1979-1980 Mooring Mast

Page 221


MOORING MAST Tuition i n c rease to fund fac u lty pay h i kes .,lotIo..... M. HOI'.... An "lRrb"ion-.leDl.i�.<" I&cul., ....... i__ .... clt«l II< the ",fmc 1ac10r in .... m"ruh', _d of ,qeD!>' decilion to boost tuillOft, room and boald I 10101 of 11.7 peI­ ,�.

Tu�ion for • U.."edi, load "iU incr.... 14.• perctlll to S.,0I5A. '" SI21 pel «edi, hour. Room aDd _,d will inc,.... UOO [0 S!,!lS roo foll. inltrim and .prln,. Totol <oJ!> ..rn <qull SS,M. AcronIi1I, [0 Presid..., Ri.k.. ..... wilh ,II< Inerns.. PI.U will ,,,,,,lIin I "mediuDI'

priced un¥ i .ISI.,. ranki". In Lbo middle 01 It... toSI """"u'. of .om�.b!c scbool. in ,"" Nonb.. ·... Rlek. oaid in • "Divenilr memorlrxlum thot nnand&J lid r",m un,,,,,,,ily funckd ",",ceo wiU be incrnxd [0 bdp o!!.IeI lh. i........ In ,.itiaD . ..,d JO"ftllmtllt fundod lid 1'.08'..... ""nlin... to ;"CfUJe n I both num..... "" a.no"nu. The .�!O aworded ..:ro........-.d ill· creases in laoul.y salori.. 10li0''';11, ••fillin, _I. ";Ih ,h. Want ""'''''... '' .. "'iDa to ,ho"'_ AWl ... lIut ""'nni". nat year, gIazy incu>es ...., IlOl be octOll,-,I>O_,d. Ri.� lAid ... pili... '0 Implement. r....._-flian . ..MdI ..W pia« .,,"ual i"",omonu on I meril



Tilt ,,",..minin, IKlo" 01 merit ..e demonstration 0 1 prol...io .... 1 Of task .kUIl. IOfwaniin, ,lit ob}o<ti... of ,be unlwni.y and prQduam,y OS ....u.ed .. by wOfk _ comp/iohod ."d/Of .o_.ion. for in<:rUMd erlkicncy/dlo:li..".... I«<ordi.. '0 lOlCUIt Gir"...., ne<"U.i.. aSll...", '0 tile pralden,••he mer\! .y.,.... ha!I no' boon unanimou.ly lOO<qJIecI by unl ...slyt p<""nlltl. bu, is. plan wlU<h ,It< prosld<n, 10k Ihould b e Ii""n • <....""•• Giro•• od6td.1Ia< .h. odmloi",..ion will ...,km !If tilt erf..,. remain opm '0 ..aI 'i....... ol,h.policy. Th< dt>'clopmm' o,flo. ,epon'" '0 tile rq.oU tIIot "".. 51.5 ",Ioion ill .w _ Plecltos Ita•• bun donot'" in ,It< firs, II mOll,m of ,b. "'pital lund CUII""i....

"SI>arlD,lo StfUl"h." Raymo"" R....... .... bun .ppo;",,,, dj.eaor 01 ,II< ..."p"i.... Th. company which ... up 'M initial e&mpaiJtl pIannI.. """'pi...., tll<it ....� . for ,lI< ....i. ....ity ."d koad.. ,.oo hirecl,o piok up "..... .. ,h<y kf' orr ...., ' 111 .. '0 GiIOW!. Former Woohiro"OfI ..... ...islan, ..,or· ney ,....tal Mkhoel McKean. no" a Sunle otlOIJl<)" Irom Gia Hatbor. woo namecl 011UD"; ,....eom'.'i.. '0 tI>t bovd of ,o. •



TM �,.It_'o 00 or ....,to 00...__1 n..... \o milk. ,na' .,..,1_ yo'. bu, 11". ,_to conskIor ,M _s.. 0/1_'

y"", loikl _.. ..kea wna, "..., ,houlIn, 01 ,n. ,'toM'IvlII,.lIon pollcin_and not un"''''''''lII1Jy. 'My "11'_ wl,n ,n. ,_,". s.. PlIO- .1.·1.

N&'__ Arthur Howe .'ort. h', ",••, _, ,.lth • com...."," on "-1'7 .,.,. ..... coIorrl'''"rn. s......It.

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