1999-2000 Mooring Mast

Page 298





Where do you think your tuition money goes'!

"Our (uina" goes

"Probabl, moslly

ro re!identWl life



to ttache,., and

slqffropay our Cun Gavigan

Aaron Shelton

"IIMnk if goes

"Loren Andtr.fon', pocket. Ha", you.

to land�capjng."

seen the house thai

Sarah ROl«'m

guy lives in? "

Jordan Brooksltire

Coming up ...


Univelliity Singers Spring Concert

women'. choir, ..... perform ""'* from lis IIPfIng C(lf"(>'!n lOll, under the dIf9ctior; 01 James O. �. The coocert wII be heId,t..prM , 8, al 8 p.m. In lagerquist. ...� is sa for 1I<Ut8, $5 torSI\lderIIs and seniorI and 5310< PLU .'�mni. Children 1 8 years and younge, will be �ittoo for I....., For more Intormslion ca� �5',6.

The Unlvel'llly l Sing<n, PLU's

25th Annual Norwelgan Festival

The Scandinavian Cukural Cenle, hosts lhe 25m Amual Norwegian HtKt�all" F<M1iva1 "om ,1 a m. 10 3 p m. on Apt\I22 . The 0\1111\1. 1�lur\ng (jjSplaruoo demon$,r.,lons I, Ir.. ,0 the public. For mOre ,


i'>!OITTI8.tion cAlI 839-7712.


DC -

-'-��, -




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_Two PlU OIudcnl5 we", l.oum:hlng

April 8

Compus So� afficenl,

d"".. inlO tl-editclt a. tho:<;om<!"oll25lh

w�ter l>alloons.t tho Campl1!i Safety attiC<' and ",,,-,, to coop< .....� wi.h

April 4

oCompus Soffly w•• ron.. cted .fter a

PlU .tudent twitted his ankle on tho .t.i.. in Tingel...d Han. Ice w..


April 5 o

A PLU .tud",,1 accidenlally trlppN

Ihe plnic olotm In Memorlll Cynuw.;wn whi l e movu.g equipment out or tho:...omen'. IocUr mom. � .Iarm w.. "...,.. oA PlU .tuden. n:ported th.t hi.

backpack wos " olen from the UC c.of.. erio .

_ ..- . --, ' -­ -"'," -. •


A vehicle d'h-en by unknownpcn<I'"

and Park 51,...,.. The v�ide wo. found by Campul Safcty and Pic"", County Sheriff', Dq>utmcn. w.. notilled. A PW olu<ienl, who w...

u,volveJ the

inciden� ",fused 10 gi>.. any infonnation .!>Qu. the occident

The ,'dOCle, whi<h bo.�"<'<l 1O onDIhe, PlU studenl, w" towed by Porkland

Towing, oCampw; Slltety w.. noriiied after• I'lU . tudent "",de h..--ing te�honc ""lis to\W()Raideruolllksl.H�"The vktimo we", advl ...d to go to the Campuo 501<:\y office and complete • lelephone MOTOMJneRI rrpon

ollie J-kallh Cent<:t: int......", &Iarm"'Of ICliv�ted by unltnown n:UOIUl. The

There.", no ouspects.

b,,,ldlng w"'!nIT1wd byClmpuoSofuly

April 6

Apri l 9

Ilsim>t.>d t "",tor,,*. SI30.


-----�, ... .... .

April 1


oThe S.uen Han fi'e .Iorm ..... ""tlviot.>d by. foulty abo"" ho:od. The headw.. "'I'litood and tho:.1Ann �. oCompus Sofety wOO con�ed afler .

PlU student got """",tlungrn hrr eye. An altempt to ",mo,'e the ob)<ct w..

'"""'"'"'" Her "Y"" we... patched until CPFR arnV1!d and adn>Odtho: student to &" to the emergency room for furthe,

eval""tkn. AprH 7 o

AI'LU .tudenlarmedin tho:Camp""

Safrly office oomplaining of bl'Ntlung dilficultiC!l. Centul Pierre Fire and

Reoc... woo notlf>e<l, rnpondrd ."d Ir.nsported .he Ilud,.", u.> 5t CI.", Hoopi..l °A PLU Itudent faloified vchid" "'8isl,.,ion documcnto in order '0

and !be abormreo<lt.

o A PlU student _••Ied the r .... _1>0""

in Ordal lbll by throwing "siUy putty,·

whido luI. fin,olorm lind. CPFRarri,ed IU\d .-t the alarm. ollie KnorrJ-Ioua intruoion 010..., .....

.,,!lv.tHl by unknown reuolUl_ Th.. build ing wu ...rched and .h� .larm -.

oCampus Sor..ty wos conU<1<'d .rtcr .

tad rtU .tudent punched I wall in H.... Hall and hurt he, ,,"nd. I"" w• • •pphed ond 11", �tud�nt ..... ...lv;..d hy Campw;SoIety to_kfum­ medkalattenbo"

Apri l 10

'AFLU .tudenlhad h...- vehicle broken into and hel pu.... "",len. llIe .tudent also "'p"ried 1M b_k-in to PCSO.

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