1950-1951 Mooring Mast

Page 28






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J'lllI'ltOl'l. Jim Knn., N�1)oUj "'Of", \I..l"lll J,..h 1'1"1 IfI"n. I I�j,(p. jJ",'f. e, ",·�.'U. L/1i (loll_.. ( lK. l"'lr. lI�nl 'n, hi Sill, llyoJ I',-hul,. Bub h Lo.I ...OI""J..

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Need Any Gifts, Cards, Supplies? Bookstore Sells Many Necessities

By H. H. '\b.1vi I1.! crum for Ih�1 lovdy r"in. � ....�H shins (fir l." h wQnt�n ;tnd mlr.. Jew,Jrv (or tho: I,:m minute ,i!:lfl stuffed anim.lls fo, dw nt:�dt:'" Iii t. t'\l' i .. PO�lU,d for rh�' short nOh�. 10 tho (olks. or � pen 'h.n 'II w Wi lla thh.; u.1 nl You can lcqulre- tIK��' :lt th� PLC tx..,\':itIXC. ' ;' ll ther Ust al1in iJdinl" is schcl.ulIc lupplies. �\Uh lC booU ppt'• .lnd pencill.

,, s,. ,I"'R'� .. h .4�1; "w�n 11<' "MRl ... 1. .�I<I ':I " 4 ,,..1 In ... �HI., 1 (l:'u . .,... 1 GE="E :;HAW .,. I il ' tJu _1"1" \1t. r , PIlIL I HORLo....l " . I n.t} I ,�,. N.(. 1 \,;" ...,.. i" ,t.( )ll h R , � U'1f IJ'"p.""'"'h j " f1IJt., ell.l1., Ute· pruf" uor' nlJ. II t<:xU UA..\.'.!Ii . . • KO....T:MARY SUJ). IJ)" Bud l'oIlOQ 1M I of If,,;,- I ,c OJ' I 1 ' A\' -Ov '\It,y lJ luJ. J 'LJ!I!d (In)" oj t'i. I,,,.. "",J S.. , I 1111. (r"'I' 'II''', . . WAI.T f-r l""lP,," , , II, ' 1h. �yjll hI I. nl..l1u01! \1 I Mr. A A. \hlJ...orl d, ... I � .'K . . • \ • I' , . I , 'II I .,h" " " ut Jol.. I.. bvc Ii, U • · a M .. "' h I ,1 · J 'ro' "'lIfl1'lY"I, .rtVf, K!..,\NEO Y Tl,rn i, cif' n" ,...�I no'lII& ...r.l ' � '" M� IJv n \\ II SHTRLF V f'RA!\ US--Wh;II' .. ,1,..11 .lUIl · pi , "W .!.".. 1,-1'1 d fI I." H" I.. t m \ W" h . . . MARIO�' t"l ( . , u,," nl" Ii OJU, . ),tI�t'� "lid, In Ih I Th ,' � d tl�n)' � .1 · Jill' a t,inl 101' (;111 .. .<-drop "",th

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30 Cals Are 'Mea l' For Ana tom y Cou rse



l IL\RlJ rn:. IlIl" DT L,!t�u O· Ff �hmc::n :ntd l'uU hall hur Co! lhot strenuous ,1,,,, 10 tl, I.... Lbin:to rta:lltl ' n lf "I aft"' tI '" . OUR�(m mJJ,.( J1rtJnutWnIJ with ut(rr \\ � Jars lb..!! .Ire .Iu\\- tn}: nr' I " 'n,· " 1 .Q 01 J ' II .... 1. I I "" ma" Jrr' III ul..t" ".1(, "fl thMr h:rf (UriS 111l'J l,uu ll'l JUt. I) t In t \ . I ·Ii" \brw I J1I1Ikk -,,, r. ..:;... t.t I H I n 5nt" Som� m.Jk.e ItO)" nOH', Lb.;a III In lb.:it pJ.lm. 'nlq t.all' tI.. t m T'bt- atI, b.J1! ' .u4 " allgsnl o 10 RepIace I. I... I".. lriql QfICt-.tcd . 'bbors--oh yo.. r.Uut'l KLl�1 WI , II' ..... WJth pot. .IoJ "'Ith L. 1m � Ime 111 by mJ.rt tl . \V \\IW;I!"T lot ,t... I) KJ They rt If}'. willt ,' JJtJ ,{ ,IJn.:-." 11 y 1 r� oInd lb-, spy. BrobacJ..� as Treasurer .., (J/ Ya If u: Ittk' .1 IJtl.. Jnd ollJ Th\:'f OUi l1 .a -n', uUGhr ,.-ttl Lhc,' .... ... nd . . DO' t:I.I I,\C<;,c);\PILI! \\ •• •1, .. 1" , It. SlKrTen II�. r ,.. Uw- 'I bOI .... J(twlly p.:m. Th"" t slUditl thfy \Illr�. .all boolu til_ tlo qHlrn '\ 1 . , rl '1 l:a'111 ...J ' '" 1/1 FLRC,l"SUS t db . . Boa K.: tIT· lhl" '.c:",,,.-}' kh t.... I' .and Ihl'� ,fl\11 t I.rJd�, rh:,' , I,J ,Jldo', �;ttn 0\'1 Brot>; iI. I t ' fin.! .J1\tj"I U -cl AI,b vou will uy with .1 dl'1p') trI nii \\':al. · ·Mu.n justic.. c;(l'\ H.,p 11'1 .nd h.I, & cj.,n"t! I'-'> Illd n u t ;l.U nd 1111( IInll'l bo',,me ..' I.' ,, ' ,. , ,11 ,,1 ART IJRtl8."tK- I .(OLlld"l lclp I I ' . � tlnicl� dol" be: tl L) In: 'i�, mu" LVII pt'o:'\�11 ' [)gn't worry .b..l lli If. don', dk" mUll 'f',. r " J II" II . u rn t.. r.d dun t fttl. TIll' I"in!: J$ no{ fil1 l ,h. ,L fh� ,-'nd is not )' d . . . AMY BRO'\� ut , t... "n,.. dub Ita. drl"Mkd I" J.jX>nJo;:r �'f"l \\1..... J_k din ......:! lItl" rl.... . F.STHP,R ft,OLLAXD l{y . blin� part}' in [he ......., ful"',... t.:>t-n t ('!'Ivy lhosl.' stu d�t1", fc r hl" "- i� th'lr (at<', Although I "i,', . 8<-,. I j t ,h\".ul ]".1 ,I: lhey Ed by ( t hey milY :,lr.t,lll;u�} -attl(hcd to tlll'ir s:bcepskin I" MI, h in�il.-!I � f" r�. . . DlLL ,",I�' C",,('f wa, appu'.Ucd U (Mir Thr rIJ'!pI,I, d ... ,u.. ,. will nlr. du m lI1d like b:lll. an: Ibt �hon� lin)..� o.t J1.lbit Ihat m3.ke tI'Kl.E-·-Oin� 1)...""" Din.; 01,110.( IlIIn rA Ih.. CUDm:n.'� 1(> ;,rnnr- lor ","'10" lu..... llln OIlr ....Ic.!v CMoI :.lid 80B �frAOAMS . , . I didD" l ft.. p..-uty. Ihtm dll'ir tbr<llJ. Th. ' y Qt:) !hrnu!'h their lives. we,lk shams and '_CUD] �n ph>l' ....,.V thor �� lu . , . J::SI IlER BELF.WII'",.. n I" I nc ...� r �('[ breab " J )(lr illoIo.Q, c\- cr :1· .:rY IDE. ''h� husin<:» mel·lin.: w;u roUo"" 'd d,1 r 'bt1l fn. rod.. h �, dn" l ,N Don' , (,)I buu up W U ll al1yom' ..iI, .." . Jud,,\ hnur with t:I I " n H"�i\I:'Ll : "'It', Mo[1\ " Srl: Tillf," 111" tl,.. ....;U I ,ill Ih' 1:1< t c1� . . 0/\ I,E KELl.F.H_ WI" l'Il"f"oi ;0 I t il ("haT!f' .. , 1l.&lnnI, R�ptin t from OC' tobrr 3 1 . 1 9-47 Maonng M J.�I. til" '"),,

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Chapel Quotes

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. JIM JAEGER-The l!U'e l- '

..ADlot' EnLt: ' 0 C�II 1'(1 P ' . j, I l'Th' l l O.OOO. OOO god� 3r(> worshipped by the pc".pl� .. Po oIn . (nt li .. , bul noe (lnl" 01 them LS. .. Gc.d o� love who {,:an gl\'� OM ).1,\:0; 'urd of rur,.. or Ihe ..�su"nw of :r.�h·.'1l10n. fin (off «0 .".. l,.oU..c •or.:adu.lh : ;ant! J bn llld n t man ;u.' nOI always

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lk. Talbot, int 1 h:lv( �r.l\'d\'d aroun� rhe world I ha\'o: begun [0 wish ! RETR.\CTlO:-; . . � ..... . .. .. :k" , 1 , Wit'( YOIIIIO .0". un so fh:lt I "" Kilt prepare my:;elf 10 MOmf' .I , � { " co I '. . " om-.n. i' "'list "I , WU Hf'Qn�u�I�' f'-� uU·.!lcn.uJ' :md brtng Chrtst to at1 mf'n.


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La rosse Pr,'nters Cards




pon" d lh;l.l slud"l1u �"I""d PLC fraca

OriOn tiu, 1"0-- " ' ,.. mll'/n. 11l.II;-;rd Ihry lOCATED IN F,· r)' CQmmunit y b.'5 the- ann':Tnm('nt. W h'Ieh l L 'Y HS own """'" I,,,:1 f ..... EJton!:l, L-lInfl, OLD CH".\PEL BLDG. ,l,mruJ.'1 ir dc�n't' . �l h!' • • IOt:. GctllllUly alld Indi3 ON n{E CAMI'US II cur 101...11. n.alt ,),ul nJ tlon.tl gt Vl'tnnh'nl ,,. 10 lx good tM �p!, wfl., run for Onl'� ;and Iho�e whu \'orc !t&u"t iJl\ICJ bt "'"lnnT i. r:n unt., (to! !.kif c;lrth. fl!tr i n UUI' d"n1(lt'I -l� V wr JO' �o"«ru-l 'ry- lh06� w ilDt UCoJ., op IIL1I'1 ". CnI'I ..1 June Nysteen " � e r:(C, M An"'.u , I m wI. w...rc lit", "1.5 o""n hCJn, God cho!l� m{'n 10 "'f\'", L ,. Sr .. pop fOT 1wo SIP 01 "..bo!:n YO'1 Vl;'lt� nH( \/Itt. dMX1' �'o"r (;mdid;nQ r,.uclull)" r---,--wr








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'Neul E. Thorsen





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;============= �, Order Pcrwnalited Chriltma. Card. N__ '�

C. Fred Christensen 9 1 3 l'lIcifi( Ave.


8R. 4629

l'lH'omll, \\o';ol'h.



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O!'tl THf. itIGH\\AY CORNEr. PAC lrrC ,WE. So: G.\aFI£LO

II�= ========-�������� II AFTER THE GAME

38TH STREET CRill Brookdnle Lumber



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Pop's POI> Corn



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Old Books For Sale In Lobby of Library

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Good Fount"i" 38th "\1 Y.lkltn.l

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