provides transportations to many events. Not only are a lot of volunteering opportunities near bus routes, many of them are near campus as well, Zylstra said. opportunity One service includes through Pacific Lutheran University Safe Streets, an partner organization with a mission of empowering individuals, families, youth, neighbors and organizations to create safe neighborhoods. Through Safe Streets, students can help promote a positive community around campus, Zylstra said. Tutoring students at Keithley Middle School is also an option, Zylstra added. tutoring, he said, When volunteers can connect with

the students they are helping and can see the challenges that the children have overcome. In some Parkland schools, 100 percent of students receive free or reduced lunch, Zylstra said. Students who volunteer may be able to connect a to volunteer experience experiences in the classroom and the broader PLU experience. "Learning is at the center of volunteering/' Zylstra said. "It's one thing to just volunteer for a couple of hours. It's another to think about it in relation to classes."

Junior Laticia Gingras, co-director for CCES, said that as citizens PLU students should contribute to society. At PLU, students are privileged and should break

out of the 'Lute Dome,' Gingras said. PLU students have the potential to change the perception of Parkland through volunteering, she added.

Want to voJunteEU' but misse d the fair? clnt-act the center for community engagem�t and service at service®phJ:J;�du wd visIt its webSite at http://www

"Learning is at the center of volunteering." Joel Zylstra director, center for community engagement and service


In the Anderson University Center, first-year Peyton Schmidt talks to representatives from the Food Banks of P ierce

County at the volunteer fair on Thesday, Sept. lB. Approximately ten volunteer organizations visited P LU t.o discuss loc.a! community service opportunities with students.

tu ents hi e Mt . Rainier with ampus Ministry Camille Adams ad


Nearly 80 Pacific Lutheran University students and faculty trekked up Mt. Rainier Sunday, continuing a long�standing tradition.




p�rti��at d i.n . th� h �e. along. wi�

his wue Patrioa . This IS glonou�, Thomas Krise said. "We could n't have had a better day up here to k ep the tradition alive." The tradition be gan in 1896 when the PLU band climbed to Camp Muir with their instruments to celebrate the construction of the new school. The hike only became yearly event, howev r, when Rev. Nancy Connor and Rev. Denni Sepper came to PLU. For the past 18 years, Campus Ministry has taken students up to Mt. Rainier every fall. Campus Ministry covers all costs, including transportation and entrance fees. The trip attracts many first years and international students. This year's tum-out was the best in years, Connor sa id The group fill ed a school bus and two campus ministry vans. The group drove nearlv two hours to reach Paradise Nationaf Park where the hike began. Two miles of steep incline followed, leading to Panorama Point. "I almost thought about not



coming, but I'm glad I did," senior Una Aas-Helseth said. "This is the best weather we've had in th pc st four years," Connor said. Rain prevented the group from reaching the top during the 2010 hike, Conner said . Th� y were forced to stop al Camp Muir, a quarter of th length of Sunday's hike. Sights al ng the way included views of valle ys, waterfalls, rivers and the occasional marmot sunning itself an a rock. Stud nts were cheered on by Campus Ministry staff as they completed the last leg of the journey up to Panol'ama Point. The hikers were then allowed time to rest and eat snacks and sandwiches provi ed by Campus Ministry. At Panorama Point, Connor gathered the grou p together for a orshi p . Soph more moment of Peter Swanson read the invocation, Psalm 121, beginning with, ''I lift my eyes t the hills." Ciara Eickhoff, another sophomore, led the group in a rendition of "A Mighty Fortress is Our God," the same song played by the PlU Band 116 years ago. After a group photo, the hikers dispersed down the mountain for the swifter downhill trek. "It's amazing to see God's creation. I feel his presence," first-year Ali ce Li said after the service.

1:: 1::

c OrtpD

CO .



S EPT. 21. 2012

A&E 5

First years cr etique common reading

Author of "Into the Beautiful North " visits PL U Rachel Diebel


fascinated by him," Ramos


said " He is a wonderful

r e a d i n g in

performer and storyteller.

Kelsey Mejlaender


1 bel ieve that he brought

acadamic college.

mejlaekk@plu. du

us a new perspective on

Luis Alberto Urrea wowed the crowd at his

M exico. " The


orientation addressed the






night novel


" Into


Beautiful North," this year's Common Reading Program novel. He spoke for an hour





on this topic in his lecture. understand

that an

and a half, telling stories to

artist does not want to be







choice because discussion

but Urrea did not focus "1






opened many to

discus ion and interpretation," Stanton





fi rst year PLU has



questions," Ramos said. "But

The event was part of

I would have liked to see him

all students to

the month-long celebration

talk about it more openly:'



First -year Sadie Lander

of new President Thomas W.



Urrea mixed stories of his life with commentary about


said a






a college



infects everybody with



humanity:' Urrea said.


Adela Ramos, assistant

reading text.

"It was an appropriate


"Humor is a virus that







of the story:' Lander said. First-year





book signing of "Into the Beautiful North."

International and





member of the faculty

"On one hand I was


different of

President Thomns W. Krise and wife Pntty Krise stand beside author Luis AJberto Urrea

P reviously




p r o g r a m .


professor of English and

with first-year students.


R e a d i n g


dropped during the course

panel, discussed the book



Students other

scholarship had



read will

name what they don't like about it:' Ramos said.



and involving them in the

loved the experience, being


choice for next year's book.

able to discuss the book


Reading continue

Ramos said she did not mind





generated to


next year with a different

students come in with high

it was a good introduction"


expectations and they can



across campus.


Stanton, however, "felt that


--- TH I! ---


It really

an opportunity about



together in a way I'd never


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October 4-11, 2012 See great local and international films and meet the fi lmmakers at the

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Students get in for only $6.00! Head over to and check out the fi lm schedule ... it'll be more fun than studying. We promise. "lnw l he BclWliful orl h" author Lob Albmo CrreD addrellSes l wle.rlbi ill L/4,'Crquilll COIl<' rt Hall durin,lf a lecture on C:llmpUH Sept. 13. His book was used for Lhe PLU Common Reading Progrum,


selected the



asking for feedback from this

For showtimes, trailers, synopses and all things Grand._

6 A&E


I.. J

SEPT. 21, 2012

• • 'rll)ll� III PJll.Jl


Lucas Schaumberg


Look for this Aussie band



We use music as a marker for

ready to burn moments, images and

memories : A ele or The Smiths

especially music into our memories.

for a bad breakup; Fleet Foxes or

MUsic released this fall will always

psych of their 20 1 0 album

Here are some releases I'm looking

psychedelic 1 9605 roc . It's

Bon Iver for a favorite hike; Led

Zeppelin or Kanye for a wild night.

As we begin this school year, we are

(JllIZZLY 111�1l This

bri ng us back to the "fall of 20 1 2:'

forward to making memories with:

- "SHE IJ)S" - SI�IJrl'. I II







classic dorm-rock music.

wm�N 'ro IJS'I'EN 0 feel

like a character in "Dazed






Soul, Radiohead and the





prepares their



or wh n





showing there



more to music than his

best -seller

beloved Zep and the Who.



masterful experimentation harmony.


'fHEN '1'0 IJS1�N

on a midnight walk, or




up your mind about both

'ro GRIZZtY BE1Ut: On a rainy day at the coast,


'I'AYI�OR S" TI11'r - "lll�D" Of�'I'. 22, 11011 DYLLlr - nrl'E )I IJI� S 'I' " - f)(�'I'. I

"Veckatimist." Prepare for and


Lennon with chilled out,




"Innerspeaker." Think John

70s-themed night on the



the retro­

When you want



" 1..Or rl�11 Stl"

'ro 'rl\ME IWIPAlA:

sh immering,



1.. 1.. 2() 1 2

of these albums. Almost

IJNlTS SOI�D: two albums, 96,000 total

during stressful homework




Swift and her pop-tinged­ with



songs. You may also know songsmith badly

This Las Vegas synth band o

The Cure, Springsteen Brandon





If you're looking

acoustic, guitar,




for good breakup music on

and Eyeshadow. The lead singer,



sounds like a combination




lackluster results of 2008

country -tinged





surely would

recommend the classic '71


Bob Dylan album "Blood on the Tracks," instead. You

UNI'(1S SOIJ): an amount

wnl�N 'ro IJS1'EN

can take or leave "Tempest."

overwhelming enough to shake your head




in awe.

'ro 'rnl� KIIJ�EIlS: When








.. 'I'1"YI..oR



Apparel ad while speeding on a Nevada highway in a convertible, or just when you're jogging ten miles



• ·. SWII�'r








'1'0 you




When lows




J)YIAN someone you










UNITS SOLD: four albums, 3 million total

KENnllI(�K JAMAll - "GOOD KIn" - O(�T. 22,

A$AI' Il()(�KY - "JAlNG J..IVE A$AI'" - 1'IIA Pride of L.A. and Dr. Dre


SONS - "BABEt" - SI�P1'. 25

You've probably heard of darlings try














Dr. Dre will be featured over Lamar's complex raps

TO JIUMFOIlJ) l\NJ) after


rapper in the game. Lady

wnl�N 'ro IJS1'EN While


known as the best new

follow up album "Babel."



A$AP Rocky looks to be


acclaim with their darker



his prized sing-song flow


and Sons. Look for them to

looks to make his major using the momentum of

the harmonic indie folk­ pop

portage, Kendrick Lamar

and 1 990s west coast beats.


Producers Diplo and Clams


Casino will sponsor A$AP.



poetry in a notebook, or wondering why it didn't work out with your exes.

UNll'S SOIJ): one album, 761 ,000 copies

WHI�N TO tI S 'I'I�N '1'0 l'I�NnllJ(�K IJlMiUl ANI)


Before complaining that rap is dead.


SEPT. 21, 2012

Murder 揃 y

A&E 7

spare tim

Columnist explOres new murder mystery and seque/$ to old childfwod c/n$sics The

is: just because readers see


Tandy's point ofview doesn't

goes on sale Monday, so

title suggests is a suspected

mean she is innocent. The

you can kick off your week

"Son" off your reading list



book's summary suggests a

with some quality murder足

for being too juvenile for

had a few weeks to settle





your mature college mind,



Now that everyone has college,

you've time.


found So


unless you


three accused




Tandy Angel, who as the

Kelsey Mejlaender GUEST WRITER



with She



Tandy could very well be a









looking a


for less

gruesome, IO recommend





Now, before you cross




satisfying gained


reading the sequel to an

"Son," by Lois Lowry. It's the

influential children's book.

"Unless you are working six jobs

fourth and allegedly final

Besides, all of the books

and taking five classes, you might

book in "The Giver" series.

in "The Giver" series are

read. If that's the case, I have



extremely short. You could


be looking for a fun book to read."

"The Giver" from our grade足

read them all in one day,

working six jobs and taking five classes, you might be looking for a fun book to couple

of suggestions.


school years, but the rest


Suspect" is an excellent title.

of the series is not as well足

you read four books over



"Confessions of a Murder intriguing,









"Gathering Blue" and "The


Messenger" - were decent,

to be very twisted. Author James Patterson also wrote

homicide - of which her

murderer who's suppressed


own parents are the victims.

her heinous deed in the

perspectives but dropping

Alex ero

series -

Simultaneous patricide and

depths of her sub con cious.



Either that, or the




to most. And the best part

did it. We

a movie




all find out






Unfortunately, you'll have to wait to brag about your

matricide is pretty twisted







to be



following new characters'


soon with









protagonist, the


reading because

the book wil1 not be released until





8 F t'Us


e With e Unive Amelia Heath FOCUS EDITOR h The hot-button issue of h alth care in the nation's capital has now hit close to home. Near the end of spring semester last year, the Office of the Preside t anno un ced that Pacific lutheran U n i versity would no longer offer to hard waive health insurance studen ts In its pla ce, the uni versity created the Wen ne s Ac cess Plan, at a mandatory fee of $300 per stu dent each year. The plan was created by Sheri Tonn, vice president of finance and operations, Laura Majovski, vice president of student l i fe and dean of students, Matt Freeman, dir tor of the health and coun seling c nters, as well as Chris Rice, fitnes center coordinator, Erin McGinnis, director of dining and cu linary services and Laurie Turner, director of athletics. Tonn said PLU's previous health insurance plan made no mon e y for the univ rsity beca use almost everything was paid out in premiums. With the Wellness Access Plan, the msurance purchased by the university is self­ funded. With claims that have a lower cost than the ins rance premium, Tonn said, "we could actually get some of that money back" and build a reserv for claims that cost more than the p re mi u m . A little more than fifty percent f the student fee goes to. the self-ftmded pTograrn and the rest goes to n ew wellness and nutrition programs. The plan was creat .d in a little more than on month. Tonn said the university had anticipate d an extra -


year to create a health meet the requiremen ts AffoTdable Care Act, hi 16 learned that the U.s Human Services office the waiver requested b) Health Association. Stud an email from the a President April 26 wit description of the plan. President Barack Obar Affordable Care Act int 23, 2010. Under the ac offering heal 1 care plans must meet certain federal requiremen ts in order to label the plan as "insurance." These requir m ents co ntin u e wi.ll to covering change, b nefits additional until 2014 r 2015. If PlU were to am nd its previous insurance program to meet these requirements, TOM said, the program would cost students at least $1,600 for the ac a demic 2012-2013 year and continue to increase as the f deral mandates changed. Freeman said the hard­ waiver pr gram offered last year cost students and was "limite in tl covered . The Wellness Access F students w i th fre visits ' Center and removes students for ervices prc Health Center, indudi "


ude d





TOP: First.-year J\lary Pruit.t listens to music while working out on one of five new elliptical machines at the Names Fitness Center. New equipment at the fitness center was funded by the Wcllncss Access Plan,


health care plan developed to cover expenses at the Pacilic- Lutheran University Health Center and

ahlc to receive services ranging from physical examinations to screening for sexually transmitted diseases through the Health Center at no cost. TillS plan is

provide additional wellness and nutrition programs to students. ABOVE: Under the new Wellness Access Plan, stud nts at Pacific Lutheran University are

the university's response to t.he U.S. Affordllble Care Act, which seeks to decrease the number of uninsured Americans as wcll as the overall cost of health <,are. President Barack Obama signed the act into law March 23, 2010.



/ SEPT. 21. 2012


�deral mandates in a state of change, Pacific Lutheran �ity is forced to redefine health care for students .


plan to the U.S. n March alth and l denied . College received

examinations, tests, treatments and travel examinalions. If a student must go elsewhere for a service, that student can use their primary insurance, bring the receipt to the Health Center and receive reimbursement for the capay r deductible charged. Freeman said taking away service fees will encourage students to get the tests and tre a t m ents they need . In addition to supplementing a student's health insurance, the plan provides students with other services

is stiU in good shape wi ll be moved to South Hall

Emilv Edison, owner and founder of Mo� entum Nu trition and Fi tness in Seattle, will provide nutri tional workshops and one-an-one consulting to students starting next week. Edison received her Master of Science in of the human nutrition with an emphasis general in sport n u tri ti on at Marywood gn d the University in Scranton, Pa. and is w March a me mber of the American Dietetic Associ ation . She has cons ulte d for the Impanies PLU athletic department in the pa st . The Wellness Access Plan is intended to supplement a student's insurance. primary However, some stu ents on ca mpus do not have coverage. >nn said preVlOU health insnrance primary Students wit ou t an made no money for the university insurance will not bl: ch a rged fer services a t �cause almost everything wa paid out in the Health Cent r and may be rei m b u rse d premiums . for out-of-pocket costs if they nee d to go offampus for service. Still, Tonn encourages students withou t primary insurance to use the Health Center website as a re so u rce to find an insurance md $400 pTOgram that works for them . The not covered by traditional insurance. majority of these plans are age-based, The university will now offer more ;evices it meaning traditiona l students will be nutri tional and we llne s education, able to find p rog ram with lower rates workou t classes, tness c n s u l ta ti ons provide Ie Health and new equipment in the Name than people who are in their forti s or rges for Fitness Center. Equ.i pmen t in the o lder. ed at the fitness cen ter may now be repl a c d 0 Freeman said the creators of the Wellness Access Plan "d idn't want physical a three-year cycle . Ol d eq ui pment that



to shock people," but students and thei r families express ed confusi on and concern when the plan was first announced in April. In hindsight, Majovski said, benefits of the plan could have been better emphasized. "When we realized that people had more questions that we hadn't addr ssed," Majo v sk i said, "we went back and addr ssed them again an came out with a second communication back out to students and families." Freeman said he sat down with families who came to him to explain the pl an . " I t just ta kes time to understand all of that and to explain it," Freeman said. "As much as we've tried to get the word out in all of these different ways, health insurance is really confu sin g. " Now that more information is available, studen ts ar more willing to em b race t he pl a n . aI think the new he Ith care pl an is a great system/' fi rst-yea r Matt ClUZ said . "It feels great to know that I don't h ave to worry about any fees or copays whenever I wish to visit the health center." The university will evaluate the plan at the end of the fall semester and deci de on any changes before the end of spring semester. Due to the natu re of the plan and the services provided, it will most likely remain a mandato ry fee for students.

Guest 'writer Ash/elf . Gill corltribu led to this article.

u Ie





en s









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pI ill

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d 'du li 1 ·



SEPT. 21, 2012

First year fr · ghts

C o mm o n re adi g c o mmo nly fo r g o tt e n

Top ten scary first year moments


Taylor Lunka

oing laundry - For most of u � college our first time without mom or dad und to wash all o f our nasty clothes. d when you finally go do wn to the t in the m.i dIe of the night to t out, you realize the setting and gu ambiance are perfect for a serial killer to strike.

Anna Sieber OE51'


! Life as a first year can suck. You are the lowest on the totem pole. You get last pick for nearly everything. Meanwhile you are trying to navigate in a stormy sea, surrounded by strangers, without your parents - or your cat - for su pport. It is frightening business. Here are the top ten most frightening things about being a first year:

the bed - So you haven't ince you were four, but you bly haven't slept in a twin four . Most of us have s 10 ur . - and we won't even mention what a fright that was - so it is a bit of a distance if you fall off. When you do, it probably will not leave much of a mark. A small fracture at the most. Better hope your roommate is nice enough to walk you to the health center.

Shannon McClain


Among many other first­ year students, I read a book this summer as a participant in the Common Reading Program. This year the book chosen was "Into the Beautiful North" by Luis Alberto Urrea. It is about the journey of a girl and her friend from their small Mexican town to the United States. Their mission: find men and bring them back to defend their town from banditos. The purpose of the Common Reading Program is to give first-year students a foundation for cOlmecting to a variety of people they've never met. "It was a nice opportunity to get to know other first years in an academic setting," first-year Haley Ehlers said. The book was a wonderful way to start a conversation with other first years. It gave us an opening. We were able to bond over the book, though not in the way that the designers of the program p r o ably exp cted. 1 imagine they wanted us to connect by ta l king about our o pinions on di fferent cenes, or what we thought of the ending - you know, really discuss the book like we might do in a classroom. In this aspect the program failed miserably. "I would rather meet people on my own terms

Green Dot - Hi, I'm a first-year girl, and I have a one in four chance of being ped, so I try to only travel in groups three. But hey, at least the one in four d re the same anywhere else. The u e of the Green Dot presentation was sort of to make you afraid, but to also encourage you to stand up when you see something wrong goin' down. Maybe this scary statistic can get a little bit better.

estad - 'nuf said. All those sweaty from the Rave in the Cave live there.

pus Safety - Who's that lurking in bushes? Well you had better hope is campus safety. If not, run for the ar st bu ilding or blue emergency pole ess it is the broken one behind the And e rs on University Ce ter. A n d if you a re locked out in a l ockd o wn , well, run.

he freshmen IS - Excuse us: 40. We ave food sitting under our beds, all­ ou-care-to-eat dinner and Sunday ch. Food is everywhere. And we t have our mother's judgmental tell us to stop eating.

' maJs in the buildings - Fun little critters have e n reported ro am ing round Harstad Hail, the Anderson Center and Ramstad University o ons. Top that off with the plethora of spiders and bugs in the dorms, and you have a party. Better not be any underage insects there.

ondontS in the bathroom - for most of this was a funny little phenom non. In addition to the 'Welcome t PLU!' we got a 'Welcome to Sex!' 111 world eeds more PLU - but not yet. Use a s,

a d


Lockdowns - Not only is rape statistically probable, but danger can spread to campus from the streets of Parkland - and you can get shut out in the cold. Well, if you are outside and lockdown happens, you can always mae in the bushes. Better hope it isn't raining.

That unidentified smell in your room Maybe one of those bats left a treasure on the floor. Then again, maybe one died under the bed. That would explain the s

than awkwardly have to talk about this book to meet people," first-year Isabellah Von Trapp said. Most of the bonding I heard regarding the book was shared relief between students who had not read it. student Sometimes a expressed pity if he or she read the book but a new friend had not, because there were several events during orientation devoted to the book that were mandatory. A lot of students thought the reading was optional. Then when they arrived, they were shocked to find that it was essentially compulsory. events during Two orientation were devoted entirely to the program. A panel of professors gave their opinions about the book and small group discussions followed. Many of us were led by the professoT of one of our fall courses. Tho e who hadn't Iead the book felt panicky during discussion, not wanting to embarrass them se l yes in front of their new professors. My main critiqu e of the program is i ts Wlclear expectations. We we ren ' t told that it was m andatory to read the book; it was presented to us as optional. But overall, the p rogram worked . It gave us something to bond over, something we could use to breach s cial gaps and start conversations about the fact that we did not complete our first assignment.

Most of the bonding I heard regarding the book was shared relief between students who had not read it.

Moral of the story? We love PLU. College rocks . .-



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S EDITOR ella J leaU, h ntllant@p/ l.edll

OP( ION EDIT R Kelsey Hilmes Itill/ll!.•fl@pill I!dll SPORT, EDITOR Nathan Shoup ShQllpna@plu.edll




POlO t IO"n "IJf'lI


'fwn Q[Irn


apply un/lilt


Art Land


SEPT. 21, 2012




fromEDITOR ex

and Candy

Condom supply should be consistent Amanda !I


e1ysr@plu. du FY EDITOR

BQys, girls, se h my! For some, o U ege is a my riad of temptation and hithert untouched "£ [bidden fruit." Regardle of religious affiliation, however. Pacific Luth�ran Universi ty is relatively progressive in promoting safe sex Programs like the Sex + (Usex positiv e" ) series as well as Health Center services provide a framework for r ponsible action and healthy conversation a bou t 'ex But as with any good policy, the challenge comes with applica tio in order to establish consistency . Here I see room for improvement. Residence hall b a throoms across campus all fea ture nifty little boxes, ideal for the distribution of condoms . . . or, I guess, Dum Dums? The contents of these boxes are left to the discretion of Resident Assistants. So in the heat of the a clandestine moment, trip to the bathroom may be orne a "choose your own adventure." Condom placement shou1d be mandatory in all residence

hall batlu:ooms, along with infomlational ma terial about other b irth control methods, SITs and sexual violence. RAs are the primary link between u nive rs I ty policy and on-ca m p us studtmts, and should have a bigge r role in p romotin g safe sex. Admittedly, PLU is ahead of ma ny religiously-affiliated institu ·ons in promo ting "sex-positive" culture. I just wonder how PLU's promotion of safe sex hasn' t fully trickled down into its most tangible applicatio� personal protection in the hands of students. Jennifer Smith, professor of women' s and gender studies and director of the Women's Center, said she encourages making condoms a ailable in ev ery residence hall For Sm i th, it "send the message that sexual well­ being is a v alue carried across the urriversity," she said . In reference to the Women's Center's supply, Smith adds that " oftentimes, we put stickers on them that say ' Go t Consent?'" IT your RA happens to be among those who seemingly value dental decay-or perhaps the abstract artistic statement made by an empty box - over safe sex, know

that condoms are available at both the Health Center and the Women's Center. Or maybe down the h 11, i f you're ludy My point is: conSIStency is key . The ability to rely not nly on an institution but on our peers for support regarding sexual heal th and general well-being is jmmensely meaningful - and m my opinion likely to be more impactful. A brochure can be well-worded, b u t it cannot be compassionate. First years in particular need to be directed t important .resources, as the flurry of new faces, places and expectations can become overwhelming. RAs and oth er student leaders should not 1ffiderestimate the role they play in resident well-being, an d it is imperative that th y not shy away from issues of sexual health, even if such discussions are slightly out of their corniort zones. These conversations bridge the gap between policy and pe rsonal growth for e veryone involved . Safe sex i�n't just .individual prero ga ti ve; it's a community concern. So let's "get busy."



powelIh, Until Sept. 21 at 5 p.m. you ave the chance to make your voice heard. ASPLU is holding elections to bring in ten new senators, each wi th unique viewpoints, goals and visions. Fourteen new and returning students are running for senator at large, incoming, or residence hall senator posi tions. As a studen t, this is your chance to vote for who you

believe will best represent the student voice. encourages ASPLU you to take hold of this opportunity by casting your vot . Senators play a major role within our organization and produce a lot of positive changes to the university. Our h ope is that you vote for the person you feel will best represent yo u ! Please vote online at h ttp:1I www. p We look fo rw ard to what this new batch of senators has to bring, and the exciting year ahead.



Sept. 14


for the photO 1. The cutline u t h ld say tha n

ri���c��;o� Eastvold began

in 2011.


ar food reVlewS 2. The " first . e sev�n were hoto' o n page ajor. M aken by Jes sie


3. C d



da Seely y Editor Aman than a N orts Editor orrect n ames were inc



on page 12.

Sitc om depicts c ollege diver s ity Kelsey Mejlaender GUEST COLUMNIST Many of us roll our eyes at unrealistic plot lines or characters in television shows. A case-in-point is the NBC comedy series "Community," which depicts an experience very different from student life at Pacific Lutheran University. The series focuses on students and their lives at a fictive community college. True, Greensdale (:ommunity College, is no private university, but one would expect aspects of the typical college experience to translate. As with most portrayals of college life, "Community" fails to depict students consistently studying. Not seen on "Community" are the late nights of cr amming, the stress of tests, and the consequences of not preparing. Then again,

TV is entertainment, so it

makes sense that some of the grimmer facets of college don't make the cut. That the college life

"There are some parts of college that need serious improvement - namely diversity."

"Community" portrays and the college life real students experience do not align is not always a bad thing. But there are some aspects of college that need serious improvement namely diversity. "Community's" characters come fr m a variety of socioeconomic backgrounds, express extremely different



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personalities, and yet all have deep bonds of friendship with each other. Of the central students in "Community," two are black, four are white,

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one is Chinese, and another is half Polish and half Pakistani. "Community" eschews the traditional and negative portr'}yal of cliques. "Cqmmunity" may just be a sitcom, but it demonstrates a progressive view of the world. Friendships are not forged through their similarities; rather, they are strengthened

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by their differences. They all bring a number of unique aspects to their relationships. Allison Sophomore McClure said the show does "accurately represent the diversity found on college campuses with its character set.' Sophomore Drew Johnson agrees that the show's diversity is its most realistic aspect. "Everyone at PLU has their own quirks and flaws, just like the characters in 'Community.'" "Community's" diversity encompasses the inclusion of non-traditional students, such as 66-year-old Pierce Hawthorne, played by Chevy Chase. However, "Community" may have missed the reality mark when it comes to this student. "Many of the older students that appear in 'Community' seem not to care


about receiving an education," Johnson said. McClure agreed, saying that Pierce was more of a stereotype than a student. "Contrary to Pierce, there is a certain respect and dedication shown by our non­ traditional students who are coming back to further or finish their education rather than to simply have something to do." McClure said. Of course, polite and academically committed students don't make for the best television, hence "Community's" decision to part with reality. To an extent, every character on "Community" is an exaggeration. However, this does not diminish the importance of highlighting so many different types of people. In comedies, embellished characters are the rule, but it is the people "Communi ty" chooses to embellish that make it different.














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SEPT. 21. 2012




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HOW TO PLAY: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grtdS Each row, column and SM of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition, Th& numbers in any sha red set of 3-by-3 b oxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus, sharfng one set of 3-by-3 boxes.


Universa l Crossword

Edited by Timothy E. Parker September 30, 2012

ACROSS 1 Movie critic,

"I Robot" au­

at times



tlior Asimov

1 1 Tuner on a


14 A-list 15 "Throw

16 17 19






From the Train" (1987 film) Reinking or Miller Certain air movers William McKinley's wife Forensic sampling PC key Column crosser Contributing some chips for a hand Ozzie and Harriet, or


wrestling holds

Curfy's brotl1er

30 Give wolfisll looks 32 Coral


construction 33 Rooms I'ef1ter 34 Can't survive 36 Sp naJ



man, briefly 41 Blew a gasket 43 Went down a chute

44 Basketry twig 46 Ambulance -



9 More plentiful 1 0 Knights'


La Scala

51 Even ing, at 11

52 Valuable

53 Rouses stone

56 58 59

60 61


oneself Meals, more formally "Sis-boom­ bah!" alternative Reed or Dobbs Overl1ead-_ engine

13 18 23 24



believe .. , n 6 2 What some mothers wear, in an

26 28


69 Have nothing insect

38 Surname fastener

to do with 70 Cinema-chain


of two presidents 40 You might have a stake

71 USNA grads 72 Musical


breathers "There's no



DOWN 1 Go "vroom,

neighbors in chess Purcl1ase in a Dutch mall, perhaps _ a positive note Goes at like a beaver Nativity scene setting Spanish friend 1 951 book of Auden poems Some court attire Shimmer Baltic and Adriatic

31 Cutting sides 35 Spring feast 37 Metal

68 Buzzing

in it

42 Tell actors

how to act

45 Vehicle on a 47 50

53 54 55 57

63 64

track U p to the task Phonograph needle's place Grease someone's palm Consumed Wrestlers in a round ring for the " Misbegotten" (O'Neill play) Part of a stand-up's routine Super Bowl highlights,

arguably 65 UK reference

book 66 Pillfix with "light"

67 Nine-digit I D


Pie mode " " 3 Involuntary 2

vroo m"

movement muscle

4 Chopin

39 Mannerly

attendant 48 F llopian

tube travelers

49 Hosiery

5 Family or


school get-together 6 Little rascal


of money

Slightest bit

8 Kin g Hussein's



Q 2012 Un iversal Uclick WWw.upuzz!es_com


Should it be mandatory for condoms to be stocked in residence hall bathrooms?

"Probably. If they're in

ome halls and Dot in others

you might as wen have them in all !' ,John Scheving, senior

"1 certainly wouldn't

'' No, people can get them

bject Lo it. Making them

mandatory seems like a

on their own .

usefuJ thing fOT everyone." Courtney Wagner-Robinson

,yen ior

It's important

for people to bave them,


it's good just to have

another resource. Any way we can help prevent STI


but mandatory is a strong

and Wlplanned pregnancies


lines up wit h PLU 's values .n

Nick Barene, sophomore

Perri Pettit sopJwT!wre


SEPT. 21, 2012




Men's Soccer

Women's Soccer

Cross Country











Sept. 22 Bye Sept. 29 us. Linfield, 12:30 p.m.

Sept. 22 us. Lewis and Clark, 7p.m. Sept. 21 us. Linfield, 7p.m.

Sept. 23 us. Willamette, 2:30 p.m. Sept. 22 us. Linfield, 2:30 p.m.

Sept. 23 us. Linfield, noon Sept. 22 us. Lewis and Clark, TWon

Sept. 2.9, PLU Invitational, 10 a.m.

Previous Games

Previous Games

Previous Games

Previous Games

Previous Games

Win (3-0): Sept. 15 us. Willamette Win (3-1): Sept. 14 us. Willamette

Win (28-14): Sept. 15 us. Redlands Loss (37-3): Sept. 8 us. Calif Luth.

Win (5-0): Sept. 16 us. George Fox Win (2-0): Sept. 15 us. Pacific

Tie {1-1}: Sept. 16 us. Pacific Tie (2-2): Sept. 13 us. Puget Sound

Sept. 15, Sundodger Iuitational,

MXC {17th}, WXC {16th}

Lute s - mprove season mark to 1-1

Pacific Lutheran knocks off no. 25 Redlands on the road The Bulldogs' starting Much of the success in the rush 18 yards to put the Lutes that shined all night. The Lutes Steven McGrain


Nt f llin� t� l�evIO. �sI� n 1k1 �a�forma ':l · er an as wee end, the paCl'fic Lutheran f tb n te d3fe�t d N 24 Re�� � t: :n d�g� ��ed ' s knS' aewr1thay, s:pdlt .�5d. s'.TChe t�arn e� D m g sney an er O g � �un� y, b t t� ere �II � b �eS� � Sey atu�a� g ff fue �e Bull� g� b�t;o to th owns. . uchel Despite pr Ing e�easo� op�:, the threamh s o,,;� oug ou t e co ence we "It' was crucial to have a good week of preparation for Redlands, and it is big con fidence-booster coming out of prese son play with a sophomore wide 1-1 record," rm recei er Da y Herr said. recorded two receptions Herr .





for 31 yar




quarterback Chad Hurst did not play due to injury. Backup junior quarterback Will King started the game under center for Redlands. W'Ith a backup quarterback, Redlands marched down the field on the game's opening drive. On the fourteenth play of the drive, junior cornerback Jonny Volland read a wide receiver bubble screen and intercepted King on the Pacific Lutheran three yard line. This was the only time Redlands sniffed the end zone in the first half. Following the turnover, the Lutes got their chance to score. Coach Scott Westering dialed up a speed option between sophomore quarterback Dalton Ritchey and junior rungnin back Brandon James. James picked up 37 yards on the play. The Lutes ran for 1 89 total yards Saturday.

outside running game was due to the exceptional blocking by sophomore receivers Herr, Kellen Westering and junior Jon Zeglin. Sophomore WI'de receIver . Austin Hilliker said that coaches Dane Looker and Gavin Stanley "emphasized a lot of attention on cut blocking this week." The Lute's opening drive was stalled, however, when Ritchey targeted sophomore receiver Kyle Warner on a curl rout, but senior cornerback Brandon Morris of the Bulldogs broke up the fourth down pass attempt. PLU scored first at the end of the first quarter after junior free safety Sean McFadden forced a Bulldog fumble on the Redlands 26 yard line. Two plays later, the speed option worked again, and with a seal block from Westering, Bran30n James was able to

in front 6-0. Senior kicker Nick Kaylor pushed the lead to 7-0. The Bulldogs ran only two plays on their next drive before PLU senior outside linebacker Erik HOlum . pIC. ked off King's pass and scored from 44 yards out. It was the first touchdown for the Lutes defense this season. The defense then forced the Bulldogs to punt after four plays. After receiving the punt on their own 23 yard line the Lutes needed only 88 seconds to travel 77 yards, furthering the lead to 21-0. Quarterback Dalton Ritchey connected with Kyle Warner on a post rout from 30 yards out. The Lutes scored one more time in the second half on an II-yard pass from Ritchey to sophomore tight end Lucas Sontra during the fourth quarter. Redlands did manage to put 14 · ' on a defense

held the Redlands offense to 288 total yards, forcing four turnovers and sacking King three times. "We made of mistakes . a lot the prevIOUS ' week agamst Cal Lutheran, we corrected them and it was apparent on Saturday," senior defensive end Thomas Haney said. The Lutes are id1e this week, but play host to the No. 3 Lirlfield Wildcats at Sparks Stadium on Sept. 29. Pacific Lutheran has lost the last 10 games against the Wildcats but isn't backing down. "We understand the challenge that Linfield presents to us but we are going to prepare in the only way we know how and that is continuing to improve in comparison to ourselves and we willlet the game take care of itself on the 29th," sophomore safety Greg Hibbard said.



SEPT. 21. 2012

PLU s occer programs have

. strong weekend

Fi(liil -year to rnwd .Ioruic Hoffman battles f'or the hell wi l h Paeilic', Aiel< \rrinpon Th,' I.UIl'N Ii d Pndlk 1 - 1 nding : rnur-I([lJI" losing sl real til I hI" I:ln eN. I'lmiu I, ' Jes. c rajor. TOt> RIGIIT: Fil'lit "yeur JfII"dan DUWTlirlg' dribbJ .. nn ('eorgc- Fox's side nl' t he ficld amongx1 the S-II rompine; , et uTday. Photn by Thoma. SO<'rcnes, B )\" I,EFT; Sophnmor' lhrwa.rd Emmllnu J .\mnrul , griw durin� I he LUi S .'i-O 11 ·real nf Ihe \,isilil.g Georg' JOb;' Broin. SlIlurd ,yo Phol,) h�' 'bruT Strupin ki�. Ml \ P. CENTER: rru;st -yrar Lauren I,anion bl\.ttle� for th . ball during th l .utl)� I I lle with ('uerne ")unduy. by .Tt·AAe \1l\jor. AS "E RIGHT: JUlli r forwnrd n r k ·J.,bn�on , huut. on gna] i l l I he fir." huff u r l I aturda:;� 5- 0 �i\.'ltlry. Phuto Ly Ig<


TOP Ll';F'f,


'Illurd«y'� !o"'IIJlW . Pllllto hy IgoT Sl ropil leiy.


'lrupln kiy. RR.llT: .ruhn�oll ,.,lrhralc.

goal early In lJt�1

The men's and women's soccer teams both had very successfuJ w eeken d s . The men's team defeated George Fox 5-0 Sa turday, Sept. 15 and bea t Pacific

2-0 Su nday, Sept. 16. The women's team ended a 27 game 1


en d ed a

ing streak dating back to 1 998 aga inst Puget Sound w ilh a 2-2 ie. The following day

PLU 5-0 vs. GEORGE FOX: Sophomore forward Emmanuel Amarh scored twice for the Lu tes. Pacific Lutheran scored four times in the fir t 31 minutes. PLU 2-0 vs. PACIFIC: First-year forwa rd Jordan DOwn.jng found the back of the net with 15 minutes left in the first half. S nior mId fielder Brenden Cohen provided the insurance goa l ten minutes into the second half. PLU 2-2 "YS. UPS: First­ yea r l�auren Larsen scored twice in the first 14 minutes of the game but UPS scored twice in the final 20 minutes to force the draw. PLU H vs. PACIFIC: Sophomore defender Emma Wayerski scored in the 61 ,t minute on an assist from jun ior forward Samantha BenneT to tie the gam e . the Lutes

four game skid against Pacific with a 2-2 tie.

Cro s s - Country team runs n Sundodger Inv · tational Holly Ruyle


ruyleht·@Plu.t.du The Pacific Lutheran men and women's cross country

teams traveled to Seattle to run in the Sund dger Invitational lasl Satu rday, Sept. 1 5 Temperatu res indicated the name of the race on the cleaT, brisk Saturday morning. The cr 55-COuntry team was one of seven Northwest Conference schoolstocompete. Nineteen total schools entered the women'. race while 22

chools competed in the men' s race. Typical of the sport, the Lutes competed a gainst various community colleges, N AIA schools, Div. n schools and Seattle University, the 1 ne Div. I sch 01 in the race. In last year's Slmdodger Invitational, th men placed 14th ouL of 21 sch oIs. The men's team finished 1 7th overall on Saturday. The men's race spaIUled 8,000 meters. men's Among the top finish 1'5 were junior Ala DenAdel, w ho placed 1 5th w i th a time of 25:30:13 a nd

senior Kolter Grigsby, 54th overall in 26: ] 7.26. Other scoring member of the PLU squad were sernor Jordan Steves, who finished 145th in 27:39 . 1 2, followed by junior Kyle Smith. 177th in 28:28.62, and junior Eric Herde, 1 98th in 29:02.59. Other PLU runners induded 5en.ior Joseph Mungai, 21 4th in 30: 15.77. senior Matt Beat 216th in 30:24.93 and first­ year Andrew Jensen, 222n d in

31 :39.00.

total of 236 competed in the race.



In last year' s Sundodger women Invitational the finiShed 14th out of 1 7 chools. They £ini hed 1 6th overall on Saturday. The women's race

covered 6,000 meters.

FirsL-year fron t�runner Amanda Wilson placed 67th overall with a time of 24:02.48. Sophomore A manda S ely finu;hed 69th with a time of Other scoring members were fir t­ year Lau ren Knebel, who 80th in 24:12.46, laced first-year Madison Guscott, 1 76th overall in 26:11 .92 and


sophomore Jennifer Arbaugh, 1 81st in 26:24. 1 0. Other

con tenders were Row land, 183rd in 26:27.78, seruor 01iara Rose­ Witt, 1 89th in 26:43.91, fir t­ year Kari !>a Jackson, 1 94th in 27:07.25, and irrst-year Tara Glynn, 213th in 32:24.77. A total of 213 women raced. PLU will host i� annual crO:is-coun try invItational Saturday, Sept. 29 at 10 a.m., the on ly home mee of the

junior Alyssa






1 Don't drink and draft This could be the cardinal sin of fantasy football. It could cause the car wreck that would be your fantasy football season. Rega rd] 55 of how many old ones you've had you should be fine throug the first couple of roun d s. Most leagues show you the best pla y rs a ilable. However, once you start getting to round eight the "belligerent busts" tart showing up. You feel like Terrell Owens is going to have a good year? T.O. is not in the league right now. Oh, the Browns kicker, Phil Dawson, will surprise people this year? Dawson is owned in less than f ur percent of all ESPN leagues. Matt Hass lb c is going to lead the Titans to the Super Bowl? No. Please draft responsibly.

2. .ev r CI velao B




To be fair, rookie running

back Trent Rich rdson has performed pretty well in his fit t two games in the NFL. Richardson ran for 109 yards and a touchdown Sunday. But Browns jokes are too easy. Dra fti ng a Browns p l ayer would require following one of ilie NFL's worst teams. Rookie quarterback Brandon Weeden threw four interceptions in week one. lt is tough to score fant a sy points when the Br wns defens is on the field the whole game. And don' t even lhink abo u t picking up the Browns'

'defense. It is owned in just over four percent of all ESPN leagues. What can a Brown do for you? Not much.

3. Avoid aulo-draftin t all 0 Auto-drafting all but forfeits any chance of winning your league. Players that are missing substantial time because of injury are left in the "best player available" lists and y u will get stuck with a couple of the injured. And you, the "informed drafter," should know that those lists are merely someone else's opinion. Yes some people paid a lot of money to make those lists, but no champion follows that template. Call in sick. Say your dog at your homework. Claim you "complet ly forgot about that d ntist appointment." If you are goi g to enjoy your fantasy season, you had better be planted in your chair when that draft starts.

4. lIekers and delense hav more value Iban vou thlnl For some reason, the stereotype exists that you need to wait until the last couple rounds for these two roster spots. Not at all. Nothing drags a team down like a klcker who can'l kick or a mediocre defense. Games are decided y field goa l . In one of my leagues last week, I won purel y because the Raiders' defense had negative seven points. An opportunistic defense and a consistent kicker are

The do's and don'ts of fantasy football two intricate parts championship team.



5. T ere I n ne d I lalle IW Quan rb eks rlv The quarterback you draft first only has one bye week in the whole season. You don't need to draft a quarterback to fill tha t one week. You are not drafting quarterbacks that y u think are going to be b nched by their coach. Sure, injuries happen, but that is what the waiver wire is for. Drafting a second quarterback in the early or even middle rounds only prevents you from drafting a running back or wide receiver that will score points for you weekly. A second quarterback will collect dust on your bench all season. In my second league, a fdend drafted Drew Brees at six overall and Cam Newton at 22 overall. Not only was I shocked that someone would do that, but I was pretty upset because I was planning on taking Newton at 23 overall. Call it karma. Call it irony. But that double-quarterback­ drafter is 0-2.

6. Don1 draft V r team round a p d termln d name There are 1 6 teams in the NFL Each tea m ha 53 p layers on their active ro ter. TI1at is a

lot of names. If you think of a witty team name that you love b u t the player isn' t going to contribute to YOUT team, d on't drafL him . "Take it to the Hausd\ka," named aft r Sea ha wks kick er

Steven Hauschka, is a fun name, but he is owned in barely over one percent of all ESPN fantasy leagues. Don't draft him unless you are content with your team being named after a player not on your roster. "Cleaning my out Clausen," is another example. Jimmy Clausen is a backup quarterback for the Carolina Panthers and in all likelihood will rack up zero fantasy points this season. However, if you have a good player with a name you can work with, go for it.

1. mmlt I ague


V ur

If you are invited to a league, you are invited for a reason. Your friends want you to play. Don't be the person who breaks these rules, finds themsel s in the cellar f the league, and gives up on the season halfway through. It is significantly more enjoyable for everyone ill the league if a ll the members are actively participating. It establishes parity in the league: there aren't a couple of teams that can't even compete weekly, and there aren't a couple of teams that run away with the league.



II re rs


many of us this is a touch decision to make on draft day. The Saints are an air-it-out offense and Drew Brees is the all-time NFL I ader m career passing yar s. Another seemingly interesting part of Brees's game though is that he likes to For Iway

throw to a different receiver, running back or tight end every game. If he could throw to his lineman, he would. Marques Colston, the Saints best known wide receiver, may have 110 receiving yards on Sunday. But it might be the last time he does that for a month. The name of the game in fantasy is consistency, and the Saints wide receiver statistics are as consistent as the Washington weather.

9. Your teall n me m be m morable


There are few things in fantasy football more annoying than looking to see who you are playing this week to find that you are playing "Team Jones." Your reputation within your league only goes as far as your team name will take you. And I can tell you "Team Jones," isn't receiving many popularity points within its league.



10. n vou Win, brag There is no excuse not to brag in fantasy football. In the rare event that I can't pull off a victory on a given week, I am going to avoid the person who beat me. You may already know, however, that hen am jump! ant, I w'U go out ,f my way t o remind tha t person 1 beat them. The I ag1.1e ch a m p i o n has bragging righ ts for an entire year. Th re are few things better than remin d ing your friends for a calendar year that you beat them in fantasy football. Go. Win. Brag.

The Mast Monday Night Footba 1 pick 'em

Nathan Shoup SPORTS EDIT R

Going into last week, Peyton Manning was 9-1 all­ tim playing on Monday Night Football. But M ann ing had also neve r had to ree er from a seriou n ck in jury that fore u h i m t it uut a whol " ac; n Now he L 9-2. threw Peyton three uncharacteristic inte rce p tions in the first quarter and couldn't quite mount a second-hall comeback as his B ron c os f 27-21 t Atlanta. The n ck injury d id not prevent the majority of our le ague Erom choosing Peyton and lhe Broncos in Mondav's game against the Falcons however. Four of the seven contestants wen with the Bronco on the road. SOffie were more confident than oth IS. "Peyton is back in walk a walk over the Falcons," head men's basketball coach Steve Dickerson said. Not quite.

One week into "The Mast Monday Night Football pick 'em league," one of th more intriguing matchups of the season presents itself. The Green Bay Packers literally come to lown to take on our own Seattle Seah(lwks. The Seahawks looked solid La t week in a 27-7 flIut of the visiting Dallas Cowboys. The Packers won a big ho m against th�r divi ion rival, lhe Oucago Bears, 23-1 . Are the members of our league going with their head.. or their heart? Do they believe the Seahawks can co m pete with the pow rh u 'e Packer ? Or do they agree with e as and believe the Seahawks will fall? The Packers are six point favorites in Vegas. Either way it will be a fun g ame to watch. Are you rea dy for some football? Our league is.

Green Bay at


Stacey J..Ia qensen pick: GB record: 7-0 Shane Gutierrez pick: S€� record: 7-0

Geoff Loomis pick: S€� record: 7-0


Since her softball career ended, Hagensen has debatedstarting a career as a football analyst. Bad news for Seahawk fans if her softball skills carry ove to p redicti ng fa tball games.

Gu ttierez has decided he will choose games b sed 0 how many com p li ments he gets for his hair the pTevious week. An odd number of compliments means he is pi ck ing the home team. Yes he counts.

There are no ejections in "The Ma t MNF Football p i ck 'em league" but L omis was nearly ejected from his own house when the Broncos began to mount a rally on Monday.

i".aIU.e L-ute pick: S�� record: 0 - 7

Lance Lut was s excited about PLU's win at Redla.l1cL, ia t week he origina l l y chose the L tes this week. He chose Seattle but only because Centry Link Field ' s closer to Sparks Stadium then Lambeau Fiel d .

flllison McDaniel pick: GB retord: 0-7

McDaniel arguably took last week's loss the to ughest. Rumor has it she hid in heT room and read football blogs all week. J t cou ld be a d ifficu It week for McDaniel if th e Packers 10 e.

Dalton Ritchey pick: G8 record: 0-7 Ste ve Dickerson pick: S�� record: 0-1


Hl.e Seahawks took a look a t Ri tchev OVdr the summer bu t ve ntuatIy went with Russeri Wilson. He chose the Packers purely out of spite.


Rumors are swirling that Dickerson has teamed up with women's head basketball coach Kelly Robinson. If this is true, how are disagreements settled? Heated one-on-one games in Olsen?



SEPT. 21. 2012

Basebal field recieve s facelift

Holly Ruyle


' Out with the grass, in with turf. Lutheran Pacific The University baseball field is undergoing construction to add a FieldTurf infield. The change from a natural grass infiel d is one of many changes occu rring on campus, i eluding new equipment in Names Fitness Center. "Everyone in athletics is excited about the facility upgrades," Geoff Loomis, th


, Playing on turf is just a differ nt feeling than playing on fiel d .


It wil l

n atural excite

every s inul

p layer on the team"

Max Beatty senioT

who is starting his tenth year as baseball head coach, said. Discussion about a new infield started in 2011. PLU will join Linfield as the only other school in the Northwest Conference with an artificial infield. With the turf installed, practices can be held year­ round, provicting a place for community baseball teams to practice during the summer. Playing sports in the Northwest can prove to be a challenge - it is no secret that the winter and spring bring rainy days and muddy fields. Playing in this weather can be an obstacle for most outdoor . sports, forcing prac ces inside or cancelling them altogether. "In the past we've ha d to spend the majority of January, February and March practicing mdoor ," Loomis sai d . "We fully expect that the new infield wi l l allow us to

be outdoors dai ly, which will free up space in our indoor facilities." Turf fields have advantages

over natural fields. While an afternoon of rain can leave a field muddy and sli ppe ry, a turf field enables the water to d rain fast r an allows the players to play and practice withou t ' terruption. "Playing on turf is just a

Con.(ltrueti n continue (In I he P I . ' ba.·t'b,,1 1 fi 1I1 1n.�1


llllpt)$ed 10 b conlplc d ill l imc ror Ule baseball team to begin fall practices ' und Il Y . ' p . 30. Mi nor delays in lhe pro,jecl pUl thal dat in jcoplIId.v. The haseholl field acquired the hown grnnustamk 1&1 fl'all.

different feeling than playing on a natural infield," senior pitcher Max Beatty sai d . "It will e x c i te eve ry sing le player

eek. The pr<lJ d


on the team a nd

guessing i will in the league."

I'm even excite other

The fall practice


for the PLU ba. ball learn is schedu led to begi n

immedia tely

completion of



the installation.

Lute s swee weekend

Volleyball team beats 2011 Northwest Conference champions, Whitman Brandon Adam


The Lutes dominated Whitworth last Friday, Sept. 14 and enjoyed a larger victory in a nearl y flawless performance Saturday night against the Whibn n Missionaries. After beating Whitworth 3-1, the Lutes showed no mercy in sweeping Lhe Missionaries 3-0 . A crowd of 550 fans packed Olsen Audito riu m on F riday to watch No. 20 P cmc Lutheran knock off d fending champion conference

- -


lead. Whitworth. Cheers filled the stadium as sophomore setter Aoki attributed the Lutes' Samantha North regularly performance on Saturday connected with junior outside to passing and setting by hitters Allison Wood and the Lutes' defense and the Haley Urdahl and junior distribution of kills. middle blocker "I don't want one person to Bethany Huston. get 25 kills," Aoki said. "We passed and served well The defensive passing set w hich sets up up outside h i t t e r s everything Urdahl and else for our "We p as setters and senior Kelsey hitte rs," h ead Paco lt - bo th finis Kevin Up h ed with l coach C1' e se nine kills. Aoki said. " Being able to and S o p h o m o r e spread the ball s e t t e r }-' around to all Sam anth a the different North set up Kevin Aoki the offense, hitters makes it that much finishing with head coach more difficult 38 assists and for the defense chipping in with five kills to guard of her own. anyone person." The Lutes continued to "I connected to Sam really take command in all three well, her sets were really good," Urdahl said. "I think sets Saturday, outscoring the our defense and our passers Missionaries 25-12, 25-17 and 25-14 with only four hitting did a really good job passing which always sets me up for a errors all night. The Missionaries h ong in good attack." Urdahl said her mental with the Lutes early in the persistence and toughness second set, gripping onto an 8-8 tie. The Lutes responded as i t d h er game, never by scoring eight of the next 11 letting a mistak to her head. points, jumping out to a 16-10 The Lutes continue their

and ed served well which sets everythin for our setters hittprs."

Junior middle blocker Bethany

lIston attacks an assist from sophomore

orthwest Conference last season. Huston fini s h ed the game with ten kills. North

S'lmantha North ill last Friday's 3-1 win over Whitwort.h. The PirlAles won the

finished with 44 assists.

northwest conference slat tor -ght, Sept 21 at Linfield and tomo rr o w, S pt. 22 at Lewis and Clark. Both matches are set to begin at 7 p.m.

Upcoming home games

Oct. 5 , . . George Fox cl. 1 9

s. Linlield

Oct. 20 vs. L wis & Clark

Columnist preview fall TV favorites

Lutes football prepares to lace Linfield




Safety in numbers


The- nnual Safety Report for 201 1 was sent to the Pacific Lutheran University community Sept. 1 7. Each y ar, Campus Safety is required by federal law to make the crime stabs . cs on campus availa ble. G r eg Premo, director of Campu s Sctfe ty, said PLU airs on the side of cau ti n wh n deciding what counts as a


Under le Cle ry Act, each crime i d efined by having specific clements, and s metimes, reports fal l tnt a g ray area, he aid. PLU, unlike orne othe r




crimes that fall in the gray area In the Ann ual Sa fet y Report, Premo said. Th ' crimes in the Annu al Safety Rep rt fluctuate from year t year, Jeff Wilgu assistant director of Campus Safety said . A crime that increa 'd was forcible sexual offense . In 2009, there were five forcible 'ex offen , In 20 10, the re were fOUT, La t year, there wer nme, as mu ch as the

previous two years combined. "One guy bum ped up the numbers," Wi l gus said, r c alling th man that alle ged l y grop d wom en last fall. Because of that incident, Campus Safety split the forcible sex o ffenses category and ' unwanted added touching,' which hadn't been in reviou repor . If they d idn' t do tha t, "it would have looked l ike a ton of sexual assaults," Wilgus said. While sex offen es increased, liquor law violations have decreased 36 percent inee 2009 n re idential campus pr perty. In 2009 there were 1 1 5 h quor ioJations reported on residential campu , whB in 2011, there were 74 rep rtcd. Serum Melanie Villlhouse aid he thinks there are more li quor v i lations than the


l 11I(1U! IIrd� ,Hrl'I't ,r (;rcj; Pn'm" " "Plain I h ·

leI) R"pe/rl,

J'no'l't! O¥ JA 'K S(lft£l'l SJ(."

JnuUlIIl'l11 r 'l u ed It. �I udt:nlll sl IT 'lfId li\(,lIlt� 1 1\TC1II�1t ,'mUl l :l'PI . 17. Tltl' Cl 'n Ul1l11rt list. crime l'UIIIlUll lcu <In- lind olT-rumpu in " illlpllnnc ' wil Ii I h,-, .re/lnne CI"ry \<1 , ""hi ,It [l'qlLir�� iusl itut ions "r b4\IICf edu<'nliun In prm iclc up- tn·dRI" I'nm ,lnli- l it'S lId sulet) pohcie. nod procedure tt) the Jluhlll'. Ii


! >port how .

"The numbcr [74] soun d s lid, but there h u ld be more," h aid. N t all residential assistants "go ou t of therr way to read ou t alcohol n campus," she added.


Students help fight Pierce C ounty h nger

Taylor Lunka GOE


lunkaln@pl l.

d ll

It's 1 0:30 a.m. on a Saturday momi n g and first yea r student Esther E1igjo is vo l u ntee ring at Sl. Leo s Food Connection in Tacoma, In an e ffor t to decr ase the amoun t of h un er in Pierce C ounty students volunteered at either L' Arche Community, Mother Earth Fa rms, St. Leo's Food C onn ecti on or Fish Food Bank for Pa ciii c Lutheran Univen>ity's first H unger in Action day. Volunteers hawed up in the Anderson -



Uni erslty Cen ter a t 8:45 a.m. in preparation to spend the morning and early afternoon helpi ng oul those in the l:oInm Wlity who are less f rtunate, At one of the volunteering Food Leo's St. sites Conn ecti on, PLU vol unte rs spent hours sorting foo d, packaging potatoes, plums, and more in orde r to hel p decrease the grow i n g hunger rates i Pierce County. Packed bags were sent directly t the portion f the .f od bank wh re customers could pick up what they needed and take home to their ,

' l ud ul

According to Joel Zy l stra enter for of the com� uru en ga gemen t and servIce, P I e rce County tood banks have seen a 46 p rcent in crease in customers since 2008. Last y a r alone, ab ut 1 million people visited the � 01;e than 50 food banks in Plerce County . . sald wants he Zylstra be to to able students "understand the issues" so the can begin to create l conmll:nity a solutIon.

direc tor


to rais(' mon y tor Mary ign Me Drive

Bridge Children's

Hospital, ph t

p. 2


f /-,'l'illding- ul schonl dance:,

p. 1O




First year Esther Eligio and other students sort


nlll p u annuul salcty reporl explained . flP.



and pllek oni >HS, potatoes, and plums at St. Leo's Food Connection in Tacoma, Wash., one of four vohmtecr ioc'lItionl< involved it h Pa.c.iflC I.ulberan Uni\'ersity', first Hunger in Ac;tiun di1y even t Saturday. Olher volunteer locations included L'Archc Community, Mot her }:art II F'arnlil llnJ Fhh F(lud Bank.


Colunmists :pres concern nb ul





amilie .


highlight, pros nd cons of Ilwrlphone.· o u thl' mark t, p. 7



Editor li ls l op liv m u l see fall evenls. prerucl1 outcomes,

p. 14


News pp, l-4

A&E pp. 5-7 Focus pp. 8 - U

pinion pp.

I -11

Study Break p . 12 Spor

pp. 13 - 1 6



local BRIEFS

Drive-by shooting injures two at Pac. Ave. Denny's

Minu tes a way from Pacific l.utheran University, a drive­ by shooting a the Pacific Aven ue Denny's parking lot left two men injur d Friday Sept. 21 at approx. I a.m According to King 5 News, one witness reported seeing sho� fired from a black sports

car. The shots hit two men standing in the pa rking lot. TI1e two victims suffered non-liie threa te ning inj uries - one shot in the leg, the other in the torso. Both received

tr atment at Tacoma General Hospital. Washington State Patrol shut down Highway 7 at 1 08th Street South from 1 :1 0 a.m. to 2:45 p.m. in response to the

incident. Pierce onlinue hooting.

County Police in ve sti gate the

Bail set for Seattle luau accused of rape Bail was set at $3 million Wednesday fo r Danford G ra n t, a Seattle attorney,

of raping tluee rna sage therapiSts. Grant was arrested Monday in Seattle and is being held at King County Jail. accus


Seattle and Bellevue police suspect there may be more victims, but are investigating Grant on three counts of first­ degree ra pe, one count of first­ degree burglary and one count of second-degree rape. Formal charges against Granl are expected to be filed this week, according to King Cllunty Senior Deputy Prosecutor Val Richev in a statement to

the Sea ttl e Times.

Body of woman recovered at Mount Rainier overlook Mount



Park rangers recovered the body of a w om an from the base of a cliff be low Ricksecker Point, an overlook point off

SEPT. 28. 20 1 2













Students sign for progress

the L ngmire-Paradise Road

west f Paradis , Monday. Park sp okeswoman Patti Wold said the body is not one of the four people who went missing on the mountain in January. Three of those bodies have been recovered. GrOWld crews and a helicopter began a search aft r rangers Monday connected a vehicle park d at the p int £ r everal days Lo a missing persons repor t

Sunday night. The body was taken by helicopter to the l.ewis COWlty

Coroner's Office. The w man has yet to be identified . Accorcting to th park, her injuries are cortsi tell wi th that of a fall from a great


Briefs compiled by Kelsey Mejlaender and Amelia Heath.


First -yellf Aubri Skanlun: Leaves her mark on t he shoulder or sophomor Hanna Juzeler, who hIlS been scrawled un b) many clmrllabl. . l Unri1lll" lhi!! .)'t·n.r'� Sign Me l>.-ive fUlldroL�t'T W,·dno·sday. TIle 1u.ndmi.5er. pcw-surcd by l1:ogre�s Club, raises Illolley for children receiving t reatment at Mary Bridge hildrcn's Hospilal in Tacoma, Wash. who need I1Ullll dal help.


S ' PT. 28. 2012




Over th last three years ther have been 268 liquor on residential violati ns cam 'p¥s property, buL there have "been no arrests. "'The university Likes to handle it in house,'; Wilgus sai d . The crime reported most commonly, other than liquor

violations, is burgl ary Wilgus said. Wilgus said theft can eaSlly be prevented and usually happens when p pIe 1 ave th 'it door or ar wind w open. Burglary als happens when things are left out in the open, like a GPS on the dash of a car, he added. Burglary is a crime of opportunity," Wilgus said . Venhouse is already taking Wilgus' ad vice Throughout her year at PLU, she sajd she has known o f stolen laptops

One guy bumped up the numbers ." Jeif Wilgus

assistant director of Campus afety



however, that, "sometime's I'm lazy and leave my laptop to go get food or SOIJl(!thing." Unlike burglary or theft of a car, which are reported nearly 1 00 percent of the time, crimes l i ke sex offenses are

and bikes. Sh

did admit


reported less often because of embarra ment, Wilgus said. I:or the cnmes that people may n ot feel comfortable PLU offers reporting, confidentiaJ reporting at

the campus ministry, the counseling cen ter, and

Victim's Advocate in the Women's Center. Students can also report incidents online at the student cond u ct websi te: http://www. plu .com/conduct Wilgus said he believed the reports at PLU reflect the actual crime rate mote than at other uni versities because 01 services like these.

Staymg sa{� "boils down to m<ikmg smart d cisi,11lS," Greg Premo/ diredor of _ampus Safety, said.

By not leavmg things unattend xl, burglary can be prevented, Premo said. Student · shouldn't leave theIr room door open or unlocked and Ul y houldn' t




in-me vi�iblc in their

Students should also plan

t h said.

ahead, he saId.

Ci.ln1p�' Sarel)' slmttl . etICo

are nVtillnble ttl Lake :; mIen I�) add He Witllin thc bQundary f P:1{'ific Av nue, 1'uIe Luk Rond. Spanaway Loop !lnd Steele Street and 112U . Sir eL Escorts will JloL Lake slutll!J1l� lb bllrs I'Ir paTti s.

studen stay house too late and walk back to. campus alone very late at night. Premo recummtmded calling Campu Safety for a nde at that point. lie 1 for a Sometim

at a friend'

huttle when you don't reel

safe/' Premo said. Campus Safety

drive students a.. far as Pacific Awnue to Ute ea t, Tule Lake rltad to th south, Spanaway Loop and S te ele SlT � to the

Open 7 d ays a week, I 1 am- I

I pm Garfield St. (253) 538-2368

41 1

Student Special Menu Quesadilla w/fries Quesadilla w/meat Chicken taquitos Chicken taquitos w/salad or fries Beef burrito & beans

Two beef tacos w/fries Burrito mojado w/fries Chimichanga w/fries C halupa w/beans or beef Torta w/beans and fries

$4.95 $6.45 $5.95 $7.45 $4.95 $4.95 $4.95 $5.95 $4.95 $4.95

***All dishes on Student Special menu are $1 .00 off If the order is for take-out!***






Employtnent: Reyna's is seeking a del"very driver. Inquire with Felix.


Wt!st and 112th Street to th� North. " I l' a <Treat resource," senior M lanie Venhouse said. She uses it when taking a mute she b not familiar with. Sfudents Uta I are not within rang for Campus Safety -houl.:! caU 1 1 ' they do Hot (t!d -afl:. In addition to planning ,\) ah ads ludeJl\:s hould aL, have all of their contact inf �


updated with PLU. If there is an emergalCY on camp us, that is how sludenl<; will be infonned.

Can Campus Safety a t

253-5::\5-7441 for non-em..">rgenae.c: and 253- 35-7'J 1 l for emt!rgenci.e!j.



SEPT. 28, 2012

Students explore study away options Ashley Gill


. an@pl u .edu

Be'Jao Edmonds


edmondbg@plu .edu

Fi rs t-ye ar Nate Hanse n r alized his desire to study away and djscovered w at pro gram was best for him a t the Stud y Away Fair on Sept. 19. Staff from the Wang Center, faculty members and other program representatives came together to inform students about study away opp rtuniti s in th regen cy


m of the Ander on University Cente r . With 23 p laces to study abroad at Pacific Lutheran annual University, the Study Away Fair proVId es the chance for students to preview countries th y could v isit throughou t the yea r, and receive info rmation from the program organizers. This year's fair was o rganized by Wang Center staff members, Megan Grover, Carmen Eyssautier and Tanya Ulsted.

Before entering the fair, Hansen passed by a table that held a raffle wi th priz s including guide books an other travel items. He was

"Studying away

develops areas of a

student's world views

in a way staying on

campu doesn't do."

Tamara Willi ams acting



for global education, Wang Center

also able to view a list of peers studying abroad this semester. Note, letter and card-making supplies were available for students to mail messages to their friends. Hansen was welcomed into a room .full f tab les, displays and fl gs representing the study away programs offered at PLU. Hansen, origina l ly from China, d oded to get more information about th China Gateway program. "I'd love to revisit my orgins. This seems like a great o pportunity to study away in China , " Hansen said. J-term programs reach as far as China and as close as the Tac rna Hi lltop. There a re spaces available for programs going to Asia, Europe and the Caribbean along with classes on other con tinents . Stu dents can participate . m a gat way program - a semester-long study away learning experience. The Gateway programs offered include programs in Chen gdu, China, Oaxaca, Mexico, O s l o, Norway, Telemark, Norway, Trinidad and Tobago of the Caribbean and Windhoek, Namibia. Applications are a vai l able ' the Wang Center and the deadline to apply lor 2013-2014 gateway programs is March 15. Professor Tamara Williams of Hispanic studi es is s anding in as the acting executive director for global edu ca tion while Dr. Sobani a is on lea ve for the year. "Studying away develops areas of a studen t's world views in a way staying doesn' t on camp u s do," William said . ''It provides an opportunity and supported. environment for tudents to step outside of their comfort zone." Senior Jennifer Vegh ex�enced this last J-term when she studied abroad in South Africa.

Volunteers dig into garden restoration



Sophomore GIl\W Miller !lnd senior Erin Lidell work together ,0 remove blackberry bWlhcs and maintain the garden III the Outdo()t Learning Center Ull Sunday, Sept. 23. The student-led Habitat Re�toration Project, suppo.rLed b ' the Sustainability office, will restore habitat so uth orthe AUe.


Junior KelBey Gainer looks far an upportunity t 'lady at an IlfchaeolQgy field stili I Wednesduy Sepl. 19 �t the sl udy away fair. Sh> said she does not know where she wants to study at . but said she was interested in Soulh merica. Australia or New Zealand.

'1' m really inter sted in third -worl d areas," Vegh said. She said she also has interest in mission work in third world countries aiter stu dying abroad . Vegh attended the fair for more .information on the Peace C rp. ga t� way For programs, the financial aid pa kages awarded by PLU ca rri e s over to fall and spring semester In most cases, p ro g:ram s. studying away during a semester does not exceed the cost of a se meste r at PLU. A lthough J-term progra ms have block pricing, another alternative for financial aid is Global Scholar A war . To qualify and apply lor these scholarships, students must demon crate high financi al need ba d on their FASFA and h ave an estima ted family contribution be low a specific amount. These scholarshi p s are available for both J-term and semester programs. HUNGER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

"We chose these four sites because they offer different to addressing approaches the same i ssu e," Zylstra said. "They all go about it differen tly but when it comes down to it they're addressing hunger in ow: county." Having experienced hunger herself, St. Leo volunteer Eligio said, "it feels good" helping ou t at fo d banks and trying to help other children not experience what hunger feels like. "[Volunteering] m eans a lot to me because growing up 1 would come with mv mom to f od banks to get food because we come fro m a l o w income family so it was p retty hard for me," Eligio said. "Working h ere brings back a lot of memories for me." Being in L is position before, Eligi o said she knows how rtant it is to have people volunteering at food banks, Most importantly, Eligio said the presence of volun teers has a touching effect on food bank recipients because it shows there are "actuallv people taking time ut of their d ay to come help ou t." Even though helping

. tudv Away

101 sessions ,ill be offered

Oct. n, 4 p.m. in t h Wang Center:

Oct. 24,

p.m. in


ov. 15, 5 p. m. in AU '

room 201. and gency


A Finane' ul Aid a.n 1 funding workshop will






20, 2-3�30 p.m.

in the Wang Center.

adlill to appJ ' f r any of th J-Tcml awa. pr am i Oct. 5.

. tud.

The Wa.�hin ton state based progr8Jl1B� ucit as Neah Day. and 'Th oma Hill lbp, will contiuue lo accept students while r

others has always been important, Eligio said she thinks vol un teering is mo re important now than ever. According to the Wall Street JoUTIlal, the economic downfall in 2008 was the worst tum of e v ents since the 1930s. Four years later, it i still hard for people to find jobs and, more i mportantly, keep those jobs. "J know family members that right now and J kn o w friends who also go to food banks to get food because there is not a lot of

are struggling

work for them/' Eligio �aid. Although some of her family members do have jobs, she said it's just " not enough" to get by. " It's really imDortant to have peopl e to help out," Eligio added. ill think helping others fits

in with )he university well

" [Hunger in Action



Lutheran service,





and caring." Breanna Young first year


is available.

because PLU is humane, " Eligio said. "I prefer to help other people out be cau se they might need more help than 1 do." Breanna Young, first year student and another St. Leo/s volunteer, agreed that participating ill vol unteer opportunities in H unger

in Action day "reflects the Lutheran value of service, comm uruty and caring." Even if students have never volunteered betor ., EUgio assured students to "not be afraid." She said she thinks

students need to take a chance because volunteering is a good opportunity to "make you !eel . better as Cl per on." H unger in Action day was the start of another hunger event happening in the Tacoma community. On SWlday, Oct. 7 at Fort Steila co rn Park in L ake ood Associated Ministries will sponsor a Hunger Wa lk. AU p roceeds wiI be dona ted to the Emergency Food Network in Pierce County, who, according to Joel Zylstra supply food to 75 percen t of the tood banks in

the community.

Any interested students are enco uraged to go to http:// Wv.r'N.arnhungerwalk.orgj to find volunteer opportumties, to make a don tion or sign up for the walk



SEPT. 28, 2012

The perk s of trying d e rpr nist s is l o u u m C . ew ge nr s by teen n o ve l Kelsey Mejlaender


mc:; I want to share the experience of reading a story. This is more than a review - it is a recommendation. I just finished the short novel, "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky. The story, set in the early 1990s, focuses on high s h 01 freshman Charlie, who writes a series of letters to an anony ous individ ual about hi fit t year. Before you reject "The Perks of Being a Wall flower" for being a novel only for high school students, I should tell you the movie version, which carne out last week, stars E m ma Watson from "Harry P tter," Logan Lennan from "Percy Jacks n and the Olympians" and Ezra Miller from the horror film "We Need to Talk About Kevin." The point is, not only are some of these young actors pretty famous, but none of them are actually high school students. So, if such ' old' and fajrly well-respected actors

can snag parts in the movie adaptation, the book cannot be that bad. And the truth is, it was actually rather incredible. Now, I do not typically read literature from this genre. I usually go for thrillers and fantasy. This column gave me an excuse to read a book for fun though, and I had been on planning reading "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" for a while I because knew Emma was Watson going to be in the movie. And I am really glad I did. Perks "The of Being a Wallflower" is the kind of book you read when you need to feel at peace. The protagonist, Charlie, is the most endearing character I have ever encountered.

SALON PROFESSIONAL ACADEMY 3702 South Fife Street, Tacoma, WA 98409


His sincerity and sweetness combined with his ability to listen make it almost impossible not to adore this kid. Usually, the goody-two­ shoe types can be annoying, but something about his honest and completely straightforward way of

This book has a lot of things that would make some people - especially those who like banning books - shudder with disapproval. Swearing, smoking a variety of things and sex are prevalent in the book, but none of these elements were overbearing or referenced in a way that made me think the author, Chbosky, w a s including them just b e c a u s e that is what everyone e x p e c t s teens to do. I started the book not expecting to like it. The simplistic writing style that seemed to be more reminiscent of a sixth grader's than a high school freshman's definitely irked me. However, as the book progressed, his writing

improved and the character became well defined. Soon enough, my former frustration vanished. When I started reading this book, I took notes. About 40 pages in I stopped and the last line I wrote was "this kid is just the sweetest." I laughed a lot, both when the author probably intended readers to and when he did not. To the authors credit, the book has remained timelessly humorous and poignant. Take this line from page 33: "And a really bad song about love that had the word 'baby' in it." Some things never change, ri ght Justin Bieber? Because this book is about adolescence, it has a lot of sober moments as well. And for those who are wondering: I did cry. I wouldn't call the though, book depressing because I set it down feeling, as the author wrote, .. a hopeful kind of sad. The kind of sad that just takes time." That may sound dreary, but I promise it is not - you will have to take it in context.

Because this book is about adolescence it has a lot of sober moments as well and for those who are wondering: I did cry.

thinking makes irritation impossible. Besides, the goody-two­ shoe types are not usually so relaxed about experimenting with drugs.

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6 A&E

SEPT. 28, 2012

Tune into TV' s lll O St tan aliz ing tw · s


Kadazia Perry


Switche d At Birth

Monday on ABC Family 8 p. m. Switched at Birth tells the story of two girls, B ay and Daphne, who were witched at buth. Bay is a reactive teenager who acts out despite her upper­

class lifestyle.

Daphne is loved by all because of her h�lpfuJ and positive d� pite atti tude, with struggling being deaf. Daphne's financial family's struggles add to her turbulent life. Now both families live together on one prop rty. We get to find out what happ 115 when two families fr m different s cioeco n o m i c spheres are thrown together by fate. TheIe is trouble in

America's Next

lover's paradise while Bay copes with the fact that her adorable bovfriend , Emmett, cheated on her. To mak e matters worse, mi tress Emmett's



Top Model

Friday on BRAVO at 8 p. m. America's Next Model is a comp tition hosted by Tyra Banks wher aspltUlg models comp ete for a modeling contract and $100,000. Tyra Banks is taking her show, now in its 19th cycle, to universities in America's Next Top Model: College Edition. That means all contestants in this season's edition will



college students just like us. When you mix together mean girls, whiny girls, a ho new j udge and Katy wardrobe Perry's consultant, you will have this season of America's Next Top Model, clad with collegiate sass. Watch as college students scratch and claw their way to be America's Next Top Model.


Premieres Wednesday Oct.

10 on CW at 8 p. m.

Arrow is about multi-billionaire, a Oliver Queen, who survived a shipwreck and was left stranded alone on an island. He was believed to be dead for five years efore being rescued and taken back to his lavish lifestyle. Oliver used to be an obnoxious playboy who had no respect for others, not even his faithful girlfriend. In

addition, he was part of a selfish, corrupt family. However, his five-year experience away from the city gave him time to do some soul searching and Oliver made a complete tum around in his life. His new goal is to right the wrongs of his corrupt family by killing off other corrupt individuals in the big city.

The Voice

Monday cj Tuesday on

NBC at 8 p. m.

Radio and TV personality · Carson Daly hosts a singing competition where contemporary artists blindly choose singers to be coached on how to thrive in today's music industry. In . the grand finale, one singer is chosen to receive a recording contract and their coach gets to say they discovered "The Voice." Coaches in The Voice include pop rock heartthrob Adam Levine. Joining him are soul singer Cee-Lo Green and pop icon Christina Aguilera.

Country sweetheart Blake Shelton also serves as a coach. We have a couple of twists to look forward to in this new season. Each coach now gets to choose 1 6 singers for their team whereas before they were only allowed 12 per team. In the recent trailer, the coaches keep hinting at a new opportunity in the competition to trade singers between the four coaches. This would essentially allow coaches to steal singers from other coaches later in the competition.


I Met Your


MoruJay on CBS at 8 p. m.

This is a story about a group of five best friends living in Manhattan. Just about everything having to do with love goes awry. This sitcom is told in the form of "flashbacks," as main character Ted Mosby tells his kids, in the year 2030, how he met their mother with his four best friends by his side. How I Met Your Mother stars Neil Patrick Harris, which is a foolproof ingredient for entertainment. Odds are we still out find won't


former best friend, Simone . Daphne is juggling a new job at a restauranl with a hand some boss who views her as a pesky child. Daphne, who was born ou t f wedlock, also deals with the fact that her father, Angelo, finally got married to her mom. Daphne opposes the marriage because it is merel ' a ploy f r An ge lo to avoid bemg deported from the states .

the identity of the woman mystery mothered who Ted's children. But everyone likes a good mystery in a hilarious sitcom. Cross your fingers that Barney Stinson and Robin Scherbatsky can handle being married. Let's also hope that Ted doesn't take being a lone bachelor too hard. No matter what happens, this season is sure to be, from the iconic w rds of Bamev Stinson, "legen - wait for i t- DARY."

SEPT. 28, 2012


• • KeJ. ey MejIaender


m�J3 are the most What im portan t thll1gs you can own at college a textbook? A brain? A number tw pencil? N ope the besl things yo u can p e s are portab le shiny and are prob ably lhe reason y u can' t afford any tiling but Top Ramen. Tablets are on th Ii e and laptop are a near nee ity, but smart phones are stealing th-= spot l igb L Back before cell phone when were in ven ted, tiungs like bad wea ther not texting - caused car c I1ege students accident s had it rough. Loog-di tance fri en dshi ps and rela tion hips were a pain, calling home was t 0 mu ch of a produ ti 0, and we actually had to get out of bed to Google something instead f j u st looking it up on our cells. Serious life-inhibiting problems weT commonp lace before our phones. Fortunately, everyon n ow own a smart phone - from tod d lers to te a chers - and according l an infog raphic from h ttp://onlinecollege. com, a website that exp lores online classes, 45 percent of college tudents Ieport using phones for school related activities ofte n. So, if you are 10 king to buy a new phone, or perhaps guilt trip a relative lot purchasing you one, which one hl1uld yo u hoose? -





A&B 7

Columnist weighs in on the importance of smart phones

iPhone 5 $199 Th

hot choice right no w 5 that came out Sept. 21 and sold-out. TIlls phone, with a longer and limmer sa en than previous i Phones, has received both support and crilici m. It has also gotten a lot of flak for a clWlky Ap p le Maps system, but therwise seems to be well approved of. The Computer Netw ork (CNET), a website new ', that [dea es tech reVU:'w.5 price c m parisons and more gave it four out of five stars. Other- and more affordable - options include previous iPhone models, such as the iPhone 45. is the new iPl"Ione

Motorola Druid Razr Maxx


nris Android not only has the longest name ever, but CNET gave it four-and-a­ half stars and an outstanding rec�mmendation Jor its long la ting ba ttery life and thin design. However, revi we ... were disappointed with the B megap ixeJ camera. -



Samsung Galaxy



this Though p h one may ha ve its gli tches like a poor Siri-substitute and a dim screen -http;// www a smartphone review website, did ra t e this as the best phone for co l lege students. Whether that Will change with a new iPhone in play is unclear, but the phone got credit for being like a pocket size d laptop and received a fou r lar rating on CNET. ­


This phone's camera received a m uch better review. 1t has a io Lfstarrating from CNET, an impres sive display and notable speed Unfortunately, i t lacks an SD card slot, which auld tum away many prosp ective buyer . .


606 S. Fawcett Ave --- T H . ---

GRAND excited to have the Eric Hutchin on concer t as a deibelra@phJ.(:du Ieplacement event. " I t' s ap pe aling to Homecoming week a t students and a lumni," P L U has alway s induded Peters said. "And it's 50ngfe s t as a way to get re aUy cool to have a everyone pu m ped for concert right on campus the game on Sat r day somebody where night. walking to dinner who Not tins year. may be had no i dea it Songfest was was h a ppenin g can go in lavor cancelled t i t." of the ASPL U and S o m Residence Hall f members A s s o c i a ti n the student j o i n t bodv have a sponso red Eric H u t c h i n s o n 'It'� a fairly similar event to diff rent view. First year Maia c o n c e r t said Palmer and rying to get So undOff last night, sh feels like Th u r s d a y, people interested in a similar she is gOing La Sept. 27. Songfest is event not long after SoundOff is miss " out on a tra diti onal PLU annual an hard" experience. Homecomi ng "! had a I t when event at fun of residence halls Matt Pelers SoundOff and 1 are pair d up Residence Hall Council President thought it was and pe r fo m1 a really great skits t gether. to get way many On all the dorms occa sions, together and fa c ul ty even and Matt Peters, RHA have a competition," former President Loren Palmer said. "1 don't president, agreed. Anderson got involved, "It's a fai.rly similar think that it [Songfest] performing skits of their event to SoundOff, and is a tradition that PLU own for the students' trying to get people should break." e njoym enl interested in a similar Palmer said she was Jessica LaVigne, RHA event not long after excited for the concert, activities director, said SoundOff is hard," though "not as excited as the decision has been Peters said. 1 would be for Songfest." a few years corning Peters and Both Homecoming week "student because La Vigne said they were lasts from Sept. 24-30.

Rachel Diebel



attendance has been down, it just didn't seem they like something were into." In ad dition to a dwindling turn ut, the event is an immense amount of work for Residence Hall Councils. "Trying to get 20 stu d en ts in the same room at tile same time is impOSSible, " LaVigne said.








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Campus officia policies regard: Amelia Heath


la al

Crime i eve ry w here and Pacific Lutheran Universi ty is no excep tio n Students, staff and faculty across PLU received an emaiJ trom the President's Office las t week announcing th r lease of this year' s Campus Annual Safety Report and 201 1 crime statistics, a federal 1 a nd a te u nder the Jeanne CJery Disclosure of C amp us Security Policy and Campus Crime Statisti Act of ,


1 990,

Under the Oery A c t, ori inally known as the Student Righ t To-Know and Campu s Secu rity Act, colleges and universities aero the United States are requ i red to have a crime log available to the pu b li c and publish an annu al security report. Annual reports are avail bi on the U.S. 0 parbnen ' of -

Edu cation web i te. The secu rity reports detail campus security po li cies and procedures and

the bas ic rights gua ranteed to victims of sexual assault, as well a s p rote c tion for " whistleblowers" w ho rna 'e public disclo� ure of wrong oing. Th reporl mu st al so d ocu men t three calendar years of select campus crim



incidents that occur on c am pus and in certain off-cam pus areas, such as G ree k houses and remo te classrooms. Statistics are co m p i led ecurity by campu. personnel, local l a w and enforcement other school officials with sigrri fican -



P: Campus safety released the latest Annual Safdy Report. as required by the Clery Aet. MIDDLE LEFT: Greg Premo.

providing information 011 crimes which occur both on cam.pus and in areas surrounding campus for the last three years, in compliance with the .Jearme Clery Diselosure of Campns Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.. MIDDLE RIGHT: Ray Lader, associate director of student conduct. handles student violat.ions of PLO's code of conduct and Il.ssists campus safety in preparing the campus crime statistics report. ABOVE: Campus Safcty compiles thc Armua[ Safety Report with Ray Lader, associllte director of student conduct. Student conduct helps verity information for the campus crime statistics report. director of Campus Safety. compiled campus safety incident. reports and reports from local law enforcement into t.he Clery report.

unwanted touchir

o tobec and Nov com m u ni ty mem gro p ing nine fema forable offen es,


e of unwan ted Readers of the E notice that the m

student conduct il attached to liquOT law vi latioru . In Premo said, when

offenses and burgl he perpetrator is 1 In ca es of fek and sexua I offen f tl discretion they report the iI enforcement Re�

Jerurifer O lsen Krengel « Clery reporl i a "reall) b cause every ollege i information without the t something differently." experi nee , the crime s1 pl'ospective stl

responsibility for student and campus including reside.nce ha ll activ iti directors, coaches and faculty adv' ors to student groups. Pastoral and professional counse lors are exe m pt from filing reports. PLUs Ann u al Safety Rep rt is avai l a bl e on the Cam p us Safety webs ite. A hard copy may be obtained u pon Ie est from the Ca mpus Safety office. 111e C]pry Act is tie n to an in s tltU ti on's participation in federal student


over the years. r trend to increased Safety staff and Lc a the additi n oj areas. One way in w report diffe rs institution's repc offenses are divide

financial aid programs. Institutions that fail to comply with the Clery Act may be fined up to $27,500 for each violation and risk losing federal funding. No feedback is given to institutions unless a complaint is filed with the Department of Education. The CIery report does not include violations specific to PLU's student code of conduct, such as the tobacco-free campus policy, because those violations cannot be applied to other institutions. Theft is not reported either, though information is available from Campus Safety upon request. Greg Premo, director of Campus Safety, did mention that car-related crimes have decreased

law enforcement ii filed wi h Campu s tudent perpeLTatc said, that student cond uc t Ray La d er asS( Student Conduct, sexual nUscondu broad" due t th ral it includes, harassment to fOT! When local I involv d with a a student, studen sanctions against said student coni on the criminal often will take m process." The Rights and Priva( not superced e the a prosecutor 1SSU( incident, stud nt students involved is being released. Sanctions for a are determined basis, depending ,


' / EPT. 28, 2012


• •

address annual safety report, explain 19 campus crime and student conduct



surrounding the offense. For the rno t part, Prem said, the university prefers to handle issues such as misd em anor liquor and drug law violation. interna ll y because "it's not something we want to burden l the PLU Oery the sheriff's department on when we 1 some other is thal sexual can handle it more efficiently through student conduct." �o two ca teg orie : Sanctions for li quor and d rug Jaw in the ca ' last vi ol a tions are more heavily regu lated 'er when a non­ was accused of y the federal government than other LU students, and conduct violations. For these violations, en includes any Lader , aid, tudents must usually go �tration. through courses outside of PLU that Cler report may in cl ude an ed uca tion workshop and, in some cases, community servic , � 0 arrests and :erenc are nly in addition to PLU sancti ns such as lIg and weapons stude n t conduct fines and a letter of na j ority of cases, mutual understanding. Wi th these violations, Lader lnie such as sex said, 'tudent conduct aims to be )c:ur on campus, "educational" in the sanctions proces lOwn. su ch as assau l t and address other issues the sluden t it i up t the may be having that could be affec ting victim whether beha vior, offe rin g res urces such as ent to local la w the counseling and health centers a nd ess of whether ac a demi c advising and ass istance to get students back on track. a When person who is not or f admissions, said the a member of the PLU community elpful re ouree for famili s' commits a crime on campus or quired to provide the same acts .in violation campus 'ersity "potentially marketing of conduct, such engel added that, in her as an incident stie f r PLU do not deter in 201 1 when a non-community member was nts from enrolling. be to found the under influence of alcohol at an )rmed, a r port is ASPLU-sponsored concert, local police are immediately brought in. When [ely ancl when a co m pliant, Premo said, no n-c o mmu nity identified, Premu violators are Ie tri cted from campus. 'Ough t to student Jennifer 01 '\ Krengel, di recto r of � director of PLU admissions, said the Clery re p ort is a l the university' s "rea l l y help fu l reSOUTce for families " 'oliey is "pretty b call e every college is r equ ire d � nety of offense pr vide the same information without � from se ual the uni versity "potentially m ark eting something differently." Krengel rape. enfo rcement is added that, in her experience, the e committed by crime statistics f r PLU do not deter prospective students from enrolling. lduct still b ri ngs student. Lader Premo said there is talk of adding statistics on offenses such as stalking does not "wait and intimate partner violence to the list tern because it longer than our of Clery reportable offenses. ily Ed ucational I can't say that it [requiring stalking ct (FERPA) does and intimate partner violence in the Is of the court - if Clery report] would change our subpoena for an numbers in any way," Premo said. fuct inform s the "But I think it's probably a good move, vhat information because it's certainly a topic that a lot of people are interested in and seeing ,"duct violations how it's affecting campuses across the a case-to-case United States." ile circumstances

attributes this ien c of Campus :i pu ties, as well aeTas to parking






SEPT. 28, 2 012



Bump and grind letter Dirty dancing not always welcome tlt�E D TO Du fau l t acknowledged that grinding might not be the best first meeting. "There are classier ways to pick up women than to park yourself behind her," Dufau ll said. Although grinding can em like a lighthearted topic, some have scUd the kind of a ctivity that occur a t school dances nears exua] assault. "r lhink Il's degrading to be staring at the · floor and offering your backside to a stranger," firs t- year Sadie Lanier said. Being selected OJ' not by the prowling, circling males can be an unnerving experience lor many females.

P ir -t-year

Camille Adams

G 'ESl COL MNIST",� ·e@plu.


Rachel Diebel

G\JES1' COLUMNIST dl bdra@plu.cdu

Gazing into your dance partner's eyes is a thing of the past. By the end of th njght, you may know the brand and size of their jeaJll?, but you may not know their name. Some first­ year females were shock d by th 'It r a Ion th ' generated at ASPLU the dance on the second day of onentation. th As w 0 m e n danced with their friends, they noticed group of men predatorily searchlng for fresh d ance partners. The males on ampus 'eemed to r p nd as Ill.' �ntity to the arrival of new girls on campus. " It was really funny because at one p inl, all of lhe guys came in a horde, imm rsed them Iv s in the crowd, and f und girls," first-ye ar Sarah Henderson said. "All of a sudden, there was no ne left t dance." First-year Karl Vaage defended his demogra phic. "It was one of the first nights we were h re, a big social interact} n for all the fir t years, so naturally a guy is going to spi t his gam , " Vaage said. " B u t r can see h w it could make a lol of lhem uncomfortable."


Krysta Morley

JUNl m

standard for a first year's college social experience. "l didn' t necessarily expect it at an A PLU event/' Henderso said . "That was a little surrri ing." While many lIst yeaTS have certain expectations about the party scene, those do not necessarily coincide wi th expectations of school-sponsor d events. Not all male donee attendants think it i. acceptable to grind. Fir l­ year Brendan Stanton off�ed some advice for th se male. who wish to participate in grinding. With Homecoming fast appr a hing, keep in mind that not everyone wants to grind.


incredibly was 1 disappoint e d by the u nethical n ature of the column "First -year frights" that ran in the Sept. 2 1 issu e. In this article, your gue t columnists chose 1 0 points that were " frights" for firs t-year sludents at PLU Two of these " ii rst­ y ar fright " w 're e peciall y disturbing to m because I am a member of the Se ual Assaul t Peer Education Team (SAPET) here on campus. N umber five poked fun a t the concep t f Green Dot. The piece lacked an explanation of the Green Dot program, which emp wers all students on campus to be the positive force in what might be an otherwise negative situation. TI-Ie purpose of the Green Dot presentation is completely misconstrued in the article when they say i t "was ort of to make you afraid." 11Us l.S not the intention of programs like Green Dot

" Y u . h o u l d know who y o u ' r e g ri n d i n g and if interaction for all the fir.'t o ywith, ou don't know tilem before that� you should Karl Vaage i n t T o d uce first year you rself amI a k j f it is alright to grind with t .h e m " Stanton sajd " II y u w t Some women who were app ro ached either verbally to grind, you should grind or physically by previously respectfully. " unkn wn men wer unwilling Tn the future, perha p s we to hnve their stories pu t in can aim to give UT first year t1us article. One anonymous a more genuine welcome. fi rst-year reported that she was approached by an older nlO e student, while "Just trying to have a good time with [her] friend ." She sai she wi h d students ould si m ply enjoy themselves "wiU1Out ieeling the pressure to grind." Many have no idea how to react to !he ad vances of typicalJy older students on the second day of their colleg experi nc W uld saying no lead to www. £aeehook.eo m/ social stigma? How does on respond to this twisted n a. t:tudenttv complimenl? The ASPLU dance, intentional ly or not, sets a

was one of t he fir. t night · we were here a big social y ars, naturally a guy LC) g ing t pit his game. '

\tn II) . C.hi on I' 1 Tlle PI10t r D» 0 pt. 14 is. ue IS S til of 4 'aIe


e left B' 'cglia n th g. N ntalie PeUlur [rom hl u; Meghann and on the ri

tuden s talk


the Blood Bank .

abol t :rinding watch the f ill video at.




T. Fr' EDIT R J sica 'frundscll lrond j mp u.fdu A&E EDITOR




I III th �..w t l)rlal . pnIt! am rti " n1l'1I1 d .. 11 .1

arm rqJl't t'ul l hOSt' uf l tw PIA l

admUIL'ltral iuu. fucu ty.

Tlv MlXlfI1I9 �Lnff'.

Our r1rimary rt'<;ponsibilitJ; the ] L l




( lmmwrity. III

is I r

Corree ions


and SAPET. Empowerment and knowledge are m eant to be taken away from the presentations, no t fear. The final " first-year fright" said "not o nly is rape statistically probable, bu t d anger can pr ad �o campus from the treets of Parkland ." Statistics provided during U1ese programs are absolutely eye-opening. One in lour college women will be sexually . assaulted in her liletime . Personally, I would much rather b aware of tJle realities f my si tuati n than ign rant. If an a u di ence member walks away from a presentation uncomfortable, that is an j mpor tant moment for self­ re flection. I can only wish the whu penned columnist. "First-year frigh t " walk away from future presentations of Green Dot or SAPET with more knowledge . Survivors of sexual assault are reading this column, and it was unethical of the lumnists and editors of the Mast to present the idea of sexual assaul t as a jok .



Tlri.'i commwrity

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Tilt I fflJ �f(�I

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Ie. Domin

dmlll/lt"nr@p[u rd"


lTOR Amelia Heath Ittalham@pludu


Kelsey Hilmes


'l i/lII f'skl@plu.rdli




nt iun "f1i'1l

EDITOR . apply onlint

COPY EDIT RS Positions uprn - apply onlin!

ADVl as ClilT Rowe Art Land

athan Shonp .tlwupna@/)/u.t'du






EPT. 28. 2012

, Proc ratination I is a part of l· fe good grades, you c.m only ha re two. TIlal U' true. But only if ou orocrastinat

'PORT: WrroR

·hol1pua@plu. du


homewor assignments, r adin and tudying . y u complete limited amounts on a nightly basis as opposed to taying up until two in the morning with an early morning cla. s. As all of you young ters will pr . umabl j experience the tat nigh and pamfully early mornings, try to am om them. Putting off . large as ignment!> ruins you r m gh t and the following day. Then you are h nded th� a 'SI nment V(lU tu rned 10 only 0 realiZe the last page Plan

cited to to


of 'our p<lper makes no se b use th t last Rock tar you ha d was starting to w('ar off and y u.r eyeli were

literally taped open. You may lau h. Bu t it i much more realis c po� ibihty than 'ou Hunk. Whim I've b en n th rink f falling fa\;e first my keybo< rd, my o-h 1 pus l-Up . ge e 1 flowing a little bit ;and wake. me up. I l<;o don't have an Sc tm tape In my room. VVhde I hved in the dorm 1 did pull-ups on the prink] r p Ie in Tingleslad. I am r lative ly positi :e you an

still see where 1 worked off hlte pamt on some of the the pipe of seventh floor While doing p I hup , p ul l-u ps or whate r I can think 01 to st y e n ciou� to finish my increasingly

mediocre assignment, 1 wi 'h T hadn't pr crastinat d . j I think abou t how ni vould have been to pOImd out " mall portions of the a� over the course of

th� final week 0PP sed to falling ba k on old hab! dlld waiting until the last minu te. When you go to class the day before your a5slgnOlenl l� dut', be the person who has it done. Be the person everyone I jealous of Be the perS(JI who gets a gu d grade Dou't be the person t1.l ill th library on a sunny day. Don t be the pers n \,,. h walk out of the library wh n It doses on in th morning and I only hal va don . D n't be a procca.; inator Proc:rastmating ' a par 01 Uege. It i ing to ltlp en. Bu th m re lU can limit it, u will ;Ie. tile b ott t won't b� 1 ng be are . ou iI. are a senior wishin y u had planne 1 bet er vet ynur four Year hp,re And I can promise YOll it is gomg to be weird cdlting yo u r If a senior.



Thank you to everyone ho voted in the elections last week. All of those elected are excited and ready to get working this year. Please take note of your residence hall senator and


the new senators at-large who may live in your hall or are in one of your classes. We encourage you to use them as a resource. Tell them your concerns or the things you love about PLU. They are ultimately here for you and to share your voice. Don't forget about the Homecoming dance, "Off to

the Races," happening this Saturday, Sept. 29 at Emerald Downs from 9 p.m.-12 a.m. Tickets are $25 at Campus Concierge but the price will increase for those who buy them at the door so get them now! We cannot wait to see everyone dressed up in their 1920's outfit or semi-formal wear.

C olumnist cuts out complaining

Gregor Uvila


There i something we all have in camm n. It is something that start c nve ations in th C romons. It lurk beneath the quiet conversahon in every class. It is damaging to few and beneficial to even less I t can be innocent, but very rarely . Even as I type, I am contribu ting to the never ending cycle. And more often than not, people don't twice before nodding in agreement. I ' m talking about ems complammg.




abo ut that dialogue that bonds us all together. As soon as one thing doesn't go according to plan, we

we find t car ry

I'm not talking about constructive mticism. I'm ab ut lazy conver aoons. It seems as though we find it so difficult to carry on decent conversations without compLaining. It is rare to have intelligent conversations where we can relate wilhout being narciSSIstic. The other d ay T was walking int das and someone commented that it was an "ungodly" time to be up in the morning. 1 think i t was about 8 a.m. Is this the best we can do' Often times it seems as though instead of discussing the contents of homework we discuss it in ex tremes. The homework was either too easy, and a waste of time, or too difficult, and the p rofessor needs to teach the

material better. I think that a good rant is

_ ....


a great bondmg mechanism for some peop e. helps r p e p I e relate to one another. Someon might sav, as though "Oh man! The it difficult chocolate nulk is machine on dec empty again."


c o nVe rs at i o n s


I m media te� y

you will W 1 t h o U notic people nodding and complaining. adding their experiences )0 k for the to sympathy. conversations. Actual ly, M a y b e we don't just look for friendships will be born in sympathy. this type of dialogue. We attack wh ever caused I won't ask for everyone us such pain. to stop complaining. That is We complain about not unrealistic and I don't think having trays to cram all of it actually ad resses the real our food on so that we can issue. gorge ourselves at dinner If you want to rant and time. rave, and it helps to keep We complain about the you sane, then continue. I chocolate milk m achine just hope that on a regular bei g empty and resorting basis we listen to ourselves. to two percent milk. building Try I hear complaints when conversations other on the Wi-Fi is not working things. for several minutes in our Be critical of important rooms. problems, but don't let We never stop hearing petty issues rule your the overpriced about conversations. textbooks.

CLASSIFIEDS: HOUSING oms for rent $40 0 - $450 1 bi ck from campus. Rent includes includes all utilities, cable, wid, p rking, lawn service and large yard. Call 25:3.988.3414.


HONDA 1988 GL1500






Reyna's delivery driver wanted!


Deliver on foot to PLU campus




and to locations close by. Inquire with Felix at Reyna's.












S U D O KU H i gh F i ves

2 8 9


I� 1


-- -




3 '








r!>.- 8

4 8



: 2 5 1




81 ' 5!

1 2


3 6



13 1

3 :


3 ;

I-ra19 j 2










8 4




: 7














by Stewart Berg

--_. -





7- 1


6 8 2





- _.




3 5 1 3




"_ ..


[8 -ri


:7 4 2

�-4 , - IS rl- 5 ---'-- [2 -



8 9




9 3 2 6

2 , 7 ;9




-' f-:�6

5 3 9 7


7 5




4 3




5 1


9 5 -2


SEPT. 28, 2012

4 ;



-,� . -.-

6 4

3 :



1 6 5

--- ..._.. "_..

8 ; 4








5 6


--- ---


sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes_ Each row, co l u m n and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain tile

Sudoku H igh Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids

n u m bers 1 th rough

9 without repetitlon_ The numbers in

any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to e ach of the Individual Sudokus_

Universal Crossword

Edited by Timothy E Pari<er September 23, 20 1 2

ACROSS 1 Overhead storage spot 6 Cold War-era alliance 10 Furtive call for attention 14 Game akin to bingo 15 Voting group 16 Dust Bowl denizen 17 Center of the world? 1 9 Beguiling trick 20 A nose that s hows 21 lAX g uesstimate 22 Slaughter the slugger 23 Dakota, once (Abbr. ) 25 Devour, slangilv (with

"down�1) 27 WNot to

ment ion ... " 30 For all time, poetically 32 Overturned

35 Ready alternative 36 Without dawdli ng i n memos 38 Japanese



cartoons 39 One way 41

43 44 46

to serve 2-Down Battlefield doc Pesky Insect Broken, on a ranch Mag editor


Brown 47 Tat exchange 48 Eternally 50 "Flags of Fathers" 51 Winter Olympics host in '52 52 Planning meeting input 54 Contented cat sound 56 Hyperbolic function 58 Wedding notice word 60 Marina sights 63 Uke some awakenings 64 Kind of oil 67 Geographi­ cal statistic 68 Adjust to the correct itch 69 ad duck 70 Hair lin e 71 Ladd or Thicke 72 Diary addition DOWN 1 Vtgoda of sitcoms 2 Dayti me socials 3 Small mountain lake 4 All together 5 Silver salmon

6 7 8





13 18

24 26

27 28



33 34


Arctic and Atlantic Turning on (with "up") Misers Farm storage structure Golfer's props Trout's home Put to zero Professional org. since 1 847 Writer Laos Not widespread Rousing speec h or type of watch AM receiver Alternative to text messages Petty quarrel Calendar

40 42 45 49 51










model, perhaps Race rarity Tenor Enrico Hair coloring Sacred places of pilgrimage Prayer book selection Capital of South Korea Kitchen appliance Mouse catcher Psychic radiance Volcano i n Sicily 40-day period of penitence Reader of the future Yellow Monopoly bill Do a carwash job





ABC rival Burn soother Legal wrongs

tl 20 1 2 Universal Uclick

WWW upuzz!


Are you going to Homecoming? Why or why not?

" I'm not going because it's at a stupid place. Last year's was on a boat but tbis year's isn't as cool!' Helene Beck, sophomore

"No I m not going because I'm as busy as I can be right now with classes!' James Hatley, sophomore

"1' m going because


I like to

Stephanie Miller, sophomore

"The gam or the dance? I'm ju t going to the game because J haven't been since last year. " Darien Upshaw, sophomore


SEPT. 2 8, 2012




Men's Soccer

Women's Soccer

Upcoming Games

Upcoming Games

Upcoming Garnes

S�t. 29 v . Linfitld, 12:30 p.m. Oct. 6 at Lewi.s and Clark. ] p.m.

Sept. 28 at Pacific. 7 p.m. Sepf. 29 at Wi/lamette. 7p.m.

Upcoming Games

(28-14): Sept. is liS. Redlands Loss (37-3): Sept. 8 s. Calif: Luth.

Previous Games Win (3-1): Sept. 22 115. Linfield

Previous Game s

Previous Games Win

Win (3-0): Sept. 21 v.�. Lew!;; and Clark

Sept. 29 at Whitworth, 2:30 p.m. Sept. 30 at Whitman, 2:30 p.m.

Cross COlUltry

Upcoming Games

Sept. 29 at Whitworth. noon

Sept. 29, PLU Invitational, 10 a.m.

Sept. 30 at Whitman, noon

Win (2-1)' Sept. f3 at Willamette

Win (3-0): Sept. 22 at Linfield

Previous Garnes Loss (2-0): Sept. 23 at Linfield Tit (0-0): Sept. 22 at Le[l)i.� and Clo.rk

Pr evio us Game s

Sept . 15. SlLnd�r Iuitational. MXC (J7th). "'XC (J6th)

Ultimate Frisbee team open to a I

_ .' .

After struggling four years ago, ultimate Frisbee team is thriving Brandon Adam



Reign, Pacinc Lutheran' s competitive ul timate Fnsbee team, promotes a chance for everyone to participat and be an athlete. is exp�rience "No required," senIor handler Rvan Mitchell, also referred to as "Beanz" by his teammates, said . "Ninety--eight percent of people who play never played competitive frisbee." club'. obj ctive is to invite students of all different athletic levels to participate. No tryouts are necessary nor does a player require an impressive resume of athleticism .




fun communi ty,


senior Brian Fligg said. Higg describes the club as a sport that is ea y to pick up and is not as demanding as other varsity ports. "It's an option for people to be athletic and run around," Higg said. Though ultimate F risbee is a fun sport for students to

pick up and play, Reign team

first year at PLU. He played along while still





' It's

an option for

people to be athletic and run around."

play i ng

The club consists of veteran


their year t


ad van ce to

H e rz feI d t- K a m p ra t h

started playing ultimate in his




ag .


and teamwork, they

progressed and barely missed

ad van cin g



tournament last year. Senior




Hoover said he was lmpressed

as a first year.

played sports .in

to commit to a varsity team .

"This year we're looking solid,"


has developed since he played

high school but did not want



rough start when they were





by how much the team's skHl

Brian Higg


seniors who feel this will be


in skill

to have fun, said senior team captain

Herzfe1d t-

Kamprath said.


members still take the sport seriously but are al

the tea m was









everyone to play.


Hoover said the club is to

"welcome groups of guys and

g i rls that want to share sport with


s many p eople as

poss ib le . "

Many of the players come







Herzfeld t­

Kamp rath played soccer and

Mitchel l



The team has a lso included students who played v arsity

sports during their enrollment

on e game," Hoover said . "We

at PLU.

nationals .

offseason preparing for its fir st

have a real shot of taking

Hoover t akes the sport as "

seriously as any other athletic

event but the club's mission

The team is currently in its

tourn amen t,


Sund dger

Tournament at the University of Washington, in November.


ABOVE: Senior Mark I1cnfeldt-Kamprnth defends lW ultimare Frisbee plllyer from Washingh'n Slate Universi� during the 2012 FLU L timate Bl\.Tbequc. TOP: enior Tim Hurd jump8 for the disk at 'racoma Summer I"ca rue gamc thi.'I sllmmer.



Nathan Shoup

P RTS EDITOR shoupna@pl


It's Lhe m st wonderful lime of the year Not Chri Stn1 as. Fall The NFL season is three weeks in. College fo tball is already off to an .intriguing tart. And the MLB playoff race i on its final lap. N body m their right mind, living outside of Phoenix, thought the Arizona Cardinals would b 3-0 with victories over the New England Palriots and Phllad lphia Eagles. The replacement officials have proven to be more of a source of entertainment than a ource for officiating games. On Sunday Night Football l wasn't UTe if we were walching a football game or an interesting new game called " watch the unqualified referees allow the Ravens and Patriots to do whatever they want." Monday Night Football this week was a beast of its own. The referees seemingly dtd all but pick the winner in a 14-1 2 Seahawks win. In college football, few thought the Oregon State Beavers would be 2-0, knocking off two ranked teams, no. 1 3 Wisconsin and no. 1 9 UCLA. And the Andrew Luck-Ie s Stanford Cardinals beat no. 2 USc. Th be.! t part is we till have nine weeks of the regular season rem aining. In Major League Baseball, including today, there are six day of regular season baseball left to be played. This is the first s a n that two wildcard teams fT m ·ach league will advance to the po tscas n.


e Southem Trol n

Ducks I C lOami

Eug ne




2SO miles from the Pacific is

Lutheran University campus, yet for some reason there appear to be more Duck fans at PLU than anylhing else. If you can' t watch an Oregon game, just d1eck your Facebook feed . 1 p r mise you half o f your £ d win consist of people lalking about Oregon's "new" uniforms and game updates. On SatuTday, Nov. 3 the Ducks travel to Lo Angeles to take on no. 13 USc. The Ducks are currently ranked no. 2 This matchup has already been dubbed the preview for the Pac-12 championship game. Whether the two teams meet again in the postseason r not, it is a m sl watch.

Prediction: Last year the Trojans went into Eugene and ended the Ducks' title hopes with a 38-35 victory. The Ducks were no. 4 in the country before the loss. Senior quarterback Matt BaTkley is playing one of his last hom games ever in a Trojan unit rID. H kn ked off the Ducks la t year and he will do it again. Oregon has an improved defense but the Trojans will end the Ducks national title hopes for a sec nd straight year in a shootout.

2 . R a Dl s - S e a h a serl s


It seems that everyone has that one friend that, for some reason, like the Rams. That's a tough ne 1 comprehend 'The Rams have been domg a superb job of bdng a placcmat for the NFC fot the past several years. This series brings out even the least committed ahawk fans. Regardless, the Ram and Seahawks rivalry is alway!; fun t walch.

To Ii e musi-see I II spar g e e I 'or the northwest

The Seahawks travel to St. Louis t play the Rams this Sunday and play host to the Rams the last week f the season, Sunday, Dec. 30.

The Seahawks against the Rams dating back to 2005 . With a resurgent Seahawks defense and an exciting new quarterback in Russell Wilson it is tough to pick against Seattle. So I won' t. The Seahawks will win in a dogfight Sunday as the Rams have shown igns of life under new Head Coach Jeff Fisher. And no road game is ever easy - unless you are playing the Browns. n we k 1 7 the Seahawks will be fighting fOT pl ayoff positioning and the Seahawks don't lose at home. The Seahawks will help the Rams l and a top five draft pick. Again.

Prediction: are 1 3-1

3. lpple C p

The University of Washin gton and Washington State matchup is slowly garnering more attention as both teams claw toward relevancy. The Huskies knocked off Nebraska in the Holiday Bowl two years ago and Were a few tackles away from bealing Reisman tro phy winner Robert Griffin m m th Alam B wl la t year. The C ugar, have created a buzz of their own tmder fonner Texas Tech Head Coach Mike Leach. Al 2-2. It' tough lo find four more WInS 011 the Cougars' chedulc t make th m bowl eligible bu t anything can happen in coli g football. An Apple Cup victory could potentiaUy propel the Cougars to thei r first bowl game . ino 2003.


The Mast Monday Night Football pick 'em It wa a louchd wn. f L wa an interc pti n. People can argue all they want but whatever it wa , it resulted in a ] 4-12 Seahawk win on Monday. Loomis Gutierrez and remained undeieated after the ''Fail Mary" while RIlchey and McDalliel dropped to 0-2. Unfortunately for the Seahawks, th dl�gu 'ting stat of acldng ar n R dg rs nine time \ cnt compI 'tcly over! ked. Before the gam , Jon Grud n said he w uld b ' the fi r t to say the Seahaw wer for real U the Seal1awk could pull off vi tory. Irute d oi d lanng aha a Icgihmale lh � contender after the g<lm�, Gruden wi d into :the camera. I ll' slamme d the replacement officials and the NFL for don fating the •

curren t

disagreement with the real officials. If I'm Roger Goodell, I'm not trying t get on Jon rod n' bad s i de. He is a terrifying man. This week the B ars traver t Dallas n Mond y N ighl Foolball . T b l Y u th game won't be as controver"iaL Actually, it's completely (l sible

Chicago at . Dallas

SE PT. 28. 2012

Shane Gutierrez. pick: CUI record: 2-0 Geoff L..o omis pick: DIU. record: 2-0 Stacey l-/agensen p ick: DfU... record: 1-1

Prediction: The Huskies have won the last three Apple Cups. The game is played in Pullm an this year and anything can happen in the elements n the Palouse. TI,e Cougars blew a 1 7-pomt 1 ad wi th seven minutes Iemaining at home last weekend to the lowly University of Colorado Buffal s. Keith Price and the .fest of the Huskie will be too much for the Cougar. on I ov. 23. Perhaps in couple years, Cougar fans.

4. CIv I War The I ne reaSOn this game falls b hin the Apple Cup in my rankings 1 S for geographical rea ons. H usky Stadium is a 45-minu te drive North on 1-5, people. State, Oregon The of Oregon University matchup is always a fun watch regardless of your team affiliation. It seems that every year one of the teams i fighting for a Rose Bowl birth. In all likelihood the Ducks will once again be playing for ro es, or ven for a national tiLle birth. The B av rs however are 2-0 knocking off no. 13 Wisconsin and no. 19 UCLA in Los AngeLe, last we kend. 5 this game could be ruaal for b th teams. The talent level on b th learns, the rivalry, and the significance of the game i tself makes i t a mu t watch at no. 4. The Civil War will be played on Saturday, Nov. 24. The last time regon State wa able to beat th ir m- tate rival was in 2007, in Eugene. Th(' game will be played in Corvallis thi year. No matter the angle you look at tIus game from, it 1 challenging to enVlsion the Ducks falling in their la, t gam of L1,e r gular season.


TI,e Bea eTS have already tum d a few heads, jumping to no. 18 in th pollst but at n . 2 the Ducks are - well th �y're the Ducks. It seem. like they never lose. The Beaver will be ab) tu keep it lose until h alftime but the Ducks will pull away in the sec nd half.

5. MLB PI voDs The only northwest baseball team, the Mariners, aren't going to make the playoffs. Big surpri e, 1 know. But there is something about watclung playoff baseball Known for their lack of em tion, major league baseball players finally wear Ll1eir hearts on their sleeve. Win or go home. It's the cha tor October. . Ttlli the first year two wildcard teams from each ]eagu , the American League and the National League, will advance to the p tsea on. The wildcard games will be played next Friday, Oct 5. TI1e two winne rs of those single games ad vance to the best-of-five division series. And for the 10 ers - enjoy your team barbeque. F uture Ha II f Farner Chipper Jones will lead the Atlanta Braves to the World Series in this, his last season. The Rangers will prove th y are the be t team in tile American League with consIStenl hitting and arguably tile best bullpen in baseball After 1 ing the la t two Fall Oassics, the Ranger finally get over the hump and hoist the World Sen s Trophy in SlX games. Rangers Manag r Ron Washington will once again pro e just as exciting as th play on field with his in­ dugout celebrati ns.

Pred iction:

uticrrcz reaeved an even number of hair compliments this week so he was forced to pick the away team. Rumor has it the number was two. B th from his girlfriend

Loomis has revealed the se ret to his 2-4l start Nintendo 64. " 1 play d this matchup sev ral tim on tl,e N intendo 64 in the early 90' and Cowboys alway w n."

Incorrectly picking Monday's game wa. lhe first time Hagensen has 10 t at anything since her middJ h 1 ba ketball team 10 t. he s ored 3 points.

L.ance L.. u te pick: CHI record: 1-1

lance ited a hi enng interaction with cl Cowb ,y IT m 1964 as ride his rea n to pick Chi ago, Lance is Iryin� to find a way il Bear d uring all PL athletic events.

Ste ve Dickerson pick: CHI record: 7- 1

Everythmg is b1gg r Ul Texas, Including Dickerson's opinion f Dallas' own r. " I'm g ing with th bear f r 'nvironm 'nt I reasons anJ an t', tr m� di liking of Jemr Jones."

Do/ton Ritchey pick: DfU.,. retord: 0-2 illlison McDaniel pick: CHI record: 0-2

McDanid wa. called Roger


0 about the 'ndm9: 0 dell 74 times. He dldn answer.


SEPT. 28, 2012


Women's soccer succeeding early Lutes have already won half as many games as 2011 The

Sam Hom


a tie is nam of the game of the w men'e;


em.ingJy the

occer team at Padfic

Lutheran University. Currently in conference play, th team stands in sixth place with no wins and one loss, accompanied with three ties. The women's overall record is 2-1-3. f their most One recent gam s, last Saturday, was p l ayed for a whopping 110 minutes, which included two overt:ime periods. Neither PLU nor LewIS and Clark College manage d to s ore in the game, resulting in a 0-0

draw. Again t the Lewis and

Clark Pioneer , starting mst-year goalkeeper Marisa Gonzalez

had five prot ting




conference games


dclen� in a solid sh wca e, Gonzalez has allowed six goals on 97 shots faced. Gonzalez has made 33 saves, an average of over

fht saves per gam ,



agahlS t Puget Sound and Pacific. The Lutes tied those games 2-2 and I -I, t spectively. Th Lutes lone loss came to n . 25 Linfield,

0-2 on Sept. 23. Another fir t year in

the spo tli gh t is Lauren Larson, a forward from University Place, Wash. She currently leads the team in scoring, with her goal tally at five. Larson has 19 shots on goal in si games this season. Larson racked up

mu ltiple awards during her high ch oj care r.



Mention All-South Puget Sound L ague South recognition and was named best offensive p laye r at Curtis High She

School. Hannah

Bush, a midfielder for the Lut 5, is the leader in assis ts with fo u r of th.e team' s seven . She started in five of 1 3 matches last year. The backhne for the Lute p rov ides depth and Seni r talent. Erica Boyle le ads an experienced back four t protect keeper Gonzalez.


Brenna Sophomore Sussman is coming back from an injury riddled first season and has started every game so far for lhe Lutes.

.-- -

Blak Warner, who led th e team in ass' is lasL year, is back for more action on the pitch. J uni r Kristi Fellow


D' Allessandro polishes off the group of defenders for the Lutes. D' Allessandro started nine of 16 matches last year during her sophomore year.

The Lutes have utscored their opponents 8-7 so far this season. Last ason the

Lutes manag d to w i n four games. Si gam� into the 201 1 season, the first under new Head Coach Seth Spidahl, the Lu tes already have two. The Lutes finished ill seventh pJace ut of nin teams in th N rthw t Conference last season. With 11 games its on remaining schedule, Lhe Lutes play against Whitworth Sept. 29 and Whitman the 'ollowing day. Both games are away,


TOP: [i'in;l- �ar forward Kclsi Woocls hlLlUc� lor the ball B).rainsl Lewi� ,md lark 1a�1 I\l urclu�. The Lutes Md pion't·rs •• ndccl wi t h 1\ o l luhl!! nvertituc. (HI draw LEFT: ,IunioT lh'fl"lldl'r Kri ti I )' UleSSll nt lru drlhhll!. lust �l1lllrduy. ABOVE MIDDLE: li'inll -ycar mitllielder 1 lliley l,).'IllIlD chllli c.� down lhe hall riurfng . aturdfl) 'S OIILich. AD VE: .hUliflr dc1enuer Mariah fmul -rnllSlictl eullid 's ,,; 1 1 , n dcl�lItier of I I,!! Pioneer golll I.n.� l • IllurUli ' while senior dclcndcr I!:riCtL Duyle ADd �ophomutc udcntler Urennll SU!;J:IlIIn n PUfloui I •


Lutes gear


SEPT. 28, 2012



Pacific Lutheran football team prepares for toughest test of season Steven


Us in g the b ye week, the Lutes had hvo we s to prepare for t morrow's matchup with Linfield. The Wildcats will walk into Sparks Stad i um as the no. 3 team in lhe country. Kickoff is set for U:30 p .m . at Sparks Stadium in Puyallup. The Lutes and Wi ld c a ts have a r iva J ry d ating back to 1933. Pacific Lu thera n is 9-1 ] 1 at home in the seri against Linfield. TIle last time Pacific Lutheran beat the Wildcats wa s in 2001 in McMinville, Ore. The series fav or s Linfield

36-21 -4.

" Linfie ld a l w ays has great football teams, but anything can h appen on Sa turd ay, " sophomor ti gh t end Lucas

Sontra said. Linfiel d comes into this g ame undefeated at 3-0. Two of the three victories came within

the comfortable confines of


their home, Maxwell Field, a ga ins t Hard in-Simmons and Menlo. Their tJurd victory came in il win la t weekend at California Lutheran. Mickey Inns lead_ the Wildcals offense. TIl£' seni o r quarterback is a two-yea r starler and has thr wn seven touchdowns ' Lhj season. Jo in ing Inns in the backfield i the running back tan dem of senior Josh I-Iill cmd freshman Jo hn haffer. lIill will receive

the majority of the carries, but look for Shaff r to h a ve an i m pa ct on Saturday .

Inns d o s not ha e a favorite receiver to target on the field, instead h has connected with eight d ifferent receivers during LinfIeld's th ree game winni ng streak to start the season. The Wildcats' defense is anchored by Junior m i dd le linebacker D minique Forrest, a tWI ) ear "itarter and U,e t am" leading tackler. The I'LL running back tand tml f serti rs Brandon James and C od y l'ohren will u ndoubtedly become ia mi l i a r with Forrest. Coming off an imp rtant win a gainst Redland in Cal ifornia lWo week" ago and a bye last week, Pacific









Points per game


426 .0

Yards per game


3 1 4.0

Pass yards per game



Penalty yards per game


25. 5

PPG Allowed

24. 7

343 . 5

YPG Allowed





Lutheran h a d two fuJI week of practice to prepare for the Wil d c a t s . "We m a d e ure thal we were getting after i t .i n practice so tnat we can come oul Saturday con fi d nt in o u r

abilities- a a team and take care of business," Sontra said . The Lutes were dominant against Redlands, tak ing a


efeat rng them right the




definit ly be exci tin o' and



tOIle fOl' the



st of the

(' nference play."

Lucas Sontra . ophoUlore

ght end

comfortable Jead ea rl and h Idi g n t d 28-14 vin. Pa -Ific Lutheran relies hea\ ily on the a rm f sophomore quarterback DalL n Ritchey. Ritchey has hll every receiver in the opening two gam of the sea on, even phomore getti ng the bal l to lin·man Zach 'Phel p. . [t will be crucial faT the Lutes to put the ball

in the hands of all oi thei r playmakers and to keep the secondary of the Wil d ca ts off­

balance throughout the game. The defen e i. looki ng to build off an exceptional against performance Red lands. Junior cornerback Johnny Volland i ntercepted his third pa_s f the ea on againsl Redlands and n ior Erik





takeaway, which he returned lor a Pacific Lu theran


The third turnover against R d land wa for d by jtmior safety Sean McFadden. The

Lute recovered . The leaders of the defense are juruor mi d d le lin backer Da lt n

Da rm dy, who ha' 1 4 tackles in two games. R u n -stu ffi ng junior defensive uneman Mychael uiasosopo ha 13 tackles on the eason. The Wi ldca ts have gone to the playoffs the last 1 2 sea:;ons, becoming lh · learn to beal in the NorthwesL Curuerence. "0 fcaling thml righ t off the bat would definitely be citing a n d t a positive t ne for the re st of con1erence pl ay, bUI we need t treal every game the same," Son lra said , "Tea ms nt to beal us, but if we be us, the scoreboard will take care of it elf."

re orded

I re. S(jll �I) J Oct. 6



and Clark


1 3 at Pacific


20 vs.

Will amette

Oct. 27 at Puget Sound


T P: l Iead LUDch Scot t " btcrin hoist,; 3. pl3.yuook I'ur lhe IIC(lul lcrun nf!en,;c illtrinl; pnwlkc: 1Ji.�1 ",...ek. 1'... �mt Luth=ul hru l !I uy · st we ·k. The Lutes acl' 4-4 arlee It b>" wcck under Wcslcrill� ABOVE:tiophotltoce backup qunrterbuck I\{oVill IW sell lllo\a; umnJ.fieki in (.lrnt'lil- · wI week.

Nov. 3 vs. Whitworth

Nov. 1 0

at Menlo

The Lutes own a 35- 1 0 - 1 series advantage over the Pioneers. The Lutes haven't lost to the Boxers since

1 972. Pacific Lutheran ho ld s a 24- 1 6 -2 advantage

over the Bearcats.

The Lutes have topped the Loggers the last 24 meetings.


23 of

The Lutes snapped a ix-game losing streak to the PI rates in 2 0 1 0 .

Men lo and Lhe Lute have only m e t ten

times. The Lutes have won n i ne of them.

Editor calls 'Fifty Shades of Grey'

e ros country teams race

dangerous, inaccurate and poorly

only meet at home




www.plu..e du/rnast

OCT. 5, 2012


Students talk sex fetishe s Culture,

hi y Gill

The panel was a sked ultip l e questions, including what the potential da n ger of ind ulgin g in fetishes could be There can be health hazards with blood fetishes or physical dangers when using materials such as rope. Common types of fetishes, which inv lve leath r, power exchange, bondag , role play and ven bod y parts, wert! the lyp es of sexual preferences discussed. The speakers also educated the audience ab ut ·exuali ty and fetishes a a whole, explainmg its naturalness, and that exploring those aspects of sex can b beneficial. Gabosch has been talking to students about BDSM (bondage, dominance, and sadomasochiSm), m u l tip l relalionshIp a n d kink since





An they cou ld lalk about

was se ' Fetishe. were the main top i c of lhe first Sex+ (Sex Posi tive) series event of the­ year n Monday, Ro m 1 33 of lhe Anderson University center (AUC) ran out of chairs with more lhan 1 00 students, so me only abl to ta nd on the ide lines l r it n th noo r listerung to lhe topic. of _ ,

fetishes. Four panel members from the Center for Sex Posi ave Cultur� in Seattle sha red therr experiences with f ti 'h(!s, and answered qu slion d iscussed the center.

include Jim Member Duvall, memb r of th b aT or foundaron of Sex Po H ive Sozutcki, Cu l tu re, Koe

1994. "I am pas ionat about what I do. r think whal we do makes a d iffe rence in people's lives," Gabosch sai d. "I didn' t

p rofe iona l educator for thl' lcnter, Al Iena Gabosch, execu l1ve direcrorof the Center faT Sex Positive Cu lture, and Kaj'la Glenn, a volunteer at the Center: for Sex Positive

get that kind o f ed ucati n I h ad to learn i t on my own . This way we're giving people

Ku(> fimmldi.i, prol(�. innal ctlu 'll n r a l l ite Cenl! r lilT S of I he find . I',' (:\'\'l1t, nn fcti�hcll. 01'1, 1. Tbc nex l .. " , II lupic ul hj� IUIl·I�.

an opportunity to get an Idea of the things that make them lick al an early age, We, at the cenler, gIve people the pe rm i s si on to be the sex u a l beings lhal lhey already are." The panel explained that

PlTOTO BY KlUU 101l.'j

PusiliH' 'ull IlTt· i l l atlle. 11Il WI:N �1 1Il1t�l1t qll,'sl i ns Ill l h,> end ev"nl will he Ott. 21l i n ,\ndenllJ l I lllh "!'>iiI:) Ct'lIll,'r mum 13.� l i n

fetishes are not just d efined by what p opJe a re attra cted to, Fetishe..<; can b . for mal rial thmgs or si tua ti o n s as well a p ople's characteristics. Ap cts such as body hair and even construction ,

equipment, lik bulldozer , can be feti h ) , "You could be attracted to any lhing, anylhing can get


No. 3 Linfie d runs away from Lute s

After jumping out to early 14 - 0 lead, football team cannot hang on Steven McGrain


rncgrl:ti l@pl u. dll

Lutheran's Pad fie homec ming game Saturday nearly spoiled no. 3 Linfield's run at an undefeated eason befo re the Lutes fell 31 -24. The Pacific Lutheran Hall of Fame members were introduced and the National

A&E harli



Eric TIutchin. on perform casual Homecoming concert , p. 7


Softba ll team received their rings in front of ov r 3,500 p clatm . The L utes jumped ou t to an early 14-0 lead m the first six mmutes of the game. "The be ginning of the game was real important; it established conb·ol early and l et Unfield know we were he re to ba ttl /' junior l inebacker

Jo rd an Patter on aid.

The Pacific Lu theran offense was the first group to set foot on the field and the Wildca go t a taste of the 2012 Lutes, It only took four plays for the first points to be put lip on the scoreboard .







Ga.rfield Street

Rd ilor ranks

Hour of No Power kicks oft·

Editor em:ouruge Hllslninll.ble if-campus habit p. lO

News pp. 1 �4


�tion A . i ty

actions of





footbal\ antI volleyball teams. p. 14

umpu,·-wide sustain nbili ty event, UnPLUgged. p. 3


A&E pp. 5-7

Focus pp. 8-9 Opinion pp. 10-11 Study Break p, 12 ports pp. 13-16



OCT 5, 2 0 12 .




S T RD.'>Y









Students go 'off to the race s ' for Homecom e ng 2 0 2



ts dallce at Homecoming 2012 Saturday at Emerald Downs Racetrack in Auburn. The theme of' thc dance, put on by ASPLU, was "Off to the Races" and 36.5 tickets were sold, according to ASPLU

public relat ions rllrec tor Hillary Powell.

For more on Homecoming 2012, see A dE pp. 6-7.


CT. 5, 2012

Taylor Lunka




. conse�vation program


electrifies campus

S'mores by the fire, glow in the dark Frisbees and Pacific Lutheran University students surrounded the Pflueger .firepit on Sept. 25 from 9:3010:30 p.m. to mark the official Hour of N Power event. In an effort to reduce the amount of electricity used on campus, t he Residence Hall

Association sustainability directors hosted more than 100 students at the event. While students do not think about having their laptop or phone chargers plugged in constantly, Anna Pfohl, sustainability director for the Resident Hall Association, said she wants students to realize


Junior Princess Reese and Senior Lauren Fairley use spray chalk to advertise

way to get the school involved," Farley said. The spray paint graph will

UnPLUgged in front of t.he Anderson University Center. "It's super fun and is 11 good


cek by week how much energy elLch residence hall is saving.

local BRIEFS

Jesse M�or GUEsT WRITER Seventh charged in death of Lakewood man

Jon Joseph Brown, 60, was arraigned Oct. 3 On cl1arges oE first..o.egrec murd r, first--<iegree kidru,lpping and first-� robbery in the death of Dean

Barker. 51, last m nth, The News Tribune repa d. Prosecutors allege that Barker

tied up and robbed while at Brown's hoUSE:' in South Tacoma on SE-pt. 7. His body was found at a vacant house in raham. 1vled1cal Examtners sald Barker ,ad been !>trangled, The News Tribune l' ported. BroVvll is one of $even • argeu with thIS aim �.. e News Tribun� reporld. Five of th others pleaded not guilty a 1. 2 0 the saole charges, The ews Tribune teport£'d. The sixth.. Jeffrey Pc well II, 30, ha' been charged but not .urc!>ted. A naoom id warrant h3-<; been issued or his attest, The News Tribune reported. was beaten,

80 "year-oid man struck by car in Kent

An SO-yt'i\ r-old man wa killed Mon a jll!' t b fore 6 a.m. while

ero sing a busy road in Ken t, Tht.� New� Tribune reported. He was crossing a five-lane lOild when he walked in fronf of _

that unplugging electronics is "not that difficult." "Students don't always need to be using electricity," Pfohl said. "The idea behind Hour of No Power is to encourage people to not use it for an hour and realize it can be fun." Tasks like unplugging a laptop charger not in use or turning off a power strip is a "friendly way to decrease energy usage," Pfohl said. At the event, students were encouraged to fill out sustainability pledges and reflect on how much energy they use on a daily basis. Sophomore Stephanie Mock, who attended Hour of No Power, said she is glad to see the university focusing on another aspect of sustainabi ity besides recycling. "I think it's great that PLU is trying to be as sustainable as possible," Mock said. "It's nice to focus specifically on electricity. I think its good for awareness and to save some power." Mock makes sure she turns off lights when she leaves the room and is going to try to unplug more when she's not using her electronics. First year Michelle Spieker said she wants the university to use the saved money to go toward new sustainability products. "The money should go to new things to conserve

a vehicle driven by a 63.year�ld man. The ped�an was hit and fa aUy injured. The driver wasn't hurtl The News Tribtme reported. Pat Lowery, polic� assistant chief, said that h chose to �OS$ the busy road way while les.! than · a block from a marked cross walk and traffic signals.

Man bit with hammer

A 41-year-Old traru;ient allegedly hit a 62-year-old tr.ansient in the head with � hammer on Oct 1, The News Tribun� reported. The attack happened ,at about 4:25 p.m. outside a restroom in the 1800 block of DodE Stt�, potice said. Offh."etS f.ound the 62-year-old viC'tim suffering frQm serious head injuries. �e told police that the attacker asked for change and an argument broke oul The man with the hammer told police he was angry at the victim because he thoughf he had throWn dirt in his dinner the previous week, Mark Fulghum;, police spokelunao. said.

First Dreamliiter 24 hours late


The first commercial flight of new Boeing 787 Dreamlinec f rom Se.!ittle-Tacoma Internaltonal Airport took flight Oct. 2 more than 24 hours behind sched Ie, 1be News Tribunt" reported. a

TIle first All Nippon Auway Dreamliner flight left Sea Tae for Tokyo 24 hours and "9 minutE'!,; ehind schedule becau::. of i:l faul tv co ling . tern valve, The New's

Tribune reported. ANA provi d t::d inaugura l flight custom e rs \l\rith meal ilud hotel vouchers while the aircratl was repaired, The News Tribune r ported.

energy, like the flushers on the toilets," Spieker said. The university saves money by having students participate in Hour of No Power and other unPLUgged events. Sustainability director Christine Cooley said energy usage has decreased since the first year of unPLUgged in 2008. "The first year we did this [unPLUgged], we saved $16,000," Cooley said. "That is enough electricity to power 16 average four-person homes. Last year we saved 41 homes of electricity." Cooley. the RHA sustainability directors and volunteers around campus want to see an increas in the number of homes of electricity they can save this year. October marks the official mon th of unPLUgged. All m onth long, events on how to be more sustainable will be taking place on campus. Residence halls will compete to see which building can save the most energy.

"It's nICe to focus specifically on electricity." Stephanie Mock sophomore

A graph will be chalked in front of the Anderson University Center by the clock tower to show weekly how much each hall is saving. "This is the first time we've done it like this and we're just trying to provide people with evidence so they can make their own choices," Cooley said. President Thomas Krise will be announcing the winner of the competition Oct. 29.

Other events this month include: The film "Mother Nature' $ Child" nom 6:30-8 p.rn. in Hauge Adritinistration room 101 ou Od. 9, BPA CFO Oaudia Andrews speaking on Oct. 1 1 and a solar basics class on Oct. 20 in Morken

from 9 a.m.- 5 p.m.



OCT. 5, 2 012

Religion profe ssor pas ses away

Colleag ues re member PLU professor Kath lyn Breazea le Jessica Ttondsen


Associate Professor of Religion Kathlyn "Kathy' not use Breazeale did militaristic language to describe her cancer. Breazeale not was "fighting" or "battling" cancer, her colleague, Marit T elstad, chair of the religion depa r tmen t and associate profess cr of religion, said. "She wa.s living with it." Ttelstad said Breazeale referred to the cancer she had for two years as her "adventures in health." Trelstad Iecalled that Breaz ale, who always looked for the positive side of her diagnosis, was told by her doctor to eat seafo d daily to keep up her white blood cells. "She was very excited about that," Trelstad said. The Office of the President notified the campus via email Sept. 25 that Breazeale had passed away Sept. 23. Breazeale joined Pacific Lutheran niversity fa culty in 2001 and became a tenured associate professor in 2006, the email stated. While at PLU, Breazeale taught courses on peace studies, faith and spin tu ality, feminist and womanist theologies, women and evil, and women, nature and the sacred . SEX CONTINUED FROM PAGE l ended and you sh u ld n't be

afraid of that." The Sex+ series holds fi ve to six programs throughout the year brought to campus by the Women's Center, Diversity Center and Lute Fit. Events like these allow students to have conversallons about sexuality, sexual diversity and pleasure. " Learn, unlearn, and relearn" is a phrase the series likes to use to ed ucate students ab ou t sex. Sex+ was first b ro u ght up by Angie Hambrick, director of Lhe Diversity Center, and Jennifer Smith, director of the Women's Center, because Pacific L> theran r niversity students about ed u ca tes sexual violence, but there was not prograrnming about sexual health or pleasure. Hambrick and Smith first app lied the series on campus in tall 2010. The first to i talked about sex in genera and about the series. Thi topk, and many others for the first year, had song attached to the themes, such as "Let's Talk about Sex" by Salt N Peppa. Other topic in the included past virginity,


Breazeale's course on and feminist womanist theologies is part of the women's and gender studies program. Usa Marcus, associate professor of English and chair of the women's and gender studi s department, said she "is still p rocessing" Breazeale's death. ''It's hard t@ refer to her in the past tense," Marcus said. Breaz ale did not teach during the 201 1-20 1 2 academic yea r, but began teaching again this fall. "She didn't want to stay out of the classroom any longer. She wanted to re ume what sh loved to d o," Trelstad sai . Marcus described Breazeale as an "unfailingly generous colleague and human being." Breazeale always work d to






Beth Kraig professor of history




en:'-power students, Marcus scud. Trelstad said Breazeale was a considerate person who "always took time to ask how you're doing. She was a g od SoutheTIl hostess." Professor of history Beth Kraig said Breazeale "laughed e sily" and "tended to have a smile n her face a sailor Breazeale wa who loved th ocean and a dancer, Trelstad , aid. Trelstad said Breazeale performed dances of interpretive scripture passages at chapel three or four times over the years. Breazeale is the author of "Mutual Empowerment: A Theology of Marriage, Intimacy and Redemption," which was published in 2008. Breazeale was "very consistent from theologies to practices to teaching," Trelstad said. Breazeale was a process eco-feminist theologian, who saw God as in dialogue with the world, Trelstad said. Breazeale grew up in Natchitoches, La. and was raised during pre-racial integration, Trelstad said . Because of the civil rights Breazeale movement, "committed herself to a lifelong practice of including diversity of voices," Trelstad said. Kraig said Breazeale "thoroughly rejected violence, ."


Katblyn "Kathi" Breazeale. associate profeliSor of religion at Paclfic Lutheran

University, passed awa,y Sept. 23.

cruelty and dehumanization." Breazeale has family in Texas, California and Louisiana. She is survived by her partner, Jon Berkedal, and parents Archie and Cynthia Breazeale, the email stated. A scholarship is set up in Breazeale's name through the

PLU Office of Development. "We will all miss Kathl," Kraig said. flY, t Kathi is also very much with us, and her legacy will be visible in the warmth and care and joy that her former students and colleagues express in their lives."


memorial service for Breazeale will be held today during chapel at 10:30 a.m. in Lagerquist Concert Hall. Breazeale's churdt,. University Lutheran Church in Seattle, will hold a service for Breazeale at 2 p.m. Saturday.

c ntraception, religion and

sexuality. The Sex+ series has recently been named the NASPA (SbJ den t Affairs Administrators in Higher

innovative program of the year, which highlights that the program addresses a demonstrated need on campus, encourages diverse and multiple subgroup participation, is cost effective an d is of overal l benefidal to Education)



si'Jid she often feels do not i 1 they have a place to discus seX without feeling judged or questioned. Smith said the �x+ series strives to cr ate a space where student curiosity and questions are welcome, Having a safe and secure place for students to have access to ifllormation about sex is also important, Smith said . Smith said she hopes to see more students attend the e ents in the future. "One of the great tl ings about the series is that It pulls from a wide range of students across race, gender and sex," Smith sai d. "It's rare t<> see events that have such a broad cross section of student pull." students. Smith

that students


Jennifer Smith (right ), director of the Womep's Center and lA<!ulty member of women's and gender studies programs, iotI' duces �tudents to panelists (Left to right J Koe Sozuteki, prolcssional educator at the Center for Sex Positive Culture, AIlena Gabosch, executive director of tlte Center lor Sex Positive Culture, .Jim Duvn.ll. member of the board fot fO!.Uldation of sex positive cultur and Kayla Glenn. volunteer for sex positive culture. The speakers dis()usscd the topie of fctishetl.

The next Sex+ series event, ()n

bisexuality, will be on Oct. 29 in AUe 133.


OCT 5, 2012

J. K.

A&E 5

Ro w l ing 's l ates t spe ll backfires

Kelsey Mejlaender

COpy EDITOR The latest book by J.K. Rowling is anything but magical, abandoning Harry Potter for dull adult literature. "The Casual Vacancy" is about the unexpected death of a prominent citizen, Barry Fairbrother, in a small English town called Pagford, and the gossiping, emotional heartache and political scheming that occurs afterwards. Part of the conflict centers on whether or not a poorer part of town should continue to get assistance. the dominate Adults majority of the character cast. There is no main character, as perspectives switch from townsperson to townsperson, sometimes multiple times in one chapter. To get the inevitable omparison to Harry Potter out of the way, I can say this book is practically unrecognizable as being a traditional Rowling work. TIle book's writing style is very British, far more

than even the British editions up in. Death is treated like the telling other characters about of Harry Potter through its juiciest and most delightful the death of councilor Barry dialogue, expressions and morsel by many despicable Fairbrother would never characters in both towns. vocabulary. It also becomes end. But even when the very clear by page eight However, this is the only entire populace is involved, that descriptions of people's similarity. the story continues to doggy bodies are no paddle along. longer limited S t i l l , to w i t h o u t ''brilliant seven books green eyes" or "long, silvery to develop beards." them, the page characters On we thirteen can say this book is practically w e r e get our first surprisingly kid's unrecognizable as being a traditional well formed. big word swear only The work of Rowling's . people problem lay aren't in the fact " slick gits" anymore, that I didn't but are now like most of s p o r t i n g them. In fact, names of the on based four-letter many of the characters' variety that start with 'f.' No epic quests Judging the book by itself, thoughts, Barry Fairbrother or hidden prophecies emerge. I have to warn that it's not seemed like the most decent For those who read at least exactly a page-turner. Even of the lot. However, his the death scene in the first the first chapter of "Harry immediate death made liking Potter and the Goblet of chapter bored me. The story the character a challenge. Fire," Pagford bears a striking moves at a pretty sluggish No one in this book is resemblance to the town Tom pace - it seemed like the good or evil - a rare note of Riddle, aka Voldemort, grew chapters involving characters realism in a novel. However,


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moral ambiguity doesn't have to drain the personality out of characters either. No one in "The Casual Vacancy" is witty, comedic or really notable in any way. While the book's best aspect is its treatment of socioeconomic clashes, both the rich and the poor characters dim the potential for any meaningful impact. Perhaps I'm just too young, or too American to appreciate this novel, but I have a hard time seeing how anyone could think this is a work of any great caliber. Even though I didn' t like the book, doesn' t mean you shouldn't read it. Every bad review in the world couldn't have stopped my hands from flipping through the pages because this is J.K. Rowling after all, the world's first billionaire novelist. But wait till you can get it in the library - it doesn't deserve a spot next to our favorite boy wizard.


6 A&E

Kelsey Mejlaender



In the past few years, laptops have become a staple possession for most college students. Their portability makes them invaluable to those who already have to uproot all of their possessions for the bi g move to college. Laptops may be getting a lot ot cold shouJders in the near future as tablets shoot to the top of birthday lists, but for now they're still a safe, standard buy for students. So if yom lapLop is old and outdated, here's a snazzy new sel ction.

Razer Blade $2,4 99 a completely As responsible, focus d college you probably stud nt shouldn't crack open your piggy bank for this one. But if you're a big-time gamer then this is probably the machine for you. Though it could have more hard drive space, it's lightweight and stylish with a customizable track pad. Designed for garners, it has a HD creen, a powerful video mem ry so your game won't get bogged down and excellent audio.

Sony Vaio E Series

SVE11113FXW $435 If you're a frugal, practical

person who's really just getting a laptop b cause you'd rather not trudge to Lhe libTary for every homework assignmen t, then this is of the more probably on economical choices a vail able. It lacks fantastic features, but who nee ds a gorgeous display or surround�sound like a udio far a twenty page paper? With a good battery life it11 last you fur ugh a short school day, but getting it to those classes may be more of an annoyance since it's on the heavier side despite being only 1 1 inches.

OCT. 5, 2012

laptop edition

MacBook Pro $ 1,199

PC users will quickly adapt to Apple's user­ friendly format and irs hard to go wrong with the smooth comers and compact uild of Macs, not to mention there's no need to buy spyware for

this product. The battery lasts about seven hours on one charge, and Macs are known

for their longer lliespans. If y u really want to get fancy, you can get the new L -inch MacBook Pro with the retina display, which cleans up images for incredible clarity. It also deans out your wallet, costing $1,000 more than the basic 1 3-inch MacBo k.


� ------------------------------------------------------

HP Envy 15 $1,204 . 9 9 If TV shows and movies are y ur procrastination's bread and butter, then you11 turn gee n with HP Envy when you catch sight of a classmate using this. With its HD screen and the decision to dispense with the typically mediocre speakers of most laptops, you11 have your portable movie theater, procrastination device and occasional homework tool all in one.

Acer Asp· e S5 $1,199.95 Thin and light, this laptop has a grea t design that's even thinner than the MacBook Air. It11 probably be asier to.

take this to class than most of your textbooks at only 2.6 pounds. It also has a nifty little motorized door for ports and c nnections that opens at the tap of a button, though you'd be in trouble if it ever broke down. Some irritating flaws isn't are that the keyboar backlit and the display quality is mediocre.

Lllte s sho ok all ni ght 10 g Amy Jones GUEST WRITER The fifth floor shook as a few hundred people danced the night away at the ASPLU-hosted Homecoming 2012, "Off to the Races" at the Emerald Downs Racetrack Saturday night. As you entered Emerald Downs, you were greeted by Eva Johnson, the Dean for Student Development, who took your ticket. Owl City's "Good Time" opened up the dancing and by 9:30 p.m. a small crowd had evolved into a mass of partying Lutes who couldn't resist jumping up and down to Sia's "Titanium." People seated at tables mere feet away from the dance floor bounced up and down to the beat, and therewerea few alarmed faces at exactly how much the floor was quaking. Th decor was simple and minimal, with candles, white tablecloths, creating an ambiance that made the venue cozy and intimate. With large windows and a lot of space, the venue

had more than enough space for the announcement was made after several entire gathering. Cookies, chips, dips, people had checked their shoes in and drinks were served to the side with the volunteers. Maia Palmer, of the dance floor, making snacks a first year, said she understood accessible to those feeling peckish. why the policy was in place. Tables and "But it makes chairs were things kind of inconvenient abundant vvhen you have and close by for exhausted heels on," Palmer of gesturing said, groups toward her own f r i e n d s . Stephanie Noyes silver stilettos. The event senior came to There was a a small blowout peak around 10:30 p.m., for about two with a minutes toward majority of attendees crowded toward the middle of the dance. The the front of the dance floor where crowd booed, while the DJ worked frenetically to replace a cord. the DJ mixed various top 40 hits and a few rock classics, like AC/DC's Hillary Powell, Public Relations Director for ASPLU said that "You Shook Me All Night Long." There were a few small complaints approximately 30 volunteers worked about some of the venue's policies. in shifts of about an hour to earn Many like to dance with thei. shoes their free tickets. They checked items off because it's more comfortable. in for safekeeping, as well as took However, Emerald Downs has a tickets at the entrance. Chaperones policy requiring shoes to be on. An and security kept themsefves to

"It's one of the chances we have to cut loose and have fun."

the fringes of the dance, delegating themselves to the entrance and prowling around the edges. "This is my first American dance," Alyssa Fountain said, a first year from Uganda. "And irs been really fun." 365 Powell tickets said were sold. Reasons to attend varied from person to person. "I missed a lot of dances in high school and really regretted it. So, reclaiming that was really important to me," Palmer said. Stephanie Noyes, a senior, said her reason for going was simple. "It's one of the chances we have to cut loose and have fun," Noyes said. It all started to wind down around 1 1 :30 p.m., although a few partiers were still going strong until the dance officially ended at midnight. gave Overall, students Homecoming an overwhelming thumbs up. Kindra Galan, a first year, seemed to sum all the festivities. "Out of all the dances I've been to, this one's definitely an Galan said. eight out of ten,"


OCT 5. 2012

A&E 7

-ters charm Foss Field Crowd resporuh; positively to Hutchinson 's

humor and casual approach to Homecoming Rachel Diebel



Eric Hutchinson opened concert assuming he knew what the audien ce was thinking. He predicted the crowd would be lamenting the question, " How many song s do I have to sit throu gh ?" With that sarcastic opening li ne, Hutchinson set the l ow k y and casu al tone for Thursday night's Homecoming concert. Hutchin son p l ayed to a large crowd of PLU students and alumni und er the stars on Foss Field at a concert co-sponsored by PLU's Residence Hall Association and ASPLU. A ttendees gathered on the grass, sitting n blankets or standing in the back to watch the show. HERmomc member and PL U junior Charlie Herrmann started the evening off on a nice note. She opened p laying for Hutchinson, a mix of original tunes and covers, including a ersion of the Rihanna song "Take a Bow" and Maroon S's "Sunday Morning "


Students in attendance loved Herrmann's p rformance. She " l I ve Charlie. should be famous," said so phomore Anni e Herzog. First-year Megan Zink agre d. sh ' s amazing, " "Oh, Zink said. "She's mcredible and 1 lo ve her so much." Herrm ann said she used c ver to Hu t c h i ns o n ' s songs at open m i cs wh en s e was younger. Hutchinson came on stage at 7 p. m . just s the sun was beginning He to set. aIt rna ted b e t w e e n playing piano an d a cousti c guitar, jOine o n s t a g e by a band whn ill te also played guitar. The crowd, while substantial, didn't eem to respond to the songs with m uch enthusiasm. Hutchinson

tried to encourage crowd participation, asking people to sing along and cheer for songs, " E ven if you've never heard of them." Sarca stic comments like this perm ated the show, and gave the imp ression that Hutchinson was n t taking the performance very seriously.This imp ression was

the crowd and told jokes at their expense. He even poked fun at the lack of males in attendance, ondering ut loud if PLU was " an all girl's school." First - year Amy Nielson, however, enjoyed chattiness. Hu tchinson's "I like that he wo ul d talk to the crowd . It m ad e me feel inv olv , " Nielson sai d . was "He very witty," Herzog said. Hutchinson took even requests from the cr wd, dedicating r e q u e s ted songs such as There "Not Yet" and "Villa Nova" who mever t asked for them. H u t ch inson p la ye d for an hou r, en d ing his s t with a fake encore where he walked off stage before r questing to be cheered ba ck on to play a rendition of

The overall respon se to the concert was po Hive, de pite Hutchin on's lackadaisical approach to the gig.

co lp unde d by Ule fact that in b tween songs, Hut chinson talked direclly to members of

Sept. 27. Herrmalm sang several different covers of popular songs including hits by Rihanna and Maroon S.

Editor's note: Eric Hutchinson 's press manager declined The Mooring Mast's reqll ts for an interview, and the A SPL U contrad prohibited photos taken of Hu trhinsoTl.



Junior Charlie Herrmann opens for Eric Hutchinson at the Homecoming concert on foss Field on

the Backstre t Boys song "I Want it That Way" and his own big hit, "Rock and Roll." After the sh ow Hutchins n stayed behind to sign m erchandise in the back of the field. Copies of his new CD "Moving Up Living Down" and t-shirts were available (or purchase. The line for signing stretched across the field. The overall response to the concert was positive, despite Hutchinson's lackadaisical the gig. approach t "I enjoyed it a lot m o re than last year's [even t], " s p ho mo re Sarah Bennett said "PLU should continue having concerts in general, no t just for homecoming," f i r ' t - y e a N i c o y a Benhan-M arian said . "The con cert should be a tradition. It's a lot better than a stupid dance," He rzo g sai .

Students flock to Foss Field for the Homecoming Concert featuring junior Charlie Herrmann and headlincr, Eric Hutchinson. Hutchinson performed songs from his Dew album, "Moving Up Living Down, " which was sold after the conccrt.



WIllie Pllc ili� LUlheran University and the relit Ill' I fw bU'�in lll ' I .W Il1!ffl who have I" wllkt: way lur ' III.' "peru! ion - hul ar Personal Imprinting Shop Iwherever t lie pholu ill) Judi 11m niVl'rliit) '� ''''�8C)ciate in lhl' )'lrujed. A1Jinit ' lnv lntenh. b usiness peo Ie her lind I ku�\\ 1I ,0 Inl l'I wlcil . , I

Even the business owners who arcn't being fo[(:ed leaVe I Coffee Company Ed Cedras, have disapproved with Affini t) of transparency, reaUy inconsistent communication with th Cedras said.


.ST / OCT. 5, 2012

�1ia Heath



lhc devclupment, such as owner and operator of Northern Pacific d.:..Jings 'th the afiected businesses, "There's just been a real lack :onullunily from the hearing levels to even the council meetings,"

Kevin Knodell of contributed to this article.


OCT. 5, 2012

Students stay green

Info me Living off-campus is not a reason voting s to stop being sustaina b le nece s s ary organizations like Grassroots Environmental Action Now (GREAN), the sustainability club on campus. Senior Ethan Manthey, public relations director of GREAN, suggested vegetarianism as a great way to help the nvironment because of "how much energy goes into raising a cow versus growing grain." Vegetanan students can meet with PLU' s nutritionist ­ a po ition added as part of the new WeUn 5S Plan - to make sure they're working enough protein into their diets. Chrissy Cooley, sustainabili ty manager, said PlU can "make it easy to build those [ ustainable] beh avi ors" with p ces like SurPLUs, where students can dro p off old possessions versus throwing them away. The b i ke Co- p allows

Kelsey Mejlaender



Reduc , reuse and recycle. Sustain ability may be the cardinal rule on campus, but

once off-campu , students may feel thei r ferv r to reduce, reuse and recycle fl gging. Our environmentallyconscio us co ll ege makes


. . '-

sustain bili ty easy, From military stop sh werheads to composting, students never ne d to worry that th y're not treating the environment well. We live in an eco-friendly bubble that's going to pop with one sharp bite of reality the econd we move out. Sometimes the simplest of thlngsJ like recycling, can be a challenge ecause your ew home may not be registered for recycling and glass isn't recycl d in your area. Students living offcampus, however, do have the advantage of living neal' PLU. They still have access to

tudents to renl bikes and fixes any students' bike without charging for labor. Composting also remains an option, since off-campus students can request a composting bin for their house and bring it to the Anderson University Center to be emptied and washed out. these with Even opporturuties, some students living off-campus, like junior Aaron Bizier, have


found balancing homework, new



sustainabili ty challenging. liMe and my hou sema te s could do better," Bizier said. "You have to start thinking about it yourself and remembering about it yourself. You don't have PlU as a crutch to remember to be sustainable." The little things li ke un pl u gging your toaster, or turning off l i ghts might not occur to you if your electricity is included in y ur rent. Senior HalUla H il l said she and her housemates were pretty sustainable and even set up their own composting system in their backyard, which, depending on your landlord, anyone can do. For all our efforts to go green and stay green, how ver,

Thus, ur voices must be informed. This election is important, but what's more important is for voters to fulfill their obligation of being an i nformed vote r. Voting is one of the most

Makenzie Landis


Yes, you have the right to vote. With that right comes an obligation to be informed, not only about candidates, but also a b o u t issues. on ider in that abou t a m o n t h ,

nee we take the final leap and leave college, many of us will slump back into some of our old earth-harming habits. OU[ college safety n t won't be around forever.




in olers Washington state will m a k e decisi n '


about sustainability and don't relegate staying green to tl e bottom nmg. Students need to think


ahead and be aware because



informed decisions on the initiatives, propositions and referendums that bring those issues before us. Being an informed voter is not always easy. Trust m e, I kno w. Policy platforms and agendas can be overwelming for a college student with exams, papers, and assignments piling up. At the same time, we carmot be foolish enough to let our reasoned voices be replaced with the latest rhetoric of political commercials, extremist blogs or the newest talking heads .


e nhaus n 1 Mela ie Ve . . ge pa �'8 S m is spelle d on

...- .


2012-2013 STAFF •

fanslCcr at lll or \'illl l .plu.edurtTJ

It''!O !Llld eun1rli 'L





10 ()lher points of \ic e

views exprt:: d



the t.-ditorW

essarily represent Ihl

columns n


d\ rt il-em 1It.�

dministrnlion, iucuIl).

171(1 \foori/t4 Ullil slAff.





Mission statement:

Our primary responbibility ill to "erve

the PLU commlUlity. This commtmity incluue


studentH, faculty, staff, and


p rim I) nol . ' \0 discovcr, frpurt,

dl tribute



impact the PLl' ('Qmmnmty. h.u dOCUID nt an �hrorud · nur

·lfort to

('" lIective e

rience w ill pr

Our p

ueli '

nr..1 draft of university history.


of ollr

duties .


of Ethi





the perf< rmance

rei ected in the

SOC1 ety of Professiont\l






mlp()rlAnt ir uell, ·vcnl.! , and trends

0 not

e oru ·




and the

T O o

Advertising & subscriptions:

Please contact the Busine!18 and Ads


Jilek Sorensen ml1



Th� .\f1lO111l{I ,\Last th


edit r. Lette

ell(·Our�s !etten. to


OlUR t be HubmiU h,}

Tuesday before publkuti






1l11lDt: ,


phOile and cl�8 standing OT title fOT

Letters v

rification will

HhuuId he

ni l

tlilwarded. Lt'tters

longt:r t ltan .')O

length and typ..'<l.

words in

TM Mooring Mll.'lt reserves the right to

refuse any letter. Letters may be edited for length, taste and errors.

A v


legalization and publicly funded charter school . This is our chance as voters to have a direct impact on democracy throu gh

aru 's

h art.

"Voting is ne f the most important oppotunities you will have as an American citizen . No pre sure."

as marriage eq u ali t y, m a rij u a n a

bolh 1 Brian Hi 1'gin elled on ssp mi as l�aIlle w p age 13. l's emadil .s . .ell e on IID 'Iras .... . .(Y:I

to decipher fact from fiction. D n't worry about how your family and friends v ote . Try to find out who has your best interest at


our generation is going to be the one that eilher makes this planet, or breaks it.


Dieb " n �ceshel addr 7.sHer em �a e


have an i m me d i a te impact on

rinportan t opporhlltities yoo will have as an American citizen . No press reo 10 the ne t few we ks you will have countless facts thrown at you. It is your job

.\lex mine dfllrlinrat-@pllJ,rdll

FOCUS EDIT R Amelia Heat h /ac(ll.llll m @plll �dll OPINION EDITOR

Kelsey Hilmes InlrnesH@plll.rrllt


Nathan Shoup


i d

a l i g n i n g yourself with specific a



ideologies cloud often your thought process. There may be no perfect candida te out there, bu you still have to pick one. You have to make tough choices on difficult soca! issues. only you know

In both cases, What is best lor you Take a deep breath, count to three and cast your ballot.

To Ie am mar about the p olitical parties, attend th e ent Party Puzzle Oct. 1 7 a t 7 p.m. in the

Scandanavian Cultural Center.





Ptl.llliclII (Ipt!n - appl!, anlin

y Mt'j der mejla, Po�ililm Opl'lI - apply ordin' ADVISERS eM we Art Land


OCT. 5, 2012

' Fifty shades of ' c ay



it: Fifty Shad of 'Cray: At fir t glance. I wrote "Fifty Shcldes of Grey" off as for

a remake of the 1\viIight Saga,

sans vampires. As it turns

out, James originally wrote the story as a Tw'ilight tan fidion and later "adapted" it

Am fui Heath fI


Since it release in 20n, Shade� of Grey," a nove] by. E. L. James, has





32 milli n c pies wert? sofd as of Oct. 2. Celebrities tweeted their fascinatioll. Uruver 'al Pictures and Focus Featur� purchased the


rights to the trilogy - which



upplementary novels "Fifty Shades Darker" and " PUty Shades Freed" in March, sparking a thousand lan girl nominatioo for the casting of its D'wn charai."i:ers. Readers -

gave the nickname Pom




t have my



own nickname

to be publi hed. For the lucky ones who haven't �ad the bUt k, "fifty Shades of Grey" f, lloW's An.astasJa Steele, a senior at Washington State University Vane uver-and a il"gin-as

she falls for Christian Grey.




CEO of Grev Ent iSes. e ' What she dQesn't rethat Grey is only cap!lble of .

intimacy in the fomt of 805M

- bondage and discipline,

dominance and SubOlissi n,

sadislll and mllSQc11ism . My main criticism of the noveL besides James's

apparent inability

to write don't get me started on the


is !'inner godCless" thing her tniSrepresentation of the B05M life tyle and members of the community. -

letter tlt�E ITOR Wellness Access Plan not reported fully





I appreciate the article "Lutecare"

Mast's abQut the

new Wellness Access Plan, my opinions of the article currently mirror my opinions of the plan: well int ntioned, but p orly executed. It is m st deeply offensive Ulat the Mast decided to describe the visi ts to the Health Center under the new plan as "free," saying that they ar "removing charges . . . for services provided." These visits are not free, and the charges have not been removed . They are paid for b y the more than $40,000 that each student pays to attend PLU, and by the new Wellness Access Plan fee. It is an insult to the intelligence of the student body to describe these services as anything less than "at no additional cost." My other concerns include

that the majority of the information presented was made available to students by mid May . While it is nice to have it su mmed up in one article, the Mast shol1ld be more than just a fact-compiler, and should comment on more aspects of the plan, such as other options the university could have considered, and why they thought that thi was the best option, as well as a vari ty of student opinions. On that note, the article ends with a quote from a first year saying that he thinks it is great that he will not have to pay copays for the health center. Many of us share in his relief. However, there are still a number of students who are frustrated by this additional fee, concerned about how it could be included in the ever-increasing tuition, and are now without health insurance. these Overlooking opinions and issues is extremely unprofessional and biased, and I hope that they will be adequately addressed in an upcoming issue. -

Best-selling erotic novel hurts so bad

Grey frequently blames his need for dominance 011 an abusive childhood, referring to himself as "'fifty hades of f-ed up." A 2002 tudy of 132 members of the 8D5M oomrmmity by The Guardian vriter Pamela Stl!'ph nSOn, sho\'\.'eJ that only a few case, of adult 8DSM practice were relat� to childhoOd abuse and participants Ul the study weI' generally not mentally unh althy. BD5M partners are enc tlrag-ed to negotiate rules fot play wh at actiOns :may be dODe to the �ubmissive­ as Grey and Steel do if! the naveL. but neitb 'r :character upholds the oontTact they agreed to. In the- contract, <itey dairM that (.IS the donunant he will not injure Steele in a way that might req(tite medJcal attention. Later, Grey binds Steele with cable ties purchased from a hardware store. NoVICes in the 8D5M COO\Itlunity or anyone who has ever watc�ed a TV •



Television show poorly represented David Gordon JUNIOR

As an avid fan of the NBC comedy "Community," I was happy to see my favori te TV show get some m uch­ deserved attention, but your column left me wondering wh ther the au thor or either of the people interviewed have actually watched it. If they had watched even the first episod e, they would have immediately seen the "late nights of cramming. the stress of tests, and the consequences of not preparing" they daim the series lacks. True, the students at Greendale are not shown "consistently studying" on­ screen, but they are a Study Group, even if most of the

" Community's character set, as individuals and as they relate to each other, is one of the things that makes the show great."

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a kidnapping control outside tbe bedroom, know that cable ties urn as l'equirlng Steele to use around the wrists can cause a c�JI phone set up with a CPS lacerations .as well as nerve tracker and creating a specific damage. The c ntract also diet and exercise plan.- are obvious cause for con cern. p rovides two J saiewords for Steel to use duting play: Steele i�oJating herself from scene




when she is near he r limit and "xed" when she reach .s h r limit. Steele dtes not use eith�r word at


any lime, and m the end P liter alert - Grey L�es a belt to her backside until she gets up and I�aves.

With the book'spopularity, cuuple$ -are inten$ted

broadening their sexual hllnz{ ns.



Experts rocOll1mend Ulat couples seek coadung for proper



Center or Se Positive Culture in Seattle p�ovides a safe environment 10

e�lore sexuality Critics



and offers e-ti\1Uette,


orientations gafeyand 0

the novel also

the p ychological

between Grey and SteeJe. Grey's methods of


actual textbook reading and essay writing happens ou tside of the 22 minutes we get t see. They manifest realistically diverse I vels of commitment to their schoolwork, from Annie's perfectionism to Jeff's 'Tom­ Sawyer-worthy' aversion to effort, and this is reflect d in their class performance, i ncluding the very real p os sibility of failure for the less diligent. So while the stress and effort related to being in college may not be the focus of the show, they're not absent either experienced Having both real and community college, and having actually watched the show, I can't think of a more accurate fictional portrayal. The column chooses to specifically single out one character, Pierce, as unrealistic, and "more of a stereotype than a student" for being unrepresentative of 'non-traditional' college attendees. It completely ignores Shirley, a mother of two returning to school, who clearly displays the "respect and dedication" they criticize Pierce for lacking. It's still unclear to me why they cite him as especially unrealistic. He happens to be rich, white, old and .

friends and keeping seCte fr m her family to b with Christian wIllie thinking 8h can change him into a more "human" man c..-apable of intimacy without bondage L not healthy. cith r. I don't" plan t read th� second )1 third book, hut the fact that they exi t shows that Grey and Steele get back togetha-. l have seen this cycle in far: too many relationships, w hen both parties know the relationship is doomed but br · ak up and get back t g ther. The damage done by these relationships can last, and in many cases require th help of a pl'ofessional. IT y u're looking for a ridiculous reaet, "FiftY Shad�'S of Grey" is the book for you. But p lease.. don't try this �tuff at home.

'Buddhist,' but just like Shirley (middle-class, black, 40s and very Christian) and every other character, he fits squarely into some of those stereotypes, and outright defies others. Kind of like real people do. As I think the author wa trying to say in their con lusion, the d pth and humanity of Community's character set, as individ uals and as they relate to each other, is one of the things that makes the show great. I say 'I think' th at s what the author was tryjng to say, because I'm still not entire ly '

sure. r don't

think it's an opinion piece, because I don' t see an opinio n, but it's not informative either, because the author never gives the reader any idea of what the show is actually like, or why so many of us love it so much. We're told that the characters don't study, but nothing about what they do. We're told they aren't realistic, but nothIDg about what they are. There certainly aren't specific examples anywhere. At the very least, the column could have mentioned that if you want to see for yourself what all the fuss is about, "Community's" fourth season premieres Oct. 19 at 8: 30 on NBC.










_ ..



S U D O KU H i gh F ives 3



2 8 6 1 4 7 5 5 2 8 9 9 4 2 6 4 5 5 6 7 2 7 4 1 8 5 7 1 2 2 5 6 ""-1-- - 1-3 7 3 5 1 9 8 7 5 1 6 ... . . . " 9 3 , 6 4 7 1 3 6 2 3 4 6 9 7 4 8 4 1 2 6 9 8 5 4 6 1 2 6 5 8 , �"3 3 9 1 2 7 - 8 2 - 4 l' 9 .. - f3_ � 8 3 '4 . " 2

.:6 5 9 7 4 3 6 3 6 171--r-; 5

.__., - ._,---- -

7 6 5 ,

2 3 7 9 4


8 2 - ---"





--- -





6 4 3








!JJ P<ti.R /WO COUR,1'S\[P

1HIS £PISOD E; ON'T FEAR lHE �A?E� Ff,AR Ml.BAD0f.. by Stewart Berg




7 6


--_.. .

_._--- ._------_ _.


OCT. 5, 2012

�'s 0.. ,+; � ! 50 cl<s DI.J1lA �)7fie�'f.



7 5 2 --

6 ,

2 r-8 7 4 5

Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids


sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through

without repetition. The numbers in

any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.

Universal Crossword

ACROSS 1 Get 4


14 15 16


19 20

Edited by Timothy E. Parker October 7, 20 12

of (eliminate) Mexican­ American They prosecute perps Is, for more than one Titles ·differently "Now" or "long" preceder Kid's lunch, perhaps Frequent Warhol subject Woman's name in a Beethoven

title 21 Skewer

offerings (Var.) 23 Mortise's partner

25 Uttimate

degree 28 The "An in


29 Granola bar

51 Spanish


54 55 57


61 62 67 68


70 71


DOWN 1 Former 2

morsel 30 "Take Train" 32 Back of the

3 4

catcher, say 37 Cow in milk



33 Baltimore

ads 39 Patti laBelle 43

44 46


hit Low end of the deck Consisting of more than one It has feet in a line Stone paving block

mama bear Madison's neat roomie Homer Simpson outburst Stares with open mouth Observed visiting Makes, as a salary Features Threats along the beach Final (Abbr.) Candidate who lost Diner's snippet Abbr. of politeness Insecure bettors Test, as patience

5 7

8 9




British rule in India Tax-deferral vehicle, for short Senility Jeanne of "State Fair" Cacklers in coops Start a new paragraph Blackbird's call "What bid?" Flamingo feature Milo of "The Verdict" Solve, as a cryptogram Petroleum-


18 22 23


26 27 31

34 35

36 38

40 41

packed peninsula Motion detector part -mo (replay technique) Chest of drawers A number'S homophone Counterpart of a count In that direction Skipper's spot On the double, briefly They're often out Caustic cleanser Osfrichllke birds Mariah Carey's "_ Be There" Got a top grade on Finesse

42 45 46

47 48 50

53 55 56 58

60 63 64

65 66

stroke in tennis Relaxed condition Palmas (Canary Islands port) Pees strengthener Early tie Casts out from the body "_ coming to take me away!" Hindu prince Shows satisfaction, in a way True or false (Abbr.) Kind of "vision" or "type" Way out there Drug that might cause flashbacks Nautical journal Be inaccurate Shoat's home

© 2012 Universal Uclick www. upuzz!

s · d ewalk

Did you watch the presidential debate on Wednesday?

"No, 1 was busy. I'll

"I did. 1 think they both

to keep up with current events:'

confused than before:'

probably watch it later just

Asia Wolfe, sophomore

"No, but I plan on watching

made some interesting

"No, 1 did not. 1 haven't

bad any information about

them later because I'm

points and made me more

when they are. "

eligible to vote this year

Surafel Wodajo, senior

and 1 want to be informed on candidates:'

Marco Kaaber, senior

Katie Bennett, first year

OCT. 5, 2012



Upco ming Games Oct. 6 at Lewis arul Clark. 1 p.m. Oct. 13 at PacifIC. 1 p.m. Previous Games Lo�s (31-24): Sept. 2!) r!S. Lin/reid Win (28-14): Sep t. is aL Redlallds


adambgC aJpl\J.�du

Pacific Lutheran' m n's soccer has enjoyed a strong tart in conference play. TIleY win play their next match

p.m. a gainst the University of Puget Sound

tonight at 5

Loggers. The ga me will be the first home night game for the Lutes - ever. A Fac book page for the game has 1 06 confirmed attendees, consisting primarily of students. The game is a "black out." All fans are UIged to wear black. Tn the past six con ference games, the Lutes have secur d five victories with only a narrow lo ss against the no. 1 1 Whitworth Pirates 3-2. Initially having a rough start to the season with only one win and a draw in their firstnve games, the Lu tes head into their game against Puget Sound with som momentum. Last year, Lutes beat the


Men's Soccer

Upcoming Games

Upcoming Games

Oct. .5 tW. George Fox, .5 p. m. Oct, 12 at Whitworth, 7p.m, Previous Games Win (3- 0): Oct. ,3 a1. Puget SOllrui Win (3-0): Sept. 29 ai Wtllamette

Loggers 4-2 but lost later in the sea on 0-1 . The Lu tes beat their cross-town rival twice in 2010 and have topped the Logger in fi e of the 1a t eight meetings. cowere Lutes The conference Champions last with season Whitworth before b ing eliminated in the first round of the NCAA tourn amen t by Redlands, 4-l . a statistical Lutes hay advantage over the Loggers. As a team, the Lutes have scored 58 points and performed 51 saves this season. The Loggers have scored 43 points total and with 31 saves. Though the Lutes have a statistical and recent historical edge over UPS, the Loggers are still formidable. The Lutes are currently in second place in the conference with a 6-4-1, 5-1 mark. Puget Sound sits in third p lace in the conference a t 7-72, 4-1-1. Last weekend, the Loggers fell 2-1 to Whitman


Previous Games

Previous Game

Tie (2-2): , L'Pt. 29 at Whitworth

MXC (2nd), WXC (lst)

Game s Win (2-1): �epL. 30 al Whitman Loss (3-2): Sept. 29 at Whitworth

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participate i n the MAP-Works online survey.

urces Questions?

Contact the Office of Student Ufe e-mai l :


Phone: 253-535-7191

201 0:

Puget Sound 2, Pacific Lutheran 1.


Pacific Lutheran 2, Puget Sound 1


Puget Sound 2, Pacific Lutheran 1



Pacific Lutheran 4, Puget Sound 2

Pacific Lutheran 3, Puget Sound 0

Pacific Lutheran 4, Puget Sound 1

Pacific Lutheran I, Puget Sound 0 Puget Sound I, Pacific Lutheran 0 Pacific Lutheran 1, Puget Sound 1

The Lutes have played two games on its new field winning by a combined score of 7-0 over George Fox and Pacific. Tonight will be extremely competitive. This is the first true home, night game for the Lutes, who are going to play with tremendous energy in front of what is sure to be a large home crowd. The

two teams play contrasting styles. 1 he Lutes prefer to play uptempo while the Loggers enjoy slow, d efensive games. It is hard to pick against a quick Lutes team playing on turf under the lights. The "blacked out" crowd's energy will propel the Lutes to a crucial Northwest Conference victory.


Pacific Lutheran 2, Loggers 1

A look at the It ..s Lutes



games played








15.3 •

Sept. 19. PLU Invitational

Puget Sound I, Pacific Lutheran 0


more successful in college.

Oct. 6, WWV Classic Inuitational,

201 1 :


Is an i nteractive web-based tool

Upcoming Games

iO:30 a.m.

Tie (0-0): Sept. 30 at Whitman

and tied Whitworth 0-0. Both gam s were played on the east side of the state. defender Junior Jeff Piaquadi is a play r to watch tonight. Piaquadio scored the game - winner Su day in the 80th minute, in a 2-1 victory over Whitman. J unior goalk per Joe Rayburn is also a player to watch with 40 blo cks this season. f rward SophomoI Emmanuel Amarh is tied for the team lead with five goals this season. Amarh has also tallied four assists. Junior forward Derek Johnson is tied with Aruarh with five goals as well. The Loggers are led by junior forwards Landon Gauthier and Andrew White. The tandem has scored three goals apiece. "We hate the Loggers and they hate us," senior defender Shane Gutierrez said. "It's going to be a battle Friday night under the lights. It doesn't get any better."

that enhances your ability to be

l..!h !II:6IlItt ieve

Cross Country

OcL 5 os. Puget Sourui. 5 p.m. Oct. 13 liS. Whitma.n, 2:30 p.m.

MAP-Works •

Women's Soccer Upcoming Games Oct. 6 us. George Fox, noon Oct. 7 al Willamette, noon

First-Yea rs & Sophomores


13 51

shots per game


goal::; allowed





OCT. 5, 2012


Northwest Conference footba

and vol leybal l

power ran ki ngs Pioneers 4-0, 1-0 tie for first place



- »

School just started. Or did

As hard as it may be to

believe, Pacific Lutheran fall athletics are already one month lnto their seasons. The football team sits at 1-2, 0-1 . The two losses for the Lutes came from the hands of nO. 3 Lin fi ld and n w o. 8 California Lutheran. The L utes victory came over O . 25 Redlands. The Lutes are the lone team in the conference to have played only three games. The volleyball team is currently ranked no. 17 in the nation with a 12-2, 6-0 m ark. The Lutes two losses I ave come to now no. 10 Puget Sound in a non-confer nce matchup and to Colorado College in Colorado Springs on Sept. 8. The soccer program's power rankings will come next week. As PLU fall sports enter the meat of their conference schedules, where do the Lutes stack up against the rest of their conference foes?

l . Linfield Wildcats 4-0, 1 -0 tie for first place


At no. 3 in the country it is impossible to see the Wildcats at any spot other than no. 1 . The Wildcats overcame an early 14-0 deficit to knock off the Lutes last weekend. Linfield certainly looked beatable but the Northwest Conference champion of the past three seasons found a way to win.





Reigning Offensive Player of the Year junior quarterback Keith Welch is once again tmder center for the Pioneers that are scoring over 38 points per game. The Pioneers finished second last season after knocking off the Lu tes 34-32 in Puyallup.

3. Pacific Lutheran Lutes 1-2, 0-1 tie for fifth place

The Lutes have dropped two of their first three game but have played a mu rderou s opening schedule. The Lutes feU at home to no. 1 1 California Lutheran and no. 3 Linfield. The Lutes defeated no. 25 Redlands in California Sept. 15. The schedule doesn't get any easier for the Lutes this weekend as they travel to Oregon to take on last season's runner-up Lewis and Clark.

4. Willamette Bearcats 4-0, 0-0 fourth place The Bearcats round out the remaining unbeatens in the NWC. Willamette opened their season with a solid 58-34 win in Texas at Hardin-Simmons. Willamette played Pacific in a non-conference game on Sept. 22 and thumped the Boxers 51-17. The Whitworth Pirates, no. 5 in my rankings, await the Bearcats tomorrow.

5. Whitworth Pirates 5-0, 1 -0 tie for first place The Pirates are undefeated five games into the season but have played a relatively weak schedule. Whitworth has won two games in California but it played La Verne and Whittier, two of the weaker teams

The Mast Monday -

Night Football pick Nathan Shoup SPORTS EDITOR

There isn't a whole lot of drama in The Mast Monday Night FootbaH pick 'em league tltis we_k. After the J ets were trounced at home 34-0 V the 49'e1'5 Sunday, all seven participants picked the Houston Texans on the road. blocked a San F ranci, c punL rushing only one man.

On , The N FL lea gue season is four weeks young and .fans are already yelli ng for Tim Tebow.

Ma.ybe Jets Head Coach Rex Ryan need to pu t back on all of hi 10 t we i gh t . Becau e nght n w i t is appearing the Jets ability to win disappeared with his waist line. J-E-T-5, Jets, Jets, Jets? In this now the fourth week of OUT league, maybe it is time for a n W name. l1'1e Mast Monday Night F ootball pi ck

' em

'em league is a mouth full. What do you think? If you have any ideas send me an e-mail. Keep it funny, witty, short and clean. Ok ay you don't have to ke p it c1 an. The editorial board will get a good laugh of it but I can' t promise it will ' win the prestigious privilege of being sel e ted as the new name for the league.

Houston at

NY Jets

in the Southern California Intercollegiate Conference. The Pirates also squeaked out a narrow 17-14 victory at home over a Chapman team that hasn't had a winning record since 2008.

6. Pacific Boxers 1-3, 0-1 tie for fifth place The Boxer football program is only in its third year of ex' tence. Pacific put a scare into Whitworth last weekend before falling 28-25 bu t the Boxers still need a couple years before seriously competing in the NWC.

7. Puget Sound Loggers 0-4, O.:} tie for fifth place

Puget Sound is currently riding a 14-game losing streak after going 0-9 last season. The Loggers host Pacific tomorrow in a game that could be the lone conference victory for either team.

"editors note- George Fox and Whitman do not have football programs.


l . Pacific Lutheran Lutes 13-2, 7-0 first place

If early season results tell us anything it appears that the two Tacoma schools will be fighting for the NWC title this season. The Lutes took it to the second place and no. 10 Loggers 3-0 Wednesday opening up a two-game over UPS. The Lutes are for real.

ranked no. 10 but will drop after falling to the Lutes Wednesday. Now trailing the Lutes by two full games the Loggers will need help from within the NWC to surpass the Lutes.

3. George Fox 6-7, 4-2 tie for third place

It i.s fair to say that the Bruins struggled in non­ conference play but found i stride within the c nfines of the NWC schedule. The Bruins could join the championship conversation but will have to pull off a few upsets along the way. The Bruin come to town to play the Lut s tonight at 7 p .m. The game co Id determin e if the Bruins are going to compete for a NWC title or not. Three c nference losses this early in the season might be too much to overcome.

4. Pacific Boxers 5-9, 4-2 tie for third place The Boxers had a nightmare start to their season dropping their first seven matches but have won five of their last seven matches. The Boxers beat George Fox, no. 3 in rankings, 3-2 on Sept. 14. H wever, each of Pacific's conference victories have come in five sets and it was swept aside by PLU and UPS.

5. Lewis and Clark Pioneers 6-9, 2-4 tie for fifth place

The Pioneers lost their first four matches but are on a mini two-match winning streak 2. Puget Sound 1 1 -4, 5-2 after defeating Whitworth and Whitman last weekend. The first place . Pioneers are .500 at home and The Loggers are currently on a neutral site. Road games

have been its Achilles heel. Lewis and Clark is 1-4 outside of its home gym this season.

6. Linfield Wildcats 7-7, 2-4 tie for fifth place

The Wildcats played better than their no. 6 ranking in non­ conference action going 5-2 but Linfield has been the victim of a brutal schedule to open NWC play. The Wildcats have already played Puget Sound, Pacific Lulh ran, Pacific and G orge Fox, dropping all four matches. Liniiel d is in the midst of a five-match skid.

7. Whitworth Pirate 5-8, 1 -5 tie for eighth place How the mighty have fallen. the winning After conference championship the past two seasons the Pirates are already out of the playoff picture. The Pirates lone conference victory came over last-place Willamette Sept. 22. The Pirates are 4-2 at home but a lowly 0-5 on the road.

8. Whitman Missionaries 4-9, 2-4 tie for fifth place Whitman off knocked Whitworth -1 in conference play Sept. 19 but fell to the Pirates in a non-conference match Sept. 8. The Missionaries have lost seven of their last nine contests since Sept. 7.

9. Willarnette Bearcats 3-10, 1-5 ninth place The Bearcats aren't as bad as its record indicates. Willamette shocked no. 10 in the country, Puget Sound, 3-2 at home · Sept. 28. Regardless it looks like it is going to be a long season for the Bearcats.

Shane Gutierrez men 's soccer player pick: /-IOU record: 3-0

Gutierrez is getting so sick of comments about his hair he is debating cutting it off. His girlfriend may not approve of a bald head, however. Gutierrez found time amongst this internal debate to pick the Texans.

Geoff /... o omis men 's baseball coach pick: /-IOU record: 2-7

Loomis used Nintendo 64 simulations 0 pick the Cowboys Monday. I guess it is fair to say Tony Romo wasn't the quarterback of America's team in those games.

/...a nce /... u te trusty mascot pick: /-IOU record: 2-7

Lance has been working on his "Tebow" this season but is yet to debut it at a home game. Despite the new move in Lance's arsenal, he didn't have it in him to pick the Jets.

Steve Dickerson men IS basketb4/1 coach pick: f.-IOU record: 2-1

"Boeing cou ldn't fix these Jets," Dickerson said. A quarterback probably couLd though .

Stacey J..ia gensen aI/- world softball player pick: /-IOU record: 7-2 flllison McDaniel /"ute sport;s (Qnat;c pick: ;;tou record: 7-2 Dalton R itchey Pi,U quarterbacR pick: HOU record: 0-3

Hagens n has a losing record. Take note because those five �ord have n ver been �oke n before. History is being made m The Ma t Monday Nlghl Football pi ck 'em league. All participants eho. e the Texans thj week. N o, it" not an hallucination. McDaniel p icked up her first win f the season wi th the Bears win Monday. Her roommates were happy to see her emerge from her room finally . New York Jets sign ire agent quarterback Dal ton R i tchey. With the quarterback issues in the Big Apple, h w un realistic is this?

OCT. 5, 20 12




C ross country teams run at


Men and women 's teams thrive in lone home meet of the year Sam Horn



@Plu . edu

Pacific Lutheran cro s University's men country team took second place and the women won at the PLU Invitational Salu rday. It was the only home meet for the men and women thi season. TIle men finished second to Green River Community College, whid\ finished with 31 points. The Lutes finished Olympic with 47 points. College placed third with 73 points, followed by University of British Columbia-Okanagan with 78. Th PLU women's team finished in fir t with a po' t total of 27, followed by UBC-Okanagan wi th 28 points. Junior Alan DenAdel finished first for the men at the cross COWltry meet. First-year Amanda Wilson, a first-year, finished first as well for the Lutes' women squad. DenAdel finished the 8,000-meter course in a time of 26:00.53. Wilson fini hed in a me f 24:16.23 on the 6,000-meter course. Rounding 0 t the rest of the results for the men's cross country squad, senior Kolter Grigsby finished fourth in a time of 26:59.38, junior Kyle Smith placed 17th in a time of 28:43.69, senior Jordan Steves finished 18th with a time of 28:51.30, senior Joseph Mungai go 2 s- in 2 .58.03,

junior Eric Herde completed the race in 27th with a time of 30:00.99, enior Matt Beal goL 28th with a time of 30:43.38, and first-year Andy Jensen finished 30th in 3 1 :39.55. For the women first-year Lauren Knebel placed third in 24:34.99, Seely fourth in 25:08.52, junior Alyssa Rowland in 1 2th with a time of 26:34.67, first-year Madison Gus ott placed 13th in 26:35.65, first-year .Karissa Jackson corrung m at 15th with a time of 27:1 0.39, and first足 year Tara Glynn finishing 19th WIth a time of 3 ] :38.66. Heather Kreier is currently the head coach of the men and women' cross country teams after startin in 2006. The squads she has coached si ce 2006 haven't finis ed above fi th place. Last year, the men and women's team both finished in sev nth place. There are nine teams in the Northwest Conference . Dan Haakenson serves as the assistant coach of the cross country team after joining the team in 200 . He was an All-American In the hammer throw as a senior during his time a t PLU in 2005. His role for the cross country is mainly administra tive. H is also the throwing ach for the PLU track & field team. The Lutes will be looking to continue their season tomorrow at the Western Washington University Classic Invitational. The meet begins at l O: 0 a.m.

- -


TOP: Left to right . lirst-y 'ar Madison Guseott , fi rst -year Karissa Jackson, sophomore Amanda Seely, first-year Lauren Knebel and first -year Amanda Wilson. Wilson won the women's event wit.h a time of 24:1 .23. MIDDLE: Senior Joseph Mungai leads two runners from Green River Community College. Mungai f inished 21st wit.h a time of 28:58.03. ABOVE : Left to Ri ht, senior Kolter Grigsb ', juuior Kyle milh and junior 1 D tAtlcl start t the P LU Inviationlll aturdAy On what used to be the P LU goU' course. Grigsby finished fourt.h with a time of 26:59.38. Smith finished 17th place with Ii lime of 28:43.69. DellAd I w n the meet with a time of 26:00.53. The men's t eam finished second behind Green River Community College.



OCT. 5, 2012


The drive started with a five yard opbon play Lo senior runnin g back Brandon James. Hitch y got the passing game s t ar ted with two c om p letion to sophomore wide r ceiver one Westering, Kellen r cepti on tor 8 yards giving th Lule. a fi rst dow n. The next pl a y wuuld be an all-around offensive effort: Ritchey f und Westering on a come back r ut, wh ich ....a . ca ught at the 38 yar.d line and wi th two blocks downfield, Westermg ran away for a Pacific Luth e ran touchdown . The Lu tes were not d one coring in the opening minu tes of the game On linfield's thi rd pl ay, semor quarlerback Mickey Inn w a s intercepted by Lute., saf ty Greg Hibbard. HThbard retum d the ball to the Linfield 16 yard line. Four plays later, Ritchey connected wi th 5 phomore wide receiver Kyle Warner in the back of the end zone for another Pad fie Lutheran ·cure. Although it was early in the game, Pacific Lu theran looked poised to shuffle the national rankings. With the baH in their own 15 yard lme, Ri Lebey and Kn.obla uch fumbled the snap. Linfield recovered the fumble on the PLU eigh t yard lin .

llollowing the turnover, the defense Pacific Lu theran forced a forth and goal, bu t Inns fo und his lot recei er Westly Meng for a touchdown to pull the score to 14-7. The Lutes responded to Linfield's quick score. Ritchey completed pa ses to sophomore runn ing back Niko Madison and sophomore tight end L ucas Sontra to keep the chains moving. Ri tchey threw a 32-yard touchdown p ass to We tenn g, who was covered by two defenders but was a ble to ou t-jump the Linfield secon d ary The Lu tes offense would only score one more time in the game, on a 3D-yard field goal by senior kicker N ick Kaylor. The score was tied at 24-24 with nin minu les left in the fourth, but th e Wildcats raken pl ay to 'cored on a jump a hea d 3] -24. Seni or running back Stephen Na ca Ian to the right then hanged his direction back to the left for a tOllchdm'ffi. Th� two Lutes had po,ses. ions to h the game Ritchey completed a pass to Westering for i:I PLU tir t down and two play !at r Linfiel d sacked Ritch ey ior a six-yard Joss. On fourth and five Ritch y drew the Linfield defensive lin· off ide to m ake the nsuing p lay "fourth and two inches," head referee

.in terco m . Mark


said over


TIle L u tes ran a .sweep to Madison but Linfield was n ot fooled and Madison was m et in the backfield for a loss turning the ball over on downs. But the de fense gave the L u te offense o ne more opportunity to tie the game. Senior defensive e nd Brandon Tipton came up with a 1 0yard sack on th i rd and ix, fo rcing Linfield to punt Pacific Lutheran retained p ossessi un with 1 :49 left in the fo u rth quart r, b u t two plays later mtchey was m tercepted by junior safety Colin Foreman and w ith n tim eou ls 1 ft. Linfield took a knee three times to end thE' game. Th loss pushed the Lu tes current lOSing treak to Linfield up 1 1 ga mes The last time PLU defeated the Wildcats was in 1999 " hen they won 56-23 in McMinvilJ , Ore. Currenl head coach Scott

Westering's father, legend ary FL U hea d coach, Fro iy Weslering led that squad . Frosty Wes termg owns a c areer mark of 1 5-20-1 against the Wildcats. Scott We tering reli eved his father in 2004. Th Lutes travel to Or gon nex t week to play Lewis and Clark Co l le ge at 1 p.m .

Wildel prob


2012: Linfield 3 1, Pacific Lutheran 24 Z011 : Linfield 45, Paeiiic Lutheran 7 2010: Linfield 35, Pacific Lutheran 20 2009: Linfield 6Z, Pacific Lutheran 44 Z008: Linfield 45, Pacific Lutheran 0 2007: Linfield 24, Pacific Lutheran 0 200t.: Linfield 44, Pacific Lutheran ZI 200S: Linfield 4Z, Pacific Lutheran 13 2004: Linfield 40, Pacific Lutheran U 2003: Linfield 19, Pacific Luthe an 10 200Z: Linfield 35, Pacific Lutheran 21



TOP: Sophomore d.cfhlSive hade C(lUflClr ('ununings dud � a 'ouple Linfield d .r,.ru1 n; .-luring 111I urd4Y '� gam!'. IUGlIT: SOllllUll101'C offi:uKh · lilIL'I11II n Zlleh Ph Ips t'lUI.�t's Linfi&ld '.. COUll J<!,rmlln liner II I l c rl lurl h I.( inlcrccplion. TJ1C interceptioo hllited what would hav been a�llK driv,> for the 1.111 .�. I .inti old thell wound ou Ule do k by taking II knee tJlrec limes. L f'T: Sophomorc l �<ht eml Lucas 'n ;1 20- urd t<1ud.lllllWl1 pO-<m. After fall i ng to lh ground the 1)1\.<;" " II� nil d IIlC'OOll'l '\ . Refer . gUile IW c.\pllulIIt ion u , to wh�' th · Pa8J; WB./< r\ll�'d in 'nOlI'I 'Ie Sonlra IIllelJlpts t.u lUlUJ ill what would h.'lVc 1�. l he fli�lll W:iure (lr l hc large P L ..r . owd.


Fir t female debate moderator since 1992 gets shortchanged

Editor ranks occer team power ranking PAGE 15


PAC IF I C L U T H E RAN UN I VE RSITY u .edu/mast

Del: 12, 2012

e the s shi

VOL U M E 89 NO. 5

I Reports ofstolen bicycles spike in first two months of school year


Kelsey Mejlaender PY EDITOR

mt;jla kk@plu.cdu 13icydi

ts beware.

Within the first five weeks of the erne ter, five bikes and one rear wheel


been reported sLolen .

Bike theft ' are al ready a p proachi ng the number of bike thefts for all of last year: six.

Stolen bikes are fou n d occasionally,


WiJgu ,

assi -tant



Campus Safety and informa tion said, but 'without recorded serial n umbers or other similar marking ', it' tough to prove that a bike is ,tolen." Students can register their bike by seriaJ n u m ber on PLU's website or In person at the Campus Safety office for tree_ Every

registere d

bike receives a



.Iunior MllllhclV flub\ ride� bib nillnll "dly - and ;nlentionully - inl'xpcn. ivc hike tnwllrd" dn.<;s from tb� \ndcI8on ni�crsity elller. dainlillg I hilt I h" price lIr his bike I; lUrllnl,,�� llial Ll' won'l be ui"tre,,,cu were it 10 h� t Il�. "'I'll i<l 'a uf ll �'I'l tillg l>ll)leJl nt!\"r puppet.! ltd.., my mim.l," Hu.,1 Sltid.

H nger Walk gets people moving

PLU participates in Pierce County walk to benefit the hungry Ashley Gill UEb"T WnITER

H u n ger was put on bold in Lakewood last Sunday for the annual Hunger Walle Thirty memb rs of the Pacific Lu t heran University community arrived a t Fort Steilacoom Park to help the hungry.



faculty members from the Resident Hall





for Center Ministry, CommuruLy Eng agemen t and Service,




lending band an partici pated in the walk . Lu te Nation and PLUtonic p rfo rmed as he event was closing. President Thomas Krise spoke to the crowd along WIth the mayor of Lakewo d and oLhers, b fore

the \.valkt:rs took th e i r spot i n

front o f the ta T t i ng line.

Senior B ran don

"r:it: of

ASPLl! set to bring local ommwrily memb rs to P LU r


for PLU', S

n tbe term ' PY ' and t he ' Lut edome,' pp. 8 - 9


ial Work Team,

has be n involved with the

walk for he lasL three years.



e s pecially



United States, that


R uesken






is somelhing overlooked," "In


\Vork one of our big things is

community organIzing, and a s s chi thi5 i


big community

rganizing event so I really





and P. ychology Club gave a

president of Phi A l pha Honors

SoClety and the student leader


Edit r 'amin 5 wbat tabl ls may >

replace, p .

just geL into


The Hunger Walk began decades ago as the Cr p Walk and developed into a Tacoma event.



is the sponsor of the

Wa lk,


which benefits


banks and food pantries. Hal f tile money goes to the Emergency Food Network, a service that provide.

the Emergency F od Network. When Kathy Russel, di rector

of th

C lumnisL

encourage. PLU

community Lo pull the plug on wa te, p. n

n rgy

board of di rectors of

M inistri es, first to PL U, she taught J-term's Tacoma on the Hill Top class. One of the sites they used was at Associated Associated


helter ,

hot meal sites and upplies to lood banks. The H u nger Walk is on e of the largest d oors to


of the sodal work

program at PLU and p res iden t

N ' WS


Take iL oJ!: F1 minist Studenl Uni n en ourag s part icipants f tabling event to feel beautifu l withouL makeup, p. 3



News pp. 1-4 A&E pp. 5-7 Focu pp. 8- 9 Opinion pp. 1 0- 1 1 Study Break p . 12 Sports pp. 13 - 16


2 N EW

BIKES CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 lamp r-p roof decal so lhat if a bik is tolen tht! p lice can i d entify it with greater ease.

The types of bikes taken

mainly "mountain bikes or crossovers one crul er and one BMX," were varied,


rep rted slolen Wilgus said. None were registered with Pacific Lutheran University. All of the bikes were reported stolen from different

localions on campus and each of the five bikes had been secured with a cable lock. "The cable locks had been

cut and as far as we can telt each [theft] occurred during dayl ight hours," Wilgus said. Students sh uld "avoid cable locks," Wilgus said . Wilgus recommends studen ts use case hardened steel or U locks, as they "are harder to get through." Any o n e can purchase U locks at a varie ty of businesses from sports stores to Walmart. Prices increase with the quality of the lock, b u t typically range from $20 to $40.


M a tthew


started biking to c amp us this

year, but is not concerned

abou t the thefts and uses a

"The idea of it getting . tolen never popped

into my mind."

Matthew Hust junior


B O ( ) K C U :\I I'AN Y -- AT Pl l'

OCT. 12, 2012

cable lock.

" My bike is kind of tacky

and it's not expensive," Hu t said. "The idea of it getting stolen never popped into my mind." Hust said he leaves hi: helmet on his bike but does take off the attachable sa f ty lights he us s for ni ghts, lib cause th y're a lot more

expensive and val uable than my bike helmet."

Wilgus said students should also remove any t hing valuable or easy to remove from theu bikes, such as o dometers upgraded bike seat or packs. "Be vigilant and report any suspicious activity, even if it doe n't appear to affect you, " Wilgus said. ,

GlIe I

writeI' Jesse Major thi artIcle.

C01/ Iribu ted to

T P LEFT: Junior Mntth"w Bu.,t rides his bike

mums BY BE,"i

tn claRs. TOP lUGHT: A


('ul cable luck lies III th� hillle ul' Il bike Ill\l k olllsiu\" nl' Ill' i\1orlwdl Library - eVidence l lllll it LJjcli, hw; t aken pluce on the PLU campUR, an ev�nt that \111)" rep 'uled four hr mute titues this yellt'. AllOVE: 'ophllmol't" Doug Smith hecure>l lti>; hi!.e t o l I reO! uuisidc Uauge Admmi5 ration Building with li D-lock. which U>illi. laul dlr·ctnT uf Curuptu. Sulcl:r .Jd}, WUgu.� I\�'S " ill lUllkc fur :l more eft'cetiw tb"ft deterreut LhRIl ordluury cllble locks. Sopllnmore 1.all£ loening­ SWIIM n. who w rkH III 1111, llik£ ell -up. ,aid II lol l ,f peCipJ . (·onte in compltUning IIh\lu1 their hikes being stolen IlJ)d a..lcing it' we have seen them. /lnd ,,/I il' just hnrd i tcctlulle we ClW'l do Iluything ah<>lrt il,"


OCT. 12, 2012


Feminist Student Union gets 'Fresh, '

Tabling event asks students to take off their makeup, feel beautiful


Ta lor Lunka WRITER.


Feminist Student Union members together joined to show they do nol think women need makeup to feel beautiful. On Oct. 5, the Feminist Student nion (FSU ) tab led in the Anderson Uni versi ty Center Friday afternoon selling t-shirts and asking students t o take off their makeup and write down why th y are beautiful on signs. Stud ts and staff wer photographed wi th thea " I love my fresh face because . . . " signs and the p ictures a re posted on the F minist Student Union's Facebook page. Students wrote a range of reasons, from "my sense of humor" to "my collection of books." TIle signs will be put into a c llage and hung in the Women's Center. The day, dubbed "Fresh Friday," was an a F ce idea the FSU chose from http ://www · website the . The site describes a social action campaign inhonorof the film "Mis Representation," a docum ntary that cha l lenges some of the portrayals media. of women in th According La the site, the campaign's mission is to hift p eop l e s consciousness, IllSpire and indivi dual '

c mmunity action an d ultima tely transform culture SO everyone, regard l S8

of �ender


potenti a l. People were able to .hash ta g "jyesh£ace£riday" to create an online conversation on Twitter about society and its views on make up . Senior Laura Ewton, president of the FS U, sai d she


th e ir

wants students to know that the valu of a per on "d oesn't lie in their appearance." Ewton said she thinks a person' s val ue li lies in their personality o r their inte lli gence" an d iliere is no need to wear makeup all of the time. Th FSU wants studen ts to reflect on th e w ay the media views beauty because it has a huge affect on the way people see themselves, Ewton said. Senior Nina H artsel, a member of the FSU who participated in Fresh Face Friday, said she "refuses to let the media define who I am." "I want my friends, family and community to know they are beau tiful and precious even if they don't fit a narrow, air brushed ideal, " H artsel said. "I want to mange the way beauty is defined in our society . I t should b e a celebration of health, diversity, joy, love, community and the miracle that is living." By taking a day to g aga i nst the me d ia 's messages and removing their makeu p, " women are empowered to define beau y in whatever way is real and honest to them, " H artsel sai d . Junior Kortney Scroger, co-Ie der of the FSU, said the pu rpo e o f Fresh 'ace Friday

is made up of two parts. TIle first is to simpl y app reci a te beauty and recognize th that veryone posse ses. TIle second is to shine light on how media depicts beauty, Scroger said. The campaign's purpose is nol to tell people that makeup is bad . The FSU j ust wants people l feel beautiful without it, Ewton said. Scroger said th at Fresh F a ce Friday is a refl c.tion of the FSU becaus it "promotes acceptance." "The fact that all w men are be a utifu l, all people are beautiful, unique an d equal. FSU seeks to promote equality, raise consciousness and to uplift spirits," Scroger said. The FSU will help the Women's Center host the event "Love Your Body D ay" on Oct. 17. It will take place in the Anderson University Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and will include a "Be(YOU) titul" runway show plus other activities to help students with their self confidence.

"It's about loving who you

are and not what other peopl think about you," Ewton said

Facebook to determine who can take the "most creative photo with their shirt" and the winner will get a prize. Contact the FSU at fsu@pl u . edu for any questions or if you are interested in joinin g the cl u b.


Other upcoming events for the FSU incl ude tabling at the next Sex Posi tive event Oct. 29 and in November the FSU will be ho ting a photo contest on


..-' -�

' .......


"1 wanl to change the way beauty i s defined ill our


Nina Hartsel senior

TOP: Participant s at 'Fresh Face Friday,' an evenl

put on by the Pacific Lutherau



niversity Feminist Student Union, fitted

out peices of paper answering st.atement.s inclu ing "Vi'hat makes me feel beaut.iful is . .." t.o p,>'e wit 1 for pictures that werc placed on FSU's Facebook page. ABOVE: Seniors Laura Ewton, president of FSU, and Nina Hartsel table for 'Fresh Faee Friday' in the Anderson University Center last Friday. At the event , partieipants were elleo uraged t.o t ake llll' th ei r makeup

and think about why they feel beautiful wit.hout it. The event idea was inspired

the documentary "Miss Representation."

Curator discusses Egyptology Fal l Adm issions Foru m Meet admissions officers

from professional schoQls 1-------1 of international affairs

at leading universities

Seattle, WA October 29, 201 2 6:00 - 8:00 pm Student Center Room 160

Seattle University

No adrTdu(on fee or RSVP ",qui,.. Adva nu regiat�on at www.aps a.OI1I

For more Infonnation: P.BOTO BY RYA..'1 PAGE

iehola Reeves. the EgyploloKY curator at the Metropolillln MUJ<eum 01' Art in New York, preRentcd at the annual Egyptolo!,'Y leclure on <kt . 3 in the cllLltiin H.villn enter. R.t:ev · discusNt.'d Ille la Hl theories bellll Ule burial rna, k of King ThtankhaJUWl. According to recent discoveries. the fllltJous mask was not even originally made jor 11ltankbamun.

Visit the APSIA Website














. BRIEFS Am ' Jon s <> WlU'tER

jonesrun@pJu. du

11ege students from Bas r Uruversi y round a skull and some "Jong bon ose to Umlr school while hiking Bastyr, a coIl gt> of natural h ,Ith ar and sienc , i. loc red in ide 51-a e wo( ded ar a in Kerun r', Wa"h When th students "'ere near Juanita Drive, the diS\.'Overoo the rema.lO"; and imnled tcly called tl heriff' om . "




major detec I V

the 5\.."'ene. Kin� County

'The m 'dical e aminer beheves the remams are of an elderly man.! although he has n t vet been identified. Authonbes believe the bon" were d {) the elements for over a 'Car.

u ' still unclear whether the m n died n th !,iCene \)r if hi remairu were placed there after his death. In 'estigatut:s are searclUng the area for th and other �vjdence tha may point to who the man is and how the bon s got there.

Iufonllatlon gnllltred from Ilw

SI.'attk Times.

Wi hington bt X olender



fur trackmg and T�is.tenng offende based off 'Of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Saft>ty Act. The system would have allow d all states t use

common system that 1S


also casU

searchable. IX">t."ause of this failure7 the tales land to lose milll ns U\ grant! for la w enfor menlo Among the 34 states th"t fail d t meet requirements, 5 :.tat� have SImply opted nut t utilize th tern at aU, aymg fun 1t would cost more to Implement than losing the grants. Because oftheirnct'lCl mpliance.. Arizona, Arkansas, CaIiflJmia, Nebraska and Texas will lose }() � ent of their law eruQfCement mding from th Justi-e

Oeparttnent. Tht> other 29 states have asked to rf'CE'ive their �rants to h 1p them

lXIeet the conditions of the law.

Information gatheml fro

AssOCiail'd Prt$s.

uncmpl\lyment tlt 7.8 percen nle 5t?ptember gains w re led by the heal heare industry, whIch added 44,000 lObs, although transportation and warehousing


large gains. Revibiorui showed

also had


Unemployment rate bils new low

The u.s. unemployment rate dropped below 8 percent fur the first time in a Uttle unael fOUT years. The Labor Departnlent 'laid n Friday tha t 114,000 jobs were addl.>d in September, and 6,000

that th

government itself added 63iOOO jobs in July and Augw"i. HOWCYd, many of the j bs added are part tim 'I while the number of indi duals 5e"kin full time '" ork rose 7.5 percenl to 8.6 miUion. It r the r port was rel ased, th Dow Jones industrial cverage future_ rose 5 lloinis, a mildly encouraging tart. 111 yi 1.1 )n Ule lO-year U.S. Treasury not{ aIs ) grt!w hom 1 . 8 '

to 1 .73 percent.


1nfi:n nntiM gatllt�r(d >i'iJllakd Pr -5.

from file

Toddler s body found, paren Sll�ted

A New York toddler'i> botly' has been found after his dt>ath' was

�ct'aled by his family for more than two y


Kow Iczik


pparently bu�d in July 2010, hortly after hIS family moved Justin

from Orange County f land. Offidal" with th






ufof lk


agenl1' went to Heather {«('I alczik' hoose n Oct. 3 to check n one of h !r thr childr � OffidalS gr \\1" concerrted when whereab u

Washington stat failed to meet the full Teqwrements for a ZOO6 law requiring the state to join a n tional program for tracking sex offenders. Thirty-three other stat(!S faik.>d do '0 as well The program was

intended to creat�

mure jObs than e peeled in July, leaving the perc ntage



program requirements




Bastyr Uni ersity tndents find human remains

r"Sponded to

OCT. 12, 2012



f Justin


Eventualyl , police were call and the mother was subjedf!d

to a polic interview. She confessed that the todd!",r had dled shortly after the family mo ·ed. Kowalcztk's boyfriend anti fa th r 'Of her other two children, Robert Rodriguez, has b�n named a pe1S()tl of mlerest.

On OCt. 5, �er Rodriguez.

learned the body had been discovered, he took his nine. year-old child from schoul and attempted to t1 An Ambe Alert qUIckly located both father and son •

171formaHtm gathered frlJ»I lite

As ociated Press

California g , prices lise

pncc. Ul �£omia have to an aU time average high of 4.61 . This is the highest he state has seen ',tee July 19, 2008. wh� gas was $4.60. The Amen an tomobile Association'. D ily Fuel Gauge Report for Oct. 6 said the average price for a gallon of regufar unlead...d gawline "ill California rose approximately 12 amls from the Friday ptic� 0('$4.49. Patrick O(lHaan, a �nior Ga



http:// analyst predk ed that the

avenlg� prk"e CQuld peak at $4,SS. " Early next week is when we may see . orne significant d�dines/, DeHaan said. "Prices may climb for the next h\l'o or three day bt-ttore the ' start,

to (Orne down,"

DeHaan said.

lt�fimnntu:m gathered from tile

A sotiated Press.








FROM PAGE 1 Mini trie

because they had a l arge



:J i

become more serious within the la t few years when it comes to raising money.




M i ckelson


board room and could eat IWlch there.

participated in the Hunger Walk said

board of

are funds that need to be raised and


got me hooked and I got on the

directors and 1

tarted to get

more and more involved," Russel said.

Since then, PLU has partnered with

the walk "is important b cause there

Associated Ministries does so many

Associated Mmistries over the years.

amazing things. It's grea t to see the great-er Pierce County community g t

PLU's involvement slarted


out with just

the Social Work team, but s on peop le

started bringin g mends and it grew

from there.

In Ute Last few years, teams involved with the Hunger Walk at PLU have

Various ways to get involved include volunteering, raising money, walking, sponsoring someone to walk or to be a

support for the commWlity members



l is

looking for an online edit copy tor, uid reporter colw s, ph toge ph r and cartooIili ts.

The M odn


Conl.tu.-t m t@plu. du f1 r more information.



OCT 12. 2012

A&E 5

unn Exclui;ive press screening leaves columnist laughing in theface ofdanger Kelsey Mejlaender COPY EDITOR With Halloween just around the comer, a horror film seemed like the perfect way to spend an evening. The Tacoma Film Festival, which ran from Oct. 4- 1 1, gave the Australian movie "Crawl" its Washington state premiere last week. I was invited to preview the film. Horror, however, never made an appearance, allowing hilarity to steal the stage instead. The film focuses on waitress Marilyn Bums, portrayed by actress Lauren Dillon. Bums is taken hostage in her horne by a killer, played by George Shevtsov, who has a love for cowboy hats. She's waiting for her boyfriend to visit at the time, not knowing his car has broken down. The villain is a contract killer who ac 'dentally hits the stranded boyfriend with his car and

later kills him. The murderer then becomes obsessed with finding a new ride, since the accident totaled his car. He breaks into

Marilyn's house looking for keys to her motorbike. The film was confusing because few of the killer's actions add up and the premise is heavily based on coincidence and chance. The story is set in Au s t r a l i a , so there were at least some cool accents, even if it did make running a couple the of characters' mumblings even more incoherent. is As typical in horror films, Marilyn's house is in the middle of nowhere, so she can't run to the neighbors for hel p . The deadliest feature o f this film was its pacing. It was a bit like watching a movie in slow motion. In this regard, the film


was aptly named. Other than that, the title "Crawl" made little sense, as there were only a few " crawling" scenes, none of which mattered and seemed like they were included simply

nothing to plot or character development, both of which could've used a boost. In one case, Marilyn's friend drops a cake off at her house, not knowing Marilyn has already been taken hostage. cake The is later stepped on - and that's it. The friend isn't cap tured, theme of the film was 'pointless d o e s n ' t r e a l i z e things happen. ' Marilyn' s stuck in her house with a mediocre m u r de r e r , nor does cake the trip up that murderer later. It's just a cheap trick to try to justify the name. and build suspense that left A running theme of the film me annoyed. was 'pointless things happen.' The main character was no Many of the movie's scenes help to the film either. were superfluous, adding Though the stupidity of

3702 South Fife Street. Tacoma, WA 98409


characters is pretty much a requirement of the horror genre at this point, Marilyn Burns seemed particularly dim. She has a gun upstairs in a drawer, a fact she seems to forget as she creeps around her house at a snail's pace thinking she heard something. This might be forgivable, except it happens twice, so you'd think she'd be smart enough to grab the gun the second time around. Even the villain lacked brains, not to mention any facial expression. A stone­ faced killer could be terrifying, but this guy just looked like he had one too many shots of Botox. To top it all off, the music was rather ridiculous. It pretty much consisted of three chords that were played over and over again. This movie's a laugh to see with friends when you're in the mood to chat more than watch. But d on't trap yourself in a theater to see this one. That would be the real horror experience.


I!l . . AppOintments 253. 61 7 . 7008

All services {lefformed by supetviSed students. Ad must be present. Expires 1013 ///2

PHOt0 8Y TnOMAS So�s

(t Imgt,l nI 'oci,aJiz in the Annie Wright School'5 real Hnll on Oct. 4, the Ilpening nigbt or tbe racomu. Film ' -mal. Some directors and ot her contribut.ors to the vtlriou� films spoke to �hegath 'ring nbtlut. ! heir work. CleTWllrds. they attended the west premiere of "The Taiwan Oyster" in the Kemper heuter.


6 A&E



s c


OCT. 12, 2012




Eastvold pushes musicians across the street Rachel Diebel diebe\



In past years, someone vvaIkU1g be�d Eastvold Auditorium might hear a music student practicing through an open win ovv in the voice studios. Such surp rises can no longer be hea rd as the voice studios, previously in Eastvold, have been moved to Trinity Lutheran Church to make vvay for the construction taking place in Eastvold. The voice studios moved from Eastvold to Trinity Church in January to prepare two of phas fOT the construction on Eastvold. Senior lecturer LeeAnne Campos said the move went very smoothly. "I don't miss the old studios at all, " Campos said. "The rooms ar:e bigger than our spaces in Eastvold and are more comfortable," Campos said. "Since so many of the part-time music faculty are novv teaching in the same general area, vve get to see each other more often." Overall response to the


been positive. Megan Zink, who had never practiced in the old Eastvold studios, say she actually prefers that the studios are at Trinity. "The comm unity there [at Trinity] is very welcoming," Zink said.

First-y ar


sailing away on multip le high n tes it can get very distracting!" she added. Hovv ver, "it isn't a horrible situation. In fact, it's kind of fun, listening to vvhat everyone else is doing." Another concern for some is the distance from campus. While Trinity is only about a block from campus, it is much further from Mary Baker Russell Music Center than Eastvol d is. "M st f my students are music majors, so they spend most of their time in MBR," Campos said. "It's q uite a long vvalk an there vvere a couple of stormy days last spring vvhen mv students arrived vv�t and cold." The move to Trinity is permanent, at least at this stage. Renovations in Eastvold vvill continue illltil 2013, transforming the building into the Karen Hille Phillips Center for Performing Arts. The center vvill contain the already completed studio theater and scene shop, as vvell as 630 nevv seats for the auditorium, elevator access to all floors and an art gallery in the main lobby.

"The rooms are bigger than our spaces in Eastvold and are more comfortable." LeeAllDe Campo Senior Lecturer

Sam Sophomore Chapman is a veteran of the old Eastvold studios. lithe move hasn't r ally an inconvenience been at all, " Chapman said. Not that students think the move is vvithout dravvbacks. "The studios aren't vvell insulated, so you can hear pretty much everything that everyone else is doing," Chapman said. "When a bigger voice is


Construction workers make changes to the south side of Eastvold Auditorium, Lutheran Church. Eustvold construction is expected to be done in filll of2013.

where voice lessons were once held. Voice lessons are now held at Trinity

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Senior Lecturer Leei\m}c Campos hclp� senior Slepl1!uUC Bivins


I . �on in t hl! lenlp rill)' voi . � milos, IO(.'II.[ed at Trinity Lutheran hun·h. Betwe n vnca! ·xercil;e. • tIll; munted VOle.;!! of Hingers in Ilt\jllcent ronmc can ea..aly be beard. I wish the waUH were thkker," Bivins Nlud. up her voice before her

For showtimes, trailers, synopses and all things Grand...


OCT 12. 2012

A&E 7

e Touch screens for the very first time Kelsey Mejlaendcr m

PV SOrrol1

il (Okk

Th> i y ou <: l liege "xpenence of lugging textbooks arowld campu s ming to an ffid. Tablets may be take the t t out of mr ba g s and p ut it int our gadg t and that' only a fraction of what they can do. Y u want to surf Wh U'l lht! lnt m 1, - play games, wat mov ic�, make video call or ju t read the new , some tablets hav it all. Wilh mllsl t ablets, yo u can word proce �ing, purma e SF read sheet and presentation uitware, which an be saved as Mkro oft Word, Excel and PowerPomt documents •

,'P ·tivc1y. Yet With eV"ry t clm lJogi "a 1 advan probl m ari. ". A 10l of te thonks aren't available in L'-book



form anu s me just aren't practi a] La use in a r strict d rectangular creen. Additional ly, laptop still have b tter oftwar and graphi upport. TIley indud USB and lID 11 p orts as w ll. feature many tablets only ha e ad a pters f r. StilL if you plan n joining th LabJ ·t craz . then lI ' arc the be! t ( phon. - or students.

The New iPad


Th newest addlli n to the iPad legacy has the best resolution available in tablets and 250JOOO new ap p s available. With the iBooks store, students can buy in teractive textbooks complete with " Lesso n 01 ck" quizze . The i Pad an be clunky to type wi th, however. As ea y as it is to send short tex t m sage on touchscreens, writing yOUl' big research p aper might be more of a ch ore . Although you can get accessories to remedy this, th� most popular keyboa rd design. for the iPad ten d to limit its portability.

ASUS Transformer Pad lIifinity


(not including docking


As pricey as this tablet is, it's also a viable replacement fm a basic laptop. The tablet itsell is thill, but the attachable keyboard is even thinner, the addition of i t won' t weigh you down. Best of alt the keyboard includes many things the tabLet lacks, like a regularly ized USB port and it also adds up to 15 hours of battery life t o the tablet. Though the resolution doesn't ma tch the new iPad's, it has the brightest screen an d a bright future in the tablet w Id .


Samsung Galaxy Tab Stude t Edition


2 (7.0)

With this 7-inch tablet get a keyboard dock, but the d ck decimates the portability of this rrum-tablet. It's s m all and light, but yet another thing to s q ueeze inl YOUT bulging backpack. The 3-megapixel camera is a letdown, since many sm artphones have cameras of better quality. There are also only eight gi gabyt es of storage. With its SD card slot, however, you can add atl additional 32 gigabytes. Still, if the typical 10-indl tablets ar not y ur style, this smaller and less expensive tab let is for you.


Microsoft Surface (Pricing Not Available) Com bining the tablet cover and keyb ard into one is innovative and catches the eye. The tablet also has a built­ in kickstand, a stylus for not e taking and massive memory storage capabili ties with an SO card slot and a full sized USB p ort. The kickstand can't be adjusted, however, which means you can't change the tablet-to-keyboard angl . This tablet will be released o t. 26 and comes preloaded with the Windows 8 software that comes out the same day.

*Pricing informa ion from the Computer Ne ,work (CNET)



ut st

The 'Lutedome' - a pil

to some and a symbol of to ot ers . A well-known term and a term that has bee of many diversity and

on't think it's fair to ·


UIliversity. For members of last

people who don't have the -Ian Me AS

her z

ASPLU senate m eting,


U presi


outreach efforts at Pacifi(

that [privilege] to

privilege to att







pejorative and exclusive t

ASPLU senators, exeCl

dir ctors . Or





weight that ASPLU is p. set aside funds



in pro



diversity dynamite in a

to raze the Llltedome im

T / OCT, 12, 2012




ASPLU plans a community dialogue da

ldents question the cost of wor s

r ofpride



the focus




t seemed


reight for

ives a d enough

�pared to •





rte. �

,Jack Sorensen



The bill

ASPLU Senate Bill 2 will set asid man y and planning efforts to host th first PLU "Community Dialogue Day:' a panel dialogu focused on the Lutedome, PLU ' s pl ace in the Parkland commu nity and, most notably, the use of the phrase 'Parkland youth' - more commonly known by the acronym 'PY.' The bill was initially proposed by PLU senior Chelsea Paulsen as part of her senior project for conflict resolution, ASPLU Public Relations Director Hillary Powell said. Since the bill's inception, ASPLU has assumed responsibility for the event, utilizing Paulsen as a resource. The event, slated for mid- to late­ N vember, will bring together PLU staff and students, associated student body members from Washington High School as well as the Washington H.5. principal to discuss PLU's relationship with the Parkland community and how PLU can be a more welcoming environment for Parkland community members, Ian Metz, ASPLU president, said. And at the forefront of ASPLU's Community Dialogue Day is the dissolutio of the term 'PY.'

The battle

While the m ajorily of PLU community members who have voiced opinions on Sena te Bill 2 h ave e pressed su ppoTl for the measu re, some students have expressed disapproval over ASPLU's plan, sp cificaUy the $1,000 set aside t host it. ''It [$1,000] se ms really bi g to me," junior Jessica Welch said. Senior Jeff Tolman echoe Welch's opinion, sayin tha t $1,000 "is quite a bit of money" to bring com m unity members to the universlty for an

event, especially when the event will be most beneficial to those community members. Tolman said he thought the essence of ASPLU's Communi ty Dialogue Day was "a good idea," bu t he d'd noL think the event "will be helpful" for the PLU community. "PLU can improve our outreach programs," Tolman said. "But PLU needs internal improvements . . . the main priority right now should be PLU focusing on itself." Melz argue the event is mutually beneficial for both the PLU and Parkland communities - PLU will become a stronger part of Parkland and Parkland residents will feel more welcomed by PLU, he said. AdditionalIy, Metz said the "majority of the student body doesn't think it [the term Lutedome] is a good thing." StilI, there are students like Tolman who hold a contrary view. "There is a little bit of justification with 'Lutedome,'" Tolman said, citing the price of PLU tuition as a valid reason for PLU students to feel they are a part of a private community. Tolman did not say, however, that he supported any social boundary between PLU and the community. "I just don't think we should be spending money to host something like this," he said. But M tz st ad by the use of student p rogrammin g funds, affirming "this is a chance to spend money on som�thing meaningful." Me1z said he and his colle agu es in ASPLU wer concerned with PLU's appearance t the Parkland comm unity, particularly that co mmunity members "don't nefe sarily feel welcome" on the P L U campus. Opposi tion to the bill came as a surpris to Metz, who said he encourages oppose shld en s "to look at the p 'vilege they enj y" as students of a private university. "I d n't think it's fai to limit that to

people who don't have the privilege to attend here," Metz said. As for the funding, the $1,000 is set aside to provide meals for the invit community members a Metz, a certified dialogue facilitat r, said comfort is paramount to pen ialogue, He also stressed the $ 1 ,000 in ASPLU funds is simply a bu dget cap for the project, and that he does not bel iev the event will cost anywhere near that cap. Senate Bill 2 was tabled last Tuesday, but Metz said he expects the bill to pass in senate next Tuesd ay, Oct. 16 "with unanimous support." He invited any students with questions or concerns to contact ASPLU online or in person.




OCT. 12, 2012

Sil y lawsuits Don't let the media are a sign of filter your politics privile ge Broadcasting Station's (PBS) show "Sesame Street" and i ts sta rl Bi g Bird.

Makenzie Landis

1AST TV l\-WLTIMEOlA EDIT R landismj@Plu. du

Se lf-indulgence and greed have left our nation dumbstruck and confused .

Our legal system has indulged frivolous lawsu i ts that h ave promoted a culture of in d ivi du al s who b elie ve

they deserve outlandishly large SUD1S of money for asinine reasons.

Seven ty-nine-year­ Liebe ck old of Stella Albuquerque, N.M. rose up to voice her concerns. Lieb ck bought a coffee at the McDonald's drive-through in 1992. A5 Liebeck attempted to put cream and su gar into her coffee, she spilled it all over her lap. Being emotionally scarred and suffering minor i njuries, she was able to take this issue to court. Due to a jury's sympathy, McDonald's was held 80 pe rcent liable for this outlandish drum TIle jury

awarded Lieb ck $16 00 in compensatoT), damages and $2.7 million .in punitive damages. The decision was later appealed and settled ou t of court, giving Li eb ck F

"pocketabl dollars iOT simply not paying attention and sp i llin g her coffee according to court documents. Moral of the $600,000


story: do something stupid and get rewarded. ff you n d some par change, just sue the local weatherman for his inaccurate forecasting on the acts of Cod.

It'saiactollife that weather forecasters often make mistak , bu t on woman apparently did n t get the

woman sued a television sta tion for making an inaccurate prediction, weather prediction being the key word. The station predicted sun, but G d gave them rain. U\ woman claimed that the forecast caused her to dres lightly. The p or planning n h part, and the inaccurate prediction of the weathermanl resulted in her catching the flu and missing work. She sued for $1,000, and won, according to court documents. 1 ral of this tory: do �omelhing stupid and get rewarded . All of these lawsu i ts have ne thing in comm on : our American entitlement i allowing us to blame our first world problems on other people. These lawsuits may seem like a qu ick way to earn a buck, but th y have serious effects on our . oCiety. Gvil lawsuits cost the u.s. economy more than $200 bi llion per year, according to the U.S. news. If you break thal down, every taxpayer - including yourself - i s paying $700-$800 each year

for stupid pe pIe's get-rich­ qwck schemes. We as a society need to put on our big girl p a n ties and start re alliin g other pe pIe in third-wor1d countries do not even have coffee to spill On their laps, or televjsions to bl a m e for their flu. We as American cimens need to realize our actions affect other p op le .

discussing to reduce ti,e deficit, Romney sai d he would cut the subsidy to PBS, presumably endan gering "Sesa.m.e Street," eve n th ough he said he liked Big Bird . Il was the offhand comment tha t l a unched a thousand memes, not mcl uding the Twitter posts. Those are the kinds of lhings people remember about

Kelsey Mejlaender COFY EDITOR

msu lts, promises and exaggerati n - it mus t be debating time i n this year" presidential race. Every four years, American sit down to watch two peopl explain W y one is better than the other . Bu t whether voters are really infl uenced by the debate, or if we hould even watch i t, is le5, clear. The firs t debate aired last Wedne dav, Oct. 3, and the gen eral onseru;'Us is tha t fonner Gov. Mitt: Romney Barack President beat Obama. However, I didn't hea r any thing tha t changed my opinion ab ul e1ther can d id a te, much less my vote. Typically, almost everything c andid a te s say in deb ates is something we already know. We've all seen the attack ads and h ard nippets of the tandar d vitriolic phrase Debates just aU w can d i dates to explain the same thing with longer lence . social to According networ ins, th m t popular nugget of information wa a bout the classic Publk



the things that are di fferent, musing or sh cking. Twenty ) ears from now, [ won't remember what Romney's plan was for the econom y, but I'll reme mb er what he said about Big Bird 50 if the "boring" information is just a l onger version of what we already know, while any inter stin g bits get to sed around Twi tter, come dy late night 511 ws and


pays a tiention lo

multi pIe other news sources, is there any point i n watching

the aClual debate? J would say ther is, but I alc;o wouldn't make it my top priority. De ba tes are right in

the middle of mid terms and so missing one is probably inevilable. As there are multiple sources available onlin that give the highlights of d b ate , you can kip th� podium posing and still feel politically active. Ju d n't et too comiottable getting you r po l i ti cal news from Tumbler

Submit rrections and

IlliL�l.I1H l gJ Ill. dl r" r lIur :uh


rat !i IIDJ Cl)lIl.rat'l.


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EDrron-INW Ja ·k . reno f'l IIIC1.d (J)plu.,.tlll

MANAGING NEW EDITOR J si�u. Trondse trondsjk@pilt.etiu e - 0 mine dOrTI iru:ac@plll du

Mi 'sio 'tatemenl:

Our pri

. ry rt�spon"lhiUty is



- eTVC

the PLe community. ThiJ; conununily

mdudcs stud alumni.

ts, tl culty. staff. and





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Advertising & subscriptions: Pleas


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1011 rer than 50U wnrd. m l('llgl h and i:Yllt'il.

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T/!t' MIX/ring .\I'f.!il

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refuse liny letter. Letters may be edited II




k the IIT < )r Strupinskiv to .,. 1 1. ) UlC h l n plll(e 1 nco p � t'lel! '·d run.. ·c1e u.;. '(1 • 3 Lin fl,rU eR." Lut m fro aw ay


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The second debate

nexl Tuesday, Oct. 1 6.

ail Rachel Di bel's e-m U ·d e · SSp . address w S lUl I ail lS Her 7. on page . di


, Ian. ter

1 960.


letters to the editor



a risk of becoming too dependent on what other people think you shou l d know versus what may a ctual l y b happenin g . Even if y ou are getting you r news from rep utable sources like CNN, an important iact or detail thal may have swayed your opinion might slip through the news world's net. If you don't wa tch lhe original source for y ou rself, you will never know . Smce the debate is avail ab le online, there are few excuses for nol seemg the politiCal tap dane yourself. 1 n J 960, the fir::; t presidential debate to be televised was between John F. Kennedy, who agre d t o wear m a ke-u p for the cameras, and Richard Nixon, who refused make-up. Those who watched il, instead of listening on the raillo, were certain the healthy-looking, energetic Kenned y won verslli the wea ty, tired-looking Nixon . This was a d ba te tllat had big impact. Now, even with both candidates carefully primped and styl d, looks and body langu age dominate public perc ption. While Obama was often looking down and taking notes, Romney was p racti cally perky, smiling and s peaking directly to the presi dent . And if all you do is skim through memes for your political new�, you won't be any better informed tl1an the voters of

expenditures he would cut

Frivolous lawswts are boggmg down the legal system with m re than 15 million civil cases per year. 11tis lak es advantage of the legal system our forefathers built to pr teet us. Next time y u are angry abou t which toy McDonald's puts in your Happy Meal or thal McDonald' gives you Pepsi mstead of low-fal milk, think about peopl e who have never even seen a Happy Meal.

( )IIT prim,U)'

There' s


memo. An Israeli

qui ck Coogle searches.


fu r length, taste and errors.

POOO ' EDITOR Kelsey Hilme "ill1l�lI@plu.{'du

SPORTS EDITOR Nathan Shoup shoupna@plu.fdu

S & 0 .RTl'ING MANAGER Wm, on .Alder /rIflJtll dJr@pl rill PHOTO EDlT R

Ben Quinn CJIlinnbj@plu.t:all

NLlNE EDITOR �Itior fU'n (/ppl anllllt

el. Mcjlu('Dder m()ladf@1//11 ttll.




0P/JIg (ln iifl(

AD I ERS liO' Rowe Art Land


OCT. ] 2.2012

cletter 1rom

n Contest starts good

sustainable. not only when you are on campus, but off

at a university that �s about the environment and being sustainable has made

o\ll:hi d e and have fun with.out

realize hOW easy it can be to charige our beha !iOTS. Not only does this save the university money, it


also makes out world mor�

Taylor Lwd� LUMNIS't

sustainable for the future.


Although you may � the

saving energy means school is saving ton

Few things are simpll'f than pullirig the plug. UnPLUgged is a campus-wide efo f rt to reduce energy \l6e,



dryers when they aren't using them. Before coming to PLU, this used to be me too But being



campus �s well

However, it is

electronics. UnPLUgged is


fun way to help the en 'ironment, and this year it more public than it hilS been in previous

\lsin,g electricity. It's




body and

years. ot onlv is


chart · chalked outside of th Anderson University Center to- track which resilknce haD is saving the most energy, but there are also unPLU ed on all mon . evet\ts g ) mo v 1 have a horrible habit of l eaving my ph�e plugged in all night and leaving my power strip on even when I'm nat using it UnPLUgged is an easy and e tremely beneficial way we can be more b'Us-tamable on campus. ''Hou olNa Power"


and other unrtUgged evenl<;

don't make OUT lives harder, so there's no reason why .P*'QpJe. ean't partid�le. l\now a IQt of peopl� who are either teo lazy or lust don�t feel like unplugging their power tdps OT hair

lor for

and hav� fun using electricitY_

CQOley, director

sustainabilily the university,


ev� _day. It's

tb get mto.

the amount of money we save tPLU i!;. pretty




amount of enerlnr saved from evehts like "Hom oi No

POwer" t1<Jeso't show up (,)n the university's power bill. Although there are more savings for the rllonth of unPLUggect it till doesn't cover tfie extra costs from the

increasing elet.'tridty

the past. n,ere




plenty of fun wlPLUgged events going on thiS month. Students


walt but you aren�t chargIng your l aptop or


it still uses

electricity. 1 strongly �ncoura ge an of yo u to stop


money� t'ha�s not the case. A�cording to- Christitte




u ri R l u g . Not fI.tSt this

month. but good habit


L gge challenge rens from Oct. 1 -30. President Krise will artnounce the winners at 2 p.m. on Oct 30.

have the chance to get more connected \<\.ith PLU and sec aU <>f the simple ways to be

Please recycle your copy of The Mooring Mast



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lawn service and

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Mooring a


Woman moderator still asked to stay in the past



Not once in my lifetime has a woman moderated presidential a debate. This sobering reality was spotlighted in the media this summer as three high school students petitioned on http://! for a woman moderator in the 2012 election debates. Imagine the empowerment young women felt in August the Commission when Debates Presidential on selected CNN's chief po . tical Candy correspondent Crowley as moderator. It was an achievement well overdue. The last - and only - woman to ever host a presidential debate was 1992's Carole Simpson. In a frustrating election brimming with Planned Parenthood cuts, panels entirely of men debating birth control in Congress and cries of a "war on women," a woman moderator is perfectly appropriate. It's a shame her voice won't actually matter. incred 'ble the Picture disappointment of the three young women, the 122,344 voters who signed their petition and myself when we discovered that Crowley woul d n t be asking her own questions at the debate. Rather, Crowley wil l be hosting a "tow meeting style" debate, holding the

mi ophone

mem bers a



they ask their

own questions. While Crowley's

CLASSIF EDS: Masl editor,

Is an

lookillg online

employment website.


Your classified ad could appear

here in the Del. 26 iss ue of The Mooring Mast. OTHER

Your las.lied ad c uid appear here in the Ocl. 26 issue of The M oring Mast.


Be like Opra

p l u gged rota tfte

to t ry and go out ide without

still more

1 kno w many vf you are told ov� and over to unplug and are p robably annoyed by it;. but $etiously, just unplug whatever you aren't u ing. Even if something is

However, i t is still mOl'e important than ver


important than ever to go


everyone to cooserV\ energy and unplug








counterparts ask candidates questions face to face and man to man, Crowley serves in this debate as nothing more than a vessel for the queries of a lesser educated audience. I suppose we should have seen it coming. In the 1 992 debate, Simpson, the fir t female and black to moderate, was also the first person to moderate a town hall debate. It seems an unlikely coincidence that the town hall debate was introduced at the exact same time as women moderators. In an article for The Atlantic, Simpson recalled tl1at she was repeatedly told her debate would be an 'Oprah­ style' show. The audience members asked the questions, while a voice in her ear-piece told her who to take questions from. Crowley will inevitably operate under the same limitations. By marginalizing Crowley and limiting her influence in the debate, we have lost the opportunity to present young women with a role model in politics. Even worse, three young women and all who petitioned were told their voices matter just as little as Crowley's does. It's not hard to see why Crowley was given such an unimportan t role. The problem lies with the sixteen men and one woman on the Commission on Presidential Debates, who choose the moderators and the roles they will play. It lies in a 2012 study of politics in the media, which states that men are quoted five times more often than women about 'women's issues.' It lies in an apathetic country tha forgot to care until three high school studentS reminded it to. On Oct.. 16, I will a cept the stunted victory women have been given and tune in to watch the debate. 1 only hope that by 201 6, 1 will see � woman ca lling the shots at a m ajor presidential debate.




S U DO KU 8 9


7 1

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by Stewart Berg









TH� A. J�f 5 Of FRANK M�ADGf.. A �fl'� V O Br1'tt tP\\l1.StN .E va- AND 'OVRiS}[ll> Nr.Jf Gt: WO�� \HIS £PISOv£': HIS 5ToR'f IS HISTORY

H igh Fives 7


OCT. 12, 2012




3 1 5 7






8 6 f----.!5 2




Universal Crossword

Edited by Timothy E. Parker October 14, 2012

1 Drum major's stick 6 Chanel fragrance 1 0 Wood or iron 1 4 "Humble" place to live 1 5 Egg 1 6 Engage one's services 1 7 Quip for those tired of waiting (Part 1 ) 1 9 Gymnas­ tics legend Korbut 20 Wifey (with "tile") 21 Yemeni seaport 22 Butt of many jokes 24 ith resolve 26 GnUs group 27 Malden name Intro 28 Quip for those tired of wai ting (part 2) 32 CaustIc 35 Tenth an ni ­ versary gift 36 Await in terror 37 Mob enforcer 38 M". at the ball game!" 39 High on the Mohs scale 40 Great ruckus 42 CTRL, e.g. 43 Emad command 44 Quip for


those tired of waiting (Part 3) 46 It can be feathery or scaly 47 Niven's "Casino Royale" role 48 Elate 52 Morning prayer 55 Stepped heavily 56 Vein contents 57 Touch on 58 Quip for those tired of waiting (Part 4) 61 Rose that had spikes 62 Saintly 63 "Ripley's Believe I "

64 lt may be

a wall 65 Court partitions 66 Shot In the dark DOWN 1 Healing

found behind

9 Breakfast or brunch order 1 0 Numbskull 1 1 Funny Tomlin 12 Egg on 1 3 Den denizen 1 8 Out of action 23 Lacking water 25 Unrestrained 26 Useful 28 In a stack 29 Tide type 30 A Wilson of The Beach Boys 31 Bathtub swirl 32 Turkish title (Var.) 33 Masked mammal, infonnally 34 Original cross word 35 Tipped at the casino 41 Many

a lit. author 43 One who won't let you pass 45 Pulver's rank 46 E-musing? 48 Compo­ nents of crosswords 49 "No man is an island" poet 50 Switch followers? 51 Red­ spotted, semi-aquatic critters 52 Props for TV weathermen 53 Assist in wrongdoing 54 Bishop Desmond 55 H pace 59 Nursery " piggy " 60 Play about Capote

PRAY TELL By poner Slem


ointments 2 Call off, at Cape Canaveral 3 Trunk ofthe human body 4 Unusual 5 Vetoed 6 Partridge flock 7 It may clean


8 Magna _ laude

© 2012 Universal Uclick

What do you think of the term «Parkland Youth" ?

"A lot of people use it as der:ogatory, but I can also see it as a positive term

because it describes the community around u s !' Kiersten Bowers,


"I gue s it's



derogatori. It' kind of a

label that we give people that's not meant to be endearing." Jordan

Flynn, senior

"I think it's actually pretty degrading,

bot I know not

everyone means it as a derogatory term." Erica Boyle, senior

I don' t think it's offensive. I think: it's just a term to refer to kids hanging around on campus!' Maxwell Silver,



OCT. 12, 2012


'DU Football

Upc ming Gam s Oct 13 at Pnrijic, J P III Oct. 20 VS. Willamflte 12:.30 p.m.

Previous Games Win (31-14): Oct. 6 at LeUIi.� and Clarl.: Loss (31-24): Sept 29 11s LurJidd

Nathan Shoup


Upcoming GlUlle

Men's Soccer

Women's Soccer

Oct. 12 at Whitworth, 7p.m. OcL 13 at Whitman. 5 p.m.


Previou Games Win (3-0): Oct. 5 us. Gtrorge Fox Win (3- 0): Oct. 3 at Puget SO/end

Previou. Games Tie (2-2). Oct. 5 os. Pllgtt Smuui Win (2-1): Sept. 30 at WhitnulTI

Oct. 13 us. Whitman. noon OcL 14 11S. Whitw(lrth. TWon


UPcOming Games

Previous Game Win (3-2): Oct. 7 (1/ WtUameUe Win (l-O)� Oct. 6 us. George FoI.

Upcoming Games Oct. 13 al T,ewiJI Ilmi Clark llwitational, 11 a.m . Previous Games

OcL 6 WWU Classic lnoitational, MXC (12th). WXC (9th)

than a t e

following day. Maintaining the status quo, the Lutes won sl)(lupna@piu.t'Ciu in double overtime, 3-2. Latson added her seventh ccer t�am The women's goal of the season i n the ight conference has played matches !:his season. Five seventh minute, again off an assist from Sussman. ended in a tie. The Bearcats responded Wi th a record 01 4-1-5, 2-1-5 with two goals in the follOWing the Lu tes are locked i n a fourth 18 minutes to take a 2-1 lead. •or thwest place tie in the The two Bearca t goals cued Conference. the Blake Warner show. Before this sea n, the most The sophomore defender games the women's soccer scored in the 58th minute program had tied In a season on a come r kick that eluded was four . The 20 12 quad has already surpassed that total all Lu tes and Bearcats going into the goal. In the second with eight matdtes remaining. In soccer standings are overtime period, Warner won the game for the Lutes trom points a on determined 23 yard out on a ball that was system. A win earns a team three points, a tie garners one deflected by the Willamette goalie and rolled into the goal. point and a loss results in a The cu..rrent two-game goose egg . The L utes knocked off conference winning streak is the first for the Lutes since last-place George Fox 1 -0 in double overtime Saturday at the last two games of the 2010 season . home. The game was already The Lutes put their budding the sixth double overtime for winning streak on the line this the Lutes this season. g Whitm :in;t:-Je rward .mT1r'f'TT'�vee.ke1ld., h tomorrow and Whi tworth Larson drove home her teamSunday. Both games begin at leading sixth goa) ot the noon. eason from 22 yards off an The Lutes have alread y tied assist from junior defender both teams this season. Brenna Sussman. The Lu tes defeated Willamette in Sale the



Od. 13 I.1S. Whitman. 2:30 p. m. Oct. 14 1Js. Whitworth. 2:30 p.m.

Cross Country





F'mrt -year forward Lauren LIU'8OD is tied up with A BmiD defender fighting for position during aturday's 1- double overtime victory over George Fbx. Larson' seven goa\.s t his eaBQn are the team higb and second best in the Northweql Conference.

Lutes explo re Pioneers' backfie d ""

Football team shuts down Lewis and Clark's run game, wins 31-14 Steven McGrain



Pacific Lutheran defeated the reigning offensive player of the year junior quarterback Keith Welch and the u ndefeated Lewis and Clark Pioneers in Portland last Saturday. The l'ioneers owned the seventh-ranked o ffense in the country last year due la rge

to Welch and running ba Curtis Shirey. The Lutes' defense d idn't car , e defense held Lewis an d Oark to 1 4 points and 256 yards in a 31-14 rout of the Pioneers. ILContaining him [Welch] was a part 0f our strategy, but our main focus wa s to stay in our lanes, do our jobs and defensive stop the run.." ,hmior -ck e yc a el Tuisasosopo ta l " M h said. After tha e rything t ve else took care of itself." Tuiasosopo and four other Lute defenders recorded six tackles Saturday. The running game for the Pioneers was nonexistent. They gained an abysmal 24

rushing yards on 32 a ttempts. TIle only offensive threat from Lewis & Oark's offense was Welch's arm, but Welch was icked off three times cam p eting 26 of 45 passes for 232 yards and two touchdoWnS. Welch was sacked five times. Junior cornerback Taylor Angev'ne recorded two interceptions and fellow junior cornerback Jonny " 0




senior safety and team captain Erik Hoium said . Bu t when a guy that isn't always out there, makes the mos t of an opportunity, steps u p and makes a play, I don t think there is anything that gets our entire team more fired up." Sullivan has played in all four games this season but "


econdary confused for the entire afternoon, His main target was sophomore wide receiver Kyle Warner, who caught eight passes for 195 yards and a touchdown. Sophomore wide receiver Austin Hill ' ;er c aught a seven-yard touchd wn a fte ' Sullivan s forced fumble and fumble recovery. Ritchey noticed Lewis 1 & CiaI'k was going to blitz everyone except one comer, so he audibled to ... a pass play that called for Hilliker t run a quick slant resulting in his first col Iegiate touchdown reception. "It was a privilege to get the opportunity to make the play," Hilliker said . ''But it all started wit.l,

' JJ. team IS one b· lg la mi y, so seeill-g any -f our brother� make a play is great to see."

other. Volland's takeaway was his fourth Of the sea son and Angevine's was his third. The turnovers res ulted from constant pressure from the Lutes defensive line . defensive Junior end Sam Lavis, senior linebacker Derrik Larson and sophomores Blake P��terson and Doug Sullivan all recorded sacks. had two of Sullivan the five sacks and recovered a fumble that resulted in a Pacific Lutheran touchdown on the next play. "Our team is one big family, so seeing any of our brothe rs m e a p la y is grea t,"




Eric Hoium sewor


has seen limited action as a soph omore Sophomore quarterba�k Dal t n Ritchey once agam shined for the Lutes . Ritchey completed 19 of 30 passes for 273 yards and three touchdowns to one intercep tion. Ritchey connected with eight different receiVe Pioneers' leavin g the .



l ine


Dalton [Ritchey] enou gh time to hit me in stride and credit Doug [SullivanJ for coming up with the football, cr ITiving us this great field position." Ritchey' s three t u d wn passes mcreased his se son total to eight In the first q uarter, senior runni..'1g back Cod y I'ohren

stretched a screen pass into a 48-yard recep · on The pla y was called back due to a holding penalty. On the ensuing play, Warner added a 48-yard reception of his own, but that too was called back, for an ineligible downfield . The drive ended in a pun t for the Lutes The Lutes cruised to a 17-0 lead late in the third quarter before Lewis an d Clark got on the board with a 24-yard touchdown pass ft'om Welch with 4:03 remaining in the quarter. Senior running back Brandon James gained 81 yards on only 13 touches includ i ng a seven -yard .


scamper in the third quarter.

The victory gave PLU its second win of the season and more importantly th�iI first of the Northwest C0I11erence, after suffering last week's loss to Linfield . The Lutes now sit at 2-2, 1-1 . Pacific Lutheran travels back to Portland tomorrow to play Pacific. The Boxers are

2-3, 1-1 .

Kickoff is at



� -.




OCT. 12, 2012

ort west Confe e ce soccer power rank- gs Nathan Shoup POlf(' EDITOR The Paonc Lutheran soccer

programs are on the verge of doing something they haven't done in even years. TIle last time both the men and wo men's prol?fams finished in the top fo ur lD th e Northwest Conference was in 2005. That year the men's team finished fourth and the women finished th.i rd. The men have not finished out of the t p four in the NWC since 2002 when they finished sixth. After a fifth place finish in 2006, the women have alternated between sixth and seventh place finishes yearly. The women are currently riding a mini two-game win streak and have only lost one of their 10 matches this season. They currently sit in fourth place in the NWC at 4-1-5, 2-1-


The men have won five of their seven conference mafches and sit in second place in the NWC at 6-4-2, 5-1-


fIowever, conference always standings don' t accura tely Tank teams. For that reason I'm ranking the NWC men's and women' soccer teams as promised last week. As always - ladies first.

Women s



1. Linfield Wildcats, third place in


The Wildcats are currently

third place, but that is mislea din g . At 9-1-2, 5-1-2 the lone loss for Unfield came in a 1-0 d e cisi on to con ference leader, Puget SOund . Red-shirt junior forward Emily Fellows is undoubtedly the best player ill the c nference. F Haws leads the

conference with 12 goa ls, 26 points and 93 shots. The next highest number of shots in the conference is 39.

2. Pug�t Sound, first placelie The NWC championship trophy has made the Puget Sound campus home. The Loggers have won the N WC the lasl 10 seas ns. The Loggers are current1y 7-3-1, 6-1-1 but have eased their grip over the NWC. Puget Sound has two narrow 1-0 victories over a mediocre Pacific Boxer team and over a one-win George Fox team.

3. Whitworth, place tie


At 6-5-1, 6-1-1, the Pirates played horribly in non­ c nference but rebounded in their conference portion of the season. The Pirates triumphed in onl y one of their past three matches.

4. Pacific Lu theran, fourth place tie Saying the L ut es are improved squad is an under statement. At 4-1-5, 2-1 -5 the Lutes have already matched their win t otal from an

201 1 . Firs t-yeaT

orward La


Lar,on is econ d in the conference with seven goals.

5. Lewis and Clark, fourth place tie The Pionee's signature game this season resulte d in a 1-1 tie wi th Linfield. Wi th a record of 3-6-2, 3-3-2, hvo f Lewis and Clark's three conference victories came ver the seventh and eighth place teams in the conference,


Sopho more forward Emmanuel Amarh fist· bumps his teammates during opening inlroduct ions hetore last lorida}" s game

with Puget Sound. The game ended in


Whitman and George Fox.

6. Pacific, sixth place Owning a record of 5-4-3, 3-4-1, the Boxers have had a tough time deciding if they enjoy winning, losing or tying games this season. The Boxers are one point behind the Pioneers and Lutes for fourth place but have lost three of their last four matches.

7. Whitman, eighth place The Missionaries are currently 3-8- 1, 2-5-1 . Thei r 1-0 victory over Willamette put them ahead of the Bearcats at n o. 7.

8. Willamelte Bearcats, seventh place A 4-7-t

2-5-1 the Bearcats

have already started pl aying for 2013, Willametle has only two wins in the past month.

9. Geox:ge Fox Bruins, ninth pJace It is borderline impo s ible to find a bright spot for the Bruins who are 1-9-2, 0-8.

Men's S�-el-

2-2 draw. 'TI,e Lutes sit. in second pla<,e in this week's conference power rankings.

1. Whitworth, place

2. Pacific Lutheran, second place The Lutes started the season slowly but have picked p the slacld n the con fe r ence port i on of its schedule. At 6-4-2, 5-1-1 the Lu tes own a two-point lead over third-place Puget Sound.

3. Puget Sound, �d place Puget Sound rounds out the grou p of thr th a t will compete for a conference title this season. With a season record of 8-2-3, 4-1 -2, e Loggers own a healthy five-point l ead over fourth-place Linfield.

4. Willamelte, place



In a comple tely predictable hio , the Texans beat the Jets M n d a y. ThE' 23-17 final score was probably closer than most pred ic t d, b wever. Everyone in our league correctly pi ked Houston, so he standings r main the same. Gutierrez umains the only "unbeaten" while Ritc..hey is finally u the win cat gory at f

1-3. The name for

OUT l ea gue

also remains the :arne. At l ast £or now. While the football ga me was predictable, the number of emails I received regard i ng a name change was not. Zero. D you wa nt me to name it myself? Do you really want that to happen? 1 can UUnk of the cheesiest, name alliteration-fill ed

possible, one that will make your eyes roll, or you can send me your ideas. Don't get me wrong, I would love to think of one of those names, but I'm asking you for your benefit. So yo have one more chance t save yourself before The Mast Monday Night Footb a l l pick 'em becomes a

cliched monster.

Save y urseH. The Bro cos tr a vel to San Diego in what will be Peyton's secon Monday Night Football game of the young season.

Denver at

San Diego


The Bearcats won two of its last three matches including a 3-2 victory over fourth-place

Shane Gu tie rrez

Linfield last Saturday. Willamette is currently

1, 2-4-1.

The Pirates have not dropped a match this season with a record of 9-0-2, 6-0-1. Whitworth has allowed only three goals this season. Two of which carne in a 3-2 victory over the Lutes Sept. 29 in Spokane.


The Mast Monday Night Football pick 'em


5. Linfield, place


fou rth

The Wildcats own a slightly better conference record than Willamette at 5-6-1, 3-4, but they fell to Willamette last weekend.

6. Whitman, place


The Missionaries current1v ­ sit at 4-7-2, 2-4-L Whitma has won only two of its past 1 0 matches.

7. George seventh place


The Bruins are 2-9- 1, 2-5 this Whitman thumped the Bruin 3-1 Sept. 23.

s a on.

8. Pacific, place


The Missionaries managed to steal a 1-0 conference vi tory from Whi tman Sept. 22. But at 3-9, 1-6 th e seas n coul n't end soo n enough for Pacific. Editor's note- Lewis and Clark does not have a men 's soccer program.


Gutierrez has been so impressive with his picks this season he almost doesn't deserve hair jokes anymore. Almost. Maybe next week. Rumor has it, Gutierrez is debating bleaching his tips.

men 's sOCCer player pick: SD record: if-O


Geoff L.oomis

men ' s baseball coach pick: DEN record: 3-7

Loomis laughed at the fact that Qualcomm Stadium (home of the Chargers) has a natural grass surface. FieldTurf was just installed on the PLU baseball field . He chose the Br ncos to rub it in on the Chargers.


£,once L.u te

trusty mascot pick: SD record: 3-1

Ste ve Dickerson

men ' s basketball coach

pic/{: SD record: 3-7

Stace� J./a'Jensen aI/-wo rld softball player pick: DEN record: 2-2

Lance Lute is much more knowledgeable about PLU athletics than the NFL, but he is d ing pretty w n for himself. Can Lance build on his hot start as the season drudges on?

"The ' Bolts win as old man Rivers rolls on, " Dickerson said . 1vlight be a little premature to call Rivers, 30, an old man, but his name and grumpy demea nor warrant the nickname. I told you to tak n tice of Hagensen' losing record last week, because we won' t see it again. Well, unless the Bronc s 10 e Monday. Then we would see it again. ------- ---

fU/ison McDaniel McDaniel has r bounded from her excruciating 0-2 start in a big L.. u be sports fant�tic way but ,till find herself two games out of the lead. pick: DEN record: 2 -2 �---------------Dalton Ritchey "Peyton Manning won't lose twice in a row," Ritchey said. PI-V �art;e rbacK Manning's Broncos have looked s uspect this season. p ic k: J.)EN record: 7-3


OCT. 12. 2012


Vol eybal tealll C u SIng •

Ranked no. Nathan Shoup SPORTS EDITOR


Th volleyball team is first place in the Northwest urprise.





The Lutes haven't finished lower than second place in the NWC since 2005, including four conference cham pionship�. Sitting in tirst place, the Lutes made qu ick work of the visiting George Fo:, Bnl� Friday night, sweepmg asIde the visi tors in straight sets, 251 7, 25-23, 25-27. The derisive victory improved the Lutes record to 14-2, 8-0 and dropped the fourth-place Bntins to 7-8, 5-3. The game came two nights aiter the Lutes' biggest win of the season, defeating the then no. 10 Puget Sound Loggers in traight se in Puget Sound's gym. A let-down was not in the works however. for "We ju t p r pared George Fox like they were any other opponent, not

in country

underestimating them , senior outside hi tter Kelsey Pacolt said. Junior outside hitter Haley Urdahl led the Lutes with 1 1 kills. Fellow j lmior outside hitter Allison Wood and junior Bethany Huston each added 10 kills of their own. All-American sophomore setter Samantha orth amassed 35 assists. Following its 2-0 week highlighted by Wednesday's statement victory over Puget Sound, the Lutes jumped from no J 7 in the country 0 no 1 4. ''Being no. 1 4 in the nation is just bonus to well yve have been doing, Pacolt saId. The Lutes have dropped only two sets in their eight matches this season. PLU continues its run for its fifth conferenc crown in seven years this weeken when the team travels to the east ide of the state. The Lutes play Whitworth tonighl at 7 p.m. and Whitman tomorrow, Saturday Oct. 13 at 5 p.m. b fore plarin� their next six games WIthin the contine of 01 on Audi torium.



ophqwor.- �el le1: amaulha. . orth wins Ii hat! Ie III th net during l'\idlly'R a-II blowout wiLh Lhrt'l.! hilld.. III�i!! l s as well as 35 assi�ls.



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1 6 S J>ORTS


OCT. 12, 2012

'Blacked - out' crowd isn't enou�h

First home night game in men 's soccer program history enas in tie

Brandon Adam


The Lutes held a 2-1 lead over ross-lown nval Pu get Sound Friday Wlth four m in u t s remajning in

regu la tion , but were unable to hol d the le ad . The Loggers scored on a cross in the 86th minute that led to a 2- 2 draw. Lu tes soccer players were


disappointed in the resuJt of Fri da y' s game. "I d on ' t think we play d very good to day, " junior d efender Jeff Pi a qu a cUo said . "We're a m uch better team than they are." Lutes feU like they ha d the

talent to beat their rivaled team, but their p rformance proved otherwise. "Tt was p r ob abl y not our be t performance," hea d coach John Yorke scud. "At om b s t we might have had a better

result." After Pu get Sound scored late in r gulati n, neither team was able to able to s ore in lwo ovemme periods.

"Giving up a late goal wa s not what we really wanted to

do/' Yorke said. The game started well for the Lutes. A third minute goal, 'cored by ju nior forward Derek Jo hn son from 25 yards

by sophomo re Emmanuel Amarh, Lutes a 1 -0 lead in the

out, assisted forward

gave the

iirst half. TIle Loggers eventually scored at the 50-DUnute mark

to draw the score even at 1 -1. PLU regained the lead ill

forwa rd Shane took a fre kick that wa awarded to the Lu te s after

the 72nd minute. Senior

Guh rrez a

collision b tween Amarh and th L ggers goal-keeper . Gutierrez passed the free kick Lo Amarh who foun d the back of the net. The fans wo re black as part of a p rom tio by th

thl tic department. L It fans

began their antics by cheering and jeering minutes before the match . The bright sunset hindere the view f th audience for

the match.

the majorily of





waned as the Lu tes' offense slowed in th middle of th e first half. "We strugg led to rea l ly put the pressure on their forwar d s, " junior goal keeper Joe Rayburn said "TIlere's a lway s things we can i m prove

Rayburn mad som nice Lut s d efen e, but it wasn' t enou g h to carry on."

avec for th

"1 thought for the most part we approached the game a little bi t better defensively,"

the Lutes.

TI1 51'i ri f the 350 fans' energy icked up again in hopes 0 the Lutes scoring a game-Winning overtime goal , but to no avail. Pacific Lut heran will get another chance against Puget

Rayburn said.


Sound Nov.


The Lutes host Whitm a n

tom rrow



fir. l-pla



gam es are set to begin at 2:30 The Lu tes and Whitworth

p .m.

Conferenc title 1a t shared


Northwest seaso n .



'1'01>: group or t he " LLI 81 u , l 'nt �cct iun wa t h the tirst half of 1a..�1 Frida) 's gam '. The ga m • \l'lUl pro m u led by I he a.thl l ie d 'fNlrtment a.� 11 " bhwk out" C/l.lling rut fwt., to wear Illuck. MIDDLE: Junior �.rwuru D rt>k Johnson dribbl R in t h, first half of Ftiday s gam while juDtor midfielder Gillll eario S"n toro pursues. ohnson scored llix sixth goal of Lhe seMon in t he iourth mimrLc. ABOVE: Plllyers cIllcbratc \lith tile �l1Jdent !leetioll foUnwing ,JulwA()n't; Ilrly g01l1. "Thl< liludent se ticm wa s fimtas · co" sophornure Jake Olness �aid. ""\Then we sC(>red, ever:rooe went nuts, I almost did , backJlip (m UIC lieltl.� Ol D '5 'lt lpcI lI ith backlbpping on lh sideline.

L utes volleyball team wins 3 - 1 , 3-0 last weekend

Editor face-oft' on Community Dialogue Day PAGE I I


OCT. 2 6, 20 1 2

VOLUME 81:1 NO. 6

Fa r teaches philanthropy to studen s ·

Taylor Lunka NEWS RlWOR'l'ER

l u nka\


eh lee to learn more about Every


On Ocl. L8. parlicipan18 at the Student Philanthropy Fair, an event organi z ed by the Student Philanthropy Committee, re­ com t.hci 'ItiliuLMlIhij;i slon 's which will i c used to encourage donations. Grad Gift, II branch of the PC, can fund a 82,013 Ncholtlnlhip if every senior gi cs $3. S tudents were also given the o ppor tu nity to "Tite thank-you cards for donors.



philanthropy lasl week . The second arum al Student Phila thropy Fair took place Oct. 18 in the An d e rs n Uni versity Center. It promoted organizati n o n campus ill which Pacific Lutheran University students can volunteer and give back to the community.

Clu bs such lhe as community garden and ColJeges Against Cancer which organizes PLU's Relay for Life - were p resen t a L the fai r, whi ch was pu t o n by PLU's Student PhUanthr py (SPC). Beside C o mm i ttee clubs that were tabling at the event, free cu pca kes were



Harstad leaks lead

Guest steals

from re sident to inconvenience s Kelsey Hilmes

Student 's laptop, I.D. card, keys go missing Kelsey Mejlaender

COPY EDlTOR 1IIt'jlaekk@Plu.ed

A thief struck Ha rstad Han clos to midnight, Oct. 1 4. Accordin g to Resident Director Kat Slaby, an unidentified man after gai ning an invitation into a fo urt floor resid ent's room - stole a laptop, keys and a Pacific L theTan University ' ro h


H was in the room for abo u t a half hour and then

claimed he had to leave. The residen t di not lea e the man unattended, but also did not have yes on him the entire


left, Slaby said, that the resident realized some of her possessions were missing. Resident Assistant Sarah Makar stated the student had known the man for one day. He was in his mid -20s and Identified himself as "Junior." They met at a Redbox and exchanged n umbers. After the theft, Makar said the resid ent tried calling the man, h wever, the thief's friend answered the phone instead . The friend explained the thief had not given the student his actual number. He


time. It was not until after he



Women'� soccer face.

tough 10


to Linfield

Wildcat , p. 15

Harstad Residence Hall is temporarily short on bathrooms as a result of flooding. The fire alarm went off at 5:30 a.m. Wednesday in Harstad. After evacuating, residents were told there was a leak or broken pipe, triggering th alann. Sop omore Eury Gallegos, the Resident Assistant in Harstad's second n rth wing, reported going back to her wing and seeing the carpet in front of the bathroom was soaked. Water was dripping from t.�e ceiling, covering the lights and sinks. "I don't know many inches it was, but there was a nice level of water on the floor," Gallegos said. Resident Assistants received an email later .hat day from Resident Director Kat Slaby. The


Aulhor discw-ses link between Holo au_ t. and IBM at Bolo 'au t Studies l ecture p 3 ,


email said a toilet in third north's bathroom didn't shut off and leaked into the second and first floors as well as the laundry room in the basement. Slaby was unavailable for comment. The second north restroom has been closed temporarily. Slaby, whose apartment was located beneath the second n or th r stroom, announced that she was relocating f r

a few days to South Hall. Her apartment suffered significant water damage. Maintenance began work on the damage early in the morning. Gallegos doesn't think that the incident will cause residents harm. "What we like to say about Harstad is that it has character," Gallegos said. "That's on e 01 the perks i t has . "

" . . .There was a nice level of water on the flo o r." Eury Galleg-os

sophomore, Harstad second north resident asfiistant



Democrat and Colwnnist urges ('..op presidential sludents to "ote in favor of R-74. p. 10 andldaL .' lop i 'sn 's for PL T slud nl in el '("l ioll 2012. p. S - U


News pp. I -4 A&E pp. 5-7 Focus pp. B-�)

Opinion pp. 1 0-11 Study Break p. 12 Spor pp. 1q-16


2 NEWS PHILANTHROPY CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 given out and students could . play giant Jenga for fun. Riley Burleigh, a first year who attended the fair, said she thinks volunteering is "important, to give back to the community." Burleigh added, "as stud ents, we get a lot from the c m mu ni ty, so it's important to give back to the people who are providing that kind of stuff [like educationj for us." Bu r le i gh said she plans on ge tting involved WIth Relay for Life to show her appreciatio .

Acc rding to Katie Curtis, president of the SPC, philan thropy is the act of giving back in any sen e of th word. This can b thr ugh time, mon y or upport. Curtis said she wants students to b aware of the different philanthropic events, like Relay for Life, that go on around campus. The fair was also ab ut how others benefit PLU students through philanthropy. While the m ajori ty of students n campus have s me sort of scholarship, " many of th em don't know where the money is coming

, ' t udent they


from," Curtis said. Some former PLU students donate money to the university, allowing students to continue their education. At the fair, students were encouraged to write anonymous thank you cards to these donors. "Ninety-seven percent of students on campus receive financial aid and this is made possible through alumni giving," Hayley Re , senior and executive member of the SPC, said. "U's impo r tant know the for st dents t s p porl that th greater PLU community gIVe s. " Rea said she encourages students to "care and come to these kind of thing " that the SPC is involved in, b c use one day every s uccessfu l student will be an alumnus to













the university. "Students can still make a difference after they' ve left," Rea said. "A way to do that is tu give." Rea said whether we stay in Wa sh ington or hve thousands of miles away after graduation, we sh ou ld take pride in our universi ty and remember to giv back. Thirty years from now, Rea said, PL U will be

better through the "amazing students, faculty and alumni giving."

still make a differenc


left. A way to do that i to give."

Hayley Rea senior, executive member of SPC

OCT.26, 2012

I'IICl1'O BY !i,\.IW [ H£I','D£JlSON

A Rtlldcnt emits ,� '/tI't wI·ll · ('ard I tl labl� >lcl lll) by t I !' Pro rreK� Club al Lhc Stud!.'n t f1lillullU� p� Hm. Progr!.' lub will donate the cam to tJl' Mary Bridge Children's HosVital. Pt\rt lc.ipn.uL� at the UUr were also encouraged to crcate thank you (·lUd. t hat t he Stud 'nl Pllilunlhrop) Committee will HCJUl lo lUJlllJi will' milk!.' fh13neial donations to I he u.nivers ll�'.


OCT. 26. 2012

Ho oca






Author explores possible IBM and Holocaust connection during lecture RacheJ Diebel






was bom in Silicon Valley . It wasn' t. It was born in 1933. " With these words, author Edwin

information ag.e

Black began his leclure part of the KurL Mayer Chair in Pacific Lutheran as


Sl1.ldies program. Black his book,

H locaust

about "TBM and the �pq�

the HoJocaust" while audience of about 50 people

Thomas Krise and his wife Patty Krise enjoyed t.ea and cookies on Oct. 15. was teeM ' The sponsored by PLU's HolQcau�t studie.'l progrnm, which is supported by donors Kurt and Pam Mayer, Joe and Gloria including






ier knew t e

influen e

in formation

te hnol gy pro "i ed dur'ng th war.'" tirst ;vear

Mayer, Natalie Mctyer­ Yeager, Nancy PO'-vell. Carol Powell H ller and J-!any HeUer. Manv donors were also present ( or the lecture. BIad<'$ };>ook discusses how "IBM organized the Holocaust as a project" through theit punch card teclmology� Based in New York, the International Busml!-ss Machmes (IBM) Corporation is a tedlnoIogy and \,'Onsulting company that manufactures computer hardware and software. iBM punch cards allowed vast amounts of information to be organized in an efficient Dtanner. They w re e ntially the world' first very simple computers. Black. the son of two Holocaust survivors, c;p nt ye<us researching how IB 1 sold these and other machin� to the �rmans d u ring Wurld War n. H �ald he beUevcs th{ll IBM " co-planned a11 six stages of th Holocaust." Black aid "ther was going to be .l Holoca l<;t 'yen without IBl L" Accordin l Black, how ver, IBM'. techn logy all wed thl' Germat (0 ··ffectivety keep tabs on all Jews and deliver them to cun -nlrati n camps. Even Lhe AU5Chwi t-' IB tattoo b gan as identification numbers. a COVe used Black engagement



audience in his speech. asking audience members to read documents for him, and even ask questions in German if they spoke He used the language. large copies of lanunated doaunents as proof for his TIle documeQts damlS. ranged from internal memos to onrentration

amp phone books.

fascinating .


l'\e er knew tile influence "It'�


t�hnology the 'ar/' fir�,i:-vear Micah Baires said. "I didn't realize the -differ nt provided


of companies (during the Holocaustl esp cially IBM." Throughou t the Ie ture,

influences Black

revealel.i evidence considered t� be inCriminating against mM, and other NaZI collaborating companies, sud, dS Ford. "I've alway had the opinion thdt U . companies have extreme influen(e on global political j ues,"


declared he had no knowledge about any criminal actions. At fiIst, it was not clear that the thief had been invited in. Typically in these situations, the RA would call the non­ em rgency campus safety number and the student would file a poli report if he or she wished to. In this case, the student told M III a man had stolen some of her possessions and it was not clear he was a guest. Makar then followed procedure for an intruder, immediately calling campus safety's emergency number. After campus safety performed a walk-through, they completed a follow-up r port. Makar then contacted the police, who arrived about an hour later, so that the victim could file a report. Other Harstad residen 5 were affected by the incident as well. First-year Lauren Leyba was returning to her room on the fOurUl floor in Harstad at about 1 2:30 p.m. when she learned of the larceny. Makar told her she needed to go directly to her room for the rest of the night because of a

reinfon:ed my opinion:' Though he pIa "led IBM djd not Lau.'>e the Holocaust. Black stated thal h b lieves i involvement was (Tucia in the rna murder to fuJ l­ Baite

said .



out h ')Olauc;t transition.

,. 11 they had to do was



the cards," Black said toward the end of his lectur . '1t would be like a gun with n bullets."

The next Holocaust Studies Kurt Mayer Chair

lecture is Nov. 1S from 7-10 p.m. in the Scandinavian

Center with guest Peter Altmann.


suspicious figure." Leyba heard rumors that the thief had gm ed c 55 to Harstad by walking in wi th a group f people. Leyba als heard that the thief waited for girls to leave their rooms for bathroom trips so he could steal their things. However, as Slaby emphasized, the thief was not an intruder but a guest. No other students came forward to report thefts. As for the stolen possessions, campus authorities quickly deactivated the ID card so that it could 0 longer be used. They a1so recored lh resident's door, rendering the stolen keys usel 5$. Slaby said the incident was "a good lesson for all of us." She added that an all-haIl meeting was held the night of Oct. 1 7 to both debrief residents and "provide awareness." Shortly after the meeting, Leyba said that sh and other residents received an email detailing the important points of the incident for those who may not have attended. The email also included suggested for guidelines judging when to inVite someon in, such a Wou ld you invite him/her into your "

ister's room?"

continue Police investigate the theft.


Any information about this incident can be reported to Resident Director Kat Slaby at slabyka®pl . edu or to Campus Safety at

253-535-7441 for .

non-emergencIes or

253-535-7911 for emergencies.

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Compass to Campus program urges . local fifth graders to stay in school Amy Jones GUEST WRITER


No admission fee or RSVP required

tour PLU campus




Approximately 250 fifth Pacific graders invaded Lutheran University on Tuesday for the Parkland Education Project Tour Day. Students from Brookdale, Christensen and James Sales elementary schools came to PLU for a day of fun and learning. The field trip is part of the Compass to Campus program. This program originated on the University

of Wisconsin's Green Bay campus as a way to reach out to at-risk youth and the surrounding communities. After the program spread to Western Washington PLU and University, Franklin=Pierce School district decided the program would be an effective way to create a more coordinated bond between the communities here as well. In the program, college students visit nearby schools with large populations of fifth graders

who may belong to a group that has been traditionally and underrepresented disadvantaged. PLU students then encourage them to attend high school and eventually college. PLU's School of Education, the Franklin­ Pierce School District and the Center for Community PROSPECTS CONTINUED PAGE 4



OCT. 26, 2012

Love Your Body Day event encourage s students to acc pt, flaunt, value their bod · e s


LEFT: Junior Lucas Kulhanek shQWs off his religious tattoos on the runwn)' of the Women '/I enter event, Love Your Body Day, Oct. 17. The event focused on teaching "tudent.� their hodies don't have lo confo:rm Lo the media's portmynl "f "beauty." A tilllhion . how ofvolunleer student-models showed uff their unique styles. MIDDLE: Senior Casey Church Iluunis his t.wn per50lIw style on e catwalk KI I.h r.. VI! Your Body Du,y event. T e day entered on teaching students the benents of having 1\ strong sense ot scJf-worl h. RlOHT: PLU alumnus and guest speaker at lhe Love YOllT Hody Day evenl, Julie Gyr, demonal:rnles bow diflillull it is for yOUIig people toda 1;0 maintain a positive body imllb'e. err �lLid modern trcnds in femal HaUoween costumes often pressure YOllng womm into lhinking they need to have Il certuin I;ype of body in order to be considered ''beautiful:' yr talked frankly and openly to students about how societal pressures led her to bulimia filld other body bnagc Jssues. Sophomore Catherine Gro.llam Heft) VUlllllu.-eretl ll.'l a rtudcn t model at the vent. "You can't succeed in life if ou don't lovc yourseU� and you have to love your dy to IDVC your elf," Graham '. aid.





Online Editor



opy Editor

email ma for more infoTrrw.tion

PROSPECTS CONT�D FROM PAGE 3 Engagement and Service are llaborating in this program. At PLU i t is nO:tf : :3uirement for a Multicultural course. The .revit Perspectives in Education class uno ffidally christened part of the new c....miculum Promise 2 ParkJand. It requires Lutes to mentor fifth graders in surrounding schools for about 25 hours . The Promise 2 Parkland program covers Lute involvement with Brookdale, Christensen and James Sales elementary schools. Organized by Melanie Bolte, education Parkl and project coordinator, and education professor Dr. Vidya Thirumurthy, the event is meant to introduce the younger students to college life. The trip's additional purpose is to help the young students begin to develop relationships with their mentors. When the event commenced, c

different rooms and given Lutes for







Faculty led Lhree academic sessions, while education and music majors assisted in lea9ing various


While the students participated in the activities, their teachers took part

in some in-service training and other

seminars. A grand, campus-wide scavenger hunt chaperoned by the mentors was heartily approved o f, with some kids being especially taken with Ingram Hall and the "spike sculptures." After lunch, Lute Nation performed a few concise routines to unanimous applause, and the event conduded with a talk from Keithley Middle School's Principal Tom Edwards, who spoke about what the students could expect in the sixth grade before taking questions and dismissing them for the day. The fifth graders departed at 2 p.m. and said they promised to come back as official Lutes one day.


OCT 26, 2012

' OU Kelsey Mejlaender


Mixing humor and death in on play is no ea y task, but the participants in Pacific Lutheran University's production of "Our Town" do it well Written by Thornton Wilder in the 1 9 Os, the story takes place just after the tum of the century and is set in fiction a l small town Grover's Comers. The main characters are Emily Webb and George Gibbs, played by senior Myia Johnson and first-year Michael Krenning respectively. In the first act titled Daily Life, the audience is introduced to the small lown's quirks and perks. Love and Marriage, the second act, follows th romance between Emily and George, while the third act, Death, deals with loss. Ibroughout the play, the Stage Manager, played by Evan Hildebrand, addresses the audience pen1y, repeatedly breaking down th fourth wall and directing chara ters to speak to tl"le audience. It's not overdone and is often hilariously appropriate. At the end of act one, he tells the audience it's time for intenni sion and they can "go off ampus and smoke now." This is one of many w ys in which the play demonstrates its unique flair. Lori Lee Wallace writes in her 'Note from the Director' that the play bucks traditional genres a d is "deceptively subtle." Wallace also writes " I d i d not want t o render a sentimental trope on small

Rachel Diebel A&E COLUMNIST Pacific Lu theran University's Night of Musical Thea ter will "make you laugh, make you ry, it'll make you so happyl " said first-year Katie Coddington Coddington. is one of sev ral students partidpating in the annual song -an -dance event put on by the theater department. A Night of Musical Theater is an annual event that is entirely student­ It features numbers run. fr m various musical theater productions and is sung and choreographed by PLU students. This year's Night of Musical

A&E 5


town life, adding unwanted cliche and scenery onto Wilder's sparse text." In this, Wallac and the cast have certainly succeeded. Th cliches that are include 0 not suffocate the perfonnance r needlessly mock small town lif . The scenery is certainly sparse. In the first act, the only sets are two ladders and two tables with a few chairs each. Later acts take away more set pieces than they add. All the other furnIture and objects are pantomimed into existence, from n wspapers and coffee mugs to kitchen cabinets. The limited sets allow the audience to focus on the cast's performance, a truly enj yable experience. A hysterical piece in act one involved the Stage Mal1ager intr d ueing a professor to explain basics facts about "our town." However, poor Professor Willard, brilliantly portrayed by Avelon R goonanan, is so nervous to speak that he shakes violently, stutters and gives the Stage Manager terrified wide-eyed looks as he tries to escape the attention. The comedy was heightened further as the profes or's ÂŁaL<:e mustache continued to dIo p, constantly in danger of falling off, and everal times the Stagl Manager tried t stick it back on. Whether this was an intentional effect or not, the mustache mishaps only added more laughs to the audience's overwhelming response to the scene. Sober moments had their place as well. The third act was rife with tragedy, following the responses to an untimely death and the


Theater is titled "Falling Slowly," named after a song from "Once," the musical that won eight Tony in awards 2012. "Once" is based on a movie of the same name and revolves ar und the lives of an Irish musician and a Czech immigrant in Dublin. The performance will showcase more modem hits like "Baptize Me," a song from the recent popular musical "The Book of Mormon," which was created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone of "South Park" fame. There will also be



ge . 1anager, playccl by jWlior Evan Ilildcbrand, narrates and opens Thornton Wilder'j; "Our Thwn," providing and commentary ror audience m ers.


resultant funeral service. Johnson's heart wrenching performance as Emily cut deep, including real tears and tortured expressions of pain. It certainly lent the ending of th play a melancholy air, a sharp contrast from the start's more light-hearted mood. the is Town" "Our perfect kind of play for a college because it addresses complex themes and timeless comedy and I give it a full recommendation.

traditional Broadway numbers like "One More Day" from "Les Miserables," a classic musical

The play will be performed tonight and tomorrow at 7:30 p .m . and on Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Karen Hille Philips Center for the Performing Arts.

Attendees can look forward to "a lot of really awesome musical theater that's sure to please everybody," Coddington says. "Every ne should defini tely come [see the show1 because we're doing so many fun things." The performance is mtended to contain a little bit of something for everyone. "We're hoping to really touch people," said junior Cori DeVerse. "We're bringing in some sodal justice issues like poverty, as well as talking about things like relationships." The show is directed by

"We're hoping to really touch people." Cori DeVerse junior

about an inspector's relentless pursuit of an escaped criminal and love during the French Revolution.

senior Alex Domine and choreographed by seniors Jill Heinecke and Jack Sorensen, and features many choir and theater students. The cast has been rehearSing since the middle of September. "It's the best," said DeVerse. "It's just like hanging out with your best friends, singing and dancing." "Falling Slowly" will run from Nov. 1-3 at 8 p.m. with a final Sunday matinee performance at 2 p.m. on Nov. 4. All performances will take place at the Blackbox Theater in the Karen Hille Philips Center for the Perfonnmg Arts. Tickets are free to PL U students, but donations will be accepted at the door.

6 A&E


OCT. 26. 2012

Be st horror films to chil out to Kelsey Mejlaender


we're too old to irritate our neighbors begging for candy, As the end of O ctober Halloween movies can be creeps nearer, nothing beats just the kind of sweet treat a good scary movie. Now that us college students need. So




There's only one thing worse than a sadistic, slash-happy killer and that's a murderer l' e Jigsaw. The film centers on two men who are chained to wall in a bathroom and forced to participate in twisted mind-games that torture their bodies and their minds. As t main characters discover, the last thing. you want to see is this masked villain.


anormal Activity

, 007)

at kind of things go bump in the night? That's just what a young couple in their new house attempt to find out. They set u p tarneras to catch the supernatural itilluences at work in their house. Just what those cameras record you11 have to see for yourseU.


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- portrayed by Nick Castle - spends his . pdolescence locked up and catatonic. After escaping, he stalks heroine Laurie Strode, play by none other than Janet Leigh's &itgl:1 ter Jamie Lee Curtis. Myers then sys atically kills her friends and proves to be very resilient despite a lot of bodily harm.

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All services performed by supervised students. Ad must be present




OCT 26, 2 012

A&E 7

Mo tvedt L -brary 0 en new ex ib-t of tran gen er art Rachel Diebel



The sign outside the new art exhibit in Mortvedt Li b rary I ads, "The people in this gallery have gone lhrough the ringer in their pursuit of happiness." TIle people in question are struggling h w i t som e thi g not everyone



they when c o n s i d er s tr g gl es: b e i n g transgender.

Enti tl ed

" It per on

" T - T w n : T r a ll s ge n d e r N e i g hb o r s, " the exhibit is meant to i crease awareness and toleran e. It fea tures pho tos of many trans gender eople in the Puget Soun ar a, which are placed on a white display . fence p i c ket Next to ea ch photo is the p rson's tory, from when thev firs t realized they were dilierent from everyone else to coming ou L as transgender. TIle exhibit is a joint e ffort by the


Women's RHA an

Center, Gender

Alliance of the South SOlmd, a loc a l non­

profit dedica ted the to as isting

t r a n s g e n d e r community. Ge nd er

Alli, nee



goo feedback when they provided people with an opportunity to react to the gallery," Rasmus


"Very impressed that the library wo ul d put up such a wonderful reads one exhibit," commen t. Incredibly eye opening and very sad at the same "


says "Sad? No, no - joyful. generation ago o shows y u a different A this could never pective from what you se e hav happened," says the comment televi ion where things are underneath. All of the comm ts sensationalized."



Associate Professor and Director for Ubrary Service Fran Rasmus and a5ked if she would be willing to have a display put up in the library. "l di d n t want to do one [an exhibit] without an educational background," Rasmus said. So T contacted



Sam Harriso n first year

on the b ard are positive and Rasmus said she is "pleased with the response trom th students "It sh o w s you a diffe rent persp cti e fr m wh at you see on television are things where sensationalized, " fustyear Sam Harrison said. Ham on said he was also i mp ressed with the photograph . "It's important to hav that ."

R HA, and the W men's

Center and we organized events for gender week." Gender week is Q.t. 2226, and RHA has pl anned many otheJ.· evenLs, including a discussion panel. also TIle exhibit features a selection of reading material so studen ts can get attain information on the subject. Near the art is a where whlteboard can wri te students th� their reactions t photo g raphs. It was placed there at the request of Gender Alliance. "Thev said that they got a lot �f




Ha rri son said. The e.xhibi t is located on the gro u n d floor of Mortved t Library and




There was a Monday. recep tion at 6 p.m. open to all. The gallery is also availabI t view online the Gender througl Alliance of the S uth Sound' s website .


$ 6.99 $6.99 $6.9 9 $2.20 $2. 79





l' / OCT.

26. 2012

Amelia Heath healrulTll giplu. du


n eght is fast ap roaching.

Radio and television airwaves flooded with campaign ads : check. Presidential and vice presidential candidates going head-to-head in debates : check. Ballots stuffe d into mailboxes: check.

What r mains for the 2012 presidential election: the votes of the United States citizens. Hopefully, our readers will be aid d by our side -by- side comparisonofthe two -party presidential candidate's stance on the following four issues particularly relevant to PLU voters.





10 0PlNION

OCT. 2 6, 2012

American life still a dream to many l

Camille Adams GUEST C LUMNISl' t{dam

The American drea m no longer lives in America. This refrain echoes in the classroo m s of mi dd le­ class Americans d i s c u s s i n g Hemingway and Fi tzger a ld . Although orne It still believe in this i d eal, many are Americans happily disill usioned with the American dream . It can seem unthinkable that there are those willing to risk their own lives to come to our c untry. T have often heard the "Shouldn't complainl, immigrants know America i n't what it looks Uk on TV?" Why j il accep tab J for teenage gi rl s to get wrapped up ill the world of "Gossip GiIl/' bu t ridiculous for foreigners to believe New York is a ci ty of dreams and opportunity? For 0 many people who l ack b si c necessities, su h a dream is exactly what they need . Two s ummers ago, I spent eight weeks in Oaxaca, Mexico. Of the people I encountered there, so m e held the A m erica n dream as their in pi ration, while others viewed it a the

distant "better life." Rain patt ring on a tin r oof, weekly bucket b a ths, concrete latrines and c oking in a wooden 51 ack made m y months living i n Oaxaca, Mexico feel like an intense cam ping trip. For me, life in Tierra Blanca . - a ty in Oaxaca state Wlth a p opu lation of UO - was a dramatic change in pace, hygiene and di t. J was proud 01 myself for adjusting to the con d itions and a dapting to a slowe r pac of life. But I knew that on d ay 56, I wou l d have a spacious twin b d and a warm shower

Vote ye on R-74

In Tierra Blanca, Israel was constantly looking for w ork. Although he wou l d fin occasional construction jobs, he seeme d to spend every day l ooking for work in a nearby

city. For I

rael. Ameri c a is a place where he c ou l d find a job, where his daughter 'oul d get a quality ed u cation and where his famil y would n t b a l ienat ed for their Protestan t b ·efs. It i his promi sed land. But Israe l ' s wiie, Esther, does not wan t to leave their roots, family and home. So, they remain contentedly in th ir tiny home, a pastiche of tin, car board and bricks that m i r a culously their houses family of six. AI though they are a very happy family, they live WIth the comp ara tiv Iy " h a p p i e r " A m e r i c a n dream in th e back of their minds. As Americans, we have Ule nerve to la bel t. e American dream as shallow or deceptive. From our paneled, painted h us s with plumbin g and heal, we c an declare that th ose who 5 arch are earchin g in vain. Regardless of the tm state of the American d rea m, it is I mportant to rem mb r th.a t we view i t from a place wh ere we h a ve ex erienced the dream and judg d i t accordingly. It m ay b e time to redefine what it means to live in a Ian of op po rhmity. As A melicans, we have the chance to try and understand other life ci r cu mstances, the kind th at make the American dream seem worth dying for.


Makenzie Landis


I ndisnij@plu.t:clu

small GrOwing u p in t own on th e east side at the Cascade Mountains, J was told by my hu rch, and fa mi l y thal being gay is wrong. t the time, I was inclined to believe them. Yet on d one f alleg , as I was walking down my first-year wing in dal Ha l l , I cau g h t a glimps of the most b autiful woman I had ever seen She was moving mto tht! room across from mine. My palms 5tartcd sweating, my heart started ra ing and I began to h a ve all the c1a� ic sign of a heart attack. While i t wasn' t a heart attack, it might s welJ have been, becau. e r n ow lik e a gir1. Two emotions popped into my head: iear and denial. It took me over a yeal to finally tell h er how I felt. Luckilv for e, it wa . reciprocate' . We ha 'e be n together for abo t tw years now. Ever since the da y I first saw h r, I ha ve viewed marriage equality differen tl y. Last Februarv, [ st oo d across th rO'om from Gov . Christine Grt!goi re as she sign ed Ule marria ge equality bill into law.

may be time to redefine what it means to live in a land of opportunity.


wailing for m . . Tierra Blanca became my second home and second life, but it would never be a permanent arrangement In the entiTe t WIl, there was only one other teenage � girl for m to connect with. Her name is Ana Laura, and she grew up hearing about the American Dream constantly from her fa ther, Israel. Before he marri d Ana Laura' mother, Israel had worked in the U.S. for a time. During our visits, h wouJd pr udly sh ow off the English words e had learned an rav about the wonder tha t is McDonald's. He even inscribed, "Th Lord is my Shep herd" on the entry to their home, despite the f ct m st of the family does not understan any English .


Su b m i t co rrec t io ns

I c uldn't help ft!aring

letters to the edi to r t o mas t @p l u . ed u THE MOORING MAST r� MOOnll{1 Mcut adheres to the Sociely

of Prole.


nn1 .Iournalis




ethi 'S, which includes the guidclinl's t " seck truth and repurt it," �minimize harm," " act inlkpelldentl.· .. and "be accountahle." Th� MlJflritI(J M'1.11 hru. also taken the TAO of JOllfIlnlism pit'C.lg , whi.·h pI'< m is\� . our I'I!llders we ill hI.' I.r.msparent about who w . are, C('uuntuhie lor our s and opcn tl.1 other poinL� of \"iew. Th . vie'

pr�-tl in UIC editorials, do not neCe!isar 1), I'i r . lit Lbuse of the PLU uUlUiruhLr tluu, faculty, student'l or ,·ollllIIl.l! and Il<herli. mcnt� ThtMooring M,,� t taff.

Mis ion statement:

)IJT priuuu) respon.�ihilily ill to s 'n'e

til PU' (�IIII/ll\lni ty. TIW; jn.



�t IJd,·nl�.



stall'. uud

Iwgcr PI. ' mis.�ion of cdu('uting all sludcnl.l:l for Ii es (lf thoughUW. inquiry. service, leadership, and care. (Jur ad hil it's in student media are meant lo build those �kUI ' IUld tnrlt within IIur . 1.1 ft'.


lIu pro

. ' rule is tl) di 'covcr, report..

' nd distribute inthrmation ah ut d t...·nds important i !ill 'en . that impud the PLl' (L)IDnw y. IIf e.fl'orts to document and ('hronicle our collecti t: t:xperience >\ill providl! a first draft of university history. •

Ollr primary values ill thc pCffornul1ll'e of



dut ies are refled ed in the of 1 fof' ionnl .Journalists

COOe of Ethicli und the T.\: ,Juumlllisrn.

Advertising & sub criptiolls: Plel


that this bill

wol.l.1d go to the people in the form of a referendum. My fear b came

2012-2013 TAFF

Our primary ctlnCl!I:ll is to 1J.��isl the

c(mLal'l l he



lUl l _\d"

1n.u.ager al rnustads or visit


·.plu.L-tlu/m31lt for our advertiRing rules and contract.


.Jack Sorensen

MANAGING NE S EDITOR SuhS(' riptions cost $25 per semestt'f Jessica Trond II 'Ir $-U) per academic year. Pleas(' mail

II c :k addressed to Tilt .\-looting MlliI al Pacific Lilt heron Uniwrsity: TIU'()IDa, W 98447 uyoll'd like to subscribe.

Letters to the editor:

Tnt Moorillg MIL./ encnuragt·s lelters

Ute editor. Lc tcrs Illust be . Ibmitt o


t a'plu.t.'<iu b: 5 p.m. the Tuesday bcl'ore publication. mil.


ilhullt a nlUll . phone class standing or Litle lor verification viII he discarded. Letter ' bOlild be no longer than bOO urdti 'n It'ngUI anel t�pcd.


trontlsjk@plu.edn A&E EDITOR

Position open apply online �


Amelia Heatb h .mthll.m@p/Il.l'dll




Kelsey lfilmes

1711' ,\foming res



I lle right l


relu . u� Jetter. IA:lters Rluy be ·ditcd

for J.mgth. l Lslc and erron!.

ality on .f u n 1 2 when g t enough SIgna lures to end this life­ changin g issue in to the hand ' of the popular vot . ow my equali ty has no more lmportance than a mere tax biJ1 getting voted on in this election cycle . People who may be ign orant or b i goted about gay n . 'ghts wi l l decide my futw·e. I n 2009, Washington voters ap pr oved the "Everything bu t Marriage" ame­ l aw, which r nte sex couples every right and benefit of m arria ge provided they always cany docu mentation to lega l r

W� hington


Nathan Shoup SilVIlJlfIlI'OJplu.. rl/lc

prove their commitment. Tf VOll ask me, this sounds - a lot like the

infamous Arizona law. hIStOry, TIrroughout society has battled ap;ainst the idea of equality Whether it is white against black, rich agamst poo r or traight again t ga " we l,ave an innate de�i r e to live in a " them and u " mindset. I have b een guilty of it and I know you have too. We arc all vi ctims of it.

As Amencan


we ale all eq ua l in the ey s of the law and we sh ould not settle for less w en it comes to marriage. During thi election, we ha ve the opp rtunity to mov .tow r ds equality by a p provin g referendum 74. No ne wa n ts t 10 k b ck in SO years knowing they stood 0 the si de of inequa lity. Instead, you c an know your vote was




Americans. One d ay, 1 hop� to


cou ntless

I an get down on n knee and ask my girlfri end the four w rds that a p artne r committed every in relation hip deserves to say : "Will you marry me?"




Ben Quinn

quinnbj@'PIII. rdu ONLINE EDITOR

PositiM op n 0PP/!I onllrl� �

COPY EDITORS el y Mejia nder ml'jl,uH@!Jlu."J" Hmliotl UP"" apply (/nlint� �


( we C \.rL Land

OCT. 26. 2012





Hillary Powell



Dissecting Dialogue Day:

Editors discuss newly passed ASPLU bill

Stop stigma towards the community

Ben Quinn POOTO EDITOR Stigma is a funny word.

A stigma was once a mark,

tattoo or branding forcibly applied to the skin of a criminal or outcast to display theiT pariah status - in ancient Greece, don't worry. If you are a Christian, then you may have heard this word before in the form of "stigmata," the holes in each of Jesus' hands where he was nailed to the cross. Hester Prynne had a stigma in "The Scarlet Letter." So did Harry Potter. Erving Goffman, one of the giants in sociology, described a stigma as symbolic - visual or otherwise - denoting a social failing or the idea that one has a "spoiled identity." We know, through

socialization, avoid to someone with a stigma. He or she is not to be trusted . That person is "them." How do we keep them out? By building a dome. Here at PLU, our dome is the Lutedome. Our "them" is the Parkland Youth. When you build a dome, each brick must be uniform. No jagged surfaces, no cracks, no signs that tell a story of how that brick was created or how it got in the wall. Think about that brick for a moment. Now think about a member of the Parkland Youth (PY). What does he or she look like? They keyed your car, didn't they? Clipped your bike lock? Maybe they robbed a nearby convenience store? It doesn't matter what they did, because each member of the PY shares each other's crimes. We use a template of these people's life story - their actions, their demeanor - to build a wall, with each piece as uniform as a brick. We can't leave the Dome because they line it - each with their similar crimes and their featureless faces. Each

spoiled. to The first step mass stigmatization is dehumanization. We're really good at that. But exactly who the Parkland Youth are is less clear. Are they the youth who live in Parkland, or are they just those "hooded thugs" who broke into the house next door? Are you willing to

surprise you: I don't support "Community Dialogue Da y ." bridge Establishing a between us, in all of our indebted glory, and "them," for he purpose of trying to stop calling them "them," and to foster greater acceptance of our institution in the Parkland community, cannot happen with just one dialogue. Put it in perspective. A grand is just a drop in the bucket of running a college - we each pay $300 per day for each class here - but it is still too much for one dialogue. Effective communication is an ongoing process. You can't reconcile your differences in a day. Go out into the community. Don't be afraid to talk to people out on the streets of Parkland. Learn their names and their stories. You11 soon find that they don't share each other's crimes. They compete in a daily struggle just like we do. We can't break down the Lutedome in one fell swoop. Only by removing one brick at a time will PLU find its place in the community.

Effective co mmunication is an ongoing process.

deny them their agency, their life stories or their humanity, for the sake of keeping some of them out? Take a look in the mirror. We are a population of students who can only cite "the high price ofPLU tuition" as a reason for keeping others out of a community - a community that supposedly prides itself on diversity. I guess "they" stole six bikes last year. With that in mind, I'm going to say something that might

Those who will benefit most aren't invited to dialogue

Wi.tlslon Alder



Last week, the Mast reported n ASPL U' s new pet project, Community Dialogue Day. By this piont, you have no doubt realized this year's



focusing heavily on community involvement. To help break down the clear barrier between the urroundJng comml.D1ity and Pacific Lutheran students,

legislation for Dialogue Day 2


Senate Bill


developed. The idea is fille d with great


in tentions, but unfortunately the issues su rrounding the adoption of the "PY" label are more complex than a bill can


According to the Pierce County Sheriff's department, there were 483 crimes within a half mile rad iu s of Ting)estad la t year. That included 244

property crimes, 1 14 motor vehicle thefts and 22 violent assaults. As much as Campus Safety would like us to think otherwise, Parkland is not a particularly safe place. We do have an open campus, but actively promoting non­ to students PLU use our campus is questionable. We can not escape the truth that some of Pierce County's crime will spread onto campus if we significantly increase the integration between PLU's campus and the surrounding area. Tru t!'LfuUy, the idea of careful integration with the surrounding community is great, but in its cu rrent f rm, the legtslation supposedly meant to help address that is far from even good . Beginning as senior Chelsea Paulsen's capstone project, ASPLU beard tIle idea of a Community Dialogue Day and ran with it. Washington High School students, staff and members of surrounding neighborhoods will meet with ASPLU President Ian Metz, members of ASPL U and PLU tudents and staff. This is all

great until we realize we are spending $1,000 of student tuition money. First, the overwhelming majority of high school student governments are made up of the movers and shakers, not the individuals

the bill started as Paulsen's capstone. Paulsen will still get capstone credit for it. Eva Johnson, the be-all and end-all for ASPLU's parent organization, not to mention dean for student developmentptronglymmmented against unwittingly setting a precedent that ASPLU funds student Capstones at in the meeting on Sept. 25. This comment was not addressed and Metz quickly moved the bill to a later committee. Senate Bill 2 is a textbook example of a good idea gone wrong. PLU needs to work on community in olvem en t and we mus t not forget our mission statement. While there are many ways to do this, Mr. Metz, thJs is not one of them . Too ma ny questions still exist about the relationsh ip between tlus legislation and Paulsen's Capstone, and if this is a precedent that should be set. Senator Tho ma Kim said that they needed to cli....ClI_S whether this was something students wanted their mone\' being , pent on. I'm a student. No.

. . . the people who would benefit from such a day will not be attendance or contributing to the Community Dialogue Day. shooting people at Denny's. As much as Metz believes his very extensive conflict resolution training ",.rill help break down the 'Lutedome' mentality, the people who would benefit from such a

da y will not be in attendance contributing to the


Community Dialogue Day.

The blggesl p roblem 1 tftis bill, however, have i ' where the money is coming from. All good intentions aside, $1,000 tuition money has been budgeted for food for Community Dialogue Day. Additionally, while ASPtU's public relations director Hill ry Powell quickly reminds us that


The first meeting of the to plan the Dialogue Day met

�cial c.ommittee TUesday.



passed by Senate last week . Day

This committee includes senators, ASPLU Diversity

Director Karter Booher, Chelsea and Paulsen ASPLU Presjdent Ian Metz. filey will be meeting to form the outline of the day aru;i all the logistics

involved with planning.

TIle committee will m�t once a week until the event. U you have any input or

about Dialogue Day or you want to get in 'o)ved, email 1an Metz at We look forward to hearing from feedback



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l'he Moqring Mast IS loo� for II copy edil t, A&E editor, nlin editor, columnist.�. photo.gTApltets and repott-E'.n;. AppJ:y"olillne at PU1' , student emp(oy1nent web ik. TlIE MOORING MAST NOW OFFERS CIaSS�l) ADS FOR $6 PER SO WORDS. PAYMENT IS ONLY ACCEPTED THROUGH A CHECK, CASH 0I\ PLU ACCOUNT NUMBER. CONTACT WINSTON ALDER AT MASTADS@PLU. EDU FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO PLAC& AN AD�

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H igh Fives

S U D O KU 2 4


. -

4 7

9 7











3 4










6 91



4 9









------ --_._.

--_·_- -····__·


3 5



4 3


9 5



. .....


26 Philosophy of Lao-tzu 27 QB Dawson 28 Sounds of und er standing 31 Board, as for a voyage 33 Rouses from sleep 36 Opening ch ip in poker 37 Time to -



42 43 46



see some football Look over Cups, saucers, creamer, etc. Annual auto mamtenance, for some Clock-sett i ng standard (Abbr.) Patriotic uncle Mighty Joe



56 57

60 62


Parker October 2 1 ,

Young, notably Magma exposed Isla nd nation east of Fiji Major elec­ tronics co. Actress who was married to Dudley Moore Sita of many London hangings Rap sheet


63 Shakespear­ ean king 64 PlckecH:m instrume hts, for short 65 Put on the books 66 Poet Pound 61 Impudent 68 Positions in a hierarchy




Universal Crossword

ACROSS 1 Actio n word 5 Hiccup cause 1 0 Escorted by 14 Watery hue 1 5 Kind of bean or butter 1 6 Lunch box dessert item 1 7 Mother's helpers? 18 Overturn 1 9 Like some confessions 20 ContInu­ ously, or this puzzle's theme 23 Qu ite unfriendly 24 Cora! reef 25 Speaker's

2 6



69 Golfer's props DOWN 1 Part of a wreckin g crew? 2 Draw parallels between 3 Story writer Dam on 4 Type of m eta bo lis m 6 Bunny tail 6 John or Julius 7 Bitter 8 High-altitude probe 9 Lady of Lyons 10 Seek favor with

POKtR Nit> c.ov(2.T5�IP

E: LWf WI EL05 A MA&N VM lHLS \:ITSOD . by Stewart Berg



. 2

.._- "-_..-.- ,_....-


eLr-t-el- 1 I- 3 � I 3

8 6 1

Edited by Timothy E.




4 7

9 8

9 1

f:\ toP WHO B UT Nur �OL!c..£ WOR�

6, 2 5 1








7 6



8 9 6 3 �

7 8 5 6 7 2 l-I-


8 1 2

-.--..- -•.._-



2 7


�'7 1


5i8 3

4 3



........ ..._...







9 3

:-7 r'-

-" -




8 3 2 9 6

OCT. 26, 2012



20 12

1 1 Princess's pea, e.g . 1 2 Wheeled table 1 3 Mount of the Seven Sisters 21 Gone by air 22 Candied tuber it 29 " I've up to here!" 30 Game in which the lowest card is a seven 32 Capital of Thai land? 33 Rook's spot on a chessboard 34 Hurricane center 35 Gl itch or hitch 37 Hall & Oates #1 hit 38 Doctrine 39 Las Angeles attract ion (with "the")

WW'lAJ l int

40 Risky

investmen 41 Hostess product 44 Utmost (Abbr.) 45 Tom Cant in a Mark ' Twain boo 47 React to pol ien, perhaps 48 Shining brightly 49 Indian cotton fab 52 Actress Bloom of '·High Plail Drifter" 53 Mongol lar or Malaya! 55 Baby hoot 58 Berth plao 59 Bachelor ( 61 Ultimate suffix


17?1� r:nm

e d wal �

Do you think you have a good chance of getting a job after graduating?

"I'm planning on going to med school after PLU. But after that, yes!'

"Yes, because of the name on the diploma. 1 guess what I'm saying is, 1 went to an awesome school."

Amandee Kaur, junior

Shaun Spurlock, sohomore

"No. I'm an international student so it's harder for me because I have to get a Visa and whatnot!' Lina Aas-helseth, senior

"I plan on going to grad school, but after that I'm one htmdt'ed percent sure because they basically set you up with it." Nathan .Jowett, sophomore


OCT. 26, 2012



Upcoming Games d. 27 at Puget Suwui, 1 p. m. Nov. 3 VS. WltitUIQrth, 12:.30 p.m.

Upcoming Games Oct.

Previou Games Win (41-27): (jet. 20 os. W'Ulamette Win (41-23): Oct. 13 at Pacifll!

Loss (0-3): Oct. 23 vs. Saint Martin's

26 vs. Pacific, 7p.m. 7p.m.

Oct. 27 vs. Willamette,

Previous Games

Win (3-0): Oct. 20 vs. Lewis and Clark

Men's Soccer

Upcoming Games

Oct. 27 at Pacific, 2:30 p.m. Oct. 28 at George Fox,

2:30 p.m.

Previous Games Loss (3-1): Oct. 21 us. Linfield Win (3-1): Oct.

20 l1S.



Women's Soccer Upcoming Games

Oct. 27 at Pacific, noon Nov.

2 vs.

Cross Country

Upcoming Games Oct. 27 at NWC Championships

Willamette, noon

Previous Games

Loss (0-3): Oct.

24 vs. Puget Sound Tie (0-0): Oct. 21 at Lewis and Clark

Previous Games Oct. 13 Lewis and CWrA; Invitational MXC (5th), WXC (5th) -'

Volleyball team

crUIsIng •

Lutes breeze through Linfield, Lewis and Clark despite playing without North Chri tian Dilworth

GUEST WRITER The volleyb all t am im p roved to 17� after a pai r of convincing; this weekend. They achieved a 3-1 victory over Linfield on Friday ni ght and a 3-0 rout of Lewis and Clark. The weekend began with the Lutes hosting Linfield for the second meeting of the year. After an exciting 26-28 first set loss to Linfield, the Lu tes to k the next three in a dominating fashion, a lthough it wasn't a smooth ride. After Samantha North, the 2011 AVCA West region freshman of the year, went down wi th a knee injury during warm-ups, senior Brianne Vincent was thrust into the starting role. Vincent pl ayed a pivotal role in the match, racking up 37 assist , 2 solo blocks and 5 block assists. Haley Urdahl also had a huge game, acquiring a career-high with 18 kins as

well as a .283 attack percentage, which gave PLU the lead in both categories. The Lutes' defense also showed u p and held Linfield to a meager -.026 througho ut the entire match. On Saturday, three Lutes posted double-digit ills - Amy Wooten 1 1, Allison Wood 10 and Urdahl 10 as they routed Lewis and Clark and improved their record to 17-3. Vincent started again in the place of injured orth and recorded 42 assists, 2 s rvice aces and 8 digs. PLU's defense came th rough once mo re and held Lewis and Clark to a -.009 a ttack percentage. TIle Pioneers had led the first two sets early on before the Lutes que lled the flames and established a commanding lead. The win marked head coach Kevin Aoki's 299th career win over his 137



The Lutes host Willamette tomorrow

at 7 p.m.

TOP: Senior Bri8.lme Vincent sets during the Lutes' 3-1 victory over Linfield Friday. Vin ce nt



forced into the lineup when usua.l starter, sophomore Samantha North, suffered an injury during

pregame warm -ups. Photo by Jesse Major. LEFT: Senior outside hitter Kelsey Pacolt drives the ball past a Lewis and Clark defender Saturday. Paeolt finished the game with three kills. The Lutes won handily. Photo by Ryan Page. RIGHT: Vincent and junior middle blocker Bethany Huston bloek place Paeific tonight at 7 p.m. Photo by Ryan Page.

a Linfield

kill attempt during Saturday's 3-1 victory over the Wildcat!;. The Lutes host third­


OCT. 26, 2012


Previewi ng omorrow's acoma footba l l riva ry Nathan Shoup


. �--


Saturday will m ark the 87th mat hup for Tacoma supremacy between the Pacific Lutheran and Puget Sound football programs. Kickoff is at 1 p.m. at Peyton Field at Baker Stadium, the Logger s home field. Lutes enter the The weekend after beating no. 19 Willamette, 41-27, in the biggest win of the season. The PLU-UPSrivalry was once significant enough to be played in the former Kingdome in 1977 and 1978 . Later, it moved to th Tacoma Dome in 1 983 where the schools played until 1993, w i th the exception of the 1991 season. However, the rivalry has lost glamour since the early 1 980s simply because of the Lutes' dominance over the Loggers. The l.utes are 26-3 against the Loggers since 1 983 and have won 23 of the last 24 meeting with the L ogger The Logger!; last beat the Lutes in 2005, 23-13, at Spark Stadium . The Lutes finjshed 3-6 that season. Puget Sound picked off Lute::>' quarterback Chris Maine fOUT times that game but needed a late third quarter and early fourth quarter touchdown to sneak pa t the Lute . outscored L utes The the Loggers 171-91 in the subsequent six games. .


Last week, the Loggers fell to Whitworth in Spokane 70-1 1 yes, 70. Th Loggers went into the locker Toom at h lftime trailing 49-0. Itis the third straight sea son th Loggers have given up 68 points or more in a single game. Last season the Loggers gave up 73 points to Linfield. The Loggers are being outscored this season by an average score of nearly 54-23. In six games this season, the Loggers held their opponent W1der 55 points nee. That came in a 30-7 thumping handed by Sewanee. Sewanee is a NCAA Div. ill university in Tennessee and is 3-5 this season. In Puget Sound's last game before the Whitworth disaster, the Logger were ern hed 6221 by Pacific - at home The gam stands as the lone conference victory for the 2-4 Pacific Boxers.


Down seasons are a p art of sports. They happen. Calling the 2012 Loggers season a bad season . would be a compliment. The Loggers are 0-6 and have not won a game since the second-to-last ganle of the 2010 season. Puget Sound finished 0-9 last year.

Why the Lutes will win... The Lutes aT a significantly

better football team than the

Loggers. SOphomore quarterback Dalton Ritchey has settled mta the sta rtin g role superbly. Ri tchey' 275 pa smg yards peT game are third best in the Northwest Conference Ri tchey has thrown 1 0 touchdowns opposed to five interceptions - two of which came in the t game of the sea on. Ritchev is also tied for third in the NWC with five rushing touchdowns. Ritchey Tan for thre scores Satur ay against Willamette. Sendor runrdng back Brand n James' 64.3 rUJ?hing yards per game are third best in the NWC. Through the air, sophomore wide receiver Kyle Warner ranks second in the NWC with over 1 1 1 receiving yards per '.

Th e Mast Monday

Night Football pick Nathan Shoup 51> RTS EDITOR


The Mast Monday Night Football pick 'em league picked games last week despite the fact that The Mooring Mast did not run . In anti-climactic fashion, everyone correctly picked Chicago over Detroit, so there was no change in the standings. This week features a tougher decision: the 5-2 San Francisco 4gers travel to the desert to play the 4-3 Arizona Cardinals. leader, league Our Gutierrez, was so perplexed he waited until the last possible minute to submit his pick. In other news, I warned you once, I warned you twice, but I'm renaming The Mast Monday Night Football pick 'em league. Are you ready? The Post-Sunday Society. Boom.

' em

The Post-Sunday Society standings could shuffle for the first time in a month if Arizona wins Monday. Loomis would leapfrog Gutierrez. It would be the first time this season a name other than Gutierrez would sit atop the standings. . If San Francisco wins, Ritchey will have a winning record for the first time th i s season and Dickerson, H gensen and McDaniel would be tied for second place at 5-2. ickoff is at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

San Franci co

at Arizona

game. The Lu tes are scoring over 31 p oin t s per game. On the d fensive si of the ball, the Lutes have the second best scoring defense in the conference, allowing 24.3 points per game. And the Lutes have forced a conference­ leading 23 turnovers this seas n.

Why the Logger will win... The Loggers defense is allowed to play with 13 p layers. Puget Sound has been dreadful on the defense side of the ball, allowing more than 560 yards per game including more than 306 rushing yar s. The Loggers will need to put together its best defensive effort in the p a s t few years to quiet the L u te trio of Ritchey, James and Warner. While the Loggers' defense has been regrettable, their offense has been respectable. Averaging 308 passing yards per game, the Loggers own the second-best passing attack in the onference However, they have also thrown a conference leading 15 interceptions. '


In the last three games, the Lu tes have scored 3 1 points, 41 points and 4J points. With the offense die ing, the Lutes will have their highest scoring output of the season. The Lutes will avoid a letdown alter a huge win Saturday and will push their winning streak over Puget Sound to seven games in a con incing victory. Falling behind early, Puget Sound will rely solely on their passing game and will manage to put a few points on the board.

Pacific Lutheran 56, Pug.t Sound 27

Shane Gutierrez. men 's soccer pla�er pick: SF record: 5- 7

Geoff L.oomis men's baseball coach pick: flRI record: 5- 7


Sophomore quarterback Dalton Rilchey scrambles during Saturday's 41 -27 victory over WiUamette at Sparks Stadium. The victor propelled the I.utes into second plae in t.he N\'VC. Ritchey nd the Lutes' offense could have a huge day tomorrow against a struggling PS defense.

The pressure is starting to mount ior Gutierrez. He is one incorrect pick away from losing his spot in first place. As for Gutierrez's hair, he wasn't sure how to pick this week, receiving zero compliments. As a Seahawks' fan, Loomis would prefer that both teams lose, but NFL rules prevent that from happening. A tie is always possible though.

Lance Lu te trust� mascot pick: flRI record: 4-2

Lance believes he could play in the secondary for the Arizona defense and shut down Alex Smith. He might be right.

Steve Dickerson men 's basketball coach pick: SF record: 4-2

Dickerson believes that the 'Niners are the toughest team on the West Coast, mentally and physically. Don't say that to the Raiders - or do. They ar miserable.

Stacey J../a gensen all- world softball pia�er pick: SF record: 4-2

Anonymous sources have hinted that Hagensen is corroborating on her Monday Night Football picks. This probably explains her two incorrect picks this season.


fUlison McDaniel /... u te sports fanatic pick: SF record: 4-2 Dalton R itchey P/... U quarterbaC K pick: 'SF record: 3-3

McDaniel was so excited about the Lutes 41-27 win over Willamette Saturday that she originally proclaimed that the Lutes would smash UPS tomorrow. Wrong game Allison. After a 0-3 start, Ritchey has correctly guessed three weeks in a row. This could be a good omen for San Francisco fans.


OCT. 26, 2012


Men's soccer team sp its

3 -1

loss Sunday all but eliminates Lutes from postseason Sam Horn SPORTS WRITER Linfield College virtually destroyed Pacific Lutheran's chances for first place in men's soccer dur'ng the Northwest Conference on Sunday. Linfield, which had suffered mu ltiple 10 ses against PLU in recent mate 1es, defeated the Lutes 3-1. PLU, ho wever, held the advantage in shots, taki ng 23 - including 12 sho t s on goal. Comparatively, Linfield took just eight sho ts, five of which were on goa l. The Lute ' are now 8-6-2 ove ra l l and 7-3-1 i conference p l a y and are good for 22 p oin ts . Whitworth lead s the conferen ce with 29 points and an i mpressi ve record of 9-0-2. In ord er for PLU to obtain first pla ce in the Northwest Conference, Whitworth

would have to lose all three of its remaining matche and the Lu tes w o u l d have to win aU of theirs. Concernmg the pOints, a win equals three poi n t , a d ra w is worth one poin t a nd a 10 ' S is equivalent to no points. The Wildcats of Linfield were able to take ad van tage of several miscues by the Lutes in order to score two goals in the opening 26 minutes. Linfield's first goal was scored by Tyler Sedla cek, his third goal of the season. Sedla cek scored off a de flectio n from his tea mmate, first-year sensation Domenico Del P re te . The first goa l came in minute 1 5. o I Prete scored he sec nd goa l in minute 26. Th pla y b eg a n wi th senior Danny Sne]grow receiving a pass down the left flank. He dribbled the b II do wn the field and beat his defen d er before crossing the ball on

the ground to the far post. The ball was greeted by Del Prete, who put it away past Lute keeper Joe Rayburn for his seventh goal of the season. The Wildcats held a 2-0 advantage at hal ftime. Linfield keeper, Grant L riaux, would ha ve finished the game with hi s second clean heet of the season, but lhe soccer gods had other plans for the sophomore keeper, who made 1 1 saves in the matcll. The L tes were aided by a W ildca t defE'nder who knocked the ball past Loriaux 10 an effort to clear ou l a cr oss, resu lting in an own g oa l fOJ" Linfield . Emmanuel Amarh leads th Lutes in goal scoring with seven tal lies. Amarh has also s hared the balJ among his team ma tes and is leading the team with ix assists. Sophomore Kevin Wcin hac been a workhorse for the Lutes' soccer team, as he has tamed nearly 1,500 minu tes in match play. Wein has s tarted all 16

' .... . -

matches for PLU. The Lutes finish thei r season with Pa cifi c , George Fox and Pu ge t Sound. All o f the e matches are played away

from the Lu tes' home turf. Fifty-six teams from across the nation will participate in the NCAA Division ill socce r tou rnament and FLU hopes to be one of them . Whitworth w i l l be guaranteed a spot in that 56 team bracket if they can h ang onto the conference lead. If un a b le to catch the Pirates, PLU could potentially earn an at-large bid if the selection committee deems them worthy. TI1e Lutes p la y at Pacifi c tomorrow and at George Fox Sunday. Both games will begin at 2:30 p.m.

Women's soccer taking strides

Head coach Seth Spidahl pleased des ite 0 -1-1 weekend Brandon Adam au


Linfield .



The women's soccer team suffe re d a tough 1-0 home loss to the Linfield Wildcats on Saturday. "They're ju t re ally good at moving for e a ch o th 1'," senio r defend e r Erica Boy le said. "They've got a really good

The l"u tes lost 2-0 in their first match aga ins t the Wildca ts. " We made progre s mee Se ptem be r, " Sptdahl said. "We p lay ed them a lo t more even." One of the improve m ents over last


g a me was defense. The Lutes only gave up one go al to the Wildcats. forward too." "We had some more composure," Wildcat forwards kept the pressure B oyle said. "We had some good on the Lutes' defense. Linfield got chances" like "Lauren almost getting the better of the Lutes' defense in them [some goals] in." the first half when their top scorer, Rasmussen said, "I feel like I played junior for ward Emily well against their top Fellows, drove home scorer." 1)0 l' tr've ove r II The Wildcats are tied the lone goal of the game in minute 1 2. about where we are for first place in the The Lute Wet Northwest c nference not able to devel p at 9-1-2. anything o ffen.i vely "I'm positive overall in the first half. The about where we are Seth Spidahl Wildcats made mor at," Coach Spidahl head coach shot attempts at the said. Spidahl uses these end of the game and tough games to judge re gula rly in I,ute how well the team has been performing te rri tory. The Wildcats accumulated throughout the season. seven shots and one shot on goal while "Even though we lost today, we the Lutes on l y accumulated four shots made progress as a group, " Spidahl but ma de three ho ts on target. said. "We ac com p lished a lo t of mile-"We ki n d 0 gave away a oft goa l, " s tone ." coach Seth Sp i d a h l a id . Sp id ah l appreciates his players' The Lutes' offense stepped up in the efforts throughout the sea on. second half. First-year forward L a u ren "The pla ye rs 1,ave done everything Larson broke away a couple times into I've as ked ior," Spidahl s aid . "I don ' t Linfiel d territory and attempted two doubt th ey ' re trying their hardest."

" I'm




"We wanted it more than them i n the second hal f, " junior defender Mariah Rasmussen s aid . The l"utes' cond wind wou ld not be enough to tum th tide of the game, h wever, resulting in the loss, Though the defeat was a setback for the L utes, Coach Spidahl was satisfied with Pacific Lutherans' imp rove d performance over the last game against

The Lutes garnered a record, along with one o th r team , for m os t ties in a sea on in the NC AA Div. ill with the 0-0 game on Sunday aga ins t Lewis and Oark. The Lutes are tied (or fifth place in the NWC at 4-3-7, 2-3-7. The Lutes play Pacifi c in Forest G rove tomorrow. The game will begin at noon.


'opbomof' midfielder Hallnah 1:I11sb d.ribble" aWII)' from a Linfield dclcnder (luring


Slll lJrdl\�'� n- I 10"". Bush hl1' "wried a l l hut O De game Inr t h Lui ' l hi. sc:t«m ;unl it 1iI1'l lue lenm witb four assist�. Hu�b and tbe rest nl' the women'R liOC('er team play III 11;�i.6c t omormw. Tltl' gatJU' .•tart!; III nOU T! .



oel: 26. 2012


Footba I team hurdles Willamette

Ritchey has monster game, runs for three scores, throws for one

..... threw for 197 passing yards, completing


Pacific Lutheran defeated th n . 19 Willamette Bearcats 41 -27, Saturday. DespIte being ranked nati n al l y the young Lutes dominated the Bearcats in all aspects of the game, leaving Willamette with its first loss ctory of ilie seas n. The advanced the Lute ' into second place in the Northwest Conference. S phomore quart rback Dalto n Ritchey shined in the passing game for the Lutes and added the dimension of his legs , which kept the defense off balance for the entire game. Ritchey ran for three touchdowns and completed 16 passes on 28 attempts for 1 95 yards and targeted sophomore wide receiver Kyle Warner for a 17-yard touchdown. He also made connections with six other receivers during the game. Sophomore ide receiver K i len Wes lerin g was out this ga me, and most likely ti'le rest of the sea 'on, due t a tom ACL uffered again l Pacific last Saturday . We tering p lay d in five games and caught three tou ch dml!ns on 46 receptions ,



for 433 yards. Westering was the second leading receiver on the team. "It is sad to see a fellow teammate get injured in any situation, especially one who was a big playmaker for the offense," sophomore wide receiver Austin Hilliker said. Hilliker will be implemented in the offense with the loss of Westering. Ritchey ran the ball 14 times for yards 64 and junior running back B r a n d o n James had carries 12 for 47 yards. The offensive line was able to establish the line of scrimmage and early maintain it throughout the entire game. In addition to Ri tchey'S three rushing touchdowns, sophomore nmning back N i ko Madison h ad a to uchdo wn. " W i lla mette was l rong up front, but I think we controlled th ball and had th abil i ty to nm the baIl hOwever we

wanted to" sophomore tight end Lucas Sontra said. The Lutes' running game ran for a season high 157 yards. The defensive had a tough lask against Willamette, which is ranked second in the country in total offense. The Bearcats averaged 544 total yard of offense per game.

and returned the ball 1 1 yards. The biggest play of the aftem on was an interception by senior cornerback Taylor Angevine. The shifty defender was able to elude tacklers and return the take-a-way 80 yards for a Pacific Lutheran touchdown. The senior now has 5 interceptions on the season. a "With offense talented like that, you know they are going to make plays," sophomore free safety Greg said. Hibbard The "thing is to make them one dimensional and take away their run game, which takes away their ability to set up the pass and we were able to accomplish that in an all around def nsive effort." Hibbard had a team high of 9 tackles on defense. The win for the Lu tes earned them second place, behind Linfield. in the Northw t Confe� nee. They have three ga mes left and on l y one more homl' game against Whitworth Nov 3.

"Willamettt; was strong up front, but I think we controlled the ball and had the ability to run the ball however we wanted to." Lucas Sontra sophomore tight end

Most of the Bearcats' offense ca � e from junior quarterback JOSh Dean, w ho co m pleted 26 p asses in 4.0 a ttempts for 335 yards and two touchdowns. But the big d iffe ren ce in the game was hi two mtercep tion . Junior m i dd le linebacker Dalton Da rmod y picked off a Dean pass attempt


65 rushing yards on 14 attempts. Ritchey also

16 of 28 pass attempts and one touchdown. Ritchey and the Lutes will be in action tomorrow at the University of Puget Sound.

Sophomore quarterback Dalton Ritchey jumps over two Willamette defenders Saturday for one of his three rushing touchdowns. Ritchey finished the game with

The Willamette Bearcats have yet to play the Linfield Wildcats as well, which could make the Northwest Conference a three-way tie for the champion and a possible playoff berth. The Lutes next game is tomorrow against cross-town rival Puget Sound at 1 p.m.

Rem aining games Oct. 27 at Puget Sound

The Loggers are having a rough go of it this season. At 0-6, Puget Sound is riding a 16game losing streak. Anything can happen in a rivarly game.

Nov. 3 vs. Whitworth

The Pirates sit in fourth place in the NWC at 6-2, 2-2. The two losses have come to first­ p l�ce Linfield and third pl ace WJllamette . -

Nov. 10 at Menlo

Menlo is 4-3 with a -30 loss to Linfield on Sept. L The Lu tes and N A lA Oaks have played in each of the past 10 years. a Te 9-1 in those The Lut


Volleyball clinches share of Northwest Conl'erence title

Coal exports would harm health of community, colwnnist says



NOV. 2, 2012

Study Away 10 1 ses sions underway PLU hopes to inspire student travel Taylor Lunka NEWS REPORTER

are designed to give students t oIs, tip and bi ks for th Study Away 1 01 s.eSSl ons

study away proces ' Program options allow shtdents to use their financial aid and scholarship money toward the cost or g etting an ed ucabon o u tside of the Paci fi c LutheTan communi ty. Th cono-to-Ia t Stud y A way 101 sessio n, pre nt d by the Wang Center, took plac Oct. 24 in the Anderson University Center. These sessions inform dent a ut finance option and gave them the op portunity t aRk th Sojourner advocates questions. The advocat s a re Pacific Lutheran Uni ver i ty students who pIovid peer support for the study away process, using their own experiences to i nform thers. >

Senior Hail Y Jung, on of the Sojourn r advocates, said she thinks students should " go out into the orld and exp . nee a com plet Iy new culture . " With study away trips, "not only do you ge t a new perspe.ctive on life and on the w or ld, bUl you gain a ton of independence, and you get to broaden you r horizons, " J u ng aid. "College is a n venien t time to go, so why not?"

During the presentation, students learned there are thr ee pI' gram types. galeway The fi rst, fa cultyare pr grams, d veloped, em tee- Ion tudy away programs. gateway Tanya Ul ted, programs manager, sai d 'he and facu J ty aT working on a local gateway program. The featured program offer students an option to study a way with PLU partner schools, such as 11'\ England, Namibia or Spain.

H nih


Hal owe en on campus

Pacific Lutheran University welcomes trick-or-treaters, pa ge 4

Lutes soccer loses to Loggers, Boxers

Toile trouble cau e Harstad flooding Ameli

The other option for studying a way ' . through a third-party program. Jtmg said that gateway or featured pro gr ams are the same price as the "PLU comprehensive fcc," while the approved third party p rogram prices vary and include a $1,500 administra tiv e fee. Prices for J-term trips d e pend on the destination. lung aid orne can be "fatrly mexpensive r can go up to $9,000, like th Antarctica trip." Students c an a pp ly for a Global Scholar Award, a n�d­ based scholarship, through the W g C_:1lt 1 Semester-long study away trips can merit a $2,500 scholarship, whereas stud�nts a pplying for a J-term tri p can receive up t $1,000. Senior Sara Stuart, anoUler S joum r adv oca te who


th ' bouL .1.01, to a dam g !. Both organjzatiol . hav l �n \ orkin to cI > n up th ...aler. r ' idcnt t Sla v, dir 'ctor of liar tad hall. said th� water hould dry up qUI because many of the vall that receI ved We ter w ma d e l f pI as er,

w hhh





Pilaro 111' JI/SSE MAJOR

Juoior Sllfl1Jl.Iltilll Delltler runs .tit r tile ball in a coccer mulch 8}:"ainst I lu> Un iversity of Pugel Sound Lug!,<eN la,�t Wednesda . For t.he cc.lllplcte story, bee "Lutes <"UlUlot find goal" n purl:; p"ge 1 6.

SPORTS Football beats Loggers, gears for Saturday's last home game, p. 13


The Mast revisil last Hpring's Focus review of health inspections of local eateries, pp. 8-9


Editor review�

newly reI ased Assassin's Creed III, p. 5


Editor highlights and organizes best political gaffes of campaign season, p. 11


J h and internship

fair gives students an

idea of what awaits after gradl.lation, p. 3


News pp. ] -4 A&E pp. 5-7

Focus pp. 8 - 9

Opinion pp. 10-11 Study Break p. 12 Sports pp. 13-16

NOV. 2. 2012








t l'o'DAY








Daughters of Norway teach Scandinavian cooking class to crowd


TOP LEFT: The erowu walche. al< Janiee Kelly prepares Norw iUIl_chicken melllbn\ls I1I1d noodl . BOTTOM LE....T: Finislu:d bordslllh I-hullels. flalbrend und j 'Qrweginn chicke:n mc::a l hnlls ilh Jiuoillcs . ABO E: Judie !\Ilill"r, 11,u cilef lor tile D ughlcn; uf "IurwBY " !lking clas Iield d. 27 in I he • ("umlinllvillll Cult lITIII nler. Ilf'1)llrt!� Bnrd'lahd-balkcl!l, a kind of Norwegian eOflkie. TOP mOOT! .Junel Ruud . II d('ln'ms-I rulilm c1wf. lIHl.l ltcr ,LJ" j!;tlull K1l) l�e Hurl!>ul pl1.'pan: ·"rnt,,.,ril1J1 fla l hn·· d ill liw . " !lndin ,-j T, ·nll'r BOTIC>M m rlIT: An udien('e memhcr lukCK .1 picture U� MlI> sh,."" whul I ",,/CUll! ' We)..CH Uilli l/o, .tll..., huulLl lu,,1-; Ilk... ,, 1 I!11 llu!' meal iH ,.reptlCed ",l ltHUle.


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NOV. 2. 2012


tud nts make connections

Int�rnsh ip and Job Fair yields h igh participation


High student attendance marke this year's. Internship and Job Fair on Oct. 25. Pacific Lutheran University invited more than 50 employers t showcase employment opporhmities. Sponsored by Career Connections, the fair ho t companies from all over the country, including the Franciscan Health System and document management corporation Xerox . Brandon Dejong, Career marketing COJUl ctions assistant, said quite a few booths were manned by alumni. These included the kidney care provider Da Vita and a startup company founded by former Lutes, called which sends estimated quotes on publicity campaigns to various companies. Quotewizard . com entreprenuer Scott Peyree said starting the business "was a little rough, but amazing, too." the at Attendance Internship and Job Fair increased by 10 percent from the last year, Dejong said. More than 400 students registered for the fair, Bobbie Hughes, executive director of Career Connections, said. Publicity for the fair



al t he Intemship and .Job Fair on 25 with ,Jenny Zarelli, Il eruiter for the kidney care provider company DaVita. "I t was definitely an eye- opening opportunity to get to talk to people from all these different organizations," Schumacher said .

,Junior Farah Schumacher, a nursing student. diseusses possible career opportunities Oct.

and a coupon redeemable for a slice of Farrelli's pizza. First-year Isaac Collins attended the fair and left with a potential interview. "It's exciting," Collins said. "Really intimidating, but exciting." The Internship and Job Fair has a record of helping students network and gain employment. Dejong is a PLU alum and credits his participation in last year's fair for his employment with

included a poster campaign and efforts to personally communicate with students. said Career Hughes COJUlections sent out multiple em ails to ensure attendance would be higher than usual. Career Connections also promoted its resume-writing workshops and other services before the fair. It incorporated a promotion that rewarded the first 200 students to register - they were given official nametags for the fair




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the university. Dejong said another alum, Amy Larsen, achieved employment at State Farm as a result of the fair. Students swiped in their ID cards at the entrance of the Anderson University Center to record their attendance. Before leaving, they also filled out exit surveys. Collins said he was grateful for the opportunity to network. "It was great for getting experience," Collins said.



presented, said that to study away "you have to be in good standings with the university." specific These requirements include completion of 32 or more credit hours and a minimum 2.7 cumulative GPA. The Sojourner advocates encourage students to explore, evaluate and apply. Stuart offers multiple students ways to explore the study away options by attending a 1 01 session or stopping by the Wang Center to get information and look at the available brochures. Jung and Stuart recommended that students email them or one of the other two Sojourner advocates, Jennie Greb and Kenny Stancil to "narrow down program options." this During process, students need to meet with their academic adviser to make sure they are " on time and on track with their major," Jung said. If help is needed with program options, meeting with a study away adviser will help students get started with the

process, Jung said. Anna Loose, a first year student, said she thinks "nothing quite offers the same global perspective as actually being put into a different culture and foreign environment." She said studying away "puts the concepts you learn in the classroom into life and helps you apply those classroom concepts into the real world." The application process for study away depends on the program. Stuart said most require programs application, an transcript, personal statement and faculty recommendations. The next deadline is March 15 for students who want to study away anytime the in 2013-2014 school year. The J-term 2014 deadline is April 12. To research available programs and locations, meet with a study away adviser in the Wang Center.

The next Study Away 101 session will be held Nov. 15 at 5 p.m. in the AUC Regency Room

The FuLbright program awarded fou r 2012 Pacific Lutheran Uni ersity graduates fellowships this year. The recipients are Carolyn Hyland r, Caitlin Wal ton, Mycal For and G retchen Nagel. The Fulbright pTOgram is an international graduate study that sends recipients abroad to complete research and teach in universities or secondary schools. All four alumni will be Engli h teaching assistants. Hylander will teach in Colombia, Walton in Malaysia, Nagel in Germany and Ford in Taiwan. Twenty-one PLU students applied for the award, and PLU was named a top producer of U.S. Fulbright Scholars by The Chronicle of Higher Education. Since 1975, a total of 91 PLU students have received Fulbright awards.

Dining services replaces broken conveyor part Valery Jorgensen GUEST WRITER As lines formed to drop off dishes, frustration grew in the Commons. After 1 1 days, the accumulator - a mechanical system that conveys dishes to the kitchen - has been fixed. The accumulator broke on Oct. 19. Director of dining and culinary services Erin McGinnis oversaw the repair. When the part broke, a technician from 3 Wire - a company that specializes in food and beverage service parts - came to campus. He found a broken chain driver, a part that allows the accumulator to continuously rotate. A lack of clear communication resulted in delivery delays and a disgruntled dining services. After students dined, they waited in line to scrape food plates, dump liquids and stack dishes. McGinnis SSid students were inconvenienced and that she shares their irritation. "We are really, really frustrated with them [3 Wire] as a service provider," McGinnis said. The delayed repair also disrupted employees who had to leave the dishwashing station to assist students in emptying dishes. By Oct. 26, the part had been ordered but not delivered. 3 Wire told dining services it would be in by Monday. The part arrived and was fixed on Tuesday, allowing the dining hall to return to normal. McGinnis said the accumulator was installed in 2004 and has a life expectancy of 15 to 20 years. To avoid this happening again, McGinnis said dining services will look into keeping spare parts on hand for future repairs. Dining services said it hopeďż˝ to avoid further mishaps.



NOV. 2, 2012

Halloween treats young visitors

Pacific Lutheran University residence balls open their doors Wednesday night to fairy princesses and miniature ghouls from Parkland preschools. RIGHT: Hinderlie Hall wall fair game for the candy-hungry kids. Photo by Ben Quinn. BOTTOM RIGHT: Trinity Lutheran Church occupied the former location of the disc cOllllection record shop on Garfield Street to give out hot chocolate and snacks to trick­ or-treaters haunting Parkland earlier in the day. Photo by Amelio. Heath. BOTTOM MIDDLE: In Hong Hall, even the youngest Parkiundi8.Il1t got to participate in the Halloween fun, including the ones dressed as sock-monkeys. Photo by Ben


BELOW: A tiny fairy er\ioys hot chocolate provided by Trinity Lutheran Church while walking with her guardians on

garfield street. Photo by Amelia Heath.

national BRIEFS Amelia Heath POCUS EDrMa


PennsylYania police seareh for Chinese food-eating butglar

State police northwestern Pet:UlS)'lvania say someone. itt Oil Cr�k Township kicked ln the door of a house, made a firem the .fire:l?,iace and ate the resIdenW Chiriese lood Wt w�

Police have yet

arrest any suspects.




Gene Hackman slap homeless man ill self-deftDSe

Eighty-lWo-y - ear-Qld actor Gene

flackman slapPed a homeless Itfan

1Uesday in. downtown Santa Fe, � When the man became aggressive tp hltn and hiS Wife. Po"nce did notimmedia:telyreleasc!' any additional details, but said 1iackman was acting in se1f-defense. Hackmart ha.9 won two Academy A; 4Q:ds and has been noJ:ni.J\ated f6r � otheu t,hrQughout the «>u:rse !>f his {ive:de<:a(le career. He and his wife have a home irt Santa Be.

A 14-foot torm surge into New York Harbor flOOded subway tunnels and airports and for the first time since 1 the stock · mm-ket clo�d £<)1' two days. 1HS GIOt;Ia} liislgl:lt esrunated $20 billion in damage a1Qng the coast and as muCh as $30 billion 11\ lQSt-damages, OpPQnents of\he bamer caution that it oould u!8anveJy aftect tidal tloW' anq ofuet eJ\virorunental features Of New Yo-rk Harbor and that, . en Ule u:rlk,nowns of dimate ch ge, a .system designed now m�y not bead�quate lat�r on. The proposed barrier would cost just over $6 billion. £t would span five miles trom the far Rockaway peninsula in Queens (m Long f ihtnd to the Sandy Houl< promontory in New Jersey and stop surges of up to 30 feet.

Suburbaa chargt1Cl

Detroit man al\er death of A·OO ....o.: �e -pOlU1d w �

The husband Of a 400-potmrl has been ooatged witl1. secornl-degree abuse \'(ben she died of morbid obesity and ()thednjuries last week.


Authorities say Mich� B�s

igrtortd his wire, Yolanda � Iftooks and allowed her to i.�:i.lU bed Surrounded by 'tier <lWl\ W!a$�,n

Jllegs,. TeptJtted

� Associated �day. Michael Brooks was his wife� "PrinWY �� after M auto Wreck lett hel' with a Crushed pdvis and ruptured bJadder. l\n e�cy �g protediw gear baa td extract her ·trOin their a�. ReeSe--BroOks' {ow' chiJd.l:en are l\OW liViRS with a fdative. crew


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All services performed by supervised stlJdents. Ad must be present. Expires 1213 1112


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All services performed by supervised students. Ad must be present. Expires

1213 1112


NOV. 2. 2012

A&E 5

The creed continue s Editor loves Ubisoft' s release of final installment in best-selling 'Assassin's Creed' franchise Jack Sorensen EDITOR-IN-CIDEF

Warning: spoilers abound in this review. Do not even glance at the next sentence if you intend to play "Assassin's Creed m" and didn't go to the midnight release Monday night and devote 11 hours to it in two days like I did. It was Tuesday afternoon, and I was attempting to squeeze a few hours of gaming in before my night of commitments commenced. My friend, an avid "Assassin's Creed" fan who had yet to start his game, was sitting on my bed, watching as he had done six hours the night before. dropped jaws Our simultaneously. Ubisoft blew us away with one incredible plot twist. Before playing as the advertised Connor, a Native Americanand the last character in Desmond Miles' ancestral journey through the assassin order, the game has you play as Haytham Kenway, an upper-class British aristocrat who boards passage to the colonies in search of a shrine left behind by "those who came before." As Kenway, you assassinate several targets the game very clearly presents as 'bad' characters, and you are enthralled by Kenway's charm and solid moral compass. Then your world is turned upside down. Kenway? He's a templar. That's right - you've been killing assassins, and Desmond is just as shocked to find out. Kenway's gameplay dramatically ends there, and

you take over as Connor, the son of Kenway and a Native Don't American woman. worry, Connor is an assassin. Ubisoft's multi-year planning of the "Assassin's was Creed" franchise incredible, with the final installment focusing on the modem assassin's race to unlock the secrets of "those who came before" ahead of the real-world proposed apocalypse on Dec. 21, 2012. Well-played, Ubisoft. In terms of the actual gameplay, ACm is a little hit-and-miss. There are some incredible additions to the feel of the game,

don't knock it if you can't rock it. Once I got past my honeymoon with ACm, I did begin to notice some subtle changes in the gameplay that I don't wholeheartedly support. Most notably, the controls for the fighting are significantly simplified in the latest installment. Whereas in the previous games you had an array of fighting oi es in both the primary and secondary righttrigger selections, the new gameplay allows you to parry, counter and break the opponent's defense, and there isn't even a

On that note, there aren't any special right­ trigger command� and your movement is limited to walking, walking quickly and free-running. No more light jogging out of an awkward accidental civilian assassination. What ACm lacks in control depth, it more than makes up for in eye candy. The landscape is beautiful and, dare I say, even comparable to one of Bethesda's "Elder Scrolls" games. The best part: Connor can free-climb trees. I know it seems like a given, but I can't begin to communicate how many times I yelled at Ezio and AltaIr, our previous assassins, for falling over when they bumped into a tree. I'm sorry, you can free-climb the Sistine Chapel but you can't climb a d--- tree? Thanks for fixing that, Ubisoft. Egg and your face were certainly in alignment for a while. Overall, the game is incredible and everything we had hoped for. Now I just have to finish it before Dec. 21 .

Columnist rates: including an over-theshoulder camera angle that makes free-running through the streets of colonial Boston truly exhilarating. I like to play a little epic background music to enhance the chase. My

suggestion: the theme song from the 1960 hit "The Magnificent Seven." Try it out before you judge me, and

second set of options with the right trigger. The kill cameras are incredible, but the incredibly linear fighting style gets old fast, and doesn't offer as much player engagement as the previous four installments of the Assassin's Creed series.

* ** * 1



8.5/ /10

Batt e of the genre s

Bookstands set for takeover of top teen literary titans Kelsey Mejlaender COPY EDITOR

The recent big-screen explosion of "The Hunger Games" and the tween-driven success of the almost complete "'TWilight Saga" have made a lot of story lovers wonder what's next. Whether you're a fan of apples or arrows, it's impossible to deny both of these novels-tunled-movies are incredibly popular and profitable. Since moviemakers are now raiding their teens' bookcases for inspiration, it's interesting to wonder which one will strike box-office gold next. "Beautiful Creatures:" the next "Twilight?" Like its sparkly vampires "Beautiful predecessor, Creatures" is a supernatural love story. Written by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl, the book was released in

December 2009. It follows protagonist Ethan Wate as he becomes intrigued by the mysterious Lena Duchannes. Lena is a Caster - essentially a witch whose powers will be claimed for either the light or the dark when she turns 16. There are many similarities to "Twilight," from the small­ town setting to the hints the supernatural half of the couple may be dangerous. Despite the male protagonist, this does not seem like the type of book guys would read, or at least admit to reading. The unwavering devotion Ethan gives Lena and the way his world revolves around her is just one shade short of the drug addict-like relationship of Edward and Bella. Not to mention Ethan is constantly complaining about his small town - yet another unpleasant Bella characteristic. Overall the book was underwhelming and dragged

on far too long at over 500 pages. With the tepid beginning - I had to force myself to continue - and some shaky loopholes, the book was nothing extraordinary. Then again, "Twilight" is no literary masterpiece and its bringing in buckets of money. Admittedly, the movie trailer looks intriguing. The film's best hop e for actual quality is the stellar supporting cast. Oscar award winning actresses Emma Thompson from Harry Potter and Viola Davis from "The Help" both have roles. Even skilled actors can't always save a weak plot, however. Whiny protagonist check. Bad writing - check. Phenomenally popular box office hit - let's hope not. "Diver�nt:" the next "Hunger Games?" With a dystopian setting, youthful competition and a strong female lead,

"Divergent" is reminiscent of "The Hunger Games." The book was written by Veronica Roth and published in May 2011. The plot centers on Tris Prior, who lives in a city where everyone is divided into five factions. At age 16, the citizens take a test that determines which faction fits them best. Tris' test results are inconclusive, proving she is actually Divergent and a threat to the society. Leaving the faction she was born in, Abnegation, she chooses to become an initiate of Dauntless. But the secret she harbors haunts her, putting her life at risk. Similarly to "The Hunger Cames," this novel is written in the present tense and involves quick-paced action and violence. The characters must undergo an initiation process to become members of their faction, which pits the 16�year-olds against each

other in a Hunger Games like style. However, the book lacks the emotional depth of "The Hunger Games" and sometimes feels too rushed. Still, it was enjoyable and definitely a must for fans of the dystopian genre. The "Divergent" movie is still in pre-production, but should arrive in theaters in March 2014. It's rumored Shailene Woodley from "The Descendants" will play Tris and Alexander Ludwig, who played Cato in "The Hunger Games," hopes to portray Tris' love interest. Though the book contains many of the flashy exterior elements of "The Hunger Games," its failure to forge a deep emotional connection with readers may leave the movie's box office numbers flagging.


6 A&E

NOV. 2, 2012

Documentary director shares untold immigration stories with PLU

Camille Adams GUEST WRITER The award-winning documentary, "The Other Side of Immigration," brought Pacific Lutheran University to students the border examining immigration from an array of perspectives. Creator of the film, Roy Germano, gave a presentation to various classes and students on Friday. His hour-long film was screened later that evening. The documentary is the winner of the 2009 Politics on Film Founder's Award. First­ year Anna Loose, an attendee of Germano's presentation, said, "He was a great speaker who presented the information well and made you feel emotionally involved in the issue." His lecture focused on the trials and tribulations of crossing the U.S. border through the desert. The film, on the other hand, features interviews with members

of a rural community in families in the U.S. and never farmer One in the Michoacan, Mexico. return to Mexico. documentary said, "There's "The movie challenges not much point in growing According to Germano, the idea for the film occurred to the misconception that all com anymore because there is him while he was collecting immigrants come to the U.S. cheaper com coming in from statistics for his doctoral thesis. for the American dream," God knows where." However, He said he realized during Professor Adela Ramos said. Germano's film claims NAFTA Side of is not entirely to blame for the his interviews with over 700 Other "The inhabitants of Michoacan that Immigration" also highlights state of the Mexican economy. and Deceptive personal stories speak local in greater volumes than corrupt statistics. The film was "The challenges governments prevent movie born. citizens from accessmg all or benefiting from The film showcases the misconception that both those who migrate immigrants come to the U. S. funds. Many people shown in the film believe to the U.S. and those who for the American dream." there is nothing they can are left behind. Its intent, do, as any protests short according to the author, of a revolution would is to put a human face to Adela Ramos have no effect. One man showing immigration, professor stated, "At elections how families are split up. every six years, they Some parents are forced to be away from their children the economic relationship make you forget how they for anywhere from six months between the U.S. and Mexico screwed you the last time." that led to this culture of According to the film, most to many years. After nations Mexican citizens live on $3-$4 First-year Maria Cruse said, migration. "I think it is good to get the passed the North American a day, or as low as $1 in rural Agreement areas. immigrants' perspective about Free Trade The film ended with Mexican com, the issue. It was interesting to (NAFTA), grain and pig farmers all suggestions on how to move see their lifestyle." The film demonstrated how experienced a dramatic drop forward. Many of the solutions focused on policies and smallsome immigrants create new in business.

business practices in Mexico. One man quoted President John F. Kennedy: "Never ask what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country." Although the film proposed a change from within Mexico, during the question and answer session, Germano addressed ways Americans could make a difference. He said he believes that through policies like the DREAM Act, Americans can improve U.S. immigration policies by making citizenship more attainable to certain groups. He also stressed the importance of temporary work visas, explaining many Mexicans would prefer to alternately work in the U.S. and live in Mexico every six months. Germano currently works for One With Mexico, a non­ profit organization which sponsors development and educational programs in Mexico.

' Twilight ' reading sheds light on ome stic violence in pop culture Rachel Diebel AacE REPORTER Real life met the Hollywood silver screen Oct. 25 at the "Twilight" dramatic reading. Faculty took on the roles of Edward, Bella and Jacob in front of a crowd with about 50 students and staff. The dramatic reading was a fundraiser for the Women's Center. were Nominees announced several days beforehand, and students could pay a dollar to vote for which staff members they wanted to portray the leading characters for the reading held in the Cave. The Cave was decked out in black with stars hanging from the ceiling. There was a tent and sleeping bags to help set the stage for the scene they were performing, which takes place on the top of a mountain. Continuing with the "Twilight" theme, the Women's Center provided apples for the audience to munch on. Professors Neal Yakelis and Brenda Ihssen and Tingelstad Resident Director Carlos Solorzano portrayed Edward, Bell a and Jacob, respecti' ely. TI1ey perfonnecl two scenes from the "Twilig t" novels, complete with costumes and props. Yakelis donned fake fangs and glitter while Solorzano sported a fake tattoo and a wig. The scenes were

chosen because they were intended to reveal the inequitable nature of Edward, Bella and Jacob's relationships. purpose The of the event was to raise awareness of domestic violence in pop culture. To demonstrate this, attendees were asked to shout "red flag" and "bad wolf" whenever Edward or Jacob said something controlling. After the readings, a video outlined 15 of signs domestic violence. Following each description of domestic violence, a scene from one of the "Twilight" movies played. The film attributed all IS signs to Edward and Bella's relationship. A relationship only has to show one sign to qualify as abuse, according to the film. video, the After advocacy intern for the Women's Center Kelsey Greer led the staff panel in a discussion on the implications of domestic violence in pop culture. The panel included the three faculty actors pI s a few others who were nominated but not elected to play the roles. Greer posed questions such as, "If it's just a fantasy novel, what's the problem with showing a bad relationship?" Senior Nina Hartsel sees said she the relationships in books like "Twilight" as a negative influence on young girls in particular. "All chick lit for young girls is like

that," Harstel said. "It's bad because they don't know what relationships are supposed to look like yet, and 'Twilight' is not setting a good example." First-Year Becca Sunoo said, "I think it's really important to talk about stuff like this. It's not something people like to shine a light on." Faculty gave their opinions on "Twilight" and gender portrayals as well. "I was surprised by how the eroticism [in the film] is created through [Bella's] vulnerability," Professor Adela said Ramos, one of the staff members on the discussion panel. "I think it's really problematic that that's the case. It's troubling how it might be educating women to be vulnerable." But the most important question: team Neal or team Carlos?

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ov. 2. 2012

A&E 7

of elect · on ads Kelsey Mejlaender



Of the many annoying advertisements that plague us daily, few are wor e than election ads. TI1ey bombard our televisio s r lentle sly around voting season and are notorious for statemen ts that toe the truth line. Often though, it's the visual aspect of an ad that can be the most subtle and dangerous element. Unlike sta tistics or statemenls, which can be fact checked, visual persu a i on technlqu es ar mor insi di ous, infl uencing a voter's . ubc nscious. WeLI­ p la nned mark ting art is car fu lly de igned lo sway Am ricans into making th " right" d cision. Some typica l tricks involve color and ymbols. Red, white and blue are prerequiSites for p li ticians who want to seem p a trioti c an.d other colors, such as yellow, are typ i cally avoided. It the ad IS attacking a candidate, the colors sMt dramati ally . Clips are hown in black and while, suggesting

a rang of possible m eanings. Perhaps jt's intended to convey the candidate is stuck in the past, out of touch or even th t he or sh will bring darkness to government. Sometimes,


advertisers s und delivered, the screen





ad appears. That exp l ains why she

person then r he should be elected instead.

Colors do little good without context, h wever, which is where the symbols

come in. Stan d ard


associate them with the u.s. E en the American people can




in a political ad. Shots of crowds are supp rtive show dem nstrate how many citizens stand b eh ind a p artirular poli ti cian . The type of pI" pie shown

freeze and the isn't exactly clip will fade r a n d o m into black either. Tfth ad and white as is highlighting the voiceover a candidate's explains what In tl e end. support for lecli n ads a r no better than the candidate the working done commer iaJ for McDonald . They re ju t class, has then wrong. The marketing e 'e!' i e to s 'a p eo ple the unin£ rm d the darkening of will shown o te ro the clip paired be blue-collar the with workers either accusat; on i n te r a c ti n g the lends 'lith the ad a sinister poli ti ci a n air, instantly or smiling l e a d i n g for happily v i w � r ' the camera. to perceive the targeted symboL aTe frequently The appearanc of the candid ate in a mar negative incorporated whenever candidates is crucial too. While light. ads that attempt to depict possib le. Whether i t' s lhe An ad with this black maje tic bald agle - OUT pol i tici ans negatively will and whi te image is then nation's emblem - soaring 5 lect shots where a candidate often followed with a blast in the background or a faded l oo k angry or depressed, an of patriotic color as the backdrop of stars and stripes, ad thal champions a candidate candidale benefitting from the cand idates wanl viewer to will sel ec t very different



images. Th y11 be shown stan din g tall a d proud with stoic expressions. Other times, positive ads show candidate ' in t eractin g with eon tituents t-o give the appearance of comp assio n r signing legislation to make them appear ac ·ve. There are certain facts political ads strive to drive home in voters' minds. One effective technique is the combination of texl and audio. As reporters or candidates speak, key words pop up ill bOl d text r th camera pans across th lim: m a neWspaper to ensure the au dience doesn't miss the point. In tl1 end, election ad are no bette.r than a commercial fOl' McDonald's. They are just a marketing ex rcise to sway the uninform d vot r. But even the most politically aware citizen can fall under the visual spel l . Most vi wers are influenced by the ads, even if they c1aun n t to be. Next time you tum on tlle TV to s e red, white and blue marketing, don't lel al1 the flashy graphics and visual strategies blind you.




Valery Jorgensen



The Mooring Mast investigated health departmtmt reports 01 eatirrg estalliisizme71 ts il/ tile Aprif 20 issl/e. DIl. week, gltcs/ v)riter re-visiLed the street to see how bllsinessec; !lave fared in subseql lnspections are usually conducted 01le to four times eadl year.

Health reports available online have spurred local food into a tion. As customers can easil y s what 1 happen] scenes of th f od service world, managers strive for clea

r / NOV. 2, 2 0 12

urfield Street 'ry lor<�i71Se/l inspectiolls.

abtishments behind the

rep rts. Th

e .


I- ng


· •

Revisiting health department reports at restaurants on and around campus

erio u sn 1> of j nfractions has be orne more im p or tan l than ever. The Pi erce County Health Department does random routine inspections Toughly one to four limes a yea r. Restaurants are jud ge d according to th complexity of the menu, how much raw food is used and how much food is co k<.>d in adv ance. This detemlines h w many inspections p r year are required. During this insp ec tion, there ate two types of violation : blu and red. Blue violations are low Ii k. Red violations are high risk an d can con tribu te to foodbome illnesses. Points are given o u t for differen t v iolations in each category . A follow-u p ins pection is req UITed when the total number of red points is greater than 35. The majority of Garfield Street' s establishm nts and Pacific Lu theran University's dining hall received mul tip le v i o l a tions.


Manager J a on Heye said he takes pride i n working at Farrell l's Wo d Fire Pi zza. H ye said Farrelli's last hea l th lllspe ction too k plac on Sept. 1 . Th y rec ive d two violauons for "potentially hazardous food time/ tem p rature." "W had a c oling issue when:! w didn't properly cool one of Out i tems," Hey aid. " I t is suppa ed 1 0 be oled unm a larting tempera tur' ",hether it i a oo ke d ltem or no L" The coo ling is rn campHane with h eal th de-partm n t standa rd . Heye said everything regarding �O\lkcd food is done ace rd i ng t the proper standards. He continued to ay the prob lem wa "where we p repped something th at wa kept at room temperature . It was p u t intn a bi n that was too large to be cool .d at the proper cooling tim ." To fix this problem, Heye said e m p l oyees are now cooling the i tem befon' ad d ing it into the reape. Each infraction o un ted as a re d violation. The two violations ad de d up to 40 points. This res ulted in a follow-up inspection on Oct. 2, when th y had no iolations. Con istent), h Ips Farrelli's pa! s ins p dions, Heye said . The same pr p cook works six ut of seven day s f th week, m akin g sure the food i done correctly. Wh en there is a proble m, 1t is ad dressed as soon as possib le. Heye also said he co nsiders th he It11 inspections to be "very serious. I take it personally if we don' t pa s." I-Ieye added, /IT strive to put in 100 percent, whether il lS co king, cl aning o r managing to m ake sure the store runs smoothly."


Iteyna's Mexican restaurant owner, Felix Guzman, spoke about his busine ss and how he carl'S for public safety. "I like to pread the word," Guzman ai d. "W try to do sanitizing nice and clean for keeping things safe to eat." Reyna's la t inspection was Sept. 25. Reyna 's received one red violation mark tor "approved sour wholesom , not adulterated food." This sp cHic violation concerns th impH>per cleaning of fruits and vegetabl . _


When asked about the infraction, Guzman said, " Everythi n g is Ii ed, everything is worki ng nice." Beca use Reyna's only had one infraction, equaling 1 0 pOints, a follow­ up ins pection was n()t n ces ary. Guzman said he assures rust mers that infractions have "nothing to do w i t h the food . " The Anderson University Center Commons In a 5t p up from their previou s inspection, the And rson U ni ve rsity Center (AUC) received only two red v io la tio ns in its routine inspec tion that took place on Sept. 17. Th AVC r ceived two violations for li p tentia lly hazardous food time/ tem pera ture ." Both of these vi lations had to do with broken equipment This resulted In. food not being properly cooled or wanned at the right

temperature. "Yes, we b ave been working on it," Erin McGmnis, director of dining amI culinary servi ces said . Dining ervi s pu rchase d additional therm m ter and is kee p mg exlTa logs to ensure food items are kept at p rope r temperahlres. This way, \-"hen equi p me nt breaks, they de not have to find out from the health department . When an Inspection i taking place, McGinnis said he like' to be kept in lhe loop "1 want to know , what is on them [lhp ins pection rep rtsl and B, I wan t to know that w are ft:ing it as soon as possibl ," McGinni sa i d . M Ginnis said afety is dining ervices' number one 'onccrn. "We take it so seriously here becallse we are caring for you [ PLU stu den tsJ a fami l y," McGinnis sai d . "You are here for J 5 w\:.'eks l per semester], right ? So it i 0 important to us, because you are here and w e want to make sure that e verything is safe." The AUC dirung com m ons has different requirement than the tablishmen ts on Garfield Stre t. l can't say i t [a dining inspection1 i critical for everybody out th re in the restaur ant business," McGinnis said. "Because they have you L:ome in and then y ou leave, right? Bul you [ stu d ents) are here and it is our job to take care of you." "

Emerald City Smoothie As o ne of 'Ie only establ' hments on G arfi el d Street to pass their health

inspection with ZeTa vi olations, Emerald City is one of the deanest p la c s in the campus vicinity. Emerald City is owned and operated by Mary Robel, who wo rl< s Wlth her emp loy s to make sure they continua ll y pass inspections. Thcir last mspection was Feb. 5. "Well, essen ti all y, we abide by all of the health code rules," Robel said. "We maintain a clean environment. We've go t soap and towels where necessary." Robel ad ded that Emerald City keep all of the food an equipment a t the pr p er temperahJ res. Sh a id ev rything in the store is done accord ing to health c )des. Robel works as a trai ner for new Emerald City Smoothie locations and said she strongly emph asize s cleanliness an d the i m portance of maintaining a afu environm en t. "We take i l very ' riuu. ly," 5he said. Emerald aty is considered a low risk establishment because there are "m ini mal things" that can g wrong, Rob I sai d . Bemus f the low Iisk sta111s, they are on ly insp cted Ilnce a year. Robel likes to be m the store when the inspectors come but says Lbey "lite r ally come in and they are ouL" The highest risk of a vi ola tion for E merald City are 0tential quipment malfunctions. Robel a ckn owled ged that " iL can la ppen" and that unfor eseen circumstances can arise. When asked about being one of the only places on Garfield Street with a clean inspection rep ort, Robel wa surprised. ce rn ed Regarding her own business, Royb 1 said , 'T m n o t c when they [health inspectors1 com in. It's becaURe we maintain that level that we are going to pass. I expect us to pass, we should always pass."


Tea Leaf

Tea Leaf Chinese restaurant had the most infractions ut of the establishments on Garfield Street. Tea Leaf had their routine inspection on Sept. 19. The restaurant received five red infractions and one blue infraction, equaling 105 red points and five blue points. With the 1 05 red points, Tea Leaf could have received one third the number of points and still been required to have a follow-up inspection. Their second inspection took place on Oct. 1 0 and they had no violations at that point. Tea Leaf's initial ins p ecti on violations included a wide array of infractions. In the Food Service Insp ection Re port , "p tentia l l y hazardoUR food time/ temperature" contributed the most points to their report at 30. 111i violation was for proper cooling proe dures. They had two more vi lations for "potentially hazardous foo d time/tempera ture" under different subca tegories Their la t red viola tion concerned of emp loyee hand the p rev e ntion contamination: Tea Leaf's establis h men t did not have en ugh hand washing facilities. The one blue violation concerned violations l1lese contamination. skyrocketed them allead f the other restaurants in terms of p oin ts. A Tea Leaf employee said the manager will be away until December.




Trains may overrun Pierce County

Check your privile ge




Don't touch my hair. Because that's the fir t thing most people want to do when th y notice m . What is it a bout bei ng a minority that reduces my h ad to a public pe ttIng zoo ? It' 5 not just that th y want to touch my hair. The question s I get when I first meet people are outrageous. Is your hair naturally cu rly? Does yo u r hair lake a while Lo do? Is it yours ? Do you tan? You're really bol for




tand for but



landing for it


acLi n from

those with pTivilege.

a bl ack girl. Will you go out w·th me? What are you? Yes, my hair is naturally curly. It i tem p ramen tal ometimes styling m y hair is easy, other times i t takes forever and a day. It's all mine, even if 1 did pay for some of it. Yes, I ta n. fm glad 1 measure up to vour exalted standards of attractiveness. No, I h a ve no inlention of going out with you. I'm still trymg to wrap my m i nd around the fact you hou gh t that was an a cceptabJ pickup lme. As far as the last question







"m mimize harm," "a'1 i ndcpendenl ly" and �b



/I 'clluot.nhl ••"


l a st -di tch efforL to sell ti1eir unwan ted product, American coal comp anies Peabody Energy and Arch Coa l , as well as Au tralian-ba ed Ambre Energy have teamed up. They formulated a scheme that would get their pr dud to th one market in which terrib le arr qua l i ty is only a concern when the Olympics are town: China. The coal come, from vast strip mines in Montana and Wyoming. If this new plan is final:iz.e , mi nes ill begin to extract 150 million tons of coa l per year that would travel by rail to p orts in Washingt n a


The subj ugated p op le s

'In/! Voorm!1 Ufl..�'

lllkl'n lh� T,\O "f Jllllrlinlism



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�l!rvi(,I!, Ie. Jl'rSilip. and


mix willi the mo u nta ins o f oal, d am aging a much greate r area of th Pu get Sound than the c al companies are willin g to take r sponsibi l i ty for. Not to mention the t II to anyone wo.rking or Ii ving nea rby . Lutes need to care b ca u e many of these coal trains would be traveling through our home in Pierce County and the ships would sail in Puget Sound. This project is not finalized and it doesn't have to be, not if YOll want to do something about it. This is a textbook case of a company chasing razor - thin profit margins eve n if i t means harming unknown numbers of people. Community members contract b re ath i n g may p robl ems, natural site may destroyed be perLnanentiy and native groups such as the Lummi will be denied self­ determination of ancestral land . If you have a problem with strip mining, kids getting asthma, a polluted Puget Sound or international corporations running through our county with no rega rd for OUT we ll-being, then y ou have a prob lem with coal exports. To help, you can go to http:// for more information and look ou t for public hearings concerning the issue tarting in t e n xt coup le wee . L t's demand some respect

letters to the editor

2012-2013 STAFF

on,·em · ·

and Oregon . and fifty One-hundred million tons of coal equates to 60 tr ams, eacb one and a half miles long and ea ch tra veling to the west coast every day. One of the railioads responsi bl e for d e live ring this coal, Burlington Northern Sante Fe, found that 500 pounds of coal are blown off each train car al ng th way. Coal dust w ou l d fill the air in loca l communities, whi ch has been linked to long-term health problems like lung and heart disease, chronic asthma and cancer. Now we're looking at 500 pounds of dust from each train car, with 1 20 cars per train, multiplied by 60 trains per day, runn i ng 36 5 days a year. Can 1 get a math major to help ? Sinc ther are n ports large enough to h and le massive exp rt p lans, the companies want to build new ports in t:he Pu g t Sound . At one such proposed p rt site known as C1lerry Po in t, the plan is to fill in swamps and cut d own forests to make way for a l O-acre si te covered in piles of coa l up Lo 85 feet ta l l . Cherry Po in t is a fOrt�sted, undisturbed rocky horeline of Puget Sound Just north of Bellingham and cl aimed by the L um mi Native American Nation. When it rains and the wind blows, water and air would

Submit corrections and

move forward the dominating society's active participation in overco ming this sb ared issue. If you truly stand for your check equality, privi lege.

. ·bkh im·lud. the guidelilll: . lrull ulld rL'purt it "

"b ·�k

stake. For a variety of reasoDS, less coal is being burned to p roduce our co untry's electricity. In

cannot without

IInwl l . "Il\!t: 01'


TI,e pr posed coa] export terminals for Washington and Or gon ports are absurd . Public health condi i ons, p rotection environmental and Native America n 5 )f­ detennill.ation i ssues are at

on .

,Ill�re. LI> Ul� & • .j >� ,Il



individual asks this, il's a friend ly exchange of in fonna tion, like col lege students finding ut th � best textbook. and profes 0(5. When a whi te pers n asks, it feels like I'm under a microscope, another specimen to add to the 'exo t i c friends' coll ection. The encounter itself is the definition of p ri v il ege, the however innocen t seem. may exchange Privilege is defined as a right, immunity or belief enjoyed by pers ns beyond the advantages of m ost. White privl1 ege is the theory that white pc pI receive c ncrete benefi ts and access to resources denied to most, be it consciously r unconSciously. Unfortuna te l y, there seems to be a growing backlash to lhls ide a from those wh ay white privilege does not exist. peopl e White have privilege. Those who deny it are refusing to allow pro gress. You may say you stand for equality, but standing for i t involves action from those with privilege. The oppressed need to stand up for themselves, bu t th oppressors need to re lize who they're standing

THE MOORING MAST 'l'ht M/)(lrUlIJ 1'/41 of Pro/i·ssil)oul

Coal exports harm community health

goes, the an wer depends on my mood . Occasionall y, I wi ll attempt to remind the qu es tioner that r am h u man, female and have a name. Someti m .s 1 d cide to satisfy their curiosity and disclose my fu l l heritage. Th thing that gets me every tim e .is a maj ority of the questioners are white peo ple. My imme di ate reac · on is different depending on the racia l background of the questioner.


NOV. 2, 2012�ts

Ihe T. 0 "f

MllnllgeE III mllSlad ·�

www,plu. dll/lTIllH t rur

m�s anti c()ntrncl.





EDITOR-IN- CHIEF Jack Sorensen rna;

MANAGlNG NEW EDITOR J . 'k-a 1rondben or . 0 per uClluemic yellt. Plea�e mail I rondsjk@plrw!u Suh!«:npllons !l


25 pt'r �


dlCCk 'Lddrl!S�cd to TIll': M{Jorinq .\fa.�t 1

Pu -me Lutheran Univ r. ity:


WA 98447 ifyflll'u like. tu :;uh"cribe.

Letter' to til editor: n� \f'�lring ,\(usl


leI !t'n; 10


Ih� (til nr. Letters mu ·t be :ut ootled to


by 5

'�dnv h\·fl)p publkafion. mKlil@.plll.eou

LeU er .

wi! II ,ut

uumhl'r aruJ









llt1ltling flr t ill


II Lt' .Ii.4'/lrd�d. I ltcr�

!iUlluld be M ton�rcr than 5011 wnw lcnlrth lIud �I><:d.




A&E EDIT R I'mil 'lln 'Pl'li apply IIIllne




Wmston Alder //IIlst(1(L'@plll rtfll


Ben (-hOnn ql/innbj aplll.r.du


FOCUS EDITOR Amelia He t.11 lumlhalll @pllLnw

Po,11hun flpt'n - appb/ online



OPINION EDIT R Keh.e HiJme. Ttilm,..vk/@lfJlu.tdu Nrlthan h up Iwupnn@plu. /111

C PY EDITOBS Kel Y lejlacnder m�jlat·H@' Aronnw I, �r"I!lItr@ptu.(',Ju

in Row bmd


NOV. 2, 2012



Top 10 political gaffes of the 2 0 12 elections

tteEDITOR Dialogue Day in line with PLU 2020 plan Kyle Monahan

The best mistalees from both major parUes


conege SWll«tls.


6� Presiden:tial candidate Mitt Romney had a colorful array of missteps, tQO. In Jart�t Romney saId, "rm notcon�med about the very

poor. W�, haV'e a safety net tltete. " Ronmey was tryin,g to emphasize his .commitinent

Kelsey Mejla.ender

COf>'V m>i'r()lt

ttl the middle: hut wQUl\d up if1Sensitive.

We all make 'Oli.sta'keS1 but politicians' errors ofbm • fat grea�r and tWte ceffidilly far more public;; Gaffes are one -thing tl,at cert� 0:'09$ party lines

cla. <;S4





fromEDITOR Jessica Trondsen


In this lovely, but stressful, span of time between midterms and finals, registering for new classes is probably the last thing on our minds. Yet - maybe due to timing alone - I can' t help but think the chance to start anew sounds wonderful As registration approaches, let's all be alert, safe and smart about the classes we choose. 1. Pay attention to the requirements of your major and do so early.

1 cam to Pacific Lutheran University 97 percent certain

I would be an English major. Because of that 3 percent hesitation, I dabbled in general education courses (gen-eds) like nobody's business and finished year one with only four English credits completed. And because life is funny, during my gen-ed meandering I decided to tack on a communication major and a women's and gender studies minor to my now declared English major. Now, I had a lot less room for wandering. Stay on track. Regardless of class standing, make sure you're working with an adviser or professOl: in picking classes. If you're a full-time student, take a full schedule. Another fantastic resource for course planning is the 'What-If Analysis' on BannerW b. Select a major or minor, and the program will show how close you are to completion based on classes you've already taken. Using this feature, I realized I'm only three classes away

Plan ahead IlIr class registration from turning my women's and gender studies minor into a major, should I want to reconfigure my degrees.

2. Pick at least one class you know without fail you will like.

I'm not athletic, but I love yog�. By taking the yoga PE class, not only will I gain one more PE credit, but I will also get to do something I love that I don't often have time for. Sign me up, please. Or pick a class taught by a professor you already like: YQU need something to look forward to, even if it's at 8 a.m. on Monday. Undeclared or undecided . Find something you think you might want to turn into a major, like another psychOlogy class, because you're enjoying 101 this semester.

3. Be flexible prepared.


Let's be real here: the yoga class is really popular. Even

with my junior standing, it may fill up before I can register. In all my registration experiences, I have never been able to sign up for everything I wanted exactly when I felt like taking it. This happens for a variety of reasons: two classes are offered at the same time, one class actually needs a prerequisite or I'm the 21st person trying to sign up for a class with 20 slots and no waitlist. To ensure no delays, take care of holds on your account, keep your access code handy and have back up classes in mind before registration. Know what else I love? Tenni . If yoga fills up, you bet I will be out on the courts next spring. Some degrees don't have the flexibility of my three programs. Make sure you have back-up courses in mind and are folfowing the path of your major with as few obstacles as possible. Plan ahead.

I'd like to bring your attention to a section of the Pacific Lutheran University 2020 plan, with regard to creating a diverse, just and sustainable community: "The university should articulate a clear understanding of PLU's aspirations as a diverse, just and sustainable learning community with a commitment to local, regional, national and global outreach and an ongoing commitment to a diverse learning community of faculty, staff and students." We believe that spending money - in this case a minute fraction of our operating budget - on community outreach is an excellent use of PLU funds. By supporting events such as Community Dialogue Day, we are involving students, faculty and members of the surrounding community in discussion about the future relationships between PLU and Parkland. It would cost a lot more than $1,000 to pick up the PLU campus and move it to a "safer" location. Parkland is where we live, and there is nothing to gain in the long term by isolating ourselves. Our best strategy is to create a better relationship with our neighbors. The only precedent we are setting is that ASPLU will do the work it takes to make PLU a better place for students. We are meeting long term goals for the university, and I believe that is an admirable use of tuition money.

eLASSIFmDS 8,()()� r� Ubo

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JtentJJ1cludd all . utilities, �le. wJTJ) park>­ ing. la.wn s&vice and e eatupus.

y� CaU 2S3,D88.84t4 TIl




I� for an A&E e.djw� ()� editor, cqtUmilists.

and� �pott�l1I. �ply WiDe at PLU's lItudQUt cm�:;ment webtite.




NOV. 2, 2012

S U D O KU 1 6 7

2 4 8 4

9 - -r- 3


8 3 2

- !---,:-


6 1

2 1

- ....

Edited by TImothy E. Parker October 28, 2012

5 9

14 15 16 17 18 19

20 23



30 27


34 38


40 43


45 47 48 50

"Son of Franken­ stein" Sty guy Number­ matching game Moistureless "I almost forgot .. ." Israel's Yrtzhak Ukraine city Puerto What air quotes sometimes indicate Taken off the stove too soon Exasperate Bar for birds Floated to the top Caught cold Frost-free zone " on a Grecian Urn" Brown pigment Of birth Showgirl Manilow sang about Not so maniacal Cradle call Bikini blaster Family tree member Dawson or Deighton Recent arrival It's open for



52 Global 53 55




65 66 67 68 69

70 71

extremity Broo m type Pricer's word Go further than anyone would think On and a prayer 1 8" " (book by Leon Uris) Housekeeper Military surveillance, briefly "_ do" (faint praise) Crow Venue for big crowds Trueheart of the comics No more than

DOWN 1 Capital of 2 3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11

Azerbaijan Ireland, poetically Stretched the truth Modifying word Lines in super­ markets? Hodgepodg­ es Knotted neckwear Corner chest piece Snaffle bit Flair for music Beyond arrogant

1 2 Famed 13 22 26


27 28 29

30 31 32 35




5 9

1 7












































5 2

1 9



1 61

i2 6

7 8 4 9 1 7 3 9 8' 5
















_ .. . --



5 5 ,2 4 9 1 8 -S 7 8 2 5 6 8 1 6 9 6 5 3 5 3 6 8 4 9 6 7 8 6 5 A 1 7 8

5 6


9 6! 5 8 6 7i 1 8 3. ' 4 j 1 19 r '- r--r6 7 2i 9 6 8


2 2 7



PLU terms wordsearch

44 Oscar Mayer product 46 Genie's offering 49 Gun the engine 51 In a bent position 53 Pound the keys, perhaps 54 Large gathering places 55 Beginning for "normal" 56 Washstand accessory 58 Throw out 59 Make, as a salary 60 Blood sample container 61 Nervously Irritable 63 Tours turndown

41 Extremists

love potion number Cameo stone Certain deer Blow it Many unread messages Ryan in Cooper­ stown Hacienda brick How some homes are sold Chinese weight equal to 50 grams Star's minor role Faddish language Tylenol target Halfway house? Early church pulpit


1 6 " 8 3 7 8 9 2 4 3 1 '3 5 7 9 S 4 2 6

Universal Crossword

ACROSS 1 Lugosi of




H igh Fives





ANY WHICH WAY By Jill Pepper



How often do you go out to eat off campus and where do you go?


"I go out like once a month, and I go to Uni because I don't have a car so I have to stay close." Rachel Althauser, sophomore

"I usually go oft' campus to eat on Saturdays. It varies between Pita Pit, Olive Garden and Taco Bell."

"I don't go oft' campus to eat because I'm broke. I don't have a car either, so if I did I'd go somewhere close."

"I'd say I go out two or three times a week. I just got back from Chipotle. It was awesome."

Joe Dobson, first year

Sarah Stenger, sophomore

Matt Leslie, senior




NOV. 2, 2012



Men's Soccer

Women's Soccer

Cross Country

Upcoming Games

Upcoming Games




Nov. 2 at George Fox, 7p. m.

Nov. 3 at Puget Sound, 2:30 p.m.

Previous Games

Previous Games

Nov. 3 vs. Whitworth, 12:30 p.m. No . 10 at Menlo, noon

Previous Games

Win (41-14): Oct. 27 at Pllget Sound Win (41-27): Oct. 20 D3. Villamette

Loss (0-3): Oct. 31 vs. Puget Sound Win (3-2): Oct. 27 vs. Willamette


Win (3-0): Oct. 28 at George Fox

Win (3-2): Oct. 27 at Pacific



Nov. 2 vs. Willamette, noon Nov. 3 at George Fox. noon

Nov. 10, NCAA �st Regionals, 9 a.m. Nov. 17, NCAA Championships, 11 a.m.

Previous Games

Previous Games

Loss (0-2): Oct. 27 at Pacific Loss (0-3): Oct. 24 vs. Puget Sound

Oct. 27, NWC Championships MXC (9th), WXS (9th)

Tacoma champions Football team bests Loggers, again Steven McGrain SPOIn'S WRITER

The Lutes scored 35 unanswered points against Puget Sound Saturday en route to a 41-14 victory. The win spoiled the Loggers' homecoming and pushed the Lutes' winning streak over their cross-town foes to seven. "This team has done a remarkable job at truly competing against our best selves," senior captain Erik Hoium said. He added the goal every week is "to get better and compete at a higher level. With that as the constant goal, it's impossible to overlook anybody." The Loggers have not won a Northwest Conference game and have been outscored 368154 including Saturday's

loss to 1he Lutes. -

The quick-striking Pacific Lutheran offense did not find its rhythm until the second quarter. Each time the Loggers would score, the Lutes were quick to respond with a touchdown of their own. Sophomore quarterback Dalton Ritchey connected sophomore wide with receiver Kyle Warner for a 42-

yard touchdown and senior gave up two touchdowns running back Brandon James in the second quarter, they from four yards out. . shut out the Loggers in the The first half ended in a 14- second half. Puget Sound's 14 tie. In the second half, the sophomore quarterback Lutes' offensive line drove Braden Foley had a tough day the Loggers off the line of against the Lutes, completing scrimmage. Three of the four 45 percent of his passes for 157 second half touchdowns for yards and three interceptions. J�ors Sean McFadden the Lutes came on the ground. Sophomore running and Ben Kaestner recorded back Niko Madison scored two interceptions while twice and senior fullback sophomore cornerback Cody Pohren found the end Connor Cummings added the zone from two yards out. third. McFadden also led the Sophomore defensive lineman team with nine tackles. The defense was able to Doug Sullivan scooped up a Puget Sound fumble and disrupt Foley with five sacks. scored from 35 yards out. "In the beginning it was The members of the apparent they had come to offensive line are sophomore play, but we knew we had a lot Zach Phelps, sophomore more football to be played," Tevon Stephens-Brown, senior senior defensive end Thomas Court Knoblauch, junior Haney said. "The scoreboard Chris Edison and senior Kyle would take care of itself at Hofmann. The Lutes finished the end if we made plays our the game with 262 total defense is capable of." rushing yards. Tomorrow is the last home "They were crucial in our game at Sparks Stadium run efforts," Madison said of against the Whitworth Pirates. the offensive line. "Props to The Pirates come into the them for getting the push up weekend in third place with a front that we needed to get record of 6-2, 2-2. All seniors on the PLU some big runs in the second half." The running backs roster will be recognized for averaged a season high 5.7 their participation in football yards per carry on Saturday. program. After the Lutes' defense Kickoff is at 12:30 p.m.

Seniors to be recognized tomorrow Linebackers Erik Hoim

Johnathon Buell Dalton Darmody Matt Van Eaton Jacob Wilkins Derrik Larsen

Running backs Shaquille Townsend Kelly Morgan Cody Pohren

Defensive backs Taylor Angevine

Offensive linemen Kyle Hoffman PHOTOS BY JESSE MAJOR

TOP: Sophomore running back Niko Madison outruns a posse ofPuget Sound defenders in Saturda.y's 41-14 win. Madison finished with 61 yards on seven carries including two touchdowns. ABOVE: Madison celebrates with his offensive line foUowing one of his two scores Saturday afternoon. Madison ha.s rushed for 175 yards on 34 carries this season. His 5.1 yards per ca.rry and four touchdowns both second best on the team. The sophomore running back ha.s ",!so ca.ught four p8.Sses this sea.son for 53 yards.

Michael Wells Court Knoblauch

Defensive linemen Branden Tipton



G ra

NOV. 2, 2012

ing 201

fal ath etics Nathan Shoup SPORT EDlTOR

I t is JUdgment day - the day when an entire season's worth of work is mea ured. All fall sports conclude their conference schedules this weekend with the exception of the cross country teams, which wrapped up th . r seas ns Saturday at the N orthwest Conferen e "Meet. Junior Alan DenA del finished second in the men' race. The football t m h sts Whitworth tomorrow aft:emo n before flying to California next weekend to play Menlo College in a non-conference matchup. The volleyball team concludes its regular season tonight, p laying fifth-place George Fox in Newberg, Ore. The men's soccer team travels to the other side of town tomorrow to play Puget Sound in its season finale. The women's soccer team will say cheers to its 2012 season after hosting Willamette tonight and playing at George Fox tomorrow. As grades are assigned, will the fall teams run home to show parents their report cards? Or will they "forget" their report cards, hoping their parents dionot realize it is the end of the semester?

Football, B+ The Lutes sit in second place in the NWC with a record of 5-2, 4-1, but a loss to Whitworth tomorrow could potentially drop the Lutes into a third-place tie. . Riding a four-game win streak, the Lutes receive a high B because of a difficult start. However, the 1-2 start to the season is more of a testament to the Lutes' strength of schedule. In week one, the Lutes fell 37-23 to California Lutheran University. The Kingsmen are 6-1 this season and ranked no. 8 in the country.

In week three, the Lutes suffered their last loss-ta-date, falling 31-24 to Linfield. The Wildcats are ranked no. 3 in the country a t 7-0. To receive an A, to win a conference championship and to play in the postseason, these were the games the Lutes needed to win. Ha Lutes defeated th California Lutheran, a strong case could be made for the Lutes to receive an at-large bid to the NCAA tournament. Had the Lu es defeated Linfiel d, a win tomorrow would secure the NWC championship and guarantee the Lutes a playoff berth. But the two losses leave the Lutes on the outside looking in. B plus is a fitting grade for a 2012 team that was one victory away from greatness.

Volleyball, A The Lutes won their fifth conference title in seven seasons this year. Lutes volleyball has simply become a force in the NWC. The NCAA tournament looms for the Lutes, who have coasted through the 2012 season. However, the Lutes are 1-6 in the tournament since 2004, losing their last five matches. Last season, the Lutes owned a 2-1 lead over Occidental College of the Southern California Intercollegiate Conference before dropping the final two sets and punching their ticket horne. A pluses are not awarded in college, but if the Lutes pull out a couple victories in the West Region tournament, the 2012 Lutes will be deserving of one.

Men's Soccer,


One year after winning a co­ conference championship, the Lutes will not participate in the

Night Football pick 'em SPORTS EDITOR


Alright I lied. Last week I said the standings would shift, and they did, but the change was insignificant. Gutierrez remains in first place while Loomis still sits in second. The only change was Hagensen, McDaniel and Dickerson joining Loomis in second. Lance Lute dropped from second to a tie for sixth with Ritchey. There is a possible drastic shift in the standings this week. Gutierrez, the Post­ Sunday Society's leader, is the only participant that selected Philadelphia Monday. If he is right, he opens a two-game lead over the field. If he is wrong, He falls into five-way tie for first place. Looking ahead, I see only one game that could change the standings. That game

occurs Nov. 19 when the Bears travel to San Francisco. Monday's outcome could potentially decide if there will be a single Post-Sunday Society champion, or if the crown will be split into fractions. As always, kickoff is at 5:30 p.m. Monday.


at N ew O rl ea n s

Women's Soccer, C The women's soccer team is headed for its sixth straight season finishing in sixth place or lower. At 4-5-7, 2-5-7 the Lutes sit in seventh place in the NWC. A seventh place finish would typically warrant a lower grade, but for the women's soccer program, the C is relative. The Lutes are finishing their first season under new head coach Seth Spidahl and played with 13 first-years this season. The 19 total points for the Lutes this season is the most the team has finished with since 2006. The seven ties for the Lutes gave them a share in . a national record for most ties in a season. The report card has a C, but 2012 was an above average season for the women's soccer pro gam.

Shane Gutierrez men 's soccer player pick: PHI record: 6-7

The Mast Monday Nathan Shoup

NCAA tournament. At 10-6-2, 9-3-1, the Lutes were haunted by a phantom loss to sixth-place Linfield and an in bility to knock off conference champion, Whitworth, in two chances. The Pirates are rank d no. 1 5 in the country. In August, the Lutes were picked by the NWC coaches to win the conference ior a second straight season. A win tomorrow against Puget S und locks up s ond place for the Lutes. A loss plac � them in third and a draw places the Tacoma schools in a second place tie. If the Lutes avoided the upset loss to Linfield and managed to claw out a victory against Whitworth, the 2012 season could have a completely different look. But mediocre results in the non­ conference portion of the season and three conference losses earn the Lutes a B.

Geoff L.oomis men 's baseball coach pick: NO record: 5-2



Sophomore outside hitter Chelsea NeL'lOn and the Lutes volleyball tearn is the lone fall sport to win a NWC Championship. Gutierrez's tearn concludes it season this weekend but his Monday Night Football picks are in mid season form. This week may be the indicator if he, and his hair, can keep it up. Loomis incorrectly picked last week's game but remains in second place. Ongoing fall practices may have distracted Loomis leading him to pick the Cardinals that were crushed.

Ste ve Dickerson men 's basketball coach pick: NO record: 5-2

"Philadelphia is playing to save Andy Reid's (head coach) job. Bree, however, will not let the Saints lose," Dickerson said. Is the basketball coach implying Reid will be fired?

Stacey J../a gensen all- world softball player pick: NO record: 5-2

Hagensen is slowly moving her way up the standings. Gutierrez may be getting nervous. He should be.

fJllison McDaniel L.ute sports fanatic pick: NO record: 5-2

McDaniel picked the Saints largely because she wants to visit New Orleans. If this is her reasoning for all picks, we have a pretty strong indication how she will pick if the Cleveland Browns were to play on Monday night.

L.ance L.ute Lance thought he co�ld play in the Cardinals secondary and trusty mascot shut down Alex Srruth. Snuth went 1 8-19 for 232 yards and . pick: NO three toudowns. Lance should probably stick to the sideline. record: 4--3 --------" ---------=' , : Dalton R t cheIJ "Drew Brees is the man," Ritchey said. It's hard to argue with PL.U q�arterbac � that. pick: NO record: 4--3


2, 2012


Lutes ca�not find goa

Women s soccer swent Y aSIde by Puget Sound, PaciJh�C

Christian Dilworth


dilworc p@plll.edll The Lu tes have not scored a goal sine 0 t. 7. A 3-0 Joss to. Puget Sound last Wednesday by a 2-0 d feat t Pacific Saturday marked the s venth straigh t match the Lutes have failed to find the back of the net. The Lutes hosted a Puget Sou d t am that was in search n of its 1 1 th straight Northwest Confcrence title and needed k >ep pace Wl th a Win t Whitworth and Linfi �ld. The Loggers acquired llie win in a dominating fashi on by contreillng the ball for mor than half of the 90-minut


The Loggers' first goal came on a blocked shot that landed right in front of the open net and was put in by Haley Rosenberg. In the 59th minu te, Puge t scorer, lead m g Sound's

Head C Reh Seth 'pidll.h l din:cLq hili t.ea.m during latrt Wi ncsday' 3-0 to Puget Sound. Spidahl lUld lhe women 's soccer team host Willumdte \c.d", at noon and wrap up their seasou tomorrow at Georgc Fox.


Amalia Acorda-Fey, showed o ff h r indiv idual skill b y flashing- impres i e twork. ver the loft d a shot Sh outstretched hands of Pacific Lutheran's first-year goalkeeper Marisa Gonzales. Theresa Henle, who capped off a run downfield with a header and collision, scored the final goa l in the 82nd

min u te. The goal was Henl '

fourth of the. season.

PLU struggled on offense,


n ��) �a ��;�f were danger usly close shots that landed barely off mark. Gonzales, meanwhile, compiled eight sa ves in goal for the Lutes. Saturday 's match with Pacific posed a different problem for the Lutes. The L u tes outshot the Boxers 14-1 2 including ei ght shots-on-goal a oppose d to Pacific's six. H wever, the Boxers won the key category of the afternoon - geals, 2-0. The Boxers dJ"ew first blood in the 54th min ute on a seven-yard goal by McKenna Davison. The second and final goal came off a Chandle Bowen


AIthough P LU came up with no goals agam, they weren't without opportunities. They forced the Pacific keeper to mak ' ight saves, a whopping ,even in the fir t half. Additionally, the Lute s had six corner kicks and 1imited the opposing Boxers to (me. The Lut s host Willamette tada.;' at noon and conclude their season tomorrow at Ge orge Fo x . That game will b gin at noon as well

ot d· sable , differently ab ed

Kroy Miller makes best of situation Sam llorn POTIT



Eight tho.usand babies and ar diagnesed W1th cerebral pals. very year, according to the cer bra! palsy facts and statistics on About.



This disease affects the brain and the physical attribut s of humans. In some cases, i can be e tremely people debilitating. Some who have cerebral palsy can't walk - they are confi n ed to wheelchairs. As stated by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention website , cerebral palsy is a group of disorders tha t a ffects a per on's ability to move and maintain balance and posture . However, one PLU student deosn't let the disease run his life. A j unior at Pacific Lu theran University, Kroy Miller towers over his companions and Standing at six p rofessors. feet seven inches, M ille is ne of the tallest students at PLo. When you notice him walking around campus, his gait is different (rom other people. Th at i because his entire right hemispher has cerebral palsy lip pIe wh d en t know me will come up to me and ask me if they can do anything to help, but I say that I'm fine and that I can take care of myself," Miller said. "I don't like to be dependent." '



N nnal ly, peeple who have cerebral pal > don't partake in Spl rts. Miller, however, isn't like most p e ople with erebral palsy. Mill er grew up lovmg sports, participating in s ccer, ultimate frisbee and baseba l l as an adolescent. Michael Miller, Kroy Miller's father, said, " We [my wife and 11 always told Kroy that he could do anything and we BUpp rted him in his sp rts endeavors." Playing sports with cerebral , alsy is not an easy task th ugh. Miller has to adjust based on w hat he can an can't do with his righ t arm and leg. In baseba ll, Miller throws with his lefL hand an catches with his le ft hand. To do this, he has to grab the top of the baseball glove with his ri gh t han in order to throw with the left hand. Mill r also has to adapt to the sport of ltirnate fri b e in order to excel at it. "I was in band in high school and I saw people p l aying it [ultimate frisbee]," M iller said. '1 have always been decent at throwing the frisbee, so r finally learned the game of u l ate frisbee and how much fun it is to. play." Miller had to overcome much adversity in order to be where he is today. If he hadn't received four surgeries, he might not be able to run or walk as he does today. Miller '

has had thre� su rge ri cs on his right leg and ne on his right arm . JIe had his first leg surgery w hen he was m third grade. The doctors stretche.d his AchiUes tendon and rotated his right foot so. that his stride would be m re balanced. Miller had his second leg surgery in igh th grade. Since Miller had grown so much since thir d grade, his Achilles tendon had to be stretched again. Miller had aIm su rgery in eighth grade as wel l Doctors switched some tendons a(OtUld in the hand so Kroy cou ld have more flexibility in his ann. Miller's most recent smgery was en on his righ t leg when he was in 1 1 th grade. Since Miller had continue to grow, his Achilles tendon was Yen tighter. Afler repe ted str tching his chilles tendon, became hardened s doctors had to cut into Ute A ille tendon so it could essentially "breathe." "It's very inspirational to see Kroy be so successful in athletics," David Loughiln, one of Miller's good friends, said. "What's r markable is that n t only can he play sports, but he can perform them in a way that almost makes you forget he has a disability." .


Miller cntches a frisbee in the Fieldhouse. Standing 6 ft'ct, 7 inches tall, Miller has always enjoyed athletics despite suffering from cerebral palsy,




NOV. 2, 2 0 1 2

Volleyball sweep s ' Hal oweekend'

. Wins over Pacific, Willamette secure share of conference crown




Brandon Adam p ltTS WRJTER

lidamh M'



a sh ar

Lutes locked up a t least

of the 2012 Northwest

C nfcrcnc cr wn with victories

Pacifi c and Wil lam tte 1a t weekend. The confe ren ce champs made qu ick work of Pacific Friday winning in traigh t seLs, 25-


and performed his own rendition of the singe rs hit song "Gangnam Style" d ur ing a break in the second ma tch The Hallow ďż˝ atmosphere did not distract the Lutes. Their offense, fluid defen ive pa s i ng and blocking near the net sent the crowd of 450 hom e after only an hour and 17 m inute s of volleybal l1itter Sophomore ou tside



1 6, 25-1 and 25-1 9.

The win was head coach

Kevin Aoki's 300Lh a t Pacific Lutheran. Aoki has coached the Lutes since 1 996. Th

second highest win total for a PLU head volleyba ll coa ch l..<;

78. Saturday

p rovided

"Our teanl really played


. tiffer challenge as the L u tes ne ded all five ets LO kn ck off Wil l am etl:e 25-19, 25-23,

12-25, 18-25 and 15-6. Sophomore middle blocker B e cca r ts finishe d with a m atch high 20 -

The Lutes hold an ave ra II record of 1 9-5, 13-2. Pug t ound trails the Lutes b y one game for the outrigh t conference title.




the Lutes cheered Fans throughout the whole game in Olson on Friday night. Several members of the student section wore Halloween costumes. One of the students dressed as Psy

whol ."



Chelsea Nelson sophomQre

Chelsea Nelson led the L u tes with nine kills. "Our team really played well as a wh Ie," Nelson said . "Olir middles are connecting better." Despite losing the first two sets, the Boxers capitalized on Lu te errors in the third set, putting the sweep in question. However, tied 19-19, the Lutes rattled off the next six points, sealing the rout.

"We just made a little more mistakes," head coach Kevin Aoki said. After coasting Friday, the Lutes g round ou l a victory Sa Lu rday over WilLamette. The L utes d cisively won the first set against thE> Boxers, 251 9, however, the Boxers increased their interu>ity almost taking the second set before falling 26-24. The tearns spli t the following two sets forcing a fifth. Junior o utside hitter was U rdahl Haley as a sid lined by an injury, but the Lu tes overcame the 'tback and w n the final se t 1 5-6. "Everyone steppe d u p a s a team," N elson said "Everyone on the bench is capable of playing." The Lutes conclude th ir regular s ason schedule tonight at 7 p.m. against George Fox in Newberg, Or . A victory earns the Lutes the outright conference

cha mpionship . A l oss coupled with a Puget Sound victory over Lewis and Clark tomorrow would earn the Lutes a co-conference championship.


Top: Members of the PLU faithful, some dressed in their

Halloween costumes, cheer for the Lutes last weekend. The Lutes' two conference victories guaranteed PLU at least a share of the !I.'WC crown. Above: ,Junior outside hitter Haley Urdahl leaps to attaek the ball during Friday's 3-0 victory over Pacific. Urdahl finished with six kills.

Columnist reviews sold out Night of Musical Theatre show

Men , and women's swim teams win first two meets of' eason PAGE 15

PAGE 7!lst

NOV. 9, 2012

Campus ce ebrates Dia de los Muertos

Ra<:hel Diebel &:E WRlTER

dit!he]ro@plu .edlt

WIllie m st kids d ug in to Halloween candy, so m e Pacific Lutheran Univ r ity students were enjoying an en tireJ y d ifferent kind of celebration Dia de los Muertos. The diversity cenlt:: r hu ted an ev nt celebrating the Mexican Day of the Oe ad on Nov. 1 . The event began with a short lecture on th his t ry of Dia de 10' M ue rlos by Enrique Salas, a istanl professor o f Hi!,' panic studies. Sa las described the origins of th e rust m' the and nt b Ii f IS th at w hen peop l e do not die from natural causes, they must walk a long way to their final r stin g pl a ce. Families lea v out offerings of waler and the deceased 's favorite things to help them on their way. Students who participated


Senior Xo('hilt ·oeIL. a resident assistant in the Spa.n.i8h wing of Hong. leads students Ii-om Hong to the ,\ndcrson Uni.. -etll i ty C nt r for t he Dia de LOb \fu rt . event un Nov. I. () a organi�ed the e em. which th diverslly center ho�ted.


Asuka Goya is the fir t staff member a t Pacific Lutheran University to iden ti fy as transgender. Goya, who is a web de vel oper for universi ty communications, wa. one of the furl' members of the Qu ee r Ally Stud ent Panel hosted by Stuen Hall's Social A ction and Leadership organization on Nov. 2. Goya gradua t�d from FLU last year and was hired as a staff member this year. Goya aid the c ming out process was "nerve­ wracking," because "you 're afraid s o meo ne is going to say no and excommunicate


Volleyball wins



[themselves] from you," sh e sai . I t took Goya one year to com ou t to aU of her friends an d iamil y . She read a novel cali d ''Whipping Girl" by Julia Serano that made her want to -come ou t and show who she really was. During the p anel, she read a quote he said she loved : "1 can't tell you I wa n t to be something I've never experienced, bu t I can tell y ou 1 don't want to be a b v. " This is when she kttew she wanted to be female. G row ing up, Goya said, " 1 [ was] very masculine in my appearance and how I presented myself in public." This included being captain

champi Dship, p. 14

Camille Adams

of her varsity soccer team in high school, campi g, going to the beach, surfing, working out and sporUng"buzzed-cut

hair." At PLU, Goya has foun d that "everyone L accepti ng" of her l i fe choices. "\ think 1 hay it r a l ly good being here at PLU," Goya . a id.

When Goya first told her employer on campus her transition, an abou t email was sent out to all of the siaff members in Goya's deparbnent i n forming them of her official nam change. She said h� received supportive responses from the PLU community as a whole.


Ed i tor claims e lectoral ('ollege





Camp s Safety catches suspected bike thief

Panel includes first PL U transgender staff member Taylor Lunka

in the f stivi ties learned tilat Hallow n and Dia de 105 Muert o aT very d i fferent, desp i te some thematic similarities a nd their proximity on the calendar. Between the two holidays, " the main difference is that in Ha Uoween you pro tec t yourself fr m bad spirits and in Via de 10. MuerLos you we l com e the Spirits," Salas said. resident Coca, Xochilt assistant for the Spanish wing of Hong, o rganized the n tire event and commented on common m isconceptions. " A lot of peop l e a ocia te Halloween and Dia de 10 Mu rtos as one, but i n reality they're two se para te events," C ca said . " D ay of the Dead focuses mainly on cel ebra tin g the dead and invi ting them into our h mes."


Chin s e Fulbright scholar noles





o H-campos pu r Ult end ed in the arrest of a bike thief by Ca mpus Safety on M o nd a y . Two Campus Safety fficers were conducting rou nds on lower campus and not, d an ind i v i d al Lounging against a light pole outside Rieke Science Cent r. The two offic rs considered both the suspect' odd locati n and that he appeared too old to be a typical student. Di.rector of Campus Safety Greg Premo said "the ind i o ' dual, a 39-year-old male, asked the officers for the time." They answered his query and walked away, keeping him in sight. The suspect then proceeded to �


Editor reviews movie remakes, is 'outdated . differences between pr " it' . 's new . ersi n of 'Red popuJ - vote makes Ameri an and awn,' p. 6 Chine e chooling ev«'!ryone's vote count, p. 1 1 sYl'ltems, pp. 8 - 9


take a bolt cu tter to e cab le on a studen t' s bike. He then mounted the bike and fled. The Cam pus Safety officers took chase at a safe di s t a nc and radioed ahead �;t the s uspect's descr" ption . Th_ suspect arrived in the lot of Mo rk en Center for Leaming and Technology and loaded th bik� into h is waiting car. An escort officer he ard the officer ' report, spotted the culprit's car and gave further directions about his whereabouts. Finally, an off-duty deputy in tercepted and app r e hend e d the culprit off campus. thief The is from

Junior E,ii:' Herde for di trict 29 state representative position, p. 4 nms




News pp. I-4 A&E pp. 5 -7

Focus pp. 8 - 9

Opinion pp. 1 0 - 1 1

Study Break p. 12 Sports pp. 13- 16



POSITIONS AVAILABLE AT THE MOORING MAST A dE Editor * Reporters * Columnists* Online Editor * Photographers email for more information

NOV. 9, 2 01 2







Participants bra ved the rain and p roc e eded to lower camp s while singing a traditi n a l Dia de los Muertos song that describes the midnight hour w hen gho ts c me ou t to ride bike and drive cars. The procesSlon Ander on ended in the University enter.




\ EI NE, DAY TH ru' D Y






At the AUC, participants

were given hot chocolate ' and

pan, traditional bread baked for Dia de L s M uertos. They were then invited to decorate sugar skulls and ob erve a tr aditional alter. The event was also meant to draw atten tion to sodal issues urrounding immigration, including dea th rates among immigrants. Posters on the wall described the si tuation. "1 think it's an important

thing to plan because Dia de los Muertos is a huge cultural event, especiaU y in Mexico," Coca said. First-year Alex Clayton said "As a Mexican, seeing this m uch of my cu1hn:e being br u gh t 10 America is just ama:ang." Gav ton added, ''It' r ally great to come here and hav something familiar " Hongs next event wi ll be a discoteca, a Spanish music dance party, on N v. 16. ,




TOP LEFT: Junior Wendy Martinez decorates a S"UgIlT skull at the Dia de Los Muertos event hosted by the diversity ccnter and organized by senior Xochilt Coca on Nov. 1 in the AVC. LEFT: The shrine set up for Dia de Los Muertos included photos. leavcs and eandlcs. ABOVE: Decorated sugar skulls.


�L...E NDAR &





OV. 9, 2012


and Rescue came to ensure the loss of water did not put the sprinkler system at risk, and cleared the area of fire hazardsJ Solo rzano said. The Pa rkl and Light and Water company then began repa irs, u si ng he avy construction equipment to tear up asphalt and acc ss the main. Though Solorzano said the main w fixe at around 8 p.m., the road repair at 1 25th St. South and Yakima Av took longer and dri vers had to use an al ternate r ute. As stated in the em a il to the student body, parking lots wer unaffected an d complet ly a c c essibl e. PLU's webpa ge p rOVI ded u pd ates as the situation unfold ed and



Spanaway. " He was booked on multiple felony an d misdemeanor charges for this one incident," Premo said. There is a search warrant pending for the culp rit s cat, an d the bike will be returned up n implementing the warrant, Prem said. "Al though this was a great arrest there is till much mOre to be done," Prem o aid . On Tues day the rught following the arrest, anoth r bike '


repairs pIOgres d. Pnor to the email aler s, many residen ts were unaware of the problem until they discovered for themselves the water was not workillg. Taylor Brunstad, a resident assistan t on Tingelstad' seventh floor, sa id she discovered the water problem at 6 : 30 a.m. and called






students to secure their bikes with U-Iocks which, wllike cable I cks, canno t be foiled by bolt cutter . Premo oted that of the four bikes outside Rieke on the night of the crime, all had ca ble locks.

Water main breaks near T- Stad, floods Kelsey Mejlaender


m�laeJck@plu .edu A public water main broke

outside Tingelstad Hall Tuesday morning, flooding th streets. P cific Lutheran University President Thomas Krise sent o ut an email shortly after 9 a.m. informing students that Parkland Light and Water


A Parkland Ligb.l and


ater sib'll is set up outside Tingelstad Hall after a

public water Illain broke Thesday morning.

had shut off t e main, leaving Tingelstad without water. Carlos Solorzano, Tingelstad's resident director, said the break ge was due to a tree trunk that had grown around the pipe, building up pressure in the pipe until it broke. Solorzano said he first learned of the incident when

he was going for a walk in th morning and saw "a lot of gushing water." When Solorzano contacted Campus Safety, they were already aware of the situati on, having received multiple calls. "People seemed to take initiative," Solorzano said. The Central Pierce Fire

Campu s Safety. She then put up signs on the bathroom doors to alert residents and texted a few other RAs to let them know about the issue. Brunstad said the lack of water was irritating, but "what can you do? It's no one's fault." She said most people went to Pflueger to use its bathrooms. "Everyone seems to be handling it pretty well," Brunstad said. The road reopened late Tuesday night, but Parkland Light and Water will return to finish street repairs.


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To students with friends or family going through transition, Goya said "just treat them as a person." Goya said she conducts her personal life according to the same guideline, and doesn't "make assumptions about anyone." Although she said there aren't many resources out there, Goya told students at the event that she is available to answer any questions. The remaining two panelists were students who shared their own experiences with the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) community. Sophomore Nellie Moran, a student panelist who identifies as an LGBTQ ally said people in the LGBTQ community are "part of our humanity and we need to advocate for their rights as well." Students who have friends or family members exploring their gender and sexuality should affirm that "we're still going to be there for them," Moran said. Moran's older sister "came out, saying she was bisexual." Moran said she was uneducated about the LGBTQ community at the time, but has been "constantly learning" since then. "As an ally, you always have to have an open mind because you don't want to step on anyone's toes," Moran said. Moran is the treasurer for the Queer Ally Student Union (QASU) and is a self­ defined "strong advocate" for the LGBTQ community. coSmith, Sophomore Cady commissioner for QASU, said she wants students to know there is a support system at PLU standing behind the LGBTQ community, "no matter what help you need."She also told stu dents no ques ti on is an aw kward question. QASU meets Mond ys a t 6 p.m. in the diversity center. All students are welcome. Additional resource on camp us in lude the counseling cent r, diversity center at d Crossroads, a w ekly COllversation group for p eople who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, queex, tran. gender, intersex or questioning their identity.

washington BRIEFS Voters approve 1-502 SEATTLE (AP) Washington joined Colorado in voting to become the first states to legalize and tax the sale of marijuana for re crea tion al use, bu t people shouldn't xpe ct to be able to buy a bag of legitimate weed any time soon. Though Washingt n's lnibati ve 502 d ecriminal izes the possession of up to an ounce of marijuana b eginnin g Dec. 6, the stat has a year to come up wi th rules governing the growing, processing and labeling of pot before sales to adults over 21 an begin. In addition, marijuana remains illegal under federal la w, so the big question IS wh ther the federal government will allow the measures in Washington and Colorado to take effect without a fight The Justice Department is o ffering no enlightenment on th a t front. .

R-74 projected to pass OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) ­ Supporters of gay maniage in Washington state declared victory Wednesday, saying they don't see a way f r their opponents to prevail as votes continue to trickle in on Referendum 74. "The numbers point to victory," said Zach Silk, a spokesman for Washington United for Marria ge. "We're really feeling good." TIle referendum asked Washingtonians to approve or reject a state law legalizing same-sex marriage that lawmakers passed earlier this year. That law was signed by Gov. Chris Gregoire but has been on hold pending the election's outcome. With just over half of the expected ballots counted Wednesday night, R-74 was passing with 52 percent of the vote. Because Washington is a vote-by-mail state, and ballots only had to be postmarked by Tuesday, votes will continue to trickle in throughout the week.

Inslee to beat McKenna OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) - Democrat Jay Inslee expressed confidence Wednesday that his early lead in Washington's race for governor would hold as his Republican opponent held out hope that late ballots would tell a different story. Inslee stopped short of declaring Victory over Republican Rob McKenna, acknowledging that the election's final result may not be known until the end of this week. lnslee held a promising advantage after mote than 2 million otes were counted thr u h Wednesday, carrying 51 ercent f. ball ots. Sensing a votential win, he began setting up a transi tion te am that would help him preparE' to take fuce in January. "rm just getting ready to lead the state of Washingt n," Inslee said.



what to do at PLU This weekend

Opera Workshop presents Mozart's "The Magic Flute," performed in English with the University Symphony Orchestra. Jeffrey Bell­ Hanson conducts, J. Brown directs. Tickets: $15 general admission, $10 senior citizen (55+), $5 PLU Community and alumni. Runs Thursday Nov. 8-Satu rday, Nov. 10 from

8-10 p.m. and on Sunday, Nov. 1 1 from 3-5 p.m. in Lagerquist concert hall (MBR 330).


ASPtu and GREAN h t speaker and folk songwriter Dana Lyons in a free concert as p art of his "Gr at Co 1 Tram Tour." Lyons will t ach the community abou t tlte prop sed coal e ports aL ng the West Coast. Fr food will be availabl and the event i open to the public. Friday, Nov. 9, 7p.m. i1l TIle Cave. An optional coal wo rks hop to follow. Ztunba.

Hosted by SIL.

Friday, Nov. 9, from 9-1 1 p.m. in the Colombia Center Main Hall.


Local author Megan Bostic visits Garfield Book Company for a reading and signing of her book, "Never Eighteen." Sa tu rday, Nov. 10, from 12-2

p.m. in Garfield Book Company Community Room.

NOV. 9, 2012

PLU j unior ru


for offic

Democrat Eric Herde loses state representative race Valery Jorgensen GUEST WRITER

After months of double duty as a full time student and aspiring politician, Pacific Lutheran University junior Eric Herde lost his bid for State Representative on Tuesday. Republican Bruce D ammeier won the district 29 position instead. Herde ran unopposed in the blanket primary election on Aug. 7. Dammeier won the general election on Tuesday 60.94 percent to 39.06 percent. Herde fell short by 7,551 votes, according to the Washington Secretary of State webpage. "We don't have any student v ice in the legislature and that would ha e b en something I could have provide d," Herde said. However, he said he still plans to pursue a career in p libcs after graduation . He decided to run for office this fall because Dawn Morrell, a representative from district 25, "thought I would do well," Herde said. Though he campaigned in a prirnarily Democratic district and had the party affiliation advantage, Herde was the underdog agai..'lSt his older and more experienced Republican opponent. Herde started campaigning in June. The hardest part of the campaign, he said, was

.Junior Eril' Tlcnle , It. qllliUruple n.wJ r in Norwegirut. political science, maU, IlmJ enviroum�J1I.liI studk , nut ('ur thc publi . ul:fit,e posit iUIl of state represeotative of'dist rict 20. llcrdc lo�t to Republican opponent Bruce Damrn ·er.

raising money, because "it is really difficult to call someone up and ask them to give you money for politics. Especially with the perception p litics has nowadays." He added, "we IHerde and his team] knew from the start that I would have much less money than my opponent." Another major challenge for Herde was garnering name recognition as a first­ time political candidate. Sophomore Kjersten Braaten said she had "no idea wh Herde was" and was "surprised that a student at

PLU was running for such an important office." As a student, Herde said he was hoping to get "a fair amount of volunteers from PLU, but who knew college students hay a lot of homework?" Herde said he tried to raise awareness by "going out and knocking on doors." He said he "was very busy and definitely wasn't getting enough sleep for a normal person," but that it "is par for the course while in college or running for office." Herde is pursuing

majors in math, political science, Norwegian and studies. environmental Though he is in his third year at PLU, Herde said he entered PLU with enough credits that he has had "senior standing for a while now." Herde expects to graduate in spring 2014. Outside of class, Herde runs cross-country and works in the dining services office. Heading into election nigh t, Herde knew it "was going to take a lot to win, " and said from the start it "was going to be an uphill battle." Dammeier has years of experience in politics and has represened district 29 in the Washingt n state House of Representatives since 2008. He dead d to aim for State S nat in this election. Despite the outcome, Herde said the campaign was a learning experience and had a "positive" reaction to the race. He said he is proud f the fact that he was "about three percentage points higher than the last guy who ran against my opponent," and has "a I t more name recognition in the district now." Herde's plan for the near future is to focus on school and "catch up on homework." Herde said he has high 1 pes for his future in politics. "I think if I were to try again in two to four years I would do a lot better."

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NOV. 9, 2012


A&E 5

Some suggestions from your favorite LASR DJs Handle: DJ Salinger

Real name: Nale Schoen Grooves


Thursday 8 - 9 p.m .

Calls it: " The Classy M ullet Hour" What makes him move?:

Neutral Milk Hote l , William Elliol Whitmore, Andrew Jackson Jih ad Babysh ambles Iron & Wine, un

et Rubdown

l lIandles: N A I

Real name : Julia Battisti, Sonja chaefer and Zoe Vi lie Groove on: Sunday 7- 8 p.m.

Call it: IIRaw Diaphonic


. , What makes them move?: AI

Green , Bon I er, Radioh ad, Frank

Oc an, The Shins, Brother Ali,

POLICA. Nas & Damian Marley, Otis Redding, Empire of the

Sun, Miike Snow, Del the Funkee


stomps t e Ave

PIlI step earn plans s r rIse •

for Halloween vis·tors

Rachel Diebel AleE REPORTER Studen ts in the Anderson Univer ty Center got a surpnse treat Halloween nigh t. Pacific Lutheran University's step dance LuteNati n, team, organized two flash mobs at 6 p.m. The d ancers emerged from the Regency Room where they were practicing and began their routine almost at once. All the members of LuteNation were in costumes, ranging from a zebra to a "Grease" pink lady. They performed to an up-tempo versi n of Michael Jackson'S "TIuiller," playing on the Halloween theme flash mob with a classic. After "Thriller," LuteN tion performed a mor traditional step dance routine, with breakout moments for several members. The team also hosted a table with candy and more information about LuteNation for any observers who were interested. First-year LuteNation member John Adams said, "We did it to just do it, put our name out


there a little more and celebrat the spirit of Halloween." decided Lu teNatio to do the flash mob n Halloween because PLU has a tradition of inviting children to trick r treat through the residence halls. "I though it ould be something different, and cool for kids to see," junior Mami Howard, captain of LuteNation, said. "It was really entertaining," first-year Tricia Bodgan said, who caught the show. "I had no idea there was a step dance team. It kinda made me want to dance with them." Step dancing is a form of performance art with African roots. It involves making performers percussive noises and complex rhythm patterns with their bodies. L u t e N a t i o n undenwent a transformation last year, partnering with the Office of A dmissions to tour local schools and promote interest in learning and higher education. "I wanted it to be different, something more something purposeful," Howard said. " [We dance] for a purpose, for a good

--- T HE ---

cause. We promote that learning, being active and getting good grades are all really important." "I love LuteNation," said Adams. '1t teac es really important things lik balance, discipline and time management. It teaches you that if you really want to do something you have to be dedicated." No experience is necessary to join LuteNation. The team performs at many events throughout the year on and off campus, Multi­ including Cultural Night, and the Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration at the Tacoma Dome.

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6 A&E

NOV. 9. 2012

emake review

Editor reviews best and worst remakes of classic movies


Kelsey Mejlaender

As much as we all love classics, sometimes it's nice to see our favorite 20th century movies get a face-lift. From updating special effects to modernizing social themes, improvements on even the best films can always be made. Unfortunately, some directors find it difficult to recapture the original movie magic. With the new version of "Red Dawn" due to blow up theaters Nov. 21, a review of recent remakes and a preview are in order.

1. Footloose - Original: 1984, Remake: October 2011 This musical drama is about a a cago teenager who moves to a small town where dancing has been banned. Protagonist Ren McCormak struggles to bring back dancing, which he sees as a vital fonn of expression. In the original, Kevin Bacon plays Ren McCormak while the remake features Kenny .

The new modernized,





boom boxes with iPods and his dreams. In doing so, he was just plain weird. This transforming both music and acciden tally discovers he's year's "Total Recall" included dancing to fit with current a spy who worked for anti足 a far slicker, more visually trends. It was in these aspects government rebels as a double appealing setting, and pruned agent until said government the story of some of the the movie faltered. Classic "Footloose" moves wiped his mind clean and original's oddities. My advice: skip the 1990s were lost in a standard modem planted him in a new, false mash that looked more like life. snooze-fest and enjoy quality, another Step Up sequel. The The reboot begins in updated entertainment. music suffered 3. Red Dawn 足 as well, replacing Original: 1984, catchy, danceable Remake: Nov. tunes with a lot of 21, 2012 rap. In this case, A product of Cold War the classic has all the the right moves, tensions, "Red and beats out the "The one potentially awkward point for this first attempted remake film is racial profiling of the characters." D a w n by a long shot. depicted a 1980s in which 2. Total Recall Soviets the and Original: 1990, invaded took control of Remake: August 2012 the U.S. The focuses film In the 1990 on a group of version, Arnold Schwarzenegger delivers the same fashion, though teens who engage in guerilla his standard macho role as slight Colin Farrell makes warfare to try and take back the leading figure in this a very different Quaid than the country. dystopian actio film. Schwarzenegger. Similarly to "Footlo se," All in all, the remake the remake is modernized to fit follows story 'The protagonist Douglas Quaid was a 1 uge im provement. today's political atmosphere who goes to the company The S hwarzenegger fiI m and teclmology, apping Rekall, in order to e-xperience was slow, cheesy and had a Soviets for North Koreans. the implanted memory of mutant-rela ted p lotline that In the original "Red Dawn,"

future "Di rty Dancing" duo Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey star, as does the now Sheen. Charlie infamous The update includes "Thor" star Chris Hemsworth and "Hunger Garnes" star Josh Hutcherson. But whether they and the other actors can step into Patrick Swayze's talent足 filled shoes is debatable. The one potentially awkward point for this film is racial profiling of the characters. The new film portrays the "pure evil" Koreans against the "good"足 and almost entirely white - valiant teen combatants. It might have been nice to include a Korean-American kid in the group of rebels, driving horne the point that ideological, not racial differences, are what cause conflict. Though I'm not expecting an insightful revelation into the themes of liberty and oppression, T am looking forward to this film as simply a fun acti n movie. Hop fully character development and plot aren't too lacking, or an the snazzy actions scenes won'l be enough to keep me ell tertained .

Applicatio Deadline : Login to Ba ner Web Select tudent Services Select Student Records elect Apply to Grad ua e Qu estions: Registrar's Office 25 . 5 3 5. 7 1 3 1 graduation @ pl

students who started a

LU before Fall 2 0 1 0 MUST submit final APes for y o u r major(s) /

I n addition to the application, you minor(s) . See the department Ghair for their Signature in th e 'graduation cl eara nce' box a n d submit to Student S e rv i ce s .

TOY. 9, 2012


A&E 7


ig t o

e atre


Annual stude nt - dire cte d musical packs black box studio theatre for a we eke nd of shows Rachel Diebel A&E REPORTER

dicbdra@Plu.cdu Luth ran Pacific Night University's annual of Musical Theatre (NOMT) brought down the house la t Friday despite pre-show comp lications. The e veni ng started off with disappointment for many. By 7 p. m., the line stretched at the entrance around the comer of Eastvold although Auditorium doors idn't open until 7:30 p.m. Many performers had complimentary tickets reserved for friends and family, which left very few seats available for general admission. the Construction on Eastvold main stage means that all productions this a 'on must take place in the Ka ren Hille Philhps black box studi theater where seating is limited. The shuffle was forgotten when the show began, however. This year's NOMT contained an engaging mix of sad and funny songs. When the songs were sad, they were heart-wrenching, including the show's title

piece "Falling Slowl y" from the movie-musical "Once," excellent which featured choreography by Jack Sorensen. Another " Freedom's was Child" from "The Civil War," whi h was preceded and followed by audio clips from John F . Kennedy's assassination, 9/11 and other justice­ related historical events. When the songs were funny, they hilarious. were Pitassi Marina gave a standout performance with her solo "My Strongest Suit," a song about well. dressing The audience also loved "Baptize Me" from "The Book of Mormon," a duet between Pitassi and Kraig Partridge. Though the cast lit up the stage group during numbers, there were notable solo performance s .

Anna Rassmussen had two strong solos: "I Dreamed a " Drea m from "Les Miserables" and "Once Upon a Time" from

"Brooklyn." Samuel Chapman charmed the audience with his singing as Billy Flynn from "Chicago," as well as with his acting 1 is part in "What 's This Feeling?" though was wordless, hysterical. The show was also a subtle on com mentary inequality. Some performers wore elaborate clothes and had a fancy set on one side of the stage. Others wore tom and ratty clothes and their set c.:>nsisted of nothing but a doorstep. Most of the songs were specifically -

a cce n tu a te th chosen to difference between th lives of the rich and the poor. ll1e rich characters performed Have "Everybody Ought t a Maid" and "Ladies Who Lunch." In contrast, poor characters'



"Go He lp the Outca ts" and "No One is Alone." In the end, the en lire cast joined hands for two final songs, "I Believe" and "Sunday," songs abou t the power of conviction, and an ordinary day in an ordinary life respectively. It was an interesting choice by director senior Alex Domine to end the show with a sweet, quiet song rather than a showstopper, but it worked. It was a typical Friday, but for the OMT cast and crew, it was a time to shine.

Left:: Senior allcn Hdl'elfinger sings in front f the .-I1OfUS of poor characters in Night of Musical Theatre 2012, directed by senior Alex Domine and choreographed by seniors Jill Heinecke and Jack Sorensen. The show juxtaposed a group of actors playing the 'poor' and a gruup of actors playing wealthy, affluent members of society. Below right: Sophumore Sam Chapman sings " Ali I Care About is Love" from "Chicago" in a chorus line of women at the end of this year's chair dance, choreographed by senior Jack Sorensen. Below center: .Juniors Kameron Jacobs, Taylor Capellaro and Cori DeVerse pcrform in "One Day Morc" frum "Les Miserables." Below right: Junior Cori De Verse belts "Ready to be Loved" from the relatively new musical "Edges. " ALL PHOTOS COUIITESY OF ELISABETH HAVENS.

Meet Abby. She ' s the Mast dog. The Mastcot, if you' re so inclined.

Abby' s not going to get any love tonight if you don't apply to work at The Mooring Mast .

Would you do that to Abby?



Fl lhright

takes (






Pacific Lutheran University was recently ranked among the top U. S. master 's inst itutions to produce Fulbright scholars. The Fulbright institution, establi hed by the U. S. Congress in 1946, is the largest U. S. international exchange program to offer students, scholars and

profe sors the opportunity to participate in international graduate study, advanced research and teaching from the primary to university level worldwide. Guest writer Sonja Schaefer sat down with Linlei Zhu, Fulbright scholar and professor at China s Xidian University, to discuss the transition from teaching English in China to teaching Chinese at PLU and what she hopes to take back to her students. Sonja Schaefer

GUEST WRITER schae1sa@ lu. lu

Sitting on th e( ge of her seat, eager with a pen ' 1 in hand and a smi le play ing across her lip , the soft- spoken and ol i te Linfei 211U speaks with a different voice. On Weibo, a p opul Chinese " Twitter," Zhu writes, "Obama can t r p resen t me c omple te ly becau e he doesn't have a vagina! " This is just one xample of the cultural y revealing statements one of this year's Fulbright Scholars shares with her friends back home in Xi'an, China. Through her posts, Zhu exemplifies the capacity of h I' generation to observe and then share ideas about culture and politics. At 28 years old, she comes from a generation that grew up with a constant economic growth rate of roughly 10 percent. "This generation of Chinese stu dents has more confidence than any other generation in modern times," Mahlon Mey r, visiting professor of history, said. "They are curious about the world and want to cormect with both Chinese and foreigners." This Fulbright experience is the first time Zhu has been to the U.S. However, she is not new to English. She studied English for 10 years and has taught EngHsh to Chinese university stLtdents for three years. Zhu s aid she becam familiar with many aspects of A merican '


culture through books she read whi le in China. She said she remembers reading that cars wait for pedestrians to pass by her . She came to PLU and found this to be true righ t out on Gam Id Str et. Mo t of the example of cultural dIfference Zh oncemed high li ghted ed u cafi n . ln China, s tu d ents Itslraight, rem am sil ,d ' ligentJy take notes through ut the class period while the teather ' on the "stage." There L<; no group

This type of learning com unity is not the norm in C ina. Her professors at PLU ncouTage students to challenge books and ther sources. Zhu blogs b ck to her fascinated mends jn China: "No book is the auth rity, so one n ed to evaluate everything ." Zhu sajd of t he public conduct o f the average citizen: "When people want to p ass y u in he grocery st re, they say,

she did on a quiz and mak s sure they are in a secluded setting and that the student feels comforta ble. Because of he r slightly biased schooling in China a required governm ent lass at her univerSity focused on socialism an d communism Zhu said s e is learning much about American government that she did not know before am mg, She s a id she plans to take w hat

China, they push past." :hina's academic settings could al 0 1 a m something

to apply in h r life by teaching her English students through a

' Excuse


yid 21'\u. '1n



she J aIDS ÂŁr m l"ler tim 1 e in the Uni ted States back to China

" This generation of Chinese students ha more confidence than any other genera



in nl0dern times . They are curious ab ut the world and want to connect with both Chinese and foreigners." Mahlon Meyer

visiting professor of history

discussion. Even calling on a student in a Chinese classroom is rare, but if it happe s, the student stands erect to re ponel. Zhu said she is still gettin g accustomed to teaching in the relatively laid-back s h 01 setting in the U.S. Student in her classes lounge in their .. eats. Some do not take notes. Others . nwrap goodies to munch n. Most sp ak their minds. Zhu giggled .as she re membered how appal ling seeing a student sitting on the desk once was.

from American education, Zhu said. At Xi dian University, Zhu and at er teachers post grades and rankings with the name of the student on the wall in the c1assro m. Teachers also openly comment on a student's strengths, w aknesses or grades during class. Since he started teaching Chinese at PLU, Zhu said she has mad changes to her p ractice . She said she checks herself bclore directly talking to a student ab ut how he r

more interdisciplinary method of both grammatical English and American culture. Although some details still confuse her, Zhu said she understands th _bundation of the government system here, such as the voting procedure, the benefits and detriments of the Electoral College, the attitudes 0 the political parties and dichctomy of federai versus states' rights. Though Zhu's general goal for her FuIbright experience

as to imj cmd learn ex p re 'si0n5,

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al imr

j ust J anguag she is learn government becoming a riti of cl.1ltJ But am b

e e lhey behevc commlt to d

example: n

university ďż˝ registered t by the 'Regi ca around that not a: ad vantage ( rights. Zhu existence a something a U.s. citizen! college stuc had suppa different. When their stud had watch{ debates, te their hands hand, has debates eve fully under topics. Pulling b Amer i can c\ back in Chi symb I of the III ny I

America poli tical




1 / NOV. 9 2012



) V£>

her English


idiomatic ear that sion i more than


Iractice Zl u said � about differ nt .)' teins and j'l tka I thtnker and

Ig her many Zhu said she 1ypocrisy. Ther sh finds, lee, Arne 'can y , and what they 19. She gi'V . lh.i fad that not all ld ts are eve vote, as shown �r to Vote' tables pus, tells her Americans take heir democratic Igs tha t the mere the b oth says ut the attitude of 'ld, in particular, lts. She said !ihe i it w uld be

lie sors asked ts how many the presi d ntial students raised hu, on the other lched all of the l10ugh she dIdn't nd some of the


th curt

ins on lrC for her friends Zhu tands as a lobaliza tion. On meed aspects of :iemic, social and

j speak' g.


- -

Washington voters'

on't talk politics on ine '

prioritie oul of order this election


Kelsey Hilmes OP[NIO EDITOR






If one wer to search the word s "A nna Sieber" on 1 .2 Google, approximately million results would pop up. Of those first few, one is my Facebook account, a few are art websites in I nguages other than English, t 0 are Pinterest accounts - only one of which actually belm1gs to me - a list of images of older worn n and a few genealogy links. Need less to say, it is not very represen tative of who I am. As the Internet continues to boom, there is a growing awareness of people's online



Almost every college student gets sexiled sometime. Although getting kicked out by your roomm ate is an accepted part of the college experience, it is against Residential Life policies. A recent survey by the Residence Hall Association may indicate impending changes for dorm life. The students' survey as ed the current lay ut opini. or gender-spedfic halls and the overnight visita tion policy. The visitation policy has been the subject of debate for many years. Currently, members of the opposite sex are barred from visitation between 2 a.m. and 8 a.m. on weekdays and 3 a.m. to 8 a.m. on weekends. Enforcement, however, is

J1" ,(ooringMost adheres to the SOCiety �,

which include<! the guidelines


Our primary concern is to asllist the

PLU nriR!Jion of educating all

stll<ients for lives ofthougbtful inquiry,

Mminimize lmnn," "act independently"

pl�, which promis� our readers we


and "be




accountable." 'l'ht MooriJu.J M/Ut

ablo taken the TAO of Journalism

will be traru;parent about who

we &fe,

accountable for our mistakes and open

to other points of vi

The "jew s expr eoiullul!!



ed ill th


adv�rliBemcut.s do not

administration, faculty, students or

nec .

rily represent those of the PLU

1711' j

ring Ma.oit s

Mission s tement:

primary rc:spol1.'rihilit� is to serve the PLU conununity. This community ( Itt

includes students, faculty, !itafl', IUld alunmi.

tru.e supporters, but when he

was eventu ally overthrown, you would be that idiot who support d a d iabolical dictator. In a similar vein, there are ho go out and a y people online, "If Romney wins, 1'm moving to Canada." Alright, but let's say Romney wins. A e ou actually going to move to Canad ? Would you even be able to move to Canada? Yeah. Either pu t up Or shut up: you are Nalking on eggshells. You Ie e a footprint when you o penly support an issue, but your opinion might change. The thing is, once something is put on the Internet, there is er no guarantee that it can truly be removed. Hindsight is 20/20, so in 30 years, we may look back at the things we posted - wheth r it be drunken pictures or an ti­ gay marriage posts - and realize how stupid we ere. '


activities in student media





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This IS when the support system of RAs and the threat of Student Conduct come in h� ndy. Serious roommate confh�t often leads to an . RA mtervention. As each roommate &ets a chapce to pres�nt theIr o� � SIde of . the Issue, an mdlvldual may feel more comfortable espousing the demands of outside authority, rather �han making it a personal Issue. Unfor�ate y r some, the VISItation policy curbs sleepovers, movie nights and ha �ging out. College IS a p lace . . where each mdlvldual gets the freedom to choose h w to live � s or her life, and many are Irked by the parental-like limitations of the visitation policy. We s?ould be able to stay up until �hatever we hour choose, WIth whomever we choose, doing whatever we choose. In order to keep the peace between roommates, limitations on visitation are nece� s �ry, but the current . . restnctlOns are meffechve.

is no sure way for Student Conduct to know what is going on in dorm room.

2012-2013 STAFF

service, leadership, and


difficult. Short of nightly room for first years. In this sense, the visitation rule can be a checks, there is no sure way for Student Conduct to know useful tool for those who what is going on in every dorm find themselves dreading the . room. The overnight policy return to theIr room. . should be done away with, Many students belIeve while retaining limitations on visitation should be a private how many nights guests can matter between roommates. stay. With the current system, the We can all agree we would rather not have Resident Assitants pounding on doors to check for unwanted There visitors. The question remains whether or not the visitation rule has every any real value. As with any rule, there will always be some who abuse it. Every year, some roo m m a tes find themselves issue often comes down to the in the awkward situation roommates themselve . of suddenly having a third However, just as sleep roommate. Getting kicked out scheduJes hange with the for a roommate's guest may start of college life, some be a timeless tradition, but it is individuals may find that also a nuisance. other personal values and habits change as well. The room may no longer feel like horne, but instead What begins as a pact a place to avoid. Having a between roommates in the comfortable rooming situation early fall may quickly dissolve is one of the keys to a good as the year goes on. Sometimes college experience, especially boundaries are overstepped.

GUEST COLUMNIST adam sce@plu .edu

of Professional Journalists' code of "seek

other is "I h a te the Barackster, vote for Mittens." There are bI w ups and long-winded dispu tes abo u t who i s right and who is wrong, when it is all just a bunch f angry typography on a 1 bpage screen. Just last week 1 saw a photo someone posted on Fa c book of her ballot, filled in for Obama no question who she is voting for there. It seems under tandabJe to om ou t in supp ort on on issue, such as Referendum 74. But when one i ' saying, " J'm a Democrat Democrats TOCk. Death to Republicans," we get into a bit of an issue. . Thlnk about this: what it y u supported Candidate X by blasting him on your Facebook wall and tweeted about how great he was. L 1's say Candidate X was elected and end d up becoming the next Adolf Hitler. Sure, you would be set when it carne to Candidate X looking for his

Ha I policie s limit dorm life



presence. You can become ' Tumblr famous' and your Facebook accoun t is starti l g to become a brand name. Twitter, Instagrarn and a whole sl�w of other w bsites are gear d toward getting followers and expanding your presence furth '. Beyond that, each site can advertise the others. While I am sure we have a11 heard that we need to be careful about what we project about ours I es online, there seems Lo be a large segment of the population missing the point. There are still endless pictuTes of people at wild parties and drunken status updates. There seems to be a very interesting side effect of these social networking sites being so readily availu ble at the touch of our fingers: the widespread sharing ­ no, more like thrusting ­ of opinions, particularly regarding politics. On one side is "I hate Romney" and on the

Anna Sieber

On Dec. 8, same-sex cou ples will be abl to tie the knot and 21 - year - olds will be able to smoke a joint. Washington made maj r changes this election. We became one of the first state to pa 'S sam�ex marriage by a p pular vote along with Maryland and Maine, and one of the first states to legalize r creational marijuana along with Colorado . RcgaTd less of your personal stance n these issues, Washington's stance was clear: smoking weed is somewhat more acceptable than same-sex marriage. Of the 39 co un ties in Washi ngton State, only two voted more in fa or of same-sex marriage than legalizing marijuana as of Wednesday night One was our n ighbor King County, the oth r was San Juan County. We had barely broken into the election results when 1-502 to legalize marijuana passed, with 55.2 percent of voters in favor of it as of Wednesday night. It wasn't until late Tuesday everting that same­ sex marriage pulled ahead and was projected to win. It was finally confirmed on Wednesday afternoon that it passed by a slim margin. It's a sad thing when y ur state is quick to legalize weed but more hesitant to legalize love. Legalizing marriage for all consenting adults is going to bring tolerance, equality and above all joy Lo couples across the state. It hol ds mo re value to those it a ffects. Next time you fill out a b 110t, remember to give a little more weight to the measures that fight for equality. In a choice between love and d rugs, it' dear what our priorities should have been.


NOV. 9, 2012




hmgth nnd typed.

1'llt Mooring rasl reserves the right to

rcful'le any letter. Letters rna) be edited for length, taste and errors.

Jessica 'frondsen



Po.9ition optn - apply online


Ben Quinn



Position open - apply online

Amel ia Heath



Kelsey MejIa.ender mejlaeU@plu.t:du Amanda Seely seelyar@plu.rdu

hl!atlw.m aplu.tdu

elsey Hilmes



Nathan Shoup

ADVISERS Cliff Rowe Art Land


NOV. 9, 2012

Jasmyn Thornton

Although Halloween has passed, Pacific Lutheran University is about to get a whole lot bloodier. The second blood drive of the year starts Tuesday, and many students will soon be sporting either neon bandages or well - honed excuses. For those physically able, bl od drives are a simple way to put a polished shine on their good deeds" badge. Donating is no more challenging than strolling into the Anderson University Center. Students can sign up for the blood drive ahead of time to ensure they get an app intment, but walk - in appOintments are available as well. The process doesn't take long - usually an hour at most - during which hopeful donors an wer some questions and are tested to ensure they're healthy enough to give blood. Finally, in a Herculean U



T 7. 1ssue: for the· N u will ht" on page 6 ) TIle story Tth l&tl e funcirai. er sh()ul� say wa t r the DomestiC agalnst C 'ale110n • W omen' t the

�a"hin gton tate _

Vi \ence,


be rare, which is why the bon marrow registry - Be the Match - encourages as many people as possible to join. The more DNA samples on hand, the more chances that someone with blood cancer

preparations for your demise may not be the cheeriest use of your time, it is nice to be much as we org nized. A love our hearts, lungs and eyes now, our corpses won't have much use for them. If you didn't volunteer to be an organ donor when getting your license, registration is easy to complete online. The site provider varies from state to state, but http:// w w w . o rg a n d on o r . g o v / b e c o m i n g d on o r/ i nd e x . html can guide you to the proper place. Although if s nice to think you 11 die in your sleep at 100 - probably after giving a speech to the PLU class of 2093 - some of us may not reach that goal. We11 probably die at 80 while trying to bungee jump out of our windows because all the retirement home food tastes like applesauce. The important thing is we won't be too old to donate organs, even then. Doing the right thing doesn' t have to be as daring as saving children from a burning building. It can be as simple as recognizing these unique structures of bones, meat and skin can make do with a little less - and give so m eon e el e so much more.

. . .These unique structures of bones, mean and skin can make do with a little less - and give someone else so much more.



Dialogue Day ha potential benefits

effort, donors have to relax in a comfortable chair, are poked with a needle and then have c okies and juice forced upon them. Giving blood is clearly stressful. The people avoiding exsanguination have no idea the trauma us donors go through. Blood is only the beginning. If you want to give your "good deeds" badge a gleam that could out-sparkle a "Twilight" vampire, consider bone marrow. The first image that comes to mind when bone considering marrow donation may be a long, wicked needle and pain that makes donating blood seem like child's play. The truth is that the donation is perfonned with anesthetic so there is no pain during the procedure. After the donation, many donors experience some fatigue and an achy feeling, which can be painful or easily ignored depending on the donor. Unlike donating blood, this is not something you do every 56 days. Many people who register to be donors may never receive the call to actually give bone marrow. Even in families, the necessary genetic malches can




or another life-threatening disease will be able to find a match. Registering is simple and slightly· exhilarating. After filling out the online information at http://marrow. org/Home.aspx, the registry sends four cotton swabs to your address. In a very CSI­ esque moment, you get to take your own DNA samples by swabbing the inside of your cheek. Even if your needle phobia or fears of pain prevent you from helpi ng now, you still have a chance to help after you leave the land of the living through organ donation. making TIlOugh

Submit corrections and letters to the ed "tor


Electoral colle ge outdated Makenzie Landis


landisrr\ At an election event, I saw

12 of my colleagues gathered

around a smaIl computer screen watching, waiting and barely breathi ng for the election r ults to come i n. Finally, the . tate everyone was waiting for, Ohio, turned blue. Cheers overwhelmed the roOm. People were crying and celebrating the re-election of President Bar ck Obama. As people's cheers filled the room, it was hard not to wonder how much their votes actually mattered. The fact is, the popular vote - or ou r individual vote ­ barely counts when it comes to the preSidency. Our founding


Donate blood, but t�eE DITOR don 't stop there

DITO Kelsey Mejlaender


fathers warned about big states having disproportional influence over small states. Thus, the Electoral Collage was created. By having an Electoral College, candidates need a state campaign strategy rather than one focusing on the most p pulated states in the nation. The idea of the Electoral College fails. 10 the 2012 election, the swing state happened to be Ohio. The Washington Post foun.d that swing states Florida, Virginia and Ohio received more combined advertising dollars ilia 11 other 47 states combined. Because of the . E1ectoral College, pre dential candidates isolate their f s on key swing states. According to the Federal VOting A sistance Program, in 2008, critical swing states Florida and Ohio both had more than 66 percent of citizens voting, while larger s tates like New York and

Texas only had 59 percent and 54. 1 percent, respectively. Now more than ever, larger states are feeling as though their vote does not m atter . ill the Electoral Colleg , one Wyoming vote equals 4 California votes. In a fair democracy, everyone's vote is counted equally. Abolishing the Electoral force would College presidential candidates to focus on the individual voters rather than swing states. In the last two months of the 2008 election. the candidates presidential visited Ohio 62 times. Ohio was a hu� deciding factor in th i s election, because of the Electorai College. Ou r founding fathers ieared the i gnora nce of the people to choose their elected o fficials. The Electoral College was their way of adding a check and balance to th system . The founding fathers were right to think this. Our nation

knows more about SpongeBob than ur president's views on domestic policies. This system m y have the 1 9th worked du ring century as poHtical parties started to gain influence, but it is now outdated and elitist. I know that SpongeBob lives in a pineapple under the sea and I am knowledgeabie enough to cast my ballot for who I believe is the best candidate to represent our nation and my ideolOgies. Yet the Electoral COllege takes my righ as a voter away. Th Electoral College has overturned the popular vote three times in our nation's historv. Three errors in 55 elections is a iailu re rate o f five percent. We got lucky this election - the Electoral College did not overturn our votes. But we ha e not been lucky in the past. At least with the popular vote, every vote will count.


As a Pacific Lutheran University student, I am a little cone med about some of the viewpoint expre sed in the story about the 'Lutedome.' It seems as though the intentions and opinions of Community Dialogue Day are jumbled. The students and ASPLU representatives referred to in the article did not efficiently speak on the issue of whether or not Community Dialogue Day would benefit PLU students. Senior Jeff Toulman had the right idea when he stated, "The main idea right now should be PLU focusing on itself." program The is essentially supposed to help Parkland residents feel more welcomed by PLU. However, I feel the opposing perspectives are overlooking the benefits PL U can gain from the program. In regards to the focus of terminating the term 'PY: it is important to reach out t PLU students who are direcUy affected by it. I believe some people are discrediting the program from what its fullest p otential can be, which may be a reason for th lack of supp rt. Comm unity Dial gue Day should not just be a program to make Parkland feel mo re resid en ts welcomed by PLU or for PLU to become stronger. Dialogue Communi Day should also be a program for PLU students who want to feel closer to the community and genuinely want to understand all the people who encompass the Parkland communjtv In order to achieve th ex pressed goal and purpose of Community Dialogue Day, th line between the PLU and P� rk1and communities mu st be blurred. There needs to be a genuine mu tual de. i re for ed cation on sought issues. It should be recognized that the PLU community students, consists of alumni, facul ty, professors and donors. If money designated to ou treach clubs and programs i rea!!y the probiem, that issue should be addressed to all the people who fund them. Those who are opposed to the program fail to see the benefi ts of Community Dialogue Day's potential, the benefits in discussions like issues campus safety and the benefits of conununi o/ progression in susta inability . M ybe my suggestions and opini ons are a stretch, but 1 think the main issue in Ulis article was not th e " c st of words," as the title of the a rticle proposed. From the information presented, 1 b l ie ve it was the issue of whether or not people care.



NOV , 2012



H igh F i ve s



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Universal Crossword

Edited by Timothy E.

ACROSS 1 Some autobahn autos 6 U psi dfXJown froWh 1 1 Org. fo unded in 1 948 In

Bogota 14 81111 in the

sack 1 5 Pface of safety 16 Winter illness 1 7 One selling seats 1 9 Ten Most Wanted" agcy. 20 Oak, in a nutshell 21 Thaws the windshield 23 " Fear Factor" comments 26 Barrel org. 28 amper owners, for short 29 Mauna _, Hawaii 30 Sandbox "

user 32 Card player's

stake 33 "Boola Bo ola" collegian 34 Lackey 38 With "Ace," a Burt Reynold s film t ifle 40 Serialized tear-jerkers 43 Completely lacking courage 45 Served like sushi 46 Brad of

Parker November 1 1, 2012

Hollywood 48 Healthful getaway 49 "H" on a frat sweater 50 Up to now 52 Sound

10 Come i n 1 1 Situated

away from the middle

12 Slugger

Pujols 13 Switzerland ,

rebound 55 TI me of

18 "'t's

figuratively 56 Tract of low land 58 N ow, say 60 UWhat supposed to think?" 61 Inferior 66 Flunky's expected reply 67 Business owner's contract 68 Suffix with "Wrestle" 69 Gallery display 70 Change 71 Make into law



DOWN 1 Toro nto's


to the


24 25

27 31


35 36 37 39


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choi ce 41 "Tat tat -


44 46

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54 55

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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V Vv X Y Z

2 Luau dish provo

3 Abbr. after a comma, sometimes


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H ollywo od 5 Blueprint detail, for


6 Like some cheddar 7 "X-Men" villain 8 "Now heard everything!" 9 What libraries d o


© 2012 Universal

sid eW"a k

"I think it's a good thing because the government shouldn't tell us what we can and can't smoke!' Gregor Uvila, first year

What is your stance on 1 - 502 and the legalization of marij uana in Washington?

"I think if it's taxed responsibly it will be beneficial for our state's deficit and free up jail space!' Kelli Blechschmidt, sophomore


s a step forward for civil rights because the law was historically used as a way to arrest minorities!'

"I do not approve. It was illegal for a reason. It's not good for you, and I don 't like the idea of sharing a road with people using it!'

Kai Hirayama, junior

Jordanne Perry, first year

NOV. 9, 20]2



Upcoming Games Nov. 10 at Menlo. noon Previous ames Win (35-14): No . .3 os. Whitworth Win (41-14):


27 at Puga Sound


Men's Basketball

Upcoming Games

Upcoming Games

Nov. 9 at Chapman, 12:.30 p. m.

Nov. 16 vs. Texa.�-DalIm.·,

Nov. 10 tbd

Nov. 17 vs. New Hope Christian,

Previous Games

Previous Games

Win (3-2): Nov. 2 at George Fox Loss (0-3): Oct. 31 vs. Puget Sound

6 p.m.

5 p. m.

Loss (48-72): Nov. 2 at Seattle Pacific

Women's soccer


Women's Basketball Upcoming Games

Upcoming Games

Nov. 17 at Western Oregon, 2 p.m.

Nov. 10, NCAA l#st RegionaL�, 9 a.m.

Nov. 27 vs. Warner Pacific, 6 p.m.


Previous Games

Previous Games

/n;s(S9-75): 2011 Ll'L �Fox

27, NWC Clw.mpionships

MXC (9th), WXS (9th)

Program has first wtnntng season SLnce •


Christian Dilworth





17, NCAA Championships, 11 a.m.

n · she s strong •

Hcud oach th Spidll.hl and junior reserve goalkeeper Laurie Reddy celebrat.e one of' the ,ut win over it was the Lutes' second win of the season against the Beawats.

Cross Country

The women's soccer team ended a seven-game scoring drought, and its season, last weekend. The Lutes defeated both Willamette and George Fox with final scores of 2-0. The two victories improve the Lutes' season record to 6-5-7, 4-5-7. It is the first time since 2006 the team finished with a winning record. The perfect weekend began Friday when the Lutes hosted Willamette for the final home game of the season. It was the final home game ever for s · 'dfielder Mimi Granlund and senior defender Erica Boyle. The Lutes scored their first goal since the Oct. 7 game against the same Bearcats, in the 17th minute. Lauren Larson followed her blocked shot with an immediate goal for her team-leading eighth goal of the season. In the second half, Willamette pressured Pacific Lutheran and got off its first shot of the game from Shannon Scott, but first-year goalkeeper Marisa Gonzalez was there for the easy save. Larson nearly added an insurance goal but was denied by the outstretched hand of Bearcat keeper Nicole Price. Six minutes later, Larson and sophomore midfielder Hannah Bush assisted a Kristi D'Allesandro goal, doubling

PLU's lead in the 74th minute. It was the junior defender's first goal of the season. The defense also played a huge role in the victory, leaving the Bearcats with only three total shots and two on goaL Gonzalez easily blocked each one. After the game, the Lutes hopped on the bus for the trek down 1-5 to Newberg, Ore. to play George Fox in the season finale. The Lutes scored first midway through the first half when Granlund, playing her final game as a Lute, fed the ball down the middle to Larson. Showing off her athleticism by running past Larson finally deienders, scored against Bruin keeper Alyssa Montero for her ninth goal of the season. Larson's nin goals this season are second best in the conference. The Lutes maintained the 1-0 lead until the 80th minute when Hannah Bush, after an assist from Samantha Benner, beat a defender and scored from 15 yards out. Once again PLU's defense stood firm by limiting the Bruins to only four shots on goaL Lute keeper Gonzalez made all four saves, marking her eighth shutout of the season. The Lutes will return 28 players for the 2013 season.

goals last Friday in a 2-0

Four interesting women 's soccer facts

1. The women's soccer program, which originated in 1981, is 4-3-1 against Pac-12 schools. Pacific Lutheran has played the University o f Oregon, Oregon State, Washington State and the University of Washington.

2. Head Coach Seth Spidahl tied seven games in th i s, his first season at the helm. Jerrod Fleury, who coached the women's program for five years, tied seven games in his entire tenure. The seven ties this season matched the NCAA women' s �ingle-season record .

3 . Since 2007, the women' s soccer program has lost 13 games every season with the exception of 2008 when i t lost 1 1 matches. The program dropped five matches this season. 4. Between 198 , the first year of the program, and 1992, the Lutes won the conference championship every year with the exception of the 1 984 and 1989 seasons. PLU finished second those years.


. a.



NOV. 9. 2 0 1 2

Lutes wi n conference •

e ln

n iq ue fash ion

Nathan Shoup


The Lutes volleyball team won the Northwest Conference Friday with a 3-2 win over George Fox. That was not unusual. It is the Lutes' fifth conference title in eight years. How the Lutes did it, is unusual On Oct. 19, game day, the Lutes owned a two-and-a-hali game lead over the second-place Puget Sound Loggers. Sophomore All-American etteT Samantha North was well on her way to earning All-American honor ' for � second straight season . '1 went up for a normal jump set, nothing felt weird at th time," North said When she landed, her knee coHapsed. North was participating in a warm up drill before the game. liAs I began to fall I heard popping and a few other noises," North said. Her season was ov r. "Then the ext thing r knew, I was laying on the ground." She tore her ACL and partially tore her MCL. It happened so qui kly that seruor backup setter Brianne Vincent didn't have time to get nervous. The Lutes went on to beat Linfield 3-1 that Friday rught. With North watching from the sidelines, the Lutes went 5-2 in tht'ir final seven games to finish one game ahead 0 Uni ersity of Pug t Sound {or th conference crown. B t North isn't complaining about her new viewing perspecti ve for Pacific Lu theran volleyball games: the bench. "I ad mit that I want to get back out there and play, but being a part of PLU volleyball isn' L about playing time," N orth said. Filling North's shoes, Vincent has managed to rack up 6.21 assists per set - 11 th best in the conference. "Bri[anne Vincent] has stepped in


Juuillr outside hillcr Uuley U rdahl lny" out in tront ()f temnmllles senior defens.i\'c ;pc:<:iuli'it FIlair Bjorkmlln ( while lop) .wd IlOPhoOtorc flut de bitter Chelsea " e6un during the Lute!) 0-3 Joss to Pugct Sound last Wednesday. '111e l oss Friday's gnme at George FU);. a musl-will lu ('uplure the conlerence clllimpionship. Senior setter Urillnnv Vincent. wit replJleeti oph more Samantha North aIter her season-ending injury. b on tLe fur riglit.

and performed outstanding," juruor middle blocker Bethany Huston said. Vincent credits her ability to successfully step into the starting role to support from North and the staff. ''I'm speechless at the way she is playing," North said. Last Wednesday, the Lutes hosted Puget Sound. A PLU win would have secured the conference championship. But the Lutes feU in straight sets, 0-3. They were given another chance two days later. The Lutes needed a win Friday over the BlUinS to earn an automatic bid to

the NCAA tournament. Because UPS won Sa turday, a loss

would have earned the Lutes a co­ conference championship and an NCAA tournament bid would be up to the opinion of the NCAA West Region Selection Committee. Holding a 2-1 lead, the Lutes dropped game four, 19-25. The following fifth set would potentiaUy determine if the Lutes' season would end that rught. The fifth set of volleyball matches are played to 15 points as opposed to 25.

The Mast Monday Night Football pick 'em Nathan Shoop SPORTS EDITOR

Gutierrez screwed up. He tried to be brave last week and picked the Eagles over the Saints, in New Orleans. He was the only person to pick Philadelphia. And thus, he was the only person who picked incorrectly last week. Guti errez's failed attempt at heroics created a five-way tie for first place at 6-2. Lance Lute and Ritchey trail the pack by only one game. The Post Sunday Society is truly - cue the football cliche up for grabs. Only two more games wil l be picked by our group following to ay due to The


Mas t 's


cycle. With the gr wing log jam at the top of the standings, it is importan t lhat the M onday Night Football games are t ugh decisions for our league members, cr ating varying

predictions. That is not the case this week. The 1-7 Kansas City Chiefs travel to Pittsburgh to play the 5-3 Steelers. Loomis said it best. "No one in their right mind will take KC." And for that reason we a re breaking the rules. . The Post-Sunday Society is picking the Sunday night football game this week. The 7-1 Texans travel into Soldier Field to play the 7-1 Chicago Bears. 1£ Chicago wins, the five­ way tie at the top is reduced to four. If Houston wins, McDaruel will sit in first by herself - just when you thought you have seen it all.



C h i cago

L >ad ing 1 2-11, Vincen assisted the two followi g paints to give the Lutes a 14-1 1 lead. "1 was screaming the whole time," North said. "My blood pressure was skyrocketing, it couldn't have been healthy. That is how strong my em tions were." The Lutes won the ensuing point, and thus, the conference championship. NI knew on that last point that we would win and it felt amazing when my teammates and I pulled it out," Hu ton said. Up n xt for the Lutes in the first round of the NCAA tou rnamen t are the Chapman Pan thers. The game is set for today at 1 2:30 p.m. in Thousand Oaks, Calif. With a record of 23-6, 14-2, the Panthers won the Southern California Intercollegiate Conference post-season tournament to earrt an automatic bid to the NCAA tournament. The Lutes are 5-2 all-time against Chapman. The Panthers knocked off the Lutes 3-2 in 2010 with the fifth set going to 19 points. In the NCAA tournament last

Shane Gu tierrez men 's soccer player pick: CUI record: 6-2

season, th Lutes fell 2-3 to Occidental College in the first round. After jumping out to a 2-1 lead, the Lutes lost the following two sets, and their season. "I believe we have the potential to beat them [Chapman] but we need to look at one point at a time," senior outside hitter Kelsey Pacolt said. If the Lutes escape the first round, they are guaranteed to face a familiar opponen t. Waiting for the Lutes would be Colorado College, who beat the Lutes 3-1 Sept. 8 in Colorado Springs. Or the Lutes would play their cross­ town iDes, Puget Sound, whorecei ved an at-Jarge bid from he selec ' on committee. Either way, the Lutes will be will be without their usual on-court compass, North, who made the trip to California with team. The Lutes have played seven games sinc North's injury and have adjusted to their new setter. "1 am focusing on what I can control - my hard work and attitude and the rest f the game will come," Vincent said.

After a 4-0 start, Gutierrez is 2-2 in the past four weeks. He went with the pack this week and chose the home team. The courage that led him to pick the Eagles last week seems to have disappeared. I think he hears the footsteps.

Geoff Loomis men 's baseball coach pick: CUI record: 6-2

Fall practices for the Pacific Lutheran baseball team have ended and Loomis' mind is as focused as ever. Don't expect him to fall back in the standings.

Steve Dickerson men 's basketball coach pick: CUI record: 6-2

The men's basketball team has started winter practices so Dickerson has a lot on his plate between preparing for his season and predicting games in the final stretch of the Post Sunday Society. Well see how he handles the load.

Stacey J./afJensen all- world soFtball player pick: CUI record: 6-2

Hagensen has worked her way il1to first place - how original.

fUlison McDaniel L.-ute sports Fanatic pick: UOU record: 6-2

McDaruel had the most difficult decision this week. I have the seven consecutive texts to prove it. Could the king of the POSt Sunday Society be a queen?



Lance Lute trusty mascot pick: UOU record: 5-3 Dalton Ritchey PL.- V quarterbaC K pick: HOU record: 5-3

----- -----

olley II team's run Lance has clearly been focused on th to the NCAA tournament and the footbaU learn 's five-game winning streak. R itchey's football team is riding a five-game win streak and personally he is riding a four-game win streak in The Mast Monday Night Foot aU pic 'em. Wins all around for the Ritchey party.


NOV. 9, 2012

SophOlll o re S Ulllp ?



a Wide receiver Kyle Warner thriving in second season


He has become the go-to man for sophomore quarterback Dalton


Sophomore wide re eiver Kyle Warner leads the team in reception s with 50, yards with 91 1 and touchdown calches wilh seven, showing drastic improvement from hi. firsl year in the program, wh n he cau g ht 22 passes for 303 ya rd and four t( uchdowns. Reigning from Tu mwater, Wash., Warner excelled at Tumwater High School earning the Washington State 2A Player of the Year aw ard and leading his team to a state title. Against Whitworth on Saturday, Warner caught two touchdown passes, including a 47-yard catch and run for a touchd w . In addition to his two scores, Warner caught five passes for 127 yards. Pacific Lutheran University sits in secon d place in the Northwest Conference with a record of 6-2, 5-l. The L u tes play a non-conference game tomorrow at Menlo while the first­ place Linfield Wildcats host Pacific. If the undefeated Wildcats are upset by the 2-3, 3-5 Boxers, the Lutes would earn a share of the conference title. Warneris satisfied with how well his team has performed. 'We kind of started slow because we're pretty young," Warner said. 'We're starting to pick it up towards the end which is good." FLU lost two of its first three games before starting its five game winning ,










of the fledg ing team's

achIevements will carry over into next year.

benched for the season after suffering an injury during the Oct. 13 game against Pacific. Westering caught 26 passes for 433 yards with three touchdowns in the five games he played before suffering the inj ury. "They've b en calling my numb r a lot more," Warner said. "WI en he [Westering] was in, we played off each other well." Warner said he feels that he has devel ped as a key offensive pl a yer fOT the Lutes and has loved bemg ab l e to "do so m e pretty great things." Like mo t receiver ' in th�ir prime, Warner enjoys running the de p routes. "Dalton [Ritchey] throws a good deep ball so those are fun to catch," Warner said. For the remainder of the year, Warner hopes his team keeps doing what they do best. "Hopefully we keep winning," Warner said. "We kind of have that little glimpse of hope that we might make it to playoffs." After graduation, Warner hopes to combine his athletic and academic experience to become a high school tea her or high school football coach. Warner is majoring in business with a minor in education.

Warner got his chance to step up as a starting player when sophomore wide-receiver Kellen Westering was


Sw · mmin g teams


'Varner, no. 17, rWlS off the ficld following a touchdown against Linfield Sept. 29. The wide receiver is 89 yards short of 1,000 yards going into the final regular game of the season, tomorrow. 'Varner said he prefers running deep routes. His 18.2 yards per cnteh lends the team.


to quic


Men 's and Women 's teams make quick work of Pioneers, Boxers am Horn


11()m.� b@pLu. du

Two: the numb r of mee ls the Pacific Lutheran U niversitv swim teams have won so far tl,{s sea on. Inciden tally, two is also the number of matches the PLU swim teams have taken part in. ThLl , the PLU women's and men's swim teams are undefeated. Pacific and Lewis and Clark universities fell victim this past weekend to Pacific Lutheran University's talented lineup of swimmers. The Lewis and Clark men's team was left in the Lutes' wake, 147-54. The PLU women's team stood steadfast and survived a dose match against the Pioneers, 1 1 1 -94.

The PLU women opened the with the 4 0 meter medley relay as sophomores Michelle Hogan, Rachel Althauser, Toni Castillo and first-year Kelly Jernigan set th tone for the meet, winning the ev nt with a tim of 4:12.89. Junior Kina Ack enn an and fir t-year H a n na Armstrong of the dominated field competition as well, obtaining tw more wins: Ackerman took the 1000 meter freestyle in a time of 1 1 : 18.92 and Armstrong meet


S"phc.)m >r hutlcrfly find indindu 11 medlcy com 'litor Andr ' peTfomK lh huttcrlly stroke d mg a practiel! IWlt w.,..k .

earned a first-place finish in the 200 meter freestyle with a lim of

Armstrong won by nea rly five seconds. "The chemistry I o n the team] is very good sophomore Ra m y Carter said. "During the meets, we're all there or each other." Carter spoke about the team's oaches too, say in g "th y show us that we're family-based and togeth r. We can achieve anything."



"I think w 'r going to blow away the conference this year." Andre Tacnyan

sophomore swimmer

The Lute men won ei gh t of the 1 1 events, PIcking u p an easy victory against Lewis and Clark. Sophomore Ba i1 Whaley, first­ year Brian Ruggles, 'ni )1' J acob Deines and senior Chase Mcsford opened up their p r Lion of the meet wi tJ) a victory in the 400 meter medley rel ay in a lime of 3 :43 . 3 2. �nior Phil Rempe, fi r t-year Daniei Simons, first-year Tyl r Meade and Whaley dosed the •

meet with a


3:29.27 in the 400 meter free relay Mesford received fir t place in the 200 meter freestyle in 1 :50.51 , and Rempe won in the 50 meter winning



23.12. Sophomore triumphed in the 200 meter butterfly 10 2.:05.98, and Corban El liott took first place for Ule Lutt'S in the 200 meter backstroke with a tim of 2:04.26. "Our coach did such an amazing job at r cIUiting so we ha e some really good freshmen," Tacuyan said. " ri think] everyone on the whole team is going to be placing in the top 16 in their ve ts. I think we're going to blow away the conference this ye r." Each year comes with a new dynamic for retuming athletes. Carter said he fe Is more confident because of the undeniably im proved team chemi. try. He also said he feels morc P0Sl-ti ve gomg m to practice than he did last year. "My goal is to help my team at lhe conference meet by scoring a' many points as possible," Carter And re Tacuyan freestyle


said. 111e Lute will face Linfield and Willamette LNS upcoming

weekend. TIle Linfield Wildcats have not won a me t y t, and th Willamette B arcats are winless as weU.


NOV. 9, 2 0 12


Footba 1 team smashe s Whitworth

,35 -14

victory pushes win streak to five games, into national poll



. • e or nuuung hl.l('k I3runUI)I1 .fam . eludcN a Whilwl)rth delender during the Lules 3.5-14 win owr Whitworth 'llttllrday. .James filli HlIt�d with 88 yarw. \)11 nine c;nrri .�. 1�L(:!ific Lulheran con<'1udes i sclll.-duJ.e lomorrow at Menl.\ College.


Steven McGrain

spotrr. WRITER

nu:graist@plu. du

Lu tes j umped into to p 25 in the country foI l wing a 35-14 victory ove.I" WI twor Lh Pacific Lutheran is now no. 24. The ga m wa the I�i: of the sea n at Sparks Stadium. "I was pretty e xci te d , i t was an awesome feeling to see that we were ranked with the best in lhe nation," sophomore Blake Petersen sai d . "But we ju t have to keep wo king ha rd to finish this e Son the ri gh t wa y. 'The offense clicked through the ai and gro und. quarterback S pho more Dalton Ritchey continued to <lisp lay his skill s t in the pocket He hit his main target, sophomore wide receiver Kyle Warner, twice for touchdowns, one from 10 yards out. And t e sec nd was a 47 yar strike



t e





downfield . Rilch "f had 15 com pletions on 27 attempts for 280 yards and two l uchdowns. The ai r assault began late in the second quarter, but the Lutes f und the end zone

three times before Ritchey and Warner connected. Sophomore

lunning back Niko Madison had two touchdown runs in the first hal . One was from two yard s oUl and the sec nd was a seven-y a rd run. Senior running b ack C dy Pohr n reco rded his fourth louchdown of U, season after a one yard run to p ay d i r t coming in the mIddle of the se cond quarter. "1 think the reason we were so u ccessfu l on offense this week/' so ph o more ffensive linemen p ' r Brownulg said. "Was becaul'e the bomber defense gave us great looks, and the schemes our coaches put forth against Whitw rtl>.' s defense were great. Our plays were set up for success." It was Browning's first start of his young collegiate career. The Lutes' defense was all over the field. first Whitworth's touchdown came with only 2:35 left in the third quarter, on a one-yard pass from quarterback Bryan Peterson to wi d e receiver Austin EhJo. But it took them 1 7 p1ays to score on the resili nt Lut ' defen e. The Pirates managed 140 yards of ruShillg between three players. The most was 90 yards by their running back

Ronnie Tho m as. Sean Junior safety McFadden and serrim linebacker Derrik Larson both recoTded m terc'ptions. Th a n une r m nhon d J rdan lin ba ke r unior j Patterson' nam_ a lot on, since he mad e 14 tackles, lead ing




.. lu mpll @"Iu .



The Ll t ·" wiIl l1t..!t.!d help t get into th 32-team N AA Di . m FWlbclIl loumam ·nt. d then lh y wi l l nc , . (lmlC more. Linfie1 i: first plact: in




if . ,

Lu tes 'lOil1 ,nak the po t ea on Natluu She up

*811C lI1

r 'ceive



Sine 20(}2, fou r PI U the team l l team ha 'c fe in tba The leap t no 24 ill all Div. ree 'i ed ond plac ' III comes followi n g the Lutes' an at-lar bJd. five g a m e winning streak. In 20 1 0, the Lutes fim hed With on no -conference the I) t Wt:' ·t Conferenl' ! me to llw 8-1 . The lone loss 0, against v.:ith a r� ord ot rema i ni n g game [ m fi ld, 20-35. i th ly a fifth-place host Menlo College, there is sti l l a Wlldc,lt." dIfference onl'-po 'scssion chance the Lutes could get a Pdci I l o rn w. in t c fourlh quarter, lh Th B xe dec Y;, 2-3. bid into the playoffs. Lutes muffed a pun t in their If the Buxers can shock The Lutes had the fourth own It!r itory that Linfield toughest strength of schedule Linfield, thl' Lute wou ld share re covered an d turned into a in the country and with their the Northwest Conference touc hdm n. continued success on the field, Championship with linfield. That team did not re ' iv an argument could be made HoW{' er, to earn an an a t-larg bid. the Lutes are deserving of a uutomatk bid to the NC A This year's team tournament from thl! NWC a postseason bid. 10 ·S. "All we know is that we are team must win th A co-conferenc title wi l l u tright. guaranteed one more week, certainly look bettcr in th ey s thl confl'rence one more game of playing Sh.,ring of the selection comm ittee, together," so. homore safety W l1, th Ll. If'S aul d still but ei er \Va , th Lutes' i,lte Greg Hibbard said. "We are nt't to rCL Ive an at-Iarg bid wl 1 lie in t le t an f tl at focusing on having fun while tram the VCloi: Region Selection committee. trying to get better ach day. Commi '. The L I did cam a n at­ The sele tion commi ttee Just as alway , we will let the thl tic large bid in 19 9. Th . ni.! hed f various scoreboard take care of itself." consists 13-1 , �-1. from The Lutes play the 4-5 Menlo directors and coache . W est Re on. within Oaks in California tomorrow. 'the ----------------' ------...!=!.... Kickoff is at 12:30 p .m. .





fini hed

Mozart's opera impresses editor

Lutes volleyball: the season in review






16, 2012


Students urged to wate words RATS ON THE ROAM

Taylor Lunka .1EWS REPORTER

to change - that was the �ationa l language need s

me sage of the latest "Watch Your Mouth" present ati on . The event look place on Nov, 8 in the Anderson University Center. Speakers invited students to question what it means to be an American as weD as the language used to describe Americans. Native Americans and Muslim Americans Were highlighted in this up en discussion session where language was U,e main focus. the 11,roughout PI'\! en ta tion, the roughly 30 tudent a ttend were able to ask questions and the event concluded wi th a discussion pen to all . Facilitators of the evenL, Adela Ramos prole sor and junior Kelsey Greer, kid<ed off the discussion. Last year's "Got Privilege?" series inspired the content of the event, they said. Gr eT sa i d , "w [Gre r and Ramos ] dead d it would be a great idea to crea te a series that focused explicitly on langu ag and th power that cert ain words have." Greer

Students spot I rodents in AVe Valery Jorgensen



Ra ts are scurrying around the Ander on Uni ve rsity Center. For

the p s few weeks, numerous students ha ve rep orted rat sightings in The Commons

dining are . Erin McGinnis,

Approximately 30 stucknts listen to prcsenlAtivns at the Nov. 8 "Watch Your Month" event. Religion professurs Suzanne 'rawford-O'Brien IUld • th Dowland discussed stereotypes and rrusund.. r.•

said she wants students to become knowledgeable abou t the power words can have, and not to feel like they are simply being told which words are acceptable and Which are n t. Ramos said she wa nts


URItN I.1!\'IlA

Relil,'ioll pro£ SlIor Selh Dowlund giv .� u presenlnlion Ull hDIY language "f[c Ui Musli,m Ameneans al Lhe "·WlIleb Your Mmlt b" even� on . cw. 8. The Ii'><:Wl I,f III ' eveut Wl\.� tlefiniug whul it mel\n.� to he 'AmL"TIL,nn: t\nd how word choic..: Cl\.ll eJ(cbJde cerlain groups III' people rrom that ategOl'imtioll.


ndings of Native Ameri!!.IiII and

Muslim Americ an cultures. and h w llUlh'1.l /:,re usa/:,re afI:'c cts what it means to be an 'American.'

Preview of' Lute • first foolball playoff gam in I I years, p. 14

students to use these events as a safe place to think about language and "how language we use doesn't only sometimes cause pain [to oiliers], but it shapes behaviors and attitudes." In light of the recent national election, Ramos said she challenges students to think ab ut what they woul say the "next time they define themselves as Americans. Who do they imagine that falls into these categories and who do iliey include when they say hey' e American?" Alth ugh some may not realize it, Ramos saId, students and American ci tizens are direct! y affected by the language they use. "Students should care b cause ilieir own choice of words can begin to lrans{mm these behaviors and attitudes for the better/' Ramos said. After Ramos and Greer's m trod uction, professors Suzanne Crawford-O'Brien an d Seth Dowland gave p resen ta tions individual abou t Nahve Amencans and Musl im Americans


R-74 will 'r ate uew normal' tor fam11ie , columnist . ItYS, p.1O •


respectively. Americans, Native Cra w f o r d - O ' B r i e n explained, are pulled in and also pushed out of American society. "We eed to be more conscious and critically engaged in stereotypes," Crawford-O'Brien said. She a ked students to u stion the J is tory f these stereotypes. Pacific At Lutheran University, "we get to say social justice and ethics matter," Crawford-O'Brien said. While sh said she Lhinks students are generally motivated to make the world a better place, FLU is a specili c a ll y value-clri ven university , as stated in the mission statement. " Part of m aking Lh w rid a better place," C ra w for d ­ O'Brien said, "is being informed, empathetic, 'ompassionat , being smart and not thTowing around language you d on' t understand and hurting

The higgcst. new

dir ctor of dmmg services, said, " we know we have ral in the b uilding. We have seen them in the seating area and we have see them in the kitchen." News of the rats has spread through the student body. Sophomore A my Delo said she heard about U,e rats because, " a friend posted o n Facebook./I rodents With making their home in the building, dining services is working on maintaming sanitary conditions for food preparation and consumption. " We are doing everything we can lo make sure that they're not getting into food," McGinnis said, adding that it is "dining services' job to keep the students safe." According to http://www. enter rats, buildings in a variety of ways, b ut primarily . "through o pen win ows, doors, sidewalk grates, or vents." "Once they g t inside, it is reaJ ly hard t get rid of them," McGinnis said. Students can he lp keep rats OlJ of the building. M Ginnis encourages sludents to "keep doors sh u t, keep windows shill and try not to drop food out in the sea ting area." Th eating a r� a is very appealing, like a "bu ffeL," for rats, McGimtis said. Din in g se.rvices is working



Whi('h to walch: stones to know. pp. Netth,- vs. lIulu 8 -9 Plus, p.7



celebrat d at duiJ cbapel, p. 2 Veteran ' Day




New pp. 1 -4 A&E pp.

5-7 Focus pp. 8 -9

OpiDion pp. lO -U Study Break p. 1 2 Sports pp. 13-16

NOV. 1 6, 2 0 1 2















E Editor * Reporters * Columnists*


Online Editor * Photographers email for more information









Chapel Ashley Gill GUEST WRITER Students took the time to thank military veterans for their service during a ceremmlY on M ond ay. Pacific L u th era n University held the annual Vet Tans Day service during chapel break in L age rqui t Concert Hall. "They reall y are the tIue h eroes f America," first­ year ROTC member Hannah Hanse n sai . "Their training p rotecting and spirit in America is just amazing. It's not something lhat all of us have - it's inspiring."

" We have to reward them [veterans] and look after them, mentally, nl0rally and physically." PHOTO BY APIUL SHEARER

.Jacoh Emery. a jtmior at PLU, st ands while the brass quintet plays the Army antbem a the Veterans Day c remo�' beld at Monday's cbapel services. E mery is part or the Army RCYI ' program CHI campus.

Bob Rahal

PLU ROTC HR technician

o ors veterans Ceremonial flags donated by Military Memorabilia of Lake ood, Wash. were positioned on the stage and a s lid e show displayed photos of veterans. Students, faculty and community members came together to hon or veterans and cel brate the holiday. The ceremony included guest speaker LeaIma Davis, President of the PLU Student Veterans Association and former member of the Air Force. The B rass Quin Let, which included Raymond DeLeon, Fa ter Robertson, Kristen Monk, Kathryn Jahnsen and Chris Wessel perlonned along with vocalist Erin White. Cadet !<iye Lee, Cadet Veronkia Munoz and Cadet AU 'tin Ballard led the RO TC Color Guard. Hansen said she "loved the service." As part of the color guard, Hasen said the ceremonial presentation of the flags was her favorite part and added, " the speakers were inspiring and opened my eyes to everything." The Administrative

Staff Council (ASC) was responsible for the Veterans Day ceremonies at PLU. The ASC Vete ran s Day Committee for this year's service included J enniie r Gierke, Eileen Kemink and Alexandra La m pert. " r love the pl anning," Gierke said. "Getting every ne together fOI: a go d cause, trying to pu t toge ther a good ce remon y - I love it all" Gierk ha been a faculty member for five years and year's helpe d plan last ceremony as well. She is married to a veteran, and a 0 has a grand father who was a pilot in WWl I and an uncle who was in the Navy. "They I veteran I have lone a lot for their country," Gierke said. "Thev do tbi bv choice. Not all of 'them com� back as a whole person and not all of them come back at all, so we n eed to keep that appr dation alive." Rahal, humaI1 Bob


NOV. 16, 2012


PLU reaches for the Erica Winscot



Sustainability manager Chrissy Cooley presented the STAR system to the PLU sustainability department on Wednesday. This is the second year Pacific Lutheran University has submitted the STAR report. STAR stands for Sustainable Tracking Assessment and Rating system. Ther are three major a pects of this program: education and research, operations and planning

and administrative of engagement points. Throughout this process, PLU has recognized that ln the education and research section, campus is improving curriculum. However, PLU still needs to work on it, as sustainability tends to be left out of classroom lectures. PLU is also improving in operations, but still needs to improve sustainable transportation. "We are leading [in points], but everyone in the game is doing bad right now," Cooley said when addressing how PLU stands overall in

comparison to other schools with the same system. If PLU receives all the points and innovative marks, the school may reach the gold bar on STAR's rating system, with 65 points. If PLU does not reach this level, it will be in the silver category, but at a much higher level than last year. Before the Nov. 14 meetmg, President Krise Thomas signed a pledge that PLU would be carbon neutral by.


S 1\RS

and the p lanet. As a wh ole PLU is becoming more sustainable as the years go on. PLU is ranked above many universities in the nation. Over the last year PLU has made amazmg strides in the dining services category, gettffig 8.25 out of 8.5 possible points. PLU also scores high when it comes to human resource availability. Overall, according to the STAR report, PLU is becoming very sustainable, and making the world a better place by reducing emissions.


To be fully sustainable, three key concepts need to be addressed: people. prosperity

Baseba player hospitalized after collision Valery Jorgensen GUEST WIUTER

Ri mg fi. rst yea r baseball player Carson McCord was -

discharged from the hospi tal on Nov. 6, after suffe ring injuries from a collision with another player at the team's Nov. 4 practice. McCord collided with sophomo re Collin Nilson while each dove for the ball. Nilson said h was playing ce nter field when a ball was between himsel f, McCord in right field and the second baseman, Jacob Olsufka. Nilson said OJ utKa " peeled out," leaving him

hit in

and McCord to catch the bali "Both of us dove for the ball trying to catch it but ended up d iving into each other head first," N ilson said. Nilson said he knew McCord had been ser i ou s ly injured after they col lided . McCord was still on the ground when Nilson approach d him. "The first thing he [McCord] said was, ' I can t feel my left side,'" Nilson said. Sophomor alcher Curtis Wildung said head coach Geoff Loomis has been keepin the team updated. Loomis said he met with McCord "this morning and

SALON PROFESSIONAL ACADEMY 3702 Sou\t1 Fife Street. Tacoma. WA 98409


1..JL.1 ILl



described it as a " very inten e stinger" and Wildung said it \Va "similar to the However, Nilson

1100 •

' .

ApPOintments 253 . 61 7.7008

All SfJrWc:oo performed bysupi'fVised s/lJdenrs M must be present. [)pires 12131/12

IVI SetYices performed by suJ'Jt1f\1S1l(/ SIwWI/S. Ad must be present. fxpires 12/31/12


ones you get in footbalL" N i1son s aid McCord was very lucky to suffer "no severe damage to his brain or pine" and to have regained sensation in rus left ide. Nilson added McCord will

� Find tis on .. Facebook I!I �.


"go back into the hospital to get more tests on his shoulder." Nilson said he suffered mild injuries from the incident and has a "slight concussion" but is "hoping to be released ior phys ical activity on Monday." McCord is expected to have a promisi ng season after his preseason all ball play. He has Iia great arm and hits the ball incredib y well WiJdung said. "He gets along with everyone on the team." The basebal l team "is h oping for a fast recovery" for M cCord, Wildung aid.

he has been back on campus since Friday." Nilson also said that he visited McCord in the hospital and has been in con tact with McCord' family. Loomis said he does not "know xactly what he final diagnosis was" on M cCo rd s


VETERANS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 recourses technician for PLU's army ROTC program, was involved with the planning service, and also served as of Mon da y the master of ceremonies. Rahal has been a faculty member at PLU for seven years and h as helped plan the last three Vete rans Day ceremonies, pa r ticipating as a guest speaker during the first of the e. Rahal, a retired army veteran, worked his way up to s rgeant £lrst class. He said after 21 years of active duty, a "small brotherhood" of service members forms. "It means a lot to me to have been a part of the military," Rahal said . Although he said he enjoyed the service and the guest speake s, he explained it was the playing of Taps and the service songs that moved him. " It' s the part where you actually recognize the soldiers and service members," Rahal said. "We have to honor these men and women. We have to reward them and look after them, mentally, morally and physically." Similarly, Gierke said,"I just want to thank every veteran out there for signing up." '.





Amelia Heath FOCUS EDiTOR

Nudists sue to block nakedness ban A group of nudist San Francisco residents is suing the city to block a proposed ban on public nudity. The measure would prohibit nakedness on city streets, sidewalks and plazas at all times except during permitted fairs and parades, such as the annual gay pride event. The Board of Supervisors is scheduled to vote next week. Lawyer Christina DiEdoardo filed the case in federal court while close to a dozen of her clients stood outside the courthouse in varying states of undress. DiEdoardo argued the ban would violate the civil rights of people who wish to baTe their bodies for personal or political reasons.

Police: Arizona woman ran over husband for not voting Arizona police sald a Mesa woman injured her husband when she ran him a ve in her SUV because he didn' t vote in l a st week's presidential I ction . Authorities said Holly Solomon op po sed President Barack Obama and, ac c o rding to her husband, believed her family would face h ard ship if Obama was re-elected. Police say Solomon chased her husband through a parking lot, circled him as he hid behind a light p o l , struck him and pinned hUn under the SUV when he tried to run. Solomon told police she was just trying to scare him but accidenta lly stepped on the accelera tor. She was booked on an aggravated assault charge.

Security clearance suspended for CIA director's mistress A u . s. official said the A rmy has suspended the security clearance of the woma n who had an affair with CIA Director David Petraeus. Oearance is usu a l l y suspended for per ons u n de r investigation, pa rticu la rly in ca es or a possible security breach. Paula Broadwell, a West Point graduate, is a fo rm er Army intelligence officer <.lod held a high security ckarance. Offici als say an FBI investigation revealed that Broadwell �en t email to another woman wammg her to stay away from PetraCtl5. The 1" Bl abo found possibl , classified docu ments n Broadwell's compu ter.

What to do at PLU

PLU regent philanthropist Kurt Mayer dies Jessica 'frondsen


Ongoing Student Juried Exhibition. Fall semester's final art display of PLU student work, picked by guest jurors. Daily­

Nov. 14-Dec. 12, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. University Gallery in Ingram.

Friday Global Get Down.


Center, 6-8 p.m.

PLUtonic/HERmonic Fall Show. Free admission, tickets available through concierge.

Lagerquist Concert Hall.


p.m. and 9-10 p.m.

like Dre s Discoteca. and Snacks tourist. a international music. The Cave,

9-12 a.m.

The Pacific Lutheran University community lost a prominent figure on Tuesday with the passing of former regent and benefactor Kurt Mayer. Tacoma a Mayer, entrepreneur, was 82 years old. Mayer served on the PL U Board of Regents from 1995 until 2005. He was the first person of Jewish faith to serve on the board. Jim Hushagen, vice chair of the PLU board of regents, said that "because [Mayer] ca me from a very different tradi tion, he looked at PLU with fresh yes and saw some wonderful things in this institution. Some things that perha ps we took lor granted,


5\ Ivviden Flute Ensemble ulgerqui5t Concert Hall, 12-1:30




Uni versity Wind Ensemble, directed by Edwin Powell, performs with the Olympia High School Band, instructed by Scott Pierson. Free to PL U community. Lagerquist Concert

Hall, 3-5:30 p.m. GuHar Ensembles, directed by Elizabeth CD. Brown. Free admission . Lagerquist Concert

Hall, 8-9:30 p.m.

NOV. 1 6, 2 0 12



peop le in the process." During the election, she said she reflected on how peop le acted and what they said. "You see a lot of people saying the real America is dead . What the heck is real America?" Cra wfor d-O'Brien s ai d . When Oowlancl spoke, he challenged stu dents' use of l an gu age about Muslim Americans. "American norms made it

but from his standpoint were remarkable." Mayer came to America in 1940 as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany, on one of the last ships to leave Europe during this time. Several of his relatives died in the Holocaust. Once in America, his family settled in Tacoma. "Kurt was really a one of a kind individual-from a business standpoint, he really is a self-made man," Hushagen said. In 1957 Mayer founded a subsidized home-building company called Mayer Bui l t Homes. He operated the business until 1981, at which point his son took over. The comp any h as expanded into Idaho and Colorado. "There are a lot of developers who have done quite well building mansions

hard for Mu Urns to fit in," Dowland said He said he thinks this relates to the racial binary of black and white, because "Muslims don ' t fit into either one." Based on his studies in American religious theory reg arding Christians and politics, Dowland said "we need to figure ou t ways to talk about w ha t it means to be an American that are e er more expansive. " H e said he Urinks the definition of an American

" His support was really generous."

Jim Hushagen

PLU board of regents vice chair in the United States, but Kurt's desire was to build affordable housing so ordinary people experience could the American dream the way he did," Hushagen said. Mayer published a memoir in 2009, written in collaboration with Oregon scholar Joe Peterson, titled "My Person al Brush with History." Book sale proceeds go to support the PLU Holocaust Studies P Iogram, which Mayer h elped deve lop. The program highligh ts the responsibilities of the

Christian church during the Holocaust. In 2007, Mayer and his family contributed to the funding of a $1 million professorship endowed Holocaust studies, in which secured PLU's place nationally with a premier Holocaust studies program. The gift was brought to the chair level of $2 million through the additional support of other donors. "His support was really generous," Hushagen said. "No doubt about it." Mayer and his wife, Pam, were members 01 the Eas o ld Leadershi p Committee. Pam supported th.e arts at PLU with more th an 20 years of volunt erism Services will be held today at 1 1 a.m . at Home of Pea ce Cemetery and will contin ue at Temple Beth El.

needs to be more inclusive because it hasn't " ye t en com passed Muslims. " Dowland saJd h e finds this an important topi c for students at PLV because of the university's liberal arts education syst m . "One o f the things w e hope ou l eav e this p lace with is y how to be a good citizen in a society where there is eat di versity, " Dowland sai . The next even t in the series wi l l be held during spring semester.




tnternational BRIEFS

France combats fatty snac 's with 'Nutella tax' AlneUa Heath HICVS EDITOR 11 'aU, m@pJu.euu

The French senat p41ssed a y that would riple til tax on palm and orne other vegetable oils with th intent nl reducing obesity The " ute1la ta " auld affect all}' f ods o1ade

m�asure WeJnesd


with Eden Pest Control to get rid of the AVe in vaders. McGinnis sald poison traps as well as traditional mousetrap have b een ' t a round the kitchen and the rest of U"\e build ing. The poi on traps "are secure and not a problem to h ave around tood," McGinnis said Ace rding to sophomore student worker Tlana Wamba, some students are oppo d to the killmg of ral . Wamba wa working at the cash regis ter during breakfast olle m ming w hen a rat scurried through the kitchen. She explained lhat while most st:udents

acted with disgust and were shocked to !;ee a rodent in their edtiIl g area; another acted differe ntly "One girl was crying and trying to

ave the rat," Wamba said. McGinnis said she understands wh y , orne students would prefer the use of humane methods, but said this is not an option for a restau rant. McGinnis said r b i g gest concern is making sure food and stud en ts are safe. McGinnis said the poison traps are boxes which the rats en te r to eat the poison. However, ll-tey can then exit


with tho ·e oils nd brh1g in the eqw.valent of about $5 1 million to

tbt! French govemmenL TIl measure is part of a biggt:'r bill on finandng France's flatlanal heaIth care systems and aims to pressu re manufacturer to use h althier ingredlen . Th� I wer h lU . of parli.lment till has to vot� on the tax. rrl;!d�ric 1mL hedd for France I lf Ferrero, Lhe manutal:'turer of utella, tol d Le I lmliien newsp aper that the recip will not ch ange.

the box. Th poison w r:ks s lo wly and may take hours to kill lhem. McGinnis said she and other members of dining services "have seen some of them [the ratsI acting weird and they become luggLSh."

Whenever they see one, McGinnIS said, the}' call the pe t control servi es to take care of it.

The pest control worker comes II Hen traps and the last time he came none of the tra ps were full, "

to check the

M Ginnis said. P l control serVIce told McGmms that when it gPts cold outside the rats look for way inside . "Once they get inside and they lind food there fo r one, they don't want to leave," McGinnl<; said. As thev live mside they begin to breed inside. aid the p t co nt rol M Ginnis worker "believes that the ones that he is catclling now are a ba tch of juveniles that were probably bred inside somewhere." McGinnis said she hopes that by catching the young on es , more won't

be bred. Dining services is "trying to stay on top of it as fast as we can and as best as we an," McGinnis said.


NOV. 16, 2012

A&E 5

Television tuning to the past Editor takes remake review to the small screen, highlights new

renditions of some of television' s classic shows Kelsey Mejlaender COPY EDITOR

Just like movies, TV shows are often subject to the remaking frenzy. Though we may not have been alive or at least not doing much more than drooling - for the first airing of a show, older relatives may remember these classics. To them, the original may be irreplaceable, but for those of us who have spent more time in the 21st century, a remake may provide the needed boost to an old-timer series.

Original: "Dallas" CBS 1975-1991, Remake: TNT June 2012-Present

This soap was practically

a college requirement back in

its heyday, drawing students to congregate weekly for each new episode. The show followed one conflict-filled family, the Ewings of Dallas, Texas, and focused on the bitter rivalry between brothers J.R. and Bobby. In the remake, the backstabbing family shenanigans continue as the sons of the two brothers follow

in their fathers' footsteps. Actors Larry Hagman Patrick and Duffy reprise their roles as J.R. and Bobby respectively, Josh while H e n d e r s o n plays John and Ross Jesse Metcalfe p o r t r a y s Christopher brothers' the sons. W i t h inclusion of some of the original actors, the show's classic flavor is difficult to miss. The core qualities of the show are exactly the same, but the remake is contextually updated for 2012. John Ross and Christopher are simply new and younger versions of the original dueling brothers. and despite their attempts to end the inter­ family feud - and fortunately for every drama-loving viewer - they're ultimately unsuccessful.

"With inclusion of some of the original ac­ tors, the show's [ 'Dallas' ] classic flavor is difficult to miss."


"Hawaii Original: 1980,





September 2010-Present

Nothing beats a classic detective story unless of course you throw in a she1Iing's-worth of action to spice things up. In the classic 12-season serial, Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams are cops on a special Hawaii state police task force, following clues and stopping crime in a no­ nonsense fashion. In the update, actors Alex O'Loughlin and Scott Caan portray Steve and Danny. Both have a lot more muscle than their predecessors and little inhibition when it comes to beating up the bad guys. Set in the present, the new Five-O features snazzy tech

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This show may be airing on the ugly stepsister of network television, but its ratings garnered it a full season order nonetheless. True to the CW's M.O., this show is a supernatural, girl-targeted romance that features only good-looking

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actors. Ironically, even the beast is absurdly attractive. In the original, the beast Vincent is actually a beast and Catherine is an assistant district attorney instead of a police detective. When they fall in love, Vincent does not transform into a man, but remains in his beastly state. The new version drops the don't judge a book by its cover" moral, opting instead for a Hulk-like twist. Whenever supermodel Vincent, played by Jay Ryan, becomes angry, his face gets as scary as cheap television special effects can make it and he throws stuff around and punches walls. The moral of this story: don't agree to be the military's human lab rat even if you're depressed after your brothers die in 9/1 1 . Yes, the CW tactfully decided to tie a painful and life-changing its terrorist attack into supernatural love story. Although the remake has earned almost entirely negative reviews, the few episodes aired so far did not make me want to hurl tomatoes at my TV. Though the plot isn't groundbreaking, the show might beat watching static.


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"Beauty and the Beast" ­ Original: CBS 1987-1990,

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equipment to assist the team's crime-stopping crusade. Steve and Danny are also a lot more laid back and tease each other constantly, giving the new show a lot of comedic relief to lighten the ramped up violence. T h o u g h I prefer the update simply for its relevance, there are a few callbacks to the original, like use of the famous "Book 'em Danno" line that marked the end of every episode in the original series.


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NOV. 16, 2012

Editor belts pra· se for opera

Kelsey Mejlaender


jluekk a lu. du

Opera m ay not be the default music on everyone's iPods, but Pacific Lutheran University's performance of liThe Magic Flut " was still a joy to see and hear. Mozart creat d the piece near the end of the 18th century, and it includes both spoken ialogue an singing. The plot f Hows Prince Tarnino, p layed by s ni r John Marzano, and his quest to rescu his love Pamina, the daug t er of the Queen of the Night, portrayed by sophomore Elizabeth Binkley. To assist him in the rescue, Tamino uses a magic flu te that has the power to "change men's hearts." Mu ic is appropriately the primary narrative mode. The University Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Jeffrey Bell-Hanson, performed with a natural fluidity that provided a strong emotional context Senior Mary A rdinglon, who played the actual music for Tamino's magic flute, said, "I love Mozart. I love classical style." The style certainly fi t the fantastical and mvttuc mood of the p l ay, as did other aspects of the

perf rmance

The sets were simple, but elegant. Five painted panels Wlth three sides enabled the backgr unds to alternate between rocky wilderness, for t and pillars. A screen was abo hWlg above the tage. Most often, it was used to disp l ay the lyrics a the pe:rlormers sang ..0 the audien e cou ld follow along, but it a lso howed pictures that weI thematicalJy relevant and even a clip of the protagonist runnin g through a forest to prefa ce his actual emergence On tage Comic relief wa a tron g element of the play and there were countless allUSIOns to m odem m.aterial. In one such case, Tamino' sidekick Birdman Papageno, played by Juhan Reisenth I, lamented that if he couW not find love, all he would have was his subscription to "playbird magazine." Papageno later began singing in

Gennan for a few lines - the original language of the opera - then shouted "nein, nein" and requested English. The screen projecting his German lyrics then displayed an apology and explained Google Translate was " activating." The opera's drama was best expressed by the exceptional performance of PLU alum Amy van Mechelen as Queen of the Night. He.r elabora make-up and costume combined with her powerful singing and stage presence allowed her to captivate the audience and set the tone whenever she ap peared . Though the play ran well past the promised tw -hour time range, the audience did not grow restless. Oftentimes, actors would en ter a scene by walking down the aisles of audience seating, really personalizing the performance. The dialogue was very modem an d helped keep everyone' attention. Th ugh the lyrics were crafted in more dated vernacular, they were asy to comp rehend, especially with the assistance of the projector. Neither the singing nor language inhibited the audience's understanding of the leading figures. Marzano said of hIS d aracter, Tamino, "be is ery unsure about the world .that he kind of entered" and tha t playing "all of those parts vith the love, and the confusion, and the nobleness, the bravery makes for a very c m plex character ,, " any story, "The As should Magic Flute" excelled in character developmE!nt, entertaInment value and the balance of c medytand drama Editor's Iwte- Mnlly of tile ro/ctl 'Wcre played by (we flctor who alternated /lights. The reviewed per/ormo/lc featured

til Nov. 8 and Nol'. 10 cast.



TOP: MOlluslatU9. a slav'C of lAm:l :arn.. 1 roo pl�y<:!d by Ropbomtm:. Samuel Chapman. muk� u romllllUc uppcal l() tit captured d ughter 01" tlle ue.. n of :.he Nigh!, Pamirw. . porlrayed b) sophomore �liza\'''llt Binkle . ABOVE: Prlnct:" Tll1D.ino. played by cnior John Marzano, u; �Wliled wilh hi� l..clovcd f'Ilruinli. Illyed hy Hinkley, before the} IlU: subjected to a nwnber of ltiahl al l be belte!!1 of 1.ord . IU1IJ;t[�.



16. 2012


vs .

Rachel Diebel AleE REPORTER

Camille Adams GUEST WRITER

#collegestudentproblems: finding a way to keep up with your favorite shows. With a limited number of televisions in the residence halls, viewing shows live may not always be possible. For many, the choice comes down to Netflix, Hu JuPlus, standard Hulu or old-school DVDs. Rulu may be free, but viewing current episodes of our favorite shows requires a subscription. Both Netflix and Hu luPIus have their own set of advantage and shortcomings to consider beior investing in a subscription.

HuluPlus If you want to stay on top of curren t hows, Netflix DVDs can be inconvenient with the residence hall mail system. Rulu, on the other hand, only off rs five of the most recently aired episodes, unless you are a member of their private dub - Hulu Ius. For the same price as Netflix, $7.99 per month, you can get a HuluPlus subscription and watch past and present seasons of nearly any show you want. Plus, subscribers can watch new episodes of shows from most network just a day after they air on TV - usually only possible via illegal streaming. If you are a TV buff, HuluPlus is the best choice.

Along with current shows, you can watch every season of classics like "The Cosby Show," "Firefly" and "Spongebob Squarepants." However, if you are a diehard movie lover, the cinematic options Hulu Plus offers can be painful. While scrolling through the options, titles such as "Fetishes" and "Elvira's Movie Macabre" appear as highlights. Like YouTube, HuluPlus has taken to producing short webisodes. A new six episode series called "4 to gers," exclusive to HuluPlus, centers on the lives of young Subway employe s. Overt product plac ment aside, HuluPlus can be mmended for adopting this trending entertainment medium. For the same financial commitment as Netflix, a HuluPlus user can access archived seasons of classic television, just-aired shows, brand new webisodes and can view them all on multiple devices. For a TV-loving college student, HuluPlus is the way to go.


Everybody knows about Netflix. Their red enveloped DVDs delivered to customers' homes are iconic. But how well does Netflix stack up to the competition? Netflix has many recommend a hon-wo rthy attributes, such as its pricing. For just $7.99 per month, users have access to unlimited video streaming.

A&E 7

Novice novelists rush to write

For an extra dollar per month, users can have DVDs sent to their homes as well. These DVDs are usually recent releases that aren't yet accessible online. Another positive aspect of Netflix is the usability of the site. It is well laid out and easy to navigate. Features like "My Queue" help keep the movies and TV shows you want to watch organized. There are also no commercials to delay viewing - not the case with Hulu or even HuluPlus. Until recently, a downside of Netflix was its sparse content. Few recent television shows or movies were available for instant watch. This problem has been remed' ed with one caveat: typically epis s of a show do not go up until the season is over. Unlike Bulu, where some episodes show up the day after ajring, Netflix posts whole seasons of a show at once. But once a TV show goes on Netflix instant watch, it typically stays there. With the free version of Hulu, users have nly a limited period of time in which to watch the episode. Netflix is even beginning to produce its own content. The series "Lilyhamrner" was Netflix's first original series, and the cancelled cult hit "Arrested Development" will find a new home there in the coming months. Overall, Netflix is well worth the price paid and will only continue to improve in the future.

Rachel Diebel


This November, more than 200,000 people will attempt to do something a little crazy: write a novel. November is National Novel Writing Month, known as NaNoWriMo, a nationwide event during which anyone brave enough tries to write a 50,000-word novel in 30 days. The event began when founder Chris Baty and 20 of his friends decided to try to write novels over the course of a month simply because they were aspiring writers with nothing else to do. That spontaneous decision blossomed into a well-known annual event that has even led to publication for some NaNoWriMo participants. Popular young adult novels "Anna and the French Kiss" by Stephanie Perkins and "The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern - which also has a Hollywood adaptation i the works - originated as NaNoWriMo projects. lilt's km of like running a marathon," first-year Dylan N hrenberg said, a participant in NaNoWriMo. "It can be really painful, but for some reason you keep wanting to do it. It's the same with writing." "It's hard," first-year Courtney Gould said, who is also rising to the challenge. "You realize you can sit down for an hour and only write 30 words." Gould said it is difficult to write when you doubt the quality of your work, "but you have to force yourself to not look back at it." argue Some that NaNoWriMo encourages poor writing because the focus is on quantity rather than quality. However, participants NaNoWriMo are encouraged to edit their novel once they have completed it and are

provided wi th re urccs and recommendations about the editing process. Because the event is about striving to complete a goal and not necessarily about producing superlative writing, many casual writers participate. Nehrenberg said that despite the hardships, NaNoWriMo is "a great motivator." He added, "I greatly enjoy writing, but I have to give myself the time to do it." This is Gould's third year participating in NaNoWriMo. She said, "it's just something my friends and I do every year." NaNoWriMo is in its 13th year, and every year the number of participants and the number of winners has increased dramatically. Though the event is not a competition, "winning" NaNoWriMo - successfully completing the 50,000word goal - is the ul timate aim for some returning participants ''It would feel r ally good [to reach the goal]," Gould said. She added that s'Ucceeding "would feel like a big accomplishment." The NaNoWriMo website provides support for anyone wishing to join in the month足 long journey to 50,000 words. Authors like Kate DiCamillo - "The Tale of Desperoux" - and Karen Russell "Swamplandia !" send daily pep talks via email. NaNoWriMo resources also include daily ideas about ways writers can take their stories in new directions or avoid writer's block. Regional managers hold write-ins and provide support for anyone struggling with the project. At Pacific Lutheran University, The Mark writing club meets on Tuesdays at 7 p.m., and holds write-ins for NaNoWriMo.

Meet Abby. She ' s the Mast dog. The Mastcot, if you' re so inclined.

Abby' s not going to get any love tonight

if you

don't apply to work at The Mooring Mast .

Would you do that to Abby?










healham@Plu. du

Just when you thought the drama of election season was overďż˝ new issues are sprouting up everywhere. Twitter and Facebook feeds are so bogged down with news articles it 's hard to tell one from the next. Here are five stories the PLU community should know about, boiled down for a quick read.

Pre id n t B r, k Obama ch Wedn da ' l ) 1 taxes ri on lhe weal truest Am ric. ground , noting he ampL'lign e d su ces�fully for re-e! it w o u l d in t, ntly ease th threat of the "fi , 1 el l ! ree i m. At the Sc m li me, the p re iden ( stre d h oth [ appr a he fr m Republican who say they will in both parti h. v cautioned th at, given th luggis recessi n 1 lIkely unle 5 1a makers and h r iden l ( I)


iltiOl1J a junior, . t school single- ea on r cord 82 receptions nd 1 ,388 yard recei ing. ll1 is sea team wi lh 52 recepLi ns f )[

13 yaId .



16 2012




- ...


ngr ionill Republi ' n 11 both ononu and p l i tical m n the p int and t ding lunging the ntlti n hack int amenable t c mpromi e on to raj e ta ratďż˝ . Economi l t of th ec nomJ , a retu rn t eh a compromise on legislati n. ďż˝


Cynical view in art limits erspective s

A new normal

R - 74 proof of a changing idea offamily

comer of life experience. While I acknowledge that such heart-wrenching stories drag us out of our suburban mentality and widen our world view, the constant repetition of such themes actually limits our world view. Now the world is simply in two parts: one part suburban and the other gore, violence and poverty. This method actually contributes to the "them and us" mentality regarding unfamiliar cultures. Such novels tell us we should be grateful for what we have, because they have it rough. Tolerance and compassion do not spring from such a lopsided view. 0ptimism described is by the highly ra tional as u n re a J i s t l , a sim p 1 i stic illogical or - a means of the ignoring "real" world. Well, based on these readings, in the "real" world, a third of students are "struggling or suffering" and half are "not hopeful." for cure such The discouragement is not to beat students over the head with the over-rationalized, academic view of the world. give Instead, them something to read that shows the inherent good in the world. An optimistic outlook results in extended life expectancy, better coping strategies, enhanced mental and physical health and success in heightened academics, sports and work. Sure, the world is full of horrifying things. But it can be so much easier to deal with those horrors when you acknowledge the good along with the bad. Then the glass will always be full.




It seems the glass is always half empty. In recent years, it seems as if pessimism has come to be associated with reason, while optimism is somehow seen as a sign of lesser intelJigence. If academic r e a d i n g selections are any indicator, the acadentic community would rather label war zones as Ute "real" world than the white picket fences that adorn so many lawns. I d n't believe "real" the world is only c mposed of the places where tragedy abounds. However, the books we are often required to read for class seem to only represent this negative portion of the world. Heading into my freshman year of high school, I was required to read "The Weight of All Things" by Sandra Benitez, a novel about the El Salvadoran civil war, and "The Iliad," Homer's war epic. That summer, I rea d more accounts of brutal, h rrifying deaths than I have in all of my literary experience. Yet the point of the assignment was supposed to be to identify the "heroic journey" and learn to apply it to my own life. Only focusing on the horrors of our world limits one's perspective to a small

THE MOO ING MAST Moormg .\fa.�1 11 III'

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also IJlkcn IJle 'l'd I) or .Tournal.·


GUEST COLUMNIST There is an archaic idea of the American family: blond, blue-eyed, heterosexual, 2.2 children with a white picket fence. Today, we are seeing an entirely different idea of the family, a new definition of "normal" if you will. With the passage of Referendum 74, Washington became one of 10 states to legalize gay marriage. While this is a momentous leap for human rights, it also allows for a broader vi w of the American family. ow, not only do we have the old idea of the heterosexu I couple, but a new and growing acceptance of same - sex couples. Ironically, with a divorce rate around 50 percent, there is a growing number of split families, and it is almost becoming more normal for parents to be divorced than together. There is a very engrained



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(.}hwUl� amI II.d,·crLt 'emenLs do not ul;:ce s '

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If Mooring Mast s[i,rr.

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"hc(k IIddrcl'sed to TIlL Mooring MIL I at �dlc LUi ht"ntn t 'ni

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Letters to lhe editor: ,/,1...

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the �·dil' ,r. l.etl.t·r-;




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to IIIIlSL@pIIl.edU by ,; p.m . Tuesday hefor . publication.

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Mooring Mast reserves the right to refuse any letter. Letters may be edited for length, taste and errors.


marrlag will


l e gal in

Wash ington on Dec. 8



Wm...ton AJder masta (gJplu. au

.Jessica Trond'ien I ron tlsj�@plll.l'du




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Letter.. without a n e, phone number and class standing or title for verification will be discarded. Letters should be 110 longer than 500 word!; in length and typed. TIlL

Jack Sorensen

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Same- ex

article In the page 4 runs for " PLU Junior erde ran for office ," Eric H te senator the office of sta not district of district 25, entative. 29 state repres


2012-2013 STAFF

that it limIts options and prom tes discrimination. By wanting people to fit into these boxes, society denies some people the right to love who they want - whether that is someone of the same gender or a different race. Consider just 50 years ago when an interracial couple would likely have been attacked if they walked hand­ in-hand down the street together. Some people today want to do that to same sex couples and continue to look at interracial couples as if it does not quite seem believable. We are growing toward the day when there is no "normal," when one cannot simply say "I have a family" and people will assume one thing or another. Interracial, gay, divorced, single-parent, adopted, what ver - i t is all being considered normal.


letters to the editor

Our prima.Jj concern is to assist tht> Illl'gl: r rL IIi '"j n of educating all studcnl.ti lor Ii 'es oft houghtful inquiry. 'rvir I" ud.-r.-.hip. and care. Our !lcl i,·jU ·s III t mit-lit medilt /U melint 10 huild I I I � ,kill , !lud trni II within lid

idea of what family mea s - mOID, dad, brother, sister - and an assumption that your parents look like you and fulfil l the typical roles of a family. We are seeing and accepting m ere and more that family structures deviate from what was once considered "normal." However, the meaning of family is more important than its structure. Family comprises the people who are there for you, regardless of blood relation or custom. They are the people you have to live with no matter what - those who are there to help you rise and catch you when you fall. It does not matter who that family is: mom and dad, mom and mom, dad and dad, single dad or grandma. It is all the sam at the end of the day. For us, the "Millennials," so many of these hot-button are n -brainers. Of issue co urse you might have lwo moms or you may live wifu your single dad because your par ts are divorced. have a Pe pIe preoccupation with normalcy. People want to be able to put others into boxes, and want others to fit a mold so they do not have to think much or ask questions. The problem with this - beyond the dwindling intellect of humanity - is

Anna Sieber

Only focusin g on ' the horror of our world limits one'5 to perspective m all corner o f life experience .

ethic s.

NO T 1 6, 2012



Kelsey Hilmes


Pt. tU(l1I

pm '

pp//! Hfllil!

l,; PY EDITORS Kelse� Mejlaender mtjlad·l;@plu.edll Amanda Seely



Nathan Shoup

CliJf Rowe Art Land

NOV 16. 2012



Ideal pa king not worth it

Parking Enforcement Week puts high price on misuse of handicap parking spots Aaron BWer



A woman in hE'r mid305 drives up and parks in a disabled spot at the local grocery store. You ee her p lace a disability placard on the and mirror step out. You pause. She looks fine - she doesn't appear to have a condition warranting use of the that disability placard . TIlls could mean one of two things: she has a disability that is not readiiy apparent, or s he is using a friend or family member's placard. If he's using someone else's

placard, she is breaking the law . The fine for parking in a disabled parking spot without a proper placard or p rrnit is $450. Imagine what someone could d with Lhat money, especially a typical college student. Someone could pay for groceries, textbooks, a plane ticket, quite a lew tanks of gas or two i Phon s! In order to raise awa renes about disabled parking misuse, the Tacoma Area Commission on Disabilities

and enforcement. Of course, you may have "good" reasons for parking illegally in a disabled pa rking spa ce. The weeks leading IIp to Lhe holiday seas n are the busiest shopping days of the year. Stores everyvvhere are crowded, your patience is wearing thin and the " Disabled Parking Only" spots may be temp ting. lle ga lly Drivers parking in di s a bl ed spots if their errands won' t take l ong or if other n e a r b y s pa ces are c cu p i e d . W a tever the reason, il l gail y parkL'1g . a dis bled spot is

justify i

Acce sible parking is essential to the quality of life for many people with disabilities.

and local law enforcement collaborated to facilitate a Parking Enforcement Week. The Tacoma City Council declared Nov. 2 6 - 30 Parking Enforcement Week, in order to increase both awareness

spo ts, many p eo p l e would not be able to do the i m portant Lhings that they anticipate being able to do. Accessible p arki ng is essential to the quality of life for many people with disabilihes. Disabled parking misuse is more than an issue of inconv nience . with driver For disabilities, these parking spots are vital. Please follow parking law_ all year round, noL just during P rking Enforcement Week when th re are more watchful eyes 0 the l ookou l

Makenzie Landis



Religion has no place in politics. Pastors should not preach politics from the pulpit, and above all, religious doctrines sho uld not be incorporated int public policy. Religion has p layed a major role in American politics for the last four years. People have questioned PI�dent Barack Ohama's alleged Mus lim ties, charged him with attacking the Cathol ic Church by guaran tee ing women access to birth control anu dispu ted his polides regarding same-sex co uples and women's right to choose. Obama' President decisions were not based on religion but on and ethic of



more then ever creeps into our public policies through issues related t morality . But religi us vie:wpoints should notbe in poUtics even when it comes to moral issues. TIle moral compass f one person may not match

another's. A person is entitled t


or her own belief system. However, this belief system cannot be imposed upon ther people through a legal

;1 0


issue or The Mooring Magi,

JOBS '1 be


.1asl is

for anA&E edit.of, online editor





and reporters. ppl)� oulin at PLl's student t!JllpJoYlllent W·b,,,ite.


Y!')11l clllssilicd ad CQu.ld

I.Ippe�lf hl,lre in the-



iS8U� ofTbt" )'louring MA<t . _




� .ur cltlSsificd ad �'ould

appear hert! ill




the ·ov. 3u

ue .,r Tb� .'¥iuuring Ma t.


cla.�sjfil..-d � cvuld

appear here in lhe Nov. 30

j '!iU of 'fh · MVQring Mtu>l.

system. A Christian does not need to have an abortion if it's against her moral belief, but this should not prevent others from making the choice. separ ling Completely religion from our political will system then force s as Americans to look at moral issues in a new from way instead of just referencing r e l i g i o s ill doctrines. Our political officials should mak� po lici es that benefit the whole instead of representing the rehgIous maJority. J t is i mportant to remember that if we aDo\-\; religion to dicta te politics, we abandon oUI first amendment freedom that allows Americans to c.h ose their own religions that dictate Lheir wn lives. Next time you vote on a moral issu , remember vour " religious ideologtes may not be the same as everyone else's; but the law will affect every one .

Completely separating religi our politic&! system will then foree us a Americans to look at moral i sue a ne'" wa., . . .

or religion of prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . " 78 percent of Citizens American consider themselves Christian, 16 pe rcen t _onsider themselves non-religious and 6 percent practice oon­ Omsban rel igi ous. When our government incorporates a law into our society based on a religi us ideology, it co mpletely disregards the 2 1 percent of our population that take refuge under the fust amendment. government is Our supposed to repre ent all of

appear 111!1'� in fir", N

t�!;Il(!, Qf The Mooring MHlit.

p olitic s , c olum · st s ay s our population not just 78 percent. For the most part, Americans staWlchly believe the g verrunent should noL be run by the church or a pope­ like figure. However, religion new

Your c�ifi :<1 ad {'fluid

Yo ur ell limed ud I.'mud

S eparate yo ur faith and equ al rights . Yet recently, religion has been used in politics to keep c rtain privil ege s fr m those who want to be married and from women wh want the right to choose. Our fOlln ing fathers knew the i mportance of religious freedom and the separation of church and sta te. The first amendment to the Constitution is " Co ngress shall make no law re sp e��g


appear h«e in the .

wrong. P ople wit

d isa b led p a r ' i n g p e r m its h a v e them for a reason, whether their condition is visible or n t. Disabled parking spots enable people with disabilities to go out, run errands, go to stores and so on. Without access to these







Please Recyc le

your copy of The Nlooring Alast



NOV 16, 2012



Holiday terms word search N








7 6













5 2





















































































0 C


"absent" 1 5 Retail security device 1 6 Crazy like a fox 1 7 Scroogelike wages 1 9 Shoe attachment 20 Parodies 21 "Watch closely, now . . . " 23 CBS logo 24 Curly of the Harlem Globetrotters 26 Baby-talk "words" 27 Big name in mattresses 29 Spun traps 32 Monster of folk tales 33 Alien l ife forms, for short 35 Festive occasion 37 Low or high tail? 38 Common and cheap 41 Electric guitar must, for short 43 Nail polish layer 44 What a steamroller flattens 45 Grabs a few winks 47 Shot up


1 1 Juvenile newt 1 4 Opposite of grassy turf




56 61


64 66


68 69

70 71

place Uncompli­ cated state Sigma's predecessor Window above a door Ice Age remnant Jed Clampett's discovery Famous start to some frugal advice Harper on the bookshelf Stop a subscription Respectful term of address Late-night annou ncer Hall Clay-and­ water mixture Strikeout symbols, in baseball

9 Not at all again

colorful 1 0 Simon (kid's game) 1 1 Ovarian product 1 2 Ice cream options 1 3 Like the text on proof sheets 1 8 Crackpot 22 Psyche segment 25 Will beneficiary 28 Baseball legend Wi l l iams 30 Certainly not good 31 Mail-ch ute opening 34 Urban air problem 36 Rhodo­ dendron's relatives 38 Was

7 B


39 Big beagle

attractive (to)

feature 40 Stat for a pitcher 41 France's France 42 No longer single 46 Intro for Juan? 48 Robert or Lindsay 50 Much game show material 51 Bright and pleasant 52 Throngs 55 In a vulpine way 58 Spider egg holders 59 Libra's birthstone 60 Computer display 62 Vineyard container 65 Diebold rival




2 1


5 4


7 9

"L 6

4 3

3 9

Edited by Timothy E. Parker November 1 B, 20 1 2

49 Gate feature 53 Designated

9 2 8

Universal Crossword

ACROSS 1 Stuffed shirt 5 Stretches of




5 8





I 9 I



7\8 i

.. - .-.�

---- -

9 8 6 4




4 1



i 3:

6 1



H igh Fives


4 ----


61 21

f1 I


3 6


6 3

2 6 4


f· 8 ,5 9.











6 3 2


7 6


9 3 6

2 1 6

6 .... r· 4 1

, 0" " "



1 2 3

j-i 7

I 9 8 7 f-2 . 2- 4 i 1-1 "8 3 1 8 3 1 \5 I 8 6 f-- ....


1 2



2 4 5


� zo


many photos taken with a flash One de-c reasing Neuter, as horses

5 Suffix with usea" or ·'cityu 6 Capital of

7 Doc bloc, for Poland

8 Decorate short

· dewa k· What are your plans for J-term? �

"I'm taking the elementary Norwegian class. It seemed the most interesting because I can learn basic Norwegian." Daniel Kennet, sophomore

"I'm taking Hydrology} it's a geoscience. I need it for my major, and I also think it's interesting!' Adam Smith, sophomore

"I'm doing Chern 115 as a part of my overall schedule to take the MCATS on time!' Natasha Sioda, first year


EXA M . ,

2 Problem in




DOWN 1 Moon



"I'm taking statistics

because it sotmds fun!'

Amy Scott, sophomore


NOV. 16, 2012


Men's Basketball

Nov. 17 at Linfield, noon

Nov. 16 vs. Texas-Dallas, 6 p.m.

Upcoming Games

Upcoming Games

Nov. 17 vs. New Hope Christian, S p.rn.

Nov. 24 vs. TBD (if necessary)

Previous Games Loss (48-72): Nov. 2 at Seattle Pacific

Previous Games Win (38-21): Nov. 10 at Menlo Win (35-14): Nov. 3 vs. Whitworth

Women's Basketball Upcoming Games

Nov. 17 at Western Oregon, 2 p.m.

Nov. 27 vs. Warner Pacific, 6 p.m.

Previous Games

Loss (59-75): 2012 us. George Fox



Upcoming Meets

Nov. 30-Dec. 2, Husky Invitational

Dec. 29 at Calif. Lutheran Invitational

Previous Meets Win: Nov. 10 at Wi/lamette Win: Nov. 9 at Linfield •

Women's hask thaI season prey ew


Lutes will rely heavily on youth in 2012 -2013 campaign

athletes are all on cholarship:' WOU finuhed 7-21 overall la t seasonl but the Lutes still see the team as a worthy cha llenge as they pen the season. '1L will get us on the right foot,"

Brandon Adam SPOJUS W1UTER


The Pacific Lu theran women's basketball team is young, but the player and coa chin g staff are Potter said. optimistic about the 2012-201 3 season. The team -aid they feel confid ent "Everyone is just gung-ho," head abou t their u pco m i ng game and that coadl Kelly Rob i nson said. "Everyone the intensity of their practice and th ir is ou t there working as hard as they preseason perfoTITlance has prepared possibly can wanting to earn a spot." them well. Though there are only four junior "Our scrimmages have gone well," players on the roster and no seniors, Smith said, the team has "An ther we k a new level of of practice a t they energy this rate and hope will lead to we should do success. Players pre tty well." and coaches alike Rob inson are displaying said she h pe s excitement for the team's their up coming Kelly Robinson hard work in season . head coacb preparation of "I think being the game will young i OUT well translate trength," junior to the rest of the guard point eason. Samantha Potter said. "We're excited " We'r e working extremely hard to do sometlung different." in pIactice, " Robinson said. "We've Potter wa - the team's top scorer last season, total in g 421 points. Potter's shown some good things in the two scrimmag� we had so far," 525 shoo ting percentage led the team . Robinson added , "We're glVlllg "It's a lot more exciting," junior more pre sure then we [haveJ given in team captain point guard Katelyn SmiUl sai d of the you ng roster. "That the past." Robinson has been the women's bnngs us a lot more energy ," basketba l l head coach since 2007. Smith was on e of the top sco ring Last season, the Lutes went 7-18 players for the Lules last eason with 218 total poi ts. Her fiel goal overa ll and 4-12 in conference, PlU was picked to finish eighth, percentage was second only to Potter, ahead of Willamette, in the p res eason The team begins its season tomorrow poll. at Western Oregon Unive rsi ty (WOU), The Lu tes' next home game is Nov. a NCAA DIV. II school. 27 against Warner Pacific at 6 p. m in "It's definitely going to be a challenge," Robinson said. "Their Olson Auditorium.


Everyone is out there working as hard as they possibly can wanting to e rn a spot."


2 01 2 -2 01 3 home games Nov. 27 VS. Warner Pacici fic, 6 p.m.

Dec. 8 vs. Concord ia (Ore.), 6 p.m .

Jan. 1 1 Jan. 12


Pa iti c*', 6 p . TTI .

' S o Willalnette*,


Jan . .;.5 vs. Whi hnan*, 6 p . m . Jan. 2 6 v s . Whi tworth

, 4 p.Dl .

Jan. 2 9 v Puget Soll1d*, 6 p . m . .

Feb. 1 vs. Linfield*, 6 p.m.

Feb. 15 VS. George Fox*, 6 p,m.

Feb. 16 vS. Lewis and Clark*, 6 p.m. ,. Northwest Conference- game

TOP: i-year guard Sllmil nu.rne... defend. /I ,h(>1 by fcUow fustye; r gmll'ti f'�J

Abdn OluiDl(' pmdkt' W.-dnelld!ty nighl in

l"rm AudilQT\uDl, Burnt'S llIul \hd" nre part of "IX I n 'omlng fin'l }CIlnt I1lul lMk Ul' blJfQl' th 2012·211J3 womeu'" hll... k 'Ibnl ro.Ur. LEF'T't Fi .t­ .\'C1J.r pu�1 \mllud Stl)kc be. ('S "'1It jwlinr fl" "i Snnlllll l hll Potter dllrilw prnclic .

wm IIditorlunl. 1'01 10 !{lnrkd .,lI 25 � lor th Llltc� lust �eas"lJ. av"raging nearly 17 point>< IUld 1 1 n:h{)UI\d� CClUl.c. t-. U r '�21 poiuL IllS ><ea..OD Wll.� th fourth highl!!<l single �en..�on IiCOling output in l�LU hi"Lory. Pbotos by Ben Quinn. Wcdne.'ldilY nighl in

-- .





NOV. 16, 2012

Lutes adva ce to N CAA tou rna ment for fi rst time i n Nathan Shoup


Ii history told us anything, it told us the Pacific


Lutheran football team's season should have been over after the third week of the season. The Lutes sat at 1-2 with losses to California Lutheran and Linfield. But the Lutes rattled off six consecutive victories after the Linfield game, and for the first time since 2001 - PLU is playoff-bound. The Lutes were granted an at-large team into the NCAA tournament Sunday afternoon. PLU will play Linfield in McMinville, Ore. tomorrow at noon. "Our time to rise," sophomore tight end Lucas Sontra tweeted after the selection show. The 2001 Lutes squad was the last to recei e an at-Large bid into the tournament after losing a non­ con feren ce game and not winning the c nference. The 37-2 loss to California Luth ran at home in the season-opener seemingly cia ed the d oor on an at-large bid to the 32-team NCAA tournament. Two weeks later the Lute fell 31 -24 to tomorrow's first - round foe, Linfiel d . The Lutes would have needed to win the rem a inder of thei r games while Linfield would have had to lose twice in conference for the Lutes to win the Northwe t Con feren ce and receive an automatic bid to the tournament. The Wild cats h ave lost only seven regular sea on

games since 2005. PLU he ld up its end of the deal. Unfortunately lor the Lutes, "Linfield played a s trong sea on en TOU te to

a 9-0 record and a no. 3 na tiona l ranking.

The California Lutheran and Linfield losses certainly worked against the Lutes, but their strength of schedule was an ai de California L u the ran sits at 8-1 with a no. 8 na ti onal ranking. Falling to the no. 3 and no. 8 teams in the nation i certainly un de rstand a ble, if not respe ctab le . The Lutes' path to the playoffs was m aybe a little unor thod ox - dropping two of their first three games - but that is irreLevan t. The Lu tes are five wins away from a national ti tle and il's h ard to not get e, cite d about th is team. .

History of the Rivalry


Linfield owns a 21 -36-4 advantage over the Lutes, but that record doesn't demonstrate the Wildcats' the past d ecade . PLU has dropp d the 1a t 1 1 con tests to Linfield . The J t L u tes te m to knock off the Wildcats was

dominance over PLU in

the 2001 team - the one that received an at-large bid despite losing a non-conference and conference game. Sound familiar? That team defeated Linfield 31-20 in McMinville in the third week of the season before falling in the third round of the NCAA tournament.

Weather Forecasts are calling for temperatures in the low 50s with a 60 percent chance of rain. Unusual I know. But does the rain give one team an advantage? With a wet football, it is much more difficult to get the passing game going. This puts pressure on the run game. Linfield has been allowing just more than 70 yards per game on the ground while PLU bas been allowing 90 rushing yards per game. The Lutes are rushing for nearly 140 yards per game while Li nfield is rushing for just short of 155 yards per game. Linfield's Maxwell Field is turf, so mud will n t be a factor. The Lutes played in a deluge Oct. 20 at home against Willamette, but the ra in was not a factor. FLU ran for 1 57 yards an sophomore quarterback Dalton Ritchey rushed for three scores. Ritchey also threw for 1 97 yards in th downpour. Considering both �ms' strong TO hing attacks and run defenses, J don't think the weather gives either team an advantage. Seven Lutes were named first-team All Co ni rence selections Tuesday. The selections included two sopho m ores quarterback Dalton Ritchey and wide receiver Kyle Warn r - f ur ju ni ors - off ive lineman Chris Edison, d efensi ve linemen Mychael Tuia sa po, linebacker Jordan Patterson, safety Sean Mcfadden - and senior cornerback Taylor Angevine. Eleven other Lutes were named second-team or honorable mentJon selections. Linfield has its share of all-NWC p layers as well. Senior quarterback Mickey Inns was named offensive playerofthe year and linebacker Dominique Forrest was named defensive player of the year. Outside of the two players of the year for Linfield, th Wildcats had seven first-team selections, fi ve sec nd-team selections and two honorable mention s lections.

Allison McDaniel

Night Football pick 'em Nathan Shoup SPORTS EDITOR

sboupna@plu. dLl



Gutierrez Ln.

is out. McDaniel

For the .first time in the history of the Post Sunday Society, Gu tierrez does n t sit in first place . McDaniel, w ho started th e season 0-2, has not missed in the past seven weeks. She owns a one-game lead over the entire fiel d . On ly two weeks remain after this week for th Post Sunday 5 ciety, and it ic; fai r to say that anyone could win the title . Last week, the league p lc k ed t he Sun day NIghl Fuutball game, because the consensus was that Pi ttsb u rgh would roU over Kansaq City o n Monday ight Football. The Steelers narrowly won 1 613 m verti m . Th unday Ni gh t Fo( lball game b LWe n Houstml and ChIcago proved to be, well, boring. The Texa ns on 13-6

in a downpour.

An argument could be made that the player of the game was Houston's punter, Donnie Jones'. quarterback, H' uston's Matt Schaub, com pletec\ six more passes than Jones eight p un ts.




Prediction Linfield has owned PLU over the past decade, but the talent gap has shrunk. PLU led Linfield 14-0 early in the first quarter of their meeting in September befo! the Wildcats grabbed a 31-24 lead late in the game. The beauty of the playoffs is the reality that anything can happen. The fact that tomorrow is a rivalry game only adds to the possibility of the Lutes snapping the skid to Linfield. The Lutes football team is pumped up and so is the university as a whole. The losing streak to Linfield will end tomorrow. In the elements, close games often come down to turnovers and a team's ability to run the ball. The Lutes have intercepted a conference-high 1 9 passes and recovered 14 fumbles - also a conferen e high.

Pacific Lutheran 34,

Linfield 31

AlI-N orthwest Conference all around

The Mast Monday


yea rs

" thrilli ng"

game last week, i t is fi tting the Bears w ou ld pl a y on Monday Night Fo tbalt th i W . Dickerson and Gutierrez ure the only two who picked the Bears l ast week and picked them again this week.

/"ute sports fanatic pic k: SF record: 7-2

Geoff Loomis

men 's baseball coach

at San Francisco

After a week of extreme indecision, McDaniel was confident in her pick this week. It's amazing what sitting in first place will do to one's confidence.

pick: SF

A San Francisco loss all but elim\nates Loomis from championship c ntention. The first day of spring practice won't come soon enougt� for Loomis if that is the case.

Steve Dickerson men 's basket ball coac h pic k: CHI record: 6-3

Last week, I questioned Dickerson's ability to find a balance b r.veen predicting games and c aCtTh"1g IUs team. He picked last week's game in orectly. Just saying.

record: 6-3

Stacey J./ogensen a I/- wo rld softball player pick: SF record: 6-3 Shone Gutierrez

C h i cago


defensive back ormor Cumnl.inl;'S returns a punl during I he Lntcs 24-31 10s8 t(> Linfi Id Sepl. 20. Curruuings is avpraging nearly iii: yards per punt [@!urn tillS season. Sophomore

men 's soccer player pick: CUI record: 6-3

L.ance Lute

trusty mascot

pick: CUI record: 6-3 Do/ton Ritchey PI;U q�arte rbacf{ plc!e 5F record: 6-3

Hagensen will be remembered as on e of the greatest softball players in PLU history. Will she a d d a Post Sunday Society title to her resume? Gutierrez has fallen back to the I'est of the p ack after picking the last two weeks incorrectly. He should probably shave his head. Lance didn l car a whole lot about I'lli pick this we k. 11 PLV football team has a game with minor significance this weekend.

Ritchey was nam d fir t- te am U-confl' rence l I vee k. A fter a slow start to his picks tIus season, Ritche may not be a first­ learn c an di da te, bUl he deserves the mos t impr ved award. That lS always bi lter --- sweet


NOV. 16, 2012

SPORT ' 15

Men's basketball season preview Lutes picked to finish fifth in preseason coaches poll Sam Horn

SPO RTS WRITER Steve coach Head Dickerson and the Lutes open their seaon tonight and plan to suprise Northwest Conference coaches. The Lu tes have been busy regrouping to make up for the graduation of two seniors last spring. The L utes graduated career a ssists leader Tames Conti and guard Marcus R aves but managed Lo recrui t fOU T fir t years to add depth to the basketbaU team. The first years coul d gain significan t laying tim if liley work ard in practice, sophomore forward Cole Parker said. Guards Shane Jacob and Erik Swartout, wing Seth Anderson and post Sryc M ill er round out the incoming first-year class. The Lu tes fini hed in a tie for fou rth place last yea r in the Northwes t Conferenc . This year, conference coaches project a fifth place finish for lhe Lutes in the NWC. But a top-her NWC finish


could be in the works. The Lutes are return ing

senior wing Cameron SchiUing, who earned an Conference All-Northwest honorabl mention last year. uWe absolutely pl an on finishing better than fifth, but the poll pick is the last thing n ou r mind," Parker said. "We're going to go oul and take each game one at a time." The Lutes played their fir t game Nov. 2 against D� l Seattle adfic


University (SPU). SPU proved too much for the Lutes to handle, however, as the Falcons triumphed with a score of 72-48. Senior guard Drew Eaniest led the Lutes in scoring, garnering 15 points. Earnest All-Conference achieved honors during the 2010- 1 1 season. Schilling tallied 10 points. The Lutes' bench managed to outscore SPU 13-10. SPU sh w d its a thleticism, outrebounding PLU 42-24. this was an exhibition game, the result did not count towards either team's reeor . "I think if we work h ard every day and get better every day an d focus n what we c an control," sophomore wing A ndrew Alness said, then " we have a very good chance of being one of the top teams in our league." Sixth-year head coach Steve Dick rson leads the Lutes. Dickerson comes from rich with background a baske tball success. Dickerson was a high sch 01 coach in the Columbus, Ohio area for 33 years. He managed to gamer more than 200 wins, including a state final appearance, a regional title, two district championships, nine sectional titles, four league championships and several regional and district awards. Dickerson was named coach of the y ar four times. Dickerson seemed like ' the­ man-wi th-the-plan' when he was hired in 2006, as his r sume was ad orned wi th a

- -


this year.

l''U-st-year guard Erik Swartout drives past ophomote guard

first year, II w to the


multitude of succ sses in the high school realm. Under Coach Dickerson and his staff, the Lutes have not finished below seventh in the conference and have finished in fourth place or tied for fourth during the past two seasons. th ink our team is going to surprise a lot of people in our league this year," sophomore point guard Terrell Williams sai d. II



illespie during practice last week.

Williams said th team has potential because of their hard work and "the talent we have added and brought back from last year's team. The year is early but it looks like it could be a great year for Lute basketball." The Lutes play in the Doug McArthur Classic basketball today and tournament tomo rrow The University of Puget Sound will host the tournament.

warlout is one oft 'our

. Texas-Dallas will be the first opponent today, followed by New Hope Christian tomorrow.

Lu tes


Tip-off tonight is at 6 p.m. Confer ce p y j r the Lutes doesn't J:>tart until Dec. 7, wh n they face Whitworth in Spokane at 8 p.m. 'hi tworth wnn the T gular season l: nfNen h amplon hip b. fouT gam last year. •


Footbal team hand e s Men

Lutes beat Oaks 38 -21 in regular seaso n finale

the gr und game going against a resilient L utes defense. SPORTS WRITER The Oaks only had 10 rushing Pacific Lutheran football yards and were forced to find extended i ts winning streak to six offense in other ways. Menlo's senior quarterback Matthias Pelesas games Sahuday with a 38-21 win had a big day, on paper, with 314 over Menlo. yards through the air. But that was The L utes finished the regular due to screen plays and dump offs season second in the Northwest to his runnin g backs. Conference a t 7-2, 4-1 . (1M 010 was built aroulld With nlv tw l05oi€5, the Lutes the run, and if we could take that received an a t- large bid to the ur away from th e m, our secondary run to f NCA.A toumam t aga inst no . 3 "Al l was athl tic enough Lo match Linfield tomorrow. It is the team's first berth with Scott Westering spo ts and he th ir { ceivers" sophomore cornerback ShpWI1 Bowen said. as he d coach and its first playoff £ us H e m ak With the victory, the Lutes berth since 2001 . improved to 10-1 against Men10 "It is a huge deaJ," so phomore it easy." in the past 1 1 years. wide receiver Kellen Westering, The Lutes will tra el down the head coach's son, said. "I Kyle Warner to Maxwell Field - home of their am very h appy for my dad. This sophomore wide receiv�r NWC rival, the No.3 Linfield is the first time with him as the Wildcats - tomorrow. head c ach the team has made the The Lu tes and Wildcats faced off play ffs. The Lutes a re back." on Sept. 29 and PLU led for much of Wa rner said, "All of us receiv IS The Lutes started slowly against UT spots and he puts t. e the game until Linfield was able to run t the Menlo Oaks due to turnover b 11 there for t1 to make plays. He chip away and ta ke the lead late in and stalled dO es. makes it easy." the fourth qua rter and win 31-24. PLU did not score until the four minu te mark in the first quarter, Ritchey and Warner continued "The opportunity to play their big play ways w i th a 41-yard . against a great team like Li nfield when s phomore quarterback touchdown reception in a 21-second down at their place is incredibly Dalton Ritchey ran the baIl into the end zone from two yards out. scoring drive. exciting because we k.l1ow how Besides the score on the ground, Sophomor wide receiver Daniel much fun that a tmosphere will be," Herr had hL best game as a Lute sophomore defensive b ck Greg the re t of the offe sive production h a uling in seven recep tions for 165 came from an air assault to five Hibbard said. "Bu t above all, the yards and a score. best part a bout this playoff berth is dIfferent receiver . Ritchey had 1 6 The Menlo Oaks went into the the chance com pletions out of 30 attempts for have one more week 373 yards and five touchdowns - game with an average of 202 rushing together as teammates." yards per game but could not get Kickoff is at noon. four of which were through the a' .

Steven McGrain

All four of Ritchey's touchdown passes were to different rec ivers. Sophomore wide re civers Daniel Herr, Kyle Warner and Kellen Westering, as well as sophomor tight end Lucas SantTa, all cau ght touchdown passes. " Every game h e always figures out where he need to throw the ban in order for us to be successful,"


u s ree iev rs puts t he ball t here to Dl.ake play . es .


Men lo donl ina tion 2 02: L 29-32 20 3 : W 35-28 45- 1


2005 : W 48-24 2006: W 34- 1 0 2007:

8- 1 9

2 0 8 : W 35-34 2009 : Vv 35-1 7 201


W 28-1

2 1 1 : W 1 4-6 20 12: W 38-21






NOV. 16. 2 012

Lutes NCAA tournament is brief Volleyball team outed in straight sets by Chapman



\t 'mbers 91' 111f' 2(J12 Pncilic I.ul hcrnn volleyball tenm lin • up prior In the: opening maLch oflhe: N oumamcnt lust Friday in ThoullllDd Oaks. C"lif. The Lules were witboul u/lllal "tarter!! SOpLUIIUI, �eller SUill.tUILha N rlh (fourliJ i'cuw \"fl) pm] Juniur lIut�itlc hitt 'r lIi_ull Wiwd (fift h from Id'l) du' LII iI\juries.

Christian Dilworth


Pacific L u the ran s hopes of a championship ended last Friday in '

the opening match of the NCAA Div. ill West RegionaJ Toumamen against

Chapman. The tou rnam ent

was hosled by California Lutheran University. It wasn't a close game either. The Lu tes lost in straight sets, 13-25, 15-25 and 22-25.

"They just played better than we did," head coach Kevin Aoki said. Entering the tournament as the no. 7 seed, the Lutes concluded their season with a 20-6 record. The Chapman Panthers, the no. 2 seed, improved to 24-6 and moved on to play the University of Puget Sow1d in the second round.

The Panthers fell to the Loggers garnered double-digi t kills wi th 10. won the West Junior middle blocker Becca Regional to man1ent and advanced to Hol tgeerts contribu ted seven kills. the final round of eight. The team finish d with a .1 1 6 atta ck The Panthers flex d their offensive percentage. muscle through ut the match. Although Cha pman o utm atched the flaunted an l.utes PLU was up 1 0-9 in the impres ive .314 team attack first set before perce tage with three players Chapman ran " Th y j lIst played better Ashleigh Gideon, away with 10 Kate Ferrin, and of the next 1 1 than we did ." points. They McKenna Roice achieving ov r 10 didn' t slow Kevin Aoki kills. Ferrin executed down for the head coach remainder of 12 kills with no errors the second set, on 19 attempts, a .632 the percentage. leaving Lutes with a Lutes' The offense was inconsistent W1til the large deficit. third set. Sophomore middle blocker Amid the urgency of the final set, Amy Wooten was the only Lute who the Lutes gave the Panthers a serious

in s tra i g h l sets. UPS





Season review:

push to bring the match to a fourth set. Howe er, the PanLhers' offen e was too much for the Lu tes and they d roppe d the third straight set, 22-25. Senior Brianne Vincent ended with 21 ass is ls and 2 block assists . Senior

Blair Bjorkman, named to lhe All-We t R gi on first team, l ed the earn with 20 d i s. r lli1ior middl e blocker Beth an y Huston, who was also named to the All- West Regi n fiTst team, finished with 5 block a ssists . Sophomore setter Samantha North rounded out the trio of Lutes added to the All-West team. North missed the final eight matches of the season du to a knee injury. Huston was named a Second Team All-American while Bjorkman and North were named to the Honorable Mention All-American team.

look back at the best photos of the Lutes' NWC title season A


LEFT: Sophomore out6ide hi ttcr Chelsea L c1son spikes t.he ball Oct. 26 against Pacific. The Lutes won the match 3-0. Photo b) Tbomas Soercnes.TOP: Thc sturtCIs and reHeves huddle separately prior to 11 set against. \Vhitworth Sept. 14. The Lutes won the match 3-1. Photo by .Jesse Major. RIGHT: Sophomore outside hitter Samantha North blocks a George- Fox player during the Lutes 3-0 vict£JI)' over I he Bruins ct. S. Phot.o by Jesse Major. ABOVE LEFT: A trio of Lutes celebrate a point during their 3-0 victory Oct. .S over George Fox. Photo by .Jesse Major. ABOVE RIGHT: Junior rnidtUe blocker Bethany Hu sto n hits into a wall of Pugct Sound defenders in a 0 -3 loss Oct. 31. Photo by Thomas Soerenes.

Alum makes

reappearance on PLU stage

Black Friday bring out the worst in shoppers, columnist says



NOV. 30, 2012

VOLUME 89 NO. 10

Holiday decorations light up campus "From my experience with the Halloween decorating

Taylor Lunka


Daramola said, "students had fun, respected th guidelines an d made the residence hall, look fun and festive." These gui d e lines aren't enforced to take away fun Daramola said, but enlo r c d to ke p the residence halls safe. ''The driving force behind lhese policies is to maintain fire safety hazards in the policy ,"

It' 5 that time of year again ­ time to deck the },alls. While students in the residence halls decora te for th h Ii da y ason, Resi d nee Life remind s students of the decora bl1g policies. Rum p za, Rebecca residential coordmator,


facilities life that said



change l i ttle from yea r to year, tudents need to be inform d of them in order to maintain

halls," Rumpza said. At the am time,

safety in the halls . The winter d�oration guide lines include policies such as no live Christmas trees or greens in the rooms, no items attached to or hu ng trom the sprinkler heads and to remove aU hol id ay d ratiun pri or to winter

celebrate. "It's imp rtant peopl e feel like it' s their h me. Ou r residenc hall at residence halls and not donns because it is about a community and not j ust a place Lo store gear/' tud ents to that PLU is a community that weI omes all. Rumpza said. She wants


ercy a mmo , resident director for Ordal and Stuen llall , said she d oesn' t think break.

there will


Ru mpza

said this is the time of year to


Rumpza said the residence hall ' "need to be inclusive to

be probl ms with

the whole [Pacific Lutheran University] community."

Daramo]a said as lon g as it's not excluding som eone, tudents a re allowed to decorate however they like. "Be 'aIe, hay fun wi th your d c rations, ex pr ss y urscl.f and your holiday traditions and continue to uphold the PLU mission of openness and r specting thers," Daram ol a said . First-year Marie I La tshaw, an on-campus resi dent, has her own views f these policies as a stu dent . '1 don ' t understand why we have to take d e corations down before wm ter break. I t seems silly," Latsha w said




b e cllecking stud ents' rooms before wmter bre ak to ensu re that these policies are being fonowed.. "The holidays should b a happy time and I don't sec why they're trying t o restrict us, but I under tand that we have l.o be safe," Latshaw said.

Holiday decorating poliCles are enforced in the residence halls year-long to ensure safety.


t uti nl� galhcr to celebra tc the beginning ofthe holiday season at I he

ChriRtma trec lighting hosted by Campus Minist.ry in ReI! Square on After Peggy Kri c, president of'PLU president Thomas Kris e, up the tree, the Chapel Choir leads the crowd in "Joy to the World."



Lutes to gain leadership with upcoming events The Emerging Leaders program has a three-session series in January. Leadership Fellow Andrew Larsen said that this January, the program will focus on the question,

Valery Jorgensen GUEST WRITER J-tenn


around the leadership events available for first-year corner and s


students through EXPLORE! and Emerging Leaders. Ern rging Leaders is a

program open to all first-year students and is run by Student Involvement and Leadership (SIL). According to the PLU SIL webpage, "The Emerging Leaders Program is deSigned to help first-year students involvement connect to opportunities" and the slogan for Emerging Leaders is

EXPLORE! student coordinator who works on advertising the event, said it is "targeted towards first­ year students to help them reflect on their experience in

" [EXPLO RE ! ] is targeted towards first-year students to help them reflect on their experience in college."

"Lead. Link. Learn. " The webp a ge also sta te s the program is designed to help first years develop le ade rship connecl lO other kill., students and the camp u s and

learn about themselves.

Jazmyn Carron EXPLORE! student coordinator

"what are YOllr indi ' du al

goals?" EXPLORE! L a retreat event open to first-years put on by Emerging Leaders tha t will take place 011 Jan. 4 and 5. Carron, Tazrnyn



stnlggli g

rly, p. 12

ask Big Enough

Question� [BEQs] regarding vocation ."


A BEQ Carroll said, can be, "what do you want to do in life?" She scud many studen ts ..




college and

MaslTV 10 ks ahead to sprin

, emester p.




Pholo e ay: Thc of the Lutes' faU ports, pp.6 -1


may not have answers for the questions, but that "it is important to continue your journey [by thinking about these questions]." Larsen attended the EXPLORE! retreat last year and said, "it's a great way to understand what you are really passionate about." Larsen said that because he "really enjoyed" the retreat, he chose to become more involved as a Student Facilitator. First years are being notified of EXPLORE! through a variety of ways. Flyers posted in first-year wings alert residents to the opportunities. First-vear Lee Shaffer said, "my acadenlic advisor told me about th.e retreat. { am unsure if I WIn go or not, but I think it sounds like an inte resting xperience ."


Choirs gear up for Christmas 'on . rls, p. 5

Fir i-yenf


can register for either of these even s through M LuLeLife or the

Enter ing uade : Clal's of 2016 Facebook page.

It is not "ece sarv to sign up for the work�p, 'th the ception of the second, for which stu ent need to complete a quiz by Jan. 9. •

S udenbi

regist r


pedfitaUv ior EXPLORE! at htlp:// .

NEWS MAPPE Rpreads awareness abollt White Ribbon campaign, p. 2


News pp. 1-3

A&E pp. 4-5

Focus pp.6-7

Opinion pp. 8-9

Sports p p . 1 0-12


NOV. 30, 2012








\1'0 DAY







White ribbons raise awareness against violence Erica Winscot


Lutheran Pacific At University, violence and emotional abuse against women and children is not overlooked. During the White Ribbon Campaign, which runs from Nov 25 through Dec. 6, participants pledge to never commit, ondone or remain violence silent about the that ha res ulted in scarrin g, mutilation and even death . Jonathan Grove, the M n Against Violence program the coordinator, started camp ign at PLU and has been leading it for seven years through the women's center. The campaign spread worldwide during 1991, when men all across Canada wore the white ribbon to signify they had taken the pledge. The white ribbon campaign is unique in that it is composed primarily of men. MAPPE (Men a Partners Equality), a Promoting student-led organization, is ,

hosting tabling throughout this week to spread awareness. Many men in the PLU community they said participate in the effort to stop violence towards women. "I don't want the actions of few boys to show for me as a man," sophomore Joe Basler, an advocate and PLU leader in this campaign, said. Grove said, " these are not issues to be owned by one party, one gender or one agency. These are hwnan issues and we all su ffer their consequen es." The Men Speak Out Faceboo k page and the women's center provide resources stud nts for interested in becoming more involved.

For more

information on Men Speak Out, visit the events page at hllp:1Iwww. faeebook.coml events/1998457701513101

LEFT: .Junior .Jordan Bu LcrsOIl pl euges his support for the seventh annllal White Rihb

hlwded out til cneourag� mell to pledge lhat L hey will neither conlDlil nor condone acL� of violence Il¥ll i n.t women.


A u lt A tho rs. F i nd o ut a bout

i gned book fo r a l l the re ders on yo De�e

be 20





which raised awnre­ neMS about lolenee against women b tabl ing in Lhe AOC t his week. TOP RIGHT: Stickers we r provided III the tahling !V · It. \\bicll Will put 11 hy Men All Partners Prom ot i ng EquIiJil:y. 80T1 0M HIGHT: lnfomIlllibn about the campaign wa.q n Campaign.

1 , 201 2 , 1 -4 pm



. T co



30. 2012


' Magic' return for PLU alum Amy Van Mechelen takes stage as opera queen ;

Kelse MejIaender C




When she's not wearing dramatic stage makeup, Amy Van Mechelen looks like any ther person on campus. But during "The Magic Flute" opera's mid -November run, she stood out as she transformed into the Queen of the Night. Van Mechelen graduated i.n 2008, but returned to Pacific Lu theran University to perfor m in the opera when the produ ction needed another p rson. She also sti ll takes voice lessons from Janeanne Houston, a seni r lecturer for PLU's music deparbnent. Van Mechelen said all of the main roles are double cast for these types of performances. Jim B rown , h ad of the voice d p artment, said tm ' n ot nly glVes more PLU in ger. a chance to pcrfoml, bur al so ensures there's a per. on to take over should a performer b c ome 11l. For "The Magic F lu te," Junior Emily McF ul had be n ast as one f the Quee ns 01 Lh Night, bUl a second had not been found. That Lc; whe n Houst n r comm ndt!d Van Mech len. " My teacher [HoustonJ is wonderful, and always allv cat f )r me and i . a hu g ' upport," Van Mech J 'n


to PLU for a performance in "The

Alum Amy Van Mechelen returned Magic Flute."

said. She auditioned and said she was "very grateful" she earned the part. Van Me chelen described wor king with PLU students as " wo nd erful, " and scUd the students were livery committed" and pu t all of lheir effort into the opera. n "was rea lly neal/ Van Mechelen said, "Lo see people ju t as passionate as my eli and getting Lo work with th m a nd getlmg to know them ." Van M 'helen participated in PLU per form a n e<; whi le workmg on her BA in vocal performance. As a sophomore, Jle was in the dl rus tor the m u leal "Slr 'et Scene" bv Kurt Wpill ilnd as a senior she was th ·tage man a ge r for the o pera "L' Ocfeo" by Claudio M nteverdi.

[--"'- j .:a LJ

3702 South Fife Street, Tacoma, WA 98409


"I got to do behind the scenes and everything [as stage manager]," Van Mechelen said. A PLU transfer student, Van Mechelen said she recalled her challenging 20th century music history class taught by Professor Greg Bowers - who no longer teaches at PLU - as her favorite. She continued, "you kind of are upset that you have a really tough teacher, but then you end up learning a lot." Van Mechelen said a wide variety of classes are necessary because music students need to "gamer experience in other things besides just singing and performing." She said PLU gives students "a really gr at foundati n of theory and history and . . . that c an-d o attitude." After PLU, Van Mechelen e arned her Master degree in m usic from Colorado Sta te Universlty. Sh e went on to perfoffi1 with the Seattle Opera, earning a place in the choru of lhe 201 1 "Porgy and Bess" production, an opera ab ut a di abll'd black beggar who truggJe to help a w lman in early 20th century Soulh Carolina Van M eche l n said "Porgy and Be ' " provided a lot of l ppoTtuniti "Any LJme you get to work professiona l l y around other singer and o ther directors and stage

Rnd us on


1213 1112

MANICURE with the purchase o· a pedicure

All serlices performed by supervised students. Au must be present. Expi/liS 1213 1112

Today (11/30) Philanthropy Student Committee Professional Development Conference. Speakers will present ways students can get involved with non-profit organizations. A UC 1 3 3 . 1-6 p . m . Mario Kart Tournament. A UC Upper Gray Area. 9 p . m .

Tomorrow (1211)

Jingle Book Ba sh . Meet author of young adult b()oks a.! they disco. s lheir writing. Ga�field Book Company, 1 -4 p.m.

Dec. 3

Linkedln WOrk hop with Ca ree. r C� nn cLions. AUC 133,

5 p.m.-7 TUII.


A Child i B m: a PLU Christmas Concert: Bt'lItlrllYIl

Hull, Seattle. 7:30 p.m.

Dec. 5 A lpha Psi Omega presen ts BlackllQX " Buried Child."

enter residence halls

String Kaleidoscope. Free admission. Lagerqu is t, 8 p. m.



Appointments 253.61 7.7008

All services performed by supervised students. Ad must be present. Expres i

Student Juried Exhibition. F all semester's final art display of PLU student work, picked by guest jurors. Daily ­ Nov. 1 4-Dec. 12, 8 a.m.-4 p . m . University Gallery in Ingram.

HUMP H ol id a y eelebra tion . Coloring, gingerbread l101Ises, s tu d nt m usic and cookie decorating. The Cave, 8:30 p . 7II . 1 0:3 0 p . m .

.. Facebook I!I






managers," Van Mechelen said, "it ups your game and ups your professionalism." Comparing professional productions to PLU, Van Mechelen said the two were "very different" and the former had more defined roles. At PLU, Van Mechelen said, when working on props, sets and costumes "everyone comes together and it's a community thing" while in the Seattle Opera Company, people only complete the tasks assigned them. "It's not to say there isn't community," Van Mechelen said. "It's just different. Everyone knows their job and they know how to do it." Van Mechelen said she will continue studying vok with Taneanne Houston and plans to audtion for young artist programs, p rofessional diploma program �"'WIUIIer p rograms to con tinue grow in g as a performe r .

What to do at PLU

People pretend to sell magazines,

StudIO 17watre, Dec. 5 -Dpc. 7:30 ,1.111. a nd Dec. 9 at 2 p.m.


Taylor Lunka

Dec. 7

SurPLUs Swap Party. Bring items for surPLUs and take items for free. Trade out your reusable items at the surPLUs store. Su rPLUs Warehouse, 1 0 a.nt.-2 p . m .


Residents have allowed people not affiliated with Pacific Lutheran University who claim to be selli ng magazines enter residenc� halls. On Nov. 19, two males were let into South Hall G reg Premo, director f Campus Safety, said the males "looked like students so they were let into South Hall." C ampus Sa fety immedia tely respond d after a s tudent called to report the me and Was able to contact one of the two. 'The m�le stated he was a student living in South Hall, bU l provid� d no identification. "It was cl ear he wasn't telling the truth," Premo said. After Campus Safety asked the man for his information and he didn't provide any, he was escort d off campus. The male was seen walking off campus with the other suspect. Premo said at that point, Campus Safety knew the suspects had left campus. The weekend before Nov. 19, a student living off campus called to report two men who were "selling magazines on behalf of PLU," Premo said. "Al though n thing bad happened, it's a good lesson. It's a good reminder [for students] to do their part to keep things secure," Premo said. Premo said he encourages students to call Campus Safety if they see these men or any suspicious activity going on around campus.

d ue. Donate ite�ns to help 500 local families find a ffordable Christmas £ifts. Co n ta ct the renter {or Community Engagemen t and Services Winterfest 2012 Donatio

for more information. Eas t Campus Gym, 1 :35 p . m . -4 p . m .

Laughter Yoga. A LlC 1 33, 9 p . II1 . - 1 1 p.m.

Dec. 8 201 2 December Commencement. Olson Gymnasium, 10 a . m . - 1 p.m.

Jingle Bell Rock dance. The Cave, 8 p . m . - l l p . m .

Dec. 15 Choral Union. Admission is $5 for PL U comm u nity, $15 for general and free for 1 8 and you nger. Lagerquist Concert Hall, 8 p . m .


4 A&E

S eig

NOV. 301 2012

be s rIng, caro ers s ng

PLU Christmas concerts stretch from Seattle to Portland Rachel Diebel


Jiehelrv,@Plu. clu The


Lutheran and for the

University's choi rs orme tra aTe pr p ari ng their crowning event of




Every ye ar, PLU's to p two choirs, Choir of the West and University Chorale - alon g with the rchestra - perform a eries of Christmas c ncerts.


Lagerquist Ha l l on campus to Benaroya Concert Hall in Seattle and Arlene Schrutzer Concert Hall in Portland, Ore. This ye a r's show is e nti tled "A PLU Chri tmas: A Child i Venues

"Out of all the concerts, Christmas is its own beast," Choir of the West junior Tay tor Capellaro said, but it is also a "beautiful work of art," and the audi enc hould be "excited" for the experience . li l t's a lot of tress but so worth it. It's truly a n for

concerts combine traditional Christmas music and a debut number written by a member of the staff. This yea r, Professor David Deacon-Joyner i p remie rin g an original piece entitled " Un to Us." The piece is written in five movements and te l l ' different parts of the Christmas tory in music. The choir and orchestra





involved," Capellaro said . So phomore Syd ney F reyer, a cellist in the orch stra, agreed that juggling the Christmas concerts and school can be "kind of hard, because you mi s a lot of classes." Freyer said she emails her pro fessors to explain" and " the y're u ua U y rea lly nice about it." Typ1cally, the OlCistmas

, [Concerts are ] a 1 t f tre but 0 worth it. It s truly an experience for everyo ne involved. ' Taylor Capellaro junior



will be performing "TI1e Many Moods of Christmas" together, as well as a wid e as 'ortmen t of songs on their own. For the students involved, the stress is worth it for the hm of touring . F reyer said Ule best part of touring is that "you go with friends. It's so much fun to take the conce rt other pla ce s with yOUT friends." Capel l aro said during · tours it feels like they ' are "celebrities" and that "j s truly remarkable to see how many people come out to see u s. " The popularity of l�LU' s Christmas concerts is apparent in the ticket sales . Tickets for the Lagerquist oncerts old out within hours of Nov. 1, the " tarting sale date. According to the PLU calend ar website, remaining tickets are sold on a "first come, first seTVe basis until all tickets are gone. " " [The concerts] bring so many people together in music - the choirs, the orchestra - I can't wait," Capellaro aid .

The Lagerquist Han concerts on Dec. 1 and 2 are old out. Limited tickets for the Dec. 3 Seattle

performance are available. Contact the Ben 'oya Ticket Office at 206-215-4747.

Limited ticket

are also available

for th Portland

rt. Contact Ticket We t at 503-94 -7272 or ee http://pcp .com. conce


Editor previews big screen adaptations offavorite old novels Kelsey Mt;jlaender



Adapting books to the big screen has been a trend in Hollywood since the early days of cinema. Though the box-office-breaking successes of young adult novels have been basking in the spotlight lately, three upcoming movies will give classic books the chance for fame. 1. "Anna Karenina" By Leo Tolstoy

Written in late 1800s Russia, this novel is famous for its exploration of faith and fidelity. The story follows title character Anna, who finds love and passion in an adulterous affair. The scandal starts a chain of events, affecting the other characters and hurtling Anna to a tragic conclusion. Highly detailed and intricate at over 1,000 pages, the transition to a movie is bound to drop a few plot points. However, this is not likely to take away from the cinematic experience, as the original could certainly have been mor c cise. Starn g A cademy Award nomi nees Keira Knightley and Jude Law, the e l aborate film is set to get a few Oscar nods. Scenes set in M o scow and St. Petersb u rg were di played in a 19th century theater, an interesting choice by Joe Wright, the cU red r. Though the m vie came ut in select theaters Nov. 1 6, it had not been released locally until today. The Tacoma Grand Cinema begins showing th film at 3 p.m. 2. "Les Miserables" B y Victor Hugo

Published in 1862, France, the book's title translates to "the miserable" and, like "Anna Karenina," ha a page count tha t make ' the Bible look like a light read. Both novel and movie follow felon Jean Val jean, a man who escqpes

poverty and his criminal record. A changed man who works to benefit others, Valjean is plagued by the dogged pursuit of Inspector Javert. The musical stage version in the 80s inspired the new movie, which is also a musical featuring the famed songs. Hugh Jackman stars, as does Academy Award winner Russell Crowe and Academy Award nominee Anne Hathaway. According to The Huffington Post, an advanced screening on Nov. 23 received a standing ovation. Like Anna Karenina, this movie has a great deal of Oscar buzz and should gamer several nominations, if not wins. Originally set for a Dec. 14 release - the perfect celebration to end finals - the movie was pushed back to open Christmas Day.

606 S. Fawcett Ave --- T H E ---


Tacoma/s only indie theater.


Anna Karenina

Fri: 300, 5:45, 8:35 Sat/Sun: 1 2'05, *300, 5:45, 8:35 Mon-lhurs: 300, 5:45, 8:35


*Discussion wiHfofIowSaturday's 3�m showing

Lincoln (PG-13)

Fri: 2:4S, S:5S, 9.00 Sat/Sun: 1 1 :3Sam, 2:4S, S:5S, 9.00

3. "The Great Gatsby"

Mon-Thurs: 2:4S, S:5S, 9.00

By F. Scott Fitzgerald

A frequent member of high school required-reading lists, almost all students know the 1925 novel "The Great Gatsby." Set in the Roaring Twenties, the story is narrated by Jay Gatsby's friend Nick Carraway. The plot follows the title character's efforts to reclaim a permanent romantic relationship with former flame Daisy BuChanan - even though 'he's now married. The film star� Academy Award nominee Leonardo DiCaprio - who has the perfect look and aura t fit the Gatsby character - as well a s Toby J aguire and Academy Award nominee Carey Mulligan. The movie tra il er is Oashy, set to milk all it can from a time period famed for its glitz and glam. It can a fford a l ittle gaudy eye candy because it'" I' oted in a respected American dassic, lending it c re d ibi lity . Though originally set for a Dec. 25 rele ase date, the film was pushe d back to avoid box-office competition from its more in-hme peer ilLes M isera bles." "The Great Ga tsbv" " nOw open May 10.

I 253593.4474 GrandCinemacom


Smashed (R)


Tues: 4:50


Mon: 4:50, 700

Sun. 4:50, 700

Wed!Thurs: 4:50 700

erks ofBein&a Wallflower Fri: 2:30, 9'20

Sat 1 1 :5Sam, 2:30, 9'20

Sun: 1 1 :5Sam, 9'20

Tues: 9'20

Mon: 2:30, 9'.20

(pG-1 3)

Wed!Thurs; 2:30, 9'.20

The Sessions (R) Fri: 200, 4:1 5,6:40, 9:1 0

SatISun: 1 1 :45a1Tl; 200, 4:1 S,6:4O, 9:1 0

Morrlhurs:200, 4:1 S, 6:4O, 9:10

The House I Live In (NR) Tuesday: 2:15, 6:55

Tuesday Film Series

United in Anaer: A HistoryofACT UP (NR) For showtimes, trailers, synopses and all things Grand._


NOV. 30, 2012



A&E 5

Wo derfu

The good, bad and weird of Christmas entertainment

Rachel Diebel A.!kE REPORTER

Camille Adams AaE REPOWI'ER


As soon as Thanksgiving

is over, it becomes standard

practice to blast Christmas tunes and play Christmas

movies on repeat until the . end of December. With a plethora o f options to


choose from, we thought we�d




options by pointing ou t a few of our favori tes.




L ve it o r hate it I t s a Wonderful Life" is the es ential Christmas movie. Made in 1946, "It's a Wonderful Life" IS the black-and-whit fairytal story of George Bailey, a man who gets his wish lhat he had never been born and has to sti ck around and see the consequences. TIl movie was not w [J T cei v d when it came out, but it has �ince become a huge hit, wi tI, some holding annual screenings of the movie. "



Par from being not well received, "Love ActuaUy," another uplifting Chri ..tm8!' movie, b came an instant clas ie. The film tells ] 0 intertwined stori 5, all l.LJl.minating on 01risbnas Day . Featuring every famous British actor ever Colin Firth, Keira -

Knightley and Alan Rickman to name a �ew - the movie has become a staple ot heartwarming Christmas movie watching.


e H l(dar"

Continuing With the strain of Christmas rom cams, "The Holiday" IS a movie no one should go wi tho u t viewing. A harried American businesswoman trades places with a broken-h arted EngJishwoman for the holidays. This warm, fuzzy-inducing tale includ es all the classic elements of a good rom com: an adorable old man, a loveabl dog and Jack Black.


Chr�stmas .S You"





.. anca Claus Con....ers _be "� ns"

quirky film "Santa Claus Con quers the Martians" belongs in the Christmas annals. This low-budget film can po sibly be found in your neighborh d Dollar Tree on a good year. Martian parents are concern d because their children are not as happy as the human children they see on TV. There is no Sat ta to bring lhem presents. LogicaUy, they kidnap him, and San ta inevi tably brings cheer to Martians and humans alike. With char ac ter names like Kimar, Voidar and Dropo, you can't go wrong with this film.


In addition to traditional carols, fire Jde songs and blues, Christmas mu si c also includes pop love songs. One tha t seems to appear on lhe radi every hour during the holidays is "Al i T Want For Christmas Is You, " a classic, cutesy and upbeat song that 15 acce ptable as a recently appointed Christmas classic.

The message is sweet and almost every Jove-smitten romantic will dream o£ it

this Christmas.


"Las. Ch is_as"

Another pop love bng that seems lo p lay on repeat is "Last Christmas." This song, however, should h ave been left behind last Christmas. The


5 ScJ



an s"

If conventional Chrisbnas movies are not for you, there are plenty of films that may not appear to be holiday­ themed at first, bu t upon closer inspection do have all the hall marks of a classi c Ouistmas movie. For example, " Edward Sci orhands" doesn't sound like the kind of film you'd want to walch wilh family around the fireplace. However "Edward Scissorhands" is a kind-hearted fai ry taJe about growing up, love an d the origins of snow. What's more seasonal than that. ,

Alla m

Every year, some famous pop tar, wh ther it's Mariah Carey or the kid. of "Glee," has to release a Christmas alliu m. Most of these albums can be easily written off as an uninspired •

attempt to make m ney. Songbird Josh

somewhat whiny, reptitive cs are more likely to inspire eyerolli n g than tears We aM stopp d feeling sympathy for the singer's umequi ted love ab u t five years ago.



Josb Crollan

"Jm Ie



Released in the '50s, this song was a new take off the classic "Jing l e Bells." Today, the mere mention of the song '1ingle Bell Rock" conjures llP th im age of four teenage girls dressed like scanti ly clad Santas because of a scene in the hit teen movie "Mean Girls." "Jingle Bell R ck once an innocent and catchy tune, now ca rnes

Groban successfully breaks the mold with his holiday allium, however.

Groban s eternally sweet voice soars over the covers of "Little Drummer Boy" and "0 Holy Night," and is sure to warm the he rt just as much as eggnog by a roaring fire. '


If contemporary Christmas music isn't your thing, it's good to know that the classics are still arow d . A nd if you like clasSics, you'll love "Elvis Christmas." No one has swag like Elvis Presley, and it s hows in th is album. Some highlights from the album a re "Blue Christmas'! and his cover of "I'Ll Be �ome for Christmas." When the Christmas blues h i t, you can always pull out this album and be merry faT an hour.


the weight of that infamous scene for b tter or w rse.


Photos m,m, and il unes.applc.colII




,S n p s h ots of th e L te s' fa l l s e a s o n •

The women s soccer team finished with a winning record for the first time since 2006. J

Pac ific Lutheral ath lettcs ha not

won the Northwe t Conference All- port Trophy since 002 but the ucce of this year fall sport er in y pu t th Lute in he r l Ong tfor th 012-2013 trophy. H re 1 look t orne 0 the be t I 0 c O g he ucce iful cal PQl,gn


The men 's soccer team finished second as well. SOCCEJl l'HOTOS BY TflOMAS

• •

The football team finished second in the NWC and appeared in the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2001.


RfNG �

r / OV. 30, 2012



The volleyball team won its fifth conference title in seven years.


II . Women)s cross country places first out of two teams at PLU invitational. Men 's team places second out offour at same event.






'TltuprN KlV

8 0PlNl N


cletter 1roffiEDI


NOV 30, 2012


The shopping games Black Friday is a battle to the death

Mast is in transition, and we want your help

In the meantime, I ha ve big plans for the next few weeks. To ad dre s the issue of late

nights, we've cut down our number of p ages from 16 to U for this issue. We're planning fun and new ways to reb rand OUT organization in an effort to increase morale, stud t invol vemen t and read ership . we Additionally, will be interviewing and hiri n g qualified candida tes to fill OUT newsroom ranks before we continue the print version of our publication next semester . February will be the next time a new issue of TIle MooriI2g Mast hits Lhe newsstands. Our print versIon halts publication during dead week and fina ls so we stu den l journalists can spend a little bi t m ore time focused on our classes. Fu rthermore, a longstanding lradition of TIle Mooring Mas t is to take J-tenn off from printing. That doesn' t mean we won't be produ cing contenl This staff .is still full of journalists, so 171. lvInoring Milst website, Twi tter feeds and Fa cebook page will contin e to be upd a ted as e pr pare our print version to

pr duction

Jessica 'fronds



It's been a whi rlwind of a semester here a t Tire Mooring Mast, and I h ave some importan t announcements to share bcl"ore we close out this teon. To begin, there have been a few staffing change ' -




Mn ·t

office. The University Student Media -Soard, which oversees campus studen t media out! ts, Cormal received compJaints regarding aspects of The /vfast newsroom that weren' t changin� including understaffing, increasingly late production ni gh ts and low morale. Last week, several memb rs of The Mast attended a hearing of the complaints and were given an pportunity to refute the claims. The hea ring resulted in a vote by Media Board to remove Jack Sorensen fr m his po ition a Ed itor-in­ Chief, Following the deClsion, Jack filed an appeal with Laura Majovski, the vice president of student involvement and dean of shtdent lif . On M ond ay, Majovski decided t uphold Media Board' verdict. Media Board then appointed me, the managing new edit r, to the position of acting Edi tor-in-Chief through the end of the semester. During j-terro, the posi tion will become open for app lica tions and Media Board will interview and hire spring semester's Editor-in-Chlef.


Anna Sieber



On Thanksgiving, We express gratitu d e for all of the wonderfu l things in our lives. Yel, jus t hours later, people tram p le each other in an effort to get even more things for which they can be thankful. Black F ri day has become an infamous day in our nation be<.:ause f i Ls mass crowds, do r-buster dea l s and its general repu tation for consumer cllaos. It seem s that i n the past years, the number of vi 1 nt incidents ­ including de a th s - have increased greatly. Instead of Black Friday, it should be called The Shopplng every one Games, where volunteers as tributes and throws themselves in to th shopping arena La maul ach other to death in pursuit of getting the best price. Every yea r, there are reports of deaths or hospitalizations due t people's dete mination to " core the best deals. Thi s winter sp urge has reached new levels of insanity.

But beyond B l a ck Friday, there is this bizarre attitude toward the accumulation of 'Stuff' . It has b ecome a sort of event. People wait in line at superstores to get their CDs tl e moment they drop, wait outside for the new i Phone t become available and, of cou rse, wa i t in bated anticipation for sales to start. The culture of our society has rea ch ed new lows if sp en ding m n ey and getting more things ha become an aetu 1 pasti me . Perhaps this mea that we are simply impati nt to gel thal new thing. We are, a fter all, the society of immed i a te gratification, One would th ink that we would be sa tisfied with our 'Stuff' by now, ra ther than this bizarre quest for mor and more lhings. Perh aps we could be happy with what we ha ve. However, as w too ften judge a person' s worth based on their material status, it is I gical tha t we would feel driven to pend like there is no tomorrow. It do s not seem there IS one perfect, easy solution to something like this beyond changing Ule men tality in America. And the nly way to change that mentality i to reject it, which does not seem to be happenin anytime soon. We hav� an ec onomy based on consumption, thus we have a society based on

Changing Mentality: While 61a �k fnday is typically seen as a day o(e. cessive pending, there have been a number ot movements to ha n ge where that ;pe� ding goes. Sm � l1



Saturday IS

dedicated to p �naing at l ocany�owned


This Lc; fo lowe V Gi v ing Tuesday, which asks peopl to do na te to non-profits, think about olunteerism and generall be m i ndful of way t make a p sHive impact n lh

community and world at large during the holiday . ea on.


Please stay tuned. Better yet, get invol ved with our

rebirth .

A pplications are on the Career C nnedions websi te for positions as editors, and reporters, 'olumrust

Submit c rrections and


We would all I ve to work WIth y u, and will continue to work for you . Send letters to the editor, story ideas, carr roans and commen ts to organization This is chan ging and we want ­ need - your suppor t, p articip a ti on an feedback as we move forward.


Corre -...,.. -----

Nov, pages 3-4 f thE' ation 16 i sr e, info rm e News in ·luded in th ve b en briefs ho uld Iltl, tb ' A. s cia.ted c.r dite d to

letters to the editor


Pre " ,

2012-2 13 ST FF

-(,HI G

ica Trondscu IIWX!(!.lplll. du.

liE .DITOR I.lpp/JJ mi ,



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inrhulrs lLiuruni.

Therefore consum ption . it is difficul t to say, "Stop sh op p ing - it's bad for the so ul" when our already crumbling econ my depends on it. It is just so sad that some people actually thrive off of buying more and more things that it i s a hobby. People n ed to remember to be thankful for what th ey have, and not just on Thanksgiving night. That grateful f eling needs to last more than a few hours.



.Bcn Quinn


nujrrup II





athan Shoup



('UJr Rowe Art LruJd

R nl,


OV 30. 2012



Prepare for your future by trying new things experience

of, and other things that we choooe to keep in our li \ es in!" lh t 'C,' f it. 1 never expected to get inv 1 ved at a school n ew paper. When r wa'

lakenzie Landi.,


lamJjliloj@pln.<''1iu This is �fure 1 g

m ' last


uff int the big world an{ ] wanted to use i t to bcstow upon you a little nugget of \'isd m. til dll m't ah ays pan oul U1{� way you expe t. Mo:.t of us start col l ge W ith a plan and a vague idea of who we are. F ur year.s later, thoS(> plans are long forgotten. and we enter the ¥orld with a new one. 1 am a rulittcal science major who hap p �ned to fall in love with j )Urn lu,m This romance wa not expected, but It is love nonetlwless. What was once a cia: project I dreadt>d, blo om d mtc full­ fledged relationship. They SdY \ e should find a career in what we t>njuy but the fact is we should abo cIIjoy what we do. There are things that we wan t to make , career out I

to grow

Everythin • in coUeg i prep aring u for the real world. In my future career and job seaTch, cutmtless du')f will be cit.. d in my

politics Pacific Lutheran Univer ity has given m tllt? wliqu' opp ortunity to gel involved in student media. ft .lllowed m to earn !.'U('cesses and learn fr m my failures. The trick is to �e

face. But c untless oLhers will be pencd . We need to make lhost:' failltr�s count SO W

Cdn learn from Uwm now in order t{ make fe er mistake in the eal world. Life is a o nnn u l1 ' and nl?ver-ending 1 >aming exp erienc . It hi something

a even everything, mumentary failure, as an

middl schon!' r taught myself with ( picture b and 1fo lked

I was able nd add to my

preparation for a car er In

g rowi ng u p, my education was neglected and J was hool p assed lhrou gh th '}'stem without learning how r ad or write, After a hu�ating struggle with illit racy through elemenfary and a


ombinaticlO l)


n Phorucs, an d n IW 1 am wrIting for an audien\.'e. While making Ma t ride\ at TV ha been my passi n for years, writing for Tile




clu 'ation

\'a "






gleded and I

pa 'sed through the


we should all be ('ager to embrace. PLU the IS playgr ound in which yoU need to tfy n things and 'Xplure ., U of your opportunitic . •

sy. teIll without 1 arning how to never rei-tel or write.

M()(Irill Jv1a."t terti led me. It l ok me out of my •

comfort zone. At the end of the da • it allowed me

t� grow a, a WIit'r and storyteller. TIle Mooring Mast taught me 0 �xpand my political out! ok and gr{ w my fundamental reasoning. It

taught me how to better l..'Xpress my thoughts and opinions. Through this

1aSSillOS J

forgiving, so -eize all the chances you have

experience that can imrich V ur kn< wloo se and skillS .

now. I! I ne ref wr te for T1I� M{}orillg Mast, I would have never f und a love for a new skill. Tal< that art c1�s, get involved 1U a club, and check ut student media. Who knows? You may even like it

it L thn ugh accepting failure and try ing again that we

Y o u ' l l know what will n 'w find leir way i n to your life. The real world will nut be as gCllerous or a<;


fMlUf �.. th ne 0 the toughest trails we face We invest so much time and energy into a product that it is hard to see the door close.

can b


ake A tudy

reak 1

S U D O KU 2





8 3


3 7


8 7


Answers to Nov. 16 crossword



9 6

7 1



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Get involved with Mast Media

T h e t r a n s i t i o n from KCNS to Mast Student Television has in no way been an easy one. T h e r e wer names to Storm Gerlock change, maiJs GENERAL MANAGER to update, even g r1oc�u.@p lll. du the Sim plest things as taking down all of the signage and paraphernalia that are still following me ar und th 1 wer Anderson University CenteT halls Despite the miniscule paperwork ho.rrors, the re ults of the m rg r have b en bey nd rewarding. No merger i p erfect but I have been impIessed by the drastic cbange that Mast TV has gone through over the last 6 months. I have never seen so many enthusiastic students who. are excited about learning video prod uction and editing. Even th ugh the semester is w in ding down and those of us that are lucky enough to bE! stu dents are preparing for finals, Mast TV still has a few things being uploade d . Last night was our last episode of Ne ws @ Nine and if you missed the live show be su re to check ur website to catch up. Over the last couple weeks Ra chel Di bel and Camille Adams have been working hard o.n creating a web series. TIle season premiere of "Outnumbered" will release online Dec. 3 on both Facebook and Youtube. Even though you might not see much of us during J-term, we will be working hard with The Mooring Mast to prepare and plan for the next semester. Together we will begin the process of developing, creating and exploring the many ideas and opportunities that are available to our joint organization. As is the normal order of things at a university, Mast TV will be losing our Multimedia Editor to the horrible monster that is graduation. Makenzie Landis originally encouraged me to work at KCNS and as a previous general manager she has provided constant support over the years. The amount of work that Makenzie has done for the station and student media as a whole has made her irreplaceable and she will be missed. As sad as we are to lose Makenzie, we are excited to announce that the position of Multimedia Editor will be open for the next semester. 1 £ anyone is interested in that position r in working with video production of any kind pI ase feel free to contact me at either my personal email or at masttv@plu. edu for more information. For more information about Mast Student Television visit our website at h ttp://www. plLJ.e d u/ rna ttv or like our F acebook page for updates. As things continue to change and evolve I encourage an� one who has interest in working in student media to re ach out to. Jessica Trondsen or mysel f and we will do our best to d i rect y u to your area of interest WhCUl r it be ;oumaH m, vidcll production, photography or online editing. We will listen to any ideas you have. This is your student media. Take this opportunHy and m ake it what y u want it to be.






Men's Basketball

Women's Basketball Upcoming Games

Upcoming Games

Men's Swimming

Women's Swimming

Dec. 3 vs. St. Scho/o.stica. 7:30 p.m. Dec. 7 at 'Whitworth. 8 p.m.

Nov. 30 at lYhitman. 6 p.m. Dec. 1 at Vlhitworth, 4 p.m.

Nov. 3D-Dec. 2, Hu.�lcl/ Inuitational Dec. 29 at Calif. Lutheran Invitational

Nou. 3D-Dec. 2, Husky Invitational Dec. 29 at Calif L1dheran Invitational

Previous Games

Loss (53-75): NOll. 27 vs. Wamer Pacific Loss (62-74): Nov. 17 at 'H-estem Oregon

Previous Games

Previous Games

Previous Meets

Upcoming Games


NOV. 3 , 2012


Loss (38-72): NOl). 27 vs. Nortluvest

Loss (48-51): Nov. 24 l)S. Eastern Oregon

Upcoming Meets

Win (146-55): Nov. 10 at Willamette Win (120.5-83.5): Nov. 9 at Linfield

Win (134.5-69.5): Nou. 10 at Willamette Win (1.51-53): NOll. 9 at Linfield

The s pirit of the game Ultimate Frisbee more than a competitive outlet

Christian Dilworth 'PORTS WRI1'ER


alwa ys hear coaches telling their players, "It' n o t if you win or lose, il's if yo u had fun plnying the game. " People often brush this off as , childish no ti on and pr ce d t I get l o t m the compe liti on of athletics, somcbme losin g their 001 in th e pr ) es:; . �Ul� every ne says lhey can control it, sports are a phYS ical, m enta l and m tion a l batlleground where vcry play an change the game. People �ay fun is an illusi on Ultimate in athletics Frisbee hopes to shatter this misconception. Ultimate off r the pportunity to bring peo p le together fr m al l walks ot life to pl ay a game where the SCOTe seldom matters. Each match is something more than a win or loss - it' s an experien ce . Col leges and unive r si tie s across the nation, Paci fic Lutheran Uni versity included, have hopped onto the Frisbee b an d w agon and have hosted attended different and tournaments the across country. TI1e h ope is not only to assert their dominance but to u ild a community within

Yo u


their team as well Fri 'bet:' i n ' t as l a rge

r U l t i m a te], " one player said in p a s s i n g . " Belween hat l eague s, p i c k u p , lOUTnamen ls and just


a varsity sport, b ut it's making an





up picking . t am. At a Thanksgiving t u rn a m e n t i n Se ttle, the Turkev Bowl, there 'was no hortage f s f r i �n d l i n b e t w e e n the eight ran d m ly s e l e c t e d


mends, ther is alway" a good time wa Iting to be had ."

P L U e t ab l i s h c d i ts own U l t ima te Fdsbee team eight years ago. TIle


teams and 1 20 t am has I'liaro BY AflRJL SIIEAIlB.R participant . since turned ./unilU L"tJ.iJl Lilldner Heft) IlLlcmp"" lo Lrcw. , oplwUlore ChristQphcr T h e into a family [liKb1 nh(l1 lawn\ right) mark during ;J tl!UJll pmcllee Oil l he syntll\· til,'/i Id lll.�t IV de was goal of shldenls ruggi nl�)U )1lli1 is knOll IJ 011 tlle lCillt I us "Sl1llllls." simple: play with one focusing on their love of the four games and have a common interest: Ultimate. gam . Oh, and food . Thanksgi ving dirrn �. One strange thing ab u t I t's not as SIgnificant they Games were p layed on team pertaining the Frisbe we re having fun, but that they fo u r separate fields. Tea ms to campus is the difference of were legi ti m a tel y enjoying mascot. While PLU takes pride won an los t b y large and each other's company. a margins alike. TI1e sm l l in their Lutes, the Ultimate "Good jobs" and collective winnmg teams were excited, team takes the name of the gasps flew from all the teams, as expected . The I sing teams Reign. and often times it wasn't for were also excited - a little Despite not sharing a their own team. surprising. mascot, the team still takes 'Tm really glad that there None of the teams cared pride in their school. They are so many ways to enjoy about their record, instead attend tournaments under

PL U's name and represent this universi ty with nothing l ess than pride. tournaments are M t hosted by NCAA Division I schools so competition is often berct>r lhan ty pical pIckup. BU l lhc Reign has proven tha t it COln hang with the blg dogs. Reign has topped 111 ' 5 ho Is such as M ntana Un i versity, the Vni 'ersily of [dahn, Washington State University G nza ga, Montana State, Boise State and Portland Uni,rer l Ly thlS year a l one. One th ing that th • vet e rans ( f th > Reign mpha ize, along with ILh r organi zati ns around the Pacific N orthwest and the c unITy, i the pirit of the game. 11 ams are reward d discs for b eing the winner of a spirit the brad t, which ansi -ts bottom teams of a tou mament. It is a way of creating a reward for gIving yow all, even when there is no hope of being nu mber one, n umber two or even number three. This is what U ltimate was meant to be. It doesn't matter if you finish first - it's how much fun you had getting th reo Christian *Editor's note: Dilworth is a member of Ultimate Frisbee.


Potte r leads senio r - le s s Lu e s

both myself and my te a mmates the wIloIe season," she sai d. Though PL U faces a t ough season, Potter said sh wants her team to do what thev do best. Junior pOSL Sa m a nt ha Petter is one of "! hope th te am plays extremely hard the cap tains on Pacific Lutheran's women's this season wi th a lot t hust! and (orces ur basketball tea m. Potter if confi den t in her r Ie as captain despite opponent t o earn every po in t, " she said . Coming off a tou gh loss in their first game at the fact the team d es not have any seniors. Western Oregon, 71 -62, . "It's exciting that we're an NCAA Division II a young team," Potter said. schoo1, Potter said she " We're abJe to build a new of the hopes her team uses this identity t hr ough this year." as a l arning " x perience . As PLUs top scoring on Potter accumulated 20 player last year, av�raging points that game with 16.8 points a game, Potter two blocks and two has seen a lot of playing steals. time, and she said she feels Samantha Potter "A lot of g od things this qualifies her for the junior post happened during fue position of c ap tain. game, but it also ex posed "I feel like T am abl e several things we need to lead the team through to work on too," she said. One of these, Potter experience and work ethic," Potter said. "I try said, is " playing more consistent, without as to always be one of the hardest working people many turnovers." on the court, and I think this helps me lead the Potter and the Lutes fell to Warner Pacific team. " Tuesday night in Olson Auditorium, 75-53. Potter said one o f her goals this seaSon i s to push herself and her teammates to their fullest Potter was limited to four points but grabbed a team-high seven rebounds. potential. The Lutes' next home game is Dec. 8 at 6 p.m. "I hope to be a big contributor again this year agaihst Concordia in Olson Auditorium. on the team through hard work and pushing

Brandon Adam

PORT WRITER adaIll bg@Pl u.t:dtl

"I try to always be one hardest working people court."



Potter puts up a long two-point shot attempt last February against George Fox. P" Uer is shoot ing nearly 44 percent from the

field in the Lutes' two games this

eason and hilS snatched a team -high 11 rebounds.



N V. 30. 2012

SPORT 1 1 •

01 I g yself accou ta Ie

Nathan Shoup


Conlrary to popu la r belief, 1 am not perfect I leep in past my alann occasiona lly, an awkward combination there 1 of dean and dirty laundry covering my bedroom floor - I beli v e the re is a carpet somewhere und�meath the chaos - and apparently I'm no extraordinaire at predicting athletic ev en t either. When I attempt to foresee how a game will end, 1 think about all the

variables. I ask myself, who is pitching? Where is the ga me all lsn' t that running back

injured? But after my poor showing this fall) I am considering a new method for fo recasting games - flipping a coin. On Sept. 28, r previewed what J believed WOt ld be the five m u st-see spo rting events of the fall. Let's see how I did .

l . University. of Qregon at Southem Ca'hfomla

In September, I said this game would be a preview of the Pac-12 C ampionship Game. When the two teams played Nov. 3, the Trojans already had two conference

losses. The game simply provided a road challenge for the Ducks. Th re was no foreshad owing . i ncorrectAdding insult t prediction-induced injury, I said USC's senior quarterback, Matt B arkley, would end the Ducks National Title hope s, d 'feating Oregon in one of his last hom games ever. Barkley did not even suit up for the game because of an injury. Oregon won the game 62-51. I did manage to predict the game would be a sh o tout, but I think most of the country foresaw that as well.

2. Rams-Seahawks series [ sai the Seahawks would struggle wilh the Rams Sept. 30 in St. Louis but pull ou t a victory. 1 was partially


Seahawk's quarterback Russell Wilson co m pleted the ball three fmes to St. Louis defensive backs and Seattle fell l3-19. Th two teams meet again Dec. 30 in Seattle, and I said Seattle would cruise into the playoffs and land the Rams a top five draft pick. At 6-5, the playoffs are a question mark for the Seahawks. At 4-6-1, it appears the Rams will avoid a top five draft selection.

3. Apple Cup

I said there was pote ntial that the Cougars w ou l d finish bowl eligible this season. A college football t am

mu st

finish with at least six wins to be considered bowl eligible. The Cougars finished the season 3-9. One of those wins was over Washington, Saturday. I said Washington's offense would be too much for the Cougar defense. Washington State shut down the Huskies, who arguably played their worst game of the s as n.

4. Civil War Let's be honest. Nob dy thought Oregon State was going to knock off Oregon. So J got this one right. [ eve predicted the game would be close at the half before the Ducks poured it on late. Oregon State trailed 20-1 0 going into the locker r om, hut fell 24-48. However, I said the winner of the game would likely be going to the Rose Bowl. At no. 4 in the nation, the Ducks aren't even going to the Pac-12 Championship game. Stanford and UCLA will enjoy that opportunity instead. The Ducks are likely headed to a BCS bowl nonetheless.

5 . MLB playoffs 1 said the Texas Rangers were going to beat the Atl ant a Braves in the World

Series. After a I a le season collapse, the Rangers were forc d to pla y in the wildcard game a no lost 5-1 to Baltimore. TI,eir playoffs were ver before they started. With a controversial infield fly call marring its playoff appearance, the Braves also lost the wildcard game later that same day. When I wo e up the morning of Oct. 5, my World Serle predictio was witl'tin the realm of possibility. When I wenl to bed that night - it was smashed.


Moving on I clearly had pr blems p re dicting ouicomes this fall, but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop forecasting.

The law of averages says I'm going to have a good spring. Right? Shoup Shots and The Mooring Mast are taking a break until the end of J-term, so I will wish you luck predicting the college bowls this season. May you fare better than I have this fall.


The Mast Mon ay N· g t Foo ball pick 'em Allison McDaniel wins Post Sunday Society title, correctly guessed the final nine games of league season f1l1ison McDaniel L.ute sports fanatic record: 9 -2

Th�re ar nojokes t bemade he:re. She i · thebest. C ngratulations. Ma ybe she could switcl ou t the San Francisco sweatshirt with a

Dalton Ritchey PL.U quarterback record: 8-3

Ritchey was the most underrated p articipant this year. He started the season 0-3 and correctly picked the final eight games. Maybe he just ran out of time. Or maybe he just enjoys having three losses - the PLU football team finished 7-3 this year.

Geoff /"oomis men 's baseball coach record: 7- 4

Loomis was arguably one Michael Vick concussion from winning a co-championship. He can fill the void in the spring when the baseball team begins its season.

Seahawk one though, like a real Washingtonia n would.


r sidencc Monday night following Carolina's 30-22 win ovcr Philadelphia. Secn in It San Francisco sweat�hirt, McDaniel corrcctly picked the 49crs in two Monday Night ,"oothall games this season. McDaniel won a 825 gift card to 208 Garfield to McDaniel shows off her ollicial pick 'em championship award in hcr oU'-campus

COmmcmorate hcr titlc.

Nathan Shoup


She could do no wrong. Eventually. In the first pick of the seaso , McDaniel picked the Broncos ov r the Falcons in Peyton Manning's return to Mon day Night Football. The Broncos fe!l 27-21. 1n the second pick of the season, McDaniel picked Green Bay over Seattle. You may call it the Fail Mary game, but the Packers, and McDaniel, were robbe of a victory in a 14-1 2, Seahawks win. l<ollowing the Seattle game, McDaniel correctly guess d nine games in a row. McDaniel the finished J

season 9-2. Over that same II-week span, ESPN NFL reporter Adam Schefter went 7-4. Every week, McDaniel had the most animated picks. "I PICK THE PANTH ERSSSSSSSSSSSSS," she said in her email submission last week. These emails and other variations of it were constants throughout the season. Maybe it was her excitement that won her The Mooring Mast Monday Night Football pick' em championship. Maybe it was d� vout research for each game. Maybe it was pure l u ck. Either way, she is the first Post Sunday Society champion ever.

Stflcey J-Iagensen all- world soFtball player record: 7-4 Shane Gutierrez. men 's soccer player ruord: 7-4 Steve Dickerson men 's basketball coach record: 6-5

/"ance /"ute trusty mascot record: 6-5

On Oct. 5, Hagensen sat at 1-2, and I said take note because she

would not have a losing record the rest of the way. Had the Eagles won Monday, Hagensen would have shared the conference title.

Some people simply can't handle the pressure. Sitting in first place at 6-1 Oct. 29, Gutierrez incorrectly picked the next three weeks before correctly picking Carolina Monday.

Dickerson finishes in a tie for sixth place in the Post Sunday Society, but he wins the best facial hair award outright. Although, it's wtlikeJy McDaniel and Hagensen would have fought for that award. Despite Lance's love for the sp otlight, he hovered arotUld . sOD the whole season, never re, lfy mustering any momentum or attention. Hopefully the unimpressi e finish does not carry over to his performances at basketball games this winter.



NOV. 30. 2012


Lutes struggling out of the gates 72-38 home loss to Northwest Tuesday highlights slow start



Senior wing Cameron Schilling (bright blue shoes and knee pads) and other members of the basketball team show their disappointment Thesday night in the late going of the Lutes' 38-72 1058 to Northwest at home. The loss dropped the Lutes' record to 1-5. Schilling's seven rebounds a game are fifth best in the Northwest Conference.

the game, resulting in a 76-45 win. PLU shot nearly 48 percent from the field, while Evergreen State shot a dismal 31 percent. Senior wing Cameron Schilling led the Lutes The Lutes men's basketball team is off to a 1-5 with 19 points and 10 rebounds, tallying his first start in the 2012-2013 season. double-double of the young season. However, the Lutes don't play conference games Schilling has scored double digits in four of the until Dec. 7, so they can still work out the kinks that Lutes' first five games this season. Junior wing Kai have hindered them in the beginning of this season. Hoyt added 10 points and seven rebounds in the The start to the season provided a tough test, team's win. Every member to say the least. The Lutes of the Lutes basketball first played Seattle Pacific team played at least three University, losing 72-48. minutes. SPU is ranked seventh in The Lutes split the the nation in NCAA Division Class Thanksgiving II, and it limited the Lutes tournament, losing to to shooting 33 percent from Eastern Oregon, 51-48, after the field. The game was an shellacking Evergreen State. exhibition, so it didn't affect Schilling led the Lutes once either team's record. again in scoring with 13 After losing two close points. The Lutes mis ed games in the Doug McArthur Cole Parker a game-tying three in the Basketball Classic, the Lutes sophomore post waning seconds of the close faced S attIe Uni v rsi ty, affa ir. Division I school. Seattle "1 think our team has University bea t the Lu tes 58what it tak�s to make the 49. Andrew Earnest was lights playoffs," Parker said. " Even ou t from the three point are, though the season l1as just starte d we're beginnjng as h d rained six three-pointers to lead the Lu tes in to improve and play more together each and every scoring with 22 points. The Redhawks are 2-1 . ay." The Lutes fell to Texas-Dallas 66-58 and New Ptu fel l at home, 38-72, Tuesday night to Hope Christian, 80-72. Northwest University. The Eagles improved to 8-2 "Om team has done well and has lost some very with the win. close games," sophomore Cole Parker saId. "We The NAIA school held th Lutes to 29 percent have been in all the games and done some great from the floor while shooting 56 percent itself. things on the floor every game." The Lutes have one more non-conf renee game The L u t 5 picked u p their first win of the season against St. Scholastica Dec. 3 at 7:30 p.m. in 01 n the day after Thanksgiving against Evergreen Auditorium before opening onference play next State in the PLU Thanksgiving Classic. The Lutes Friday at Whitworth. dominated Evergreen State in nearly every facet of

Sam Horn


"Even though the season has just started, we're beginning to improve and play more together each and every day."



Head coach Steve Diekcrson watches his team fii1l 38-72 to Northwest '[ucsday night . Dick rso n has coa ched the Lutes to fourth place NWC finishes the past two seasons.

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