Mast 1936-1937

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Fri(h'�' Night

i.Wuest and Mc(;ormick . 'AU 1936-:Nurrital Registration Fol ' DeeOl:lc DOIird MClllb"r. . Year To Exceed Graduates Get Rol'''d W""I '"d H.", Moe", 'Tea' : 'chI'n' 'g .J·o ·bs· -hundred m!ck Three were elected }t'sterda\ to rill th�e -

Annual p, L. C. Homecoming Set For Octo ber 10




Fol�o';\' the' TE'am-lo

Welcome. A'lu,m ni. to H�mecoming W



II a!\.office:<:�lstanlofathletic freshmlln representathe and manager respectively

No� m81 Department Has 140 Students; Class Room I Changes Made . ,

C. T"o Rattle. Ellens,ber g

One Hundre�' �er('ent Rec �rd

ThE' others members of the AS'IOCialed Again· A('hien�d by. Place. Saturday" at Unroln Bowl; . Pep Rally Fridll� l'!i·Jt�t me 9t Agency ' :ts�d�naty.S:� :.��;!y:rr���:r�����:� . With. the . homecoming ·date set de!· With t'n«lUment llumbeN< continuing students during the -'coming �·ear. 1n- One hUl, ldred. .per 'cent placement of to InerellSol'. Pacific Luthel1ln College dude p· resldent. Stanley Ford: vice- aJi 1936 Paclnc Lutheran Col1ege Nor­ . has beg\ln Its forty-third year of con- prt'sldent. Margo/et Rorem: skrt'tary. mal Dt'partmt'nt grlliuat"es has bet'n , tinuous operation. and colleg� officials Wadene Cahwan; treasurl'r. Lloyd nchleved a>laln this year by the pol!ege tl l m t c n a 3 a P b �.�: ;s���a� ��::�;a n':�· �;::�� ���; :�t�=p�;· :1'�:�� : l:!s r:;�:;lt;�i�; ���,�:� � ::::u :? .r:!�� =;2; :�; thl'·re�lstrar·s Orrlct' Indlcatt' that up Leuise WIlliams: sophomore class rep- p:Mt seven:tl years.. dille thert' art' studentJ; enr�lIt'd resplltatlv". O1ols Orande: and' commls- Following a U�t of place�ent.s: Including e· nrolle<! for the Summe, · slOller of athletics. Obert Haavlk . Harold . Anderson; Rldgelleld: Wash·.: !<e,,;sIOruMI�· . . There are registered Arnold ....nderron. ElI.St ·Stanwood. In the Normal department. and In ·the p ·· wa::h.: Francis Archbold. Thrift School.· Llberitl Art .dlvlslo;' the totftl Is 19. resl d e.n t Ti ngel stad Oraham. Wash.; Nordls Arn�n. bsa­ Theft' are 39 enrolled In the h�gh SChool QLUt.h. Wa..'Ih.: Eline Benson....Lakebay·. De par�ectlon. . r 'East Wash.; Ellen Bergstrom. Rainier. ':. r�ts Fo WaSh.: Oeorge Brockway.· S�elwn: The SChool year.wa:< formail}" opened Tut'sda}" morning. SE'piember 15. I n· \ViII Attend Fh'e Meetings as W��h.; Oertrude Brunner. Cougar Flats: Ryderwood. WIIM.:· OiQce_Car�. Lake chApt'1 by PTt'Sldt'nt T lrlgt}lslad .....ho I'Rl'ific Lutheran Rep, t a h II w m t resentati\'e ��lt�Sh��,� ·�e�:?� �le;��:::� Three Additions �����:\ I ��d :::. ;:cll��)� �l �:���: ��� . Dreibelbis. Peshastin, John and: l A. lh(' studen(body presldt'nt. Mr. Stan- Dr. and Mrs. O. T1llgel�ta.d left le�' For�. PtJ'f orgall numbers were Parkianrl on Saturday. St-ptember 26. WAsh.: Evelyn Eklund, McKenna. To .C. Faculty presented by P.rol. J. Edv,"srds. music. f'nroute to. thl' Ea.'>t Dr. Tinge!, Wa.'>h.; Jean-Marie Fo;wler. WRsl)Ollgal. director. and Dean Philip E. Hlluge ad- �tad. by \·ott' of the Executlvf' Commlt- Wash..: Ruth Froyen, Pe.shactln. Wash.; Are Announced· dressed the group brleny tce or the Board Ql Trust.ecs. ..... feP- Eul9. Mae Ooff. I...ongbranch. Wash.: .Because of lhe increased f'nrol!ment. rt'!H'nt Paclflc l,;-uthcTlln College at scv- La)lt:!!....!:'auge. Rochellter. Wash.: Ray Central Valley. Pearron. 'lUmerous changes have been made to f'ral Important conferf'nce� and meet- Hlnderllt'. washJ nld Hut..50n. Woodland. Rt, 3. . accommodate claSSE"s. Chapt'l ·seatlng Ings. P\lY�lu�.� Harold Johl'lnsen. Silvana.. cRpaclly has been enlarged .. and clas!'! ·Hls first destination ..... be Omaha w . clock. As Ellell.'>. at. rle Johnson, Tumwater. . fOOm rearrangemt'nts are being made. Nebraska ·", ·here he I.'> liCheduled to at- wash,· a��""--� ,.,,·as the only tram · W det e Rt P Ruth John!;On Plum Station Thrt'e nt'w faculty members have been · e OI t sf me r · C . C. last year. the Gladlatof& are .deOIY�PI�: Edna Kelsey. adQed W the t.eRchlng st.aH of Pacific termined ��3�:1 ;1� :t�: �d ��� S�h�·. RtJ-<. �h: �r��J:� ::nis {�� ��: :a��. �:�:n���:;� . to take !.he W1ldcat.s Int() (. 1·1n\.c:,..hflo.f-TtpnI WA..Vl. ·, No rrl'l �uthcr.n. Oollet ror the &thool � �1l11(nnS the! ehapd�nt IHIH,l!u.... UUI. uf PIt,s.h.ll'ul Co."U"KU Langlow.r Dewat W. Hoodsport. Wa sh2.: yellr' with the Rppolnt.ment of Miss a�:Ps���;:er:. IRrge number of ",rads to make room for In the former gendotr of . Augu�lana College and �e- "lone �t. Ma.d.'iOn. F'lrgrol/ t' . dllY room. ologlcal SE'mlnary on Ckt. I. In Rock Puyallup: Johanna Manousos. Ashford.. Gladys Gilbertson. who will tt'ach Eng- Alumni . . .. � be guests. of the stuijenl Island. .... all official repre- Wash.; Sheldon M'?t'. l.R.kewood. Wash.,. Ush Composition and home relations, body at a will mixer plflnned for Saturday "Ill . Mrs. Krledler dean C e of L. and " ntativ P. se 1 I elyn Foster Rl. . el/el;!ng In the college gym at elgh Monson. . tan.ts Ch os . n A SSIS 9 Re e d M Mlkkel o·clock .. �r Norgaard will have D e a .Il be E · tJt': Raben Monson. School. n · Selah. Wa..�.; �ro ��I rIs�d The the Re:.::.e�d M�. Orl/Hle charge ��t�n�� �e:�:g �� e��"" t �e �I� ScRt the entertainment. Her com· Bert Myhrt'. OrRnt School. Tacoma: Running. Itor, Ad viser sa� By. Ed,-Lutheran pasWrs o{ Tacoma. mlttee. of.consists el1nlal Conv�nlion �f lhe American NOI·ellf' Nagel. Randle, Wash.: Valbor" ;"·m be part time instructors of Evelyn Syvers;on. In tht' de- I r Lltherlln Church will be held alter I a ad · ke a v . r st Otness. Frii Hold BU.'Ji��S8 which he to Decorah. Iowa. i ��;:�'. =!�. ; ;.\ :. ��· G::� MC �:: partmeni of religion. � �� �; g��;:� p ����� :: a:�:e �;. _ .prf'Sf'nt mum l\1anager8� P8 ; Pre�8 \VI : Diamond Jubllee on was MI Gilber born b(' al at the t::! ·ppnnle. Rosedale; Gig Har· bor:·Eleanor .".<i ts i refresh. � rOf the alfair Include: ta ls iof ....lIth"'r Coll('gt'. beginning Ile ASSistant Editor ! R.alldl'bRUgh, McKe'.lna: Gertrude S�n- illinois. She began her high school mf'nL,. Judith Bensoll" June Waltt'r. -In Minneapolis on Oct. 20. Presld('ilt · berg. Elbe. Wash.: Edwnrd S.vlnth, Mox work at Pleasa.ntvlew Luther cOllegt'· Enid Blake. AI Rogan and JesSe Pflueoak Olness. sophomor(' In th Iberal. Tlngelstlld plcted It at Augustana Col-1 g .; d , · m uuend an organization BeatrIce Sidders. School. Elma. Wash.; Frlth- and com. Art.� department. "h1\S been se ic c�ed SIOILX Falls. North DIlkota. from enkll Deecorations. ing of the rrCl'nlly created Colll'ge JChehalis of Tayet. South Bt'nd: Bergllot Vogan. i lege. Berry. Gary pt lueger." RQlandbuslncss manager of. t)(e Mooring Mast. meet which Institution she was also grad U - lu Conft'H'll " cl.' of thl' Norwegian LutheTfln R p . I FOSSQ. oQk Ollless nd est. w II Deep RII .er. Wa.. �h. . Elizabeth FrIIs be his .asslstant. Church of Am('rlclI. ated from co.lleg.e. In she received will heRd �lIn-up commIUI'�. His Norma Pr('us. third year Normal stu- Dr. and Mrs. Tlngelstad �xpect to . . . the a fellowshlR WMhin"ton State. CoI- assIstants Ilfe Robert.. Lando, Jack Wall. dent. hIlS been appoIIlted as.<;ocI IIle edl - return V le-ge...-,.,,'here--she later obtained the de- lind Al McKIlY . I e ner BItter Chosen r ill four ,. t'('ks. This will be " tor or t�APer. MIs..<; Preus WAS news . gree of Ma..'i tt ' r of Art.<; in EngJlsh. MLo;..<; J." g st s editor Ia;;t semester. GllberUon has IIlso had a summer·s C . e f . Special staff rt'porters lind feature :;��o:: �: �:co;��:� ��: ��S�ll :e ���l� �enlor ' Iass L-ea der graduate cour.o;e at the University of School Orchestra writl'rS will be selected by Mrs. Frallck. South Qakotll. taking a graduate minor prt'l\ldent chosen was Bitter Venl('r editorial adviser. and Hazel Hagerup., Educational Library of this yeAr·�. graduating class. which In French. She was enrolled for adRehearsals Begin editor. from the following who have vance study at Washington StIte and normal year l Colincludes both third appUed for positions: Ida �en.. Vlr- An l'ducaliona.lllbrary for normal'de- second. rear liberal art student.�. at Inst I lege In 1931. PrpsrM'C\.S for a \\"I'II-balanced orches" ' " ,oodll," "" ,,,,,dl ", to '��'���'��":�"::-�:: :;:�'7:.""�:;:::' :�:�'':::'��� W':;:�,,��:'�:� to hood Ih. �,,� ::��al��%� hl:�"��";::':; :":':� Pro:essor J. O. Edwaris, director. who Norman Frye. Russell F rye. F'n les physics ill�ratory. TIll' library will be \.Ice-presldent. Judith Ben<;(ln: secre� GllberL'iO n has tanght at shl c�nducted the first rehearsal. �hu rS' �fartln. Jack Odey. and Roland Wuest. opt'n from to 4:20 t'ach school day. tary. Ul ulse Hendrickson: and treas- State College. Wartbu q.: Col le lle In IO_l\ day. Sept.ember 24. He expects the prElllabeth Stuen and Virginia Davis bOOKS msy be checked out for eve- urt'f. Oliver Ludlow. Mr. Hauge - will Idaho.and The Lewl�ton State Normal In,ganizatioll to Include more than fllteen arl' �d\"ertlslng managers. Ad sollcl- ijlld ser be the clas.<; adl.l nlng study ' members tors nre Vernlce Scott. Vivian Smith, . and Margaret Larsen. Kathryn Ander- V I Thl' orchestra will meet for fehearsal� · ers p' rove· to Be,. ;1,,- mh · G roup lilt 2:40 every Tuesday nnd �ursday .�on has been chosen for th� [)()Sltion of C acuI·ty 1,�e T7ersatl.'le . . circulation manager. Her assistants in the chapel. . are Helell Lilja and Thl'lma Ness. Ma- We should hnve an authorIzed course ·v('ddlngs, nnd .tol preach eight sermons. sermons In Parkland. :racoma. Seattle.' i e agriculture · ·Llttle m!,n. yo\"\·e had a busy day:· and KenneWick. ....t home he occupied. . bel Heggem ""'111 be the exchange editor. In extensive and Intenslv· J . , ReceptJon F'or Dertnlte selection of the staff w!ll be at P. L. C. this year. Rfte� the ··back to Mr. Stuen belongs 'also to the class himself In his garden and . papered 1 1'l.nnUa m h S e h t e th ld PP f de r a allilounced In the next isSue. : Stl1dentM Saturfl.ty En' �� .��� ��:�;: ;����r ��:re Oa�:�)� �::I�� �nW: ::iJ�n��:· ��:��:� t �: �lr� ;:I� .o::t:��� t�; ·unl\lerslty l d t s m , �: ���� �:�I:':i��ty �r:�I���n· atak;I��;�.� �:a\��t�::� ���!o:la�ra��� �:�;:��I fa::I��"rd;:�����lno� ;�CI�:�h�u��;�� L. D. R. Me�t To morrow !I:::::: �:\a\�: be:� t���a\� Brice. Yello""·slone. Boulde;. Cl)ulee. \ College will entertain th� stooents. with At �Preus Residence tImer Of. those who "acationed at home, <:�urse. bu: our Instructors are nothing If not Mr. Ed Tlngt'lstad went east to at- Olacler and into MexiCO. He·d IIke .·to reception in the TrinIty Lutheran As allilounced by Norma Preus. pres!- \·erS.."l\lIe, and tra\'ellng. prt'achlng. mln- tend the biennial convention of the N. live i:, MllonR. Nevada or Utah. but church ·parlors. dt'llt. tht' first meetlng... of the Lutheran Ing. studying. te aching. carPentry a�d L. C. A. In MlnneapolI�. From· there. c�n·t make up his I1}lnd..He ought I Mrs: Kreidler heads !.he socIal com· h on o b n l n I n n l t le e I a u on d e r e it gt �:I� :t ��e �C! o�=� :��� A.""�� e: .�::'�i �I�: :� t�� ����:r ::I:nda r� '� �:w� ��oUr: d�lvin ; :�s�.n�H:V S ::�� �� o�:' ��=r��: � �p��� �� �; I ;e :t ::�.��. .�\�. �r� :��a�f�:d �r! Thu�ay at 3:00 . o·clock.' All girls are. Mr. Ramstad dlstut,bed the \·acatlon during the second summer seMion· at money: but haa a good vacation and Nelsson nssistlng. Refrt'sh�ents are . - c-ordlall), Invited. . tranquillity . by going .stralght up a· nd the college. A 'brlet trip W Oregon .dldn·t take my ....·.ork too sertously:· teing pla�ned . by Miss Ollbertson. . The program wl)l c-o�ist o{ a talk raising )"(x){ at his ·home, Mrs. and Idaho completed his summer"tr�v- To "Berdine g�s bouquet for ori!!'- L�a\"es and garden flow�rs will be w;e<! on ··The Purpo.o;e of,the· L. D. R:' by Ramstad didn't mind. though, {or look eL>. scheme. lnallty. She was married .and spent In the decorative , Mr. Ed... .ards is arranging the pro; Margaret·Rorem. Alma StOI� 1l,111Sitig a·t all the extra room she yot by that Dr. Tlngel. .stad als? attended the .�. her honeymoon In Oreg�n : : according a soro. and a \'Iolln numt)er will' be added story. We undentand '·Rammy" L.. C. A. convention and visited !.he to the lacu.lty pun-ma�ers. she went. qam ""·hich will Include the following t'n by E\'eJyn Syv'cltiOn. has his shingle out �ow: and is read¥ Gold Run Mine In Idaho. He spent · '·KJ.a.sey··-CongratuIations! numi:ers: greeting. Mr . . Hauge: vocal .--, gh·The election of .the remaining ottl· to tougt!- competition to the· local a �ort .'!"�tI�n in Slh'erton. . The Ne.l.ssons motored· East. B?d at· numi:ers by the faculty ladie� quartet: . . cers. vlct'-�es1dent, secretary, and contracton: Bd1"een hammertnp.. Mr. Mr. Xav�er taught the lint weeks. tended. the Augustana Synod meeting. In Piano ·s electlons by O. Ed�ards: and treasurer. will be held at this time.· Ramstad found ot'nclate at. five During the-summer he preached seven lC.on�oed on a I·neal solo by Mr. Paul A. Preus. 10











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<Xt. 14.


P. L.



2:00 0

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I 1





.....: .____








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Pap: 31




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...OE ..


iiti1l' .ooriug ·SIIa llt


Publlshed t\'ery n o



dunng the 5chool'YeIIor

Luthcran COlltle.

bs�rlpU;n Pr'lce-.1.� Per Yur EllIered fl." l"{"rou4.c1ass ma tter: Oc\obcr 2. ·IP2S. II� b)' the srud('n � of Pacific


t hc

Room 1 1 :;

'I"l'!lephone:. OArln<! Q:;71





Office . at PBrkland. WlLShino:ton. unilcr tilt' Act of March 3. 187 9.


.ood .

( SWEDE vi .


G rl t n -

have onf' thlng . n common. e 'Of our )'o�ng Crl f'nd s gaping Some tall.

bu� lh�y 11011

all green. W� hllo\'!! �n





m e short.

. .wide and open·mouthed at we ma.s.s.!l·e structures .... hlch


tlcketA foi. our maIn bulldlng. OJ" p�SIIC� lo the dl

be are les't

Huel Hagerup . ..EDITOR Norma Pr.em ASSOCIATE EDITOR . SpORTS WRITERS _ RII. wll Fr�·e. Ro And Wuut.

.. Norman Frye. FRies Martin.


; �Q\f' unfeeling slickers sell ) OU


ru J m: ,

some e e\'at

ng ·club .







III Iht' �ltl� I"�,e nn't..... :; ;:::��� '3��� � ; J' wit ••� I!re 80:11. � � ... �oob LtJlrn







d •.

I:I. e




KnuUen. 3t.'of lh� a,'rtc · Collc-ge office staff. became . Kla�y at II. ceremony .per·




� ��� PMrkhu�d MI"i'I. .J� fOllmed by




the glmf'

blo ..,s : ·



'not OVl"r ·


eran �?;.�o ��l� g


Re ' bI"r me

'htl'll\f' unlil lhf' '..



from the.


A. Tiu£eilltAd. July ball field lIive mf' Ute mCllAge .l would TTlnlty Luth lO e\t · ry s�udenl ,enrOlltd

"AnnA l\�lkkcl.!\On. '33.


IUld )d1'J\.

your own ,,"18llment ..





H. Wilburt

I BUllco JOTllensen '30. Clurbrook Wasn




1I 'I




��;; � � ��� : �:: � �� � You Rre


.� n


, en.t.8 Interested collellf' I'Itud b ' � � n o


the 'hnportAl"ice


of If'tting oH·to a

You CRnllot afford to WAIt until

I !Iotilrt

our responsIbilities today and c.. Elmt:'r l'Yeter P L. C aradu ate of"28 !lhem lhrouah to compleUon Rememis At Nome Alnska emplo)ed by I'h 1 all his property . .. Now we' kno ..... wh}' AI McKay Is so tall la REPORTERS· Eh'a Bergmll,n. Ida Men. L8\'llun U S Wt:'ather Burea u - he stayed green 101lg. yo � older "stooges-If so�el1::I� :���� f:�Y)o:V:�! �lf15)!:\�:t�: . h· C L oanlng little La.o.s come� up and I\Sks you If the Kicking Mrs -kI GrAce IHelen T1nge ]i'ltad I "' ' _lH_-"m"'� ".-sure )our school yeAr �11I be ���/:��I � f_.;M;;;<:;;.;::'L;;;� po st l s ' th� school b4l i etl. n. of:somethlng,-Ju st be ])ntlen�. (,'OPY READER Aida Johpson 2�derRljfj :bany:-O�f1. �e hll>l ily_lItlla..proCiLa.bIe..Qlli: TYPISTS Corrine l\taltnln, I rene Odell or f'lseireel th e pu� I mmedlat cly. and gt'l a pili . NoUce marrlnge took place In July ......Ith Or: EDITORIAL ADVISER Mrs RilLh F"rAnck 0, �, T11l elsta d off ici at ing, how stiff we a U are at the dining club ...for manners. Franck Re )lac;pj' Hon� � or permltA f.or chairs, \Ve found. one of our friends sitting

SPEClA.L WRITERS - Jack Odey. Walter Schnack· f'nberg. Kenneth An('n.'�on, Man'ln Jensen.

on a rickcty box In hls room. we wonder


h e 's traded off ,


_ _ --


n"t! te�hes at �f"', Washln 8ton.



WrUrtn Iu' �n


a� her ho�t!! JUlle 19, Irene �h\) )'ear you mt!!I�- must be '011 your Inutc ' the ball 1II secrelary to the PacIfic Luth- toes and start th ... CoUt g ... admlnlstratkm. and Olal s. apped ... Folio.. -lhroulh. Tend \0.

Plltt y IIh·t!!11

I Be...rd I







��;: �:


with • JTI1n 01 :..U and a daah or d.,t .

a meSoll of Illpples!

MY. m)', suen .�m et� '














El Abe h

V irginia


up in a



..m cont


i nu e :

Don't worn' w c'l1, all loosen.

ty elc, nut."


sign up





, OI'{'rlit'Ard-Oco,


nl haY{'

to pillY



nt lniltes of thls.gRme. loO··-"Say. -I.:; that ll ood look ­ ing blonde dow Oil the steps. I'd like to meet her:'dlow .-t�.. L-.k. Oliver. and we thot you were so bas.hful.. Can you Im ine R b!g strong man IIkc Erling JUTlleltSOIi ""'Ith A nicknaml" '"Sflookte'"? BU he lo\'es

Mr. O. J, SUlen




cou,?le or "·«ks. In t.he meantime II"� )'oumlr go. The food here I� O. K. green-horn'!! ...'nothlu' ab

fanc)'.but It slicks.One tl�lnll. tho'" we thttik they �.hOU:ld another caow. We nre told that i.hey have been .. with Dea " Hauge's pet heifer ··£Sn l · e rald.. . 'J;Omew�nt temperm ental l. Is Me contented. chief?

R etnlt!


CIRCULATION MANAGER · Kllthryn Ander.wn CIRCULATION \ - Helen Lilja. -r:Jll"lmn NeAA Mabel EXCHANGE EDITOR AD SOL I I O R - Margnl"l"� Lar.;on.Vh'iAn mI th . Vernice Scott

socI ili

:;:ourtf'�y and poli�f'neSS- �ne-.·e hope

iZ t

Onk Otness


I Olh'er Lu l







Mr. Mrs. Hf'nl)' Hlnderlle. '29' are recel\,ing

]lI.tion. .� UI)()I� the birtH of

Lrt'. born August �8,



TereSli .Sells. ·3G. who,">e "'c<I lllg


�l��\':: ;:'�1r;��:� :::;l�n�: �r







l As Editorial Advi ser .. .__

e e 32. ]4



Funck. ;EngIL'ih I'!structor. torI al _

will replnce Mr. N, J. Hong I\S edi


r of tile Mooring Mast. for the

l s!::rr�rM��eHO�:sehnO: � ;:.� l ::j� � In comple ing t h d rl v fur. the p ro�d buLldlng�, and t9 takc' up his du�les



A SOil. Oary PrankUn. hlL.� b«'n




e �

a.s lhe president




v . orgal'fted 1

of the ne

and Mrs. Harold Omy of Ta- hl.�lOrjclI.l a5SOClatloll. pt mber .. • Mr Gray l� a

grAdulite of



At the Luther League m�tllla to be WEI.COME TO OUR SCHOOL! Paulln(' Larson. '30. married Mr. Harg Oct. 9; at �:OP ..,. E. of Lonllvlc\l.·. WUh. Junf' �l"ld Sundny even g. \Yith 1', I.. L uff lu 1.Il1olht'l· g ' aiul lwgillning, o·clock. Earl Lund. ,student pa.stor. will 20. t the :"Iullring :"Iast htkt's Ihis tlilpurtunily ICJ;wdO' It. TOOlf Flu l says shf' d n't 1mml,' who's gonnn be lhe p eak r . He Is IIMlstlng Re\' � Imd; III(' "III.stlltknls :IlI tl ll' gn:d witl � Lllndo in this game of 'Fries oul.-Now thR� Or\' OLIvo) Boe. '34. was marrlf't.1 5eptem- S are In his "·ork. and has taken charge I �pl· n al'l�IS ':!, lld frel.'llIlIy t'yl.'s ,!" otht'rs \\P.i ahl hn.s p!Ckl'd O\'er till' new frosh hatch. :md ber Ed n He'nly. Profet>....a r A. W. or lhe South Tacoma congrega�lon ... r 1\;l\ . t' tkl'lI!t'd til Ill:lkl'. Parklmul s l'ull('gt, tI,t'lr_ put his stamp on ten or twelvecan ·begln to look Rnmstad j)t'rformt:'d the ceremony, Izebelle Bvare, vice president. has flll·thl'oming institution of high!'r 1I'lIrning,,"- , around A little. heh-heh-heh-Orv and �is' chlckplanned a good program .a nd u'rges all Julia MAhncke. who attf'nded P.L. C. studen� to hea.r E ar] Lun d. Re.Jresh-­ To till.' I!t'WI'Ollll'rs Wt' wish til drop IhiS' Itt'Ims.-We noticed that one Monday nlahJ.. Thelma mult.h'r. P. I�. t:. is yuur institutiun, and it will � was out plek!ng Sherrys. Where'd you get that In 1936. is tell�hlng at �este .Wasli· men�� 111 bra served after the meetin. in ' I a i t s t �:I'I:� ,II: �hr�I��t,.II : t l�lIli ;'''I.' · ��f}');:� : : � ::�h���� t e t:�n:� rt I Ma tin and Hal Vota...... norIC'Ok your nicest. For a good laH. ask. Gar.y (the Horn) worth having is atlaitll'tI wiliu'Hlt errorl. Sub�ribe for your dally f luege r why he dl dn t :!lIt down so much for n few days. mill graduates of last sprlnll . are at\\'111'tht'r yOllr tillll' Ill'rl' is spellt :happil�' or not I NEWS TRIBUNE Linfield Collelle. WI' nom l te Cliff Ol n for the cheel1est soul on the from :�����'ntls 1111 hllw yllil n'spwH1 to the opportllniCUS S JootbAl1 T!,JEN , Mrs. Phyllis Wynne and Mrs. Mary ' P, L . C GA. 550 _ ' i lt ' C are AI _-, --'-_--.--'';-__ : i t��·g!;I���\ ; � I _. o� e a a kllotly pruhkllls fill' fal·tllty memil('rs aflll ad­ visers, :"01 Ih(' least of till.'s(' is IItI' flldur Hf Mr. Morris Ford. '31. has taken over disciplilw. This takl's lIot only (jill(' HlIII t'Ill',gy, the dutle.� of principal of the a rkl and REEDS MILLINERY hili all (··,.WllI.'rOIlS supply Ill' lal'lfuhwss as "FI,"G'" for H,,," Public Schopl. 938 Broldway w('II., :"lunaging II group of 1II0rt' than ;\00 slll­ I Tacoma. W�skingtOf\ dellts would ht· II l ll·si '" prnhll'1II at : · df' r. e l tilllt', CUl si,"'rillg Iht' high standord uf 1IIuru1 l Ore-Jon. :Ind inll'lh'dual 1'�('t'lIt'lll't' whil-h must he kt'pt up alllnii/-! all IlH'llIllt'rs of 0111' instilution. 011(' · Marth, '25. I.:; t each ing In ]jI IIl1lh'rslllllll what rt'spollsihility confronts M •• Heal ".ts. Coff•• Sh p · the Bel lin ham HIgh School. Signe 1101' It'tule "s, t TWllddteHJermstad. also a P. L. C. graduale. IS Home Cooked Meals Huutinl' Illallt'rs duilll tillle and ullt'ntiun. con\'Rlt:'sclnll In Bellingham at the'home Durlllilori('s lIIust h(' rl'gIJlult'c!; duhs lind other Another great fr hma n pArty goes down ,In hl.:;tory! 153 M ar ... 1 St. Glenda Waters of her sistcr. We an t find words tp describe Its terrific succes.s. A stJl:iet,il's musl be l'olll)('rutin'ly and smlJolhl�' Mediul'Arts BidS. MA. 9017 plI.rty like that 'e\'ery week would be f'lc:omed by.aU nrg.i'iiiz('d: Church alill Chulx'lntt('ndllllc(' lIIust '" lhe-crasht bong!! tinkle. tlnkle-UCs O. K" klddles, we hI' urg\'d: ill shllrt, !Judfk Luth('ran COIII'gt' knocked colder than A plck.le arter that last crack.) lIIust hl, dirt'd('d .lIld organized as a college Printers, Stationers Bf'sldes being a muslclRI;r, A] Jacobs Is a , m ha ni of the wurthy of tltt, h('st. MEANS RADIOS f irst water. Bet�y Hall's In rpre tatio n of "Jelly-bean'" thl'n,. as a grl'din/!_.Io you, we str9l1gl;.: "We Sell H.ppln " Is sure gummy. My. \I.'hllt a saa.weel band you ha\'e. inh'llsi\"(' l'oopl'ralioll till your parI. Sh�\' 5436 So. Tacdtna Way Ambrose. Moe's gang hasn·t started In ea.rn�st yet. a willingness to "help tllong" ill sdHlol affairs, MAi� 2122 12th & A Sts. fr('shles. but look out lor these Brush Cr k men. ' We and n'llIl'lIlh{'r thai hy g:iyin� yuu rcceive. understand th at brother Hokenstad has been promotct! Caleh with your faculty and swin� into ' from ieu nAnt 'to Aide de Camp. lillt· fll� Ihis yt'ar s hi�g('r and I}('ttcr P. L. r..

cllI lt' . I

� !





� :: :

I ' :;:'I!l��::('il��:�·;��I��I :�I,\:.II �:�:i

1 1l



S"; II('



5 to g






�:e � � ::; = :�]n::!�'



hm I










loolball·\\,ury-Iom, and ml3c:ellaneom

lorners. Home-sickness


really bad

kno.' you ha\'e it ·tiI ItA all over.

stl,l1f. and

you don't

But, den't



down-In·the-dumps. remf'mber. there. are on1� 83 days send your problems In to the Nile s'boys. Jahn. .Ben. and Pete, w t the t.t:lP8 of


.tefore the Christmas vacation,


973 Orape·Nuts-Fiake.s boxes and


your questtons wtll

'be answered In the strictest o f conlidence. yt!!M. the situations come pouring Into our hands.


ont!! full-grown


yr. old'has the bad habit

hal-dly sland ]t ourselves. but we lateAt who came In wlth­ JUt nlght._We promise not pull afty more, tho'. The year's prize bonf'r haa already been made by Cllrt Bruland-We Imagine MiM Oll �t.son thinks. hIm t.oI? lIberal�.....lth a

moufh. We ca.n

knock·rap goes to Roland Wuest

C. P . 8.":"'who?

I"m ru;t"as C. P. as I was



certain hoapltallty. but' �ven on the street-car, he sbould stick



student body.





your .

- mat.chf'S around IItt]e ones. remember the Iroquois fire, . Nunc. exeamus cUm celentalJ,s.

$6.95 1I.,i


Illk and Commerce oyer Mannins', Markel


looks quite (,-However, some people will always be like the rivers that tlow Into the . Arctlc-trozen at the



















915 Commerce

' Let us do your wiring



don u.s. If we fake the liberty to tell you that we think It



Sporn aM Dr_ Coat $14.50

It seems

suggest that she think It over first I�ad of IMt, 'Par�

R�ymond Electric Co,

Ceo, �ele.son. Prop.

1302 So. "K"

of pouting

t.erseU to tears O\'er the merest o f triVialities.


. PIP�f!!;'!!=R


advice lo �hc love-]orn.



ee e


-I g

� �


This year \I.·eie· going to






L te

Thul wus purely a case of effecli\'c tlI(H� ght., :n. e psychol�gist ulted his, It eud. So should students. And a lime blld�cl , one or-the best Iwl. ps ill tftC world In inri-cast' s(.'hol';lst.ic output. .




Brain Rack":'"

1 h\�)� 1 ::�n;;IlI;;�������II�i!nst��X/�f

� e

���� �� :� : :���rl:'�l� ������' I


Ps.wilologisb t('11 "nLld�('t your time." . Wh�'! In till' first plm'l', a lillie l.H1dgel aids grl'atly in sun'cssfullv an'omplishing rc«uin;d work, wlwllll'r IIIlmual ur menial. A studcnl who hudgds his lime not necd waste precious (ll'I..'iding whul'lo dll al Ihis' or Ihut 111II1lll'ilts I.l0ur; a III;Ulual lahorcr \\'ho hud�els his lime -is ahnllst sure to illt'rease both in personal efn· . . l·it'lll·V anti lUenlal solidaritv. yt'urs a�n On the c'arl�: 1920's) ;1 psy· choltl�ist: Frank Gilhreth. noticed thnl hrickl t iI�1 1ft' thuu�ht. .-\1 len�lh he discu\'ert'd tha� he l'nuld, using nnir' fit � sil1lpl(' mO\'ements, lay one hrit·k. It had lakl"n the hricklayers l cighlecn lIlu\'t'lJIt'nls tu dn the same. TII(,Tesuit of )Ir. (�iJhr( ,(h's sludies wus a tripl)ng of briek oul. · IJul.








��:�e .�·t��iI;i:�s-;�I=�IS�::: � P ' nn so I( e]dr·

Su IIq.:{'






� Ida

� n. David

You ,muM &!Illume


congratu. ,

Ch�rl('S Monroe Klnll. was SO] mn led


lhe fourth quarter

Chlchll. Stull Ind· Rou' Dill"'"



mil e 50Utk of P"kl�nd Mo nt a n Hichwav

u i



---� ;';;:; ···-···:; ; --·--� -··-···i :· · ·---"';;;



. Lin¢oln


Circulatin'g H ••te,. $59.50 up .

Du ·therm Oil · Burning

GA. 1 .425

: ! !



SEPTEMBER 30. 1936


. Gla·dt'ators· Take . Fort Lewis 19�O In Opem , 'ng .

g.la1.'.tCes. .


Finding, yary:lage from !'\Inning plays a httle dltllcuJt to galn. the Gladiators t�k to the alr .UJ �e!�t Fort Ce lli'U 19-0 �da)' nllht. &optember 18. In

. b,. . ' . Rah Frye




1l Are ' Few. ChanO: ..i' -:<Made .in. Local Team . For Comtng Game .

Yell willIe...

BOb MIIch,II ...






." Ih. <u'�n'



body el«Uons held t�n. Od.II .n� E",,,,,, S",n", " '''" re-el«l� and vdll .g.ln . u : : e P I'I ) .er ld.tes at ..... � t ! ; C ld . the try-out.., held Olriofonday we� reu Corrine Malmln. MarIon Dall�ta.s. f"tordlnand. BOildy. Wall. Bob Moe. Beallice Leland. Donal_ . . . Sul1i \'lln.

t;�� �� :�:


Plultginl( ... ·Ith zest Into �helr to.urth



',�'" ,·.11 """ U" ...d.nI �esterday .at ��n.

"U . "



, WHit' of n I tensive tl11lnlna:. 01· . . H'Il\'!! you . nOtlct'd P. L. C :s class'y ' ..... M alls you. h try Walt.�nbert s,n'* Oilldlat� of Parkland are rapid· new shUt. By «lIfting Into an' ��I- ltnd hb new till or,.. �ure tre�lme'!!J. , Iy' rounding Inlo $hape With' their e)'e� Taeol\l a s opening grid game. an�d . (ormation the Ol.dlator� un Acoretlng to reUable SQurct':S St. focUsed on the tussle with the St: Ma;I h d e ge e t ha ' W , I " o o w tin Rluige� F'r1day night at the CaplI h l !;U l �r. Me lg e . !I. minute rema.lnln4' rti halt lar guard who played an oii'tst.indlng Diamond JO( glia who . was a. star at tal �ty. · Th,e game� to be played under -----. � Tommen'lk rU!ed a long one to Nilsen game, aga .lnst the "rmy. Santa Clara . a couple o( yeaa ago. the lights .at Steven's F!eld. Is sla� " l Il'ho made a $pCCt.acular catCh. being It's being �lImor9d that Captain The loyal gladlator .rans who Joumey for 8!OO o·clock. nn�lI); do",ned on the Afm} . Ya d Neeley. outstanding center on the Fort to the.Cap SUM. ,uk.h �, S�-ialt, T , �1 city next Frlday night . Blocklng an� tackUng have been I ma kt'r. , On tJ"lt' n xt pia)' TI We. g....1fa"tee our W'.J<io:. • t am. "'111 at L. C. nellt wlll.see a refll ball pme. To pick � � m en'lk I � . Sl(i!Med. mQi!!tAn practice' by Coach 01' agam �1S.� to Nis l en. lIo'ho made an fall-he d be ,,·t'lcome b)' most allY 1II'lnner "'ould' bt' dU(lcult ; ho-...'el er. the GA. ')0. G S . ,· son since the Fort r..ewls (racas, with f t"8.�y catCh' ovt'r the goal line. With college coach. . . Rangers hal'e �rtain p-\}'cholog!cal ad'. _ .. . _ _ _ • _____ __ . CheL SoliI' holding t h ball. O'Connor C�el ' SOlie. dlmmUlll'e quar��k. \'antages, Th�Y'1l I?t> ��ked :out, In much time being spetll all proper tlm._ � . Ing" o( pla}'s. Probably. the worst (aults !? ' ..........•......•..........•...•... ,....::;......•..•..."' booted the pigskin bt'tlloeen the uprights the S()- aUed brnll)s o( the team. I}-t· naming : n!d su\l.�, have !I. snappy Jazz � . uncovered the tilt with the � gh'e the Lutherans a 1-� leRd, tributes hls clt'sr head and . keen bralo XMAS CARDS � .• and sport a choru.<; girl shl(J. . SOldl�1'3 were poor blocking and the ! ' ! No more scoring "'dlS done until th� to :l dall) cold sholloer taken eyery Joc Paglla s bo).9 had best air Foun!,,,n Pens and P nc,ls failure of the Black and Oold grlddel'3 end of the fourth Quarter IIohen the morning before breaklast brrrmlndcd next Friday I\lgh� that ))a execute properl) their :l.S51"nment.<; Glads pushed Oler t�O mort' tallies Old } OU notice the big smile Coach <:omblnatloll Tommen"lk to Nllscn ge Emphasis on these f.undamt'lltais hall' PaCifiC 'Ave"ue ' Lobby RUSI BidS, , . Tht' fir:'5t score camt' after 'I'ommer- Olson IUS sporting aft@t- the Buckle) resul \ '. .. � becn ghen alNast � eek \"Ik IIolth thrt'e succt>ss1l.e scl1mmage ? Nelt�t'r did 1Ioe:Let ur te t l � I ; t� , _ _ _ nul'jor---eh � o:� . _N _ � � U . _ . -Ntt--t _ s g P t' y. . For sore muse.J,es. br�lst's. sprains. or game nut Fliday· night at 'Olympla!! have been made with Captain Norm �Il: "'llh NI�o;en again g�IOplng across . . I 'PAR.KLAND . Frye being shlft� from end to a halfg � r 1I G llI S 'uP l n � f ' ;\ war . · St. Peter. Mlnnesot.n. to'IIo'hJch Mr ...Nel.<;... ..... . pllic1ng Frye, Fullback "Sllooky" JurA fCII' minutes lat�r NIIscn Mepped· son was a d('ll'gate The CENERAL REPAjR heat wal'e QbJl-. genSl'n. roo pound powerhouse. and ' back and a yard pass to Chet glng!y held orr·tllI their dep lU'(u re. ... Frel\h trom a 19-0 "jctorY ,o\'er FOrt Oliver Ludlow have neen alternating SOllt·. Three plays Inler SOlle went Alter tcachmg s.lx weeks. Mrs. K ii�- Lewili. the p'. L. C. Glndlator:li again be�ween first · and secoud stringS. the (jl O\'er his oll'n tackle for the floal $.t;o�e. ler took several brl('( l'acatlons and return to t!"e . Krldtron,\. 9.' Friday Illtter nursing 'a ··charlit'!horse." With O'Connor's tTY for poolnt\ w9..� blocked. visited frit-nds. Sh(' Il'ent to Vancouver. night as tlley .meet the strong St. Mar- these exceptl:jns the P. L. C. IIncup Tht' GhtdlatofS looked (alrly well In British � umbla by boaL to l'!slt friends tin's College t'le,'en a t Olympia. " I will prpbablx remain Intact. . th('lr first 'game o( seasop,: ho.....- and attend the COllen Jubilee. In Seat· Joe PagliA. Ranger coach. IS 'expectEnth!.1Slasm h;"s greetl'd the return B,o.ww,1y ,\0 1 4 , ever. at times their pla�'s \\'l'rt' ragged tie she "Islted Mw Stlxrud. former P. I'd t:) fleld·a heal')' aggregation. . 50 Kay SHeel Jay Smith, shUty quarterback and ( and some o( the players failed to get L. C. teacher. A twO weeks' l'lslt with a ling with I'etcrans, who are pla}'lng Stan Sherry. end. both (rOln Longl'lew th('lr blocking asslgnment..'. !lister In Tacoma. II. week's st�y In Olym- their Hl'lIt }'ear with S t. Martln 's, With High School. Rfter an absence of experience. the Rang- u The soldiers big threat Whitey pia with friends. and a drive around the th('lr weight eek 94 GrOle (ailed to click being thrOll1l for loop to Pon A.ngeles completed her er!l no doubt IIolll bring grief to man)' Litt le Is knoun 01 t hc strcn.. th of tht' summer a team thl! }ear \acaUon IlUllltrous IOl;ses IIohell he tarned the l St Mnrtins eleven but repom ha\e Trlfon 0,1 76 en Mr,; Frnnck sa}::; she pulled the u�cls Although the Gladiators airendv bUll The arm) lIo as further hampered drl(ted IntO Olse n s cnmp that the lla· Lub.,ut,on bl poor kicking and numerous fumbles out of the gar� �hat Mr Fra]'lck halC one game under their bt'lt and ce} buncb \10m beast a surplus of beef 581h & Un,on Halold Webb engage In !.heir Betueen t;rops tht'y St Mllrtln s has yet ----Cajltaln Neelt'� iUld B)S8Ck o� the IIlle brags about In th(' center of the line Formt'r Ital- ___ camped on Ba� Rnd \l;ent IIUllal start of the season Coach 01· 11m Athlctlc Club pla}�rs and a 245 alld Francis and De Sordl In the ----t boss frlends \Ith taking Luth('ran not the is son to VI torla leaving their fletd \\('re out.'itanr!mg for the IIOldlers \ pound all-cit) center (rom Chicago are car \\Ith lhe Stue M FranCk con- the game lightly Several scrimmages on the team s roslt'r In The passlog combillation Tommervlk rcputt'<l to Siders the hl..h � hn\e tt'�n nts held o( IIolth the outsldt' summer tell.ffi3 So Tacom/l Way TolIcor.a I expected I to Nilsen featured. the Lutht'ran oHen· an) elent a tough game s to be the much neked ath the Chev IIohlp tht' squj\d into Jlrst class cond!CA,I,Ind I ' t\l;O grid maC'hlnes clash Prl· �I\f' HO\\eler the �hor.e Gladiator team I I\hen goL In the Btuen b*-k y�--7 Lion for the game , ::t dtspln)ed a fine brand o( ball with no l da) Th. only N_.'I�n Miss Rent'au tnught'the second term Coach Olo;on s starting lineup will Flln..-.1 Cha _ In Tacom. one pla)er being outstanding The Her leisure time \\85 !lpent making Jam probably be the saine as the one IIohlch 1JI 'il I Oh\.ds collccted 9 first dO\l;nll agnlnst , MEN'S WEAR and Jell} and pulllng dandelions opened against the Soldiers. However . ror the Arm, IIolth P . L. C. cOllectln"M,o ', Suits. Ovel oats. ShIrts. Tits . c Among those teaching the flrst lIeS- ....Ith the large IU'rny ar reserve m•· . HolTS. ColPS. Unde�:-",ea•. The �t'n s 98 yards � m :scrlmmRge against 87 for sion was Pro!. Bardon. terlll! this year. substitutions 110'111 be S attended t' women shop ' " hke to tor FOrt �. Also tht' LutherailS com. II Shlmpoo and Fin,•• Wa... C, the. Um\,('r:!iity of Washington for six plentiful. according to the P. L. C. mcn· piNed 9 out of 12 pases for 1 6$ yar-ds. s weeks and spent the rest of the time tor. \ . whllt' the soldiers completed two out at B,oadway · . BR, Pacif.c Ave. until school started checking up . ,,(" "en tosses for 21 yards. I IIo hat the prort's,<;on; at the University _ . � SCHEDU�E .. "� ' Iint'llps: 1,iJ'" \ SI Martin's, Oct. 2 10lympla' had to say_ . Ellensburg. Oct . 10 jht're' P. L. C. FO RT U·;WIS Mr. EIvel\lrom worked on the building (Norske t�fel NII!;.cn l;ER BYMCk : drive With );lr. Pankoke. and on student WhlLworth. Oct. 2 6 'Spokant" ....nenson LTR LUNCHES AND' DINNERS Fry i drh·t's. placement. ilnd .. eneral Held BellinlCham. lhere' Ort'gon In.�tltute o( .Tech. ' there' Palmiero work. LOR Capps I �OO South Kay C Necl('y ' Mr Preu.s drole his hunlly Ew;t ta Linfield I there' f'r}e t"



�� � ;e; �r::::s� :� �r;:�::;, � :��:�70 P�t::�;e;:�:��


the nrst



:� �:� ��� ���� �� � :;� ::







,�:;;� � :a: � :� ::::;�� ��



a�:l ����� �h:�




Gladiators Pfe1)aring · or Lucey Strugg�e


::%lIdbt';:�;l�<.e���lgto �;�� ����/�:.











J����� :�:� � � �� : � -: ;�; �:

1 \ Ped-




crsoll. Smith.






TACOMA'S LARCEST Home-F.urnishinl' Store

.S1'.I _�'.A.,

CI1� " � .. ..;"c, .. 'c ...... ... . ... � . "' .....


t I .:.------------,.� ....







s n McKenna collecting small mam-. :: ls . Coach Olson worked on th e r ve ro He tl � r: �� . �� :�� � ::: 3!� It I O t � r ln


� ��


;:ring ;.",Uon. Mr. Pllu, bull' :'�::, ��: �7'd"':';'';;:;' �::.���:

(ound' tlme' to begin work on hLs new





I . I'

conterences, as an Instructor. He "'as Initiated Into the Phi Delta Kappa, Mr. Orking Hong oec:upled himself "" (or the bulldlog drive. and spent much of his time gard�nlng. . Mr. Hauge spent the greater part at the sum�er In Douglas. ":laskR. where a o � I . . I

. � l' I 1 I 1






. .



The besl ,n Men s Fun ,�h,rg.


at pop...lar



� : ��t.r �::;� :tt�:: :�:log V T ��= t�t ��;sa� ::: ·t:: the

o( the

taU &eOle.stef. oj)en1ng Mts.s Johhs9n attendt'<l Summer


MAin 4493


� � . .;....... 1!l


i '-:::========�I I:




SchOOl at the Unlvt'rslty at Washlngtried .her h �nd at keep!�g

ton..' She







,! 1 1 �0 ,


1 �20 1 _


...... I!i

DR. J. W. CRIFFITH Dentis'

1 1 1 4 ' 1 So... lh K Street

;;;;;;;;�. I I;::========� -------- �;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;i�···· ....••.......... .. . ····•·· t I � ----·


We.lcome Studenh!

rJ I


l th



Hours: 9 a. · m.




- j\

,... . � � tt,� -: ::,, oo ::,-:": 'o"": ':: '9 :: O M ' APh


0 C mme c 9 1 o r e








Watch R,

ai,in , - Relionabl.· P.icn

Aft., the


i "·�·;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;�;;;;;;;;;�-il II 9 1 3 Commerce St, •

SpeciaI"R"te. for Studenh . for

I Sc 9 2Sc .fi'" 1 8

hates holes

Relulat Rates

f� f';' 91 8 �I!�



Lin.coln Pharmacy


rt '



,I II ! I .




Ceo. Nicolai



ROSSO ' . 'S

for . . . Lonerl�n ,Fi,nide.. oil burninl circul�tors '06 .






' I

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T�com�. W . ,q : n


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The Right Prices on Everythinl Every D�y Prescriptions

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' Parkland Golf Course . ' house. but. found that at�ndlng school 1:-=======:.1 1 L---�-'-:---.- w/\.s W��k eno�gh In. Itselt. Rust Bldg.


' r MOp.· L.mER" "B,E,A.U"T,.m,' Y SHOP


, The Lera8.<;t's went Minnesota and MIChlgan for a four weeks vacation · i; = = = = = = = = ;:: following the summt'r school session· The last ten de y!! In August Mr. Leraas t


••• ___________





Wallt'nbom publican ticket IPaglng all votes" M De n b t B � �� : :: : � �� :: ; Fr d soe IO � Ol Sub.s-P L C Smith Jo'rle5 Jacobs Island But the Island y,as In the-mld- lind able Lake was she SpanalloR} of die Sherr) J S�lth Heany Jorgt'nsen, Jnck, Longmire. ForI LeIloIS OrOle. l<I teach hcre during the summer scsWilliamson. Wilson. T ylor. Torrlen, slon. On the side. �he added a goodly n st.ock of jam Ilhd telly to the family McKay. Engberg. Garrity. Lynch. O Connor rVlk :���:





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Type'write Your Assignments

A sure path to higher grades In Ies.� time.

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Initiation: Scott



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BROOKDALE GROCERY AND M EAT CO, Ol0114.......c.Arl.nd 0 1 9 3 R 3

-�E���� ���KETS--�==-�l" n

'Croc:e,les, Flour, Hay. Crain, Feed. etc. -







Buy now for next se�son a!,d save 25 per cent

Wa�hing���}:����ware Co.

�--------. .




Herman L. Ekern. President Repres.ented


CliHord Olson






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legal Reserve life 1nsurance


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PaInted ChIna :




.....e F.amlnll






PHONES: GAr l. d




1 1 30 Broadway

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Il dorm mIller liN! being promp'! u p O hl Supprr Club





Initial s.k�ng pliny \.s being pJa.nned

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...IIS looM'"" do�ml.tor)' ot l II m ti s M'm6ltr' � HUI11btr rn uts n n night. Kf'��elh AntnlUI ·materlal y�llr make It son will be vlce�pre8Idt'n! orgAn- Tolil m prvlk . Able thllt second choir, ....'111 '. Itt'd. 111

In thr dining hlllls.

mllon.": AI!r:e












t�h ir� tion. Marvin Jensen To . · . om J., o . · B. e Scene 0f H . · e c o mint6 1 . With . the P1\clfic Luthen." collegf' Head. Men's Dorm to forty. Ote Wnden� Calann Cbosen Lead- . . lllUIl for l 1?35 . Mpfvln Jtl�n eif'ttf'd (I)r dUtlcu l fOf ,,� preSldell't the ��'l "S er; Da,)" Room 'rrans(errpd . Prot. O. Ed.'lIms, dlr«tor. The Iflrge the comlnl e4! n held To Chapel Basement of tu o �Iid abu ita probce of Wednl!'SdllY good this and Arnolc.l ' DeltA GAmma Inl,U!!,Hon da)' h:ts be ·SKrellllr)'-tr�"$.urer �rla be-en �et for Oct6ber 8. and ;rill � cuJT111.:r<1!'(\ by a pot-luck supper to be g,,'pn 1 JUl1ense·n· was Ilamed sergrllbl-lIt.UN! o'dock by Harold H lb .were' attOrdlng ud Semon. grl)t-ral be held chalnnlUl. Commltt�5 making af-- ' t l1 I -Sttidel1t� :1'0 Plan . In conju c on Idth l�Of,(' rangrmel1l.,s fo thr aflalr ·I u e las'. ( June Willter and Elslr Bllrrett. d coSunday SUltpers orlhe Dellll Phi KlpP�. 'i"rmlmotrd In 'R�b)' Moore. Iym IlI1 1mCook · Tt'ntath·ft ar '.' men\.5 r iInr m ""85' liven by thr in\'IIiU lons: Norma Preu5. pYOgram: matle ror"1l Sunday Ntl r..8a.rt'1 Rorrm. Gol rlle Gerrl,'t. and n�ph)'tea,· Chrsler SOlie. 'Krl� )\Ilenlo�feRlure I f al dlSl;uwon of slu- SOil and Arne. If!l comprised lhr Sr�\'11l Miller. rlen . mrnu: E\'elyn tObe�:�����IUI:'�:r�.�o���\I!��a�a���o���� o�:' ent gY\'rrson and Eh'a Berwman. i n u . lurn .[laIr of i ale fnrnds and rrfle 10 t r r Ma.ter to TIlt' cabinet. "'hlch 'fo8.� .!\elected last ' � ur '=...., Station I we-ek. ot d lit J��O 0 cl c and riosr �f e I Clover CreeksellsService o IU$ Al . tu � � : � Pl -hOurl dy S .,.L .... a s Delta g ti. Phi k s u Select �dCI B"'�' ���� I � �;:r���. ��.',P.r::. :.!.. LOI ...... \1', A_ A_ T l5 club replaces thr flrtslde hour OIL CAS ' �ndlnll secrrtary, Dln'ls I ,Go\'ernin� 80t.y and I\ddHIOIl Wllsn \ . trea.�.urer.. E\'rl}"ll Sy\'erlOOn : 5er(l:eant-: ' . Parl�' for October 24 all fo i !!OCtal hour . 1 1l1-1U'TI15. ar La�n, The has bren �- Th05t' plannllli thr Urn supp�r art' '---------------------01 rear ).Ida .............'� for e !}' iOCll.ted by the W. A. A, Coun· I I;.JC��' iP"' ....,. u...pUSldat-Gf.!JJe-Qp n It . Ba,ne,'. Chili Nook Phi Kll ppa. IIlrls� t ry :. a �l ;��:l�;�;lc�4e:�a��:1�,.�I�. :!���1 ��� Hon. �· b�':m': :�Ir b:��d� :-:of: -;: �tlon E,'atll!. p r dr lren� Mi 0"), 'lh,U leally hIl Ihe SPOl which w l be remodelt'd b)' thr Ul.r Sluks Chop$ .. 5f"crrtll ry-treasurrr; .nd· [hel . ldred srn Into Deltll Rho Ollmma. club AI � lI \ III�t dn a ' Odrlt, egland will. dlrrct 11.1 So Ta<om. W.y m� chost' Aida Johnson Nes! end Barbara ra rr ers A. me G�RiUAN CLUB :O���c�f �::rl�U:hrc��,,�:� C:n,: �l��! to lhrlr ad\ rlJslnc 1lI1lnager lind als the exrcuUve c c l!l (lI l lt t a e �I:I�::�{ �n:�u:� r�:n ��: S\hla M er �eCled alte ff l l : : r�; :���r::e r :�:;�� �� ' e::�: � f ' �:�:;O h . s... : �'''' -: :: � ) day of thr Oerman Club r--u r Hendrickson \Iee- Clumb Eu eliia peneer a.n i Other off cers Mackie vlce8enSOll sr-errlll.T\ I p !;ld Judith NEAL E. THORSEN ' I And Helerl HoltcAmp president. Ooldene Oerrrtt St'Cl't'tllr} nnd 11't'1I.. urer Loulsr WlI- Ja MORE AND MOR E 1 926111 486( , \111m!!. The r tde t ap ed the Ka.thryn Anderwn. lind Inll \·ans. and Bob Mitchel. trusurer. Folk. Are Comins to the H.I, COOoch, , Wip. J oU ln 11.8 h ad� or �he dlfferf'nt arty committef'. -----------� .. sport�' captain-bali, Thelmll NeM: PEOPLE'S STORE I e o b e 1DAHL CROCERY CO. ����f'�:� ���irene \�an� �::��;. ::�: :!� All Right, FretJhieSPREN ��� � JONES I Member I d SIOres '�-- ----------..:o rt'tt Odeldld trllck Helen Don 't C : s I PARKLAND Y 'II B e 011. ry; I\nd . r kl S g Butrler . Wlleh BARBER SHOP ' Scott kland P Enid IflIlke t Esther �itrd A Senior By �n By! GA. 3818·R-5 It N t Wlth 135 girls rnln g out for K N �� TS£as:rop ' ('�1 Educal lon lhl:'; �l'me�ter Mrs A(\lIh M r Hlnde le had beller walch O.U I --- '--- ---------------i Dllpper InSI �llt cl ates Job' Is none ol rr t : 1l1 dlocnlflrd it h i -;::�I�:;f�: S . Parkland Mercantil. C�. r �"." "...."."...............'''.......� �;:c::�: �:':�:h::��:I�1 o��:y��;� ('o\'ere(\ lt denim. p pl� o .. and Parkl.nd. Wuh,nlton � "m l o Lumber Co. 1 f r the a te mer trunk. Expelt Photo Fm" h,nl. Photo t he -l Brookdale P,ompt Cou.teo.ts al B.ookdafe � Fur plans ror activity ""\11 gro un floor 10 lhe ')el Hlghwa\l l lit thl! ---. --m{'('Ung h uled highest abode ot t e t r (or Oct.?ber 2counell orm 'IIhl('h "ut be l \ f the dll} openl'd � I of p o re \(' dmnrr 011 hl� burdrn he --- y , - . .} Ti INEST ('()5Il"(\ b) lin tnllOCent frt'llhman I 1IIEN & SELVIC F IIn�liSpectllllll} IIskl'd Are }Oll P'eK"ptIOtl . D ,ull,,1I . I \'1''' mil. am do Janitor Ted BrownInc.Mu c Co. Imporlr'$ the I ! U".r 0,1 . WA�"Pifi1 .1 IRI � r repl) � � a... Jb. \ :� DT���� }OU rl\rn m\ trunks upslalrs' ��.a:A;nK.j3_ r._ !'''e__ ,I Clever A.utumn Kn $ 1 2 95 �hl' InquIred L l _ , chagrin dl \e it ln "Janitor" wa� the Re nd Nor- LLOYDE'S BARBER SHOP r-----------------� of Ever('tt: hOD I •' . ....., L.,;" · , ... .... H.;".,,;.. AMEltICAN ART .CO. I · . I

Delta Rho Gammas · To In,'tiat.e ·Oct, 8



,,� ._ . . ,


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Rl"memher the·W. A. A. Girls' Gym Frolic

Charm Group to 'Ii� Marguerite Ol.i\"'er Arinj)Unces [ Edwards. .

Personality Club To Hear Speaker Tomorrow

, Fina.lSelection of 1936�37. Choir Entir� Per;onnel to lDc:lude Fo�ty :V�ice�'; Itinerary .for S �in� Ma lnc" ude· ! l Cahfornui T�lp. P1mtl stlecll,?n ot �m�rs for 'the Pacific Luth'l'ran College choir has been •

advl<;f'r at Olympia High School. �pt'Rk' to tl"!e Personlll!ty club wmorro-i., e\'ellln� ill the tt'ceptlon room, The meeting Is SCheduled from seven to eight o'c·IOck. Europe.. reBd II grellt deat. an.d speclal1zed In speech �d Fr��ch. She hilS tKught dramatic.<;. Rnd i.� known for ht'r expressi\"el1f·... In spellklng. She receh'­ ,ed her Mflster of Arts degrl'(' rro'm the Urnver!';lty of Washington MarlOn )Johnson 'will contribute piano Sf'iections throughout the hour" Olga Hugo, E\'elyn Taylor, and Bea Sidders will st'fve refreshmt'nts. Astrid Ander:nd:�;�fl��::eth PreSler ha\'e ,charge �

!:('cond soprano. Unka De Berry. AIda . Bob ;\fitthell Ir�nc Odell n n �:��:. ���;�� sl��=���im����:� . -,___ _'. � � I first alto. Astrid �nderson. Elsl� KrlstenJit'n" Janice Peterson. Maurine Wade; Singing Gy m GIr�ls to Frolic G rollpl'O Begin' . Two N,o.rth Pa.cific I second alto, Judith Benson, Helen Lilja. Rehearsing Nli m ber:'l 0n � j 1 omIay � • fl�rnooll l Est,?er Norgal\rd, EJlzabet-h Sluen: first W eagues 0 '11 H Id L I ,Elmer. Do.nald MonThl' mt'n'� quarte\ and girls' trio haw' . . A gym trolle for all W. A. A. girls Is tenor. RudoJpb . M eetIngs . C Ircu ' i l)ef"n rt'organlzt'd lind h';Ve b,t$un. re�ged f�r next Monday aner- ���::I:.r�e:tt���:�:��. ���:� ��� � . State Pioneer To being ai" r ,. , . I noon lit 3:30 In the gym. ' l · frrst bass oui Grande Mar:vln Speak Here Friday I heHrsals for the. coming }:y' Kenneth Allenson. Wa.lrr SchnHCk_ NOJ"th CirCUi.t �O Con'.\·en� In I Irene Odell is I'n charge of arr nge- ,Tinson' ensen. Edwllrd �.llchle.·s'chnac-. Mrs. J. H. S. Bates. daughter ofl·en�rg. Don Monson. an� RUdy"""'f;lmer Belh. ; South CirCUit . ments. CommIttees appoln�d a are: I kenberg. Robert Svare. Roland Wue�t;. W�hlngwn'S tlrst territorial governor. I comprIse the Qua'net. w rlB/! t.he Irlo Is Meets In Seattle; Both �elltrlce Lell'lr.d. Jayne HarMngton. and .second 'bass. Kenneth Anenson. Paul General ISiU\C Slevens. lind l1rominent made up of Aida Johnson. Ruth Han:;on. refrew.men15; June WI'II- Bleld. Oerhardt Pflueger. .OrvHl"e " ' b Oct. 6-18 Conventions . 'member ter. MaTl' Jane Dedrick. and ElSie �r_ Schlanbu.sch. ot our State's old plonee�. will lind Ir�ne O<\('il. . H�len IIJI17, . P'Tlday peak I 1:" wo North PaCltiC I.. u �her League iett. games; Tht-Ima rtess. Mabel Hegafternoon at one O'clock. ' In room 201. The lecture Is under ·the I The triO. ""as heard for the first tim'" conventions are scheduled for the CQm- gem. and Iva Knutsen. clean-up. Con- W E .A . C nven ..on I auspices of Miss Reneau's cla.<;s In last Thllr�II:Y mght the P. L. c. l lng week-end of October 16-18. wh�n nle Clumb and Irene Odell will leae! ' 4) I !; . Slated for Oct. 22,:,23 Northwest HI. '. but all students and radio broadcast over K. V. Tonight. I the North Puget un Lellgue will the grand march. ----faculty mem rs re Invited to attend. at the First �utheran church In TIl- I � � AI! girls are urged IIttend. There With Mrs. Louise S. Taylor. Pierce Mrs. Gates. . is rlchl:; \'ersed In I" CO"!II. ther Will sing " By t.h(' Bend of j convent' Bellln�ham. and t�e South WIll be-a live cent, charge LO county superintendent of Schools. ,a.nd our State's history through per.;onll1 the River:' and "The Lost Chord., . Puget Sound Leaguers wtll meet In Se- cover expen.�es. admlsslon ' �rme'r faculty mem�r of �clnc Luthcontact with events. will LRlk a��t iI RIlle. I I r t '?! r n College. presiding as genera; f�mlly experiences centering about tlfe I . In Bellingham the sessions will be I chairman. the Washington EduCdtlon time when she came to WlIShlngton A!i.'loclaUon will hold Its SOth annual . t0 Add ress 'held In Our Sav10r's Lutheran Church I ChoraI Soc.lety ' Terrllory as a smaI! chUd I� 1854. I U nls et nt t I o IO r Fireside Meeting :�I� "�3_1��:� :er �a'lh�� ci:�::� ��� . B�s�n::·� � :e d::�o���r::::� To Give "Messiah" ",Ions-at ��;I:�:� ���I:tl:�-I%t���i::��I:� the Jason Il\U'rmedlate out the meeting. Reverend J, p, pnuevens. was superintendent of Indian af· calr;.. for the terriLOry. and ren.dered Dr. John Ums, Seattl(' phys.ician. will ger of Pacific Lutheran Colleg£ will be For the second annuaJ rendition of School In Ta"cotrla. next_Thursday and important service to the Northwest by addrcss the ne\\'ly organl.zed f!reslde the convention speaker. Handel's " Messlah:' the Parkland FrIday. October 23 and 24. surveying routes for future rallroa£ls. group at 11..<; next meeting. scheduled A banquet on Saturday �vening. will Cho't"al Society. dIrected by Prof. 0 Mr. N. Hong. member o� the Pa­ One of the routes which he laId out Cor Sunday eveliing. in the reception be a feature of the rr:eetings. and on Edwards. anticipates a minimum mem- clf-lc Lutheran college, facUJ.ty, and was followed by the Northern Pacific. room, His topic will be " MaJor Prob-" Sunday t� annual Choral union con- bershlp of S!'\'enly-fh'e s.ingers. President of the Historlcal Society, wUl which completed transcontinental lems that Face th"e .Youth of Today:- , cert will bring the convention close. lJlere will be only eight rehears5lls. .be chairman of .the HIgher EducaUon Officers w11l be cho�en lit this time. and The Flrl>t Norwe&.lan Lutheran church scheduled for every Wednesday evening section at the conventi.on. Reverend line t90'enty years laler When the Civil War broke out. Gen- further plllns for activity discussed. of Seatt1e �'111 be'the scene of the South at 8 o'clock In the coUege'chapel. istlanlty J. P. ,Pflueger. head of the Chr . eral StlO'vens joined the Northern forceS, ProC. P. Pflueger led the dtscus- Puget Sound sessions. with Rev. L. C' The chorus will be accompanied by department. and Miss Viylan Johnson, and was k1lle<! In 'action In 1862. slon last week on " ChOOslng Vour Life Masted. Spokane. and Rev. C. E, Ry- a symphony orchestra. ·Contact.s are cO':head of the Ed'ucatlon department. Stephens County was name<! for him. Work." Margaret Pearson and Mrs. dell. Tacoma. as speakers. " One LUI' I being maoe through George Johnson. will speak pt the sectional meetings. Mrs. Bates, who lives at Cloverfleld's Harold Leraas �en Instrumental to U ve " has �n selected for the Tacoma. violinist, fOr orchestra memRepresenting the state 01 Waahlngfarm near Olympla, will t>e acoompan- In startIng the new a.etlvlty. assisted convention ' theme which will be Intro- bers. The society will either Wn as speakens. ",:,111 be Miss Cora L. ied here. by her husband. Preceding .by Irene Odell, Norma ,Preus. Alma duced at the opening session on Frl- or rent the necessary orchestration Oleson. president of the W. E. A. of lContmued on 'P�e oil . Stolee. Iva Knutsen. Mll�red Lal"Sen .day evening by 'Rev. Masted. who will !Jocks, Singers are welcomed. I .the lecture. they will be luncheon guests an� 01 the lIChool, in the dlnlng hall. Stanley Ford. deliver the keynote address. . There 'wlil be Junior I..eague m�t­ ings Satmday morning. and In the Wlwt Do You K1loW About October? aCternoon SenlOr�League members will Have you ever tMed to lock at peopanel dIscussions with .-5I'lec.ted pIe and really analyze them? Ha"";oo't=�I,,.ey never have a hllJr out ot Usten. but few have discovered that this hold Tory Horn. circUit vlce-preSldent_j ever wondered why' :such a ' a p"lace. Wlth faint dry sound. celebration originated from the great topics. ' theIr w. are, .pollahed Ilke will be toastmaster at the banque� Sat- person lIets by? . ' Like steps of passing ghosts, tire In Chicago. Ociober 8-11. 1871. enln8 at the Y. M. C. A. fU'v. Some people manage serenely. brass buttons, and they carry hUll' ,ay e\'will The lea\·es. frost-crisped. break f�C?m Columbus Oay means IItUe to most aurdydell of books piled on scholarly be the main speaker. They have nice straight noses or broad arcolumns the-> trees Americans. although It is preemlnatem.s and have. withal. an Aristotle air .�nd fall. -Adelaide Crapsey. I)' an �erlcan day. Orten called.Disshoulders or waV}" hair and long. curl- · about them. , t sighting of the Thi'ge'stad" Attending ing IllShes, Ot·her people possess hat A salute to October. the "yellow CO\'er�' Day. It marks " . e. n r a r n ' ed v lr m�n� dl��;�in�:. th L .;: ::i Jnl��O� � : College er :' /:��:t :�: � :;}� � :��!S�:g, to Jubilee u . �::5��d � � \: �:i. �t�:� � ��:i t I ��:� :�� 1:�V��� �� �:�ln��: th: 1' him. �nd don'L like It. The truth .. ' , and facllltates the going. as ·,...1�terfyl1eth'· by . the) Anglo-Sax- know that October Is, .is the birthday PreSident O. Tlngels Of. the � neither dOt's he. He �d. is now A· there Is ihat host ot JoviaJ peo_ seems ons because at this fuU moon. winter of Virgil, Roman Poet. 70-19, B. C, ttending a six-day conference and pieThen remote from our chummy. "get on"' really good sports. who How many know that the first Incun- aub ....·as supposed. W begin, t Luther College. They are always In a good humor and shoulder-rubbing environment, ' ,But �will October Is a month of noted blrth- descent llght may be traced back toto J U� �1 lebr·a.atlon le He ve a get uainted with h'lm. You will rah a. cq time � one 090 Decorah, . Of day with a friendly days and e\'ents worth'y of remem- OCtober 21. 1879? 'And who stops and tra\'el north. to MillJleapoJIs. MI�ne- pass him more shy than .superl� W1th and all. No down-in':the-mouth' �"turr find Is turned on that brance., The birth aruiiversary"O J es think when the radio . . ues s whi next after ay. in plenty he common with the ga*n o 1 T U ls radio t "''1l: Ch d golfing, ke ta. first sugge the tlon Any 191:i, hem. for �, ruley.IS October on r Whltcomb Oc on observed ' return westward to r.Hume duties at hiking, swtmmlng or playing yennls is. .variety. Perhaps he likes corned beef : 7 in many places. and partlc . f in message. crossett" the Atlantic? And· the odds are, he . al"ways n:!et with a hearty approyal. and �age too Ind1IlDa. h1s native: state. by! Riley MOit people 8oS5pcla� OCtober 31, P3c:U1c I..uth� .College. Day pros-rams which teature hls poet... with Hallowe·en. but 'lh� ls another Since he left, he.has attended .several They UphGli1 that welcoming smile and adores your favorlU: movie herol�e, . thing ,to thfn.k about on that daa· It co�erence.s.. includ¥1a:; Lutheran So- the-more-the-merrler attitude. All in aJl, we are common. everyday ry" OctOber . 9 is significant tor two rea was. on October 31, 1517, that Lutber clal Worke�" Conference, omaha, �e- And haven't you discovered the good tolk. with much the same siehl! and """- HiStorically, because 1ri 186'J nalled. h1s ninety-live' theses aaalnst bra.!llr.a. SepU'�' 29 ' and' 30;· Samaritan, that kind thoughtful soul laughs. You like W pibble peanuus. Alaska transfetnd to the United the doctrln"e of Ind�cesr on. �e CoUege �d·SeWna.ry, �k IUln- 110'110 tells you 'what yesterday's asslgn- I Ilke to �ew pencil lops. . And don't ". by RusatL Many are aw� church , door at WlttenbUT(, marking olse, ' �tober. 1; Amertcan Lutheran ment States �. clears up that polnt we aU feel a CODtmO� interest in oW" . tha.t Pire PrevetlUon 'Day 1a ott1clally, the bqinn1Il&: 'ot the RefonnaUon: and ,Church convenUon, San. Antonia, TI::l- about iaoecelea triani\es th'-e instructor beautiful mounta.1n IlJ)d In.' the ever " " fllscinaUnI :SUd o�er too fast? . .observed October 9 In varioua sta�, t.I;le birth of the, Lutheran Church, .as. OCtober. 9,. . klct�post? Eu,-enla. Sp"ncer


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PacUic H!.storical SOClely. of th.. at P'l\rk, Baltte �ples was ·orraubed " 18, 19J6. It ��braCl's . AUSUS� land, !lCs '"34, shlp' Is Wesson. Leonard' t Uvlri� groU: racial. or national. nine�n\. for the DoHar Stumshlp b, 1 . Lll)l's In Tacoma. = I�t;: :::�:n =�I:�I.���I�cguI���� . I Mrs. Clarence McCleary, !Dorothy backSround. l1\ey a� Ih)�nes. E�KES!'O\' witb • snln 01 ......t , .aru\.l«lan"def$, P.t.lntal'ter. '341 resides at McCleary. thonlao.'. P'!I'..lls. aermNorweglanllo and dash of" dast S\vt:DE . and Lithuanians. . I Wash. ' . ' LAt,·lans. . ' . S....e<jN. rARTE\,E!'OTFileda Ta)'et, ',30. who has bt'en teach- The Socle}.y alms to establish Ilnd RAMSTAD rush. teachIlOW Well. no�e'Ve"' met the faculty �alntaln h\.<ltorlcal.. collections 1!lus�mIng tlt WOodlimd, Wash,_ Is � ""���f- N�mbu r1 tI Ing around ....·Uh a tray in his arm: PFLUEGER standJng 1118 I\t AU.burn. Wash. S��\� ' . :�: ac:!,\,':���� ;�ps.:o�� t�� ';:':II�! EDWARDs rI::ng �ff Jot"!n JO�I$(m. ·JI. Is prillciptll Ihere-..... lth his ��In I� his palm: 1935 Memb.' ot the 1936 stal.\.<Illcal. tlrSL-hand salller . to COiLSl: · FRANCK hltes and a terrific: on the black . .... : 11 8 McKenna school. ),�J Ken�a. �Ya$h, He biographIca., and �Istorloal Informa­ Assocj(ied CoIlel3iale 'Press formerly teacher a.l SOuth Bend. tion about them; to authenticate and the advantages or the t.... o-party system ....·lth·OAK QT, · EDITORIAL STAFF NEss: LERAAS teWngYIV BUNES8 that she can't sleep Wash. . ma.rk memorKbie' histor1cal spots and EDITOR · Hazel Hl!.gerup historical cli!lSS. and she InJormiJlg him that In hlS biology . born to Mr. and Mrs.. Vlg- conimemorale Important 'trylns.shal' �A son ....las 'he "woUId;;.t. ASSOCIATE EpITOR Nonna Preus I)1!rlalnlng to t.hem: aild to P!lbe�ents 1 ' . s.'>; HAUGE d)!li much; so taik 9 It could mar Hagene 2 g Berte sen SPORTI? WRrrERS - RUMell Frye, Roland Wuest, f l n the mlssh hlch f� I. W � �us Ing�lent experiment �' at Berkeley, Calif .. October Normlin Frye, Fales Mantn. ::::�7=�n�hOa:� :;a����t.3 o� ��: Ing link appears; ·MRS. FRANK putung the punch· Into 1�.Isa Ellln�n. a· graduate of '24. Is Society SPECIAL WRITERS -,Jack Odey. \Va'lter sChM�It­ tI�e time rtom enberg, Kenneth Anensen. Man'ln J�!l1�n. the party: WALTER JOHNSON,a.skln!t a 10,'e'IY fadY It ....-. t u tso ti I r h Soel ty II th ery at the REPORTERS - Elm Bergman, 'Ida Men. Lavauh bra�y. a�:�:, :�.,�al�e�, an� mt�: . this .....a.s her firs(. year at coUege . . . (It ....·8f� WtS . � ::��� �l':r�; ��lt:� McCall, Llewe)\ll O1\vie.!i. Ida Mae HOM. Elizabeth 'at PacUic Luthought ,Iocaled she be If wl seum-' �u�j0HN�N astsing U HONG W:\RDS,I �: -----I-��RWI!.: Calt\vRn Vlr�nla � the r.m would hJrt the rhubarb. REID·absolutely agree- Sh���� :::.rd. '34. Is teaching at ���lra�lA.:I�ej�e�lCs:�I�:I'��o���t:r:�e�� Jo n :rYPISTS · Corrine Mnlmln" Irene .,Odell ht,.p�on ',bollt' e\'I:..o:!h!!!.""'� MRS� ;;;.;" Bo�N;D';;Y;; '� In;;.t-M; ;;n"'To; work nlong these linrs ,, ;;"y;r '"W1I1tm.=+dno.n'::E"'�arch Mr tnd Mrs "'�11 " .' a "i" ld look lit her"':;eye; Mrs. Ruth Fr�Ck in and out. of the .kltchen with . EDFI'ORIAL ADVISER � g��r �wh nd�com :--.; Obrien both duates · of' � ) (;rR '''' U BUSINESS STAFF J offered the historical re-·· STUEN ' ptob�biy at home. tea�ng his hair 4s1ng.) out. " (Wilmae' near be Collins. where he search ill this fiefor 4, U\' ld. BUSINESS MANAGER O)lk Olnus on accoun, of his brlll.lnni. Norse class. PREUS telling reaches. " ASSISTAN;r BUSINESS MANAGER - Ellzabeth The Society has already a historical .hat a lovely long baby they have: t .... mothers the all PrU.'l of considerable value. and is prlnclplIl of the CQil�ctlOn MRS. KREIDLER showins her moth(r ni stinct by holding Lelt KIIPllen. '34. '\.DVERTISING MANAGERS - Virginia Davl.s. �':I::r�:� �����:� � i.';�;:;, �.th�I���� . and letting her. student$.. at the Lakamas school at Roy. oft Ihe facult}· ....ol\·es. EJizabeth Stuen d cookies rtrst. We saw Et.VESTROM walking around Pauline Schlerman, '32. became Mr. graphs. dJarles. ' Ie.tters. manuscript-';. ClRCULATlON MANAGER - Kath�')'n Anderson CtRCULATlON ' ASSISTANTS - HeJen� LiI)a. iast night. and without hfs seegar. guess· the drive must Nels Olson this summer. Helen Thralle. pnpers. magAZines. account bookS.: per­ Thelma Ness be O\,l'r. 'deep gag'. XAVIER making an announcement also of the clns.s of :32, �'as bridesmaid. sollai memoll"ll. pnmphlets� pl'O(!ram,s, EXCHANGE EDITOR Mabel Hess('m the Uke. about !ll� lIew boOk. "The Broken Scissors:' or "The Milton Nesvlg. graduate of ·J5. is RndStudentS AD SOLICITORS - Mllrsaret Larson. Vivian Smith. of PacUie Luth�ran <?ollege of the "Manitou MessinMystel.y 0; the Missing �nk:" being mislaid . . H anyone slstnnt editor Olaf Vernlee Scott help enrich thls . collecti(m? you will College. Northfield. se of �er" ll.'!e )· ple will ou 01 IIbnlry, BUSINESS ADVISER - ),tr.. O. J. SlUen has taken this book out . the a O h s Minn. \"rlurn II. !ie�)� ��h�� ;�:�d:�t���!e �h� ��:� employed at io be and also In behalf of President C llrtord Mes(orl!: . ·3J. Is' RIGMAROLEno WE NEE I> TO BE STOOD UP? Ihe St. Helen s Inn, Longvle.... . Wash. : who Is deeplr Interested In '-'-A�choir rehearsal let us know .....ho are ill tine singing Jo n Fadne!;.'I. '33. receh'ed his Bach- Tingelstad n h O (;u sl ru i gh t ! 1 ' 111 Ilot 1ll'ing moral ,illS! " 'ie. Alter saml' observation . ..... �w' the tonsils of elor hof Science de�ree front the CoI- ��hesruCCI'�:�)I:. �ll: �� :s�':e::::; allulolllii.':d. rH' ht'l'{l wllil'hing us wlllk, sland MACHLE. ED and Into It g g M RED LARSEN. ROMOLA·RUST. lege of Puget SOund lasL spring. He Is In brln�n . exlstenee. _N. J. HONG. and s i l . Hl'nwlllh('r, posilion in eycry l h , n g in . t' �" If you \\"1I.11t a car that Is absolutely guar'an­ .no..... eachlng at Woodland. Wa�h. q ,Ah � life, \Yl' un' goinj.( down on till' job wlwn wc t�d to r. on fore\·er. with a bellutlfu! paint Job 41s that. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jesson. Tacoma, . rr.ld{light b� four wheels, four fenders. JUld t.... o head­ (Hulda SlmonSOI1. '34) Rre rt!(:dvlng drop our dwsls into n�lr laps in l'llthusiaslll fur lights. ... ... ith R diamond studded. pure ebony bumper front congratulation upon the .blrth of a boy. fund, pic. poe;p-poop-a-doop hotn, and many Richard Philip. born July 19 back. " and (;1) straight ,iust o /n·e lind �we ho\\' il fl·(:JS. other amazing features-see JOE EDWARDS . . . A..... . J nn n Siand up agninst lilt' \\'11 1 1 with I h e lIa't'k of c·mon. JAYNE, �i\'C the boys smile . . . BEA LELAND '�;1d'���gin���:lk: �TEWART'$ i i �3: ha\�I�a�h;�� your hC' �1. � Jllr shouldl·rs. �'otlr hips. anti your Is a ·panther-eye·. bors, ask PALES .MA:RTlN. He told positions at University Place. 1'Ilcoma· 1 CROUNDand.GRIPPER I us 'he dldn't like publlcit}' but 1.0\ be sure ana get that Wash. IIl'('ls IOllrliing it. Fl't'! that str aigh l ha(:khollc ·.' SHOES I CAN'J'ILEVER .\Iul your shuuldl'rs a lit I your hips al rij.(ht tlrst name F-A-L-E-S . . . AL RooAN had us gasping In John C, Gopelrud. Jr.. 'JO, holds an . St Hele(ls Ave, . Norse elM .. . . the other day. We wondered it he WIl.'l going as.<;.\ s tant leaching po.�ltlon In connecM edical Arts ·BldS. ailgll's .... :\o\\' that's the way yot! W" rt· buil! to tell one Of t\IOI'e stories that are so much better eX­ !lOll with groduate work at University with �·tl.III' lummy hfekl'd Ulltler yUill' ribs. Hnd pressed In that language. We wish that little kid would of Oregoll. Eugene. Oregon·, r;!l till' hn('k i'If �:tlllr 111 1' knowinj.( ils pl:ln'. Ciw('k stoll blowing his �rumllCt durln8 �Ieeping hour.'l . . . PIN Eric Hauke. president of ttle Assocl. N�i.ghborhood l the I i S d ynurs('lf and how far ynu wtlnd" r frolJ) ti ll' POINT PRUDENCE: ALlp'E COOK-a honey . . . The Service Station ;:�� � :�:. 1 �' a I . �tm= �� ;� Della Rho Gamma banquet blossoms out ",1th·a kicking �raighl anti narrnw, �C post center piece. PnJbabl)' a gentle reminder that thi s Ruth Matsou, ·25. reeeh' e d her BaChI l I o\\' 1101 1 0 l':lfry hnoks dragging down I SO I So, : �; �:c:ma Wn. .. ltal)-renr' to .'lOme, a.nd silent tribute .to th()Sl;' .....ho elor of Arts degree at the University I l shoulder, Ihrowiug out :l hip. 111' balallced 011 a h,ne troo on bt'fore . , b that" Venus flitting around In of Wushlngton this year. ::===:::::=1 stul'k-tlul ItlllllllY with shoultlprs foldt·" il,. the nm .'lui!,. or HE1.EN-8TARK? In the Wednesda)· Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Thostenson. ;::: Printers - Stationers Hygiene claM. during . Ie lecture. 011 proper posLure. veal Everett. ,Soh'elg :.'Iangen) 'both gradu­ En'rylhill,!.! is oul of lint'. Stalld tip. Carry hlin the .sleeping posture alarn. lIltensUied the lICene .... ates of ' 3 1. returned Iu.:; t week-end for ' y"lll' hooks; don t 1t·1 tlll'm drag you :11'111111.1. P �9-'!.�� R lI.·a� beIng dlo;cu.'>5t'd. until It lI·M"Teallzed .that the prof. homecoming actJvltles.. him. For Elliot Michelson. '2!l: was married to MAin 2 1 22 1 7th & A Sts, didll"t have his pink .and purple P. J:s ...1th 'th,' ,'olllpll'lt; lTum h-('akhl'f posili!)I' is Ih-f­ Ihe maldmum benefits, The Hygiene Dep' l o should be ini lt'iy 1101 the wuy 10 sit in a chair Knct's Mllrkem at a ceremony In Port- ....------,---... l"Quipped \I.·lth nightshirts. nightcaps. etc . RUDY EL­ Odille Ore .. August 22. . Their addre5S l r-�------t akimho. rt'd inillg the middle of thc hud. .MER-greatest tenor since Caruso �cordln, to Rudy. land, I. � fil6 E. Thomas Sl. I� SeatUe. mcidenLRlly, gals. It's "10\'1' me. love my boss" . . . Who's Ft·(,t lI IHI{'r ,'ontrnl and iJuck up is painless. Tr� Raymond Electric Co, Ihat big. handsome man that look's· like MUTT FRYE I Among former prominent students it. 9 1 5' Comm.erce 51. BR. 1712 with the 10\'ely BARBARA KRAl\.'1ER. that goes walking · who returned to attend homecoming .\nd yutt lall girls� rt'"H'mhc r that a sl rui �hl t.'lk, t.....k. thls .....orld Is JlI3t �me mad rush. Isn't It? BOB ties on the campus were Olal Ha.g­ LeI do yQUf wiring MITCHELL Is the Ideal ),1'11 king. So wrapped up In his activi l i llt, is Ihe shorksl tlislu lll'l' h{'t"'N'1I I wo ·34. an ex-student president; Carl work. he even jumps around when PLC geu pennlizl'1:!. eness pt?inls. :\0 h undwd shouith'rs, jutting ht:nd, Martin. '33. former star athlete; Anna I Our football cal)taln-NORM FRYE would certainly give Mlkkeiset). cholr.sololst;, and Ruth I� saggy k lu·t's. and scuffling fet'l. Go in for low GRAHAM McNAMEE, FORD BOND. JAMES WALLING­ Norgaard. '3J. '31: Kathryn Johnson. ':W. ht'l'ls anti heud hC'1fI high. Dmi'( try 10 g<'l down TON. or JUly of 'em a lot of competition. 'They tell us Alice Peterson. '34. .and Norman West­ ENJOY THE OUTDOORS In ilH" !('\'pl nf th(' crowd, 'Vhat a hrt'a� yt)lI . that RUTH MEYER pla}'s the harmonica., too . ling, '34. all of ....·hom \\Iere prominent J.,!t't ill th(' Ilunules! Go Hunting \ in student afiairs. TIIREE DAZE"'ht'n you walk, flid� III ' yuur ft'ci. nOIl't BfLL CAPPS did the hWldred in 8.4. saving the game. r­ SHOT CUN SHELLS WE TIlINK THAT TWO 5lX F'CX>T TROPHIEG. A 11'1 your tUIll Ill�' Icnd you. (iu aheatl first. And COUPLE OF BRONZE PLACQUES, AND A FEW CUPS sllloothly. $ 1 . 1 0 p�� box 1 2 gage SHOULD ' BE AWARDED TO bAWRENCE GRENIER I, ThuSl' lll uSl·lcs and hOl ies uf ollrs \\'crc t'ul AS PLC·S GREATEST UNSUNG HERO! The uncrowned Hul for Sllllicthill� 'speciul. Stand up nnd give king of sport.smanshlp, with never a word of com�lalnL, · Lincoln Hardware · Is alwaY' In there ,,1th a fight that we all, should have i Ih('nf a1hn.·uk, Ynur innards w,ill behavc; your GA. 1 425 3736 So. G a IItt!e more of. Co�ta.J..al1ons, LaWrftSU . . . AlumnI. ciulla'S w i l l hl'long; you'll ft'('l lhat Iluthing CUll par3de, pep-rally. \1ctor)'. and mixer make up'a. swell fau yuu, ;\olhing l'an- when you are �oing. h��ecomlns . , Figure this one out-That that Is I.s that CARL'S SERVICE -slruigh l ! that Is not is that that I! not. A little punctua�on ye Ben· Cas, Oil, Tim .."II Acenlor"" BONNADELFi glls stude, . . Someone . talk.lng to MiM GUbc-IUon. 'Lel's gel acquainled" Another bramy person shouU!<i, "Teaclier'!1 Pet:', whereBeauty Sh,UI · · . uport the new teacher retorted. �Oh. th�y don't·· , . : . GA . 0 1 45-1- 1 P.ukIOlnd, W..� . 1 I 0IllN'lIming wus grlllld SlllTl'SS, Alull I ni. CA, 01;t5_.R.2 We dug this up in the Associate Collegiate Pres.5-8ome 1 "-______,-_-'-..;,; � Parkland you l'un k.('l'P in loudl with yuur Sdlll"! freshman. when wed a few questions in a psycholOrtcal All lines of Beauty WC?rk IhnlllJ.!h III(' )Iunrilll-l :\Iusl. Suhscrirlc no\\' ! test. r Ponded thwsIY,-A wh&r-f l.s a person far under the es · a\'erage size . . . A tambourine, is a' verY small. '5weet Permanent Waves , orange. Well, we·re· just. about aU throufh. b4t U you MAMNINGS t Eve.nings- hy app'tl In behalf uf the AssocillJed Studenls, the happep'� bark' yom shins o� the desk. remember. you GR EETING CARDS :\ic;oring �(asl wishl's to express con'dolente to do,,'t I'Hlly.feel tt. It's jwst a sensation In your mlcnr COFFEE for all occasions oosriUc world. Oh, yes. one last thlng-'Pt.attery Is mesUy Olis Grande i n his bereavement in . the recent ., [ �" . I all 5Oft·soap, and soft-soap 15 '90 �nt lye.. J)<ls.s,iD� of �Iis mother.

mi1e Silo(lring Silast

Publlslled e\'try tllo"O wl"I!lu dur;l� the. sehool year by the stude.IlLs of Pacific Lutheran Colltie: Office: Room 1)5 Tt-Iephone: GMlnd MTT Subscription PrIC\"'-$t.OO per Year Entered as second C1aM matter. October at the Post OWce at Parkland. Wl\.5hlno:ton. under the Act or March J. 1879.

� . ond. Facts !

2. t9Z:;.




















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Gladiatilrs Defeat Ellensburg Team in Homeco�ing Clash

' " �,iook y " Look. O n While the Team M".. Go 0" From, out.

Lacey Game EndS' I S 1 �

J" 'h"� �;: :��,

J, .. . 'jd� 'C()m�!I Lht !'.fTI�ck of last Friday =on night. ()(:Iobl!'r � P 1.' kicker' foo� 1I;;:Ull.�i the 1)lgskln; t en C. OladlfUors "'eN' held to2,a t..h!IeOrt'I�' the 51�nl!lG thud of crastilng ttl' b)' 51 MArtin'!, Crln..,.,O" Rangers GI:l.dmtors. IIh[Htered :l.n th t("lIns _m� to lack � 5lron,l{ JII1X 1\5 22 �eh they eked out a . bUom wll.h the $llllp of " � pUllch. In the second Quarter o\er the nrong Ellensburg ball: now a word of Ilfl'"l5e from CoAch I �rlng lhl' Rangers tbok to the all" and were Ihe Luth('rnll'!I annulIl O!SCIl as the r�t 'It'am ml\k�s nice not downed unUi lhey had reached the ngl\lnst the �ol;d string. ; ILuthl'r'an oiU! Yllrd mllr!ter wh!!re they .Seated \.Iy the ""'Indo""" his right ,,'1 11.11' lIlliI'd to gRin Ilgalrisl stubborn QIRdl.,. scoring terrlwfy. tightly bound ' hr a ea5!. his crult,hes nlor line. In the final Quartu P.eL. C fOfU'd a punting duel b<'t."·�n b�' his side, �.,.. YO\ln���t "'no' kllo�'a ::�:h:: nU'f\'lk: Gladlator Idl half. and h��: ���;to",��:':���; �� �� he belongs ou�. on that field. J:Trhll.p.� j ln four attempts. EII(,llsburg Qunrte;b�ck. ""'Ith . Ilk Bettlm: n IHth,' the better of the a lug' comell to his throat, the �eal1. . The duilty 'fle]d handicapped both t.ntlon dR"'IlS that he Erling Jurgen- elevens. parUc)l]a�ly If! p!L.';.'Ilng. ron. better known " Snookle:' wI!! Jay S.mth. and " Bucky" O·COnnor. never again Ihl!! .season dOll a suit Lutheran .h�ves.. showed well. In the I\·lth t.b.$4ang. or as lullbaek lug the . whUe Orerfle·r. Aryenson. Ilnd Jla�". Tommen'lk to SOlle, ball to pay-dirt for 01' p, L. C. ,,'ere. out.sUl.n�lng In the Luthertm :l.ppeared to be on .Unfortullate. Indeed. 1i... the los... to I dru"" but the' Ellen;'lburg the teRm of Snookle. Rnted by COft.Ch peel In several he "as slated The (�"('ntr �'nn::l stripe ' can be obta,ned al plenty of action 8g"lno;. ;t the to " 8uckS" O'Connor then auemptM tough ball cluts of P L C "S schedule, . FISH MKT. ch:l.ik liP thr points \'ia the field Many an eOI'm) grldster to know CrystalLEWIS PollOK' Ma.ket BR 4"267 s.:oal rou!e. but mlllSed' the uprlgilts by nursing badly injured Aml from Satlhe name of Snookle Jurgenson Ta-coma Wuh,nRlon Illches. In the M'cotld stanza. the eallt- IIrdn 's warfarl' Ho�·e\'er. Ullder the But fate showed Its hand' It 1'rn Washington school found them- wntchfu\ eyes tlC hI... nul"M'. he I, mpbrilislug scrimmage se��loll �1,I\"t"s III prnctlcally the san;!' position tdlr rou.ndlllg Into shnpe . . the All Heldelburgs. -Tacomll UfO· BROOKDALE ' but. placl' kick tn' 8n>1thRlIpL F.l!e�s ele\·en. lhat "SlIookle" had the mls. b . I Ellensburg on I 's lwenl\' }'lIrd line. k I . Id fort e of Injllrillg his right ankle A BARBER SHOP Ru Adl tor cfilltef. ss Gl ,,'tlntasil'S f'r.pslr",,,,, � Frye. �:: l b\l��� 'h�: ;:I:���'ltl:;l ' the I hl\st ) X - ra)' Indicated break to 0111' 01 th�. smaller bon� WHh this came 'piritf'd Wildents n>tUMl to 'he field 1 b\ F::d �!�I)lt·OI:'�:�; \����c;��'"�.'::" 1 B)' A,S,o;oclRtffi Collegiate Pre.'l.." WELCOME STUDENTS IlJlIChdo\\1l conscious ,ler ,nten"!ell- I \Rrd Illt!.rker A Jlne pia} ""Ith SoLII' Each yl'nr a�ut this li feature the realh;�lIoll thAt thl' husky fullbllck me . ld b ut f th sea:o;otl. And the ------tm!j: a nn hl� 0\\11 fort�-)ard line c!lrr�lng till' Iwltl'd Bnln of writers �elz� the opportunity �f dis- �:�n j:\.S� st.a.��ll\g� �oo ; i�-----", three .l"ilrds O'Connor \h!'ll took Ihe 1l11l�'lng 10 t he�r reader� lhe stupidity Coach O and his boys will ml�.. wr PHOTOGRAPH Beh ind good WIHcl� .freshmen are alleged to rxhlblt this blondrlson �1I11 !lround right I'nd , -:r-- ' �)'ke from east of the hump. YTH ANYWHERE . AN ING � Itl lerferellr". I!.nd. a final !llnsil hrou h 1 In �"flth�g their psychologlcf\l lest..'\.. As_ We kllOIl." lhat. What team wo ]dn t ANy TIME opPOSing bncks. O'Connor do\· 'e IntO · t I hI R al\.�\\"ers-�obably hlghl�' But also know thaL the 1055 ot our . . '( � .par dirl COf touchdown. cnlon>d b�' o\'er-ellerBetl� scrlbe!.-are player"'ene\'er did rulil good team, The �'ls:���! e�hSlto " a phi c B�ci 61;�. Tht' pi:l.ce point weill widr. r.J w !l}"s re ealed. This ]1st of frC!lhmen i!: !l\·i n . Gladlntors will be out to show tht'y'\'e a wlnz:�';! :evell. even m'lnus I ( I :�:;:::� ie��I:;)� �;�I:e:'���;I:�me lIuthelln.y\or. mced . down �he Sidel!ne\ IImll til t' !<Cort'. PLC 6��:::�)�urg OrY� .ells ,B I . ' u d I I f:f1 A bladder s a spongy p!lllt'r (0 IIb- . When the. boy:!c:IIl1e PARKLAND CARACE . up agaillfit Bel ;�c��llStr� ��:�d ���� !:.o�BI�.� ��p: N�<.el�· C LER ' K. :t,t.s l sorb Ink ngham. MonmouLh. Un {\eld. the "Speed :o.1erchant" oC the Gl la or l ;:on I Gasol,ne ,,,,d 0.1 Shell d ,.t;l;! e . Il..- � corps Is all oration In commem- othel's. you mlgM heaf lhe vow that Is Dependable GreasinR lme. With their backs to the wall. thl' �:�� � :'. "::�: tton of �he chamc.ter of a dead per- :::�,l:;7 ��a:�::���:)":���;.� on! �==: Lutheran Une;pfO\'ed effeclh·e. they R Frre A: E EP A ER R G L : N: : : : ::: : ' R==:: :: h Gr�nlf'r ROL Sllloka '" You Arc Most li kel .to

















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'Home Cle.1lnen and Dyen Su


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We ,ua.anle·e our wo."

1 608



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Founla,n Pens olnd Pencd\

to !luend c('l1.aln unh'eM'<ltle5? 'SlIrHAROLD E, DJ,H!,. CO. JETLAND 6- P.ALACRUTI \t')" on Ihls 5ubject are al\\a)s IllIerl'tit.Pac.f,c Avenue - Lobbv Rust Bld:a. 9 1 2 PK,f ,c Ave. not I a) tl h �:g :�:::tlf;;alll�} �:�IT::} A \>i !! ::==== ==== :�=::::::::::==:==:::= : ';- ·---- ·--------·... Lnng long 101(' I Dr 5 M COre} professor of educllI � , 'TACOMA'S LARCEST "!lg from 1111 eastprn colleg! ('n� '1lOnnl ps�chl.ifog) lind measuremellts RI COZY COFFEE SHOPPE MOLER BEAUTY SHOP I NOfske C"lel , Home-Furnishings Store hght{'l1� \/..� tn Ihe Eskimo lan!j:uagr I lhe Unhel'5lt} of Nebraska mllde lin P" n'lln,nh 95, com,lete lon' IS utllfgalertlAlun>nalflllguglou- extt'I\!\l\e stw:h of \hlS question In so t S a"" oo and F in ,... Wave lSc LUNCHES AND DINNlRS h re-g!llfOf'n. PI'rhllpl< thl� will clear nll l f!lr as his own In"tltuUon \>ias conccrnI ..... " CI1� � 1 1 40 Broadway BR. ] 4" 0 1 408 South Koly . I .. ; .. -.. . .... . .. for .. loc:al !lfHhropolOfllstl; the Question cd. aud {he'\{' were the Rllswers. In the I ,. . .... a.� to why Arrtie nlght..� an> :o;o long " I o de r listed: . . I -The Mnrtlnn. Recommendlltlon ' of high school I .: for (odRy . (pacher.; and ·ndmlnIHrators. t t· I ThouSlll n(,coIllPliSr anything O Ihe 1I,nlv{'rslt�· 10 lhe I li h · ' LAUN·DP.Y .and !£'(!fi��H�ltitililiil ' i b\. . ;:.:i:g ::���. Lincoln st :�;I:�: ��n�!. CLEANING SER.VICE Kuar W!'ekl)·. F'nmilr inrluellce. TACOMA Pharmacy at Extremely. Low Prices I The)" almost had to a pulmotor Prestige of thc InsUtutioll ENGMVIH.C J'1iJ(q.#III!I !t. . on Don Wnt.'!On. Pamolla Co1t'gt' soph- Economy. The Right Prices �n . COM PA.NY U' omon>. who tned to guzzl!' six malt..� A\·aUnbllit)· of de!!lred courses. EverythIng Every D.1IY Tacoma Laundry In 20 mlnule$. At rlfth doum and Influence of friendS. ' -r--·--·--------r I three-fourths to go. Ihe malt-ed halted "OC'the sevel� students who gll\'e '111Prescriptions Watson. CoUeglate · Press. fiuenet' of aLhletics as theIr rrason Pantorium Ceo. Nicolai U"nh'erslty has the addrCSSl'lI ot 58)5 Dr COre} the mnk In lhe I I 1! allYale ' Cleaners but 003 80 of graduates 3 So. 38th & C GA p5}eholotl:leal test and nooe In the high1 880 Cor. 1 Dr A La"" rence tI 11 pn>sidl' nt " ===== � I � t I'mentus of Hanard Unhersity r�nt� I : �� ����� ======== ,I} failed to PIIM an nutomoblle drhlng It e);amlnatlon SPECIAL NOONDAY LUNCH ' ROSSO'S 1.ouslana State tJnherslt) L� adding I fbr " Lor.egran Fireside" oi I b�rni(1g circu I aters 100 ne" to Lhe ('urrlculum for THE BUG 6 sessiorr e 1936-37 Lh 10 So. 381n St. 4493 MAin , Rust Bldg. Pa.k land . Student... aid under the NYA ....· iIl unJ. I = = : e t = :: � = -L--------· --1 �:=!�tsbeco:� �c!e��;e:::�� I � ==== � � ================�= �� _..._ ..._""""""_ I It ....� last year. N:YA iluthortUes are HANSON·S JEWELRY AMOCAT FOOD PRODUcrs DISTINCTIVE . L.�ST YEAR', . , 1935 . . .. ���n:n:��I:I��' :0: :n'engqe In "THE �EAK O�· QUALITY'': The Parkland Light and Water with a minimum ohcnt1clsm and a 257 So. I i tn St'.. TKoma: Wn . . Distributed by .. WEST COAST GROCEllY CO. Company furnished to its me.m­ maximum or praise.


I $'.I _tM ,.. - '·A.'

EXC hanges




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. bers electric current, Including 80 street lights. at· the low average price of a fraction over. 1 V2 cents per KWH.



-i\ssod&ted C011qtate �'

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Men' s SudS, Ove,coals. Sh'�IS, T,e�. Ha ls. CaPS. Unde wea•. The Men's Store women Loke 10. shop ,n MEN'S



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After the Show

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Comml'rce 51.


S. M ST.




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PACIFIC LU�ERAN OO�EOE. PARKL�ND. WASHINQTON OC'roBDt '4. 1936 Many Alumni Back �lusi<aic_ :Giv"n by School Orchestra M" ri-�l rel Rurem Will Delta Rhos Plan . For. Homecoming . Dormilor�' Auxiliary ' Ha,s Twenty�Oil'e , ' 8e �r"�lll l'res;'dt.ut Sk�ting . Party ' . -- . muslcule and sliver �" Marga;:-et l�orem. thlid'�'tar normlll M�ny PLC alumn i .and. former stu· sUAPlX'complimelltal cn i'yest " Ot"( g .a t iatra under rehe�rs�l� are w('11 (' r was \ ' gh' rday e enln t a now with nty one m president 01 the . Delt!\ Rho Gamma Initiation \\"�,�\ tudent, was ('l�ted dents returned to their ....lma Mater Central Lutheran Church. Ta.c mbe ' m" )' ._ tw-e r n a C .last- w('('k. Enid Blake. held ptldll�' evening In the dining hall\ o a. by Dram lub last'k·('nd for the IInnual home. Ihe qromen of thi- Pacinc.Lutherlln Col. J met't.ln� 1•try TUesday ·and ThurWay I'I�-pres.ldent: Eugenia SlX"ncer. decorations chllrflctentt"d 'cam! at � �2. m: under the rttrffllo�n. 01 retllry: C1'este;r Solie. treasurer: and Table coming fe.sth·iUes for ....hlch the �Ia. Tege {):)rmltory Ati:dliary. J1U!'i �nt's. Including the kicking pOt;! Prof 0 Ei:I",·ards. . The prQ£f1Lm In�ludt'd: tt'd students Connie crumb, .librarian. compnsr the Orth�rd ard cre-e�. ....en'" hosts. . La. 1'\'C!!!lli The orc�t'$tra membE-rshlp Is 1I.5 .fol. remaining rrom lhe '''l\fl1!tarj' . . offlc�rs. . F'rida�' Follo.'lng art·the (lew membtfS pep rail)" brought " Mlnul'l" Symphon . y" . 1011,1': . Orleg Group leaders to direct plays wUl be Mccall: VIrginia Tl'gner. Dortlapproxlmll!l'ly fUty.. CAt ?, \ elhl'r for Trlo--KatheriQt' Pren!!cl'. \'Iolln: Te" . rsr\"louil: Evelyn Sy\'.er50n. Nen'lIfl chD!W'1l tht.'S wee�·. and the date for the I'aun Petersol1, Vh'!fUl Smith. Marlon parade which len the. campus at Chrls.llal}S('n. ·c�110. and plano. Ross. OctO\"lus Thorlaks-o;on: 5eC()n"d flrst" drama night' dt'CI<!td upon. Keith thy Johnson. JUJle Nicholas. Birdie LUI1\ w ren . ·\olln: I Sf"\·en-thlrl}·. and It'd b>' police escort )Vhl te· H�s . of the Syh'la Miller. Merle Pflueger: Reid. comm('t"(lal Igson. Janice Brones. Avis H-II"land Fouty dratn v\ola. :\lIU'iarethe .Thorlaksson: Cello. ult)' II.d,'urr. . . lnstructor, Is the fac· \'Ruth continued through South Tacoma to thl" ' A.\()�g the W1l10ws" {):)".-nton. Betty Ennson. Ruth Roxy square at Ninth and Broadwll}". M� Chfl.rlC5 Welker: soprano: Murlon Daneklls.: flute. Lois Mile �or. I · atne)'. Ida Mae Ho,ss;. Le-ola Lockw . Mrs. Karl We . m panlst Tht'rt' the cheer Icacter,s led the crowd iss.. IlttO ton: danneLS. Stnnle)' .Ford. {):)nelda Llellt'eUIl Dal'la. Belly Millfr wood. In �·ens. which were augmented b)' "The T'I\'cl\·c·Pound Look ";.I. M. BarTle Sullh'an, Fr1es. {):)nald Monson: German.- CI'Ub'"T0 . E\'elyn Ta)'lor. Astrid Anderson.' ElIt.r.. ���Z����:::sa;:pl::'�:IiPP}" rhythm or ..�;. ����e��'r.;· �· Gordolr. re��::rt ��:�,�t:J:��n..����sl���m:;��� Install Officers �i�: ;:��:�ne MldtM ter. And BrrWolf 'Owen: alto �Xfl!.'hone," VI�11lll Hnll: PLC's gladiators.thnlle(1 alumni and '"In Autumn" skatln� part) has been !lChedulcd r s local fan$ Saturday aft('moon ""hen C olelody saxaphone. Bar,:,!-ra K!",,l\.f . Charles Welker . New GermAn Club ofrtce� \1;1\1 be A No\' \l;as appoInted Helen SOOtt \ht'l' \\'on the home-comlng rootbaU Mrs. ..Lora .Kreidler and M�. T, . O. I(,nor ·saxoph()I\e. Kenneth Anenmsoer: n: .installed at a party·to be .held �dAY fo� as c:omml�tee-on ar. chalrma S preSided are . tablell. supper the Ilt " 1th drums. Robe.rt Lando; pla�lst. LeOnard el'(�ninraAhe home o.f Ellzabtth Friis. r· wroriththe ga�e f�om. Ellensburg Normal . A Manon Ande,rson. score. In the evening. the alumni Retiring officers wm act host05, and Margaret Demers ' aSslsUnKJohnson'alld . Wl;'rt' �uests of !.he st,!denl6 at n mixer D elegates Attend Th� or��e!<tra "'!U·pla), Fl:lday morn· nU- club members aM! lirtrtt('d. The. salc of chrY!a�them�� at the the e?llet;e gym. Proe:ram Included Committees nnlng pl the affair In· Ing ll Ii]' chapel. and)ls plannlhg to . �' ot Louise as aturday In ' c ha�le game . n t d ee.. t :�c:i�� \�:h��f�:a� ��:�:a� �:;; �����:te�:��:�d ��:d�:=Ku�rs;�:' Hendrlck.�oll and Ruth Oownlon. , �ls�lonary. M;--. :c�:���: ��!��; �:��� :���� I O U ' son: I'ocal solos. Pauline WatLS: plano Norma Preu.s.�nl. an l\. . entertainment loyd Thorn on, Gol· ......... ........"..."..."......:::"�..:;:::.:::.. Cholr_ dene oe rltz nd Bob MitCh sc'ccuOQb}·. Rnland wue:;t.J s ; Jl dlL u l a THE S.H�MROCK rsen. ce·prt's dent. h were c ostn IS "Uncle Bob's Bride" presentt"d un�er :.. to Teprr.sent the t.. 0 R. . . -lO, �.hhed . the direction of Waeene Cala"an by delegates e at Missionn. Gar.y Pfluel{er Chosen' th Women s r y Federe. .IOc 0. ll'u Hllmb"" ltli ' ' the Drama Club Ion COI\\'t'ntlon -held lit Our Savlor's Chapel Glea.nings Fre"hman. President \ P." ,h, Ave & A,rOOI! Road socinl hour and refreshments fOI' Lulht'rn" Church In Tacomn Oct. 6. Wonderful Is the book· .....e . all shoul(! 10'.l· th(' program' .. . .......... c!i Pflueger was chosen to head �e�h�!�:r �e;tl:!r:e���t;::a'";��� treasurt'-thr Blbll' .. lth Its brel!t) of theGaf}' . ho frr!;ltman class at an el«::l\on Ia�.t w:_ xplanation :\tission Societ�· to Hear beaut In honest) e · phra ) . " (' " .... 1ft' ('I«te "rt' � Include k officer5 e r eta.T)' Other d Stanle a nd treas. > 1 I Drt IIlg lind unit} Reo,'. Alvin Le'l\'is urt'r respt'clh·el�·. Fries , Ice'presldent Virginia DII,ls t . -J. U. secretary: treasurer. Harold Holby: I Vt'fnn Tegland Wl\.« appointed chiliI'. What all ns.'iUrtmce It Is 10 Xavier THOR RI'I' Alvin Tncoma. Wi ll �I)I.'nk I! man the NEAL E SEN .'IOU� s I , argeant·nt·ar of Harry the McCorm Year lck: commlttee ms Book ) . �' � 926. \ B'OJdw�y MA,., 48()' abll' to .fly In the hRven of �eS\L� Mr. RpmstRd WRS- el('ct.ed class facull to the Mission SocICl}' this e\'enlng In bookle!s ..111 be distribut ed nt' Rrto mbt'. Rnd thl.� c�n only be done b�' be· n-dl·lser. tht' recreation .room. Mus!cal numDers the ncx! 'mt'eting I . , I ..�!!!.. ':!' :!! ��-=.:.,!i ���� -:Ing a faithful Christian. includf' "ocal selections by E\"a ---, r---' Ojcsc\al. lind a trumpet solo .by Paul . E \. Conl'ention Is J. P. Pflueger . ... ' a e u S lated fOT Of-t.... �2 23 S PREN ��� f!' JON �S I r :n:�a� �z: ., F�?· lhl' 'Irst meeting. AI"ln Roe:an I . dj:I � :�=; :re� w:: ::; � : DAHL CROCERY CO. I 'VJICn and Jewelry l S ..a" ell.ct{'� presldl'nt II Knutson I (.ontinued from Pa.,1' Member Un,led Purdy SIOreS , shed blood on the cro.<.S for the forghe· tce preSIdent MtJdred Lnrson '$Ccre· I spoklllw and Mr N D Sholloal l'r st.ate I nt'.'iS of our sins A W Rall).Stad CAr 3BIS�R 5 P",k.IJ.,d tan and ROland Wue�t trea"u",r supenntendent or public tf\-�truClt� l 4--1 1 30 Broadway ___ __BR._4375__ Churlt ) hope and Calth are ___ OUL·of·Slate repre�nlaUon Wn\ lnClu zt' I grt'Ut __________ _____ ___ . _ __ . Importallt In our lhe.!; Mr Paul F C!\dman consultlng\ccon 'aau; thel'lrlues greatest of these Is charlt) r S f n MORE ANO MORt N. J. Hong P,1fkland Mercantile Co. Confad', Coffee .sho� , ::�n:. �:;e ��=·���O�d::�:�O�, I Folk. Are Comins to the Parkl".,d. Wa�ni.,glon Stanford Unlverslty.FOUNTAIN Expet! Pt-OIO F,nishi.,g, PnOIO The program. In general. 110'111 con.�lst Some Students Go PEOPLE'S STORE Suppl,es and Courteou� ·Wash. Brookdale. or �ort Insplra\lonal addresses. pro· . Far for An Edu('ation _ servICe ______________ <-.. Promp� . grams for hom!)gt'nous groups. soc:\al � P says · res.-s ColleglRte clnled «o As. n,e dllcntlonal and programs. luncheon a ... .... -. '--. -1 . .;---..--. PARKLAND BARBER SHOP few unit buslnes.s sessions. and Informal thlll some 01 the studt-nls at the-Unl· Broadway Shoe Repa" I 1------------� and unguided contacts. to CArT)" out thl' \·erslt)· of KentuckY go to great lengths Bubtr S LIEN b SEL V.IC . Imagine for rlng an cOI educRtio I Educatlonnl Progres.o; and Ch'\c theme. '� n d,fd ,010' . Pr('!,cripl'on o.u�g,sl5 C. P. K NUDTSON , Prop Mr Morrl..« Ford. PrIncipal of the 1 11.800 miles Just . to go to $ChOO!. From Oorecl Imporlers of Int F,�esl BROADWAY Parkland. Wash Parkla.nd gradt, SChOOI . Ret as tOR.'lt· �hlnn? tndla? NO. they onl). live about I NQfweg'II" Cod L"'�r . c �s , n s from er s F A r but they ".:�:::::. ::::::�: .:: . :.::::.::�.: : mastcr of the W. E. A . banquet. Thurs· 1 30 odd miles from the campus. ' I COf. and T"comll !"we. ' . �--!:�=.2�-L --.-------'"7" fellOWS the of , One dall)' commute 1 October da�' nlng. e e\" Win· . Hotel at 23. [§l . . e . r le tu u _ __ ____ I ...... � _ _ _ .. . . . . .. .. .......... .... '" r :h': ::P;�; _ __ _. _ Brookdale Lumbe r Co. I �:���· lIn:s;!��lt� ��� :�rn�:� :m; ��t;:I1��:�O; g�W;:r B,ookd"le on Mounl�,n nt; =l�t': :e� ! th(' music. � �� H'Rnway u ..')���� :�:r lg AMERICAN ART C.O. CArland 3 8 1 1 · ) - 5 KLOPFENSTEIN'S you·.....e answered that one. � 9}5 Broadway . lhll;.when TIllIS PLC students and one � C,fts - P'ctures . . .................... , .. , .... c!i of lht'm a ccedl ha\" e blc}' c led to school �, ........ From the land of earthquakes. sc��� � )· ��: �.--.------.-.------.t ho e ;�;: , fomla ' and mort' specifically � : ;::�� :: : g h I : Piclure Fram,nR Francisco, romes a ne\\' kind of four miles from LIle campus. ho\\' man}" Hand Quality 'Knitting . Co. . actual miles have they commuted? apart the I'er�' foundation of the ' 0", Specialt Wheeling one S w9J: to knollo'ledge Ilsh language. BfO"dwlI'f It may sound funny to 'you. bul It soundS IlOt difficult, but try It In T"coma. Wun. l 1 1h ll; serious proposition \l,1 th,Lou I-):ar· the rain sometime. rison. a former student at San Francis· State College, who Is experiment· rLAR!.EN'S PHARMACY Ing \\'Ith a new type of poetic eXpres· MA,n 0504 BROOKDALE CROCERY A�D M EAT CO. sian. It Is ba.sN on the of a specIal Free Delivery GArlan.d OIOi'J�,llnd 0l93R3 verb made from nouns and used In a verbal and often adverbial sense. Croceries. Flour, Hay, Crain, Feed. etc. c1;��I';� ���r;:����k�:�IY�r�:��;; I�===�=====�I L a reV.' II!Ustrations Mr. Harrtson or. Ie 1--------.--------.-.------.- -[' fers. Ht.s latest poetry reveals many Fede,�1 Bakery more exa�ples -of tJ:Iis slmptfflcatlon -FOR THE COLFERThe Homt . . of .sentence structure ' by · hls no\'-el of Finest We Carry Clubs for Women and Men in "SPALDING" "







� .-


I • •















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. . .•












"'-' .

.. ________ _ _ _



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J Specially


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


1 1 tn



lett., Swnte�





1 1 0S So. \("lIy

Prescription Phumui."




1 1 47



_ _ _ _ .



Cloyer Cruk Service Statio n .

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Brookdale. W1I5h.

'Strom', Croce" , , 502 So. 'Kay St. Free



Brbokd"te . Wasnmgton


They have real balance and Beauty Prices to F i t Your Pocketbook


�Your Neichbor-

.. Sr,o,ts

foe Rt"t




to match any

1 1 05

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Reserve life Insurance



Eket'n, Pretident


CIi� Ohon


Wash i ngton

'. ' ,

. �. ) .

" /-







1.('l's Han� Peppit>r .1:Jep . Rallys for the TE'am



· 1




, (;roup Leaders Will Direct One­ Art Plays: Plans for Operetta Ue/{un


P� ! �gl'r Will bt.-




Presldl'lIl "no Mns. 0 A. TIllgeistad . returlled to Pnrkhlnd �·�tt'rd..y aflN t n I r :;h�: D;�I����: �� ��!:�::.� : Ing ImportlUlt cimit'f��lces In WI' of PRc1lic 1..I.lthei"ll1l CoUe1lt' with lUI I accidf'llt I 1 thelr cnr skldd.'d Into a bl'nk. Mrs Tlngelstad'" right Itrm wu, IJrokt'1I b�: t�I" Impllct. und �hl' rect'lved hospita l attent on for !II/' rrnrtllre. Thcre wert I 110 othl'r "'-'rJou� Illjurle� IIl1d Ihe c:nr' 1 Wft.'> not .badly drolliaged. but It was n�Q' t� It'1l\'e It ' a ga,rnge Cor Dr alJd Mrs. Ttllgelstad .' CouTle�r Nt ''''' Trlbllllt" . rClmlf'l;. 'Cut ' \ Iurlled from Idaho I by train. O. A. T'lllgt'llHlld who hn� 1'1' ' Tl:lcT'lngetstad� t'lt Parkland &]11from hl'r lir!>t I'islt III till' Ea."'t \'mbt'r 26. �ul(1 during the course 01 Lhel r trllJ they "ttended live Important years. . Aniong" th{'m wu� the Gold en I IIlcelings u c C b c I ����I � Is �:lt� �J���1 ��:r �� : I���;!� District �I local raculty membcr�. I


u . to S(>rw' as,group ]rfld<-rs. fI!;:ISI!'lffi ill d ir t ing b)' . Dft\'ls. Venter Biller. Rnd Bt'I Hrice ,CUI Courlc",}' Nt''''"!'' Trlbun", Bonney Addresses bud. rcsp('Ctl\"cl),. I � h \ I 1l O �� I ' H i story ' Studen �� " l:' .� �o P!: 'Sd:��: �: ;�:I':I�:���!� I dU�:> 'a��,� �g���:: :"��k7����n -· Mr. W. P. Bol m.'}": secretary of lhe " Phl�applc Snlad:' imdrr lh(' dlT('Cllon o� Helen Scotl; lind J('.�� Plluej('f'r will Loca 1 Teachers, I \\'ashll1gt�lI1 .$1111('l HISIOl'lcal SOC'iCI}, dlrf'Ct ·'Buslncs..<;. ;Ind Forth," . I i "ddreil."I'd group '?! Northll'l'st Hls_ Work will begin Oil the oJ)l'relta · nd: · lor�� sludt'llts Rnd olher lnlt'rested pt"rQ'tudents, Atte a flnlll selection ,ot R s llnblr one I Ed uca·tlona·1 M e l..SJIlS lnst Wrdm'sdllY a\ .0111' o'clock' .'" Will Hav� League Is made by the comnllt!-«' comllO:<eq 0{ 1 1110' ehBpd. The talk was ftrrallg<'d b)' Keith Reid. Pauliil(' Watts, Mftn'ln Jl'IlSCIl. lind Anne! Alld('rson. Mal1�' Pn.JIIl' u theran College I!nc - M�� Rent'ftu, In the Inter�t.s of her Convention lIere Northwest History c1 ill t m d d l . � ql :i:l�e:::t�I:��;:}(I: �:'�:::�r ;�;���� r;� S:I:;y, ;)::!bIY the Told by Pioneer Luther l�a"ue ..... 111 1.1" Local Company Has mg'on Edn,,<lon { """0" " on no'",w", 'on·' . ,..,'m" tlt bo ln l ' \\ Early Beginning �i�·�; ��p ;A��n n�e���:�����: �,7�Ly ;�� :;0: 50 �::��;;L ���� st��e:tl! ��('tM:l��e:;,:r;:�:� III ThC(,lmil. wllh tf'acher.! rrom the h!5�Ory or �he SLate Is closely reHistory clll48' and othel'll In tereMed. The d('\'el:>pmelll � �_,,�f' PlU'ktnnd �chool (,TCp. M ro:<on 111\:1 111111"1'1011 counties lroted to .Its de\'elopmenl. His s»('Cch Pi s B 2 III Pa r k l l nd, nnnounce!:! Light -and Water co w hich WII.\ I at t nd n f' �� � :�r:�r��1 :���n��U��le�;�I:� MOII,'t.>d cOllllnull\' throughout, linking �:� nt b t ey a�ared: h t t gether rrocts lon, Gent'ral Illnac recounted COUl\t�· L Ph-'�t' TR�·lor. S ' t ' s ou!' � � �� : � � f'��I.�� � :1 ���� io;.e � �:s ��:�! l I el Lewis, plistor oL, Onr Sn...lor'� hl'r earl)' t'ltperlellct'SStevens, ll; :-ch ools. pre�ldf'<l I nddlng Incidents of persoillil ch racof the '"good old terpr . is a mlltt er olynk(-,(,I' loen l �npt'rintcndf' Church in TBcollln� . ler which nrl' Infrequrntly seen In his· In;un d:\)" InUmate s ." and !fave, N. by her Mr ! nd a rm:ll Hong. lI1 l r. J. m'ral .. L t('rest. J P POIWgC'r. Rnd Mis.� Vh" tor}' boo�s. The North Pnclflc Dbtrlct cxtend', personnl touch "lire to the dry bonn of The Parkland Light and Wnt{'r Com,, : Ren'r{'nd on lI1ihlngton history." s ,,'{'rr s!)(,akl'rs In \'R:iOIlS Irolll British Columbln thrOugh Oregon. WWashington , pony wn.s �tarted 10 the �PTll1g of 1 9 14. lallt John I('rrltory w� lint orJ " �last a n d .lIt·ralfl and {'a ch Len ue I!' L'X ('{'Ie<! to .sclld The original coopt'rltto r.;. E B Eli lng- ! Sf'C L <.m al m(-,(,I LIlg s 01 th .. ronn·n tlon_ Ilioorl11g SOil. N. J, Hong. 1'1'. D. Cn'mpb<.'I I. D. , �::: T�' I� �:�ll t\�n\'1' of nb�ncr from !��z:I:�edl�!mb�h�:�1�7ItoB:\':��� Offer COinbined R�ttc� �vernl delegat: alld YI:ums. p d No definite pfOR;rnrll hilI! been plall- work. III the fR11 of �he Skme year be urS<lny. Statc Sliperintelldrnt. ��;l��,;��r: ":';;:r:��::�:h��"�'��� , N .oDn Th subscribers II('(] RS �'el. but Dr. T. Oul llxson. for Ills fnmlly, UYln!f In New_York. Shownl\rT �pokr on " Forwl'!Td In III an rUort. to grL sLgn<'d on April 8. 1914 � llld lo lC t Moori "'hlOc o th g Dr Brucr R. n" Edu Baxter. at for Io> lilc n Mas li I . pr{':o; dCllt .Luthl'r TI\(�ol08lclll Scm" who ad l' the hRzardous jOl'lrlley Beginning wllh t1;\'eh'r mt'mbers, th ., I through th� Isthmus of Pallama and of WlILan1. C'IIC Unl\·er�1ty. Sa. PACIfic LUtilerRll Hernl�. a combined IIlIL'rv In 6of . PAul. Illld Dr N. M. Ylvlcompany started WIth capital 01 Iline prt'sldem 1 I a s . a h P .-:hUlldrt'd dollars. and built the water :�l �:;' /�� h;�r :�::���:���::� ;.%�. � �1 ��u:::���e� �::r .�; SIl k�r will bp Im·Lted M convention �:a:�h ::� �I�: :�l'Sr:�s, r��� :: . roads to IS)':o;t('m. laying the first WAter maUl. who SIJokt' Ilt tht' g('nern\ meeting!' the Mooring Ma."t. and Mr_ Edwin Tin- :O;\lCllkcr1j. Further IlI·rRllgcme'llt.os nre almo:H inlPa.�ble muddy . t I . :�bi�: :ut��l w�: : a����r. be�: w{'rr Cora L Olc:<o.11 . prr�dent 01 Wash" ge:.stad . cdllor Itnd mat)lIger of the 1;('lng madl' by All exccutlve' cOImn: ll- completl' this litHer route. en the Sl.{'vells f"mll)' g.rrived Itt . Education A:<o.'<OCiatloll; Dr, LRu- Herald, t('� compo&'d of Rt'\·cl'c.ud (,('11.'1:1, ' A,. l mpia first ,)IPCS were Il'oodcn. and after lYing ' m!!tcn h?mes. e . enty lor th .... rElte t found subscription tile but Formcrly: 9hlo n. o t ca du c of r )" <;(I proh'& ZlTMs. ra y In thr hot SUI1 thc\" shrunk a 000. deal' St;ttr University; Dr. Paul R. Hanna. ' theSt' pllpers has been one .doUnr C"ach, A. Myktand of tl\.�. a ullh. Ed CamPbel l OTo c�eAle new h�mes. to try con" but the\'. "'cre togetht'r �f'\'erthc. S. l. a t a w I er P a r lde I1 tn f I p f ". � rs. �::I;:. K��:Y' I.:�:SO�vc::�:n�: �utt:�:;11 �� ��w �\�Ce��ltl����: Jto�The cracks wou-Id c�me, how('\"t'r, �;�:� :��d �� r�::i �. �:�!a� �:�: �n�lc :�v��lt:�: or�nt h�� O�le� g:'�iC� : were only I w of the duties oC Lhe �uitlnl>" ccollomlst. SR� Fr:lIlclsco. - g:e:,; Illto errl'ct Immediately. O. SVAI'e of P�klnJ1d. . and \\ater spurted all o\er. Tnp dubl, first exccutlve cfamily. During the three years spent In OI),mpIR many 'a� exe lHod�r" Hnllotve'en Traditions Have Pa an ' Ori in g g �::: ��Z:.::e;x����:;, ��r:.': �..:� ��� to bt' dlsheaJ'tentd: Tht'lr pAliCllre WAS HALL�E'EN C'k"'ention the name such elrmental Ullngs as Ul big four- E\'en du ing for apples Clnds II.!I be- ���� ���:I�:es:�: ���';�:fn�S �;� r('warded. for the wooden pll?C's began lind whllt comes to the minds of all?- earth, air, fire and water.e Fruits of gln,lllng In an old' supersUtion. Th� away from his home because of his to tighten. and befor(' long t'\'cn the 1;\'ltche� on brooms. black cats, weird their eooperatron-nuts, apples reprc- story rllns tha� If the lucky person to work as Indian lupen'lsor and ra.J1uncertain oncs d{'(id<'d lhlll ahe: all whlll'-roted ghosts. goblins and e\'en !«'nting the Goddess' glfLS of ....Inter cnech the ·apples sleeps �1lh It undl!r surveyor, (hili throwing hit fam­ . lJ('�haps t he new pipe s)'stcm WII.$ ad . \> < . It Is a time for parties an� food-.stlll are an Important part of hls or p{'r pillow, the Cuture. help-meet. U}' more or less on their own resource.1). \·an U\�eous. Within a year thc mtm- prumpkin. .l.Ilks br young well Ii.s old . But lh(' program. However. the Imprestil\'e. of that person will appear In'a dream. During the Clvll War Oovernor' 6t.e­ bl'rshlp hRd morl' than doubled. At hol'l' mall)' oC u!; kno w the stra ly fen'ent reUalous ceremonies oC old hftl'e SUll another notion Insists thlL� if thc ven:'; Joined the orthern forces and prrsent therl' rore 280 watt'r users, dually d i d 1 1.0 h Ode gI d I lI I t le m i th ? m' The 101l01;\'lng rur the po\\'er plant �� ��I�w;'�n :f �:ay . dates back �;:rl Oc 1ll:;;I::t :nd �a�et�. I� ���;� :� ��h� �r:: ::r ��J�:r� �a;rg� .:� ��a:l��:���cr ����e�a�!n; � hair, h('r future 'hUSband hilS bl'en Ilamed In his honor. ' , !Continu� on Pap' 4 1 of expre�ng gratltudc ccmblng her to pagan Umcs. It orl gl.nated In part. fOrm r ' pu from" the ancient autumn festival of' Cor the boun tlCul han-est has long bel'n will look o,'er her shoulder Into the Mrs. Bates ..... a ompanfed here by ' the honor of lJle1r '�'tlll God. replR«'d b�' the deSire for Jokes alld glass. Bowc\·er. under no cI�umst.ances hl'r husband: Mr. B, Bates, a Pep Rall�' Friday " Plonecr In Law: ' If not a pioneer of Their homage took on a brilliant fonn: pmnk.. " , both am i g and annoying. can she look aro�n(t. There 1;\'111 b:o a pep l y F'riday hug(' bonflre!lO upreM('(l t.tJelr gratitude E.\'er)'thlng conne< with HaUow("en Superstitious people a\'aid the. the coulllry. " MIM neau, ....ho was noon for the Bellingham pmt' at the for the han'eM. On this night th(' Is 5uJ)('matural. Departed saints flnd Churchyard and the Cl'metery on thiS resllonslble for Inviting the spe1lker :\frs. Bates. to the school. Intr uced LIncoln Bowl on Saturday. St.udenta lord oC dnth. Samhaln. allowed the their refuge In thl' ghosts; black eats. f,a leCUI night, be<:IlU5e of 'the com requested to meet on the ,teps In souls of· th06e unf rtunates who' had the tradltlonal companion of Il'itches, belief that the splrlLS 01 the dead walk t he speak r. that and e meets a spirit . on if front or the tnaJobuJldlng ' t tl'l"eh'e� died In their sins within the last �'ear are alw ys with them. The pumpkin Is abroad. l:hlrt,y, where the yell leac1ers will have to escape their con'fines'ln the bodies. the s)'!Ilb:)1 of the harvest, Stealing of facc' to Cnce, he wl'lI fall InllCnslble. Health Impro\'es n� , of . lower �nlmais and 'a\'eDge t,iJem- gates. gateposts, and other I� irt- Then!for�, not even In the mOllt drRlltiC Friends will be happy 1.0 Impw that c� of the cheering a . · Ieles are due to a hanll;.o,·er from the II.Ituations should one turn around or Elnora Asper, P. L, C. student In the l£sl 'Thursday � _. students S('h'l'S. . Inf­ rallied at .. send-off&tfw to the tetm. Th(' tra t o day orlltnates also am,lent times. when these 'were to have look behind If h('' hears 1oot6teps on high school department, 11 greaUy proved In health, She hu. been �­ Thl'y �ted in � hall Of the trom the anc1eQj. Roman festival in �n take� from the wicked by the ('vII Hallol'l,e·en. and 1s e·en .mlctlon, lun. spinal a with from s)'llonymoU$ is .. o ll a custom ('n : Hallow( old An feMg spirits, fruit. of , ma1n bu1l41ng' to supentine Ulrourh honor nt Pomon&, the IOddess ' pass1n.a by, It .'trikes the s-ppoky note Juit between In the Tacoma Convalescent' Hospital girdens. She hOClDrid about to chalk the backs of thOse the dorms. and aa:ros.s the football ' of the campus ....� the · tint of November: and beca:� If shout the wo�, and Scamper aw�y, (ear and p!ea,sure th&t.\rs Intriguing. where It wUl be necf:llU.ry I�, 'her to tleld to th! Thus, the Hallow E"en that our fore- remain In a remedial CRtt lo'r several pf'l'S)ared a preceded AU Balntl' Day, It waa first. This has apDt'1J'el1 tn· the p nt the lreshman . , 0·' soap\ which 'now makes November i athe once knew as a"nlght of re,ver· monUis. In behalf of the studentl, huge bonfire. Yell£. sonp, and peppy known as 'Hal�w Even. t w ndo h n day f me a night of fun, .��� ::�� =!e �rs a wish for f the � wo�I:-:i:I�::::����r:�yW;::t: ��: ::.� " l, �' 1;\'a} J n " O '�;O�C�:::i�:; :;; p . :: �:a t�� r::, many � �' ��-




."0011 a.s














I !

Rack After Fou� Weeks' Absence in East



I! :

1 'I":n'rfllcf.,d"

;�' .



i. \!>


Mrs. ,T inKelslRd Injures- Arm i n Idaho Acc.ident. CO nH! Rest of Wn .�� ....rnin

DrAmatics Will plAY an ImparlI'm . Pllrl in the ' eXlrn'Cllrrlcular IIcth'lIiel! fit P L: C. this· Sl'mCSler with the pr('_ �"nll\tlOIl (If 5('\-eral' Oll('-act 1)IAY in � No\'erpber. and �ll OJ)('rt"tiR �hl'duJcd . 4.

tin('(tln Bowl.

AC";}"'/Hrn;.� HIIs/'/IIIf/ A. A. Will Hold . ... . .. . Hallowe'en Skate Saturday Night

Drama Club Will Give Three Plays Friday\ Nov�mber 6



��nup,.o,t the Footbtlil - Team




' I














i i nal
















l l








" '"'�


m ore













































J. H. Re











. A



; l --����----�'--����--�--� �--�---�----r




k ' , Fibs ' �. lind I s.':cJ< Fllcts j '

mlfl! !IIiInnring !IIiIrt11 1

Published ev�ry t....o . weeks during the school year b� the student.& of ' Pacific Lutheran COllege., Offlct! : Room 115 "Q>leph-ooe : -OArl.nd 'C)571 subscilptlon



y� �


Entered L'I. �nd claM matter, October :I, 1925. at the Post OHlce llt Parkland. Wl\Shln-'tton. under the Act of Mli..rCh


3, 1879



SIll. nlte

at poetry�PradaJamun8"skl of t·he Hooteti'aney


Il$hlng Co. Interl'le"':'ed

!'nberg. Kenneth Aneo�n, Marvin J�nsen. REPORTERS - Elva Bergman. IdB Men:. Layaun . Ell a t H l. I !�:�� c�:�: ��r -r� � "' : ,, �� "' � ube h ::'-" � . . � COPY READER Aida Johnson



concerning il. a.s






L!�tll.' GWl!ndQlyn WM onl)' three, My. how her Ma could make mashed potatoes: So we borrowed: a horse and wlI€onCome let us lean on the rll'er.

�' .

Colo..�. eh. .

��oo group

)" us II unv� an Indescribable .chunk of granite ,before


Malmln. Irene Odell Mrs. Ruth Fllmeir


'long way;

or the Nobel prize. (w�at prlz,e for U:'e PUIlt.zer . . w�� It, anywAy? ) well. . the first verl'e. and tht'n we'lI try our luck on the PacUic Highway .

,SPECIAL WRrrERS - Jack Odey. Walter Schnack­



PorUl\.f\d. or whAt have you . . . Here's our first attempt



IIpplied lightlyI

tuff. Is suppoM'd to go

whorP.ut the cat out. or !'hat ha.ppened

EDITOR- , Hjp:eJ Hagent)) .o\SSOCIATE EDITOR Nonna , PrellS SPORTS 'WRITERS _ RU,,'5ell Frye. Rola.nd. \yueSt, Norman Fryt'. Fall!:! Martin. PEATUl'tES - Linlta De



don't ....e" . .wt:sh-It-tlld. "tho! TODAY'S BIGGEST MY�­






. ' of crltle-sUrr soclety-ltes. calls It "Da�n." or " The Strite." or " Runnlng ':h.lnoct'ros:'

Oak otnea - ElIzabeth


al)O they rB.\"e on and on �bout Is. that this man must.

mR-gllitude. how e.xprl!'S:�l\"e it

be a genIus. and to Ilo'hat great heights he shall surely . . How did we get off on that. kind of a dl�ourSe?


- ' VIrginIa Davis.

. . Every morning we get up and h1t our heads Rl!..ainst

Elizabeth Stuen , CIRCULATTON MANA pER - Kathryn Anderson CIRCULATION · ASSISTANT'S - Helen LilJa, 'fl;!t'lma Ness EXCHANOE EDITOR Mabel Heggem AD SOLICITORS - Ruth· Downton. Vivian Smith BUSINESS ADVISER. Mr. O. J. Stu�n

the wall. because It fecL'i


good afterwardS. no� to be

hitting the wall. Maybe It's taken some effect . . My. but thOSt' boy., putt tht.'lr heart and soul Into that sidewalk

out in front. hl'hheh

They Just work thcmSE'lves to a frat:!;le.

WEAL AND WOESomronl' told


A. cY

tha.t the 'A'ife of a dllke wa.s a ducky


COURTESY Coul"les,' is 11 c",l i("IIh' . subllc' rnallc·l". \\'1' dnll', kllm·,· jusl IIm\' 10 1ll0rulVc' ahoul it " · i t l.l� clllt lln\'l1dillg Slll!le t" lllls('il' n,!ic.IlIS sc,ui. I't'rlmps i t \\"ould lit' ensil'l" to hHlgh i l off. kid you ahoul il. 'and 'illl l1letiialt'l\" dismiss it from mind. ,\gaill; p(·rhups 1I0t.· .... HI' Ihat us it ma,', dis('olll"h-s\" IlHl\' SOIll{"­ t i lllt's he 1I(,lil'pfl IIrollllll sdlOof. Oh.· it isn ' t nlwllvs init' n t iulIll l : rilr . frolll it. ;\Iost of USI sli/olhi t'ldprs ' wilhcllIt I h i n k i n g ulumt i l ; WI' dun"1 IIlt'l\lI 10 hurl. Blit perhups 0111" inh-ntioll!'! I"('giskr II hit uhsl'III"l'ly to Ihl' inst ructol" who the 8t Martln'S fell off the end · the IWllrs ",'('uh" liS all inclil'alil.1ll of affil"ll)utivt· bench ED MACHLE and JANICE PE:I'ERSON are n'spolls;" litft "whut" liS a rt'c l 'lt'st for !"t'pdit­ beating a tattoo. all over the campliS. Have you seen iO l . uld ', . a quit'! ") "I'S. :\Iiss "or " l them when they weren't together? . , . Say. Dorm men, ht'g your JurrltJlI. :\ I r . "flllld�oll 111"111'1" Oil now that. MR. NELSSON <; l movlnt. down to side ot sm·h Ull ot.'l'llsioTl ! the building. you'd better hal'e the Quiet. peaceful angel \\'(, prid!' ourst''''" s Oil OUI" informality. H u l act up your sJeeve---but. oy-oy-vot"s gOing to heppen to I h'a l hun!!y /-!ivt.' s l'II" !'ra�(' til t h e studl'nl who dose mowdys on, da second floor? . . . We saw .some guy says " 1 1,,110, Smifh" t o his 1t'lldU'r, or tht.' happy rushln' around out In back of the chapel with a vacuum­ hllv-lIIllker. who dlt.;t'rfullv "1 1t'\"'s" t'\"{'r\"hll(I\' cleaner In hand-wonder what he thot he wa.s dolng . IH" uddn't'St·s, ilwliuling .il l his' t"idl' J's [n hi's probably looking for a gold mlne 'that some of the girls noisy d('llltK,rul'Y. Pt'rhups il should lit' 110t('11 told him Rbout. lsome of them .seem to be digging, all , Ihut :\I r·. \\' t.'hsh'r omits this l i l l t as u 1('1"111 of right, . Those benches out by the jx)st-ll,as that an Improvement to nave them removed. or not? . l K)tik sulutuli(lIl. " TIlt'1l ti/-!uin. tlwn' is th" f pllow who slams PEANUTS I.ARSDf got loot up In the girl"s dorm during hooks 011 desks wlwfl firsl ('nh-ring a elu!:'s. the serpenllne the other night. . . . he didn't nave any pl"OIll1t.' ill1-! disllnlinuit' and llt'l"n'-wrad; i n g trouble up In the other dorm, Wonder why? na . . . The s o ulids. oftilll(,s gn'utly i r r i l a t i n g 1 0 . leHdwr)) .�hool orche�tra's gonna have their pictures taken. so and fpllow sl udt' n l s uiikf'. \\ ' ut/IIIII', it hI' I grab your shoe-horns, gang. and come on. Everybody twllt'!' til wilhoit! II l i l l l(' of I h a l n:ct.'ss l'lll'rgy goes to .Jhe rehearsals. now . . . pon:t the thrill-packed tUllt Illy hooks tllIWIl l-!l'lltly? week-ends around here JtUt tire you all out. tho (very hop(' you '\':lln'l Ihlllk us "pit'ky" i f Wt.' h�moroUS-heh heh he.h l How do you like the faculty n'miml you of 'sudl l i l l k huhils as hounding table. and tht' receptions, SISSIE SMITH? By Jove. lip sh'ps four OJ' fin' at a l i llit', hnlsqllely It·s a FENNEY thing about that K"\IY DUROA. and 'LUD­ Ihrowing upt.'n and.slulllming tlnt)l"s, whistling ,LOW. . he's certainly BWSSOM-Ing out these days all the wlly 10 elass, ur sholi l i n g .i11 halls. . . . .How do you keep up with your ates. JACOBS. whell sOllll'llOdy lllUY ht.' kdul"illg upstairs: . t . yes. no . . . you air not !eeveeng: see, you air just . wriling sl�JPpily i n !\dlOOI pupers, or coming breezlnk. end 00 Cors end so on . You spend too much inlo duss fin' mill ui(os lute. :llld so forth. Ume comparing governments . . Well. now the barbered COllrll'S)·. of t·()ur�:. gO('S det'pe!' than any " Cllptaln" r.s an escape artist. a second Houdini. alias gin'lI S<'I of pII;'IlS(" S anti Ihank-you's ulld after­ " HaYSeed:' now you see him, now you don·t. He'll give you,-mac!am's. Hut fintls uutwunl l'xpressinn you a Cree demonstration . You. tie 111m up. and he'!! ill a host of slllull IIHlth'rs. Anti l·t'llU'lllher. get out . . . It's to:o cold to go swimming this time or " I i� t il(' fows, till' l i l l ll.' fo�('s, Ihat spoil the year, ASPER. even II you keep your Clothes on . . . Con.­ .













Oue fl,ldor that SCCIllS to be lacking 10 a no­ Ikl'uble degree at Pacific'Lutheran College this yeilr is gClluipl' school spirit. Nothing, e,'i­ ticn t y, is a l!le tt) urousc the lllallY of Ollr slu­ dcnts frmu t he ir �elhargy. Even with the


roomm :AI.




grats. team. another victory under the 01" �It! . . . UNG� ha.s a boM-flde aJia.s-··Abdullah from Aph­ ghanl.stan In AsI" Minor" (acquired recently I •



:;/�: �����c�� :; =:��t!;�::= �



Enters Missions



' -



29. � . tt


�e'\'t.'rel�d 04!'rhlll"Q A. Lane. . of Pas:,"c Luthemn III 1 . student-mlMlonar)' Ilt Sinyeh, Honan, . China. He tlnd Mrs. hav� ��nt­ Iy bf-ell t.ran�ferred ·trom Ha.nkow. HIt.







.' j

crK;athryn EUzabeth �amb. '33. �Ilme :�I;)�e�.h���S� ::\!t;:. d��: j�U� �; ' n


Mrs. William R. Kt'loo at II ceremon'}, from 1M I"Rllroad. He Ilo'm continue. In October 17. Mr. and Mrs. Kelo:o wUJ oL t s st�dy ot Ihe ChInese itlnguage ani1 make ttl:i!lr hom� In,·jew. WI\.V\- euslQms unlll about Christmas time. ·wher.' ht." will takt' over work In hili;' asIngton. . signed rteld:• . F.leanor .Hagell, who IIttended P. L . enrolled at the NurSt."s TrRlnlpg SohOQI. :Ilt TacOma General

Ho.."PIt�I.. c.

n I

'�1. l.s



, . II

. IQverend OIIrl Q-ydell ot ·the· P'lrs', Francis Jane Lavin. ·3:l. is teac.h lng Lutheran Churc,h or Tacomll has been · t FalrCa , Wa..'<hingto!'. chapeT exerc!.ses � �

�� �;: :::�r �� Rudolph sanderson,


I a���/�. I :��t :�e�;� 'week a gue.,t speaker WIlS Rev-


teache!" Rt .

. n of· Van�ver. \VMhlng.toh. erend Aa�


I o uClltional Assoelatl9n.

Chape' G'leanlngs .



Tho�a at the LakevIew ' S:lnltar ulTl, eview. was nlfl\rtdtl7r,,;e:"ftfTS·onlrom---rt nnor-W"U .u �((1 �nd.1s happy .1.0 receive v'tsltors. ful · and that ,Is the spiritual life . developml'!'lt. SylvfQo Larsen. '28: nurse at the Power lies In Chrl!l.L and His works. Childre�'s Orthepedic H0.5pltal. Se- ' . -Po E. Hauge. " a)lle. Wa.shLngton. Let �IS be thankful that. Jes� knew Roberta Torrl.son. '36. Is enrolied in w�y. he hRd come Into this world; �nd � rse r I c Le nkrul t ��: ;� �: �:; : ��. :71� �i� I��n�o��� . n � i: fornla The highest form of spiritual lite



. '


� �: :��; :


I t.�

are several former gmduates. lndudlng : . Mr.�. Bernice Butt.erOH. Il"1'ne Dahl.



"Say i(' With



If you're bashful about putting your

feelings Into worM why not " say It

with stamps" ? Here's how to do It: Flrst. " writ.e a regular letter to hIm (or

herl telling about the weather. and how you rlunked your blo�gy test. Then seal. It up. address It. and betore you c s pu t d e e pe I:�t _

� ��:�:�� �� �� �� :: �


hand corner of the envelope means "1 love you": lOtty-corner n I the same'

place says that you do nOt love hIm: one upside down In the upper rlght­ .. hand corner means stop wrlt!ng" while one cros.s-Ilo'i.� I n tl"!- e upper-right hand

corner asks the question " do you love me?" To answer. a stamp In the middle of the enl'elope at the top means " yes:' and one at the bottom is ··no.:' See. straight and to the point. No

Ij:roplng about for words al1d uslns: the "'roil!,: ones. But take my advice: don't use this language )'then writing to more than a half a dozen people it ypu would like to be considered :l friend or �our postman.

Votes for Yearbook The BOfJd ot Control



on Monday decl�ed to publL-Jh a 1936-37 yearbook. the editor or whlcli .wlll tie

chosen by a faculty committee. It Is'de­ sirable to begin work mmedla.tely i on


annual so as to get the material for t� faJ! 8Ctlvl�jes o rga,:lzed thIs .

r!! f.:HI_�.-s


· 14 w _.. .,. ._ d,.:. ·� kl_ _ P" _5-I -I . . _

O _��:.. ._ I I!<-._GA__

'Let's let Kqu�i.,ted"






t I




T.he Best Meats

MA n 0533

1 402' Sooth Kay


Elite· Art Shop

Cown, _

Uri•.,ie �"d HOIIi.,­

ReaSGrtable Prices




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756 'f::t


38th .str� l!! t


Deluxe Oyster S.tew HORLUCK'S





Br�dway O.I. � ��cific . 1

After the Show

�===:::�:::::===� J�CK'S CRIDDLE







9 1 3 Co":"merce

Tacoma, Wn,


PARKLAND CARACE Shell · Gasoline and Oil

�=::::;;;�:;;;:==� 111 STEWART'S. I

Dependable Greasinl GENERAL REPAIR

I 7�:a�cT�t���;SB���· �=====::===� ,

I 1�


Printers - Stationer�

. P 1P..!!.§!!= R MA�n 2 1 22

1 2th & A Sts.

R.Yfllond Electric Co,




eat, Oil, TiNt �N


SR. 1 7 1 2 •




9 1 5 Commerce St:

us do your wiring

MaSQu�rade Cost�mes



TUJ(edo and Dress SuitS Theatric�1 5I.tpplies

CS:;;!::, Outs, '1

NEAL E. THORSEN' Nol5e Makers, P�per H�ts,



926Y, BRQADWAY Phon';, MAin 4861 . H�i, Coon.








Eldon Anderson. '35. is-"""lI-senlor at C::OIlSlSt.s of the highest Imelllgent"a.nd lhe College or PIlget' Sound. where he phYSlca.1 Ufe -A. O. Aasen. Prayer L the language 'of heaven. "Iiiis majoring In chemistry. -J. U. Xavier". ALlt'ndlng evening classes li t C. P. S.

Everything far VOI:" Hallow'en Festivities

(i1udialors exhibiting the most powerful foot CADENCEhull I('um they have hud in years, tI�ere ,is not We're approaching, wide eyeJl. cnatter)ng teeth. Ihe Ilt'arly enthusiusm Ihul they. merit. AI the . and a loud Whistle, anoth� time when th'e gObUns, spooks, foothu l games, at 'the I >C I' rallies, and in school. ' and tho.5e guys on the broom will be OYing around In- the a f(.\\" old fuithfuls beur the brunt of the cheer­ night, wrelLking .havoc on our dear old c1VWz8.UOn. With ing. TIle 'bonfire rally lo'st TImrsdny nish� pro\'{·tl thal concJusi ..:ely, · Of. course. the others . Willlt Ihe leam to win, but are they willing to, get out �nd sU.i>porl them? :-Jo--'there 'ure' · tate their girls to I. nice scary PlIo'rty and munch on jelly­ bUns, k.eplels or . Corn� etc. , . (� pleue let MR. cn�)U�h otlwrs to do that: "Thy sho"uJd Ihere PFLtTEOER'S tence, and MR.: NQ'S .soaf alone) . he. allY shirkers'!--\Vhy �an't we all cooperate? · of course, II y.ou get tOO bored. come h'ome; and well tell Students of Pa,ci,fic Lutheran. College, let's one · you I.. story........u THELMA NESS or HARO.LD MOIBY and aU get out and CHEER-let's sho\\' (hal . .' . . · no rough stutl, rAW. klddle.s. a.nd be careful where ' Icam of Ol, t.hat we are b$ind ,them one you splt (horrid: · woren, remelnber ) the JOhnstoWn nood hundred per cenl and thpt, ",i.n or ..fosc, ' we . . . . . . � , will stand by! : . .




AVllion WoJohn, Grace Card. MIldred FRIES lagllin, .ought to change hl.. name to MEL­ Card. Ora! Hageness. Harold Gray. TER . Will you step Into our room a .minute. plt.'RSe, · Cecil Scott. f<rthur MISS HOLT.CAMP. We'd Ilk£' to have YO!J. put the - John Van . Sivertson. ' our hair; or run over to the Post Office with o� . . . M�EL is'out JAY-walking. 1'1. I VIrElnla Boen. '3;). L� leaching m r . 01' oomethlng . ;:% 'k �k . . . ARNE STRAND WM �'Io�"y Wollochet. Wa.shlngton. u.�

I P. L. C. Graduate

Alumni '

Thor� 01.son, fo.�er student of P. L. 1\.So ma.n1t'<1 to �ter Westby of DUpoh�1 W�shlngton IlL!It eventng In t.he Trinity .Lutheran Church. Inga; t.Snugger of th� • • • of '29 WR.'i her a . Cla.. tendilnl.

�t.h . min or ,..:i t and a dMIh of !I_ '

s wE i .

TERV·: HOll, to fill up spacE''. or why girl� leave liome, A

J:\ssocded CoI)e6iale Press 1935

IlttJe or


�' .

__ __ __

__ __ __



\���� �

_ __

WI , ........ . . �








:m.. 11I3tI


LQcal Squad· Will F�ce Bellingham on Saturday . Team -.

G ladiators Girls Introduce . Monmouth �thleti� P�ogrllJ1l . . With CaptainbaIJ By 13-0 Victory A3 ;�e �'hi.SlI;-;;-;:-"l1dlnr .t�: sec Yers� the �hlrd )'car girls'�la.ln

With the St"&SOn'hiJr gone. th: flghi. Ing PBclflc L�thU'an Gladiators race the blgiest ob.stacle In their palh to an undeft'atf'(! 5e8$On ,.."hen . the)' gUlls ,,'Uh the po,,'erful' I �ormal ('Ie,'en on the Lincoln Ih" Sa,turd",y IIJ�rnoon, Oct.. It there Is any teRm on the P . .�hedule that would Jlke to Ghldu!.tors It is the .Vlklng t>le,'en Uelllngham. The northern hR \"(' bt-en able to ",n'r the Parkland ·boys who ff'lHed them .f�)Ur years out of years ago P. L. C. downed b)" tht' bR.Seball -�re of .3 Lincoln field. year It5 . yard SllrlntJn the last quarter 1'1JCt.:d demon Hal Votaw to 6.-0 ""In over th'e stubborn squ·nd.


,amI", on Wedne$d ay.. Ocl.Qtier ,21, �nlors Ilt'lt('d victor:y of S-2 the $Ophornon!' ptRl'tr5. Thro\J3h­ gRme tnt sopll:'.loilowed close the \'!et()TlI, bllt ";I'rl' IIllllble !.O �he' dl"f(,I'IIII". . II


one of .t�e �tfongest teams In the north....-e!\t. With ttlls rating and t:,e 1&", of 1I,'('rages on their side. the Bellingham e1e,'f')1 1$ fa,'ored. to hand the Lutherans their flrit' defeat of the 1936 Undf'r Chuck LapJlt'tlbuM, Viking and fornler Unh·er.!lly of Wo..�h_ mgton star guard. they J:ta,'� had a o!'uccessflil seasoll . climaXed by a 6-0 " ICtOry p'·er the-strong U. ot WaMlng­ lOn from team last Saturday.


tatoMl at lhe MonmouUl game. at boys· "� making load in big Linfield, . Hal b an outstanding Lin­ field back, .....hlle BOb has made a. name . J"rom mid-field, ParkllUld's �bony­ for hlm"sclt �t guard. being co-eaptal,i for thf' Wllhun�lte.LI�fleld game. . .�·""arrlol'lln oommenc,trde \,heir sec-St�1l �: �y c;;�::r �����o� I1 et�:�t"'::'�: . Th� football �ultd ....elcomed lI h, .....ho {eturned ty yards. un bucks .....Ith Heany and 10 r�c�: �,:: w�;�� l ed In sev­ 1 e kl � . s�n Jose College Is now sendlng"out ��: �sCt ��",�::: �:� ��:U t life-time athletic pas$es to g",duates bringing the o"al within .....ho. while' studenU. provtd their blgh 51'1. yard marker. WILh les.!! than a qunllty In the field of sporl$-Ju.�t a ··mlnut.e to Illay In the first half. Fred n � lo"", .,----:: = h_ "_ "_ ''' � . '_ ;-; . -;Coo '_ _ O "" _ _ '� '. �!:.n)�:;��nU:h�:u:�:�:�� th;.c�:;��;'� = pl."·kI,, .." ,ood. ""oIUn, In "",. Reportl'r Discovers News When �;:�� polnu for Pacific Luthcrnn Col-

Kenny got one fOC?t In ofJ;ler. d9.....n .....ent the Skagit and p, L_. C. lost another chance score.


_ _ _

_ _ _ _

_ _




.tor the remaining games· Team ,"Trains" for M'onmouth October 28. f!n;t yur Lea"lng Lhelr tax 'tOKe!")s In their atmosphere of the .hotel (paidt IIdvf . Du.rlngrl the .second half competition ea o · o er ors G 25 r .;. ���7:�ar nor. e �:�:�� � r h a MOllda: � l t l U �;��:��. · � �� : � � :;: � � : :�: � '-_____� ____� I ;��� �!�::: e:t�:��e �a\�: �·�:; A "�::sa: r;:�i;lln�t\::!h o�::OCt�� 1R.'lt. minute rail)' the Wolves un- mal '·s. second year normal, desltthe at girl the of rs h t o T telejlhone-that Poruan' for e fi t afternoon TACOMA'S LARCEST 4. LlbeF8l· e pread No,· effective a t mewha shed a Wednesday. li . so Jl' rr.. year Inen this .....a J9 � a'e",' ex- politely Informed the fellows that tl e fonnation and passing attack. but Arts.hlgh sch�1 mber Home.Furnishinp Store thlrd year nonnal. penence. ""hlle thes ve�ralUl'beamed was nwaslln·. Alter breakfast \two for the �)�I...."" OIBdlator& tlghtentd their ddense Into bundled was bunch Lhe with antlclpaUon ot the'sood Urne71n Grenier CIt . " .... .. , ...... . ........ for them. But the\ paramolglt a bu.� Bnd at ten o'clock they were by Intercepting sev�ral of MonmoUUi's = :1 store thought In the. minds of all WI\S the headed lowBrd MonmQuth. At Mc· paTs&t'le.s SOuthern Oregon IIChoo only = = = = = = = ":= :.; 1J�W.r1!:.��M�� · the I ' 'IIi. l pledge to .t.fIme the Monmouth Mlnnvllle. equa.·dlstant between @ ,.I ". t\l'O clUes. the troupe stopped for lunch. once seriously threatened the Gladl&'· N 'S Wolves." a ' O M. A C second quarter· the During goal. and tllere were received by Hal Vo!;.w tor'$ Men's 5 . . erco.ts. Sh;rl$. Ties. d y the train amuse s bo the Aboard H.I$. ell ndi'"rwear. The Men's th. emsell'es b�' reading. sIghtseeing. and Rnd Bob Martin. former P. L. C. stu· they BdvlUlced the 0\'n1 to P. L. C:s ENGRAVING CQ'MPANY '-Ifl.,.,vr;..;;. j Store like 10 shop in t.s now a�tlndlng Llnrteld College. five ylud line as the result of byblocked annO}'lng the ebony-skinned porters den Park· IJI" ollo.....lng light I,;,nch the t",vellers. punt.. but were smothered JETLAND 6 PALACRUTI and other paS5t'ngers. The air was Fwith qJ ",'all. rd a for"" strong ]and's con· list. on f� Bob the and Hal i P: K the Portland Flyer passed lued the--Jaunt to Monmouth for the Lineup: = l tensc .= :: ":::: I '::A:: : i:: :: 12:::: 9::: ::: = = � XMAS CARDS 'U .... \.h:rough Centralia.a termeda ··Orenler.... .... .... :::! @ ... Lut regon ul r e I ga th h Founr�ln Pens �nd ��cils ,, �. f O �I�:: e e =:t�: L.E. . 6� B�:!!� �:� :�:.�::� �:���� ,�� ��:.. ��i�� ��� :rm:��an�:r�::. ���d:��0�68 . Anen.�n � HAROLD E. DAHL CO L.T.· Helndberg ,1-!fOP �nd ' Olympus HOlels ler fell orr the tra.ln t.wo yean ago. On the. way back Portland after Kelly � Pa ci f,c;' Avenue - Lobby Rust Bleb. � CBPPS L.G. Nothing of the sort happened this time. the game. Northup House. L1n!leld Mohlcr MOTORAMP CARACE Jacob" :!l............................. C� ...... � and the team settled back frat house. was the fLrst stop.andTIlere Fire Proof Storage 24 Hour ServIce however. R. . Grenier Phute this Russ Bnd NOrm Frye. Grenier. for the remainder of the trip. G. Tacoma. WuhlnstOr'l rande T R. ., G ljelson supper. bus for the stay to left scri be � time) ttler the At 9:43'. (railroad R.E N Frye Home Cle�nen and.. Dyers meet !lOme Linfield footballers and be Lewis came to a stop In the CIt} of Roses sho" Suih C-.t .."d S. Solie Q ,n- about the campus Later the Duncan ..... and the part) h,iked to the Hotel Mult· above We gu.r.nlee our work Tommevlk. R.H Borden aging Into Hals plied oned menti nomah "hlch a;as to be their home roadster and dMhed to Portland To McGlinn 0 Connor L.H GA., ] 608 3814 G St during their sojourn In the O�gon coin a phr8SCJI (fiey dro\e like sixty Younce � Heany F J� ... and lou Of It "'as pre � City SleepHeadman ��� Substltuttons--Monmout? Vander- ����;;���� Ask Nonn and Grenier how they en· Olson FrIday for b} scnbed • Miller. Dewey� Adalllll. RaIney. jored �he cold ride In the rumble seat. tauden. ____ 1 night. so after a brlet ,stroll around the LAUNDJtY and Little need � said about Saturday ·�uckley. Howard. M. Corbett. Walburg. downtown sector. the/boys hustled of! .. night. since all the fellows were pretty Pcterson. to their rooms At this Ome your re- much C;LEANINC SERVICE Un­ Jack. Ramst.ed. C.;-Smlth. L. p, game hard the o after out m ",' . of praise porter must Insert 'a ....ord ea,r!y. Nevertheless a ger. R. Frye. Ludlow. J. Smith. Fries. at Extremely Low Prices for the service. neatness. and orderly;:=====::; andrll retired e:��ng :�=n����ne h; Mllrtln. M�rtlnson. Holby. Ourga. r; �l l::y I ev g � Tacoma Laundry on home work leh Oorga? . Well. BROOKDALE. arter ail. they did win the game. Ear\y Sundll)' morning. In fact much BARBER SHOP · Pantorium 257 So. 1 1th 51. T�com.. Wn. early. came the \'olce of the girl �t· • Cleaners desk: "Good morning. U's seventhe ....."..bI. Pricn . STUDENTS ..iri"l MAin 4493 W.ltch WELCOME Rust Bldg. z..._ ... __"-__�__J fifteen:' dldn t Somehow hher voice ' T o ln m m ,.. , .:................q) , .' �' .�"" P,I "".on"' 't' ·"h, , rn, ·' h, ..... .. .- ....... .......--..�:. ...... ... ••• •• lm o t O . 'dd .... h I O I • SPECIAL NOONDA Y LUNCH � traln ':(departure was moved ahead JI!. : . 1 ROSSO'S ., . . � teen minutes. leaving very lItUt: time 1 for "Lone�ran F i reside" oil burning, ci rculators . § to dress eat: and reach the depot. .1. Special for Hallowe'en THE BUG ! 706 So. 38th 51. A g i. Pukl.nd. Wuh, : ed �y�:eS�:t��=��� �e:a:aS:�� � i . ����� � :: = �=.;. l!: ... .. . .. ..,........,.............."............. .c!J or those football playel'll." When he .:. .� ••� � -� .� �.�•��••� ••• �.:� � -�••�••��.:••:••:••�.�' .,....... ........ ........ .. � � Utd In the af irmaU\'e. he was dl' .. p _ . f You Are Most Likely to : reeted to a s\lt'Clal car on a train near· ; Pumpkin .Center AMOCAT FOOD PRODUCTS § fmd al : Lat" h. ,"""mod 'h.i h' ... e e all t . ·�THE.·67:;� ��Q�ALlTY"� Ice C,rein" Brick bl d �:a���t!t!: :e �:=n: : :' :�!O� RHODES . WEST COAST GROCERY CO. lest he end up at the Berkeley TACOMA .II.OnlE:� t! 35 certl. a quart . !!i ... ....... .. .. ... .. . .'......... ..... � . It. �as an � bunch �f ·fel· .;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;�;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;; . ;;; �··..;;;;;, at your ··..;;; :·;;;; ;·;��TO ��:;:;:�·ES;;; ; � � RY .. ········�cKI� ,�; ;: �r�= -:.:.: �:�:,'! :,:. • ickle.v· "NIW MAnauslS Fott LlSS" :Br " vow boys" had kept their pro�tR to O LYMPIC ICE CREAM MEANS RADIOS brlni home the bacon. 9 In do'......... . We <:'11 for ..nd DelIver . "W. WI ....:... tt. e y had upt unblemlahect . �e1r record 2937 S M ST 3589 MA DEALER Way '5436 So. Tacomat +,."'.."'.."'.."'..==.�""'""' . '''' '''' '' ;=: ' '''' == ' _ ............''''.....................!l! ----_ �- . of not havln, beel� soo�. u.pon. .....� I '_ ""' i """ i .... i iiii .....iiiiiiii . ; __


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l frt'nc� Grou t' EI.ecls ' . !Sh rewd Guessmg J.pan Mi •• ion'Ury , L. D. R. Win Hear . f,rsl S",nt'Sler �ea(I' 1 . Adilres" Mcca ing . F�un1£r!!f Group Gets Dean Shoes Mona yrd wUl p�:slde during the B s Amy . Thoren. a misslonar)' :'!rs. M. A Christensen, fo'under of :I..1i sJapan \\'ho . l!.\0. (rom " . ge , h'as some' { �e�' Sund is on a furlGUgh th L n R . Pa TI L h ' C �_ ensuing S('mester t\.s presldelll �. the ,,'U-Rnu .


. Foss Addresses . Firesj�e M�etj�g

. «!f Reverend it. L. , Ulc District of t.he N�r"weKian Luth· Pac Ie;'. �1:1 � :�e g��S� S;�k:�a:t t�e F'rench club. 'HeT asMstan ts are Astrid �OE'� Wt'!ether It ,be �'chlc ,PQ\\:hs. tills wintt'T. presented a 'stereopticon enll1 Conf('fence spoke Oil. "A":,usementJ: L. O. R. n1et'tlng scheduled fOf No�, Anderson: \'IC"e preSld..ent: and H91en hH:·k. or g:ood guessing. w� don't know..rl � ture on mission work IlISt of Youth" at a m�tlng'o( the F!reS�d.t . 19. The met'tlng �'IIJ be the home Stark. secr('tary.treB..';urer. M,r. �nck but In a rt'Cen� contest sponsor(>d b)" nlihL at eight);.:IOCk Inl the chapel. group' last Sunday e\·enlng. .October 2�: Kloppfenst('lnso( �rna. Dean - Roy Schrnantl. led . devotion ltY � d\"i 5eY. or Mrs. T, 0, Svare with Mrs. Svnre WIll Ilgain be the rac u ('t.e<I the Mus l compl ica . pro scrtplUre reading�.and pl1\yer. . and Mrs. J. P. Pflueger a.s ho.. '>tes5es' ' . and Mil· guesse<l the outcome of l� of �he im. · . · soei�I portant games in the. U. .... trio composed or V'h;an Keller. Jan,. P!an� tor.the S1.'rhester IIlclude S, and received ��. ls.,>lon sOciety spon.50 ring clred Larsen AAng " How Lo\'ely Are Thy M . ' Pf'ters::m. and �faurlne wade WIll mef'tlng WIth g"est speak ers �1Il01)g a pair 0f' Shoes for t.he .prlze. There 'ere PQe k(' t' Tes�em week at- the present Owellfngs:' actompanled b)' Normlj a group of songs. and Unka Oe ' th :)SC who . will. . 11l\"1(ed to address three prizt;'S ortel""ed: a ,sult. (;"" 0 t.ickets tm i t.s3 a. · t'e as be-e �, Preus. . . Bc:r�' \\'111 plny a plano solo. ' .t he-- gro. up .l', Mesllll. of the Un · to Ihe U, of W.. galll('. lind ' the pair ot e. l'.M Alm SIOI m('h .s n taap Re'o'eren.:f F05.� and Re\' �rend Pfklt>g rel>o.rt of the WOJllen's. Mlssion- coin high , school ll1cult.�.. . . lih:)('.<;. . All threE' wilVlI'rs gut'ssed tile polnl d Pocket Tesla nt ecre ry. er led a discussion on. pernlLsslble ' l er r g e n :����n��. ����a �;�;; ��� �:::dr:; I ��.:lew:�c�:� ��c��=te15I1s �: ���� �'Ia�y J��bominalions lJl��s:n���:��us meeting It d�rtlt'd Lurst'n. delegntcs. T lo prophe oute al the ",,',' _F,��,sl�e'· �!'s'.. 'h.o.' 'ld "" ,h,' ld , ' ' foresa\\� � . h c t l Library . L. C t.olle Gels 'Re res ' at I), . g Yt:'a,r b90ks will be distributed ne",t p nd , nl'h n ", h . .. CO llt' or the M onmouth gallle as 14.-0. . ., I . ' 1 meeting according to Verna Tegland. Boo.ks, E(I Ui1uheut which .rang nlmost tl"'1l�. belng as the . Sevt'ntetn 'different rellg\ous denom- re-ceptlon' room Norma l;.nndo. and Jut le WalteTS."There presldfnt: Mllr· final score 0 s Johnson Shoes orr to Mr. Ulc wn.� L3I i . . s I r e Pac n t esented naUon are rep h -....·Ul . b(' n chargc of fn'c cents for the Hauge! , vlce·president. and . Lutheran College stude�l body this garet book.--s 10 eo\'er Ihe cmt of materlal�. Ollt' thousand dollars has ngnlh been 'We wonder how he doe� It. He says year. ' . CV"".""."........"."... ,"". ":...."" .......,,""",,....".'1Cl appropriated for bene!!t of the ·Paclflc ll S dOl;le li:CLentifica'Hy by the St.a� · 1 AJlpro:ximatl'ly !lfty per cent or LOCAL CO MPA-NY thl'ran college llbrary. whJch has cal and gu('Sl\ method, We g,UeM $O! I student bodv Is Lutheran IUld dra",s r � . IConUn�ed. From First PaC"" j been 0l>erated ) . . pts member:-trom nl�e synods. . for the three years . p�,cr:s ,hilI sallsly . j ' �. . was I. �Lher dt>llomlnations are the Baptist 6(l T . . bum. but there w'!os less trouble With no financial �cking. j a a h t � r l e .er F e . ""lIh ·that yrojec.t . becnus(' peepll' had CalhoUt'. ChristiAn. Christian j the home 0""" . 1 " . ' J. U. Xavier. head Iibecome mcre familiar with such \I·ork . b<taAlready. Gr.oup GIves Pl ay �1l;1. CHurch �r· ,aold. Co'ngregB.tional. : . rian. has ' purch�ed a n('\\' SUPPI) BUJLDINC : ad::�� G! .ca . � logue d g an. carels num� . . t:l. .: � . � � :,. � : :: . � , : . � �. . ..... . �; � ,, � , � �. . . b�e�r �,,�:,,� h�I�;1 '�.�.� ' �' � . prices were red Ced �. : ll\ ' sweden�rg . -' . 1 hich a . ' ' Ihe lo\\:est in the eOLintry Current is �:: rOffll�::� ' i.lI�slon Covena�lt. Pen�eeoslal. Presby. ,: ..:-..:-._. ___._�__�_.o:. rn-J� �n . the currt'l�l PI�;��' �:;��e !:: '�(. �:�'I (clian. '0 reasonable here that sevcral coliege Due to th� lack of\\ Tlirfiw Day Adventists. t bY SI '· .. WitS ' pre- Of theandthrC{Se\'cnth ncIaL(' LeWI� . sufficient space wntten , room� ��C heated b',' ell'ctricllv: hundred and three stlr- I . ' , l I. he m�l1l librarv.. buoks of lhe, t'du- se lted last' night by th\' F't'derlll Thea· dents ('nrol,cd. ' at Lower Pnces ' I' Thc . cost of the power IS 1.6 per I itt WIll; record the .tIme 'th I I ' lit Pr 'ers ' \ a; ", 1'" Be0i tlSI oJ!'Cty Rlt I ter department catlOIl plaeed been ha\'e W ay Tacoma So. 6 . 0 \V H ' this Includes, electrie street was mil de only thirteen students show. 5 3 , n I GArland I 1 22. . i lig'h ls �' .t''''tra C��L to meril.bers, �l�rl��;r;\���� II�:: ���a:�I�h:,�lii;: I:�� ��:!:��_�::.���:�. r:c s::I;:�:. :;�:. I'd no 'Ct' � fCh afrH i,atio ns . I : Tt Is a ullfque �ght to fInd �treet lights O atOr · ,..___________ - '.' c ) l;o far remoled frot'H tile Clt\ limits f !��};. �;��el:�: ���:. who. reprcst'nts � The company hB..'; :l.bout nlnet\ of these -------lIII ' the Federal Project In TnCellla. DAHL CROCER.Y CO. r'- -�----�--Itg-hts distrIbuted this area �poke in chap('1 last Thursday. Oct(j;Jer Mcmbcf Un'led Purdy, SIO[C� JEWE.!J RS . Prl'sent oWeers are N. J . Hong. pres- II Fre�llIllall Mt'4 1hl!.!� : I:'. explaining lht:' efforts of this move· Repllor,ng lry � Jtl" lind leh lI W' I Idem: Stan . se:rE'lary: �Iu. S la Illt'llt to fostt'r intcrest III drama n11d a CAr. 381 8-R,5 I I en. lreasurer; H. L. J. Dahl. colh-'elor. I a ad Tacoma re])ertory group \\' h o lire sup5 1 3 y R _ 7 . _ . 4 8 _ and I\"cr Jotm�n. Bert H Raymond Tbc freshman chlss will meel at noon ported by this project. _ _w � _ 8 _ m _��= . has been mallager lor three years. He the flr�t Tuesday of I'llch month. succt'cde� E. B. Ellingson. SCnlt' ter dues'\llhiC,h Iwent:"·.fi\"(' Recenl T\'ports from Silverton Indl. ! L�st slJI:mg the compnny refunded C(,llt.<;s will � co!le9ted are Conrad·S Co�fe� Shop undcr the . dl. cate that �trs: B. Tlnselstad . mother Parkland Mercantile Co, I part . of the mc�cr�hlp fee the rectbn ot Haro�d-'1iolbY. treasurer of Or. Tlngelstad nnd . Ed"ln FOU. NTAIN . SERVICE tnl'm!Jers. , Stanler Fries .h�' �l named chair· T!ngelslad. Is Improv('d In heallh after Experl Photo Fm'5hlng. Photo . Wash . Brookdale. . . --- mall of the s�l comryttttee His ns- having been III for some tlnle · The I 1 S pp · s Pr'S:.�,cllen"d · sistnnt.l; . are Astr� And�r$01L nnd Vlv· Tingelst-ads hn\e JI"ed In SlIvl'Tton for � -, r . SmIth. forty-four years. '---"7 '. MORE AND MORE -t--·-------Folks Are Comin � to the r LIEN �. SELVIG .1 .. ..


l j



sing ,\



O. J.

















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CONGRESS ("Pdr Ad".)

Pllrklllnd I I,


;;�;ly�;�t��b�lm:� e7:s s��m�: Clower' Cre�k' Se.rvice Station 'iI



Storlie Funeral' Chapel " ,



I .ry ��: ,���





i �





t 403 l l lh St. t




Tacomll, Wa5h.





u Parkle llnd. WashmglonCOl!rleou� .


=--=:.::-:- -�I' ..:_=-=I Try one of. o ur·real

�7 · " ·4A"e.

TRIPLE XXX 1 'BARREL >· 1 We Cive ,Car Servi«=


" � '


Soulh Tllcomll Wily



. ... "di ' """ ...""...".."". . __ __ _ _---------- ----0',


Groceries. Flour. Hay. Grain. Feed., etc. PHONES: 'GAriand OI07,4--GArillne- 019a�3

Ct Furnitvte Co. Restmore 'Mattress Manufllclure-.s o

Thirty.nine years in the Upholster;ng5 and Mallren Business

i:olldwIlY , 2408 PlICifie.�£"r. !MATTT�£���t� P��:' R£BU1 " .

1 1




"."""""... ""..".,, ..... ,




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hamburgers with a mug of root beer!


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Prescription F " ' ;.';��:'; C:,.," L:�:, o�t CO' . ' �Ih and T.. p ,0 .<h MA ,·.

. Oi '



l.�=���::=�===-� Knitting Co. tI I Quality Letter Swute Ollr Spec:i�ll." I 1




944 '11 +_� ... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. "� @...

, DANIEL"S SERVICE i I GAS 01L Brookdllle. Wllshi�gton I . __




T f ' ' •• , :.":.o ",',w '.' , h"" ' ,.,,",."om ,.b " n.....

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��:� �;nt�:I��I�rgUI:����tl:e:���� �:�yl� her ear? ". Then we have a certain acquaintance P PREUS

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' HATTERS TRY.ON r, I I yB.u,', � I� Speeta tor Observes: ",', . ,. "... I MA,n 0687 Commerce . EveQone Is little quet'f e",.cepl he mak«\s. evidently !n ordl'r to empha· I I

















,',JllSper' nrson. ary-tullsurer. O�" pf.Is.sccn; tness O ' t the Comlorfllbl� Whi IIf lt'.yoU.Will l ·Ser"lCe PHI L OSTLUNE) Bele�.












PARKLA ND BARBER SHOP t thee and me, and methmks betimes I size his remarks. Also know P�tro"iu Unio.. . B�rber Shops ���lI �:� t��r ���r'>� � �:;1 )��� eILa rllling person v.:ho Is constantly . l n h . rop. tt ('\'er ttried �the1�L game I G. P. KNUDTSON. P mg off her glasses. !mtUng them on of listing the Q ue('L' takam. Parkland. WClsh. g and playing with them she t t Ilttle habits of your friends and school atalks. until we are so afraid they will -:.____________ :. fellows? C. n h � �g�� UhO��� a:I�·�� �� lI� � c::� '� ��h� b���r:�:" � �� �:�.� ���� . e (' � pp ;o th I t 8r:08��=!�e��::�:a,�O. I na less thall sevellleen people chewing Mnjoor Bo\\es gong, e th . . u f e H'ghway � �1;1:=nc;���at\��\!> c���� ar� :� ��;�I:!. );�U e:; ;Ia: =�� I ��ea�::�: GArland 381 1 -)-5 rooms. ' At least fIve people are con· I knQ\\' one young man·.who probably stantl}" �ucklng on the end of pen. �'ould be tearing �ts hair or �ILlng his t be sketching someand we count 011 our fingers and toes naBs If h(' couldn the number who are energetically thlllg with \'\'cr), other breath' he takes. marking crosses and weird hlerogly- And look at the lasllng records of our jlhlcs on an}" handy scrap of paper. . industry. Some tlm(' some ambitiouS Do you remelnber certain characLers soul \\'I!I coll�1 all the various works . desks. put In " Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" ? Are Of ort l(om our class room you by any chonce an · O·tIller" or a I th('m all together and perfect a very hall main the for mural unique " doodler" ? Cotch yourself poking your cht'ek wlty your tongue or tear· Ing bits or paper Into grotesque deTU'le )�h�;: ���:y and ;;Igns. Some of you amateurs may well PUt our magical Thurston to shame. Home M�ke.. Exch�n.e We haven·t found a nose twitcher amongst us. but there a few IIpIce. Delive ry Co. MAin 8 1 66 biters. And we'd wager our pet dog thnt }'OU could tind some tongue· I ' tv,i.sters about If you looked In the rlght � .".





¥$ldeUl the


J�e se un mbers

tdu�e .

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LU .

K' I_














NEED�Maybe a new parka with Jotood is la�kin"-� or a new pair of boob would help. ClothIng and ' ' , Skis for-Cirrs and Boys


Washington Hardware CO. "

924 Pacific Avenue . _�:�e's sells for . le;;;� ' . ;:;:;�:;�:;;;:;:;�-.�:; . ;:; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ���;;F;:;�-;-���-;;��-;;� ' Bi�'d" ;. W,>h . . I' ,LUTHERAN' . BROTHERHOOD , . Legal ({eserve life I nsurance .



We'll . win the Fashion vOte this f�1I



Prices. 49�,to .$1·, 15

urd CHURCHli.L'S SHOP III 'Broadw�y As k for .Hosiery



Pa rkla n�

Herman .L. Ekern, ' P-!.esid�t Represented by Clifford 0I10n





, J.

/ "


" .


Get Your:- TjQtets for


FootbaJr" Banquet


From the Moori rig SIRst

Students. to Honor Coach and Players At A.mtual K' "t .. . n ....

Gladi3tots Close ... Successful Season By Tying Linfield . L.


C. 'Goal Cr,!!ssed Only Once During 1936 Scheduie; . Linfield Toughest Fight

set for their second an'n�al of H:indl'l's " Messla!)," which, III dlrt'cted b)' Prof . J. O. Edwards.

:\'elson Hong of News-Tribune. (n,-ited to Speak; rord \Vill Be Toastmaster


Taco. Ocnernl Hospital under ClImflltin8 a . r�rd·brt'aklnr· grid or Dt1... 00i>ring and Nilson. season. P.· L. C:s.., fightlnl O-iadlfttcrs,. . . which threAtt-ned her lied the strqng LlnUeld WlldcaU inst :.�nual football banqut't for which Saturday 1\1 McMinnville. with " six to :\ �hHed stud('nt!l will be hMts I schedule undeIu�d. having to ' n Tak��;'t�: i:ll�::�:k:t� O( ��: lamr . . 011 their own 2'1 )'Ilrd line. the OlllUS . " pushed .0 the bal! down to the L Hield 30 yard IIlle by straight footbilll, hwhere UN'em ber I : tlley Wf're hel� for do.....ns. Then lilt', Presented Be 'Viii r1ccordlon player. big red and white team ullleR�hed Ross and Elmer to Henel t Cast ot Tweh'e . ;::�::� :�:I������t��:::e :�:��\.:trl� -I " On-hesira Will Prese'nt 1I,,:::�;e�: �:�:�d �;�e;:::\'I;'!!IFr: College running play. Quickly 1 Hrnn)', Krnnrth i\Jwnson. v:. ll1Iam Nu n;.�er��\"�' i�::�fn!a'·iS I Ke\'clla Roo, �d}" EI:er ha\'{' an occasional I th Cnl)p�. lind Otl-; Ornndf'. \l'h,He Harold h�:m��:";�\'et:��: pla}' seiect leadIJ18 to n the b t'd ee ' ;�:� :�e � i!���� . Nilsen. Norman Fryf'. LallJenct' Orein Iht' Drl!mA Club open'tln � IA h b 11 r t nler.·Chester SoILt'. Olh·t'f LudLou·. Oent> heard in Its first formal concert I \\"hlch ..... \11 bt> present�d in ��1s.<>�� �� �.�s �I��:e ;�r� I��e� �h:re COOk. hArd hiLling WlldcaL fullback Jack. Rus-.:;eIL Fn·t. and HArold O'Con- da�' e\·enlng. [)(>-C. 16. at 8 0'clock p. . ColLegt' tl}"m. uhder the dlrt'" c tlon oli a drln' !rito the right side of Loc:1l friends .....ere grie\'ed last .....eek Keith Reid. Drama Club ad\:�r. nt'"r ,,0'111 receive thf�-year �weater.;. at Trinity Luthernn Churrh. when [)(>-co�atlon� \x'Ing plalmed .b}' IInl1ulII c�rISlmA:< p��m .....Iii be pr�' �O �:Ar :f �:e;:t.��o:n:��=:�r: This pre�entAtiOn .....\11 be Olle of the �:; ����Ia�:� ��;��r:h�:�I.LI�:ldt� c t e r :JI . Henrietta O·Neil. chAirman; Pfluline s.t!11\t'd wLth the P. I;;.C.- . orchestra. : mOM outstanding of the Y('Ilr'!,; acth'l- 6 point margin. At this point the Watt:<. E\·t'lyn NlchcL"O'n. Rotwn Lan- The program as �!Illnnt'd by Prot. J. who I'as a graduate. and for man� ties: Mu!o;lc for the production was Gladiators 'opened up with a strong � do. Roy Schandt. And Albert MrKay. O. Edwards �'\ II Ina!Uae t� follollilng: An instnlctor at Pacific L�theran composed by Don Williams. Alld I ht' oUel\slve drive. and a lew ini.nutes · MArgaret Meh·er. Ka;h.ryn Ander�n. Eun'anthe On'rturt , Carl("On Weber Academy. . lItory WAS prepared b)' Jo!\t'ph B. Har_ laier. a pass from Nilsen to Tommern Ro a -?Ba(lh Coming here In the fall of 1898. she rls:m: who. together with Geoffrey P. 'ilonll:�� t��O/°:OlI�t ��=07� ��� :ne�u. :�!:1 ���er:�\::('::: ::� Look Down HO�)���;; \ . Choir en.r'011� Ir. th'? N�!"1T'_'\1 depart fl"'enl Morgan. &! e poluLW hel:ui wMILreSl>. MlLtl "5he ",III bI: as t d' also' with the lyrics. rigl:lts' by ·iuches. leavlilg the score tied a�lsted by Aida Johnson. Thelma Ness. Avr Marlll'Stella Mozart and WDlI graduated In 1900. hayl!"g bet'n Mfll. Dapper 11'111 direct the ChOTU!;('S. 6 to· 6 as the tint ha'lf ended . · Connie Clumb. Mabel Heggem. Helen (I clallsmate of Dr. Tlngelstad s . As a Choir The operetta III a musical comed), In Slarting the sccond haU. the LUlhLilja. Vivian Hall . Evelyn Nicholson. Rending-What Men Live B)"-:-al1 student she wall unusually brilliant. threc . with an Intriguing 1)lot built crans got pos..:;ession of the. ball deep Eugenia Spencer. ir!"ne OdelL. Wllrren adnptlon by Virginia Church of the cn pllblc. thorough. and consclenclou:<i. aroundacts the experlt'Z)ces of a young Rus- In the Wildcat territory where they Cha Hokenstad. Marvin Jen�n. fle,� st' ory bv. Le:> Tol:<itol l� 1 rO � t h e n n r l � I ;�: :�:I�l,���1 teachers bcst 1M ot and one breame l..Ra�k. Cllx Haugell. Bob Moe. Cliff �rs� a��:��: PI:� � .��� t�l� q�art�� � :d: sc:_�� �:�t� vlrglnl� D�'IS the school hAS ever had. She laught America. and the BrulHnd. Rolnnd WUI'st. Walter John- Twentr-third Psalm , JOSl'ph Ed....ards . other two In Russia. of two strong defel1l ; h' e teams with . geometry. trigonometry. langunge. Lat- gh'lng pos.�lbl litiell tor elabornte cos neither team hAving " decld�d ad'lan�on. and Alyln Rogall. lullaby on ChrlSlmas En! - \age. Early In tpe lourth tuP. M. ChrilltiallSQn Ill. Gl'nnan. and grammar. turning lind �tng(' selling. The Lord'lI Prayer-Air ' from SUite In She began teaChlng the seme�ter fol- The COmplete pl'.rson'nel. as selected mlnuti\'e Jay Smith, Gladiator haUDo Bach lowing. her grAduation. Ilnd cOllllnued b}' a facully committee trom a large back. returned a punt 60 yards for a . ChOir ulltlU913 when she was called China number ol tf)·ouls. Includes: Rudy tourhdown. but It was called back be· For Unto Us a Child Is Born Handel teath in the ml$.'5lon $chools. There Elmer. Nevella RollS. Don Monson. Le- cause Of a clipping penalty. On t.....o Hllndel c�orus WIlS Re\'. Edward SDI'lk. ona Lockwood. Bob 8\·ftre. S)')vla Mil· occasions the Gla(fl8to� threatened �e The gayety of the PlI:lIt century wl!1 HallclujahChon . hlwe continued their mtsslonarr ler. F'ale� M"artln. Llnka De Berry. Oak Linfield goal. but were stopped withand Orchestra. be reenacted this wet'k when member.! ----work In China. coming to America OtneM. Alvin Rogan. Connie Clumb. (Contlnlled on, Pac:e 11 ... of the graduating give an old· Departs F'or East e\'Cf)' SCI'en years for a year's lea"e of and Olen Gustavson. l he ege 1 e A h g f P e n e r I ::.: ::: :��r::y�):::.e:�r 2��" ('I'��n� ��IPH!�'a��� �:�t � �e;:;:: ::��� �e :n� �t'�I���:n�:r:a���:� RI�;� ��:I�. �e��:e. :at������ �:�� mak- lIey. Ruth Hanson Astrid Anderson. . d furlJugh. and ....ere An old _ t1n��,.atmOsPhere will be cre_ Where he wall called by the serious Ing their tblr home In Northfield. Minn.. Solvelg Omdfthl. SI�e Ness. Vivian atl'd In carrying out decoretions t�·pl· �Ilnes.,> off his fathl'r. L. J. Hauge. who .Inge thrlr t�� t�:�",:;ildren are attend- !���h� ��·�u�:�: n· ��������:� !'>e rsonallty club girls will hftve an h���: h�:� ;;:� : ,,:,o�:� ll h e l ct � :nb s t�l: �:� � ��:��!1 � ll � � :� g omp nled by hi t. l f. a .E e r l opportunity to hear a. talk and dlscU5son. Evelyn Talycr. Rnd and June Walters. Louise Hendrlck- brothcr. Luurence Hauge. r PortI and . M r. So I. wi11 return China Rt_l van. h le o . Donelda Sulll- l son heads the entertainment group. They f;'xpect to return No\'ember 30. the end or the year. ;i��S ��IS ::'�:ln:n:� :e �o;:�:� " Ma, Her asslstan� are Jesse POueger. meeting the group, which will be . a A Side Ways. Aren 't AI.w'!ys the Wide Ways, . held at scven o'Clock In the reception ��fr:':'�:�ts ��e :;�� ;�:=rv�: The n m e Judy Benson. Wadene Callwan. Aida But We Like Them Best Jor Our Ri4e Da�s = �f �:e. g����:,: nu":s �� t�: . educational department of the Tacoma ::;::::e;�rt�:vl�. Whenever we take a pleasure trip In you. Thumb Jerkers are a "constant · You glance at the speedometer ; you General ��:r::1\�:� HospllaL Jasper Johnson. Orlando Asper a.nd our car. we sing &Ongs Of pmlse and ftnnoyance. Even the animals you pass have travelled onl)' t\\'enty mlle5 In ·are being planned b}' " ll . bored. seem to roads. seems side tlon m the thanksgiving to Urbanl the. la t hour. And you ha e really Decorationsms. Ja�k Odey. Ruth. The heavy-duty highways. smooth reign ·supreme. . been seeing e"erylhlng you,ed. No Louise WI a Ruthhm·Hanson. nton. and refres �n15 will be ribbons of concrete. are all very well When we get to leellng that way blaring blUbo�ds have urged you. to Dow of d under the direction Lutheran Student Meet Harel get you there In a hurry. We like about It, we like to turn off onto a side buy this or that. Not a single hot-doe: sen'c ' Maqaret Slated for No,'. 27·28 them. too. when ""e have to go places. road for awhile. Can this be the .same stand"has been seen. The barns have Hagerup. Her assistants are ftl'e Oirts Davis: Virginia an� Melver � �rs. . .... You spin along with nothing- to worry �ountry? The road Is just smooth been painted by the o sen n t bwy lequa;ted to. ,bnng five cents to cover mething to ll. The fe The ?acille Nortllwest Regiopal con- about except keeping on the route, gravel. It doesn't matter much to us. firms with so e"Xother and � refreshmenL of costs . )' " , can slow We the or hurn". a truck Asthe whizzing around since we dre no longer you ha 'e met ha e given OU plen \'el1tlo.n of the Lutheran Student . soclatloll of America Is scheduled to drl\'er ahead. or perhaps ""onderlng rumble o\'er an old-fashioned plank ty of room. and the truck encountered �'J.SeS. h eat. to brldse that t :!p81lS a cooL . sparkling had an Old white going and are 21 orse peering over LOuise H�l1drlc\Q;On hi hOfiteu for the you NO"ember where meetTIn' Bellingham! '23. he theme of the. convention 1& But honestly. what is there to see ex- creek. Soon �e are .cllmblng a v.1nd- Its slde. There�ave t.een a few bumps Ilrrair. and LilIa De Berry w1ll pia)" "Learnlng to Live:: and will be devel- cept the road ahead? Refreshmcnt Ing hill road that lakes us through 8 a� culverts and at the one ,.Uroad plano selections throughout the hour. oped by varlow �udent.s and �ton; stands and �nllS sp'ring up every few enRe wood. Farther on. 'the coUiltry croMlng. But no ra�coU5 ' horns . no . Oattens OUt again and. we coast do\Vl1 shrieking brakes to ar[ront our cars; Otis Grande to Head miles. most of them plastered ....Ith rrom the 'northwest regl.on. . g I I h d �a Activitie� SOI)bo�orc ��:���:�a :�b�y":::IV�;:�\::��e�. :per:�� �:ad�:� �� �i;�:, �a:U:e��� :; �� ��: ��e���:I���ew� while :: :;o�;:;��/:;�� �����: er . , lIeetl.n oats wav� In the light breeze, the bend- whining bu.sses to rratile our neT\'es ; e!! tlmonla. ls. "IS presJ.dent orre� t merl)" a P. L. C. student. . ' s orande was una':1imously . electglimpses of ".Ula!Je main streets ofter Ing head$" ;promJ.s1ng a fair harvest. no thu.mbenl or motorcycle . p<!lIce, or_ dOtipres1dent of the giaup. C!f the sophomore .Class Ilt The land. contlnues to fiatten out; other commonplacea or the highway to I' &I.gna; urgtna the AU Lutheran students an Invited to I1tUe -iXcept Its flnt meeting. held Monday noon, . att�nd as �est.s of the Bellingham tn."'Weler to stop and .bl!Y' " fields look richer and bro\Vl1er. The distract· our attention. 9dt:··· November c God'a 11 Thls apmore-.pTOl5perou5 a on take lanna to stuRems pUs or· Parltland eet Any m : you Everyone be should It as ountry memberS. . Normal dent who go 15 � to atteoo as have .orie: l1ud di ea-cpeed. DrIve fast, pearance. The 'hoUses and . barns are seen-rural America .at Its best. �I Other orrlcers named wen Marie a "representative of Pacific' Lutheran and you will be annoyed, by' tlle slow freshly palnted. An old woman In a rannlnr country-unspoUed, ;euerul. Wenberg. vice-president; Margref De· t.S $1.50. driver "h�d; drive slow. and you are bonnet unhurried. And you breathe a llt\le men;, seeritary; and Frank Uncer, · Is gathering- peas. College. The i-eatsu-auon lee banquet, made quite conaclous..ol the impatient It suddenly or=urs to 'you that you prayer of ' thank.aglv1ng that there are treasurer. AI Jacot)s unanimously Thls covers m�. Including d are seeing much more �f the country. still lett so �an)' side roads like this. chJSeri ifleant-at-arma. driver behl�d who wants to get BrOWl on. l:xIglng, and reglstraU tor of the New!\-Trlbune.. has been

Selects Cast and Choruses F·or pera ''S.Onl8

Christmas Program To Feature First · Choir Appearance



I Grads Plan Party For Saturday Eve II I



Passes at Home in N'orthfield, M·inn.















Dec. 4




Girls" Club Will Hear Health Talk






I n



1 I




J -! +='











' . .\



, PubH,shed ever)' t"lll'O weeb during the- SChool ye,e.r b}" 'the student.!. of Pacific Lutheran College, . Ttolephone: OArlnd Office: Room 115" Subscription Prle�1.00 �r �Hr , , . 2, 1�, at Entered ILS second claM maiter, ' the Post Office at Parkl1i.nd, W�tnll'ton, under " the Act of March 3. 1879.


Qln.,.,aeN,mbC,j . �-�



I=\s!QCOOO CoI/j!ede Press . 1(),6



, Member








'� I





. '� .-, -



George J, Johnson, a former P. L. C n h h f e �Il�!e; :t ����:. �ll; o�c::s�� College. has a restaUrBnt at 6th and Tacoma Ave. In Tacoma. He now dlrect,� the Tacoma "Nonm\lldna.edenes Snngforenlng,"





. Here's one-MR_ STUEN nsked RUTH HANSEN what t(,ll!<C a cerlaln verb was, and she allswered "Neuter'"


We hear that ORV SCHLANBUSCH was walking around That 60· why? In downtown Portland HI! alone . rard run pretty nlc(', JAY, kld_ pretty nice . . Did rOll hear that OLIVER LUDLOW Introduced NORM FRYE as his best friend, his \'ery best friend, and then couldn't even remember hl� name. Oh. wetl. he never meinber names, anyway. � ��: : ( �t The mld�erms! Wow. sucha mess o 'book-crockln " f F.\'erybody was wandering around In tHe hails \11th nose In a p-eat big bOok, and a dopey look on hLs face . First time In the history of the College . . . heh heh thnt the . Dldn'l anyone but IRENE O'DELL heh The Camp. Gov't. Ed Measurements Test was easy? test ;O-was. a test with "the teeth" In It . , false teeth <much mlrthl. BOUQUET:-to PROF PFLUEGER for is s(!IlsJble tests , . . Exam week Is a 'Poor time to fall h m lo\'e, ROLAND , . Old you..put him under your spell, COOKIE? or did someone konk him on the head dunng that t"'o hour walk home? . . . fine thing , . , when no­ It can't body Is around here. Extreme quiet, (elias happen here, eh? .. ',' The cards will be coming out soon, but none of us are anxious or worried at all. are we LERVICK? , . , The watling wall will be erected Just as soon as the pledges are paid In. About half of -them ar!! In, but we must reach � certain quota before begin­ ning construction : . . Never mind, your sorrow will soon be changed to a stomach-ache, or severe gout, and maybe .n pair ot skates, and an electric train; the gobbler Is leading Ounder and BlItzen again thls year, 50 the stom­ I:IChe wUl come fOISt� We expect to'-See most ·of >·ou about 20 pounds closer to the gTound after the feast .



, , Here's

can't you and


ar� ��:r�ngs � �Greeti�g t L�ng'lowPR��1ERrerguson

is .the time to get your pitk of C



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MA in




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U.50 oil pe.m,n.n" $ 1 . 3 5



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h e' ;.:�:: 1501





Strom's Grocery, .

1 502





Free Delivery

_ _ __ . _ �.. _

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Eunice Arneson. '34, Is employed on .@ the offlce 'staff of the Winthrop Hotel. Tacoma, Wash

After the Show


Mildred C. Hanson. who attended ' Tacoma, Wn913 Com.melce 51 heri! In 1927. was married Saturday. NO\'embcr 1. to CI!1rencc M. Magnussen of Arlelta . The ceremony was Per- l = ::: ;:: = = = = = = It r e t r t � �� �:m�'�I1�:�:; ;�ad-::t�� r��� �:I


cine Lutheran College In 1921.

1 I 1



World s la'ilesl 'n�lallers of Healing e Wn S�YS� e7:ns'�.... Phone BRoadwav

day atter



And gh'e thee hearty !.hanks -EII.n .l<,b.lI, T"""

CH'ESTER: do rou worder that HAPPY spends half her time mooning o\'er It? . . . Yes, you're \'eo' funny, BETGertrude Brunner. '36. Is recov'erlng ...heh . . STANLEY roRD �presldentl doesn't usuliUy ' muff the announcements. It'S only after he's from nn automobile accident at Win· loc_k. Wash. bCf'n _ talking to WADENE CALAVAN She Just !lets . him all '"twisted up" ' , . PIN POINT PRUDENCE' Mrs. Esther �ong Cooper. 1918 , Is After tryIng ' STANLEY YOUNG-FLUTE CADENZA . health Inspector of I\omen at the Taout the Atlas method for about �hree weeks, we undercoma Tell'phbne Co stand thai. WALTER OOPLERUD sent a letter to the Moses Herber a student here In 1894· gleat builder asking him to '"please send the mUskles" They must have �ld LLOYD THONiPSQN to sweep the opening �ear of P L C 13 emplc}cd 111 rederal conStruction \1iork at liP the rink at that skating party. E\'ery time we saw he was hard at work. wlt-h ENID BLAKE 'crlmson- Coulee Dam Gnmd COUlee, Wash I r waiting for h i m t o gct u p . , . Don't you know that E�ther Jahr 35 I s teaching at Porter Wash you're old 'enough to go 110mI'. EhSE? Ha . , . STAN LF;OAHL Is looking for you-he mu:st be, he's always Dr. Cnrlo A. Speratl, who was first lOO King for somebody . . . NOTICE : TIle ('dltor of th(' M, M, does not run an Information bureau! . . . CLIX musical dlrecwr of PacUic Lutheran le f m a J on ur HAUGEN Is sllpping'-He's so bad off now. he writes � � � ..- :�� �l, �":h. , � .�Or: ���: ;o � letter:; home and 'addresses them "Parkland, Wn." College Band. He has been director at MOST E,ll,fBARRASSING MOMENT : Ask BOB SVARE IIbout the Incident on the stePl! at the Me1cholr Concert . Luther College slll.ce 1905.

I t 's all 0\'1'1', The snapping of tendons; the I II�: ��I��� of, hOlllt'folks-iI's nil O\'PI', And we hop£' for­ ('vcr, l ' lIIioubtpdly yilll WPl't' laught tlt(' lI'itlloph Qf d{'l1l 1KTaey So "'{'n' Wt', P('l'hups tlll'rt' WIIS slldl u victory, \Yoodrow \\'ilsoll said that del1locracy triumphed: so did Hearst. the till Punts. nlld other promin.e n t men, Let us con­ l'{'d(' Ihe case: dcm()cru('\'� lriulllphed, \\'IJUt thcl1?: _ Today __ lei us COllllllcmoflate- the. fut lll'(' hy our recognizancc of Armisti('c Do\,1101 the past. For the fut.ure immediately con­ Say, and do you real!,U that Dl'eebruary the threeth t'ems IUs-the past doesn't. 'Vhat has been the twoth.) comes o� a F'ruesday . ' , <thit's the d01l(' is donc, _und unfort unate)\' "ie Cllnnot alter ' And on top of that, 11\an.ltsglvlng a1\\'8.Ys gives the fOUr­ Ih(' fucts, But what is ('ominii is yet to arri\'e, teen yeaJ: old pet tur� a chan'* to \\"ade tprough the m�d with th£! aid of God we might be . able to gravy, and then we'll open up that other can ot soup, <io SdlUcthillg about it. is vain to .assume that we as I)coille should , have some real old-fashioned ��gnI.\'Y, and some brown sthltlng-berrlea With ptck.le-poiatoes, and the dID maahed­ nol tamper with the war questi9n, Such ' an' flg'ure it cream , , , Doesn't It sOund good, or evasion of the issue only begs the question, \Ve . out also? . a good tip on how to pick out a nrc His hands and feci-His hody,; ,,;c arc put good bird-Pint uSt.en for a baas voice ; if the possessOr here for a purpose-Io love Him and mankind, It Jt is a sIa­ of the pro� ' quality .is loee.ted, 'Vc cannot lo,'c and dn nothing about it, Loye . , eYe:d, p.ngly �Ird with long legs, It ought to be a honey, curries itself into use, : . Just UUnk how much area you woul.d have to pick the Therefore. this call 10 ' Eternal 'Pence do we bones on , : , then, too, he will probably be klnd-he&rU<!, make in commemorating Armistice Day, , Let and Uler:etore "nuCh more tender, We WlU stop here be- . , liS look for\'�nrd;' lei us consider Armistice D8�' caU&e It Lr; 8polling our appeUtea- {lnd • , , aw , , . end It as representative 9f nn e\'er-vdth-'us aqnistice any wily you want to, \ Amen · and indigestion. uf the future. a:da�' signifying pence forever,

:�\:::�;:I�I�: / �



' fl'slinll. ,\s thl' fC'st h'i h' of Ih(' lim' hns illl']'('asl'�'L 1 · ' . I 10\\,e\'('I', .' IIt'. I� lIrJl(Jse I HIS I 1('�'01 I(, ('SS SJlI'{']· fIe" . I ts 11'1](' .'i lg11l f]('lltl('(' ]S lost 111 tis Jl]'{'s('n! \"(']'. si/11J of a .L;']'('llt f('IISI dlly-n'\"('I'{'II('(' is i�nl)]'('d, a nd 1111' original Jlllrpm'l is hU ri('d IInd!'r a ShT'Uud of tW('lltit'lh ('('I I I til'" CIl1lT1lT('ITializalion. " ThC' Puritans WI'I'(' ngidly SlTUPlIlollS in th('il' IIhs(']'Y:ln C(, or til(' day. Thl' fil'sl Ihanksgi\·in.s.: was not 1l1('I'd\' a f('ust, hul IllI' fond was H S\' Illhol of ( ;lId '� ]11I'rl'\", and thl' han'('s! 1lT(,l1nt ';1 tlwllJ a 1'('111'\\'111 (If hlll)(' and lin ant i('ipation of ('rops tlH'y should ganH'1' in th(' �'I'nrs 10 I " 01 111'. Tht,y gallll'l'l'd alHiut Iht, IOllg tables, ' 1 t 'WIT pra�'('rs Hild S('],11111IlS and songs I ::} � I�!:�;: I Ti l (' cluy Ims hCCIIIlI(' pc('ulil.lrl�"a fHlllily dlly. :'I 1t'IlIOI'ips hring many hack to clays WI1('11 S('p,!rali'd ones returncd "ba('k hOIll£' '' to the old rarlllhollS(' ki!ei1('n wilh ils pantry crowded \\"i�h _ "good t h i ngs," allil tilt' long tablt, wll('r(' ht'atls W(, I'L' how('d in acklJowiedgenlC'lJt of thc gr('ut God, til{' gin'I' of all good and perfect .�fifts, ARMISTICE



� Fo:�; . g a ocean' m ghty i ' � gh-e thank!.

. Heh




Prexy's Corne,r

'�� aU' these t thlni!


alnst the o.1ta Rho Oamme. sggregatlon . . , During . the practle!' _before the &'reat spectacle It was very amus­ Ing to � the .huge RUSS _�YE tumble befor; the .murderous Or\lliaurht of 5111. or seven fair blockers,o.whlle one romped gayJy all over the field , ' , Have yott seen the fightln'g pose of the all-school tackle, HENRIE'I"I'A O'NEIL?, a second ' GRANDE . . . Also worthy of com­ m('nt \\'as the '"please get out of my way" look of BEA SIDDERS, the co\'er-all nos� ��rJ worn by SPENCE, the exceptional hlp blocking by CONNIE CLUMB, and the fine running of ROSALIE JENSEN , . , HELEN scon would make any ' male 0pp0j5ltlon wilt when she �lUmbles through the lint'. don't yol,l think? " . My ' that's the cutest little plc:ture of you In-- that locket .


' ,\hl'llhUIl1 Lilll'oln appointed 11li' Insl '(h1.1rsd:.(y ,uf :'\o\'cll.l her as Thunksgi\'ing lJay. Th'us tl�1' dll\' h a s 11('('0111(' I I Iradition and l'al;h \'l'Ur h c {'oill('s 1ll0r(' fil'm!\' eslahlisht'd as a 'Ilational


• • •4 .


BUSlNES8 MANAGER ASSISTANT BUSINESS - MANAGER _ El!zabeth PrI.1s ADVERTISING MANAGERS' - VI�!a Davl", Elltabe!l\, Stuen CIRCtn,.ATION MANAGER - Kathryn Ande�n CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS - Helen LilJa, Thl'.l� NeSll EXCHANGE EDITOR Mabel Heggem AD SOLICITORS - Ruth Downton. Vh1an Smith - Mr. 0, J. Stuen BUSINESS ADVISER - -

lar(mlions ('Idling for the people 10 gi\'('jttlUnks.


. '


-releiranl 8ent Noyember "10. "1936 For ,all that God In m;-rh send.� : For health and s�rength: fol' hom� and R4!\', E. So\'lk Bild"fa�lh.. St. Olaf Col f'(e, . • . friends, Northfl"ld,\ Minn. . For comfort In lhe lime of need: Mrs. 8o\'lk'5 \ death touched deepl�' Por ('\'1'1')' kindly' word- Illld deed. For happy,thought." slid pleRsallt talk, her meny. frleni:ls at Paeltlc Lutheran Coliefe� ;ho esteemed her highly for For guidance In our dany \\'11.111:, her tamest ChrtsUao character. h!'r For 1111 tht'lle thjn� gh"e thanks. sel!·SI\cr\flclni senitI' as teacher and . mlSlllonaty, apd her, lIfe-long' love, for For beauty in this world o( 'Ours. 'For verdant graas and lovely flowern. <.JUt �hool. BltMed be her memory ! O� comrort and bleM you! For-song of birds.. for hum of bees, � . HONO, fffllhln'g sum�er breeze, 'L. ,For the STUEN, For hili and plain, for . strellffis and

' 1.(�ItII!.O ON: ' , Man)' a .Uff .I�, turned ankle and !!ON! orulseq flank reaUJflI. when�he 'dom)pI' madethglr_laM-YahHltand


/l1lis has li('('l] in n m l i n wlIJl'(' s i n!.:(' 1 �, I!o;1. wl;(tp

I{acts .

U with a � 01 .. •.nd a dull of d'"


l :e!�!w �:a�rt d �I�� .the Into the torrld pulsatlor\ll to a chorus of "AmeriCfl,." , You will prObably get lett-handed In the head, but It will work. In cue of the alllhtnt failure, IHop In� the r«epUon room, It geta pretty wann In there' 5Ometlmes. f l.t you are a Bolipsls� II .,oen work,l J

:\"'('xl wl'ck th(' pl'('sidt'nt of thl' l ' n i t('d ·Shl\('s w i l l ]ilak(' fOl'lnal aIllHHlIll'PIl1l'n't l'OJil't'l'ning til(' country's ..1111111<11 day fOi' Ihl' lii'\'ill� of thanks £0 (;00 fur Ill(' hlessings of til(' "cal', . ' slall's wi ]ssurpro('J · , .O,'(TIlOfS 0f ( lIt' \,arlOus


So you calft keep ""ann. eh? It must � colde� : 150 of you can't be "'TOng . . but don't. go near -the engine �m: ,'that's the _coldest place In the bulld1ns. �te� much diligent study,"ex�er\llh'e r�areh' and many froten seven a. m.S we ha\'e e\'o!\'ed a IJ()Mlble method of keep. Get on the out3lde o� ·the Ing up In the eighties . anner tht"re) begin i. running motion building, (usually .....

:����e :

REPORTERS - Elva Bergman, Ida Men, Lavaun HOM, Elizabeth McCall, Llewelia Davtes, Ida Virginia Da'1S. Stuen, Wadene a o �. TYPISTS COn1ne Malni1n, Irene Odell - ' �. Ruth Franck EDITORIhL ADVISER









EDITOR Norma PreWi A.SSOCIATE EDITOR SPORTS WRITERS _ R�el' Fr}'e. Rolfl.lld Wuest. " Norman Frye, Fal� Martin, FEATURES ' - - - - - Llnka 'DI' Berry SPECIAL WRFI'ERS - Jack Ode)",. Walter Sehiu.�­ enberg, 'Kenneth Ane.fl!IOn, Marvin Jensen,




mile mnoring masf'








SheJi Gasoline and Oil Dependable Grea$ing


Delta Phi Freshuten ' Entertain Older Girls r------�-'t

The freshmen Delta Phi Kappa girls entertained the other members of the organz l atlori on Thursday evening, Oct. 29. Marlon Danekas Introduced the following numbers : plano solo, i Margrethe Thorlaksson : two readngs by Corinne Maimln; vocal Solo by Lln­ ka De Berry. Vivian Hall was chair­ man of the refreshment committee.

ROSSO RADIO and ELECTR IC CO' Radios - Washen So. '8'h 'Od 1234Oil Bur';.r.



WI, Oil. GA.

TI,.. ,nd


. Go


Parkland, WUh.

MA�NINGS COFFE E [.-,��.-.



The Best Sea Foods can be obl"ined at LEWIS FISH MKT,

SR. C�vstal Palace Market Tacoma, WaViin,lon


+:=========; t"

-,Printers ,


P�J?R!,!�:p3 R MAin 2 1 2 2


1 2th

& A Sts,

.ood . Neighborh Service' St.�tio'n

A. Iversen , St. Tacoma, Wn.

1 50 1 So, K

. Sp�ciar Rl!tes for..,.Studenh· 1 5c' for 9 'holes 25c for 1 8 ho'les

Relul.r R�te�

20c 18

for 9 noJes nores 351' for


Parkland Golf Course




19, 1.936



Lutherans Defeat .. ":/ Bellingham Squad . r2rid ", By 13-0 Advantage r2la1'lCeS . · ';:/


. • .. ..


. .. THRU

weal Eleven Takes · 1 Third Year Girls Or�n . Team in I Win Championship . Fimil , Horne Game By wlnnln, r","' ,,,, 11",";, ,," hl'h\� sr:hool tCllm Noycmber the seniors �


, t. . l kln b h l h e ' th�:�� ��� ��;��I �r. :. �.��::� se:O:. :�: �:e� �:dl:�O�: d��b':: became the champs or c"p�ln-baU. It , R_ ;rye . back In the third and fourth quarters . Ii game but InexPerienced bane;! of STld "iL!l II. rM! rolling game IVhlc� ne.tted to .!;CO� thirteen points IIgalnst" the With tot.1 of 9ci polnL� to their op· �m.:' staTS rroP-i <>reton Teeh. JJ to 0 In the the victors large m.a.rgln OVl:r thel.r ponenta6. P. 1,.. C:I; unbeaten team po..·erCuJ Bellingham squad Lincoln hlwl. Sit.turday. aftefTl()()n. Nov. opponents. In climaxing the ca,talnaction saw also t;:�:; halfback d n hung up their moleskiN ror another .. ar . � . lhl Durtng the tlrs! hall, goodly sued h � med to be �It� 7. The Lutherans .chal,ked up two al ies ball 5eallOn It ' hu been lhe CWitom to e t croll,d w}tnessed somt.what of a O�n ����. ��:.-ro L l ch()()8e thCo8l!' .pIIlY�� who. have $hown a::: r�:am; : :ms �=Pl:: �!�C��n a � gt" t�� ta d a d l n e e :�: L�:�e:���. �m: ��d ��!��ga�� ?Ison·� .regtme ��;� �: out3t&ndi�g ability \J: their respective t�� �;�\�gC��c��:� �� :�; a hard chaTilng Viking line opened up Accordln, to new-.lI reporta P. L. q..and . Heany. behind horde of blockers. posltlona. The girls who have been � large holes In Ule Gladlator's forwa S�llta, Clara are the o?ly unbeaten .... . 90 y�rds to cn:ll¥J the pay liven thb honor jl-re: Cor.wareb. Thelma 'V '� scampered :> \\..-! wall 10 .send their baclu down the field. teams on the Pacific Coast thb ynr. . � !!3?' dl�t with sturo,med ,wou!4-tse tacklers E'M. Sec:itt. -AII� Oook. Irene gl\lnlng numerous �nsecutlve rir!t There ,� pocowJblUtet of the .GladJastrewn In his t�cks, Not a hand. was NOdell. Helen Beatrice Lehul(l: iU&rd5.. Judy ns I o a . h o of the bl n e v o. �'�:�or :�n� ;n�� Yp�y �I:�.p::�t: r�t���� :�� ��:!w ':n�a;;:a:�:,�;�� 19:t�l:se-:!n ;:;: �:g :���:: �:��t� ::r�. M�� �n��;. ��r:S�:�o� � Luthemn Jlne. team. However. cha.nces for a game and his -asalst8.nt the ""Baron". With- polltan line��PI��:�h! from. the il yard stripe. Volleyball lIeawn. headed by Helen ' In the second halt. the !,Ide of battle with th� College of Puget Sound, seems out their leadershIp and. InsplraUon P. Again his. boot wa.� good. making the Ho.ltcamp. o�n"ed iut week wlft prac­ changed. .,..n In:lplred and rejuvlnated to �ow a IIlt!e more �mote each y';8r. L. C. would have been 'Just another count 14 to 0 at the end, !" the first. tlces taldng 'place du� IYql periodsParkland team took the field. Early e\'en though both WoIl1nl! would be m.ore t.e'am. quarter.-... ..-L .,. . Mrs. Dapper stUd there seem to be In the third period of play a Viking thap willing t? plJ!.y, especially the From' then on the · T�hers.·· held. very good m", ilnd �he� games pass was ntercepted I by "Chet" SoUe. Gladiators. " P. C. to a lone touchdowrt--per period. should prove' very Interesting . . A line drlye through with Ludl�w An added feature of this ,,"ur'! foot· O'COnnor went oyer agaln .in the sec- Many st.1ff _JO.I�t.I and b�<l . .!pot.8 . carrying the\ball netted fifteen YRrd�. ball banquet will be the presentltuon (stanza. 'A pa.s.s-,...Tommervlk to . .r discovered Tuesday during the .... . . to · N. Frye-put of a football sweaier to the player lind a PRM---.-ol . Smlth . for .another_ In the of dow getting uJY or .!t&1r&�----;the ball 'on Belllngham's fifteen yald !raving lX!en m�t Inspirational to his .Ob ' I . Is that way. glrl!!� It '!! a d S t g g a t � ���t.d �: :� : t�� ��y:r� ma���� ��:e� �:t:eUr�h��' �a�::' ��as:� Each m�rnlng wheh I awaken I TWl to make It first and ten. Through 'sev- generOW;'doner of this Rwan! to the wludow to � whether the new eroi llne bucks. Solie took It over� Bucky day l.i b;lnglng snow. rain. or sunshine. TACOMA'S LARCEST ' O'Connor's place kick was blocked by Then my ' glance wanders acro.o;s the Home.Furnishinp Store Ullin. Viking guard. campu.'! underneath one �tately . . maple. >_ I In . the final quarter the Lutheran! tree, which l!! ) !!!.vl!)g a last mng In all <=? Cfi � : , - ' c;::> ';,.:c ...� . ... .. . .. Intercepted anothcr pllSS which . WM It.'! bright golden glory. finally re- Altho. h.!Jed by Linfield last .!oiatur- Bencatti this tree 5tand.� a �Inlster Subsltutlons were numerous In the Juggled p�' Rtgs Frye and covered by Tim Tommervlk. VII. the ay the �Iadlators played a high clll....� looking otiJ t 1I1mOlit covered with PaTklan� line-up. since Coach ClUford ..- OlOne route. Tommervlk to Nilsen. the dbrand of b�lI. i:eing on the \'erge of �'Ic- ,varl-colored jP_ma�le leaves Looking Olson sea.'IOned his reserves for next MEN'S WEAR leather .., advanced to the 9-yard tor ' several times Especially In the closely. t am �ble to discern the . out- year. lind used every player on hl� I"O<'! Men's S... its, Overcoats. Skirts, Ties . Hats. Caps. Underw�ar, The Men's. ·strlpe. Thre\o! line plWlges were r �c�nd lines of a car. About that car Is an ter. did the Olads hold the of m�stery: the,side curtains dark· O�ron Tef"h Store ,women like to shop in pulsed. and Tommervlk. on the rutr. t er hal! P. L, C. hand ' against the powerful air en the Interior which could conceal Walker play. flipped one to .o·Connor who was u':1�dCll JETLA�� �����RUTI REL U:nger t squad. p" o n g e Ig t an E. Smith 1"'_. h ,unde- :� j� I�at���;_� LOS:�:- o��:·.�V;\�: �e�� ,�::!,' � b��k �� �:��r!::l �lk���� ��� The r«ord set by thl y ea�leams :� for� futur� l'! n markThose .you all may ride in It somet)mes. esscore WM declared legal. since the ball ftILled team C senlo ho peclally with th{> side curtains removed. Iry to better. had already- crossed the goal.-O'Con- to LOR wHi graduate this year leave � \Ji a You need me'rely to clo.<;e your eyes. nor's kick for point was good. m8:klng cert LTR the final score-Po L. C. 13: Bel1lng- done.nt n feeling of pride of a "O�b.-w� hang nnto your ears. and enjoy all that LER. }. \ j pamchute Jurq,ping. tall-sp:n sensation ham O. The lineups: Q J H.ob ;\lart n fonner P. L. C. Belllnrham� played , Without leaving terra firma. P. L. _C, RHL He d e game Lln bang for up a l tt ; Smlth '- i/y attention l� called to. a car Just LER A Nilsen . ." LHR Bengston Anenson LTR Heaoy F drl\'lng up P'our attractive glr1;; Jump Ullin LOR Capp, ", ' LINFIELD GAME I I� 6 7 7-33 XMAS' CARDS �;:.,�: R;L 0 0 0 G- O T�:� IC.nUn,'" '.om P... " _ !I . ' Founta,n Pens and Penc,ls nde �� ���=� --------. . �a7k . HAROLD E, D.AHL CO. Pilcif,c �venue - Lobbv Rust Bld� ::Ik both teams took the air. trying desForte Ludlow F ) 1!lI / laughing and chattering ll tely• to break the dradlock. HowliS only SubsUtutlons: P. L, C .-Unger. E_ pcr Home Cleaners and Dyers t'ver. wtien the gun sounded. th� �on.' four pcppy girl'! can do. Each one Smith. Fries. Jacobs. Martin. j. Smith. still Suit. Cod, Sweat." . 6 to 6 dressed modishly. like the If'aves. In N. Frye. Ramstad . ' 0 a ' a . R. remained We guarantee our work Frye. Nilsen. Solie. Grenier. lookeq ns. reds. or y,el, Vo popular IIUll/mllbr I � B J:h��" especially good hlle COOk. nd Bob e g O · GAr 1608 �81� G St. . ...R ! �H�e':::. �:�:'n. �:�·ge. - Mlckle·, lows. The young mllll coming down ihc er e o h to e i . Ik I Wahl. grodski. MII;�. 'Mlnnlkan. Nll ::::���d�n� �: �h: ' L����I� :�:��:.· e ;�� lnq�i��e��r ��s ��;;!�c�:�...'! WesterbllCk. I line-ups II Here comes Cllr that looks a bit i Th(> : LAUNDRY .n4 Linfield elH'mic. It seems to have Quite a bit L. C. I P.N. Prye Lelbslle of pep . yet It �hugs In with alannlng REL I NC 'SERVICE CLEAN Roth s)·mptoms of hay (ev�r or. asthma. But RTL ! Dursa I at Extremel RGL PeteTll I know from f'ormer observation tnat Grenier y Low Prices . ! ! R. Frye Williams getting started. It plugs along like the Martin " old gray mare that ain't what she it-------'--"1 LGR Capps Sommervl1l ·u.�ed to be"-And that kind 1I1ways ar­ LTR Anenson BROOKDALE I!llde�wood r\;·es. . .. LER Nlisen Congratulations to Solie Hartng LOn My observations carry me past the Q BARBER SHO� p, L, C, on that splendid Andrews Tommervlk LHR breakfast gong. and I hasten down for footbaU team RHL O'Conner WELCOME STUDENTS quick cup of coHee at the Bug. I . Votaw Cook a lpped Ludlow over something en route as ' MenT'on tn,s ad and H,lderhrand's ' 17 1 spill a what And curb. the off tep s ==j ==; == ;;:= F; k It la e I P n tt will give you 1 Dc off on any new heels. �� :�e a ��t: !:�I� ���n� �e �: ERS COM PANY HANSON'S JEWELRY S'ROTH MILLER"COLDEN Shoes dyed any color ilnd DISTINCTIVE 'ROD BUTTER" guaranTeed " Ha hI."" as It pa.rks under the fender 257 So. I I In Sr. Tacoma. "!'In. Packard. rriendly a of 208 So. 9th 1\






.� . '

The' Sn�tator serves:

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' '------------------------------------"

: H LDERBRAND'S Shoe Repairs


Between Commerce and J?acific


f;�����;f rI



�:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;�� I

, Tacoma Laundry Pantorium . Cleaners

· ������������;������� l i.I ;: ·- AMOCA��QU�()D-Ucrs_,--

· . ooi _S.f,EC1AL NOONDAY LUNCH , _ For Quality Xmas Cards at 'j , Lowest Prices � I , � Parkland, Witsh. I nge Underal - Roy $chmondt � � � .. ... �.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::�::::::::::::.

�tI ·


Some cars bear a certain degree dignity as they drh'e down the avenue, Distributed by They seem to ha\'e aU the. tlm� In the WE�r COAST CROCERY ca, world as they complacently ch� a g o =:� I::�erwl:b�ng�r�:£,:r r---·-.-.-_ . tim,. on """ '" l McKINLEY MATTRESS FACTORY Co, Electric Raymond I . Speaklng of class time. I wonde.t: who "NEW MATTRisSES FOR LESS" ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTI ON r� relaxes certain roadster with the In a PLlES. AND SUP. We Call for and Oeli�r � radio blaring a rhythm that. makes the .. . 9 1 5 Commerce BR. 1 7 1 2 MA. 3589 2931 S. M ST, � minds of the rest df' us dance away ., � · ...e]- from our ·studles. I II '' � ;: : ; d PEOPLE'S MAR�_ET boots an!i\more or less recently ac' I . I Rust Bldg MEANS RAp The Best Meats OS· ' qUlr.ed know1edg�to relee.5e them MAtn 4493 "w. Sell ·H�..." . from �elr brakes and tlfU: faithful 1 402 So, L MA. 0533 5436 So. T4coma Way · . vl.gils, for the dally trek home.wa.rd. <_ - ___________-.-:-,_____....... �------. , ...."............."'............,. , ,.. ,., ....." " ." ." .�





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;-;:::; appoInt­ "f'.I,·o committ;;� ed in charge of the collect4Oh of Delta Rho Gamma dues. The membership has been d�\"lded Into two tearns, whiCh the loser of are compeU;g a which �'Ill sponsor a part)· for the suc­ cessful opponents. ' Betty' E\'ans:>n Is ni chargt' of one group, aS Sisted by , and Maurine \Vade, Rosalie Jensen Ida Ma.e Hoss. The other consists of Astrid Anderson. chairman. Llewella Da\·les. Bett)" S\"8"-,. and June Nicho­ las. A list of girls with their 'rt'spec­ . teams has been pos'k-d l� ,the day In




MORE AND MORE Folks Are Comin, to the




L. D. R. rne.mbers met }�esterda)" a"� the" home or Mrs. . T. O. Snre. .wfth �frs. J, p, PflueGer n.sslsu�g hostess. f �Irs. : M. A. Christensen. tor man)" yf=ars a worker, ln the Wpman's Mlsd· . slonary actl\"l� on the Pacific CQ4st, \,'as the'guest speaker. MUSical num. bers. h,lcludlng a \'ocal trio: Maurillt �ndt':Vh'.lan Keller. and Janice P.eter_' so,and 'planJ selections by Linka, De B.el'ry) were ht'ard. i ionary .A report ofl the �oll}en'S MSS "ederatlon c6n\'et1tlon held In Tacoma. .,:,,'111 be given by Norm", Pn:us and Mildried Larsen.. local delegates. Year books Including prOgrams tor ����e��I:;a�:rb;'e:r��t��l�e:� .�:: lOa Lando 'and June Walters.




,. �

L. D. R. Meet Yesterday ..t:t Svarc· Residence •

Delta Rhos S ponso ring Dri�� Fl>,\,CIu� Diles , �

') '





, Fr;;h�nan Due. r PARKLAND 8AR8�I Tha�ksgiving T�'!le Tra,ditions In�pir� \ P,".nl.. Unl.n . . Shop. I TUrnJly'Treatfse on, Turkey, TrmmUngs Harold Holb" ,.,."hm.o <1... : . G, P. KNUDTSON, Prop. , . I nother pinch of d9..5h of sllver. .A big cave Is dug In" the treasurer. has lIppolnted the lollowlng


. ...


Pre� to' Address" , ' Meeting , Fireside .

PresJdellt O. .,.. Tlnl!.��tad Is to. be s :���e �r:�:;ea::u!���eext �u��:;s:��� llll1g at 6:30 ,In the' rt'Ception room. Clifford Hllu,en will con!1uct de';�� tions. and Mari"l'ethe Thorlaksson lidll sing a solo. i · e He��:� ���e:'�S �: ��o� ��;'�::� Church. Tacoma, spoke and led ' dis­ 'cussiob... on '" "as Our .?liide:' , Ralph Wlprud led d.e\,otlon; Rsla�d W.J.last a�d t>oroth): Anderson plll)'t'Cl plano selectJo�s: and Dr. TInge!&fad a. few rem�rks. '













S;'perior Quality Complete Stoc:iu

.Co. �r9w� Music 1 123 Bro:-dwey ) 21Ted.Broadw&y





' Member United Purity Stores pepper, bit mort' hea,t for t�� ovenmountain In colleetlng or' mashed potatO('s. Ih aSSist dues: dorm!t-Or}' .GAr. 38 1 8� R-5 Park lan..d _. lnst work-aut · on the, m�ed po�a_ as the turkey rapidly becomes girls. Eva GJesdal: dor�ltory boys. , tOl's.-and Thanksgiving here again! extlnct brother begins to wish that It I Cla.ybourne Wilkin" day boys George ..... ,..,.. ...... """ ''''',.. The turkey s in the o\en setting all had been l��ns-or at least that he' Knudtson day girls Lavaun McCall M qu••ad. C ltU"," for R.nt I . O up oyer all U e oh s and ah s \\ert" Lumber Co. hepqffed - BrookdalePlans are being made to hold a swlmI E THORSEN will receive �hen lhe In his shlnat Brookdale on MountaIn mlng party the first of December but I N li'NEAL H'Ii:hw,,� Ing dark br{)�n robe is brought In U) O 8�Oa!'� �p'�.�:'�t,::" oonl set been has dale definite no u I the feast comes Brother nto 4 the I GArland 381 1 J 5 926'/2 Broadway MA 861 ' kitchen and peaks inU) the oven just From Collegiate Pr:ess-( , �:;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; = ;; ;;;;;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; ;;;; ;; �;; to see that Mr. Gobbler Is doing all pa�i�C:��e�����I.t:;���hl� ��� ,�� Tune In evt'ry Tuesday and e right. He smacks his lips ,al! he hears trealed 21.776 'cases. During the HOf'II�:::::::-;:��,:!" ' SPRENCER & JONES b I I h e s LAST YEAR 1935 JEWELERS u.:��i�:; I��r�:; �; :l�t �:':Il q���� same period there have been hosI ce Delivery , Co. W';lCh and Jewelry Repair""g The Pa r k Ian d L ig"t e an d Wate., big pie, Three guesses whether It pltall.taUon cast's 8 SpecIalty a 166 MAin Malden-MunChausens are in a Company furnished to i ts mem - Is mince-meat. pumpkin or stromber.ry. SR. 4375 Broadway 1 30;;;: 1 :; ;: ::;;:;;:=::;;:;;: .::::' ;;;:::J - ----,� • , bers electric c;urrent. including Brether ge,ts Jost�ed around �nd stepped �I:;\:: :��:e��: t�:� ��e��:: r--g m u t b k wa . h S ders e 80 street lights, at :he low :w:��s��e �:�:11�� S J � the grest�t fabricators of fablesIs Conrad's Coffee Shop I I' Parkland Mercantile' Co average price of a fraction over . On the window �Is a dish contain- lind fancies, 'However-and ttus . I 'V2 cents , er KWH Washing,on, FOUNTAIN SERVICE II E>lPerlParkland. Ing freshly cools cranberries. He �h�I:��:��n::I:::: '��:� �� p . Photo F,nishing" Photo n �that no one verslty of California. colicedln6 that BrOOkdale �_J ' Supplies. THE PARKLAND LIGHT furtively closes �oo: Prompl Servic;eand Courteous ��;nS;; �:. f;r!S\h��:t;�\!;!:�ec�:� women are superior In Uti!> 6lnful .& W ATER CO. berries ' up, on Jaekle's o�'e-plilin, Gee. ��:;e;e��:e l��;h�p:;:����!� what's that In the Icebox! Umm-Umm. competing the men. Now TRYFON,HATTERS I r�--��;;��--' r One sample follol'.'5 another, and then they Buy your new .hat from Trylon have thelT o.-n_ place in the . Your I D,'reelPrescriptio� �e struts back Into the kitchen with "He-lng-sun." hat. clun d and .eblock.d Importers ofDruggists the Finut io you. utid.crion Norwegian Cod Live. Oil an olive in either side of his mouth. They are taking " Moon" Mullln�' 944 '12 com_ I d T:c73� �ve. 1 a A MOlher shOO5 him into the' living footblill Cor 8 M I ; _ " ' _ _ m 7 -+ 6 _ O _ O _ _ _ � �nl . � I 4 candidncy lightly at Syra. I oe A room &s she gives �he eggbeater a final cuse urilverslty. _ I He tips the scales qUIck lum. The suspense Is over; A ""' " on equipment playing With. 5 1 at tuble Is set: the" dinner chimes are and 2Is belleved' to be the lightest �� � pla}ed. and the family settles dOI'.'n Plltyer In collegiate .circles. � a jolly feast A thorough course III horseman­ A tower of sparkling apple Jelly dances to the tinkling music of china ship Is offt'red for beginners, Inter_ @ mediates. snd advanced riders at Mount Holyoke college. Riders can Tuberculosis Seals enjoy the sport and receive gym 'I credit for participating. Quality Knitting Co. I I Go on Sale Soon Twenty-five percent of the Carle­ VISIT OUR Le"," sweat. �u. We Give c:;,ar Service"" I EXCLUSIVE SKI "'Who's in listed Is faculty college ton STORE sOuth T.c;oma Way Tacoma, Wash. t The fo!1owlng article Is printed for Who:' If you want the figures. 23 I 403 1 1 �h St. BEFORE you BUY Tuberculo- �ut of a possible B5 have bro�en In· � the benef!"t of the National· volume. exclusive this to Moorthe whom with Association sis . We Carry Everythi ng Ing Mast urges Ils' readers to cooper· The 'Yale Glee club perfonned In in this worthy cause. BROC;>KDALE CROCERY AND M�AT CO. different tort'lgn nations during RICaARDSON'S ate"This yt'ar the'National TlJ.berculosls Six ts recent tour: France, Holland, PHONES: CArland 0107/4---GArl;nd 0193R� ,\.slsoc aUon Is sponsoring the thirtieth IDel "'.mark. Nct�""RY, Belgium, and SKI HEADQUARTERS annual Christmas Seal sale to be held S;weden. Groceries, Flour, Hay .-'-Grain. Feed, etc. FOR TACOMA In the UnlCed Ststes.....;The 1936 p on sale Than'ksgMng Day, They r: ======, depict a modern Santa Claus, symbol .:�:years� in:the����A and Mattt.('ss 8usint'Ss Upholsterings Thirty-nine �,t ·Parkland, Wash.





. . •

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:� �::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=H!�=========, VICE S N DA i C 'S t . Re rA , ��� �� �;:Ti::::� :::�I:�:�ror :£�; :;; T O 2429. �ronlund, Prop. :..:::BR�dw.y further 8 rac;ific stickers will raise 240 Wa�hingtOl"l Brookdale. :===: === :==::::� In �===�:::;::;.:==� �=====: health protection among students schools and colleges, rUI)d.s

Young people throughou.t the nation play an Important part in the sales of Christmas Seal:;, con­ dueled by the 1981 tuberculosis assocl­ aUons throughout the counLry to fI­ nanct' their work In cont.rolllng tuber­ CulG/ils. A!tho'..lgh the death rate from tuberculosis has been steadlly decUnIng during the past thirty yt'ars, since Bonnadele Beauty Shop the first· Seals were 'SOld, tuberculosLs Open_ Unaer New stili takes a greater U)iI than any other disease young people between Speciali:leManal'!:emept in all Beauty Work 15 and 25 . For this reason tuberculo· New Equlpmen.t







a new parka with h9O(l is lackine­ or a 'new pair of booh would help. Cloth ina and . Skis for Girls 'and .Bo,s ...


Washington Hard�ate Co.

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924 Pacific.; Avenue




Brookdat�, Wa:ih. .

T . ' F.






legal' Reserve -life Insurance .

,Herman. L Ekern. PreiJdent

Represented by

CliHord Ol,on





I. . � ....


Buy So�e" Cand�'


�e � .EI�ht

' '·Sonia ·; ' ' Nigh t IIt

He Sure to

. Friday

Lo tlo'to Addr" Fireside Operetta 'Sonia" Parki�Rd Choral Coming EJenl8� , ]Twenty-Four Glads R,,', Lono 01 Lulh.",n To ' Be Pre�ented Awards Presented Group to, Pre, sent .oramll ClubF<lda" D«om"Sonia" b<, Church Taco III t Id ay, _.m"" Banquet h�u" � ' 6 ��:WlU'':,�''� h,;':,,: . OnFriday Eve,nin, g Recen. t At Handel's 'Messiah' "Me.,slah:'"..,.,dTtlnlty Church -- . �Qn " K�t?IPIR Young ' People In. the ..


"•.-b,'" Ii:.


e 1 P. L. ��'���::.a6�n�;:m�r 6 Than:day, Qr-cemhrr'U C . D R. Christmas M�t riday. D�em�r Ig ChristmasF vacation begins

JI '

' Proini nent Musicians to 'A pear on ProgTam; Will L. Also Be Given in Tacoma

n" De\'otlon .....lh be led by Roland Wuest. ::, Normn ' Preus wlJl play pln�o 1

Chnsen - Winner of . Rhodes Brother's Award to tea�'s I\tOSt' Tns!)ira. (�'er

Grenier" Is


R�id Directing,J\fU!�tc �nd Sl?eaking Parts; Dapper. in Char-Re or Special"1::ttorus Routines

,- With Nevel1� Ross and R�dY Elmer Twe�t�'-four ath.l�tlc awards _�e B Thf' second annunI rf'ndltton . of 0f I e Handel's " Th Messiah" �111 be pre]lla)'ll�g .the r�.mantlc lea�, tqe DeU�lR J. � ::: ��� e �� � �i�is c;:�/� ���1, e :: I s�nted at 8 o'clock Ft1day cVf'nlng, DeClub operetta ''"Sonll\'" will bt! prese.nt. t)lovemj)cr 24, when .lobe a�ln!n�' cember ' II, at the PRrkland TTlnitS b- 210 'Ilted/studcnts f'.nrer:tnl.n-ed Coach Cliff The Pnclf!c Luthern n College Board � Frida)' eve'nlng In thr coUrge gym , lluthernn Church, by the Parkland Assistant Coach C. Bnrofsky. Trustees wl!l mt'rt Thursday, De- eight o'clock. Keith '-ReId, Drama --,-father of Dean Olson, and membl!rs.of the 1936 football �uad of Chorp,T Soclrt\ undrr the direction of . Dr. L. J . Haugf'. . cembf'r ' 3 for Its re ular meetlng, Club ad\'lSf'r, and Mrs. Adnh Dapper. Proff'ssor Joseph 0 Ed" uds An_ �=��) I� :�:�d,P:��h a ��oi:, �� �.!�� �::C:q�e:I��;��:f������:.I�:;� � mong Important thl�gs to be. [le - girls'. ,aUllelic In.�tructor, are dl�ectlng . other . rel1dltlon l'o'iU be given Ilt thE! Friday. No\'rmber 20. �ch�1, was the guest speaker. ' " clded ullon will br thr plallS for the tht! presentntlon. Musical accoml'!anlFirst Luth(,Tan Church lit 6th. ll·nd I Dr. H:luge, born In Norw:lY . AU- Tonstmaste� Stnn Ford . Introduced proposed IIbtllr)' building. which must. ment will bt- played by �he colkge orStreets In T:lcomll, Sundllr, December �l.<t 19. _186,0. I\'here � r�:el�'r.t!..�hIS the prQg'rnm numbers. Inc!!Jdlng A C/II1 be .beg·�11 chestra.scene of the flIT>l act Is laid 11\ ' early rduratlon. He �� America olin wlo' by Oc�a\'I�,s .Thorlnksson: b� appro\e'!'d befored work 13. , Tht' B ard In udf'S Re\' Ai r M. anThe 11 ar.d entered Redv.:!Ilg SrmlAmerlcnn college "'here Sonll\ Mllr1 ' . gridiron re\, h .'1;\ ' . Coach Olson: Girls' rd f. d t Later. he at- 1 1'10, Jnnice Pcterso�, �faureen ·Wade. Kranbel, pre.<;ldent. Portlnnd. Ort'gori: )(.o\·n . daughter of a Russlnn noblemnn Ch:;�� �.�! .e��('e= th� ::��('r �� nnry. Redt rWing. �fjnn. t o om : · R l o t' s, mgrrs anticipated. with a mrmbe�lp ��r��lel:. M�n�:�,h�I;!�ua��I�lni�T)' la:� �;: : �s��:a :��::�: ;�� �u:�t� ��.� �; t.� : �::;lg:�, =1r. :: �. ::: :�:; � � :t���I�t. ��h� ;:�:�:�:s :���1 ' m ud me k of more than scn!nt y-fivf'. Promment with n de�r('e of Cnnclldat ls Theo- I e Ihat her father Is allvc lil a Slberla� � ; : . : ; ; ; o n sol1 r enneth An d aid Munson. a emer n Blrkelo, B M . A. A. Mykl h rO and that If money Is ,scnt, h� fContlnut'd on Pal't' 2 f In nd, lssnqunh: Rev. H. J . .Thorpe. Stln prison. :��: ��� I��:S�P�l�:�:�, :\�."k�� �'', loglnr. !ll be abh: to elicope, She decides w Afa'r ha\'\ng bern ordtllnrd. he SC'rvw Tacoma, who Will Sing the soprano.'"so' . Frnl1cl�co: Mr. M T. Hokenstad. Sno- go herSelf to Russia' find him, (':>ngregations al Zumbrot(l, Mlnn" )05: Mrs. WlUlam R. . Tnylor, Tnc6ma. cd homlsh: Re\'. P. J. Lu\·nns. Eugene, The 'Second net takes place In 51Iowa. In 1905 Dr , Hauge cl Ruthvcr. ccntrllito soloist: Hllrold SOrbo, KOMQ an to prnclicr.-medlc1ne In Howard, Oregon: Rt:v. S J. ' N. Ylvlsaker, l?tnn- bella where &mlu returns to her formArtist,Of Seattle, tenor soloist: A bass brgan <! , w is death, unUi S h hrre he .. live D with her American college r wood: Rev. E. C. Knorr,' Seattle : Re\: t'r home They salolst has not yet been S,el('ctcd. His M. D. degree. .was obtained at the lind tile castle so InL. LudM'lg. Portland: Rto\' . A. . R. M. chums. George Johnson. concert mastf'r of Sioull Cit)" Collrge' of ·Medlclne. He M li l they decide to stage the. :<pirlng tll Kettne�, Reardon: Dr. C. R. Swanson, musical COmelly the Tneoma Phil�armonle Symphony ,�rn'rd ns pri'Sldep/ t Of his county medl-. which they had b�, . Rey. Elmer 1\1:. JohlJs.:m, Olymeatt e, Orchestra, has secured mez:nbers 01 cal socirty for 11'5 yea�. The ninth annual conference of the �pl � \ . C. S. Odell. Portland. planning for their s]lrlng .festlval at " that organlzntlon to pIny the aceom)...- --.... Rcglo.n!ll Luthernn :l: 111' ' rthwest time a Bolsheylkf rePnc1f1c o I';l this At college. panlment. 'J'hcSC' �'111 be augmented Students ,a.:ssocilltion of America mct \'olt breaks out. to ndd colo'r and ex'by the �. L. C. orchestro, n:taklng a toII n.d -( NO\'Plllber 27 an<\ �8 In Belllnl!.ha!1l, 'cltement to the plo'. . tal of I.M!nty-slll In, thc orchestra. Mrs. as the guests of the stuIn Act III Sonia finds her father__ Ub Washington Carl Weiss. organist att�e Ftrst Luth th� Wt',S t ern Washington ColChristm s dCllts Of Gi ts the eol!�ge boy In love w�ttl Pat . a f . . -rron Church, Tacoma, �111 pIa)' orgnn lege .of EduClltion MI� Mnrgarrt her. unro\'ells the mystery and wins his tl('compllnlment nnd Thelma Dlln!els PI,�:� :�: O � �I:�!:\;SS: s��n���:�\� Pearson n delegate from PaCific At thr last meeting of the L O R uI\o.rd Corned} Is furnished by � ; .., d of Parkland �111 be plano nccotllpamst " , Lutheran College 11 l\a� decided that the old tradition Mllurice Peggy and Allnt Marlha Stnge-lIghtlng rHects � Il! be dlrectrd �t \ldrnl s " ho al"(' Interested In the TIle theme of Ih(' cOl1\entlon IIns cf �endlllg holl} 'and gifts �ould be The cast ItlCludes Mllurl�c Ule cheer b} Rn}mond Reid ��J�: ��l�I!l����entM�;�=e��h�IPb��1 Learnlllg to Live 1;\ h!ch "liS dh lded carrlcd out agn!n this \ear �lJzabcth lendt'r Donuld MOllsoll Sail} the cllm1b l \ CI n tt I� B le n r a V e I l l thr aim of s nn ln ro, lrd 111 f ��' clOt te s �� �:�� :::� �� I he group IIns ] ��:��� 1I��l ;p::�:: �o ::�e �����: �l� �Cd �� eh�I��II��ld �U ;!lee:!� ne� \ 1::g:�:aS �;I�:: ��I��:g ��:�t�;� :� l e C a nd mixer ��\� � � � !Il � � �� �:�� t a dillner � � � : � ntertalnerl ood fi (essln O Leoltl s, Lockll Mortha Mayb\ Ihr orchestra tenor solo� Comfort of sending holl} to the Oe/1C lle � d Jn s 1 1th \t'sper If fol1o�lllg at H:>me \1\ Chicago nUnols (Joller Sonills nunt and guardian BylYe M, Prop!e and E\('T\ Valle) Shall pr Snt l l I �� \hlch Rr\ \V J Frlt� Pullmtlll Sl)() k r DWlIl regular feno� Pat s MlIlf'r } lIa O Be Exalted b) Harold Sorbo Thu Thl� ,ear th('rr 11.11' l\\, nl\ -III O stuoroth Ande';on "a� cho.<;('tl to "alklllg III the Spirit Salth ttX' Lord and But \Vho Ma\ del t oll d l he be ' rs Cla� the �ndlllg of gifts w the /1l'd thc football cllplllin Rudy Elmer R�](Ind S�nll.'Xlll. 1l0rthllest rrglonnl supenl5e j:l.H1l\� l. Professer of.Orlentlll Smythe. ' Ajllriah Abldr the D,ny of His COmin�?" by ] 1 s e�l, � t� hlch Everett. Childrt'n In Home Ptlrkland s � l conductrd h} [ pres:dent, offlcla l}" oprned ,the con- \Vllshlngton . All girls are requested to Pbl1o.�ophy, Bob S\'arc:, SO!lla Markova, 1a ll " Hnrold Sorbo Chorus sing�, '"And He t Mr. NO.OT\J.H gSturn. of Ih� Norse cle,� ' "(,l1tiOIl SIllUrd(lY\ morning \\'llh devo- bring an Incllpenslve to�' to the Chrlsl� queen of' tllC" cnlllpus, Ne\'eUa Ross : Shall Purtfy'": contr:llio .'olos. "Behold I partmem. All hot('adtlles t: begm, ners [ 11t�IlS. Ml�s Mtlrgarrt Dial.. Bt'lIlngham mas meeting tll make up the gift bOll Veda Vl'ronal. In the cosmetiC Une, Virgin-Shall Conct'I\"(''' tlnd Thou , OIlIY High school Ilurse. spoke ancl led dls. that Lini!1l DeBerr}': Borl!! h'enuft a RusTell('st Gnod Tl ding� to ZIOn " by l ll1"1' Scandlnantl n cle!'.C('nt. but k .>lan by adoption.'Fales Martin; Count "r.<;. Wi!Ullni R. Taylor. .<;u , [Jlt'1ll('nICd a sn�all muj:lrity of the rlass new I ('U�<to1l 5 on "Learning to L!\'e with Falh(� r alJII Son Affair ,bv thl' choru:<: buntonr solo�P " For , Be- fe',\' wor,ds In Norse bt'fofe...UtldCnllklllg l_.oUr�l \" es. " (;Inwhlskl, a no Itcco\mt RllSSlnn Nobleend of the firM At tht' srcond lllornm, g �fsslon, Dr. holrl. Darkne� Shall Cover th., Earth." 1 th., subJrft. periodIh" the Gi\"(�11 1.)\, Brotherhood man. Gil'lll1 GustnvS(ll1 ; Orosk}' , an e weeks Ilceom- l Wlllla}ll d Sclloclrr Conallls Oregon oak Otnt'ss Sergeant of officer r llld "The Pf'Ople that W!likrd in Dark- nIn lldamell mUfh In thr line of fU _ l n:sentl' Ih(' tople Lellrlling to Ll\e Thr LlH heran BrotherhOOd of Park Marine,<; Al Rogen nrss chorus For Unto Us ri ChUcl i ptalh�hed r compogrllmm of the l:lngunge ll third sesslolli \\lth III thl' Other� lind l\ q ( land g e ather and son ban urt ThrOllghout the operettR various IS Born the Pn:,<torRl Svmpholl\' b} ! I sitlon and con\ersat1on De, Brem('r S('!lttle addressed the la �t Mond n"" e\enlng In the soclnl Allis tAke part In colorful and unique H.. ontlnued on PaJ{1' 3 ) l Norse earning toplr ad\nnced cJas.� In "roup till' tMrd Mr Slurn � L rooms al Trlnit} Luthernn Church routines In the. Irb.h J ig are Jlllllee I composed of Six students readlng l lo Lt\'c With GOd 1 \\ lth ReI ChrL�tenSC'n nctlng as l Pl'terson Ellzabeth Stuen Vlrglnla O'lL[ Kongsemnerne, _a pili) by Hemlk After a IUllcllf'on at Our Sa\ lor s Lu- 'e£l�tlllaster The Lndles Guild pre- Is MArgreUle Thorlaksson and NorI SC'n It possible that later In the thrrn n church the \arlou.", committees pll.led tho dinner \\hlch lias scned b} mil PreUll The Garden of GloriOUS , , , G !rls consists of Signe Mldstaler Ida �ehool trrm this class IIIlJ prOduce I met At the bu�mess meeting II hlch l o\{'nber� of the Junior Guild -some Norv.eglan pla)s and also enln foHo�ed It \\a� decided that present numbers Included songs by Mac Hoss Opal Grove Elsie Barrell With Chrlstma.s as hIS subject Re\ In the Slg\ald K\ale"'Declnmntlo�Con- ""Officers remnln In office until March I a Progrum } cnmposed Kohler The 68.Ille ten of Norman qUintet bo s R�dell of ,First Lutheran Church, TIl.- test. held In memory of a young man 1937 Plans wrrt' mMe to ha\"l� the Jensrn, Donn}', S\'nre, Nell Johllson, girls Marlon tire IIgaln se:en In the Ru ssJan _coma. will be the speakrr at thr L. D. 1 who Lenten season te set aside for self Delmer KnudtsOn , find Normnn Hagen: group later In the plot, A novelt)' died on the battlefield. �. mft'ting De,c. 17. Eva GJesdal wll1 denial offerings for the Ukranlan remark .� Pl' Pau!" Preus and Normlln mlli ine Ilumber will be given Just prior slllg a solo, nnd � readmg Will b(' given Mission In Russlll, . Jensen. wno rep'rescnted the fathel'!; t:l tile fln;le . by· Thelma ..NeM, Alda St Olaf Choir to · Give b�' Virginia Dnv1s. Rolllnd 59-'anson, University of Wash- and !lOns i"especth'ely: songs by � male iolmson. Mabel Heggem, Judy Benson, . . On an evrnlng during the week preSpring Concert · Here ingtoll. was re-elected president, and qua'r�t:. Joe Ed�'ards, Bert Raymond, J::Ug'eilln Spencer. and Irene Odell. ceedlng Christmas, L. JJ. R. memtK:rs -other offic('rs chosen are "Ice-pres!- eaul Preus. and Re\'. S\'are: address, , ... wlJl carol In Parkland. I The famous St. Olaf College Choir, John Lu\,sas, University of Ore- Dr. E. M. Hcgge: and remarks by PsH Mn!:!�et Pellr:o;on, ch�a�,. �II.S �·hlch Is directed by Dr, . F. MeliW! dent. Ruth HaU(land, Western Wash- George Arneson, president of the Luth- G roup repare eI)ort gon: n n a ny n d g��I!��:g: ������:I:� ���:; enm BrotherhOOO:- The P�L."" C. or. For Board, of TrU8t�e8 � :e:� n f t mTU:= �� �: : � ��:��:�1 ln � :: ri � a �a� �O: I 5 ;:t. � r r � �� : chestra played during the dinner. F.ri, dIlY.�:Dec, 4. / Those on her commlt- spring \\ h�n the group makes a con- l of W$Shlngton; corresponding A preparatory report for the Board tee IiPl?Olnted to sell .the candy ue cerl . ' 01 the west sUites. They sret.tyary, Rhoda Hokenstad, Unlverfllty ... of Trustees, who will meet here tbl.s , to Hal'e SUP I)e� Gutld E\' a G Minand Louise Hendrikson Jesdal. "heduled to leave Nor.thfleld, Mhln gwn: 'and advlSf'r. Rev. Ar - ! are sc of W l Is belJ!g preplU'Cd by ,the mornlng' neso{.a , on Easter Sunday, March· 28, thur L. Swenson, M�cow, Idaho. � . Margaret Rorem. And ChristD18S Bazaar building conuntttee for the new' library, tollow an Itinerary book.ed by Pro!. The WMhl·,gton State College LIIThe report de9.1s with the question Paul G. Schmidt, choir manager, who theran studen!;t grOup will be h05ts l"he Lad!es' Guild or Tnnlty Luth- ot archlU!cl� 5upe�lslon, and the , Mrs. Taylor m '/ecently returned � St, Olaf from the the 1937 conference eron Church Is holding Its annual ba- amount of money Dequlted to ])e In. After a �ur of the 'tampus on Sat� zaar next Tue5day evening, December hand before construction . can :bq1n, Mrs. J..()ulse Taylor. 8upertntendent west: . of the public sChools In Fierce.County, Thill ;nll be the ftrst trip the cholt urdEiy afternoon a b,,:nqu�t was held 8. Supper will be .served .at 5:00 R. m., It also concerns sugaested m04lflc&­ Wasblngton, and( �t f'egts,trar, has made ,to the coast. for ten y�s, at th� First Lutber:an ,church whose and a special Norwegian Christmas tlora of general plana /Submitted 'by now on leave of 'absence' from the col; It will probably requlte. three · �eek.s to pastor, ' �v. H, J" Lundblad, acted dish, "rommegrod," will be. featured. Charles 'Altfilllsch, arch1tect. lege. underwent a major operat.1on a; Include all , of the 'te�tat1ve concert& toastmaster. New. orrtcers were In- Following the /Supper, there 1'0111 be The building committee Includes Rev, 'the Tacoma General H�Ita1, 'Satur- OSten A.' ElIsaen, Pac!!ic LUtheran stalled by' Dr, .Bchoeler, and the nnal a sale of ChrlstmllS articles. and M, Lono, Tacoma, ' chaltman; �, C, . dB�' momIng, November 27, AlthoUgh College srradl.!&te' r and Joseph !'tun- address wis pre�nte:d by Rev. H. A. bakery goods, An apron boOth, fish IversOn, Steilacoom; and ..Theodore 'are Orda1, w!lo spoke "The Place of the pond. and candy sale are features ol' Nel.sson and Dr. �tad� who repher condition was very seROuS. she, l:s,. . fonnerp, L, C. 'l!.tudeDt, . �\'�rIng 'as well as can be expected, bets "Of t,h� chOI�, Bible In the Lives o� Young Peop'le:' the sales. rC!Jent the Coll�

Dr. Lars Hauge DIes N�vem t}r '

oard Trilstees TO"Meet Thursday










Margaret Pearson P L' C DeIega' te To " Student .Lp..eet


St en s\t�. ,�e Sc'and'In vlan CI



RydeII to Address L D R Yule Meet












L. D. R.'s Will Send .

















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. � .""




Chapel- Activities :

um Amen" fteC'llt" chllpc'1: 3'p6kers ' was Mrs. . WIeber ' WY!\StTa (Margate .Ir. Hugh A.. Ma,Uf'f. roulJder", Dt the b,. J�Cob50n) '28 and Glad)'! �utte':l Priciflc Oeoa:!aphlc � Ie,ly. Rna m�m; . a le, v ted SNAC:E�l'n' . "':" h • -.n.. .! ... ' ' ''., ;:�.t'0!�; �. 13� SC�OOI Monday be�.o{ th� Royal Anthr 1000lcaJ 'Instl. the slu. ,bt tute or London. who ad ' " Mr. imd Mrs. Kenneth Jacobs 18u-lIa dents SWEDt; and da.h or cI_t Friday, Noyt'm�r 20: on his re- . e I g . .. ACCENT 0iFOOD"'ork In �.g}'Pt ;,'here :he was el!� ��7t�����':;h:�I;� �; : b::�;I� cent a th ' In eXC8\''',tloru 9 u �lle:;;: . No. \"ember' 21, In Tllcoml\ W:sh- gaged pa�:�:�' ;e�l:g���;;:;\�O::t��t�e :-St :,����:: &fe� ' bom 1� � e Ingten. . :nS:�� ���� A:e'ri:n d"ts� fully, and . . ,- by the war, are Uie� any bones left Wl :L, �: . . I t t th a l ·Elell-nor Hauke. or Astoria. Oregon. covenes 'whlch lIUpport theories conMcmlxr lQl6 IQ)7 Pgl'�ln'd.-> ... "�'ho"'ld' tb:\�� '�:n.·�: r:.I���t� :.:� :n�:::;:�: stude or L. ·C. In 1\'1\1 vlsl� cemlng primitive. lnhabltanta of tt,ts J:Usocia!ed CoIIetli:Jle Press the past , . . Well, we hope you didn't. over-eat because school.ntnel{t week I\S the1934-5, guest or HRZel contlhent. you'll . . . Just think of poor MABEL HEGGEM, who had HUgerup. The f'reshnlllll Class -pre5en� 1\ EDIroRIAL, STAFF t'O be content 'wlth a little turkey broth , , . Thai's a bad · Jlrogram the' same ehapel per. I;"reu�� '32,_ll-!,"aduate muSical time to get sick, MAE! . . . We noUced same of the �tooges , - Ma,ry .. �,...ulSe EDITOR HRZel Hagerup ' pflueger ILn9ouhced. 'the lad. ' rs whlch comlng bRcK a little blue In ·the faee . , . WI\S'that from nurse of the Mayo Clinic, Roch�ster, 'l1;mlbeGary ASSOCIATE EDITOR Norma Preus . I..l.lCludffl: �'ccordlon se­ eating or t)1� n:sult of a bunch ,ot 'D's'? , , , Yes. we all 'Mlnneso!I\, wlll return to her ho In lectlons. Leonard And�h;on : vocil.l solQ. S�OR:rs WRITERS - Russell Fryt'. Rolan.d Wu'est, Parkll\n�. fU! the C.hrsl tTl).llS Hollda} Rudy El mer ; nnd pllW.o �Io, Ma. rgrethe o ei �: v.:I e ;;;rer� � �I�� l:,: ·:���e�· :: ; Norman Frye, F3le� Martin. t a t me u t FEATURES - - - - Llnr.a Dt> BCITY �� s :n ��:p � and � 'Ferdlnaqd Chrlsten�1l 'f.h�rlnk,:S:�on. so onward�when SOLVEIG �ndMr.dnu�htcr. �tmlghten It out SPECIAL WRITERS - Jack Ode)" Walter Schnack:. 25, R�\.. Anne, Rnd wil- ' On Wednesday. No\'ember , en\}t'rg, Kenneth Anenson, MarvIn .JellS{'n, lI.roUl�d wllh the ler Chrl�t'nsen,Marylyn .OMDAL gQe� home. she does!,"t mt't:s gave R 'l1lank$gh'ing P. L. C. graduntes of M. A. Chrl��nsen . k and o ", , "� REPORTERS Eh'a Bergmlln, lda Merz, Lavaun . . ddre . UP J, t '�n ' .� ����:: ��rF:£�:� McCall, LJev.·elln Da\'lesj IdlL Mae H�s, Elizabeth O " ' . �� Sluen, Wadene Calavan, Virginia Davis. d Aida Johnson COP.Y READER C�rIS!ellsen." T.YPISTS Corrine Malmln;' Irene Odell Youth W ork Descrihed ., . WalUs Kerr, '31 . I� R It:acher of vioEDITORIAL ADVISER Ruth' Francie:· � TO Local Ger nll� Cluh n in Aberdeen, Washlngt"on BUSINJ,;SS ST:U'F � Elmer Hauke, 2 � IQll' I'ceenlly for , " "Willlderets." a descrtplion of R IRrge Oak Otness BUSINESS MANAGER '8 ,";uitca�s beslc!es. probably plum� tull of a toothbrush Los Angele!;, California, He ASSISTt>,NT BUSIr..'"ESS MAN....GER - El.lzabeth of the }'oung people'ln Gere n e . e���: mer!)' of Astot'iR, Or�gOIl. , was for_ mo\'�ment o FrIIs m:.ilY. wa$ gh'en by D<irothy Peterson �� �:� �: 6. I��1l \ :C�:;d�� c t t ';��: ���, � ; �� ::: : l ADVERTISUiG ....NAGERS - VI�nla Da\'�. e d � DOcTOR l'INCELSTA� ref,c�ed 10 the 'foot�al1 dla- le:O�I r�:�� ;���6��,S ;:��II:� \��'�i��� , �I��t��l �:�a��,C�\��e�b�t t meet El!zabeth Stuen : �:� A n S s CIRCULATION M4N....GER - ·Kathryn Anderson A committee i'as apPointed to ar���:=�. :�� ����� ��:: ;���� t�� =��a (�::: �: 1011E\ elyn Arne!';On, was married to mnge CrnCUL....TI.ON ASSISTANTS - Ht'Il'n LilJa, programs for future meetings. ' dollnrl. and when GRENIER reech'ed the Insplmt.lonal Thelma ' Nes.o; and awnrd . \';'1" stili think thnt It �ould hnn'heen n!Jout Rodnl'�' E. Ch1\llman of Slh'erdale:SRt- ":dward Mnckle, Sylvia .Mlller, EXcHANGE EDI-TOR Mabel Ht'ggt'm N ' bl'r 8 \�.�lg �:���rd t:; :;����l McCutchl'On eOlnprlse Ul�r ' l ro h AD SOLICITORS - Rmh Downt()n, Vh1an Smith s�� I a �:. �� � �;::: ��:�E :_� : p �� BUSINESS ADVISER M.r. O. J, Stul'n I her si!;ter. Miss Inet Arneson, who was Got ·to have !';Omething to fIJI up the space with ' . Until .we went home, we had nlmo.�t -forgotten what nn graduated from P! L, In 1929. Olnl p ge (' g g Wt L �. but 3 now cO.Dles news the that stnrtllng the �: I�:;��1��,�' �a�':�;l :�g��::�� From Collegi..te Press' TIll' st'ason or footiJall h:is passt'd anotht'l" maind('rs broke the fast with the hen-fruit . . . Someone .t�Tal i f�'illgly Slll'l'{'ssful �;l'IlS0n fot· p, J . . C. Fl'w . at the U.nlvermust have chnsed n chicken Into t'he kitchen, and �cared ""ho Is a. st�dent at P. L, C. now, . sang To flunk R �ubJeetexpensive In more the wedding song. ' 5lty 'of Oklahoma I:!. . an' Ihl' SdlOllls Ihat CIIIT hoasl of as · h i �h a into .submlSSlon . . . HEIGHT OF WORRY-Call you !'t't'ol'd, lind as l'olllnWlltiahlp a It'am. A !(':l il""l-' Im:.gine an}:onc who would take a taxi to school (11.65) Rolat)d Swanson, '3$. has been re- wnys th�n one. 'The university board ' approv� a th e. ' 'If regents �t'ntJ) , jll!;t electro 'to thl' offlec of prt'sldent of the to gef lhen: on time. well. VIVIAN SMlTH Is the that can go thl"ough an l'Tlli,'" Sl':iSOn wi thout of' wo� prl'Crol'nt setter . l " If you can dig liP enuf to taxi, you Lutheran. Sludent� ' Association of dollar penalty for eachIs hour a singh' loss, \villl only SI'Yl'n points scorl't lunked, . The penalty �ot a m.eans ­ division. regional Amcrlca northwest agninsl it, is Oil{' thai sliuultl !'l'l'{'in' th(' h i t:IH' t ) at meeting held No\'ember 2'1 Rnd 28 of ratsing revenue for, the unlvetslty. -, recogililion fnull its suppol'll'I"S.J Rt Bel1lngham. Rhoda Hokenstad, '35, ''lUt is de.�!gned to Improve sCholar�hlp. was elected colTespondlng .secretary, \ mighty fund could be built at. our Ht'fort, u It'llm {'an attain Ill(' StH:l't'SS rcadwtl and Ruth Hjaugland, a fonner student choa\. don't }'ou think? hy the (;lnt!iaIOl's lI;is s('aSOll, l'adl playcr I}Hlst at P L C v.a.s cho.<;en !ecretary surely would be welcome, on the 'building boa,rd,' which William Pflueger, 3$ \tho III a senior =::::= haw Ih(' winning spirit. Playing agilinst I('ams, : �::':;::=.:: : �=;:=� has �ucha hard time unearthing potatoes . . . LEHMAN'S t Capital Uni\erslty Columbus Ohio, llIany of which ClIllle frulil schools (with larg('r geese nre_stlll here, we see, or rRther we hear . . . They '" a.� chosen for an Important role In student uH'lllhersllip Ihan lIu'irs, tlw (;Iati!'; should have slugged n couple on Thanksgiving Radios - Wash,en pia} Journe} s End the Unl� l'mtlt! 1101 r(,ly upon sllp('riol: sll"t'nglh and mall- , HOKENSTAD and HAUGEN got the gpose last year . . the Oil . Burners !; first dramallc production of pOW('1' nllll1(' 10 win tiwir gault's for tht'm. '1wy \erslt� PIN POINT PRUDENC�ACK ODEY-WALKING the GA 1 234 So. 38Th and Gee senoon Illust n('('11 hllw dean fighting spirit . n(it as i n-· ARCHIVES . . . Will someone please send him a pack­ horse fO{ ChrlstmR!;, so he can extend his 'under-t�e­ divi<lunl pillyel"s, hilt as a t{'am, \\,(,idl'ti to­ � Itlm-\!brary' . . We understand that he wrote to SantR gellwl" lIy Iht, impl'llls or stl llt'rior l'(lUching. Claus, too . Better, bre� the news to him gentl�, he's World's. largeST in'sTallers of HeaTing I Contln�ed From Pal'e 11 Out of a l11ix('d groul) of returning 1{'lIenn(,1l Systems for The Home not \'er�' old. and probably doesn't know yet . , Now the orchestrA; four sh,ort recltatlves by , 625 ST, !<ielens' Ave.. Ta.coma, Wn. lind nUIh'I'illl. Coach Olson l'oL\nded �illin t n e M)'$. Charles Wcll:l'r, soprano: chorus condition hull kurn thaI i n its first gUlIle, Phone BRoadway I 50 I : :��re�IA:�y h;:� :�o��� ::��� :e�/�;:I�e' a!�� sing. � "Glory 10'<GQd"; 1>010, "Rejoice !t'ss tho II Iwo w(,l'ks IIfl('," 111(' tmining began, Represented Dapper two dRyS before the paper comes out . NIGHTLY Grently 0 Da'lght�rs of Zion" by Mrs, "'-== ===by=M,=I.= =='1 was able to win IIV('I" h i ghl y I'lII('d ,\rIllV SCENE--SII;>DERS and STRAND battin' a mill i on , Charles Welker contralto recitathe ('kv(,ll. FOI' Ih(' 1"l'lllaind(,1" of ill(' St'ason, thi, with KRAMER find FRYE In the outfield . , . We nre all Rnd air Then Shall Ihe E}('S of the "IIIYl'l"s would hav(' hp('1l tIIll1hle 10 ut'laill the agrced that JO GJARDE takes the cake for jokes­ Blind B(' Opened and He Shall Feed honOl' Ihy did, without Iht' inspimlion of t i l(' Hl're's ht'r favorlte_ . . Time marches around the clock. HI!; Flock Like a Shepherd by Mrs ' con('h a n d h i s assistunt. C. Hal"ofsky. 1 502 So Kay St That'; It. Ain't. It purly . Old you know that ROLF Wll1lRm TR}lor As thl' coming of win it'l" !'ill gs flut Ihl' pass­ WIPRUD Is an arUst extraordinary . . Yes, girls, tha: Pan t"'o opens v.lth the chorus singfree Delivery ing or tht' I O:\li 1'00tll1l11 �H'ason, we congratu­ good-looking guy with the pipe Is VERN BI'I"I'ER . Ing Behold the Lamb of God fol- , Jutc ull thust" whl) lIlarl'iJ('(l in 1', 1.. C. 's "Pig­ 101\' e d by a con�mJto «Ir "He Was Dt>� [9! skin l"lul"a'dl,"- -coadH's, C;l adiu lors, nHlIlHg('rs. spised" by Mr�, Welker. .The- chorus After Ihe Show wukr-ho\', chp!'1" 11',Hlers, llIul dIcereI's -and then wlll.sing " Surely He Hath Borne ' l']'tlsS('fl 1 1)(> goal Ii Il l' waving high the hann,cr Our Griefs," "And With His Stripes of \"ieJory, We are Ht'aled:' and "All We Like Shce]) Have Gone Astray." Harold 91 3 Commerce S·T. Tacoma, Wn. Sorbo ""11\ render a tenor solo entitled, ' III Iwhllif of Ihe Associated Studenls The "Behold. and See, If There Be Any r �Iooring Mast offers a ,word of nmtiolcm.'c tn SOrrow"; the chorus will sing "Lift. Up �Iar\" and Edwal"d '''u'klc in iI)(>il" bCJ'C';tv(,ll1cnl Your Heads. Oh Ye Gate�"; baritone ' i n ti.l' n'el'lll th-alh of tlu'ir father. nl'\·. E. See us for 'phone numbers, VERN, of course there Is a 1>010. "Why Do th� Nations So Furlous� Shell C')soline and Oil \ludl('. nominal relalnlng fee. . . . Or better yet. CHET SOLIE Iy R.'\ge?" ; the chorus will sing "Let Dependable Creasing or AL JACOBS . . . They have addresses, too . Have Us Break Their Bimds Asunder," �'hlch GENERAL 'REPAIR' you sct'n PAUL BLIED come up the steps In the morn­ Is followed by a tenor solo, "Thou Shalt ing? , . . Those lilte hours are gonna getcha. boy. "Colle!,!e training is 110 tJlIlslundillJ,( he ne fi t Break 'Them" by HRrold Sorbo. The I ALMOST TOO LATE1 0 radio o r motion' pielurc ('arc('r; StlCC('Sl:) i n "Hallelujah" chorus concludes this dl- 1 1 .. Short, short. story--Girls come down, look, are abl\Sh� viSion. ilwSl' fit'it.!s depcnds upon ahilily. p('rsOJlIllily, Printers - Stat,ioners _e'&;_i!rI.Lg�y, are chased, become perturbed; girls - Mr.!. Charles Welker singing "I Know lind nulwl.lrd- appcurunC(� , I-cnsl .no aspersions come back :' girls 1I�'e happl,,}' e\'er arter-yeah�, . heh.heh, That My Redeem.;r Liveth" comme"i.ccs . P upon \Vh i l ier Col1cgc:my rumll mutcr, h('('.1luSC I; ���;�!!=:'"R- ' -, . . . and now DUROA devours the salad, tsk, tsk . "91" third part of th �_. presenLntlon, The I f ('('1 Ill)' fotll' Vl'urs thcre ,to he iil\"uluuhle i n ",lAin L.I L.L. 1 Zth & A Sts, Where did you get that sweater, CAESAR? . . , 'Ille bas­ conc1'.1dlng numbers are: pCI'soiml con'lu�ls a n d friendsliip tlC(l uir('d." "Since by Men ket bllll team has new yeUow-�old S!lk sults. . . Oh boy, Came Death" by the chorus; baritOne D.tlIlald r\'U\'is, famolls singer. isn't Irfil�g 1 0 we can hardly walt! . . . The new p, L. C, theme song recltath'e �nd _*r' "Be�Old, I Tell You tt llisl'otlrugc m d i o nnt! f i l m nspiranls. Is' "HEY';' not "MlSTEI\l' or "SIR," ! according to a Mystery , arill�e Trumpet Shall : KEITH REID , ' . Why did the kids take the llghts 'out Sound" by the bas.s solobt; and the i Special Ilates for ' Students ot the sockets, and lose the sWitch In' the Comp, Gov't. "worthY ts' the Lamb" and 1 '"Wc 'need more of the Iype of person who I Sc. for 9 holes .class? , : . .They probably feel better with MR, FRANCK :::::. givcs a doliar's worth of work, wlll:�ihcr Ihe 2Sc for 1 8' holes 1 In the dark , . . or maybe he Planned".lt all before�hand. dollnr etlllle:; from' pri"atc sources or the puh­ Regular· Rate. , ha . , FAMOUS LAST' :\\:ORDS,-'Let's go have C lic till. Thcr.l' is t oo much of 'the time�ing , 20e for 9 holes BOB MOE . . . "Sneaking around again, eh ?"-Anony­ iden, Another thill� we �et awny from 35c for 18 holes . mpus , , , LIsten to this deer story-"I shot a ten point ( is the p h ilusophy of bigness ,,'{hereby evcry buck that weighed tOO 100,: but that's nothing, my gram­ boy believes he is destined to become presi�ent , pa bagged a 14 pointer th weighed 50 , . . .1 got him of the United States," Dr. \VilHath Mather , the back leg just over th' heart, �ed him Insta y," Lewis. preside,lll of Lafayette College, poinis i , : : . told'by UEL� . Oy, hav, e only thai we usually o� and don't out ! ' that Id�� ,country , ' L�".-� l ike him nfter· we get him. +-mIJr

Published every two weeks dur1ng the school yellU" by the students of Pacific Lutheran ColleR'e, Ofrlc(': Room 1'1$ Telephone; OArind 057'1 . S.ub;script!on Pr1cH1.00 per Year Entered, second class matter, OCtober 2, 1925. at 'the Post Office at Parkland, ·Washlngton. under the Act of' March 3. IIn9.



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Holland Fu rnace Camp-any Strom's Grocery'"




_ __ _ _ •_



�======:::==� PARKLAND CARACE



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MA�NIHGS ! Parkland COFFEE , GolfCourse>






l .

P. L. C. Hoopsters To Face Aberdeen In OPening-.Game


'� .') sport Shots . W � :l �7n�'n endar






Sports Scribes Select Opponellt . AII-Stiu Elev�n

"",'" .lth 'h. ,"u,h." ""h,dul, In ' R_ � 5"11,, ,;Id .�";I",' ;"p"�'''ln� �I'ar�. Coach OlsOn's C8sab, artlst.a got . th'l' college po&!Uons on the Mooring down to real work thb \\'eek�ln prepar- Now that, ttle !Ina' c\ut!l1n haS been, !l\'e fill bac,k. �d' a mOst prombi118 Mast sport wrlteu' selections .hlnt' :c:t �o;::a � S;:SO�� ::�:: new material turning out , alh�n fOf their Initial game with '�ber. ; se (orm the rolh:�wlng 1ll1· Be:�r:a�' : l . . ��n�:� �a� . d�n .)r. College. Dec:ember 11. on the spotlight In the Gladiator ...... OVIrt' ... s calUnderwood, R. ,E Ltlnrteld O �eSides�Ing a member of the junior ConlT&tu:aUol\5' caPtaln to NI .el�t. I Coach CUHom Omon. who loget.hl'f ��;::�l'. :. :. �f �:����: n a ' g sen. and ,to that big 190 pounds d� with his 1936 footbe,1l �ayen. . r �:re�e 7ar:;:. �� ��a!::�� �:IIC::�: InspI�tlon--:=' and as- Neeley. . . Fort. Le� Irorr Man" o��e.r. The ,lstB.nt coach. C,. 8arofsky, was hOil- Ullin L.'CCllt(lr gage In at JeB.'it a dozen �ther outside t ,-" Bellingham G h -men n a ld h . ored NOlember 24 at a banquet for IPmes ",1th some o(·the strong.est coil �� '" OO � ' o\.e': OM'n better / . . Llllfleld \lhlch the associated students \lere &lInmervllle L T. I ,I lege And unh'ersl�y teAms In the north- �f'. 'h , c:" t.'O ho o . Bellingham . ,/. Smith. L. E. west "Slnet" the football �a.son is over.. Last year's flr� five was com�d of hOS::.s. St. ·l�iIlrtln.l Abbutl. Q. l s It' t As � et no definite 'd�cislon hM been a gob!:! im\! to put In some. hours Nilsen. Soll.e .· Leask. -Tommerv k a,nd . Monnloutl' &:,rden. t:. H. rt'achE'd' concernlrig ' the much talked and catch up . on your Jobs:' Quot:e C.. Jehsert.. · Ford. Frye. . ThompMIl!. Bnct ' of trip east. which would Include such O. Olson. LatSon also earned letters. Gene Jack , B£'l1lngham ' Chormt. R. H . Ramel' as those ....·Ith \\'ho was a star 10 '33 and '34 Is bl\Ck . �he Unive rsity . Pn . . nm ' Tarte. F. 8'. . Belllngh P saw ul reus Washington State after llsslng a cf Mor:IIRna. Un!\'erslty of North . . , We r.redlct Da- ,' U' C 1:.: A In I...o3 AlIgel� � Honomble mention has been. given a that he'lI kota. Lu.ther. 51. Olaf. Augustana·. and pIa be one of the high sc!ll;t'rs " � .I�·eeks a�o . . . He sa"ld that cou p le f the following: Cook. Linfield: fullback ; ' . ..- '. IIllmy olher lallle schools. However. team n for the �mlng season. Chet . J S.olhr' .and (;(>ne Jl\ck. I�al \·et· .' the country could Williams. Llnfi£'ld; .center; Borst. Elwl\.hout the trip the Gladiators would :t.en thei Cougars t day have Harold "�ayo" J.ohn50n. A fomler era!lS '\1\�t.I:AII. ha\'e JH:en pll\ylng I£'nsburg. Prl£'st. Monmouth. ''gu trls: A. . . be on tha . still play a hard sch�ule. �ntatl\"e He a lso snw the game between Texas Whl.t�\. 8n, hoopster�\\"ho has'been p �or all Independent Tacoma team. Anderson. Ellensburg. Heindberg.� Mon­ games h.Bve" bE't'n lined up �..Ith the A. M. and Sar\ Francisco Unl�lt}' JlclnW. for the pa.sV se\'erat .,,·eelu;, Monday e\·enl·1"18. the� played asalnst mouth. tackles; De Sordle. · Fort LewIs. ...... fblloll"ir,g : sea�tle Paclfl.c. Ellensbulll . . . He said that the Texas A &. M. .erely Injured bls knee during Thanks- !in Eatonvl!.!e group. . Taylor. Ellensburg. h.f\lfs: Barriugton. u.Il\\"erslty of British Columbia. Albar:y. t.!am turned in "as flashy a bit of pass. gll'lng and � Ill be out for. an exte.n(l.ed Bolh 'men a�e Ine11g1ble for junior Lhifleld. quarterback; Petrilla. Oregon . playing this year. T('ch.. [�llbAck Llt Held. PaCific l;nh·etslt�·. Gonzaga. t ' ,still two Johnsons left. college confermc£' lldll ng a.s he had el".er pe�lqcI.. ·t There·s l . . Bellingham .. Chene�·. Monmouth and ng and ball ha-From er h we .. h8\" llIg ' i1;lrcAdy pl!lyed thr('(' �·e!lrs. . Bob Martin. former P. L. C. gilRrd. News Tribune Q . \· ) ' O)'(!gon Institute or Technology. Your gllest columnist next Issue will H'.lwc\"er( th£'y wJIl be eUg.lble lor all co"cnptaln of the Llnfi('ld l<-qUAd.: ./ !� ach ?lson . With .sueh a t �rlfl schedul£' Coach n:lIl·cOllf£'te'\lce gnmes. I ' tl g d td I Olson ts' somewhat dubiOUS re<gardlng ; �� ���: :I:fn �ll:U;��'e '�:fel�;e �:;k UInspiration o n a lo h l ' And his to t.he �m . :;��:I�;£'��;e t�.� n;:; �� !�e::�I�: No 'Respecter . . n I a c u n Chef Solie and Gene Jac.k .. wlll be inOf��� ���j\I:. �: :�n� :I::; �I:��:S :r £'Uglble for all conference gAmes Ne\l Thl! week's uquet goes to those ) grueUng fOOlblill. He Is "tops"'; as malerlal hns been some\! hal dlsap- rootball boys who turnt'd out e\'ery gulirds go. pOint ing to the Luth£'Iftn mentor b.e- nlghl but "iIldn·t quite earn their let.Hnl Votaw did not receive recognI­ . cause of their lack of llze and £'xpeli- I£'rs. ' tion because he played only ft short 'enee. for a winning hoop team time agRlnst the OiactilltoTS. Ho'w ­ I ChaMf'ji I e e\'er. he h�s mnde a name for himself Volleyball Tournament � ;::h:· :.:th���t �:ar�: c�x;����s�:� In other . gAmes Oil lhe Linfield SQuad. Will Begin Nexi Week Sports writers hope lhelr ooncensus . of opinion !'Iltes favorably with P. L-. C. B�nqUe VoU,yball ",.",n. und" th, ..�'"" plAyer!>. It Is regretted that more meil «ConUnut"d. from Pa,e 1 supervision ' of th.e mana.ger. J;lelen could nol be given ��gnilion. l:Ioltcamp. Is. acth'ely getting under way And remnrks. Norman Frye. �tb�1 In the girl's physical �ucatlon�_classes. CAptain. and C 8arotsky. ,k"istBlt g ld ch. . \ �m:��I�rete,:: �: e��U�f�� :�� coaAwards wer£' presented �Y Dr. "t'tngbe chosen next week. elstad to the foUOY," ng: three-yea r sweaters: Harold Nilsen, Norman Frye. HANSON'S JEWELRY Lawrence GrenIer. Chestl'r 6011<:. Oli­ DISTI NCTIVE ver Ludlow. Gt'ne Jack. Ru�1 Frye. Tacoma. INn 257 So. I I th St. -O ' Ilnd HdT(}ld O'Conner: two-year· sweat­ Watch Replinn!! - Rellenable P.;C" er:«.: Arnold Tommerylk. Fred Heany. TACOMA'S LARGEST . H ",n;,h;nlP' m Kennet.h Anenson. William Cllpp�. and O , .""" ". "" , ,..,,... ,,'" • .•..'iJ: Olis Grand£': first-year leU£'rs: Prank . �. j Unger. Earl Smith. Fnles MRrt!n. AI­ SPECIAL NOONa.Y LUNCH : \'In Jacobs. Jay Smith. SIan PrIes. and +---_. -----_ j Erllng Jorgenson who receIved an hon­ � . orary award. Jorgenson was Injured .. Parkland, Wash � early in the season MEN',S WE"R , �"''''''''''.".''''''''.'''''''......" . " " '' ' ' ' ' ... . .. � Lawrence Grenier WAS present£'d the Men's Suits, Overcoats, Shirts, Ties, . Hats. Caps. Underwear. The Men's <, __________,_.:. !>jleclal a\l,·atrl donnt£'d by Rhodes S � ore women like to shop il:"" to th£' plR}er most f Tacoma I , jn�plratlonal hIS team Managers JETLAND t.. PALAGRUTI , an : t 9 1 2/Pacific Ave. I ��;; B�:���� :�:��e::�':a:: � ' I , Harold Blssel Nilsen \las elected "" ' � t I t� :«.('t\e as captain of the 1937 Gladl- I XMAS . CA.RDS t t£'am .. �' ator The tablrs \lcrc cle\erly decorated I Fountain Pens and Pencils I I a t HAROLD E. DAHL CO. . ....�;;;;� ;, ;;;.;;: . ;\ l�a:�:�g :��� 8 �::�:�I�I�0�t;��:� L. Pacific Avenue - Lobbv Rust Bld.ll. ; I Rust Bldg MAin 4493 rleLla 0 Nell \las In charge ofIdecora· >I ----�------- tI lions .:, � . = • " = losis Christmas === i!i :====� I Steele . president of the Tub£'rculos16 "':''Raymond Electric C o. League of Picrce COunty. reported to . LAUNDRY and the leagu£' on platlS' for the sale of ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CLEANING SERVICE AND SUPPLIES the seals throughout the county. Dr ; "ff7"e 5"",1, ,C''''d 'ha< '"O"'Y fo< re," w", .. J � 9 1 5 Comm"" SR. 1 7 1 2 TaCOM at Extremely Low Pr.ices � ,,,� , � already coming in In :'very gTRUfy. . . .'"·r '' '''' . :! ��!l �:c�;�Il;;U:fh���d;:�Sw��� ��� ' R D L d �� ;�� ���� !����'�':Ctltlng work In .�i ckl eu R H p B gl\'lng tuberculin skin tests for �'oung ";III _.'-:�_ .u . ' ;;!�IS H��il�!" people In our schools' and. coUeges, to . E UDENTS W LCOME ST f e r 5436 So. Tacoma ,Way 1 :!�� :�� �::rte:� :�Ic:es;:r: t�:: �:�� �� � ,. t to a m:;: :,:�'y:�;� ,�: �� . . · . 5.,,1, Fe< H i s Christmas , ' Smart Styles for "'T'n:,·". PEA. � 0, QUA LITY"'. The goal of the 1936 seal sale Is to Distributed by ARROW S.H IRTS give. skin tests for all students In.their Ladies an.d Men C �OCERY' CO, WES � COAST blic and pliv,:te schools. CbtENE'( TI ES. I teens. In pu SKI PANTS $5.25 HOLEPROOF HOSE . who have not al�dy been examined. ... . H ICKOK SUSPENDFRS h -------.--��t:':�::�n :;:'::::'f:::I;;.' :� i','; McKINLEY MATTRESS.FACTORY · lowln, ",hoo", P",llup HI,h. Sum' T�corna'l "HEW MATTRUSES FOR USS" High. B.uckley High. Gig Harbor I.';.w;i.)�I · ner Ski Heaclq �arters High. Sta.dlum HJgh In Ticoma. and � We Call for and eel1ver llege of Puiet Sound. The lut 928 Commerce 2937 S. M ST. �R.OJ.��Vi. 'the COam tAA. 3589 . a igh SchOOl l !i:�""'''''= __ _", __ '= -= .= ., = -= _""' ;= _________-1 " "':"'--' ,.- --1 �.� ed nd Puyallup H ''''" -= _ -= -= -= ._ = "", ,,,, ,,,, , rd.I! , = = = ,,,, ,,,, , ,,,, ,, , -= - '''

Aberdl"en maples.







Solie Jack Play For TaCQma " Tearn








. � . ' _� bo





l>e CO






'__ __



M I �.<�."-



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' ' ." '


" ".




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� � _ _ _ _

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T-----�--t ' " Tacoma Laundry


: ':: : �

Pantorium CIea�ers'




;;;�;;;�;;;��.�;;;�'-:--:>;;;�;;;;;;;;;�;;;�;;;;�; ; ;, -


...."." ''''

''3 :




' Grailualing Class Has MOll� pol y Party Nov. the graduating

\'ember to




, .... .VI .


Directol' of the P. L:C.



Qrchestra '



' 1936/




, � Several

" monopoly:'






Saturday e\·ening.

1I·a.., h l



Memb�"·s . and.


The college rt"CreaUong rDOI;n \I'as the class partr scene 01 No­ u:hlch . e d 21. DecoratiOns were Cllrried create " 1I\"ln'g room" .... t bles of 1.'\·l.' ng Pro!es­ p ay sor Ra�tad ..... faculty guest. ser.!or.; ..... and cookies .....ere sen'eel the rerreshment •








and about t.hlrty

. Dtxles



i ·cre n

ere present. by


" ,·ceJ .." ." .. " ,.",.,i


Supertor Qua/rty -' Complete Siocks

I Bo.�n'd.l. B.auty Shop I



Open Under New - �anagemen t Speci lil.l i :le in all Beauty Work . ' �ew. ' Equi.pment '



Everything tor Cl,ristmas fOr Eve'ryone 1

' I

�Y ! THF,'!;I�HF .bR( .,.:g.j :.;" ,;;




l a Rr::���'I1���:.:d."�:���s���� ��e :��� 620 F,deloly Bldg. SR. 4506 QV{'r The poets Jlnd minstrel,> :.------------.:. of tv.enlleth bI n b , PARKLAND BARBER SHOP I :l��:Ilgnn� :\�rf� OOd·,nP'.. ....� " ,VwI',', I P;ltro n'lle Un,on Bube. Shops • be t m r .... Rnd "}II theIr ' luthors t ):, P KNUDTSON Pr-o ,t Parkland Wash P t, 11 the bench found 011 iii sands [jI \ beach Ilnppencd \\ere 'hOldlllR It l:lIlg i l at BrOOk�.r: c; �ounfa'n al,a h a \\p.slrolled a g A! ;:g:t��; GArland 381 1 -J-5 nnd she �romised to be .. .... .. '!]: I WI.'!ll hy;' � Up�to-the-M;"ute H�irc"'ttinl for . Men. Women lind Children



� h

I he\


Brookdale Lumber Co.�

............................... ,....·. .·····..····· · ···



o ro

on the

IInsn t


0nored ?


t l

I he golden , _

lit Ball Ball



the bl.'ach




b'� ,n.,k ,

be rt'membered nn hl.'r drenmmg


· ..




hnpJXnl.'d on


C1'ntur� are mnnufac-


is obl'iou.sly who is FOR MEN : Buy �n an exclu sive Men's Shop where lel!lng us thl' storr of great l'\'('nt t ct e :� . pat �r�� ��� o f�i g�! I ��a��t� : �:� : � : ;��l� �:� : ��: aeross a girl h ad . st�led by men who They is probably Just make a specialty of men's Shirts, Neck�ear. I �:)�;n�:�il��;!:�:1�:.<; :� � ��:� �:;:� w��rh. To to]) it all. p ro.hold Mufflers. Hosiery. Garters. I:O.';('d to her after a short hike . Suspenders, Belts, Gloves. Pajamas, U nderwear. Caps, �h(' acc('pLS, Any girl of my \lOUld ha\'e labdll'd � we ters, �e l I sh Linek �'�:� r � n� ke h f Q :ality ;� �: �!r:� n�:;�ce " You: eould '\'e knocked with r h v n !��i n:�� !��:OyO� ��ye�� When she told m(' thllt cllme '

� �




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a rot ng n�nll l the













a pos e ' . a









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rmlck" Bros. M901CCoCommerce .�a)" wh�' Street � 'f:�'�� ����� ���: such" curlo from Cnrollnl.' should commcnt. The nextT four hnes _











IndicaII.' up tll(· mystery alld YOUll!: man he leokmg. fnr . From thl're to day I sailed the To find romance h � � ;: � :�� :.�� �:� �:\II�� next . An.d 110.... the A \�t. !��: somethln else . mine . Ball happened e Car ended up of mytlal bllos Their !llarrtage seems to be� it tor they their own h oml' . a d Ih'lng a1s�



thai lht' -

" got whlit




licross the ocean


:; : o






p oem






thats hers 'and


on the beach at BaH ",ay down In

And "


o n

..",,, pl"u"



an assured success.


with her

are not

While we are tlll l



cottage In


· n Caroline. 'some-

the time? blO6SOm at

'"l5 it true what they say about DIXle?

-cox COMPANY BRoadw�y 2238

�' -'



really shine

Do the sweet . rn.qnol� e\" rybody's door? '




It true what·th�




Member United Purity Stores


"I Ice MDA.,lni".,.r.y Co. J Park

�====� GAr 38 1 8 - R-5



, I NEAL E. THORSEN' I Noise �hke.., P,per H.,.,' 8.1100", Blow Ollh. Serpentine. I 4.861

.-- � "

Muqucnde Costumes for Ren'


t t 926'll Broadw�y

. �1

MA .



.......-:-t b l & Thu�ay-KVI po."-SCssed .-------,.. I£WELERS HO"'11 M.lkc" hchlln,e ,) \ cr\\ helmlng Intelledue.l 'g Watch and Jewelry Repa''''' R 43 7 5 altY the appears 1 1 30 Broad��cy, S . Ju.�t I be ;' I___� r---------� uJI barrage of Interrogalion Arter Parkland Merca ntile Co. T \lQuld Ilot be out of ou e tl ll to Park'an!=l, Wash,ngton s\mpathlze \\ !th � Exper-t Pholo Fjnoshin g. Pholo a p . In ll.le jured Supplies. Prompi olnd Courteou� . Ser v'ce ' A fine PACIF I C 1 1TH &I with A-rIne romnnce. my friend. this 1----'----------1' ms In a dish d be W:rt ;: :���� p�':r�t�nS���g��ts . ' Storlie funeral Chapel I we ojust " rizz" like parts of a htz powder More Lib�r�1 Credit D,,�ot��:a�tec�dofL:�:r Fo��t C r. � �� iI;:1 T:c�j Ave . t Way GA. 1 1 22 5036 So. � :�I:�: ;:::::�:: ;:� � �: :�� I 4 h e A You're just hard to nd as the .:.____________ <, . . de Franee t , ''''''1iI ' .... . .. . .........." , . a . � SWEATER . MARBL£-ST;!� � �: : � ��e roC::�:. .. shame figures of speech KLOPFENSTEIN'S our 'bl'!ler I 935 Br;adway young gentleman Appart'lllly adept in tho of the caveman. 'Ii.'"""""'"=::::':: :::':::C:"":::::::::':: :::::C:""� TRIPLE XXX ' h -, ��l� Y;����:a� �� e:� :� \\��:�C�:� I BARREL I right.<;_ There Is n 1 lhe ballad with Letter Sweate" 01.1, Speei�lty Service We. Cive <;ar . te compared my ow reactions t Sou th Tacoma WilY . Tacoma. Wolsh . i 403 I I th St. I to lhtse and :; lla wrclllj: feeling unutterably sm), while .:_______,_____ .I:. L� .:._ .1 thcm� enjoy lUllCS of the majority of these song�; r II :l€\"crtOeless. the lyrics t ey r d r I forei,ncr I'e'"" must ,1\'(: 'I GAr and 0107J4--GArland 01 93R3 PHONES: Ame cans. or Groceries." Flour. Hay. era_in. Feed. etc. lyrics just Inltne? .


Its true thats

S3�- in





"I hls




e ong


\\Ith nn



quest�oner Unfortunn�el\ n� dlslllusioned as those IIho 10 be cOl'slder nil Alaskans to




InhablUng Igloos Lhnt




the mood , f the InIlext ex m le


no kLo:;ses!


�Ikc' cla





l n




\ n ' !


The "e .



permeating might







- ---




.. ...

Quality Knitting' Co.






the catchy


en e



� i u.


are lhelr

-Marian Johnson



" "

., •••••••••• ., " , ••

" .,',. ,',.

" " " " " " 'lil



' HY. 948MANDLE S PAc"l F'I C

___ _____

Try one of our �al hamburgers with .a mug of ,�ot beer ! ,


_ _

_ ____




_ _ __












_______ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _ ..,.. � _ -=---______________�-____---<'

' S,:!ect Ch ristmas Cifts J " 11 �)� : for men I' "







" IT'S PEOPLE'S S ORE l . For Smart 'Cifts this Christmas"



Lhc ImpreSSion or



attitude ot dl'>llust





_ _ _ _ _'


I s




known poets and arts




Ta"d., .nd

pul lo







Tun, In ,�'"


f I. I





I I t

, -.

NEEDS--Maybe a new parka with hood is lackingor a new pair of boOh would help. Clothing and 5kis for GirI and Boy! '

Wa.shingto, Ha�dware CO. 1 . . n




I :': ;: �';::";: ' ";:."!: ;:..: ";:: ;:: ' ";: ' ;:: ' ';: : ;: ";: ": ;:: ' ..�':;";:"';:": ;::'': ;:: : .;:: ' �' : �� ' ;,;:��;:;:;:���;,;;.� ' � . ;:;:;:�;:;:;:;:;:�;:;;:� : LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD �


" .. . . " " " " . " "








Pacific Avenue

Legal Reserve Life I nsu ranc e Herman L. Ek�n!. Pr.aident Represented by





Parkland CliHard OllOn Wa� hington say aboul Swanee? I, .",,,",= ,, ",,,,,,,-, , ===,,,,= , ======="':,,-=;;:::;=======�,,,,= , �

keep' eating 'DOSS_um till they eat no more? .

Do rolks







i a � l�:� � � �:��;, � : ��:l �:�, a .




--t I Bflllad Ballyhoo Causes COlUment -r----Fidelity Bar er and Beauty Shop As to LolIgevity of Latest Lyrics JACK HANSEN , b


' F08SO,' K�"nne(h Aneruon, Uonard Anderson. O .....en. WlUys Folsom. �1an'ln Jensen. Barbara Kra..mer. ·Vlvian lIali. Paul I r. Marrnthe Thorfllksson. Merle pnucler. ro.·�� Donald�Moll5On. DOIl�lda ulliVan Loh' Mae_l'IIo�n, 5yh'la /lllIe orla uon. and MilTion ,!anl'u5.. Third ro,,': Professo r Ed",·a¥1b. dlrtttor: £\'elyo S'f\·�rson. Ro rt. Lando. Sevella ROg, ro,,": Erwin





. ) .. � ." .




't:htistm:'l� . .



Delta -Rhos Will Ha�e Yule Party Tomorr�w Night Aff;air Will Be HousewllrminJ!" For New (lay Room: Ga mes. . ProJ{'ram Planned_ tomorro..... rl'rlling


their lie'" dub mom at




tlw r1cr"At('d (;:rou"

<it'rS(,lIl. Li<'wf"lla I


'''Ch'(if' A.�!�ld An-

. DnvH'� Nichollis TIl!'

and JWIt'




inn!'rs ....rrf"







II .Chds·trnl',� hOIl:<e"-


IUT thE' hrndlt vf


Earll J.:lrl 11"111 brlllj;! , 1111t all­



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111" '"rall!l1,:















hln1 I,n

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no (oon/lor Itwm

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If It!


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unu"! 1/

1I.Inclllo' h,'nlt tI]I' rll'al1'II,' 11m,,» A,�d Oold.'lw Gnrrjtr. wtIl r1ln'rl I!:"ll('.� :llId





find {hi' (!t.l ht'.,

.w dd,'n/II






'\11(' " Choir' of tht'

Inclur1I'r1 ' br










f:IIITlIlltlw Ol'..rlm',·







'·011 Wt'lWI



[11,\\")\ Hnly Do"1' W,, 1I.1nnly

I R" 'Hhn.,::-Whal



ChOir 1I.iell





B�', - :11\

"daptinn b}' VIT)llnTn Churl'h of .stor�'





(;O{/ m Ih.' hwhi'M . ,me! on 1�11I tOt 'lIfd n:i.'n



VIT"glllla Dl"'I!'

T"""('luy-Thlrd Psltlm

Llllhiby 011 Chri�tnll\'" Lllmn.. of God


F.d.... 'lnrd" .


E:.,·e Christianson KRlirultkofi


j I , I

! I·






Dl'r\l·td frOIll the lIledltht

('hrlstf'S :'Ib�,




Clmst; the h':lst cornmernomtlng the birth of Jt'su.� .....hich Is celebr:,.ted by

:III Chri�t1ans throughout thl' ....orld on


Now ancl Holly

the L'hri�/mas Spirit

. With Giji�, 25.

which mR�'


I i





..... � �\� :�:e:;:!:;rt�






�:�, o:.fI�: ; . finally adopted M the day fo r unt·



' commemoration


There is no evidence that" this date

is absolutely �rfect.

I Howe.ver,

not the exactne55 of such details is


lhe spirit




&lgnll ca e


of the 'day, the


of the wars In Which we Choose

which It

�o 00i





thc spirit

of g u1ng o f hl'lpmg or AS an all-t'mmen. Joy, tr.1ClIlg lo\'t' for our ft'no

AllY dt'finlle facu concenTing the time Ihal lht' ChriStm.'ls ft'srivII.I , glndncss. first OOserV(:d are not


It t h'll conrerliS US most. 'theTt' aN' - mallY bl'autlful thoughts lhat' cOQle ....ith Christnias, Peoplc �Irll'e tJ get the " Christmlls spirit" H':-n.'




A Ilunlbt'r of ooo k..� hal't· bt't'n Jlu r- Ibn of Prl'sllll'nt Vall Durell. thiS brttart' small, Inslgnt!kant blooms of ;.:ha�t'd for. tht: fiction department, IIl _ 'II;LlH whnrl of bloom IUllO �come all, al· ' a grel'llbh· }'elJOw, �:IUdNl In thb rt'�ding rilat�rln l a n: ! most 1ldlllPt:n5.:lble � part of Christml\S The po1O.setta Is a semi-tropical plant Daddy Long Legs by JI'Rn Webster, [csth'lut's. t that 11l not, grow outdoors In cold c!l-




'Em ! It · nOI fll first :\ IXIpulnr 4lllLllt. malL";. but il Is readily cuJ.Uvated In slnglng-,these art' �Ynono· I ··So Big ," b�: Edna Ft'rber; ! . Back AHn ' . · by Frank Buck, 'The POUlsette beglln to mist' them on· his , gTl'ellho�:s. In Calitornla It has takn I l I' l t e lI e b r r I t 1 U h I I I J ;" cl� ��:�h�S���� :��c:� n::���:� �;�nL ��t�)�e$� �:� �,[:c� �o;n��:� ::���:� b;s� :,�� �:r��:� :: ;h�I:: �1 1l�1':II'��� IC� :�� LO n g W! The Scotchman propagated such flouriShing quantities that a Poln· the entire community In mOtit coun· "The Upset World" ' by. Bruce BartOli ; dC PhIQ. I ' trie.o; including non-chJ.rchgolng pea- " B�au Oeste"' b>: wreri, and ··Con\'ict·· the plflnt to some extent, but It was selta Fet: Is held each year. F1ontz; mow. with the Yule season,

pie, jom

muo� .


in Ita social

to-- t�

observance, Nu-



thr:ougl:l. the ages to contribute


festivities and �e the ev�nt more


The most. common of Chrislmu cus: I , IConUnD� � Pare 41 '. 1

Interesting. "


illg the Innocent'" by ·8t'rchard. , .


':"<. �



� ,.e&.. ·�



!lot . }'et nccla.Jmed as.. a Chrtstmll3 fio •



� �� � � � ��

trimmed with the vt'lvlty blossoms and

er.�Llke so many Am�rlcan Ullngs, girls representing lhe brllllnnt rIowers



ent abroad to achieve Its fame, paradt' the streets In gorgcoWi array,

European cuItlvatJ0r:- spread Its popu·

A �l!lgte plant .....Ith

one. .

lanty to this country where It eventu· satisfactory gift, alld Iteeps ally becam&Anshlonable.


.. ..

\ .

pl'08rAIII an.' lIumbCr�

rl':H\!nR by Virlllll1!l D!\\'I:I'

f" llow�




Iho' P L C, orrht'st nl IUlr1







IIndrT Ihr flJrt'l'llon or Prof.




In thl'

Ihi� (,I'!'nlnll at eight �'dOt;k




' P:lrkl:l�ld


II'rfll'fl" '/


i sUl'!I$ 'prqgralll \\"111 gh'� II.� annulll Chr


1/" " '/

�1(Jn lin/I'

. I!/Inu 1 1


'/IIdIIl IU/,'

(;If>f� 10 " "lflh �'�I(('.




Appt'arllll! In liS firs! forml\l . conc('rt

l of tht'

l('llI(h l � ("hfl.'1



College O�('hesh:a and Rf'ading N umbers





I Program


ih" I11. /' 1,,1/

h l L h .,hull h,'

, l I l/ f,f DIII 'I " rl '\'H lfI!lT



hOfn fro!., duu 1 ;1


Ff f m�/(I VOtl



"/()fu of t hi'


And /h,'. u"II,'1 '-I.l d


tord ''! (//ui ,h"l1 te,'f"

lIn9�f of l/w t(lrc�

g/rour)(/ oIHiul

u pon them.

...:..! .

lJ uht . I

ilock /It/




( Jtlnlru _,h,'" ' in Lb/-firfcl krpr/11� I('(l(("h

.� nd . /u, Ih"


Choir Will Give Christmas , Annual . Concert Tonight

(,�'rupfX'(7 h �rJ' ''7 'u:��¢{!II1?<.J­

' /.orr/I,, uhrdin!J .


rhnTlW "f

d -lard

-'\nd { hpn° (�'i'ri' I n Ih.,

"rTall�h\,l( IllI" rdrt�hJIWlIls.l



WIN' th,'r,'

111:ll1nllll! 1111' /\"pn'l!r,;m Yul!' cI''C(!nHlml� Will filid II. rml�' "f t:ar" I �' Iu th,' nflllll" Fhl"bl'lh :111.1


.� l1 nd


Happ,' New Year


.,hi' IlfOUphl fONh , h" ( -(,nt h om

{ fnt h,'."


">'trld Al1fln�UII ltud Marl/nrH,'


in tqr ihligqrst! '"

o· d by nt'lt)' E\·I�n:<l>lI. Mnurlll!' Wad!;',\

HIl!'al,.. J"Il.'ot'n . . nIHI lelH 1\lnl!'


.16, 1 936


1he ChalK'!




L THERAN <?OLLE E .....��mgmTON. UE(;�MBER

Chr :<t�lD� JI:lrtr fo\' J , ... ·Illch tll!' I�III): trRm ',tl lj · r('Ct'lIt dri l't' ! . !or '!,f'n1bCrlI"hlp d\lt'� lll !l.ct l S hostI :s 11ll',girl:< \\"I're !r1 charge of I







" 30




Rho OnmmR gir!:I' "'III enO

'rt'll' lJd!!I.

, ..naln


Is �,

long time

to remind one o f the trtendly thought-

Its Cashion, howe\'t'r, is de5t'rvlng. It fulne:-.s o f someon: apart.


� ..




ml,t> ·�nnrilty

Publ!shed f'\'f'r' J' t"'·o br Ihe " stu(!cnu-



Entf'-roo l\l M'('on(! c!n..<;.'\ mal tel'. October 2. 19:25. :<n j ,h!' Pno;t Offlcf' at Parkland. \\'a,.o;hln"lon und!'t the At! of :l.larch





Norman Frr!'.




SPECI AL \\'ll1TEttS t'nbrf-g. K,'llIltlh









Ho l:




d Wuest.


E.DITORIAL ,\ l )\' S H







ADVERTlSI:-;'G �1:\NAnERS EI11.ab'·lh

Cl!1rUL,\TION '!1l!'lm:l :-;'fI ...�


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1:0 '"Hh lil'r




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1'1 1 ' 1'1, ·... I I I

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:-" '1 '·l�:!....II\'I.I'!l"III1':llhhablhlll" .



-.... J ACK .

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\\'1' " " mn'll' 11f1 " '11 KEITH


0 11


1\1\1' bit of wnrk

, 'I11t'

RUDY "till

l)j �' \\ : '�-" I ' " tll:Ol h.,�nllh·,t : o l us h' lilt' !J,' l 1 a \ , l " " .... " 11 h i l lol ·.' lIh ( , }HI N !\f:\LMIN l ulL.. " h .L1 fir \\.,./',.


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I, ., !1Il" \t i l l







" '11'1 1 al 1:,)t�I ' .JUHNSON

lor .,

... "u.




I',·" (;OPLEHUU l,utS !II'" ell'l \ •., I'.." PIN POINT


y,." �.,....


Fhllllll! BUlI,·n l,· .

�" " 11 Ih.· 11OlI' " ,pn'''''' 'Ill I I.,.. b".. kt'lhall fI"or' \V. · �'' ''Ilfl "<'11 ,.. , ,- .. It" hI' IS. hut III" m"",t-. I'n'



I \:-;'])0

I! t:: AN \.



" 11111-110'(\1:"<1 �I'''n1-IlIll''kr




l1 l


or recnpfllrl'


I I l J t· 1 ."1'11









l I i ll l S 1 · l f


( " " I' !,!\' ·al'· ... 1

,'all",' I I , · f i r ... ! .: :: 1 \ " ' .

,Tral1slnlrd by

.In tl11S mosl


;.. , ,1

II,,· p l l l l i n:.: I n r l h \\' " ..., . .."

. (" 11",, IiI


11 ..,·d

I t l ... \ a r l





I3til If!


nn\\' ill


wh·) . Ihnllwd







ns�"111bh' .

'1 hy praiM'.


Whn Is trill'

Tt, Slll'"


I I , , ' ..l l ' i l 1 :.!:�.

II pll'n'f'd

' So 1'110,·",1



III:;. h\'




, T\

1I'I:,,,k ... '.' ,. ht!lll:

Thuui:h 'nwly b,' "III' ' . l a l !Un Thr""t.:h. ,.

/I:ll1l'h'):lh, nlll-!

dim.· '''It! ":.u,,,,'

( " "I " "I'k t" I""nl' 11110 uur ('amp'

\'\•. 1t:Oll '\ 1111 �"111: 1111' " ('\"I' � tnlltlp

0111' 111':11 1." \\' llh rnplun' b" ul'lll iI1[.t

rB ?iJ�JY·



,i.·l,·\'(· I ..., · " " h ' a

TIII'n" s "n,' t h i n g I h a t


IWI' rwn':In'l1H'l1l


,'I1I1t(-' I n II:;' fl lIlI t",:n·'·n .(1)0\,'


in l i lt' \'l'CI' 1l1. I k a l h




y ful UI'




His .,blrth

�..arr on .rarth. ,\lId rood·..·m e:l.C'h to olhtr�


AIIII "hould Illy S(1IJ8 lit t im .�

\\'llh lI·!lr.� and biller sighing.



Nt' f'r

_" hall ttll' rr('Is. � which l,nd I\ntb



• �Cl1t.


Sl Ipprt'" '!'I)' •

lnl! tl'llI"'t "1111 t)t'm�dlr'''''' hll,'

Thl' .\ ...... "l·i,II, .,1 SI Util'nl.... "f Pal'ifi\: l . u lllt'nll1 C,.I 1,,).!t' I',klld 11 ' \\'01'11 fir sYll1Jlalh�' In Elsie


I'l l I1c'('r forgl'1 IhAt '

�11l ulldtJlle;

F'nt 111i.� nul' f" n " 111



who {rom t'lrrnHy


TIll' ang't]:;. choruscd



1\'1)(' and

Is now bcWIIIl-' 10)' .brol.her!

HIS """11 I" thLltk 1l1'''1l

'1' 111' \ " ;1'I1� 1 1.,:11 h i n d I I I � I H I PPl'l a I',' ... ll'lld,·,· 1 ' 1'1':11. th,·11!. Sll'P ",til of 1I11' "1'''\\',[ . 1 1 r - :11I in·

l't' 1 1 1 ' 1 ' {lIldt,.


ab'j\'l' Ihr


l 1 l 1 ' n · ·.. ... 1 i l l StlI1H'OIl t h a i pull"

11;\ idu:d.

1 '

Sn t,'nd('rlr hath chermllrd nil'• •


world III .r'·'·l x·"1 ne,'d 1I1� hlJlJ1!' ""I",mal



11 cr\I·\·,'d



plI l 'l'I'I :-h, !\\ . " a i l i pg :11" '1111.1 fll" "'''IlH'-

I,,·t'p'" liS .l!" i uJ,!

hCU. ',!I'I", fCRr

Bllt with Ihe sun Ihr" .'<eRtlCr.



\)11\'1,1'._ "Ccd

U t t l r S"n "I

I l l. . lIS"


' prnh·'Iund. I�

k'l()w� IUl

�f;' d(-,CI)('S( trouble!' Icn"� no marl:



8:11'101' � . h:"1 rr.�oumt Unlo rh,' ,,'IJI'ld � r,·mol.·.�1 1.1<>1111(\ ' I h a [' all Ih" l'arlh �1'I:\ l1 lr,·nlh],. 11','



\1\ d" p" l u l i n g

....1 1 1 1 ' 1 h i l 1 g

I I I : , ' t I l pull lilt, :- l l·il1g... .





To ptl1l"p �IO(r". l1l1'rcy duly

i:-II'I " , i, I " l l \ \1t','llll'-'" " f Ih la. .1.: , ' f ," "'p,'''. \\ ',· 01"11 ' 1 I i " . ' lit,' wllrt! . 1 1 1 1 1,';\11'" " "1'1;.

" a l i "l!.



To J ..sus' bCI1cdlct'loll 7

b"'.'�t'(\ Chrl:;.lIIt:1!' tldr

I W0I" I ' !'I·alii,· i t hili " , , w' n'ally ".L!ot .... ,llIl'Ihing" a l l ' . I . . t : . B i l l I h , ' I h in .!.! ", . h:'I\'(' '



by hf'nrl 111 . When nghl l ,,1.1'('" .lhls.mllllcr

Wf' �holiid bl' Joynll.� 1�1I1;'

!..! i r l . Ihal


T�Rt drtpt'st

fn Irll\'c his


A1\(\ IISC ollr � . kl1�� \\'hall" ('r b�'t!dl'.

h a d . t l 1 : 1 1 1\ 1 ' :.: i , , · 1 1('­



o{ Our Sill :lnd .'Ort' n ffllcl 1011' Ihf' \\'ho would 1I0t. thelt- rlghl

:\105T "L;� ... . n C'lIltISTI\I,\S 'nOt . It)' I I. A. flror'\oil"­

I h , ' S h i l 1 i l l .!.! f ) I Il' lI a" I h , ' 1 1 1 '...1 , .;111 ..... 1" '1' ",·j" i,··

ill,:': I I I , ' " , ,1'1.1 ,',,,dd 1 1 : 1 \ "

ttw �plrll


:'0 1 ' 11" ' 1 11 , ·,·. Ih" �· " ·" · l 1 1 p l i r.\ I h , · (:1<'1 111:11


nl� grov.n



BI·f)j'�Ol1. "'hleh


' Il" \1!\,' :'::l Ul" I " 11 H'�"'\ Prr.'" :t�" IlI" ha,f' 1'1'])11 1 1 " , 1 1',. ,,· . .. .11!IWllh ' I I I Ih,:I:'l" ):IIIlI'IIIC( j • . I·:, lI)o'l·d,·,:� 1'1,,1 m:ln"'''''L� Inlt-rllrrt:llinn .:...;.c ENF'

' Y'K


••ISlOr Chll"l lJ1a$ hymn by Ihl' J.Jalllsh . 1

. . _ GIL­ om l '. .


1 11 1'

Hnnll "

of non­

PF;U����� �;��.I�ll��� :�����������


rhlldrtn arr

I l l���::;�( n�:'n;�����eJ.i J ���Q ��' . To Ihi� " 11(\ .�ubml Proff':<"<.or N

tI,:nntl< .


I n " n ' 1 H ' : I I I I I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 l : 1 1 1 1 " l i l w ...... ;

1 ' , ' l l l \ · m l , , · 1 ' I l l a l " , 10 ' 1 ' 1 1 : . 1



HEIJ) '\\ anl:;. hl!"'mon(-'r




II , · ! , d J:,t' l I . , · 1",:11'1 I n ... ,,,' 1 1< '' 'Pio- .!.!n t· "III "f d i l l ' "I' , ' I I , I " m : I . . ;1 1 1 ) 1 1 " , ':11)· 11 . . . : : I f l ·nll l!.·!'


cl��nblt' !o!nl1 f'l ub.'\

1I'01l . . . S-nJEN

It-:D\V....ROs.:.-R �t


Shnl! henr Ollt Rnthf'1Il lOOund1l � l ' I � ( r � �:al\\��� t; ;i,' 1}1!,'ny o d J ''' I o"('e L lief' nlld It l'i a I1U':<....·UW [or alt u!' God'� rlghU-olls allgt'r nol'l' L� j:onr:


r ot rubbcr.;. l or


" I ' I :!� . lal l:.:h. I ,, ·

\' "nl

: 1 , , · ",,1\\,:11'.1 " ' j I " " "si"II"

" " pl

:1 lan:r bowl 01 tol11l11('lI:rot


l1 1 lI 'I 1�\\ ::0 �1�· �:R:;- �':l,.:; I

\ ", 1 : I n ' 1 " ' I " I ! I ' : l I i 'l l :': I h , · l , i l ' l l I

1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;':




I!. ' m'·... a::1\ :\IH:;; F'IlA.N.CI<' Wrlnts r-ome 11l'\\' cotlLmnl�;-s

, , , 1 1 1 , , , 1 , , , , :.,: "'� I :,::,:,· .. h , , · I I I l I T , ·

11 ..., · l f : 1" ' 1 1 , , ' 1 1 1 1 .. . 1' I h : 1 1

I '"

W:lHI.� a

' n:ltt'h·, bl'ol;:('.n -in '1"114.,0; ill'

. ,,"nlll"l1

1 ",1'. 1 1 I 1 0 1 ' · I ' I I 1 ' : l ! h . 1 1 " , n · : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' j l " "'" , 0 1 I 111'1 ... 1 1 1 1 :1'" ' 1 )",, 1 ,·"IIITl H'I·, · i : d i , , · 1 1 " , ,1:1 ., 1.c ,· III ' · I 1 I 1 . . . r 1 1 1 : 1 1 11'ld�



rl1Lltlhnod 1111� ChI'L�l m:l.� ,«,:I�n ' Int!'! :Inc! faUh. tht' loynl lo\'c.

' 10 I cture to. or a bottle "ot 'brnHlln g


I h r. . II:.:11 II a l l . " 1 I1,-{"lh I i i ,




�rexy's Corner

I I · I ��h �"I:� �Ot��'\ �::;}� :Sol;' :::�I;���O �h ��c:!�� ��� :;r�: �- L(,�:�ll'I1:�:J{ ��I:·. .!'�! I � n'rf'h ... ttlf' 'kIll6c!0ll1 of Uod R-" a I lttl(' . For nil mankilld 10 ulfcr. . chIld �hall 111 II" wl."� ('I:\f'r ttwrf'ln·· I Th(,11 bf' II Imowll both far and IJr:H L�': "," . I ill'rdnr·,'. �hl' IO!'rn<:I' 01 TI1(1I God 11IIIh M'l1t HI.� Son to bt..'lIr

FRANCK tI,':lnf�

6"6" t'n; '

!:nl'f'rlllllt'lHs' .

�fal)l-'I HrJ:i:('m

1 1 1 1 ' 1 ...1

a I r·",·

' · ' 1 \1·,·,.... ·.1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 I h , · ... ·

" ' >1',1".



( · " I t I S T :'o 1 . � � � 1 ' I H I T


I 'h., · "1 " 1' 1 1



F:XCllA:-':{H� ED I TOIl

, · I l I .. h·t ·




\ ""1'

c;t:l.;;.o; (ill.

..... anl:; Pl'II('t' and




.daAh 0' d_ud


wallt.�· a few

'''1' :I..itil!. bl:l�ard



:"::1 .'


I. m!:lIIt;:(' 111 1 1 1 '\ En!! U1bl(-' .('1:1$$

....ldll. Johnson nll!h

' II':I'I�' h:l1r


nn'1Sl:SS nAn' '

RU _



;rnr. bt'f'aJI�t th".


'rnJn Gf

BFIl1'SON !� looklll';: for�..u l'l-' for (1oubll' l-::nEI'DLEH ,1I:n':',;'..:'! all au tom ....tlc 10:00 p_

l>f- 11<-1'1"'.­

,\nrn."On. �t�n·jTl J('n�n

caIR'·lUI. Vl r1,'\1nh\


:.11 ljlll<;;lbl('


REPOHTFHS • Ell n [\j'r,;: man. Ida �!err. U\nun �!cCB.I I. Utwe1!n Dfw!el!. Ida Mat: Ho.<.S. ��II;r:lI.brlh Stllen.


. .

\I'alW! (11 l!i;r:nllon

anc! lllr sct..."O!'1< 100


Waller Schnack'­



,\,,"U blf(Rt'r and b('tirr






16. 19:«1


sOn��OI�ut'd thl:' o t'r "Wt' We !;ing (hI' bound: plhll 110 Ch{l!lt.mll.� ccll'bration thl.!!

. b'''1k� nnc);. ' \\'ha l '�' \I'TOI1l: '\'ll h Ihnt :«'1I11'11('r, B:lrrt'\t � '





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PAruU..."P. "'1!

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wtt'b dur\ng t h f' school )'f'ar P:r.clflc Luthf'-tan CCllIl'Ie. Room 1 1 5 Tt-Iephon!' : OArlnd 0577 Sub!;Cttplton. Ptlce.- SI 00 pet Year




PACll!'lC L� �l.J...EOE:







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Aller lhe Show



Camm('f(e S.



T .Ico";';. Wn


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Cl>tBf.R •. '936



_Gladiators Tak'e A lbany Team in Game L ast , -N"Ight I __

'lisen nnd Jack An�, H1J{hpOint \len. l.ocAIs Keep Lt'ad . Throughout (;a me . .


�I\ f')(citmli hi'oop ('<)Il1,'.q hlst n;RIH


Alban y Collf'Sf'. AlbAny.


� 1!\ P L C 's




...rnll$thtc nllothrr \'IClOlr to tlwir

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hold u ll1



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df'ClslOll o f nil" ill nuthorit�·


r"lIlN! III boll) hal\·.·.' �1I·



(;I:III' l l ' IJIII .j Lutherans Down ' �'ill'l :r:",olllu T" 1I111 , Seattle Quintet 1

bo�" 1(,11 lhM lhl" rl'll'n'f' hlH1 madl' n


Wh"'l1 Ill(' .Rnrnnll!< ("onqW'!'t'(1 0 1 ·�'("1"

tIH-� .


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\\"nh q(\f" Ihws. · Cl'llIcr ilill'. Rnd

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PAR>q.ANO: WAl!�"'O'l'ON



JftC'k "'crr ollt"ll\lIdmg 1Il «"01'till' Ollu'hntor). "'hIlI' (;arl:"ollcl


Short Shots


W:lll 2�-U Soh,·

�holl'f'"<1 IIll \\"t'll 0\1 IIII' n,th 1'�!1Il\' 111(11"0'0 �'r('lHI01L ).I�




IlIkult;: a �-3 C.'IIlt.! :l1l<1 " IIIPrtllUoijllRlll .If Ih(' P'IIl\l"' Or'�Con qUL1l \!'1. ,lac" '




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-\ ' PAClF'C LuTHE""" COLLtOE.


, 111.-ndablt,. :<ho\\'hIR rnr � ('I1T!r 11\ th('


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For til<'



Jt Io.


1'011:<ll'Il 1{,1Ie1







(Hllds �·t'r' In 1(1 ttl<' plll),I-([



"UI"'llI11I111I11 floor' lInnlt' lUld ('iJntrlbllll'(j .




l j

SKI TOGS Smart Styles io� La di es and Men




Tacoma's Ski Headquarters 928




'AOE t:<)UR


W ....


. � ..

DECEMDEIl '1!). '


a l Extremely Low Prices

Tacoma Laundry Pantor�um . Cleaners I




M A I N Ti'1 3


Rese rve



Life I nsurance

Ekern, President


R�pre$et"lled by



\ -.




CliHord Ollon




' '' .<1

Apply �ow for

P. �. C. Riln,ers Here Toni,ht ' n.


Date Schooi's Annual Choir T�ip Set for Fe<b. 13.20 .

Bitter Former President Louise Hendrickson and Verner Voted to Head 1936·7 Saga Staffs . J)j�s Recently in . Bellingham

Di�s ill Belli"il'"''''


Nomint't'ij Subri:.l"itted bY .faculty Committee; Eleation Held Lnst . Frida\':� . . HonK. 'Gilbertson, Larsen. Will Supen'ise as Faculty Ad.,·isers ....


. .

Itinerary Will InclUde . cOnt.erts . in Southern Washington and Se\'eral Oregon Citieli

, 'iChl"duled (or Fe!=,rual'\; 13·20. the · " Ch�ir of· thl" t"1""St"' and Proft'S.� r J. O. Ed"'·ards. dlrer.tor. will IU\'e Pacific Luthernn Qllk>gt- Saturday." February I:'. for' Canby. Oregon. where the first �IICert will be gh·en. M�. Victor �. EI\"t's;r� will accompany the group as choir manal;er. and Mrs. ElveSLrom \\'111 be ch�pcron during thl" trip. • The I, tlnerary as plnnned InCludes cunce rlli to bl' gh'en In chu�ches at Canby. . Oregon, p,.cbrllHTY .13: Vllncou· vcr, W.lI.shlngtoli. Sunday IIfternoon,


. al ::�!::;.� ;.,:�:u'�rr�� ll:� �::,���i:UI��:.

RE,,? O. J. ORD"!.

'Girls Will Attend . Oregon. Ft'b. C p S Mt.'et-lngs 1 .

· gon. February 15: Albany. rua�y lG; Eugene. Oregon. Februar)' 11; • . • _ ' n nd S er . �re ��:' ;::;::r� .1 :.: li I.... . · Tht' Womt'n's Alhleuc As<;()ClntJon TlTe �holr will 'return to Parkland In II"� been ill,:itrd �o sen� ·se\'enr . �t'It" s frolic � hlch t por et; 10 a t ....o-da} s time (or the annual alumni festh'ltiesl Kat . t� be held h('rf February 2 1 and 22. ....'111 be featured at the College of PUgr Sound on FrbruHr�' 5 and 6. � I" Carl Harlky . ....·ho was LIw bus drh"\.r �'\ll 1>1' othrr repreSl'"ntalh'es fro,} l var", for the ]Mt � wi l drh'e again . ::�� co lf'grs In the St:1tt' of WA,I\h:ng-

��7 � thl" yrar.



Louise Hendrlcltson and Vern...r Bit· ha\'e been selected to �rve I\S ...dl· tor lind bU$1n� �.n�er.·respecuv�IY. of the 1936·31 Saga. Paclnc Lu�eran Collegr annual·. Thry �'ere ch08tn At an asroclated student -bod)' election �tld last Friday.. from a ,roup or candldate� . submlt(.(';d by t he faCility eommlltee on llubllcliUons. Goldene Ca'TTlU and Otis Grande were also calldldate& for editor· ship. while Lloyd Thompson ""as th'e other nomInee for the mnnaglnR posttloll. SInUs will be lI'ppolnted Imme('\la�l:IY In order that work cnn COlllmence ns soon AS. p0S8lbll'. Any student who de· ...Irl'� a position on either' st.n!t Is rt': quesled t� Slibmlt Applications at oller-. Mr. Hong. Mlss Gilbertson. and Mr. Lqrscn. faCility advisers for the Saga. ....,TU ...upervlSE' the select ions. J Louise Hendrickson Is a third )'ell r I norllal stu�ent. She has been acth'e � I in' school affairs, and Is presldl"nt of I a ::: :::�I�� �:���= ��:b. �I�� holds an office In the L. D. R. Mis." Hendrickson IS a grAduate. of Puyallup hil;h school . Verner Biller. WIIO IS 'a liberal arts studen.t.. is president or the tp"&duatlnst i CIIiM. In 1935. he WM graduated from I high schoo at P.. L. C. •UI presldt'nt· ot hi... class. and .has continued to be 1\(". tire In studem affair!!. ter

With a �ncen tour through soutb•.

l'rn Washington and parts of Oregon





of tilt'


_ . _ __._ _ .

i\Jj��ioli Soddy Holds Intt!l'!c!S'ting Mct'"tin(' �


��ssed 7:g J tll ��ISS�n �� �� regular m�Ung In the recreation ._��� His talk was on a mlsslona.ry � . Also on the program. were Preus. and MlId�d Larsen, two vocal numbera. Ah'ln Ro8an . In charge or devo�ons.

. _ _ .



1 1


f . TentAtlvt! ])Ians for A lat:r c once rt Mrs. . , Allah Dappt'r. �yn, m:aruclor. L. -0: R. Arranges [Cur to the. Olympic Pcnhuulll lire br. l1ns srl�ctej the follo.....lng girls to at. InK ml\de by Mr. Elvestrom. for TOflay I Program I : 'Che program contulnl' the foiloll"in.g ���. �O: :�I" di B:':�n�";"�el�� c�ne::�. tlumbers: :. Luul'>!' Hl'll(lrickson.' Helrn EI�lr Mrs. C. Olson IlJld Mrs. V. A. ElveBnch ChomJ-L::>ek D<oo"!·n. 0 Barrl'ti f1nd Alicr Cook. . strom -will serve as hostesses this _ .. . Holy Do\"!: J. S. Bnch _��_. IIfter noo n nt thrt'e·thlrl-y lit... the home o FI ii et FlIIne Lelsrlng l membeMj of the local 1 0f Mr.... Olson t o AlulIl ni' Board W ill A\'l' Mllrl.� Stella Greig L. 1) R C�rlstmas Lullllby . Mozart ' i\'Iak.. Reunion l'lan� Tht' p�grllm Include� it talk by Mar· -LuJiaby on Chrlstma.s Eve ChrIStianSOn , __ I;rl'the 'Thorlakssoll. lind a \'ocIII duet An importllnt meHlng of Lhe Alumni by Mltry r.tRchlr lind Margaret Rorem. Mis." "Ski'" Smith. ski enthusiast Tho;: second annual pastors' 1n.�tlt\He . Croup II I:> br h eld In Parkland Is scheduled for e ng clI! l�d by Mrron K rled· Mona Byrd w1ll gi n' a reading. FOI � Sing We Me rrily Unto God NOM Board IS b i I sel\l to the ]936 Olympic gamrs In Grr· "; ler. presldrn1 ncxt Friday I" 'enln� :)wlllg the prograrp a short bUl;lnl'ss many. will speak at the Personailly Wednesday lind Thursday. FebTuao' 3· It·s Me. 0 Lord . 4. with headqullru.'rs at PftClflc LUlh· I .Chlllun Come on Home rt'llng Nob le caln 7: 30 at th£> Colle�t' to complete Is scheduled . m Club ml'-t'tlng thl5 evenlnl: In the t'ran College. . for the annual Il'lulllllt. reunion r Inl.ennbslon n g e d f e h o o e lt o l L ln \ I G�t'�eo� �:�s;:)�r�: ' \' l sol s ��:� �9�;� � �S:A�·. :��: w�:1 � Slutlen�!; to COD �' e ne I L�� :IC�� .. :,:'� .....:� :�ll s���:: ��e V��::"�:;I��: . At Co ncor d i a Collc,::t'" �he "'til Include persona) experiences and discussions IIrr Rev. C.·. S. OdI"\I. tanquet on Saturday �\'enlnit al Group III Immltnue-I LutherAn Church. Portland. In her topic. Lost In the Night Chrl:;thillson Winthrop H:)\el In Tacomn. Mi nne· LA\'aull McCall and Leo] a Lockwood Oregon; Rev. J. ft.. H�ukOm.. Seattle; , 0 Sacred Head Christianson Mrmbers of the board 'are nlade up C•.mcordln College. Moorhrad. Luth93 the of scene thr be will tA. Arthur C. Plepkom. St. Loul./;, Ws· Or. ons. thl" and 1 1 arranging arl" decorati Kollnnlkoff of Mr. Krledler. '26. president: CArl SO Agnus Del ._, nventlon to be Helen Stark. Beatrice Lt'land. and Iva sour!. secretnr)' dt the Lutherll!l Radio Glory Bt' to Cod RAchmaninoff CollOm. '26. vice·presldrnt; Kathryn crnn Studenls Union C9 In the latter part of February or Knuuen are planning t he retrrsl:J. Hour: Prof: J. P. Pflueger. PaClf!c held LeUVan John secretary' 4. 3 " Johnson. J. O. Edwards Psalm 2J to ments. .Lutheru:1 College; 1«,'. T. T. <>ye. Ab. l. S. Bach vrn. '35. trrasurer; Oscar J. Anderson, eArly March. P. C\<6 Is rntlt]ed The Lord'S Prayer e ed by student PIanist for thr t'venlng will be Irent' erdeen. Washington: 1«\'. E. R. POue· P L. A.: Rudolph Sanderson. '29; Mrs. one dt'legat to be seltt-r' lAIr from Suite In OJ Armnged .' ,·otl'. Odell. Sht' 11'111 piny throughout the ger. 8eaU]t'; Dr. ,L. W. Boe, Presl�ent Jesse Klase}". '31: Dorothy LehmllJl, '32; by J. O. Edwards r LAst year Bertrum Myhrl' represent· hom. and nlso Accompnny Pauline St. Oilif College. Northfleld, .Minl1esotn : M . J. P. Pfluf'ger. faculty reJ;fresentuCroup IV William . 93 In and College. WIiLts ..'ho w\ll ._In·g 5el'eral " ocal se· and Dr. O. A. Tlngt'lstad. PacifiC Luth· 1 5 From Heaven Above Chrlstlallson live: and Mr. Victor EI\"estrom. field I'd lhe eran College. Pflueger ....·as a delegat.e. t lectlons. Christianson representath·e. Glorification ------� \Braut fU�\'IOr Chrtstianson













Olympic Skier Pastors Schedule II' '36Will Address Club Annual Institute



::C�:�I�\l��� ��I':

emes Ma Come arid.' Themes Ma G�---. Committee. AI'poiJlled . Stude.n�s to l!ave Th Wheyn You Wriie Them, Writey Them Slow For Freshman Party Plans RalnlerTrlp Feb. 7

are under way for 11 Freshman subject to secret misgivings ·as to the Cla..",s par�)'. to be held FrIday,. Janu-

The teacher has assigned a theme' .l'lth reluctAnce and succeeds In add- faith In his own abllilles. he will' be

La be ready at thr- time "-'hen the class an � l. l his fac;e Ughts up. He grabs tlUe, sentence structuTt. orthography. ! l� ·� eets. �e majorit}' of students a SUdde da),.a �:��;:O; again lIo'I�' � ch:l: �,: �': fresh .... . 'eet of paper and begins to general development. and poss.lble .


according to a decl5lon made at the I llS!. meel.lng of the a.s.soclated students. As usual. the trip to MI. Rainier will be made b)' bus, the Group leal'ing early so as to ha\'e a fUp �a)' of Skll g and � hiking. '. Lloyd Thompson. Ft'rdlnand Bonc\.y, __ WarTl"n Hokenstad, and geOrge Knudt.-;on wI\] arrange for the trans�rtatlon. Lunf "-'Ill be plannl"d by Virginia �vis. y:r.abeU1 Stut'n, Elsie Chrlstlanson, Chester Solie, and Stan FrIes.

Dr. O. A. T1ngelstad resuml"d hls duil.... at the College thla week after havlog been contlned to his hQlne since the first of the ),nr. pror. Ramstad and Prof. Stuen haVe! �n out With the Ou, but are attending classes ap1n.

are plunged Into the depths of despair. not to e.'Ilerge until the plague of writIng. the theme Ls over. The first step 15 to scl...-t the topic. It I! to be 'an experlenCl" In thl" student·s


" What shall 1 "-'ritt!'bout; I've never donr anything exciting or gont' on any .ttips:· Thus �uses the poor bewlldered. .student. He reviews �VI"ra1 events In his mind and asts .off each one In turn as being rather lnslgnlflcant arid tnme. He !lnally cbOl)5eS tWQ or three 'topics and writes a lew unes on each one, trylng 'to dedde With which It will be easter to f1if three pllges. Sentence after sentence' Is read, chansed, and reread. He attempt.s to concentrate, but ,tm i e a!te-r time h� f!nds. hlrnse�1 thinking of ' mUrety forl"Jgn matter. Each UrnI' he com{'5 back to the theme .•

Ing A few more w�rds.

scribble furtously. crossing a word out dangling participles of his particular i ave him until 'here and adding one Lhere . Such ac. ·t t.eme. These .....111 not e lions aCCOmpan}' that ....."'Ich Is called hL" creation has been subjected to the "InspirAtion:' cplnlon of the teacher. After the Idea Is thoroughly in hand The theme, as presented to the teachand 15. written do.....n on paper, It must tr. Is not that ....·hlch ls returned to the be recopied In order to be .mad& pre- students. During the sojourn With ChI" sentAble. Finally the literary t'tfort Is Instructor, .. the composition becomes completed. Usually Its author slgnsJ highly embellIsfri!d with crlptlc ComhLs name with a nourish and sits back, ments and numerous mystifying hlero. hea\'lpg a healthy sigh. 01 relief. Then glyphlcs. In comparison with which he scans hJ.s braln·ehlld as a nnl�hed those of the EgyptiaM are made to product. A pleased . sensation steals appear amateurish. These marlts must oVl"r his being, and he' reels a bit awed be Interpreted. and thl" necessary corby ·ilis lucid expression. " Seen a lotta rectlona made, belore the tea�her again worse stuff In prtrit," he muses, and receives I t lor the last Perusal. Then, wondeB what the Atlantic Monthly with participles saftl)" undangled, split pays for ·fntured articles.. The mood lnflnlUves happily reunited and non01 elation 15 susttt.lned until Freshman restrictive clauses properly · command. cOI{!P convenes. the literary ellort Joins the Happy· If. on the other hand, the ,titer lacks Hunting grounils of corrected tJieme!ll.



gy · �h ���. g· : � : :I :�;��� d


. · Davl...-s, Ruth freshments-LlewelJa Hansen. and Ida Mae Ross; �ecora - . tlems-Astrid Anderson�·�alt. J.ohnson. and Cla}'bourne Wilken; entertalnment-8tanle)' �es. VIrginia Dfl\' ls. and Gary pflOf��er. All !lrst year students li re Invited. Cary pflueger, claM president, urges all members to c�p· t'rate In this and further acllvltlt'l by paying their dues as promptly as por;. Ible. �

Sophomore Progralu Last Thursday the sophomore CIMS presented a program In Chapel. Otis Grande. class presldent,..lntrodueed the numbers which Included a violin 1010 by NevelJa Ross. a readlnl, Ooldent GaTTlU, and a vocal sokl by Alma' Sta. lee ""Ith J�ny Bardon accompanist.

\ .

J.' !

. , ....

PA�E .TW'\?

Man's a Man /or A ' nwt ' In dls8ustlng.' No� ror" Oe'.'" 1'1\p3'r from lfle ,":ne;!H()J'� Rnd It".!! and "';J alrnoet dt'CAdes 1'\'(' �'n trYlnlr�Y tube of Burm 8h ve to go with It (eto ti� , . . � \. to reiw real whlsk!'MI. !lOme you �11 th rh)lmes' About Burmll some . . thAt ",aliy ft'l� I should sh8,'e oft. Shave and tou h whtlloke",?', Wtulrs . B'acts ....... �NACK .hAt'll the r�sull? I'm almost I really. applied some of ltlM And .... ! KENSY : .. ".lth JT&In of �t eH.\ng cream to my ·race ani! . whefe 1 "tarlee!. To think of It! >'AI- s....�l-5I1l I . .!lo W ED .' ...and . dash 6- d1M� . J In nlled. · . �t off with' my Ot!.l1\: What most R third of llfctlme WA-Sted .. . . I bel!c\'e also In.Neverttu�leM. thrill! mlnim.' hoolIIC , 8mOOlhnes!\, 10"'1 " t" )Ioth 811.wl_ . . girlish·· .'ImoothneM so odlQlL,! to us this case the. a�ltlc:lpatlon �ater He\'\O, l'CAh. ,,"d mall biles dog, too. heh. ht'h . . . Wr I ,yaung hat! unwitting.· I lon: t reall%lI. the than thM� Ille apply to .perrlllt Inen rn nlf resting betwee� the Inqulsltloru; . . . First.' lh"· Iy .r:emoved a mole, .the ot;lly place R fc�' . to· mYM'lf.. . Normltl dep·t.. and ihcn to ..... 'Ihe barrage ·frolll t�rm I? grow. conde�nd would hair I'H7 � fl J · , I [ When was I n , . o boy-dldn t l' th LII bl'hlnd thl' desk . From what we hE'ar. took en· WRlch my father !d\R\·C. feeling Im- Mont.hs elll.p.sed /)folore I again Moc<>t� CoUe5iale PreS! cake In HIs.t. o.f .Ch', When you out In t.he �reat',?IR por �m. My rlrs� l'xpCrl. my .counter!d n .able because be I·d day ml' I. � ·so sO.hard puplls1-Not tht911 are hard tM!! Y9u gonna EDiTORIAL STAFF iit cxeMf. u lI lOCI all been not had e rn(: I�ters � ' same, IUld my · . on the e)·u. wow Snooll:le wanis no more 01 tha'! IheAnd the time when InY fa- nelthe.r: Burmn Shave ·nor my Gem ··chooslrg til)'· l!tuU In American History . . . but. rern.em. · wouldn·t? Hazel Hage�p EDITOR Since any, my·ruzz stArched had her rAJ:�r with white enUre chin my e mRd' · I b�( ··he who Is I�SI shall be first:· etc,. etc. . . . �Uq�t sh lng Nonna Preus ASSOCIATE EDITOR soap: how I ·look� Into the . 1 ';\'8S getting "Ider. I te·lt It 'pro�r for AI JlU'nM, and rongrAtuIRtlon.'! . . Frye and Kramer R\" and SPORTS WRITERS · RUS5t'li F'r)'e. Roland Wuest. · shave ClCeRSl.onally., Just · threw out my little· chest! my aren·t going .Into pictures now.-they didn't � . the 'mI irror Norman Frye. Fait'S Martin. knew I.hat M)me day I'd .V!a��. k�p tip with my tell!)w student& and 10 play,ln the sand with Unka Dt Berry ·'scret'n te.'lt"· . , . So �·ou u'led FEATURES . so tJ:!at. If somr practice, a,llttIe geL to day preach. me or car· a drive I'd !lO J!ver'thln'? ·n castles. ull� b , )Ioe': eh. , "'nnr � hnack­ . M·r • SPECJ:AL WRITERS - ,fack Ode),. Walter ·SC . . . a sextAner--how I real l'o·hl.skers .... oul4 finally sprout. they . . . Or CAn t you'reme!1lber !hOISt old times. �I\ , So . ";'lld when r enbug, Kenneth Anenson. Marvin Jensen. you got gyped, naYlJIeed: we'll trade you our new twelve- dreamed that In the not ·��t1.St,ant would not find me. un�n�red. . REPORTF.RS "£1\"11. Bertrman. Ida Men, Lavaun tube, all·...aveY Pbnc� for a double·soeltet, Ind a piece ol tutnre r·d MY. Ju.�t as the upper dRM' TI\w r h·ave kept It u�, even 19 the MCc'ftll. Llewella Davies. Ida Mae HOM, Elizabeth �hr�tmlU car\l:ly " Vel.,lhe ,sll9w on the groll.nd. but me!, did. ··My· whiskers terrible, (, present da)'. Now I regularly shayr SlUen. Wadene calavan. Virgtnla Davb. "'\... Ob gotta �have every other day: ' HQpe onte a wt'('k-, aQ.d, le5t you think that lhe lea'·es are on the tret':r.. or something, just ask Aida. Jobruon COpy READER Sovde . . , All those nice presetlt3 getting look more · there·, hot water:' Then I'd be. ad. I don't need It atter a week, let. me tell Corrine idalmln. Irene odell TYPISTS mlreCi Ju.�t as I admired them: That you that once a classmate ot mine told the lad Ford . . , nat.u.rft spsnklnewy Franck so �ot , . . now . l Ruth �frs. . ADVISER ED.ITORIAL · parade with seven shlrt&t , . No. the P. .L. C. cholr'"\s I\Ot would be proof that I:m'a real me I"d some hatr the last tlm� I BUSINESS STAFF . at all, So . as much .RS any beard.growlng shaved !>e'fOI't' I had sl'I....ved Just ' to: I. going nor It wlnglng·lt·· s · oak btneu I � BUSUi� MANAGER reffi;O-ve thO&e hair I had to shave � dltch."d"lgger In the country, Tbo B�d . ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAGER � Eli.t.abeth I time tast the d '>t' mls. had · I that � But or . . . while on deal! my new t paMed a Th k I time wllnt.'; Club ouplH C d' e P AMorla!. e FrIIs n t t OU a r n r d t r sh e frank with ,you. they are. be· ADVERTI�lNO MANAGERS Virginia o.v15. I � ;� :� �� �� r �� SI����· �;: f�: �t�n� : :' ����;� ; r �;e�· g w:�� ���w!) � . t . t I;l��;r�n:� L � :;�'I��� Ellr.abeth Sluen glnnmg 10 grow a little better. and �fl. they·re defllclng It . . . yeah. they torr Ihrough the crs,o;ltate the ·purchase .of that mlLSCu, er CmCULATION MANAGER - Kathryn Anderson a week some �e with a tine tactllt' , Imlldlng, now t.hey ha\·e to go outside for maLerial . IIlle . Instrument. the rater. Occaslon'_ I sense CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS . Hell'n LilJa. III a9le to feel �methlr' on my llUl Inquired r lilly r 70,year· what the It most way was the r Oh. shame terrible YE'S, 's a shar\le. Thelma NCM chin. It 150.t much ,. but npbody wal' old Loulls thl' number furniture L'! falllni aplU't . IJU.�I efrf"CUve against R sllff beard, I could bo Mabel Heggem EXCHANGE EDITOR a big beard. So � stlll hav!' with rn ...e evell vlg· too carefully lf e sludenlj; mY!i e now aecount on manipulating apart fnll to �tartlnl Smith Vivian AD SOLICITORS - Ruth Downtoo, d hope. (,rou!' breathing! . . , Well. when spring comes the prairie!; stralght·edge.' Stili the wouldn'( I g_roWha : BUSINF.5S ADVISER . . . Mr. O. J, Stuen I will l. If they don·t II:ro�1 All m()t;1 4n vest I'n I be mUCh more friendly hosplt:il.blc rendeZVOUl thr coo)e. Flnl!.lly I decided to� · off only dl<;Rdv�ntage Is that !;pcc;al-deUvery letters \1,'1\1 \avE' a rR�or anywa�·-II nice .�talnteAA st�I , menndo with them I.s to :.have them HUrtiNG THE COMING YEAR-WliAT? .-' -_ __ � I ;!;; ;� t�: :1��;I:��u�: lrul1lp, :::;-:anb�etof�;��:� t�:r ���;:��n� · ;r:;:IIr:;�le �a:�: �n�," IIml In:" hilSfurhq.(t11l jiils s'·i r('ll'ss Iisrt'"gll nlill� .....plk down the !;tep,o; eASily. and qulelly. you might: heard �hat even Geortre Washington 10 IlIl1 rdl sh'lItUustl\" :ll�) m' , lprofitllJ 'or ';\'a5 Ie .§Ome one. e15o?) eouldn·t thl' whims of 1111111. 'il mighl Pl'!;\"j' lh' In ·em. heh , grow a beard. Did )'ou e,,� pic· J..!.oillg 10 IH't'onr,hsh as Cacklf: I'('flt'.d 'Oil whul ' . ture ot him with on«1 We all eonslder · Itn' till!·. dny·hy-dIlY lin's, , Warr�1I orrer.� the huge reward 01 7c lor the return ot hlm a great man.· So. whllker:\ or no II hw; IIlll'll II('('n SUit· 1 IIHII IIIt' e'lJ'l l� cy·IIl' ��St'f his electric shr.vcr . . miSSing since ';an. , , . nhe John Zackrlson. ·33. \·islted Parkland jt wh a man tor a' thatr· :\t'w ''t'ur's r('solutions i�tipa mnst detective IIgeney h&S no tangible clue!!.1 . . . during the New Yellr Hollday�. He is I iskers. ··A man's "Th. Bl-'k and' ...... to. (;�lOti fC'S Iu-· Uolby·llaavik Ih(',' an' so �('hI1l111 lin'lI Sew )ldhod,-Vlvlan Keller-has developed the of employed at present-In = = Portland. --;;: : Ore· ;;:;;; =;;;; ....= ;;;; = = ;; In Ill' til(' rllsition hul onl\". for .Inn. tilll;s S('('1lI h o t �� gon. e hU I : � �� � lIHry tht, first . ;;��! ��� � �tW�� : :" � al u n c;� � u u ;��� l��::�! ' ' . · -� tilt' lruth known Uons. . . the fount of knowledge. we hear . . BlIl1etln- Bert Kracnell, ·�6. teache� high SChool l ·� In lurJ..!l' Ihis is sn, Illil Wl'!'t' slll'h l't'sj)luliulis ur�' IkIb Svart' pulling out of It . . . three cheers, and a lit Centerville. wa:<;h. il would lit, oh,·iolls'lI.thai � �.. ''':O� A''v,: i I� : of fun- 'couple of whl ! . . arian ' has It'ot l'l'snllltiOils al n wushul nlt'IT whims . a baShful Glenda Water.<, ·30. Is employed at I' �illl'l'r(' cf(ol'l to Ji\'(' admirer. but we!'tlcs!can·t !:'ellMyou hisJohnsOn name . . . ha. . . . he's the Medlcal'ArL� \"\"; Ihllt Ih('I'(' m" ·t'(' Coffee Shop. Tllcoma. nHlkl' \\'Iio Those phlt·l'. ,blond. and !;Ings )n the cholr'too . , , Did you know that WII.!IiI. tllt'lll in til(' fi·rsl After the Show :>10u'1pl('h10 l'U\ Clmnts make t1W1 1l l>Cl'UlISf' Ihe crowd _Bettr nan can paint like birds or a feather? . , , Pin. dOl'S so. "IInl h('l'UII�l' till'\'' ilt'sirc 10 rescind tiwir Point Prudence-Irene Odeil-:-Bm1ld Honey . . , the bee's Elmer T¥eten. .�. who hBl;; been JACK'S CRIDDLE the Washington, D. C, Bureau of Stan· rtrlOt name I.s TrYlve. still can·t figure out why they had huhits. dards. Is. now at Nome. Alaska. where istll·lll('unllrs, ;\"{'w nickname him '·Tryg" Bill ill spilt, of tllt's�'hl'·mt'HIlH� Commerce he will be In the U. S, Weather Survey effil'aciolls, if t:len rt'SlilutiOIlS l'UIi Yeur's for two yeafl'j. I I 1 II l I ( '. I I Onless the midnight 011 supply Is terrific. thl'! might :�=== ====� ;� I �::� 7t ���I� � �::�!�lr��;��, : (�I!) '::,'.", ,�.(� �\�'t�t�;:: ;)�. Ihul Wt' simply r('s(!"·c Iu tum out lO be the real stuff . You all want to get good Leona A, Fon�rK, ·30, teaches at Printers · Stationers ludt, uf promisl's, hut grade!; . . don·t let the profs. slJp anything past you . Irby. Wash. Iwfurt·; to lwt'omt' but, dn our w(lrk hdtt'I' lhUI\t','('r don·� In· to put anything over on them. either . lIlort' itll..'ul mcn and W�lIl1('Il, physit'ally. Ilu'n! &'holarshlp ,Is a line thing. but , ··BUlld for pharacter·· Gilbert Sydow<33, a student at the lally, alld spirilually. AmI. ·if tnthis"�etis a truly Let"s don·t gum Up the works by pulling any funny Lutheran Seminary of the Wisconsin Ill'\\' lIleant. it will Iwll' cOllsiderably stuff next week . . . Whooh. whoah there, we're going olf Synod, ThlensvUe. Wl!. He recelve. d t:======:;::==:: tliis Irtte or" IIt'tJll'Il'lIsC' un life," Espl'daJlylrlyis ada (but irs a good thing. to remember) so back hLs Bachelor of Arts degree at , North· II pled tn \\' : tothethedrdi pl'cttlil �l'\\' Yl'ur's s('aSOn, blah . . . Def1niUon for Catacombs-the buUdlng 9,'estern College. Watertown, W�. last r it-al fucl Ihnt !touf" turning. Fur il is a psydlOluJ..! the ...t'(' . k-ehd . . Well .thls·1I have to stave 'em ott year. . It is easier ttl o\'er Jikl' ddinite �ttlrtin� poinls. lor awhile: e\·erybody can go back to sleep now, we . 0rdaJ (Oladys Jorgenaon. ht"g'in difrintlt Il'SSOIl in Ihe morning tlmn at \I,·on't desturb you for another bl!.ssfUi period . , . Sews ·30)illrLis Olaf teaching · ph)'!lcal education 1I0tlli. Mondoy nnd� us g:rapplin� with Ihe uul- FIuh-Parkland, Wash..-a man was seen ","alking the South Bend High SChool., l w f :;:�l'l,�t:ll�dl�;'Y:!I'��� �l�� �ti�:�i�·�d���l �'��I;'�'il���g� ��:de���kr�a: a :aksa�. . �h:���;t 1�Jr. �r!�:bl� Smith B. Cambell. ·32, worlr.s at Cam­ Anti {'nt;ls. higll('r lind llt ' 'llll l · erroneous: who heard of such a thing' . . . stand by bell Brothers Bottling Worits!"Tacoma. h('ltel' Iwhil" !'oiun. timing tilt' ('oming yeur --whul? lor further detalls . , . gooby: -milt �oorin!l :must Publislled e��ry tl\'O weeks durlng'the SChool ye�. by the stuMnI:' of Pacific Lutheran College." , Otfice: Room Tt-Iephone: GArind dS17 Sub&crlptlon Prlre-Sl,OO pooJ Yeat Entered se;ond dll.'J,.� matter. Oct()ber at the Po!'t Ol1lce at Pa.rkland. Washln.non. under the Act·of �arch 3. 1879 '



2, 1925,


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Ih(' llIoti('rn "Tlw IU't1hh'll1 which l'onfronls wotllun gnuluull' whcli hunting a jtlh ndlegt' is 011(' of (.'reating a lit'''' positiun, not nll(, of a·ppJying rO!' sumt' pre\'iultsly plulllled posititlll U'·l'rl'rO\\'dl'" fidd as musl young WOl11l'lI ;11 lin:\Irs . CO['lll'Iiu Strultoll Parker, nnlt'd wril· du." 'l" and Il,('tun'r ill l'l'onomit's al Ihl' l'ni;'·l'rsih' t(If Cliliful' lIill: urgl's sludt'llts III gu IIl'YUllti Ih�' "any-juh" ullilmh', 1)H.\iSE \Vhut muli�'uliHI1 iiO thl'rl' hehjml our udiulls whl>lf Wt· do just II litlll' hit Ill()r� thun we arl' l'xpcdl'tl In .do, or when we tuke more Imills ill I M'rfurmilll-l: II tusk thun is'required of liS·'! Is-U hl'l·lItlS(' Wl' l';>\I >CcI Ull additiollul ret·tlm·... pl'I�' ftn' uur addl'.d lahars, nr is there,ll r('warc\ greull'l' .than V'lysicul �aiii '! If )'ou have e\'cr received � henrty IIlCaSUfl' \If pl'tliSt, for un uctioll well. l)C'rforllll'ti; yinl will kllow -the IInswcr, . \Vc husk in the wllrmlh \If tM.;t·lI�iUIHl.l uP)Jl'o,'ul-uPI1r01iu) )hat is luo . tlft�� out ff,lrthcominl-l, P,crhups �'Il('n we f.{cl hUlllh't'jl Yl'urs olt! '\,--c.l'1I bl' just a litjJl' IlU.lrt' diffit-ult. i lld jt,lst u··little bit lIlorc:dn'lIr whell Wl' rCl'ci\"c' l u wtlrd of prllisc in cummcmlatiull uf our l'I furls, The point i·s rl'ul'hed :where 011(' \\;Shl'S ttl, ccn� all acli"ity just lu if Jhl' uhscllcc of" his usual work ",ill be noticed. , I.ut'k til lruiSt' is purtil·J..tlarly e\'i�lcnl ill St'hulIl:-; til('I IIlIt' plUt't' ",lwI'(' it wunlet lin tl1l' ,

---,- " �



grt'ulcsl guod, PcrhuJl� lhl' student has worktotl Furnace (:om hurd III a tll-rm p.ny a little more of HeOitiog ml!l��riul thun WliSpaper. getting ulltl l� (ldillg II few World's I,rgntforio�t.ller the Home UflglllUI tuUcill'S 10necessary, make it more uttrw.:lin', Prnisc.' lit" 1�lis lillie for his work would slilllu· . 625 51.Phone Wn, Helens :<' Smart IStyles for hilt, Ihl' student to rep(' lIl the performancl' mltt b t 't o���r:I��v���� (�I��';�'l;�k!;�: , Ladies and Men , """,,,,� ' :,: , ,:"": ; :,' D ,, ' '" ,: ' ,, , , " " ,, : Y , : , ''' ;.;.,, , , n ;,;, " ; � ' , " ' 1 ." """""R"'::P tt!l:' r���:'�;:�� � l J �i:, SKI PANTS $5.25 Ii(' uuhraided for ('ausi"g the Il'llt'her SUIU�' cxlru w(lrk in hcr ·correction, RICHARDSON:'8 "nit, I)oin( CUll. of t'ourse, he raised h\' Ihe MAMNINGS ' (l'ucher us to praise a st! 1 T.c�,".'1 fur sume workwhy utsheheshould is doing for hisJlti.'ll own Ski Heildquuters bcncfit. This is t..thruc; the tcal'hcr is not Ill'C­ C O F F E E t's.�urily .tlllder uny nhli�alio.ll to gi\'(' praise, 928 Commerce c· . �. '.' ., lJ('ttlu;,r IS sh� tinder an ohlif.{ution, 10 ..:ivc III ,tilt' t'lIt1llllUllIty chest . or 10 buy. Chri�tllllls sltllllp�. ." , Typewrite Your Assiptmtmts , The, story is told of '1111..' milJiolluire busint'ss : 111111 who!:IC chicf Qc�ountant SEE TBB COBONA PORTABLE ·suicide A path to higher grades In less time. t·m Xc\\'. Yc'ar.'s tluy, .It had COOlmilted the millioll­ With, the leadlng feature-uire'� h.o�st, �ntil. hc receivedbeen the accounlant's Il()t�, thu�t he had never given a Iii) Ilr SelJ_t SbUt �Jffcrcd HrulSC scr\'kc fel'civcd by him. � ·Sl Tht,. note reud,fur"Inuny,thirty Compare years I huve' Ilt\\' l ' r AII, �H hud Ont' WOI't! uf t'ncnuragCllw.ll1 . fr(.)m� \'IIU, � . . ' I'll" ft'tl up," . : FREE 5 days t.rtar-ju( pbolie IS.. It , would I�c 10 rCIIH.:mh(·r Ihllt prlti!'K' costs U� nuthlll�.well H. D. BAKER & CD. -'.\0 eusy Itl J.!I'�(>. und HlIh' . �Iu J,!rt'ut IImount tit" M:uod, , �tyeen Pact11c &. A NO, 109 so, 10'I1i ·Sy$tems

Ave TM;omOl, BRoadway 1501


a 1Jeek



JANUARV.' 21, 193'..:

.G.lads Defeated_by· I SLMartin's-Quint


'� ' .


SPort ' Shots



So.homo", Play", Linikld Quintet . e Volley Champs I Take.s Local 'Flv� . •.0 .


c��"���I���I�;,�O��:��: I LI"fI'I���I:�:�� ,�CI::� . .Jht' Saturd.}' 'CO liD\\' th(' will yl'Rr I a ���'I�;: I: t�: �:��:l eJKUolI \\a �th Al l 10 R� the the \\efe thfl tlle the p;arne the ll'ade-f5 1:J Inlo the lead thl' \\h:J '"l�h turn lhe-hent the (ho.<;e n III to oppanentls. It t o �: ���h����; d:;;;::' �1�1��f;r ��:����:7

TT'�I: l�t���tYho�I�����es� . R�b:.". J" Iht a half ht� entln' ' Ih!' thrills bftske�r.;; all the ! B�lIillghR�Or_ which C !,not�ed hoop.<;ten. I;uggested � Is telllg Illst north(lfn tickled the Ith JRnUaf�' ! " the keyhole l gh the Ule l Lutherans r! r the \\In\\lW -...."'1th both In CBSI' St .9;\th points garnNing . CIO� on his \\·Ith nine MarUn', S t I r h ,.�� ::rt �c': �: :�:ft�� :( sc:}� ���:rs�:,!S��e \ ) best shot hqme st'rles

, � . .• ' . . :'Iartin'" cagers found the hoop in IlInlng to pi,,), All t'JClrt\ gamp result· bnek R dl'lt'rmlned band �f O!"dlll,tors _ M'COnd �'e"'r norml'tl IIdth R . '; of 39�!'C:nd to Mj,ueezt' out a 31 ' to 2'9 Gladiator hDsk�tball failS mlssed �ne . mt'� 11''''1118 squ')d chance Ing r�om_" Ilto' . las� :n j � \'\ctor}' over the Pacific Lutheran Col- or home court It rls, hold ctoWll U fI ' f1'!\\llt night on the Luthl'J :" Ws : hl!;gt'�t of the pre!lellt , · t. ) !llny. . iE's:e Lace-y mBp!� hoop Se!Is()1l ,whe-n o.\·er thl' third their R'if,ls P: L. C. IRns wiln�Med' what ·wM j)fobrt I�RlIU�. of A Ill'w nort h west �po C:s hard d Th' L P ' f 2 f e t l d :���Y �:II� � inll quint nosed out P L I� a prospt.cth·e membecr, ':YB:S:�:I: �� no", op('n and t r Rt 29-29 In t:� :a::ll re � ��� �; planllt'd Otht'f ,25-26 the I;' �condll. Hunle-) Rang�f mn l � und�f�Bted Ihe perwllal foul route 01 ]lrncllces \\Iil b.e held- e\er) l\Iondft.v l!1l9.rd maples Tuesday t\\ ille all An- I the WilmA, memb!)1'l'\ \\<1uld Include Linfll'ld Col- And WedlleMB\ (10m 3 30 �('\ef'fll ke) mt'll from 4 10 nil' Oakley from Wltt �n earl) free throw til� Ol€''l,n�just 5 Tim Tommer\lk Il ofl\erted guard Bm £1urgt'd to come If Int€'ft'stM f\ l' Olegoll Normal Bel t :l.t blast of �to defeat tea \t'ad lind Illto gon Jumped ' m !; "' l Helen Scott sub/lllls �t:nrlted the- Lutherans to �i�tory He If'ns�Ulll St Martins Portland Unh erfol o ln n(ll. to be o\t'rtakl'l) throughout pl'rsonalh accounted for ten of P L � list fl,lf stlf-le!itlllf{ aclivlt} unit The encounter I\M fM\< and furlOiL' 'c s 26 points besld� remainder of AllJ'Ioilgh shooting for track - TIu'se- are to bt-' cheeked b} numefOU� foul.. called on first half P ,L C threAtenIn eoch class. Girls dllrlllg the !';Quad nlng 'baskrt the hut. mtnllle of piA) I' qulntet.s of Marlin s led the forgl' The \\hole Ie-am pla}ed II bong-up gft.m� : to out for track should ed ot tlml'5d scocjng 10 four to tum In the Olld best per(onnance of the • report \.!) their squad leadl'T"S and Linfield (he turne on charity thro"'s and_ three field gools 'M' w so 21-10 M a n fnr The po"erful Vikings �hould h!\\e the test5 passed before ('m�rged 1'1 half tlm� heels \IllS ,Fel't!> Nilse-n hal e sln« defeated tht' s\\lsh.ed opened Glod!; CRnza C?I�� .t' ( C. P. . S. aJ;ldSt. April. TIle second test. Is Of \I� .�t(' Gladlflt<>r fO,r,,·tU'd. . Collegl'. which makes P. 1:.. C.'II. -;!tis who are ull'able PllrtlCIPflte III couple quick 5�cceMlon ' to lI.gnln m.nrker.;. Accurate foul..Jhooting b}' " Icl . Howe�·er. thc�r or}' I" 'en more impressi\'t'. tumbling. H these sel.f-testlng 8 cll \'l- th!eaten . b I g e a . u r a n ' : o� \ . . f:�: !; !e:I, : !�II:\,:sJ ' �:�� � �� t;:. , lile M'Cond contest of thl' home and ·the rlp (..'Ommenced ho!.. ' l wh�ch s s . t' � l r on this year'� hoop Mjuad, Sl'lf-Tl'!llinr At'lIvlt, , \$ billed for Th\l�ay night , When .. Texy V\Jdenlllg of the 5COring gop. ""Infield Ollce.· geU set. you Clln P I. roll O\'t'r per�Il.<;. on the Pa.r�I�ld court. �Iowly but· I;Uft'IY pulled away from chnlk uJ? t....o. , poinL.. for P. L. ,C. 2. l1ead stand. ' , Summary: I j P' L. C. Ilnd as game Lln.. On Im'Mlon ' of 1113. �Rrt\\"hl'el. P. 1... C, (291 (31) St. Martin', . . 3_9-27. ' . . land Empire , the Glads lo'st to Chene-r 4. Back roll. ! e lek 1 4 'Hol" and Go�Agll Unlvers.l�.r. 8nd " $. Olle wlth 'A partll�r. •• , �1:� :; l . ppe hern \\"on f�m Wel�atchet Y. M. C. A. Tht' . ! No�mal. Blld S�u( ., IImoun! of bask('(.. � In I Jack 1 4 1 C -' ,6) Lui �Oltoll r m Pard 1 4 . .0 ,2\ :r!'le:�'!� :� �::n� 'Wlth • Solie 16. G .3\ Buscko no setups bAsketball Illld fOOlbaLi ....'lth 3 Foul • amo4,llt not set, ufter !raUing GllldlAtors nearly Subs: P. L. C,-lJeask '2" Jensen: St. . for ony member. ' 12.11 P.clfl� LUJheran gRrlle. 4: Baseball thro"''' for 8CC\.lraC)'. Marttn·s-BAn\es. Viger, Hume ' . 6\. F (4 \ Tommtr\'lk With two \'ictOrll's In liS mAny start.�' fC!Otbll.1I tellm IlIBde A fine ChOice 5. pre�nt ptlll"i fOf (0.:.011.1101; ) - 114 ) Nilsen r;;:;:==;;:;:===1 ! P. L. C.'s JWllor College champs 1 when p\ckt'd Al , tumbling , C 1 2, Jack yell.r·� defen.o.e of IIlOSI u.n�erated plal,er on II. fl}'lnl! start wtrl' off ' I ' . 0 I (21 F_ord , Iheir titlc The Gladiators defeAted grld .squAd. Though he dldn t get Supt'f1or Qualily - Com�lete Stocks 0 t3l Solle J ke rAted \'e'I")' highly 9. b)' a 31-25 'N!.!)in' Brilh.h Cohnnbiuns r 11 n t t ' )' Loc ake l� . Jel��Il. Fryl'. Thompson 1 ;,� 1! u JUII . 4, T ��� n:!����; o� �e �a�:;�S���1I_2\� a � n 112 'Ill Olson, :rubsUtuted fret'ly ruture. By halting II. �esperllt� and' I I '1 IR�l-haif rally, Unh'I'�IW of Columblll quintet .,,'on palm \'Ictory O\'er P. L. C. clIgcr.\. 27-24, � .______ MEANS RAD IOS gllme of tht' yeAr 011 MondR},. ' "ViI., 5.11 Ha"lnm" � ......






�\ , �









Iht ended their rect'nt the fll'ld Ie<,! . d t r n I I StU)lt � , ����o��: NOfmal coN � 'lh: �:�l�, h���� �� slt�·. Chelle)' Oeslgllll..ted and 01;. PRlter.;on .�::a��I��:e I�'a�: �::;t�;::�:I�:: I �:,��I;llS�;;I:a�il!h�;:�:S ·parlnl'r. shot!� the the l whole The ./ State they Jacobs AS the this to In _ "EVERYTHINC IN ':'USIC" much Long"jew Jan. I)ubllclt}', a with n I t ��� ::�: ��e"�; a�"�!�n: s�:;�dl:;�; �:� ��� ���;ca�O�dway ' ���� COII.l;;h In both , Ihe near J the British · kl ft. thrt'e B'I� e., In the 'itrst ' �com. Way : -";':;;�;' Ih' h'mo 10' ton lntA. � _ � � ... ,..-; ,.,. . , rr: I Bardsley led hl" teamrnatl'� In bull.dlng � po '. I p fourteen po,Int I�ad over the Pa�






PaCl·fic Lutheta:::.... n College SE(;(){"tn SEMESTER BEG/illS FERR/ A R Y'

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Men's Suits, Overcoats, Shirts, Ties. Hals, C,ps. Underwear. The Men'" Store women to 5hop in

I �I l �;����� I J 912

In secor,d half the locaLs buckled down And played 'brlllla'1t bllil. Al­ though they allowed their oppanenLs


l � � . _� I=�:a:da�, �: I ....----:-����t!:O:'�t �h:� �. L. C. boys In the n�t. half WM too r--'----------,

much to ov-:,rcome. The Lutheran offense was paced by ani:! Nilsen. center and to.rwllrd ",..."",1, .ho ,"un"" 8 Nilsen scoring 5 of hls \\e,; 7

poh1(""h , ,






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PreSl'n! this ad and 10% discount on any purchase hom.

Two Y,a" of Junior Coliele


Pacific Ave,


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There Will·Corne (I' Day ,--'---�----,---'---'-l:.

New Fireside Leaders W ill Be Nmned Soon 1

At Ihe next meelllJg of the Fireside I Groul! 01fiCC'1"S. will be chOSC!n for thel conllng SNTl!!Ite,r" � e\'rlling Mr. P. E. Hauge LIl.�t Sunda)' r \\as a IIIIt'st .�peaker. and also led the ' �roup 111 dlscuS/ilon, Clifford' HAugen r�ad scripture and vocal Sl'lections were presented . by Maureen and Robert Wade Hymn singing completed th. program. �


LJ-' �-.:;:! �1 � .:s: /� "-..


�P�;!!E'- :!

,... ... . , :"/'r' 'lt l r@UN,\Qi " \t.N�r---. ''lJ� \ \ \! I,. .:.. � . ��.> il. C

QO�� _


-­ -;i'--


Prt'siclellt Ap l)Oillt� New Stage A",sistaills i

,..JijOj I:.� fJ::.. "t::"



U . S. oolh!Ke l\Cil·lItLS·I.� 'and tt'Chnoio- b(>lngs after all:




conS/5\.('d of ·mlllions of .....ords deU\"\�red brougj1t dov.'n ulXln tlls own' hl'l\d thr Ihou.'Il\nds of round-table meeUngs vl....rath of th€' " Allce III Wonderland" . lit a Ul)"r41d 'Of trthnlcal conventions, worshippers ....'hl'll he tcld Aml'rlcnn .



'jJ7heii Scie�tists Get Scie,n tifi.� . . .-m'-�;�·��::�:·��Il,;·;:·;:::: -··:::::;::�:·;,�;:::-:�� ·�:r;�:, ::: . S�IlI" brought ff'Rl hea\-y IOSd ' to-ICllti.!i(S and (t't"hnologi.!Su art' human

III Nt... York City, Dr. Pa.ul �hllflt'r. ! gl..�l.!i this )'Cllf. . CS :' HI'I\\')''' In "lore WRYS lhl\l� one. Il t' Nt'\!: Ycrk. Ulll\'t'�t)' .P�YChllltrtst.; .

-L < �-<�.. "1.-\I 1-\<?5 �.y;-.. ' . <"_,.\("�\\c \. \�\5) "'-1. \ I) _, �V'( 1" '( :<..: .��J...7 \�z,.. 1.789 � . � ,y . -i61'4� ,


:�:;:,,£;� ?::�::,'�2�ni�p�� r��::�:;:;:��:'£;���::::,,�E!:�

lore .npjlroKlmatf't\y 100 :scIentific so- trend.. 9f ca�nlballsm" that It& "'holec:lel!�. 'r.he.'!o·9r(!Age 'or tll'e mAny oth- somenr� .i.S as thilC! IIteNllure Is Qut'stlon-. . er technologists In nonscientific fields able. \, at tht'ir C:Olwentl�ns remains 'lnest!m- . In Rirhrriond. Va .. ihr A'merlCflll sociatlon ' ol Unh'ersiL)' Proles.sor& oli- e.. Able: ' With forlllp.1 rlll.0;se5 adjourned lor 1Xl5E'c1. organizing I('aeher; t() aUllla!r I.he Holida), SCIlSOIl. thousands of U. S. with the Al'Ilerkan F'ederaUon of La­ college and unlverslty faculty members bor. condemned teac,hen!' oaths now ..,J.ira\·el millions 'or mlles to attend lhelr required b)' 22 s14tes. "'birds of a' fn.ther'; meetings where . In Cam�rldge. Mass. PhyslcLsts J>. v.::. the), exchange mtes aboul their social Bridgman of Han'ard .amued the . nll- . scientific work of the past 12 lIon's Iradlng phllosophel"li attending And Slu"enl 10 S I,eak month!!, Man)" are the re\'elaUons the American ·Phllosophlcal SOCI�t)' great Is the, cheering o\'er tbe conc1a\'t' fb): bluntl), asserting thA.t tht'lr . madt'o ' Martreti":e: Thorlakssor. sgoke t.o I syslem o logic was at best Incomplt'\e adVa!l.cem�1It ot civilization. . members of the Trinity Guild at their Prbbably ml)l;t Important of- all Kat�� rand virtually mcanl:lglr8.S S tort: 811 rn!'O I�t meeHng for which Miss COllom [Did You Knoti/ st t hostess at her home In Parkland. """ . " . -: ��e�c�n ::;��:::� �:r �:e ��::���� r . ...................."..,.."..,,",..,, ":"'"'' '''''.....� h al R e. ' l :�: ' The orlgln of buttons on the mellt of Science and cooperat.lng .wel- L SLALOM SKI WEAR ...............u.......... . .. " nr n·, ·s w .', ,",·': m�·":n·, �,"",":C ,\ .....,: ,','. , �:D'"" �Iee\'(' Is attr:lbuted to the fact that ('til's. held this· ) ear In Atlantic City. 1' ;. ' archaeologists met � J im Collins Ski Shop drop Inn" 10Ullly dl'slro),ed b)' fire Fr('derlck th(', G�eRt was 5!.o bartlcu- Anthropologlst..\ind leo. KLOPFENSTEI during lilt' Christmas hollda)'!!. Ent- la r about the appeA Tance of his sol - In Wllshlngton; economists, soclolo· 1 w" y N'S ; 5 93 Broad n e BR'OTHERS TACOMA . Ing places bt('omlng relics of the ��::: a���� �n::�;I��ar� o���:::�' ����,,:II11���to�ll:nsSOC:�1 ���,��;��� � ""." ."",,,,,,,,,�,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,,.,, ..:,,.:...... � past In Parkland and tht Ilear \'Iclnlt)'. m e n polLs geol�' ; I TACOMA 'S LARCEST i f ! ��� I In faC't. dorm !<tudt'llu ha\'� In\'eSled �,:��t ;;Y:I�I�: �h: ;:;:PI':: l��' b�C U �IO I��ISc� Int Indla�aem �:!!���r;!;!!.!:!! from th('lr faces with their COilt �����I HI� ��: �u�::m ;tI�I � n: n� ' I Home- Furnishings Store i i · III electrie perculators In ordtr abol ! sleeves. This of course tend"d � ,. DAHL CROCERY CO. . ish that "it"s-a-Iong,tlmt'·�lllce-break- . soli _the sleeves and give the coal cCh,.',mISt.>; In Prlneelon and Nev. Y!)rk I II Member UnIted PUflly SIO't'S CI1� '1 . .U � > .·"0 .... . 0. J,' ," yn untI d appearance. In order to Impossible II Is to make any ku'd I 3 I fast. fet'lil1l1.---put A stop the practice. he orderp".kland CAr. 3818 · R, 5 summary of he words spa- .:------------� BASKETBAL,L�CHEDVLE . 1 I'd that A rov.' of buttons be placed ofkena atbriefthese meeUngll the Associated on tht' upper .sid€' of each sleevf'. ' · · " · ·· e e aln on he I OI SPREN���L:s JONES � t �:t��at:a�I:'��::es:::�u�::�=: I �;::�!�� �or5$�::lVt��a�g;�a�: G!:�at�: ::e:u�:":vr m . R l And herel1..Ith presents the Inter,.esUng Walcb �n� ���;:y Repal;�n 8 ) ELECTRIC CONSTR CTION � I Jan. 19' IThurs �;. Ma{tln'lI. here; the bullons would -make It so un, . U . I . � ND SU:�� I �S at ( . BR 1 7 1 omme.ce ! �:�, 3.:b � :;.,!)���!, :::::: I lit,",.... ..� �;7�:·)5 �:t��r!:�\1m ") ...Ie's sells for len" ��!��:e� ! practice was broken, but tholJih th� . � ......... ... ... ........ � I (Fri.}, u. · �f B�t.Ish �Iwn � .h� ; I l'Iablt disappeared the butfuns reParkland Mercantife Co. bl , t re . OIL AS . Pa.kland. W.unmlllOn , Feb ' 16 (Tues i Centralia here' Feb malnrd and when their orlglnRI purConr,id's Coffee Shop � 19 ( FT! ) A��deen he�; Fe'b 23 [ po,. "·8� f "'""'...n 'h').· .,.,�, !In, .,.. i'!l ��,���,�.I,e,:,���,� . ..".. ".. ".. ". . I!l bpe.1 Photo Flnl shinS, PhOlo .. Supplie�. P.ompt and COll.leo... n , .f , h ... b. Feb Wed ) Yakima, there 25 on ' h '" . HOME MADE PIES . SerlilCe ( Longview there, Feb 26 Ollt of thl' 1'.'8)'. ' ) Brookd"le WashIngton (Fri ) Albany, there . Feb 2" (Sat ), Churt'hm�n ...·ere tM first to use . � and T Tue � e �,a'l Y � ell: n Th , n ... E . hlth, In hllndker( urope generally V there set! -Mt ernon. <not � .cB LlnCleld ...r...."� K - --..:-, und ror ' a long time priests alone ' here LIEN 6' SELVIC Hom. Make,. bcha"p ,permitted to carrY them. I PreSCriptIon Dr"" s,sls Dlfe'C1 Imporlers of the Flne�t Storlie Funeral Chapel I I t!l ounlaln Pen� and Pencd� If:I wereHandkerchiefs Co. Ice Delivery were extremely t NorwegIan Cod l ver 0., We operate our own MA,n 8166 ran: In the 16th century The Quet'n F ve Cor �I! ' I Casket Factory a u,t e � K",'n.' I , .. Oll,eI' ... rnltu'e and Suppl.e� e �AT:ITi/ , @ . , . ,, �:l f��: '�a l. . � ��::,� �e:-" ' I(I <---------.-S03 6 So. T.comit W y GA. "22 a jI '. �" J ·. . we� once hlghl)' prized shown b)' ' r---------------Harold E. Dahl Co. Eastman Kodak Stores ; _ @f PaClf,c Ave Lobby ,���,� �!�� 8 !�e:�62be!::· :::���:: �: :'l������ Parkla-;"d Co�ed ,. ' " ... 910 BrD.ldw"y 1 Shoppe ty Bea Noses were wiped on the : KODAKS FOR CHRISTMAS 1 . : Shel� G.uo!lne and 0.1 � : The �Sl of BU... cuffs or with the lInge�. It Is In- � , , . . . ". I " I!l �d"ble GreaSlns eresting to know that at that 'time from t haG not yet been Invented, and I forks --..' I BELLE-5HAIlMEER HOSE G�NERAL RE!'AIR Ie t f -----S1.00 fo $ 1 .65 ----. . . �� th: efl��:r:. �C::;f:r�� :: 'e Shop and �:: :::P�::':10fS , breeding demanded jOt . sh I that persons60d BoTh Operators Are PIES MADE HOME 1I Broadway Shoe Repair th Shoe. dyed match .In, color BROOKDALE : � :d: � ��� �::��: ,�:�:t ! BAR,BER' SHOP the earliest ' times the left hand was -.-- _,,:��::::::: 1 1 05 BROADWAY always �eseT\'ed for unclean pur- r----- . Across hom FIshers T UO S �\�T EN WElCO nsld ed ROOKDALE CROCtERY AND MEAT C·O. · ���f��;a�OS!d�I���:k; � L] ---+ I �........................................................................ --· ----·--Do Y0ll.. know wh)' handkerchiefs PHONES: CArland OI ·07J�rh,nd 0193R3 '.............".""...'........�:,' u . . are usually square? It I.s PARkLAND. BARBER' SHOP ' I r" '...erI F'our, "TlI�y, raJn, Feed , _'C' this shape was' fixed by royal p..lroni.. Unton _.Irk, Shopt. deeree I j �, Quality Knitting Co. . and'usage has perpetuated the lonn. . . . KNUDTSON, Prop. At one time handkerchiefs were of �. Lett., Swe..te� Our 5paci..It, . I C. P.Parkland:Wash. "'t:.- _______-<. . � any shape, rOWld, oblong, oval, or I ) . what not. One day Trianon, Marte � � "103 I l I n St. T.coma. Wun. J L SKI TIME . . ,I S ' . . . �:,:����:� IS NEAR! ' III " 1(I!l!Ir�:::'::::':-:::': :. ..".. : �:ln��I h;::n!� �,=e�I�: = th at e ous , es "an shapes. The king ..e,..d. Cost....." f� R.nt CHECK. UP ON YOOR B'rittookdale Lumber Co. �: MuqNEAL . once decreed that "The lengtb ot I. THORSEN Ep'. _ NEEDS-Maybe a new parka '!W'ith ho d is lackinl: 8rOOkda'• ... ,Mountit'n • •• " �_. handkerchiefs shan equal their . .. H.h H, nw; N .... .. . .. or a ne. pair of booh �ould help. O Clothinl and '-fUTI;ar'cl Rorem 1IIIIIOUIlCt'S the ap�1 pOllltmrnL of· l'e\'eTll I nrlll." C'ommittet' tIIt'm bers fur the DramA Club. Henri­ �' tllI O'Nell. 'wUl h('Hd the MaKe and ' IITUp.:rt), cctnmittt'e', with Joe Wenberg. Arne StrAnd, Rnd OUver Manlnson as­ I Mstlllg. Bob Mllcht'1i hilS Ix>en Sf'le('le<l j' 10 luk!' chArge of lighting$. 1






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hambu�rgerS�with � ::�a 1 , mu!: ;7 e i . Y a C







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Tacoma Laundry ' p






1 ' fIS'H Eft'S




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ly Serllius



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LUTHERAN BROTB(ERHOOD I Lega l Rese",e Life Insu,ance'..--J.i (/', .� inne �is Hecman L. Ek Minnesota ; .


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AlumniReUllioIi S . ted forJfebruary 19-21'

· Choir Will Leave r Saturday Morning For We'ek's Tour

Leads Clloi�


Managers Make Seie,ction of . Saga Staff Assistants


Flrst Concert Is SchediJfea for Canb}" Ore.; Eight Cities Included in Itinerary \

Make Gradmites . , Extensive Pians · . For l937 Reunion

"Put-on ' yo U; Old Grey Bonnet"' \ � .

Aida Johnson. 'Otis Gr�nde Are ' . N nm e:s;1" .Assodate Editors'; Approved by. Advisers . �

Is ·l'h'eme; , BlU!ketball Game ' and Banquet Featured ..

The " Choir of the We�t" Is schl'duled �Ulse Hendrickson. editor of Lhe to· leave on Saturda�' mcrnif1g for ' been mailed to alumni and former stuCanby. Oregon; where the first conccrt · Saga. announces th� -se:t"ctlon of the of Pa'clflc .Lutheran College. in­ for both departments of the an· staffs of Its annual spring tour "..Ill bt> gh·en. cluding . tho,e who aLtc'ndcd Paclfll:' n'ual, chOseli from appllcaUoll'l received From Canby. the group ·wllI·continue . Lutheran Academy and Lhe :o\d Co- _ during the PRst week. Verner Qltter. to Vancouver, WashlngLOn. where the�' lumbla College trom which Lhe present business manager. and th:! ad·vlsers. will sing at Rev. Paul Kumman'5 school orlglnatt"d. to rem!nd them of Mr. N. J. Hong'and MI'iS O,la4>'s Gil. church on Sunday afternoon. Febr�nQ' traditional reunion 1�lnnned for Sfl�ctlon th! Ill" 8..."6lst('(\ have bertson. " 14. In the evening · there wHJ'.b� a con­ week_l'nd of February 19. 20. and of the ·Slaffs. cprt aL O. K. DiH'ldson's church in norm).\ year third Johnson. Akin Portland. Oregon. s·i�dent. �nd Otis Gr�nde. second )'e-ar With th" t.h!'nle "Put Your Old Thl'1 rest of th� Itinprary Include� .. have been Ilamed as ('o··asso­ Grey doni-wt."" th? IIlumnl board plnlJs. / Corvallis. February 15. Or. Wm. Scho:­ · student · etalr (dltor�. Lloyd Thoml)SOn IIlld to wC'lcome the " old grRds" with the Icr; Albany. February 16: Re\ . P Alice Cook will .ser\·e as .as�bt:\llt bus­ peppiest get-together rver stngt"d In Heinl; Eugene. February 17. Re\". P. J. Iness . managers. Nn old-fashion " 'horse- and I .. 18, Rev. Luvaas: Oregon City, Febrl8ry On ttre ,dltorlal staff, Goldene Gerwill m('et the vl.o:ltor� at th(' O. EDWARDS PROF. E. G. 'Wuest; Silverton. February 19. ' has been chosen, organization edcar and take them for a buggy ..Re\·. M. J. K. Fuhr. itor. and RoJ[ Wlprud will hll\'e chllrg<. In order to ad\·erl!!'.e th(' concrrt:; Of the an work. Cla..o;.s e<.iltofS ' ' ' more fully. anyone I)u\'ing frif'�ds in Board Authot:lzes , ' senior class. Wadene Calavan; sophoan�' of thh\'isllt'd ·lown_<; Is rI.'"qUl'5tt>d m�re/""". Connl. Clumb; .nO lre,h, 10 write i�em Ihl' date" 01 lhl' chuir New L. Llbr,aty Umt man class. Stan Fries. The sports derevival In the gymnasium whe-n the appearancrs. /- lJt..J\l � alumni PUI 0;1 basket qall gamt.' The following v,ilI mak(' the trip: Work Will Begi Rev. Piepkorn, St. Louis A ay 1 ; l partments are being edlled by . Elsie � bo V uest. a r with �he pla)"('rs garbed In costURlrl; Director O. Edwards. Mr. and Mrs a Sp�akers Are � e Missouri, ; ; ; ��� :: �:;�:�� � � d I.ono. Nelsson\to Ict d to of- the " knee pants era:' Carl COltom Victor Elvestrom. manag('r and chap­ Building- Com�iUee ""? TIle business staff Includr� Harold Pacific Lutheran College and. Is arranging for this game. which ....111 erone, and members of the cpolr: As­ I be ·prellmhiary to a Junior Conferenc� trid Anderson. Mlldrrd Larsen. VI\'lnn Cons.trUCtic:lJ1 �Irst unit of Ihe ��=�: c�;:���:��� m�:���r� �nd :: Lulhernn Chur�h Lwere ' h�sts g T r I I . In "'hlch the Gladiators m('!'! game Keller. Pauline Watts. MariOIl JohnS()n eran ministers of the PaCific Aberdeen �unlor College. Alma Stolce. MfiurllJ(· Waur. Judith Ill"W bUII.dlng program for the college ns.�lstants hll\'e not yet b!'en chosen the Second Annual Pastor's Saturday aft.ernoon w\!l bt> It'atund Bensoll. Connie Clumb. Ent Gjrscial will commenc� as .�oon a� plans and by an exhibit oJ reminiscent momentos. Virginia Davis. Llnka D('Berry. Eu- spl'cHlcalions can \)(' complplrd. plcturt'S lind sou\'enlr.o: in room 113" gl'nla Spencer. Junice Prtf·rwll. Mar· board trustees mel bf'rf' last Thurs Won'( You Be where Prof. O. J. Sfuf'n will br garel Rorem. ElIz"at)eth Stuen. ESlher day to considl'r Ihf' plans which v,ere charge I)f lhe di�plny. Coffee will oe Norgaard, Beutrlce Sidders. Elsie present�d by E. J. Brcsenlann and .My Valen.t,ine Ih? program for the two-day Christensell. Romola Rust. Hl'lt'n LilJa. GeorgI' Gun' It IS {'",preted that w m r h g Atda Johnscill. Edward Machie. O('r- work .....m brgin about May l . and �..ill At Reunion �j:���f :�. O:� ��;�g�" a:·:a���I:�:� (n:S:�:::;gtl;: : �h:��l��a� �a;;�:�; hardt Pflucger. Lloyd Thomp�on. Paul cost about $15.000 i · Minnesota. Pastor C, S. Odell of Port- to or held Saturday evening at 7 p. m Blled. Jesse Pflueg('r. Roland Wuesl. This i� lilt' firSI immediate' result of Donald Mon.son. Rudy Elmer. RiChard the extensi\"(' campaign put on la�t · ·St).ol:ld· auld acquaintance bt> forgo! IImd. Ol"{>.. and Re\'erend AHhur Plep- In th:o . �a�" T�ml)le. second and korn of St. Loul�. Missouri. The St. Ht.'lI'ns. Tacoma. Wallet. Schnackt.'nbr.rg. Marvin �pnng and summrr whIch pledge� And nevcr brought to mind"?""� Tlckeli; 11" 111 c<1.�t !,l .OO. �\1yrol1 KreUIrals:<, . The �cond "ShOUld auld 'acqualntancf> be forgot" s�ecU\'e.sub.Jecls for... lecJu�s . . d'cnse�vlI!e Schl�buSCh. K�nn('th for $10(1.000 ....ert' " WIII the Lutheran Church ' ler. prl;!'Sldent. 01 {fie AlumnI. AssO<'iaAnenso'rt�6N.t Grande. Ol!\"t'r Marlm- unit will sta rt liS soon as mure of the . And not be \"al(nlln�d? ' plrdgf's ha\"(' b?l;'n paid. son. and George Stuermer Ah. how r yearn for the 5en\lmental- 'Regionnlly?" : " The Pastor's Care lion. will preside toast.m�'Ster. a�ld h a th I i t h r O e r a Co trl O I -- '-�e:::� !U�:I���� ����gsl:t�o�l �rv:) :;� Ih: :uP:���OI�I: t h� c����UC�I:� �� ��::!._�;�:�: " r ;o�� ��� ���h;.r ;�� �: °L:�h:;a�"; �:U��h � :�r�c:! ����U:���t\��� ��� t�;(�(mL. \\�� �;� Ll!,theran chestnt'. Prof. Edwards directing; ,·oca.l .. Tacoma undt'r the ausplcrs or tht' th� ll..'1nds of a buildi!11t commlttl'e of are sO" sweet; I lay niy ·heari. at. your Protestantism" ; and ....'T,he solos b�' Anna Mikkel!;t'll and MIlOI,l Central Lutheran Church of which Or which Re\·. Mlkkel Lono !s chairman pretty feet"" (this Is not Lifebuoy Chureh a Sacramental Church " . and Theooore NeL<;son. dean of mrn ad'. J..anncf"er and old lace; blushes Leading the discussion on these topics Anderson: and numbers by the Monson E. M. Hegge Is pastor. Valentines Day. were Or. O. A. Tlngelstad of Paclftc quarteL Who will wear old�t1me clothes and red hrart<; Numbers presented were " 0 Filii et is Sl'crrtary-----.-February 1 4. ' Lutheran College. Re\'erend J. A. Hou- lind sing old-fashioned songs. Fillae:' by Lelsrln�: " Ave Marl5 Stella." by Greig; '"Lullaby on Christmas E\'e:' Sludenl!O Take Part Here's chance for some of you korn of Seattle. Professor J. P. Pflueg- SpI;'aker fOr the e\'er:lng Is Prof A. A. Mykland. superlntedpnt of schools alumni to get your "auld acqualnt- er of Paclflc Lutheran College. ChrL;t!anson; "The Lord's Prayer:' J. S. Bach lAir trom Suite . 0'. arrn Three'·Act Conledy ances,,' back for reunion. Send 'fm a T. T. Ove. Aberdeen. Wash., and He\'- at I�aqllah, Washington. and vice0' the college .board of truspresident R. Pflueger of Seattle. valenUne. Say:, " Roses are rl'<l. \"IOI(ts erend E. ----+ Tafl8ed by O. Edwards; orU\ a- I tlon," Christianson: " Look w . 0 " Her Husband's Wife." a comedy In are blue: I'm going ba::k for reunion. . All. arrangemenL,> for the Institute tce�. Toast.s. 10 th.e past. present, and b<> glV(fl re!<pt'CUvely by Holy Dove.'" J. S. Bach; an 'Agnw. three acts. has been presented twIce pal. aren't you? A�cr-YOU? 'And par- were made by three:· members of the fUl\lre wI.II .or. In the local gymnasium under the dl- tlcula9Y YOU?"' Dei:' KallnnlkofC. Pacific Lutheran College Board of Dean Hauge, TInge-lstad, and Stan· recllon of Ardy E. Edwards, director. Are you loslng your grip? Are you Trustees, Reverends C. S. ·Odell. AU M. ley Ford,. student body president. S er an; �e:o�:��o���� ��s::� 1 Kraabel. and L. Ludv.'1g. yI g Cadet Teachers Begin 5e�7ce :��n�� �ut���� C�;:CI� un- :� �a: �=:;�� ::uY�:�' t:c�:� h fl t ' esl a h d t I o n Spring Practice W ork ��r ;:� :�;Pi�� �� th l u a . =: � ; ';;n�:��C: �'I1� p�:!,. . d �n .0�b�a� �: : �:rl�;g ��:. �e :x:��::ga:�! ';r:: Ken AneDs�n �amed u Twenty-eight third l"ear nonnal 51U- the' play was sponsored by the L. 0, R. YOW" thoughts up In appropriate lan_ Thes'pian Pre�iden l '"TIle Choir of the West"' wUI pre_ sent n concert In the afternoon, 9:t dents have begun their cadet teaching The cast included Oerhardt Pflueger, guage (but don't get softl. and re. this week. and will contlnu� u'ntll {he Richard Brldon; Heltn Turner. Nora; member. there's nothing tender as Drama. club ncU\'lties for the spring Trinity Church. 3 o'c.lock. end of tlte SChool year. under the dl- Kenneth Antri!on. Stuart Randolph; an artlsUc express.lon aptly :Jttered. semester ha"e begun with th� electhfn New boart!.:-members will be elected. recUon of MI.s.s Johnson. Tue�. at the banque,l. TIle. present boa{d - normal super_ l1alph Sherrill. Un�le John �ldon: (For the sake of sentiment..comics and of ne�' officers Who were':'l cho.<;:n visor. Includes Myron Kreidler. prel'ildent� V·lrglnla Davis, Irtne Randoiph; and burlesques should � aVOided) Li?ender d&.Y noon. Kenneth An lSOn� Jlberal Carl �oltom. \�ce-presldtnt: Katbr.Yn Seven girls ha\'e been placed III Hor· Thelma' and old · lace; blushes and red hearts arts st.udent who '10'111 be gratluated In Danleis. Emily Dew. ce Mann ·SChool. Thty Include Norma Mu�lc wII;S presented between acts . . . don t De a back number . . . keep J�e, has' been made pre.�l:!ent. He J�h�n. secnotary. John Van LeUVUl. Ve�a Tegland. June Wall�r. by lh: P. L. 'C. Orchestra. treasurtr: O!ICnr J. Anderson: Rudolph send a VAL- has been unusually active In P. L. C. Sanderson: orlgln"l. be klssable . . Mrs. Jess Klas:!y; Dorolhr Thelma Ness, � Hend�lckson. Dor· ENTINE. dramatics. Lehman': Mr, J. P. · Pfluerer, facultr e t d ' I Chosen \ c ': and" Mr. Victor Eh'es­ . reprt'sentattvt �I: J= ���g�. t::�r :�I:, ��- K. Anderson de��� :n��n::! �:�r::" �;���-. �avier 'Yilt Address �OQ.Kreldler,. Jasper JOhll5OD" Amold Other officers Indude Walter ' Gople- tram, field represen.tatlve. Delta Phi President . Tommervlll:, Norman F'r)oe. Paul Blled, . Fireside on Su�day rud. treasurer, and Astrid Anderson. MrS. J� Kll'!-sey (Berdine Knutson' . . publlotty manager for' the entire ' GordOn Bamea, and OUver Lu�low are Kathryn Andtrson named presllibrarian. Gllberison was sel:ct. 15"fair. t�lng at. Stewart' Intermediate. At dent of the �lta: Phi Kappa, girl..$· O.fflcers 9;ql !'e elected SUJ;lday eve· ed as facult.y adviser, Stanley Partland G.!&dt. �ool our eduled reslde c nlng at the 40rmltory organl:mtlon, tor the.cwrent Fi H -s h Presentation ot one-at:t plays \\'1lJ . . BIRTHDA-YS THIS MONTH Ford, .Irvin DIlmIiItl, Ha;el �P, sem�ter. She succeeds AIda.. Johnson. tor 8:30 o'c1CXk. In the re.ceptlon room. resumed as group Icaders ha\'e 01Ja iluioi Dorothy Kahppan.'" and Other officers elected at the mret· A program will follow Includlng pl- bt>en appointed, The birthday annlvtrsarys ot many Heltn s ott: and at Fern "H11I. Aloes lng last Monday 'nlght Include Mar:' apo selectlj)l1S by' .JennJe Bardon and Elizabeth FrIis head<; the stag:! and great men are celel?rat.ed In February, . c M�, Mar:I?D 'Kobler, aDd Opal garet Melver, \'Ice�preslflent; Vlvtan by Paul FossU ; sCriptur� readInG, Wal· property comm1ttle. wIth.Joe Wenber8. Among them--Llncoln, Washlnlf,on, G�. Ellzabeth FrIis. Evelyn �Ior, Ha,lI, �retary-trellSliNr; ' and frei ter Goplerud; and a lalk by Prof. J. Benpetta.1... O'Neil. and Ollvcr Ma·rt.!n- and IJicldttltally three local �lebrlUea: . aad:Wadene Calnan will be at WutJ,- chlefs. Romola Rust and Vivian D!an- U. Xavier. Jasper JOhnsop 15 the re· .son assisting.· Bob ' Michell' h81 bt>en N. J. Hong, Coach Olson. and J. O. . Urlng p�ldtnt. . \ ' I�n hOOl. akes. selected to take charge of llghtlngs. Edwards. ' �

1 ·









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. J.


IDI11' &oori"9 :!\'lU.6t

P.�bllshed evel"}' two weeb dunng the school yt'.ar b}· the students of Paclflc Luther,"�CoUege: . Telephone: GArlni:f.()577 Offict' Room 115 Sub$trlptkm Prlce-$I.()() Per Year· Entered M second cIRss matter. OI;tober 2, 1925. III the Post OHlce at parklp.nd; �Vashln!non. under the Act or March 3. 1879.

. I!

. ' .«



Fibs . · 11,.11 . P,l,cts SNACt{ KENNY S"'E

with a �n of s.alt and a da.,h of ,.dtl."lt

Hello . . . Just. PUJliil' ,out of last wee�:s hangover . . . yep. the pr:ov�Rl--leat 'Is being turned again ,', YOU'v� had rut the tests-philosophy. psychology. hygiene. Eng­ t-kmlxr 1';37 1 016 lish.. etc. . .. . but you hllveln hnd our test yet . . . Here's give the college stude:nt" fit the, . the" eXamination ....e·d (:\ssocialed. CbIle6iale Pte" Are ,you alh;t'? . If so. how did you end �f R �eourse' .. EDITORI.-\.L �TAFF do It? . . . Explain in full ,' . . Who was the'lnstlgat9r of 'that. Idea of not talking about 1\ test Just finished . _ EDITOR ' Ha1'el Hagerup Gee !i.'hlz. (,hfl.(..t.akes. away a" iellas last -consolation. you J.TOR ..\SSOCIATE ElP Nonna Pre u.s that ·}'o.u·�me-boat· feeling .- . . .We feer know SPORTS WRITERS - Rola·nd Wut'St. Norman Frye. sorry for Prof. PFLUEGER . . " he hRd to correet :\ Fale� Martln. of. time . cjuple of the worst papers in il.11 the FEATURES. - Marian JohnsOn. Llnka De Berry oh. 9.'ell. someone has to fill out the normal cc.rve . .. We SPECIAL WRITERS - Jack Odey. Walter Schnack­ hll.ven't Seen anyone running around h1 sackcloth and a enberg, Kenneth Antnson. Man.·ln Jerusen. black �antel. so the · gTades couldh·t have Ix>en. so bad - Elva Bergman. Ida- Men:, REPORTF.RS . we know who the . . . How.ever. ;f nescience l'!o McGall. Llewella Da\·Ie.'i. tdr. Mae Hoss. Elizabeth by Brot. . gere" la reflexive are . : . happiest people in the worl .. StUI'll . Vlrg!nla Da\·l�. which hav� berl) Eighteen new stili Ji,re We . . . rled though.P IncU lhl"nk that ·for he to . COpy. READER Aida Johnson, purchased, rroll} the Augsburg Pu'bl�h. next nIne .....eeks this place will be a san!tarlum for sufT.YFISTS Corrine Malmln. �ene <;?dell ·are: '·Quest r9r Holiness·· Company Ing with aITa�ge�ellt spechtl. (by . . . neurasthenia or ·ferers . '\LTF�LLisCH "RLES C Mrs. Ruth Franck . EDITORIAL ADVISER A. Koberle.: ··Zonl!'barl If) SO. Mnda­ Webster'sl . Promh'ent architect \\'ho !las drawn BUSINESS STAFF .., ·"Whlte unto Harvest in China;' IOU BLAB.ih! Plnns for Pacific Luther an. Col­ - - - EI�abeth Friis BUSINESS .MANAGER In Thluland': by A: . . . ·whom the imbecilic dawdler was who tried to Wonder ASSISTANT, BUSINESS MANAGER .- Lester Hoite­ ApOstle to the ChlnCSt' ·play with fire, and almost burned the building down . . . lege·s exten Sive building projeet. the ADVERTISING MAN-AGERS • Ruth DownJ,on. B. T. Nelson; ·'Sada "'very fUlUlY Joke . . . FAMOUS LAST WORDS.-··Y·ou . flrst unit of which . will be started the b .mm'"n�'" Vivian Smith ' by Parker; "Watch surely can tell the experienced blank�ers around 1ter�··­ first part or MRY. CIRCULATION MANAGER, - Kathr�li Andef"80n By"·.by E. Kuhlman: ··A HELEN HQLTCAMP . . . It.doesn'(. make any difference CIRCULATION ASSISTAN'rS - Helen LlIj�. by E. Ley;ls: ManUesto·· what you fill the bla.nk In with. she can tell . . SOme­ ·r;belma Ne!;S ' Is Chris�lanlty·· by S . NOrborg: oil!' suggested thaL· we put a few Jokes in· this dripping • EXcffANGE EDITOR Mabel Heggem ··For Belter· Not for Worse·' by Vf. A fauct't . . . Jokt' or lWO . . There ..they are. now laugh - - Mr. 0, J, Sluen BUSINESS ADVISER Maler: ··Dr. Laur. Larsen·· by Karen · and show O,ur little white teeth . . . BOP-QUET.-to Y d r ·· �,IV!leg� Da CLIFF' BRULAND . . . for all the work he·s dont' for �� . g dn• .6::: o eterythlng. we ·wnnt hlm · to know that it hasn·t gone WELCOME ALUMNI , . :�� . Mr. and Mrs. Vfelx>r Wvnstrll. Mllr- l f br 'Ola\, " by 11. J. Skordalllvold: ·"The Clock e b t JacobS l the ent�rtalned . . ll Kar e Y l Book·· by W. Nutting; ··TIle Bible In O . \Yilh the unlHllll alumni rellnimi festivities Ta\� �::; �a�i�I��I�I: e:al t !: Club Rt th:-ir P. I.;. C ·Alumnl . t:lkillj.! plm·l' F('hruafY 01-20-21. Ihe assol'il.lted M SPOOKY . . . MOOSE . BUTTS this mixture home · last Frld!l�' evening. ·February 5. l a . Thousand. Tongues·': by Dr: O. �I lId('llls of Pucific l:ulhertlTl College nrc eager� ' I and GROWLER.. not to mentlon a few of the o�her weird �y Edgar In Seattle. Gut'sts present hl�luded NorHe; ··TIle Light of . ly uwailillg Ihe arriyul of old fril'nds and tlCSeas·' ' hAl1(f]es at lllrge . NEW BooK.-·'!'he Noise In the by SOuth · (he of Mr. and Mrs. Berger C. Nelson. Mr. I Guest ; ··Hero ql1aillla lll'l's. It is our hope Ihal Ihe IllulIlni lire _Well. well. so 'the hero from arid Mrs. Fred L"!"e. Gladys ,Knutzon . ' J G. Paton. Hugh Tolder . Hall" anxious niHI ('(Jnl'('rll(,(� ahoul rl't llrning 10 their BUIJrRun Is here Yes. for Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Flotre, John I !i:W;U:W;U:W;U:W;;U:W� . WelC()me back. JOHN . �\!Jlla :"Iatel'. / !9th time. we think genera: essay type tests are Wiese. Ola f Floe. Fred Shiel. thr . This Yl'ar, under Ihe slIpt'f\"isiuli of ProfeseR;.4J:t'st .j Here·s the prize dumb one for last week , . Knutzen lind Rolf Preus. Ski ShOff . �Ol' :\. .1. I lon'g, a special attempt hus heen made . Let·s see . . . ·R-egisWred? ave you (rgistered? . <lnd students of Ihe 1 0 ('ontad "old grnds" No. t\. dont ·thlll)l .';0. but I was down and enrolled the : '., :, fOl'lIIl'!' I'al'ific Lutherun ACl.ldclll\,. as well as . mher da.I'."- a new student The name 'of t,he topic .�O'I"lIERS • TAC� . I ill' 1Il00'(' !'t'(·l' 1I1 college ulUllllli . . Special fl.'u...... of all your disculi..�ion is LoRRAINE THOMPSON. fellas r.....r;. ,. . v '\rullnlng away The EDWARDS family seems to be !un's and cnll.'rlllill lll('uls tllTungl'd for IIi!' pr(1gralll will includc customs Rtlll rClT('utiollS reWe·re in favor of more and bigger with all the honors -�---l:roduction.'l like ··Her Husband·s Wife·· . . . Glris-do not 'Ve \ in'il tn " l'euplllre Ihe spirit of the past. t J rgl' � tll1.all l o "Put On Your Old (in'y BOIIIIC'" pntertaln your boy-friends after breakfa.% . After the Show · lilid come. against the rules . UAN c.An alulI1ni associliliolt , w('11 orgunizt'd Hnd � JACK'S GRIDDLE . .Estrom. a student here la�t Paul MR . REID WlllltS to know how man�· valentines he adi\·c!\" iull'I·l'sled ill its Alma Mui<'r ClIIt he H a����in�lI ��;�!! l\��I1t' �: 9 I 3 Commerce Sf. Tacoma, Wn. we said we 61�;· will get thL� yeaf. gOl three last time . 1"1'111 IIs�t'I 10 any school. \\'t' greatly appreciate r . t wOUldn \:� R:::n: �� t s l e ( lr ll i. I � �:� · :' Championship trophy in tm intercol- -) ) ----"" w . e : � ge� t �\: I:!s� tlti; :'�}I�� i l\I:::II�,)� ( } �::�il� w��� :,�:�t ) legiate Forensic contest ot fourteen our fair viHage to Tacoma General . . . There are too l,y lIlakillg Ih('ir Ir·uditiulls ours, ('nrrying on souther � co�leges. among which are t · · · can that ine they feel never say many pcoplG, that liU'ir (It)\n,..ful gimlilllnr spirit. I1l1d li\'ing by versl o es f U That ·s a bad habit. and we think it·s all in the heaB:- the_ Uru nit, slogan 1111':" ita\'t' Sf'1 forth: Built! for chorGeorgll!- . He- spent Chrlstmll.S in If some are so muscle-bound between the ears lhat thev . :wft' I·! . \.- t:an·t get thal Iden "lUI of their head. and are going (� Hllvllna Cuba. dip tomorrow for sure. they �ould be put In a placr Erik Hauke. ·32_. A..�torlll, Ore., Is \VEI.COME NE\V(,OM ERS� _ _ where they ca '" t together and· really enjoy-that sore- gaged to Ix> married to Lenore Chrls- t_ _ _ .... .:... _ _ � Tn yllil who an' ht'ginllil1g yUill" c"lkgt· neCk. head-ache. stomach-pjlln.�. or what have you . . tillnsen. also of A..�torla. . . gTlCvance nln't'r lit 1'. I. . C. WI· , llt�, slaff of tht" Mooring · ' to settle with MR. STUEN. be, If you have a'" ;\lasL ('xit,tlll OUI" hl'm·h· good wisht's awt ('11former a SRlve. at stUdent Chrlstene . .�ure to see him Immediately . . . ];0 our estimation, nHlnlgl'lIIt'1I 1 s ; (lUI" 1lIIIit'S fl"· \"IHII· hat)pillt'ss he ·d be- a tough .....restler m�nus tile bum knee. so don·t PO L. C.. now teaching at Vaughn. 4aiui SUlTt'SS; OIl!' fuilit ill your tins\\'{'nillg P:'l'. IS e e f hm t r v U g r �ome n I O ; . , S('H'I·UIll'l'. a lit in ·yolll' loyally 10 high prill- I a���n� ��:� �e;:�e:� C c �:� �a: �����r �:y l� O. �. �: ;��;lg hi_h��l' � I l·iph's of nHlli\"lllion. hIS removed e h If lum sporting a cane. and wondered . Al umni seen at Central Lutheran , Ihat you will ieurn to In\"(' your Ilf'W \\'c hopt d,erby�and spats before gOln.!!!" to cla..o,.s . . We kindly Church where the ··Cholt' of lhe Wes:... sdltlo�nd 10 dterish its life philosophy. It Informed our questioner that our Norse Prof. hlld a sang Ia..'!ot Sunday. February 7. were �IUlHJ� �Ir tilt' I'UUl'llliol1 of Ihl' wholt, pt'rSoll­ gam'e leg, and .lI,'as ot· the P. L. C. playboy. and did not Evelyn and Mildred Monson. Eldon IIll' itttt'lIct"i, tht' bod\", Ih(' sotil; for alih· indulge In the Parkland night-life . . , PAULINE Is a A derson, Clarence Mon.'IOn, Volborg Ihe· sperm I of Ihe prinl'ipll's ; f religion low , nice executive, Isn't she, GRANDE . . . We were really Norby, and Arnold Anderson. ) failh. ullsl'lfisllIlt'ss; for Ull ink'grated ·society honored the other night, when the Governor paid us It t'xpt'rilllt'tllal in failh nlHI. us Lignoll puis il. vISit. but some pea-brained -nit-wit ju.'!ot had to have hL� !I\"IHllllie itt fulhedv Ion' ; ahovl' nil. i l stutttls little tax-token J.oke . . . Irs a good' thlng that not many NEICHIORHOOD . a� /I rt'pn'senluti\"e -of Ch. i.'il and Chrislianity. people know who did It ror of all the ungfltttlemanly. dIs­ SERVICE STATION c(' acts. that surely ta.k� the cake . . . It you'd like­ . "","The bl'st which instructors at school can .. A. IvERsoN ." to come up and · see lIS sometime, we've arranged a fine Smart Style� for do is gh·e yuu the best information you can ob­ bunch of adjectives ror you . . . H·s disgraceful. and Ladies and Men lSO\ so. K st. Tacoma. Wn. thill, but you huye to picture . for yriurseJf what someone ought to be trMbly ashllmoo! ! ! SEW LE.U.-

� ls.'i. d, I




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·boks o






' jLarscll : I

� . � �,


Jeanette 1 ' \fJJ" · - 1


STUFFEST,_ Yes, that blue · roadster belongs to CHET . . . He got Whan Bq.BBY JIM It for practice-teaching? . KRAMER gonna do. now that her Idle moment.� have �lnlors Research Laboratories. suggesIs a· spe­ be-en taken away . . . If you need a. .halrcut, (we dldl ('ifit' lille' to struggle along, nave you ever stopped to think how much actual mopey . "Democracy must unquestio!:lably give ed.- ·· you could save by picking up an Inexpensive vioHn case ? (Il'ulipnui opportunity to all. Bul it must then . . BesIdes having the dlstlnctlOIl tha.t goes with It . pr(llcci itsdf hy ratiollal and courageous meth­ r�ou wouldn t have to pretend that Rome was burning ' (,ds of selection ug'"a inst the needless exploita­ . . . the bloomln· thing would pay for itself in. a�ut s tion of ils _ generosity by the., unfi!." Yale Uni- · year or two . . . and think. how warm · you could be in \"crsily's Pres: .J ames R� Angell osks delllocracS· . d n e . l · w � �� ��;:: !;���u �:U : �f:: e�h�� �� . , "You muy want to imp�ove �your inind by . , the choir goes away, WII be a lIitie more quiet. vO!fally, but; we'll bet that the' dormltory will get a l ew work� I I'ading the paper, but I object to yo4J' accomp­ outS rrom .MOE'S gaOi", now that the Brush Creek­ lishing that worthy purpose in the middle 0( · BIl;lI Run-Snohom� combinaUon Is intact again . . . . New YOGk University's Prof. my . · lccture." . l"R IES and BRAZELL Will fight a t tho.:: drop o f the h a t Olinger protests mildly against printed compe. . to·. uph91d their belle! tha !. the �.Ign1ng queen .Is a lition. newly �Ved Ball&rdJ� . . . PIN POINT PRUDENCE.­ CONNIE cLUMB:-youtbfUI exiwuan� plu.s pe�nallty TIle Ass�iated Students extend s,Y;npathy . . . (8 i�tement 111 betnri forwa�ed' ,. . . There gOes to Ida Merz in her bereavement .in the recept . the belt t .Jne out . passing of her mother:

I�:�. ��=�





Jim Collins


.. """ ... ""''"''"'""'"..n I ........



'A .

I� I r---�---' -'"'I




you will do in life, and witli the usc of this in­ fnrillutiotl givell, struggle along these lines to­ wnrds Ilc<J uisiliol1 of specific knowledge," Mr. Charles Kettering. president' of the General


PANTS . .$5,25 .

&II aR'"';.;I�r�8;.;t.�;.!.?�:.�'.�.n_N'.S., . SKI


.. ..

Your Assignments Ty�write .

A sure path to higher irradea tn i_ � with the leading feature'. SEE THE CORONA. PORTABLE

Septent SbJlt


.log so, 10TH I

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D. · BAKER & Between Paelf� &.





NO. SIDE 10'Ill •

. ,.


Glads . - Lose Game To Cheney Squad


. Lutherans S ore C � Easy Wm, �27 ' From Y.knn. Team

_. "

Lacey Man Heads I Former P1.C . Conference "'-', . - Scores


' Student Tells "





" . 'V,or Gala Holiday' in, Cuba . Visitots .Com e Bat.'k in Se('ond College .�tt�1 holds tht..\ ' With the ri!:sen'e,s playing I,he gre�t- St. InMa?\lns ' . ' . .'..1' norlhwe!'i collt'ge he Hair to Take Lo.cals'b ,· junIor � � \"'I\d a u er part the or ;game. L Pacific n ther . . It Is soclel,y the world \ . alone; P&a] "E8trem , Cubl\ College hoopsten soored an easy 44-27 confert>nce scotlng . rerord. wllh 17·30 S("o�e' victor;y over a f[ghUng but 'thoroughly Tuxedos. rormals. jewelry, elegance. over. has a �rsonRl!ty and . J/ tn,"pif('d by the preilt'n�e ot Go...:r- outclas.<;ed orChestr&sJ!' f m W II o ' - muth else to YaklIna lI...e In a conference '

!tV -




' '-I


lior Chlrt'nce D. Martin. graduate of .clash on. the Pa�kland l!Japles last Frl';'nd·"'"'· (r ....:�, ,- """l lln,--.. :::., HI,"·y .. ,p-.,.. "" "' uo:: n m,d, In CUb,·, In . �'m .' cordials . .. brllli�nce: laughter. extrava- Ha" l\(Ia harbor the Maine was blowll their school. the strong Chenf'Y Norm- day night . . ..'I ,,,nee and sin whlJ�.Jw�.dOwn the nar- up 'an"d sunk. You must see moat.�. the opening whistle both qulnIII quintet made a commendabje come. tet..<;From playe� headS-up ball. The lea� �se. forwllrd. heading the lI�t with !" w c.rooked streets rags. tags. dulled dun�ns. the Death Line, where Cu­ back In the serond half O\'C'r omln O . llstless manner. dead hopf!s. drugs, .ban PlltrlO� were death. ·the wl�h. . first. 64 ,JXllnts. Homer. Spencer. Lo�gvlew. eyes nlne.polnt margin' IIn� hlln�ln �hea see.snw�. back and- forth, clf c Lutheran PH l squad a 47-3� , sel :��y.t:�:��!��:into b�h�th�P�:::;' !05e ��ond pl!!Ce hl�t. �eek. shoo�· =d:I��'. :;:O:i:,::��:��s;:e ;:: :-����e� s:�r���.����:�.el::r�� bIlC � �ed�f'"�ay nlghl. February 3. bunch. To-a'ard the mlddle �f the first lng, 17 p:Jlnts agaln�t Yakima. Hal NI!" shIHl, eS]! paupe�in Ha...a� I ,saw 'Palace. Balboa PaIAc'e, and �lumbU6 o �. ' ret'l. howe\'lr, the loe&ls rocated ·the sen. local .��ar. holds third. place with t�em . 9,.11 at Ule djwn C?f t.he yea,r....:they cathedral where !.he bones of the great l�e f�:t h�� ....'as· -al'l Luth ... will be �n �e s"!tle at ila close. and explorer once .reste<!. . regularlt,y. to make the· mid,. 54 JXI!nts.. , . ' ·hoop with .....ith the locals OUI-plarlng.- outsco���;' game . ewise elsewhere· In the world. . Tllt're are :;.Igns of recem trouble In_ count 26-12-.:.., . Leadlng' scorers III tt:Je conference l�I To Rnd oIiLChN.'klr..g their hhJhly fa...ored climb a mount;ain of marble stairs Cuba. Soldiers �rade the streeta: are' opponenL", The naif time scort' litood , � GamesPolnta withln· a palace. ov�rhung by almost practically every .day· see'S ceremonies lit 24-15 for the Gladiator.<. The prh,eless chandeliers ap,d leading up of state at the .pa.iftce. Sections of the 4. 6il //� . Case. St.. Martln'S PArkland bob' attack was led by Tom. into ��r m where �n� Is sur- city ,are war-torn. Political unrest Is , mervtk. forward. and Nll�ell. cenl('r. spell'eer. Lo�er. Coiumbll'- 5 59 ' . and '\. rounded a .suooperabundance of .ter- in Hallana. the capital of the Cuban with Chef Solie a formidable bulwark M I. Nilsen. PacUic Lutheran rUic e.xtratiy...aganC«! and therA...,to nhd rep,ubllc. . on defen.'1' n�r(.\ :I 5 . Stoddard Grays Har� unworthy men and women decked in Except st 'Jor . 8 ge shows the Cuban In,the lieconC\ half the' Ch',ney boys 43 -...... Tommer�k P L C / ·the most expenslv� ::> H. and' �g theatres Show Arne�n pictures alchanged thelt t.actlcs and began scor- During �� . 35 riotously the creamnnery the seco�d canto th� Luth" 0llUsple, centraJia . of . quality. an� m06t exclusively. "'The ,actors $pC8k ing and chccjllig' the way ' that has eram-alded 35 ,sensation. ·And E.ngllsh and M·they talk the Spanlsh ng of Smith. Orays Haroor brough.t \h�m victory O\'er mOs� of the Beanpoleby thes stta.rp-shooU Harbor '28' then to pass ttowrt the narrow street./! ("{J:ulvalent.nashes Spanish print on ' nfUsen and Mc- .Ouerl� . Grays their st.rong opponents this �nson, Led Kayo-piled upTwin Into� w�ere fellow men suffer . bottom 'Of the inpicture. 26 18 more �Ints to pub Connor. Cent.ralla . - . The flash-�y Eustace. Cheney'.'; six fool. nille Inch . � at III paid �lIb;?r or lead degrnd.lng lI�es the Gardiner. L!lwer Columbia Ice. The lead of the Glads ing ad...ertlslng tr;lcks look very queer center II.ho scored' 12 points In (ht' the game ronthreaten e e leaves 8 quite f another ImpfflJduring he ed guage, gn and .1 somewhat l I����l :�i�:c::e�:��to;: 'k��� \:e .��: : :: �:l�� , �ee:;l��:� �e����:' £ "t . ;lo�� � �dl: i:�:� r 3 23 r 23 /"'nd to be politely Ignored or plainly . Theu street./! are'narrow and the -"IdeScoring honors were dl...lded among Brickey Mt Vernon It'ad. 'snubbed in the light of day 'by the walks so small that one IlUlSt flatten P L C and Gil- Gilliam Yakima Valley The Lulheran strolll� detenS(' of �CKay and Nllst'll of aggregation. ultra-rich and at t�e same time to be II-iainst he. wall when a street car 22 each Pazerlch Yakima Valley the ftrst hnlf was hampered b} 'he lillm of the10 eastem 22 Cllnonlca St. Martin's pestered endlessly with ragged UJ'Chins rushes by.t Everyone speaks Spanish. JXIlnta fllct that Nilsen ';.as tagged wUh three collecting 21 I Brown Grays HarBor and beggars for money makes one ask Storekeepers keep two sets of prices.-: Il,ersonal fouls and forced to go Summary 20 what It Is a" about. But that Is not one In English for unwary tQ�r1st.s, the (21) Yakima Lu� St Martin s lightly as fllr a... che:klng \\IIS con· P L C (44) (2) Roberta I � Tommervlk (1) F for natives, Oh. one, cC"med 111e locals ....ere held to three , beIn Spanish l othe,r Clem , n Leask :P In quba! But 'Us. must ficldgoal In ttlt' S('cond hall. . · I Nil Wide awake (31 HoganjI .Pet. �f!evt.s 0/ " Practice Te(lcher well worth reasonable amount of Eustace wa." high scorer for the bal- . �n(3)(10 ) . ' ... . C , (61 Dwinell r time. effort and money. You11 neller tie with 18 markers. while Tommer...ik Ford . e : b fo�t It!-The Ersklr'! e Mirror. he loc att ck h l ���e ::;�� �:�h� lil o \\" I J ;:�: (��. C.. Larson �' � �::' I - ....... I Mol"', " �" Hmlk. T"om"",n. �' f ',1If>-W) /. ','--� " , · u.ndo. .."m'ndt, wlPrud; 5mI' Y k!LJ % <f:t" ,� 'I , NEAL E.C." on· ,I m._ P",""" " ,. Dubuqu. "' . f Br".ckle " I ,"?{" O ' '' .-' _NI� {l, ? � 1 . , v ' rad �HORSEN � -1--....., r: " �'�¥-. � i ., MEANS RADIOS ---"We Sell H..pp;""''' �4P , M en. P..per Hdl, a lloo"1 I I / . , No �Iow o..h, Serpe"ti"e 'I ...... 5436 So. Tacoma Way II



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Quality Knittin g 403

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P.n, ,nd P.""I, u n;


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b T !VI��' n! "K "' S pl.IaI 'L�S� C�'��BTe�''L F� C�E· R !T

love ha...e dew


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NZ��'7L'�PER- 1I1 ��' � �, ��"�\"" ' . J-�'t � � -J�� 'I @ .�




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f J�tfi:. '�� J ,� ' �� �6�r�.!?����. ��A�Tft\�:���� t









Men's SUit��:rc:!��irts, Ties. iii Hats. Caps, nde e r. The Men s Store women like to in U

rw a




Obse'roes i 1'1 1i�� ! The Spectator II �, I .1 The Frolicking Facul�y ,




"co". w.o"


Member Umted

.... --'


5tore5 ,






.- � ' WhI7.z! Another �now-�an flndS l own �rlck of . making us all slide to home behind .<iOmenne·s ear, first base . at . the entrance . It's I Rust Bldg. With all the snow we ha,·� had Jllte- fun-but I� good to know that a ..

"::=========�====:C\ =:\==P.lrkl�nd Iy. e\'en the profs feel like kids Rgain THAW is around that ,slippery corner. =� Mr. Edwards. being fleet of foot. narBR. 4267




T,",'NL� A� Pt� PET-




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�QE�!!�� .,

��. �::' ��OOI'd �� d I'd . : ;'��';'d�: He hav(' conw He have went lom.. e H� n:�:; !:�: :�l t e : :n�:· ' :� � t ' O "' � � Lo, . A',,·'. I .. �u,,,o., Cull." .." .


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Swede" 011. Speci,lty I I Ih $', Tacoma. Wash




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L�:6�:,,���==����;! BROOKDALE . 1_ R �

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MA;n 4493


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rowly escaped a snowy faet' R.�h the Diamonds Watches 'DISTINCTIVE PRIN:rINC . da�·. Keep an eye on Coach . other Olson. When he ge� out In. the sno\\. 1935 ' .: LAST YEAR HU E, HIOH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE ANNUALS - PROGRAMS CEO. FFMAN swings it-and he's got a mean he Expert Repalrtrig ALLSTRUM PRINTINC CO, MAin 6768 cur e tha� connects! : TIle Parkland Ught a.ndPViater I : Company furnished to Ib mem940 Commerce St. other day wt' saw Mrs ���".r��i.m�:�y � Th(' 1>Urpos!! : beTS electric current In�udlng 80 'ly lea....e the .�hoveled I =============::;:====::=� Kreldlet!�_ , 1 : street lights at the low a.verage � . " .. ".""",.. :... .. .. ... Sidewalk to wade In the soft fluffy ' i ----I blanket of winter. Kids will be klds f ..-: ! I price of a fraction over- l,� ce.' bts per KWH , . ;»trom·s Crocery II I : We noticed. Miss Gllber.1SOn defend- : PEOPLE'S MARKET al a g �rc:� I : , Kay St So. 502 1 The I Bes t Mea ts THE PAltKLAND ��� :��I:�uB:� :� a=� e jl.!! i LICHT.-& WATER CO. beti402 so: K scattered when she returned with Free Delivel')' MAIN 05013 . I ler aim than she got. .... . !!i.... " ... . -------------<Co Speaking of ' p�tchlng. " Oltfy" Dean :_ . _ . I . " i ::! ��:;:;' :;::�Ou:"r�:�':�d ":: ��; f AMOCAT FOOD PRODUcrs r . SKI TIME I i ' l h �h�r��k "THE PEAK OJ: QU�L1TY" S ��i�te s ha...e Incl�ded I W::������!S IS NEAR! i b u c a WEST, Cgi�T 2:�ER'"( �, CHECK UP O,N YOUR .� I.i: �coJd�v:rfluff : NEEDS--Miiybe �tm� ;0�:�e:�ld:�7sh���e� t�� ,I ' [rom some dorm wIndow as . a new p.uka·�ith hooCl is.,lackinC-::I ' new of boots w�uld help. , CI,thing anit ', " .UbliC victim No. one Is enr ute to the or O I ---. SIr;;. 10, C;,I nd Boy. ' pO MILLER BROTHERS COMPANY . I RolUllg about the campU6 of anl- : mOl'" .nd ""Iy ...If.",� '"0' m.n :'COLD!N .ROO BUTTER'; leCcies dropped ldentallyl down WHOIF � �LE -fOOO DISTRIBUTORS t 924 PaCifIC Avenue ! dignified and uIlSU6pectlng batiks and Office . �.' Phone Plant I 3 Broadway 1532 Cqmmerce la'it but most frequenl Jack Fro�t s J. _��:dw-!y 2634 . . @.


,::=========� I







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' Washington Hardware. Co. I • •


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OL '.

"� E PO �ii "AO ." ." UR ;;"'''''';

. . . 1937 E'' 'd. IlIo o n

PAClFic LU'Ill� ·C L ' =T''"""===="",;,,,;:,;;: ==''';'=

Two�Act Drama . In One-Art Farce


sewns: The IIbmr}, TUllC : Any ....CtK . bt>fore lMt .

. .




. . ....






(Stacks �r papers find books flrc pllE'd


������\ :ro:;�;� A::��'� l�::e�\:� .

I ' I eI the pile and begins to scan It closely: , . HLs physiognomy shows that an Intricate maneuver In m{'nt./!-i lI'ymn�tlcs Is In process. 111e maneu\'er continueI' , bott�m or with no time out until the , Averageth� p�ge Ls r(,llched. Here student raiSes his head and slares fixcilly at the 'ceiling for some moments. Hls lips stan'movlng wIth great alacrity. Sudden!.), he pauses and a dark frown clouds his wrapt countenance He glances a moment at the pap!!r. The fro\\"l1 ' disappears. and the Up:; mo\'e with renewed vigor. Occasional . glances a� the clock seems 'to accelerate the \'eloclt):,......hlCh gathers momentum as the end of the hour approaches.





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NYA Pr.ogram

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s�::a:y::!o ��=h !:PC:I�



: � :nl�

this program as a means of ..........................................................................>11 t o students of limited means Is testimony of Its value." quale Brookdale Lumber C;o. al Brookdale on Mountain HighwolY , ' Follow the crowds to GAd8nd 38H·)·5 Tac�a's FIRST . Stor�

r=::;;:;;=====c� 1





Tacoma LaUlldry Pantorium Clean�rs



· · n. VlyJap �·eller, · �uUne .·Waus, �_., Mem�rs of the choir,ln 'Jie' abov� ph�h in.c:lu�e (I�ft to �tJ.:" J:1nt. r�,!,: Astrid Ander'S?n. MlI4ftd Vlr"� ·Osyb. Llnka DeBerry. Ion Johnson. Alma' Stolte; Maurine WIt4e. S�nd ro"': .M&t-J MachJe. JaclKhr'BenllOn. Spencer. Jaalce Peterson. Muprd Ronm. Third row: EU�th StDtt1, Est.ber Norpa.rd, Be.llrke Sidders. PrOr. J ph O. Edwar . EtSle 'KrlstenKn ; R.«nola· uiL, DeleD · 1.l1ja. Fifth rilw: Webard' Tutt.. Wa.I�r Sc:hnackenberr. Mst"rln Jensen, On'ille Sl.'hlanbusch. Kenneth Anenson. 0115 Grande. Olly�r Martinson, Georrc Svan:I. Sluenner. (h'o memb4ml not present srI.' AIda John*m and .

one out of e\en fifteen coHege stuearning part of his expenses I dt'nts s through employment'''\n the NYA progTllm That Is the claim of AUf rer WIlliams. administrator ot · the�atlonal YO\\.th Administration: The(��dent aid prograDl hIlS expanded\ t6 inC"iude 15.E17 . 0" st Udent:> and' 8;4 mole colleges _ '-l�otal and unh'ersltles. Inclu�d In ( .. I -!,.- �' \ ;.: _ I of 124.818 stude�ts and\ 1.686 lrut!tu� Clons. . : 'UndeT&rnduates make up the bulk of . k the N){A list with 119.583 draWing . monthlY checks. Graduates n,um,ber - , At the class �oom entrance he goes 5.235. , Of the $1 .869.143 allocation for , Into a huddle. with others oC his klnd·-. student aid last December. $1 .770.533 :=!:t r::ln! ��::I��s ;:=�' �:;. was for undt'rgradulltes lind $98.610 for 7 t gr The last bell rings. A\·en6Student �I����� sUi ted that $309.498 more I.'a.�ts a fleeting at the footnot.e on pllge WIlS expended for NYA projects In De79. und crosses the t.hresho!d. cember 1936 than for the. same m"O!lth IAuthor's nO,te-Scene is omitted. of 1935. b�' !>pec!al request of the Humane 50- 1 Exactly 98 per cent of U. S. Institu. l ion:; are participating in ,.he student ("let}". c_ ____ . _ _ _ _ _ -==-:.:; id prog�m. said Williams. To be el� the college or unh'ers!H' mus�. !gl!)l!.' non-profit-making and tax exempt be PARKLAND GARACE . Shell Gasoline 'and 001 : This embrace:; practically every d('· gree-grantlng. Institution In the counDependable Greasing I tr�� GE NERAL REPA I R M regard tQ the fears expre I the time of·the NYA's establishment In the summer of 193� that It WM '"an on nl g �:I �f t�����C�� ��1 �l;�:�� (" -, IIams declared. . �. n l h e Pl:!�; a! ��: � h� ::!I:�� oot Interfered to any has NYA P---'---4--___-I- , way whatever with matters of currlcula ·i---"--"----·--....---!'I or ad@ln15trajJon, and the actual PARKLAND BARBER SHOP Ing of"tKi'prOgram in each has been left enUrely In the P.frDni.. Union 8ub.r Shops the InsUtutlons' own authoHtles. G. P. KNUDTSON. Pmp "The fact that appro�mately 98 Parkland. Wa!oh. The bell rings A\erllgestudent starts and looks about dazedly. as one summoned from ·dlstant places.• Slo9.·Ir., he gathers up his storehouse.� of know!t'dg�. and wendS Qls way to the door. and Into the hAll.

FEBRU;.\RY 11, ' 931

h. Olr ' 0f . th e ,W ��C . ' t"". ' .es

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Evs.Gjesdal: _




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Tune in every Tuesdoty otnd . Thursday---K"ltl ....'Itted student In the bac­ teriology laboratory at the Unlyerslty Ice Delivery Co. ot �lnnesota found a swift· Solution MAin 8166 for an une"pected fire. When a stu.."..........� dent's hair caught tire. he put out the si · ..· ....... . ..............,,"'" flame by slamming a book on the rel- . Raymond Electric Co. "i low's head. . E LECTR I C C.oNSlRUCT I ON . stOp University ot " You Can't Park Here" S!g�S on the � Flu can ·t AND SUPPlIE"S 9 1 5 omml'rU MlnPl:-Sot:\. student.<; from wooing. Men campus of the Catholic Unherslty of � BR 1 7 1 2 C arr going to be obeyed After : In thl.' Isoll1Uon \...ard sent the girl:; I AmeTlca " ' " '''''"..." ........"''''''',,.....\ii . � acro..o;;s the hall ice crellm COIlt'S In ap- i February 6th-or else. " " " " ""''''''' 1iI preclatlve II.Cknowledgement of n ,sel l AIlIlOYed at the frequent parking \"1- � ". .........."•. " ' of paper dolls. l olallom. the Chief of �he Campus_po- [ , THE BUC The "Committee for the Preservation 'I lice Forre has IIst�d the (ollo.....lng pen- � . of TrodltJon at St. Mary's University',' alliE'S : � Under New M�".1iJement proclaimed . .recently that shaves.. hair- I F�rst offense-Air 11"111 be let ou.t of ! [ Our goods are good cuts. baths and any other slmHar I :me tire, .� marks of civilization .....ould bf outlaw('d I Second Oftense-Air .....111 be let out � .. . ..... . ..... "".. ..". "'''' '''' ''''', ,.... .. .." ... ; ! af tWJ tlrrs. during e)(flm week. Freshmell III the University ot MICh- [ Third offense-Air will be let out of ; Parkla�d . Cooed Igan have been grunted the permls5lon 311 tires. . , :�!�� ��::�;�Ity hOU�:< during the th:��eeea )Oefar:h���n h:�:�����: Beauty Shoppe --L ��� IL The best of 8eauty Servic�s A "No Cigarette Bumming League.. wheels of all Illegally parked cars me�ber has been formed on the campus of worked nne untn a faculty . \ Lou�slRIlII Sla� UniversIty. League_ parked �reles.sll-'. · . .-.___________-<. members promised not l!l bum or � � '............... ... . .........:..... "..'..""..."""."""�"...".� i '" TACOMA'S A R EST �um�� f�om . Bumn;ln8" of "drags j . Eastman Kodak Stores j I Home-Furnishiri Store tt . e PI' l i P i �IO 8roadway KllOx College wn.1 cele�rate It;s· � �I .I-I .A, / � . during the , . :� I , . annherSllf) . · t ..T...... .... T ... C � ... C ... ... � Oily program to be held on � KODAK HEADQUARTERS d l t .. SkIIng :� th t � �U�lng . . ....-�-�-------:- ... sport" at Harvard University. In the , SPRENCER " JONES. annual report Of ili� Hygiene DepartConrad's eoffee .Sho p I JEWELERS rs f th I a e i 1 DE A M PIES· HOME �:� ��� ��:�� l �:!J��s�· l� ��:: , . 5 no seriOUS; InJurJes. 8rookdotle. Washin8ton .t I _ c I u e � . ,,"a I�� t�:�f :e : _�� l� y:� ,��� �J� F,�, .""." '.===:::::::: ==, H. R. Hunt· of the zoology department ; ; Parkland Mercantile Co. at Michigan Stale College. Pre- � Try on�' of our real Parkland. Washington histonc man had to wiggle his ears E)Cpert 'Photo Finishing. Photo to sharpen his sense of hearing. Muscles 1� h amb urgers with a Supplies, Prompt and Courteous Service employed hi this action are a definite �' mug of root 'beer! ' lnhentance from him. We Cive Car ' SerYice In order to study the night-life of � birds. George R. R. Pflaum. debate � XXX Prescription Druggists � Direct Importers of the Fin�S.1 . NorwegiOlin Cod liver Oil � I . e Cor . t l� ·Md�T:cr3t/v backyard. South Tacoma Way ; . . h e I The nam�s or two Unlversity)!f Penn- � -" -.".""",...."'''''''"......."....".,,,, .. 6:1 � --- -

A quick

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Croceries. flour. Hay, Crain. Fee.d ..etc.

11th. and . Pacific

'LUTHERAN BROTHERHOOD legal Reserve life In5ur�nce H � rma,-:-- . Ekern" President ' . Minnesota Mi nea l i r :e:rnented by. . '. n

po s





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BRopKDALE CROCERY 'AND CO. PHD�ES: . �rl.nd 01 07J�tlOlind Ol93R3 ,



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Cli Hord Pinn





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Subscribt". to



M, Rorem to Attend ' L... S. V. Conference , In Moorhead< Miml.

Play Group 10 Give Three-Act . (:omed y

Carnival �,e(Hler�


Hte . Snga " *owl .


Big Benefit Show To Be Givtfn Here On Friday, April 9




Plan (0 Hear the St.' '()laf Choir

"7h(' Young ld('a, " three act,com- . l'dy by Noel Cowar.d,' wLIJ be 'presented '. �ArJ�' In,Aprll by tn�e Parkland Dram-� IIlk Society, .\\',lIh ·Mrs. Ardy Edwards. Con\E'nlion t{,l Oven Murch 5 at Cire'us Theme '''ill Be .C;rTied .Concordia Coll,eKe; Prof. directing. Mrs Eleanor Barotfskl L� . Out With Parade. Side Shows. Ung�the director. 3ssl5 �'f1ueger 'Viii Speak �\ cts and Concessions The' play, Is an EnglL�h story with Inlrigulng pl9l based upon a com�fargarl'l Rorem left Tncoma Under the general , management of' pllclI.led- marriage situation. CiaTt'nce I�aln on T,lesday eyenlng to I"t>present Helt'1'l Holtcamp: the AnnUli] sprIng M:ll1son. as oeorie Brent. plaYV"'1:he bfo�t'rlt ('nteTtalnment for .the College P""III, LUI,h ' ,-n .. ' thQ� ....�"\'ell . .. COII-g-" -, male h,'lId as the husband In tht' .story, , I l o le('n'th annlftll Lutht'ran Studfnls' Un· Hi� 'c,hUdrt'�, Gt'rda and Sholto, are .��:�:� lSpr� �� e�����n: :t�ji:�� po?rnyed by �irgl�lia DaviS and George lOll COIlH'ntlOli for which' . .o'clock. This rear the carnival will be Johnson, Evel�'n Syverson as Jt'nnlfer: elated studt'nts of CO",OrdIR Collegt', known Lh£' "Sag Sircus;" and w!Ji .. and Ruth Pad·ness.. as Clcely, take the . '' Moorhead. Minnesota, will be h06L ld pa a . parts as Brent's ttl'st and second whes: ROREM IIELES HOL�CAi\1P MarCh 5-1. MisS" Rorern was ch06en ,��o�':�!�:�de\�I�'le, c�n :_:�e�n� : ' res]>t'Clively. Other charact.t'rizaUons -Cut Court.t'IlY News·T'rlbune I from Ii gr-o.up of tell stu(it'nts SUggt'5tN.! floor show. The adm\ss� . � rlct' will , ATe 'played by Thelma Daniels · a.s Prl-" DY 'the faculty. and submille-d'lo stu , I be tweilty.fh·e cents." cilia; Walter SchnaCkenberg: Claudt' dt'nt \'ote last TUesdar:noon, lnclud t'd ' ork A d c on t t o . De b'aters at W Eccles; Mr,;. Harold J. �raas:'Julla; Graduates to Hav�. also In th(· group wt're Aida Ja"hnson. bt' �h� ��c���� �� a �a ��v� :u::� ; ' I Q -· 0 V n Ita uestIon Mr. William .Gregory, E\LStace; Helen Eva OJ£'sclal' Otis Grandt' Jasper nd k o Holtcamp, Sybil; Gaty "'?flueger. RodP'�"rty at R. alnler Jollll);Qn - ha Knut.son AIVI� ogan, �an ��:�� b� ;:�:::� �:�� t��i;��� R . �he par��e. Vot('s wiJ1 cost each voter u!�:t'Il:.:y�t�·i\\lsle t:�; t!�e���:� a:� ' �:��, �:�;�,h::����. Hiram: Rnd Skl-mlnded senlors will Ilave An op_ I �:n� � :U ;;�;r�fl�::;n\\��dat7('�:d r 01 l this group ' prt'sldent of' portunlty to· put some of their Rctl\·lt�· .Clarence is' Q a..� a l' e llngs the debAte squad. which Is com' l' lIIlo�l' alreadr Rls thc m �1��;: �:���\'Il!e llumbers are being planned to foJJo�lmmedlatelY after �the�·��: T�:e�::���onf��r dt:b('al:-a��:: :�n��£,�p�:ln�a:·:II��d.W�e��c:�·g�n.�;� ������esCI��o J�:���;: �h��e ��U;lr��� �!Wakt'� Plann� Conff�nef .[ ::.: ��rea��o:,�t��pe:h�.�thth:rsem:·I\l Ja� the Junior coi!eges of tht' state th�s Is .�ecretary. and Helt'n HoltcAmp" ad · o.� SundAY, MRrch 14. C:het Solie. AI- A pres.� conferel)ct' of. the Prcss �, � n e co U e O v � t l e c h n : L S mission charg£' The next �eature ��I�': \ h���.� r �� �:� ���i:�n:t \\�:�� \':�:���l� :;a;! ��t��:s��� �:e v.�� ��IS°��: :0I�1�lt�:C 1�:; �:�l���l :� �:C�:�:�g 1�ld �� :���Ul��:�t': ::lt��:�� . � TIIngemen�. s " f �IO - I Uvitr will appt'Rr In later productions. ntion will COn\'CllC Friday moru�/l�;��� �d: �:�s ��� a:�11 � o:: findr maximum hour Iflws.� I Trnnsl>ortat ion '"for t,he grQup In I cOI1\'elind \\hen A capabl£' afternoon mil Other booths Including Ic£' crt'Rm alld P ill Pflueger... debate cuach hasl I the hands or Vern Blttt'r Ken Anen- journal bt from the UniH'rslt) of Mlnother eats \\ilJ be a\alla ..le throughout sl'lected the�... squad \\hll�h inclu(",es Junior Guild t\1eluher!; CalCli Helt'n Holtcamp Rnd Wadene 111 prt'sent a critical SUrH'} Ilf son o ta \ \ Il a Luella Eliza. Hoss } Mil. Iqa lil's D the t'\enln Various classes are to H.ave N ove I Proerant '" l f n ov embe l P ha\e Charg! of the refreshments The I beth F'rIL� �ft::aret Rorem EmJl �I� �li::: L � S� oop�:Sld� �e� ���I � led � ) � ��: H ;;g£, � �efl�� \��:C:� follo"lng ha\e been appomted to direct Smith J,lslmf !ohnsoll L£'st£'r Hol{e !l" .. U elf flist aUllunl Rtralr hI the affalr gen£'ral commlttt'c Helen and Glen G�ta!sOl� the "Tr:nlt} Jumor Guild 1m !ted fill �'�ddIQ;alt Schnackenberg And Oli\CT �Il:: c:��I;��IO:lhe follo\lU\g outline Hoitcamp Margaret Rorem �tty I In th£' community to Rttend a fnends a slight dt'partuf£' from (ormrr rn r . �l W I l S. U. delegatiolls' are especlah �:��c·�: �ne��t�� �::: l:Y ����::' l Nt·� G irls f� r{' Fe�d , ��dBltr�I:.�ap�t'��ttl�'ac� ::o�:� :; ,�e;:.:��, Irish Affair---1oPlan,nC'1i - Iyyt'ars. to Rrrlve at Concordia. thiS urged i ' I I n o a E n n parane commlttef', Belt�' HalJ. Marie v r ..-I . '� ill .. e l � Entertainer:) for eneh monlh were : I' or Dornlitory Girl:-o year In time for six o clock InfUl'mtJ ' Wenberg. June WaIH'r. Bob MitChel. l . �hman �,-, · Helen Holtcamp for JanUlI.,ry: who read ft'llowshlp to be ' held tl)(' 'nr,�t glrl� \\ 1'1 1' Cnlert\llnt'd In- "'Rheumatism·'; ' Rolf Wlprud; \'aude\'\Ile. Waden£' Cal- I rormally .. ··The Star Spangl('d Delt1l Phi Kappa girls "'; 111 bc £,\.enlng In SthUIJper coil('ge dining hall This Thur�da�· . e"cnmg: February BRnn£'I'," was sung by the whole party entTh£' erLalnl'd avan, BO.b Svaie. Connie Clumb. Fales 51. Patrick's tea 0 1 ' I!. pia n'd s� that \"lsitin!; and' local at a rec£'Pt.IO�: room when lhl' ror February; Rosalie Jensen sang March 16. f<.or which thc Delta Rho1 I � �� Martin, Kcn An£'nson: M!lf\' Jenson. I 18�h, ��l l�{, CJpb at thl' . \Iell host� for a so· Wh ll Irish En's Are SmHlng"' for Gammas wlll be hosts In the eollei!e s ude mal' 1;('\ acquainted Stan Ford: side show No. l. Gllry PHue-. P,t rliOI ,lIlt}which t' Junior Guild girls grn'e an rccreatlon rooln. Louise Williams is ve ou h'aturcd a number of "'March: geT. \\'altefl SchnackenOt'rg. Bt'atriee 1 cml ithour ��h ����.elltlol1 thNlle will 'or' "'Ad­ ' L.ellilld. Eug£'niu Spcncer: side show ! :��; 'l�� lk� by 1'I'I110r girls ;ll1d group., April skit : Mrs, C,_ O. Olson sang sprIng chairman of the affair , : Dlsclpl£'shlp:· based �n Ih(' No, 2, Manan Danekas. Kayo Johnson, I l sonil� for May RIUI JUIlt'-"Songs My Nev('l!a Ross. who Is plal nlng the i ventu;o�s , text. John "'VI' did not chooS!.' Paulinc W.Iltts. Clayborn Wilkens: : El ia Mae Adams phl�'P<i pl.ano Ilum- Mother Taught Me" and "'Me and My program IlllnOUnC£'s that It wll!� Indud.) me � "' The Inu'ndC"d purpose ()f fl�r show. J�dy B(-l1l'on . RIHh Watney. b("�S a\ the �egmn.l1lg. of th£' hour Lil" .Ba:ou··: Rosalie Jensen led the i�urprlll� numbers by the followlnr, lhe .lh('me ttl... emphnslZl! 'st'llu\1w.' I W:\del�l' Cala\:111 diSCIL'\Scd drnmH ac - audience In singing "'America the Beau- l glrlS who rul cl�l� to be pRTt IrLsh : dynamic. and . Bibli.Cat Emil Smith. Chr\sliRn 11\'tl\ll1l� of tht' college. and Louise Wil . tUul"' as a July number: Walter Ida Mae Hoss, Maurine Wade, Mildrt'� In and lhe rcsponslbilltles of ChrisIiams .sPOk� lIbout the ,Delta .RhO �aln'". Schnackenbcrg repre: wl!-S nn August Janic£' Peter�n. Vlrgln�a Larsen: . .tt:�s In this present age,-a cull 10 . Tacoma t·0 . PreSen t m" Glr!..s athlrtlCS \\('re I'XPlaln�d u.' sentalh'e, PlaYlng plano solo, ,"Slm- Da\,Is. uewClla DaVif'S,' Wadenc Cala- young men-i\nd wornen who d£'Slrt' mi. . , I Lo, ul!((, ' Hendrickson. a!ld schOOl ,pub- iltudc"': "', Seho:>1 Days·' for S£'pt.ember van. and N{'\'clJa Ross ASLl'ld- Ande�- elllure that Is r£'al, I , olr Famed Ch Group ilc tlo s by ,,Hazel Hngcrup, "Kat hryn W;IS sung and, enacted by Palri<:la son and Agl1('!';, Mohn are as�l. sllllg on v First Sf"SSlon Friday E\enlnc., ' ' Alld�r:;on ctl�cll�!'l'd coUeCt' orgalllZa- Boynton and Helen Ramstad. Marlon tht' program committee. , I . '"Thc first gi!lierltl �es.sion wiJl ')0.' OIl(' of Lh�' out.5tandlng sprlllg , mU�I- 1 lions., . Danekas plRyed a clarinet �lo for Ce- Oth£'rs who are working on the hcld Frldav I'\'enlng. Immediately after C�l t'\·{'IlL� �c:led�.Ied, for Tacum :,I� Followlnl! , !,t' (al�' till' gmll]J sang tober. and .No\'cmbt'r was. reRresente}l are Eveb'n Taylo;>r. [)Q�oth r KaPl) l' fe\ tht' . IOW�hIP suppcr, when n.e,'. A. , . , hl.'rr of tht' l, am . popular soncs \I'ltll � Odell at th£' by a no\, elty number. a "Cumzooka Enid Blake, refreshments: Betty Evan- th, l)�ol1 bt til(' nppl'.u anc · E Ha , ' of SI, Puu!. Minnesota. wcll SI. Olar ChOIr \\hJch ,I� maklllg pillno, by thc two "'Texas Rangers." son. Signe Mitlstattcr. Lenof£' Withrow. known ih student and Bible c1lm�) wenty-second annual c�ncl'rt tour. b:' - l A mar!';hmallow toast brought the du£'t \ ·Neli closed Mar the entertaln-· decorations; H('nri!!tta O . Virginia Davis y �-rOUP5 will li the m('ssagl: 011 . .... ... glnll.l'lg r-.'1nrch 28. . The Hin£'rary or Lht' hou. to a clost' . Helen Holteamp fond ment 'hosenbrillDiscipleship." l ta Brones, Im " Plunkaehlc, and Janice with a reading entilled _ t� ' ' M C Chris (·holr will Includt' SIXh't'1l wcstern cHIe:>. Louise Hendrickson w('re hostesses ror Nt's ·Plnk Pil!..s." after which refresh- tlons: the D. R. 0, oUicers compr�l c "'Fo!lowlng tht', r('gular L. S. U, busl, \ l Ic menis were served. 'the clean-up .commlttee. . ' ness meeting 'Saturday morning, thc A�{'5 :�::�:�tr:� �:;�£'r:� c�r�� ·�:: th� affa ir . Chapl'1 period and. the hour fol�owlng Tacomr" Therc \I'11! b!' 'a rOI1 Ct'rt APril ! ''''Ill be tRken Ill) by a gen£'ral session. ( r o nd S da I Rev J P pfluecer of ?acHlc Luthera'l :t'r�:a� �::�� � a� Me::} �:Jl vU:lI- I Com'ge Parkland Wa.�hlngton \II \erslt) of Washington Seattle In thl' to a stop before the church tionaI and rcfnshlllg As �£' z.ero stomach may begin a rJgorous l'am_ earr� on the conH'ntion thtme spt'dke\ enmg the choh \l IB sing at the th('Coming big bus marked Special IS SOD!] hou,:- approaches last mlnuti Instruc- palgn of protest against such orgies lng on This Discipleship Cannot Sf' Armon In E\£'ntl and follo\\ mg the belching forth £'xuberant boys IU}d girls lions are ghen as to the correct Risle but one doesn t cross future bridges Lhed Without Him Dr SH'rn' NorTacoma concert they "III be heard on tousled and mussed from restlessness to b(' trallSvers"d In "hat place the with lemon pie In \Il'\\ During th£' - (Continued on Pace 4) th£' nlghl of April at thc Portland dllrlng the long ITiP They g-alh.-.r basses are to 'ndd a crescendo and repast and for a "hlle th('reafter the CI\(C Audltorl\lm al l b sundr p er r Regi lralion Totals l d r t' � �::� l: :�;ht:� t�!�r �:� : �� �e�::�� l�:�" Arnn,;ed :;:��\:r:! �o� �:r���� ;!�I��n���; Ticket Sale� Begin bus Each pair of partne� gathers Its The game of picking out one home Washington geograph) The a\erage Reach Highe!'it Marl... tc g a C ad g l or e n o a . For St. Olaf CO llcerl ��� �: c��r�: :��::l�t. �t��� ��:S�:�ti�! ��� :�t�::: �x;;� �: :�;':�IJ��� :t ��� � £'�:���t': T)}e largest t'nrOlJmen� In the hlsooF}' .{"s�udenL� wishing to ' tnake reserva- Insufferable los.s It would be If churches antly about the housing chairman, anc1 that swimming In salt water does not of Pacific Lutheran College has been ' without basements! Fortr choIr mem�rs, bag and baggage. are necessarily mean ca\"orling caprIcious- aitained th!s semester, accordIng. to retlons_for the St. Olaf chol.r concert to wt're bUilt are presently ·engaged In ,de- huddled together, wondering how they I,y about on the billows of the PacUlc ports from the registrar's oWce. , be ' Iven Aprfil 5, should make them at mouths o \ a lg m e eI l t oot dellc\(�llS meal and one will ' fare th!.s. night. :r,,;o 'by two they Ocean, �!tat Spokane is Ilot 1iubu�'b ' on!, for the st'ating capacity of the ' �!! ro: :�r:h��: ;: l�c�:���f �; .:� Central Lutheran c:urc� is IImlt.ed 10 �:�� :�:::;�:n�:� �:�c�=t��� ��e �����t t:f t���r :n�:�,�rYa:;��� �;c�:�'�:l�' aa�!I:l��� �h�1 �·o:s��� cent t ered last 302 reg!..s o\.er the t.emes1 �;�O�d:: :x) :;� ���' ::S$t� b:"f'n ,an e\'enl of the past fo� onl}' ex]>t'Cted !..s In the alr. -One nev<!r s!onarles and preaChers· wives. ter. The greatest> Increase was made se f e Conve�Uon G0e5 On about three hours and ha.s matched In knows just what kind of people. his apparen� 'by, the l1um�r 6f new stuande $seats 1.05. �he forfuer price IncludIng the bo��\1�ess or the host may be or: wha� nature of . cottage Suddenly durlng 's lull In the con- dent..� registering In. the frcshmRn .noron elther . balconY or lowt'r e\·�ry sid nO;lr. and �e latt.t'r. priCe, the middle �:��:�tSO::a\nd�:::;;iS:�e�rot�' :: �:U:=�O�ve�h� h:�tedl��:;��� �:�:O:'n� ��:P:x��a��:t strikes the rna!. and freshmad liberal arts classe s, , secUons. nearest unocctipled chair or bench and rivlng at the home, .one ,is tllken to htl " 1 have a friend whose broYier-InNOTICE , a h m h s T m a ' Meeting �t �ight :�::;c�:�u!��:�:;,o�:!e :� �:�y �o� : �� �f:�e j�!�l.rl�g� :\\�:��n�;� � :: �o:�e�; � PI�.s �: ':�o::a:_::� 1nR�e �::..:� : : e I rc h n . In1: =t1::=m� �:�::� ���c���:���:�.::r�:n:P::���: ��;h:n�( ��a�e :ut ;: I : :�:en':eb� :�� S;�:llV':s! ; :1y ;o! 1�:�IV�� ��;';:O:;��d� C:A�C: O!r�n���::O� iug was followed by devotlon. Prof. This !..s th� preterred' method for re- graciously and partakes unreservedly In the south part of Tacom�." NeJll�Jean Min<Jr. Vera Taylor, Kohler, ' P.. J. Bardon spok.e. �l:l.' vocal selec- ile\'lrg"' fhe· effects. of an ovt"t' ly-am- of the "snack" (d\.sgu1sed as a. sumpt- . With Job-lllr.e· patience, tJ:!e. \·!..sltor and. Elva Bergman are 'In 'charge , of. Upns were rendered by Alma Stolee. bitlous appet.\te, as "it Is both educa;, uous feastJ. About R!'l hour later his (ConUna� on Pare 41 the &ale. , . fl













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iIrlfr _ooring tUaid .·

Thp !f!Jectator G,.e. . A-Choir.Trippi';/f

TO PACrnC LtTTHERAN AC.\t?EMY. COLUMBIA LUTIiERAN COLLEOE, ' and . PfeIFle LUTH.ERAN Coi.IIE�E PubU&hed every two weeb durin&: the school year ""d J. O1l8 N. ',By 'h�le ... a for family happy bta: One by the students of Pacific Lutheran··College. ' � Syne . - TelephoM: 'OArlnd 0517 Oftlce:' Room 115 w�'(', II;. That means the P. 1.. C. sollg TUpe: Auld Lil(" brds Aim thr singl;lg were The)' . . !!ubsCrlpUon PrIce---ll.OO .per Year l, . met, deAr friend5..both young and . Entered as second claM matter. October 2. 1925. at Mater wh{'n they'left Parkland, and Well WMbInK.ton, the Post. qrnce at Parkland, had volet' t'nollgh lert \0, be stili 'at It Inold, ' hAll! tn13.. under the Act Of March 3, 1819. when they returned. nOlle the .....orse . -ns betterourbyfesth'e fl!r thin ruddy gotd . "for the.wear and tear. . i!-nd aU. ont' you, met!t To . For tho.ose of you .... ho have not had-iii OI al d c ' i r ��� !;·..,�iC:�eO��uC·�18�·� 1 O , ; � I: � :� = ' :��� : � tjr-:!� �'��r�'�gS::� :�t� : :u:r �:�t �;: ;;� ��:;��,� In tour: byabU$.n Cll\lO'llll$ll YOU\'yrese�ce nigh. your .(rlend!>, eyt' Mcmber. IQJ60 101.7 eh·anlcal. contrap�:on with an engine In It. t'nRny choir J�ollatr' bunch ple,al\ure--by IIvtni In a sultca.'K', Are precious In our s,&ht, I'Issocdtjdeoue6de Pre" �yS /pr.onounced 'Choir', were dublow as to the out- ?ne tlmaglne tne interesting Well mei., dear friends, both young, and to gam scan't can come, but It ""as a great trlp,_ OregQn City .seemed ,orlglhate as "bottoms l STAFF EDrTOnA� have talten the cake for preparing nne dinners , , , But � � {':It: �jan:� old, " or " tq wtth EI?rroR Ha:zel Hajerup Is unaccustomed to :11:; ��:�u� ' est u \"i Roland that think_ we don't our f6tlve' boa.rdl b puff. .�urr, wher:e.all MaAround � ASSOCIATE EDITOR Norma Prews y'�I� and TIItL . . You �Idn·t . get your . wlsdom,.oft reLold. .. Tut� . . g n, l Publlo.sp¥k. ' powde .feast , . l!'!'Ye, SPOR.TS WRITERs - ROland WUtst. Norman t; p � . and red l'1Ibbers .Rlchard':' The . , . you OtItpoured! did feet ""et our at Be ' Fales Martin, everything nne except that any �;e,s�k �aswansot8C=0=�'��h/b� 'For: P. L. and C. L. C. e�joyed He . . . twelve site FEll.l11RES - H&rIan Johnson. LInka De Berry . ' . bit f d �a. a smatterln·g of melo- Clasp Hand!; as P. L. C. In the morning o'c1ock U\'e after he sleep couldn't SPECI.«rwRITERS - Jack Odey, Walter Schn&ck� '. No, �.... GjHdal dldn't lose ' her vo·i&r.-'he. just doesn't d:a;a a�'tl en . In brotherhood. for public good. enberg. Kenneth Anenson, Marvin JeniSen, say much . . : Aqcordlng tD Vie ElyHtro....U�e choir :'sb�1 Ima�lnc. o�� :�II����m;I��· . 1000t Urutlnt.ed. full. and free. REPORTERS - Bin Bergman: Ida },4en. Lavaun . . : sung by Romo�a R�t� . Corvalllll. Qr.egoil. The rain �' M rain. joy earth" o� all the be th' e MCCall, Liewella IAn'let Ida Mae Hoss. EII:zabeth �rtl't . - , We n· bet t at Ing very heavily wilen Rudy stArted Our a�nt· friends, panfOn:"lme a became Spence Stuen; Vlrgtnla Davl.s. Rod,. "I)R a11 of four�otes at the concert In COrvallis and old. for his h�n� home from dowr. town. . Both youpgthey' Aida Jo� coPy READER all wel'e here! BlOCkS and blocks he ..:alked. found Would that . , Cornne Maln)\n.· Irene OdeU TYPurrs graces manifold, their mlss . WI': A , , himself wrong �he or. avenue nd . Mrs, Ruth Franck EDITORIAL ADVISER their cheer. and laugher Their ni ,went back down town and sl:trted l .. ' , know where'er they go BUSINESS STAFF ' �'":,,-o . SUlI we old . , .ol'er again. Was Rudy nll wet?, ll But_ . C.. L, P. BUS�NESS MA�AOER - - - Elizabeth FriIs . 10\'e They choristers rhe readln a started . ASSISTANT BUSrNESS MANAGER - Lester Holte club aboard the bus Grande Jus: And "III Lonlght with all their !lught , . . BOVQVET.-to ;\Ia m 'EI�tT1)1n-01l general f:;�n- adores jubilee her ,"ell Help ��T��ft� �tANAGERS - Ruth DowntA;h, �e" s. J reading docsn aloud he t e ('Iples, long,su'tferlng patience.'and all-ro.und sweUltude · And �uch Intriguing subject maHt'r' . . Almll. Slolee �how agnln thL� year . . \.(d<!C ) We certh A E nd P control Of course It just one of th� And dear friends talnl}' hope that U.le pitch-engine will b"e under ��:������ ��:S:�TA�.;sKI\_ ��le� ��: Both young and old ne the by . . LU dldn't lose her things bUl has anyone noticed the , honks! It , . . trip t x are one tonight, Thelma Nes.ot ...:;core of .new romances that bl05- We all \'olce but she. got the flu, cllT-slck. and topped It orr by half CIt and Oo�r ' d ;o Mabel Heggem EXOHANGE EDITOR ? on m tri d le Tral' sln�-l\lng the ll i!' � hl\\'lng sit-down strike At. the last concert . . . Wonder n w�� r:���; �: :�I;:� . BUSINESS ADVISER - - - Mr. O. J. Stuen I o a h t h ' s ! 1.. C.. dear P. L, C.. P. Dear up e pulls l hard . �::�1t ��C���� : � � � J :��il:� : � : � l �� �I�; _ u I h � �;rt ��;:� :.� :'�::n:�� or ' forward. ,trOlig and true arl. our genial driver, must HCOOS March ATTENTION, STUDENTS off the �tAnds. had hill go.....n tramped under foot by a �a"II!.'l C�: '" ' t "' e G II l ' od h e l�r � " "' L' Rr}' l d q s U ' k ' G ' I '' a��o ' ·" C " c ' _: ' 1.1Iu: r. lUrch , :� el � , r)'Ol e sent awkwllrd k into ' His fullowt· , l ' d o ., oP d " I , , g I h,, f _"""" I b'.I h , o , II ,ou pJ..., .nd do, 1':." ,. 1 , ." l'm' :1 I II liS' I'HII{' III{' 1';) II ICJ arllls IS. cOIl\'ulslve hee-hnwi-ftlld all this after all Inslllring Hand it to Eddlr Machl(' to lose hn sl lU lI l!t'l l hy l ilt· Saga slarr fur sludents I I lIilll I /,umber , . , The we('k's screwiest gag goes to Ed"'ard_ I a . IIipi,. ('HIIII'I':is ill all din'l'!;ulls and sholll pit-- while l'idlng :llor.g In I h(' bus. he notieed a warning sign . ::� l��n;�� C:i�: 1�:;l I��'ea�_ b�:I�lt: Chapel ,Gleanings Kn 8 I IlIn's ,.f sdIlHll lif{'. �III(' sp,,jls , ,( whi � 1 a't� l pUl on the l1ighway b>' lhe sta�e . , Rlghl nway he sald :�!� \Is :d:: �/I�I �� �;� .... nll kilO,," j . Chr IStlRIlI:} I:anOl �um:n It is � p IH ('('d i l l III {' Colkgl ' ali/ilia!. 'I 'll (' nlll is hl!H ,.d � ;�����:;; ��::'�t:"�w I hi\Vet1't seen" . the l I e \ll Tht' gangs lOOkllt8 for\\ard :lTl I 'lg:lin. IT! Prof Pflueger e\eltl hetter \rip Ilext lIm(' \\hen lh(' Snapshuls an' ilililllah' <IlItl h"lIId,' hO Il U' �� . �;,\J)-IIE.t:D.I� the lillie thlng!\ in life that ill I ltt' S.I'IISI· ".f I �{'illg pt,,.son.:d, illfo,. ;I \ :l1. Th[';'\ ·f 4:1�\,:IO;o;li ��I\tl.h�:st:�10;1�'I:::�1l�0����hthfl���eal;�;� :';; �:\:l�l�� :Ug:�:�� :lIId tht' brl!'f't.1'S .cOU�l I I (" .11l IlrllIg St11T111g" lIH'IIHI1'U'S; plt'asalll n'tlli- J.:f'ls tuu nlce to �t!l�' In during all evening? Dr T! I I In America heathen:! Ilre b� ,----1,'I'as- ' IIIS,·t·III·{·S; allllisill,!! Ihoughts. Th('y ' . cholct': III Africa. heatheR.' ure ber.� ' . 111't·S. I call."" of lack of opportunity." rflas Ht·,. f'w_'t, RPII '! I Tlwn' at·\, Ihings will all !'I'nll'mlwr 1"1'11111 n e\' .! IBy �ssociated Collegiate Pres.� , ..' " III' sdlt, : '1 tlays ",!.Iidl an ' 1II" IIIghi IlIlly ,'agllt'n Z;:�:I�d. ��:� ��I�� I day." a In smashed be can "CilarActer I cause g ill l e e f siMer" blg " That I.\" III mind Iilrllligilolll tltt' y,'ars. :'-olan., tltillg:oo I d tl,) � �' I \� ...., . .� � we Unl\'erslty of Wisconsin [;Orority girl '"Teach us to number our days will hi' rorgutt{'JI. :'-o latly fri('lulsliips lost.· :'-01;111'" TII.I. SOW._ ! !IIal' u.�e t�{'m unto wt�om," " a 10\ of embarraSSlJlelit. recently · .... n·l\{'s Illlli,·iatl'd. ea u , al y c 'It lot Iruer than )·ou think. she.no_ began elnss lecture a Before Hul tW"', walll lu f"rget til' lust, til(' things 'r,�ve�:;Il��n:�i � . ����t �,: i��t:_I!l:t;: n !::�I��;I�n Rev. M . ..... Chrl:\.tensen I \\t. hu\'{' gailled al P. L. C . .\/111 W{' dOll" hun' Mire!)' go..s to the \'lIIage; they even hold hands during ���:� d no/�::�. bo�le·� !��:�e:ext�l eIOln� . � .I (Ol 'g{ t IIH:I 1 \\" , ,'all I'apt.l ll'\ · HII !' I1H'lllllrit's get.� �ick . . ��I�.\��o�,e���h�r t�ne�� '�:1����11�\'���1 I�dt�: Wlts. a brother Ilnd was visiting the elnss . Jim Collins Ski Shop I ; WI' �;IOtlt t\11'111 1I1l\\', a l ld 1\'1 tii{' S :lga lakt· ....ntarctlc. too-: . , "ioral; Ne\'er. never-In a b\l.�. you with his sister so she.chlltted with the sl n l.a;'�:'::�1 III,:�' .;�:II::���tl":'" li{, a ' ,I!tllllt" 'I'. .I11ill lilt' �����tr���:�rOTl:::�l�:�:�d��t:l� �ll'd�!�"orW�t:� �:�: t�l� �'LII�t1eco�:�r �l:il�g.�I�:� ES RHOD .IIRO�ERS TACOMA I ' I ' I ttU;��s II I PI���;llclon slarted Itch her when l I 1 Ia ' I I I l ' ! �� �� l �� �� ��:;: :�: h b �:: t n g d�:t�I;:�: ��: :; '-.., �·l\II , : �;�:.,�::::: �· )IJ.I(;� ,·t ::: ���;1 , '1 �J . �:: I ' I '�II ::�) I ' :�� i�:;;:� ::glow . . . you should see Les lIolt.e ' and Else Kristensen �=Z II��I\I��te��ga�e �:IIl��\�a:e ��r�e� 1 .,.. ' booty will add ridH':OO 10 III;' shoulder :nltl rn·l'Iy. YOllr arlllS . -. You'd u\· thunk, the)' wellt to West " nll,m.,,· I" 111,1, f,llo"'· .. -.,." ..·,11 "" ';I.:.:a In'aslJl'{' ." Il' it's!. Af ter .the Show ���n�;� ' ��:o��i�� f��l:rl�:It;:�n::� :��U:�7� a�:Y 5:;�: hR\·cd. ....s the clnss progressed she er s g read some of - the notes and gulped and Ollftr :Ua rtin.wn Ilu'lling- the trigger. IIh yes. ain't when JAC K'S C.R I DDLE lI' well ri �aw were e \ sl'l they that My goodness, Undf'rdahl and La\'aull len. j{,\·c grond? .. Tacoma, Wn. 913 Commerce )I('(';all e\'en look alike. WITH THE Y E A R AT THE SPRING Arter class, she rushed up, to her .sororlty l\lster and said; "Say, I thought I'.�===:,=====i!I The rl'ar's at the spring. I t he Wa.\ your brother, I .·s at the morn: "Ycs, I know bUl how could I have Printers '. Stationers Mornlng's Ilt 8Cv.en; told you? He's tl1e 21 year old midget The hlll-slde's dew-pearled: enrolled in the School of Commerce!" D I 0·. E B R The lark's 011 the wing: The snall's on the. thorn: r;: , ....... .............: '.." '''''..''..'' � A Sts. .... . God's In his heal'en� fOR REFRE·SHtr.4ENTS I t.._.... Airs right "'Hh thc world. � th" show vis,t the after -Robert Browning TAB" CAT TIle year's not quite at the spring. but5 at least March Try one of our real M f? 'South' Tacom� Way i� a preface to Sllrlng. things should 00n begin to be h.amburgers with .a all right with the \I'orld again. The sun begins Lo .smile I!l � ....,.... ill the mornings and we .get up ready Lo face the , mug of root beer! , da>·. But alas! Comes thal sleepy. IAt)', I'm-a-dreamer.We Cive Car Service arel l"l-we-all sensation wh!eh takes hold and lrupJre, the ralr malden tl? drift rrom reality Into reverie. and the "young man's fanc>'" trilel}' Lo turn·to "thoughts of·io\·e." TRIPLE XXX "She sure is a . , . Moet dlsheart. ,Sprlf!,g . The time for transrormatlons. When prose is I BARREL metamorphosed! uno poet!"}·, and youth becomes' chlnl- enl"&"' words -"No. I.don't 'have one" . .'. Cory Mal-, reus and departs from the more practical and i1annel- mln ls ,!.he Ideal secretary . , --:--The week's best taker.J .J"':��-' minded winter ft�t1tud(,!I. Ah yes, spring Is the 'time downer-off-the�horS:tr . . . "You know, I J f1St. wa.shcd my , ....".. t!i '" hen evcn I\�e must need feel Inspired to smooth It.s clothes before this pertod. arid y.our line Ls lengthening wrinkles, much,' that I think I'll hang my clothes on It . Assiinme�ts our .Y Typewrite When Is spring? ' Spring Ls when (wtth�due apologits . . .. Ain't that good? . . , Ol!terent rrom any we've'heard so TIIE. CORONA PORTABLE to the grammarian) the �I.rslf sing, and the .trea bUd, ·before. and It all goes Lo Vlvtaq Lu.nde " . . Yep, we A sure path . to higher grades In 1MB time, and the doodlers and the o-tIllers come to claM WIth 'a all, ,hear aU, and know all , . . But we can't tell all . wltb the, , Old you !mow that G. G: is"'aiJstralned nurse?' . . . My, play-riddle-play lcolt abOut the eyts. � Spring fever. that della:htfuI. drowsy afmction, Is a aln", It a purty day? ID. ,Monaon'. line) . . . and the , Bt:cment 8 t .. Por tb8 �nt1e wannth' 1s · buket-ball te&m dJdn't wln'enuf , . , and Jobn D. got a1JIl of the nelll' . Tenu 'I ' Compue not st&gnaUon, but the stUnuIus which' atam the sap to pushed tn the puddle, too, and .Fries swears up and do"," ' week All IIIaka that he is going to brealt up With his j1r1 In Seattle . . tIow, Utili brancb to sUr �d burst Into liye, . ' . " n e d FREE 5 da,.. trlal-�� �� IJ�. g e I e f th�:e�, : :�:;�:�: S:v�� ' �I�:��:; a� :�� � :�:�e� �:���h=:.: ,:,�� :ri��e �S:k� .;� H. O. BAKE'R & CC. . the M. M. office so goo bye . . . '{'he �ne1s Ui.e hlndrance and the new urge within us, we can 'do. m�Ch .to.make '. CIlIt. lI;0t the ankle. Behieen. PsCjf� &: A' t{ . SIDE 10'I1I 10? SO. 10TH "�I� right "'Ith the world." -

· Pibs




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L�cals Win Easily j McMinnviII!'- Ho.O.l';'.te"l . IIi1()-IrIT . . -.< . Upset :Parklam! Sfl "ad I J ....., O.ver Yakl"ma. T ; . . . !tam

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W. A. A" Hoo�teJ:s .. · . ass Games Begm . " CI -.

Girls' in�en:)1IM bA:�kelbali : tMOn wu opened last Monday ,,11h ":"rut. 4.5 29, In . moving game between the llberal 'art.�. 26 victory o\'('r a Yakima, five �hllt j:m th� McMlrmvllle maples last Sa,tur- 1 high school Rn,d the �homore teamll. !}6Cffe'd ln8 Russell 'F'r�'e as sporta'tdln('n't knew when to My q�It.,. In day mght. the pffie !"t'sultlnr In R. .�4 .14 tie. tel of t.he M. M.. followlng,.hls lfT.duconference fray ('On thl!' loser!! flOOr on Declde<ily ?fC . t�elr usual form. the" allon. YPe"'riter this assa.s.Stn t wl&h� The !lCh�ule for the e!ltlre ' �Rson r Saturday, Febru�ry 20. .Luthe ans slumped In the. Roond hII lf. to t:l[pres.� the appreciation ·of·all MUtt'li ar"!-nged by Wadent Calava1\. ballf"rom an e\'en-Stephen orand of play . allowing Stranot. Llndfleld ace. to run �porU' reRdeT!l-and I think. InItetball fruinai!!r. � listed lollow� : 14 wild n c lIectlng lnt� f9r-ffi! c ude� every studeflt or P. .c.-tor in (he early part of the conlest. t.he . <l I po March ,3. Wednc�ay. . senlora vs. MPh:tro"-S-.�taters begRn <!ropplng them :n C!lrd�nal R�d �rple quintet. . This the splendid �por� copy that editor on1ore�; MRre!, B. Mond.,y. freshm!ln ond t hoot g s tr k f Stran lod S from he Hghts to shoot Into a c9m" .s.k �r � . �. ? ot pounded out on his Undtrwood, Best 'lIberal Artli:nlgh school: MiU"cl'l.. IL .L! , !!J fortable leAd that ,WL nev� thrlAtf,n� ,boosted his evenings totRI to gtve him of luck, M. F.rye ! Wednesday. �homo,reII ; ed Tht IntermissIon� SAW the 0la1s Ute hlgh-!;CQre _ crown. . Not far be- . . , .Af,t.e r watching "BI�II' NILs:en �I . March I�. 'Monday. �nlors vs. 1lberAl . h lnd wa 2 Nl en S b QJ the northern· five de orutral.e hi!! hoop talent on th� . the 10llg end of 1 · 15 !\Core. arts-high school: M�h 11. Wedn��Ith ten markers. . ba� etmall floor. I am conV'ln� that rti. the_st'CoPd';..Qund the�rs day . sophomore· vs. freMmen: , March . � The summary . mclted the net" for III marken. seem- P. L. C. (291 '- It C.'s "Thin.Nan" doeS. everything ' . 19. FrIday eft� lng. demonstratlon � ... , . lUI �Infleld but blo . the ball before the game. ingtly e:c.perlenclng little trouble In 101· . . , game. do,r� \'5. d�Y girls. - . title for his opponents ('Utlng the hoop. The locals. on' the' ,[;mmervlk (6) FF . (Ha9 ) St.raru. An app �, seJ�tItd teams include: third ngton pur;sulng him down. the rn,ples \ / , S) . other hand . �w attempted throws re- askn . 10. . . ( B I. might ni N o.m od Year r. n�nnal-Thelma �SII. Lou\ae . . . . The n tlp oft eth o plaype�tedly fall Jlhort of the t\\·.lne, Foul �� � - (9:1�::���!Is' tie "Arter the Th2n Man" (h.n:m) . . . . IrlI...)h December to MRrCh sport I.!. Williams. Elsie Barret�. Helen Scot�.. . . . I penaltle1; nearly out-numbered tallies. So e 10 "'atshlng the Olsen- provinge quite �ubll popular In the lOuthem Irene . Odell. . W�ene Calavan: 6 1 Young coached clan turn out one cQon.. with ·tweh·e chlilked up qalnst eacn Uu 1 1 . 0 rnoon / al'tf, Hendr1 p art of the coBst In<.thl!ll ·style ot pIa Helen HOIu.rnp. lAu�" th�,��:: last week. 10' �me<i . .that the obJec't there . club. �. ��t��ld�����:�:=� H and Ma n e udith � b. n h� J B ruo . : be ' ' .. ���;. are " . only t o tip-or se du ng . NwAS for the )K,yS to slrk �v.en tree . t M'COnd ¥eac-Alice CQok. He,en ...... Hlgh\lICore honors wer� copped by ' '. . game-at lIle beg:lnnh1g of the f1nt and r throws In A row (nch .man shooting second Enid Blake. Melba Fenney. Esther Nor.... Nll�n of' the Lu.therlln five. who berg. Morris 1�1. . . - . halves-an d the bAll Is pUt into countl!<i ncarly ' half of his team'� l on« until that n\!mber was made. 1 play a rter each ' basket b)' the team pard. and Elva Bergman; subs.. Connie . ' . rI The best .the hoop artlsts- could do which w'" scored upon. This s stem Clum�. BeR� Sldd:". and M point.� when he <;I.'flnl on a scoring Gla(hato.rj;o . VIct o rlOUs. )' let'Melver: !Te3hman-Marlo� Dim� , was to make t�ree gratiS shots without does AW"y with Lhe tip-off control e h spree or his own to garner 15 polnt-s, In Recen t Tr" .lf» No rl �PO\II�g It with a miSs. Since · Sum�ary : lvtime waS Elizabeth Stuen i enson. lI e e � I J V Of he gangling piVOt-men who r ach 1 -ilwlUti . and some of the boys had .to sk L. C. (39) 1261 l'aklm:J. , yWArd. upwards ot' sIx feet.' Since Ian Hall: Bert� Thompson. VirginiA I lt b l I b Tommen'ik , 6 . F .. 3 , Dub UqUe : tW��I;�� �� ��lIy )�::t�� �g�t ��; ;����t: : d y (�()��:C:� :�n� o��: helgh� of siX-Six And up are not un- ::��:S�:; ��� ;�� ��:��lt�:� f h R I h r :::��le ,\1; : � '�;)�-:::: fond. not 1(1 be conquered Pacific43 Luth-42 regl:lars' by rev nl'!..lng the shodttng �I;ow;f'f th��o���;�g �';i'\l�:'�Y �:�'�r��; Gordon. Bloosom We�tt . . Nellie Jean e an GladiAtors II thri lling to order. so 'thRt Jay mlth-a constant l llt v s . 2 , OIlIl�1Il 1 f G ord g a � o er uch comparative mldgets Minor. Evel}'n Nlchol!lOn. t Janice h h O . ' 6 ' Pazarlch ;���r�d ��;V���I�y �� � ����h::� �e�-.:ns PIAce�_i� a leM con� as Nilsen. who scalts Jensell ' 4 mer� Six feet." :���e�:t:: .:r�:I\�r�r ��u��·II:f��. �i��: rlt Y C e f i h th s���� H:8\��: ;:;;'�-:� ��'In�����: I :��e!U;I��t F��. t��. I�er'� floor FrldRY Glads Take ' e ntral ia � : � ���� �e� �o;�� � ��U;��: \d : eila Da\·I('s. Ilnd Alice &e. C .rt Forrcnt 13 . . M�Nelce. t r � ., -nference Ga me !�:�� t���e I=����T�! s�: ���!� :�e� r hi Co-'.-. . d��: :�I:�n���: t�: �"�u �:'i::\'��; I . t ·1· of playing time are .�aved by I la q.� g do�ne:7 �:e24LutherA nS A nm ht'r - obstRcle \IoAS hurdled by minutes ck y Shop I on �::;II ; Brl EI"ne', BeautPe'm�ne L l . � so \' uLhern S stem of play. The only h ., map s a t' t .. Coach Olson � cage men their I Eute, A R D!OS , � fo, tOU, lacking '!n the no-tip-off S}S' Tht' Thunderblrd� Irnllf'd to IB champlon�IP drhe ....hen the) rolled thing ..WMEANS s.n·H.ppi....... I C.". nteed 0,1 Pe,m, e' Is the chance tor the spetll\tors at hAlf time (hlf' mlllnl) to brIlliant l o\er 1 0 0 ..nd Up the .... eak Centralia JUnior college !t nl Ca 5.;: 436= So Tacoma I S�15 Pa.k$Aye thei aft ch breath each r �;:; . ;,;;;.Way ;;:: t � ; _ "; . f' r Ban l GA 4059' 1 floor play and �hootIIllZ� the Invad - I "'o to a league e on the win- :ore I J. er� Near the end of the �tst period ncr s court ' �sd!lY night Feb 16 Tl I Our St Marlins corre.�pondent :;:-:.========c=.:.;.: the Irxals relinquished 'f! lead and ! W hIle I the Lutheran melon to/'..o;ers " dug up "the fact that a vel1 reliable r I \\Ith bill ''''0 mmute� left fo und"' them- "'erl' bus) pepperlllg the hemil for 21 �ource lotoIuque,.de Costumes feM' Rent disclosed that the lTnI\erslty of I NEAL E. THORSEN ' �;;:�t�::lhl�II:Y �:m• � ���� H;� �;,� ��;���n �eO:��tI;� :e:�O\�=� ;�S'::;: Lore�on and Oregon State college plan p b n ! to"k.", HIli. 81noon' to l only five mell on the baSketball I � an iM' SOh� flIck('( ! d \m Chet baSkelJ' n " Serpa I r a O 11'1 q ick �lIcce�loli \0 pu� �n end to 1 1 1l;�� t:e �:�:�t pretty �ell decided floor at one Umc WFIi changml!: the ;:::: 4861 I '}'6 - '1�BI B';'oa �':�'v nlll'� again huh� I . the Umost spectaculAr game e\er seen the Gladiator bos.� mO\ed In his re---@ ---�--------� nil the U B C floor .@ -"' .,. .-'� �ncs II.ho ga\e prett} good account .. , ,. , w � BArdol�}. v. B. C. for"ard, wa.� high lOf Lhemselves whl'n the�' rang the hoop O!'lpe(:ts Good For l O sT... · ' r � SCOTf'r wIth 18�. SOlie with 13 I lIl the last hAlf for 20 polnt O!.. '"Th!n Pr BROOKDALE . �I:I : :S �����' U�d� �::�, h!S M ���� � all� Nilsen With 9 polnt..� I�d the Park- MRn" :-.Jllsen. lO�eri"ng Parkland pivot � s"'op in BARBER SHOP W HHlI ng Goll Matcht'!'I Store women like I � land a!tRck. -I man. captured the scoring 'tiara Cor . CRUTI ETLA WELCOME STUDENTS ao J e kl e i ng e � ��P��;r.t�!. te:�o.�:�tSyet:; ar� ��le:oU�����I�� :�� � Cif�:I�I���;rA�I�lu:K':�::U ����� :�� ! �� ;���,i C=�limn:.;� ��Kt�: l�: :�� �: four � position III the Moum Vernon Juniori lettermen ret,l'rnlng from the i second Summary th w e cc.llcge qulmet a.� they SII.'amped them p. C. 1 "0) \' Centralia 1936 quintet and abundant. freshman ! .j, ', . to Ihe tun� of SO to 25 In the Mount Tommen'lk F ' I , Kennedy materlal from which to �electl the fltth i , , Vl'r110n gym nlur�ay afternoon. Feb LeaAA . 2 . . 12, Gillespie man. Letter ....·Inner.; return ng .for ;;.n- I l . , TEI T HALO Letter SWelte.. OUt Speci,lty II I NilRn 0 17 , Goselyn other sea·-.or are : Lloyd Thompson. I t C A T I PORTR H S W I The local... had all rasy liml' In scor- I Ford O . . 9 , Conner.; John Stuen. Bud LehmAnn. and Har- i ,5, INDIVI D!JAJ..JTY . Toicoma WoIV. .rOt I I I;" SI h h h d t y k t e t ��r� l\fr:)111 �:e 1��I� ��: :l\�n� ::� J ;:: ';1 L C -Jo�nson La'::On�':, r ;..���� �7CI� a cinch to cop ' !il at 25 to I" Larson for the Gladiator.; McCay .6. Smith . 1 1 Schlllandt number I spot \!Ihlle the remallling I I \\as high scorer "Ith II tAllies battle the new crop of , Centralla-Coburn '2'. Sampson Pal- leUermen must fo�mefly . pOfiable� ..nd sl ..nua.d talent to decIde the other four PO�'- I ' I mer Referee Charles Barofsk} H arhook Studio fOUNTAIN l!ENS & , ....... . ufm Among the new men expected ! F H R U G. M.aMg!!. t I I e 0l HAROLD E DAHL CO. � R �� ng '1!1tD I � � f�:�:� ���:: ;:I�;� a�:: 7::_ I , , ' 950 P�c,f.c Ave Rust Bldg . Lohby I 3 - WM ; n �� Uo ld ' ball lumlnRTY Peanuts Larson Bud ' ... .. .. . . . 9i....." .. ,, ... .. S ! Johnson. former LlnC91n high golfer: oe.. I "EVER YTHINC IN tr.4,USIC" ::�k:���ln=�10 t; : DAHL CROCERY CO. , . e:�:�:� m��; :a:� I ;!;'I:'' � Super Qval,ty CompleTe STocks Bob Ora:zel!. Member United Pur;" Stores for Studenh �ll1g from the 1.937 Ji ve will be Special1 5cRates Ted Brown MUlic Co. fOf 9 holes Frank Unger and Er� Knut:zen. clUb Parkland I 1 1 23 Bro.1dw.1y 1 1 2 1 8.o"d";""v GA 3 8 1 8·R.-S 2Sc for 1 8 'holes .l.Veilders who did. not come back to school this year. ,R" uiar Ro1Ite, ., '" Oladlator golt scheQule reveals zOe for 9 "'oles De pauw' Unlv.rrslty keeps a -12.000- clasThe hes with the following' NorLhwest 35c to<' 18 noles DISTINCTIVE PRIN�LNC . on reserve of coal In the event that teams: Llnlleld, Unlvenlty ' o t Wash­ mlne-strlkes will cut off the fuel sup- ington Fresh. Portland U.. Ellensburg HIOH SCHOOL' AND COLLEGE ANNUALS · PROORAMS . Normal. Yakima JunIOr College. BelALLSTRUM PRINTINC CO. MAin 6168 ply. . The amount of nose Ohio State Unl- ilngnam University of Brltlsh 940 Commerce St.. ve�ltY �tudents put Into their voices Columbhl.Norma!.' and Aberdeen. '" '" ,an no<;l.· be determined by the "nas.IIty Indicator" In the phonetics labor- t' ......... .................. .tory of Derby Hall Mere "'rHlng ablllt), isn't the most AMOCAT FOOD PRODUCTS ,nlportant requirement tor a would­ "THE PEAK OF QUALITY" , Distributed be newspapennan. says Prof. John L by Brumm. chalnnan of ihe Upl\'erslty ot WEST COAST <;ROCERY CO,_· Mlchlgim's - journalism department :.8oundl�g health " Is greate�t ne­ - es.�lty. t --r SKI TI� Recen revelations show that a doz:­ of Alabama students be­ · narneUniversity RENT S six set-� or man' and wlte dur_ IS NEA.R! AND SHOES ng the ChrtstmD:S vacation. ' . � . CHECK UP ON YOUR Living expenses at the women s coop NEED���y� new park.. w''..hood is lukinldormitories of Peri�lvania State Color new ,.. i, of boob would help. Cloth;", .lind have been slashed. to. a new low ege ( Skii. 'for eirh .lind loys ,. 15.25 per week for each .CQe(l. reports .' Charlotte E.· Ray. dein of ·women. Fecmu at Auaustana College. S. D Rli m\Dleop'apbe<i "reputations" of . . .�24 Pacific.Avenue rellows as they are � out ai tiielr . ' date-nashi ng sesaloru. . � -OvercOming a hair-lime Leadby Nll�n. l'lonllat�.i Linfield's Wlld<:ats �lIIed In the flnRi �, · l.Iaskrt�n Lutheran center; lht: gllClfic Lutheran stanza· to spank the P.!l1!1fI� Lutheran !!Ie1ee I lXlundNl out an eM)' 39 :0 College ca�e men.. to .

_ .


















. . - . ., spi1::uou! p6s�tlor:. Then by letting T9mmt"'·Lk. �hoot fh'e 'ln row ( whl!e Jay ;:;Q' R pl�fldlng look fit the Klng\ "the boy�, were Rble to chli lk up the required seven In tlmt lot supper. Ml\ybe the boy!! hate . to take lldvllnt«gt of any thing free. CORch: . 1\




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Wa:shington Hard�are · CO. .



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Quality Knitting Co,







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q�h� Hear ' Add!,ess ori Germ ny

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Abo�t Co;'ven;ion ( ConUn�. �m Pal'�' n



Ramstad "I� S�k�r' .

" � he (.hP'a(� oi ; "Trip l)

A Day o Alu m ni" Ple�sed With ( �n . SIlCCf'S� . ()f BtU1� I ,u'l



" At Fireside �le�tin�!oI '

", '

g. authOr and ll'()turer · <:O�tftI R.� H ' Ided liS an o\ll�tBn Dr. WBrre� T�n' �ddresse"d '' he �� ' Ct.!ng socctS!i� {'numerate:; th(" fln··or slx .Jone� 'hi! Prof, A.��msUld' Rdd��d'-t.h(' "one ?! ' the. fOf:mOS:t thool,ogi'll h::tPl>tons know. nonl" of whom liP_ Fireside ns In ,t'HI ""� an ,' mcmber� or t-he-,'FtenCh ' d ,-",fm �ur " ut' SWldR�' evpnlng.. on thi' 1937 fllumn! ,re\lnlo� l)('Icf'Fit.r� Ff''b- pt'BfS 10: totx-' the suter of the brotherC?hurch 'today," w�1l Clubs on the evening of F'ebruar�' 11. duc[LutberaD tht \'al:!ous den�ml�l�ns o� thl' How " ' a Blbll' hour. r 19...21 . brought .265 a"fINJnl and in-law of thl' trll'nd of tht hoMf'ss. Chrlst�n Churchf;ml' �ut� and how ha\'lf�g his topic '1"IIs' reC'ent tr:""el,<; " Stud('1l1 group confer('sc('s wi]'! bl' I rUl\r t l r sll i c1mts back to parklaQd serll'S\ amI. Finally. aftl'r a fo m ' of Cartf\ll�. ' G:r:allY.. Dr. TomllrlS()n !!'i much :�a�l �slon S:I�rd�r afte�\J."ooIl". wi th l . Tac:oma to atlt'n dJthelr al1JWRi; ban- cO\'l'rE'(! rl'wns. one. 1s a1iowe<l to rt � th;:: ::' d���t·\ ::�tlO�·. [ollo""E'(! �11\n de'!land as a speaktr on fon:Jgn af- the' '<7ue;l'n:sn an;���:'�S(>:: ���tt�:: quet ' which W8S gi\'l'n th� Ma;sonic 11.:1'. Br:akfMt will be servl'd. �'hen- by hymn Sls�glng.�� . .... .,\'Ocal se�l'Ction f�lrs. Hl' i.s a�latl' professor of � cs 10 be COllS' Ired are. Tf'mpJe In TAcpma.· 'T\\'o Crossrs" y.'aS sung by E\'a . Ojes;lt:;s�:�OI��l(�slh: 1�1:��l'.1.s �:.���; "dal. C'l'rmau at the College of Puget Sound. ··.Does Topl. [)oroth} . .Anderby. acc�f!1panled ""'hat We Bl'1I�\'j, MatlerT': .... special tr-i-bUle 10 P. L. C . �.� made 1;�(' '<CTamblln@ bei:I.p Jnto wrltl' one mllst "!,L'IO played piAno nUIT!bf'rs. Mrs. Bondy was hostess [or "pot, " HQ'" S�all WI' Deal With Unb(>lle: 'wlth the p�eselltation to �f. N, J. fl'\\" to all the friends lind son.It who WI\II decldt'� .to chAngl' t.h� . t1�le luck" s\lp�r at her home pre\:ious to �nd Indllf�rf'ncf' on thl' C�mpIIs?" ; HOllg and Pro[. J. U. Xavier. of .. an. U\'t'slin('s ( bACk cj. home The e postal partt' me ting from 6:30 to 6:45 �1 the of What An.' I he ��nSi�lI . ill�s of their of th an Aw_ ty a n rc1 rec�lIiz I CE' L� I!!'l'ht ce:-tainly must hal'e 'onderE'(! at rl'gular meeting nights. '<Ihf' Ic�ture for the dAy .�tudents "'ho Church �oll('gf' Oradua� Delcgalt'3 : Yl'ars of �efl'lc� . to the college. The the . slldc1f'n- Increase In "'thl' remained In Parkland [or tht' meet- a�ld \"1.!;1. I1 l� student$ sale . . arf' reque�ted to progm:Jl. WAs pr.-senteel In Accordance penrll" post Cf\rdsl. The. (01l0""in8uf . Typical Gt'mlan dlSh� were sen/- thoughtfullY,conSlder 1 these topics .. ing bewith the thenlt' "Put on your l)ld grey mor�ing. on(' I\wakeons the sound (It ]ulllni 'Tt'" Held H'rre ed. such lh·er;wurst. potato salltd. ll'.al'e (or Concordia, . bonnt' ,,·!th Myron Kreidler. . prt-sh bacon fat slr.z\lng In the fr)'lng 11IImpernickel. cake. .and' cortt't'. The fo:.e.. tth�y For ·.Reunion Visitors on Saturday ('\"enillg. dent 01t." thf' altlmni group. presldlnlf as hot pan �h the II{:companvlng ne\\'I�' elt'ctecl German Ciub offkers he_L,SIXs. o clock :. sizzle 'of banquet will be "sprcad" t::lastmaster. ' . " .p rlo · ·trl�(lreggs. "'ere Introduced to membf',s pr('sent. : Following, Ihe . �on.cert g.iven by the . lnlt u r � � �� � ;' � � � ��_ :' : ... . tlanquf'l on aill also. the 1938 t the r i Thc breakfast whiCh has be�n pre L. C. choir .Th�r president. Betty Prlis: I'ice- �lhU��� o oo e on Sunday. afternoon. prl's�dent. John Wenberg ; secretary ar.:l was ch()..�n. Thos.e elected t:.. pared quite .('Qual. to tht' pre<:r.e<llng· FebruRry . portli of the various grOU�CmOnfer�nces � 21 . a &rOup of graduates were tt i l principal. � MorriS � Ford. group a me:!.l!! MnrlOn Kohler: find treasurer. M'l'll'ln 'will Rnd Is hefty to s ('Ilough .t.kk h�tesses to alumni alid other vt'l:. ltors thl'll be ;ead. . .Follo"'lng ihe ban- �� �;: MrClIIehoon ' quet. Dr. Norberg ' wllJ conduct a second kl ch:�bll���a�!: ��:I� �e�; ;i��nn:n chOir member's rlbs/ ahnost Rt: Iln Informal tf'a In the t't!=reatlon b PflU\g- 1 Afier chatting a llltle morf' on� Ellen :Bergstrom. Rhoda Hokenstad. Girls H" ar R e . Le �is :: �� f=��:1 \7" t�l:ty�f' d�lr:: I�� ��I� '\\I'r1\hr e tl'achPacific (!r. Tacoma Je,College 1 lu('tantly tnk('s his c1('I)fl.rtUtl' Rmlll Ionl' Luthtran �tu(\ent Mad!lell. Edna stud('nts .. Joanna At Februarv �leeting' Sunda} monllng there " III bf' a dl prom� 10 �top In If e\'l'r !n Ih'll M:tnouU,s. and Volley Kel�y Norbr RSsb� ' llclnll� again · . " In sen·lng Ilnl' "'orshlp In Trtll)t} Lutheran Educators DISCUSS R \ A1 l l l'img at the ('hurch oncl' more Ii" e t Church "Ith-- RI.'\' J P pf! uege; . ......................."..... C � R ��e�llg�:I� �u::; :f��� Y outh l\loveluellb tbeMl'rholr prl'achh'lg members must all comparl' : on th(' them!' With HIm noon Februan :!S at thl' 0 J St�en I 1 Jl'Sll'l Thf'Te Is SacrifiCIAl L\\'ln,! It Eastman Kod�k Stores 'r;: . not('� on tht' PMt night Ild\('nturt>1< I b\ "Collegiate Pre!'..�1 t horne ''''lIh Mrs Stuen and Mrs Lora � Kr�e<lll'r. hos�cs�s. The program In- :�0��1:/:\��1'(' t�o���rd�: ���e�; . Ne",' York. N. Y .- � �Cf l-:-:he " I�ew- Th�t':�: �r hC:tur:a�;.s e;�('��l:d !��k: 9 10 B,oodway. . .1 �1>U1r:�1 t:·�c�:a�n�:�ec�!��o��M���: :lnother of' th(' Sunday Ise�on.�. Com- e:h�;�t�tt���e:,e;�;..o:�o �e::gn�e:..�: nough to '!mw this. nict't�� Is lQOked KODAK HEADQUARTERS p upon wllh I'IlI'Y by hL� less fQrtunatt' mUnlon �!'!t.\"lce� will be held 5tmdav he h I n a �3 or io lh� � ,mornln,' ",or'<hIP "Hh �aTl�e:I;�u�::t.I:�Il�oarl tr::O��loanr �;� I!i . . . iii ompanlOllS !h� L T�I(,� S:�I��d H��:� �! e :\ F A "'" lollz pastor off!- ml'nt of Tl'a('hin d eh\ered b) the (' The tiRI!8.age bnll,ad(' attalll forms to �r Buckle�-Klllg Flt, ner!!.1 Home In Tac- c!!!.tlng thc �ltltca.<;('s a befor(' long I oma The group rl'Cl'hed t"ent}-fl\t' SlInda} Rflt'rLlOOn "II! be gll(,1l to FOlllldRtlOIl S Prrsldent Walter A Jes- repiRct' VI Thursday-:-K \ next o"n tonelle b \\a) thc on IS \l'l ("ents per person for l'a(h \iSlto� and a Mission Empha�l'l program As th" sup , Home �alr..111 Eilcha",. I the Itln('rary said thl' ofSe\' tile mone\ \\IU be used to",ard the sup- main feftlure ttwrf' \\111 be a messag(' In RII too malH ulstances I ce DerIvery eo. i such da�s "lIh �lIndn IRI I __ appar('nt IhRl 'hese ne"_ lationsen make llOrt (If the Shlsmarl'ff MIs.�lon In AI. gnen h) ReI S HaUanger mls- report ItmO\emenLs ! _..l �..!� Irom I arl' reaII) organ- ch l and Iheup a grRllc1 rl''<plle Il�ka lonaTl to China 'no\\ hom(' on fll�- er \,oulh " ._. _ IiJ " . . . -.ioo@.......... of actlvltl('s humdrum oo '< ki tlle\ I\ho O" "hat R<!Jla.� b\ ized l The club "Ill ghe a tea during March iough Christ Sllo\\s U" a Worl(1 to rdlnRr routine y at the home of Mrs J U Xa\ll'r Rd- Win 'A ll! bt, till' 10pic chost'n b} ReI "ant and to \\hom \outh Is a reser n RaY mond Electric Co. \olr of ad\ ocates readlh influencftl Ilst'r of tlu group Ha11angar E LECT��D C��pSpTL��S�TION , � economic or pollti- ProJu inent G �udua�e l('gat(.s an urgcd 10 JlIH n to cal. Shlf�ookIn social. 1:ll.'11 �e.t�� . ��-":::" ': tht' ' ln rl'm ugh thc cloo! ng !'t's.. .-.Ion. olll i a�e quickly reflec::d. inlalnev R eals Her Betroth.. r �� 171Z 9 1 5 Commerce e bchalf. P X �IS In up set progr�lll . Norborg will dl'lh"'r . PARKLAND CARAGE .Dr,. Sn;rr(' I "'tll('Ilenflnlll the �oulh I Of interes� r.o local friends is the r;... 9-'1\1'1'111101} address: ··H,.. . I'd Mr. .Jes..-.up. . WitnessMussollnl . . . . ..... . ...... Shell Gasoline !!. Hitler. mo ' under nd "ements ': Ad\' till' :...........:.S�.� enturer ' 'Christ ' �Is to Dl'Pendllble �urprl,se announceITrent of the engage- . ") ���nl:I;. ":��\ to ����;��'!. ��� �W�;:� ment . ot Miss Jean-Marie Fowler. who GENERAL REPAIR . " ; -,, n t h A THE iuC I _____ _ was graduated from t.he normal de- . .:-___ l. Uella ,I""h os Makt' PlulIS " . Ica . Under New M�·na·e. ( in! Ad i ilh'� " AlII:ough we l ok lh horror a\ t t l ! t sp,ln, to Joseph " ment· F().r Spr.. o \\"\ v ::�I��:rn�n�t'r :�f wa8ho:lgl\�. w'ash) Our goods are good Broadway� Shoe Repair I..:'. Elsl(' BRne'lt�Iected #0 head :�;/�I�� ::�s:d;�t��eth;ls:���:: :::;�' l lnglo"" Parkland', Lu"ch Shop. ....., .s n s d ' I dyed to match a"y color 1 i iiit' Delta Rho GRI�llj"1I tor the spring . 1(,Il!{1' S::lmf' of the (:.urrenl youth acti\'o l :::I����� �I:: JO�: :;'1i��(,I� Sl'lII('stl'r. Milne Wcnbt'rg. vlc('-pr('sl- lIles? JIIS\ now we hear m\lch about I lu�;:eo�� ' The mar.� hostess lfJ.lSt Salurday. 1 1 05 (1('1lt; Evelyn Taylor. reco:rdlllg sccre- youth RS a factor In bringing abollt rlage will bt' an event of early AuguSt. � Aeros� _ t I o l 1t Pa rklan� Cooed _ S\FO\\'��� l" a te�Chl'r In the Wash- l __ _ R_.___:---__ ���: l!l����'s:"2:;;:�:;t- �;�:�II�:. : C:l� 1 �.��� :��:h �� S:1� ��bout \"outh tooal' MI Beauty Sfloppe flnd much emphASis Is IRid upon It ollga pll c SChoos ,·.--.-.-.-.----.---..;. I IJrist' III(' rest of ottl(' offieers, . . ; The be�1 of i PARK AND BARBER SHOP , . The orglllllzRti n spol�sors two ma- lhal 11 might Sl'('m that preceding .:.t -'_._-._--;.--L Union B.rber Shops , Jor campus actl\'llIl'.� dupng' the .sprlng. gell('ratlorL'-' 1111(\ Ol'l'rlooked youth. The t The best of sen-ice &t t Patronise t ; .· j!I TIlese arc tll(' ulUlIlal Ma� festival. and school� 8re not by any IIlcans our sole t� SHILL STATION house PRrty nt which dormitory prc,l'Islon for YOlLth. evcn In rCCl'nl t tI G, P K" N U DTSON. Prop, I -------- - ii "-,--TACOMA'S I tImes. ·We hal'e encollrRgf'C1 for him i Fdl up w,lh Parkland. Wash, i girl!> arl' glll'st,,G al t · LARCEST or e . .. ..- _._ _ - _. ._.:. r ··.. ···· ··'· .. '···· ..· ' .. · .......... · ... .· . . · .;;;;··..···..·;.. �:r�e:e:. ::::n .t , Home- Fur.hings Store t tl :�n���::�s.�u:���n:�d xt�: �::�. · , jo,n , Ihl' Celeb'M'on' Thc churct.I'S hR\e orgAnized the t, d� �/rIA:.. C;:> cAO&11A���.,,",M ""' '''1iI1· � Christian 8ssocl{l\lon the Ne"mRn "r-i PIONEER SALE Brocpkdale Lumber Co. Clubs and Ihe Menorah Soclet\' The I 0:-.____ Today ,11 the , ____---- .:. '!,:1UIr�! cn Mounla,n t farmers ha\l! their 4-H dubs Bu�lnl'SI< t Peoples Store i blg and small. hILS fostered Junior t SPRINC, DAY t . .. .. . . . ... ."..... at � I Challlbt'r� of commcrc� Indeed eRch' t SPRENCER Cr JONES CArland 3 8 1 1 · J · 5 I 10f\uterest the SOCial Institutions hIlS sought to JEWELERS Repalr,.,g SEARS I I Jewelry �;:;;;;;:; t ! probartlCUlar p In }otjth t' ' p t' rr � ; ;;;;:; ; ;;;;:; ;;; ;;:;;;; . . . ETTee Ive fin Ing lems In !ecent }('ars ha\e come the ; \ rr BR. 2� . Broadway 30 1 1 --------------agencies r for supporU'd nmept r gO\·l.' t . d d d d LAUND' � a"4 PIanne an PfO uee �j��)t �' u the NaBARNEY'S CHILI NOOK. ----�-----�- - ., a ��:thll\�b;��t�At�::. CLEANING SERVICE I "Now ('ach o[ these positions can be 5+40" So Union Parkland Mercantile Co. ' at Extremely Low P es I rallQIlAlIzed Into a plausible program Parkland. Wav,inltof. . which affords a l;R�lstactory ' Justlflca. bu_"_ Expert Pholo �iniv,ing. to ",,_& SteakS m H t l a ua ts a Iiii -niiI . Tacoma Laundry �� _ �.�� :lJ �is ����t� ��v�:!� d: :;� ______ 10 remember that youth ha sa!ways ,-...I .0; I t.. Pantorium be.:�t��;�t:oo�ri:I��n���o��t!�:WI_ 1'-;":;:;':;�:-p�- 1 t--7. � ;;� -·--t " y mpa x Cleaners E Co' :dWV :n: edge of childhood ('rltlcl. u very sharp- 1 . you nice Johnson-Co Prescription Drugaists ' , R " A"" U ' =: Iy mRny ot the p!ocedures and out: for Ihe DirKt ImporierS "bf the Fine)I I :::= . =: Norwegian I Cod !:iller Oil comes of our present mass I'ducaUon: 5036 So , � I ZZ l' I Cor. 1 1 th . 7.3 1 4 Thase members of society wno are out- I . Ptwne MAm rAged at the.. regimentallon of children .;-.---------""-_ t. -.� :--, -� -- " and yet whose rorcbears In days past I a ��.:��.���� a�d �:;:� :!��g �� ft,---" les. may well ask whether elthl'r the . BROOKD-AL E CROCER AND MEAT CO.' PHONES: �r1af\ci Ol0714-CArlaT'ld 0193R3 conve.ntlonal p�ufes which we now Cr�ries. Flour, Hay, Crain, Feed. etc." ���'':n�l�go::W:�!':a�rad��g��:!ree ' " . �














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Greasing I I. J __




and Oil








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atl'B ,oakdale H'ghway




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.. . . .



. ... .


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. _ ...._ ,. ..

Beauly .Serlllef!



... ....... ...............................................










We give


merchandi� same money

Tacoma W;Jy

r------------�II � -

- - - - - - - -- - -:0




... c ....c

Walch and a SpecIalty

SUPP'lies, Pro


ho and Courteoys ice

_ _ _ _ _ _ _


and Ta,coma Ave.



Minneapolis Parkfand

. � ;- ,


.- .

1 ':�




- - "-


Legal Reserve Ufe Jnwrance Herman L. n.rn, Pres�id.nt Represented by �CIi�d Olson .








.... - - - - - - - - - - - -....






22 lB




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[ 1_--








BROADWAY from FIshers


Tune In ellf'.ry Tue§day and








' \

' �aShington







) Jo'




. \ ,-

Besl Wishes for a Happy Easter




Get 'y ur Concert Ticket


This Week


,\ '

' Leaguers SeleCt Vo�ng' Res ll. - Campaign' Launched hnporlanl �o S'udenls� ,P:t:C:'WiII Enter Convention Theme . Junior To Elect Rulers' Colfege --":""' The' C'fltllpnign resuils I;IS th!.'}' were TI�kl't.s fo� the St. qlaf ChoG .. posted yesterday, are listed las faleonct'rt. ,have arrived, and. and For District Meet those For Saga Sirens Sp"elling'.-Contest lows: who ha\'e mtlde ��r atlons \" ,-:'



tt t r �k t :;;jc: fl.�d �U�\�I�:elr ��c�:� ;;��.. Miss Irene Dahl 'nckels will be kept until J:...I. day morning. but must be �n'ed for br that flme ...

Life" ,ChoSt"n a� Topic; Yh'isaker. Gullixson Will D _ Pr,' nc, le S peakers De






1 r



\ �













Freshman Girl Will Rule' As


0_ _







SL I\lnrti n's College Sponsoring Th'e Affair; P. L. C. will Send " Tearil of Fh'e Contestants

1 8� Lorraine Thompson . Queel'!:' King to Be Fr9m Blossom Wescott . 2Q3 '. Seni�r Class ' Virginia Dads 729 "'Christ. Our Lite" Is the theme chos135 one of the U1081 exciting contest-� The English department at Pacific �uth DownlOIl en ·tor the North Pacific District Lutner ever staged at Po" L. C. is' tha� or the Gt.heran College has accepted nn hi -.J Kin� Lea�ue convention to be held at Trinlg a r t ;r�m ' 51. Martln'S Collt'g(' to ��::� :i;�. � . :: ��. rt�: �:: ���::\�; g:;�\:�::� Y u e�n ?�urc� .arkl�nd. Wash.. SU!bscrl·bers . Ur�e- d vitntlon . nter a Ju. · n lor cOllCf e . spelling � to � ri� � �a � for FrldaY 'e\'en229 . carnival. v,'bleh .fi Arnold Tommervlck . 'btllci�IIY a�n��g. �e convention. To Make Payments be heid at St. Martln'S on th� .e\'ening Vern('r Bitter 119 ing. April 9. Four freshnlan girts are in Dr. N. M. Yh'lsaker. ExecuUve Dark Horse Ca�dlda� the race for queen while four men from ...... ' . of March 31. 1937 In Ihe colleg/> audl" t�e Natto;'al Young P.:eople·s Luther· AcCordh;g v'�mer BI\I('r. business t�rlum. t? which the gencral publi2 lS I " 'TIllie"' 122 the Q:raduaUng clllss are candldntes for : Lf'ague. of the Norwegian Luthernn manager. on'r one' hundred tl k subscr!p� hwlte8. ! �ta��e�����ng Is mnnaglng the cE\m�=, t�n::ahd::e��;�:' C....�lilll ·��\·�h�h��·;I�� lions have !)('en taken in for the 19'37 , This cOllte�t is sponsored In orderI M·. Rorem_ Retu�ns p"nlgn which w!ll close on February 7. e n f e h .e been p ld u \" b r n ae Ll 't R :,: ��: :: ��:�se'Xr%;�::�I�: :: F�om LSU Meeting ;;:�I :a��;�"t�n:. �n��· !; .he���:� t�� �;�liIY Choir of Parkland .....Iil sup- ����'1I . �tl: t: �8t�� � 8.\ � As bNo�e. the annual Is prIced at muny schools offering junl6"r colleg . ply music for the meeting. . ,one cent a VOLe. Lora lnne Thompson. Members of the loca.J 'league h.a\'e · t .....o dollars per\ropy. and down pay- training If eacH of the�aC�pl. they Miss Margare� Ron'm. Put;ifIc LUlh- IR�!th i)o\\'lltoJl: Blossom ",;,estcott. . lUld plaNled a reCel}tion in the . church par- ments of fitly cents . ha�·e been accept- will �avis are the queen candlin.cIU9-e St. . Martin .s. C.entralla eran Coll<'ge del('gnte to the 'Lutheranl I VIrginia ed in ord�r to subscrIbe. Prolllpt paylors following this session. t's: nnd t.heir manage:s are, respect: St"dents' Union convention at COl - dat Saturda\' morning the Junior and ment of mstallments is urged by the Junior College. Lollgvle� Junior Col- cordia Ively. Judy Aagol. i::lnybourne WilKen. C.ol\ege. Moorhead. Minnesota. Mildred Tollefson. .<.fOnior le�uers wHi meet separately manager. Solicitors for the varl,?us le��. Grays Harbor Junior Colleg�. Paand Waiter Schn­ . lind Itckenb<'rg. Competing for king are from ele\'en to tv,'elve m. with Ruth classes are �niors. Thelma Ness ' and eHlc Lutheran. al)d seattle College. returned 10 Parkland last ....eek Vlnjl and ReI'. M. J. K. F\!hr Jr. 'Mabel Heggem ; sophomores. Bob Mul- According to' plans each school s'I lO re;x>rts an inspiring -a.nd thoro.ughly Arnold Tommen'lck. Chet 50111'. Nor­ L.eague $('sslon leaders. and Professor len and E.n�d Blake ; freshmen . Virginia send a team of flve students ot junior succt'ssful conference. Her rel\cUons man Frye. and Vern BHter. They ate n E Stu n and hlQ:h OI E a ll o a te he d �:::�:e I�a��I��\h : ���!�\r��� ;�� ��:l. ��ll :;��:�. (' ; � !:�Jj���!���ln� ��d ��m;�I:e: �'I� \\hich w�rl' quoted In Ihe �oncordi n. �:�� ;:�t��:e ��:��� �� M ' �::� cusslon 011 "The Importance or Living If subscriptions do not total 300. ver- spelllng-order after him will be his Concordln CoUege newspaper. . l/.lVe8 W'ade respectively. . It Christian Life:' This topic will bP ner Bitter has agreed to gh'e'C1rcula- ten mmntes so thnt the captaJns of each brief deSCri ption of l.he meetmg: " 1, Hrlen Holtcamp. chairman of thc presented fr�m the standpoint of a I lion manager Harold Johnso� the pjtv- team Wi� gl'L �he first s.ix v,'()rds and shall never forg('t the biessed days th� nffalr. l�as nppolnted a decoration com­ Christ lan repre1?l'nlat\\'e from each. of lIege of th rowl�Q: the fO nner in!Gtove ' the number t....;o men of each team the hal'e been prh'!!eged spend at the mltU'e to prepnre the gym for the car­ tbe rollowlng professions,' law. medl- Creek. Students are waU:hI9� Jhls Ilext 51,.. etc. The captains wiIJ draw L S. Con\"(.ntion , It hns bl'f'n a n\val. Included In Lh15 gr�up are Evelyn cine. teaching. mlnlstr�" buslne. ,, \ " for order-position In tho contest. o,.�. nn wager with Interest. adventurl' . Would that nil of :raYlOr. Louls� Willlam" Rolal ld Wucst.. ' ad \'ertlSl, ng ma�ager The words ror lhe contest wili" be pglorious nursing. Bob Mitchell. acif t Lutheran stud�n\.S COuld have Knthryn Anders:>n. AI �cKar. and Roy Saturdar the following to, S!tUClt, I ch�n , , Damian Glenn. had Athis opportunity atu,nd these Sch�_Blldt. . . . afternoon the group will has nppolllted by the Reverend engage In a panel dl5eUMlon on th � for the yearbook: in«erpan uncier- non-partlsan. . ·and all words Will ·be St"!'slons. . to enjoy this tello"'shl�. and The ..-onl.e$t.aIlL havlnti; the la.JIUL following topics : "Christian Conduct- dahl. Wlliys Fo':SOm . �IOMOm Wescott. taken from Webster's latest collegiate aoo\'e all. this challenge to Adv('ntur - number of \'O� bef, .ore chapel ' timE' , 1I be given, 50 additional The Way" by Dr. N , M. Vlvlsaker: nnd Mlldrf'd Tollf'fson. tills morning dictionary. Each student-spelelr will r,us <llsclpleshlp." , by the wl. " Christlan Principles" by Dr. O. A· I commJ.ttee. or Leaving Tacoma on March 2. Miss votes definition the ask right the hnve TIngelstnd. and ··Christlan. Dynamics'> words asked of him or her. The spell- Rorem arrh'ed In Moorhead in time . Among the features of the ever,lng by Dr. T. F. GulJi,.son. president or the Ing bee will be modeled In a general to altend the press conference on r�rl- wllJ be a minstrel shO� In w.hlch songs Luther Theological Seminary. St. Paul. Cha,rm ' GrOUP' Hears way according those.. held over.the day. the theme at which was " Adven- and tap routines ....111. predo�lnate. Mlnne};Ota. fh� nttractionS" nnnounced prenational hookups every Saturday after_ turaus n"l.sclplesh1p , Reflected ' In Besldeli Talk by C P.. . S. Man noon. \·Iously. elephant booth and f -. A highlight of the cOIl\ ention wllJ All minor rules of the contest Journalism." -the traditional banquet at' 5 : 30 In the ed betore the The L. S. convention opened for- tune. teller ha\'e beef) added for t�e ¥!ttl and denn�d he will Trinity Church parlors. v.-tth Dr. T. F. ' . At one of It-� most Interesting meet- spelling actually begins. mally on Friday aven!ng. The L1}eme progrll'!'. of the yelU". the Personality Club Gulllxsm! as spt'aker. To p�slde as mgs . " Ad\'entuTOllli team which will represent P. for {he conference toastmaster is Re·,'. O. , L. Hanvlk of hean:.! a discussion last evening by a L. The t' Rev. A. E. Hanson. �t. Discipleship:' w\ll but s lccted. not >'et .been . ' BaJl�rd. First Luth,eran Church Ilt se- CPS student. Clarence Kelltlng. a be C.chohas session on " A Undercla'ssmen se first _the classes t this· spoke of Paul. English n from Ro the Kroup Miss GllbertsOll who is planning to cor- Christ· Chosen Discipleship." to aUle and music will be provided by a jumor. who spoke . on the typ(' of girl that appeals to col- relate guest chOtr. {he sPelilng with the 'regular Saturday morning. Professor J. P. Give Three -Plays Directly after the banquet . th,ere will lege men. The affair was held at the composition I Pflueger .ga\'e an address on the sub- I work. by home of �1S.� Norma. Preus. be choir .union rehearsal dlrecled ject: ··Ad\"(!nturou.'S DLsclpleshlp CanMusiC was prest'lIU'd to Ida Mae Hoss Club hns decided tQ .feaProfessor J. 0, Edwards Drama The not Be Lived Without Christ:' His lure a ' new method ' of dlrf'cting and Communion ' servlces are scheduled who played piallO num�rs. and Pauline Leaguers !Jears. LeWIS topiC was based 011 Hebrews IO ::?2. In presenting Its activities for Ita usual for nine o clock Sunday mornln� and Watts \ocal SOloist Helen Holtcamp et ' At Supper lUeeting the.afternoon there \\ere thr panel Sunda� School at ten o clock and 01- preSided during the e\enlng She .... Drama Night which Is scheduled for -atMiss Rorem groups discussion \Ine WorshJp at ele\en A M nsslsted b� Lorraine Thompson and The Luther League �f Trlnltv Church tended n group ....hO&e subject of dls- April 16 The E'nUre presentation will college underel8S5� The t....o convention gU�st speakers Louls{' Hendrlcltson Parkland �ned with a Sunday cusslon .... Ho.... Shall We "Deal be directed by thetalent the casta ot will conduct the M'rvlce Dr T F Gulevening supper last Sunday In the so- With Unbelief and Indifference on Our men from whose plays Ji:<son will act ItS liturgist and Dr N one-act three 8re to .be seleC� . ... ? program A chu�h clal rooms of the Campus It as brought out in the M [ylvisaker ....Ul. preach Ih e aennon Slunlher Party 'ViII MIss GUbertson club dvlser wUl su....a.� presented during the meal which discussion that unbelief Is not so tragic S l t"the TrUth Music "'Ill be pro_ featured a talk by Re\ Alvin Lewis mdlfference Indifference Is U Jlro- pervtse the productlo: v by Our Saviors Lutheran College Clinulx DraUla Night Tacoma a song Join sung by Mrs duct of environment and originates This Is the.first time that the ent.lre group I not be represented Christ the lJfe will be the subject Lev.1s a plano solo 'Palm Branches from a lack of renewal There are student for Dr T F Gulll,.sons final com en- Follov,lng Drama Night April 16 the peggy' Ramstad reading b} Corrine those that seek the rpal th, and In the clubs activities It Is tentatlvel� tion address dormltor} glfls will be hosts t:l the Malmln and a vocal solo ' A Mem- come Christian colleges and do not. planned to huve guest night.' which Delta Rho Gammas for a slumber par- ory", Don Monson fmd the things which they seek. Per- v.ould eliminate a..n admittance charge ty. Irene Odell Is making plans for Norma ?reus and 'E;\'elyn Nicholson sonal. wlt.nesslng was given as a wcap- to the entertainment. the affair. which will be the second planned the menu� while t ions decol1 on against Indifference. l Social�Service Work annual o\·emilht. party Uuat the.flelta were arTaIlged . by Peggy. Ramstad. The sessions contlnu.ed throughout Lulie!S Al!iSist L. D. R . '8 '!t. Topic Fg:1\1�,","ion Phi Kappas.. ha\'e �pon.sored. Signe Ness, and John Sluen. (Continued on pate 4) . To Sponsor Silver 'Tea · Mr. Claude A. Pillett, SOCial service In connection with their regular .....orker connected with the f§.I.therin As mee\lng the .L. D. R:s spo�red � Welfare Society in Tacoma.. addressed tea last Thurllday afternoon at . the Mission m�tln� here last Wed- , If there. be any among us who. ver- , d\:iplaylng gargantuan onions and A few spolless white shoes have -ap- "liver the' A. W. RamsU'ad hbme, with Mra. nesday evening. His subject was SOCial np,J eq.ulnoxt's notwlthst�ndlng. doubt Jack's own convinCing bean stalk on Its peared blacks amon� and the hardier Hauge. Mrs. Schrqtke, of Bothel, P. E. 0 w dl B se�:r :!=��: 7:� proJram In� the ad\'eot of Spring, l.�t the� Tt'ad the ���I�bb!:e;I��� .�!:: C: ' :�. :�:',���� s�r� �i\�:::��s y��,��� an�u�;:i_ R�r�:e�� h��:� plnno signs of the ti es cluded a reading by Jennie Bardon. follo....lng . � : Latin books on Mr. Franck's desk.. Dirt tend to retire spasm odlcilly, like the solos by Marian John.50n. songs by a and a vocal number by E\'a GJesdal. Beginning mo� Ihan two weeks ago. must ' be tlying up� on the hill! precipitoUs roblrr. . ': trio. Elizabeth "Sluen. Emma . Thoreen. Margaret Meh'er led I_he gTQUp In de- a bright colored�croc:us i).a.5 daUy,graced ,rem.ln� us of the truck 'loads Of"Which "bJacic . DoubtJes.s you have "obServed all the and Margaret Larsen: IU\d a "Ocal Mr. Xavier's buttonhole. This bou· loam pUe<! up In Mr. Olson's yard·. The new permanents decorating our cJa¥- selecllon sung by Eva Ojesi:laI. Mrs. \·oUon. tonnlere I.s a happy. campus traditl0l! 'certalnly Isn't going to let any. ·rooms. Looks as If the barbers must" M. Lono. Tacoma. and Mrs. M. A. and Its c� flower announced' the prairie grass I:I"OW under J:tls feet! had Campus OIly! Chrtstensen. Parkland. gave talks 't'J season's as.�etln1tely as �e ·AIma.nac. .Then there's the library. Its con- have , Lenten Offering Lifted Should there yet be do.ubtlng .TI"lo- the group. . . .... FOllowing cl�ly thl!! ad'JeDt ot the gestion has been decidedly r:elleved 01 roues among you, wa refer y.ou In toto :The Mls5lon Socleiy colle:::ted its anwe noUced'Or..TIngelstad wear- late. If .YOU're lOOking for the over- to the sparrows tWittering in the Ivy, c Be Va ation gin. Today nual Lenten ofter!nQ: this morning Jng �ew bIte suit. with matched hAt now, 'we'll refer you to Park Avenue, to Mr. Edwards vaunting hia IfOlf scare after chapel exercises. The money and iii. It 'was a �ppy: blue, prog- or the general rllrectlon .or the �ek. to our pretty mafdel1ll .hO will crace Easter vacation ",til commence th1li taken in wUI be used to help finBllce DOIIUcatlng vlolfits and comnowers, and ing Post. Incidentally, tha.t Kicking' the Daffodil Fest!val, and to the tact afternoon at three-thirty apd will con­ PoIit tra.dltlon is'. due for Its annual that.vacation begins at 3:30 this after· tlnue until M�nday morning. March the .0rganizaUon's project which is to s�er akieS in the olting.: ' pay lor the.�tton ot a you9t in MOII � any 6b.servtng person �ust have· airing, It begins to fUocUon just ahead noon. 29. ""hen clas<;t'S v.'U1'be rUuJ!!ed again . rem�rked the�nam boyant seed / NOW WILL YOU BELfEVE'" US? . at 8:10 a. m. ·catalog of the "yloleur and buttel\ups. :"> , II.





































�he Earth turns, to Greel the Spring . . .

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m1w !Uitl1ring "tillIouit

, Publlshed every two v,'eeb durtrig the school year by the student,s of Pacllle Lutheran COl1�e, Ofrtce: Rooc!. 115 one ; OA,rlnd 0577 , �.leph Sub5crtptlon Prioe-$l .oo per Year' Entered seeond claM matter, October 2. 1925. at ,lht Post ornee at Parkland, W�llton. under th:e Act Qt .� 3, um.

.u& I;3; "

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-' an" . , .... �' -ts' Va .\ :��b :, :=n



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'ifnd 1rzger

ChapeI 6Ieaning� : "


"We see onl): the s' ur'face',under ��Ich ·("Fr1I�:�o:nN.J\ot;e 'HOng , ' or momlng . the ·Inflnlte love or nod abounds.-. tio...... The golden beams .sh:1n�l"Vrtoa t Is that 'Surface!" b, . ,' do'41.'n .the summery vale � ' � ' SNACK . . >�-,�Ch.rlSt , came to mlni.s,�r., nol to � , And on the cotter's 9o'lndaws'!ea t roses -\ ministered unto." KES S1' . ' ,in their trall. , ·,It a man Is to be, sav�. Qod nlust SWEDE 01 d-:: : ' 1;10""' . cheerfully ther're beaming. as save mlln; therefore Jellus came· to lIt.t ' ' ,un'",,,,, ,,, Ih.y .11 ' .n' '" .m," . J, p. . Pflueger� cr That one, lay there !I.-dying beyond , , cotLage wall Nomb" ' the " When olle cOI15lders the paln or His . . ,,the' .hut Is c1ean-swl!pt of cob- crucltlx'lon, how can one Ignore Him?': Wiq-aln, A. W. Ramstad Mtmber I,OJ1 IQlt') webs -and of dust; �!Ocded CoIIeei<E Ptes,· servant.. .�rd: deal . Thy .And ·In the blackened tire-place fN!�h with ani-but me as Thy servant, Lord. birken- Ieaves are Uuus�. EDlTO�tAL, S,TAFF ( ... 0, A. Tinl�ll!tad , With blOS¥l s/or br1ar.' the pale and Hazel �nJP EDITOR thlni:S. student, sbould do: "Three . 'the red, ' r p ABSQClATE EDITOR -, Norma !>rew ; ' .. �• •1,.:#_ ' (0 to. college, .� in �owledge.. and . SPPRTS WRITERS Roland Wueat, Nonnan' Prye , And" ireen. ttalr' ant 'juniper ' the floor- . ,low lri graoo. QVI.NG .-\.SD'��EES.Fales'Martln. oonrds ar: spread . . ReV. Chrllltensen Hello . . . BUY A SAGA . '. and here's what one thinks FE,ATUREs - Marian Johnson, L1nka 'De .Be"", SPECIAL WRITERS · Jack Odey. Walter.Schnack­ about life, turnips and un and on �nd on....: ' . CHET But lo! on the straw-bed lies. a -dying, ·,Wltat we need Is a return to sanity." cnberg, Kenneth Anemon, Marvin Jensen. SQLIE.-"Llfe?-Just bowl at" cherries, but don't get old Trull!, , . "We forget to .be gnte��' �:�or REPORTERS - Elva Bergman. Ilill Men:. Lavaun the plt.s.' , , . as for .turnlps, they s,�ldomle'ttuce" . . , L�tY With fore�e!ld C<lld and clammy. o;\'lth Hls SOn, "esU! Christ, that he gave to MoCall , Llewella Davies, Ida Mae Hoss, Elizabeth weak and ! !! t"ring pulse. . Above ali..,we forget the spiritual cfltch up with another popular people . . . "After a breeze . by him on the settle sits Inger. his Stuen, Virginia D!\\'l�, Wadene Calavan. bles.slngs Pod has· given to us.'; by BLOSS0!'f WESTCOi;f ·we said somethln' about !!,. Butwife, Aid!!, Jphnson COPY . READER A. W. Ra�stad TYPISTS COrrine Malmin, Irene Odell wprd tor thJ press . . , saId the ma.ld,-··pre·ss? Oh. yes. faithful In Ill� death as she was In "Out of the spirit of humlilty Is born . . EDITORlAL ADVISER Mr�. Rutn. Franck ... the prCS5, �'es·. yes . , . h� ha. the'Press, well. well"" . his life. charity.'" BUSINES:,; STAFF hurry ,and ll\ft: he who laffs last didn't· get the polm, ;! O. A. TInaelstad , .. BUSINE86 MANAGER - - - EUzatieth F'r1I.s anyway , , : BrotherTOMMERVIK broke down With this Why stnne not Ihe childr('11 !Iround the "Qod desires" to glv� all men eternal rnther's cot? ASSlSTf.N:T BUSIJiESS MANAGER - Lester Holte ' · happiness. God loves aU men. We qtlot{'j attribute 'all'that I have to my camp, a lgi, I�a�,' ADVERTISING r.lANAGERS -' 'Ruth OOwnt.On, ager · otherwise, 1.\.hink, was raspber'ry" . . Sny, Alas! a tenant'S . life Is hnrd; se\'ere think we must ourselves be lovable' In Vivian Smith.' the sight of God, but 000 loves all, who's s'posed to be kissing all the- babies, the cftndldate and st('rn his lot. CIRCULATION MANAGER - Kath:-yn -Anderson ... or the manager RUTHIE DOWNTQN l �a!il1ful'lIttle Six sons and one, young jaughter, away even the wicked." ' .- Helen Lilja, CIRCULATION ASS�STANTS J. P. pnueger mls.<;1 just smiled s\\.'eetly. and· said "Wonde;' \\'ho the from home, . , 'tis said, Thelma Ness dark hOM<1! Is gonna tIC?'" , answer to questlon-'"yes­ Must dnlly toll for shelter. for clothing. "'God has 'no fotm. He is a sph1t: Mabel H�ggem EXCHANGE EDITOR the origin of everything In Ilte: Christ Ilo-yes-no-yes-:-I' dOlft know" , . . Thnt brings the �nd for bread.. BUSINESS ADVISER _ _ _ Mr, 0, J, Stnen t Is a perfect man -( s dark horse???? . . We s.till dOll't think It's very eomp!!llIelllary to can a candldale for queen a horse . . VERN But old In!:er, ' his wife, from his sloe �:l�!:�e w���,�l� J. U. Xavier I BJTTER replied wllh thls-" St!lt a IILtle weary from the docs not parL. CHRIST, IS RISEN mountain trip, but I managed to keep In shftpe by play­ For though stiff b� her back. yet sort Is her henrt. illS ping-pong! !" .'. LORRAINE TIfOMPSOIi in the ; Easll'r is nlll 11 ti lIlt' for ! h(' jldt'lIst, of (:hrismidst of a delletoll$. chavo'\lnl repast on bologna. Intimated More faithful had llon{' through the March lllght-\t"Rt.chVl'i stay�d liallity, bul is, as flO olher, tht, Iil m' \\"lIt'll all . !llat she would like the subjects of ber queendom to'be And the\ bed�covers spread or the a� lopt as possible in this hour �f trial . . . MOOSEY ,!t'guIlH'nls against IWI' an' Ilan isllt'd i nlo ' oh- j pattering, \\'In<.1 whistling strongl straw-p,i low laid. F O I :�!�� ! � � h: :' � A symphony of weird unearthly song li\· iol1 . Easll'r HIlS,,"I' !'s' 'wry argtJllu'lll Ihal ' 1_��ll� ���? :.��� �:��� ; �?��! �� : � I I l e a I' l ed has t'\"t"I' ht,t'll rals\'d til " { ,"t't " \\" 1 1 1 ht n.llsl'!1 b.V\RG�NIA DAVIS Jl!v('aled nothing, after Ihree long With her apron she wipes h('r che-ek, HOWIS fierceI}' neath the covering ot�:--... . .' . . : , , h agalllsl Ihl' IrU lh \of Chl'lStlUllIly, If Chnsl IS irlten'leWs . In short, the subject wasn'l t'ven mention­ I A:11���:cs swirl madly In Ih('lr fl!ght. , . Well, \"ote (or· SOme­ F:r ���I���s.s:���';C:�IIll(,d ;; the fast- �1\ IHll l'iSt'lI, \"hl'TH'1' Illt'li l'lllIlt'S lIlt, l t'khralioll I . .."t:f :-" Thftt's real fnsclnation ' , '�rS froth, and trees Mnd low failing teftr: Ollt' l Be jl&triot\c, or alma matvle. or somethlng. , , of Easlh hy all Christians Ihl's(' Ih mlSanti TO,hall Ute '\'lIlds of March t�at blow. ' And she reads him a!:ain, from Iht' "",,,,'.' If <:1,,'i,1 I", "" I ri,e", how will Book of the Lord, J , t.o.';slng. w;wes breaking hlgh_ " ;'xpluin I hl' gn "" lh of Chrislianity? If CllI'il<il . W1th a voice a11 RQul\'er, the comCort- Ships I ' A. rhapsody of music rushing by : ing Word, is shll dead, what wus Iht' power Ihat, owl"Pounds rythmlcaJly ullon the \.05Slng' IlIn \\, IIll' Iwathl'1l n'ligilllls of �I]('. t't1l1tll"l' 1 ship. � : " She cannot COUllt the drops, nor mix While :1'Ie1l'llls, allll lt'!1 Iht'll' \0 atlt)1 )t I.hnsl ·.' Is I I , sails bent wlldl�' as ·they dip. the powders odd; W:lters leap and slop tho. li81l possibk I h a l tlwl'!' t'xisis a PPI"SO]l so " ! l i d tlf The draught she knows 'gaJnst death The As March continue!> her grim gall'. � - � St'IlS{' as In t h i n k thai Iht, It'a!'IH't[ ( ; I't'(,ks and was taught her by her God. Sign"!! Mldt..<;D.ter , U H \J IN'H'fto It sprln� from Llfe's clear fountRln: Humans, whilSt' l"l'ligiolls had sal isfit'd Ih(, 111 '' � with SImple words It flows IRRATIONJ\LlSM: OR DERANGE:l\-IEST� Ii" fill" thollsands (Jf �'l':lrs, :11141 whtlSt, II'm l'll's Slll'Round Him who left the. gra\'e and up � , ' I usre identa mind we don't but nuts! going hy 1� 1 passed allY thing thai ClI I'istiallit" has h u i l l . and heav�n WOMEN AND CHIL DREN FIRST! From 7 o'clock in the wlms{' pr i't'Sls \\"1'1'(' 11i(' I,:('('lll'si ,ilinkl'rs of !Iwi!" , j j I t at nlt t w t n Illg- But hftrk! He draws ' tim !' YI'S. if (:hrist is iH.I rist'II, \\'1111 \\'ill 1'1'j his breatlh_lhat �: . :���� �I�n;_:;;:.. ��; :\,:;, ��:r �;�� ���I��� . A. IVERSON � lnst lind weary breathl lit,\"{, 111:1\ !Iiust' ]It'opil- would han' \;,:l S\ awa\' Of course WI.' don't mind it so much when we're In the So, K St. , , Tacoma, Wn, E game ourseh'es but stili tht' person who Invented the His eye e'en no'w Is dnrkened by murky , , 501 Ihpif" religion, alld llt.lupll'd Chrisliullit .... , if it ' ''''''' ':'''''':'' I£I, '''''''''' ""'''' " ,7;." , ,,,;,,,, e : f a � ,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,, ,, sport should have looked int:> this . . We grant CARSON iUl i!J, � , Wt'r(' a I"t'ligillll of a t!t'ad Chrisl ·.' If Chrisl is , A1'lDER!30N Ih'e best score of the wl'ek. with � 21-1 ad­ B�� �� �e: :� his bridal-bed d tlt'ad. \\"ilt'llt"t' tllt'll has h;'�11 Ihl" po\\'pr I h a t has n d be vantage ov�r little kid from tile local grade school im Col lins 'Ski Shop 'J cilanJ..(t'd eilaradt'1" from dark ness 10 light, und o ne, look� t e :em:!�'r � ::Sa�� � ��h: quote '"hello mao h� Rut Uij a great fight and I'm glad I I , l ilt' ('otlrs!' I)r hUIIIUl1 history fnlTlI ('OITtlJltion , won" unquote . WFi�n ' y"Ou gOlllla move your bed ill ,nly ,,," III pnlgl'('SS aile 1 rl'fi lwl11t'11 1 '? If (:itl'isl is df'ad, there. Carson? . All kidding aside, It I!! a great i!;ame, BROTHE�S - TA.COMA who will explain how, nol only we, huI lit£' about . lhe bed- IJOst. she hand With and a big relief from the old t wid dling Of thumbs" . . So millions of Chrislians all O\"l'r ·Iht, wodd are UNDERDAL and McCALL er agollna do 'er ...h . ��. good bends, with effort $pre. assf'llIhlt,(] ti!is day 1 0 tTkhrall' our li\'il1g ',()NI·.' ear r aged - �--"""'-'-----"'OJ luck and happiness! . . (we expect the cigars anytime ��::t�I�� ����r:'� I . . · 9AK OTNESS Is shore aUkln' VIVIAN SMITH. �:� D('Il\' Ihe " ('SllITl'l"lion of Chl'ist, UI1(1 YOU She rises and slowly breaks forth with After the Show hI! even went so far as to sa)l so. canllot l'xplnin ti l(' Church of Chrisl, and �'Otl a sob, w i l l hu\"(' the gr'ealest institution of the world. . "When his hands ha\'e been folded, I m;erlitrowing the strongest institulions of the , am ready, my God!" world , l'ontrary , to , t he pel'v('rtc( � r� ' asoll of Commerce �t" T(lComll, Wn. IlH'Il, and yd hnnglllg 10 Ihe world III(' ()Ill�' IL3



















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!lnd ETHICAL-sHU denying afler dead p· erSOIl Do lIlen wal' We're gOing to devote thls space to old Jokes, just for a chan e They . are as old as this school, so w� won't be no in ou done . . , Informal beginning . . .'And was we mad! (;od's word says: thc IIlCIl We breezed up to our latest tenant and said, ""We're goAnd · is e tll t of Ihe us aliY(' again nI g to raise the rent!:'�so he UIlS and sez, "That's tine boys. now I won't bave to worry about rai g 1t myself" fOI'<'n:r a . n c r n nut be has this ��he��:yO�e ��;e ::�r;:� ;:�/���I�'� ::�:n: t;:a: h I t a t 1 Just getting ready t.o shoot a horse, And d9 you know :�:) :�;:���f.l ��,; ��I� i��d����;ot�o t!�k tl(�e��: ��T��� �:� s ; thI y= s::�h m e g . first Eastcr ahd sec with our OWII� eyes the � � � ��� ;o�e o, . ��� arise·from the r('mJing tomh, but tJie'work v r u e ;c v of th , risen .Christ. the testimony of '(joel's , :� : ::e:: �I::t� �� : t � ::: �a; �� Word and thC' WilnCSS' �f the belicYcrs, in \" h Ol I formed, us that our hair needed cutU"," badly, �a� loud In a r l k i' · volce we It'badly you last cut NO you 'nicely, mean ! ��.� ��I�d ���I� ��S'c�;� �: �� jl;tu��I:�t;;.u����.�\\�c ' tI n In risen. thougb we cannot know thai the sun has �� .�: �,:: !lshed singing one time there t �� came shout3:� f , lig a of "Fine, P1ne" and sOmeone Mked us, the i� d��, I�t ��\�':I�n:!�;,�r��' I :��1i�i'����k r nur utlentinll.-tf,is Enster to the'blessed as r- ;1:: t!�Yie��e:::;I��y,l\y�il:::�� :e�:'kS:f��I� . Ih�lt the fuel or EnsLer bring� US,. , crawlback into the hole and pretend like we don't under ,�tand any of I� . , , �by a Ball' J, P. Pflueger , . ' Uf l"t l e the world rages denics, You notice Iiwy <Ire 2000 years. no 1lH'1I fi/-lhl a '! against !.In inslilulion with lif{, i t '! As wruth of shall praise him, so t h ycn' , i y world ' shows tlUlI Christ is risen anil is more, , :\"0. it !>litould our emp is Ea'Stcr




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power that bns ever bC(,1l uhk' to l'cgclll'ruie churndl'r, and give hop(' till' dying nnd lin pmn'1' In l':'\pJain if Christ wcre w{' would he l'olllpeJI('d 10 helievl' in o!1WI' living Christ to {'x plain it for us,

1o it. \Vhy.


!!: .



An "electric eye" detects late-comers to phySics elasse's at St, Thomas Col.. 11 Printers - Stationers lege, Even while the 'professor's back ' Is turned, a person can't slip In unde­ p !g.!!.!i�.R tected, for he must n Ils:ht beam MAin 2122 1 2th & A Sts; and' when. he 'does a gong clangs. cross


Farther north than Rnj' other college In the world Is the Unlverslt) of Alas­ ka with lUi latitude ot 6j degrees In lha� 4I.rectlon:






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�1ARCH 24 193].






1rI () IrI -.< T JIl ()TJ J' ....,

Lehman Wins Title From 1936 Ch�mp





Tu,"s in

�'S ' enior 'Girls' Team _ PAGE


Wins Cage Title In Closing Game'

II Bit oj Hoop-blu

Dear rea� (?� Did someone .., teU me tha� ba3ketbaU l\e8.SOn \lias .. �· o\er' IUld �ha\. sprlpg had springe<! By defeaUng the J,.1bernl Arts and " " " " " " " " " " " " '." " " " " " " 'f" " " g th af m n ed Well once ag>aln the tlmt has com )[t; sklrtlng the ends for 8 gain Of-: �l �h:C!�t�r�':on\li�r.::e 3'3�r:sk:rt:l; y;�rs �Uly :: : �:p for l Our scribe /to seat hlfl,l.Sotlf at his th�ee yard lo!l.s Army Is determined. Under�ood and pound out another col· he'r stalwart; sons are digging their the P L C sport fans beca e be , ,,hamplonship The L A .H S tum us · tOOk the lead at the hal! by a score umn Gosh ';I;lth the hoop s�- cleats 11;\10\ t,he turf As the Navy back �Ieve It or dqn t. remnants at the de- ot 16-8 Hov.ever the second half $howready tucked a....ay tor 'another �!ar elects to kl&, Sll�lnskl ploughs through throlJed p/iji: t'rtc Lutheran Gladiator ed an entirely different senior Uam. .".hat Is �here to pound uol' Let me to smother the punt q ' !'!l o op ulntt't played a game last Mon- The defense tightened up holding the gt't my ps)chlC distance Hmmmn �ov. �my has the ball What wU l - a� the south- L A -H S team \(l three field goalS W' all feel that text books are chang- '.' Co' The hne shUts Into an un - day night In the building ern extremity at Parkland s College v.hlle the !Senior forwards were garnered too otten The Unherslty of Wash- balanced (ormation to the left no Ing 21 points , ' Ington takes this "'et'ks Irish lace cu�- It� to the right The backfield fOl;lTls campus q . ia ": p p or lt the tono�lng }Il.rl) about re- Ith 9: single ,dngba<:k. �ow Ingle- A hoop uintet from Seattle that The standlhg of the i'ettms . boasts the name at Quesman Athletic ' W _ L placement of �;(t books.: T Polnu ' v.itl. . kes ttle ball• .hands It to CaTVer. . . Club had nerve el}ough to comle down SenJors . 3 6 0 .0 Stopped by a tratrlc orrtce; for speed- . It Tumer-J"oe. look .and see If Ing. 1\ U. of W. freshman asked the Turner came. Iry for Caryer-well any- here a�d tangle \"'lth �he" ·tindefe�ted Sophomores . . . 1 by Lall viet,\,. when L. A.-H. S. usual question aboul " where W(l.S the way ICs a�lateril to TIlornhJl1. He's (de!ea�d only once Freshman . 0 0 3 0 h i t he Ut!e 'P rkl id bo lA>hman medalled 66 to MCCormlck's fire." etc. , � fading bACk. to plI;SS. He :shoots a long ' �:: : It � t�e fray �ha� wa:�hand�':.d b�' :.It'S. DaP�r and her staIt of 'asslst- _ 63. Saturdoy after the first nine was ·'Oh." said the 'rosh. "I'm )lUrrytng l one: It's sailing thJ"!lugh the ozone.. ant.s chose the �onOWl�g a.:' ·the 1931 aU star Baron" ex-football " Barorrsky s over-:- Lehman_had a comfortable tour to phlla:sopp.y cla . s befort' they change fWalt a minute-wait a mlnl\te-:-th�re turned Into a rout tor the locals RS they. star warn: ' . . books again." ' . Wl\.o; 11 penalty on the play. 'yes. Har. nine holes to. go. The the uP lead With- on,ly ' Bentrlce Sidder's u;oph�JJ;lOre,: for. p . yard-I m�n )'lavy e . Golf takes ' the spotlight now With must ha..v� been UShed the I vaders ott th 'floor to .....ard; Wadene Calavall (senior). formateh ended .at the t't.!Yireen. the tune oi-{-3S. plng-pt)llg running a close l;econd. .EX- orr-side on ·the play. 'fh4:.- referee IS . . •. ward: Thelma' No:oss ·(senlor) • �enter; Lehman deteated 'Bob BraU'li. Har- citing table tennis qattles are waged I walking oft the penal�Y. . . Flveytl rds' ' . -v- ¢l Judy Benson· (senlor) . slde·cente.�: "Hel. old .Nllsen. an� John SWen to gain e\'ery day In the boy's dorm'. Norm yl's orr-side �alty-walt. ten . en Scott f�nlor). g�ard; Virginia Da� � _ � . the !inal�. while McCormick defeated Frye. who says he rules the �ble te� yards. titte-en yards-It must be .a !t0ldvis (L. A.-H. S:), gUi;U"d. Honorable . . ' \·tlud Johnson.. SlIi.n Fries. 'and Lloyd nls raost. Sl!-Ys he 11\'111 put hls.Htle on Ing penally. .wo.....!. Twenty. twenty- I 1.:� Melba Fenney_. Alice Cook. mentlqn: '1.. . " Thl,>mp'son. . the block anytime. fe\)as. expect rive. thirty. thirty-five.. What Is -thl�? _ , __ ___"ill Marian Danekas. _ _ '�� '�ose OJ, th� golf team for the first ""Butterball"" Moe and "Backhand': Mc� ·It 'm�st hU\'e been "SOmethlng .awful ta l The �. �. C. qUI�. p of four Leading /iCorers for the season wer�: tet. made u atch were Bud �n Lehman. No. I. Har- Cormick to. corner the c�anlp f?r a make It half, the distance to the goal. · .. . ......43 . Wadene CalavlUl ry McCormick. No. 2 . Jol;ln Stuen. No. 1 champion:,hlp series very soon ncw. Forty: forty-rive. fifty. lIfty-flve. fifty- I regulars and a sub that' burned' the .. <lO Beatrice Sidders up. r�allY pla;"ed a grand galll!' 3. �Ioyd Thompson No. 4.. "and 5t1}l! Wlth the arrival. of sprlnl( weather seven-boy: lbls will go down as the \ floor ..riIP 'em In Tony." As could be ex36 Marian. Danekas . Of Fries, No. 5. Fries won fifth poSitIon ! 'If I.hat darn sun ever sh�ws IL" fl\ce longest pena4Pt In hlston:, Oh. Oh. 33 Norgallrd Esther . by defeatlllg Nilsen and Brazell. I!gain l the boys wlll orgallize the 193'1 pardon me all to pieces. ll�ten�rs . It .per,ted: the locals were pacca. bY that 24 Rosalle JenSen h!1-conference celller. Hal Nilsen. who . Matches lined up date: April '9'1 soft ball tournament. with fonllidable seems thAt that was the end of the flrst ... 24 Helen Holtcamp . I'nds. shoved the casaba down the .hoop·s Portla11:d Unlve�ity:' APrll . 16. Llnfield: squads boasllng the cream of th� quarter and they're changlllg throat nearly every time hI' Eat his A g�at deal of Interest was SI�Own April 17. Portland) Ullh'erslty; April 23'. crop. "Moe's gang" and the "Second Whew!" o en.son. flnd Mrs. DaP: s this game the In Nilsen hands ball. the collected on . . . Bellinghllm: Aprl1 24. U; B. C .; May 6. Floor Hoodlums"' will soon be stretch• , only 20 'polnts-take a bow. Hal. that per. physical cducatlon director, was o/Illngham: May 7. Gpnzaga Univer- f Ing thel� mUSClcs on the rock IJlle. whue . , . . I\.�_ VNY pleased with the outcome. better is did t you during than I i declares May 15. Ellenllburg. B ll Capp.-r,"erSLwhHe !lay boy. � A on. The rampaging. stampeding host , ----Ills boys are rendy t"J defend whlltcv�r . . . . F defend. ... ... • of the evening WI\.') Ma:-v Jenson. the r • Tnble manners ' are a pllrt of the l lt Is they'\oc. gOL v.on t · ·c reaChed s glas who Is marvel se -less i.)asketball curriculum at Marquette be long till YOu'Ul'll'ar the crack of bat l t f n Univ{'rslty. On trips and in private on ball. or of ball all cstcller's m.1ti. MEANS R.i\DIOS �:� :��'::v:r ��: t����: �: �;� , dining r.ooms. Coach Bil! Chandl{'r al- I: the �aseball talent of Parkland I�·es as . ay Ig 11.0;. "�We Sell Hlppincu" lected 15 counters. "Swede"' Is now a lows his huskies to take turn.� in doing ·Capps. and Tacoma) locks horns rqr 54?6 So. Tacoma Way ' '. candidate for the pOs�-Season all-star, I �omething wrong at ' the dLllIlf'r ,abk' I that mythIcal cuspidor. The Womcll.-s . Athletic ASSOC!Rtlon . . _ __ squad The other high scorer for Park;� th�� �h� ot�e;, may tune up th(.ir , n a m de t ' � SOHe) WhO r ique e A �l:�.���� �:�� �:�:a; ���e�i�� ln t�� land �'as S. S.· iSlippCIY _ I, I Leask s pomts. 14. mere II ! gatherf'd D l���1 gymnasium. Adah apper J,.n "" -= = = = = = = = = = c.: . ':cted the exhibition. assisted by already,thinking about fishing and canI� . nC<)HA • . '',' JI nect. that with WA"'H. Loulsf Hendrickson. W. A. A. presl- nerles and couldn·t con I IJI tw� polntsd . .for your Elite' Pe'm,ne..t "" i attendance. basketball-net result. iii dent A larg{' crowd wa.s n MEN'S. WEAR . unexpecte, lin became who Ford. C;IUIUllteed Oil Pcrm" Prexy atrfllr the �t was 'e\'ent The opening I, � . . , Men's Suits, Overcoats, Shirts, Ties. $3.00 .lind Up a grand march led by Elsie Barrett. aSl.ronom�r In tPe prellmlnar?" eouldn � Hats, Ca� o s, Un· d erwe;:J r . The Men's , 8415 Park Ave 4059 ' , Excitement! Rivalry! Brawls! All Elva Bergman. Ruth Watney and AUce connect v.!th the hoop and \\ent· !;COre STore women like to shop in ....._______.___.!I. members of the student arc urged Cook. and following this the group pre- less to turn Ollt en ma�e lall 14 ot yOU) for sented II. numbt'r of formal gymnastics. Paulson Rnd Rooney werl the :Ilvad� ...................................................................... � the 912 Pacific Ave. spring' c'asslc. Baseball Is "I<ing." after which [\ group dance "Pop Goes I Ing;. collecl!ng 14 and 10 poInls : � So It's " Take Me Qut to the Ball Game." the WeaS£'I:' and an Am!'rican folk respectlvei}'. But even the high scor- 'j-__ . � still think that the be.';\. football dance wa.s given. . ers couldn·t Inspire their teammates to \1 � gag of the S('aWIl \\'IIS (urnI'd In by Pat The \next ev!'nt WitS a tap routine and victory over the Glads who hl\ve had ALOETTE H � , O·Brien. the moom pItcher actor. when a folk dance. "Strl\.�ak." followed by a somewhnt .of a prolonged rest. PORTRAITS WITH WELCOME STUDENTS he portrayed a sport announcer on the wllltz clog. There was _then a review In the preliminary fracas the grM� , INDIVIDUALITY !lating" seniors played the undf'rclass- I OJ radio recently. His llne of chtltter wl'nt entitled "Hungarian Cl.ardas. " I!! . .... ... .. ... .. .. ... ... , _ . a I gmduated somethmg like this who Barorrsky v.lth men Heg. by led A Mabl'l tap , mll1tar} � ........... ,....?".. U , iii Dh bo} folkS v.hl\t \ ga�{" There gem Thelma Nes.o; and Irene Odell rev. years ago on the rormer team" The must be at least lOO 000 fans here formerly I tumbling exhibition \\hlch tus.�le was fmally turned Into a riot by preceded i dll\ Grant or Na.} 15 taking the ball feAtured head stands formations hand the Baron and quarterback Ja} Smith I not Grant I t·s wJokkiewo- springs cart\\;heels Rnd other rolling The referee galloping h,a1f,st�p :ru-no � F H KRUG Manager L4:tte. S w ut� u •. Specialty ' wltl.. the fullback. who plunges through maneu\ers land v.1\.� unable to keep his an on t g u 304 W �l R���:u"d,ng m for four vards. Pardon me folks. Skla- C1lmaxlng the e\enlng s Iltralr was top-res��� �a\�l ::�:Yb�� : M n c��� , and spinner a on ball the t�k 4 dowlltz , l!l � � �: � �: � , �� . , : , . . . . ,, , . . .. : a dorm-day basketball game In which V.II} .. . r!J" , .,�,!,��. �� .:-----------to at a later date the day glrl�' team took'the 'dorm group Unued ". " nn.' �o" 01 20·12. Tho =" T/>e FINEST . . 'tood 14-6 as the whistle sounded the portables and 51and.lrd .. I , Pml "'m'tod FOUNTAIN PENS & PENCILS Last Frlda;--iUld Saturday Buddy Lehman deren�mg Col! Champion of P L C successfully �en..ded hs tftle b\ beRlmg Micke) MCCoimlcl<; " and 3 Fme golt \\as dlspla}ed by both rt. ';l;O'. naUsUl \l;lth Lehman pUlng up a t up lead at the end of the rll'!5� elghteen






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:�,�,;:o'��:�;�,"'U Lineup: 'A M�:;::ekas ( 8) ....� I




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"Athletic cattle have tenderer meaL 'than th06e wnIch have led a .c;endetary Unlllte." WordS of wlsdom- from Vf!�lty of Illinois' Prot. BU�.



KR C Tacoma Harhook StudiO

, ,


Aw-come-on-In and let's hav!' another gallle of plng·pong . Ho-hum. R. J��n E. Norgaard 121 . F '10) W. Calavan r -----A �. �ee� :: � .. J. Be�� I t c;;:

� W.... W��H�'":.�Tg:CI��C[)(;· '-


lunfl ��' � J ��



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"THE PEAK OF QUALITY" Distribu ted' by . '



Many Attend W A Gym ·Dem'onstratl"on N" ht L t Fr·ld









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Strom's Crocery



The Parkland Ughl and Willer Company furnished 10 its mem­ � electric current·· including 80 streets lights al the 'low "'Ier· age price of a fraction over I 'h cenTS per KWH







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Broadway Tacoma, Wash. BRoadway 2�34


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\ .


Delta Rhos Have . ·I Ping.Pong Set Bought .' P. L. C. Is Eligible By 'M�n'. Oorlll Union · For HonQr Society . . . Lovely Irish Tea ' PAC1lI'lC'


L. S. u. Conv

. "-.'

� , (.•"tI"�. �,,;� SI\,. I w.rd:lr t\'f' niJ1K Rnd Su�da)l. Prof

' MARCH 24, \937

P. L; C. Coed to Be Court Attendant

. The men's dorrrl\fof'}" UniOIl h�s pur. ' .-f1uegr Bvrrlng thl' M!rmon At the . Tht' royal court which \11'\11 ",Igo oW'r . ....mong the ea.rl}· spring Affairs to be chRSed somE' plng-pong- E'qulpment ....ceordlng 10 a h.:ttl'r TN'f'lved T«rnt- tpl:oo There tht' dktrodli pAgeant sta� RnnuRl)).' I/!\'e.n on thf" C8.mpU5 was the Irish tu for' which a room hR� bt>1'1l arrangt'd iY rr the A1J;V'lR chapter of Gfllnma ere o·tloc� s�n'Jcf'.!1 on Sunday. n � t O he r n r � in Ta�m� And �YRllup will hA\'e onl ' �:��. i ��t C t/; ���\���:n����� I :�t ��� ur�:����� f!: ;�n� sc=;�� �r:r :���'th���:r::g �::; �: :� :t . �:�:::� :.�::::: : :1: :: �: Man� othen; ",ere In IH�nd- atlendftnt selt'Cltd from P. L. .C. to of the �mt$�er' led by the membt'rshlp. and P. L. C. s.hoolfi. KAPIJRS on Tue�ay �fternOOr]. �Rrch .theObforemAIning ne . ,partielpare In the ft.Ctlvlt-itS ?,'hlch lue A rt HaAvlk prt'sident of the or- found eJ(glblt. to establish " l'hRpttT l'. . to P. L. C..s d l ate was ,, of. 1\ tnb\lte 16. In the rt'eeptlon room. DRffodns. gani;:.atlon. Other officers are "Ice- Ule' soetety. l(l: led for April 10. " . . �oncordl.Rn. ,,'l'hlch states schedu pus."ywUlol\·s. ytllow e:mdles. and pr�ldenl. WAIter .&;hnAckl'nberg; Sot'C GAmmR Delta UPsilon Is R nlHionRi �Ivl'n �651he Five girls have been cn�ri .b)' tht R formed �he room InIO A � o Lft ndO; li nd fire mRr- ho y ' t � : �11���t ;t::I��; ::r::I��R��':U!� racul�y and 'from this group the qut'f'n's � � � :�� : :�I 7r����;��;. � = I ��i : nt:� ��:: :�� S. I la � � p ;:r r . s f:\T-weslern, �lSttlr l'�lIege. �jle nob- �t1enclRnt w:1Il be .stleet«t by t.he TFIUpon Rrrl"lng each girl presen !" . Ism. to sponsor �the adherence to the OUt oHert'd by la�g" COl'll!!. C�amoer of Commercl'. ' tt'd with a gTt'('n shamrock to wrRr In- ! highest slftnd!lrds of Journ�listlc "'ork Iy mt't _ the challenge the !>pIrlt of SI. PRlrll'k'� day. and wAf . . ' ' I 11 f i In college publlcRtions. Rnd ·to clil.tlvate � e!l!'gat lon .. . w�cto. you. .sa�! their �choo l This Is t.he nrst�eRr thAt P. L C. . on I Orl'hlps ,," . welcomed At the door by 'Loul� WII. hFl.� been asked to participate dl' � a spirit ·of profe!.')lbnal pride Rmong . lIarru;. acting hosteM. The program Ruth· Ho....ard. recti)' In the cofo�lui rete. ·The parade . '32. .....� mRrrled to the journRllsm students of tHe nR�tlon. . .). ' typICRIJ�' Irish. wA5 .. plannf'd b�' Nev-' Mr. Gt'9rge Elwood Hickman. on Sat� ChFlpters havt Rl reRdy been elltRbllshed will contluue from nine R. m until "pIt yen. through Tftcoma and' on ·to plla RoM. A.�trld Anrlrr"'.)n. find Agll/'S urd,,}". Janul'lry 23 . . Mr. and Mrs. J:llck- R� SacfJ'm,nto. Fullrrtoll. and Grtlnd S . Sk:. . ' .kl" Sk: ' . ruyallup and Sumner. Mohn. The follo",'!ng numbers "'ere man wI\] mak� their home at 131 4 Junctfo.!l JU�IOr Col�ges. . 1.- .Ski.Ilre$('nte<l b�' a group of girls all c1Alm- Connecticut A\'e .. Washlngton.- D. C. The Mooring MlISt stMf hall wrltttll . -The Unlv.('rsltY of ·MlnnesotR·s "barf"Ing FI strain of Irish ancestry: Girls' triO.·' M s!S Jane Harrington. a student, herf' for further Informfttlon concerning' tile Maureen �ade. Mlldrrd u.rsen. and last I .semester., hRll FI poc<;ltlon 'In San matte�. Requlremtn(..� for IndJvldual . One doesn't have . to be a skier to be loot girl," In·grid Larson. had � tAke . e l g a s a I be ea w e �::���!t���!n�;, :�����: c;�� ���I��� �:�t !� .�ba�e�:��: I��.� :c� �:v �g �he �:r::�.g a�: ".�ot��� Fr�:;��;�c�:!t���;;"IS attending ��n- �: ::.:�P :;�/�I��I��'��n�A� �� sk r-.lAchree··: a non.lty skit. "Colleen taf college at forUAnd. OTegon. college publications; candidates m'ust l.lng. Cont�rtlo�lsm IS-E.,ulte- an flTt ·qulred whlie lIylng .in Haw9JJ. she wore Rnd Paddy:· �e'1acted by Janlct Roberta Torrison. '36, who Is In tmln- hRve R � avtragt;in. at lealt 12 units In Itself. but add a pair of skis. R dash shoe� until recently , when an ulcer r a ga h D S n r t I�:it�,::,:n::��·��� ��u:� r:!;t l�a�tr- rubblng. develOped " d ,:y �g:I�:�e �:��I:. 5�0�� �� N:r:�. � l� :t�:�e:� \;�: �!g:�:;a�e:�:� :;U:�e ;:�I��tl� ;�:':i�:v::!��:· . :� ::e "Danll�' Boy'"' sung by E\"tlyn Syvtr- tor Scandinavians �ause of the Norse lege or college during the. enH�e semes- tortl��'I<;kl. The senior tlRis. nRme for {j1o �"''''''''':''''''. � Is Hey. whlfh ont of these legs bt- : . "'rlth Ne\'elllL � gh'ing a \'Iolln she studied hert undtr Prof. O. J. St..u- ter preceding c�nsideratlon; hortorRry It ng� 1:<' me?" Eastman . Kodak Stores . ""!�m�.I$ shall be cqnsldered according 10 obligato: a.n Irish reMllng' presented en. r O(te e�hIlRTating. The Is I'kt-of constitution. l In the F lon<; s lUl provl. to b '31. and n. a TIetJen. Cala\' Herbert S Wadene of numfinal sranc r · .bi'r ··When Irish Ere.� are Smiling:· to. l�. engaged to be marrJe<I soon. s�nds majestically poised. ,'Iewlng- the vast ?anoramR belOW-A ,,'hlle-washed ' featured the giTl�' �rlo . IdR MJle Hos.� The marriage. of Ml<;s Pauline KUhn ' hili; with a cUl"Ye or t....o. to give t�Rt 1i " KODAK HEADQUARTERS lun'e plano accolllPunlmtnts for the to Lewis StAples. both �f DuPont. hFl.'> BUSlneSS S Ch00I . .:.". ". . � i e r t l · Tuition :��h;:v�:t�!�b�I���n:f::ln.<;Tt�e�n���: @J.. Offers . rn������nI1U;a��:·. I)Qrothy KaPlJRh\n :7;n;;dt ;��. �. ��C�;;.I)�h: :r: : � sta.nd why Halliburton e.alle!1 hL� book -fin. d Enid Blakt' I.\.rcsldNi At tea time. Ing their home Rt 1224 So. YaklmR. TaEyan.�ton. tIi.-Ten r�\l tuition :;chol- "The Royal Rood to Romance." The .... Ith Katt}[Yri Anderson. Ddla Phi K1 - I " �o.. ..flloo,.o � JORd. Indeed--<lOOh. the eanh KRlllla presldrnt. and Elsie Barrett. George H. Ru.�lad. a former P. L. C. arl>hlps to graduRtes of Junior Col- royal IPS from'''Under �nd one Is off to a alLU_SHARMEER HOSE Dt'lta Rho Gamma president. pouring. !.tudent. ls rcglstrar for tht Rt>d River It'ges 11,'1 1\ I� g��ntrd by thf' North- �premftture 'I giving romanee $1.00 to $1.65 th i <;l; start. .COmSchool of U I\·el"Slty Detty Evanson. Signe MldSlat�r and Bible Co\le�e. Grand Forks. North Da- w('Sltrn 1 . ' O lra k e th o I :... � :;:s �1!�:'w�:����ve����to��� � �:�at.i:. :;' 1�:�;IA::o���:!� ��: O��. ar;d Mrs. Daniel F1otrt': both �a���� ,�� ��; �i�:�1 y���119;:_:t serve-�hls-what-have-I,don!' - t ()by Henrietta O·N{'Il. Mary Machlt'. and gmduFitts of P. L. C" left IlISt week for The scholFlr�hlp have tx<cn estabR�y",ond Electric Co. . oh-crash-crack-finale JFlnlce Broness. the middle weSI In the 1nU!rt'Sts of the ll�ht'd In · reeO@"nillon of the high call- deserve--oo CONSTR UCTIO N dOlle b�� Junior collegc.� The VIctim stirs. ,-\n eyelid flutters , j� ELECTRIC AN D SUPPLIES Qold Run Mining CompRny:of- which ber work !wIng the country ilnrl thl' ex; One e�e opens. The other eye .responds. ----. mRny ParklRnd people art" me 'bers: throuJ;lhout 91 5 Commerce reflJ.S('s to move There:s ) 6K. 1 7 1 2 a student :r� ·IFl.'>t ('el\C'IlI recor:1;Is made by juniOr col- but �he heada�ound CARAG� year.Josephwill Running. PARKLA�D Ule Ilec�-there s @J, ' '''"....-\!i be In Tacoma APr} :. all a lege ItrRduatts :It Northwe."lern unl_ someth:ng S!(ell �soline and 0,1 one. Rh. �methmgleg. Un<;l;lnd. 51 ". ....".:;". " ". " """:); ' ''' '',..,,..... ""ti) rslly. e \· St. the of m Cl\Olr 6 fr . memtx>r OIRf I Dependabl� Gr�asU'lg t d. � e . field. Minn North e R �EPA1 GENERAL I �h� u :�� ��:;:::: wr��. :� th;�:�;: :�H;h::�I:.��=�lf� S:::I��I��r:n�; � THE BUe ........,",..,," """,,)··,,·,,"1iJ � of the uni\·erslty. hRve the gTf'Rt.- to discover that the leg is attached to ; ·-U"de-r New '_-.J IY _ _ _ _ __� Ma"ageme"t tRpaclty for oU'flandlng another victim. Victim number one � potential e�t j ' be The Bt'�1 5e... Foods Our gOods are gcxx:l r-----� ---., � sllcces� I I b Siness and journRII�m. twbts. pulis. Ilnd Jer� himself around � obu.ned I U Broadway Shoe Repair t e f m I n P.rllll."d' Li.I<'IoCh S op I ;��:I:t��O��!hl� h ........... � I � LEWIS FISH MARKET c:��:�C}� Ch��� ����n ��� ��e C;:�ht :��I �� .�� ·s!� CRYSTAL PALACE MARKET trom;ers. The right leg 5 missing. Vi51· .....'.." ............''''� health. and ncter. � 1 . ��?;$S6f����:e� � BR 4267 . Tacoma. ·W a�h ,e e M. headlines. o � s S ··Skier I'C l se ; Northw stern unlv sltY · hool of slolls o� M Get you. new h e g T r o e a o EASTER COIFEURE ..... + ��-----� �� �;I���:d �� :�;::�'sc�n�;� �::i� � �)� :r;;: �e ll;�;!� q�:�����·· I:ad�� ! I who plan to covered fastened to It.� �kl ....·hlch � M. ...d. Coltu""... f_ R�nt ;��g�rfor stho:'W' students g ln I.he branches of n�lghbor- I Coo ed BeOluty Shoppe d a D ';; , t�: :I��:::r�I��: t :: �:a�::: �; �:e. Union Ba.k. St.OPI ... ' ' ' '' '' ".." .,' '''''' '' '''''' '' '' '' ' ' " . ....Patro"i.� . of pro\'lding contact ","Ith business With the ni genuity of magician.legs ft''?------:------� firms wh06e personnel manager� Rre and dignity are recovered. and said ' C P KNUDTSON. Pmp. I ' . Parkland. Wash. .I sf'eklng. competent YOUnl.: men .and victim joins the hilarity ofR' others about TACOMA'S LARCEST , ob foreign who watching I".-�-him are I y,·omen Home-Fu,"ilhinp .S.tore- , . . ._.l ThC' university offer.; junior college ject rolling towardS them. J t an- i NEAL E, THORSEN C#1oe.11 C(,6... graduates a special opportunity to como. other amateur havIng R ren,: """""""" ' " "'!i) . pole. ski a with especdesigned se t . .... .. ...... . .......... " plett' a two'! year cOl,lr 8alloonl �bk.n, P.�r I Br:OB��=!:eL;::��...,�o. � I Noi.. 810w of two yean; lail), to follow the firM -----------' ' * o..h, S ,puti,,� r � ---' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � · 926Y1 6rOiJdw"y MA. 4661 Hi,'"'w"y ;:��\� ....:::k:T:� :�O:r�::t/;� J r Churchhill"s C<>"lIt Shop you 10 St'f! !,",�'r n�w sorong SPRENGER & JONES studt'nl's program for Hit entire four """,Iesblouse� (;:\r1allcl 1Xfil-J_;] I!I yeflT 5 1 .98 ro 54.95 . II -�=========� l)('riOO. I WalC,", andJEWELERS ''''''''' ' " ." " .. C I L �. "".,...., "...� InformR�lon regardll;lg. the !;ChoIRr- I C�r��� Jewelt R�p"i.;nl �rto�':'e·!� 1F""""""="""il i · . Ef�ectlve ' p"nttng " 5hlp� Rnd for appllcatl?n forms :;;hould I . y g �,;g��,�� ���:!: -:---· 1 I 147 6'oad;a�eci.ityy 6R. �3.75 � LAUNDRY and Planned and Produced :;Sl:�=���e:�� �:�:we��e� ""�����: :--sitl' School of Commerce. E\,an:tton. CLEAN I NC SERVICE , Parkland Mercantile C�. EASTER FLOWERS at Extremely Low' Prices P.rkl"nd. Washington Chicago. Ill.-CACPJ-An all-expeflSf" AND CORSAGES trip to NeW York City. plW! a total or £,operl Photo Finishing, Photo Suppl i�,. Prompt "nd Courteous $1.000 In cash prizes. J.s being offer d PROMPT AND e Tacoma La1,lndry ServiCe students nI B prize c:gmpetltlon for es­ C AREFUL SERVICE says on "How Ad\'ertlslng BenefiLS the Pantorium " " h"" 97.000 tml.. dunng I ;; """,weeks.. �::':; y the LIEN & SELVIC " I son·Co HAYDEN.WATSON. � John Cleaners past three a bronze-skinned . . x COmpan " ""''"0" Oro.. 726 POlCific AveniI': BRdwy. 2236 freshman atu,e University o MinneDirect Im�.ters o f th� Fines! Flo i ' l t t r Norwe'l�n Cod liver Oil sota has not been trying to prO\'· e that I . Cor . l llh and TKO""" Ave. . he. really Is an IndJan. "Ugh" I.s hls 256 sOulh I Ilh Slr�et Phone MAin 7314 I entire speaking part in a play. �---- -----:



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MARCELL SHOP 1 1 !,", u Comm�rce

n . bud,.. M op for Colill" �

$5.95 Cuts .nd Suits $ 1 0.95



Girls .

,, 1



B �OOKDA�E GR�ERY AN,D MEAT CO. PHONES: GArlAnd OI07J4--GArI"nd Ol93R3 Croceries. Flour. 1tay. Cra i n Feed. etc. .


M nneapol is


Lega l Reserve life Insur:a�e

Henna. L. Eltern. ,.,..ident Reprewnted by -" CliHon! .0100. '





Minnesota' -"WashingtO!'"'



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. Be on Hand For Cllmpus lJ�y . "

-----,- . :Y' \

Get in' l,A ne . For the Sirc�us I�!ade

Iiugdstail Allend. Verna Teglund Selected by Students . Big rhree-.Ring Saga Sircus Will ., Coll ege cour.·,,· ...· .·s . To Reign at Annual May Festival· Feature Crowning of King and Queen , Th






Dr. O.



A. Tinlitlstnd lett TlH'�{h')'

, Pnrnde, Style' Show', B.ooths and ConceSsions . 'Viii lit; , ' Inch lded ,


Gunner!;'()ll. mlsslollnlj' borne on A'merLcan Lut hern Church. Dr. J. C. Thl!' Salta .;staff has lI.'1ked that an 1 r d a eI f ther l be made In h o th e . <t:�����I�r:�:. ::���l �:�I\�:::�::��a: 'f �t'���� a��f 1���;:��I1:r�a�� ��dt��" i;��ll�:;' ��I�:��'C:II\�g:� flllIetl�: �I��I�d:ll\'�:S� ona p u rt �th.U f t' kll:�n�' th�/ \,;!� I:I: �:: !;:g: �:�;'\:�: h al.lnual. e of rrn'nt rp" O [t!l � ' l'd d altc d n l s l nge Tl n. Dr. YesterdllY Ii'i ' e la!i:t w ek 011' ht'r l"xperlenc s bt'�11 - cllo�11 to rcl!,'11 ovcr Jhe' May ! 11.'111 open to�orroJlll E\'cnlng at e ight ' West ..'\OO1l\l101� of C{'('.ond All yet,. ��Irarl)' rllo�eh plctu� ha\'r o'clock da�' fl"stl\'itles sehedull"d for April 30 f01!l\dllll it andd learryl,ng 011 Ihl" mlsi;lon th(' .Nort� In Lht' sym nnd pro�lses to bt' d e h ft t l g event th Pa l c Luth l n l l ollege 011 (' � f t':a C CIUl '�;��er �.�� �l;� :��'a,�UI��7�SO:�e:� ��p;�: a���:al�. ;�h� �:�e:::���� �:;I ;::: ::�)'�::dW� =\: ':� , �he most colorful '�n� r�)j� nus. MI:�S T lund, ha.� been ver�' Morris Ford, princIpal rl'a til(' of other church workers, was theo...f.. 1rst tocta>y at n�lI. ) Yf'arbook' Ihould not delav ro tllm them of the Pa,r.rkMr" II\"(' In the �I.ta Rh� Gamma OrFanl- 1 introduce the Bible to·lt at par�lculand PI;bIiC School. will ....., ' '. In. "erna �n� Jun.e Walter " Tel"lund ....L._i. Plann zatlOIl durfl S her three rear.; P. L. ' lur pan ' of Africa. crown the Sircus King 'lind QUE'en, \Io'ho I Th�ans ng ' r. . I lS t E I . C. Shc has worked commHte�s (or :I��� �:o�;::�:� :I�; t�,� \�:::� ' ('\�c� �hrOUg.h 1111 ex�nded cam· ;�lta�C:nO�IS��;I:o a;:��::; 0!l::: ::: were palgn whIch ended yeo;terdIlY., Thel� :\fny da�' h1 her fres�mall lind �rhc>- I lIn� duetoS, f,l _Rog�n Icd the !troup In' de. Thre� Short PI�ys ope�tlO,,' In�the_ matt�r. , been t \ .�"lth -'sprlne weather finally here, �::�:�d��wt,\ pr. hnve not liS yet �or Campus Day J;e�:Rc���:�f :�;o;:���g ��: �l� ' 'O��� IlHS�. OIl .soclety h�S presented �:� " why -- . not shoot few .'f('enell? The S�r. . To ;:iw the c\ ening H-lo proper stllrt, In �Rho club rooms, . I progfll nt� to I arious ctiu�Ch groups In Allendants srlE'rted for the qucel\'S Tlleomll und ' Illso fin old people's Cllmllxlng campus da�' ac;:th'llies .Q.n will put them away ror rurthl'r rrrf.r- I the committe<! 'Is stllj.;:lng camlvRI inClUde t\\·o girls from E"Rch . home i;l SlImnE'r, 'l.Mt Sunday eve. FridllY. April 16, the Drllmll Club Is en('e. I pHr�lde. to be follo\\'ed by a regular Thl7lma Nes.'L and Eugenlil Spell('er.'rlnss will alllg a number of thl' ;:roup were guests presc tln three one·act IlInYs undcr ,. r('prest'llt thE' 8 fRduutlng clns.�. Others at Ruskin Chllpel, near Point Ddlllnce. the dlr{'('tlon of. thE' IInde. rcllll<.Sme n . Ithrt't'.rlng shOW f(,R\lIrllllo;: a vaudeville ar.. Allce Cook and Connll' Clumb, 1\'11. KnutSO1l lind MRrgarel Pl'urson Th' PlilYS 1'.'111 be pr�Sellled lit E'litll: Liil nae Club Make and t\\"o sid('shows. A floor !<how Is S m a 'el E\'n sd n sang i to ll s. �I!<O p a nned as plI.rt of the entertllln)' OC � l Ok 'cl .k In the. g m. ;:�:: �:%p��� i;es���� ;:r::�. :�::� ��os. p c - -t t0 HOSpl-tal ment. V�lSI , Xavier and Rosall(' Jen!<en. high sc�ool . . . Emd Blake. IISSlsted by Emil Smith, -'. Furtlll'llring thl' circus theme, Madame Is dirl'C�lng "Wl'lo ,Kl<sed Barbara?", Elsie Bllrrett, D. R. G. prl'sldl'nt, hilS T2e� Lhllllle soel�ty I'ISlt:ed the west- SIOI,er. y;ldel�' known In Tllcoma for h�' . , comC'dy an Intrlgulnl; myster�' w l t h to IlPP:llnted thf' follo\\"illg committees . . Hospital te StNlnc at strt rrn s t I In oom last, ·fortmw·telUng, I plot. Thosr playIng the roles plan the fest ival : Will Be con duct a fortune Spencer ' � .J' I llrt'sent.auon are VI\'l:J.n Smith Angot Tuc�duy JlftrMloon \\'.llh, about thIrty In teillng - booth. \\'111 General · VerUIl T('glund. Helen Refreshmellt.� will be. Thl' Irlp,v,as first !Jlannl"d " . Don'W,esJbo, lind attelldance, erdE'. ClIx Haugen. S<:ott . Louise WII1Inm.� . Attclldants: Tacoma Atten n- t GHar,fl . at ' the e�enlng throughout Inallnblt _ � d l as fie . trip for m�mbers of the I ld Johnson Opal {.iro\·l', DorO�h�' Kniffen, M�rjorlE' ty, but ,so �lIIn,y others Wished to go 'arlous concession s!ands. AIda JqhnDelill . Mary Roberta Brown. Valrrla Eugenia Spencer. nttractlve member I "The Cat'� Paw." Is being cORchcd �thllt p ro \ l s l o n s Ilere madl' to IIccommo· SOli, Thelmll Ness, and Mabel Heggem , Moehnck(': throne: Alice Cook. RuLh of thr llbrTlli Ilrts graduat�I'Ii:s.�. by Alice Cook. with Stllll Fries asslstliS Illllily M possible. DowntQwn. Jl'nn Gotdon. Merrie Jelln \\'n� selected b\' the Tacoma' Chll mtJr lng, Vivilln Lunde, Obert'Sovde, Betty dakThose popcorn: Judy Gerde, Do�. furnishing cars were Willie Fol· \\'ne111ldnsellSullivan, Ma.lcolm. Vh'lan Kcller, Booths: Ne· CommerC(' t� be attendllnt.., to the_ Evanson. Slgn(' Mldstatter, Cliff Bru- som Melvin 'Elfa Adams, McCutchon. Dorothy Pet· h.ot-dOIl�; -Lenoreand \'ella R:Jss, Syll'llI WIl}:ne, Bt'tty Eval,l' Quecn of thc daffodil pagE'lUlt "" hlch la d, ' lUld Walter Johnson arc taking er . ElSie Barrett, Whhrow, Iris Evnns.. John Stuep, Ruby anei Astrid Anderson, sOl�, son, Elva BrrgmlUl. Lenort' Wltnrow. is slJOllsored by TaCOIilII 'and Puyallup plln In this comedy. ' Ice cream a.nd � f ool e, lind C h e s te r SOlie. AI'is HOI'land. Cro\\'n : Doroth}' Kapp· ('(l sprln�_ ' Under the guld:tncc of Al Rogan Goldenc Gcrrltz. president of the p::;p: and ElSie B!\rrett, Jllnlec· Peter· hahn. Mill;; JanE' Dedrick. VII'lRn ch SOIl, and Doris Olson, doughnuts lind P. L. C:S attendant wlll represent and Monll Byrd, '"Three Cans of club. allI ounces th a t the � plans g ro l Fields: flowers: Elizabeth Stul'n. I.:.e. Tacomll In the royal coun. partaking Bea 15"' will be presclltcd. This play to sponsor a trip tQ Klrstonhort �fanor. coffee Vllun McCall, Elsie Barrett. Elizabeth In the coronlltlon festh'l\I!'s well liS \\'rltten about two tramps who become l e r Mc en l , as a pro ect the Eve;vn Ta\'lor Louise WlIllllms RoF'rlls. Judith Benson. Margrete Ihe ne'xt SlIturday morning. involved in a bank'\rObbe�Y, and IS \ Intere 1 ll .sls; � III for IIl1ld wuest Kal�ryn Anderson A; Mc- " of tJ}el ll soc ty. A jbanquet mers: publicity: Mllureen Wilde. Mar· parllde . charaeterized by both comedy' lind members Kay RO�: Schmand t and St�n DahJ been planned. The ha�'� ian Johnson: In 'ltatlons : Vivian Bu· I T .0 NornlaI Graduat . m)'sterr. SUIJporting It Is an all·boy's , club meetshMnt also been IIPpolnted to d orate the the homE' of Dr. lerllns. nl'58, Mllrl(l Hag('nes..�. Janice Brones : \\ t�!!I cast with Bob Mullen, Boo Lando, il fnculty advIser. gym S\'II'III WanE' has been In' charge clean·up: Pauline Watts. Marie .wen. R{"c{"iv(" Placenl�nb Mnh'ln Ramstad, Bud Johnson, Fales of �st�rs for IIdl'erUslng the affair. th�:��son. Barbar ,Xl\\'· _�;r� · o n M n , SIan YOllng IUld Vern Bitter' have n Ire e Odell and Louise Williams lire ��� E�= �i���: ��'e pl nned t fO an tl Along with th.e reJ.!u�r May OilY ('1'1. 1 the ftrst grAduating Normal students bet.w�r�:�o: t.'; Charlll Group to Hear ' n ac , :��:�c ��lt:;:�::en7. ���e� �Jl:_: t'brattoll will be a cer('mOIlV for the to recel\"!' contracts this vear, Both . TaIk AI)out· EIlf!IanfI are Merle Pflueger. Margaret Tho�pbrellklng o( tfie grollnds fo� the ne...... FO!>iliolls Ilrl' lit Little R�k. WMhMildred Lorson, IUld Stan t;edahl. library whICh is to be CO!lstructed on ington. \\'hert' Irene Odell will h&-�'e AprJ"1 16, Date For. Mrs. H�bew Logall of Puyallup .....!11 Tlilking parI In the parade are Paul the IIrea acros.� the stre-et from th(' chafJ,!e of th(' first IUld second gradeS ' . Ed Machll', Barbara ,xa. v�er, Fos.�o ne,xt ub l C Person:J:lIty, " the address . i l pr ng n and ea' rnuslc, l hoo WllIlllms sc ng lind S C COImain' bullJrn� of Pllciflc Lutheran I Tuesday evening, With "England" as SylVia MIller, ElIz�beth Stuen, Melba \\ill teach third Rnd fourth grade sub. \ Il'ge b ject, Mrs. Logan wlJl talk about Fenne�. . �bert, Haaylk, Bob Moe, Fred .!{'' cts and school phy�lca! eduC'Rtlon . - With camPUs dRy d tin ltE'ly set for her su eany, AI Jacobs, Ted Asburg, Bob . the charmIng customs of the Bngllsh HBrazzll. 1 Thest' placelllents were made .on FrIday. April 16. studcnts lire prepar Stan Fries. Otis G�nde, Obert . , John· , Sovde. Falcs Delta Rhos Sponsoring April 2, two WE'E'ks artier Ihan nny ing the schedu le for1.hc \1,ork, lInd plans people. Music by the girl's t rio. Aida MnrUn, Bill Capps . Bob for the rest ot t h e day. As USUIII. the mllde last �'e!lr g Roller Skatjng Party s e e n I ps i s t n : ��:; �da�� W8:;:� pf::�� n n �!:: � . � ;' ;;�:r�t: :�o��: � � ��� ���� �:;� :!ct�::' �� :: I;: � ��r�or :� The Delta Rho Gammas hav(' sched P. L. C, J;Jroadcast· Vlvilln d n .John a l s D Hokenstad, . r u o h o the sell' ng i ur d plnno piny l.5 U c o will begin In the mCi�nlng, t continue l \lIed a sk�tlng party f�r Saturday eve� car· throughout th'c day with all, lntermls. Louise ' Hendrickson as hostess has Hal\. Alice Cook, BI05S0m Wescott. Bet· ' �aga ning. April 1 7 at Kings Roller RU11r: in In ordbl to advertise the Pauline Watts, Le- ty Hall, EI\'a Bergman, Stan Gammell, as usistants, her slon at noon for lunch, COffee wlll be Ttlcoma. Pm:e.� will be awarded to nh'al. a program was presented ov�r served In the attem06n, and at this nore WI�hrow, and Arlene Taylor. who Charlie Lellsk, Ai McKay. and ··Spooky:' KVI IMt Sunday e\'enlng at. nine add to the ('ntertahunent. and Dorts Much credit has been given ¥rs, also entertainment is provided. are planning refreshments, AIlce Cook Is In charge. Her asslst- clock. Ken Anenson announced tlJ.e time Olson and Ida Merz who have been 'Dapper tor her assistance In plannin g Fr:d Hea::ltd :a I I R�a:� ��� ants are Margaret Demers. Enid Blake, numbers which Included t\lo'O voca l O:�: asked to decorate th� reception. room I the carnival. Hehin Holtcamp has leru n rso and v , n M n o st d I been th_I! generaJ chairman, .' . �:lte:.- �:we�l: �rs:.�� , t:�t5�a::: �� :� h��ra ;�: �::� :���� �e�� pointed to plan a map of zones. Bill for Lhe occasion. ,\�:: advertisement; Verna Teglund �� =nsor:ndo, Ken Anenson, and ����e;��t�:::,a��dw;I�lir�e�� l\IATHEiUATJCS AND FU N " land will arrange for the tools, : ( . Othe,rs appointed Include Barbara Yes, we said mathem�tlcs and FUN. and there are chapten; tying up math· ' Kramer, Margart't Melver, Mona Byrd. Surprising, Isn't It? How In the world ematlcs with humanity, past and pres­ PERHAPS, PERHAPS r WILL .John Wenberg, and George Kline. can mathematlC6 be fun, especially for ent, Says H. O. Wells: "It r;hould b . Breakfast o_ver. the first bra\'{' soul Petersburgillns and the Ketchlkanlans amusement.s; and Edith Koole). Cor- the majority of- us? From aigebra ,read by every Inte.I�lgent youth frome rine MalmJn. VlvllUl Lunde. Bob Muf· through calculu.� It's usually "oh" and 15 to 90 who Is trying, to get t-he hang to venture Into the wet out-ot-doors �egtl]- to conipare notes, Is the targE't for a barrage of numbers: Woe- is .me! My r;t.ooge returns with len, and Richard Oliver, menu. "'8W" and "gee, what a problem!" of things In thiS ·universe." ,:' 521. 544, 441. 2�5, e�. Hey, Ford, look nllr)' a lettE'r for me. But mine i!5 not Out of the ,mire of Ihtrlcacy has ap· In England .eMr. Hog-ben Is a Fellow' . In 205 and ,202. Look. In 2il�. 225. and the onl}' crestfallen face. I can hear Students Take Part in . parenUl' arisen a ' redeemer. He Is of the �raJ Socletyr '(fie .,?OkO has lt e r e h a I c n ' ;·���t I ��t r�:e!:r :�� �h: �� ��� :��e ;ro�oesh:!� � , Grade' School Fair � � ���n�:��hl�S�! �,J::���a�� !e;;s, �'MS:t:�:�� f:'���M�O�'� nwnbers.! Saturday morrung, . , the MUllon" IN. Y.. W. W: Norton has outsold ALL fiction and non·flcfor ... A crowd gathers In the" main hall. The morntltg's excitement is nothIng The Park)and Public School . spon- & CO.I, a book which sur!'l)' 11\'1'5 up tlOn publications. This tdt a book on . ma\hematlC5! Some pace back and torth: others peer t::J the mad rush and pelmel scu..ttle � sored lUi annUQI sprtng fair last nIght, to It.s name. . aiuclously ' through \he door and sUli the Post Office In "mJ!I:-aftemoon. It's_ \Io:hlch featured an exhibition of work So mu;h wouldn 't be said about this Such a m�terptece doesn't apt)ear otlJ.ers fmpatlentlyo e:cclalm \Io'h)' so and ·the last hope ot " the day that the done by each clas&. _ book were 'It an ordinary text-book, every da)'. Ot course, It could not be so'doesn't hurry. " mam1n&'S · dl5appoint.q:leni may be dis· �w1ng the eveiUJ:tg/a program war; But It Lsn't. It links mathematiCs \Io1th used stgctJy a text·boot, and there Down the 'i'allt \Io'e see Swede stag- rqarded, or that the morn'lng's joy may given In whIch -5eV�raJ P. L. C, stu� everyday Ufe and with history, It pefhaps debatable opinions in U, gering under the burden or tlJ.ree la\Ul- be anU-ellmued. dents took part. y�lnla Davis and mates mathematics "human and' ex· But -thefi tlJe, author's PW'JXlllt wsa � . dry bags, whUe Connie tries to support Allen Poe may �eU have eon- Jan�e PtUlSOn enacted �,novelty lri6h citing," . Altho� It covel'li the U5Ulli to write for unJv�tJes , but for hu· the rour. The Alaska crowd comes ceJftd a trom the aLmo5- r;ltlt, "Colleen and Paddy;" ·and , a tap JunlOJ'" Colleg!,' � of figures. from manity'. rruWons-and '.'tor fun." He nellt, eipeelal),l 11 It happens to be phere of the Pi.rJt�nd POII t OUlre' wiUr number lnte�rettd by lre�e OdeU; Algebra throurh Tr igonometry and be· has 'succ�ed to a remarable delfTee, w.:onday.,each wiUJ at leur. sill tetten, ttl, air of,rnyatery. �t.riIUe,, and'plftt.!cl- _Helen Eoott. Judy Benson. R!ld Wadene yon�. It is written moce IIke- a. novel It would repay an:tOne .to test Royal . \ ' . It'.'; a.n amateur convention "'hen the patton ' Calavan, �, //l than lmythlll8" e�. �nterspe.rscd here � to Relatlvltyf , " ;\In,.


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e��o./o�u���:;u����; �I i..",iolt GrollI' lJe�lr� c ltt. ' Il1h.�r.esljng: Spt.u r onfrr��;ce .there Aprll seco.nd. Prt'�nt were �_e EducAt loll al, Dlreoctor ?f t.h� _ _ . _


I m :l Ness and Eugeni a Spencer Head Ust of Attendants


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iirqe t1Rooring t1Rast

Publlahed every. t':Q weeks durtnc' the. school yelU' by the students of P"a.elftc Lutheran Coll�e, TelepMne: GArlnd 05'71 pffl«-: Room itS Sub.scrtptloo' Price-Sl.OII per Year' Enter� second class matter, October 1, 1925. at the Post Ornce at' Par'kland, Washinll>ton. uHder the Act of M.arch 3. 1879.

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' aboul \\ illiu m H. I 't.· nl(,\, lells liS whul's what · ' ullrsel\'�s.

· · :'\Iost sludenls at Stanford do 't usc t1U'jr n lIlil�lb n,l all. They just jiggle them a l i tUe each tlay ant! then turn to morc imporlant thi ngs." Or. Huy Lyman \Vilbur of · Stq.nford Uni.\'crsity That should he . ('Xposes llIentn� "jiggling." juggling.

i kinds of lil� ··'c..:ollcge students p�()ducc Iw) erut tlr�. lU.!itl!er of Ihem good. Either they try rC\'('lIll1lg Ibelr own hearls, which are- not very . full yel. and whieh they are gencral ly unable _ Wilsie lIIotion. and all the crfort.wasting ills . In IIlter! rcl. or 1hey decide · to imitate some w il l CUIII(' 10 Jight if we I ry faithfully to deter­ mine w h)-tQday 's lesson has fallen short of a . wcll-known uuthor in describing artificial sit: sltlndol'll.- � in good faith. To imderstand IIlltnns which they know e\'en less well' Itilln tl.'elllsel\·cs,·' V�ssar Colle�e's President Henry onc's own wcakness is half uf the ' hat tIe. and �. :'\JacC.raekl'n , shOl'l circui ts Ih� Iitl;'rury InnlOrro",' c-rficiency t.·an he Imilt orl errors., s Iighls. rUIl to ground. today.













THE ART O F STUDYING :'\u pt'!'SOIl knows h('lIt'r til{' tiiffkuih' of {'tll'­ n'd studyin/-! Ihyll lIi(' en1Il'/-!<' sludt'nl. 'Tllt' l,Im­ jnril\' un' harmfst'd II" IIw flld Ihal Ilwir minds rh· liilht,1' and Ihilher; lhul tllp\, are unable 10 1'(�!H'Plltnlll" to pt'rS('\'t·r('. to k�c.v.. :In e\'en hal­ :1IU'(,. Thl'\' fincl Iht·\' (';1 111101 t lSlh'k i n lilt' \\'a\' . Ih('\' woule! likc to. . \Vlml is thl' 1·t.'lIll'dy1 Pt.>rhaps il t'all hI' Slllll lll<'d lip undt'r 1\\'11 IIt';H lillgs: linH'. and will. . II is illl(}ossillie lu ICUI'II how III slm'" o\'er­ lIight. II is inl l)t)ssihlt' III pl'l'fl'd a kt:h llilI Ut' ill a \\'('l·k. a month. I.l year. I n fad. e\'('n aftcr rutlr yt·,u'S of (·ull(,).:t' I{fl' Ihc l't' is always IIllldl /1'1111111 fol' iIli IH·II\·{·IIH'IlI. " , l.ikl'\\' ist·. it is illl)Jtlssihlt' 10 leal'll how III sludy wilholll ha\'ing a strung desire Itl h'l1l'11 . . \1It1 huying J.I lit'sire III 1('aJ'n IIll'UIlS 1II11t'h nln l'(' Ih:ln Iltl' words at first illl l)ly; il means self­ analysis 10 find lIni.! dilllina«' weak spots. lin' s{·t'kiug for otllsici(' help. st'lf-tlisl'i plirH'. p('rst'­ \'1'1'11 11('(', alltl st'lf·n'nll rl�·ialion. Ll'lIl'IIing ho\\' to sludy is diffcrenl with each indi\' idUIlI. SOlilC do thl:ir hest sludying during t'lIrly houl's; �tJllIt.· during laIc. SOllie lenrll IIHII'{' hy I't!<ltiing U \'uridy of mat eri al oUlsidc !I1{' It'xl-lmok; n!lu.'I'S filld it better 10 stick to Oill' ur IWII hooks on u #-!i\'cn suhjed. C.ertain sludents ){'U!'!l rush'r by .llUslily reading an as­ siglllllcnl lllld jusl as hastily revicwing. Olhers nl[l�� IUl\'\' In l'l'llIl H'I'y slo,wl,y and digest t.' \·(·ry \\'111'11. Sludying c1e(K'luis IIlnJll the physiological lind 1II('ntHI lIIukt'-uJI !If un indi\'idual. .-\ ncr\'ous pt'rSOIl ,A·1ItIlHll bt, ('xI}eclccl 10 sludy straight Ihruugh ·for six or SC\'CII hours. whereas a calm ;1Ilt! tn.-nlf llil sludenl might easily do so. The t'!lndiUml of Ih(' cvcs lind the cars. the comfort or lilt' hudy. one's sOt.�illl life. OIIC'S id eals. aloe ' all vittIl fudors enabling ouI! to get ' the niost . tIut uf IIlIe's work. It is II IUfIll'ntahlc htll Irlle fact thai no one II n r x c s Ile �:��i� l� ��1 .1 \� h� :�l YI )I�� ::: l i l o n . r���; c::�:' ;t���i��� 1:�� o�l rli� ���11� a!�(�. fIll' IK'·rscwrancc Fuill\res ace profitable if we only analvz(' Faulty reasoning. wrong em phasi s. Ih(,lII.

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Dean Hau.,;r Ih'e for othet:'l more thal\ oU!' ; thus OUT Ih:es �me richer Mr. Xavier

a railroad man to accompany me on trip to T� WashIngton ror spring vacation." rcad5 a sign on the farm bulletin. board at the Unlv�lty' of JllUnHlJ Mrs. Laurence ·Hauge. both � : �: ��:� Minnesota. k .:h�=U�� P.Mr.L. andgraduates ;:: : : 'or )928. are to bI' :h:eb�X::�: ;I;�:�: b��:�\ n upon the I.Ilrth or Ihrlr h'erslty of 'Hawall c�i'i' lipstick. sOn. David Laurenct' . Mnrch 1 quite common Is The "lipstick bushe poitland� Oregon. M�. Hauge �l I h., and wldtJy. scattered t.hroughout Ihe former Espeseth Marie (: IslandS. I� �"e h,·,.. 1"'1 ,·"n",,·I.·" .. I:ITZ durin" the pust A SWOII of Engll.�h prores..�ors ror the Visitors atbeeltschool ,,,,ylhl,,.:. I>ut I",,, ... ,k"",I! Y"u . . W.· �1' ''UI''n'l Carl Marl-in '33. teuch' '''''''1, . . ,,1oI w.· " . .. I'� r" lo. n," summer session hI\..' been arra.ngl'<i be- week have Th,'y ; r s L and a late College .. 1".' 11 . ,,' .. ,,1,10· ",1'1, II"" " I ""k ,I",,· .. I.. �;o � ��:I:et:t:�� J:I�� ��I���I��I . . . \\'hr �i::�c�����: ;tn.l:. than II ..... ",,. Ilk . . II',. 1"·ln,, Olaf Collel:t' St. of sludent. former . pages during scribbling three Alter , .:" .. <"Ia�� r""'" oI .. lIltr :<I"r", <"1....1; Minn.; Junette Runbeck. exnm. Marquette Unh'ersH')' stu- Northfield. the <'Xlwn"e " , 110,· l"' rl",1"' . . . of the Issaquall SchOOl Syslem;_ dent wrote: "I don't Lhlnk you'lI read '35. II ",..ul,1 .. "Iy 10,·,1,,' . I, "'"ul,I .�" ...·• n '36. teacher In Til­ d"��eM this far. ant: to pro\'� It I'll leli you Bertrur Myhre. ,he "larm rur . ., .... ,. �' II,I.·"I " j .. 1> : John Dreibelbus. teacher a\ about the bftSketbali game I saw yeslik.· !-<CII �I.\:'<IJT. a".1 .. ." ' � r". : fhe his on cRlled wasn't He terday." .·ael> ,.. .' , ,, , �.·t .. , loa",. "I� 'r"lolt 'II:":" ' " I l ' : Ililge �llOrL.� dt.scourM'. lOI' .I ..�I;.. • I,· ,h ..) ,,,·,·.·r ", The .seeond Peace 1n.�(ituLe !';ponsored John FRdness, '34. also grRdulltr T., \'I·:i�:".\ TI·:r.L.\:>:O .... h.,r ':I: .\TI·I ..\TI . ..... :' . 11:�::"t-: tlIlELI I.,,,�.. "1'1.1)' by OberJln Collese for r,oJlege and unl-- of C. P. 5.. Is leaching al the Woodln.nd ,·1,·.·,1.,,, .\1:.) d H y I.",k� ("t· " . . ""��"" ""'\ -:,'1 II",,· t. . . . Wh,· .. stu, =::. ·a �:��er ;��� JS��:I'�� ��r� �:r�:: ��� �t"rs.�= ::Lutheran �.-II .... I I h.· ".((10'1,,1, ,' ".. h �I"rcd Ihnl bdor" .. ' College \,islt· 1>OSed roads to l)tace and 'Intematlon- dent of Pl>.clfic week. aI-American relations will be dLscuMeft. !'.Chool thl� ----E\'en though tHey don't consider It I a n o Thrills Audicnc(' ;'I�� ��v� ����;" ��a:;l ��I�!:�t}� c::� Choir Those"who heard· the re�owned aCllpclaim to enjoy corn-cob and briar pipes pella II,,· h'�tll'I\ I.'''� II 1,.;-1]' " " " 1"" '" �·"u r"r LI ... chorus from 5t. Olaf College IMt � In their own sanctums. I'hl ,10·, 101"1,,,,)· .-IlIh II", "" ) . a musical The only permit Rllowlllg an rn- Monday night experienced IOl}g be remembered. diana, student t.o sleep through a day's thrill t�at willmade "" .. th .. 10",·.· " " )' , .,·.·r 11,,·,·.· volce.�. shet)· or up choir. The was . dozen a ago classes . lMued years u""�",1 l\'''TtI�. n,,,1 rr"", .. II . ,·,·', .1,,· ' to James W. Elliott. '26. who has spent presented a C()llcen M Centrnl Lulh- , Church. Tacoma. to a packed 72 sleepless hours while rushed with ,. """I�"ce I" Ih" ",ltI.II ... " 1 1 , 1 1 .' " , ,.. ,,,,',,' Ih,,( who marvelled at the techwork on the Daily Student. I:.·r,-:r lu .·"���I . I" " h l" h .Nlnely-two·per cent of the freshmen 1,,,·,·,,,,._.· )'"ur ahl)!l)' I" 1',.."""",1 ... · ' 1'·"'1 .. ,, 1 .. ,10'''''' The Singing wn.s charha\·e College State Pennsylvania t �1. Ol"r Iot . )<T,\ :" FUHD �:d "I Ih ..· "'"ul h ' by Its perfect voIce harmony ,. , wllh hl� .-I,ln I" hl� ,,,,1m. InhaU"", ".. ,,, voted that a college woman Should get and Intriguing arrangemenl.s." " married belore the age of 25. ,h,':" :111 1.�· hl"'M·1( Ilk.· h" ,..",,11)' h:..1 a nl J I I I E" ' I · I : ' · 7�� :n:,:�"��.�!� c. I=P:ea��: ��e:��r �7��g�u�; �::I�; ;:::,.;,::::::� � .:r �: ·; ,:t.��::�'::�II;: : � . ll� :. ;:a::��· : � to��p::t�U='��h '� lint: someone else!" ," 'r), )''''' kll ..... 1"'·,·n ,I,.· 1.:.·"1,,,. ....... " ....... " ... .. ..........'.."....'.......... ..' .... ... � ' When student writes a !.t'xtbook Ih,. 10,,1 ",,,'11 :t I.:.·ni,,� ,,,,II " I..· . ... NEICHB�RI;tOOD_ It's news. .Ben Grove. a Junior In the ; I .. ".· rl, "r ,h.· tI""bl. ..It1� ","ul.ln·, . . . \\·h.... ,,1" '1" :t ''')'�''' r'''u� ..,i.! ... .'nl".: ,.. M",· eLI ..... SChool of education at Northwestern SERVICE STATION UnJ\·ersILy. 1'0'111 have I)ubllshed next 1·ltt· DE:"L·I� . 11111' 1.,\:>:1' "..,·:t��' '''':tlly� 1'1:>: .... . A. IVERSON July a geology text. which aeals malu' · UI·;I.t, '1"j,'I� II,,· 'II�' '''''''''''''· ".·\:,\.>m.·" f',·a"�f,,1. . Iy with the controversie:> among scl�n1501 So. K SI. T,lcorna . Wn. U!;i.S In .the field of grology and phy!';i",h .. " h:"� "u, " lir ...1 an' a' ,,,Ikl,, Tlw III,I� 1'''1' '''''k'j hl(" hlu"h cal anthrdpology. '.' " I .l1 · I,y ' : �:Hr)E . Humidity Is one causc of radIo static. ...." T�:- I·:I · ' : I·::"r ,\ SI'E:"':�:I!, "U",,,lnnt . You are most Ii kely QI'I':I':S" WI"·,, .""" "" . , ',I"wn In ,1,.. ,luI111'''. ,'("ne say Harvard Univefllilty scientlst.s. to find it at Caughl while trying to swipe ' lace )(r"{JU/lII",, !'I,·tur,·,.. th" n " 1.",k nl " "",I ,II )'''"r"-\',,,,'II lhlnk your Gabl'! "panties" from the dres5ing room of Taylor . . RHODES \\" ' 1" 0111<' Int" lhe burleSQue star ': "( " I'l l" II,,,·,· a trat�rnlty Initiation - TACOMA oI",. 'n \·I·:H�. Y" � �o <nu<'h ""I�" hume �·.,u hnd io stunt. Henry Brewer. a student at m";'� <tU1 ' ";et . ,, IIltie I"'/lee and 'Iuletud.e . . . 19 Ma.ssachusetts In�tltute or TeChnOlosy . I '";:===== ====:: Ihl� �tOT)· . '. dllllllulllon- Caced crlmlna'l charges I.lnUI "Klkl" l !,j lIi(: hl�n. . . . Thl' m ml · SEASON FISHING Roberts. (he pilfered-from. refused to . . . Prnl.: "Ill your ,"' , !le .. rl".: 1M 25th April Openl press claims ll3alnst him. �"'UIII.:· Tied When Washington University stu'- Speci,,1 ... .......... .. . $1.50 do dents first $aw a crew of men unload WETForFL!ES Early Seli$On Fishing New Maple Led "\\ ·t· art.· what we are, 1101 bccause of what one thousand lull whiskey cases Into .. .. ......$1.80 EI. LINE FLY LEVEL the basement 01 Brown hail. thl'Y won­ w{,'w lu,'('u lillie III Sl'l ut.'e7.C out (.r the world. gOing to drink It aU. The "Fistii�90F:�'! long /. dered who hul hct.·ulIse of whal we'\,c been ahl(' 10 gi\'e Upon Imestlgatlng they found' that the FLY R9D ........ . . .. .... ......$5.9511. baek to Ihe wurld." Tht.' Lnj\'crsitv of Southern bores contained SO,OOO books belongtng Ta����H�1�ti':,eA ��.pply C:lliforniu's Dean ur. »ublit., a;hninislration to the Academy of seltnce of St. Louis. " a � I,,�'



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. ,,, •.• " ,.. <,,,,,,,, "II 1JJ I h.· 1.:r<·,,1 :',,1.::0 81"',·u�. lilt' nul)" Mh,,,,' .r It� Irhid In ,Il<' .... "rld IC"JlWil"".,,'.• )'.;" rI�h)" " ' " I ' . ::::�';';:I::�.r�.: :.:'�� ;�"�"�:; :�r;�� :r;:�:; :It�"� :,'::::��: . T" �" " . helir. ""d "'1... 11 II. )'ou'" hi",,, '" be Ihtr€'. It'. "II ..."..1 "".1 ". �·"rd wid ... :,,"\ will "", fll"":: down U'" uUl{hi . III Ih ..·.. �hu:� I " 10,· ,,1.1.· ,.. �1'111 'h" ",Ilk and wr"ck. lh" wh"le hl""mln' .1"It")·. an)''''''), w.· ",unr"ni"" tha. :l. .:ou,\ lime I ' r 1 ' · ' · I " ' , . :�;:: .:,: :;'\5�.:� :���� ::·:",:f � :, �::� . ', , �:' : :I'�I:::'� ';; r•. ,,;III"";.•.. . 11(I I.T�'.\ .\l I '

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education but. alsO, altend the !<Chouf of the Holy SP.lrit." ·Rev. Gunt)N'5on "What greattr thhi� ean bt said a tJ)an lha.n-he walkS .....Ith God?" Delln I.taugt'



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Ch'apel Gleanings

'.. � not be CQntent ,.'lth )'our collrgl' By I.. Kn_u-.

· · Facts .. '\ . "'Uh • �n of and' a daa.b 'of dll5l


,;" Ih,· I""IoI ..

EDITORIAL STAFF Hazel Hagerup EDITOR Norma Preils ASSOCIATE EDITOR SPORTS WRITERS :. ROland Wuest. Norman Fryt!', F'ale& MarUn. FEATIJRES - Martan Johnson. L1nta De Berry SPECIAL WRITERS - Jack Odey. Walter. Schnack­ enberg. Kenneth A.nenson. Manin Jensen. REPORTERS - £h'a Bergman. Ida Men:. !-a:yaun . McCall: LleweUa Davies. Ida Mae Boss. Eltnbeth i. Wadene Calavan. Sluen� VINlnia Da\·�. Aida Johnson COP:Y READER. e ne ��:AL \�OVI�: Ma��. Rr;:; Fr��

THE FIRST OF SEVERAL II M'l'IlIS IIwl till' IUlig-uwait(,fl librl.ll·y huild. HI ).: i s SCIOli 10 h{' a I'(·alily. Elaburatt.' and djs­ lilldi\'{' grtlIllHI�I"'t'akillg {·t'n'llIoni{·s. prulmhly 10 he t.·ulIlbilll'd with thc :'\Ia\' Dav f('slin!!, an' lit"" "l'ing plall llt.'d fur FI·itloy. April :m. II ,inti it-lIh-s The .guud m'ws is well-ollll'. IH·ogn'ss. \·xl 'tlilsinll. fille adi\· ity. II al 1('Ust parliall\' t.'I'\'!'Italliz'es the dn'ullls of those who haw hing('i\ fur H gn·alt.'I' fit, j'll or adioll ful' IIIII' P. J.. C. To thuS(' wllo IUI\'(' IlHull' Ihis fil'sl or se\'l'ral liP\\, t'ulIstl'ut.'lillllS pllssihlt·. tilt.· Mooring Mast .�i\'{'s its thunks and c.' n�·ollnll.Wlla·�It. .-\ml we hopt· Ihul Ih(·i!· dreams wjll hl' 11'1il' It'llfoltl anti



I=Usocded CoUe!liale Press Mcnlbcr







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Spring Vacation i n Tacoma




Third . �'ear normal cadets who are !I�::::::::::::::::::� � doing their student tcac;,lng In the Ta­ 1 coma Public School System afe enjoy: Ing a spring va.c:aUon !.his week. Those who are cadeUnli at the parklMd .school ha\'e a twllday today and. to­ morrow during which time the .school has Il.s spring vacation.






255 ..


7 1 1)




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APRIL 8. 193'1





�T :l 1i 6'\T " JI)6'\ U

CoacheS Vo te Change In Basketball Rules





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A n� I.-t1ie B,,�ebalI Sil."nlion


Strike lhrf'C1 Yer out!! . ' track. basebaU. and ehKke� dlle!lln like the Idea of his te shArlng sectK,or� Y�bllnd bamboonB1' FALES MARTIN Prn}t'rs by Big Ten basketball coachond place nors "Itb Haa\lk Ooon a " a nt my specs. ump? ' for sc\en·foot centers have ceased �s musical te ll Brul d h ( temporarily nnd -perhaps pennanently. '··" " " " " " ''(''''''''�f." �" ". " " " ,,.•t'" ••,'"F:I� �hey � pa)ln yo. plenty to 1>ln) for £H!n mk.s of his HlllfS Ppe:; You he th All because thee. Big Ten mentors It might seem a ""ee b�t ejlr!y to "Snooky" JUrgenSOIl:, powerhotk full- �m aill t the} ' ;ulldlng �p ' to an awful let In \ot.ed, in rttent meeting during the football. but It.. I.s enUrely p�per t.hat tfack who Iltlle actlnn laSt. .season An sho� no\l, spring Is com; hen this article I \1,111 present the IIne-up!l :.I'liSlons of the National. �ett)all we esuma_te our grld strength' for the due to a broken ankle. will return next they 'begln to take out their meaness W for the first two teams aUl\Otlgh Conches' �Iatlon. to abandon the 1937 season. While we 'are on �e $ub- (fall . Mr. Olsen says � . C(lme back. on the head u�lplrt" of the Parkland has an undetelltt'(!. squad /they naven't te I t r e e S I o played }·et. ) :oo� :::a::s " ;:::�':r :;� �'s�� ��'I��:" that burly. re. ek .. Leagu� . FWlerman Leask ,as .' ce�� ��u;:pt:I n:: t�!�7�: �:�:�� !;;�;l gW;rxi��:I� o;;:��':;la::; . UaU.teppp'" !}ce. adopted . would calendar. (90. lb. tackle. will retum next Septem- he otrlclated at late PacHlc Lutheran merely ue on t.rIal durlng the next Insofar as very little bodl!y-contac� ber. I ne\'er C(luld unders�nd why he College . Illa)or:mlnor_bush league In- "COchrane"' Bruland. C door (plal'out out dool'S') baseball game. "Rowe" SchnllCkenburg, P S("ason and that ILs permanent adop- Mrese� In pre-season. trll:inlng. It dldn't play fullback. tLon would depend on the coaches' might ::e-em rie-edless to dauble Into the enters school next autuLet·s mn. hOpe' ' he The battle has been raging for some' "Ge'hrlg" AnnensOll. lb. :!ction to It after a year's testing. . . pigskin sport at. all untlfne�t Sept.e!Jl- Let's talk. up'spring tl"81nlng. all you two \I,·!t'Ks. the conferenC1! hi.\'lng op- "Owen" oi}�n. 2b. the ' Monday after Easter with all "Lazzeri" Solie. 3b. Ilnder the new ruling, the jump at ber, when the fall breezes spell " football stalwart (ootbalI sons. W� lea rn ened due �remQI)�' aq�how" rrPle first ball '"EnglisFi" Je�n. fo"iiler wnl.�e .used only at the begin- in the air." but�wlth the Incoming crop . a· lot. especially getting the could plays, nHlg ot· the game. I;\t the start of the 'of football talent unfalnUiar with the better than last year. Oh-Oh!! down was pitched oui by the (lpposing pltch- "&.Iklrk'" SchmlUldt. x. ste 0 e o e g a u ·I b :;��t, ::: :�:�:1 !I)0�' =:::f::� ���k�p ��e �e:��.�\��1�0��1�11� w::���I:r�;:t!��fY��� or H�rd- ;�� �� ��; �:�:� ;�;W���ti�I:� ::��t��� �:�ld:. :�\. r Is keen this season between three leana " SimmolL';'" JlI;cobs, r. f. At all �ther Urnes. the bait. will be in order that th�Y might become acI l f c n s�P��t���� . �:Oy�:: ��l. �a� b���Ia�;:u;��n� 'B�ier'" wliklns. C . ��: :a!� �!:�d ���� ::e:��� :::: :h: :::'��e/��e ' n'atlve "frankle'Frisch" Haavlk heads "OLt'Dean" Wlprup. P proct'dure that 101l0ws after a success. a:re Inany grldders who, �ince' ping- Easlern . �Illverslt. y s m a or AI o1 ishe� Adm issions �e ;:!�:�. t*��:s� ��: �I�-I::� ::���::"'" ����� t��t��) , � I ta '�:lR��:U�r�:ISr��:u��ro��;::le� 'I:�� ���!'- :�U·I: :el:: t�: Ch:�: �� op . c re ) on a palr of moleskins and shoulder By abo)is.hlng )' Sochrane" Bruland Is thc player- "BYliClnlan" Fries. '3b, del'ltally, has been practiced In the pull admissions to all ccaptaln-Inanal>er Ila� and toss th!lt leathtr- apple arotAld athletic games. p�ld 'of the leading len In "Frlsctf' Ha�vl Hig . ren for th� past two years aut h or i ties at Johns The BIg Ten IS not the first confer- a blt..":>jus� to kee.p familiar with lhe HopkL'lS h'erslty 'a� assuring the the circuit .cI'Ued. the "HaUsteppers." "Morty" .Brazell. x. s: t'1lct' to elimi te the center jump. Last knack o_f.-It Whn.t do you say. fellaS? I\\"oldance'Unof the The dark leam of ,tlle league Is head- "Donovan" Moe, I. t. e\'11s of commerdal: I'd bl referce.manager_player "Spence "LawrenC1!" Johnson'-c. f. winter the PaciTic Coast confercnce There uo uced .of anyone feeling Ism In' collegiate �rta. for another No' longer will John Hopkins .: a t\boot Leask" and has the title "Night "Hunt': D.agsland. r. f. decided ortichl"Uy to discard It. largelr low �ut our prospects the ele\·e/I. E�'cn with roCkfield g�arantees to visiting teams� �is." That \'e!le�able old ' man of Play Ban! Batter Up! f'oll. rlh down as result 0: pioneering by the soutl;1.· corking l'rn dl\"lslOn or the conference, Stan- slll.5he� by gradU.,IlUOIl. the S ptembe� guarantees when Its tearns play away sport 'Cliff Olson) captains and man· aJ.ld two baskets to pill across the goal will be answered by from home." . aGes the fourti) team ill the league ·!lne. The SCOT!;!'S In the ninth . ford. California. Southern CaUfornia caU (01' candidate!> o e m :I��d U. C. L. A. during the 1935-'3� ,;:� l ' of this new\p�ram is ��:d�h�P��n�a)�fst.��:;:��igoes un· chucker of the plng_pong_marble gAme. :;� � \�:: :'. ;��:;o�r ��: ::��� Th� purpose ��� the step Is In line with the Big stringers.' who play� at tlmCc'; last year �CI:'�:! ��enl�;t�!�:� �:::::� :,a� Hindered by the biggest a;ld eruelest Yer 01ll�! pires "Old Man weather:·I O'.;: Tcn',s' efforts to speed up the Il:ame. as to make the rans wonder which was a "ml� handful" .. :::: under a high-pres. of alltwoumgame., have been played with � . ...: ::::..======:::i.:=,.; 11';1.<; expressed by Harold O. Olst'n. bas- the first string. Let·s take a look: sure. winning-team. gate-receipt SY5- only Bruland's Hnl(steppcrs showllll:( thc way � .( kf'tbali coach at Ohio State Univer:;lty: At the flank position we l d " Thln tcm. It was announced. 'ROOKDALE I '"Those who have had a chancc to MHJ1" Nilsen. captain-elect. l d Frank S g Its own resources. the unlver- with two wins 1l.lld no losses. In the l BARBER SIjOP study. basketball as played under the .Unge.r returning. Our lnkl stren gth sltU.l' In' �ncour:a8"e both $(.'a..�on·s It]>cner. thc Hal(steppers l will finance and � to II a O d�clslon r c \' lIo-center jump rule feel that it pro: remams entact with Anensol.l and IntercOllegiate and Intramural ath- ])()undcd Ollt WELCOME STUDENTS 7 . \ Ides a far ga�e from the spec- Grande back. F�r gua�ds Olsen IS bles- ti . providing "e[(eclive coaching in- H a a I k s H.OPpers "'Ith "Rowe" � M'd With his. enure !lock from lnst sea- structlon" and adequate sports eq uip- Schnackcnberg handling the. nlowl<! r!i........" .""" . ,, , tatar'oS \·iewpoint. . . Yes " Ol z [)(>nn" \'VI_� r-. -----�-..,. duties for the winners . nt. rtaInly makes for more, action. son. Grenier and C!a�. was 'chalked up lhe defeat aitlon. but mt:"The I .Illid .chance to obsen'c it under act- we l06t Mutt Frye \'10. rl latyuaman university. In effect:: reads thc prud · " · · Manager has h ed o ie re Haa\·jk t m ugh h . l IH\l game conditions .,.,.·t,len Oh.lo State Al Jacobs. last ycar,)Jt J, . B ri ck Iell "hns placed athletics In �he sc\·enth. tn thc �ond vganle iof �om a reliable a.u?Oun�ment. ....__ . played four game!; on the coast early another ycar of pllll'that at th e level which lhey would, occupy ME S RADIOS week. Brulnnd agaIn IC�h�S team last season and these contests COil- source lUldcrstan� N.,eeb'. stellar If In. the r�alm of col!eglatc sports the H.ppin..... . . baU snapper. ;S plannIng there were no such thing as a recruited to VICW�y . t.hls time over OlliOll S 1I\\y\"lllced me that the elimination of the Fort LewL� So. Tacoma 'Way 5436 fall.�a�coach football team and no gold mine 0(g8te seeds b) the margin of 8 to 7. center jump makes for a better game. to enter P. L. C. next" I. IOQl al= O= COO="== welcome a I:?layer or such receipts to be tapped." . ball.; (iI : =� Our players were unarumOWi in th�r w�uldn't 'b= Mk,= 1=b= """:r.0= . === ===::;!iI appro\'al of It." exp Ined Olsen. sk.1I and e.xper!ence ? That takes rare ·Admlsslon charges will be abandoned --:;::' ==::= ';:= WEAR "While would not go so far as to of the for 'ard wall. perhaps not ncxt October. At that time: the unl. Shirts, Ties, : M�n's Suits, Overcoats the 1936 "seven blocks verslty will Issue' without ch�ge ad. ' Underwear. The Men 's Strom'sSo. Crocery ' ,It Hats,StoreCaps,women :>II)' that height ut no longer be a form b le like to shop in "King . qle" mission cards to all sports events. in prime requisite of ccnter under the of 'granite," but I'm sUI'e a 502 1 St. y K back· the entire distribution. alumnI. after students. ne..... rUle. do believe that the jump's Isn t crying. Although JETLAND & PALACRUTI was lost, Clln the will be given p'referen and others ap· I 912 Pacific Ave. rUmination will take some importance fled of last year's tle\'enuarte Free Dertvery q tte in the plying will "recelve tickets as 10llg as off height and place more premium on Olsen hBs sweet i = ======� l l ";: = = stringers last year who they last. speed and clevemess." he c-oncluded, making-second I m�"1 '1��: Jay Team guarantees will be dispensed gave a good account of the � ...... """."" " . ' : Smith. mighty mile III one. a1 . Slan with "as soon ex ting commltmenLs : I 'Qua1i�y Knitting Co. 1 �:II��a����:-::S��d r���l�/�I; f��� :�:I�:���;d��l.!;:: :��;,�e:e�O�I::� LAST YEAR . 1 935 HANSON'S fEWELRY ! and Hoiby. at another half�prO\'ldlllg extension of the athlellc policy IntroThe Parkland LIghT ;lind Waler, SWe.lltn the littlc rascal comes back. duced at Johns Hopkins several years Company fu'n,�hed 10 i ts memo Distinctive ur big worry s whether or IlOt ag t e 257 So . I UhSr. . T.x:oma, 'INn. ,� .'==,, W ,,,,',, �"_", .,:,,, .�,3 ,,, ,,,,,,, T ',,om ,= ' ,h,. " I .?�·t that time. the few exlsl lng ath- ��:If:�� ;::hl:u;; �re I��I����� :,,, ,� .��,,, .,, ,,, ,, ",,, ,.9 O r lettc scholarships were abolished, ath- �ge price 0/ a fraction over'l WATCH R�PAIRINC . .cenis per KWH letlcs were brought under 'the control . �,;,:'l":�:': Super uality Complete STocks of the university and a strong pro Reasonabl � Prices , l � "flr e Of Intramural spor� was ln�O. � : � � :�����·� . Ted Brown Music Co. I $L !� A��. e . L O dW'y / J� I I d 1 o B'� :; B'O='=W" I 23 = I ::::= '= �== ., 0; In��o���:; p��;�::.: :p:��:: 11ll ::===== = = ____ ___ :. � to Include 13 sports Instead of six. the .__ -r -----------.,. number 0,( studt:nLs participating In t [hIs form of competition Increasing In i Storlie Funeral Cha pel I co . . II After the Show I Printers · Stationers , �����:::n::tU:�gram was de- , Established in 1 908 I wtit��':.�Tg�cl��r· signed to flt'the tastes and capaclUes I I !! Jack's GriddIe "'"1 01 ""y p"y.loal" !It ,tud,nt. on tin.. I I so broad that more than 85 per cent of t � 1 the student body now engages In some I : 9 1 3 Commerce Sf. . I DAHL CROCERY CO. Al so Notary Public ic activity." form of athlet S I tores Purity United r · 1 Membe e t ut n I Tacoma. ·W n. r� I I ' u��e �! ��t��;��, !� :�� I MAin 2 1 22 1 2th & A Sts. , Pol!kland ne���� I CAr. 381 B-R-S n.s Hopkins learns' is not . entirely ' 5036 So. Ta;:oma W�y CA. i l 22 1 oh J I ,: · \· · _ _ tn- I . the by explained as predictable . . . 1 1 � .... ", . .... m ", .... m . .... ,,; . � = = = _ _ _:::===,�======= _ =: _ :::= .::=: = ::::___ ' .� -<. 5t1tutlon's spokesman: - ----DUcrs . P d -- MILL�� �:�T�;:�U���,�ANY I O ':'u ,F' Q U��() , , !l AMOC�!E�EA O other 1ntitltutlons, comparable In Size, -:D D d by WHOLESALE � .!eDIS�RrBU:rORS n e , WEST COAST CROCERY CO. . Office .J; :f':; �n:�:!�� a.!a�:e�\�� �i!�� lAo C P ) --




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Delta Rhos: Name · House Party Date . 'May 14-16

�. on th�-

l ,if'''' has been the Wti>k-e,nd • Aclunl on:struC h ri . �ht'duJed �or the Della Rho': Gammn .brll r,\tlnssroom bU;.I.cilng \I:!tl 'o�n spMng house party g�'en In honor of April 30 with gro,lInd b,reaklng ("t'� onthe Dl"rta I\.lth �ht' i i coljunctlon KappaI' n� HOI"S<'tu-ad ieI'. planned n B l l � / ��le enernl l"OmrnlUee in chal'ge l� n hHw M�y da _ festh'I Ul>s. t Thl thf' la est step f ru'ar(\jf p, � com� of Marl� Wenberg.Dowllton. and Norm:! Prells. Sub- L �:!; dnelopment progntm: committees consist of: Food� Or s 01' hn� been ade l>Ol!Sible bt cont ribullQIl,; � la�t SOil. El'elyn Jean Min�r. III Rn extended campaign h� . counl�.. Agne:> Mohn."Rosalle Jen!';en; tran por- �umrller In TRCOma all<L-Prerce ll itRUon.<: �f the funds l\'a1; d l) Moor. Vh·!Rn l.·Hioll-Enld · Blak{'. Qult� t d by . O. � . ; Pannkok Smith: progrnm�unf' ,Valier.;. ella Pal·!e!';. \'Irglilin Tegn.e ; 'dlscus- man. Ga . . a�isted bY., Paul A, . slon-Wndene Co.lal·un. Loulse. He d cOll g� fillallclal gent. and a� adl tsory n rlckson. Mary MachiI.': de\'ot ioll�I�'JI- rommr tttt� of 25 . promine,nt Citizens. o f I Tacoma. FoUow-up work I\'R.<; done by dred Larson. l\'largaret Pearson. J Hong and Victor A. 'Eh'�(rom Meyers: K. P. du y-Margar t Horem. N. . · during the fa ll. \\'hl1f' 'rh ad re Helen Stark. Melba lln y. Bernice . son Is a ndlin Prida night emertrtinment-Marhm Kohlrr. .of- plroges. eSUIlJ.R.ted �o,,:,r -cost of tlie' u h Wi\tlll'}·. SI�nl' .Mldstater ; Sat\Jras 5104.000. d3�' night entcrtamment-Vlrginia Oa- ple e d I�brarl I� 1'11', He�r1eha Janl�· Pt'lerson. flr.;t unit. which wllJ be buli L nt cost of apprO)( lma �' 515.000 Is \0 be .Ihe . t n b �





Work' Proceeds For ' nt League Conve. i . ' ; t'd � l lsld n or Mi ld

Conslruction 10 S la rl Breaking Wil h Groulld �






Day Girl,,· !nvited . To Slll�ber Party

Be Xavi Sc!.nf>otL. D.• R. �Ieel .

Mrs. F. Mason of Centnl.l Luthern _ ." � 'j I . i W1Hih.. will be the {' Lar {, Chur('.h, TncolHl. ,. nk r t tht meeting ot. e � :� !�::, Tr:!nH)� Luthrr ' l.K�gu ('. Amio;JIl�t"s he\ !!.u �t �J)(' l' fi a l at R. 0 Thursda Apr 1 . 5. i :3 r l .0. �: .cI��3 � PRciflc nor commit tee for t t.he -O;'UI1" Cl b Pla)'S :!ith II. 1<1;lmbf-r Xa . .tS mt'el ng, In 0 clock at tht' home of M:-r. J. Lri t c.OI1\�ntl6i,l ':1' Rlio (jam.. • party in honor of the d Edwards .lw Mrs. mas. I ene �t'il L� Ill' ch.,,·rge of the . , :;_r"'�� �d during the wt't'k-.t'ud of I 2 f air and Is ,being , asslsl�d b�' E\'� Paulin Watts' will Sing :It I'ocai solo ; A f II'o ' n� soll chan-mAil Rolph � �I'I:' irt'llc Odf'lI and Dorothy Andpr.;on Ojesdal Rnd, Ma!iall �n kas. . rud. and �rothl' ....nderson � The entertalnmt'lll l"Ommlltf't' : COIl­ ' arge of reg l�tntt'l�n of drlt'gales nnd \\'il! rendf'r a plano duet. A the. North PltcUic Dlstrlrt. con",. nil.' Chunb. Helen LIIJIl. and Corlnil(' l' 'lsllor�. l;"uulici tX I� In .the hands of of the Women's Mls�lonar)' Malmln. Is plallnlng lUI exdtlng pr{J'_ . Helen Holl camp and trent' D3hl. while \'eliIIOl1' � cha!"gf' F'ereratior,l 'to be- held April 20 at Brem- gram for thtH " 'enl g< Th�. Stanlt'y Dahl ' will arrange. lor .. a .rep- prom� at leR!t t"?o hours of h ll . nd Wa1;h . ertQn zab l RYder ElI eh alld Eleanor more''Rs much as wall1ed and is frollc l . of the.Paclflc Luthern wl1l futnlsh decorat. on ror th(' entire . rl':�t'nta·th·t' those .who can · take I r · . I\.tl('k�elld . Hou-5lng .1Irrangemell {S are lei'll.' L. D. R.)WIII 11:11'1.'. 11. Short talk on b�� been po.<;ted In tht' a t P_ .L. C . ' " notice by Irene Dahl. Berdene �he work' or the L . bring cnaper .basement .tor a.1 I d�y girls who • Pf Uf'gp.r alld ' Mildred .. · . A c mp us ,bank aL utgers Unlver,- are II.l terested. Any girl y,'ho wf!'nts to l.JIrse�. . _Ormllis el'en- sity makEts small loans to' students· a� be ill\'I!E!d by a dor.crrltOry !llrl must Fr d will about one·third · the legal TIlle of In- slln the 'li!'t by FrIday at l. 30. p, M c tly t i !' i al 'invitflliO\l!; ....m be sent out \0 Pfluegrf. ec�pt oll� JO�'ce Puar- terest. It IS run by und�rgraduate:s Forn . .ar I;".9�a: Lando. 411rlng the next ....eek. TIlt' gi In t e' money and banking course for rlalJ�y : ,� I Delta Phi hope to -make IhL" H PTRCtlClI1 erperlence. ;. ref Ul ""YIrreshme l , parfy , nh l n ult! affair �o .!' tren�th!!n glnln Dal·ls. · & rt' Ellingson. . Phlegm'lI re:-- crunch. flatul n t. ca- Ihe frlendshlp'a�d coopeTIIllon bell\·.t'f'n t t c . o lhe day ·· and do m girls. t .::--_:-� + l ;�� :���p c �'I an� S g! \. t. . �cCRE R �� !'I�� :. .1 ;:.� n h �'ord� In the EnJj:lish lan- r ... .:.... ..... .. . .. . . .....".. ." .".. ....... .....".. � NECK Cli . e d np Q u san e p n � lo e pro· t l'r t Illuet bRn t v e commltte eon For t ..A � $1 00 ' . . b has een tnken th�ough tl\e ef- cI';'de : Jaspar Jolm�ll : tab es Rl-Iage, says tht' NRtlonal A.<;,.<;()('l at ion fort." of Pacific Lut h r:nn' College lind d!Shts. John Stuf'n; dining room. teachers of Sp ec . � t . 9 1 0 Broadway o r ar g to d n SinCe a __ �����:� ::; I:���::� \n :I�; ��: / :.:; �;��al���:� ��:a �.�,:�:��.� ��!or:� bl�d caused R 52.hl!,e beg\I:' a.llatlon-\\lde soli i ta ion 01 M rg ret Peggv Ramstad and 500 tire at the Delta. house of Western or t l lle f nn A n , � ;�;I:�r� T�� ;�:u�:� ha;; � T t> Sheoes dyed to match ,ny color all of the "Omell S orj! n z tions afThe dinner Oil unday 1Il\J h3\(' b n waiting \\Ith shotguns for Ill; refi iated \\ 1 th thl' and Rom- turn Norma Preus A i mn Luthern ! I 05 BROADWAY • • • bodies of the American Luthern con· ola Rust arranging II I dining room from FIshers ,� �, aMt no.. � fcrence "h lch supports I:Chool \\Hh Bob Slare Cor in Malmln EdTo learn the kloks of students and Thradorf' Nels.�on Joseph 0 Ed- gllr Larson and Paaul Fosso on the attempt to eliminate their causes Is the 500 LOVELY SPRINC ---' aid of the Student �.-- --------� \\ard M lo;s Vhlfln Johnwn 0 J clran-up commltlt'f' $5 95 FROCKS at Purdue placed a grip-box ___.. _ _ _.._, , I'll and Pa ul '\ Prues an' charge Mlldred Larst'n Elehn Nkholson Ullhersity It , ' , building to collect \\rltten nies .!l c Ml'rlc Pfluegl'r and Olga Hugo are In the UniOIl Iii nf !l l o n d break1l1!l c r em I P U B h ' pubUc has b'!fll IllI'ltl'd compl ai nts. planlling ._ : ;; l ing . , r . ELECTR IC CONSTRUCTION t I .. ----------,-.:- : ·SUPPLIES J j I SAGA I t




Ti\ylor. N('llle Rub�'

O l




l e Ft. e Thompson. Dorothy Pl'tf'·rson. Rt O·Nelll.

Ruth y

____ � ____

'SWEA��':t: , -

. .



L 9�,-����.!:,!3 - :_,, _J.

r Broadway Sho� Repair

L Across I



�t;"'Parkland. �t!N ���S;�. ' Wasb




I.;kI_ I s


. I




S c e Dr_ e








\ s





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to l h I





at Extremely Low Prices

Tacoma Laundry Pantorium Cleaners




t t



Ih��ndRr el'rn-

Prompt and Courteous Service


i ' , t








) - --- -', nOI afford to �lJP'port lIlt p }ello" @ .. ... .. . .... . . .." ....... .............. ........................ � Otlll'llo any longrr find 1I'0uid the edllor. "a kind man:' tak p cart' of the The Be�1 Sea Food� ca n �e



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poor fish? . Br e




was signed.

.��;� l� �����.. CRn no\\' gather � up !'itl' �tla t'r d bit!'. for thr "kind .. ... ...... . ... . ..:.��.�:.�.. , ..��.�.�.... t!i nJan" Is I<pol1.�orlng · a flsh-story con ·


. ll


the ftlte of thl' golAdClsrlh r owilf thl'l rll'cldf' , mO�l He packrd stor� ll.' w ti fffedive Prin ng . 'no longrr lhan fll'e or more words


trs!. which



JII' w'n mh'".





I A. C. .",I

Man Opportunity beallng a knock-kryock a cert.aln of Texas professor


tatoo couldn't even get 'Unh'erslty

t ' �::� n d ;: ;':� :;:, l e students m p ilUny The) J'26o h nson-(ox (oBRdwy as go 223£ PUlfle Avenue






!< -


' Planned and Produced

1 _________ __ Photo Supplies


"I ' .

.,;._______-.___�, .I·




F�� �� : E .� �a �;�!�

Iva Knutson. as





============:;::======:::.. �: r


" �'::;"o;=:;n "" are barr d \\1.'11 home as

Uke\\lse all at might just


t�y to force the locked door

Annoyed at his unusua procedure, ,'= bum,d 'nw,",', m,m""" of and walt-ed for a c ance to get back at hi �we'u hal'e an exam d¥rlng our next : proe nou' ced ;=; n:�:�: �� j the stu011 the· daj·. of the'test. dents were In Ulelr seat.'; l ong







��� ��:�I���e:S��� ��!�;; footsteps sounded In he corrldor. but before· the)' stopped at the door. one l

of the re\'enge-seekers liad turned tbe .




Ignoring the pounding. students stayed I n ' their ·seats. F1ve mlnutt' later they. went ·home.


lhe. K:;��")�' �I�g��;:::1 1G�6' 1 �1: u xJll./l r e




'the rl�



�:��:� e




Rin,lette Permanents 00 $3'


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620 · FIDEl1TY BLOC. BR. 4 506

Try one of �ur real hamburgers with' a mug of ' root beer!




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of ;




Eastm.ln Kodak Stores . .





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Raymond Electric Co AND

Commerce ,�

.. . . . . . . . I .! Pa,k la nd Co-Ed Beauty Shoppe BR_ 1 7 1 2




. .. .. ... .. .... .. ... ... ... .. � .


Duart Permanent for your

r '


h Shoppe Co�.d B.auty SPRINC COIFEURE

�ACOMA·S LARGEST - ------'I!I II Ho�e ' I!>-----A _Eur"ithin'. Store I . c:::) ':: + , . ;\'r,;; . Jtli�� SPRENCER JONES "

We Give Car Service

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Sovlh T"comil Wily



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Noise Makers.. Paper

,.��'R. NT_




---- �


and Jew�I'y Repa iring a SpecIally 1 1 47 Broadway, BR. 43'15


HatS. Bal icons

U Neal E. Th"rsen

-=..:---=-- �. ·� ·I·-=..:--

Masquera de COS tumes


Sl o,:"" Outs, Serpentines

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926Yz Broadway


MA. 4861

for Rent



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Shell C�soline anct Oil Dependable Greasing GENERAL REPAIR




Groceries. Flour, Hay, Grain. F�ed. etc: CArland

Herman- L. Ekern. Pr..ident

Legal Reserve Life Insurance ' .

RepreMf'lt«t by

CliffOrd Olson


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I, .




;;; ==__====�== ' _====""",======"'-=;;;i;"""' .,.:.. _� � .. .... .. _--.'___I .




Gel .vour new


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O. R R

e h cRrele'ss' e e :s �e:ru��: �����:/��::e::s ee

O,, ! Othellof " J ::::::::=·�.·..=..·:·�:·=·� lh:h�.�:f�;�\{;�� � lc;tr=e;�rblI'�:' S�:�e Golndfl h espf'cl ily yellow onr� by I pi tures - �r Ihf' cam jl\L� thp a mp of Othello. can rare bt' kdooaIe Lumber C0, :� Oandn Tllelidi\y c1enn glass b lding:. 1\\fe lak9'n. lind yester- foulld fla);hlng a oun j Br�o B a oun on e n I bowl on 1,h1' del'k of a college Ilf'.\\·spapl'r ar 1 l�' M kd�l r t 1 d . organi at ion\ and tlaM �roul J'; .h . . . �".\f �.:=.:.-.-.:� I cd��� OtheUo 1I'0uldn't have made his (;.-\da�:� �;�l_.J_:l .I .:'-"':"' I j 1prnpomrl home, lhf're If his mistre'lS I � '" , hadn abandoned him at thr o ff lc of I Peoples Store = = = = = = = = = """ the Rice In�tltuU' Thrl'sher ;1 I, Hilstl prllcl1·�cra\\ ISOn ll \\hHe shcet ' LAUNDRy'and , I First In Tacoma ! of pa p r le(t under the boll 1 r plallll'd ' t Irarfully.., that poor \\oman could CLEANING SERVICE ----l �-� .. "....· . .



c t a a Lnr�pn I o g ��� ��ll �enla��n;:;�:�: ��� ���le�;n:lldc��ll: a la S SlOiee church flIt' thf' thr r e



�:ril . ·�:·" l:!t�t"'��t����. e


Klasey . Je!iSe. l . a ,,:ho pliln l \\' iI�g·s. l l' include lzabell�S\"a rt'. r l Oary al)� h Ang!'ln ' aiv alld ' Ror S(,hmllndL clean_up. ' � � l : �:�Y ��;��: �;��t'i���� �;:t���; la l II'fl lters.

e o Nrls· g th(', present cotlertlol} TIle comghen The l a tel � !�:��-. ��:' t :!.c��d step In the me srn.m the e

i tlIP

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l wfil� ch �e lr e of Pre��.




Wa� ington'





' 0."

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-'� �d· )


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\ ".


/ .



Up" for C�mpus Day


. Many ' " Guests I C.!npu. Day POSIP-ont'dUn,lil Wealber, Clear. To Be Present at , �mpus day. "'hleh' ....:l\S schedult'o c ' ' d 'Brea Groun ' k1I1g · for l;sl FrjdA�'" April 1.6. And postponed

' II I


. � .-'




Queen Verna,l

Queen of the May To Be Crowne4, by , Governor Martin

., of (h�t' wt'fllheor. has been ' rt'f·�m.o��· I � Follow th � May, because Sprir.-ime Atmosphert' W ill Bt> , FoO' !or tomorroW: pr:>\'I�lng thf' ,-,\I'fl t?cr . �('Ie: ;llusl(' and Speaking E\'id('nl in De('orations. p('rmit:s. rn of Tnln: It . wn! be \.... ill Feature the Proernm )fusi.c. :tnd Danring schNlulcd " tor MQnd�y. . Flnn! p!:l.n.� fOT !l;t> TOlLnd brt'aking P.lans for the day \\'tIt be carried �u: M.�"-� Vern� Tt'ghmd. will be crowlll'Cl rfrrmOnjt'� which will -mark the first .flS Announced Prt'\'iOUS��'-. A I!�t Of qU('en of lh·1" MRY. on FrllJIIY Of Ill'Xl _' u·p the building of thc ne..... Ilbrar}' lOllI'S will be posted wlth the nltmes. Il'�k at· the. May-on}" fE:1<tll'ltl.ell. lIPOI\;: hili·!' b�n announrl'(l b�· Theodore Nel- , of thO� who will work In eltch sored b�' ·th(' Ot-1I·n Rho Gllmnlll, Go\,. . '�Il who l� chairmRIl of the corn- t ....f£tnor .Clllr{,l�ce '? M� rtln hilS been: ) . . mj1te� in· chlU"ge. An (,laborate- progmm 'riled to croll·n the- queea. wh""b will be � i� plann('d wl:!ich will comn,enc" at foui" I lIttt'llded b;. 111e-11111t Ness. Rlld E\lge-nla . the Dille o·clOCk Imme-dllttf'lr followmg · Is Selected .. . r n 1 c rJowntng of �he May �.ut'en and other I For Senior Plav 1! 17c� �,,:;: ��:�ll���I:I��:. ��:� -RC��I;:��:��:ld;�I;h1l'1\�ebefl"�:��;� mo..e.�: LI('I\·el1a Davies all{t LorrRlll� j Thompson. f:·!'lIhrm'l1: Rud �1Ie-ou� by glrl.� who will" �tand at stragetic Thr !o!rllduftt1{l'g cllISS hitS chos..:n. I Jensen and BarbRra Xavier. high � t ut I r Ir June -ij IIl1 th� dltte when the class pllt� . �chool ' . -n. 6:�I� ;d �:;: :; �::��� �� �t�: ��t�\ :� will be prt'senti'd in conjunction with TIl!' ribbon bCRrl'rs hlll·e been select� the mRin en1ntnce- by ·Mr. E. B. King Cln",,"� N�ght. Mrs. J. O. EdwRrd� will tri· which for pre-sentation �rI from Ihe It"r:Hlilltting CI8M..' . Ther the t dlre-t' . of the TRcoma Chamtwr of Commerce �r,· Klllhryn Anderson. Hele-n Lilja. . ' Dr, Gullixsoll. presldellt of tht' AmeriCR 01!1� will be he-Id next we-ek. , HIIl!'1 Hagerup. Helen Holt4l,llmp. �or- ( Lutheran Conference-. lind Gow·rllor Jt'sse Pflueg('r. Kathryn AI�rier�on. !J.nd Irvin Dammel have been appollltmH Prells. Mal·ltul Kohl('r. Mlldrt'd ellirence D. :".1artin. Lllr.�\·l1. F.:n'IYI� Tllylor·. Louise WI!. Dr. 0 A. Tl!HlI'l�lad w!ll Introduce ('d to plan the- !'t'pior Yflchl parl�' 10 I 1inm�. Els!(' Burrcil. DOris Olsen. und Ihe sll"e-aker.� :lIld Itnnounc(' tht' pro-· b!' hf'Jd during the- mlddl(' of Mllr fdlt Men.. gTrl�. Thf're will preliininury nu�. A eif[ Icommlt�e corhposecl of SIan bers by 1he cotleg(' qrcilf'lItrfl Gr('{'ling.� Dahl. SIan Ford. and· MarllAr('t R.oreUl. Maypole dllnce lInder. we dlr&ar(' to be gin·n br, the Thcoma Chltm· \\"ill sf·lrct th·e class gift to the- College , !lon of Hell-n Llljll·include� Aida Johnber of Commt'rct' whosp n.'llrt'S"ntRli1·e� , Hazel !1"1t!:('T\lj) 'tia:;- charge- of pie-J son. Marlol ) Johnson; Be-Rtrlce- Uland . � . r o t Ri · l ke p r!llg the clH� �r Ph c , t;;. r.��o��:· �.;;::�; �::n: �/�; � . , H :�:��;:�. ::::��/��� �.n�f"I�S;:�; ��:� � . Roach. Repre!<pnt ing til(' rhurch group Ir�ne Odell .. and Louise Hendrickson \ '1/_ R o t c l\ ;�;:e-:: .:�:�dK�� ;;�s:::�<:i(j��:.. �. �' Board of It;us�ees �:��t��!ll��;� �, �rel;�n��e-l�: ��!�:� F'o.<;s: :lnd Dr. Gu1l!xon 8prlilg nUlllber. . �. SanctioJ)S -Plans Othe-r ImportAnt �l.It'ak('�s on Ihp , . MlIslc .wlll be provided ror by the . c!'remoniRl progrnm 1\'111 berGov�rnor Th!' co !lp�e -ol"chtislra. lind PuuJlne WAtts w\H sing bo�rd of trustees met Clar�nce D. Martin. MAyOr G('()rge r S::lu\'enlrs for Mny<!u}' \\'\1] be- avallmitle� of T coma Stanle�\' · .twOOd . :� ea�;�f�:r���.3 �\ll�\"t h �:���:I.�dem,!7;� ' Able thill year In the form of smal! ;lb7 � ·s � n l: c b ·o w m[.(li flcall(>ns r·or It .�c(>nd'llm? I st�r��tlOn��I:�: �:�:or��ierce �Cou��; i son ��:�:�·�b��rs :h; :\:�e��s ��=�ue� al�� :� !lY thp blllldlng , SUjl('rlntendf'nt of School�: And City ' committ t hp plnn.!.'sf' . submllll'{,\ made 111 Ill{' colors of the fe-stlval. yelthp ncl!on!'d I !<; also and SUflerlnten(j�nt Elmer Breckner. low and blue. These will be · sold for Numocrs by P C ·� ··Choir of the pl.HIlS for the �rollll{1 brf'AkIlH: Rell\"a nOllllllfll cost "I the Qooths. and also W�'st·· will brill!! thl' cerf'm{�nif'.� to a H I�e Rroup dl"llberat..d upon th(1 bud- I Three .. Act Comedy Hou� t' Party Oil lhl' I!roulHl�. by Ot-Ita Rho qamr l f · I. I t T h� O: lta Rho Ganllnas allllounce ::;:;ni �:�:f'l1aH:?�\�i�i:����" !;e ����: : t����� (';.. °l h�' �::rl�;::�e ;��:!t:�.l�� ! To Be Given Here thaL l!11'IU\!!OnS to 'Illl'�ld the hO\ls(' Walter. . Wayne. Syl\·la B\"rd. . � p{'cifll m;{'tlllg of Ih(· e-n�lre : �,,�. MOlla I . nud Int,erpretation 01' . nrt� Hor. p at . 'f'llf'ad BHY Mo�· H. 1 5: F.l \.a ·BI'Tl-:mOn · 'J Saturday Evenlng '" " .. r ' ' I 1 .::1( I \\��. Music Pres�I'.led Tht' board �ccl'pU'd· �hl' Pltrklond a: � t �;�: ( (�h\a �1 � o I : p: ��:: . � � f Ollr�e RlI .. giff fro� �ts ror�l'r p;���n�'�T:;�:�:CI�::���o:\!��rIl��: T otal co"t for the ..ek -end IS $1 25 1 ! ��:l er� DirCClf'cI b�· Mr.,. Afrlth Doppt,\" . Su s lOcludes ferr} tral1�rtal1on KVI To Present . o M!'mbf>r� prescnt ·,nr!' RI'\". A. Kraa- ·s('nt ··The Youn, · Ide-o . ·· . thrre aCI rTi"l prTI"lsor ( GI rI.�. Ph.\"S.I�! -Ed uCRtl�n. ': Portl n, ' D,r. C. R. Sw:mson: &at- comedy by N()('I Coward. Saturdu} I. R('�natiOIlS �IIOUW be madt'-J.It once II " Ch olr · of th e West" tll. l'lvf' [!:Irls from a s\X'clal ClflSS "'Ill bl'l. · · 1 . c lock L. c o P. n Ihe tIp. Re-v" C , S Odell: Portlltfld. Re\'. ev('ning at right I I R . u nrB k rt L. C ··c olr o t e W S w I t I pr In e �nll����·;��B:�;;�· �;;:;��� ��e�:�tl�:;� � nc1 ::��;� �:: L D. R ' Girls Plan · Ik� ;;lrl��a l O I a�I� . �f �U;��tl a d :Se t � . nf � s � L"· U O��::: y ! m: ��� ��c�::�g·R� . · , , I tings. &- . ." A. Mykland. Is.�Quah: 1 :n�� �p�l� ;5 . �'��Il �: WI�:I :: :;:= ��e ��ogr:Crv� �.I���� �I�.r;:;; � ·; nto Hton J: .MrThorp . r n yM on Br�nt. George M la lclsco Mr. San . as . s u l t' C : Fml M oth ers Da Tea sented In conce-rt "through the courtesy I' I hrf'(' pHrt.�--··An I nte-rprt'tl\ llon of T.. Hok(n.�tad. P J.· I th� "ma;e Ie.Rd. has �een married :tW ICe-: -Moods:· Ruth Watney. JanH:r Pl'ter- LlJI'al\..�.· Eugt'ne.SnohomIsh; station KVI. .Tacomll. . Oregon: Rev. E. C. FirSt. Jennifer. \l; ho !s portra} ed b) t L D. R. members Are making plnns of radio ' lr .. e · l er Knorr. Seattl ': v. R. M. Kptt ler. E e IY S n. and with whom h l \· I . p s:o (' t or ,heir annual Mother"s Dny tea for · beI���n:::I: I��atU:I�::�;�:��IC:'�� ..��l' �);�I o::. �:; �l;1 tCf!JTe!aliOn of II f RR ' ' hilS lllO chI'ldren. Gerda and Sh�!t() . I which they will be hosts on the afuorW cd .. te , Reardon : /tf'v. Elmer M. Johnson. enacted . .c:,: Virginia Da\"!s �nd Gllry. : noon of May 7 t:l mothers Of· the L. D. u�; bl,t an Ol I1 ement relltth·e to thiS ;� ��� :;ld �\��'ln �:�:� :��j��'gl:� �� Olympill "! ��I u:g:r e��ec �\'�� ; :!�:� I �, :.�;� R.. tlie Dormitory AU X iliary. a.nd wo- 1 1\' l be �I;�e ; ··SlmpUclly·:. with muslc frorri Chopln·s The c lr lr.�lng nu�bers trom: I of the facult}. I:� l �: � I t ··Prelude··; fjl'e- girls whl� costumes . . I· ·Ava Marls Stella:· ·'Glorlfleatlon:· , . he i:o; l!ng on large �.�lalt' in I men wlll e-nact :·TtRUml'rel·· by Norma Preu�. president o�rt B au)� dge A�k:-i P. L. C.. Ew�m of lhe group 1 ··ChlHull. Come on Home.'· ·'It's a Me: rlgland. R , Schumann: and an eusemblr of girls named her commltle-es who are al� 1 ·From Hea\'en Above ·' ··BeautUul Sav-· n hlL� O n n " I\'f' P ro�raln TIu're will portray ··Gul'lty··. fro� ··Gn\"- T0 G ready at work'prepllrlng- tor the affnir. [ .I· or:· ··The Lord·.\! Prll�er:· and "LuJlaby ����·ed % S�g�::d!l f;O� These e ha\�e : a � Sh:I olt("·· by Gossnc. Include. refreshmellt..�. Romola on ChrlsLmas Eve:· . The- as.';'oclated stude-nU oJ P. L. C. the continent . I() �·Islt theIr. lather \I;'lth Rust. Norma ··Humpty-Dumpty"· ··t;rooked Man:' ,· ilI . Lando: Bernice Thomp- The chOir will ii.ll:;o be heltrd' nt the .. pre-.'>('nt a program the student.<; the Idea � re-un.lle him with Jennifer. son. ··Old KlIlg Cole:· and ··Llttle MI6S I .... Dorothy Anderson. Eugenill Spen- Luther Leltgue- Convention next week. Englnn� III are they BainbridgeWhile of the Wife. at High first hLs School liltMuffet:' will be dramaliud by mf'm- ·t ·s schoo ass mbly on . O cer. and lga tables and chairs. . f'r l. e Tuesday. IIfter- Clcely .elopes with Rodney. (George Elizabeth StuenHugo; bf'rs of the ClllS.<; In ··In the Pla)'room"· noon. Gt-rtrude Tlngt'lll. Rappinl. lhc chlld;e-n pe-rsuade their stad; program. and Wadenc Calavan will gh"e comical StanMay d S ak ' Janice pe-tersOn a.ll d Stu ents pe with y ord continent . the prexy I P to father to_return II , . e- F . . L C:s stude-nt dTllmlltlz.atlOn of �Gol1lwog·s Cakewalk·· Mildred Larsen:· deeorntlollS. Irene ( . I n' Chape will spellk. Other numbers planne-d are: them. l.:1It III the m�lInwhlle theIr Odell. . " I Tod by Debl'ssy, ay AIda Johnson. -and Helen Lilja: , by the boy·s quartet: \·Iolln mot�er has become e-nga_ge� to Hiram In·\,! taUons. ctlOns ·The: Cycle of ¥ours·· wl!l be ae.s- seieAStrid Anderson and Marlon numbers: �tavlUS �orln.kkso n; pla.n.o (Ken Annen50P TIle plot thus un_ Danekas: . cle�n-up. theUcally portr:I)"l'd In IntenlTe-tatlons solos jlresente-d . Studen1.S ASsociated The Rllmsllld. . Manln Je-llSen , and reiU(ing by ravelled from .an iI:;trlgulng climax to Enher NorKaa""rd. KaY·Peggy of ·'Dawn:· ··Hunters and ,Huntre5!e-s:' Wade-n(' Mar- a Peace Program In chaJlel thb momCall\van. . 1 n delightful ending. wlt� humor gen- garee l.:I rsen. and Ida Anderson. ··Rt'a jlt'U.. and Gleaners:· ··Wlne Carfaculty · Men; corsages. !ng to, whlcll members at the . erou.:ily d!.�play� throughout. rll'rs.·· �g. Star:· Rnd finally " . . Barbar:! Xa\'ler. �l1e·--Jensen. lind \Ilvlted. Mildred Larsen and Elsa i L 1 ma lncl charact O d ' er ers . ':1 e Thel Avis H�I'e-land. '·Moon�ams··. Arneson pla)"ed"a.s a IlTelude plano . ' Dante-Is. as PrLscllla; . Walter Schnack, Maurine- ,Wade Is thc accompinlst Cho�en Cluh Presldf;!nt , dueL. . enberg. Claud; Helen Urnas. Julle� I .throughout the affair. and the P. L. C. Studem speakers lnduded L.lwell n -orchestra will pro{.lde thft'.e muslfal . E\·R Gjesdal . \\"as selecte-j president Ru.s.seqiegemess. Eustace; Helen HOlt- I Rec t'ivel'i Invita t·ion . DI\\"lq� who spoke on '·The Nature ·ot a d B th f n ev · la t · I R t ��I�p�:n�� ;�� :!��rs . Ilre: �!nt ��t�g �f ��;e:�:�; �:; �:P�e:�!���� :hD �::'a �ou��� I Margaret Rorem has re-celved an lri� ���� C:t �: :a��� :e�:ceo�:�d:�� '- Elsie �rrett. RtUh .Watney, Jan1ce· �hlch · Mrs. J. U. Xavier- and Mrs. J. role. as Hiram and .also as Huddle. rltatJon from Dr. N. M. Ylvlsaker to speaking on ··The Means 'of Preserving . Peterson, Norma Preus. Lavaunn Me- O. Edwards were hostHSeS at tbe "form- Clare-nee Monson has acted busln.- spe-ak at ·tfie International Luther ?eace-."· . manager (or the pre�ntatlon·. Ad- League.C�n..entlon to be held in �n- Concluding w� n group gr hom <biCaU. Virginia Oa\15. Ida Mae H06S. er·s· last Thursday. Elltabeth Sttien: Waderie Cala\'an. N-onna Preus .15 reUtlng· president. vertis�g ha:; been in . the hands of neapoUs. June 23-27. e-ts b}' Paul Fo&so and �ward �oUson · . ���� lo�!�:��le-��e-I� � syvenbrr. and :�,ot:�%���X;:�. I�_ch�n at. an -����-��!�e��� ��:I:::n�:n�:'CE'S are., WI��;':;ee�� ��:n�o�::��f:�:e� 1:: ..�:� �7�:1I���p:!.:'�s·' .





















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Fibs '

(lUll' !lliooring tIIII usl publbhea e\'ery two \\'ee�<; .during the �hool year by t.he student."1 or Pactnc Lutheran College. Offlc!!: R.oQ.m II!. Telephol\l': OArlnd 0577 Subscription Price-$t.OO per Year Entered as :;.ecolld class .matter. OC:tober 2. 1925. ,at the Post Office at Parkland. Wa.shln�to�. under the Act of March l. 1879 . .




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Chapel ' G�eanings

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Qil'� in SCHltlt·

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"The sCcreL of Jetus' life I.'" ot>edil"I)� to �Io hl� F't\�her's ,\\,II�'_ ' to hall­ "The· WilY to peace. l!'l .w:ly ,the \Io'!1I plness l� U; kIlO\\' ..... arl'- mng our Father " P. Pfluelfl!r. �

..lth �n -.It and a d�h d Some of these kIds thaU go oul llppl)'jng for po.s1UOIlS rellll>' must wRnt -to start from the bottom of the l�dder. of .tlleback\i:,oods. or somettllng THEu"ft\ NESS got Into' olle place that (aIr She thought she might Member 1.017 Iq]t:. _"-Ram,tad " raIse little garden to make a little money on the side Her grelltest problem hpw to make the long tJ;lp I'bsocded <DIle� PreIS "When con.�lderlng ·Who'a.m I?' con-hear We a)' .. hlg�.\I the did. to underb�\1RJ ' the Christ through Je�us Lord the t wha. EDITORIAL ST."FF tha� 'she cra.....led In on the hands lind knees the last two is lrUaraJltee<t to you If you ED_ITqR Hazel Hll8erup miles. and wouldn't yoti Just ]o\'e to a few-dignified Lord Jesus Cbrl.�' t Inl.O your Nonna PreIl5 ASSOCIATE EDITOR !'.C'1:1001:mlU"ri'it creep up you a,li d a�k y�u, the shortest for Hlm� In tUm. with Him,': SPORTS WRITERS - Roland Wue�t. N�rman" Frye, trail to "Co\\' Creek" or "OhOlit Oulch" Ah. Well. -Mr. Ma.<;an Fales Martin. ' It mUst be thai pointer Instinct SOlie and LUDLOW ali". probability you will' die FEATURES - Marian Johnson. lJnka De BerTY got far up In '.he mountaln� up north that th.ey is �o Jesus If lived. e s SPECIAL WRITERS - Jack Odey, Walter pcsslon In death. He enberg. Kenneth Anenson. Marvin Jensen. '::��,: ���:'���' :lt� thW:f�: :Sn: , =� I,��� �.��N�:m� In life,'· ilaMlon ruilng ' your be - By, lIa lf'.! lIarer:up . REPORTERS - EI\'a Berima.n. Ida Merz.. ·Lavaun of ""lushlng·· OLIVER) ha . ' .Those inll1ates who . ;'..ent· -;:-Prof. Carl· 8. YIY1fB�er MCCan: LlewelJa DRvle."I. Ida Mae Hqss. Elltabeth Ull to the mountain fat. 8. good .lime after worlt on the P. C. slU'aellL.� alld counUe!lSfrlends �tuen. Virginia D!wis. Wadene Calavall. week-ends} l>h�re got rPoled __._ .th�y �Idn. 't know that throughout !.he coast were grieved re­ COPY READER Aida Johnson. the work commenced about 6:30, -and stowed down about 'cenHy to receive word of the sudden TY"PISTS vorr\ne Malmln. '!rene OdeD 1 l :00 p. nl. Most of them were dead tired. we'll �t death of Rev. M. A, Christensen. April H1UJJ) flJ ' EDITORIAL ADVISER Mr.... Ruth 'Pranck but one gal must be �ble to take. It: .BEA LELAND skild 1� in Seattle. ' (or: Is It skaed, or e\'en 'skurd? I tlll four In the morn. IJUSINESS STAFF Hazel Monson '34. former editor or ai 1:00 to work aU day ..-. Untn nfw BUSINESS MANAGER - - - Elizabeth Fri1s , and then gott.heupprincipal Mooring Mast wIll � married June parts of "skl" .....ere s�l-skn�sku ASSISTANT :ijUSINESS MANAGER - Le.<;ter Holte I wl' thought Robert Wallace of 'San .FrlU1claco. but it·t seem to sound Just right BOB MOE ADVERTISING MANAGERS - Ruth Downtoil. will take place tn. Tac­ wa.s so ' t onsclentious one fine·dn .... . nlng that t}e threw orr ' VI\ lan Smith. wllh two P:. L. C. alumpl Mary the woolens nt 5:00 ,t. m. rarln' to go -Wo\mdersland he CIRCULATION .MiNAGER Kathryn Anderson cream And then there was LORRAINE TIlOMPSON CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS - Helen Lilja, ,who thinks' J'AY Is awfully keuute) washing �Ishes at Th�lma Ne...... lht' rate of three breaks minute (dl�hcs, you fop) Mabel Heggem EXCHANGE EDITOR with the ever present rema·rk. "01::1 dear, I'll bet I_.look BUSINESS ADVISER - Mr. O. J. Stuen like' a messl!" etc lind between the dlshC!! she'd ogle al mirror to put ! air No. 6149 ba<;k In place She A TOPIC FOR �ODAY should belong to a lunion, It would take her so long This 111001111lJ.!'s pe,Ht IH ngl.lIll. pllt 011 hv to do the dishes t1at Ute increase profit per hour Ihl sludt. III hOl h 01 P I . ( SU'II\S 10 Us .1 step would Ptly for the breakage . MABEL HEGGEM , well. Fro� my cOllfirmaUOll dll.y� and �II 1 111 ' rlghl dUTdillll . .�s sludl'llls WI" 1 I 1 1ISI I hasn ·t lenrne� how to carry a tray wlt.h one hand over . e et f e I : :::�'��"i::::.. :::.'1 11::��:::�'\\�� 11:�" \���'lrl'lli'��I·��';���'I�\·�!.!��·t :1;I:e=:I'�R�:� ��)��: ::�ce::.u;���u�;:;: �:�k:el;� wit ;1�'lk��' .�,: �n��1� :�I:;;7;�':��d �� ����� Betty Buchanan. or Morton. and h,umor. I lI11ed his hO$p!tIlUty 1i\'I;. and i n wh,ich Wt' I1Il1sl play a tldillil�' p'a d r1 ' Ner hard /that her hand trebled Its Size WALT frc . The ccremony was perf� Sun'ly IlolIl!n� threatens tilt' well-hclOg of 'L JOHNSON e\'lm dropped a big tray of cups In front · ..hlch was apparent, In his church. and home of t.he bride. 'I1ley . Iht'. \\;orld �oday so l I l uch as Iht, war-dolll � of; the boss the smoothle ha SLUPS , ' . their home fn� LongVIew. wllll'h l'tlnlllllJ\' 10 J.:atllt'r, IH.'l·aUSI' I lt'lIpll' wlll\ (Flrsl ll'e have rebellion in Spain. then sit-dowll_strikes. 11.111 sludy Ihl·ir l'au�I's ohjl'�·li\·It,y. A frank. '. and -noJf ALICE COOK staggers onto the street sar II). �IIH'I'I't' :lIId 0P\'II-llllllllt-ti IhSclIssion of war, the morning as tho �he weren't a tee-totaler What's were humble and sincere. ·!l:nd tlfey 1;;r======="Oi lIs prohkms. ils dh il's. ils possih l.l· t·l·a�lil·lI tioll. Ihis world comillg to, anyway PIN"POINT-PRUDENCE revealed hiJ heart. is \"l'ry IllrR'll -hl ' rln' IUlilll tIl I'. I .. (: . . liS III 1111 LES HOLTE Bill fll{lg In lillie puddle . CHf\RLIE has He spoke in chapel recently Mhlslng Hayden-Watson · I I i l l itl e n t Llle �tudents to grow in knoll/ledge' 'and · : l� I� \:�!::;::::II :'���l ::. l\�-. ��, . :::"� :�t��:·I)�� :I\l:� �:l� ���; :��!i�� f:t;��� �:::�f�� :; :d=lo�a� glow In grace. There was all· ex­ Florists ;IIH! as stwi1-nls 1It·I·d til dal'i f\' 11111'. itlt'lIs 1111 l'alculatiOIlS ,We can't on account of copyright ample. If any personality glowed, it hal lil's hat'k of tilt' hlllTllt' IllIit ihn'all'11S our' r�d-tape) It's lha� good! \. That WESTBO lad looked he, He brought $unllght where 10;;=========:: �'tHlth ;11111 lIur fILI iI!',·. \\'1' 111'I'd 10 dist'Uss well-rt'llCarsed " Id rou notice the way KAYO JOHN- there was shadow; he brought' JoY I r. W:l\,S and IIlI'aIlS of \\-:ol'king t'1lI1sl i-IIl'lin'h' SON slugged hl� bride around i n the play? the big ruf- where there was grief. Under it ' all. HANSON'S 'JEWELRY . In hl'iilg Wlir lIl atlnt·ss IIndl'r l·olllr,,!. flan PROF. FRANCK doesn't 10'11' - us anymore be- one could recognIze a foundallon of Fall1l!kis1l1 ilf'fl'ats ilst·lf. and ,u'l'll Il1plish" " cause we're lllzy wow Yup in fact we hardly have Christian seriousness. revealing his 251 So. I Distinctive I th St. Tacoma; Wn. Iltlthing. Ir�it'lligt'lll ()pl'n-milHkd ,list'ttssillll, U E w sincere purpose In' life-to witness for ' \'\'1'11 if' il t'allllol sol\'(' a pI·ohlt'lIl. will al kasl ��I����l�Sk��il�: p�;�e lh; O�h:�:I:h7' �e �an �:ld��� Christ. WATCH ' REPAll t lNC J;l'in� Ihat prohklll out in thl' Opt· II. stand the feminine _c�lltrlbution. but that graceful horse Rea sonable Prices Grief and shock accompanied his Today ' s pl'ogr:llu is ('lh'OlIl'aging ill tlwl il he might have $tudled'at Cornish . . . OBJECTION. but ' when the shock pnssed' �:=======� shows 1'. I., C. slutlt'liis an' tryillg I I I think We think there is enUrely too much harmony in Ihe death. I we thlJ l k not of death. but rather of Illt'il- wa�' t.hrough Ihl' \\',wlll's .!.!I't'ah'sl IIH'II 'I\'I· . affaIrs of the heart at this SChool It limits our writing lhe life that WIIS Jived so gloriously, NEIGHBORHOOD fjl'ld too much III fllct It givc:'. lL<; hardly anything and of the memory ot a happy earnest SERV I CE STATIc!)N WHAT P. L. C. MEANS TO ME fUll lI'ith We'd l\kt' 10 se� a few triangles. or run-awa}'s. smile. d i t tt n -" 'Iy Ihl'('(' y('ars of l'oll(,�I' lifl' dnJw I d an 1111A. IVERSON �;al�: �: a�I;:: � ��:Sba��;es� �e�� ��:��a:::.�a�� :� Professor N. J. Hong has expressed a JUI.-stldcil·1] duSt· - t'ollegl' li fl' fl'!!llI Iht, fn'sh­ S"=:::: o':: S:: w:::::n:,:: ,.::::: ,� T,::: K: ' :� 50:: 1= come commonp}lIce as to 'be a dat1:!-· occurrence. they ��au���:n�:��t�sht '��r���:�sla��:�e�'� 1::= nl'Ss. limiciily. and awarkdness of 11 high si:hol11 = like other things. that when whiCh was the last song sung by Rev. gnuhmlt· 10 Iht' confidellt. 1l1llil'ipaling t'agl'r­ I should be controlled. be I . s Ul'SS of h young wonll'n rl'aciy for whal lifl' I You most l i kely � �hrlstellsen, ' . will IH'ing. I I has hl'l'n a lrallsit:oll l>l'i·ifH.1 clur��::I �:�'� ��; LI:��O:�lIp�u�O�;��I�:I���o� to find it at NOTICE. of co"rse. If you-are really considerIng getting ill;.! whidl Illy lIlt'lllal. physil·al. and spil'i llial mad. come ana sel" us. we"U dJscourage yOU. because ....e. I ���e�h�� !��r:, �::���; 11Iakt'lIps han' hl·t·1l Ill t'rg:t'd til gin· lIlt· slimt' kno ' e t I a RHODES til' lilt' IIUP I�il'sl y�'ars of Illy lif(·. , Nature Is repoolng, 'BR.OTHE�S TACOMA ���:: ;�� �:�lce��7��, ���: ��� ��:;I�;C;. 1,'uC'ifi!: LIH.!ll·l'an ColIl'gl' has fulrilkd Illy dl'­ Wrapt In holy peace. . L C:s Edition of Simone Simone? . sirl' for a fulland satisfying mUege life. As I .... WE IIAFT,\SASO stood n'Hlly In t'lllpl' l'ollc-�e. whul elid I wunl But the brooklet oilly 'FISHING SEASON The reason CHARLIE pitches such inspired bal! games 1 0 ITl·l·i\'(· fWIIl ill ll'IIth-lln' ilu'rC' ! I lunked at Breaks the deep repoSe. Opens April 25th Is blond. and her inltlals..are VIVIAN' LUNDE '. . "KING thl' worlci uhuul Illl' and fOlllnl i l sOlllcwhut u)l­ through woodlands lonely· SpeCi,,1 Ti e d OLE" really thinks his team is gOlllla clean up the league Jlallill�. Deprl'ssion yl'ur�1 Ic·ff t1wir effect On It, purls a,nd flows. WET FLIES . . ... .. .. .. ... ..$1.50 . . . Campus da>' Is upon us. and It looks like the old 011 till' Illilfds of Pl'tlPre.- "lillY weI"(' Ih'ill/--l a For Early Season Fishing creek Is going to get a work-out again thl�. year. but h('IIlIllI'd-in. t lllt '-sidt'd t'xis\(one<' with .lit) clt'f­ New Maple Leaf For ·.no night Is bringing LEVEL FLY' LINE . .....:�$1.80 Ell. illile flllllltlatiull 4111 whkh hi huild, I WillItl'cI STAN FRIES bets he won't go In the creek . . BOUTo Its toll surcear.e. 100 feet long QUET-to AL ROGAN . . . an all-round good guy. and a full lifc·. u lift, IImt wnuld nourish and dcvelop And no bell ringing The "Fishin' Fool" an excellent fixer-upper . . . PIN POINT PRUDENCEI'\'('�' sidt' of 1ll(·. 1 w<l11lt'd mcntal den'lnpnlenl: FLY ROD . .. .. ... ... .. .. .. . .,.$5,95 Ea. It to rest and petlce. CLIX ·HAUGEN . . . Rembrandt. EI Brende. and Penrod UII adl'Cf11:1It· li'ainillg fill' the field of ' w()rk f" Marine Supply tJad- dulst'll . I wanlt'JI a huppy sOI.'inl lifl' Ihul rolled up In a nutshell, Iwlth big legs and glassesJ ,SOYTH,I ITH & A ST_ So the hours I number. well. gooby now. we're gonna .....ait around and watch would add t'njoYIll l'nl unci f1ll1 ne�s 10 my phy­ Longing for release. BUY YOUR TACKI:E !'i!--·u). life. ' \ Hw(-'\,cr 1 wanled IhcS(' in the ground break. FROM FISHERMEN WHO: fiSH Ti l at last I slumber l all ;.ttmos pht'I'(' Ihal would d�n'lop und stren�­ t·




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('n 1m' fuilh ill 'lh(' Christian Church: HO\\' has 1'_ L: C. answ('r('" thest· th'sin's '! Throuj.!ut llit, academic ancl so�.'ial phUSl'S .of Illy l'olll·/.:J' life: thc pn'\'3iling almospherc hilS hce:ll 011(' of Christian guiduul'(' and f�lInwship. Daily !'Impel hours. Christianity COllrs;:�s, unci . tlllti rjl�lIless to tl!l'sC rears;- . . ' Olher !)chuols q lUlil off('r cOlllplete Jl'OltnjPS allcl UII t·xdtinj{ ': ...o(:iul Hfl"---]'ut ntlt all could sulisf,': Ih(' spirituul side of li(\· makeup . Life al P. L C. has affirmcd ,Hre! strell�lllt�lll'a Illy 11l'licf anc! faith in chris!. What I hn\'(' rCl'!'ivl,e! at P. L. 'c'. wiil belU'fit me'in ye:ll's tn CtHlll'.' :\Jy choscn l!rofcssioll is Il·adling_ alltl I ft'cl that IInw as IlCW .. hcfon' . ' lr:. I S lht' Clll'istiull t('ucher all npl lQrtllllily 11 ) gU!tlt' huys anti �il'ls i l 1 hl'r l'hargc', EVl'l1 ttrough . ,


sIft' is not pt'rlll i l lccl to /.:h:t·- sJlcdfk inslruditlll ill rdigil:11,_ slw l',l Il1lUt 11('lp hut wit'ld II greut illfhlClll'C un. tilt' lives of t h ose with whulIl shl sp<'lIcis su tilll l'. TIll' Yt'.II:s I have SIlt'ilt al 1'. 1... C. IUl\'c lJt'th'r l'quipPl'd !Hl' ttl USl' Ihal . cipporl tlllity.







The Clirisliall l·qllegl' lif 1l'1)' dHlin' has gi\'(,Il · . IlW mud . . II has gi¥1.111 me ul·mlclllil·�grow t h ; it hus cUlltributcti Jowurd eulturul elc\'c1oJlIllt'IlI-�)ut othl'r shools .I.:UIl Hive this. \Vlmt r. I,. C. has gi\'C1l ,i.·hidl all uther se.' huois emlllol give is un in tullgihle. but definite l'ontriilulioll, muk­ i l l./.! pussihll' a full- rounciecl . lifc whcll I .slmll. . ..dwu:,:s c1ter:ish.

Edltor's Note-The foregoing 'artlcle ,ls an excerpt from an article written by Margarh Rorc� tor 'the_ "Lutheran Herald." �







• printerS -






p l .G R E E R 1 2th &,A 515.

IMCO ..P O ......'I'.o ..


MAin 2 1 22 ' ,

, "



MAMNINGS COFFEE , -� '--'-"'. ,"-'--= ' , •.� '. . • • ..­•



. :-- -


1 1 .1 3

., A.PRlL

22� 1937

, Golf Team Wins Over Portland


' T ' 1 a...l ' , , J U. J" ....l'().-J , -< ' : • I ()T '



Library , , . -Collection Augmented By Generous Donations ,

. B,�d�., Shoe Rep.i,

S.hon cf,." to ��h

LAST YEAR , , , 1 935


Noise Makers. Paper

. After th� Show

Jack's Griddle 91


Commerce St. 3 Tacoma. Wn.





3 S I 8-R.-5


WEST COAST GROCERY .CO, Distributed by




! �� !�!r�\ '

, Washington Hardwar.e ,�o. 9 � Pacifi� v n�e 2 A �



... ---RENT SKIIS '

NEEDS-M��.C!WU rk ; ,; .".... or a new pair of booh would help. ClothinC and . Sk;;, /0, G;,I, .nd Bors _

Blow Outs, Serpen tines


. GAr.



Member United Pu.,ity Siores


Hats, Balloons



Marcell Dress Shop for Graduation Dr�sses ,

Tne P�rklolnd LiS"1 and Water Company furnished 10 its mem_ bers eleclric currenl including 80 st,et'ts lignls olIT It)e low ..ver· age price of .. frICtion over 1 Vz cents �r KWt;l

j 403 1 I In Sf. [!I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ..,,,,,





Costumes for Your , Masquerade Are at


t! 1 ....__..._______



I ' I



9 .. 2 A . . . 6. . B ,d . 1... . . ;n . __________.. !<2. 4. Y . ,. B6 M . .






C. P. S. Instructor Visits �ibrarY '.._





:'-.!r Warr;;-L ot thE' CoUrg E' ! Puget Sound. .L;br�I"Y. T!l.coma. 1 , Wft�h . vl.�itNt the Pnclflc Lutht'ran . Llbrar� Wt'fln('�;.y. April 14

nt Collegt'






Noted Figures in Luther League. Conven�on ,,.,. ....,.,;:...,-;,,



m cnnnl'ctlon wIth �tud�' bf1"ing · madt' . corporAtion Advisory b�' Ihc , . Group on Colh.'ge LlbrnrlE'S . ThlS Adn';;ory Group was tormrd In 1934 for :he ...purJl�i<i' 01 �tud}'ing (hI' ch!\'­ �' lopm('nt 01 Juntor college libraries .....hlle \hry are m a' formative .�Tate IlnQ of rt'pcrTlIlg 01\ to , the ,corperntlon :-'h'mbrrs 01 thc �roup nre Dt. . W W B1.�hop. I.1brnrlnn 01 the Un:o \·.'rsltr of :-':h("hlgan. Chturman; Denn > J. !3 f�dmol)�n. of the Um\·ersit�· of j Mlchl\,:::ln School Education: Pro­ f{'l\.';or W E"Us. Stanford Un;versltr School of Educntlon: SUpt'rlnt"ndcnt W W HlllIgnrd. Jollt'\ Junior Colle-gf'; . . L. V. Koos. University of C�I".o S,hool Ed,,,, tion, C , H 'I Milam Sf'c-relary ct thf' Amf'rlC-nn LIbral(' ..��In.tlOn; C E RUsh. A!'.Sa. ' . 11111' Llb.ntnllll. VIIIf' Unl\"l:r�uy :......DeAn , ' L. !t. . Wil�n.. Orl\dua!(' Ubrnry SchOOI. ; BuZZ buzz._into th� . �m all . 1I�: ::Mdf' � t hour� I.hl> morning. Not alrllla�f'. . n nOt I)('e hl\·c. nor a .doorbt'll' but· 1111 . Thus far thl-' Ad\,lsorv hilS J.:lrl.s paJllm pnrt�·. IMt � compHt'd nnd alH\I�'zf'd ��ntI5ttes from I _ n:;�t n le a " whoor ' and f' ��Il �""' ith � i �� �;oc:: � h a e Ju\nlor OI - �f'd :�.� �:th:� List of Book� r 'live 1'11 1 . It'gl' Llbrll.ri��. All Parkland ....·AS 1\.1I\·e .....Ith . A.� one rt'suir of 1Is ae\!\'nles thc thf' r1nging doorbell!!.. ....Ith . MlonG roup� hopes 10 be able 10 formulnte iSht'd householdf'T5 IIn�""'f'r1ng stntement of stnlldllrd� Junior 1 115 10 \I.·hf'tht'r hnd 1\ dClI.d fi)' c-oilegf' Ilbr:lrh'� tn order to obtnln a a gT"II�' hair. TO(> blld the " oW !Ira)' mor.. complett' picture of junior col· mart'" .....ASn't handy. If't:f's than \.hal drnwn fro� statistics. I .A te a Dixlp cup trf'At the girls the Group hl\S sent out h�'e trained donncd pajamas. And whAt II colorful and pictuTf.'. E\"(�r}" oolor of and "xperienced Ilb",rlan<; to rainbow. �tu�r II St'le-cted group of Junior rolleges. LII�d th..n. �m.c, 1101\.... rel�rf'sent t'CI. P:lCIt!C Lllthf'nln College Includf'd In Radl� blll·ring . singh lK. li nd a snakf'those deslKnat('d for II' \'Islt: ' dallc(' on third and "..oon1 the list • ' 0 gll"e littlc A cht'f'r for the boY .:. 1 intf'rfr.r(·IlCt· othf'r tlta a d�r-banginl! ' and II 10lld reqlll'"t t t) h l f' down. ThcTo:! M ' . ERCANTILE CO no 'TIl hurt Ilnd- i�1 purr and 1"11 Ph 5UPPt · hou�c flown" .stllrf.' but onI\' sputh'r from th� rl'lnnnOfith� a , Prompt and , Wl·st Win�. · . _ ._ ____ \Vlwn J wtnl to my room aft('r thl' :. .. .__

CarnC!,:II' JUllIor




them of





l 1l � �����totC:t�;����




�::� �:











les Court�ous Service







. ' I I.


I l WIIS I' 1 blowgl'ntJeyour

(;l •••••••••••••••••••••••••••; .... • .. • ..••.. •••••••••.. •••••••••••• .

_ .


;........o",;:, ,, ;:;�,���

I s; ·.................... ........... . ..... :j Tn,. B.-�t Sea FOO<f� un obla,n..d �

Tacoma Laundry ! j Ij Pantorium � Cleaners @:t 1!.=======iJ '




.�, ---.--------- , '


t i ,




Krug TaComa

fOfmerly . Hartsook S udiO t H . Krug. Manager '












I I,




wM�i:�s�9�Uildi ng





M............ t

SEE T8E CORONA PORTABLE path to �her grades 10 less lime. . with the leading reatun--


' H.




1 �



g lris.



\\hen ,

���������:�;:.rYM��. �1��or, �::�;�



:he gt'IW� �l\frllngements of t!if' Af-


�ul the In·





� bt'-cn preparing for thf' eOIl\"f'nlion ti'lth p rc�ld('rlt . MlIdrt'd Lllr.;("n In } "he Parklllnd L('ague


d1 Its

host hM


Porothy Belt)· Stuen.

Doris Do\l.·nton.



Eastman Kod�k Stores




· lfiSH E





conveiHlon .







L � �

S ;












. . ........ .. .................... .........".

..... . .... ....... .. -

Shoppe for your

D u r ermanen t at P CPt yOur


... ...

9 1 0 Broadway


620 F I DELiTY BLDG . BR. 4506


Gasoline and Dependable Greasing GENERAL REPAIR



Cooed l;S e�uty Shop pe

. �.... • -> _ .









C D,.


Minneapol s ' i



r----�--------� \

and Jewelry Rip"',,ng JEWELERS




" 3 1_1



Try one of . our r:e.1 hamb'urgers with' a mug of r�t beer!



I t


We Ciwe Car Ser.,ice . "";;h, TKO�} w" __-.x..:.





BROOKDALE CROCER'Y AND MEAT CO, PHO��: ��land 0 1 07/4--GArl,nd 0 1 93R3 Croceries. Hay. Crain. Feed. etc_ . ' Flour. . . . . _ _






Patkland .

. Legal Reserv.;· lif� Insurance Herman L. Eker�. President Clifford Olson



' tI

___ _

Min(leSOla Washington


_ .o




Reprewntt'd �



.. .. .... •. ... • _



R inglette Perman�nh $3.00





____________ _ _



. .····11

. .



r .

9 1 5 Com ....f'«


Pa,kland Co- Eel Be�uty' .

� .

:�:t ��:�� c;� � � �==-�=:-==o;

e , o� a R p",,",m on Satu,d.y May " wh,n the local organtza.tiort wUt present thn: paUKhtt' 'S ' . t.a.llts on : Rands are. 8e:.-Ina;. Norma Preus "lit play 'a plano solo. . '




.. .....,. ,


R�ymond Electric Co.




_ _ ____ ____..



. . $5.95



. ..•

__ ____ _ _ ,____




" �o- .Jb,,:


I TAC.OMA·� L.A RCEST Ho,"e.FurnlS.htn,� S!ore ,' . �I -�� �1. _4. � t c:Jr:!J.� Ber- t -)-------.----




-==__. --� __




WaYIlf'. of our d.rlck�:>n. tf'lI . Jalllce · BI"OIlf's.



O ���;. P{'rry's

il�II�S�bd��:IS�OO��: ::.::: �e:l�·l7. i�ar::�.:g �\.le�.II�\�'I�· ... dred Ii'


) '/

In opt'nI-

ther rl'turned. n dIXIf' r.

treat f\\\'lIlted thl'lll In tlle dining


a(l -




FREE 5 days btal-jat '---




KnUt.son · Ilttended t ile II.nnual . North :IICIt C Dlst.i"lct 01 � - lilt> Womrn 5 MIs.�lonAr)" F('(\eratton for which the Brf'ml"rton Kroup .....AS . \. ....1\..5 . Miss hool lUI II deleKate from the Jocal. L. D. R. and e nf er a S 1I.a.:,::� S\l�Je�� �: ::�17��es �� the orKanlzation at P L C BRdwy 2238 There �iIl be another FederAtion conference in Portland May 21 ·23 8e\n R ::'at':.n� ..::.:�';..�;:,:':��' �

1)pe"write . Your As!sigItmE!nts

108 60. 10TH


. "\...

. V, h lY- ·.1ieadact"tt' chn.�ers·· IS Just on.. 5l'nloa of t.h� ta.�ks th� a t �� :'llh'rrslt )' or ,, �: n;� \ n � nr ,e < .h ��n � � 1� ' ' V'IIIUilble notebooks,. mnnuS(:npts IIlld lettf.'T5 of lhf' late Amy 1.o....f'II. . poE'trM. ha\'e be(1l pre:�ent� It) thl' HIU"\'lIr� 1 tI

On;rnigll1 Party I


f'Xl""Cuth'e [ Youn!'l


re'cf'nth" It n�su lt!l AAtlsfactory . U\\�rlla­ tlol\lI.l brbAdcasts of Hlln'lIrd UIlIl t'rslly's classroolll If'Clllr�s. begun 011 f't'b­ ruaT}' 1 7. will contln\l� ilnrlnR ·the rom..


With Dr. N. M. Yli' iSRkrr. � tnlT were * �harge of Irenf' Cklf'II. 115. PeoJ:n"�llIrr of Ih f' NAlional �Istt'd b,· MArian and E\"a pie ']!; Lu ther Leagu(' of I. hf' Norv,'f'gIRn lKI · OJf' al. Conn �lu mb. Helen ' Lilja. . Lllth...ran (llhurch of AmeriCII. lind Dr. 1 And ?OrTIIlt' MAlmili Ilmh� - ged th� f'1'� T F. Uullixwn. presidf'1ll of the Luther � tf'rlamment. and Marilln Dllnekas. Vh· . . Tht"Ol,oglcRJ SeminA!")'. SI. I MlnLund. Bf'll}' HAll sent nf'�ota. Sl>f'akers. thf' '·lIat l�l ls. Thr tollowlng girls IIttendliS North Pa{'U:c DIStrict lio....�. Mary Roberta f'd. tdll 14t h nnnual conl'entlon ""'111 opE'n F'ri, Bralnl . VlrKIll\a D:l\"l�. Ruth. Ml'y�r. (la}' c\·rning. April 30. Trinity I MaI"grtte Dt!merl'i" Allc� Cook. I'mn. CI\Urch. PBrklAnd. Mllrle Wenberg. Enid TIlt" th!'lll!' cho�.n fof tllf' conff'rf'nC{' I �oore. . f · :.�n .?: ;:� �: �:���. ri lr LRI�n. Marin illgenel'oS. S}IIHl It v,'11l be dcvl'loprJ with 14 . I:i. I Astrid Anderson. LOlliSI' Henth,' Truth" : " Chri�l \hf' Way" ; " Chrlst Louise W� llIams. MarKaret thf' Llft" ' : and " 111f' Chaltf'llgr . Ror.-m. Marjorie Dehll. KnltDHr to Lh'E' Christ-Life:' Friis. Vale-ria Moehnke. Other f..aturf's oj thf' m('f'Linl' Will i Ruth Ellrabelh 1>;' f\ ' pllnf'1 di.<;cus.�ion to bt' led b)' " r O. A Tillgeistad. Df'an Philip E. Hauge. Watne)'. 8yl\'la Miller. M,ldred Tollf'tDr. Olllllxsol1- I\.lld Dr. YI"ISIIkE'r. and son. Blossom Weseop. Vivian F\f'lds. Olson. venrude Jud)' Benson. a banquet bf' held Saturday �_erri{" Ruth III �:30: with Rf'\·. O. L , HRa\'ik as toast- TlngelMad. mnster. and Or. OuJliltSOn as spE'akf'T. , J{,lUlIle MAlcolm. Setty E,·anson. Vh'Illn Sm lh. Dorothy Petf'n;(In. , Norma There \I.'iIl be a spt'Ciai e:lmmunion st'rvlc� . Rt 9 o'clock SundAy morning. Prells. Jllnlce Petf'rsen. Emmll TllOren. lind in t he nftf'rnoon thf' romblned H('lell ScOIl. Elva Bergman lind nice Thompson. chorlll_sinKing.

i J ohnson-(ox- COmpany :: ..J...... ,, "-..








�t\ldellls" tilt'�·

on tll(> throT}' that 9.itll tAlk more rTf"I'I�' In clll5.or, It lHe brtl('r acqIlRlntE'd. !J.S�·chol(lID· In�tn;c\or £1I\"ood.Senderltng of Ohio Slatf' Unt\·..r­ t-ity t'llrew 11.1l " lct>-breaklIlR " t(,A {IMe('

1 , ;41 Printing I" a K�ulson 1 5 I)(!'d kC!, " KODAK HEADQUARTERS I � i At, Federation Meeting 11>:::::::::::::::: :=:': ,.. oduced

t!J?{, v

I 726 Pac,f.c AveTlUI' t _---------.:--.:. .



BR. 4267

i Planned an

t' l'




Lnst Fndll�' ul!lht. AI>ril 1 6. thp Ot>1The Ullllf'd Statf's Na\'a\ Academy's ttho til Ph J\.apps hOllor�d the • "'. 1 be Ollnllllll.S lit a �Iumber pnrt,· In the IltU\Un I �'n l�r PIlKf'"III n . Ullf' carrif'd Oil\. III the thelllE' 01 <;:ommo(t'rls ' dormitory. TIlt' pl\ft\' .!lt�l"\�d with historic visit. 10 J� pAIl � f. scllveng 'r hUllt thrO ghout f . . �1 1'kland nlnc ' �jrrf'rrnt group.� of


'-'- 1




. ..



rom'elll lOIl Luther Lt"IIKul'_'s

;; ;:;;;TII·i� ;; ;;;;;;; ;; ;:;:;; ;; ;;;;;:;:;;;;;; ;;;;;;;:;:;; - ����=;:;-�=.=�� J

"11 '� '


P U :,

_ ......




" 1·� rnr1�












DornU'r� HO�l<o A ,)ril ] 6 Fur TIR. T.



dOll . then ' lnstructf'd WIl t SPeak Here l 111e girls ....{'re ' I. thf.'lr pajllmAs and a 50cllli hour \\"a.� . t DurIng Cnn( enjo)'t'd. erenre j'�'

I $ ��d:�g���� I h:a�� :�'; �:�;� T �� �;; r d ,O st . I Brookd� le . Lumber-Co. , I the loud ("ha Il er of I'oief's .�lI(l,. into A ., , Brookdale 00 Mounla", dimillu('ndo IIl'CI'lHl'd by fin ocCA.�lonl\l . � · H'gnway � I glggle. the ITI'ad ot fN.'1 bM;ome A I)AI. : It-r. Ilnd bf'fort) JOlll'. clllm lind trlln( ; .\ 1"1111111 IXlil -.J.;") �� uill rl'lgn('(f �ul>re�1H" j �... . .. .. . . .. r. __ _ .

.:. _ ._


Noted Church Men .




' . .

Inq ul rle� or



, J


Spectator Attends I : Slumb�r '-'"'t... partv. .}) bU7-l: Wl'e ot lin 'I a r ':r�:II��









'. I






. � c·

" I

. Cong lItulnlions New Otrlcen

ConJ{ratulalions �ew Offi('ers


Mother's Day Affair I Will Be Tomorrow On Campus Grounds

Election Results

..u • ",",:!I',

laid �!I�rda,..


x liar







D. R.

S, and be the d ltlo l


I II. d i e mtrpberll \l1'\1J y

'I.' tn !> f"cul1.): ue t ftt a. ' trn na Mother s Day for which the ll,tIl be, hOISts. Tht tt'ft \\'1Ii be

g s s �a . L. D. R:s 11l'ld tomorrow afternoon on.. tht' front lawn neR r the pool. If Ih. .....eflt·her




'hac,,_ th'

losill. They wI\] period In the








the Mantoux t�l SCf'� determine the prest-nee or Absence of FUtere'l:t tubercle ,bacilli In t e body.


' BE' Presented . on Closs . Night, June 5; <;881 In,eludes Eight Players·


and £<1...../1.«1

Hele-l Scotl

Mach e


Con!lunt'e Qlumb. �nlor ,('p� n-

With three IT!ft.JQr

h Pres�nl�.1 in ClIIII'" Da}'

up lht tit. filled by 111'1.3 d�kd Cook. !It('n:'-

�Gay' Caveleros'� Is IL� clIll'ndllr. Friday, April 30. ill m r d as thc st o Con vention Brings , House Party Theme ",nd'"" 'h' ,umot �hoo' �'eRr . Large Delegation I!.n n k !d c n, nt u ' and Fr da . MRY : n forcnoon t'port.� from t.hl" Luthl'r Lel\iUt' bound a f th R hl' w('('k l"nc\ of r m at a (' held here Ifl,$t .....('ek.end In-� st v l Which began at ·2:45. May hea :! " lslt 5 and lin-ita s h a"(' hll f t it s The alu!!,"1

of "" fo, tu"'�uegin t.helr work tlrst Thl" assocl/l.led �tudl"nt.� prl"se t�d 810logy IRbomto]1' and Interesting Mother's program I will retC I 1"'0 days later. c hapel thL� morning. for which t (/l.c. S Brleny. SimRtorlum.






Thl.'l co ing Mondft)". Mfty 10, Dr. John St.e-elc. president of' the Tubercu. LeBgue ()t T'JtcomR thl� Iftsl ye/l.r. SI.eda l Progra m Rnd Dr. McPhft!l. ()f t e Mountain Vlelll





Studcnill . .


Bo.rd o� Control 111'111



Scott and Machle Get Leading'Roles . In Senior Coinedy

of th S.... . Other ortl�n whiCh make

not permit; the aerR!r ..... 111 lake 1>II\('e In lhe r� reRtlon room. PrClilcllng m'cr tel!. wtll be

O�. Gn.nd�� form•. will head As-

of control for the

bftn . prominent In I('hool "analn dunn, hb 'wo years he�. holdIn, at pres. ".wnl- lhe ofQ!.IL of "phomo� 'daM pm/dent. ' lIe .1, a.... president of th� ch�r. 'and I!II an a!lllOClatco ....I� Th�

and Faculty Women




In\-italions Sent to Auxiliary


of s1;u.d"ilt flee-tIona

•1 dc�rtment IOphomo�.

' Intere�tirig Program '18 i'lanned Mother.'! of' the


doubt be reme


S 4� ·


d,," of



dorm I:lrl� allkt' will be me ri ent filII






be e

n } to pn

starred w


l Uo




the sun bro e

t� radlanUy In the an actual spring s('tllng for the convention 1111\' was In,' 1ed l been 15lion Dfiy fe i a Dny dlcl\te t delegate! or t 219 pTOgTllnl Includ ('d numbers by es iv ie Iluend�nce at th(' and �any are the were rl"glstercd at the conferellce. wlU"l orch('slrll . " Iolln �I�, Octa\'ltL' ,"ued "'as greate ny pre,'lcus May many ot ers \n att en ance. mdlnS t expt'ctt'd to aHerld. Tho I k io �� p ""\\Clt!l 'O:l�' Cal'Bleros· them.. fete held on the campus. .('�r:·�� olle argcst I't'presentaUo� d Jo�= ..p;:�';r t for WI' ....{'t'kl"nd. . progrRms The orchestra playcd the prOCt'scon· to attend a i r ct meeting, Odf'II. and Ht'll"n LilJa ; a Mo her· iell'S:· an- �ollnl to which QU('tn Vema Rnd her "entiJIl is cONlderl'd to be one of ttte .....\11 tarry out t i li n MRt' Hos:>: Bnd ro rt RS('Cnded to th'e platform most noullc('d M rie Wf'ube'rg, g I' ne r " I li � held the cout. soh".. Pau ine Watts rhalrwan. She Iswhich the tJuone ....·as plaeed. A Including national ronferenC(' ....hich by .



m k

10 all h the r thRn at A from tubercu�ls r g a n \ s m " the d h as !h(' serum. CAliI'd tubcrculln. IreBt� ....;tll I of the l ever ���("CI�" and dl'COmIh'e steam And t'nUN'ly hannles..�. Is The d st i s Day o s hs inje<-I.ed under lht' first layer of lhl" ",ading. Ida vocal a royal u 1I1SI)jrll�g v r s�in of tht' foreflnn. The prt'Sf'ncl" of on l a..sis slt'd Rulh 011 ,)t UberCU lar germ s results In " pooHlve a pr ofusion of colo rful no....ers . afford ed met in Septtle in 1927. OO....·nton and Norma Prt-us � reliction. a slight s"'elllng at tht' poin� L . t at· the for tin" Friday nlght's program.,lncludlng an a dlstlncllve spring se of Injection : the absence of thl" germs P. . C.'!'; Accreditation SWUng Saturday evening, the lIeS Initiatio n of all thc girls ....ho . have fair. . ·. ....eek the results In no reRct.lon, and Is called throughout continued �Ions I!'; �Iade PCrlnancnt never aHendcd the House Part�·. Is be · Leading the proceSSion .....ere t�'eh'e end to d�velop the co nv en Uon theme. IJe>gaUve. ""' I · o R uth re n r b n ar lf e lt e t h . r a r ar Dr. nnge �t.<I d has received formally � ])1� !: '�f:��lo;��. n�� df o: "o: ��t_��:� aC:d �;g�a :�s��::� :!'::. 1II�� ;:r:���aa �� ��::; ���. :: l�� �� '�ln�;�� F�I�UII�; � I d\.scusslons of NCltt In line came the queen's atumd- N. �. Yi" 1sake�, MinneaPOlis. were th� morning. O�!;n!o�R��n thg�vte:aCeI�I�a���:e�� �u�bjaetc\ltr4s f1ofY per.;onal either acth'e or nOn.acU,'l'. Active � h ls. t.....o girls rep�5entlng each class. k .s Interest w girls an cases requln!� Immediate and careful Cre "(II �tlOh as a Junlorp college ).nd t>,'\l bE' main spea er . . ho 1II0re gay-colored frocks. and carattention. Non-acth·t' CftStS Indicate three An outstanding event the ban· year normal school by the North. l led by Wadene C�lavlUl. Louise .....rled nosegays. The tlower Ilrls. Mary qut't on Saturday evenl�g which .dre� Uiftt the germs an! staled In calcified west Association of Secondary IUld Hendrickson. and Mnry M�hl('. with n. night, Chrl t.s e loria and n l Olsen The entertJ. m r"!t Saturday ' O 5te� over three hundred gues , Rev. O. L. �hl:h �: ���::= h�: i l: : �:�I: � Higher Schools Thls changes the H I a toasth u l "1"l sta[�S from the one year accrf'dltaLlon :::��;� : � :�! ��:n �: � ��:�e!;a;:=:�:! �r:.�n;,::'�:�. :::�' SeattJ�. pre�ldcd d dlUon of Ille body may free th'em and Connie Hansen and Oall !aylor. . The ·P. .L. C. ChoiT. girls' triO. and spread the diseASP. All pos.!Uve reac- �1\·;::sl��;�rOr. Fred E. Boltom. much In stflre for the oil girls .....1'11 by . . Stan F<ln:l. student prexy read Uie other local students contributed much Uons. how�'·er. require an �r Rnd chalnnlUl of the Commls.slon AC- as Ille ne....comers scroll proclalmlnl the May ' day. and of the music for th'e meetings. . Proca�ful bodily attention. ::redltlng Higher Institutions of Learnimmediately attcWards the quten was was r�-elec� choral H Is a point ....'orth)' of note that the log. said . "I congratulate you upon Graduates Will Cruise . fessor Ed....ards CfOlI'Ded by l4n. Loulst Taylor, super· union director (or next. year's conven· Mantoux test detects the presence of th� ....1'. 11 desenrcd reoocrutlon. 1 trust Yacht ',Gallant On Lady' tntend�nt of Pierce c;;ounty Schools. l will bf! h�ld at Ballard tubercular organisms at least t ....·o years on which t that It may be- of advantaae to you the I I S f . :�We;!at:� Plrst Lutheran In seattle. May 25: . the �nior claM will CI:� �= tn��!ta On ;� :! � ::: . : az; � �r;:!��� ��:::�:: ::. ::a: r r a �� :;:e: dS ::auo� ll are strongly �����.: �ucatlon In t�e PacUlc � I��U:':I! y::� =�� ��a:d=:C���=::'� '�Coe-d I '� :�� \'�': � d Selec Club" �� : It t s . a The dedslon made" alone with �:;:: �.::�:: �eKa= :�tn::.� �:ta�� M�� d:� As Name of �harm Group changes In accreditation or other "o�llant Lady:. has been chOien and and ' tumbllna act. German Club Picnic At their last meetlns the gi.rls of the a Planned for Tuesday Northwest �hools at the annual meet: It Is beinl plt.llDed to have a &lX-bour A �onal concluded thl5 flJ;St Pl"rsonalHy Club p.'.S&ed upon a declI�!t.:. April 7. of the North....� . t followed immediately slon to change the name of the ...ortan- . the Bound. Th� main part �vent. which· er Bchooll of the entertainment wtJl �presented by the rround-brer.ltlna cereJl.1ony for lzatlon to <:oed Chlb.' U the weather permits, the aehnan Ion. of �ndary a'�d Hlgh pokane. Dr. �:lselltad 11''' Club picnic wtll' be h'eld .on Tuesda)' at held In S A novel program l5 belng planned for aboard .the yacht. after which the dua the new llbrary-eluaroom building. 11'111 have a bonfire and supetV1aed noon at the fountain of youth. A present at this confertn�., At thl5 'ceremonial Prolr&nl . Dr. the next meeUns. TWo girls trom hlgh w hich potJ�clt l,unch will be featured. . hu 'IlnJelitad Introduced the speakers schools In su"rroundlng cities and toWIllI Sames on an \.sland beach. , Those who do not have fourth period . be sent 1nvltatlons to attend the Saga Subscr:iptions no" been definitely seleCt.ed. and Rev: A. �bel. expressed a. wel- ....ilI wtJl be an . alumoon . ela.sae:s have bein a.skbd to be at Ule Harold JoHnson announoed yeaterin behalf of the school. Rev. meeLlng ....hl!=h wUl picn1c grounds early In order to pre- day that 190 s8ia su�� have S� H. 1.. Poss pve the openl..!:l;g prayer tea. The hlSh schools who pare the lunch. been sold io date. This me&nl that Dr. nnrelstad wUJ be: the ruest a!ler which the actual (round break- be' asked to send slrls are : Olympia. Sylvia MIller. OoJdene O&IUtz. Ir- 5a:P &&lesmen mwt ret ISO more aub- speaker at the twenty-ttfth .&nn1ver- tni toolt place with Dr. T. F. Gulllx- Stadium. Lincoln. Puyallup. Roy. PUe. Owens. Jimmie Dammel, M.araaret scrIpt1�ns before the end at next·weet. ,sa", of the Ballard Ladl�' Gu11d The .on repraenUnr U1e church. Governor Sumner. Auburn. Yelm. 8)'lvti waYD , Larsen eompr1le the eommittee In the deadHne fOr· payn:lent&. Sap so- Oulld Invites the pubUc to a program Clarence D. l4aU1D. t.he stau. and Mr. Elva Bergman. and Vivia"n Lunde '. cb.arie. Tbe dub invites anyone in- Ilctt0c5 expect to ba�c the cooperatJ� and sodal hour on Friday. �)' 7. at. E. B. K1ni, the community. The out- in charge of the Invit&tldns. Refresh·ments will be served. � to attend. of � students. el(ht p. (ConUnul'd on pase 41 . ' 0








Ala9Cla- 1cru.Lse



















"fdA.y 6, 1937

ner .Prexy's' Cor May- 6. 19:17 (est-vial. the ground-breakMay The �bllshed el'ery two'weeks during the School year way, and . the t�. and the life: .no loll' cerel;uonles. lu�d we 0·\ s t r i c t ontl by the students �r' Paclnc -Lutheran Col1et�. _ ::�.� .cometh- Unl.o� �C Father. butt by Young Pl!Opie'!\. Luther ',Lt1lrue '?On b, Te]ephone: OArlnd 0577 Office: Room 115 or O1eMI�' . ( . vention brouaht throngs_ Foets · Subscription PrIce;--sI,OQ per Year SNACK ., . John 14'0. , pedple . to th� P. 1.. C. campus thl' .'. KEN�Y EnU!red .second clnM matter', October 2, 1925, at Chri:n call; out to .us-Turn to Him week-end Just pMt. We gnltdully-ac­ SW»:DE lhe Post Olfiee Parkland, Wa.shlnsto� . . for, a lire In Clod. R�all): lh'e- by h�- cept . thls/fact as ev idence of groWing under the Act of March 3, 1879, Ipg Chrlllt's cRl1.J.lmd ,Shun sin. Ttnle Int l and deeJ)l'::nlng loyalty. Thr BULLE-ETIX:is 'tlcklng on. � .tia\',e only one meson suggest5, It.seU: How may \I..f. It·s· getting around the tiple of Yf!&.r when we sit in 58ie,.. th� Same as ""as sung questi to inte�t- and loyalty? ' test ourI own clll...� and look out the windows and watch the. gtris 2.000 �earsg1\'�, ago on Christmas Eye. 'nIe W he' followtniJ:, taken out of the tual cunent thrash around In their . sh"6RS;--gu:te at HAUOE'S con· message wM sanctified. ' by ,·the cro.;s acould story of �Paclflc Lu. Member . Christ s ....n College: hi IOJ7 10,& tencl'ed cow. and ask OUT nabor what time It Is, about which the sto�y throljgh, �ibly be"- true and ufferlng .... hlch fulfills �e story. The the J:\ssocded CoIIeI5de PreSS, every three changeS'of position , . . by changes of posJ.: call falr'test? Is to II\'e with yhrl:n. �nd ·In Htm, Do you love Jesus Christ? Attepl lion mean ., . well� . , , to"'''e rOu ever ptcke<t 'out a EDITORIAL STAFF aIlY live In C e h ep I O EDITOR Hazel Hagerup :=��UI�':�U· :��� :;: l�� ; � , �; � v �'�' :::e:� � ,�:s��� =n:l;f : =_�::���� a � ASSOCIATE EOrroR Norma Pteus r ' SPORTS WRITERS - R;,land WUest, Norman Frye, on the book . . : th.en a'slun(p sprawl with .the shin A;. , inteel'Stini seSSIP� presente4 by �u�: !� y!�r �� �ls'rA� ;:�' Fait'll Martin. �Ix proftss.!?nal l>eople representln� iIl�d P. L c. Is a Chr1s�an Ins�ltutiOll? the book, ' In the right palm and le�t fingers thumblng FEATURES - Marian Jotuuon. IJnka oe· B�rTY thl'n a stoppM o�'er poIIIltlon -.wlt.h Lhe elbows on the the�! chosen work \\'IlS p�sented SM- 2. Do you value fP, r.. p. � a comSPECIAL WRO'ERS - Jack Odey. Walter 8ehnack­ ' �Omlng. munlly aMet? As an aSset' to the 5ta�? , 'knees. arid so . ' .. and back. and \forth and around �:c'a}Law. enbeT;. Kenneth Anenson. Marvln ' Jensen. Tollefson " Does'your loyalty to P. L.-C. make you' nnd- around . . . Yes: sum:mer ls rea)ly here ,and the I� Is Just Mr.-3Ji!.or REPORTERS - Eh'a Ikrgman, Id a Merz. Lavaun anas oJle tor mpqrtant I · s a more ]Oy'lll to the best I�res� of � campUs b cJeantd an� for once ev��e seemed'- to Mccall, Lle-,;'ella DavIes. Ida Mae Hoss. E1lznbeth a C ta r 0 work pretty J;lard get the �un� In Sha�: and it-. Is :�: 0; ch:u:n ��; � 1:�:. �� '0"; ��t���n�yn�;�b:� .��t�� :.? i'. � Stuen. VJrglnla Davis. Wadene Cala\·an. � copy READER Aida Johnson really fun to do a-qc>oO job, .'hy can't th� place look. or many crlmlnnl cases. The Chr\Jitian DheloPljJlent ASSocla.t1op. .....hOSe S!mplc .Corrlne Malm.Jn. Irene Odell TYPISTS chllfor examp� the .set must do ar al�elUit leaguer NOTICE:-' WE . . . week? than more fo� this e � Ii left!lt At " Is slogan , Mrs. Ruth f'Tanck EDITORIAL" ADVISER ' e In this that B� HALL nlmost begged the boys to throw her. dren .....ho come trom un·chrlst!an once a yellr" ? Do you ' bellc�\' ;! S S form or popular support of grow· the creek. she. thought'lt was iun, and aId they get 110mes In ..:.� USINESS MA:.:s�:� � ��': £Jiubeth P"r1is picture of her . . . That ED TlNOELSTAO felt espec- c:;�:e::�ne �idM��rs��e o�o:.- �· In:. !�]��t�::e you ddne for th� en-' ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANA ER - Lester Holte O tally romll.nti£ during the day. saying that he thought One of thea bl es&lng3 �of the medical dowment fund of P. L... C. ? Do you ADVERTISING �tANAOERs - �uth Downton: t� Uttle .sent between thll trees down below the hill profession Is that' we come n i to can· sen.�e the n� or" this factor of sta· Vivian Smith. was fine thing. Ilnd when cajoled about Il. he r�'plIed. tllCt\ \\'lth 'young people at the ' .tlme bUity In the College finances? ��6����� �:����R �KA_th �� �:d��; . 5. Do you speak a good word for N I " You "'ere young once yourself ' That IDA MAE HOSS when they Ilre most receptl\"e. Do Thelma Ness Miss Thelma Kraoble P. L. C. when opportunity offers? Are 1)lck.5 A mean ""et'<! . . . �T JASPER JOHNSON is 3. Teaching: In EXCHA'NGE EDITOR s Mabel Heggem ac ca e f also "'jcked cut· B til) ILL CAPPS. dldn't . Thllt ;:; ���:�!� ���: : �I �� : � Il:p� ��� ):���:; a ��!: /:��;. g? BUSfNESS ADVISER . Mr, O. J. Stuen e r g f a thInk he got paid ('nu f for drl\'!ng his car around . llmislm, patle·nce. lo\"e for children. 6. Are you a " Paclflc Lutheran Her· That thrre .seems to be no ryeed to work on our tennis Ilnd young people. honesty, and up. aid" subscriber? Are you willing to help THE PROBLEM OF PEACE ? The proldl'1ll of IIltlinlninillJ.( IX-un'. o"trlah­ collrts since they are in such perfect cOndition thr year rightness. The teacher need not bear m�lnt.a(n the wider contact..�Mast"· sub IJt'ccllniug Illort' aiHI ilion' profclurlli. is, 10 SHY' around . . Thl1.t KEIT� CKNIGK�S)· R)!:ID got to all the burdens ot teaching alone- 7. fore you':Moorlng Ather stu­· suPPOr!:., Do .scriber? not do I virtue. Christian a is litt, It>usl, \"I'l"y diffic·ult. P(,Ol'(' sol'idic's prio'r A frIll more:of the student.� thereby \\'Ideiling hlz patience i:lcm a�tlvlties� Do you like to keep Chrlsa be cannet teacher how know 10 thl' \\'orld \\"al' found thnl lIul: IIII'\' af(' . . . tha�a}'be In the futu�e we will be able to n tt'"llcher. Children know close to the school? it ugaill ImtllY, FUI" th(' lHilk of circle retiiSt'm'I'rillg down and tunr 1111 the airport.. the Caml)tL' Is grow. tlnn and be their teachers Ilre' :;Incere or 8. Do you have a part the Li� lire world's popululiuJl is bt·l'Olllill).( illt·rf':lsing· go ihg now. you kilO':) .. . That FRANCK'� I)tetty �weater whether not. Perhlll)S" a t{,Hcher tellch{'s more brRry eaI'llpa;gn? In the effort for a iI ' I I Ii I I :;;:t;�� �::::;I �:: ��d i�\ I��l: ::: n�: �'':�'II t;c'.� ::i��I r�:�::� "'ould be dUCkYI'�'h!lt a word! I "'Ith ia tux' . . . That by the AIUtude.� and actions by do�mltory for girls? In any other con­ arhitratiun are' hul UNDERDAHL hmed -1Uld MCCALL sighed because they the actual sllbjects she is t{'achlng. We strueU\"e effort for P. L. C.? s ment HlIII in!('rnalional ntl('llti('c/ 10. lillie tellch religion In the public 9. Do YOIl pay your 6Chool bill didn't gl't In th�\�oup . EdwRTd:; jllst had his cannot . "ow('\"l'r, promptly as possible? Do· you loan but-we can live It I'('m'(' pl;ograllIs l"\'h'hnlh'd April sh rpe nrd. and no":-:'lookJ'lt it . . the nice �ft dirt schools. the collegl,l-mOnell In ' emergenclell;? Do :l:l. lasl. Ill<' :1l1lh 1II1Iliwrsary o r Ih(' (�rc'ai \\ ' ar, Pre Aching : Rev. Vlnge J.l:1I\"e us SCHllc' hopt' IhHI Anl{'ril-an studt'nls around here· couldn-l hll\'e donI' Rnyth\ng to it . . That Pal'OlOrs deal with t.he wllole of'mllll. you help the SChool's credit? arl' "nil IIwir tOl'S" rt.'s IK'l·tinl-l lilt' prol,Il'IllS of STEINORfMR OCTAVIUS THORLAKKSON (29 letters,' I\nd must show the reality of Ood. Last but not least. do you prl\y war and pl'l.ll'e: �nliHlml 111111 init'l"llaliflnal Ministers need the prayers of people for P. L. O.? P(,II('I'. clmllt'IIg"l's l'('slHlnding IhrcHt,!o(h seillilil-! Friends are actually ' doing these crltlclsms. of lsteact I I \\'111" douds lH1\"1' slruck a chl1l"d thai sings likt, things for P. L. C. Thill means. for us, The oonehl.�lon of t he nI'l discus· lil(' " usic of Ihe Sph(,res. � was led by Dr. N. M. Yh·lsaker. [or you. How dg actually show our l!lell. . It TIl(' p\'I1("e nllilllfl(' of COIlt'onlia Colh'gt,. falS(' . idea thnt it does not gr::l\ltude? :\IO Ilr-Ill'ad, :\Iillllt'sllla, is jl('l"iHIPS 1 1(,wht'I"I' hl'l­ whllt one bell�H�s. All religions O. .\. TlNOELSTAD. Ie-I" l'xpn'sst'd thall iii this c'x("I'I'pl from nit, kit ciISnppoirH{'{r bcCnll.�{, h(' didn't get to .1011 the mlilter S(! I rch for God. this wo r d I :HlU'III'dilll1 IIf :\p,-il iii: "\Yc' ,\.l IlI't'it·alls Ita It' c-rrl'k . . JAY SMITH andl WALT JOHNSON exprr· of Christil\l1i1t) for r us e ' h IS God's s a c let out a ·yelp. The MAst Mooring WllI' . . . \,'C' "t" ic','!' Ihut 111(' public as w{'11 as l( 'nCl'd Ihr rigc.r of th(' \'igi)nntes with thf' benrfit of n hd It sorely needed help. Iinlimllli groups should mililul£' a.�ail1sl \\"lIt·. Cacultr Rpproval 'anywAY. there was 110 dis..�entlonl . re�;�l� �im:��. -o�: B«all!;t' Cll: ��:� : �:Ch: to make It run dough somr needs It of a-�bllllch behind hldif\g" mUllS tWO thos!' e n Imagi TIlt'n' is 110 llt'll!'I' \\'a\' iiI oUtlllw war Ihan til THEOD9RE NElSSON 1 �:lli :�er��� I�I�: :dal��lr�t�a�I�::�t \��� And mak hig 1Il0ney Isn·t fUll. 1111�ld puhli't" clpinillil 'ill tlral dir('dillll .' TIH' boords th{' rou:-th (loor l · t rl 1 ' 11 I a n A '· religious. It'S all because at P. L.·C. �;I\ (t l:1:l:�:� II�:, : / �,�:.::.� �I\�:��tl'�!! 1\���'i �l/I'.:. n;�� �;:� {:n�'���:tt��n� :I�. t��ltL����tiO� ;r:\"��:: �; 1�reo; I bI' or: T. F. Culllxson tla\'e fin address. The studentls Ar!'n't what they' shOuld ' piling it on . . . WI' were 'g"l:!d to. llotic{' that one of the splt'lUlid 1lIIti .\val· St'lllinlell!. Sat· bllnquet the at e l , tile of oUlllnl;' lhr apprecllllcd Day Mq,y on � spl'aker. ;�ny." �� �\'! s , ::� � ; :\Il Idl tilt' SlIlll(, opinion was c'x l"'('sst'd ill tIll' II Th�; seldom pntronlze the placi' Ib I n l l i I l ' ic f O eanllot find Ood in sclrnUfic That gil'es us ads to flU Up space. e l � : :: � :�; �N � . � ��;�s.�: t:�:n�:\\; ;t' !bo ! ��� � � l t o re h n ;(���:::t ;::lr� i·)�.�,\I:l ;;:�I;�lf (� I�c� :�',u<��, a�:I;,,�Lf�,�I\: . Oh w('lI. Ilrver do tetta)" what }'Oll can put I :��;��l:��d I:: t�;tc��I':':::�,�� ��I� Now hEre's the �'med;' I w�uld give whidl WPI"I' slIppc ... c'cl lu - follow (Ill(' \Yorlel O o o \\'at': ('cl.) ·! I nstead of nurlilllH'd 1'1'11('" , aimosl D His To leL our dear old paper live. ��r� , see Ood. God �tands re\"ealed in !l.C �;�I�i�t t�a� �� :� ��e ��; ;:r:o�" Eandv��:( Ii i l I I i i I I' i C' s tell them we're Crom P. L. C. Son. Jesu;: Who L nhe wily of appro h ,Let' IREN DAHL h getting :;� t��;I;jll\,� I ;::lCtl::l j;li��� ���ii j�(�::'\ :P I�7,,:: �c l\� \� both conflrmrd bachl'lorll to nod and the anI}' wily whereby ·we Ami fill our pllper ful), you 5e'C nervous. that she can't even unlock the bulletin clln wur. whidl if il ,'OIlU'S w,1l tIC' worst. thull the . em this In presence. His in stand Ep ope board nfter all that prActice. boy.' she IS nen:oU5 lasl (Ult' wus," of religion we shoul.d remember on.lY Of ads, we take III \'cry few WIS H�S .-\NO LOTS OF HAPPI.NESSf !!! In 1I1l' Ihn't' spt'I't'IH'S gi\"(,11 011 ,\pril 22 by BEST Jes of name the pray who tho h� � \l! se � ND " , I :� U P!!:. �S 1 I FF one that Is' new. get seldom And sluflt'nls Irt'n' al P. I.. C. thC'se saJit'nl high. k F athrr. But It's a fact thll.t what we need m "'(�' ' reach the l " ."'"' m m...o ' IlI)II's W('I'(' SII'I'sS('cI l'arli.-ula.-ly slrollg: firs!. III ""' .."�" h)f u " " Classl iBlble Towe our steed. for Advertising Is BOUQUET:-To a gotta JUSt we but !;Om�thlng, lilt, war+('ull1plt'x utili il�i. dung"t'rs: st'('I Int!, Iht, re is not such a thing as an In- 1 i>" 1t'lTillh' ;11\(1 disptJl'porliurltllt· l'osl fir war; REUBEN i ln private life. Rudy Elmerl for being an " l1le = = = = = e f be l o s n h h gr : l I I Il I : :::: lil Wt =::: i :::: =,. t . }, �� ��;�� c�J:: :���l �!I1��� =:=: JE.WELRY HANSON'S �t�::; �; i��I V_\II�I];I: I )a�!i,\��,k ;;�'e���� �;\"l, r\�; ��'�lr ��!r f:�e��h: �l:e �:�s �:r·;�� a�; ��:r the e���� of Himself:' Distinctive lunger fight lugaillsl Ihe iden of worl d at landscape doing junk for us . . . !;Ob-sob It we don't xDprr.essNion lvlsaker-" Christ W M. The TacOl"Nl St. 11th . So 7 5 2 Y , . him. e 0\' , n. the big ape . . wur: WI' resign otll"S('I\'('s to lOul prepllre fur it quit I t will be telUn' him we 1 th:' SWlda}, morning in reet'lll YC<lrs patriotism has only 100 uf- For lessoru on emoting you should watch. so�me "of these Tru" There' WATCH R.EP.A IRINe whQ people. mAIlY too Ilre goodnight Ev say JESSE" here . n around . guys '. It' ll Iwcn pt'n'erl<'d Iu u llllrruw and soul dt Reasonable Prices � }lveS on a · OWENS · breaks dow.n with a 'passlonate, 'TIl you Ilr,c trying to build thel� slroying IllitiollljlislII." :: :::: :: :::: :: :::: :: :::: :: :: ;o :: :::: question mark. They never have had Il "lJl �:::::::: :: :::: :: :::: :: :::: 111 '''hy shuuld the wurld WIISh' its 1 1l 01U'\'. . tomorrow" , The Da.lly Ledger now come.� out with any .anythlng, There Ilbout convlcllons You are most likely Illt'll, <llul ' lime lleslruying its \"('-ry IH'illll'! At,- thts.--quQte, "BOB MOE. star basketball player of Pat 1 w r o th a o e lt l , to 'find it at li .u��. !)eY:u:�::t :;'� 7�m ���.n= �:::�� �f !::Il���ill,�� l /k� '��;�.�:&iJ.oo(L �'�d :r��e � �� � .� :!tl�::t;��:� : ����� ����, :y:m whither you are going, how "sixty-fin' l�iIIioll I cn-e{l ual to the totai who's lln'e that Is) Par be It from us to say- anything and come. RHODES why. Jesus Is �e only one who population of (i('rmany tlml :\"".orwuy-b()rc who tell, MACHLE mIght tum out to be a OABLE or has answered 8A.crnu:RS ' ,TACOMA the question which has m-Ills in thl.' fUlir yNlr struggll· .. TIli� is tht" a BAXT,ER or something . , . PIN POINT PRUDENCE. iii , and , IlUllll' o( democrac\'! -MARoARET THOMPSoN-Bats In the screwball etc.. bothered the teacher. preacher.� , ' " ll! philOSOpher: !il )Iiss Beolriee Sitl ders , (hiI'd speaker on the . . . and, by the way, something .ought to be done about T. F. Oulllxson-·'Chris . 'OUf' -" Printers - S ta tioners ... . afternoon prog-ronr: \'e(�' aptly l'xprc�d her \'iews". on the rest pI that trio TIMMY sends us note com- Dr. Sunday t Life," . the put p th to elong lime ult c i f if d a h!)w (0 suh'c o,ur anlag-ol)istic proJ)I(,nls: Quote: lalnlne, at he bas We should look away from ourselves 'p I 0 • E E "ted gangler intO action In. the morning, a.nd wonders. "The -onl" wa\' to do 'aW8\' wilh war and 10 R to Jesus to lind Christ In me hlilintuin �peuce is 10 cducni� (h(' yo.ung people w�t .be' should do.: . . well, we'd SUIgest that you �t a': and look with me. The most awful thing MAin 2 1 22 ' 1 2th &- A StS. i9 and bll, cold, bu�ktt or water for BISS£L" . Tha.l's the best ,_' uf IlK.I_UY, III �)o(h the true - Side of w�'r and t he . In!e Side ()f )>e8t.'C , . '. e,'ery mal �. wonl�_lI:_n..d.. ,�wtJtor do It, . ,Otherwise we have to waltor-go hungr.y . � a..��y· "'...ul·"'_� �r" �" w· hole dllid today mllst bc taught (0 Hunk sanely : '. . " Someone said that OORIX>N BARNES loo� like a -y r wh � 1 'n"'" . h"..v n . wor is out (If- date-it sol\"l;'s nothing-; pco<"'e is member or the facultY". . , (compllment) well, goodby yet " The Challenge" -Or, T. F. Oulllxson, Sunday afternoon for you to·t1!meJf:lber. , .. and he�'a a ioad blt.of . the only possible eondusioq." . Perhaps (he most fitting conclu�ion we , !he. fellow wbo's eaalst to do,_ with, is' the ' One can·t control the environment, ' fellow wbo nenr intends to pay , . maybe we'shouldn't but he can have fa.lth. Today tbe' l'an Jeo\'e with our readers is Ihis' beautiful have said that; now 'tI}ey11 be &l�r for 'that two-bits cbureh has made Chrlauanliy too easy, the Mount: · ()uotatioll (rom the ,Sermon . . '. Everything seems to be · under control agaln, we Sacrtnce life, hidden life. and IpwJy "Blc�sed tire the peacemakers. for the\" shall l.�;-r · , . ' &n01'1 . ; :- . . life was Christ·s example, �t' t.'!l�� S!llls' of G()(j," PAGE TWO


Ch.a·p· eJ Gleaninds -!b " �nd Jt:'I� �nto hiI!'. I the


m'i1e .ooring �ast









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.. . ' . . PACIFIC L�· COLLE.GE. p�, WA8HD(()'l'()t(


F O R T E�A C H E R 'S 0 N L Y

Baseball Season . �ts U!!der W;it . For WAA. Teams

M�\, 6,




' Tour�ament Golf . .. . ' L�s Match With . � . AP��·;���. ;;;�d� I��h ��.�� U.\.Frosh Tuesday . ' high. school baskeUnoU learn, and Dr. ' . ' .golfers· : --. . taln td. presented the hllh . acl1�1 o'Illdlator wereJ enter


. ,Bo' M��nl


t�t1�rl<. :

' "il!h School Pluyen. ' Gel "00 ,.

run pla)lng (\roquel ln I nod thelt n a Ell'P, ::r: be.:� no�':�s : ���I�. This modtned tirade b) II.Btl} prlsed 00.... euy It is to be the lite o} -.. Under the management of El4le Bar· Yiho I"Oftmed the campus of P L C lar . ul le t P L e) I ,by the Unh',er&lty Froeh muhle swing. team with their letters for the .8l?len. rett the girls Inter-claM bll.'\eball last lear Just 11kI' }OU doing now .... ay Ollel afoncer aIntending PalOO5C!<l a.n d OU In f}eatqe Tuesday when- th to-I did cooperation and 'work : .they had but one lear remo\e<I from be- !\Hou ha\ e heard the pmes stal:t'd this .... �k With lh� h�lp HLng� Isbawled � ple-- laugh en �. "Ole following boys t"ftelved le�smoking In the lII.hen I Imlt.ated Coach pe giving cal' Idff to·tt\e Hwkl�stobytiea 13-3 t;OOre. don . foral�d Olson 01 MM!. AdM Dapper. physlcai" educa- Mooring MRstoutoHl� ' leM!. Orv. Schlanbusch. Bill .RAmated. for !lot leanl7!, a with sliot Johnhmann e L. hls team a pep talk' lion Instructor. she ha�. plcked the [0\"'- Ing his lines for Drama Night. He " That thin reller'' sure mu�t be , a SOn of the U. of W. for rnedallst Bob. Svare:Qlg Bv�re, Jaek. Wall. Lawlowing ·teams: Third y�lIr normal- Used to lam!!nt the poor 5ervlce at ':he #(iO;n... they said I I dldn.t a�e): h�mors, Seore�' nuf M .follows.: rence Oal1".les. FelTest JohnllOn. and .Paul Xavle".. nlanarer, Judy Benson . Mabel �ent!m. El!5le post ,pffl�. a�e �Ith Mr. Hong on ne or two of you 110'111' get bedde<l P. L. C. . WUh Frolh "'Barrett.. Wadene Cala""n. LouLse Wi!- the · grade .questlon and ,:"It!l Mr. InOone of th06e towns ,/here every- Lehmann .. . . . 1'" the eC()ll�mlc sliua t!on. tlilng Ls' slowed 'down that there Is McCormick. II' .. Johnson Hams. Louise Hendrlckson. TheJJ;a Ba';don Black ll about He fell fe lo\' e and on the campus � limit for stm}· dogs. � only Btuen 'l., �.. '." �d)� . Ness Helen Holtcamp Irene Odell' PARKLAND 'ARI�R SHOP o t r m 0 Rfchlltdson night life � the cau that roam abo�t Thomp80n Olga' Hugo; sUb.' K«i�ryn Anderson ; �I: . �! :�d�;:� �: :�Oo� :lII:.! the streetA. I know of one lowq lII' h ere LarllOn . . 0 KelT ' Second )'e1Ir nor·mal - Esther Nor- associates and defended It to strangent the <Y�ung men lafter the Itbntry C. P. KNUDTSON. P,op. Par�tand, :v-'ash. pard. Beatrice Bidders. Connie He Is Il common. ordlnary f:"ow \\Iho 'c1oseSI take . their (fates do.....n· to. the 12 l� In t�e winter and freckl� pop-corn'"9.'agon _1u:r.t to hea r t.he ..· 111.5Clumb, Eh·a �rpnan. Rub.)'.. MOOl'8. Inget-'!thecosum�er. . . LlUIt week 011 CllIllpUS dill', Tuesday . i Melba F'enne),. Vh'lan Bune!I.'J; sub. Wh!ch aU all gives me 'ery·little tie toot. At first you w.lll f nd the In- the U lh'ersity of' BrUl,\h Cqlumbla �, . ,.." .." ",.,,,,,,,..,, .,,, \ l Margaret Melver: Freshman llormalunbearable. bUl In t ime you , write thls. But the Normlll activity here to . pill)· the P. L. C. Aagot· Gerde. Vh'lan LU�de. LleweUa licensege so learn to manufacture )'0111" own sport, golre�re team. the vlsltors losing 11-'. lce at this time muc ad \' [)ftvles, Ruth Watne),. BIOMOm WelI- gnldthe t-'!rear fromh e\'el")' lIOu«e under As Il !!Crt of suggestion, at the dlilller n this Lehfiillnn g a I n I 1 llS and claimed � ('ott. Jean GOrdon, Nellle.Jelln Miner of lng In the e\'ep I lO t table the hOllors shoot�ng 65. AI­ sun. why not read somethl,Qg from lotJ)of ·fun out iJf pouriug .catsup on Vera. Ta)"ior. Bett): HIlII. Margare� the . Harborlng 11;11 .thls �unsel my steak and pretending' that I IlI\1 len of the vlsltlng 1Kjulld shol WELCOME STUDENTS ThompSon. ,ub. EIIIl Adllms. Lor- aIs novice? JU:'lI. like il,av!llg full of flooding the PuYllllup VAlley. . once In Co�plete scores: raine Thom'piwn; 1.". A .-High &ho::.l- bobby El"...."......"......" pins or �1U0! blades. , Il while I matte belle"e that I� Ilm a Marian Dlmekas. Rwlle Jensen. Ber- You Normal C, P. L. Co! U. B. grads hll.\·e m4ch to lOOk pe�r IlIld gro.....1 wben l .chew. I find Lehmllnn . 3 Wllrd Allen nice Thomposn. Belltrlce Leland. Vlv- . to. Like a .....or":! t cra\\'ls thllt whel) we ha\,e hl\Sh my ImI\jJIIlR· MCCOntilck . . , 3 .Flnla.ysqn 0 . lall HaU: Virginia Dll.\'ls. ElItl\beth ror....�oar� Rn Ilpple and rtll�' I���ole or tlOIl Stuen. Barbarjl. Krll'lller, Ruth Ellrvth. up gOO'i berserk. 3 Linch Btuen· ... ced by others es Infested with �ol Enuna Thralle; sub, EvelYIl Nicholson . . of like Ilk. you . Willpn>d\.l. I I plllce like that you get tegulRr Thompson '", Beech MEANS RADIOS IlltO )'our slt'ep I and become dLsI!:\1stlng1y heal{llY. The games are 5Cheduled for the place of employment. 'crawl "W. S.II HI,plft"''' I'� �cke You become Il '. follolll'lng days at 3 : 30: lCont!llued on page 5436 So. Way . l e e l f m Ma)' 3-Fresh \·s. 1.. A-H. S. . ��:��l: �:t ���e �� t: llt���:-�.�� ----------' n: S (0 � . . :\tay 19-L. A_-H. S. Third yt. I IlI1! automatlcall) m e t a m o r p h o-<>ed girls' tt'nlllS :.ournamellls \I'hleh Ilre JETLAND Cr 'PALACRUTi Free Delivery . ' 9 1 2 P.acific Ave. lrt'n way r lpldly With uflder . � the chairmllll of a celan·.up com. :d l !letting r;;::;;;:;;:;;;;:;;:;=; from .. - - . gen('ral manager. about thlr· ------ ..----house pllrty O t' i girls mlllee for the D. . . ""'t . .... . .... .... . .... .... . "'" . .... an" taking part. Both l ad· � .. ...... ,,,.,, ,, ,, .. � ..""....� I �.....u.. into a \'err much I1!l'pettf'fkgtl:r.en of dty-lw9and DAHL CROCERY CO. bracket tounla,ment.s Rte c\l.)· or rr JohOllson Hollow or \I'hiche\'er Member UntIed PUf1ty Stores girl a earn To points her scheduled � ill \lhistle_stop lOU happen t . . . 1935' FLOW ERS for Ilia} at least t\\O matches In the LAST YEAR GAr 3818 R.S FOlt�IOlnd Nellrl} e\ er} one sunhes t�Ls transl. must I t ladder and the required ones In the "Mothers' Day \lOll It isn-t hllrd to ulldt'IlOtlld. a(ter btllrket �:::':; :::ni : �� l:n, � S :;�� The first T'OI.Uld \1111 be finl-. ...l S('('lIlg hO\l Nelli York mlln l�\ed Il$tet . betS elKI"c currenl including 6 and the -- -- t'd 1.1\ Thun;da} Ma} s\\al10\lolng the colltrnlS of nn IOOme- 'l\-I�1hnller , 80 5lr�els lignls ill Ine low OlVer· ....111 bE.' Imo....n b} TuesdR} Broadway Shoe Repair · bottle lOU e sland uildcr �ho.... er MfI� 18 �hr follo",lug girls .... 111 (am· age price of ftOlcliO<\ over I III Old \ er cen ls �r KWH Sh_ d,ed to Mltc:h IfI, color Hayden-Watson ,I d suddenl}' tunl. on t.h e cold water ? pete: B. Bidders . bye; J. Oordon \'S Thats closel} 1 can describe Ihe D Lt>lruld L Wi lUrullS \� H I Stark 1 1 05 BROADWAY TH E PAR KLAN D Odell first mO'llh o[ teaching It Is Just D Westcott s �s RE Bro\\!l Florists Across from F.shers LIC HT & WATER CO. . NorgRard M sh"er IlHer Il!lother All the InfOflllll. bH'1 e son DIHl \ 5 @) '''.'''''''''''. .. "." .. '''''''''''''''''''.".".".." . . . " ... � " " " '" " ••" " ,." tlon �ou colll.'Cted In Room I JJ nnd II I �,o 'Fr l e \ s \� TJa)�;orIner\ EE BBlake ;E." ,, ' arrett .'""=""''''''EE2E''''-'''' C lIl \ � ' EE""" """,, '' '''' ' EE''''� '' ''''EEEE'''''''' "' i _�-=__===-' the Klclullg Poot cant be used lor , e e -\ . -m--n� -; � � ;'; · � · � � · n ; � :;: � ; ; l � MI LL E E j �:=r:�W�ld �:;:��g:rlt:"r�I���ll��� R��: � ��I{��;C;;�ll)R ��nt �:la \�nOJ �;:" � "COLDEN ROD BUTTER" gL\C 'au a good approac h but \011 n �).LI�II�n \�J VB;:�� b�e T� ��:� :: !II �!�tA"" h:\\c I to Il'arll b, \ o\lr�lr ho\lo nail} WHOLESALE FOOD DISTRIBUTORS t \ f m SIl�O\:h;l';U;.�ur first thrLIl ..... hrll the � E O � . ;; I �� "' ; ;; �� �'� ��\� �� �� S':"' : d� "���,�� B '� . ��;�·� "��.; n ;�1! .�.::::2.5.'. .���:�:::.V.- :.:: -:;t"�<;'Tg:C'��CO(; .. check IS handt'd 10 rou. Illitial ::: ;:;;;;:;;:;:;: . ...:_:.: You .....111 ..t"'<S{'orl", it'th'rs from (O---'---,it) shOll.' ao;kmg rou to UM' your cndit; Finest ���;(5itn Cod You Will probably do Just that. It's \...... I nalural. : guess . after Wentlllg .....Cllt L IEN & SE LVIC I (m Coach OlsOll"S . supplr I'oom I m ,,",",ipti_ o..Vllists all Yl'ar Cor. ����/::1 ::cf�Ol4 Ave. Pt"Opll' .....111 measure your surre:-..� as I A ll l n · c l � � � , �:� ::� : �tg;:� � �����:a�. ��I t ��� I .....liJ sm:le cr Sllllte rou arcordillg to \'ou �e your leisure tullC. If. l Qua'ity Knitting Co. tr 1 f ::I !�. f�:�I�i��l�u��S� ;��I: ����r !�Cw�� ......., Swelten Our Specillty brRld your hair and tunc '1\ rousing1 . collecting · time brief cao;es. rep or 1 0 TOlComOl,' Wash. rep. 403 1 1 th St. Hats. Bal loons Blow Outs , Serpentihes Noise Makers, Paper but you stili ha\'e the old mct'tme-at·the-fount.a.ln· in · minutes OI·.I·U·put·bumps-on·your -head spirit; you will nOI allow books Ilnd Ink . After the Show aUect you too much. . You may be III a to.... n \\'llerc pleas· Griddle Jack's ure si pre\'alenL Then. again. ma)'be; 9 1 3 Commerce St. not. Chances 'you \\'on't. for the _ _ T_ ac_ _ om _ __ a. _ W n_ . _ � , .iwerage h.amlet expec. tsIts tenchers to '_ . or

15 'I.

8rl. Q. Low· ,an L. S�r






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bistributed by




�re Co• . Washington Hardw . Avenue FoR THE STREAM OR FLY .FisHERMAN .

924' Pacific

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Costumes for Your Masquerade Are at


926'12 Brdy.









_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _









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Photo Sup'plies Prompt and Courteous Service


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. . . ... . ... ... brlgh� colored garden frocks. The 80d .. "" " .." " . ,,,"""" Ii) the' or MLss Evelyn 50lwn to '[ Mr. Bernard GRrrC)� In Slh'erton, �����.rned Ilt the sill' of the mnln en-

Brookda l e Lumber Co. at Brook�,':h:��ounuin '..

' ���....�-� I �''l'''....''''' �'''....:''' ':''' ..' .� . .... ..'';:: ('Arland .180'1-J-5

� S pecial Rates for Studenh r 2I Sc fo 9 holes, 5c for 18 holes

::��: ��::�:�·. ���: :�::�: C

Relular Rates .

Parkland Golf Course 20c for 9 holes 35c tor 18 holes




Clifford Mesford. Harold Barentson;

"The Choir of .thl' West" sang two

numbers and the orchestra also par-

tlclpated. Brief talks by mcn from .the Tllcoma Chamber of Commeru. .:Jc Smltle} Mr Orotic tanley Atwood Mr EIWier Mr S �e'r Breckner. Rnd Mrs. Louise Taylor ,ser�ed as R finale to Ule ceremony, the day The th.lrd notable !!"ent was tht opening of the Dieslrlct Luther League Convention lit the Trinity ���!:;�n Church at Parkland. at eight .


For Teach ers OnI 31

iT I



P�Rci,��b0SA'tj�H Krug, Tacoma MAjn



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ii...."" ....""'..... ....... ........... ...,,'' ,..., '' ,,........ " " Instead of Ill�' railroad, It ,�M the tennis court, the fish pond. the golf course. or the f?Otball field to P. L. C. 500 . LOVELy. SP.INC studenL5 JUt w�k. The' pro.specUve FR9CKS . . $5.95 school teRchrrs will now lie able to ap. for "" ork ILS ditch diggers aa a ,Ide_ I +----;--I @'. , . . ... . , . , . . . , . '''' " .. .. ..... n. CAvorted � line The dlgnUltd ' CO. -" EI.chlc capriciously abou�. decke'd out In'lhe � - R.y",onu queerest of att�: and'.conllnlng their j • lectures to expo�dln'g the advant4ges � 915 Commeru , of sho�els o\er rakes Many were also � BR 1 7 1 2 ........ .................. .............., .... .. illustrating U1e eUecUve use of the �"............, pick as a tool rather than ILII a weapon 5' ...................;....".." '1 '\\'Ith which to dismember the feet or � P . OSCAR STORL-I E � a few toes. Mr. pflueger .'as heard ; .solS So. Tac Way telling his group to put their souls Into �� the edges of their tools. In order to ScI. '('a.c:om. is 10 makr achle\'e better result.&. . A remarkable � arnn,emmb t oe .. . �I� i................" ..,........" ..""' ...�..,..".".. ::�· �:� u�::se������\�f�ea�� s: ...... ...............,...... ....... ..... ..,.." ..... ....""'''... ..... soul to the work, The competition between the sun Get new . and Mr. Edwa.rd·s crimson shirt for unSPRING COIPEURE challenged . brlllllLllce undoubtedly ae.t the counted ·for tile bright day. . Parklan d Co· Ed' aeautY k , Shoppe .= �!n!� "�;:ay�t:::�:� ::�: 1!j�,..,,,,,,,,,,,, ..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.iIl


fiSH EIltS




... . ---�---=�whow:e::=�msth�� ��rc:! ....


m enthUAlutically




9 1 0 Broadway


All the livelong day-"

Hitchhiker w. W. Westbrook. a stuy dent at Louisiana Slate Unh·erslty.l got quicker sen'lce than he expected. Four IContinued Irom page alrpifUle SAlesmen picked him up. took him to the airport and whisked him to The frc.o;h air bothers you mOL'lt of all. HA:LOETTE Ne'" OrlelLlls in 20 minutes. . But the novelty of b�athlng pure ozone which Isn't pervaded With the odor or 011 from Lb.\" main hall les,o;ens In time. ; -� " .. formerly Be careful about affairs of the heart. tf!1.D _ =--Harhook Studio II's Ifad enough In IlSelt. let alone the ;: A� T � ; �" J' I;!;;, -H Krug Manager -'- effect It has on the community at . r " ' " " ' ' "..."''' '''".,,.., III large: Stili a community can go too 304 W R Rus t BUi ldi ng 4493 , _ �EVERYTHING IN MUSIC" . far So I 58)' If you feel ;tJ lncllned throvon In earlier In �r1ng as a I . Super Quality - Complete StlXks � go ahead ,After all such things o safet} me�ure to pnvent the floods, � .0..-- ---------=d O t It might v w��::,h S=� i i not sUr up n fuss as U\ey once d d Ted Brown MU" C Co. �:: ::veral . Dinner WILlI ost I 1121 Broad';\;ay 1123 re Broadway i In cl!)Sl ng here I s a t.aboo tor you " ' " .. , '� '''''' " � ��e=ulnar�ea e��m�o�1 w)e:;. :..;: :�:psb�u�: r�:.k��da�:o=! �I! I i boy, always keep clean shaven. One I �11!:: �th such alacrity as the words I lee Cream." �... CILll so elLlllly be m15taken tot a radlcal.I ·"move < Whenever a pupl1 . asks, "are sit-down Many . ' sUfIstrikes rlght?"-lhe correct answ�r 111. creaking jOlnta bore for &tv"rut:�ghty. naug�ty!" My pet retl:'rt eraJ 6ucceedlng days to unaceus15 JO� LewLs will get you it you tomed use and abu:;e _ ...... """" .. .. .-::t:'" had . ..;.. _ _ . ' -:� _ _ __ _ _ I don't watch outl" _ suffered. When a twelfth-century y uth . 'In love, I� did not .quIetly tell her .u ....� _ . • .... fllective Printing was TSCHUNKO'S HOUSE .Ringlette Perma".,," too beautiful to IIv�. He said he , I OF $3.00 "" .bout It wo ld and U _1 d AIld it, Planned and P(oouce FLOWERS be got out, met a man EVA LY A TON and - his head-the other man's fo, tbat proved that I ean-



logging camp In. Fprks, 'Y�shlngton. Word has �n tec7tYed here of the recent deaU! In the �t--of�e mother of ProfeSSOr Paul H\ahb)'. ,00 Is on lea\'r or a.bsen� rro� the (local faculty. --7 I' \. Among alumni· and ro�mer lItudlnu who ,'\slted, In Parkland during the Luther LeaguE' com'cntlon were Voll)' Norby. Rhod� HOkenst.'\d. Bert Myhre.


E.. tman Kodak �tores'


blLstered handa and witness the which they fell l -;: ;;::;=:;;;:;;;: :; ;:;:;;:;;::; :; ;;::;=t &he ;;::;




�o.&11 l./� c::.:>

TACOMA'S LARGEST Home.Fu,ni,hinp Store





t c::} ';...c ",e •)��a"T>1 (r-----------



Walch al'ld jewelry a Specialty 1 1 47 Broad....·ay


Repair;;". BR.


.,.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,

he ,- Try one ' 0.' our �.Ir tep outal" .when he ,h.';; buri.'rs witb • broke DC' ==! m UI of roor bo.rl 68L:= 20:F���:E:L�:r:0: : =:6:: � head, m then hb-the first feUow'. glrl-wa. a SPECiAL pretty airl But if fellow MOTHERS' DAY brolr.e hh head-not his own, you know, CORSACES and TRIPLE XXX "ARKLAND CARACE but the other f�llow·&-the Jother fellow FLOWERS n-C ( I to the �d fepaw, that 111 because BARREL ' Shell Casoline and Oil or the 0"'" follow to him, not Dependable Gieas;ng 500 1 Pacific Ave: �I� TKoml W.y the Urat lellow, wbo-well, If he broke Johnso ox ompany R GENERAL EPAIR GArland 05 1 4 dwy 2238 hh airl-not the other fellow's, but the BR 726 Pacific Avenue here ellow who L:: =====:::;:::;�==�=-===========;I!II Cbrok ... ththen e- Loo , it Aa o � =======::��========== :! e B's tJea.d, ... = A k.girl was i . ""r" ....tty but U B Ontk. A', B ROOKDALE CROcERY, 11.,n'0








then A'. airl B'S girl waa.




� P�:w' girl, but "


Which, all 1p all, shows how


'OD·... g0lna' to fee.. nett year when Yay

• • � ' __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ---- . rolb ��d � ----� --� --

, '




PHONES: CArI.nd .OIOlJ4--C.Arland



1ft croce ri.., Flour. Hay, C,ai". feed• •�c • ,





. .. ...

AII·School picnic Tomor:row


No. 14 p�p. WASHINGTON, MAY 20.'19 34;' ' CALENDA R Student pianists ' Summer Session _ Grad uation Will T.m�w Offers , Subjects Be , Presented, Begin , on June 5 All ,,,dm fO' "mm,;" ,m,", .n_ AII-"' " ood , p',n'" 2 0<0" SP'''',W','' I To' 0;;' n - Eve,'nlon nouncemeilt must. 'be made by ne)l.t 'g ° l , a ' In V' a r Ids oed Fl O e ur P . ' ' N F Oday , ' I I ' h t Monday� lJoyd nU)nf�, ';"ho,� tak.-, "IOth CIass, Ig ' ' ' 'I'u�y. May ZS r l Y s ua arty ng ' ht m e t n ne A o W ; r T , t' �' E s P o ,ac o�lid 9a:l i4; t) J� Begi ill r Fir ppea � n! udents :� � C05 (��a���:e s:�s � t :��' m �:S: . � C w., Ur. Lauer. Dean at U. le en S o Satu�a", ,June 5 dozen announcemetlts L<; $1 ,32. with , Mr. Elmer Thune Appointed Cl Present Solos and Twomeri�ement Speaker. Bacca:'" esent g r tlon ' s r l u :�� to the S mme'r Stnf( as;l! ':ll1 laufeate Sermo�y Odell. Pia�o Arrangements p�:�ee�� � ��m:x�7t�: g;�!::�I �'h:' �:::(�; ' ���I�' Lu . Professor 'J. O. Edwards will 'p�nt order, Regtstratlon u � :::YS::'v r: li : for the first term of P. e t Bacc la e ti f 19�7°,;��::: :\11 ��;� �IS �O;ar I� For tho.o;e \\ hor "Ish le515 than a L, C:s 1937 Summer Se5l51on will be theran churcn; speaker. Rev, C. S. hiS pi�no �tudents In a reelUt-1 tomor· , the C05\ of each announcement held on Monday June 14 This term Odell. row eveniJ:'lg I'.t eight o'clock fri the!' saturda} June 5 and continue dozen The extra charge for having will begin June 14 and "'Ill contln e college, c�apel. 'Eleven pianists. wlll Monday, June 7. 8 .., M. throughout Lhe \\eek.end "Ith com. isoneItc same re s name engraled {he o until t .In t� program, !Uld ·the\ p" July 21 "'hen r�g�ation for 11ft! Dl:. . Tr inity Lutheran L,takeC. Pll! mencemenl exercises taking place on gardJt!S:5 of the number ordered. orc�eslra second; ':W:515lon . will take pllU;e,. Th� .,C9mmenceme Dr, E, Lau�r, church, sPeaker, MOIlday'. eyenlng at eight o'clock, . wlJI alS:O play several , �lec, U ons, AA USUQI. the public has 22 t(rf!l o!uly this e Auipr to also ar dates that Is Impor\.aJ;l It me9jure. t , will evening Summer Seaton!! \ Saturday be featured ments f r caps and g�ns be taken at gust 27, � , attend, ..... . been Iny!tf!(f"to o: night w.hen the Lhree-act corned)" First, June 14.July 21: second July 22. clasS The 'progTRm l� varied, �Ls5, Elsa "The Youngest" will be pre�ented b; once. The c05t.' for rental Is 52.00 for TIle college. has publ,lshed a bulletin August. 27, Arneson will �y Causerie, by CuI. " I Dorm graduate. stUdents each sho;ul(i con�lnlng' Information concerning th� , members of the cI��, P, leave their measur,ements wlt�'Romola 1937 sUn:'mer QUarter which Is pl,an.ned Daccalaurea& services will tak� Rust USbe���r:Yln�I��::�:o'��� � � ' :�� d stu Frye. da d n and Norma sludenrt· school :normal �' for illl primarily � _ place Sunday evenlng at eight o'clock, dents with He rle O'Neil and L oy N . Next rangement of "Trepak, " a RU8S�an l d although courses fol' liberal arts St.II' W'_uest arne In the Trinity Lutheran Church, .Rev, h pson. l� tta ' ' ' dents are offere<l tor credlt.'i., C, S, Odell will preach the sermon, T 0!f1 ri Ma�t Head ::�r:'y Tscha1kowsky, with Margrete ng Moo r n r r Marian TorresdtU ,wil l be heard_play· ::u���t�':r�S �h��� l� ���I�:gr: �a�::� ����� .��:� �� ��� is the father o,f one of the graduates: Library Gets GIOft , appOinted to the staff fo� the summer ua�eOI��d t:���r:�oa��11 d��:::t-, :�t :'I�;�:,�tubyln ��!::��:iS.8c:�� I' e n l l I. :I�g : m�m�� :;��: ;:11::: �;; :��u;:c::m,:l �i;er O!d��� has �n selccuid to �dlt �he Mooring "Th� Flee�y Clouds," �y MelKlelMOhn, From Oregonian :�� ;:h: Board O: of Trustees, and he has spoken tlons to the faculty may be made .. la· �:�� ::lt� r:::;�lngn;,� t��l=dW� ":Q�Oth��g:t�IIPbyOf ,:a�:=:� , ln�ud: '( 1Il a , er t::� Ot> A lallie, beautifully CRrv�d bookcase �:i��et��ew�:e,guJt: �:hg!n�I\�:� will Control yesterday at noo�", following played by VivIan Buo.ess;, ':Leuto," by ! ;: :\\:� �_ , an ot thl' ,,1th a medallion design hAving Cal'· the approval of his application by the Cyril Scutt, with Walter Ooplerud at . I It f W �hi l . h s Mark Anthony a,nd cr�� ,:,�:,:r ::::�� a;; I�::a�� fAculty which met on Monday, the plano. and "Ballade," by ·Burgmul. ce�:�a�' In�'l tatlo� t; �:�� th: co:� \'ln85 depicting le�:; ��ln�::m:�� ;���� Pa­ to r h n a mellce�ent, addre�, at graduaUon Oil �e:t�l�t�rx : �;�it �r:: �s, w �I� BeSides the courSt's listed below, others ���n� �h�:���,�oo�::�r ;r s n S��f�:: w e nl , h ���o�!.s ;:e �: '; l��ese���o ��� Lammert., of PoI;t@!L�, Oregon, , I :'��t�::0:1:: :� t�:e tl�e :(;e�� .a· sports �ltor and fea�ure writer , HIl pel Jlus," by La valle " and "�I�k Eyes." ,�arranged) , ,�nd Paul , The case has two glass-co\'ered par· tratlon' also has received training In the Ore- by Thompson ' clR."",. will play .8oIfeggletto, by p, E. tltlOIlS. each ha\1nVOUr shclves, The City High SChool, -Qnd has written Fosse Th I r ses listed In the summer bullc· gon -, - ", �d "Prelude Ill. E Minor," by,sport stories for daily paper In thill., Mende1sso�, menc:m���Pw�:t :r:�::nc:� jnCOt�� two pa.rts IIr� sePfra�� by a smaller tin(Cour WhIC� Include �ucauon subject..s In of ll shelves l1jIanyhas which cit)', case . the flnai edition of Mast, Mooring onal uca ol syc are off�reo : � plano o lJ m e ge arrar � P o l Other H, Y� � , h f . flts will \'a.rled sl:ees In nie\ cente , Below the ublic SChool Syslem Psychology of As . no one has applied for th pr�nted. by Marian Torresdal and ( . Ltbrts" P small shelves Is ' fin;r, "Ex l i n bu In h be . Ilamatad, who to pla.y "Are.b an . .If., ------'7 School 'SubJel:I$, Primary ��� �Q.l; : Installaborr Set For can'lng, g t, o �ls :ppo���e-r;t !l�' Alloo ' as pr sented Reading. Special Projects, School Ad- be made Dance," by Tschaikowsir.y; and by This artist c gift Im er school edlately a ' li tt ftt \I. ' I l' m inistration, nd Elementary School opens In the fall. Dorothy and Arthur... lArson, playing, New Control B , oard , through ' Mr. Theodore Nel<;son. to Curriculum, . ,. "NRrclssus." by Nevin. and "Andauk'." Installation for the 1937·38 As.soc l· whom till' bookcase and a l�tter elt- In En IIsh credit Is ;ven tor World ' by Chamlnade-Adams, ated Studen��' Board of Control Is plalnlng its purpOliC were sent by the I Lttera , English or!nmar. Shakes- " Doroth�' Larson play "Puch," t�e scheduled for I.he last regular student doner. . ' onsorlOng , Orleg composition; will Arthur l.fu':son, the pearl', Ibsen, Appreciation of the Coeds'" Sp e n " ama.. Vlllage Fete," and. Mabel Scott. "Pre· and Types Literature, Dr ot . s �:��:;:r :flt�h� ;�:::' �'l��i arc ' Hawaiian Movie ' �� �� �Y ��=lnoff, amI' "Turkish School WIll Sponsor Other avall�le subjects provided Introduce his successor, ; , b n . Th Is �'ear's officers are Stanley Ford, o;:r: ��:�c; ln��� Those who heard Mrs, Robert I;ooKan :r��:°:C��1 �re�,den ar�r� Rorem, \"Ice-presl- ArtoISts N ext Y ear national ProbleltUi, Library Instruction, speak several weeks. ago on England en : �:ene . aJavan, seerelo.ry; PrincipiI'S or Mathe. are eagerly aWalting her return here Linne Club Grads Algebra, College lJoyd Th�mpson, secretary; Helen The As.oIoclall'd Students ha\'{' de- matlcs F;.ench German Introduction on Thursday evening, May 27, when ' Hol�amp, commissioner of advertls· clded , Honored,Recently to sponsor a series of concerts to Ph;IOSOPhY Ethics General Inor- she will be at the colleg�.with her hus· Ing: LouL<;e WHlIarru;, senior class rep- nuelt( year. which will bring a nwnbcr ga�lc Chemlst�, Oen�i-al Biology, Na- band to give (; talk on HawaiI. resent.aU\'e ; Otis Grande, sophomore of t:llen!-ed�ts to Parkland, This ture Study, Art Structure, introduction The r..oga"ns make their home In Puy - Dr: and Mrs, -l:l. E. Leraas' were hosts e an ��� :���:�t�\ ;d �::�' H:��k'. undertaking will afford t� studE/nts to f'tne Arts, and Advanced Art allup where Mr. Logan Is a coach And : ::��s :� �h: ���: :c:�t ;��, u � t l t e . �:wno:d�:�r�o al�ea�th�rlU1:rtls:� St UCtt athle�lc managt'r. : :��n fee of $4.50 per semester ���: ���� ���n7e!'t:�� ����er�t�O:i of Its graduating mmbel's, Jack Odey, The new board 10.'111 include Otis d Thompson, and V Lio and also fl· , \\;j]] h�lp the student body , aI r erner Bitter. s ession. H cre-dlt hour Is charged for the During their stay there they aw I Ide � ru May 8. and must be paid at the Ume of regis- took a number of moving pictures of on 'saturday evening, ��:�:I�Si�;�� ; �:I�e w;:: :��� �: nanclally, e O r ri ld 2, r o o ac a u them to II· ee B� tty E\'�n, treasurer ; consta��� st:d:�:' Y;�;I�n� se:�s�r,.:::r:'I � � ��� ;�r -: ;::�O����� � $ 00 Is �:tr�::�:'lr �e�t�:�� se, el�� ;:e �: :ia! e: �� ��y� �U�b, senlOl' rt'presentatlve; UeweHa added She was a.sslsted by Margrete Demers, Copies of the �urther bulletin and .... to his tuition, .l,.o�n are Intriguing Mr and Mrs I\ �;� sc�:.eS:��::;�� I Arl'9.ngcments Cor this �pportunlty �1;f�r::,lo: Y be :a� �rom the �penkers. They ' WIll speak here by In- ·�y;'� .:::� er� :n! !!::' =� Me��:\'nu�;:r�: e � h i Iel\1.tatton from the ?o.ed Club, who an· sen ofo SOuth taU\'e ; and Betty Miller, comml5l510ner ha\"e been made through Mrs, Cornelia g1S. S. ff: Upon eq cs . presented InforTUrner. Seattle, manager of the Rr· nounce that the entire school and com- mally a talk Dakota of .ad\'ertL<;lng, . on wild game, Oroup munlty are Invited to attena this lec - singing and Impromptu tists who wUl apP,t'ar under this pro· NOTICE Uliits were fea: gl1J.m. A sa.mple or what may �x. The May ,FesUval cut printed In the ture. during thees affair.'O Students Will Picnic peeled ��n this spring thro�h last Issue of the Mooring Mast was A small admission will be charged tured ' r, and Mrs, The group ented pr Hel Lund w tht: presentations of Miss ..\t SpaD:!lwat Tomorr o �a . � through the courtesy of The Ta to defray eltpenst's that the club has Leraa.s with a gUt In appreciation of had during the past }'ear. EY�ryOne Is looking forwar'd With'en- ot.ed...1OLher:<...or�n!!!.__n!.o..!!Q!kamas. ?o1na n�es, the !t n e work and . .-« tInted time thuslasm the annual all-school plc, + they have given to the -IlOClet-y' which h f m d���e =: --' :��e�:� a� �=:!; o�: =:: As Red As �a EQbster, Y::Cila Davies, John Sore As -a BOll, . , ' Follo\\1ng a program of sMmming, . Wenberg, J,ack Odey: Walter -:Johnson, ' ' . baseball. horseshoe. and other sports. ' Lloyd Thompson., Harold Nielsen, Bob Why DIdn't I Use My Sunburn O"l? a plcnlc supper will be served at six Mitchell, Sylvia Miller, Judy Gerde, O'Clock at the camp grounds of thc "Ouch! my sunburn!" This cry ac- doubling party. to wadc In and walk on all tho. se bar- Goldene Oerrltz, Verner Bitter, Marg_ by a dismal wall. ' arises It a friend shows a slight tendency naclcs," companied Jlark, rete DellJl!!rs, Elva Bergman, and, the J If>ulse Williams as chairman is plar.- from one of the re\'e lers at the week- toward 4Jldue affeetIon, the bl1stered The . group turns to watch another advlsen. �. and Mrs. �rlUUl. nlng the refreshments with Er.vln lnd house �rt-y who went out to get sufrerer !s on her guard and becomes person stumble down the hall and enDam;nel. . Ruth Downton, Margaret a tan. and came home resembling· a cold and reserved., The former Is in- ter. a, classroom. Upon reaching her i d . a Wlli Be , Re ease Pearson , and Jackl Odt'Y, TranspoT'b\;. member of thl!! lobster family. The vlted to stand at adma len�h· whIch seat, she flops rather than sits down, 'S �g lion is In charge of Ted Asberg, Don person Is. easily reeognlzed ,by the un- she is watched warily, alKt'deprlyed of her eyes �lmOllt closing as she llsleM To SubscriberS June 2 Abner, and Stan Dahl. Obert HAavlk, certain air with which she treads the any opportunt'ty to 'make a raIse move. to the .lec,ture, �ow and then with a The 1937 Saga wtIl be of! the preas . CUff Burland, Ruby Moort', and Erud halls, lookJng from right to left to pro-; "My· sun�urn!" the su!ferer expla1ns start, she throws back her head and and rt'ady for diStribution on June 2, a lo u ac program f�r . ,����:���fVI:�' :;.�e::�, �r::;s n:�cro=, br:� = ::��I�e����=:. ��: ��kd=::!:u�e�r�� ���� ���;;�Iaes to be . ., stalks as a lone woU,: running- Ute a: rem�O at a respectful dIstance. IIvlon, ' She 15 one of tJ:1I:15e who went a colorful account of the.current aehooJ frlghte'ned' deer (rom a.pproachlr.g In- A third penons appears. displaying' to the beach for a complete rest. She activities, wtth plenty of snaps I:lld CHAPEL SPEAKER. Mr. Lyle' S, Shelm1dtne:of IJ.le Col- ·dlvlduals. Efhe wrlga:les frequenUl'. be- her han� ruefully, It seems �e spent was also the eighth person in th..e other pictures, RoU. Wlprud has d�lese of .Puget Bound wtlI spe.U: In moaning the r.ct t.h&t she must, �f the day roV{1ng about the bay. cabin, '. signed the cover. t: chapel ' tomorrow. Mr. Shelmld1ne � n!Cewty, wear clothes � aehool. U ,.. . .'� there more water in In spite of all the ache.ll and pains. Over two bw1dred au�pUona have he d e he u lis ��:Wr In the hls\.ory _ departl!ient at :rym��u:.n� �,":n ;:� :e��;�o�P����� b!f�; �! �p� ; 1� all8�= ' w: w:n: :� S::� :v:'n:e�,::� �:� couldn·t itt stop feeID", sorry for themselves 'long scriptlons In full must do ber9,re ,the � w1ll speak on T rkey. having there ensues wordy battle, and ... reached mOR. Then , -" :spen� r� yean there U teacher. . �vld� 15 prodUCf!d'. to .cOnvlnce � the boat all the way' t4;l land, we had exclalm: "�'t It runl", boolr.s a.rf,. dlstrlbuted. VOLUME

' ' 11III'or tanHo G ra,luitte.





















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mlJp .ollring �a.6t • . Subscription Prtre-$f.oo









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1;::e;A:ee�i�g � h;��·\';��tl�g�. - &' Thy tem le s � �ft c r� 4hllde' - SWEDE ' . " 04r whole religion gives a soul- 0 grant them jOy IU1� pl�a.'ulrt'!d. l::;. . satisfying e l Supported by. Thy Father-han \'Ie�' or life." , we ;:�,� :t�e t ::�::��:"��I'��I� :�:"�:n�� a person lives within Chrlst May they In:1Qve unlt.ed stand. gravy, evening' gown.! un hi! cut out wltfS'the he"Unless be by shall live da m n td. H And be each 01her's' treAsure! sclssor:o> . . , Another thing. '4'hen you agrlculturaUsts a l h h y 11�12L. rarf!le'rly. but 11090' gone to co!lege/ �t bM'k �a::�!�l ou��n:fs �;� �h��.S ��n�� Grant. Thou. the voW S home-remember that any lIuy who W9nts to .sell you a �hllci . They hltve spoken be unbroken sure-tire potato-bug cure 'don"t be duped).-:la probabb' · or the Ii"';'ng God." Ptlu�get. Tl11Jlfe'& ending!. : a �lcker and Vo'1IJ send you " mallet and hammer ror "The world can be' �v. put toge.t.her ,wlth thel�.be blending!_your ten bU�ks , . . Look out for tile '';' Interests In th� you understand man. Your worth If!.'I Let. Thy love. ' d de nden relationships. 'If' man� be thelr 'years or few. n' ; :�:!�� �: ��.=.: �:l�ldU:d�ge ..� �. J)t! ,y'UPQ your :�kJi: woman who hesitates Is 10000t" . . . The, heck she Is l05t� . ;�: t � �:.ur y:o;�:�;:; Thy grace,' whlch ey!lry ijay Is ne...... : lIhe lIoestfi even exist . . nu.s is a.J.1 dedicated · evermore let follOW! '. Dr. Wiclte. Them PHILIP SPACE .. . . lour worst proble'mJ . , ' . No new� God? ' In Joy.and sor;ow 'tie thel� g\lest, Is 'good ne�s: but nqt tor us . . .. Y·es. and the world Is ·Thelr . labor C1O"'11 with slVeetest rest. 1I0ing to the dClg!'> In other ways .too . this proofEXCHANGES ' ' And aJlk thelr home-life he.llow! down ;��� �f�gs:o· � , c. sail.' ' and a 'dash of dd:oll

Hll3erup EDITOR Norma �Preus ASSOCIATE EDITOR- Roland'Wuest,Halel SPORTS W Norman Frye, ' . !"ales Martin. ITATURES - Marian Johnson. L1nk.a De; Berry SPECIAL WRITERS - Jack Odey. Walter'Schnack_ enberg, Kenneth Anenson. MarvJn Jensen, REPORTERS.Eh'a Befgman, Ida Men, LaVIl.lUl · M all, Lle....cUa Davies, Ida Mae Hoss. EliJ:abeth Stuen, VlrtlnlR Da\·L�.·WRdene Cala An COPY ,READER Aida Johnson TYPISTS Co rrine Malm1n. Irene Odell EDITORIA.L ADVISER Mrs._ Ruth Rtl'nck _


with . (raJa! of


r:tssocded CoIleilDe PIJ>"





Mf.'( 20.

, " Fibs. tili,' .16'" kn.� and C.od bl," .h. ;.. Ih... .,:,,; :::;, j Innd:�.er':�;'�", F,lets S:�;'K tlll d:! '4-hyOod we !'iutter," \ ' . mflde . . K�Sl'. lor

PubUshed every t,..'o "'etlts during the sq"ool ),elU" . - by the $ludetfhol of Paclnc Luthu..n coUeae: Offlc(": Room '1I5 Telephone : GArlnd 0511

Ell.tered,fS 5eCOnd cJ..R.M mat�r. October 2. 1925. the Post O(flce at Parkland, Washlmtto!1. under the Act of Mlrch 3. 18]9,

l .,.g���D:�:J�!�:� I

: l iS IIONOR OF ,IRENE '�A nL -�� O ��;,:'�" R IA�,: i


w y -J. Et'epA::::es:::�� ::d��K�:I� team: �;! ��;: t�:. IIlIht ' and guide "Woe unto the wOrld! Out people have 'at Here's so� of the pet expreSl'!lon's \ · them long last desartej:l tpe. honora.ble precepts of our ' appeared his plays: 1'111 IIfe'lI el,1ded. Jeari\f�d tore-9athers A'nl,l ttl!n�d from picture- RichardIn.II" J wHl root!" .And their llfe with Thine Is blended ! called scrlbbllng. Civlcarving to thl!: hldeoslty . . Ion Is indeed doomed!" ...... N. 'J . Hong Ado About Nothlnll-"Now you canMuch strike JI!te a blind man." Itlll1I1.11.t, IProf, 1937 A. O. . .









O �'




Il l!JnlJH

Hamlet-" I will be short." th��. �:�:O:�t��ded P. �" C, seve/a; sensible girl is not as sensible as years ago. and .. now emploYed )1I1 .. "he looks because scllsible girl has San Francisco. which "Knnw �·t' yt'llr lih·rll llll·t· . " " h y '! Bt'('IHI1'(' ' 16 atso the ho,inf' mort: Sen.� than to look .'len...lble." of tHe bride .. ('lIlu rgl'� your I'I·r1' I 't'I'lin'. it" bI"lJadt.' II1' you ",.,.'n, .. "'''''h m••• by II" /-.!iH'!' you !!'lle ndl lll'l'; in II wurtl. il lay1' Anlltles Junior Collegian It has Another Alumni who will vl$lt here Prunt'lJ._ to any. guy 'Who would make unnecessar.v rirlll f4l11l1fluli4l11 rill' II 1'lllllltl t'tltu'uliu'li . nol.o;e dur\n� the villalle siesta . . . According to PRQF\ been ' fo�nd that the' Greek' letter soon Is . MIM Palma Langlow , "n. of use. the letur Delta most Santa Ba.rbara. Mls.!I Lanillow wi11 . sororIties t BAR student.� e h t have will P C. of L. up' 'wake o lX>N. . :\'0 IIIit' t'UIl ('nT :all hilllSt·Jr Inll\' I,d IIl'a 1:':-1 'Ilt In the Nort.hwe.�t IIntll after COI'{I­ or else , . . Imagine the color of STAN LEDAHliS pan. whlle frAts use Phi exccSlli , Trans- vLmence�ent 1� � l i I hi' hm. (LIIlI'11 ill "" 11:1' Ih,m}.l:i I 1' of o�'� 'actlvltles here In Ju� when upon telling PEGGY RAMSTAD that her lip., related Delta means "'in low plAce�:' Phi " " . II . :,\1 til'll 111' WI' �hl'I'lsh 0\11' pd Ideas, t I!t,�· ......minded him of rublt'.'l, she a.,ked. "RUBY' who?" : , meaps "Mudrormed." Paul ?reus. "35, w.ho will be· gradw i l l. always 1'(,llIain IIIIITow and higllit'd '\ 11Ia n n d e v I uate<t from Luther College'ln June: has l::�C:�::�� �n t:; :�� K�'o�� ;. th�: :xt:�:::te�� TilE VERSE Of" NATURE It'ss Wt' mit! II lilllt' hlTI' Hlill tlien' ill Iht' WI1\ been aCll�e tn spri ng sporl& U11S ye'!lr: gas I1)eallurer . . hymn-opposite of her . . ode--a.ged. A balky mule four wh.eel brakes' having been nAmed Ill' sOllnd ,'1111111"111. ,Iot:h·i m·. \\' 1111 HI',' tllt lIIust ' member of � decrepit , . canticle-llrohlblllon agalrut tlckltng . A flrerly billy SORt has bumper's IH.·I' I\·(',I 1I11lilllg tlll'i,' t'llIIh' mptu'arit's. hut IIIIISI' baseball team. contrapuntl.<; EDWARDS � PROF. ' Cdown on PUnsl . A has a b'rillht spotlight whn han.' IIl1' 11101'1 " Olllllll'" ntHI l'olllpld,' pl'r­ heh . . heh . cornet-limaII ell.r of corn' . . . scale- Rabbits Are puddly Jumpers te t w n er key-the thing nobody can get Camels have balloon-tired feet Slllllllili('�:'.' . covcrlllg.� of a fl.<;h ,\IIt! sudl pt'nu)I1l1l i l i('s " all Iw ha�e ��I� pI��n: ��� h:�e ::!::� In U1e 'door Ilt night Allegro-what they ,\Qy when And carry spares of what they eat I sc8liOn. alluilH'd 11111)' tI,,'ollgll I'olllnl'i with olll,'rs. Among those engageg ou t e h ' II t er But I still that thi beat nOLh;n n k ' s ments have been recenl.whose y ;l�ar� �n�f o��:;:- , � . h���;� TH�� s�t;;�� ced 1 1 11\"(' you " \Tr PfIIltit-I'I'" IlIl' hUllInn tlllth'r­ Ilis RuLh Froyeh, "36, wholywillanbenounmar� Kangaroos With (umble �aL.<;1 sl:lIHli ll1-: of Shnk('sIH'an<,1 lIaw' \'0(1 t'\"t�1 kllighL.� are carrying off even some of the mC)5t' eon- "The What l� stratellY?" rled in June to Robert Franklin Har 11t'lInl tilt' orgllu Illllsit' in Iht, l i l lt·s ,�f :,\1 i I t , ,". e t e a .I I t -of PrshasUn. �Ul' 1I" l'l1lll1' l'tlll\'illt'"d hy"lh(; I'IO(plt'lll of Ci­ �I� �: c: ���OI: ����� ::: :�=t��e :��:�T}'. . �: Is when you keep right 'ley.Edna Tobiason. Longview, tudent n'ro :' Did )'011 ('\'\'1' " l'join' witll Epit-klus WILLYS FOLSOM . . . WE HEARD.-that they took I on"STRATEGY Urtng wlthom letting enemy the '35 and '36, nnd' Sheldon, here play lilt' sltli(' with :'\11II"('t1s Aut"l·lills:' I > i l l YOU tu ����; �)I:� ;:E����T��g T::���s for h���: k now you a�e,-&ut�util lion. And "Dutch"In Moe. '36. wtll a� be married ,'\Tr rt'tlt! a :'\ltJtllttlll 'III Tht· I , i l f' ral ul"t, l)f ' lll1' somethfr1'ir1\ LhRt'" It e wrltlt1k- and wrlt' dUrlng the summer. Mr, Moe Is teach" l�ilJlt, :, ,\n'n ' l Wt' missiug II1 I1l'h Ilial lift, I'uultl h a l O e an on Ing when m n o d 't \\'ant lng In lakewOOd. Washlngton, lUl ;� :� � � gt�a !!;.:� : � : �� : � �:( � I �. � � �:� e ,l!in' Its hy failing 10 kllow sllt'h lIIastt'!·S ·.' t and etoothpick h diet . .o, Ul.ate the , �� �:�; �o know you are out ?f " e - e m n s:� . Do tllIl n'sl ('(In It'll I w h " 1 1 YOt! ha\"(' sl'cn a ....ere. 011a A sstrictt....ater . m n te�:e� ): t ::�% :; :e� :::: .,........-...1 IiItl\'i,· \'('rsiol! uf gl't'at dIlS�il'. In lIu' dlll'­ whole hO).l5e pa.rty was an hllanous masterpiece clever columnist compounds a to Mr. Joseph :Fernander. of Vancouver. IWI Hdioll. nol lIIeditatioll. 11111....1 prc-dolllillah', glossary of co legiate terms: Washing n Thl' j.(!'t'ltl Ihoughts. Ih(' tll't'P Ihoughls. nrl' , Unlverslty-Al higher form of gram- Last Satu�da;. May 15. Eric Hauke, LI!-lIally II! isM·d. I]laf school. working along much the' '32. was married to Miss Lenore Chris­ same line.\. TIlt' stud\' of lilt'I'ullll·t' will rt'sull in t l I ucll tensen In Astoria, ore\on. They will hllppillC'ss (or you . YtllI will find yourself Campu..O;-I\. green lawn studded with make their home in Kelso. Wa..shington, hound b\' lIt'il hl'r t i l l l(' nul' �;pu("e; you w i l l bUlldlnls and littered with studimts. where Mr Hauke- is employed by the ' "sail Ihi, St'\'('n s<'US" lind l i n ' a Ihuusuml li\"es; Idea-A once darigerolL� phenom�na Union 011 Company. \,ou w i l l he ind£'l wndellt of lilt' surr.\" lilllilu­ -now almost extinct. ' Can still be L1.oycl Kretch . who studeM iillns IIr \'our own surroundings; in shn"', you When STAN FRIES haS' five bucks'ln hls"POCket. that'll found in the back. woods, but ha..s been here In '34, ....� . married recently to will r('nlh· Ih·e. AII(I that's whal W(, ' !'t' ' hcr<" a sign of pro.sperlty, but when he .starts WADENE around completely exterminated by eduCB- MJ.s.<; Lorraine' MlLI't�r of . Rev. and Mrs, J. A. Martin. of Astoria. for uflt'r �l ll, isu ' l i t ·! in that '36 Chevrolet that'S a sign of CALAVAN . tlonnl centers. , CHARLIE wants to know' what to do with ten datu and Final Examina.tions-A twentieth eight nights . . . How your B. test, centurx. descendant 01 the Spanish Dorothy Fowlei', a fo'rmu atudent at positively negatl;:..e. Inquisition, If you aren't orthodox P.1..C..,.P&II announced her enpgement "Cullcl-.<C stllti£'nts prodUl'I' Iw�� kinds of lit: try you don't get by; to James Lawrence Fitts of'Tacoma at. l'rutul'(', Iwither (If thl'llI good. , !-.tther they \"cr)· a dinner party for the faculty of the OAFF1'siTIONS n'\"clllinS- lh£'ir own hcarts, ",llIch IIrc not . n�:�� ;ChOOI where �tu Fowler e i W �!; �-":� full, \'oJ.bulld \\:hidl tiH'Y are gen� n�lIy tlnablt, �: :� �:I son,H' a!c 1Il1lt �o ;::� dcl"id e they or off !��: and 10 illlrcprl·t, � �� :�s: , , 's \\'(, II-kllown aulhor ill tiesl"rlhm}.l: arlillclUl Sit­ �::��:: : :� at�ePO ' . : birth. �le uations which they J:-now ('\'cn Icss well t1H1�l @ You are most li kely !il , . � ' Ih('I1lSt'I\'('s." Yassar Collt,}.l:(· s Pres, Henry � , Mutter: Pop's Wife: . , to find it at :'\lacf.nlt·kl'lI sh o rt -c i rcuits the litcrary !i/olitiS. . •

















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II. �









"0:'.:'..:":::";';' w. '"

''' \\'t' nrc whut wc ure, no t hecause of who I WI" \"(' hl'ell uhll.' to, sC l llce7.c oul uf the worl d. , h u l hl.'caus(' of whut w(,'\ c hecil uhle ,10 gi\"e , tlUck t� Ih� wurld." The 1 ' IIi�'ersity o r �utlthcrn . , Californiu s Dean of Public Acll1lllllstratllHl, William B. Beul('y. tells us what's \\"1\01 ab� l I urSl'I\,('8,

Xecd stmients: 1)(' rem inded aguin tlf Jht· Ir) : t(l ha\'e n ' thut it shouldn't lH.' IIt'CCS$l uho �t , "!e pcrpctuul "f.unipu.s Ou(' Oil an grounds'! 51) mudl is �ltl ,!f takmg "r�tle m one's CUlllpUS; yet so hltle !s done, Trlt� .s this sUgMcstion may he. it must needs, IJC rc­ pealed. KFep , jn mind the f�ct Ih�t conU,lIcncc­ IUcnt llescn·es· 111\ llttrllC'h\'c c!,.m pult" TJley


Iwglect w Y lething ·thut , in itself' is



. .


ass:c � to

uny school ·The. gr'ounds here �re ('_hurnllng. . , J\.t'I.'I) them so!

n.". In boo'" " hell . . �en GERTRUDE CRowdy-dow) TINOELSTAD Is seen pcrurlng overou the matter . . . we knew fshe'd setUe � .!��s:r:; .� . ::��ic��e� :. n=t"�t, :r �::�� we ::in::�p to �E �:�.) .�y: . �: J��1,��;e e� COOLEY . : and is he happy when' they go walltln· , , 'So GRANDE is the new student body prexy '. WeJl, dropping d1.'lhes of s1umgulUon all over the noor In the dining . , CONORAl1J'LATIONB, any· way . . , With the all-School piCnic comif'.a: · up tomorrow we'll have '!lnts in the coffee and small bora at.epping in our patoto wad. and it the "'e&ther's nice we'll ret 1IUIl burned If we go wading , . ., It'• . a,lways, about thIS time of the spring when It)ROPS coming to clus lIite are rare-In tact· they're .In a dais .by themselves gooby. , . ,,




'I .§; : �;�: �

·'" " P I ,: �; :: Kl lt: Dead. .1iI Lap: What a dog drinks: , II ";: ii.==========: Wfial a girl sits on: . Wha� a tr1LCuter What Isli't If you s nd KE B A supe rh a!1ly. .�ura.� mac hln� p �a Mca._,'!' _""""» . R for correc;,tlon st ' papers Is being h f a �� ,:a� �:e::: I�:Vi�� t:ea.c::� I ''''."--�------�,.. mechanlsm consisting of a �arbon ..!rlt�n the cm-rect








sheet on which Is over the answe�, This sheet paper and instantly cletects the wrong answers. resultlng In rapid and accurnte marking. -The ,Entree. Plainfield, N, J. runs





MAin 2 1 22

• '1

2th " A Sts. ,

MA�NINGS COFFEE [ �ia�\-:- 7I -


Girls Track Meet Will Take Place . Monday Afternoon MAY, 20: lQ.3'l



I .:



Loc:al GOiier� Beat Athletic Letters Hu sky Freshmen. Presented Girls At W A� Banqu�t " m,. ;", p,,,m, , Lp·th.�, Cpll•




[� ��� d

mall, golf �am defl!1lote<l Ule HliSky .dellghtful banqU!! held In. t.he . frt�hmell of the University of waul- Ai aand Na.vy room of he W.lnthrop Irigton 9', to 8':' on the .IOcal course Army Ho .e��:�:O::t� :r -=��u�':���: , Tucida)·' ar�moon. May 18 It was "'" . l c ·�he second. half of t.he home and home :� 'Ietters to th08e glr13 .who :ave ted series with the U. of W. 1'tO(;h. The earned' �, the reqult.ed of polnt.�" . f'r:osh ...·o� their home match by .a one· A special award w.unumber .:;:.. II�en to Wadene sided score. Calann who was hlgh.polnt winner. t:::?BUd �chman, .....Ith a B!l. one below THE. 'OO�IN(,. ,,-"'Core of 725. A pll�.. Sl't a (ast pact' for. the field. . Jay with · earned MOrl-\�\\ \UI\�€. through letlers a The re the Huskies �ot a 66 w�th t!clpatlQn In the ""rlous si>O,ru, par� -b� �'1S_ Tt4.f :. i � and I Block·of HIl.rry Mc�rmlck and Lioyd 'Thomp- on ly th06C who have the �uired mlnNoI\£ <X=f:S�c..E .- · -";.., . ' " L' ....'� ... G\ � LI:\A�o . � n of· L. �, !>hooting a 67 Rne! 68 Imull). IVAL � � SCOrt of 850 "re ellg1ble for re. .... <;. '"'i f " " T H � � .R -= rf_Spect!veir..-: �"" ." '",•• " _0", :, '\ T_ �E 1Ii:�\ � UlJl=\�O:""" . cel�lng Esther Norg.aard. The sumtYIary: broad -Jump. running hop skip JumP. Bea\.rlce Sldde.r� VIrginia Davis. Marn n � '�. L ,C hlgt'l Jump. hurdles for speed. hurdles WulIl l"to Ion Danekas. x..;,ulse ·Wllliams. and ;.ehman . Ladler 0 Wadene Cala.van were presented Ulelr for form. 60 yard dash. 80 yard dash. ,\1cCormlck· BloCk"": and relays. There win also be a buletler!l at the banquet.- Othern .".!II be Thompson �' 3 Deall 0 ketball thro..... and a baSeball throw. a�'�ed . following the \.rack meet. Stuen ' " Kerr " both for' distance. \4. �heduled for nelC�. week .. Frle" On the third year' team are Wadene �F I Richardson 2 Additional p<:lint.$ for posture were . : Brazell 3 0 Slade Cnlavan. Helen Scott. Thel�a Ness. awarded .to Thelma Ness. Helef} Scott. �� �����:�t� \ Elsie Barrett. Louise Hendrickson . Lou- and Marlon Danekas. � si e' WIlIIlJms. 'Irene Odell. Helen Holt9'. Total 8'·, B·esldes. the presenlAUollli. an In\camp. Mabel Heggem. and Judy Benteresting . program was given at. which '--. . �!i: lhe sophomore tcarn. Helen . E. Janes of 1'acoml. was the Ellensbu rg Squad Mr", Stnrk Melba Fenny :::ha., Bergman U guest speaker Other features Included. Pu tt', PU tt', PUtt' E"he< No ....'" ,B",lre Sldd,,, pper CIassmen , 0010 by V'",I� Hall ". = Taken By Glads ru ophon C d I e ns �:�c:lb :�rga�: M! ::r �� :�: /' from Ellensburg Normal met � �h�I;�r�y ��bar�t:'��� ��.g Take Frosh Nine Fore' Fore' FIve' Whoa Track uGolfers I p ed n he o Moore on the �man team Vera reporter seems to have gone � � ;�:::t :gg::� :�� }(:� and a reading by Corrine Malmln ra}lor Nellie Jetll\... Miner Blossom The uPI�r"c\a....�men of Pacific Lu- dafYour gone MillY An airplane ride plus a tour of Ule Wescott Ruth W atll e y Ma."'glll"C t therall Col'eg e malnta. lned their su . !} ' ?' �Ith the alJnexatton of course last "Saturday afternoon The local goUer.s aft ov.'C<I their op- plant Thompson Judy Gerde Vivian Smyth'" Ilremacy over the lowh Frosh by the bit ot property to )h e south and ISonellts at Boeing Field Is Included in only ' point as they defeated the future Astrid Anderson and Jean Gordon O!1 trOUncing the under c1fl.o;.smen 17 to 9 \1,est of the main CAmpus \1,hlch is p plan.� of the North Bend the llbernl arts·high school Rosafie in a softball gaine last Tuesday after commonI} kno�n to men of knickers the; IIlvaderl 14 " to '- Harry Mc- high student.� The ride to Beattie 0r m�c� C \1,a.� 10\1, mroallst the airplane ride tfte tour is being (i L Jensen Marlon Daneka..� Elizabeth noon Ma} 11 Stuen Virginia Davis Barbara Kra- The Sophomores and Seniors united ....ith nall� III their shoes and women ��h 9 offered for all Interested for the price I rneT Eugenia Sl>('ncer Bernice Thomp- to form a ten-man team that just with sport skirts as golf course It TIlt' summary one dollar ElIen�burll' of -GiRd Relater, North son Vivian Hall nnd Evelyn Nlchol- a little too powerful for the Preshmen really has holes numbering from one LehP La C . Bend. Wash- ' 0 ste We The losers �rled desperately to halt the to _ elghteell inclusive with g�IIY inrmlck � b r Ington ' U g h -Jo pieces of open spaces between the ���� _ • • ���':n �:;:':\�o:�, !,�� . t=e: t:I:��:���U�U:I� shoot In of{ pla.ce and the putlln' In Thomp..o:;on 2'� F!tere� '7 : The Best Sea Foocb Can Be ' i .... n I:��en :�;I: place. ' It Is on this pateh of ground Frle . DAHL CROCERY �O. Obt,a.1ned ·3 ... Sooper �f�� � '�::� v�� ! 7 � g th r . t Member Un, ted Purity STores Inning. In WJ:lIC��y took the lead that the Co11egc' a,t Parkland seems to Total ! Le w,:. F,'sh "Iarket : �-,, ...c. �tlll and were nev �·eadOO. Wlprud. ,be developing future Jonests. Runyans. � ,:= C R'YSTA'.. 'A'ACE " ,_,� '.K ET , . .. Pa rkland GAr. 3818-R·S p Schmandt and G?�lue PJI �er handled the Swansons and Bergs. 1'acom!).. Wa.'!h. _:.= 'Tve received a lot of unusual re- .. BR. 4267 pitching «SSlgl�}bents ror the Frosh Let's pl&.y golf. Lend me' yvur golf quests. . them beats all." one this but with Haavlk twirling r6r the Seniors clubs. /That 5eems to be all your re- says Ben Schmoker. executtvt!. secre.receh1ng credit for the-yin. Mc- porter beaTS nowadays Can you blame II and Broadway Shoe Repair FLOWERS FOR Coy a�d Schmandt.\ with three run� him for complaining? .No ! That's what ry Of t p-niverslty of M\hnesotas Sh "':' cI,.d to m.teh�.n, eolor apiece. .Pflut'ger with two and Wiprud I thought. "Yow'sah� Listen all youse �.AM. c. ';:. GRADUATION f moth tal the of the one run. with made g to 1 1 05 BROADWAY uys arH:I gals" (used by perm\s.�lon or :�07:�:� t���!ll�:;;n:�:�: losers' ,o;.corlng. Across from Fi�hers I B. Bernie, the lime has come to ust' :::1 son. . I Lineups" I discussion . discretion. Induction-ah "I am sending you three suits of Frosh skip It. Well. any.....ay. your reporler . I;"�. underwear under separate McCay doesn't �em to be the only one that ss Larsen , � �1.�·FINEST · Mullen see to It that I'l\V boy wears Wllklns Is etrecled by the new fad. When Moe themPle� 2b , as he should during this cOld � ..cif-?i RI . �l � RE H O. Johnson and his "gang" sta� up all night W A �. f'JIIU "'I Jensen 3 b ." weather ! \ Folsom they can play .....ith the beginning of Since It's the right time of the school If " \,;:� . ' :� ,Jt-:i� ":..¢ Moe m n rn r Nilsen freshmen. te s r a ,� . ��::; :;;�o�;.: �a::er� :� �he� �!z:� ��:n � �l � I: :�� �� � I�Schmandt. tries perrorm a duty. of Lehnl!"ln's "Noto erlong aago a lsfreshman - stopped rs Hokens13d Arneson cf Grande roosters when he mll,kes up the whole and said: 'Can you please tell me WipruQ dorm by shooting an' eagle ( not bald ) Inmewhat HaOivik b�lidlng the campus Is?' ·' Finest Norwegian Cod Brouland t slla.ckenberg, e ut i Li I ; :r � � :;rl � �t r��� !��\� ��P= hen , a bUXO� �;o�de at the MOOI; r W S VIC LI E N MAtn- 7113 BASEBALL ' causes It all. Putt! Puti! cal College of Virginia swlng-l:!lpped 255 So. 11th PrnerlptiOft ON" i.ts � Into the X·ray department. she 1m· .;.._. TIlt Ba,llard Luther League baseball Cor. 1 1 th and Tacoma Ave. . Maeof �rt . as Phone MAin 73 I 4 local attendaqt pressed the team will play a selected Westlsh." A second later he was al· r�.____ ----+ , -----� � here tomorrow evening. The game " I Shot an Arrow PARKLAND BARBER SHQP most convinced. . starts· at 6:30. . sit dOWn here;" he said. p�h- . . Patroni.. Unto. " AriM,r,.'Shopi Into the Air-" Ing"Please ....... ever you ' "Have her. toward chair a C, P. KNUDTSON . Prop'. Quality Knittin g Co. , been X·ra.yed before?" . -Parkland. Wash. , w . e ha N atson a yden:, w Hone running sn t the I, .cuPld· i ' only Lette, Swe.ten Ow, S.,.d.lty � ��r h���:;·, �t�:. ..��� ��:: :::� . -c .-. _ . ._ ._._ _ .... In al'Ound shootlng arrows Ulese days. ......."....... � 403 1 1 th St. Tacoma. W.1Ih. Hereafter. ' all darts flying hlthe� and ultravlolat.ed... Florists yon won. make upld responslble tor 1 -:::::;;:::========1 MAin 0300 every loe 11th ound. 256 So---BROOKDALE I .-- -'Out baeR. , new BARBER SHOP (ley. there were After the Show Strom's Crocery actlvltl�S among the versatile W. A. A. . WELCOME STUDe.t"TS Corsages Cqrrectly ' Made o a I 1 502 So: Kay St. . e Jae'k's Grl°ddl :I ��1sw�� ��� '::IU��:: :��'n:��:� I .... . ...."......... �.... and Correctly Priced 9 1 3 C " m e , e St. D.I, · ve� F,e' hO e s e Tac �ma. "YIn, . ' .:.-��1 �:�!e �;:;;� �� k��� ::e �her or t e d o ...... ......� r ... " . " . " . " .. �"' .. . .?, �:�t r:r�� t!l� :f .:� � ��::� ��.--�• " . " .. " " . " . " . " . "' " .. . " . " . " . " . '------� ;. "' pp 'h. "P.', " , Wond" If 'h",'U . LAST YEAR : : , 1935 .... MEANS RADIOS AMOCAT FOO . D PROD Ucrs be any .t1ay left. ..... .�. 5.11 . H'HI�" E P�!, OF QUAlITY:' "- . The Parkland Light and Water Ser1",,81y, archeI")' ls a grand oppar543� So. Tacom!l Way · · Distributed. by Company fur.nished to its mem­ tunity tor the feminine athlete. And WE T COAST CROCERY CO. . not IkI seriously. more beware bers eiec;tric current including . I. ' . . aver­ 80 streets lights at the low ye " stone-hearted aingletolUl. Ule fate MEN'S ,YlEAR . age price-of a fraction over ' Vz0 of permanent batChelorhood may' rest -:Men's Suits. Overc,C\,1ts, Shirts, Tin, KWH per cents f a '" u Hilts, Caps, Unde�fI.1r. The Men's ;Store .women like to shop'ln inYO: h!t:; C:ds.r;:�la take up' the � TH� PARKLAN D 'art that fluttertrig feminine fancies JETLAND & PALACRUTI LICHT & WATER CO. could wntsper. "I hOpe he 'Mrs: me." ' 912 Pacific "-ve. .. � ...,. . : ========;:;::;; 0...................................;......... ........................... I...� ;:::::;::::;: llle W. A. A. girls hav� set next Monda)' . for · the date of Ule annual' \T:lck meet ";"hlch has been arranged' by Helen Scott. traelt manager. to beat 3:30. A prelimlnary meet was held yesterday. Team managers for ('aeh class �'m h�ve charge of each clas..� team. Thelma will manthe h ��:n. th; !::h)o·'m"o,,"',? PB"'_��Vm' Be w"g,� totl, the freshmcn: and Marlon 'Danekal;. t� Uberal art.a hlgh'schOOI,squad.

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HANSON'S jEWELRY�' : Disti nctive

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. ,MCY 20; 1�7 . · WA.8HINOTON do,,, not tell how m�y th're u, Tw�nty Graduates Im·italio"? 10 Tea . ,[ Esther , Nnrgaard , ResUJts : Receiv,ed " any d_ "'" "'n don. It , . t ' SeDl lo ' Girl.' Club. ,"ould,not , , ' r� .ony � th"" ,on· H ve ' .A."1:_' p, rexy. s , u T0. Be W n C t . . a , 'Fnr Mant' n , ux Tests =n.., " " , . ,J � _ �( the test 1sAlsi.t.I\"e t.he <:hest should �went\. nil'mbers of ttte. nonna de- The Coed Clll\> has invited a num- . E!ther . Norgaard. normal In t� -rayed test gh-e.n here l�t � Xbe ng donto ertaln tha�o hann tm)n� adu�tlng CF have sighed Ix'r . of sen,lor girls from various . hIgh meat !K)phOmON!. � been . elected . �e lungs.' lr the �lr (.on�t5 t(4th durilig th� �oob to bE' gues� at � afternoon tes preslden� of the WOn\,tll'S �thleUc As';\;e-et by the TUben::u1osls L eague, offl! the . Pieroe_.couhty It was round that 2:2% X-ray.i follo �Ubcrcul1n, test. . ., F)iday. M"ay 28, on the front cam· /?he succeeds ). for next yeN. to tllaeement �m of the shows any dam m v;� College enroll , .a careful exayuna. .;=��. i�eart.hea�� ' a graduate ent pus �ear the poOl. El'aborate decom· soclatlon sho Louise HtndrlcLwn, this . g�tr:r"s oUice. . ' tlons \ l. , t should itive be. m e reaction ot· POS · <;;, J 9 I to the ' 'Pember Stanley Ford who test. and 18 are bel?J plann� to make thb semester . . l students received of tJ;l.e household It'amevery tuui reoeh';ct tile . , 1\ of tht' high schoo ' t I Ube per· , " has �epted alfair a dellghtrut climax to the year'" Other otrlcm chosell at the elecLlon t p , POSitive . results. This 15 .conslder;-ed SQn . 1s being: ex� to open case �':sl:�n!t ��:��. where he' wui actlvlUes. was held �asi.· Monday are . Enid a ;;howtna: for so large gn:;>up. of tuberculosis, TU\ rculosis. orten .e.x. sen'c as principal, and teach the our GlrLf clubs 'ilt Olympia.' Stadium. . which Melba eFenncy. Blake, vice·president;Melver, Ists torgood In a conct' a le t the tendency O d t. Is usually ;\ ' tOWlUU ��USReC a r �. .ot .U tr &9urer: r wUl Fif D , wm: t er, sectetary; pe ' grad or hy Anderson n oln. Puyallup. e Roy. S �h and Ruth Margaret Ing persons and 1\Is lmportant t.o up hlght't positive raUng. , r-'. ' ' manadvertising Watney. same the n I "" a. "Buckley. Kapowsin d Yetro. gTades r e i 10llo' the t I . � cabof The tuberculin t.est is used for the �:�e r��:n!liove� :c �t'rd�a!re- ��� er:, b mem . Remaining , : agltl O tllo' by repr . be Rnted e will . pu� of flndlng "'helfer or not Oenerall l" s:�·nr. \ tlve ' re.:e- .Nonn,a Prt'us and Jesse pflueger �'IIl' �hOOIS s qag. . : t ;: l, :! t . � Ls from t'ach 5chcol. gl there are luberculosls germs. In tht' tlon In 'a young chll.d�n(' under five leach In Pouls� Miss ?reus in the. Also at·thls &:IfaJr. club leaders f�r �� ���.' : ��':. p . :�' n 7e ,�. body. It Is approved by the White years of . age. shou'k!' considered 101lo't'r grades. and Mr. pflueger In the neil. yeaF wUf be Introduced. f\etlr. . \ House' COnIer�nce on ChUd Hea1 th and. more seriously than � the of an upper. Ol� Hugo will take over thj! Ing leaders. are ;Helen l:IOltc&mp..... Mar. Freshtllen to Cruise state and city health older Child. The ' �lIer a cttf� is In- pr1m!ll"y gfades in .�lnr. ,\ dePrpartments Q.tecUon. b� tubercul garet Rorem, and ��. Hendrlcksoll. . . .' , s' sanatoria fected with tuberculoAis the ,greated Other' primary positlons h"ve been Alda.Johnson will . plan the Protrranl Around Vashon T. onltt . \ and scit'nUtic med1ca�OlSIOrsantzaUO DS. Is his danger.' though·there are many granted to Judy Benson, who wUl hE-, for the tea. 'a�, Ruth ·. . Watney, Vir." . " II, flrst used by RObert K�h. and ex.ceptlons to this rule. at Key ,Port: Opal Grove, Wollochet: ginla ORvis. [Jewella Davies and Elli. The freshman clas.s has, planned yean;. Iu a child grov,'s up -,j,nd ' his con. Romola Rust. ���; Evelyn;ray- abeth F'I"Ws will. arrtUl,lre the ground:' ,cruise fro� pt. Deflance · to v�ou �or byfortyplacing �\Tashbre entestInIsuse. Illlan� this e ��lng on the yacht. The ma e BarT�tt, El��Ia" ln; which the altarr wUl' be held. de drop a' &Sl!,' other with tacts Incre persons .; .ELsl, of\UQuld called tubercullrt within the Is likelr. sooner or later to get' tuber.he Ril'eI"Sldes ur Gallant .�y.V After ' a aeve�.h() Irent' Odell. LlltJe' Rock. and Louise onRef resbn,lenu' are belng.. pl�ed tiy cru tsE: the �y ",1U stop at, some sw:Cace layer of the skin either eulools germs Into his body. UsuRily no WIIII,ims. I;llso at Llttie ROck. . . Evelyn . · byuP� Tayl()l' . Bet! y Miller and Betty a \tlny scratch by InjecUon. This harm Is done �ause tht' !ium"ber 0: .� w,bQ have. z;\gned fOf". up�r ;Evanson. with Mary M;a.chle. and 8yi- beach. on the island for a pi�nlC supper . · and. 1& ' h�ess. If the spot become.s red germs Is. so small that the. body tights lor, Rlversldej Elsle Barrett. �lk Pl�in : via .Wayne m�klng the place cards and anc;l bonfire. sUl;hUy 'oJl�n wtth1n two or bAck and· keeps them from doing Ervin I?ammt'l. K.Ing�ton: !;� fa\.ois. qommlttees n�ed . .. refreshments. three d� It sllomeans that Stan tuberculOl'l Watney, Marlon Fries. Ruth i s c;l a mage. ' ' Friis. MOSS)'l'oCk;-Helen Hoitcamp. But , germs are mewhere in the body, The In most cases tuberc:ulOSls begin,; C�Il; ·Do.ris Olson. Elk �l�;, Stanle� and J:?on Momon;, _ bonIlR. srnal! red \�action pears and ver)' slowly In' chUdhood and dW DoL Dahl. Slh'erdale: and, Gene �ack, . DetinlUon . " A committee Is a gath·· DI!-nekas. �b Pflueger, Gary Johnson. Walt leaves no Or other disap ettecf:S. . wtll � in Rl?y. 'edng of Important persons who slngly :::11. d . cause trolJblt! until one Is grown ' up. mid-year gradUatewUJ together·deho . .... but nothmg do can e��!����� �t:d AnO:: of chargt! have r has OIh'er uudlow a : Smyth, and Merrie Jean!'� It Is "'.:ell'>.to know T If a youngste Uquld made the son. VIvian . tht' school In' seabeck. ·that precau. exactness andcolorless germs In his body .IthUberculln ....laboratorit's dde nothing can be danc... extreme In . \ Malcolm. un ,r W(wemm entruper. tlons rna, be taken pre\'ent serloWi . ---Vision. , .It. Is th�ughly sterlllzed t�uble In later l\ft'. _ Tht' tu�rculln by tes WHAT PRICE, MUSTACHE' ? an y I a ' . ' ' N«?TICE ::!s. � n� :x,�:t�Udbe���: � g�:::a:� ::;:: number or Chil- Afier having endured nJl manner of as a tin soldier! Not everyone can rAise "'Injections" The next Issue of the Mooring M'asl Or ser\uns. D con- dren .....ho react to the U'st may be It gives what is that and . mustacht' a remarks about that fuzzy bun�h Whl�h! fuse tubercUlin Wlt� BCG. othenotV&CoClne be the final publication ot �he from tht' experience of an east. now and tht'n Is permltU'd to collect �� distinctiveness It t'xerdse and will year, It ...' ·111 be a: graduating class �I. sometimes used for protecting · Inrant.� egained rn slate Where . ": tl more Uum 200 000 chB born of tuberculools mothers. . ' I dren have been given thts test.. These my nose I hale found need to =u:.�;�e�a\��:eU:Il:�l::r �; :�;.���: :�e�nre���5 at class .nlght under If the tubt rcUlln test Is posIUve-(l"t'd are the tlndlngs: make a deft'tlSe bftore that certain rAising mustaches �e have but to IUld sllo'ollen)' It means only that IIvil).g Ot t'�h 10!l i:hildrt'n bctwt'en ·5 e.nd very critical group I have tried to th:an� our ancestors ¥"hat Is this age " "". .." ""... � tuberculosis germs He body. n 15 rears of age. an average of 28 raise a must.a.chfI and I m proud of It. coming to? With men folloWing women In t Eu tman Kodak Stores -::;;;; ; ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;� ; ;; reacted to dW"l:lli?ercU!ln test. Of these In the lite ol ,every young man the�'e in Powdering their faces. manicuring .! when e a.mln y X·ray. 5 showed comes a time when hls thouihts tend their tlngemaus. ,and curling their . 910 Broadway �J_ t , . ------------- -:-! that somx ! sl�t � damage . . had been y. go to be a s want hair. ? It you to things more ls.s majestic. that . There is 1 for �nt ! done. but on �bo� one of these tlvt' l serlqus enough to re* exclU'd romantic feelingseekabout every- ahe�-IlD.d receive my compliments! l<ODAK HEADQVARTE.RS · :: showed d��e. S for some- . But It you should be 50 unfortunate � .".."..."."""""."""..".":"""..".."""."""",,, ..J thClt longs and I qurrt> cont1nu� . ' m�lcal attenUon.- thing This period Is co- as I, Who do not belong to that hairy i" g : different. thin \bY T.-B-;7League). existent with college nre, since at' this group. you can at least PlY your reo �---.------�-t NEA L E. T!lORSEN ! (From pam Phlf. ! agt' It expresses Itsell most predoml· spects to tmtlqulty .bY encouraging .that 1 §. . ' , " , nantly. What helght ot f &Shlon �'as little bit of fuu th�t you do have. U. � Noise MaJters. Paper Hats. i +. It that saw no heed for gartt'fS. winter thereby, you are hlfiue�clng otbers to .g . 500 Y Balloons. Blow O,uts. Serpentine !: underwear. or a hat? None other than recognize and , appreciate true manly � . . $5.95 ! thlt created by college youth. Every- beauty. and are stimulating the Inter- : .. 9261� Broad"'ay MA. 4861 ! TABBY CoAT t�: ::=�� ..�-..n f n r t '. . . ..".. .. . . .,,... .. .. . ..,,,'11 . ,:... ,,:."..., ""-",, " , . . . . " , . , . :: � ; �r; � � �: a t O s:�:� I d e l o �s: n o:�o': �� � ::, � � \ �:: . +... L 1318 Tac. Way ,'" : GA. 9145 blood!" This wild spirit has pt'rvaded \'aln. Perhaps th06e squeamish. yellow 1 j Raymo.nd Ele�t�ic CO. � our nation so deeply qtat It has be· hairs have !x-en Injured by too frequent E ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION --:. come synonymouS"....'lflth the term shaving. GIve them a chance to PARKLAND SUPPLIES ' T I V!��� SR. 1 1 1AND e n a r n· � L MER�ANTI E CO. 91S 'Commerce ! 2 ���t � a ��:�����· SPECIAL LUNd-lES \� � �!:. !::� ; ::: ty: l�e::: �::: . Photo Supplies I than the college student with his sleek- "cessIul. don't give up. but care for that, 41 t Prompt and Courteous " ar , ed hair. raccoon coat. cigarette. and ch ley just a little longer-the time . a o will . . . "" ." ''' i". r :�,T:�:2 ' �·Th' 8'&<k ,nd Red" . � ; ! Ihe "' h o as sIs anyone to so p fortunaU' a THE Brookdale Lum ber Co, I' : sess ont' clnemactor, has do· : Parkland Co-Ed Beauty , . Robert$250Taylor at Brookdale on Mounta,n : HIghway I i! ROSS FLOR AL CO. : Many hale asned that the muuy nated to Stanford. Unlvt'rs.\ty for : Shoppe , '. tud) of wt' psychology of the the- ei . , . , . ..........."....... .. ... . ". � t� I :' I (,,\r1ancl 1861-1-5 ;!n�:tt::�;!��t��:� th,=.: =e p i �a��:� , 711 So 52nd OA 5 · 4 29 � ts I realize that this product of ..., ,, r��;SLARCEST i m5e'Veral kmg and tedlou.s weeks has not It Is becoming-difficu t Increasingly e-Furnilhinp Store l Hom Speci.... Rates for Studenh ! been satisfactory to the owner hlmsell, maintain the high standards of the I : FLOWERS FOR , ! and 'I am harrassed by such remarks tuonlvers .\ty ot Iillnols band says Dlrec- I c:.:> !� �o.e,." '-lei.:... l Sc for 9 holes GRADUATION ! as ..Je.... forget t wash? You m1ased a tor A A Hardinr, because other : d�... "'T�!."'n,. 2 5c f J� R h i es I -: halr' By tht' appearance of those schools are enUclng p1'O$pt'Ctive musl- <0-l 1 ----. t th m Regular Rates . ::e�� ::�te:���:n� I t:�r ��:� clans with scholarships _; . L.;... has wrought Its 20c tor 9 holes .,::, the Nebraska drouth members of SOuth Caro- S PR'E �CER 6 JONES 35c for 18 holes ! evU effects even here. Ev�ry morning IInForty.nlne a's leglsJat.ure'are graduates 01. the weeks at a time I have so�ed the University ! NEIGHBORHOOD. fo� of Carollna. Watcty nd Jewelry Repairi", Parklan ' d area with and ollve Stl l so trail ! S ERVICE STATION and colorless those 011. fuzzy hairs � stick An honorarySOuth deg'ree Is a degree con- 1 147 Brfoal'\away BR: 431 5 A. ferred on a man who proved that he '--Gn'If Cnurse== : o --'----.:....----' TacO=, , wn· U�et. In addition to this dlsappolnt- could y,'ln' without It. � 1 �1!��'50;';; :=: So' K St.��� be some Who would ���� W ment, theremewould the drtzzJe and rain. anothe!' ;;� . �_� I ...... .. ;ra: with their pronounced sigDespite n of spring · tor thls Is ==: : . A, ; embarrass T ==: HA LOETTE crttlcal rt' m arks. Some would �y at the UnIversity , Try on�f, our r.ll Shoe White I.�' _'] "�NI,Wflat'whoa "'I7.D PORTRAITS WITH Idea!" But dear read- washingtoWeek n. Collegians'to feet are hamburgers wit.h' l . l N D IVIPUALlTY . �j - ��c>,�A;'� could go so far to say that. a ofall clad In white so as not be classlmustache does not embeJ.] i s� and tve:au� mug of root 'b.�r! ' as a "drizzle puss. " fled tit)' the tace? The distinct. /lharplyKr11'g, Tacoma - I cut lines harmon1zlng with the deep -University of Wash Da11y seattle rr -0 I formerly , TRIPL,E XXX i Har'hook Studio I . . . Errective PTInting features ot the upper jaw. bringBeto T PARKLAND CARACE , Ught th06e hldd�n virtues of man L F\ H. K�ug Ma nage, BARREL Planned and Produced neath that Im_." no =tt<, how Shell Casol ,"e and Od ' I I abbreviat d it may be. there Is the sum 3Q4...W?R Bust BUilding Depenaable Greasmg "\ total ofe the he-man" dl5playedGENERAL REPAIR MAln 4493 courage. endurance and stateliness I .,>----...;.--...;.-� � I" -...... ADCient times coll5ldered wblakera a I charm, and th� would t.. "... """ ,�,tly 'o"" dd,o. No B ROOKDALE CROCERY AND MEAT CO. O C L'LEGE ' �-r7" e V � �::. � w u """"' to .. � .! ) HOME .... . r �v: � PHONES: �'Iw 010?J4---GAr!and Q193R� L ' COOKING J h n-E ( Try Oor publlc But bow ","' baa "", C.....'I... F�,. ,H_. .. IK. F..... ole. 0 nso OX. OmnI'Uilny mlt"" ' ., C b"""," to d....t<; ... '" !hot FOUNTAIN SER17ICE .... 726 Pac,flC A...... BRdwy. 2238 today he If aaU&t1ed to appear aJJ smooth l...c. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -,_ --. _ __ _ , ,. ·

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Baccalaureate Sunda�' S P. M,


Curtaift Will Rise At Eight Tonight l On 'The Yo mgest'




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U. of W. Deal'! Wll) -Gin4he

e gradpnte5 will � pre; ! ·�I . E1ghtY-fl\ hl' e I (t!l;noIlJ . rL�! ��;"�3� ��=�::;;�; I ����� ;. . :! . I 7 exercises scheduled f�r eight o'c!ock .hi . ' ' I Trinity Lutheran Church. Dr. Edward ,! II H. ·LaUl'f. Dean ot the UniverSity A "' .,.; �VIYI�. ED� .IN -THREE ACTS of '-. Washington. will delh·cr...... the Iip B.arry ' on commencement address speaking "The � , !. ! Lasting Education." Eii'ht O'Clock : p. Saturday. " Iul:le 5 I II Opening the program. Profcssa.t J. , al. t Produced by Special Arrangements with Sa� uel .�rench. of New York J ! ! . O.eEdwards will pia)'f the processlol'! a a Directed by : , �: �� ��K� ��g':;r� :��;f ar:� I AR Y E. E�,,\AR.DS Ident ot the Colleg� Board of "n:ustees, I � , : tI CHARACTERS IN ORDER OF THEIR �PPEARANCE ;��SI�;'I:tl��1���:� �'�11 :�r!�I�\I,1.��-' !. �:a �o�� � �:,sJow come. An openIng �ymn will follow HS::� ���d r n ! l Helen Hol tcamp Martha "Muff" Winslow Wi��::��\l::�p�a�1�r:l: ����:I���� '( Chester Solie : Alan Martin' pays'!" c'Knowest thou thal' Fair ' Pauline Watts Augusta Winslow Mar-tin I LAnd?"1 from t.he oPera "�.ngnon." by ' Edward Machle Richard Winslow Ambrose Thomas, and "The: Star," by : Gordon Barnes Oliver Winslow Jam{'s H. Rogers. OctAvius Thw'laksHelen Scott 1 Nancy Blake I son, �r. , wlll play a violin selection. Aida Johnson "None but t.he Lonely Heart" by '!'schal,! . Katie kowsky, I PreSident Til].lo:eLstAd will mlLke th, e 'ectlons. P. L. C. Orchest'ra . Greetings, Verner Bitter I . pn>sentntion of diplomas, after which� " ACT 1 I . . T: 0, SvaTe, college pastor, will I Re\'. . , The liVing room of the Wins,low Estate-A late June afternoon , IlrOnOUnCe the benedlctlon.�. .!ollowlng doxology. ? Presentation of Glass Gift, Ver-ner Bitter 1 I theProfesso r BtIwards will pill}' the postI lu�e.' "Grand March" from "Aida. by ACT 2 . i A week. later, Winslow Estate-Fourth of July .v�� �ven on Sunday evening pn>cro'Presentation of Honor Awards by Dr. Tingelstad Ing BaclalKureo.te services the graduaLl -.S will hold the traditional h'y , i planting. . ACT 3.. Gertrude Tingelstad and I Same as Act, One-Ev�ning of the Fourth : Jaspl' r Johnson will represe�t the class. . Northwest SCh00I s All ",,10" ac, ';',d "' , 0"" 10 'he I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FOR FURNITURE AND PROPERTIES Ch.,wl_." I, lo"r-II.,. , Sponsoring Camp I At lhl' Baccalaureate S('rvl.ces at Mrs. Harold �eraas Mrs Ph E Hauge Mrs EdWin Tlngelstad, Mrs 0 A eight o'clock on Sunday evening, June Tl ngelstad Mrs Lora Krtedler Mrs Eleanor Baroffskl and Mrs J 0 Edwards : To facilitate the knowledge of 'Ger6. aslo In Trinity Church, Rev. C. S. man language and life. the German � l Odell. p8$tor of ,Immanuel Lutheran departments -of the College of Puget . Churcb in Portland, Oregon, Is' to Sound, Tacoma: Rff-d College. Port- I lund: lind W!', Unlversit�· of WashingCoeds Compliment ��:t::r�tieL�l ���' �:,,,as ��.lh�:�; I f the Last Days Would Onl y Last ! o a r e a fllther of 'Irene Odell, a grild��tF �:� �:;:;o; ��!p o� �;c:: �s�� I High School Girls ls'the l' their minds. In lhe Normal department. San Juan group. this summer from Au� The Ia:;( day of school! Didn't It 0.1· chanlo: Two appearance� of the ch�1r will gust 2 to 22_ All act!�·IUes. Including wass give you a big thrill? The teacher ThoSe days are gon(' now. but the c spelLklng. will be�ed on in Ger- on that day was a little 168S awe-In- thrill remains. On the last day of fr:m :U::���I::h�::��:�tI;=� �v� ����::il�gre�l:� ��c���be: o�h��: . man r.ustom and language; home st.!trt stili e\en school "'ho dOt's not en last FTlday afternoon by the Coed numbers nre Lost In the Night ' by F 5pm�g amI a IItilI' more human CompletE'ly equipped, InC Udlng read- a!lo""mg the class to It'll Jokes IOU': "'Ith a 'carelelloS abandon? No wonder club LouLse Hendrickson a reUrlng M Chrl!itlanson with Alma Stolee sing· Ing rooms solaTium baths etc U1e class the at giddy trifle a becorI\{' e "' that ones! solo From Heaven Above ) fWill some kne'" aJ",a)s club leader Introduced the leaders for Ing the Camp offers .spl{'ndld opporlunlt) for by Chrlsllanson In which Romola cultural and recreational actlvtlles The readers the arlthmetlcs and the prospect of sleeping late on Monda) lh O In e h I I d M I also Rust will sing the recltatlve, Lullaby Lt-ctures campfire chats special spellers I\ere collected and'1 the pupil mornings of the hikes the swims and w:n�;g �I; ;;ak: :d�e�e�!a � on Eve Christianson Pauln h s a pleasant sen1le of freedom and all lhe other JO}S that nre an eSSl'ntial A program ",as presented Including IneChristmas Watts as soloist Bnd A\a Mal}s �;sc��el��; :t�:�o:\ fO;� das:� had n v pa ked the rellet as hI' energetlcal!} chU l s May e t St played by ute solo e music , pla)s- games and other actl�lC v ;e:t:r ::�: lhat vacation ", r l\O [J s d ld LooL ;��fe�����ards wlJl play the pre­ cO I tiCS " Ill pro\lde nI l.erest and enJo\and postlude for thLs service In tht' ;:��a�:I:S���r_:��CtO : freedom from Interrul)tion trouble ::�:OI�I�I��: ;:t� :n� :r:nk IudI'Candidates for gr:a.duatlon Include' Many promillt'nt German t[achers the Thanksgh'ing Day posters, the May and perpleltily " Fresh (or should Margaret Rorem.. Helen Holtcamp, r n e and professors hay!' 'promlsed to be baskets, and multitudinous penmanship say Jad.:d?1 from a week of by who ha.s led the' group w'lth Margaret ��d:!n� �:;;�:; �a�;;::rSe:I:: present. among whom are the follow- papers were returned. One went home rupted sleep. Lroubled dreams, and Rorem and Louise Hendrickson. pre- Anderson. Tacoma; Gordon W. Barnell, loo Ii� a :;.a:-e �f ::'�{'� was perplexing questions In flnal examS, sided over the tea n Tacoma: Elsie Barrett, Puyallup; Ju' lr ere ����� :w:.: 6�:�����' ��: �:n e l dlth lsnl)(>l Be�son:pulilan<r. �ul G·s slant on the Reed Collegt': Drs_ J. H. Groth and a wild rIlsh tor all a.vailable exits. In we appreciate Blled, Tacoma; Wadene Calavan, Sum1\ l ari6 Wenherg Made · . m ght matter. the powers.that-be Meyt' f , U. of W.: Prof. Max the fear that Herman J "nyway. no�' that it's all over, we're :. Schertel. also of. the U. 'of W.: and Delta Rho President ���: �::�!l.o::���r:���n�8�;I�::� G Knoll. �j �tructor. U. of Cologlad to Ci06e our books, gladder to start Mary Jane Dedtlck, TaComa: WUllam Frosh ive Outing our Wenberg, of Ea.'>t Stanwood, Stanley lrek tor ho.mYor the wide open hasMarie Fgrd, Everett: Clara Elizabeth elected preslde�t of the Delta Friis, Tacoma: strangeJ.y'·tnough. we'll be R�obeen and, spaces. or Norman Frye, Tac'oma: . . . Class For Seni . for the coming, Rus.sell Frye, Tacoma; , OammaElsie , FI(�tiou LIbrary GIft· gladdest of all return In the fall! succee�lng Grove. Tao . Puyall BaJrctt . , ocma: Hazel Hagerup:,Opal C lol � Astoria, Ore· J The tr�itlonaJ Creshman-senlor plcOther mem.bers of· the cablnet The fiction department of tI:e local nlc lOOK �Jace yesterday afternoon a.t Gernlan Club Elects ; Heggem, Bergllot Mabel Seattle: gon Margrete · Demers of Tacoma, vlce-. Louise cecile H,endrlclc.son, PuyaJlup; library Is the reciplto.nt ot a �"ift of American Lak�, South Place, when the $5.00 which ",�as presented to Prof. undercla£!>men entertalned the Go,p1.erud' PreSIdent pn>sJC;lcnt: �ona By·rd, Tacoma, record- Helen Marie HoltCamp, ' Burl1ngton; Ing secretary,: treas�er, Elva ,Berg- Olga Dorothea" Hugo, Paulsb!l: Eugene Xavier by .the freshman c� The URtea with an outdoor aftalr, at the . . man. BurlingtOn, and· �ean Gordon, Frank Jack, fI'acoma:: Aida Astrid money ",;lll be used U) bu� tlction read- home of Marjorle-ilelln. . To gh'e them head start and a well correspondl�g secretary. Ing material. retlumes school when club ed z Johnson, se"Ule; JUPe1 H. John&on, Baseball' games betlA'Ee'n the clas&es 'Organi(all. the' German Club held Its Flreateel. North Dakota; Dorothy. Lucy and boaUng and swlm- this , . were teatUre(l, ' coming the tor offlce new of election ' g rs Business Ma"!l er Named ming were p�vlded for the afternoon, Sagas Out Today ' ': KaPphah�, Tac,oma; Martan 0�'" schOQI y� at a. noon meeting, TUesKohler, Tacoma; Burton iwnlng A picnic aupper.wu'sen·ed. Erwin Owen has been appointed busRe(resrunents were planned by'Ma.r� day, June 1 . Walter Goplerud, .who The 1937 Sagas were distributed on �1�ler, Parkland': Helen AI" :i a ' lU_ for the .l937-38·M:oorlng 'Ion Qanekas; Signe, . Ruth' will � a aet)Jor in the Nor�l de�� TUesda.y or-'this week, 'I'he book was ja, Stanwood; C?lIver Cooper LudlQw, ines.s Mao'lt. He w1Il succeed Ellza:beth FrIis Down,ton, and .Marjorle Delln, 'Cl&y- ment next y�ar.· ""u chosen as pres!- printed by the Pioneer -Prlntlng.Com- Puyallup; Mary Ida Machle, Tacoma; who has been tHe man'qer' for the boUrne Wiken, Roy Schmandt, Don dent. Other offi.oel'l' el�ted "ere: Ito- pany of Tacoma, und"�r the direction of I�a . Rachel M�rz, Yelm; Agn811 H,�l and Erwin LoUise Hendrickson, editor, and Verner Mohn, Tacoma: Thelma JOhItna Ness, 'spring ,semester, oak Otnl::ss rUled Monson, andl 14lvtn McCut.clleOn m8de land Wuest, vice-president, this poSlUon last fall, l' arranaemeni.O for fTansportatlo.n, owen,�secret:ry-t.r�rer, Bitter, business �er, _ - , , - (�ontlnu� on Pa,Ke f) . WiII 'Ue GiT'en Between


I ,, I


curtains will rise this e\'ening al ('Ight o'clock for the first of the graduating class play. "The act Philip Barry. 9.·hlch Is thY9uogest," pi' omin­ feature of' lonlghl's class{'exercises. \ Pr('l'eding the pla�' the Drchest..ra will by Delibes. and '"VIctor lHl'rbert' .lr�Sent S"NaUa" F'a\'orites." by Victor Herbert. Verner Bltkr, CI8.."& president. will gh'e greeting. . a Following the first act the traditional present.aHon of a gift 10 the SChool will take Illace. Vern!'!r BlttN will make this presentatiOn Inspiration awards '-the outsland­ ing bor and �rl in both the college d e � gi��� �!�n:CI::I i�\��::I:: be� J tl\'e<'n the �cond and (he final act of the plar. These :Il\'ard� aTe presented I on the basLs of the student's IIlSPlration Ulf' school. President 'Tingel­ ",tad wUJ annoullcP and Introduce 'the 1 winners n r I h i toC�:: �t:: ��g�[ ;��i�� a�� :��� 1 gram.. Mabel Heg�em: propt'rties. Mar, garet Pearson. Heru;!ett9 O·Nl'ilI. Jas­ per Johnson. and Norm:lll Frye:. Chairs. Stan Dahl. On' Schlanbusch. Bob MO('. and WaIT('n Hokenstad: tttkets and '��t.Ls��. �:;�:�'ee�rem, Pauline �;Aida Johnson has acted as ass stant ' director aod has preparedL the l stage for rehearsals as wen ' as prompt- I ed Iht.- cast. br

l.. _







I ,,

Address. Baccaluureate





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iir"� _oaring 11lihisl


Published every two weelu during the school year 'by the studenU'of Pacific LulJ1� CoUewe. . Office: Room 115 Telephone: OArlnd 057'7 Sub�lpUqn Prlce-$l.oo per Year · Entered sttond c:Ia.s.� matter. October 2. 1925, the Post Offi� at Pa'rtt'lan4. Washington,, ' under the Act of March 3. 1879.



Fibs •




alld " Pacts !



. Pre�y's · � much -do �u 'Pra� ? Prayer Is The CIM.' of 1937 nll��� elghtrlh::t'hristlan·.'I breath. Make your six gn,dufttes: Lhlrty._5e\'en :i'ears aro praYI.'t\Jervent ,and det\nlte."-Dr. - e of Lhe c11lM of 1900 were s!�� �en gels�d. . ' . ' as now we were all friends: eaehl, of us "Chrl.s�.lanlty is thl.' loo.sln� pow�r 'of Sill h!l.d rh'e friends In the claM. . Eacl:l the SO�1 ard hM It.s Innuence outskk- member of the Cla�· of 19!!? hils. W{' of tpe churC'h. It Is from God. and Pod believe. elghty�fh'e friends In the cl�. ale31e,_ tn�t come the, bleMlngs of hu- Potentially seventeen (lint's n�, fortu­ man,lt'�'."-Pf�egt'r. . nat{' \1i;t'�ef'-tSa.";�"I:\jJ1.igl)ty­ " FllIal f�ar the beglnnmg of �aught-. :· yti';(say? "-lit-op""P&t�fiY. )·is. ·knowledge,:·-Xn\'I�. as 'friends make us strong Innsmuch :'Evcry 'C'\'e�t ,that \\'e� meet Is alld rl�h. But let")ot t.he Iftrge sl,�e crIsis, Therl.' I� no rOl�tme In , me-- of , the class'Ldllute. the Indlvlduftl e\'ery eXPf't'iencC' is a \'h'ld conscious friendships, ���e��:��� �:e :;;;:;,�o�:�'�� �fe;�� Paclnc �UUlertln Coliege Is grntdul I t Il r ' negatl\' to this re<:ord-btenklng CII\.�o; of 1937. "One Ill'CUUar thing the e Mny God richly ble�� e\'ery .mcmber crltlclsfll� the Bible is thl' Way-the nnd mnke each and all In!jI\'ldually critics handle it-<flsregard nil recor.ds." and' coH<'CU\ for (Jo>J-Jllven 'ely strong . -Xa\'ler tasks,. ' O. A. TINGELSTAD.



.'. Chapel Jileanings


Co�ner .



KES.NY \\'Ith a ' rnJn 01 salt SWED:/ and dash of dat . ;"l'MESTW('II. the time. has come when 'we just abQut hl\\'e to . ."; .... �.. � stop '\l:lc\l:ln' and get '5eIHlmental about the old place . . . �r ;£ :� Nembe we'll ha\'� �rQW...thls �ld pencil away. too. but , maybe . that·s 3 .g000 thing . , . \1i'�'r� graduating and we·re · gainS M�mNr 1017 IQJ{) n r. 'r I'Issociaied ColJej\ia!!> Press ':�e�:;':r:��; :o�u �� �::.�:r. . " �::;�� .�� 'tha, �\,t '�n�body ginning to think win' be able to ' flll 'our EDITORIAL ST..\FF shoes . . in tact they probably couldn't e\'en'�get Inl;O {:OITOR Hazt;1 Hagerup them. they're S:J small . . . We'lI nntr forKet--Bardon's Norma ASSOCIATE EDITOR "We!l. pretty gpod'( .\1o'1t1\ the up and down slur . SPORTS \VRITERS - Roland Wuest, Norman Frye, . Dappcr'� cheery "HI ' . . . I;dward's:compell\ng-hal'l.d.!l , F'Ble-s Martin. Mrs: Franek', admonitions' . . . Fran('k's ':Who Is mis... . . Gliberlson'� " . and he was Ju.o;t grand . . FE. TURES - Marian JohnsOn. L1nka De Berry sin? . SPECIAL WRITERS - Jack Odey. Walter Schnack'R'rel::;!���h:e�e���: strid �:��, t��e::I�I!�i:� ��d C--!Ul You Pass {'nberg. Kenneth Anen50n. Marvin Jeqsen. REPORTERS _ Eh·a 'J3(>rgman. Ida Men:. Lavlllln r \ i ' �McCall. Llewella Dlwle.-!. Ida Mae Hoss. Elizabeth ' . This SVeHdown? ;c: :te�:l�e� ', ' �;�;::�����;� �ll'l �mO;�; �I:tI:�!. Stuen. Virginia 'Dftl'l,. Wadene Calavnn t w e � . Aida Johnson cdPy READER Fir in Cllt. It there's s! . :: =�� � a�I�� : ln ; e � d:��t�:� �::y�·��� , �:;� ,PltI.Illnj• tYF.I.§iTs Corrine Malm!n, Irene OdeU C. nor particularly Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Stoples receiving '�nd lnformal gnietlngs : . . Reid-just one 'of the fellas neMn'tJ.bcusta afllney EDITORtAJ; ADVISER Mrs" Ruth F'ranc� p'lnln , olle .wm do. Then Kuhn. forlT',er 'studentl arebirth I:lTge . St�n's "ikke sandt" E, Tin�el'rtad's.�tenity . of ". the upon congratulations foUows to ther(' a appears be What BUSINESS STAFF Xavi r', scisSors. and' Ink Rl'nf'au'" pleasantness. and ('pnllnuous. never-ending line. Lln- daughter. oor.ri May 27. BUSINESS M",NAOER , - - - El1%abeth F'rU8 I abiil.!rr to see e\'en:one eL�e·s. 1)OInt of I'iew . . ' Mrs. Vlggo B;'rtelson and Mr. a gUjSts 'ean c O-you an re�ember it l ASSISTANT BUSINESS MANAOER - Le$ter Holte OUR LA.ST DIG ' r d el en I sr ADVERTISINO MANf!.GF..RS ' - Ruth Downton, � Imal!lne the men c!='m,ing down to dinner In their sh�rt a�: :��::�; 7n i �t�':�I:lI:Ue�'I��ye���I::S � :�:d�:�� �� ��;i;=�t:� a . Vivian Smith. . a � paren�. r he of home the Tacoma rs next. And . s ho e there it. to lar ��:': ;; ' CIRCULATION MANAGER, - Kathryn, Anderson I ��l�{'S . re�:mber: '��:d' ��s�.� ��s�: little a s CIRCULATION ASSISTANTS - Helen LilJa. rou did \I'll! have to be taken care of. or' you worl't get :�a:�s�;�R� ::;' m�)(�p :fe��nh���: s;��s ::;:::a:�i�o::I:�I�'\\"",��u:; Thelma Ness . yo_ur' report cards . , ' .�� �iriut.e Romances-WOOlIt Is 0 r e he EXCI:.J.ANGE EDITOR Mabel Heggem madly In a bad way "'itn�� NBrby who wHl be h!re ��:d5\ ;:::'e at�� ;;:�nSa \\�:�!e;e��!::b�: ;a��r� �:�: �3��:h� �:IC�n BUSINESS ADVISER - - - Mr. O. J, Stuen ' l n ' t at Shel- . teach will Ell. Pe al te:'lchlng one fo ordlAnyway. dlfrjcult�'. ::�:�:::y. t90�": n� �:e� �;�I::l<;\\I��� �e:;t n�:h :\��� r tht' to oh. boy .. . . Gar), PfJUeKer took about eight trips �.���Y"y:�.�����:� ��et\���: It�S " ��� �a��X�o�;::l. '35. has cha.nged .poe l_ TO PIIESIDENT TiNGELSTAD :�,� �:�l�:{, � f����� :t� �!�.u�� �ut �y:'Ud� ,G;��:' �u�:r - or "00 ." Wll t('h !t�ln Incons picuous tlons from Firgrol'e to the SpllnR�ay I o G . I � t te ln aI Sc I \\'e (;wt' ynu II gl'!'Ht tlt' !. . YOII1; �Ipplil'd t'f­ last c.hance. so we gotta 'get this' guy . In the life and :�n e��I � ��e�o;'r��' rt::;t r:;d�;l�� �OO S\����� .�:. :�::l �a�� �� MOX .,furt anti t'lH'rgy hll\:('. l i tel'llily spC'Hking, kept loves of Oct.'lvJus. we uncovered his first emoUon at the would look. like a p If !t- weren;' for Chehalis. School near . Elma to teach P. L. c:. glJing I'\·,'t· upwartl, upward. Your tf'n@_ age of I'leven. cherishing the photograph of a that angular stroke downward to the next year at the Malone ,school. \\'OI·k hllS ht'l'/1 musl illslrulli 'lIlnl ill iIlUUglll'­ certain mo\,ie star. .�lnce then It·s, beel} '·Jackleball." right. Ah' Now what do we find? l " Iggd� nd now his sllent Jove Is Ellie K��nsen . . JUJ\t a T. Did you get excl�1i? Save ���� M����I�· ��3� ::ll :ea�:r;� a t i n g a sl'!"IHlid dC\,<'�) I JlIH'nl program, It is e 'e . s , ad thal. please; you might need It during pa taught yuu who hun' disriplillt'd us. (·OIIlIS(·I1I'1I liS. · · ��;� In-Shelt{)n, : �posed to be a' column for kidding. and rlb- exam time We pass to the ne- xt mem- erlySankey Johnson. '31, now �rlncipal kppl liS 1('\'!�'I�Il('lIIkd. bin'g\and f�n-maklng. but this Is one time when we really - bC'r �f �hIS. famll� : It's an E. p�ono nc. . mean a fe� things . . after you've gone away from this \Vt' siTlt'I'ITly ho pI' thai ill your 1110s1 Iryin,!.! n . e " .. e ,� of the Chico School. will be prlndp&.1 l�n know what It Is to miss a wing . . ��he:;," ��: th: :;�. �ere: :"' god ofAt�OI:ou��:n�:�' n.��� ��. move lIIolIU'nls )'nLl wi ll 11(' slrungest ; thnl through . SChool.J'ou' . ut, a O u t 1 h \ ��:/:�I:�:: : ::��' maxim: lO,'hen you 'ke{'p" spmethlng Crom tt)e 'Hartford School' to � In all diffil'ullil's you limy ('on,linuI' In guid!' PII� ���;t ���:� it �!:�y :, �'t.� :IS� I that sn't belong to· you. you shoul? the Everett system next fall, cific Lutheran Col1eg<, sufdy, S!llIt' !y, slIr('l< whoSE' shoes we so feebly tried t� fill. that lO,'e comp(ain "weep��until It.'s returned: and when Howard Wilburt Nyman. '311 has a \\'c th ll llk you. Alld Wt' pmy wilh Hilt! fOl' about it to our associates and pals. and then praise It to rou hal'e returned It. you. can "cheep" posllion to teach next year at Blaine. . � tnmgers nnn thOse who haven't enjoyed Its, splendid JOY 1 Does the E remind you of He formerly taught at KlaybUr� fO · . as 011 hil\'I' so nftt'li hu\'(' !.Ipsin'd liS to dn. fl"llo�shlp . . We'd venture to say that there are very pr�son And , now. after the E. Oscar F'. Anderson. '34. wUl transfer fe"" studl'nt bodies that are 00 friendly In spirit. 'united in ",'e fln� what looks like a snake that from the Ford Prairie &:hool to Oal!'troTt. and Just all around swell In everything . . . Need- couldn t figure out which WRY to go. van. where he will ha\'e the prlnclpal­ less to say. of course. that our beloved faculty Is about See If you can recognize it: S. Draw ship tile tops . wh�n a felln needs a friend. well . . just two vertical lines through this letter try one of them out sometime Pa.ges could be written . find you have In s}'mool -what. we're on hoW \\'1' 1111 feel toward this institution. the apprecia­ all artt'r In reaUty. Simple. Isn·t It? High School Prophet tion or what's none. the respect and real esteem that Is Now for the rlnal letter: It·s a' T Which Reveals Fate of Class rl'Rlized in Christian experience . . but behind these has had ll-'l outstre.tched arms pulled few madequate remarks Is the most heart-felt expression \lpward to fOrm this letter. Y. Don' t br 0" SehT.nbu8ch ot All of we're sure!! . . . Not eloquent.. In fact the .�ny "why." but "wle." At the begln",'ords just doin conie. but tlme's eraser won't take away nln!!_ of a word It Is often pronounced ,foreign correspondent to the M. Mj , Not iong ago I looked up' some of mY­ wonderful memories of our. home. and' college-P. as In "young." Can you dissect the above paragraph CIIlS-�ma.tes from dear old P. L. C, high L C and dL�cover what the letters spell? school. Let's see. �at'8 about twenty Till' llIll'hlll' is Iwing raisl'd; I h t· sails aI'!' fill­ Intr flucin� a New Lohitnni;ol it' Wp'll bet YOll'l'e gotten It al- yenrs ago now. I found Josephine il.lg; thl' lil1l's UI'!' laul and sd, Suilor, \n' an' TIlIN ICE O Gjarde In New York dty. she hIlS gone ready' In for Interior decorating In a tlg woy. :i1JOlit In l'l11bark for 11('\\ lallds; Slllll!' of liS, CONGRATULATIONS-to t.he FACULTY of P. L. C , for . tolerating the student body for another year. and to the is a surgeon, rol' Ihl' "\�'idt, ui)t'll span's;"' oliwrs, 1'01' Ill'\\' H·Igh SCh00I W·I·11 SheTImes STUDENT BODY for tolerating the Iaculty-to BARDON certainly have chal'!ged. lean schools :11111 (' ollt,gt's; IIIOSI. perhaps. for �1I111for maintaining his sunny disposition while sleeping on 1 remembe'r the time when 'Clix Haugen 1llt'1' l'lIlployUlt'lIt IIl1d P . I . C, ill thl' full. tne tt1lrd floor-to the FRESHMAN CLASS for not break- We, Hie members of thp Class of was always so bllShful llround the girls. .1937 A. D. do will. bequeath, and leave Now t)e IUs a w:fe and five. children. '1'11(' past war has 1)('1'11 wOI'lhwhilt-, hasll't ing1down under G, G's, power of S�ech · . . The SAGA I a·t k' ·. E rYOne Is proud of the following IIrtlc:les to our fellow and Is also the country's leading cart i l ! Thin k. i 1II01l1t'nl: think of the lipS lind undf'rcll\.'I8men. ' toon\st ell)\\:ns; til<' good linH's Hnd had; till' thill�s' we ��l ��� �e��� �7s plc���, �, In �: N I.!a\'e l-{oll."11 Ulltl the' thi n g we havc gi"cn; Iht' Barbara Xavier. Marglt A,rveson Paul Xavier 'has undertaken some· ����e�!I�� September-when JESSE OWENS was I To t UU llllt! thc hlll'd work: the hopI'S anti the f(' r , hereby wills. and bequeaths all.."her thing really serious, He Is · now a ' Just a meek. bashJ'ul llttle feller? Here's what happened: -Worlhwhilt-'? We t h i nk so. ambitions to be private secretary to boUncer at the blgg�st restaurant In h(' got a girl a'nd kept her. and now he's ROMANCE To thost' Il'<I\'ing p, L. I:. for: goml, thc Moor­ O':lvernor Martin. Aberdeen. I can't understand how he PERSONIFIED, the big brute! My. ain't college _ Gertrude Tingelstad �Ills her seat managed ing 1\1ast h ids '(i(HI-spCl·tI and hear ty good will, keep single all, these years, . MargH toArveson nerful? . , . �y the way, to � tWo people sitting under '2 in :\Iuy thcir livcs c e m p l ifv at all t i m cs the idt;llls the Thoreen. library Emma t.a Is o�e of Taoo;a's a 'no-tr�passlng' sign at 10:00 p, M. Is enough to arouse of t h i s l'olleJ{e: and IIUl): Ihey fulfi l l tlle i r high­ She works for ' secretaries. known best Clifford e ll. Haugen Ja o 3. Wa cki T . .-! ' HIS anyone's curiosity. I won't mention any name but l'sl hopes nnd lungings, & �n'll. malt-. Thorlaksson of firm the one and leaves bls footbaU mustache first Initial Is WALTER . '. . The HAUOEN lad Is getting . -1;0 those intending ttl reentel' r. I�. C. next . lias alOctavius violins, famous ot ers penCils. pet his of W N ANEN heard you GOODMAN BENNY � . . HBve fall we SIlY, "Wc'fe l igh t gilld you feci this invented a '- 'new Instr:ument called practicing clarinet !\ltely? RUSS 'MORGAN JENSEN Is ·C JcsePhlne ' GJarde leaves her two so way; we hopc Ihllt yOUf next y n r will - surpass also to Conquer Croon- the "TOMBUNA'\ ; It plays anything HOW : ' on volumes C the down and up �lir �ure They woOOsheddlng, by fill' even your' last- one," but music. scale , . I've heard that CHARLIE knows every blonde . ers" t{) May Pellet. T(� tI,le JUt'tllty \�f cxt nd gratitude and ap­ hu found her has promised to Bernh;e ThompSOn Her n I the country. 5. 'Bernlce TIlompson pl'ct'latlOll. Many the hard knocks they'"e. next picture , ' SENTOIEN'T give !ldvlce . to imy faint hearted way Into HoflywoOOJackie h cJIX;d us take: mlln)' the humps- they've helped Cooper Is ber tragedy. a be will more The question at hand-should we or should we not slowly who know would sophomore 1I� rldc. Their guidnllt'c, criticism, and en­ leading man. It Is ruriwred that. they , take,.doo;\m our hair, �,one h�lr at a time. and Ished a about athletic men. l'otiragclllent hll\'C'-slistained us and spurred us . ' to � �Ied, sOOn. t/::ar or two, now that school Is over? 'I'he Normal graduOrv SChlan�useh leaves. his "fish "'c ()\\'e tllem a great deal-more' than we ' ' Oe�de T1ngelstad· has tollowed in ates J4IDPIng out of the trying , Intq he d�p. , t r a h e. that got away" to Bob Svare: .-\� the yeu�s' pass, we s:hal� find great pleas­ . ��e :: : re\= a'!���bt�:-U::: �O��kn�: :�: d�: 7. Octavius Thorlalcaen �1lI biS knowl- the r&;�tepa ot'her tather and I.a !low he n c t e n . r t . "N�UooaI �." urc III raJl1blll�g over old ,hlcmories of coUege ��e ot '!oO time to Merle'Pflueger, �ttng to keep lJeetl ruched: the �st way to stay In school Is dllYs. II is then that we shall realize the in�sti-' 8. Edith Miller willa her Charming permabie value those years ha'\'e been to us. ' lI, is' , . nunklng UntH your money Is gone, ' is capable· sonallty to anyone who SUGGESTION then we shall realize' that the studies' y.�e didn't ' : Betore Jeavtna: Parkland, please secure pictures of the of acqulrlng It.. pllrticulurly carc for, the duties ""C didn't ex­ ,P�KLAND _M£RPANTIL£, the BUGABOO. _the deceased 9.. Paul Xavier leaves hls bllShful ways adly relish. as weB as the things we thought WAY STREET .':CAR, and h Stan Ledahl, ,) LAt1ND��, the - S:r:AN,� we lond. were merely stepping-stones along Ir. witness' thereof, we the Clas.s ot HAAVIK'"sw1mmlng under the tlab pond brti::lg<::. Each the ' up.wllrd path to Ih.e True Free'dom--rthe � � Wh'� m�� g yourrond. chtldhood. 193? A. 0.. do hereby set our hand and '���bY: � Freedom I)f Outy i n Our Lord_ l. ==� . '. seal to this lB:St will and �esl:f!.lIlent. , ' now, tII ..p "'"�m ""'.. I\.'§


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T�e�ty-Th�ee ·· \Athlebc Awards

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PLC SpOrt Pa� Passes i� eviewJI : . ��

:· · . . .. .S�'·P.·O':,·' _. �·*=== T·. S.�·W.O·.I S . �




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"':::���II�:;"'II;', ! I:'; PAOI(. THR..U

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. 11.1. .t� lhe IIllI_t Iss\le of tile Moor- P.L. C 51, Elltnsburg A. A. lttter awards tor partlclpa. ti'lTl in slr�' ftthlttie.� wtre p�nttd .. fng' M�for tht Spring ttrm' of, 1937 P. I C. . , ', U. 0" W. P'rosh 12 !l�t Thu.�dIly afternoon to twtnty· I, .... ,-Quld only be fitting that 1I"e S1'C'nd t p. L C. . � ·Bt-lIIngha'!l �h girls �h.") tfll.t u � e rt· P. L. . ' P . � gym ' n �� h t e j ���:��!r;;�;7 ��I�l���� � 0 �Int.' � ;� � l:'� �::� g . 1 1 l"tI�nte Gftnltr. that ,triun.&" Even though his'�·'t.ou�hdovm·· ne�r }ear has brought ��! ;::� ���� , rk ea . �Ief as 1Itll A�' :. �. C' 9', U. of W.r F'"roIJh 8 '., �vcn blocks 6f mAde the r�ord·book becAuse an ovrr- hllpplne�5 as It dotsuse\ery Gradunte, .. ho r�h·td Itlters wtrt /tu:trd of Ia..'rt )'ear but �e Next In line, and durin" the golf Holtcamp. Helen Scott. Wadtne' gn.nitr."' .... as ont of four Tacoma zu' oipursuer ....ho t"'-l ied him b) t-;lIele tha� tht balances go down on, �a.s clime the �ftball gamrs "Ilihlch .... hopelessly "'OUI of the �PlntSS side .. ....t rtvlew the "ereonplayed ('allnan. Thelma Nr..... Elsie Barrett. gridders �e'ved Catalina All. the yRplay) (ind as the ...�at�i-· .. permltk'd. " managed to get cllJ;lpe-d I II pa1!t 5t'ason, .Iud�· Benson. Loube HendrickSOn. and Am�rican �"'eaters at Rhod� Ot'part. . Cliff Bruland ....Ith . a wrll-OrtAniltd LfluJI"t :-VUUams. StON' jut ....· ee k. Tacomn:� 6....'.l. i'�; ::;h;��·l�tt ��att:�o:!�ln�.::��d f����� I The sport staf,(ln opened with fool- ball club �arlng tht monicker " Hhlfrom the sophomore cl . Connie menl . th'e Soft Ball competl· t!lll on St'PTte�ber '18 �gAlrut !he Army Steppers." .....on ddle Steele. kill of the mid6- dently his only 500et of the seasOn- eleven. P &a Sidders. Htle.n l\S'i �hlmb. Stark. Alice u'f'N> he 1000a l�. crushed Uncle tion with �Ive wins and 'l\ lo�e defeAt. eight bolting' dl�l..ton. rsOnail ' long as he lives. One .....�uld In�, . Sam's SQuad CC'::!t. EII'a Bergman, !\.frIba Fenn�·. Enid a""'ardtd the covet� l'iweate: theJ .....atchlng him that day. th 19-0 and thtn .... ent . o· n In '-t-he hot and bltle �()t$ Othrr ·ttanl$ . .to at Jay I IJ k a:1(1 Esther NorgAard r�l,tltd ';"Irlners of the In�plrai.tonal ..... tie St .. Martln's <!-O, defeat Ellen.�burg strut-:itlr .....trt the "Hoppef"3'" man�ged.� : ��s . a ard' for e�erythfng on tht' gridiron. but mark 6.0 as thty _broke an tlght-ye!'r Jinx., by Bob Moe., Gha.rl!f' Ikask's " Nlght . Vera their 're�peetlve teams. the field with the limer . before Ihl' Ftesmnen Included .Nellie Mmor. ·defeAt MonAl9uth' 13"()�'hlp Belllns- O\\'ls"· Rnd PAul LRrlien's ttam. tht .. wtre: Alex_ game. r:lyl�r. BloMOm cW�!1iCott. Elizabeth The' othtr ...Innen h'lm 13·0. rauL tne Oregon Inst;ltute of " Hay Seeds" made up of day .lItudellt.�. S luen. Virginia Od:vu. Vivian Hall , and &h'll.·t!tt. Coli�ll'e of Puget So.lInd half- ' r " Th"e the of T!!Chnology 33.0. And th�n dose th� The� ....AS . ftfso k�n competition ' be. back: . F Londos. High Just exc!�ldg A r::Un by Frtd !Ieany. season by \Ylng the strong Llntlelct . 'rAnk :'fnt'\on Dnnekas. tween the upper And lower cla en fullback. And 'Jlm Brook..�. LinCOln HISh but against lighter and .....eaker. 0J;lposl. tlevtn to 6 6. Th� P. L. C. 'Grlrlders .....Ith lht �nlor .and ;. ophQ.morell S&m sho.....fullback And brother of Brooks. lion. .....hlch might make the achieve· . ' ; th I I Frosh former Abl" and lArger grid iUml!lary. ment less colorful. Remembt:·r? Sure. :I��Sed 90 poInts AgaIn:�� theI oppon· �� U: �����": ""�:rO�ut :t game Go�f; Basketball 6. t n �:� s: the Orf'gon T�h c.b�h In the Lincoln I that all : Ie .annuMI roo�bti ll blmqut't. eJght Thus :-ve� the cllrta.lru on ')I1On :\'an and 1 can think of no on2 Bowl. If YOII remember. Mr. Olson At. tin{ Awards Presented morl' � three·yeH�swrll.ter.'I.. five another great athlttlc alld trulit de"t'TI'ing of the awa d. tn all firlded a nearly compl�te second string '!lenre recrlv .. . Rl1d It .....11\ be long reil"!embered. We are As a Pl'flper close to P L. C 's nth thr game!l last seaSOn Grenl�r ..... In On t�e ' opening kick-orr . :'e aWllrd.ed two·year � ..'ealef"3 1t'!lc seasol1 for 1936-:;.7 �nd· a� A fit: there working Al . the �ight g�d slot �I'lny rl'Cel\'oo me o�al f�m the Mtt. 1Il"Ik\'cn won fIl":.l; year letters. Obert Haa· looking: forw8l'd w�th _confl=c� to S ard d a we ' ropoiltan . as manager. leIId:I sixty minutes. of ever)" ga. t ne. .... . � \ l\ler \WI � anoth�r �uccessful �ear of g whllt the LutherAn wedge ll accepting ling t.dbllte to the men who have "on . .�mpellcd do so �Y took shlll>l! .....Ith machlnt·lIke p�eclslon. nnd �\\"ren.ce Grenier rec.elved a spe_ �rt .....hen we m�t again... tributoo to the success of the plI.�t .�a: rl'lief �nly ....hen eAlrr . being ... .... most lhe lth·f'very tor �\\ . .... c�1I1 lruplrablockmg'tlS full. '!N ould i an " . 8... .... He inJurie�. lruplra to ion t h .. 1'011 Dr Tlngelstad s . e ted hi I . the Tech IIQllai pillyer· Harold " Blssel"' NIl-.en �\\"ards ' to four goJtr�;' :� elg�� ::S� i t('ammlltes not bi'<::allse he urged them m A mentot:'� .....lIdest kl't;bAlI players In th!' Studcnt Body to ':nre up" Ihrough shortstop chAl�er .men .....ere bo""'led over like pins In a ::S :1ec:ted �s tAptaln f�r the 1937 ;! . OS'CAR STORLiE P so . bo�·lIng �eany When com· ha.d. -for Ulrry ...."":IS a Qule� fello..... ! pohle meeting held ThursdAy. June 3. . alley. 11 . 5036 So. Tac. Way . bul 1>leted hls goal.....ard launt hr looked . BaSketball followed Old Man FOOt. 11 Or. T1ngeL<;tad presented letters I almO!<t to thr point 'Of m{'('kne....'<-lhe following golfers: Ha rr v Mctor- � through hI!> Inspiring brand of play. b:lck to see every enem.y g�ldster �1\8� ball and Paclrtc Lutheran College i:1 �VMPATHF.TIC ftELP�RS mlck. Alvin " Bud" Lthman. John Stu. every game Salurday and �.ractlc:t se!<- Ilrltlg hls length upon th� village g�en- Loopers had a definitely succes.'l.rul : '''''''' '''''''' ' ''''' ' '''' '''' ' '''' ' ;;: '' : ;E: s'll.·ar<!. and loh! he had rolltd up season dl"Splle the fAct that tht}· .....tre '•• ;E: t' tI. and Lloyd ThomPson. The eight I slons during the we�k. . forced to relinquish the Junior College --·-----------hoopst.ers who \\"er� pr!'semed their Aithotl(h Grf'�rr Is not 'i(. 'hool basketball letters were: Harold "Blssei" Ihl.. �prln(. hl' plans to be back next Instt'ad of chet'l"lng the run. most Baskelball Champlon.'lhlp for the State PARKLA N D BARBER S MOP I Nlisen. Chet Solie. Arnold " Tlm"' Tom· &ptember for his fourth �a.son up- of the ryr-.....ltnesses the massaere of Washlng:ton. The Lutheran.� were Shoptl mervlk. Stan F'ord. Charles Leask. Paul d!.'r fJeAdman Olson . . . . In thill. the ...... ert lau j!hlng �uch one dOl"s at the defeated by St. Martin'S and by Long. . N 'hProp: Lal'&ln. 'MaTvln Jen.o;en. Al McCI'..Y. and 1R.�t l�'1ur of Tht' Mooring MMl for RitZ Frere�. It Ju.'It too 'easy! II view. with St. Martin's winning the G. P. KNU �TS£ I as . Jay Smith. Gene Jack also won a the year. It mighl be int-erestlng to \the s�cond stungers could do that. what �rown. . Parkland, I basketball award but .....AS unable to be pluck thE' high-light<'\. of the past year a rout It would be with the ftl(Ul.ars Taken AS whole. thc Luthtran's -0-present to r�elve · ll. Dr. ' TlngelsUld In the neld of athletics. What do }'ou tn there. Jupers Creepenr;{ as they say M'ason wall highly succ:es.'Iful. . b: 51 as . s · then awarded the Paul A. Preus cup think ..... . the most stlrrlng�oment or back. hom�1 Ollr boys were IIninS up teen contests wert' .....on against nine l � ror the mMt Inspirational player dllr� thl' most eltclUng plAY In allY, sport.s (or klck ·offs l or Is It � t AU that were dropped'.. The . L. C. leAm � �. BROOKDALE . Ing the ·buketball season Arnold contest? Since thtre Is no�� par- afternoon ! Unless my memory faUs me. enjoyed three lrlps. JouP Tnrylllg to 1 BARBER SHOP tvery got cep nto ma game l thr e Ucular "nm" TommtrVlk. I lay In the hoop p�tlme that n x t EAStE'rfI .Washlngton. Northwe�tern [ I t ---- --�-t Is remembered M " ··thr\It::-=Bl!i�lI·s Barof�lty and Doc PfI�..1er. ....'ho prob. Washington Into Canada. and to North- � WELCOME 'STUDENTS twlnl' tickling not ex�ept�-I 7.hall ably wished they wr-re eligible. Broadway 'Shoe Repair ' .....�ern ottgon. The ....locab piled up a i;l .................... . . . .. ... ...... . ..."."... . .. " .. . have limit· my choice to rootb�. , a. There I go reminiScing! Be that tO tal of 834 points In t. enty.flve games : Sh-. d,ed to tn.tch ..oIor sport thAt was studded wih� thrms t may. I'll bet that. Heany .....111 alwafs a iiTrut 730 for their opponents. Rangy durin!!: the 1936 eonquest. remember that run. which I. dee "BIsseI" Nelson led hls teammates In 1 1 05 BROADWAY Across from Fishers . The flNt thrilllnlt la I renll worthy of t�t . mythical ' Irish lac� scoring w�th a grand total of 25'1 points. e9 � How many tlmts ··?het·· SOlie the ··bad·boy·· of the ' . .rlc � thr 65 yard pp.nt ftturn by Jay Smith cuspIdor:. Let s see. MEANS RAD I OS III the fourth' quarter of the Linfield h_A\'� given tha.t spltoon away. MJuad. committing 42 fouls In slltteen "W. ".,,1_" fracR.'I al McMinnville. Oregon. Scoop- . . . . Wild BIU Cap�. boy gamts. 5436 So. Tacoma Way in, up the ball on the L..C. 3S yard the Glad iator ro� wan. b�e Into To Arnold " Tim" Tomm�n;lk .....ent marker. the �. hlfty haH ""'Iggtld hb; athletiC'S' tipper crust when he e h n ( . h h i a m l l O I b 0 �� ��, ' pa " l"A'. r�. u,', :..up '(O, � � �,n•• IP iii .' way along th(' sldellnc.'l "'ft.'I fR.Sl his down Taylor. fleet "'"' on " " lI"C " NUN'S MAR · O t I .... d r h l lru ! :;!�. ��� ;�JI: ��; :o���n.� I�ker: �����lrt h��:;�:� Itl a�1 :h':� �: s;=n. ;�:::�lk ����::.s ��:� �:f::s t:::: 3".!c,:::�.�s'J�� be tabb ed little 'mlte: dldn·t you?' Grenier threw one of his famous 60_ on the cup. Nilstn being: the first to Store women like !O � in . With Larrv Grenier noticeably In yard heav-e."n":'O e · that almost spelled hRve his name InSCribed.· Thc title of JETLAND 6 ,ALACRUTI If) the foregrou�d. a hord(' of blockers chll.O.'\ for the Parkland cohortll that honorary captain .....all bestowed ' by his j ..... 9 1 2 P&cific Ave." F t I rn T Cod � nes ���;'�itn :::: �:w�Ot�tt �;��:.rl;:;�r :�: :'1. ��� l:;�d �t;:r �t�:� (::� te:m;:fte�:� =::�n�·��:l';e��:�� . - __ i ble Imp f It for Anyone & L f Unlr (ello seemcd .... . ha.d. churnoo up tu,' !ill goa�t. oss LI E N upheld the honor of P. L. C. .on the r SE VIC I ':. the way tht enemy double stripes. his ovcrtake him. as he steamed ,PR.St foreign gretnli as well as o� the home Enjoy a New Permanent I d e r Ig n I g hr Co ���e"�ATnK�;;� Ave . n wl � !:71� ;;::�I:: ��:I���\�I�I:: : �� C;::; F::: �e�:�� �I�l l::� ����:e ;�� �e���:�tc::� :;t�r:: Wave for Your Vadt'ion, I � � perfect!) good touchdO'll. n one th,n llkr Gordon Barnes lrylng to ca tch the v. ere Alvin Bud Lehmann No I . 95c and up. complete , @ "...."...." ......."..."'............................. ,...... tfJ ""ould Nnc broken the 6-6 dl'adlock 3 18 Oolly �ow he did run l He ap- 1 Harry McCormick No 2 Lloyd Thomp· , . . arrd come from nowher� to knock wn No 3 And John Stuen No 4 I F'lngerwaves Marcels HAirCUt.s I •••••••••••••••••••••••••• pef! Elleflliburg I J flMh out of bounds on Complellng th six man team .....trt I QUllitY Knit,ti, g C6. '.,.. Facials 15c & 25c aboliL our 10 That pertorma.nce aided Stanley Bob 'Brazell both I than mert FreshmcnFrIesIn and cause LutherRn the I -W the MOLER BEAUTY SCHOOL Hayden atson f ....ord.� can express formore mat(:hes Sw..te" Our Spa.. ten their It kept our at· locals ....tre out5cored ....o. points 16 to I that-time unmarred record of not be· 74 BR 1420 . 403 II th 51. Tacoma. Wuh. The complete schtdule or golf t 11 40 Broadway Florl-stQ...., . \!l .......""'.",,........... I!I Ing scored upon unblemished t Bill Is rarely sensational, ...... a MAJn 0300 256 So. 11th t-;;-:I:;-�OE�;;;;�;;:-���-;;--C;-:;i-a - pe Ug a ---- - After the Show . FLOV(ERS FOR 1 ��: ��� :��:-� ::�dS ��;� - Strom's Crocery showed he games his all 111 . ai .... a plug Corsages Correctly Made GRADUATION 1 502 So Kay St Jack's ' Griddle the old tire andpep but the day of e I and Correctly Pm.ed 9 1 3 Commerc St. the Ellensburg battle ",as his day to I Free De_I;_ v."' l' Tacoma. Wn. howl Oood ole Dynamite Capps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . There you have them: my first· se; .................. ... "l --�'------------------.-crs ---I :�'n;.:o:,:,��n�II,;-�:O:'�;!la� any kind of order All I care to say In AMOCAT FOOD PRODU H NS N··S· J EW EL Y "THE PEAK OF QUALITY" that respect is that they re all specR A O Dislribyted by tacula.r-out the ordlna.ry-thriJUng: I Distinctive WEST COAST CROCERY COTake lour pick.. Pt!rhaps you have other i Idtaa IL"l to what was the etal thrill 257 So.. I I th Sr. TKoma. Wn. i � of the year." At any.rate. these �ee l ' I Incidents stand out as hlgh·Ughts In -y I a year ot successful achlevtment in the W:ATCH REPAIR!NC W

















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..E E. PAR�O, W;ASHINOTON COI..J.Q ; A· CIFIC.L� P" P:; "===========",,,=;,,.=;;; ,;;;;;", "';;";;F<OUR 'O � I POSDER I Tops in ·'Neat; �iid ·Retiring . EditorJ

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JU,NE 5, .1.9 7 .


t���:��nr. the wdown Jen.sen and. Ken AnN�n. h ' l ( slart �iS �IUm:. ,may �'e 'oHer ���:�. :� :�llca�::��dl\;':Oh:�; . . . �OllgratUlations In advance to Mw .secured jobs In,EL lumber mill In.SHn·p GJlm McCall.and In�man J. Under- ton ' � Il but that's lust going la" dal ,,\hO.i111 �me Mr. and Mrs.. t. J. be � Sldeltn�appa�ntIY. F()� month.� 1 . Un,dertta.1 on tht' evenIng o� Wf$1nes- the), have '�n .plannlng and �talElng day, June,9. a,t the Independent BiblE' about the big band they are going to ehuren. with ,Dr. Roy T. 'Brunlbaugh gather together for the "Sumn1('r " oHlchi-Ung. . months. We· hope tbat Oregon cln Ante . y�ung couple w\ll go to Mr. Un- su�nd up uli«er the dQ.uble �.SSRull of �rdal s.ranch In Montana ""Ith a stop- Jensen·s . I.rombone and· _AnenMn's Bb ovtr. In Glacier Natlonal Park as a sa."I(ophone. .. honeymoon jp.unt. They plan to leave And the�'s OCtavlWl Thorlack.�. Tacoma 'on Friday. June Lot,!; of who ".$Imply can't go hO"'�to Ja1)an. Juck. · so he has pU;)vlded a Job tor himself .There arc many other among us to whittle awa}' the vacation. "�vl" who are' de-Parting Cor distant pastures will work In the Y. M. C. A. In TIl. " this s��mel'. lUI!�n(i w,hoin si Donald coma. ' . 910 Brctadway Monson. who will spend the summer Margaret Ror.em. the A,. S. B, re­ ' ket:plng' his B saxophone and his clar- tirlI).g ,'Icc-president. :.vhl attend the Inet "'arm in thl' home town oreheslra International Young people's Luther ' KODAK HEADQUARTERS in Wisc9l'!-�o.-U' he ever gets home. League ConvenUon to be heid In Wn''\!i �......""....""'.."".".."...." " ." . Don his been spending the best part neaPDP;.' Minnesota. June 23-27. MlM , ,.____ 'il .tryl�g. to find SQmeOody Rorcm. 1s a 5peaker at ope of. t� You are ":lost , likely .ot a Ismonth . � goln,!: as Car as he Is. when he slons. She leaves Tt\coma on Jun� to to find i t at is. ,We hope tre arrives. ... and will be. gone three w�b. making .. ' some Of, the state.s \ . . It is /wilh misgivings and Aud ' there's Wa1rer Schnackel; berg. tour through RH'0 ' oDES 'I'l mt', till' honor uf IUI\·i l alter 'the. conventIon . ) " t the In I I graduate a " Ar dlv1slon apoluh s Liberal e ) hum s .. IlI It 1 TA!=OMA U J('{ n sclcl'led 10 ('difl..lh c ' 111 Cthlu! . musl need!! \\ho is su�almg the nOTlnal grads thun'" Iing :\lllSI ' durIng Ihc l'omiilg hmk O\C I Ihe \Hlrk he der b) launching out as a tescher ----!' �'('ar, is the grt\lil{'s� Ihal ('ould ' The .Jcsulls uf startlng+ June 7 Walter \\1\1 gl�e . . I be hesh)\w(1 upon mc ill. l'o!lcgc � e tI I l n I I I ret:1 I h a l it is II phsilioll- which I lie �'r�(:I�S.�1 �el ll�� ��:c� ����r;��U� ��blt ::h��: O 5 SPRINe. LY E V l L load 00 rU'S rt'spolisihilil�' uf l'U II I ' TABBY CAT fa il {'d -in l'ountless tie held at St. Mary:S. Washington. TIle FROCKS . . $5.95 · allli n'quin's pntil'lll'l', fOl'liludt', . . ' ('Ul'h failurc i1Clp!; �ourse will be In session 'slx weeks. . I 1318 So. -:ac. Wa.y GA. 745 ���::�J1!H�l'P�:����l>�;�'� UIl , l'xperielll'C thul And there's Warren Hokenstad, who liil> t:::========:::-,,,=t ��'��,'.C !:��,�� 9 I ('Bmings ill whal I iw\'{' .. way fot: fu,rther irl.l!i[')\'l'- can't go home. for the summer because i lisll'd as Raymon" Electric e.o. {'-... hl' ha.� secured po5ltion as cabin boy � . till' t'ssl'nliuls. 11111 it· is my pur' CONST'RUCTION _ sp:lper IS not .an In Paradise Inn at Mt. Rainier. ELECTRIC i .Img aIInl'.is\\"ill-UH.I AND SUPPUES I post' 10 pul . inlo Il'ly joh til(' h('sf. ,sPECIAL LUNCHES \ ay a 1 1Y . � ' �� Fred Heane)·. �'hO' used a lillie 'o'l l ! 111111 I lmn" l' sull ,lng l It 1 l ·1 " a�-k .� �I, ��� r I t i BR. 1 7 1 2 9 1 5 C �mmerce grey matter head of his n tha . t h ' ' til I' 11 i ' I (, I . lHl loss of I< mpcl 0\( 1 has 'secure<! a po5lt1on as one of the : . I ,,.." ,,, 1, s, I',',',,�.«II ' " . ... ." ..... """" , .. """ .""",,,,,,,,, . o!' . . . I . a . . lHI �"" o -d I Tn �n' r n g -. �� p n c r . pa su In oma k lsors urlng +---_�__ __.. l WI' lIu\'(' IIt'('1l r !' ' I It !It'''> no I m' I S � .o the summer months. 1 1I1!-l ulll Iht, :\IOlIIlIIg '1,lsl ! Get your new .!,' GRADUATION COIFEURE Ilg Ihl' !.lsl til \\"e \\ Ill \\' ishing o n:'O ,l,��, :;��tlk,�'igl:lli1t�(i. Glen GustaCson �ouldn't walt until I I I IJ I .tZlrS lgootl-tl.IIU .at th� . left on May 15 l t d hul ('Olll- 11H'lll lw rs 01" Iht, 'faculty would school was out so:.he " ,, ' , Pt'll ll i li adcrsllip lil lIit' ;\l tl!ll lll g .go Ilut and I,ilt, thc pron'rlliui to take a job on the Alaska Steam. Parkland Co-Ed Beauty ,i :\Iasl offil't, I t iR'-ha;tI 10 say .Llne. GI�n �eems have a liking Shoppe' Ont' lin's- of lisling ('ont- shlp :: ::::::::::::" :::: :::::: ::= :: ::;::c oi for the ocean as he has been In nearly ""::: :�::: :::: ::::::: : :::: goodbyt, III all �:"U st)liors wilh dog. 1I1ilk�'s III fill tilt: gaps l)t' t w{'('11 every --body oC water on the earth's I h " � \·,',',.I,.lI: ',".',.. h,:I,'I�"l, lt. plt'aSlll 'l' lilt ' -. , a ds ,"'I·, ,:"�"" k .... ' I " 6 1' � surface. , TACOMA'S LARCEST , 'I'll lilt IIl'xt t t liIO\". good luck Ttl \"uu who at:t· tcll l r� lg ;lIul r l i 'g . I Home-Furnls h'Ings Store And Le t Holte co Idn 't bea 'a Y I to YOIi who plun t o' 1...\'ej! i IOUl'h s;:l't';' lC t :;) l�:·���" ��: �� r. T((:'I ;11�:: his roo�:�e lenve h�m so he 'left:;: t i I i , . Il� U l hopes h I ln he where May Alaska for 8 1 . . O. I . ct.:.. Buill FI' llu'k ami :\!t'. I c:.::>�oe11 L.l . ... ����� :\)"("I(\:il: g� �II:_/:;�lt��. ;:� l(f, t� ' SIIIt:Il, a grult'fi ll ai:kllllwledgt'- find a job on some.5te�er headed tor l - d �.e, .. .... Ilt'W s.l urf ykd!-lt, otlr Ill'si (· f- 11]('111 rill' .-------- --IIIt'it" faLit'lll't· anti : 4 : . . -;. fO!'ls til gin' yuu a sehuol )luper yalulIhlt. t"iHlIl t'1. I 't PAR KLAND SI l t' I I lag(' I I II I SPRENCER 6 JONES rt p, nz MERCA NT IL,E CO. J \��:II I:':, II\IV\:I�(��':�;�����I� /�:� j, .. JEWElERS Photo Supplies (J ur P. L. C. o\\'(' afl' dt'l)(' nd· Masquerade Costumu for Rent , uf Watch an� GI\a(I uates illg 011 your ('o- pt'ratiun in aesJ;=f�r'ry t Prompt _and Courteous l"IlIH lllishillg Ihi I I � ;1 \ l' . . BR. 4375 1 1 4�roadway (C Page ontinued trom II ,, l{ I, � Y st L ��.!=.:.. l NfAL E. THORSEN �=== ====::;-� I ::��a���; o��� ��:�'nHo�n�I�I:':�� DAHL CROCERY'CO, la: Jesse Philip Pf\ueger.·Jr.. Parkland; Printers - Stationers Try one of our real . Noise Makers. Paper Hats. Member United Purily Stores Norma- Prees: Parkland. John Ray­ BallQC!n5. BI�w Outs, Serpentine mond Reid. Everett; Margaret Olivia hamburgers with a Parldand Rorem."Tacoma; Romola Carolyn Rust. GAr. 3 B I 8 · R · 5 12 h & t' 2 1 22 lhug of '''.01 ' be.r!' 26 "' Bro ,", W ')' MA t nE . .... t AS n : t. , :�:� ' � I :��; 6h��� J. ����ve���:�· E 9 M"A,,;�,,"iffi"",,�,,§l,,,§�H � �iffi ' �, "",",",,,,\!!�,,� ��!": Taylor. Tacoma; Ve�na Le- ·------------� , : � ���"� , nore Tegland. Stanwood; Tryg\'e Arn- T PARKLAND CARACE I TRIPLE XXX old Tommervik; June Jeneve Waller. h BrOOKdale Lumber Co. I BARREL Tacom;; Gertrude Pauline Watts. ;:a SDell Gasolme and 0.1 at Brookdale on Mountain ROSS FlORAL CO. ���nd:!� g coma I Highway South Tacq ma WaY'��h:�� ;'":��t� : I ����l�:::�(' 5294 . � ���:� E GA 711 So. 52nd . l;Arland :186-1-J.5 I �Iberal Arlc; : Kenneth Donal? Anen- L----'-:�� -: == = = =-:'= ====::::=====" son. Burlington; Orlando Carttord As' --. per. Tacoma: .Ve�ner Wllllart;l Bitler. r-� FLOWERS FOR Silverton. Vh Tacoma; Bunett. hm E. ' 1 BROOKD L E CROC ERY AND M EAT O. C' A ' I Oregon: Obert James Haavlk. Seattle; ' GRADUATION 2 5c for .9 holes I I en n PHONES: GArland Ol07J4-GArl,nd 0193R3 · e 5c for 18 holes :��: H:�:���.!�� �:�a� ���� Croceries. Flour. Hay. Crain, Feed, etc; � ---.... 1� -'bara Alice Kllne: Gig Harbor: George Regular Rat" Orrin Kline. Tacoma: Mildred Lois '.== -: 20c Cor 9 holes -: .:: : = = = ::; = ==== ======== 'I "EVERYTHIN� IN MUSIC" LBrsen. Parkland: Beatrice Theodora ; = 35c for 18 holes ete Stocks Uland. Tacoma: Peter MorWn LonSuper Quality � dahl. Auburn: Edward Johnstone Parkland TED BROWN MUSK: CO. Machle . Tacoma: John Robert Moe: 1121 Broadw!"y 1123 . Broadway Silverton;. Jack William Odey. Tacoma: Goif Course Henry Bernard Olson, Parkland; Hen­ rietta Eunice O'Nelll, Winlock; Oaic Thorlel! Otness.. Pelersbuti. Alaska; Margaret Edith Pearson. YakllJ'..s.: AI-, ' 'JUNIOR COLLEGE - NORMAL ' HALOETIE 0 WITH PORTRA'ff<S � : J : ;��; H�::����t!.O:b= . N�;:� .� mGn SCHOOL ' INDIVID ALlTY Dakota; Walter Charles 8c.hnacken· berg. Spokane: Eugenia Christi n a SpenANNOU�CES Krug, Tacoma cer, Long"lew: t"\lm& ,Martha' Stolee. for me rl y Vancouver, Washington: Thoma.c; Lloyd rredive p'!nting ' Err ITS Harhook Studio t r . Wenberg. E: ���a:�'; Planned , � . :; ::' F. H. �rug, Manager ' NN A S UAL UMMER SESSION ' Yodhg. Puyallup. 304 W� R. �ust Bui ldin g High �hool: Marglt Virg1n1a Arve· . MAin 4493 .1



took a ·co� In EnglISh To Curtner my educatJon. But little did I kno..... at first T""ould end, In versific81lon. 'I'\,e ""rlllen stories �nd theses. Read prose both ·Clo ....ery . and terse. But little dlt!i I think trom this I'd come to writing \"er.>e. . , No..... that n'e taken my pen In hand. And plumbed �he msstcrle"s or rhyme-; I ,conclude that li's the ' "cry best ....ay . To spend my lul-ure till'\G. -So D. I·






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,Pacific lut»eran (ollege


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Jun� 14 to August 27, 1937




Smith. Yelm: -Thompson, Park� J h ' ,,- , I:.! """" 2m TIfii •• ·d·, '"'�._ta r, Parkland. 1 �:!.:�::::=�..:;�:::��i p..'kl.,n,; Paul o ��e. _


Write for I riformation

'Pa rkla nd, Washington


" G!\".n�r 0577 '




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