Mast 1932-1933

Page 1


School Formally . Opened �n_Sept. . lin. ErnMi SftlUOD &Dd

I. P.,. Brinr OreeUnp rrom CoDpers.tIq SyttOCb; Silld eat. PftsI�t. pfeden �1IPpori


pn!fIldent � w�ks, ;Profeeaot J�h Ed� Bardon .for tight yean, has selected 48 voices, to compose the .10. from choir memberah.ip t.hls year. Fe&tw1n, quarter of century 19G4 to 1912. The party rtVtQ by mUllIc� by compo.sers o! dl!ferent l� men and wo. Uonalltles, the cho1r hal already grown students; the Mr. M. H. Ford�. Everett. Wash. now Formal opening exercises, marking Mrw�o. ,!ulb�n. Bellingham. :���:�er � �� e; :n��w�: Intensive rehtarsalll of th1a �a.r'1�n the bt-glnnlng of !be school year 1932So e h h e 33, W Uf! he' ld at the chapel of !.he colDlrect .l:lr '�'\It'arda ,p1&nl al80 . Mr. H. E. Anderson.....-� WMh . 5e'@D since they had gradua� from f . com Rev. L. Rumussen, Btrl-Unrton, Wn. oo11ere. Mrs: Urb&ck. wite or one of to prepare a number of h1a ��;�t1I�;;:' =� . t�� = Rev O. L. Ha.vtk. &!attie, Wu.h. Seattle' !, moet promInent opticiaN!, was poslUons for pruentaUon. No plans . with two pipe orran numbe� Dr. O. the origl.nator of the party. Mr· Hevly, have y'e� been formulated for th18 Mr. 0. R. Haukell, Abe rdt'en, Waah. A. Ttnge.lst&d. lhe pr�dent of the colte as Pr:::n��� L. l"OM of = !.: choir tour. lege. formally welcomed the students o h: :e-S:�e:�as Dr�= ;i year's . , n e q . : Y on. The personnel ot the group,thla year Or Monmouth Monmouth I Nonnal In architect Altfllll.5eh, � !��It H:,,:=:!� t: ::e� = includes: . "earthem with brousht Visitors The procram, development the evangeUcal d1llclpllne whJch governs . plaRS for landscaping part lOads ot lee cmun and cake" lI&ya'Mr. First Sopianos-Ella Johnion. Anna th!s.lnsUwUOl'I: a dl!clpline which loob and plil.ll5 for the pro- Bardon who claims that thia party 'ii!lkkelaon. MIldrid Monaon. KaUtlyn lor Improvement rather than pertecUon tor �omen. whJch It of the most delightful events o.t �t Jane WUUama. Pr&DceI AnIn the student. and spoke ot the t:ppe ot Olp Ove-rUe. iI.l1d I:rene.Ll.udah.I. will be possible to results 'that the school hopea. to aehie'fe . build. next hL1J �e. . Second Soprano&-Wtlm&. O'Brien, In the lives 01 Its students. a ri t l n . MIa Anna MUu:eWn, soprano aolotIt F'1eld�= ,: th:-:'0,r �: Promfuent Visitors � �ant�� �Ma.rpre w�.· fl.5ea.l year, ending July. 31, 1m. Alt t -N KaUtAmrNOa.ordI.I o& � " Chapel Tuesday At y"��:� ���:';�:U� 'I1le.. board ..approved the work of wart!! -- -. oryn. Joluaon, mr.n·.ew.s-, AUoe �, h Rev: J. P. Pflueger. professor of re- n:��-:�v!'�:ao�,� �� dlller- :�nd�ento km-:-gem:nt H co:,- On a.ceount of the board rl).eeUng son and Ardis Aarhus. N=��: lIg1.on, spoke on behalf 01 h15 synod., groupS. will tie�sed again thla year. Smith,' lan�; ;'rdr:�� � � ap� whJeh was held at th1s schOOl Tuetl- 5O�:':��::��� , ' Jeanette Knutlen. the American Lutheran Church. one ot the announcement made by Mrs pr ed b th board. and his servi s day. several men prominent. In Luth- er, and . � eran circles aU over the country atthe thft.e Lutheran synods which taculty advt.ser at the flrs� re : ed � t,e i1� Te�o:;,�:� Jl'toyd operate in the work ot .tJ:l.e college:. He of the ·Drama. Club. held liI.!It Dr� Tin;ls= !:*;:·I. Pflueger tended the� exercises TUeaday Xavier K 5eeo�n Tenora.--8tan1ey Beare, J_ str_ed the tact that the cooperation Each ifOUP will put on a were chORn u delegaUon to the an- momlng. over whIch ·Prof. J.W U.hingt of the Northwestern Disrict ot his u On. . a month that. three plays nual eonvenUon 01 the American Luth- prea1d�. The states 01 represented =���Id�:::wund'�:m�'_ were synod fa wholehe arted and real. p�nted on "Drama Club eran chu.rc:h at Fond-du-La.e. Wis., Oregon and CaI�fomla Un,r, Rev. Ernest. Svenson 01 Tacoma spoke . among TUeaday s vWtors. 11. Dr. Tingetsta.d which probably will apln be Octo be r EllI�tt.. . on behalf 01 the Augwtana Synod. FrIday evening 01 month. asked to represent the school at Ule ThOll! attending chapel were th7ot Rev. ' I"ira�::o-i=r:oo:,�MOn�n.ant 0dt1 b.. the nt H. atUe, F which 15 entering dlreeUy Into coopera. Preside Be chosen at the-..meeting last i of the Rev. Dr. Ove .:(. H. L ou. tlon with P. L. C. through a liberal Preus as on Lu ther College Paclllc District; the Rev. O. L. Huvik. win were : President. Trygve Run.,- Inaugurat president ot � PTeua Wesson v,dtor Knutrlen' sharing ot the elI"peru;es of operation . void: vice pre$.ldent. Margaret Jacob- October_IS , a.n(l of Rev. Ciemene e M. SeatUe: Prtaldent 01 the board; Mr. and ; NO� Jenaen '� He pledged the loyal interest of h1.slsen: !leCretary-treasurer. Alice Roe. Granskou preskfent ot Augustana J. ? Gl,IIb,t'UlSOD. Bellingham. 8eCODd .B&uo-Trtgve Runavold An ; �: e s ; Walter Vstad, "Bill" Whalen, OU� ,:!: Ph. !la� and �v. T. O. Svare ��U:fb�h��Ta��f:::: ':�:c: College, Sioux hUs. S. D OCtober 18. �o�� o�� ::r:. � ::so Arthur Sydow, 81vert&oll and Ray Hlnaang, and Clarence Ram. president of Leland, group. I: Rachel Flint. group . ' Bolstld, Eugene. ore.. Superintendent derlle. . the Associated Students, pledged SUP-12; Clarence Lemming. group 3. of the Sunset Home, Eugene; Dr. zes Fa ulty OrganI . R Francl5eo, Taylor San George port on behall of the students. Mr, The plays are presented almost. enYih.pastor and editor, Cal . . noted Lutheran Lewis Hunter, ua15tant to Prol. Ed- Urely without faculty supervision. to Branches orklng HOLD MORN INC in la c u t The faculty has organlRd for the ���Lu=���! �u:: PRAYER MEETI NC S �a:O vi:��=����:�:g :; ,�; :; ����� c::: n;:e:r :; work of the schOOl year The woril1n8: Unlven.ity of North Dakota and, 101- . Prot. N. J. Hong. prtnelpa.l ot the hJgh � faculty member decides. on Drama Club ch were wh by J a member of the Na.- The student. prayer meet1np .� school. and the singing of the doxology I Night, whJch cast does the beet work. �t..te loWing �e p� e:s. on Comlttees the Committee eona1at . Uonal Lutheran Counc U s couun� held each Prlclay mornlnr. at '7 o'elocJr. ended the prosram, At. the end of the year the group hav- ing Prof. J. P. POueger. P. J. Bardon to the B& states.' in the chapel buement. Hymns in the best record 15 entertained b y and 01MI&s Boph a �wler, have the tolJ 1 sung and prayer'll of ered by the stu' . Enrollment Increase. I'th: other two groups. Lo . f el: personn lowin, dents. At each meeting the· leader . Pri� w Board of Control AdlI:1btlon reads a portion of 8I':rlpt.ure aDd leads The tot&l enrollment up to date \a; , AdmhYon to these plays Is set at �l�� ti��. Ramatad,. Laraon. To Act on ' Many in the dlaCUSIlon. 223 compared with liS � a correa-I ten cents, the primary Idea betnr to camPua-s!m Stud.nt MaHin Anna led the mt'eUng on" Beck. Olson Xa..,. pondlng date last year niliI Includee give the students experience in aet1ng Edwards. 1day, Beptember 2:1 and -Walter' the awnmer atSSIon. but does not in-I rather than to make money. "With ler.Catal In accordance with the new eonat1. P'r , Tay � Hong, I Hi!. elude the duplleat.ea. that Is those I the charaes so low, barely etlOW(h to og ug!!, or tutton of"the aaaoeI&ted students P Young pree1ded at the meet1D1 Prtday, aigning up tor both summer and tall cov,er expenses. the enure school should eon �v1C Alfa.ll1l-Hon g Stuen. Xavier. r... C., the ,,�.of control" willat� Beptember 1�. '. . sessions. With the coming abort course I tum out to see these interesUng play.. �P Une--01Ion. 'KreJdJer, Hont. year tuo ndle'the major par t ot the bual. All studenta invited to attend. 1 on course, the total WUI·be . the ttrst grouP. of whJeh wW be preand extens. ness that formerly wied to be acted . (Coa.&I.a" � Pap Three) ra1Aed. U:-IOYDlent.-Kreldler. Oleon. Beck, upon by the st udent body u a Whole. Asbury' IS Speaker .' I'Free" Is Pass Word As Students .. . =,,!�::,;;.� ,'!...,,::': "":'�-Xa"". BtU;'' . ....tad fa1n. The "Bo&rd of Coatrol" b.aa 11 Mr. Albury, p�� of W� . .. ' . Hil"hby: . "",ke !be to _don. w Ed"",tlOOA1 ....",." . .,. two . H bJch ton Fatr ...._ ..... .-<1"".. ..,. Storm Western Washtnu f 0 '· ���, TayW)r; Fowler. Othef= ;�:��aet8� year wu ::e;:e::!n� �.w:=-� � ' . ' elecUoa. Of the new editor and. bu.a� 1lI no free!dom wltbout �ty.' "", , " Bay kid, 'dld you �t your tree cup the p&.nditand. Maybe It ...... be- r..non: B.. 'f'IIladat&d. OlDl. \of coffee yeU". I'rorp"ama and PubUc � nesa JD.B.DaPJ' of the ..Moortnc' MaIt." and that aU ezperlellee educatAle. 1'rwcause It .... rainy and cold, but �Naw, but I had acme �." Tbe bc».n:l meeta every WednMd&J. � � doea not rfIIUlt wttboQt reipoo. than lltely the lack 01. a crowd· ...... PflUecu-, Edwardl. Bazdoo. BoDd1. t ��.� de=�tl:L.�ta�ed� :0:; �ue � � fact the rrandltand IeSta � �� E. 11nIe1atad. :::u:er: = �� ::�:- =r� at the 1a.1r, Monday, Beptem� II. at coat �1. ·Rd.J.liOIJ.l ActlviUee-R&mat.a.d. .PfIue. student. body IIl8et1DC on 1bura1AJI. elOIed: h1a � :by'loBWnc we Tbeae � &re to c:cm1It of talD. should Uve 100,,". put � we... PUyallup. "Pne" was the punronl tor The 'Qlad1&ton did. IJ)end X&vte:r. r ,e , ... to pt the' D:IOIt 1DOIle)', and !DOlt of W&t. ... IPCDt on Sehedule-Ba.up. Ta:plor. 1I00I". by 'f1aI� � and what,.... rot into Uvlng a.dd1ua:w. n� wtl1eh the out of it. nclnI CUltest Oa u to "eAt&... 'Peanut., popcorn, ebewtnc Bcbo1arab1�Tbe Pa.cult7 in OemBoarc\ Of Control. mq Pnmde:. t t and ,The �. Mr. Aabury, wbo. ... .. � J:DO.t pampbld&. pm. C&Dd7 ban. ebeeIe nd m1ttee WbOle. of the the Collett















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E. """"n. 0'



...� . .

eared. lor Pat1&. Tbeft "..'t .. ..r,:t&rIe CI'OW'd

I'm. were



:' r.d� �� :a::. :. =. :"Conaumecl �=��:':!r'= -= :were wtth equal vtaor· j �t Orl'anisatioal:"'" JI1&bby.

�W&J& &l&rp crowd befe. Some were., tODd. of free th1np tbeJ p&� � "Iluraery""�",here 'cblld -




.... eo. ·...t ReT. T. 8vue. the COIl. puUlc'. lett UODd&J n1a:In to b\.' mother TbeD t,bere. were otl:w!r' tb1Dp., IUCb. Beck. , a.nton, Bondy'. • '� . as rn..u. ncs.. 'iDd tlab1nI pooda . 'l'UtboOb-B&uae. Baal. LarIon. In � Be"". _ to 10 ibat atteDUoa aDd a1eo c:oet -rbe 8a.p"-Bonc. Lanoo.. KreIdler. from tbere to MInneapollI. !Xl h1a corcreptIon. 1DODI'J.-ADd did _ ha,. � pod 'Umel E. �







:::n�:e-�tbe�-:. .


t4e �ted 8tudmt. .. &bIi an& 01. �.1o·be preamted M � by tbe 00IIIUtuUat'!'be addn. followed. dftrodc:D beld tD. the recuiar _.

the bl-weet17



jHo o r i n g jH,a �t







�eNcmb") t'o




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. PublLshed every twoLutheran we-eu during UtPadt1&nd. e school yearWUhlnJtOD by the IStudenl.5 of Paci.fic as secondWaahlngum. matter,COU�e. October at the Post otrlce at Parkland, under Ute Ac f M.�3, Enteud



Sydow advertised a (irl .no,fnendUJlkl10wn .:" ' Mlted. ,forDam, . : tor·�rladat.ea: . . I..c:>rnJn e the llbrary thethe first to iNch


and Moe n� 11 always In Ini: .-Y



EDITOJUAL STAFF "Do ,ana;darlie18ng."have mwnmy?'" Louise Preus ten"What. hteen be in "Ye.'! a_�_ te EditorHuel year' switlllm!.he?""e .giasurl of ei,Bardon. ---MaAssoci ke-up "Can they ny?" . I . T wenty_one. Spo""' -Clare�::l:o�! W�. l k how why there' are many pins BUSINESS STAFF I .tIJOnhe once has beenover:gi.vthe ltaoundry returns It. ni'cause Daddy.'called her an an Bu.s.ineM:Manager _ ���:; ���:e�an8ger toC��: beCarlappol� nlA!d Ttfromleay.shfaUlareortnputwhen there keep the g ht?"· , I "TomC? rr ow. darl i n g. " t o pl a y fDp:tball. apart. g CIruC lation MaIi"8"er A&sl.stant Circulation Manager _ to be appois nted r l Facul ty A�vlser.l thi n O. J. Stuen and N. J. Hong CIRLS' who hu D� ROOELECT. YO�:� �u��:::::�g��:��� : beenTo Ici--fami�Iollyn b! :yeaofJ'man , LEARN YOUR YELLS r s and sUlI has week?" OFFICERS "I'm wil ing to sir- excellent tone and guaranteed to play. If Youngster: that's the best you do."_ of meeung' st r i f At slc�l notesear."which Ed-are .Delclubta elected ottlcers asDt.folythelowa: �_ girls � "WhilefeetI waslongIn OrandegontenI.lIBfeetw 'wards... In"There audibleWearetow!anrri.heut human Ia rene:twenty ki n d, es- l.s' more.of· th l.s s · "Bydent re i wlAldetic"e: "'S. Ound.!! I kc a lot ot bunk." pe<:lal, y from Rudy Valee. Je�yer. tr'eaa�r: :rs. �ceJt:a;�I;.ent; Fowl n-Marl e an s WELCOME. NEWC OMERS The most difficult thing to get on a ��TC�o�ri;;�S��. � ::��t:�r.�= J��, ::aI�� . FA Y EVERY from a pawn shop, says BO'I'1'9M radi o now MIL 'l n l U ati o n the man of TACO�: TH�E L VINO'vPArt Sivertson. rlta enticommitledttee.'to'memON THE MOST MEAORE IINCOMES, bersAnyhipdaytn the clgiub:--Let us. at P. L. C., plan te�ch with MAY NOW ENJOY THE CHOICEST , t ee a �OUT IMPUNITYll Dick�e Lel�d Is ���� � ���� r; ��: � r �� �� ���� !� � �:� 7t tl:=�. o�. f�� �:: g::�n� � �:d ::�:�� ���E -Ftnls"Pep" Preside' nt When the kcy hung outside a door ub dormItoryof The p. C;.: Sweden, says John Zackrlson, It l.s a fll1lt meet10g on, held. Itsseptember sign the family Is out.-It eve r attempt­ In the Clalsrooms '\ organl r Wednesday, the ed In this country It WOU!d be t.t1e o r- n.w S �h . ��al:ao: "�u••:rt::�e: n��,�:e ::l �=; "THE VARSITY FOUR" 1.. , .estd.nt. his mdy�rntulrnngs taught by Rey. Arthur E. Larson of Leland:' vice presld� AlIce Roe; etxCaercoff.rilseMafromrti.ntheal,wradiaysoge. Stsomebo Tacoma, is being offered to all stu- retary-treasurer, Dolo ��ts Who prefer tn " (Drelgn language. +=====-:r:.�====t ��; F:r:�� ��� �f: ��;:� � � ��; :': �:�� ���� � �f �':::; I In place of Zool_o_ gy._which was taught I Quality rt� Aren't They Always'tting Co. &--8m.1 . s Frances AndreW ldlng1n studJous ��ali�:;'N:��UI:d:���! o�, . "Ooody"'Rorem-Loo he1 0 g otrered.. A STEP FORWARD 11 t h. . T �, Margaret Emory Whitaker-With Marion ot W:::�n� w����e e������asCI=� WiU be· Weday want wants.wOrkOne Jean-Ma rie Fo;wler-Orlnnlng as opportunlUshort es lor foreigners. vicetoonful��yourfil tyour photo la ence Lemmi ng-Laughi ng Ioginn October no eser;;r:x�r ': t ,:. �isOl�e "Buster" Roe--Loo k i n g busy o e o Orl m l u nd-Loo k i n g worned Oldest Student Suffe.s In, Kathl een Roen-A and "D!busy ckie"-Together Jury to Blick Parkland Mercantile CornpOiny MORE COOPERATION Clarence executive r ne Thoren--8tudylng Torte . of TI',COma., who Martin-Looking "footbaIl sh." Carl the dl s ti n cUon of being known as � t n " "',, Varsity Four to Present �: .�!��: :� �� =:":�e Lu!: f Co ncert Here Octob er �:�: � :��b��ladt!�� :� .� n � �� � �� ��� � ; �� ��d �:/ �� � ��� � �� ���g� ;� g r �::::� Of the Spec1al s stude of lP � �t :�� -=-= ' �e;::� tcedh a cast.�� butH: :Oabl-re:'�:�� i�� -,.----.,-========� the appearance toreobe +::= t' Istati ty FoonSu·r,KOMO Score Heads Seniors With ceh'edandplagreetJ.ngs "'fIlIatheted Varsquartet Freshmen Choose Lemming . fromTorkebon around -Seatt(�, at the school up evening, OCtober class of the colthelegesecondof whiyearch Clarence Lemming wil head the At the election held last week. St an- gym cnext Thursday cl as s this ye�. ThIs was �ar�c:d::stl:�::����� �o= �:� ��� �a:,:�������u!ne:: �:e w:� �:m���as�t��f �l:� freshman 9 decided at a meeting of the group be the vice president. �d' K&th- The program be sponsored by the be the � of theo average mem­ Monday noon. Other officers elected lcen Pora!.h the treasurer. aecordlng choir !.he Tr1n1ty Lutheran church, four r of the cUon whi c h a dl s t1 Speci a l monthl y ���e to studenn with exceedingly college clrclee. te Fowlsecer,revice to result ts of the Bevote. n there and Wil �:OO p. Jean-MarLuldahl. were: Irene dent; �: :::. �:;:r:n ��:e�: !:� �:�d�:�� �=: :l1=�����.adUlts. ��:::a�f :. o�e C�������:� B rpokdole . Baen, treasurer. Coif CoU .... a new be held. The numbersC tou be rendered by the Herald,". ��� =========�11 ! :��;: ": � =� t= ' gs th ye:he�c�ty:f=;o::; ::. th1s , �I:��:!e.:,�. wtIl be-the-fac-' -' �! are Frank Hayes, tenor; Peter Baidon. I 6- Pallgruti dson,g,baripianitone;st. Don MidJetland tenor; DaviRari Loren; John ; ;;;;;;�;;;;;�; I I��;;;;;;; bass d" Craft.d





Martin in







It is really imP:Ortant for each member of the student body to le�rn th_e .!cb�! :i.e.!!. a_�d. �uRpor.t t.he team.s and ye�1 leaders to the S . best of hi ability. Co�slder the t!�le and energy t �at .the at�lete . S expends.f. r ��u�, h� proba�l s In mind the lov . e of � the sport In whIch he participates, yet Inas. uch as he does It for t�e good of the school mor� than for person I glory, do we not owe him our loyal and unwavering support? �










L U JA::t:Ii R A N

' B ROrj:..j E�I-IO O D l.




glr!.!·, .

23. A1-












HOME MAID LUNCH' Parkland.vilasll,

is vocal








beg1n. at








18 holes SOc

Is Mr.


rare 10



IoIttw 2 Panh Hlp Ct. F'.....ishlnp· Ina

Society ' Plans To ' __-+ I",__ " "__ , s"_h o" H h +__ _ _ _ _ Further Study ,. --------!' -7 S ion Mill Of . KIMBALL'S

Oode mlaIII gl=I�I theonary oTor1fyfurther chief wor� and�theto.. f_t!Nll . ;"'=.�::ca Broadway � alo= ng Welfare Chri.s an Unes. to th� I �:;= ===� =::;�= Lutheran ' 8 ocl e ty of incIety relheliefpwort. At present the 110- II 10g one fiunuy and one Lien &. SelviS .Youna, Offihere cersprts1dent; of the society WesaOp. Prncr;ptlon Druggists presIdent; DICkie Leland, �­ John The J41saIon IOCltheet)' recreatievery erTherew� on Corner TacOfrui Avenue Eleventh' . .atmOllphere Christian Tacoma,Wash. the . Tel. MaiStreet, whol e -hearted' the n Free Deli� of y. t f d facul support t � an ere.t "" l I -----"" alma of



-Legal Rese�e Life Insurance for Men Women " and , Children






and Life Insurance






aid T&coma


In Parkland.



vioe tary;




Zack:rIsoo. treasurer. meets oth­ ..y in room. Of bleetJnp and In�

� --



hoJes 25c


WeIh.nhany...e. morothere polcI.isscyholof dpeopl ers among e. students Why? Bec.use rr.embers of the Luther.n Chur gener.1 h....e .Iways been strong belinaie.hcverslhrgeininamoUnts educationin fosuch r· and areinon...est­.Lu­ �,nh..t:estment", :.rarl"i3z0therhood insUr.nce. educati pro�ects Leami n a Ji/l3 Life Insur.,Ke! What a 'com­ andbinatieasioniJ'They'wi er. Write l your life happier 'HERMAN



""vote will


. Mi�'meapolis;"



Mr. Hans had

P. L.




"'""" 0""'" .

Arn ld




VlrginUi Lee, aecre.


W.esson--calT)1ng ,boob

by the Bqard of Control. will Clifford M�tord-"How-do." These programs show a forand judging by the applause C r students appreciate and· will

t l ud u r� on C Vi �te i a S , t t e r t p I t t e ideas for improvement, make them known to the powers


__ �" .









Let's have more cooperation among the pep band, the yell lead- Lor ai ers and the rooting section at our football games and not enter into competUi n.




Emory Asbury's.speech in chapel Thursday marked the introduCoticn of a new practice in student-govemment at P. L C. Every

f be a r



Is 125


·f.U-tenn, Room


11.4 Rho oamm...


_ -


Well. P. L. C, here's your chance to show off your friendly spirit by attending the concert which . the Varsity Four are presenting in t a r t s i r Vi s; , iV � el w i s off the. peppy spirit prevalent here. And anyway, we want to make a good showing, since the son of·one of our professors is coming.



__ .

In addition to the many welcomes which have been extended to the new students since the opening of school, the Mooring Mast wishes to offer its greeting. Students m?lY come, and students may . go, but the Mooring Mast stays on. I t �l s � a r is d U S 'h stl)d .e t a! t o e L. C li Entering into activ.ities sponsored by t h e school tends not only t o make one more broadminded, but increases the joy and value which their education brings them. ·Publications. sports, clubs, and programs offer many di�ersions at L. and it is our sincere hope In that all new' students will interest themselves in a t least one . phase . of these extra-curricular activities.

other Thursday a program. sponsored replace the usual business meeting. ward step on the part of the school, in chapel Thursday it is a step th.e whole-heartedly support.



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School PfOc:"


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Specialist in , Off,ice Equipment and . Supplies Fine Office Furniture

Importers of Norwegian Cod- live! Oil





, --��











1./. PAQE- 11l.REE

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Football­ Basketball­ Baseball Season-You will enjor-



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------ ----

.£.. dta.... ,• .."

By C Monson Pro Tern

-------- Gladiators Lose �',.;"'"�::"�:.t:!.:= d Moo.",on' li>th"""kfloid-IO'th. , while -Brooks To Loggers in �Lutherarul.· Ennla th"and ... 10' th' 10"; thO firSt Game·.,m"" .. r..,.



30, 1.932

. Short End 25·0 Scor.

s�r;:�.: u.





. -.. f'!!'. ··· LE ···· r..... and EDd Ru. Vied SoceC8a- , !;:n · �:L.

C. P. S.

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'orr' the Saturday afternoon k1 .Ule Uncom Tho:gh e u ' e t ; .. l t e · ..... ::.: ::::::::::·::. Of ! ..: o�=;���ll�:: :� :: the way our men �ent down In that game, we have reason to believe of Puget Bound took the long end of J�son .. ..... .RE ·..................Ll.ndquist In the �ond game of the season when that bad omen wa . ...... ... ..... Stttilni s present in lome form or other. a . therans, FrI- M ...... ........_...Q._ . . the score ap.1J:lSt �� they meet thl' U. S. S. Oklahoma . ..... ........LH..... ...................Ennls . _ . Jac. ...... s. S. day. Se.ptembe� 2&4y) 'a . eleven. . Hanson . . . ., ..... RH.... BrulUltad Bev. Shuster, our_flashy fullback, was taken out of the game timph over. thtl Parkland � huster ....... .... . ..1'.: ... . . ....... ....Broolr.! Coach curr Olson's charges wIll eD.- early in the second lqua�ter with an injured back: and from �ppear- The Lutherans' show . an eve . . . Score by periods. . ter the contest under a severe hand.1- a�ces wil! be out for weeks to come . Bob LevlnS?n, expe!l en�ed stronger Une :.han Coach Olson . C r a s ' t a t te ' l cap d Ull to the Inj uries receh'ed In the � r I c 1 t developed IM"t y �, but · the. offeMive e. . h a t r i h skIll Car n Of back Initial game wIth the College of Puget over a quarter. was tc1 ken out with an injured shoulder , SUbsUtUU.O ns: Puget Bound-Havel. �. � nash. � . Red . year s eLeven seemed to t.ake ou�' � oJ hnson, Hickeox, . Sound. Although th15 leaves Coach 'S. S. · Mlller. MCConnell, ' . punch that·was Olson a tough spot, he has a numnecessary when eJzek.Kimball. Shatz.. HurWorth. �� It was evident that we were handicapped by our lack �f l'eserve scoring th ber' or 'r1ee t backs that can do Justice Itren th, but it was our reserves that were i := W:� n rilea ractically hat ;ame �x: �:�� 'a: : :� :"; ' '-: C:: ' � � to the oHenSlve department of the the b,, ,est par.tof the last canto, and what a� fl,ht they did o ' hop, a � �.•� , ' put up. who had bfenBedlaplaying worleLs.of � . game. Well,· Judge for yourself, liIe Icore w� only 25 to O. __ . '" power.ln .the b8cldleld. was 'lnjur� The line wiUremaln Intact.slnce they S. S. . early In the second ' quarter, and Uus . . . . . all came through the Urst fray unlnI t IS Interesting to know that we are considered f'no�e I�port�nt also serio J) . usly handicapped the. defelUllve Jured. Though a bit toil v.;orn, the men in the. football sense "'Of the WO(�, each y�ar. I overHeard an. I�. e G . -are apparently I n good shape. It Is fluential business man from !he City say, One of these days those strTngth..otof the ladiators. he I gers uRd a PaM. Sterling tol The facul�y club held Its tint meet­ doubtful yet whether Bob ' Levinson Swedes from Parklar'ld are gomg to boom on C. P. 5., and I venture 25 Ing Of .tl)b schOC?I year Mo�ay, SeptBrunstad which netted doSe to end. wtll be able/to enter the Satur- to say that they'll do-it wi,thin the next two years." em:: .!�!e�::a��f y�d.s, to'S??re their first touchdo�, day's fray, as his knee hu a. habit of . S. S' , , which came early In the second' quar. going out or place, . Nevertheless the We can take this for what we' think .it's worth. Neverthelesl ter while the Stocond SCO� which also solos by �. Keith Reid. planq solos Lutheran mentor has i new sh1n1ng it' s something worth conlidering. we may be Imall, but great thinp � perI�. resulted by Mr. Edwards, talks on the political c e the second Ilght Stan Score. who has proved usually co and M ltsl · me from Imall things. . on when eJss Broob w�nt aroun·d the left l ,��u ' A �� ... .. Io. a.B": that h� can handle the wing post : ' rs t l _ h . .:... S. S' . • side of the Gladiato r line to score from ......- '-'=V.... .. . �:y.... .. Ijo fine rashlon. Now Saturday we take our bow against the U.S.,S. Oklah�ma. the seven yard strip. The ball had �he meeting. Meetings of t�e !aculty club are hel� Ted Cronquist and Carl Martin. giant Let's forget our first setback and give Coach Olson-s · charges the bee t! advanced prior to both touch: . ta.ckles. are llterall. y classed as the Rock same support we gave them in the first fray . As in1dividuals it's dollo'ru! by steady IIne-bucklng by monthly In the pursuit of social enjoyment. of Olbralter In the line a.n.d with the really a small donation, but as a group it's a great. help. Brooks, and end runs by iJmmy Ennis. ' assistance o t Gene Reardon and Bill. .. S. S, Ennis carried the ball over hlmself Whalen t.aklng care of the guard p<l6ts, No' reporh have been received in ��gard to the Itrength of thil .tor the Loggers' third score which came .French Club W ill , the sailors will find a forward �·all that sailor eleven, but·it' s a c.inch we won't un�erestimate them, With late I�"'the thJrd quarter after the Study Stat.lmen 110'111 be hard to pierce. oJ hn Fadness, the addition of Cene Reardon, our forward wall il plenty strong and Lumberjacks had· gained possession or experienced .Ct!llter, v.111 be back to will average clOie to 1 91 pounds. the lailors can ,ain an adva'nt- .the ball when a P. L. C. pass struck French�ts and French statesstrengthen the center of the line and age by pounding on this line, liI�y'li be doi�, lomethin,. all Ineligible' receiver and . the line' men wUi 'be reviewed by members ot . with the ILSIIlstance of Frye. a. new reS. �" bucks had advanced the oval to the P;-.� C:s French' Club, Le Cercle Ft!n. . crult. no trouble should be encounterof seven yard Une, Ted Cronquist. �ur �turdy tackle .and captal�,. Will .be one , . l calje; Later in the year members plan cd In the pivot position. the big threats. He s big and·tackles hard and If he doesn t get "I1l.e . fourth and linal touchdown VW�ve a French play. J All Carroll acobso n reeeived In the bored, usually plays a whale of a game. As a tackle, Ted is about came In the last quart.e-r when the The club offtcers Include Edgar Lar!: :�c���� � a�� :ee' Al� as good as t ey usually come. ld hI H � � � he u e S. S. fI�d :::;e, ;��d:: e�he� �t. e:��ta�; anxious to take out his revenge on the lust a few more days"till the next game, let'l open our epislotil Ing Urie bucks with end runs and off. t:�83urer. SaIiOTS. Little Jake never faUs at the and give the bfja I lome rrioul lupport. Wh.t say? Any student of French' ls Invited to tackle st.aba. . Y left wIng post and should be In good The Oladlato� threatened to score membership In the club, condition for the Saturday'lS fray. ROE AND LlUDAHL CHOSEN on several occasions, pushing the ball Mrs. Bondy 15 raculty adviser for I Since Bev. Shuster and Arthur B1ShAS YELL KINC'S HELPERS up to withIn eight yards of the Logger the club. op, tullbacks, are both out ot Ule game goal on one occaaI.on, but they were -because of Injuries,. the Lutheran "CIDDAPI" With Allce Roe and Irene [Ju �ahl unable to muster the f� punch, __ me:1tor will have to do .some hard work __ . Bob LeVinson, 'end, and Bill Whalen, . to whip In a new reerult for this Job LUTHER COLLEOE chosen as assistants to "Bob" Monson, guard for the Parkland eleven, were Some of the girls from the dormitory MarY Hansen seerru; the most logical DECORAH, IOWA Paclrlc Lutheran College has this year the' outstanding players for the Luth- hlLve been spendinG" their 8&t.urdays candidate. although Harold Votaw h.,a PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEOE chosen· three competent yell leaders, eran8. Both men were constanUy bust- horseback-riding. Quite a .number have shown that h.e can handle any back- PARKLAND, WASH. u all have had previous experience. Ing up Logger plays and throughout tnlten up this acUvltj which they hope field job very moely. Bob wu yell king here last year. while COACH CLIl"F' OLSON to organIze. later Into a ieguIar school . Dutch Moe, signal bark�r, also sufCARLSON CAUGHT PASS RAN 2Q AlJee and Irene were selected this fall. club. SCHOOL SONG fered a back injury .In the last game, YARDS FOR TOUCHDOWN STOP Each one O,f th� yell leaden has been P. C. your students hall thee L. for . the entire COE 6 LUTHER 7 and may not be used _ provided with 'a ,hlte sweater on the A!o qu�n of �U the land, game. IJoyd Berry and Chuck McMll� ; "t COACH PETE PETERSON front of which. Is a felt Where students all are care free Ian are ready and are men thoroughly with the letten "PLC" on It. : And for thy honor stand. capable of taklng care of this po6t. Thus ran. the telegram received by SUNFREZE ' three yell leaders have pla.nned Both men g,re fMt and can run, Idck coach Olson from coach Peterson of The to � a regular time set when they May the light be ever glorious; i and pass. but, as they have not been Luther College. ICE CREAM may, get together to practice the yells, And always to the end, with the squad long. have not had We all remember "Red" the dimJnu- so lhat more excellent leadership will Reign o'er all victorious, a ce to el O w they develo and be be that so rrlend! Ill ma.ter, ped alma Our , literally WM who demon, speed atlve �a�= : a c=te: ���d �: to better fitted lead In yells at the = ' probably see a IQt of action In coming known as the "scoring punch" for Olson's fighting OIadlators. Last year games. . '. Am�ng the �terest1ng t.h1ngs at the � games. Phone Broadw.y 4,29 At the pep rally IMt Th�y even- world fair in ChlC8g? next year wtI1 � nus week Cooch Olson will attempt Carlson, not only made football history to straighten out the weaknesses dla- lor the school, but for himself by his lng, Prof. Edwards suggested a new yell be an eXhIbit by the churches to sho� a you owe. "We anI l ; 'i��t� runs: " � ; ;; touch; ;; iO'iC ii th Which ; ;; w t ; ;; iiii ; ;;;;;;; th '�groi i Am�'rt���:;;;; . Yoi'nii;i played In the Puget Sound contest. If shiftiness and uncanny speed. No lhat;; ' this can be done. he believes that he ter who the opposltlol} was. our little down! 01-0-01:' Other yells are: ji, • can have a smoother worldng machine redheaded back WM always considered Oo'get 'em, tea.m, go get'em. (Wh1.sper). a serious threat, and wu watched close- 00 get 'em, team,'go get 'em. (Louder). : Special·b.uu•• for plrtlel, ,I•• for the next game. . Oo get · em, te�.go get'em. (Boom It). the opposing eleven. C'Ubl, teami, etc. : :::=:::�" IY by =::= -:: While Red was demonstrauilg his t" == A�, Ti..... Any PI.e. superiority far the LuUlerans, some or Team, rah, tab, rah, team. Call Mr. LJOIII MAiD All us had our doubts whether t.e would ' ..... TACOMA BUS CQMPANY . be capable of coping with fasta' co�- F1ght 'em, team, f1gh�'em. (Whtspei), .Fight em, (LoUder).... 'em. _ _ flB�t , team · both It. have Luther pany. Well. no w� Yellow CalM AmllaIaDee _ _ Bac" 'j Service ..... and cae COllt8:e are up In the lootball Fight 'em! tea.m, fight 'em. (Boom It). ' MAIN. 1HZ. world, as·we may put It. cae, in the SEAMON'S Come Come on, 0l!' team. past two years has given Wlsoonsln . . . FLOWER . Unlversity 'sOme close rubs and Luther Tea.m, team, come onl . ' SHOP bas' proved to be no set-up for any ' . "'am. 'Su,h rom_n ap_Uy Yoah .Paclll<. Yeah _w" a.ll South Eleventh · ' meLIUI lIttle, but when they Involve our! �aralty, va.ral.t1, wowl s Rust BUilding . little freckled faced grId.1ron star, wbo PacUlc ColIqe, rah , rah. re; and compa etc. wouldn't compare . PacIfic College, rah, tab . ..d I". Proc••• • t. whO· rah, Pacific . . •. TI.109r.p•.Prec...





�. ::�


Facultv Club Meets,.







\ .






'Red' CarIson W'ns Garne for' Luther


IirrII.... .




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P-:--;.-�:�-�-';� .P - A: - c - I - P -I-.C. C PacIfic. (W1fiaptt).


Hold .om.......

Paclf1c. (Louder).

Hold 'om.' ......

"" -�




It=�� ��� '. �������!!'!�����== (-


Use . T h e s e F"a� c 1 ." ". t",I e [r.l


•' -:.

.•ddltl,••• co'on wlt1!.O" .xtr. pial.. ] • 0.... oj .... bo� I ..�rtJi.••�., .... . ..w..1 0.41 'I ........ ,.c.. I. "0 . ' Morl.WIlSl ' .



on Co�COm Dan, · ; .. ....D':':..';;.· :��:���D . , WA.. . 7 ...., .......... P�W"'.Johns 2a.pHifIc ....... . 2 2\.. ... • . . Wuhinlton , . ' . t.;;;;;:===�=;;;::�=",",=====;;i;i;;;=-'==""'i;;.:I'llbo&nl . B ROOKDALE CROCERY H 'I'



><ia.Xa';"''''_ 1tr�wbo A """"was pract1caUy aU-day IOU' ..,bile the . ,wasln p�. paeet1na: �





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At an elt<:Uoo held lut. Thursday. . hlah school seniors selected �ul as their preAident for tbe ensuing map and that Illey re somebody group of students and othe,r oHlcers· chosen were WU· acrompll.!h 'thll end. the Class of .'bleh are assoclaUng themselves under lIam Pflueger: vt� pruident; and DaLeagues, set for Friday, November " '35 has tUrned artiSt and lrucrlbed their name "Pep Band " makes us prone lores Roe, secr1!tary-treaaurer: As In the Ftrs� Lutheran Church on 6tJ\ inslgnja In bright ononge on the 'iiOne to believe that they the first and no advl80r has been ch(M!en and I Street In TacomA. WIU\ an near the tennla court. Thla seat only ba.nd the sch�l has had. "Not group. <tress by Rev. E. M. Hegge as the main I. to be pccupled by freshmen only; 'c�y the old-UIIJcrs and they TMumfollowingI hJgh eSC�OOI 110. pot senior". and faculty. beware! feat w ::comPllshed C;C r tell us of past' days, of "bands as ""n",",, . 1 ,,""'Y. ��::: N�:: � U��h� ��n·"' H",,,,, �t com,posed 0 � . bY a comm ane bands." DraM bands they were, ILnd Jennie Ive r Larson. son. CIIUord Louise earw ene Robert Monson. William Rnd :=:� :r;�. , G R real on�s. too. Why, once they bought Mcsloro, Include \"(xa! solos by Anna Mlkkel$en over $600 worth of lrutrumenla. but Pflueger. Paul PreWl, Donald .J!!!.d. Phil Berg; accon:llon 50108 by Len, and Willis Smith. Roe Dolores ago--an once nard Anderson; vibra-harp selectlp . that long d they had by Bob Searles: and grecUnp from the College Labrary to-·Be lent them to the Army-durlng the ;�:: ""nous Luther Open Additional Hours WilT. t was. No. �ose were real bands, ��=�n TheyI used t.o take them along on plcThe affair. 9.;hICh LlI Informal. will All nicS-which, frequent In those ProleMOr n . th n d l gl I N h"I'i' � n e�t.s n ::= D ll Rook y !\Ia t : .' " " ," " � , " �. " ' m � :' ?: ' "'.n �ram d U k,"" II ut: y n ....h.. . days--anci they gave concerts from the Ticket.'! may be secured from league root of the 6Chool on Sunday aftere ar e a t u and connoo quite often It w -� ;!�ce:; t�e =� =: ���:·t . �::� 15 �: ��� �:a� °l� � :;: :a���!:�� cerl.<!m,something like weM�ave th��n�::::� :; ��:�:;n ,,",,,,, ' I ",."h. In our and ter Young; vt« president. John Kirke_ ing eltcept Friday and Saturday from which now entertains over KOIMO. I ..,,,.1 00; secretary. Hazel Monsen: �urer. 7 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. The library 15 also parks. The community would turn out gave a selected p\ra m of LJoyd Johnson. . each Baturday morning from 10 to hear them. And then on · EMter numbers In the' p. . C. gym. . Previously the library has been morning they �ld �t up early. and day.. October 6. The uartet after -4:30 p. m. on school days. Pflueger AHend. Meetin. 011 the roof and serenade Park- du«d by Prof. P. J. Bar�on. New book! added to the college 11. �p To attend the convention of the l.'> ot Frank Hayel!, tenor; land. Oh· were grand Urnes! And !is Bardon Jr.. tenor: Loren American Lutheran Church at FOnd brary .this year are : Hlflh School d�. they had I�ers. two C�lu 5veraU, ltone; Don Craig, bus: and their du LaC. wis" beginning Oct.. 11, Prof. mphy R. H. Whitbeck: High School Pflueger left Parkland lut Friday. He �ography. C. R. Dryer: Book Review now of Luther College, and George 1st, ·John Rarifl. expects to .be away about two weeks. Dil;esl for 1931. M. A. Knlg!lt; The Johnson. now leader of the Normanna On the program �ere Negro during which Ume otJler membel1!l of Cumulative Book Index tor 1931-1932. Chorus. and 6arsland. and DroWng. uals. sacred and se<:ular g ac �� UJ�e ":ft:;:�� d::s c;! �e� ;�r�lc:I�I�r:U��:::�IOC:;!�: :r and olh.el1!l. -But' then this coming CO:;!�:: on the con«n as IlgIous education are taught by Prof". SOcial Sciences. Vol. 1; Handicraft for band. It might grow. and. maybe. might A. W. Ramstad and Prof. J. U. XAvier. Girl.!.. E. T. Hamilton; Colonial Gar. eclipse even those of the past. I\.tn. Taylor Is conducting the In dl'llS. United States George Wuhlng. knows? public speaking, while Prof. Keith Reid tOil Blcent.cnnlaJ Committee; Quicker m d n Is ':�h��J�����hl�� ��=P%CI- �11�8;�. �;�I�:�:r���O��d�m��u�:� Ann. Mikkelsen Sings �rie :f��!:e� !:!'that were In Audition Contest pal. has been absent from the' 61)()rl. Grantland Rice. by Mr. Don Craig wt'Te en!Gyed . In S••ttle Tomorrow "Mr. John Rat1&' displayed rooms during the last three weelU tor NE'W flclion books Include Swift Rivthe purpose of trying to raise money Cornelia Mlns: On the Reindeer work lit the playing of Rut."..",tn'·1 L.u'h",," DaUlhters ot the Retormato cover current operating ot THill. Thomas WIlliamson; The Lan« Anna Mikkelsen soprano soloLst In Staccato Et'Ude in C ortloerlll tor the year. Choethe college. Prot. Edwin nngelstad of Kanaka. H. W. French. are Jennie Iverson, vice With which he accuracy Pacific Lutheran College choir gether with has been teaching Mr. Hong's ClaMeS Library �Istant.s taken from the the the Rudd, �; Dt.her winner of thE' Atwater Kent Radio In English and news mting, while hhrery instruction cia&.'! under Prafes. Audition ContE'st In Tacoma. wtll com _an Immediate ...appeal to the Kathryn Johnson, the M1s.s Fowler is Instruar.lng the world , waa elected spring to J. U. Xavier, Include LeU Klippen. pete In the state contest to be held 6( as uemplltled by tbe applause. literature daM. Vh'f!;inla Byel1!l. Carl Martin, Kathryn radio station KOMO In Seattle, TI1urs[ ''The ;s:e intonaUon, breath supb n w n many ot J n II a 1 C, Monso� Is Soph President Oh. ��a���s.:�, �e���:�, ::: :�:;r:��1I �:��!O�:a ':'n �� �:���1t� �; t�e :::e7.� � R. conventlon at. Poulsbo, \ othy Winsor. Nordls . Cla�nce Monson wu elected preslArneson and Dick- men's division of the contest. An InteresUng report of Hugb Tallant, forme.r P. L. ·C. 8tu� dent ot the sophomore at a meet- Ie Leland. FrOm the twelve .elUes r.epreaented dent, h�ld at Minneapolis laat has been elected president !" Ing held last Thursday by that group In the state contest. one boy and one Hegge's given by Mrs. Ramstad. cen�al . Lutheran Churc� . Entertain Lton'. Club girl w1ll be ch06eJ1 to repres&nt Wash. Young Peoples '\Io1th Kathryn Johnson actlng as Porath presented a pli'no solo. League: He � ani . · eh.a1rman. Norman Jenson was chosen Weuon and Anna Mlkkel- Ington In the regional competition In t.etive member In the Tatoma Luther Ram.s�d. &MIsted IJy Esther vice president and Flort!noe Post 1It'C- entertained membera of the Lion's Los Angtles In November: served retreshments. retary·treasurer: At the next meet!ng . at. Gig Harbor last Monday eve- Each contA!a�t Ls required to sing League&. . se e g ar vts;� ! ':,��o:� class 18 ::�t ���p:;-roTh�:m:! :; �� = ·':U;;��f Pi:f!!:. = Source 0/ Coach Ollon', SmUe. Explained to Scho,ol �: commonly known as the "out-casts .. banquet. was enjOyed befOl'e the pro- has chosen the following three: By Mary Annette, Who ,. Goi(lg to Be FootbaU 'Fan � e u! en nOl' first of �e club', tall 'events and a ::���'�� ��:.v�������. Have you noUced .that ha,?p>! amlle w ;':ua:: �� : ; =: run�Dutch Moe' � c10ee secOnd . "AlleluJah" by Mozart. on Coach Clift Olson's face tor the-last call1nS algnala even now: I don't call Profeaaor J. o. . Edward! will accom· few �ys ? NoPe, It Isn't �auae the them . for fOQtball plays, but ratheT �"";'re,h Egg." Tortured by SuitctUel, Clean F�ce6, pany h I' u , I m �� . Braids, and Unmated Footwear lor Pep Initiation � . G1ad1atora got. that final kick over the : : �: = :�� = y : . n Navy either . me with floor . the wall: ya Do . iIUDt': :t � roaI bet that without � mateup protesson sign created the RnsaUOn. French Club Has Luncheon w� . ow a. aecnt? WeD. pther ,-I r-. �"rn Bay, I W&!3� to meet Johnny �; tace looks Just pa.le as this en 'I And did. the Pep Club live the new " and bear It band trom "our he and I, OIJgbt to .have lI?t.a In com. rm canying." To creal<, Int&est In I.e cerele Pran. 'round . girls a )llDt to eet out' wben they made ea1a mon, \or yOlJ I have brigh� red . old members ot the club bonored heroIne" heraeU, -.:.:.ll � 'aa 11 t.hIa . awt; cue. were f1l1ed with l � � i �m C&lT7 � eID�ty awtcaaea with prospective membera with a luncheon, INTRODUCING MARY ANNE'I"I'E baIr, too. J?addY says it doesn't .bother Johnny's diaposiUon � temper' ln the be1na: empty after rTe carr1 '1� around I the &Ign "� Eft" puted on the Prtd ay, Oct. 7. DllrinI' the lunch� a OLBON' .. all morning. and th1s idea wearine , aide? ' Tbe wont diS' came, however, program was given, !lith Sb1rley Hecht · "Hello everybody, I'm Mary Annette, leut, so I rueu there's awl � tor one bJgh-heeled and one low�heeled I when Wt. years' members found that presldtnc. torty-day-old daU&hter and me. Although I never Intend to tum srand old out tor football, I want. Carl Mart1n shoe im't .so bot eit.he:r." : the newcomers really 'were bcLrbuoua, � Laraoo told of the a1ma oUbe MI1!I. curf Olaon. This Isor Ccpch SUch were only . few at the remarta lince eaeh '?DC ate a wb�e dinner that club : w� O'Brien preaented "Sooc world you bJ,ve here. and I certainly to teach me bo,,·to ldek 11ke he doea wbtch the gir1! new to the d9rm1t.ory I evenlDa w:Itb only a ' knife, as Imple-. of Ind1&"faa noUn IIO-!e:; aocompanled Uke Partland 'c;auae the CXlUep 11 here. in the pmeI. JI beard your NBOO�" N to aa 7 �-::=== ::��:..� m�ean�:�bu; :: =���ou�c!:"pt"!; ���. = =ed,. ment.. U:�=�= : =',,� was only a amaD part of the t.h&t eVening. Why girlsl al80 accom� by Nordla ArnfllOD.. beu be's tootball co.cl1 there, my nap to add my td the· appiaule. put upon NfrMb ens"- be:tna lnUlated] · A ' the e"fm1nc' meeUna: eaCh . new' Mr. Hunter �ormed clever and rm aWfully Uekled'when be TIn counUn6 the days unW I can Into the Pep Club. . 'I'boIIIe very dlffer.:'.j member was made to I?ut on some trica. .. well .. rel&� 10m2 or b1I home and chucka me under the eb1n to ,Po L. .C. to v1slt. My p!nOQ_ brUds wb1ch a.ppeared at nrtoua �t destcnated. by the uppercl.a&lmen. experiences in _l"ranee\...J,bUe In tbe and. sa,., ''Well. tlddo, the boys allty .. wen aa my red .b&fr IhOuld pJ.aces on·the beada of the D1ct1e Leland pres1dect' over over'" aerriCe. �� Weaoo tod&y." I j\llt let out a b1a yell tlria:hten t.h1naa up . there a little. I were t.he omtel' Of � lot. of attract.101l, a abm1 bua1nesa mee�, after whk:b thanked the members ot the club, In 11 Bob and hli JeD q�na a.rtn't bere hope you'D , � me and abate but tilt raw CIP wh1«:h they were· can· ab:e and K&thleen Porath 8el'ftd lee behalf or the rueeta · tor the luncheon to .lead It. I belleYe rn be a real toot- handa, .wben do\ that I1l . b&lJ';" I.n when I pow up. · rn �t I teel J;'ight at. hOIme." peDed � eany around and haft three � and :�e. and procr&m. :. , _

�. are

" 80.




















init1&tes lPnsident



comes 'WOIl




. �










OCTOBER .'2, ' 1932



m b r jIl o o r i lt g jIl a .£i t




Published c\'el"}' two WteD during the'school year by the Sl\jdenu of Pnclflc Lutheran College. Patkland. Washington Entered as second class maneT. October 2. 19�. at the POIst Offlcp at Parkland, Washington. under the Act or March 3. 1879.

. :"PIPctuls" b1' Cb�p.her Mork"

. Of Christopher Morley 1 101011.. very ·lIttle.·oth·er lh!,n .uillt he I:. neWi'lpR�r man. an author. Is \'rry cngBglng, likes dO ·.ih uU arid cider and ha., a ch�r­ .tching philosophy of life' of the ru h"u Iln globule. '0 . 1 nmsil!ioadmlt that I have,]ooked up--· EDITORIAL STAFF r I Editor Mary Louise Preus It is only question ot time now lJnes frbm the freshman racht party: ��:�:=:1';: :�a�� ���::��:� . A.ssoclate Editor a el Monsen t' football pla)'ers wUl be prohIbited 1 am leaning o'er the rail - H z h� �:� until is original-and very elttempornneous. ' from \1o"U.shlng thelr.,r�es In the water .A.nd )�!�c& Is deadly pal�. ����,��:p _ Clnre�� o if that is correclly used Ithe word of n or � ... . OQKJ Fenture Editor -.:: Jcan-Marle Fowler bucketDefore taking a drink fron; It. Am....$. course) In rt'gardtQ an eMIlY, for I hll\'e L. A. , N . .. no . \ Rt'porter.;-Vlrtlnla Byers, Martha Grande. Arnold Gr1mlund. Cora Uen" Robert n And there was the co-t'd who thought Monson. Florence PoIIt. Dille Quale. Jens Rlksh,efm� Gt'o . rte Svt'nson. ���;�� :n�t';::u': � d'Z��R�O::� noodle soup wasi. ��d of shampoo. f ' g of esaaya, group IlIreeable very a ' lh,",. BUSINESS STAFF ' :' :r. �:t�� :::ae; Su:: �: In n l\"U.y � ha(tn't C?'}I' er. . , simirar nature but heterogt'neous In Busln('s..� Manager Carl Martin 1 do not cafe for bobbeod hall' subj�ct matter, Assistant Buslncss Manngrr Margaret Wesson On girl' of any type. That Is w�! Advertising Manager " Plvefuls" i.s.ll collection of 5parkllng. - . Clarence never. have a hairpin i... A. o Roen They For mt' «> clean my pipe. Collins : . ·'Won't we have 'fun wht'n dfervescent composltl9M, trt!J!.tll!es. d,",· ����tl:�I��I�:���f:� Manager �..e�� r:f�� -Po Hlghby we gO ovt'{. to MOIIQulto Manor 'tomor� ' courses,essaya. or "'hat have'�� ? �ey Faculty Adllisers O. J. Stuen and N, J, Hong . O t ho l WIlke up at 5- :r!:! ����s. · �s':ec�:�iy��i��' Ir; k;��: When I was youn� a� In my primc. :C��kb;�. w' I LEST WE FORCET Irley : ·Tll tell you what. When are like rich Coo4-U:' \.t!ry good, but.-I thouRht It great to ha\'t' a dIme : Sh This is a gentle reminder to the students and especially the so (t gives me quIte a pain . my alarm clock goes call )'OU lri)my least. �ne not freshmen. in this good old school of ours. Oon't forget that you And on the telephorie so you;�;ake up take much or he becomes sic of It. represent Pacific Lutheran College wherever you go. and regardless To rfnd myself that .way again. Runsvold when' It rings. But dbn't you dare- .It Is a long time since I · havek read of the company in which you find yourself. You have chosen this L. A. It. ·causc· nl be using a pay Herteshelmer but I remember rightly. school to be your alma mater so you as IndivIduals are expected to � Ha\e you read Hlghbys book answt'r phone nnd I ....ant my nickel back .. he. Conrad. and Morley are alike live up to the hIgh moral standards charactertstlc of thIS tnst.ltutlon onL)Iemanners" that t.he.y can spread glorious diSplay L. A The loud and showy type of persons have no place here. tnstead. Fudd: "No:' of adJectives-masters of description. Art wn., sitting on the sofa Pacific-Lutheran College should be represented by the sincere and Lyle-: "Ha\'e you read Ramstad's With Espeelally as to Conrad " 'and Chris. little HUmo by_ his Side. e r e f h e u � 'T c st rs'? l nt When father came Into the room :��:s ��:; p��I�;e r::�poe��� eC!! . s s�o: ��: ;��d ��:; �� �II�d�f����, " �:�����:���. �����a���. :t : �:�. l�: · t le I rt school really' is an institution of high moral standards and that its ' Lyle: " Well, ....·hat have you read r' L �. s�: �� �� �\����n for par. " PllX'fuls:' much like IU sister book, students can have a good time without going to extremes. hRlr:' " ShRndygafr' lIpreads Itself o\'cr a lIar. F'udd: ·'1-) ha\'e red tlculars. L. A. lcty Df subject.". from the "Muslngs of A. JOHN Z: "I"m sorry. but 1 haven 't mENE: 'Tm afra.!d BICCER AND BETTER PEP BAND ohn Mistletoe" and " On Making J rn. bu Is Dutch money to pay for that meal Have you heard of the Pep Band' In vIew of the fact that It IS an�CASH ' Friend";' to one of �omage 'to the Indls· the candle at both.ends:' IER Thats all right.. We II IngDICKlF. not l ust a temporary organlzatton but a starter for a real concert ....rlle : has cut pen-llRble serv"nt of hu'\ anlty. " The boy That Huh! " you and wall \our name on the your earnest band such as P L C used to have years ago , t deserves Safety Pin :' If yo� play an instrument or would l ike to do so. cnn pay th� ncx� time you come In. the <:andle In two nnd lit It up all four I do recommend consideration. thiS book for e\'eryhere·.s your oppo�tUntty to get into an outfl. .t which will grow .tn size w��:;'�� In.��I�: tl��.t. . Everybody rnds:' A. .. Introduce It. to your disconsolat.e . . one. L and I�portance In our student body. Mr. Hunt�r off.e r.s lessons to .CASHIER' "Oh no. they won't. Your . Lelf Klippen may pes.,.lmlst. one whose " soul peers from football �a not those Int.ereste�. so remember that you are b�tng �I.ven a golden overcoat wlli be hanging over It" player. but he will be chosen1..0 carry behInd cloudy curtains of alarm" and opportunIty whIch you should not pass up. BeSIdes .It s lots of. fun. . L A. who has gh·t'n up all Cnlth In "the Inthe " baw\"' soon. I bet. / you know. hercm goodness of mankind:' and L. A. I S�IPS watch the gOJ1j:cous benl�lty rUSh, In Icy. eyes me eeea Dlck's DlRmond Then the oUlcers clO5ed In. Murphy . p, L. C. HAS BLACK BOARDS You cad:' he rasped. and\ then . . . In place of doumeSll. . AS Christopher " bulstray A hlp one In was ,",onnde<! I t seems that we a,e not the Only ones who have not,ced that Moriey remark!, "A pessimist overtaken !To BI'! ContInued.) r slightly \ by liquor Is the cheulest sI.ght In the there are grammar school chIldren somewhere among us It IS l1't killed one b)'Standl'! L. A. . strange to see names scrawled in chalk"on the front steps and walk Oscar Kurger caught world.'" That. In short. Is the exact eflawyer welgha . a mud turtle ' ln ?f a college. and even morel pe�uliar �hen one conS!derS that p.' L. C. Ing ('Ight pounds ...<lth In the Clarsrooms fect of ··Plpefuls.""-Ernest Svenson. . IS a normal school as wel . Is It pOSSIble that practIce teachers learn the stomRch ""hlch was so Inrte it . h t s o t o t i t r i r�u� �� : �t��; :s ��; a� �or ����v ;�'�a�: �: b;��� ���� ��:Ill�hno. ; be pushed back through the j --r e . lI- . g :; :�i�;00�ul:�:6�a��., �:� ��to���:"; no e)(; r:)(��r ��� t:'�: iS �one cri ticism on such grounds as these� A. a: ���� � � :���I � �e=��� �:: � e d b na Len Wesson: " 1 wa.s out with a nurse onc set'ms to be getting a ··blg kick" LEHMANN PHOTO-FINISHING HAVE YOU M ET? last nlght..·· STUDIOS out of these perfo!mances. Park land Me'e;!nt;'e Comp.,ny A tall youllg man. with tan skin. A freshman girl. about five feel seven Cortl Lien: " Cheer up. maybe nt'xt curly brown htllr, and haZel t'yes ? Thl� inches tall, with blu(, eyes. a short. tIme your mother will let you go out Mr. Hong has Introduced ncw Idea into his English composition cla.sses. Indh'ldual usually wears brown suede Ught brown IX'rmanent. and a sm.Ile without one:' . _==::::::; that ot annlyzlng the �ntence tor. It-s .HOM,E MA I D L U NCH. of her well-known Jacket. and Is otten set'n In tht' com- that reminds structure. At present E. Tlnglestad Is If further marks'Of IdentIfl. or any mem- lather? ) teaching these classes. ll a In li tJ) dimple a a on mb ha.s she n�ed. . nre U n � :; �fO�r���:d:=s . g '1J..p nd I Parkland. Wash. . h ft 'to.... " " • • ' 10 be �J Th, �,=d ,'�nn't ob�".Uon , . � Th" boy " '·0" """" s r ndln great hUrTy. and small wonder. for he class under the dJrectlon or Miss FowWe've noticed that: n\� �o�:e�� s.::� e�:��� ' ht\S n great mtlny duties. He Is now 'LI��! spent the last three Fridays at r-------:1 vear she la '� reserve "b!sket ball, Dutch Moe likes to go fishing tor leI' has t g n o l d . an ac�v: member or m� clu� ukelelj!s. �::�� i:�� \s�� :�:e �e�� �'as president :.�!:�I: :�k :��,:� 1���:!�:n!�o:�ooIS GREEN FEES evenIng an Rumwold spent Tryg senior . the and or high-school ber of .t:r Deutche Verlen" and the st a th ro . 18 hOle,SOc Drama Club. Mr. Hong'S News Writing class. now . ' ��:f!��IO� :/�U��) " Iov- under ���!;S( �:O� :gh �:;�� :::ar�� :�I t.he direction of E. TIngelstad. Last year hj! helped organize the day 9 holes 25c able." high honors In fact. met last Friday In the Mooring Mast boys Into a club. and was president of. very Recen tly thls girl's time has been CorA. Lien Is a gooci little talker and office to ,!,-'ork on the paper. Sp«'al monthly. r.1le to students that organ1za.Uon. Thill year. however. completely devoted to . tht' " Moorlng goller. Jeannette and Art were guzzling he fills a much more Important prest- Mast" and IU wellare. . . Tbe stoden&s described iii. "Have You . dency. ",hlch orten.. brings him before B rookclalel M d d were "COx" Roen'and Mary Loa ::�v::��lm� :'��ma In Md.'!'" �a� Coif. Cou... the public eye. It would be hard now. Annren to "nave Yo..' Met?" will be street shoes. Prnat. ' fO!;llld elsewbere In Ul1s paper. NOT to'guess who he is. G�dand 0192.).1 Some of the boyS are tembly lazy. �_iiiiiiii i _ i iiii_;i;;oiiii_ i _iiii_ i ___;,i;;;_�_iiBi PI::.���6:::��:�I:a:U pee)Jotland 6- Pa l agruti The swing at Spring Beach is 10Ls . Middithacl, Botto.. C"fted 2 " ..ts of :un. S4tits; Hip Wide hm....inp l..d ft


i n























We k�ve mo<"e policyh9lders .mong students t"�n �ny other clau of people. Why? Because member� ol lhe Lutheran Church in lene1'"�1 helle always �n st!:ortS believers in education lor �II, am:! ue in�t­ in8_larle amounts in such �uc'l.tion. . Lu­ theran B"rother� in54rance' protects such investment. Leamin, �nd iife In",rance! �t .. �­ bin�lion! They will make your. I'f�..ppier and euier. Write Dept.

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R "", ' "' _OC ...",T,;, O", B", E= '''' ''= ' ===='i'''======",.;PACJFIC LtrrHERAN COLLEGE PARKLAND WABHINOTO':i' PAOE' THREE ,;,,;;;, I Al u mnUI Civet First Cer mit"vC1ub Takes Trip ' Board Member Celebrates , :.Weddini Anniversary I7'rltlmnt .a. Chler among the InteN,Sllng things I ", presSi'on , 0f Luth., Mr. Siiver and Mrs. J, O. Gulbranson. of _'iZ.. OCt""6tn � !:' h -.�:;-:� ::: � ��: ��=�e�I��� t�:7e:� �I�� My first contact with' t:uth"" Col� ::��:h�:i;le:'=I�e�: -Rev. ��d Mrs" J. .0. RUl\5vold, pa;'.� Iht' six mOl'll beautiful girls at the U. Imaginary trlp t.hrough Oennany 9.'hlch le!te mtn came In the of two da� silver 1\"t<I.dlng annh'ersary Suilday, enL$ of Ttygve were honored)n Port-' of W.. ill t1J with tuberculosis at. htr the club members will take at their registraUon. Impression th�y October 9. at the home of Mr, and Mn. IL'ld 0 Pt. 22' ".'Ith Ii double birth- . I:om(" I n F1orence, Washington: m�tlng!. Pass! rts ar<! being provided l(!tlv� with m� Th� Is that they are · very How'lck or Stanwood. Th� Oulbran The III Halr. which cam�' -the fM.lJlbers so t they may be as- congenial easy to get acqualnttd �ns w�re married In Stanwood by Rev.- dar. pa� '. WM and In the parlors 'of VIctoria Rasmussen '28 and 1'itoI;Ing sured of entrance to dlscUJi- with. They wining to h�lp a new M. A. Chrls«;nwn.·n9'" of Astoria and the Bethlehem held Lutheran Churnh, of Snnllcrud '28 \\'ere tTUU'rled IlUIt· June. slons of Interesting place:v-lJ'lIs w�k's student to theareutmost. �tting .Iocated have been l1,vlng In Bellingham for 23 Which Rev. . Rutuwold Is pastor. . program features the program after the In rooms, etc. The new,students les- yearll where Gu1bran�n Is In the RUluvold's 'bIrthday w!\S sept . 11 MrlI and Elm('r n'eter. who graduated from captain's dinner lust before the land- peelal1y the upper dassnlen ) are put merchandising business. . her husband's on Sept. 13. ' l e I ' e n n f :::;��<:C:� th� �. �. �'ov�;::nt �� I �� �;�=r 28 the Ge�al) dL'lS :i�:e �� :I=-:� -:�I: =:: a:�. ���son' ts a.t :; :�� M.r. and Mrs� A. Fowler and the Weather Bureau at Nome. Alaska. vtslted the steamSJllp "Este" (t. the and their reform&tlon 'starts �mmed- h� bee.n !lCCretark �IS group for daughter� Nancy. Jenlse. and O ' SU" receh'M! hL, B. S. degt'1!e from C. dock In Tacoma, ,The men on the boat.. lately. the past three .ye� �t' also an and Me and MrlI. George 1..Sally Rudolph . of whom were Oerman. were most P S. last June. found It vert easy to get Into alumnu., of P. 1.. C . of Portland wt're the g\1t'StII of J�an('Ourteous and very clean. according to theI.ha\'e swing actlvtlJes here at Luther. Ml\rle Fowlu and Miss S. R. Fowler Irene D;ilil "30 Is attt'nding statements made by students who Men come ofup to you-and. offer to help HARD TIMES. BRINC . over the week end. Ingtoll Business Collt'ge In the morning visited the ship. One of t.he In�resting you get stArted In this organization, . . .' TTE EALTH . lind working as secretary to t.he ad- highlights of the trip capte when one another In some ot!1er organlr.ation. so . Hazel Monsen en"tt'rtain� the Voung of' shlp's men hurriedly "ditched" it Is a man's ministration In the aft.!rnoon. own fault If he finds hlm- The other day Dr. J. A, Johnso�. who �I e s of the Fllit Nori·epan Society ' two I�e 'bottles filled with & heavy St'lf out In the COld. � o L h c theran ch1.IT Ch�rch Lhl! In . parl rs U Marvin Ho.... IC't. , has bun gh'lng physical exams at teacher at red liquid substance yo'ht'n he s&w,the t have a great many mt'n com the assertion that the IMt Friday I!vl!nlng. Orllnde Mound. reccntly stopped in at SlUdents approaching, according to re- mt'nt on heard the spirlt. school at 1.. C. In school made t' . bU5tne� depr sslon did have Its good ports . Now wt' \\'ondt'r! 1:>'.lrklRl1d on h1s way to. school. -. the short �e I'h&vl! bee.n here I have . l t0 MTS.:. J. O. EdwlIIrds. ",'lfe o[ Proft's-"Or C� it il tt'ndng noueed'-'�' the spirit ts unUlluaU� umses. For Instan Edwartls. has ,rCCC! ntly relll,:ned from le Solvt'lg Rynnlng. "21. direct.' the M issio n Spciety Meeh tugh foi- Yo early In the. SChOOl year. �:l��a��aI�:� r an exto!nded visit .... . lth her parents In rllol.r {or tht' Bethlt'ht'm Lutheran T Jobs and Hennlll�. Minnesota. of the Mission Society I can just lmaclne what It will. be II--� with wllges beingI lo�eredtheipeople hAvt' . Church of Tacoma. At the 25th annl- Sept.he 28.program nt'xt Saturday. te d consis of devotion led by I·t·r�ary of the church. Sell!ember 25. President Walter Young, and free pray- . From what I have observed this elllrly bet'n unable to buy the richer and more Arnold Grlmlund , �pent tht' wJ\ end . l\t1M Rynnlng rendered vocal solO. c xpen�lve roods. This change' ,0," diet n er. a piano number by ' EUen Soley. and In the school :tl\r,� k 'done A. .worle. of good AS people. now �O.clobcr I at hIs homl" In Bellingvocal solo by Armll Mikkelsen: The .to enjoy spen ng y :7':e:; o��:� has H('len Thrane. '32. who hRS bl>e� In Mission topic fo� tht' meeting was on lege life at Luther Conege.-Evans ent the less expensive fruits nnd vegc' CnHfornla. has returned to teaCh, at "Mary Siesscr." red by Cora IJen. tables which are-more h"talthful Carl�n from College Chips. Or. John�n says that he finds that sc:;::�7:���1ppe 1 al:� �: r�n�;jf�O:r;:� Flfl'!. A committee of thre-e was appointed collegl' students on the whole are more . . take charg� of the Pocket Testament the Rules. Freshmen hellithy than student.� of otMr grlldt's. ment to .be held at the Parkland Golf W'pitt'r Christensen. '28. of ,,-,torta. to League. Also. two members ",'ere re- I1 Remember . Course In the nCAr futurt'. r l I L ::::��:I��:�::�h� ;!��e�t;;� :t ���� �::. too�kethCeha�::t tt;e���:��� I . Ne���:�� C=�tI���rere with .)'our Bt'rdlne Knu�:-:d �et Ja1�lnlld. gu ' n �·eek t'nd at Berdlne's �tate N .� ',rend AA�nd'" M "�h·"'':. 2. Ne,'n",.o'u": 0n',',g'hn.. -=-o,ur r�mokl" ",. w'. ,��:,nymo"u''' :: ng. A "" " l����tl;:�'d . I. , I ' 'l'hN'f' :11' , th' 11 ,'",.� pr" ' , · I I · · Viola Knudson \'Isltt'd school last 3.. Spend a lot of time on your book5- plh-,J ! ". !I,,' r .�· t\ � 110"I r�1II1"� : week the guest of Alice Alvnc:ss Dorm Auxiliary Meeh they make good pillows or seats. ;�::��":\:I: I.:I�'; o ;�;:�i':,�,i �I I;;r '�.�)��;:�, ( l ';:7�. �,:' K�a;:�ur�:��n��� ��7\���:���� l Berger a Ob50�O\\' attending the z �:� :���t ��!rs�:��:�y�<I�� :fg��: 4 " Ke::e y;�:,�=\�I�: · d:;m�:::.ns liMnnI . ·Ifl,·I:O"':II·I':l 11r. �·IIorI.l l l1n·, (:f'O l' Iy progr�ril. S l Unl\<ersltyJ ofC \Vashlngton and Is 8tay- a . IIIh14l�illl. or I I l 1 l i : I l ---, . and women members of 5. ncUre early. Late hours are un- j!1:1Il. "!:lIi""". l n Ing the &attle home 01 PrtIfl"ssor ult members healthfu l. h " ve to study ? Oh, :��::�t����:; " .I";::::;�·� I,;1171:�':\'''�I,'r�I�� ���: Mr. Louts Hunter ts Professor J. O.� for the bene(lt th,' .g . You a Bardon. that Is dlf.ferrnt.-Collrge Chips. �lkhl:::t1"lo 'r (,.,,11"'11111111. �II� 01 the girls' dormitory Saturday after!I1JO!lI�'\. Edward's new assistant In the musle I AgnC5 Olsen. who attended high noon. OCtober 8. In First Luthel1ln ��:�: �1(� ��':II: ,r� :' I\,:,�:onr�:::;�:lIt"I�::� :n� �����e:l�: =��i:;��. Two at Luther school hcrE' during her JunIor year 15 Church. Tacoma. YMkpr. f l l 11 "lIn. I II;I;(\"""lIn, (lre::::""\' given to thOlle Intt'rested In Joining I m no,,/a sophomore at W. S. C. by��t�;. H::: $� �='°So��:� The college has h� 'worn. through ��'nn�O:��::l,:;: I���I�I�I: \.��'(I,��',�,,,;.)I��f;: :!��e�:::: �::n�::�:�. Some InO r i n 1 I l ee PATRONIZE :���. :� t:�: :n:: ::rsMi� �g:� �w! �� �u;r7;:er ���d!:r:!��:�:��� . i��lIl1'�rl'(�n . ';:;:��1 1:;�,�" ::���. �'�I ;:��m��::: M Swe'1-wn. ' who has recently returned. Ing �ge���IS�:SST Luther �liege, Decorah. Iowa. The ��;���. :.�H�I��:::n'; 7:1�" rll�;IT.��.t'I��::U�,!'�: BECK TO ADVISE FRESHMEN b n has I the from east wht'rc sh ee two boYli. Bertram Olt'n and Evans � f· ---------- t' · I:ln. Hnl nll'no I�II'I murh Jon That Prof. Alvan J. Beck will be the ' studying voice. . Carlson, last year�' graduates. are �"rt,,";;: . Beauty Shopp e f B onnadele flo wllh r' llI ·I I<" ! . �llIlne, :-;p\\, facu1ty r ror this year's rreshman Th� tea was an al\-hostt'SS atralr. roommates. and 8ft' enjoying their "rnn"rn"�l I Studen ts: You are welcomt' to l lrf'. " ' :o lt :on.1 " class \\'as decided at class meeting . and about eighty attt'nded. waiting !Qr a wark. I comO! In whllO! held Tuesday noon. street car. . Shampoo "nd FInger Wa\e ;5<: The class voted to each freshJ!lan The Pacific Lutheran Collt'ge Choir L D R ENTE RTAINS Firat Preddent's Plan $1.00 to cover. any expenses which may lU·�=rt(��::: :I:. �n&' wll1 sIng at the Trlcentt'nnial AnnlverU DENTS NEW ST Ca rie by incurred by class activities. The Oth r ra t be d O u e 12�==���':"'_��kland t sa O 'h " o d I for ton left enterWnment to be given, e�:� To g. now g' _" .n'""- ." ng -."hoo' 'n- Til hl� 11'111 ';�"r::I' Wllj.Ihl ns;::I'o!omnc m. ' o �,o, n'. ::"' "d ,. N'O�. :. ���� 'm freshman class was dlAcuased, !.he ' " the In !l1"l'k rr=;w=====i1 Lutheran "hllre� .u !' ' th and er co Church. m of 6 I tercsted In the �'ork of the Luth�ran (( ; 11:11) eIlU ""Y tllr ' chalrI Hazel 1 ' n amed h Monsen eol e endow and WIUI Street. Oaughtt'rs of the Reformation. a re- nt unln r.�l Il'I r. 1(1 I", e"'tnbll�hNIm In man committee to plan it. Oth­ Football­ ception wia given by that organization the J)bdrkl ( l lU I I I:1 "to which the ers onofthethecommittee are Basketball­ PATRON liE the reception room during the first )'"ulh of furrnnf' IIfIIl tnl"nl!! from nil berg and Evelyn IrWin. Harold In ,Baseball r the for !lent ,tle ml::hl f'of Ihf' l>nrl� Johnson. week of school. with Kathryn INC MAST M Season-president. presiding. MR. A. W. - ��������onO�r,�'o�7;: ':l'::���'II :�EJ,TISERS ;;::'I�"atr�: You will enjoyc o h a e :-��:� te��:r�� � :! :h; � �. :��I I�:II��II����r��\';:::;:�:,I.� ilk��);::��,,��� M E DOSWEET d s- m BARBER J;HOP B roOkdale Cash Market :�:;U�o::t ::r:��,P�.m1 :�� ��:;:.cllnn:II �;,!�" �'�:�f' 17:,,�II'::.�n�"I,:� ICE CREAM . Brookdale Mualcal numbers on the program In- rhl" ('nllt'!1 !'I:lI"". ( '"llIlIthl!!n eolll';:". cluded piMO solo by Nonna Preua. now nnmCfl !h(' I;""r:::e \\'uichln::::1"" AnY' leaso a vocal .solo by Anna:MlkkebOn. and & ;� �:HI!;'�;,\;��t"I :;�::tl�,ll��to�h SATURDAY'S I f',::;;::� �=�O�y��gaq=�e. �:.a: toward 8uch lll" I!lItl;.n� hf" 'ln'" Pot Roast IOc pound 1 ilh ll I Dahl Crocery: Co , and Frances AndreWs. NQrdI5 , .;::��� �-:Ofl��·:;��' '�II(l � ����:'�!Ilt ;�: -accompanied the voc:al selections. for "the cnilf':::f'." "�tuhlhlhed I n rh.. M.",'" U ltM 'Parity Stora . Punch and c.ookles .were served to the Dllliriet of ('itl'"11hln. !n ohllTln run'l� PARKLAND· ___:-_� Brookdale Phone 01 56R2 glrla �ttendlng. with Dorothy Wtnlor from olh!!r lIOur"p!<.-WA�hlll;::!on :illlr , � ____ . 0 . 'It\JRIES, IN( "",!d'nc " ,h. pun'" �,.. " .- -- -�-"--




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;o!J lPet!� adJow:ned. .,. ; ==========;;i; . = Lb==;"'=,,-;;;;;i; Jtrddltr

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. ,� I,F:�!!����;,., i,,; P ; L C; Griclders . ' H tootba11 $ChNuie, ail complete except' . : Take Navy Gam� --' " 'lli'W be pla,.� either r 28 , whlch CJct.otXo . . aplnal Wh1tworth cou. trom BPo- · .. ' � Wi" ·Cloi.... CO"m"� "� - -- · " ,. " .,,,"Ha;o CI -g, " CNch Olson', Men in CoocI Conk lob Port. I.e is 1 � 13 J} '.,I... dition for Meet on Vikin, Crid�::; l:'.BeIl1n&h:m �:� Ul�re. �..,. F�'m U. . s. S. �1.hcHna . By C. )'[oruon, Pro. Tern. . October :n-El�nabul'l Non;ntt there. 'y7-&" � ." . iron Saturday. October l S . .. . --- ---- -- ' . �=��:�OUth �ormal. there. ' In a dOleI)' contested �ttle, the PaCoach ellrta Olson and bl.s liQuad of _n_ __-:S__n__u_____ I2-HomecomJnr pmI' with cUic Lutheran Oolle&ti rrtddel'! emerr- . Gladlawrs le ve Saturday. 10 quest of When ;s a Swede not a Swede'. We have it in 'o�r tall stately November , which w_11I prob- ed vtcton with a 7-8'� over the COlumb!& unlv('ralt� a second \ictOl"y over the hJghly touted debonair' end, "5INede,: W'IIard, a regu r - bel ' a foat' ball' ably be play� In tne Iar· CIark Ud .Stadlum. hIIhly-touted U. S. Oklahoma eleven . Bellingham Normal eleven. nus 11 suit. on t mind exaggerating a bit when a gridder like "Sw�de" . I� ' 10 the LlnOOln.BoW� ' . , Saturday, 8ePt.e.m� looklng one PIlle the Lutherans .' . "Are forward to taking and ....111 enter the dons a Gladi�tor uniform. . CirtJ' cfy ber it. d S o w S e n t ;�:,pared for any onslauibt blndoned :Of�� f=, :�t : �e :!: �: His, fo6�11 history d.... buk to his hilh school d." .t Sta- ' Tempo . ily. The Viking mentor ....itnes.sed the C. dium .n� wh.t • sweet footb.ller he turned out. to be there. Last To gtve all girls � port.un1ty to proceed�, each team became a lltU� P. S.� 1.. C . encounter and probably yeu he used his .bility with W.shinlton St.te. Collele .nd ended participate 10 OUtd ' s . girls' IYD\ �,.bOth on the o�fense and dehas tormed tne assumption. or come to Althouah. a �ew weatneues OD� unUI the fense.eytdent cla&ses ha,'e. been � a . a definite COllclus1on as to what's what.. up the se.son by e.rnin.1 letter lo tne LUth,e�' forward . were. . rainy weather seta In. 5 S onalAuaht In TIl1s is perf@cUy legtUmate, but the ' ln wall, they held tne Navys ed cr it er h e no w "S d " 'n be a b'.g boost t our forward wa I I because he Just ' Each girl we e WI . that pla)'� C. P. S. and the team thrQUlhout. the lame. Mil checlt pretty hau one .f.i Th lnltlal touchdO!ff �::lI: l c&m;e: . In. the UU!.t ,,111 play Bellingham two a1- refuses to let anyone come around his end. He greeted a few at- �h�C:rI .med�::u00; �d e P tog-ether different ....orldng . ouUIt.s. te(Tlpts by. U. S. S. Oklah�a, w� �1t saw�that. when. Ule OIa.dlatoJ'l INlt two tlme. a week. Tennia and open!n"theperiod, a sleepS Meanin, just thl5, that Coach .Cliff on s flaUooted :! ' sallo' . . hlklng \;seemmany to be the most popular.' cautht . rise . of some .InSllnlflcant Ocuslonally we re.d of the me!'eOrle twen.1Y yards tor a Ol son needed �e game to find out porta, ut girls prefer golf, touch er, and needMao.,u·Hans rryl ....hat missing and as a result, ha.s morbI. On a smaller scale H.I Votaw des.n� a little consider.tion. fsootball, n chdown t ba ns dU �. : rv ethrea�ned .ca ol the horse ck ridl . or revamped his club into a smoother . to " S S ' . Then, occa.slonAJly. gardenlnl and ball. The Oladlawra I machine. Whether we win or ....orking . scare agaln, e�rlY In the 15eCO��:::rl:� j He has shown in the last two contests that he can move �hose lawn' mo,,:,ing are also done. � fUl line ;:I�kC::��� � 1��:'��n� short,legs of hi to a good advcii�tage .and in the right direction; and This isc the ·ttrit Ume � system' o� ����::r::af::;s�= .. -----wltnesses olson·s bo,Y8 10 &CUon ap1n. as a result of hiS� elusiveness. he has risen from the ranks of a bench �::n:n r::�t&t:= .:::.: &�=;I� I In second half' the Sailors came Predlc�ona are out of order. but our warmer to a regular. wiU back with a rejuvenated team, pound-cJ.a.saes Gym Lutheran COllege. S S forward wall h� come down earth however. .when the rainy ing tne Lutheran llne for considerable We hne other small ".leks who possess the Ulme . quah!,es. reopen ....or�g . like again and the men "'e �r make. It Impossible to carry yardaae, s.....eeplng Uound "n� lind . \·eterans. For .example: We have four .Dutch, Chuck, Cene, hobry and R�lph . Form your own conclUSions on ath oor plunging through the line tor a numactivities. outd I . ber .of first downs. Nearing the clO5e w.tching sometime. You'll get an eyeful. They're: little but hne , �:�::'=:d �tll� �:n�ve�i!�: b.y of" the fourth canto, Bchmerhom, Navy· big ideas. Cirh' Hikinl Club Meeh of them ha,'e been bearing . down In Alice Alvnes Is Scribe fullback, advanced_th�ball to the OIad.­ " lators' flYe-yard 6t.ifj( by.a,Scerles of line :�n�7n�'�r)�:�::;�� r.:p;::� Saturday we again meet the Bellingham Normal eleven ind then smashed throulh left j udgi ng from advance reports. I'm quite dubious in regards to their The Hiking Club held Ita flnt meet- bucks and Three tackles. Cand than' all we need) strength guard to ·score. A pa.sII was trl� lor this year, but remember they:ve pointed this game for us. Ing of the yeu OCtober 4, with Dlckle extra are Cronquist, MarUn and Runsvold. point, but failed. S S . Leland, elected last spring. as chairman Since Gene Re.m::lon Is sUlI on the . reason for this, I IUess, is because we left them punch Allee Alvness was el�ted scribe, and Th� remainaer of the game was a shelf rrom InJuries. Bill Whalen wtll be runkThe . . year. vic�ry 6 last after to with both teams battling 27 affair z.\g-u.g herJennIe of. d comJ?Oised committee, � the veteran In the guard poslUon. Bill S . S Helen CotUna, and .-ld!L..,dred Lee, for ,another counter. The {loal gun came Is plenty good. but we all admit that has been charging alrman after another spurt by the salle",. n recent scrimmages. Coach Cliff Olson to arwas appointed by the ch I a ' ake care of both it s h rd for him to l Moe and VotAw &hone for the Lut.berposlUons. Yet "'eha\'e t.woother men In that big line all ov�r the field, with heads down and smacking them range for the first hlke'.M-;� h g h '' I d ; O O O . :�;� d�:� :�d;J.,7� �it���,�� EI£r.�;;�u�i� �� �� �f;:CSt���:��;I� �,:::� s d : It- ' I 'm not;:i!ltimatin, thlt we'll beat the Vikinp. but l am poI.itive at least once a month, If the weather 8chmerhorn lwere the big: IUDS� tor tne for position. is 'nough said. It speaks of the fact th.t even if the Bellinp.m line is dubbed .s the un- permtts, to places of In�t near saUors In the baclr:.fleld. while Carlson self the outatandlnl line pUformer. N'ow the biggest problen: 1U"1ses, mowble, they're ,oin, to co,!,e in contact with the irresist.ble Parkland. LIneup; whetner our backfield will show the Saturd.y. t e ny" g to Cerma Throu h " Produce Winne n =� =���e:�::e : :sc;:: Ten Reasons For AHending c. (7�... ........i!:.:':. ..�' .��...��= Be Club Feature � Pacific Lutheran Collele I Cronqu1;"i ............LTR: ... . .. .... mage. As a whole our ball toUra -gtJ.n p. L. C. turns out winners ot all ground deceptlve " N". Phe ....... ........1.0&...... .......... Oarlson , but small. i� ers. Dutch Moe and Chuck Mc.MUlan. I-To traJ�uture In the kinds among Its sludenta and f&Culty-. w;::: ��:rt!:eU;�g���"::� fl'adness ..................0... .._._ ....... Kaalr:.l signal barkers. wlll cause Carver 5 ele,- land of the future. We believe In the The latest Mis(; Lydia Stb:rud former Whalen ................ROL...:...._._..__.. .. I , en plenty'or t.rouble. they're fast, shifty Paclllc Coost as the land of the future. head of t'he normal departm�nt. re- :u�=lU:eri��, th;. �ee�:s ;:nnr:� warUn '.::::::::�:'.:::::::�':'" ::::...�= I ha te e ris cenUy won a '15 prtu In the TImes' Club. l =:�.......... .. .....Q...... .... . .......... Pord �; CI!-;;!�O: :� .::�� w�th:t �: ;:::: m;:� ��: � �:et:� by himself, and will get first call at Christian schools America cannot re- Hidden Want Ad Contest of August. n. Officers of t.hiA club, orpniUd . last Hansen ................LHR.......... Schmtrhom the tullback post. Mba St1xrud's e�try consisted of spring, l.<Jrra1ne Thoren, president; riu::t ................ Thomas main Christian. tnree 3-To accept the friendly guidance " Queen W�da" and her royal page Norman Westling. vice president: Clar- �. Frye ....:....L.�....... ........... Hu,bbard Hansen. JRck and Votaw ence Roen, secretary. halfbacks that are being counted on. or ChrlsUan SUbeUtutw6a: Navy C •.m p b e II, teachers. 15 wo� In all the splendor and ma}esty, The faculty . . Our blo�de venm, Votaw. has a semi- composed of ChrlsUan personallUes. befitting a royal court. The wu Anyone now taking German 01' who Bm1tb.. Qriffln. ,)Hul&eh", Horvath, charley-horse, but expecta It to be In 4-To form precious, Ctu1st1an posed as reading to the queen a docu- has Ckrrrur:n is entitled to mem- Marshall WesUall, Chaptn: �tte�, and A�� P. L. C.-.Jacobeol,lo Levinbetter shape before Saturday. The . friend.shlps. Youtn Is the timt, Pa- mtnt cons1sting of the hldden want bershlp In tne · c1ub. e r : ; McM1llaD, Votaw, Sy . . ��t :ev: ::I�: �n:::n::= cI���h= t;::�r= ���_ ads. , :.W;��. Fireside Hour Held ss ' look to ary nece Is It t.hInlr:. We pesslmlstlc o\er "hat Saturday's result ::g ���=Ie!°:g =l:f :� Bardon Dines With Governor �d�� �:e�tu;!�n�p= PortabMe�writen SUPPUea- ' ey ve ,,111 be To date ha�e two games defeatedSP l'outn ." e l . pment All Steel P1lInI: Eq'w P o; �o� ��=; room of the lCbooZ 'lbe5e are. held ham School Boon, Suppi1el 6--To combine health and happlness OCtober 5, at tne governor's m&llll� every other Sunday afternoon at 6 30, :dep�yoU�h':.�t, ��� a;�!�g Thls�! with J. F. VISELL CO. serious endeavor Parkland Is an in Olympia. The "1n5 and outs" of and all interested are welcome Some U n �:!�: ::: � excepUon&lly health�, athieUcs pollUca provided dlscuaaton tor the din- topic of mutual tnterea� 11 sel@cted Ih � a::� � ! � : ��=e:- .. and when ner, Mr Bardon returned be ::"r.:�p::'evening ryotesaor IUibby Malo 2870 ,808%: Pac. Ave Phone what tht! result wUl be . �..:.�o develop a love for the finer was htard to say, 'It 11 a long Urne Q The enrollment stnee our Last Issue- :::5:� U-:��:::m.u::: :� �In:m!'�e leam� so much 10 10 has been Increased by sI:J; moN" stu reUgious student actiVIties Specill bUDe. fOr parti.., el.. The governOr and Mr Bardon are denta 8-To render service that wUl merit l1a of lon, atandlDJ, havtng been club., teln,., ,tc. " b��r:!ld n e ��:m�� frien po toIttber .... 10 lo Everett many , Utica Any Time. Any PI.e. ::r P : � Call Mr. L,.... IlAbl MIl yean ago.. Uonal' . ..... TACOMA BUS COMPANY . "�TO d.;'loo ,,,",,,tOr ,, on . Chrbt.. . . . Ian tounda.t.1on. The COUtee motto II: Show Inte,..t In Prayer M�lnp Yellow cabS _ _ AmhalaDce -' -. BarPCti. 8errice .'). DecIded tnterest 11 abown 10 the Pr\-,-__ _ -" '"_ "BuUd MAIN 1.UI ." to-Tofor'inCbara.cter vest my lite for Cbriat. '!be da,. mOl'1l1na pra)'el'10meeUDp, DOt surrendered Ute 11 the only truly SEAMON'S � !: � : ' � 'th-X: Ii ': .-hc1ttc Lutheran ColI. ·medJ.rlp 11 UIed aM student leadFLOWER =f( n�� SHOP " . '. �tI.. ' . lnw in b,-maa and pr&)"en may c:&rT1 . '"'­

Gladiators will Meet Bellingham




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• 10
















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HOM-ECOMING WILL BE .NO �a.tTuition Payment.

Pres. TIngelstad (Returns From East p


Is Due Next Tuesday

" Thls is just

reminder to those'

, L, C, Ceh Added Appropriation At Meeting in Wisc,�nlin; Preus­ Elwestrom Plan Fails

p en ::�::�u:�ov�:�r ��: �:

President O. A. Ttngelstad return�

money to the school \\111 be de-


obligations must be paid by next Monday

last Sunday mornIng from the Middle r :t;\tt�: �: ���n�:� r:t at Fond du 16c, Wlscons1n. Radical action was taken at the eonventlon. he said. and, on account or the financial sltuaUon, many of the smaller Lutheran coUeges In the East �'ere voted to be merged. Pacific Lutheran College, howeVer, was voted an Increase of $1.800 a year In approprtatlons, making the tolal sum now $4.300 per year, instead or $3,500. The Preus-E1vestrom. Plan, . wb1ChI provides for the gathering or gifts aud loans and for other means of raWng










With mo� than 200 people attendmid -semester examinations:' stated lng, the SouUf�t get Sound Clreu! t ot Ludvlg Larson, business manager. the Young People's Luther League held . Its eighth annual convenUon In Im. It was through the kindness or manuel Lutherln Church. Sl'attle, those in charge Uiat students were . tober and permitted to pay their tuition In Oc 21. 22 23. Speeches on the convenU.on theme monthly Installments. 50 we think e Ufe Vlctortous.," were gtven by . orb · ask It only fair to that they pay clrcult and by v the of pastors slUng l on time. Besides clearing themleague m:mberljl. Rev. A. K. VinJe, selves of ' !ebt, prompt payment president of . the North Puge\... Sound ,llgaUOns will help the of theil, Circuit opened the convenUon with an school . clear It.sell llnanclally. address on "Ufe" In which he stated Let us all. therefore. try to help that IUe WM a gtt,t 'ot God and should 8"11 we can by meeUng this bill be returned to Him. . Mr. r... C. Elliot when it Is due." s e � ' :!y:co;:t :: JII:°����IO�:C� . . life for Christ has all the resources of heaven at h15 command. Mr. Edwin Tln�elstad, Parkland, addressed the . -Kathleen Porath will lead the Flre- convenUon on "The Result." He pointside Hour next Sunday evenIng. Octob- ed out that the lite victorIous gtves er 30. The subject to b' . I ,«'u,ssed �1l1 the most lasUng and pnulne happlbe announced later. At , J the Trln- I ness. "The Victorious Faith" was the tty Luther League will hold It.s regular subject of a sp eech by Rev. Mlkkel meeting In the Church parlors of the Lono of Tacoma who stated that wlthTrInity Lutheran-Church. The subject out. fB1th nothIng Is possible, but for discussion 111111 be "The Consequence through faith anythlqg c ftn be done. of Sin," led by Cacrle Hvlddlng. Jessie Noon. and ev�nlng meals were served Pflueger. and Ruth Fadness. waJter by the ladles or the chu rch. Saturday Ustad will render &everal vocal 50105 evenlnf a fellolll'Shlp supper was served and Lewis Hunter will be In charge and an entertainment put on by memof the sociB1 hour. bers of the Immanuel Club or the . Mary Louise Preus, church. Mr. Gerhardt Stub �'as toast. Ruth Fadness Walter Young. Carl Coltom, and Mar- master. the garet Jacobson. 8.5 delegates Circuit ortlcen were reelected for a South Puget SOund Circuit Convention tenn of one year. They are Irene I at SeatUe. �11l gtve reports on the Dahl, president; Byron R IM, vice preslconvention. dent; Berdine Knutsen, secretary; AI_ . fred 8).ang. treasurer; L.' B. Amdal, pocket Testament League Secretary; e, director; George by Edgar Rev. T. ' 0., B A talk on the city of I Larson was the feature of the French cronqUist, di rector; Morrill Torvtk, dII tures IlIUenneth ,LYIDa."1, Choral Union � I�':� :��::� r .

Hour Will Meet Oct. 30


Drama Night Nov. II ::�::��:'p=� Th,•• C'.ir. � �:::;' Play. f., me .








• ""

t e n o L a saxo�u�ntette. The members ��:: �� �� : ce��= s a or the band are : Donald Reid, Jack on November 11 and 13 about the homeHudson, Ray H�derll�, Dille QualS: coming events scheduled to place Emory WhItaker, Norman Jensen, C1a.'J.;- hen and in Tacoma. According to ence ¥onson, Harry McCormick, Leon- Dean PhWp E;. Hauge, th15 .�vent may ard Wesson and Ferdinand . Bondy. take place ot the annual alumni nNew members are : Melophones. Angela union so that el"ecUons ot officers may Ja.l:obson. Jean-Matt� Fowier, George' be held. However, thIII matter will not Knudson. Martha Grande:oar,ttones, te !lilaJJy decided untU the homeoomEss- ing meetlngs, when the alumni themLouise Miller ;' I, man, Edgar Larson, Paul ommsen, selves will make . the dec1lllon. Other hIghlJghts on tne prorram include a Hazel Monsen; cornet. Ollbe Sydow . I parade through TacomA. Drama Night, ' . lng footbaJJ Pme with CO· homecom \ . t • d a banquet at lumbla University: an \ th �

Yoc rIs .nd P'I.n l't



Entertai� in Chapel

Mrs. E. H: Watts, 5OIoist at Chrbt's Episcopal Church. �ma, and MIss · Margaret Roen. sister of Clarence, IP,lve a short mu�lcal program at the stude nt body meeUng In chapel Octob-· er 13. Mrs. Watls sang "I love a little COttage" by O'Hara, "Homing" by Del Rego. "Where my Caravan has Rested" by Lohr. and "Newly·weds" by Ives and Traili. Ml"ll Roen accompanied at the plano and played two plano solos. "Manhattan Serenade" and "Narcissus." Carl Martin announced the program.







�� tol-

No.tmber 11

Parade of decorated cara through Tacoma. leaving P. L. C. at 6:00 p. m. Drama Night In school gymnasium at 8:00 p. m. Satlll'da,., November 1% Homecomlngr game with Columbia University' of Portland In the Uncoln Bowl at :30 p. m., admJas10n 4Oc. 2 Homecomlng banquet in Peacock room or the Tacoma Hotel at 1:30 p. m" 15c per plate. No special homecoming eventll have been scheduled for Sunday, November 13, so that there wtll be nQ contllc.tII with the MIssion COnference In FirConway, Washington. (COQUnaed. OD Pqe Twol . "

At the regular meeting Thunday. October 13. the Pep Club president., Dickie Leland. announced the com'mlttee to plan the party for the De:lta Rho Oamma gtrls. Olia Overlle, Mary Nash, and Delores Roe compo5ed. the -' commIttee. Ardis Aarhus and MUdred Lee servgtrls 4" ed refreshments, after whl�h At a ceremony held Sunday evening, adjourned to the recepUon room to in e Atwater-Kent ladlo Iludltlon = ::�� �e��!m �t��.:.c:r:Sn� . members were received into the Trint al . :!m'::::p ::-:; ....... tJ>e ot

Luther' Lea'gUO.e Meets


Thirty New Members Welcomed By Irene Dahl


Ptue�� ·

ea"lt au



/'\iCJarence .


Re orter Finds Strange News Revealed In "Sissy 's" Letter Home p




Irene Dahl weli!omed the incorn1ng stop: and he they seem all right. The boy's name While wanderlng about the campus the mall sack at the OlIe day, shortly after the opening of said that he'd take my ,things down 111 John. and I can't th1nIr. of the last me� and preaent.t'!d a copy or 'the . .school, a reporter round a letter which for me In the wheel ban"Ow, 1 rode one -but It 1s something awfully Bwed- Luther Le� AaplraUona to each. The speaker for the eftu1ng was .r... , one of the freshman girls. (we couldn't too, and It Wall Just Ilke a ride on the Ish. tell whIch one) had. Just finished wrtt- hay wagon. It aorta made me feel The professors are sorta nice. They C. ElIlott. of the F1nt NOI"we'Ii&n LI;1th­ log to her parents. EYidenUy she had homesick, but the boy's curly ba1r fbl:- must have kind of nice wives too, be- eran 'Luther Leque of 'hcom&, 'Wash­ for an edUC8.-' rtgb� aa It remlnded me of cause Mr; Edwards .told us the other Ington. Mr. Lewis H\lDter lost It In � wild tlon. We got such a bIg bang out of old Spot. His name (the boy's not the' day t.hat h1a wUe calla him Brown two violIn selecUons, accompanied by It that we declded to publish It for dog's) 111 Ervin for the firllt part. but Sugar because be's so .w�t and un- ProtellllOr J. O. Edwards. Mr, Edwa.rda I' can't tell you the last one 'cause It refined: The professors are trustful al50 rendered a p".a:no sOlo. Devotional your epUghtenment. too, that Is, they trust other. people. exttelsea were led by 1rw1n Dam.meL sounds Ir.1nda protane. Dear Mom and Pap: EverybcA:1y arbund here eats applea, Mr. BOIIg. who tell! us that ctauses In The hc.t.II for the eve,n1nc were WUllam I arrived on the ,I stage on Saturday tlefore school began. I waa sup- but sUll there'. a. doctor here too. I EngI1ah don't scratch. even aab in and Jessie P!Jutrer. . The new members Edp.r La.raon," pQ5ed.' to be met, but the '1 staces suppose that'. for the "ball fights." Chapel for a ,ride to town. I gueu don't 'do such vety good bus1n..ea in You know, Pop, I alvnys fJl,ought those they're lr.1nd of bard up, and they have Henry Olson. Arnold O�. Olive IBoe, Tacoma. and � coUtee represent.- Olympic gamea they had in the old to th1nk of the depression a.nd save Ida Thompson, Ollie QuAle, I4a.rtha . Bchiemieyer, Ard1a Aarhua, Allee .,Pet­ tive couldn't find the depot, 50 I had � Umes in the COUaeuJn were the USc," The weather here is rather nice yet, erson, Pearl Honune, Dorothy PetenoD. to tab the streetcar. It costa you l5c "bull rtchts" but Insteacl Of fllhtlnt' and t&kefI 45 minutes from. town. K1 with bulls here they flcht with ball& but t IW!88 you'd better send me thole 8heldoa Moe, Irene LludabJ, Paul IMb&1l !Jets' trowiced aomethlDa a..,- red tIanneIa you wanted me to �, son. CUI COllom, John 8tuen, J4Udred blaDket ian came . tuidooe on the ,wa,. tram the bus st.atkm to the atz.eet..e:u ful ' but tbe .pIQeiw; _ .n When I tate my 8&turday. rn MOIl8OO" Ted �. BlIa Joluwob. and i&'t'I! ,..;nt, 'lbere'. a boy. here tbat.'s arand.- ImC1 tn7 other cdS home to be wuh- John PadneM, C&n1e B�, cora Tbe nm two of p\&JI ,are cam- Une" anci- I lo.t that pink Comforter wblch Aunt 8c:IpbrUl1a .tnt mother to the team. tOo. Be ......- ed. 'P1eue buy me .ame more aboe Lien, orwou. .'Dahl, oultord Jleafori:l, . .. ed.Ies, and the I&st Is a drama. J�.Ivenoo. Claude atrtnp toO aDd. 8eJId tJiem. In a town � I"Dl a..,- tbd.r and r� alta' )"OW' . Group No. 3 1a noW. kDowil. u the JOU rot . ' "stqe 8tepperL" The otbe!' dlv1aiom ful 1IOI1Y, but It eI� me:mt mIalDI throuIb- tJabtiDc, JUG 11b graDdm& tilt. IbI8 biiJ baftD,'t any 1..- for Pellett, abd AOlt PreuI, Tbe�� Hour Co 8uDday, octcJb.. � c.r, and. .JOU .haft 1iaecl to. aiJu' ..,ben be tOUlht with b1ch � aeept. for loaera. I"Dl,;; names- u ,7ft. thai ot b..� DOt � � . Another paup 01' plays 1a to be alftD to �t • wbole hOUr. I by ... DOt a litIiI'er, but even a tb6-� . u.e 1&st ·weelr. Of Ncmm.ber,and rebMr_ rd set fJUD the cal'ltne to tbe oauep,' In the DlOl'I11ne to let' if the necb are student baa to have aboe .trtnp. bu� . . ..... .- ,'; )lean to_ (� .... � Tbree) ' but the cu� UtUe boy came· af!.ei' OK. and be does. a rood Job 'cau.e wW start; 8OOD. The three groups of the Drama. Club have begun rehearsals of the one-act plays they are gtving for homecom_ lng, November 11. Group NO. 1, under ''The EconDlclr.Je Leland, Is omIcal Boomerang," with the following cast: Olga 'Overlle, 'l'n'8ye RUnavold. Kathleen Porath, COra [Jen. Clarence Monson. and Ray Lerbect.. Group No. , under Rachel Fl1nt, 111 2 preparing "The Orange-cotOred NeckUe,'" with Carl M.art1n, KathJ.yn Johnaoo, ShIrley Hecht.. WlIlIam. MIldred MOD.5OD, 'Ervin Da.mmel and Lotnlne 'Ib.of'en taking part.. "The B18hop's Candlesticks" 111 being staged by Group No. 3, under CIa.rwee �. The cut for thIs .play Is Nordia Arneson, 8a.frIe �, �, Jeae Pnuecer; Leonard We.on,· aDd CUUord lleC'ord.


. .


May Take Place o( Ann.",.1 Grad PuCet Sound C ircuit of YounC ,P Band. Mr. Hunter anno Wlce8 that Reunion: Banquet to Be in T-..cci"· People's LuthQr League Attracts Pe mol Hotel practice for the new members is under Over 200 way, and that he expect.s to organize

prlvN of the prtvU�s of taking

French Club Hears of Paris ;va

c;.� l....

Under the direction of , wis · 0. Le : Hun,ter ten students are t&;klng ieSllOns on horns, preparatory. to entering the

�� ::;roU:iI ��r!Y�' :�C:\!n�:- Luther Lealue, Flrellde ean Lutheran Church. ThIs plan will . be re-consldered later, however, and may be carried thrd'Ugh when rtnanclal condlUons improve. Dr. Tngeistad was deeply gratified by the Interest and tine feeling shown for Pacific Lutheran College at the conventlon. obt. � "The ou standing Impr loD I talned .durlng my trip In the Middle West," stated Dr. 'I1ngelstad, "was that things are Indeed In a mess--a mess of man'S own making. But, in the midst of all this." he continued. "The people who keep the most steady keel are the ChrisUan people." He slated further that colldlUoDII on the Atlantic coast are de(lnitely Improving. but that In the Middle West people are more pesslmlsUc than OD either coast. The plight of the farmer the I Is truly desperate. Interest n present presidential campaJgn seems to be more intense there than 111 the case out here.



n IGame in Lincoln Attendance Good at Hunt., P'''pee'',. Memben .1 Band Bowl Is .Highlight Seattle Convention Of .Events. Planned . Eighth Annual Meeting of South

aala on tbeee



� � �eremIa. 1 � be makM

� let


� � Uiadabl ';� . � 'er If, � � aubJeet �II7'P'l1eDcII �




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Published weeks during the acbool year by the students or Pac.1r1c " every two Lutheran COUere, Partlt.nd, Washington Entered as �d clU3 matter, OCtober 2,"192S, at the Post Orfl.ce at Parkland,,Uln. under the Act of Karch 3, 1879.

OCTO� ., lIm


1{ambling '�u.nd

' ,W,'" notJ� ,bat , , ..! " Shirley Heeht carries a brtlht red apple to achool eYe" m�I, lucky te&ehl):. Bill Whalen doesn't. believe In betn*,"" . '�ry sociable. Sutin, la run even U It "kind�r. EDITORIAL STAFF tenlah"Editor . Mary Loulae Preus AMOC:iate Editor Helen Garbell: "Do you like oat_ _ _ d . nl b expensive. "'Goody" Rorem la the secret SOITOW Hazel Monsen �take-up - 'Rachel PUnt meal?" - - . - . ....... rl, . Ai c I ...... . or all the .clr1&- - , tJla. Rudd hLS 'an alarm clock that or , Virginia �n: "No, I don't Uke Oat- Whethe It la "pu ��re EdIUlr _ - - _ - :...- _ - _ - Je��_=-eM�= meal, _ � and, I'm gJad I d�n't Illr.e It, be., Upon Ii p y I: loti off at 4 .A. M .. huh Porath\'Reporters-Vlrglnla 'Byers. Martha Grande, Arnold Orimlund. COm Lien, Robert cnuse If I Uked It, I eat It. and I hate· A certain boY was Inquiring about . Monson. Florence Po.5t. Dille'Quale. Jens 'Rikshe1m, George S,\enson. . the �tuff:: Prof. Hlghby's ' wtache was tM Pearl Hommepioneer or th Instal lmeht plan-a "Buster" .sUTely. can manipulate Ray L. A. BUSINESS STAFF a Uttle more each w"ack's car- ' ' . Business Manager _ _ _ Carl Mattln "Remember, SWedle." said his moth- ilttle down and AssIstant Bwlness Manager IQ�lst al...,. manages to reach without ft Margaret Wesson er as she bade him goodbye, "when you week. An (h)alry nothlng Ad\'ertlslng Mfmager classes a Jl Ule bet�re the bell for dla· .. habitation and a name Clarence Roen to h I ge sc try to be pl:l"ctual ln :'2, e t Ii.. . tl n Roe Delores m!."" ringsL. ' .n,'Ct� ';"�I...� �� ,.".,.. ..'",.',',,'n' M.n-." ,pE\elyn Monson mornIngs so as not to keep bre�ast ::0;::: '1-' :� Uie mdlator In r.nath to Paclilty Ad...isers _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ 0 J s�uen and N J Hong waiting" U::::edt�:cre aW:eitefe:� 1: . . e . L. A who died In an accident. The �� " __ -':::'=::==---"1 WELC-oME HOME. PRESIDENT TINCELSTAD "The Idea, my' napkin e use lin)) lie w a drowned morning one s We are glad to welcome Pres. O. A._Tingelstad home again. The. Tiny: ' DutCh : "PerhaPII�that.s Isbdamp." . ca garg17ng. accepted order. of things is that each family should have a "head" there's so much 'dew" on your board:� In the C/iusrooms and that. to all Interests and purposes that family which has .












. •




a· "head" . A. School Plans Ho�e�m�nl is the most efficient and the happiesffamily. Therefore it �s with Wilma: "\V.hat'L.s· happened., " Ray?" . ( Frotp. hre One) satisfaction that we see the president return 'to offer aid and en- Ray: ncture." . Prof P J Bardon lectur@d Mr Beck's Cars to be In the parade will be econo�lc:s � of the Tac:oma� Chap'� ' couragement to the members of his Pacific Lutheran College family. Wilma:"Pu"You ought Ul have bee� .on decora.ted . � at �he school Friday after_ . on "The the lookout for this. You ret!lember noon. and all alumni having are ter of Banking ' Institute HOW �BOUT A SWIMMINC CLUB? . ."-\ 8'llde w�med you there a fork asked Ul be here then. This work Is Causes of the 'Depresslon , Rumors of the imminence of a swimming organization which the e I d In the road. m�y be former at Pacitic Lut. he.ran College are fliping abo.uf us Mr. Hong's World Literature. clM!! :;!�: Of =:�r::ck . � ���� � wrote L. A. thiCk. and fast. Students should give these rumors serious conSlderasynopses of 'several cantoes of tion in view of the facts that swimming builds sound bodies to. be Cl�rk: "Are you some- land. Kathleen Porath, Mary Nash. DRnte's "Divine COmedy." . fit abiding places for sound minds and loyal hearts. and that hte thing In men's clothing " . IJla Ru?d. Evelyn Monson. Har.el Moncampu.S" offers unusually good facilities for an outdoor pool which Art: "Certainly not. 'm I og for sen, Alice Roe. Maf'"8'lltet wesSOn, Jane Mr. Hunter It'Clured Mr. Beck's hlscould b built by the students themselves. were they real " go- something In women's clothIng. l'\'e WIlliams, Olga Overlie, Helen Collins. Ulry or ci...lllzation classes on t�e hlagetters. .� lost m)' girl." '



100kln vms




. Irene IJudah!. Clarence MlIQSOn and Ulry of music. Monday ROO Tuesday of this week. L. A. Jeanette Knutzen. H A V E YOU M ET? Mr. Hong: "Mr. VQtaw. can you tell At Drama tilght that evening three ? m The young lady who might ha\'e been The Informal chaperone ot one' of �;,:� �o����('!S �lr It's a boy one-act plays will ��sented. by the j)::no�:�h O:�:� �;:�� �u:;: : n.:! mentary exercises on correct pronun­ dl'SCribed by that poet who lII'TOte "dl- the lII'ell -knowD ea.mpus co�ples? He Is 1II'!l0 comes Ul �hool �'Ith ' a smile on ��e� �ll�� ��a��c !hk��e:::. clations of the French vocabularies. vlnel)' fair. and mOISt divinely tall"? of �edlum height, 1111th dark hair and his face." , DIckie Leland. Ad�on will be 10 e ha cllW, rs f :hreat��r ����,e�e:�yb= ���. t�:�I�� �s �e:� of mystery holds an oWce "Y�" said cL�rl A.Martln, "I'm a cents. ;I� th; le:n. . \. t�:;rd::C�n�: S:'_ _ in his cl He Is . ass . of complexion which would nfttuJ"\\lly of responsIbility thoUlht-reader. J teD e:u.cUy what Prizes will be glven\ to the two persons selling Ihe hlghes�qwnber of tlclII'ell known 1.1.50. ror tM place he fills a penon is thlnklnf." n.ccompany such hair and eyes. e Saturday afternoon. PATRONIZE wd John Zackrlson, kets to thebe gam This girl is very mUsical. singing in in one ot the school's lell(\jng clubs, an "In that put. between the h organi he which In tion been ." pard yoar be, ". very as. za on the college choir. IU\d playing the plano MooRINC MAST Is being planned. so that besides the he first entered P. L. C. L. A. for several school functloru. However. actl\'e sinceone stiff competition expected from the of the surest 8'lldes to ADVERTISERS Uttle hunk! of metal. she- Is also athletrc. golf and horseback hIsPerhaps :: = tin �:�h a added attraction wUl l ;:;::;:= l<tentity Is his unendIng good hu::;:;�===�;:;Formed .50 bright and bm...e. . =Ipro riding being her favorite sports. e �ans �uttlng edges During the time she h� been at P. mor. and anyone 1111shlng Ul make hla Mftke the 1 1 We w,nt 10 ful f ill your. w,nls. One be events, to acqU will intance find finale him likely As grand most a. That last about one sha...el L. C., this Individual has been excep- beIngA silenced� ' service on your pholo work .1 by the IJbmrlan. -Wallie Smith. the homt'Comlng banquet In the Pea- day tlonRlly active In student aftalrs. and no ext., cost il;nd the work do!;Ie te T ��a:. P�:ho��rOfh:\�ff!�:rs;!::; Faculty Discuss Swimming Club Lila: "I'm tlre!;' or\IWa}'!I beIng the ��r:;e�!!�. ���;' �:e !I:��I::� lE�����ie��T�����H��G STUDIOS of Carl Martin. a program to Inc:lude ' The question of organizing a Swim· g08t." group of Drama CI�b _:-:-_-:-----:-_plays. :mln@". club at Paclflc Luthemn College Pearl "Then why don·t you sUlp but- greetings from graduate� LS weU as I--,P..;".;.kI.;.'"..;d_M.;.'.,:";..'"_";.."..;C.;.om..;p;..,";..,_. --:c,.,--musical . numbers has been p�, t-�-------t . Hauge Speaks at Meetings . I wftll considered by the facult)' at their tlng In?:" g e a nt an m::�:C:�I: ;. �: ��ip :!:::: O: ���I=�n:.4·co:�con;� CHAPE L CLEANINCS �::�:�I:�r w�� �nn�rftll=� a HOME MAID LUNCH Mnt to Trygve Runsvold Bt the college. Hauge has been called upon to speak P. J. Bardon. Alvar J. Beck. Mrs. ElIat e...ents whIch concern Pacific Luth- zabeth Bondy. and Paul Hlghby. wlll Oct.ober.._. 12-Rev. E. A. I aon-A but these are not absolutely necessarY ftttend t.he dinner. Paul Prell! and to emn College dlrt'Ctly or indirectly. He look InUl the matter. Park land., Wash, Je$Se Pflueger_are asaIsUnr with the add'ressed the GIg Harbor P T. A. The Idea of the club had been sug- vision Is an ideal in life needed in meeting. which program also Included rested by group of P. ".. C. students da.y: the hIstory of great Ih'es proves program. In charp of decomting the room for the banquet are Jean-Marie t" Mr. Hunter and Prof. Edwards, who Interested In swimmIng. t.hat visions are necessary. Fowler. Cora Lien, Oscar Anderson and rurnl.shed musIcal numbers. At the pre_ achool group at WhItman school of Ta- Fa.lry sUlry: Once upon a time there Octo r -Re A. W mstad Jesse Pflueger!> GREEN FEES , . Ra a woman who could understand coma, Dean Hauge llpoke on Child be t4 .... - Clifford MesfOrd, In charge cit ad­ 1 8 holes 50c Psychology: at the Washington ·Educa. footbRIl. and never asked foollsh ques- When periods of sorrow and sadness "'ertlslng, III sending out letters to Inseem to rpultlply then It· III good to torn. gracluat:ea of the affair. He also Uon AMociation meeting In IJncoln Lion."; about It. . 9 holes 25c High �hool he dlsc:us.sed the topic have some one steadfast to lean upon. Is Sf!'Curing posters advertising the game �l.1 monthly r..te to students "Debate In'' the Modem High School." The old-time football player used to 'IblS 'is the word of God from which to be- placed In p�ent shop wlndin town. oil h1s an! his part time � with some we are Ul recel...e st.reIllth, joy and OM �e booIr: or etiquette doesn't men· spend Norm� �ensen, Hazel Monsen, Jeanco-ed on pretty . the campu Brookd.l. college s Marie Fowler, Helen Garbell, and WIItion It, but It is considered good. form The modem player spends hla off hours gladness. Golf Cou ... -rna O'Brien, to return the book of 'etiquette you bar- in some hotel lobby kidding the teel roW� phon C.· d .nd' O I 92-I _ I ��;en� �==================� l a�::; ���� ''____�____��i l are ' ________&a________...'.� �... l �������������� �. . comrort1ng Ma aild strengthenIng. y J e l ,:! & tl '11.,ruti d � ;; yo r ������� :��z:str:�:� tT MW4i1h.d. IoIto" Cr.ft" 2 P.ltts I I _ _



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"S���:=i�Le.:r �rn• . 'Dorm' Slu.mkr Pnr�y. D. R. G. lnitiation � ",,1 Worlh Many' YoW...,' 'Say . Held October 14 " " ...... . Delta-Rho GamlJlO Girl,







. On her way home from Clover Creek. i£at Sunday DKn Phillip E Haup :��.�=�::..\:::; =em� "'here she Is tHChtnr. "P'anny" Jane 29 Clrl Recei'tH at 'm,reni ber they have to be U'lJft. ' and a half . -drove to MCMinn, vtU. e. Ort(On,. to th� Thla b an uplanatlon to . those lnaururaUon of Elam Candleh,ht C.remony; Cr..ct r�t long. lavin "32 reeenU toPpeeS at Alldef'!K)ll C. p. 1.. . Soll!Y.,. . Permanentfy Adopted The campus 11 very pretty but they teachers and students who have 'b!een· Preslden�' of Llnfleld CoII*. He took to �1.'lt. Ellen have the «mrtery out In tront. ' , RlIht r part of the as h1a' fu�ts annoyed durin&' the' far as Pmtland. ea ·Llt ly •• . At a recent ·v1s1-;;- Mr Hong. John ItaW��I�=,!��I::::o:��::Y�e-: :; �e=.: ;:��t;=;aao"t-::.� week by the actlo�. or, lACk ·Of actions ::�:'lena Wacbo, and Jean-MlIil"e . . L. Holberg, gradua.te of the Pac1t1c Delta. Rho O&mnUL members was held kntow "whose bonts lie beneath." I of the co-tds. Lutheran ACAdemy in 1911 tram the Cktobtr 14.. It mwt be rather dbturblng for a The enal"ans Harwood and MCCOr. rot th&t out ot a � j. Chuck Me. S!tnographJc course, ltated to Mr Hong ca=!u�em�;'m�:t �o�wU1��:� MlIl&n pve In Publle . Speaking. It professor to lecture to a group of �rl.s. mlck of the steamship Oklaboma. sla­ g u to hat he would not take t for what school by appH.rlng In elLS! shod :t: �h��:;:��: :' : : :::� �; �&Slet!, an!��to�t;:� tlontd at Bremerton. en�rtalned Pro· he got at college during the tlve yean the with bedroom alJpPers, carrytng. tlm· mInu�s. fessor Beck at dinner Thursday ·even· but l:pt short 'ot paper. re; occupied pus. ' . he here. RecenUy the dty council =�n� J:::= I haven't any sweetie ·yet. but you There Is, of .. on Th08e Ing. h ::e :: a �e:: don't of Bellingham voted hJm the most · I . , y our need who end to leep hlng nap ca In thInk that sendare up t we f�I'm.�g.or.c;omtng look. dra �blgh sprnt ;he we:iend at ful man flrthe city. r party herNtho In the evening the second and th.I.rd tng me to college. �1I' not be rHllud. they did not get a� the s u m n � M n . e In Co cre gton. W hl -one boy here I thOught sure the. Pep .Club girls gave .t Delta Rho Initiation were admlnls- There'sfallen Sidney Johnson has been In the au- degreesIltofa the for me, 'cause he always. Oammas .Iast FrIday nIgh Those wh� To spend the �k.end with a trlend, party to whJch' all day� girla had tomoblle repair bu.aJnesa for a number tered says, "How do," but . I found out that dream are wishing that, somew�ere on ee co i had b The nd d n Inv se ted. Knutun drove to' Seattle P'I1. of �'eAn; In Ar�n. he likes all girls. He's rot real this earth, they would find a ma!l a.a Jeanette I corulsted of stunts and games by the curly hair lUIthe day.' . -, his name is C1l1tord handsome as Bwter Roe In lonel'5 d "spats" of and girls npw and eanutp l While at COnway, : N. J� Hong roll1ng for those glrb who were gUmy Mtsford, but he's aWfU,1 young (gotna anji moustache. ' Ellen SOley Kathleen Porath and visited Mr, and Mrs. 1.. O. Molhus: Mu. of lnfractlo on plghteen) Another . kWs sort-of The party Is but the mpmory were guests of . ru of the ca day's ruleS. Molhus gt:aduated from the PacIfic As the third degree me the lonnal nice to me too, but I'm afraid he'll be lIn�1'lI on. It will take a long time Oc�r 22 and friends !n Tacomll. Lutheran Academy a number of yeal'll Initiation, wed for the Urat Ume by tooken bef� �e �ta to me 'cause my for some of the girls to forget the .,0, name comes 'too tar down in the alp�- nlghtm�s In whIch. clad ,only tn pa- ProfC550r and Mrs. J. Edwards, the day girls' orPntzation and adopted bet. -He started at the "A's" and goes �amas, they were �rust out lnto the. en�rtalned Prof. J. U. xavier- and them .as a permanent Cff'emony o,t Ruth Brown, '30, ts In Conway, teach- by rv the rest ot the letters. cruel night aIr by Mary Nash:, or chas· family at dinner. Sunday. nitiation Thls se ice Introduced to doewns atthrough Ing at the Conway school, whJch Is Ithe the L's now' an<! � been .tm4� eel: down dimly ' i H ' new g rls the creed ot the D. R. O lit. bed lined, �orrldors . . considered by nuthoritles to be the be3t and Impressed upon them more. clearly Ing sweaters with Leland, so ot what resembled an. orphenage, by Walter Ustad spent the week.end country sch�l In the State ot Wash- the Ideals of PacUic Lutheran College' he'll soon be to me.�ckle He's som big e; Jane ' W lll I ams "Mrs. Meany," It In Seattle. Ington. shot here at school, 'cause he talks In will take a lon'gasUme ·for Dickie and -, students. e ry eha Thursday l e and br ngs all pe t recover from the sprained Jennie Lee was the gutflt of her par· . Porath \' to Old members servtd light refresh · LorraIne Thoren and Olena Wqbo, menta. The following girls were Initi. the ,meetings to order. carry backs they received tng beds to enb In Everett, October 20-23. cadet teachers at Parkland Orade ated: Virginia Botn, Rosa Dahl. Jean- The boys here play football to de- those girls who Just couIdn'� find any school. gllve six week examInations In Marie Fowler, Helen Oarbell, Martha velop the slzepf their feet. Carl Mar· place to sleep And as for that poor Ex tension Counes 'Tauch t thel,r c1� last week, Un klcks off at every game. You2 Individual who. awoke In the "cold grey Two Grande, Ethel Hagman, Frleda Hend. should Two extension cOUnel'l are beIng a feet wears his He . 1 dawn" to flnd her nose pointing north" taught here now, the flnt being a elass . . Irwin, Evelyn Hanlon, Helen rickson, . tumecJ to the south, e in teaLs and measurements under the Margaret Jacobsen 15 lnstr�cUng the Cora Uen, Irene [Judahl, Hazel Mon. IUld a half. Every Ume he puts them and he� toes high school gym classes for girls. table In the news room never expects to be quIte right .,als?n. direction sen, Georgianna McClure, Shirley Mc- uph on theMom, rof. P. E, Hau�. This but they're blgl It says However, ' whether the �r1s were at class meetaof ·Pevery' ore, Kenzie, Alice Nolan, Wilma O'Brlen, .Din the at 4:15. The Crunt System of ,Paper that Carl's the businessI a STeat enough distance from S\1lrley's The other ts a. course'l1'Iur3day Marlon Peterson, DlUe Quale, Anna In World Litera· Speaking English Roness, Junet Runbeck. Shirley Savage, man�r of the Mooring Mast.' but and, COUln's spook s� an<! Vlrglnla ture, meeting every Saturday at 8:00 Gran' MeanJnr Safrle Torrtsd al. Margaret Wesson, hav�n t found any mooring mast around Byers' red paJama.a to sleep, �hether . m. 9r1th Prof. N. J. Hong In eharge. -,-===::: Huh? . ................... What? Alict! Bee, Delores Burgess, Agnes here yet, so I suppose they've rot It they lay awake all night to lls� to a:Ahuh . ...... . ................ Yes Lunde, Janice PeterSon, Fredrlcka mixed up .and that somebody 1s the Major bark, and a f'O()('!le.r cro'!JI and � . business man"ger of Carl, Huhuh :.::. ] ... ... .... .'........... . No Schlanbusch, and Helen ·spencer, he's wait for a certain dormlto1"".alarm I Parkland Barber Shop about the tallest boy In school and the clock to' go ofr. they had a gbod lIme. Naw �d .. No .. most like a mooring !past. The slumber party � voted.. a grand Yaw :::::..::::::::::::::::: .... Yes ' Confectione.-y H OF BREMEN ..'" U's drtadfully wicktd how some of success. and well worth a few �wns, Hmmh? . .................. What? On. the EAR of ey their lap jo first urn \ other lItudents copy off the pape:i's Hrum!? ........ 00 you think ? OEO. KNUDTSON', Prop. 1 Gennany Ocr Deutche Vereln, the of those bright pupUs who have their Magazine Sent to ' Bindery L Can you eXplain :..�ur;:::� athrough . <0German Club, visIted Bremen at ·leSllO Is jwt Ted CronquIst Why !�mmh s. n . --:-..,. -;-::--:c their meeting Tuesday noon, when mobbed In the morning by Vlrginta --:: Library attendants have been busy -� � Clarence Roen gave an Illustrated talk Byers and Loraine Thoren and a few and check few days sorting for the past · Bonnadel. Beauty r that clly. The meeting was who can't get their lessons. Ing old copies of the Literary Digest I ::�e��;el;o����'te�:� P:' about Shoppe. open.ed wIth the stnglng of Gennan others Modest as he Is, Ted always lets them and National Geographic magazinel to come In. whUe waiting for a songs. street car. his paper because he dotsn't want be sent'to the bindery to be hOund for Shampoo and Finger Wave Shampoo and 75c At the German Club meeting yester- copy Finger Wave ' COpies library. our In 15c good gradts. That's reference the with off run to Marcels �l.aIdlnl'l-Haln:raUlnr day. Kat�leen Porath told of some of sportsmanshJp for you. dating back as far ' as 1897 �e In en the Important features of Hamburg. Someday I may be as bright as Ted, preparation, MARCELS ( Lasting) ' the more while some of "" :;and Gennany, OAr�:::�I1��: ' W;!' Ulustrat.inB her talk with HAI RCUTTING you'll be proud of me. won't you? recent numbers have been sent already. pictures. Margaret Wesson told ot her then 111 write you agaln soon. I hope the These will be of great value to stu­ Expert Permanent correspondence with some boys tn Ham- cow ssn't had any more spells. Please denu, a.a the references, Included In h Waving bw:g. The group sang Oennan song5 write. Football­ them are both Interesting and IMtruC' an: ::S :e:u: =:� Parkland Basketball­ over the r..Ovtn�y, your educating da�:�,. �:;��;��:�g to Prof. J, U. xavier. GA. 014S-·R·2 o Baseball meeting In the absence of Lonalne . Season-Thoren. ' . You will enjoyP. L. C. Lunch �on Held T DR. WM: SMITH BROOKDALE At Bonneville Hotel Residence: Parkland MEDOSWEET Oct Tac In ober oma BARBER SHOP I 18 GAR Brookdale C..h Mark ;. LAN 01 69·J -4 . . ' D Alumni, faculty members, and some Parkland CA. 0145-R.2 ICE CREAM . Brookdale· e t d I. �_. _-> � _ _ __ ___ ! �; __ ��� ����eo���� ::; :� . Any seaton-SATURDAY'� at the Bonnevllle Hotel. ThIs was held --------, conjunc ngton W with the tion In uhL Parkla nd Calf Coune Pot Roast lOc P9und Dahl·.Crocery Co. 1 8 holes :::a��� �= �=l'(��� I ".m'" :::�;�:Oy ...... B rookdale Phone Ol 56R2 1�::"::::�b�yU":� � �un�� ' .DAlRIES.� IN( ........ANY TIME wards composed the muatcal part. of -.., :n: ::���=��! . . 59«li:1 �!:��:r!��� �t��ent 1 ...--'"rates on' request \. Boynton'. Service L. snettlp to those,connectect ,nth P. e' M,n" CARR. WAL"'C' c. Hazol ><0""", made an announ",Wrack... D.,. IN Nip' ... A tte'. nt".·on Readers G.arland 01 69-)·3 ment aboat· the Mooring Mast. Dean Pll' c., 01 45-R·1 PhUUp E. Haup was toutma.ater. . y u may now .p��haH tho ••





































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Gladiators Fail To Avenge Defeat , At Ellensburg Lutheran Cridsten Drop Ca!!,e to Wildcah by 14-6 Score; Moe Cain. Only Touchdown for P. L. C. in 25-Yard Pas.


Lutherans Lose to· P. L; C; Plays Army Viking Team, 7�O Saturday Aftern�it

'. a;o


By C Mort8Of1




Bellin"'am Shows Cre.t Improve4 ClaCtiahtn . F�.orecl to 'Wi� c.';' ment Ow.r Last Year: Civ. With ;oit Lewn �ri4ae,. " Cladiators Hard aattfe !'\",eri�an ..ake·

• .





FlghtJng a stubborn batUe, the PIlSaturj\ay a!t,..erooon our grldde.1"B will ran ClflC Lu ��Ia a::; := f!1ee.� If you want to find a real good definition for "hard luck" ask the Fort. Le.wla e.leven a� t.he sol: �� e x� to t Coa�h Olson and he will tell you why his hair h�s �aken 'on the domlcUe·. The�rs .are diet's OCtober �lIIngha:: ormal saturday, . The attempt of Pacific Lutheran Col- g raYish hue this football season ; a good reason we think. e Vlldngs were a much out. to take this pme and the govern15 7 to 0 . .

lege grldders to avenge a defeat �'ear by the Ellensburg Normal eleven failed when they dropped a hard contest to the Wildcats. FrIday, OCtobI'r 21. 14 to 6.

== == _ ",", � __ = __ = _== ", ", "" _ " __ � """ __ == == == ;m: � _", ___ __ __ ' _ "", ' == ... _ • ).,,,_, _. ____",,, __ == ____

S. 5. ' . . :I�rl?ov ' " ub 'ovez: 'year, but failed . Whelt...we hne a ,� team and can t pr� uce ,I� a pln,ch be- tTt �� �ause o!/he lack of r�erYe po��r, then there IS nottu..n ,. to do. but the !'ntlre t e. ' . rans once during Just t,ake It. But permit me to hp my hat to Coach Olson s char,es·. The first 'quader featured by a ., they'r� not novic" by far. kicking . duel bet'llee.n Hansen of Pa. _ S. S. ' Ith of Bellingclflc Lutheran and

The teach!rs were victorious aW!r a Willard. Cronquist, Whall7n. F adness, Runsvold. Martin, J ake, e ted hard-fought game which was deh largely on the breaks of the contest. Levinson, 'R ea rdon and Score, compose the strongest forwarQ wall th9.t favored the Normal team. Fum- this school has' ever had, and ever will have .for some time to come. bles by the Lutherans paved the way for both touchdowns by the teachers. . . • The Gladiators started the game with a, bang and gave" NIChol-. ry ,ood son's charges something to think about. . ' The Ellensbw-g mentor sent In his . . In s�ch a cas� most" te�ms substitute, �ut there is where we ,are shock tr�ps about this time to stop ( Don t tell me there IS no suc� word as can t ) . the onslaught. but with IItlle success. at a loss, we can t . . . The first canto ended with the Olad. lators' holding the upper hand .

' S. 5. ThD!e who witn"sed the �ast two' con!es �. ci!n wei! ubstanhate thiS fact. It was .. treat to see those b" III�esmen smot�er the opposition-- ( I ,ot a ve view from the 'b�nch)-but our gridden are human too· and there is an edent to their endura �ce. S. S. \

The second quarter was the tragic peclgd for the Lutherans, sln?e-- both thr�achers" scores came In this per100. The first one came as�the result of a [umble ' by the Lutherans on their own 20-yard line The next play Sut-. phln. hard hitting Normal fullback. went through the whole Lut.hera.n line oil 1\ spinner a.nd romped over for the InIUal score' of the game. The latter t f this period the 'Olad l ators were �:�g:t again In their own territory by 1\ fumble and this tm;e Clough of Ellensburg. spun through the line for thel lut score Both extra points wl're con:erted by Clough. Thl! lone touchdown of the Lutherans came early In 'the fourth period, when Moe heaved a 25-yard pass over the goal line to Levinson. Try for point


Martin . . .......RTL,. .. Whal en .. ....... ....RaL . .. C. Fadness Runsvold . ... ....LOR .......LT. Cronquist Jacobson LER. . . .......Q.. Moe .


.. . .Hall .��..���.��..Roy

.Freeman . Cro.sby BaHaro Thra.sher Fuller ClouS;h McMlnds . ..Sutphln

Jack . . . RHL . .. F.. N. Frye . . Scoring: Ellensburg - Touchdowns. Clough. Sutphin: try fM point:!:, Clough 2. P. L. C.-Touchdown, l.i:vlnson. First downs-Ellensburg 9, P. L. C. 3. P8ssea attempted-Ellensburg 7, P. L. C. 10. Pa.sses completed-Ellensburg 3. P. L. ..


...S. S. Our school spirit is I!.ke a flame, it .tarh out with a banco: and ends lip a �ing an� DO.n't m;stak� this for a pep talk. I1Ut enthUSiasm IS the bl,gest advertisement thiS school can potS"s. S. S. . . . .

S. S. We al l hope that Hal Votaw and Bev ·Shuster will be back in suit again, they're that good that we need them. •

Pres. Tingelstatl Meet, Cousin He had not Seen ' Por Forty Years, Who I, in Indian Ser1,ice in Idaho .

To St'areh 12 years to find a. cowin he h�d not seen for 40 years before he was met with success la the unique experience of Olaf H. Wahl. Indian Field 8ervt;:e man of Idaho. 'IbIs COllsin was none other than �dent O. A. Tingelstad. Pacific Lutheran College. Pres. Tinlf,<.!15tad met hls cousin here on his return from the east.. Mr. Wahl ha.s lor 19 years bee'n conneeted with. the IndlanJ:1eld Servtce in cooperation with the University of Idaho Extension Service. nl1a work 1.8

s=������=:�rg, :;� :d���::n!�


. !:�







throughout the contest.

,characteristics of the Indians, as @". menUoned by Mr. Wahl. are that tbey � . al'f! a happy-go-lucky sort, and seem � to have no worries. TIley haV! a paa_ � 810n for automobiles and bright colOl"S, � and one Indian can easily spend t30,- � 000 a year w:lth nothing to show for It. � To see an IndIan girl scrubbing the � noor In a s1l.11: dress la a common sight. � Middle-aged Ind.Jal;l8 are slow at � grasping thoughts. but the .. younger � one are as quick as a white man at � this. Only about 50 per cent of the � d ;�!�� =��:=

· =:::::" . :: ==


' We ha ve three games left on our. schedule. Two of them are with the most highly t uted teams on .this year's list. and the boys � are just in the right frame of mind to give somebody the works. Of course we are conside red underdogs in both contests, bat there is . . s uch a thing as upsetting the dope.

�o�: DfUnlbla, Belier, Valdason, Sanders, He 15 situated at Fort Hall, Id&ho, third Sutton. Me�; P. L. 'C., Levinson, oldest. trading post In the Northwellt. Score, McMillan. R... Frye. Chief among Mr. Wahl's duties with the Indlans is to Instruct them in their a : th � a: :: � n:: .Is in charge of pie 4-8 club' work there. .He la responsible for the stock Well held three tlme5 a year, and must see that white people having land leases on the government ieservaUOIl �lI:e SEAMON'S the necessary improvements on thelr FLOWER land. � United states sov!rnment . SHOP requires that a 50 per cent improvement be made the fint. year, 2:i per 21 1 South Eleventh cent second, cent and the 25 per. Rust Building . thInI y ::: ::: ::: ::: = � � .... = ,= � = = � = = = = =

Band and.. Orcbl!fltra 8pec1al1ats,


ou_ stan�I �� event of .the year-�o,me�om l �g. On thiS date w ha:-,e � our InI tial game With Columbia UnIversi t y of Portland. Don t dlsappoint those who a re in cha rge of it, "!'Jey are rooki g to the s u . � . � de l l t body for who le - hea rted s upport In making thiS a booming s uccess.

S. 5. , Bill Whalen, our rip snortin' guard, who possesses that u�c:anny ability of making promising back. on opposinl. team. look like pin,ponl artish. h.s lost a pound and iii in perfect conditlqa for whate'er ensues. Remember Bill 'at Bellingham? What a ,ame he played and why, we wonder? Ask Bill. . s. �. . .

ment men will have to put up a real battle to stop . Coach Olson's charges. . The line aPPtan to: be In good C?rtdlUon for this contut. but It seems as If the bactIleld wUl· sUli be without the se.rvl� of Hal Votaw and Bey h!'lfl' and since ' e wind Was with Shuster. � theSe men add a great t. the Lutherans d� of soortng punch to 'the Lutheran the VIkings, · they pretty well In their own,terrltory. "I:he machine, but If traey are In condlUon second' canto the VIkings' took_ . the 'for the SatUrday's contest. !t la ,hardly . lelldlng role by tearing ' oU �onal probable that they .wili � used, .� ex-yards by play and penalltles. In spite t.reme �re will te made In saving t.h�R1 . of the bad brea.ka the Oladlalors got for -the · Columbla: Mommouth and . down to bwlness and smeared. .�. gam!. . ' teachers In thelr d�lve. Moe,- McMIl.lan, Jack, Hanson an� , The second half, t,he Lutherans d isNorman Frye, lasted. the whole E1lens- . . atisfled w:lth .the unwual num.ber ot , burg game and play!d a nice game. If periallUes 'call d on th.em, came· �cll: the soldiers do not prove to be ve�y ! with war In the�r !yes. . Since neither I danlferous', It ui probable that some of . team could mall:e ya.rdlle by 1lne . p,IaY' the toll-worn regulars will get. a slight . they reso�ted to a passing attaelL Both rest. hard teams, eager for victory fought . Advance dope - does not �ID� the thl.s pertod and again the kicking strength of the Army, men: and 30 ste,PII game was resumed. TIlI.8 time the will be taken to wipe o.ut the over­ Gladiators took the �ge and as a re- . Confidence that may .exlst amo�g . �he . suit kept the ball In the Vlldng's terrl- gridders. Sln�e no chances will be tory a great deal of the Ume. taken the Gladiators are expecte<l to �e only score of the game, ·came enter the contest all prfmed. eply In �he ·Jut quarter, when Chuck . . e McMllIa.n, Lutheran signal barker. fadNordk Arneson and Clar nce Lemed back and threw � long pass to Marv m!1lI" �. described ill lb. week'. Hanson, who brought the oval up to "Q e ou et1" M av Y the live ya� lI.n�. The next play , �c-=-= === =::;;=== ::;;:<; ------�-Millan hit tackle for �yards. Belpo��� �:-lte U ���I� IIngham called tlme- ut and waa t � � for tim four. u penalized �. This A School Boo:a, Supplies . brought the bal.l uJil to e Vlldngs one J F CO ay, McMillan yard stripe. TIle ne.xt p l �llen-S&atlone'rs - . behind a. beauUfUI Inter rence, c;1rcI!<l Office liiamltar e � A pass from around right end to score PhOne Main Pac. •\ve, . 2870 909'lI • 'ias , completed -0- . McMillan to JacobsOn w --. for extra point. c · . "' were Willard., Whalen and Padn r . the the shining light In the line ved t:<' Lutherans, although Wha:len pt be the biggest thorn In the Viking s McMillan and �oe did �me Cl'f!dltable wot"k In the backfield by their ball toting. Bev Shuster, although crippled to a certain extent, turned In . , ' a nice piece of work. SOlkosky, Flowers and . Bagl!.&. were the main threats fO� the VI�gs and Smart Fancy' Weave kept.t.he Gladiators· til conatant trouble'


S. .5. Again.t �elling�am Norma�, our line threw t�e .Vikinp' �or m�re . losses than t� ey gained. A,al.nst Ellensbur, I. � was practically the same. Perm,t me to 'add that 's one game we.should have taken. S. S' . . . . "".e are all looking forward to what I?romlses to �e the most t-

Out.<;lde of: the few costly fumbles made by the Gladiators, both teams played snappy football throughou t the contest. The whole Lutheran line de. ser\'es special credit- for their unusual Ted Cronquist, our wily captarn, learned how to smile d work In thl.s game. whUe the Normal . ur backs proved to be the shining lights; Ing. .the Ellensburg game and nea rly lost his poise watching J oh·n sm.illng coyly at the opposing cente r. for the' teachers. . Summary: . . .

PacUlc Lutheran (6) ( '• ......'..." . '''....urr Willard . ....... . . .REL.., ..... . ...............Case


917 Commerce Bt.







New Turtle Neck SWEATERS All Wool $2.95

Solid Cotor Rib StiTch ' AII Wool $1 .95 New Colors in Cotton Turtle Necks 95c

Dickson Bros. Co.

; ; ; :;;:::;;:;;;;:; . ' ;;';;' ';;' .. ';;;;�..��',::;;;;;; �Ub:�:�OO�u��= �""'' :' .' ' '' ' �' '''' ' '.. ';;�.l;;. ;; •, .

To. get more· Indian ch1ldren into the

pubUc schools Is a problem now cimfronting Mr. Wahl.

"hone Broadway .4129 . '' '


Tuberculosis and Tra.choma. are d1s� o �:� The former, 1llnes8 has, hOWEver, been greaUy decreased by a home building program in whIcb 360 boml!fl were built · r _ r"' 'I in six years. Trachoma Is a d1aease of the eye, pecullar to Indla.ns, which ill made contaatoua by the poor aanltary CODdIUons employed by the red-sll:ins. · Mr. Wahl was on b1a vacaUon when ' he v1s1ted the 'I'lngeIstad'a bere., so he was required to return to Port ;Hall. arly this w!ek. He bad not �n the ! college president for 4p years, and t.b1s * IE ....... meeting was his t1rat with his cous:ln E.

=:v:=�: ��.

. 1 1 34' Pacific A...

Speci.. bu.... for p.rti�, II.. clubl, t••rnl..l. etC

c� TACOMA BUS CO'MPM�1 . . Arry Time. Arry



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[raIM" I,p.] Pr.e... . . . . . .. TI•••,rap" Prete... : ___ciJotLWHll ctllt J..dra .......] . * o.� ·� ...� _ . . . ,� ., .... . .• •w••. ' a.iI fl ... ..... ._ I. tile . . .' . M...... ....


I -,



Rho To Olson's Eleven Will Delt. ' Monthly Luncheon. Pres. T'mgels tad ' Meet Fighting Irish AtHavo Thund.y Octo.. o.'ta Will Att nd A.Le.. In Homecommg Gamma members held the first Tilt �o noon, . ' e 'I uk Federation c:onvenUon held at Poulabo r l h

M H�;eet In MI wa

, 27,



ee r::::;ft::r::


:eC c=. Cladiaton Face Undefeated �!R�:� !:::�/=d� . teatures at the"meeting of th� Luther· Eleven In Homecominl Came bringing or .buyln, Individual lunches, • ecid.i at Meeting lUI Daughters 01 the RefonnaUon held the girls pro\'lded vlUious dishes for a Board At Lincoln Bowl SaturdaY': or- Mra. J. U. Xavier' I t F.dneSi Returns to Lineup ""!.-I�:k�::;"e: new couch cover �_ere Monday to ,Send College � presented to the' club recently by the Head and P.••tor . SVlre to Talks an the dlfrerent · departments Following several weelu of icuve· Saturday afternoon In the lJncoln Dtolta Rho Gammas who graduated In Middle Welt 01 the Womcn'lI MlMlonary Federation p�paratlon by studenta and faculty, Bowl, six Paclf!c Lutheran ColI� rtg· '32. were by M,:s. A. W. Ranutad, I of Pacifi Lutheran College Wul ulan will conclude their footb,1I acU...• The organltatlon b planninG' to have That Dr. O. A. Tlnge�tad, College Mrs. C. O. Olson. Mrs. E. nngebtad. NovemberC Ii and 12 for\o. ne of lUes at our sc.hool, when they face the a ca.ndy booth In the gym on Drama president., will attend the con...enUon Mrs. J. U. XAvier, Mrl. O. A. Tlngel· elRbol'1lt.ely planned homehighly touted Columbia University Night. No meeting was held lost of the Amerlcan Lutheran Conference 8tad, Rnd Mrs. P. E. Hauge. the history 01 the school. 1t ele\'en from Portland. Oregon. ' to be hft-Id November 16 to 18 at MiI- The Inusleai progr!U1l'consl.Bted of a ThursdRy. been decided ' whether thls Coach Murphy's chRrgt!S ·f m the . waukee, *ILS dKided at a meeting of violin 5010 by Wilma. O'8rlen accom· wlll repl�e the annual ro t a 1 I n R y th �h��� Yu:::f:aS:ec! :n��:o�:ro�!I� :�:n�l�g� =:�:!/:: :!� �� �� ::7�:� ��, S: ,: a 1':�e n�trC::r:;� \'Icton �! have been 50me of the strongof Or. Tlngelstad. Flve different faculty, composed of Mrs. pre&ent. 1IO that' elcctlon of rh e t ra wi n . take place. � Ramstad. Mrs. Olson, Rnd �� t�: c�n:::� . �. �n;:�7.� :! C!��=. w::!�;: � ;l: I as planned, start with ;-pa· e �:t\'�:::r:��' �;�em������ �ay RefreshmenU; we � served- before Be Heard Will Radio Program ::� � N � rt , ;�;IO� r � g . 1 pions. were completely submerged by During Drama Night Presenta- . At the request 01 Paul Prew and c- -: the flghUng Irlsh from Portland. Wh h v e tions in P. L . G. Cym be glven Rt ninth and Broadway. Since Coach Murphy Ls an uponent �o� ....�. ga�h.:'\;u:� ... . . ' At 8 p. m. the sehool drama club WUI of Notre Dame, the Lutherans will A.... one of the features of the home- the college In the middle west, the • present three one-act p:lays In th� coIprobRbly come face to face v.1th that BoRrti petitioned the TrInity Lutheran \ lege gymnaslu:n. F.rom IUS to 9:30 ,' _ decepU...e Notre Dame shift. Many coming program. the evening of No- Church of Parkland to release Pastor _ ' more facton may enter In which will \'ember II has bee n designated as T. O. 6\'are In order tt1at he _might Ciroup Decides Sporti"' ��tjYitiet a radio on the stage wtll be turned on, \ . cawe the OladJaloni .. great deal of DramR Night. � one·act playa v.ill give one month's service thert. The To Be Included in Club Pro,ram enabUng the IItudent& to �ten to the KVl. -' dlscomtort. but a game ta not l()I!,t y.nUI be !1reacnted by the Pacific LutherRn fIVe year contract of these field men e r cut &II p ann by �b At a meeting held Th�rada , October the final whlsUe has blown. College Drama Club Rl 8:00 p. m. In I was reaffirmed by the board at the 27, In the chapel, a Women!s Athletic MOMOn, school yell king, will be &II The most Intrtcatl! problem for . To lend variety to the pro-. IIItocting MOOd.y. . Dr. n follows : Coach Cliff Olson to solve, however, Is the gym At the meeting ngelstad and AMOClation was tentaUvely organized. Rohow his ele"en will IIhape up In thlJ gram. two 'of the plays to be given are Prof. J. P. Pflueger. who attended the with Olga Overlie &II acUng chainnan. Homecoming welcome--Cla.rence . G�up alnglng of W.A.A. �nga opened en. contest. .Slnce eligiblllUes must be con. cOmedles. The action of "The Bl5hop's recent conference of the Mlserthe program, which Included. pilUlO 110aken from ' Candlesticks t Kollege Knlghta' Kuartet-Bob Mon: " Le8 Lutheran Church at Fond du sldered. this lactor mil}' weaken Ule abies" by Victor Hugo, revolves aroW1d consln. ga�'e rtportG of the by lJla. Rudd•. a vocal solo by Mary son. Clarence Monson, ArnOld OrimstarUng lineup Saturday. Evelyn MOMOn entertained with lund, and Art 8lvertaon. . It Is evident that much work wll\ two beautUul sliver candlestiCkS. . L. Ludwig, president of the and a reading by Mar- Interview of Coach Olson-Bob Mon· have to be done In the Lutheran camp The comedies are "The Orange· dllllrict. gave a report to the son. to trlm up the offense and puss de· colored Necktie." concerning the mys· that the sentiment of the church and Rnd worklnp of the organ· Interview of Ted Cronquist-Bob feme. Since the ba.cb are t.oo small lery of the whereabouta of an orange· ol lUI leadership Is strongly and dewere outUned by the cha1Tn:tan. Monson. for Intensh'e line play, 15 probRble colored neckplece; and "The Economl· llnllely in favor of Pacific Lutheran ofllcers were elected L'I fol- Kollege · Number. that the Gladiators wlU center their' cal Boomerang." deRling With a hus· . College. This b proved by the lows: President. Olga Overlie: vice Saturday, atudent& and alumni will attack via the air. McMIllan and Moe band'$ attempts to force his wifi to be tha$-- at a Ume when no other president, Alice Roe; secretary, Jane gather at the homecoming ,&me, to be are good pa.ssers and Levinson, Beore !!Conoml!!a} In her dressmaking. Items were Increased. the Williams; and treasurer, Helen ColIIna. played In the lJncoln Bowl .at 2:30. and WUlarrl are very capable receivers. At aome time durtng' the evening. the lions of Pacific Lutheran CoUege . The club decided to include ba.sket· AdmLsalon will be to centa'. In the IRllt contest, the Lutherans audience will be given an opportunity IncrtllSed from 12.500 to M,300. ball. baseba1I, swtmmlnr. teruiia, speed. The flniU e...ent will be an Infonnat seemed backv.·ard about opening up to listen to the rally broa.dcaa) .Jn the alrtady betn reported. rt and hlltlng. ball, minor llpa a homecomlng banquet in the Peacock IIkat.tna, their puslng attaCk, until Ule latter Illteresta of the Columbla-P. � C. footWhile action on J.he . would be tm:luded among Ita a-:UvlUes. Room of the Tacoma Hotel. The event part of the game. When they did open ball game of-the following day. A radio plan was deterred Rt An execuU...e �ttee made up of will start.. at ')':SO P:' rn., and ".ru COlt up It resulted In enough completed wUl be Installed on the stage In the delegalell adopted the the offlcen an d Uie faculty 75 cenla a pJ-.te. passes to cause the oppo51Uon plenty gymnulum and, U necesaary. the play lutlon : "We MLsa Fowler and Miss .Jacob6en, wlU Trygve Runavold. In ch&zye of Ucof worry. In progress at the time of broa.dcaat lIupport of Pacific choose a leader , lor each ot the ath- ut sales, has appointed the following Fadness, stella.r center, who warmed will be Interrtlpted for the rally. and UTie the JeUc actlvlUes. The meetUli cloeed commttt..eea to ard In the we or Ucthe bench In the last game beca.we of The tollov.1ng chainnen of property Church to do a.1I that tl'Ie Lord with the 1I1ng1Di' of school IIOnp. an Injured knee. will be back In !.he committees have been selected: group and enables It to do to aMute keta: Homecomlni' game _ Leoban! . WtuOn Cla rence Lemm..tnr Ali Roe game against Columbia and after hi! one, Clarence Monson; group two. malnten�ee of Pacltlc Lutheran Colshort period ot rest. should be able to Margaret Wesson: group three, Evelyn lege." Chapel Roof epai red Jean Fowln-, Jan� turn In a nice piece ot work. Captain Irwin. On baaI.s of reports trom the Novem- Because of leaD durinl recent raina, tia..rold Meredith, and Bev Shwter: have been made on the Chapel banquet-Kathleen Porath, Dtc� LeTed CamQulst 15 sUlI mad from the The Drama Club has begun work on ber 3 meeUng ot the Board of last game and should d9 considerable a group of plays to'be given Jwt before of the Norwertan Lutheran the last week. The work land, Marpret We8ICII1. Norman Westdefensive work. Thanuitvlng holidays. done by.. G. Bchlanbuach and lIna", Gilbert 81dow, DOnald Reid and America, the boanf·tOOk �wln Rorem. makea It poMlble for Dr. Ye.s, George, Hazel and Delore. Love Exam Weekto gI...e all hia efforts for u","""on' of ,4ndrine Larlen' Cekbrale. Birtlulay at Home; Well ..., Our Paren" Love to Pay Big Light Bil,. Inr to tho . "'uoUon now ,OOfrooUn. De.pile 97 Yea" Still I. Active Friend 0/ P., L. C. 01 Interest to the studenlll Itt Pacllic Parltland. I'...e lived In' thia house "One night last w�k a. lone reporter There were no eve�ng eJ18"8iI!menta eran College. One 01 the was wandering around toWn In the planned tor tbLs week, and lnatea.d of clslons . of the board at College b the 97th birthday, for twelve yeara. .On my birthday vicInity of South Elrbth and. I Street., g1rl friends and Romeos, t.aldnc up the MOnd,,:y was the assurance No...ember 01, or Mrs. Ai:ldr1ne friends pve me new curta1na and a and happened to loot. Into the window student'S thought in the nocturnal a financial crIa1a has betn who onoc donated a great deal carpet for my room.' Then, they gave of the 8ven.son home. There. wonder hours, It was Prot.oeoa and Pleurococ- by the prolonged depreaa1on, . to the schOioI. Despite her qe, me Iota of otliir uitnp, too. I canof 'Ilonders, was I1tUe O@Ol'gle stUdy- cus,'.James the FIrst of En'gland, Gen- �ll not take a. �kwa.rd step . ' smiles and very lIP.r)'. Wben DOt understand why people were so . ot It, accordlni' to Dr. T1n&'elatad IIhe ga...e her lnIormaU� good to me." in&' 101' hla tat. �. George, eral Wallenstein, and Lou1a XIV th8.t . Mr. Hong doeSn't give VERY HARD toot: up the time. . uriheailAUngly. Here she pa.ue.ed to inqUire about the II exams. One mile a.way at the same Then psychology began at midnlgbt . lrom Norway when I WIU eoUep, I ,It weU. Prom Nor- "I ha...en't been Able to rud for n time :Hazrel Mqnsen WIU bumin&' the sharp and contbiued unW tour. The At Ita b� mee�r last k r t o directly to Racine County, years, and 1 Can w very lltue', But heu :�� Cl:. p=�: Thanks::, �� �t :n� or ,the lltUe I can see r 22. To November 101' I�eon. i1� those' DeICX'eS Roe bought three new fluh- Milton, Dante and VlrgIl b&unted 21 when I wu married. close the meltln8 the group II&IlI' GeT:' been married on my blrthlIIbt batteries, because the �t6 i'O �r studenta of World Literature. ..... oft at 10:30, and she COUldn't p(lI&Ibly At 'ieven o'clock, all the bwna.n man songs accompanied at � plano It was elect1rm day, and my "I feel 1Itranp. that 1 should llye .Ie Porath. lonft rye been wafU:ni" 30 yean, II1nCe ret. all ber lessona IItudied by that lorma (the brains and ziurut be1ne lack- by Kathleen had to vOte. � J Ini') pl"OOCtded to aebool. A da,y 01. fnabl.nd WU m1n1ater ot the my bu.eblUld cUed. to CO to my home In time. due'and The "'Dew-Drop Inn" charred. Art writinc &n.wus to � questk:na (or FeMe POIh Cut. Wire RemoYed NOnrqian Church in R&clne. AJ- Heaven. I .ba" bad 1DT'p&ve . and 'I'r'n 50 cents apteq extra for tbD ...... It fl1l1ne � of �per?) fOl� Improveme�t baa been made on the ter that t� 22 years' be was a mlniat.eT cemented for 15 )'earL I do DOt know ., be to UYe abouJd I w� God oJd. there tbe of front c&mP\1l tbe In .grounds in Ha.rmony, MInnesota. Prom month·s � CaddlUonal l1Ibt bUl), lowed, . / aDd: It aeema queer that the depmsaloD Boy, but we lite' eum weeki One buUdInB by tbe. palnt1n.g of the post&. we.Wet'lt to It.D 1ndiap m1aa1on In WIt- a1oD'e moWlf; but I wUl llDd out ( 'tfbe!1' Ii; aUlI On lI1Doc' all' the bomea a!lcMn consolaUon Is that we woo"t �ve to They were cut"ofl to about one fourtb te'nberr, W�. We were there m I meet him f� to f�." : . Im't � 1Ddeed WoDderful, oommc town .wbereln dwell P. L. c. atude:nta, Study any more for eilbt weeu to their or1c1naI aiR and painted. wblte, yea.ra. "rve lJv� In several houses here 1ri from a woman 1'7 )'eal1I old' The wire rratlnc has been removed.. baYe· .-light bill of twice the usual aiR. come. .




2 Comedies, 1 Drama S. CheduI ed Frld�y



:�r ��I:s�:m�


W. A. A. Org�izes Tentatively Oct 27 1



P.;; Cb�t i .�









me!:. ��urst!::�;�� :::! ��



l !n":�UJ.







Publl.Vled e\'ery t9iO w�b during the school year by the st.udent.s of Pacirlc Lutheran College, Parkland, Washington , at. the .Post. Office at Parkland, Ente'� as second class matte'r. October 2. . WashingtOn, under the Act of March 3, 1879,' Thuradty LIlA :Rudd,





BUSiness Manager

8U_SIN� SS �TAlf _

anll er � :::�:n:���: � _ e _ Circulation ManageY AMlatant Circulation Manager Faculty Adv�rs _









_ Carl Ma D =�:=�





Delores Roe EvelYn Monson



Pacific Lutheran College is·indeed a grand and glorious insti'tution. It is situat"ed in one of nature's �hoicest spots here in our great Puget Sound country. Its students are sincere, well-behaved young men and women who have just enoJgh pep to keep things lively, "Tl)e faculty members are good sports and can join in on the fun in everything. The president is the pride of every student for hiS kindness and competency as father of the "P. L. C. family," A friendly spirit permeates the air here at all ·times. Examinalion week which is just over. was not h,H= as bad as it might have been, Homecoming with all its joys comes this- week end. With this in view, and with the grand .and glorious P. L, C. feelir.lg, say to our ,alumni and fo'rmer students, "Welcome home!"

t�:h�: b 0 e t rs n your �������: !r��;:h:�: i� ��tt'i�t;o� �� 6e� �ar�i y grow older you ob'je�t to the food you.ea't and the clothes' you wear. When you rea�h �rgh school you think your lessons are tob' long and y��r ��a���:� loh����c��1' and enter college you think more y a�ut your own perfection : and. more than likely.·you decide it �an be Impro,:,ed. And so you start on a new venture. that of managing yourself Inste�d of others" . ' You. conSider y'our conduct In c�apel. ,In the .lIbrary. and I' n the halls durtng study hours. You notICe your attitude toward your teachers and your friends, You dig de�p inside yourself and dis. c.over all your faults, By correcting these you prove yourself an efficient self-manager. ,




aad '$!.GO�

:::!L .

"You ., she baa a




One of the most inspiring messages we have heard in chapel this fall was that delivered by Dr. T. F, Cullixson on Oclober 27, In stressing personality Dr. Cullixson brought home to many students the fact that their own Christian mothers were the most influential personalities in their lives. He also impressed on them the idea that God is the supreme personality. through the much-quoted Bible verse, "Let your light so shine upon men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven." , v g a t t n ng II a ad us on�: i� a ;hfl� �� s��de�r�; ���;ra� ��ysG� :�d��d � ;f� thing in an institution like P.L.C, The Mooring Mast feels tfiat the BClard of Control 'Is to be congratulated on the programs put on so far, and say wholeheartedly, " Give us �ore !". COOD COLLECE NEWS

We h,ve more policyhotder$ ,mons: stude.'!ts tlun ,ny other cl,1ss 01 people,

Why? Because members of the Lulher,n Church in gMer,1 h,ve ,Iw.ys bee!) strong believers in fduc,tion for ,II, ,nd are invHt­ ing large , �ts in such education. Lu­

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NORD IS: "Yea." ... &.hourhl ,!t 50andecl like


a. raJtro.d."


GEpROE '(Eatlng soup) : "Whatcha lookln' at?" ' NORMAN : "SOrry I thought you had fallen In," •

KATHRYN :. "Where did ,.ou ret tbe What &.he countz,. needs. aa,.,. PnsIblack e,.e'!'" dent Hoover, Is a new joke. How about , ptherinr up all &.he hullabloo aad prt:FADNESS: "That's a berth-mal'k." dJcUons that &.he campa.lcn manaren KATHRYN : "Blrthmarlr;'!''' FADNESS: "Yes, I climbed into &.he cave off Mondal at the convention'!' •••• wronl' �rtb."



Olga Overlie spent the \1i�k-end at her home In Eatonvt!le



The Faculty Club met Monday evenIng at the hame of P. T. lAI.rsen with , Ludvlg Larsen enterMr, and ,This Is the Ume of the yelU' when the talnlng, WALT: "Professor. you've got. the lat- neighbor returns the botT�wed lawnmower and asks If he can borrow a est thing ':n typists," MHo HAUGE : "She Is certainly that, cool scoop, ) Bill Nyman? He's a Mr. Hyde while at She ne\'er gets ?::e uu eleven," p, L. C.. but chan�s Into a Or. Jek'y,1I . b PREXY'S CORNER Our dollars now ro fartber, R:����� e:�e ls the girl who SaYs one of those wlae � It remained tor the editor.! of THE ha4 the habit of falling down tn d dn churches when the choir w� marchMOORING MAST. and on the eve of AllI've U Ibeen l " 'kDqw It., some for weeki;. election at that. to ��t the prealdent a:� n g� �ronqulst? ' �e was 'the one who and graciously ) "Prexy family the tin t ! " : I JACK Thankful Wha have to be !ltarted the vogue ot cal'irireveryone l thankful for?, I can't pay my !lIllS," delightfully In,bis place. And that la "alateI''' and "mother," WILLARD: "Then, " mM alive, be why I speak to you out of this. comer; Ruth Brown? She co�ld t Oreta thankful you aren·t one of the credl- for by editorial sanction l am privUere<1 ' GIU'bo and FHI DOrallY to\ 5 ha. me with tors." . to make comment as I chOOl5t. 1 cherish AIher ac ? H ;'\ . en good � � this unique recognIU?n. : J� :�e w': : I::�ng w� If you catch the ,aplritol this gesture, Ruth Howard? A peat.. and wI :n h-;; ..�� �_ C-:"Just a little fellow trying to get you wUl be more than ever glad ,to membered as a stealer or sample along?" He hu got along pretty well rejoin the p, L. C. family circle at the mualc. on November 11 and 12. Eric Hauke? Ooe v.'ho ac«pts shirtS so ar t f ' or he will gradua� this year HomewOOng . ' The student body. �th �gor. emfrom utter atrangers. a d p L C will l e one of Its busiest elency, a.rl'd enthusiasm, 15 orga.n.lz1ng Helen Ttngleatad? She could "out­ , . , os � students. the whole College family to welcome wli.ecr k" any Chicago fruit peddler ac Besides being an active member of former studenta, graduates, and their ever born. . . and SI!\'eral clubs, holding a responsible of- friends home again to Paclflc' Lut.h- Bill Shore? Bill was a tough eran College. On behalf of u.s all, atucould "do the drag" to perfecUon. flce In the student body and contrts c ' the nearly wasHe M :a :� butlng a great deal of ume to �e �::,�::� ��=� : � �:� ,:�� e e e. h MOOring Mast., he plays Varsity tootOf course It la more than a Joke that If we really beUeve that God Is our , too; we'd cert&1nly prexy la In a comer. Lets of people �1. He's hate to be a grldman on the opp(j81ng are � a comer these days. But do Father and man is our brother, should te'am and .see him bearing down upon not let that fact dlscoUfl!-ie you trom we not pray tha.t the PrInce of �ace u.s coming to our Homecoming. If we may come among w and bring w This person has Ught brown hair and have to sta,Y in a comer, we can at Ing peace, he l :;;; :;;; ;;;:; :;;; ;;;; ;;:;; ; :;;; ;;;; ;;:;; ; blue eyes, According to the Ia�t re- leMt help one another to make t "F ;:; ports. he la only &Ix feet three, 'and we stay happy. Happiness Is jwt around � think he has stopped growing, tit leMt the comer, you know. SO, once a.pJn, we sincerely hope he . Ouess who? WELCOME to our, your Homecom1ngl O. A. TINOELSTAD. __ SOC 18







', I

, guy



Pacific Lutneran College at Parkland emerged from the recent , convention of the Lutheran church at Fond Du Lac. Wisconsin. I stronger than ever and with an increase in financial support voted by the Lutheran body, This was the good news brought back to Tacoma this week by Dr, 0, A Tingelstad, the president. baa Some small colleges were voted into oblivion through mergers, others suffered a necessary curtailment in support. But Pacific An energeUc freshman girl who lslt:======;====tl! Lutheran at Parkland was recognized as one of the foundation stones' always In the ,thick of th1ngs? She'''' upon which the Lutheran church's educational program rests, has very dark hair, haul eyes, and the Jetl.nd '6o P.I.g,uti Strategically located to serve the great Pacific Northwest, this school kind ot teeth you usually see In tooth­ hoItddiskHO IoIto.. Culted 1 Pan" s-eems destined to a great future. -Year by year its fame spreads, and apste addll , She has Joined several . ' HI.... <:tHO Fumhklnp and Suih; are now that its need and value reaffirmed by the t:.utheran church clubs alnce entering P. L. C.. and holdll ' . Hlh )oh.. I. St...... th�re is �very reason to believe that this. school will grow steadily a position on the Mooring Mast ataff. and surely until it had become another of the West's gre�t seats of At will, th1a young lady can changej +--'----+ lll learning,-Ledger.


� Mo�outh

At her hoffie In SoUth Ticoma. Marp.iet Wesson ente ' ed Jean-Marie Fo9iler and Jeann te Knutzen at dln1ST CO-ED "What liM happenrd to ner IMt Friday. your hair'!' U 10Gb Uke .. ........ .. 2ND CO-ED "U Is .. ........ .. ,, Pres. � brqth� WI 1ST DITI'O ' Mit III'!' Wh,.. It d_', O ' A Tlnge�ve to Stlverton 100II. lUr.e one " Oteron November 5 to v t. bis father on hla 80th birthday � .say" that her Margaret brother la In the '�hmoron class to a group ' Alice Alvnell wu h . 01 her friends at the h of her parYou can loeU J_ b,. Iookinr at a foot- ents In South Bend, Saturday. The ba playu whe&.her he AI_,.,. IaqM at gueat& were Nordla Arne&O·n . . Nedra &.he coach'l jokes. Dublgh, "Bua�r" Roe. Dolorea Roe: ' e.nd Mary Lou PreWl. Remember, you can find �'hate'vrr you, want wti.en you don't ,want It by Several P. ,L. C. studenta gave a sur­ looking �'t1.e'7 It wouldn't t)e If you did prise party on Dorothy Delamarter. '32, . want It. on N�vember S, ...-' r

DAMMEL: O. J, Stuen and N. J , Hong _

oacar 'Anderaoo,

Ci&rence Roen,

Walter' drove the game,

� Prew • M� Lo� ��a� Edl�r � ,ANDERSONj " = lOG f.mlllM' wtth _ chel Make-up _ _ _ _ _ any medkaJ l.ermll·" _ _ _ Sports _ _ Clarence Monson _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MR.. BECK' "0n,l1 two.... Fowler Jean-Marie Feature Editor Reponers-Vll'Jlnla Byer.! Mart.ha Orande Arnold Ortmlund Cora Lien Robert M"DERSON: _�t are they'!''' MIt. BECK .. 'Shake well before uq.' Monson Florence PoIIt DUie Quale. Jens Rlksheim George S\'enson



Dlckle',Leland, Kathleen' POrath.

from Johnny, on h1s fint vialt to the movie:s. lrito AUIlt suaJetbewaWnr the e f f ou:�=�U:e C: u:� :U:aO tal also exceed1ngly brave, for abe Intends to be a Ub:w1an, and t.hLs after tat1nr a ' course In library Instruction under Professor Xavierl


We must have education, but we need to come back to the almple princlple, the fear of God, for by 10 doing wi can come 'auccess ully throurh triaJa and f trtbula.tiona seemingly J.naurmountable,

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Professors Speak


College 'Cho."r, Sings

V;c. - P,..;d.�t L..d. " ' Oct, 26 Mo..... M.....

r I,

PAGE � ,

�S:;��==== ' �a� Gul,lixson Spe k� s'"'f. I?I' ' .alumni

PreKh Reform�tion Sermons in The PaeUlc Luther.n College Choir The Ml&sion Society held Ita regular �, r, F, Oull1xsOn: vice' preal.4ent of Tacoma. Spokane,. Idaho " contributed t.hree muaical n�n at m�un&, on Wednesday, Oct.. 28, in the the No",-egian Lutheran Church of

. , ' Anderson. '28, formtt editor the �vanrel1 aUc meeUnp he1d by Rev- mreauon room, with Leon.rd Wes- Ani,erica and president of the' Luther ofAlfred MOoring Mut., Is ' ...orldn, at Rev, J, p, Pflueat:r, professor of �_ erend T, F. Gu1JiXsoD in the Central son In charge, in the absence of the Theolorical Seminary, Saint. Pau),- M1n- � the dad's store. £he W ' &ton Hudl�on, OCCUpied the pulpit. nr Luther Luther.n church,' of which Reverend president. Ard1ll Aarhus led In de- nesota, ad�� the student body, at .j Memorial. church, Tacoma.. ' Sunday, No- Hene Is pa.stor;_ voUon and p",yer, Walter U$t&d rend- Its regu lar p� Thursday in addlvember 6, Rev, Mlkkel 1.4no. p&.5tor The first song the choir sang tlon to his co� of sermons, given 111 several Of ered a vocal 3010, and was the led topic graduates are work. of the church. in PorU&nd that "0 5a.cred Head," deplcUng the Cruc1- by Leonard Wesson. �ntral ,Lllthe",n Church I� Ta�a.. .kUr ln Petersburg, AJa.ska, 'Hanna An. day, where he spoke at a joint Lu t.ber- lldon of Christ. ResurrecUon A short busJ.neS5 meeUng was held, tbroughout the ,,-cek, Oc�r 23 .� de� . '28 is teaching In 'the grade an RdormaUon fesUval. and GUSt.aVWI finshown In the The number, "In in ""hich placed the Novt:mber 30. . ____ school. .;(;;. Bertha '23, I.a teachAdolphus trI-centennial celeb",Uon. Heaven Above," �d chou � for lmporunce at the was The n the lty w of t Pock� Test&ment al � : he�e---, high school. On October 30, Reve�nd Pf1u� Its last number "Beautiful Savior:' League, The s iety decJded to buy a GuPerao n's talk, In .J* Sail ' " Inl' in�the oc e. which 15 now on thell1x5o Maakestad. tormer PacIIiC preached a Reformation day sermonr The Choir rved refreshm� poster for the Lea( grHtest power. men exert over one �th erend � , Is pastor U ",n Academy In the American Lutheran church at in appreciation at setheir sJ.ng1n!i'....... display another erted e by person lity, Ig on or the churches udent on the bulletin board. The ' 1!1 x a there. ms' wife. ' Lewiston, Idaho. The following numbers of the p. L., C, meet!ng was by a word of which may ,be either a good or an evil Loura Ellefson, also iT1ld Rev. T. O. Svare, college"pastor. went Choir Repertoire are now In ttle , pro- p",yer by Rev. Pfleuger 'and the Sln�- Influence, He stated. that a C'hrts� th A demy, . from . , uated to Spokane to preach a Reformation The of study: Three Kinp, Locd Ing or the Doxology. pe�nallty is a �at Influen<;e tor , sermon In the Lutheran church of Our God have Mercy. A SOow Moun. ,good and th.t �e power for good In .a t Porath. '32. drove to the _:hlch Rev. M. B. Tolletsrud is pastor. �I�S�: oa:,��g�t ':� an e: ' Hallowe'en Party" . ::�:�. 6:t.:= Yln�ue::a. �!: �=��f�:C�flf cred -c�= �:: -Above. and BeautUu) Savior. Other More Th'an 1 00 Attend the. scC?pe or human beings, students. r e f T. L. I:: Banquet �ridayl��:e ����� :;: '�e�1s �:�,� :: Delores :id �li ��:.:.:nd Alice th� ������ �� �:ll=�g O� Fred Mau. �, is attending Capital yn H ' . With more than 100 persons attend- ··Hossanah," series of addresses the IIrst of a University --, In CoI.umb,. Ohio. lng, the banquet of the Tacoma Luther A3 yet there are no detlnlte plans, At the Pep Club meeUn!t �tober 27. course to � given twice yearly ov�r Alice Alvnes and Allce and, DeIO� an extended period at time In Cen� Inftbord Bolstad. '21, Is teaching at Luther League last FrIday e\'cnl ng though there have been numerous Roe acted as hoste55ea for a Hallowe en Lutheran Chcrch� Rev, E, M. Rene � the Parkland ChUdn!n'l Home In EverIn the f'trst Lutheran Church of Ta- quests for concerts. . c�, coma, ."Crooked spines made straight" The president of the Choir ,is Bill party. wa.s the ' topic at the main address de� Whalen, aud IU is, Place·cards and appolntment.s In .the . There are 122 students In attendance Hallowe'en motif were used In decora- at ·Luther ·Theologlcal SemInary, one Walk'r M, French, '21), visitor at the livered by Rev. E. M. Hegge, He stress- Norman Westling. ' of whom Is a former P. .L. C, student, achool Jut week. is n091 attending t ed the fact that "'hat youDg people ::re:, d��u.:�·lac�C:et =u� d BelU(IIham Normal. served the refreshment&. while Allee 'Little 'Fairies' Hike :::� s=�t���u:!e�:,ak:, �� Flapperr or Football them u",lght. That '·.somethlng" ilc- Men Bedeck Major With �::s�. dressed as a, witch. told forl n To Mill Pond Oct. 27" t Hegge, was faith in ,,!' :r�' J�:r; :,: .:. �� �dO:Z:i Rosy-Colored Features 1 The pr0gT8.m Incl.uded a �ng by :��!rd :f�, Po·rath Goes Wading ChinOOk. a ��,,"::�:,'n�ereu,ochrom' ",d IIttl, n : R�:''''�'M��'N��n:''th:':'''': ":�;:�r��: ��:"�: ���� greeUngs from the presldent3 at the ��:: :��l,�ege mascot look llke R:th g �: �:����f�� ��= :UlY Bodley dreSS Doro :s ; ::= �:��Iness followed meeting . sn r h a e Ta�a. . way lAke, where the Hlklng Club-took !:v��� !:=� �num�� ·V:a.7· !l: Extry! EKtry: At last we've found by program. by Don Cory and Anna MIkkelsen, the person (dog to be exact) who It s fmot. hike of the season on October , Stanley Beren�n, '30, . and Carrol ' wh1stUng numbers by the Wadsworth doesn't tlke to be unique and different.. Hoo.ver Wi n s in. P. L. C. 26. Svare,� are attendl"" Bt. Olaf colBrothers, and a plano selection by .Carl Poor Major has been a forlorn looking w a Straw Ballot Election hBU�=' �e:�h :, c:::a �:nc�� lege In Nor,thfleld, Minnesota. �=:: comprised the music Gn the �I ! t;;::::t ' , ' ��th '; she la�;OUSIY he�Ved it �s f:�b���enW:��: Beauty Shoppe The dinner was prepare<! and served bedecked our faithful ca.nlne friend, At a st"'W ball�t held here Monday, acrou a vast ellJl:RllS«! of water, The � nadele � ,. n� by the ladles of Circle 2 of the f'trst only the �ty party and the martyr November 7, Hoover was elected presi.- , era asPoS;:::�:.:' ate:: :::':.1 s:� :... � :� ; Lutheran Church. Walter Young . "ill ever know, but since neither 'PIll dent. He won over Roo5evelL by ten poe toastmaster, speak-one can't and the other won't--;- votes. "C in" Harvey came In with what happened to her. Wo�der ?U her Bh � and Pin,er Wave 75<: J-HalrcaUiD( . shoes shrunk from that ng O the action will always be,. mystery. 10. votes and ' �. E,;perlO(LaM.b!.I' Permanent W ...m, Norman Thomas' with 7 An uneXpeCted.. me�ber of the group, QAl. Meeting , Then came the rain, the gentle, clean, Haye SpeCial Parkland land ltiS-R-2 as HOQver to compared 56 and Roose- of the canine tamily, appeared. upon .0 s Mato ' lmportant ' Q (most and refreshing. -the scene just In time to' take a bite at jar) the cleansing rain from heaven. velt's 46, l Par k land !-:ber Shop some groaned at It's coming, The balloting r.ollowed a political ::: =�� d: v=� s���m��I:g �::::. �:da�� :ov� ItAlthough g e ", cau.sed Major's repuJ,au: �become convention held in the recreation room gry ember 7. at which they decided that again ' Confectionery on the square a.s 1 t e spec� of the school. Oscar Anderson, acUng and In n� of a ·lltUe bit. of nourthe girls sh;)uld take charge Qt sell1ng 1shment gave him the whole fl c e the programs at the oClwnbla-:-Paclfle :� ��::� ���_::� :��re::ed Ch�":�� In;��::.e��r:a:::. (That �as Just an exc� loraa.ndwlch. not eatGF;O, KNUDTSON, Prop, pe g . Lutheran College game. Saturday. Nov. by U,s gentle cleansing power, the other dog left). _ __ __ _,_ � son stressed the tact that Hoover had Ing what 12, It was also decided that the club , It. later dl.scovered, none of r-----: should put In Its bid fo� the candy ��;u�� �:����d�ThU: �fOUthD� ��:�:�:n:u:� ':ro� ���ge. theAi;girls had attended the Olympics, e booth tor Drama Night. Nov. 11. ,Ilof the Ba.skervtlles" we all like him Representing the Uberty Party and they lruUtu� ::,:g marathon all just a.s much ever. How would we "Coin" Harvey, Walt.E:r Young spoke on the way bac ' school mascot? the revision at the mone� system. get along without Football­ t wesa: � Cad 'f" y MartIn Here's to Major! Vlrginta Byers, speake1' for the So- werMarpr-e Balketball­ claUst Party told In behalf or Norman e deeeribed In e aye me Baseball for your GOd. Young people, t�k Thomas ho� the revtSlon of the money column th'- week. , Sealon-Christian homes! system woul4,prevent the aceumulaUon You will enjoyof all the w"r;th into a tew handa. DR. WM. SMITH g MEDOSWEET Residence : P�land =:e��� :t!: ·ar:::e:O: Brookdale Market fac' tha, Hoo,", "'" no' don. anyGARLAND 01,69-)-4 ICE CREAM thing for the i&st four years, P�rkland GA. o.I 45-R-2 � Any �eason. SATURDAY'S BROOKDALE ' HOME MAID LUNCH P.rkland Coif Course Pot Roast lOc pound I S holes BARBER SHOP Excellent Greens Parkland, Wash, Brookdale 1 5 minutes from city '







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Monmouth Normal Downs Lutherans On Muddy Field


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PARKLAND, WA.$HINOTOf\ ------".: . . -




· P L �. Team Defeats Dorm Pllinfiers Will . Fort Lewis. 40, to 0 Meet Noted Dames· �

Lu'he�... m . To s.... A. wlil.... '. A....,.tlon P,.Will In P..,locI of Came B.ttf. Coac" Moe', At Army Field October 19 pn.. "to, . "'I� I � 0II. Sat ' • -. ' Team · H


e . e�: �= ��d: =��LI: What wjll � �r th� 6cl� t w and o t Le m ��� 07:::: lug pm:e "h�n ·th�,Noted Oaml!ll @e Fort b BatUrd"Y afternoon �: =�I:e�:·at ..rlll �oua' hou� the-Donn Pl mouth Nonna.) rrom Oregon rn!U"Ched finish would seem in order, judging from the suicide schedule that the pme and were not in seriOus dan- In the Llncoln �1, only Um� 'wUl tell. . for three tOuCh��W� I:t & to we have battled against this year. ger once during the game. d' tlon .of eoaC�es Swede ' ��:::� ��e �cl c t eraDF'rl� ilege .The Lutheran fQI"Ce8 tq. take. U�de and cute!) S. S. ) . . e . ; ]N\lIard 0 to Coach Olson could hne h.d th.erteserves that romped the Army eleven rl&"�t . o�f their feet f the la. . r, a're' foot.ball �ttle oe·o M . The 51i ' condltiOn of the field aroundIf our r e camp last leason e chedu would have been meat �r:::::�� ��':� :�� �� � � �l be s� bet1rreen �he halves at !� handlcap::7he LutherlUl pony baek: tt: I ed O o p 1I" pme, At . medin, field. who had to resort to str&1ght folt:nr boys. But our c�h tin t a psychic. . Uncle Sam's' twenty-yard stripe. on' the Hom� football tactics, Th\.(l pro\'ed to be a S. S. the ball and. yesterday ,.rte�, e g1rla .elec� took Jacobson reve�, a Some of the teams we met this year were considered the sped around left" end for the Initial Mary· NIUh.m.arager f both t.euna. bigger advantage ror the Oregon team. wh� wel.ght was deciding factor best in the Northwest and not one of them crossed our goal line counter. 'The NO� Dam=-�:- !r:a ' . in this met�od of play. have . . The rest of the �tlJel"lLll5 scores da! IJIr.ts. . eF10ugh to give us a drubbing. _ t a In each �riod of t�e pme. Ulat would came S, . S. ' . . �u�:: oo�:':: =n . tea�:���7:::I���g : :���; . th � ':"t touchdown, the ��r Short�y O uad a s of t en of y-two men, our mentor had about . t l�ethe in �t1ona but on several' occa.slons had th"e ball fif�n !� sixteenq g idders� 'atven �:� � I t! that were experi�nced enou,h � �e u.�. :a;:�ato�:..;. thc encmy's territory. � N:::U";;'e. up to many of the mOl!lt menacin, nlitla InThe up of b! ch- 'j, �tUng (ullb�� Teachers' scores came In the The odds were against us. If one. of our was Injured. It �k, tucked the plg_ In IIChoat and . haa ato�remind one of first. second. and third periods, SCrag- affected the whole team. And they say th� president has a tou,h hard skin In hIa 1U'lTl8 and &maahed off warmers that tends OUle �e gins. norrpal full. bucked the ftrst from job. tackle for the second counter. The a standing army at ease. dOCtpr the Gladiators' one·yard stripe. alter ' boy. water chOl!len been haa . .:d S. S. . second period opened up with anotherl & series of line plays. with Mahan and In full- strength ( which was not very often) we had a team rally by the an� after .a Chler runabou� for the Dames •. w , e . and SCroggins taking the leading role. Ed- that was manager e yell wUl'b L1udahl Irene the end and lIne.bu ks of series ' on par with any of them. Although our pony. backfield � ::�� �:��r���e ab�ln �v:un�rri��� was too smaJI to be a serious threat, they had a line to stand back �::;a�d.w:tha�eln=:�: ��; 1�;'Dorm Plungen have prepared a . It hall been reported, end ror- nine yards. sc�ns ended of-and permit me to add, what a line! ball. the third counter mBde. . lot of secret plays S. S. the scoring In the third period with The last three counten were put over so thLs eleven. under BUlI�1' Roe. will Without fear of contradictiQn, I can truthfully say that our by Hanson, Moe and SCOre the re- olgr the visiting ag�tlon plenty of . another buck through center for- one yard. forward wall was the sweetest front line. of defense of any small suit of,...., �he aerial attack �d wide stiff opposlUon. The- subs on the . Whalen and Willard were the shIning college in the state. That line put more denh in the opposition'. sweeps around the Army'S ends. The 'Plungen' team have not been announcn e aI totaled 31,5 yards from 00, �:� =�OU�� MI': �:c: ,,!s t�a� ·th�y coul� have received had ·they bent their method. Gladiators �'��I� ���Ia�:�w� b� �:ih� �!t ::: Iofhitransportation r. tV: m h th ri against a conSr.ete step. on &eretandlng performer on the field. Me;� =t�eo!s ���.:": ,;;!: :�test. M� N:h will carry s the I1 a 12 paasee �= Of water boy, doctor and yell f t 6 � r lose, I to but t t grace � fun di win. � n cons it's der�ng the � ::� :O �;� �; � :l�� r�eld-:�d ���: 1� ��Ce: W��k. Oppos. t'� r. . i e o . no I Ion, their record, and the battle we gave them. Th l s 'Is SCroggins. McKenzie, Whlt'! and EdMeMUlan, Moe. Frye and Jacobson L1neups .lU't: on the Teach· "Tom Brown at· College" epistle: it just happens to ":York out that were wards were olltstandlng DOnn PlQ�" the big IJUllII for the Lutherans' Noted Da_ ers' team. �1th SCroggins dplng most way. In the· backfield, while cronquist, Mar- Evelyn Irwtn ....REL....:.:ntc!'1e �land of the ball toting. These tour men erson S. S. . Anna M the in shone . rd WIll Whalen tin '\lid ' & were the only Jane WIWfUDS ROL:......, ..t IPPetOY p Peculiar--once in a while you. meet a few students who find' lIn�. 'Ben ; �Id Bryan to be constant worry for the . erUe Lroved it difficult to suppresl their school spirit. Seven in number fell vic- Army ba. utherans. who. made any yardage' Marpret weasoiI. 0.... thleen Porath tim 'to that instinctive call and followed the football team to Mon- agalllAt . ACh ,oJaon's cha.rgea. and Shirley Hecht ....LOR.. ...\....B:llaJO�n The lineup: 'p, L. C. (0) (19) Monmoath mouth. It mUlt take Ichool lpirit to ride in "TinY'I" car .that f,r. LepP. rtlht end, the maln threat Mary Lou Prtt1.5LTR... ..MI,BchlenneYer Score . .LER PhlJlIps S. S. · In the Une. Hazel M01l8en ....LER..........\..J. Knutzen Cronquist . .. . ..LTR.... Gustafson But leaving all joking aside, our ,ooting section of seven made lJDeup: Evelyn Mowon ....Q_.............".BwterRoe.. Runsvold ... LOR... . McKenzie the Monmo.uth section appear as if they had throat disease. Even p. L. C. (ttl Collins ....LHR. ......... ....LJlaRudd (0) Army ........ Harp Anderson was so !ouched by this minimum display, that he yelled 8cor'e .........:....... LER.... ............... Lepp Helen R. Frye ...... ........ . C.... Georg. McClure RHL.............Delorea Roe n . . ...... .. so ha rd his glasses fell off. ;::�:: .............�....��:..:: .. ..:.. �d:.a� M��: ��:t�);!��Al::� �;:�: . S_ S. � . . . . . ...�.��:::: ::u . Wlllard . .. ....... REL.. Squire neSll. �Ice �is is just an example to show what each individual ha. to Fadness ...... . .......c.... . .. Lowery rothy Wlnso� Agnea Lang oe . .. . Mahan play in making our homecoming a resounding success. We've ,ot Whalen M Q . . .. ... Bleld Johnson. Jennie Iverson. ..... .ROL Hanson LHR Gretsch to show our alumni that this homecoming is more than just an MartIn .. .an.. . . ....-......... Kelly Edwards occasion--it's for them. Jacobson RHL WU1ard ...REL............... . Coloalne T s Sh S ATTENTION .GIRLS t : :m':::::::: : : : : ::::" 'M�� u outh Mon g o Those who are In charge �f t�;s gala a ffair are working hard � �= _ � :�ns Edwards tr or point yt and s ince we all voted to have thiS homecoming. there IS no reason Jacobson NA"HA,�UAN�R. ...RHL..................... Berry I �� why we can t make It a big on N Substitutions P 1.. C-McMIlIan 8oy"to,,', SefYic. ..·:.L:·C:=R:·me��� S . S. s:!�tuuom . Shuster Monson Knutzen Fadness -Let's all remember this: next Saturday afternOOIt at 2:30, l�n, J�lr.. McM1llan. Pflueger, Mon� 00>---LevinSon: Monmouth-White. Gordon. Cronquist, Carl Martin, John Fadnes., Bill Whalen, Tri, RUlllvTed oid son. F. Knutzen, Roach, V. Knutzen. Allen. Bennette, Burke. TIpln. Haymon. and Carroll Jacobson, don the Gladiator uniform for the last time: Hyatt. Their .work on our team has been above the avera,e, and thei; PATRONIZE

Cladiator BKkfield Forced to ReBy C MONOn _ . . 'sort to Straight Football and . . Lose by 1 9-0 Sc: re : Willard and ,,--,-, ----------:------- --------____ , _:" __ • Whalen Exc� Next S ' aturday afternoon in the lincoln Bow ,," our or an�e-clad . , In' a field of sticky mUd. the Mon- troopers caB their 1932 f90tball campaign to a finis. A dramatic























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next year will be a severe blow to our grid hopes. When we 4, absence witness their last ,.me, let's give these boys a hand, they defe'rvejt. S. s.

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S. S. The next year was the same. Then like Ii,htning out of the clear sky, hi. feet beume biller and hi. body actually a:rew in pro�rtion. He m'"ade- the fint tea;: �heer penistency. . For three years:now he has played regular on the Lutheran team an'd 'has turned out to be one of tt{e best . pivot men in the Northwest. A r�al player, as I see him. 'and i decided improvement from his initial turnout.

S. S, A,a;..' Colu.. b;" h. pl.ys h;. In. ,.... 10' P. L. C, 'and iud,in, hom the work on the Lutheran tum for the last three yean, I take this privile,e of payine my hi·....t tTibute. to John "Fud" F.acI­ neas, known by his .uociatea .. "A beauty in dit:pile."



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Rev. G. Henrikoen, .Fo·rmer Po L. C. Board Member, Pa"". in Portland 0/ Cerebral. Hemmorage Nov.

I Sucass In· s·I°ght rlOr


o Le. Financing; Tingel$tad- In East -

Backen of Plin· Ho...f�1 fo, Best, �.sulh. Accordin, to in LeHar S· ent· · Statemenh To Moo.ring M...t

Several outsIde speakers have ad- N����:et�S;n�:� :�te oung. For the purpose of aiding In the drive dressed the student body In chapel ex- Bod was devoted ton:taking�: for funds and to attend the meeting o� . e�1ses recently. Notable among. them leCtl �n tor the Red Cross. It the American Lutheran COnference, are Sadhu John Nelson Chrlstlananda. nounced that the COmmunlt Pres. O. A. Tlngelstad and Rev. T. O. holy man of India; Miss Mable Thor- drive -would be handled thr/ h Svare have gone to the Middle West. stenson. field ag.ent for the deaconess classes. each class president � Dr. Ttngelstad left Saturday, Novem­ home and ho,si;lltal .in Chicago; Lleuten- sponslble COllector:. for appointing ber 12. ,Immediately following the ant-Colonel Abbott Boone. F»rt Lewis ; near to a hUndred per cent Homecoming banquet to attend the Of the United . as possible is des.lred by the d Americim Lutheran COnference Con­ ::�e. ;�te��:!:.t:� . ulty and the board or control. who vention. and Rev . Svue Idt Monday, Native Indian Speaks ommend thiS method of handling No.v. 14. to spend a month helping Paul Sadhu John Nelson Chrlstlananda. a· drive. and . Victor Eivestrom to raise naUve Indian, who spoke November 18. for the Irnmedlp,te needs of the d s a t i ���:t��: ��lsI�!�a�e �� Ph: �,,� Cora Lien Heads The Moorini Mast receIved a from Mr. Preus and Mr. E1vesmission where he works as a member Faculty W of the lower caste among people of a Honor List ith clfic Luth�ran College were grleved to Grove. Neb: from 1906 1913; Portland, higher class.. At present he 15 making In lver potn� were stated toilows: Av,erage of 2.82 �:;:��h;o�:I��d��::��e:�� �e�; ��... a sb:ty day tour of Ule United States as �l�!: ;9��. H� . had te . part of a journey around the world. -several months of Impaired health, Rev. made secretary ot the Pa.c1t1c o��:A:�:� �u�� e u �U � B� ��!:� :eU: � 23 Names on First Qua,rter Henriksen suffered a,cerebralhemmor. In 1924, and was at Pond'du Lac,Wbc:IoDtstn. : l �l t�. � on November "8. from'whlch he did Paclflc Lutheran College In 1926 In recommendaUon of Inferrlng India to aU others through Junior College Roll : 1 2 on6 age not fully recover before his. death. He 1927. creased app'ropriation. but allowing DO High: School List, With was which he has traveled. residing with hls wife at the home Henriksen president of the soUcltatiori during 1933 Purther favorwas Rev . . DI" stlnctlve of their daughter and son-in-law. StePh�n Society lrom 1913 to 19l'J. and able action thereafter � anUclpated. Miss �'::t':o::=�:�';he deat he �hJnney Ridge LuthHenriksen was closely &&SOciatwas pastor of .Attended. hearing · be(ore COmmIttee Rev. · coness home and hospital In ChlCltgo.. With average of 2.82. Cora !Jen ed with Pacific Lutheran COllege. sInce eran Church in Beattie from 1921 until on HIgher Education of the Americ&fl spoke on "Christian Investments . holds the leading .place on the Junior he had been vice president Of the .col- a ye� ago when he was forced .to re- Lutheran Chun::h at Pond Lac, WLsWednesday. November 16. In her taik . college honor,roll as compiled for the . member. sign on account of poor health. Since consin. resulting in presen",duUon to the. Boa�d of Trustees and a I first quarter of the 1932-33 school {Cont.mlle-d on � Three) executive comm�ttee of the boIlrd then. he has been residing In Portland .General COnvention of, resolution !IC, In all, 23 names are on the In. 1926 he was field secretary with his daughter and son-In-law. ommendlng approprlaUon and pledwing while 12 on the high of the endowment cam- The Mooring Mast staff. on behalf of suppeirt � do everything that the Lord last, six are on the Drama Night Dec. 9 these of Pacific Lutheran college. ' the Associated Students of Pac1!lc enables the Chlireh to do to aasu� the honor roll./ be (CollUn� on Pap- Three) t ra list In with college· averages :: �:0 ��� Crou)ps Organ�se. Choose Secre- CI:� la . ' M�;:·�7C����:�: ;e�:� ;ne����'d:e�:SSy�p��y u: : d e h l H n taries and CommiHee Chairmen e �_�:�� ;�:he=�:. �:!�: �en��� :: AlJlmni� Students :�::! �,.: i891 � ��i�:�: �;n� �yers . · 5 ary of Cleveland 1895 to 1896; Luther Henriksen was indeed a man of God. December 9 Is the date set by the William Zier . ···:22:503 Semn� 1897 to 1900. In 1900 'he was expressing the truest an41-kindest Chris- Atten d HOmeCOmIng Drama Club for Its second group of Lorraine Thoren . orda�ed Into the Lutheran Ministry tlan sentiments wherever he bad a ' -- . . . 2.50 and presentations for this year. The group Margaret Wesson . a pastor In Qn:l.aha, Neb. chance to do some little act of kind- Clouds opened and poured out their . 2.48 fromserved decided to have the November and De- Edgar Larson 1900 to 1904; �rved In Broken ness for hl5 beloved Lord and Savior. welcome to alumni w� Came' to ·the ...2.41 cember Drama Nights put together. to Helen Collins me In which �t a rs al . v � �v�:����c�� .home�o:.. � :.:: : :�:� p::;�� U :.:::...::::��� A. Knutzen Ordained. Delta Rhos Plan Tea ::U The festivities started wIth a �e 2.33 . Nellie . Olson That first place in the Drama Night thro'!-8h� ...... 2.29 Craduate of College '27 Acceph Day Room Cirls Will Entertai., of · decorated presentations of November 11 has been Georgiana McClure h Old . Mothe Soon rs C d . . .. , . . .. �� Call at Toledo, ·Ore �::�: �! :a�:� ::;'o�=� ::::�w::' �':n::n:=;��nt �� �� �r���� . .. n �n . el�t�=�:�= :�e:t:.c= ·;:: ::nn:� C �:;: K� J d � n. graduat nu of the Arthur e K : . . :: .. ::�� t7.e : �� . ve y . :�;�g �:!:Sm: :4' ��:=: ;: . .....2.11 high school department in 1925 and ot voted to sponsor a mothers' aDd dauab- interml&s1on ' between \be. seCond and given to "The orange-�IOred Neck- l{athryn Johnson ... playa, to a listened audJ� tile t.hi.rd .11 2 :. ......... .. t�, u 1' 1927, in the in tea. division college iLrtemocm Junior ters' the nutzen took Jeanette E K I tie," and third to "The conomical Myrven lAne pep rally stqed by' .. .. .......... .. . .....2.11 the vows ot ordination into the �t.h- A commlt�, compo&ed of R.achel· ·fUteen minute Boomerang." President Trygve Runs- Olena ...... 2. 0 .' and members of the .�. 1.. C. student body Hecht 5 t Wagbo 8b1rley . (�J. $20 been that � had void announced, eran mInhtry e.t Burlington. W8.l!h.. i er e as J 1' : : ��:�on�rc:; : ���:,�; �ra:=ynso� Cle;:: :::e:o��ct�:r:� ofltaniud :;1 ;:t · . . . . .... ............ ::::��: �unday. November 20: Mr: Knu� :�ta!: team. Luther Theological � Radio COmpany. ·from graduated 2,00 O'Br:le� football Wilma therru;elves. and each one 'has Freda Hendr:lcks�m ...... .......................2.00 Bemlnary in'the 1932 and has ac- It decl4ed that vartoua jewelers PL.C. ended th1a aeaaon's football within was · ch()6en� a title and elected a r;ecre1 tary. ve honor roll: cepted a call to become pe�nt pas- In Tacoma.. be asked to quote a prtoe schedule in tbe homeeomins Wt Sat.Group number one. under Oick e Le- H�gh school dlsUnct.!. �urtress. Paul Larson. Janice tor In the Lutheran Church'or Toledo. on the Delta. Rho 01unma. pins 'brerore urday afternoon ap1nat COlumbia Un!land. has chosen the name "FootUsht PeDelores securtng them frOm'Merrick and Race. veraity In the LJ.ncoIn Bowl aiDici a tersen. Paul Pre�b.. Oalores Roe. Ore.. where he wUl »e. lnstalled next where L Revelers," and have named Olga Overthey have gotten them before, steady downpour of nJ.n. ·ApprO:k1ro.Atesunday. , Bcblanbusc . ·Ue secietary. ClarencesMOnson property Fredencka . After .graduation from PacHlc Luth- The montbly luncheon of the .club ly 150 attended the bomecom1na: �school. honor roll: chairman, and Irene LIndahl' bead of Hlgh Ray Hlnderlle. Willlam Pflueger. NorCollege In 1927. Mr. nutzen at.wIll be held in the recreation room to- quet. which tooII:: place In the 'nCOma. K 'play-read1n8. committee. . "" theGroup rna .Preus, Rolf Preus. Helen Spencer, tended at. Olaf College, from which he morrow. �I PUnt. social c:balrmaD HoC.el saturday evenJ.q. '� wh1eh number tw�. headed by Rachel Johil graduated in 1929. On November 5. he or the club. was appoint.ed to IU'I'&%lP PreB1dmt·'nngelstad .... �. Stuen.. " Pllnt, Is now. known I.S lbe. "Slaie Rom, stud�t body p.rei!dent, was man1ed to MlM Marcla. Hare of the menu. Steppers." Margaret WeMOn Is the . . C� welcomed the cuesta; Irme Dahl. alum- � . property chairman, anti no secretary German Club Civet Luncheon Northfield. Minn.. at Northfield. tool!: place pr cer��es on respooded ; ADDa. ' KikkelThe ealde�t, u n! on11na h .. � League rinity and playre� chalnnan have bee!!. M:9_re than 25 students attended. the . thes. e ch h n w Mr Knu . v. A. E, Myhre of &:,uth 1'f,coma sen san&" three �; Ola.l. � . \.t �e.h of t�e year l1ven ,.ester- lr1"ien wasam ure and chosen. "The Drama-'!lClS." tI,S group fi.rst IUncheon on irmed and waa the .auesi speaker at the rneeUnc ·01' and Georre Crqflqulat spob; " � f · bapUr.ed z Ger, three:1s now deslgna�, has selected .. day in the.recreat1�n roc:im by the R v. Rasmuaen. whoCconfirmed him. the 'TrinIty Luther LeafUe, November Torreecl&l pve two � Uwf, secietal')': .�ees AndreW&, as prop.. man, Club. . A commJttee of Kathleen e 1.. �v. H. 1.. Pos:a, who.offl� 20, He sPoke on the sup.,eet. ..Chai'aeter LewIs Hunter preMD� �wo � . Porath (ch&trmanJ. Marpret- Wesson � crty cha1nn&n Evelyn '-Ir:w1n; and of ordlnaUon. n the ceremony and ReputaUon." Tbe rat 01' the pro- 8Oloe. Uemben.eIl &be Board 01' Con.. . pJat-f1:!&d1nI: cha1rlna.n VirJ!rl1a B"ra. and wuUe Pfluecer. planned the affa1r: I ." &be • Ir&m .· 1pcluded..Jre&d1nr by � t::01 ell the s�t bod:J.. •t at . Cl&rence Lemming ia the head cf Uda To· s1ni !'t a prorram. p1&nnect. tor some. and voc,aJ. solos by Kel� JU1d.. speakers'. -�' . Weuon HOMe tJa� L. D. R. M..,. at Hauge octet an ber. m Dec::e in Urne . �.' Tbe clean-up commJttee aPP!Jlnted formed of club members.. In it are �tb.- . 3b&t. � next meeUn;l" of the Luth- A� P1res1de Hour � the collele re- Thouah ' the � ,... 01'0-: 'a1'� the bf.Dquet. · the COl· , �recediDI" c1alb' cepUon �1'ore the 1'1nt. J;)ram& NJcbt 01' th1I ryn Job,pson. Anna II1khlaen, Karpr_ �DIlt1lbtenl 01' � Ref� e. . ::=:t��:� ::: :: : ���e�� �= � :m � �;, ;::� =: Q :; � ��:�:=�!s!:: :: �= . =�:;Sa�pe . � to \be .1'eR1YUl..� • � � ' :en . ,. Thank1n�.H by Pres:l�t Kathryn Johnaon.. rer and �Old OrlmlUl!d, �r, •








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NOVEMBER 23, un2.



. �l1umni

Published every t.wo weeb durlnl the school JNI' "by the students of Pacific Lutheran COUe(1!. Parkland, WashlnJt,on En�rN as �nd elMs matter. October 2, 1925, at the P,OIJt. Office at Parkland. Wa.s.hlng:ton, under the Ad of March 3, 1879.



:O:�C:ta==:e;:��� :�=; .J At th; H�m1nc Banquet � re-

of .arIowI· alumni: Sankey .10� .,1 teachtnl at P'oull-. bo, w'uf.! �-'" M� � "n teachl�1 at P,ort. . " .. ....:/': -.-.:.___� .�... =� ..... L· ? . .p ::.,:.... . . EDITORIAL STAFF Viola Knuwn "31 teachlnl at PeanOn. Mary Loulae! PreWl Editor . ����� Editor H=� :f?�� Many an �, eate; this momln" wu PR0P'E88?R : '�t, La .he mCNIt com- Harold Oray '31 teaehtng at Midland. h e. g ����eM:O= cackled over IUt. :rt:' PeoPle?' the ,�, of = �;:s :;:n�� a::tt�� ��e Editor J L P'red Walter. '3:1: attendlnl·C. P. S. '�CMwlnrStanley Score 1st Co-ed: "Can ;ou keep a seeret? STUDENT: Typst BJIJ RumU!l&en '3:1: 'staytnr .at home In L. A. REPORTER$-VlrfI:lnla Byers. MRrtha Orande. Cora Lien. Robert Monson, 2nd �tto: "I can. but It'� Just my luck JOE COLLEGE: "'�"hat are . you doing Burl1n(tori. to tell It to someone who. can't." Florellce--Post. Dille QjJ.ale. Jell!! Rlk:o;.helm. Leonard WeSt.On. Fred .scheel '3\'1 studying. Usherles at a In about ' tonight? How takln L. A: - Carl MarUn CHAUFFEUR : "A cup of coffee, movie? It'1I tate· our min' off the . U. of W. Business Manager - - BUSINESS STAFF Marga�t Wesson doughnuts. and 50me griddle cakes." d'!presslon,'" Assistant BUSiness Mana�r Bb.b Reid '32 attending C, p, S, Advertlslnl Manager Jane WUlIams WAITRESS : "Cyllnde� 011. a couple of TOM DITTO: "Sorry, but 1 can't make Gladys Knutzen '28 aoln,. office "lll'ork Dalores Roe non-skid!, and. an order of blo"lll'out It, I've !rOt a brld,e date." , In .�tUe, Circulation Manager . . JOE COLLEGE: "Well, that's O. K.. Ruth Jacobsen .'31 teaching lit Sl1ve1"� �elyn Monso� patches." AlI4lstant Circulation Manaler Faculty Advben dale, O. J. Stuen and N, J, Hong 1.00. • I'll Jump off with you." L, A, Ruth FadneM '28 t.eachlna' at Plfe L, A, One "lll'ay to be 'Uu1rty this "lll'inter LUTHERAN EDUCATION n o M I n · connect io� with education week, w��ch" is :elebrated early �::� :=�����l���::;'�'n bed I ��:n: r��e:l:r�� �;;' �:��� near ' . . . In N.ovember. It lS w�1 I for stud�nts of PaCifiC LutHeran College to seU, Endicott • JEAN-MARIE: "I wonder If Bert . �onsl der what a religiOUS education means to them. Should moralH....ald' Berent80n '3:1: teaching at Ed�shaves?" . Ity be tau�h t in cOrinectio with bools,. learning. or should the two 'I\lm baCkwar�' � ' sOn.. ' urn backward. 0 � . be kept distinctly separate. Daplami '30 teaching at. EMt. " Edna' . time, In thy flight. and glve'us the da I ' H OU MET? · O,!r Lu !heran sch ?Ols all over the country have been temper!r:""Ig apln, when subscribers AVE Y Stanwood. ""rote hea� . -"31 teaching at Lake�orah �y With education .for years and have truly been successful leters t to the new' ape� about. tht: A cheerful Individual. whQ has plenty Marle 'Vandlnburl a&h �scorching" down In their endeavors. as adj udged by the living examples set by the to . peed-de . to dO; but never lets It worry him? He bay, W , ; graduates of these institu tions. ' Many thousands of people have M::lS S tS n at L&ltebay, \ ree t on helr biCYcles. teaehlng '31 Olsen sings In the cholr, holds an otllce In Evelyn dedicated their . whole l i. ves to furthering Christ's cause in our L A. Wash. hI! class, saw action In most of this schools, and their works have not been fruitless MR HIGHBY 'W a bbles. and scason's football game�, and talte"A part Axel M, La.rsen. Iraduate of Pacltic Ve�y .noticeable progres.s has been made in L�theran education. w�Rt 'dO you \io- 'r:r �h:r�:,� Lutheran Academy In 191�, was matrled The mtll lQns of doll.ars which have b�en expended in the faithful KLIPPEN: "Rabies are Jewish prlest.s. In several other .school activities. to Dorothy Meeke� of , . He also s� high on the honor roll, on ?ct.ober. pursua �ce of the prtnclple that morality cannot be separated from and I do nothlng for them." thereby disprOVing the theory that. RII Cat.enovla. New York. The ne"lll' home education have brought great develoRments in our Lutheran schools. L .Syracuse. New York. In made be will beautiful " Rre footb� players 1 but . Racific Lutheran Colleg� stu�ents should rejoice to behold the won. Ding dong bcll, T!y.s not .so well. dumb. . d�rful progr�ss madE' In thl � and other Lutheran institutions of Why does 11ny feel so tough? In appearance. he I� tall, Rnd not higher learning, and then With �enewed ent�us iasm devote their Smok..lng snipes not lonl enough. Br09.kdale Grocery . very hea.vy. � hair 1$ st��t, n�lther concentrat�d efforts to the upbulldlng of Christ, s kiT'!gdom among Will Tiny ever learn. you think, . · THE STORE THAT HAS IT other students . That snipes wlll put him on the blink? blond nor brown. and h.: has "�� Ha1", Feed. hint. Dra,.. Rard.....are bea-u-t1-ful hazel eycs. (Don t blame Ding dong bell' no brain cell I . . us. wc heard that from a co:ed� , ABOUT PREXY'S CORNER ' Parkland. Washington . L, A: lrl1" besides. It should serve as a me of l �_________-4 ' " : 1st Mooring g he student sincere �taff Who its homely Mast that Dean s to extends thanks ! . . Identification). , Philip E . Hauge for haVing fdled "Prexy's Corner' for this issue. 2nd student; " That.'s my sister," ' -" 1 1------� Since it is the intent of the staff that this beco�e a regular feature 1st Ditto: "She certainly 'dresses well." The P. L. C. girl who comes neatest L, A. �f the paper, we have asked Dean Hauge, to write it for this issve J etlInd Cr PIi'Irut'I . In the tl b5en�e of P csident Tingelstad. The Elrutein theory of reiaUvity I! to to flllln, �e requirements fot the ..� � ",Uddlth.d, ·I..t... Cr.ft.d 1 ,...t. Do you like _thiS feature) Tell the editOrs of the paper what be lJlade Into a movie, accordlnl to a fed lady ? That qualification. howeV,er, does not keep her from being a Suit.; Hip cr.d. F.r.. i.hi..p .M you like and dislil<:e about the paper so that we may make the Moor- Hollywood report. sport Rnd a good friend. loh.. I. St.lson H.h 109 Mast-your own pubLication-a bigger and better publication We can hardly waJt for the big &Cene ROOd he DramaCI·ub·I +-_________� for the helpful suggestions and criticism!Othe student body and In which the handsome Binomial I She ls a member of t having taken part In one of the recent Theorem rescues the lovely Quadratic _ __ faCility members have to offer. _ plays. Is pr�ldent of one of the larJest EqUation from the clutches of the girls' clubs In .school. and .,Inp In the lalnous AlgebraJc Formula! THANKSCIVINC-A DAY OF APPRECIATION college choir. She was also recently L, A. Tomorrow .is Thanksgiving Day all over the Cduntry. and even e ec d to an Important. office In the t p- 0Pacific Luthe�an College students will do their little part toward l;Iere's to JOHN FADNESS and ER_ j te newly organized sophomore claM. c�lebrating thiS as � day of 'thanks. . Many of the students here will VIN �AMMEL ! Well. how do your : n l In nes r ar t ;'::: �e pr� ook feIlOWS? [) : �� �= �: � tU � parents for th � irst time since the opening of � �. ; :�h �� an m ro e sholli'S a preference for brown In her Girls who live advice to others No doubt those students will be happy and thsnft'ful for this guess privi lege. Whether or not we are perm itted to be� at home with <!D to proms With tilelr own brothers. clothes. so It should be easy to w.ho she I!. t Carlyle C.feteri. r our parents to� orrow fo.r � Thanksgivi�g dinner. I.el us all remember . why we are gIven the �ohday . Even. If you cann.ot find it in your , 911 PACIPIC m X ' , t!t. Itt...



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: ���:��:��

heart to feel �hankfvl, lust try �ounttn,g . the bleSSings given you for . one day. Thtnk of the many little things done for you by others. which help to make your life iust a little happier. Then. wh :n we all return to school Mon�ay with r�. . tlon for studYing. let us try to do for others Just as many good turns as are done for us, Thanksgiving is just what the name implies. so let's try to make it a day ,of appreciation for aU that has been of benefit for us .

Thousand Dollar A


Give aHeast a thousand dollar present to your folks this Christmas. A thousand dollars of protec tio�j nsuranc e protectio�oes not cost much at a student's age, and never increases. Ask about this gift for your folks. a gift worthy of their sacrifices for you. It's easy to obtain.




lor MeG, Women, Children 608 Sec� Ave_ So. -:., Minneapolis: Minn.

"""r�' !' p �nrntr

A Sportsman's Prayer •


U T Date ini�g

I -!.----------4

�hro�dgh l�lf�he battle that goes on 1 r-------"1 Tomorrow, Christian Americana will Ggather In their respective churches to offer thanks to thelr Heavenly Father I ask but a field that 11 faJr, Broo�d. le C••h'M'rketA A chance that la equal With all In the for their many blessing&. . . strife, . Thla year, we of the Pacific Lutheran A courage to stdve and to dare: Collere ftUnJly should be especially And SATURDAY."S ! � should win, let It be b� the mindful of our bJess1np : Pot Ront lOc pound e We .re thanldul for the good health With my falth and my t>.:JDor held f which has been oura; hi,h ; We are-thankful tor our --educational And If 1 should lose, let me stand by Brookdale Phone 0 1 56R . 2 opportunltJ�; road �..e We are thankful fot the priv11ewe of And cheer as the winners go by, worklng'together at PacifierLutheran -FavOrite poem ot Knute Rockne, -:� The AlItor Poet, Aator1a., Ore. Ii W�:.eewe�kfUI tor the words of t:I.ndness, the words of trtendl1%&, the ,�TRON IZE warda of love, wbleb have been "IIfOnU MOORINC MAST in AD�ERTISERS t w: ::�-: ::'�e l= !"I:i those near and dear to us; We are especially tor the Lien & �Iyi,. "blood-bol.llht rroutld." tor the Cbr1a­ Dea 1..0


Ua.n Church. and

eternal ute.


Printers . Stationers Engravers

our faith


Dean Ph1lJp E, Hauge

Quality Knittin, Co:

Utt..- S.Nten 0., ,",ia� . 403 1 1 th St., Tacome. Wnh. .

Prncription Of1.l" ists

I mporters of Norwegian Cod Liver Oi I

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Street, Tacom" 7314



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Poatoff1Ce IIqQan Phone MAin 2 1 ll -0.. BaH a � ., �




.. --.:;";1;.

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NOVEYBER 23, 1832


Next Issue of Moorinc Se. Succeu Ah ••d For , Plan' Mast Will B. Dec. 1 4

Car,nie Scot Seem. !:lu-sy; Sir Harry Lauder I. crOUCh , Saya Jean·�larie



LOlle, Fi.hernlfin Find.


No F h in L"td Pail

3 Lettermen R.t uninl . In 'P� L. 'C. Hoop·T u.nout

-. Now that" th;--;-;;-seMon Is o�r. (CoaUnged FF.n � ODe) '-Because there wUl be only lhree continued operation ot Pacific Luthtr� "P'tahy. naby in. bf'OOk"--Oh. nol we. COt.cll CUff 01aoo. .ui divert h1a actlyt� · roud of . her Scotch ancestry and weeks of school between the Thanh· an CoIJ�. P forgot-It h rl pall. And no � a UN to the hoop ' pme and ex� to · armed with a book wrttl.en by her great- giving "and Chrutma.s vacations.. �he Dr TlnC'C"&ad Prften� present. 116 we're rtlht bKk from where lasue hl.a call for the tlrat tumou't to. PTorram n er �791, ' which she Intendst.arted. , , . morrow. .,. definite h&s not ' � -? , sctJedute t � � pauport. Jean-Marte ntxt tMue of the Mooring Mast will be �tatton of pqr&m to the <kn- Alter the btl poliUc:al campaJ,an at ft!ybeen made out. but one is eJ:pected f'o>l.' ler l: � u� CJ:U., bra\'ely set out last Thursday publtsbtd Deetember 14, Chrbtmas holi- eral COnvention 01 the Ametican Luth- SChool, the ident (and .We m�t admit tefbe complete by the neJ:t luue of the a to int�r\"lew no less a �rsonage than Blr days �lfI for Pacific Lu'theran, COll�e eran Church wsa made by Dr. Tingel- fOrCefull .s�er for President Hoover' MOCN"lnl Mast. H��r: r.;:de�.ro:hd:ay I!.U appearing that studenta when cla.s.5e1I end on December stad. The Convent.l.0n votA!d to Inc· made a bet wtth ,a certain Mr. Van Jl\dlinl from ·the number 01 letterThea�r in Ta- 16. accordlni to the school calendar. the annual appropnatlori lor f'adtlc Le1.;lven sa to th . t e me or the e:ec- 'men I'1!tumlng. the Lutheran mentor coma. college students haa n'ot much or a nucleus on which reopens Monday January 2 Lutheran COllele from $2�.oo'to .....- Uon. Althoug the " Just how did you 10.. about Intir- School 33. 300,00. It also adoptA!d the report or expressed tl}e chOIce In Hoover, the to build his team. But rtaht nOW � . " 19 \' Iewlng the cannle Scot? she was Uk- " Bin� two weeks '-.ot-J 'Uni,ttd States living school ls harbortng a number 01 men allowtd for the COmmittee on Adminlatratton, de- �..!J ret�m. Christmas vacation, It was thOUsht ad- laylna: solicitation. under �e pJah un- ,R.o6Sevelt e ' . �f the votes. who hal'e proven to be expert ba.ske.. ell.h�rans l!.ered Jean-Marte. .. In or- vbable to Kave the greater part of It til after 1933, as meqUoned above. The cawed the f n y to take pJace- teers, It "\\'Ouldn't be logical to menUon ' - - nlU!'es, but follow .the sport and you'li prtth,e hoUday that the studen� COnvention a� unanimously adopted Jsat Thursday. toc:: ee; �:tbe!07h�et�:� hLs �:�� staUon before . who were able to work would not have the resolut.lon presented by the Com- On one, side of the a , h of the en- find out, about 9 a .m. However. his manager to mw classes. In Umes such as these, mlttee on Higher Education pledgtng trance. at flOOn OD ' evenUul dEfy. John Fadness, Dutch Moe and,. Bob o hers .....ho were there before me, the few days' work whlcJ:l the sludenta the Church to d,? everythlna: the Lord sat·.a SOlitary fLshe ' hlp boOta and r.tvlmon the only performers from saId Itt . Impossible � see him .then. do during vacations will help a grHt enables It to. do to maintain Pulflc M&C�ntoah Includtd n his back laat year's qu1otet.. but : Boore. who "K�owlng that he wsa to perlorm at large: SilO read ..�:l and [ 106t." Fish- worked hl�1f up f� the reservell toward finances. the college ls Lutheran Coileg'l!, t....o. 0 clock. went to the theater short- I deal the vacation time before Held .conference With afflclBLs of the Ing pole In hand he made picture not mould go great JUris t.hi.! RBSOn. �' .�.fO�. �::� �:e and "waited his ar_ allowing The most active campalan'WUI prob" stated Dean Philip E. Norwegian Lutheran Church o'f Amertca soon to be �orgotten. Christmas, . .. m. en. dresse<l � kUta, Hauge, In commenting on the Christ- to plan course 01 action. "The water?" you uk: no. II. wasn't, ably start alter the Chrtsuna.s holidays. bagplpes ....ert' . playing In front of the mILS vacation. rained had It all week either. but 5Ince time before that will be reserved that CerUfic:&tft Offered Fot' Sale Iheat(>r.. and so I engaged In a short HeaiWlg . obtained before Board of a two-quart lard b.ucket answered the I,or practice games. . . t n t t e �t.ees or' Norwe.glan Lutheran plU')Xl8e for .. lake ven: well. �I�i"':�:t��. b:�e. ='��h !: �lf��:I� Outside-Speakers Cive have been ... lot of fun lor REV. ). D. RUNSVOLD ILL Variety to Programs Church of America November 3. 1,932, It may to understand. ed e w f 1 "SOOIi Sir Harry canle sauntt'rlng up iSs ::::�:n�:�u�7�:1' In. :1�e:te�3��v�::� �:la�:;:� ;�� ���he e:c:;:;rsol ��ve::r 9, :!� Rev. J. D. Runsvold. psator of The M the htll. kilts and all. Thlnklng he'd �est.ments In O�'s work for His king. propriation due PaCific Lutheran COI- they .had been "lor Roosevelt all the Bethl�hem Lutheran Church of Port·' sUn' I}" come with his manager In a prl- dom pay the greatest returns. "To those lege Cor UlLs year, (Thls has now been time" to jeer at said flahem'Ul.n, but we land and father 01 Trygve Runsv�ld. \'at� car. I w.a s surprised to see him In want and misery we must stretch out done.) 121 I n order to fund the debt of musl. hanc1 11. to Len Wesson for his student of PacifiC Lutheran College. alont' and on fool. When I ¥ked him a hand or love and understanding:' she the COllege. to Improve It:I credit and good In keeping a bet has been granted leave of absenc:;!! by for In en,lew. he said he was sorry, advice 01 his pb.YSlcia ruS. Rev, Miss Thorstenson also gave an strengthen Its !lnanclal position. Cer- when he made one. even 10 the face theunsvold but that lhe simply dldn·t hal'e .tlme." .stated. has been suffering from lllustrated lecture on the deaconesS tlflcates of Partlcll;latlon and CerUII- of dirflc,uJtle� and In standing up for Ri::� a t:��le'wan: I�=:; :::ltU:S opinion. own at a meeting Qf the Trinity Oulld �:;e:a �f) Indebtedness wlU be offered his Si;���}' �u���?..,:=� ��e ���� work I NOlember 15 To me he .seemed like an awful refrain from using his voice for T must Solicitation of donations to take up < World J>n)blems . u k l a " d Barber Shop , grouch he dldn t speak to his men out the next six months Relatlonshlps 01 nations was the the deficit ror the past year wlll conand In front or to aRlOne And his face had! topic 01 an addres.s given by Lleuten- tlnue TIlls Item has been charged on ..;..---------Confectionery the most a\\full}' dour expression thaI. I ant-COlonel Abbott-Boone descendant the books of the College to. the Norwe_ j I DR WM SMITH I hrlle e�er seen n e N GEO Res1dence ' Parkland KNUDTSON Prop I I ��;:�.!! !: :�t���:�� bec!:�= ::: !:e �C;Uif�� ��:a::n h � ;���� " GARLAND 0 1 69-)-4 ----.......=- --:. League of Nations lnternational dis. clent amount In contribution to take " lu the Cla!srooms GA 01 45-R-2 Parkland armament. and other world problems, care 01 It Boys Basket. Ball $hoes stating that since we as IndlvtduaLs Find Universal Interest The Introduction to teaching claases values�.50 5. $ 00 I'!slted the Spanaway grade School on cannot live to ourselves alone. neither In all of these activities It has been $3 .00 values+-$ 1 . 50 Friday. Nov. 1 1 . The eighth grade pre. can nations. He !s an ardenl. advocate encouraging and gratifying to lind Parkland Golf Cours. pared an ATmlsticc day program which of world peace, but believes that we practically a universal Intenst In the KIM8ALL�s 1 8 holes cannot outlaw war without outtawinJ work done by Pacltic Lutheran .COllele tht 11slUng studenta enjoyed, Broa c1way" 1107 Excellent Greens the causes or war. Lieutenant-COlonel as "l/ell as wlllh\gnesa to support It. 1 +1 5 mInutes from city -'--. .-11 " "' -GREEN FEES Last FrIday ttle [ntroduction to �::et�-::: �:!u�e :�nl�� t';:�:: :���n�.avelnna:�:IYc:: �h�e�fae��1 �-=--- r> l '"" Be.-u� Bde"' I . =nty Sh oppe-; onANY TIME teaching vls.lted the McKlnlt'y Nations. for he says that the League, probably lies with us perso�allY ln our Students: You are welcome t 1 B holes SOC-9 holes 25c HIli grade .school In Tacoma. For the of come In whUe waiting for ao. se of be commerce appr0.8ch a true t chamber of of ntation pre and we wlU o Spec;.1 monthly or season's student e g tu r n a e rates on. request ::!� l� a�:r�la:, :;�0:1�' :::�:� WO�I� �:e:�;; :: m�=e�m�h:�e h�:�:��l1t�::: . =: WALLACE CARR, Man'IW � ar�:�� P!=t� of Winslow Homer, Is a native of Texas. but Is at present along. this line. The point I:; that the E:zpert Perma.nent. WaYin&' he I e Garland �169-J-3 GArland 0145,.R-2 Parkland attached to the Tenth Field. Artillery at College has a hos� of friends Pu l TIle above list of eventa I:; �Ple evltra� � g��hy�:::;'n�w�c�I:; ForI. Lewis. eor E. riffeth dence of that. G p G children studied how '[taly Is able to Explaining how every car�r has some In face 01 a few disappointments and ,�upport so large a population. direct bearing on forests. Oeorge E. general hard Urnes It appears that we TIle public 15peaking class. under Prof. Orllleth 01 the U. S. Forestry service may stU!. .at thLs Thanksgiving Time, In chapel November 6. Three well pause to count our bless1nlS, J. P. Pflueger, 15 pnparlng a debal.e the spoke 'IOns, tor the negrect to reforestation wKlch certainly overbalance all our real subject of which b, Reaolved that the rea.stated by Mr. Orlffeth were that the or fancied hardships. The and United. agree to the cancellation as SEAMON'S methods of t.&xatlon of forest lands Lleed Immediate future of Pac1licpresenl. of the Inter-Allied WBl' Debt.. FLOWER remtdylng: that we do nol. use enough College may seem .difficult butLutheran looking SHOP TIle problem of Metaphy51ea is the wood: and that the fire ha�lt�hsa not ahead and taking Into 'oonslderat!on subject of discussion for the phl1060phy been overcome. L. T. Web!�r of the aU lactors, Ule growing enrollment, the 2 I I South Eleventh State service the forestry Introduced wider support, the Increasing number class of Prof. J, P. Pflueger. Rust Building speaker. of friends, additional generous approns r n u s . ��a��I,�:tlC�:�d ::: r!: � u':! � ..."'...."..".......... '............."'........'......"..".."..� cl:�or:� :: se::�: e=r::�: BROOKDALE �1Itb'ling �und outlook sunly Indicates progreu and � � last v.-eek. bleulng. BAR BER SHOP � . e iz that: noUce We'v Sta:ned, � SUNFR E � � Stan Score � Kat.b.ryD JobMoa. Broqkdale Johnnie Zackrlson wean a thumbtack ICE lEAM wu •





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d..y service on your photo work .., Herman Oouthlu L. Ro:f Moore that &he needed ODe or anytblna), . Bud WhItaker's affeet10n aeems to no extr.. cost,..nd the work is done Littte Beiluty Shoppe ie Phon. Broadway 41 19 � We 8ped�yinw�.llne& or be dlVlded. . LE����� ��T����H��G ' ! LaW. in Ib!r � PlxUe and her NPDI" Irit .. b1a" t1ct STUDIOS � � � DLstincUve, Permanents P.; .� 'k::. I."" � ;; M;; ." :;; ." ; ;; t::: ; I .; :::: Com= ..:.: "y� out ot eo&ch Murp� at tbe COlumbia I...� 31 .. u th St. � 1 .."'..� '..� "":: ...:: '..-_:_...':':"":7 " _:_ ...:: " r------;:-__-:----;-:..-:::- '... ""10 ' Tacoma �� ';;rrots o � So � li well and streetcan Come in and Get Acquainted totretber. uk Anna. Ron_ or AIneaa You'll be della:bted with our unusual I...a.ncne.a Football­ CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS . .. " I> .... donn ""Ia Jab """" ""'" Bllketball­ -tlut what &bout the day ""Ii. Jake? B......II HO oo�' :r� m Prhiting Comp_"y MAIN 8168 . Score·s'. Pansy, and to prove It'he .S-IlOft-"Iell down" In None.

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PHOTOGRAPHS ' The Ideal Christmas Gift

P.t.rson' $tudio


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New ground -floor Ioc:ation .... � .. ....-

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Dahl�roc.ry Co.

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Gladiators Lose to Columbia by 7-0 Score at Lincoln


Coach Olson Gives ' SpOrts Association Opinion of 'Pla�e� Thinks IntO operation Inl_ Pacific Lu.....r�n Grld.ten cation cI&S&eI Thank51 Power!ul, _ut F ced Too Siron, IVin f.oU the







•. medlatel1 �r announcement made by fDean 'Phlllp <E. ... .. .... . Coach ClIUord Olson. whe� asked w ���c':t.��i!ln�0:e:�r1���·: 1Ih'e h� opinion on lh� year footb..l ne.... liystem will lnelude physical In- 6 Now that the pigsKin and all the remnants of battle are tucked 1It'�lIOn had �Is to say : for' both boy" and girls at 0nslderln e hard schedule and S\l'ucUon . oUr next football season -Ule day rattier away until 9 periods rolls around. we' can sit back regular the number f men I had to work. with. Ulan after ciasllt'during s in the afternoon. as .u a feature of one of Ule m05t out. and reflect on, just what "OLD MAN" football has brought us this t Ul re. IUon. heretofo sea standing Homecomings e\'er celebrated � . has been the practJce . .-: � rec�. � ::g::� :e::r;: . J:�C;:;S:�::: rangemen S, S. t.e for Ule classes lUe not com· at PaCific Lutheran College. Ule Luth. . enlll grldden; dropped hard tought ,udJ,in, from .....� results of our tilh, an individua.1 n�t �� ��I I�e: � l:���t��:a; plete yet.. �ut Uley wUI include procontest to the undeteated Columbia h�d a chance to witness one of o...r ,ames .... i. yen would immed-. North""est-Monmo Normal. C 1 urn 'ylslon for girls basket ball vlUaity team . ' bla Unh·erslty. -and Col.1(ge of OPuge:t Unh'en;lty Rggl'egation from Portland 'l�tel�' IU be Icked lrom the i)'m h �P to th� conclullon. that our Irld -",achlne wall: somewhat lo...t. he Lincoln SO...·I, Saturday . NO\'em- of � mediocre te:!::, att! Uley have played a Sound.' W� :"ere tJl only team, that := caliber. �r 12. 7 to In tournament. There games of seriea met all three of .l eleven�. .'5 5 ' ' ;::O'": �t h al l ed w�1l be four dl a th U derd Coach it is not possible to clarify,such a situation by s,",owing "My · men,. ma a very c�ltable .cation ,:a Y d�� CI�� �=.: c:rges :earlyDp. p5et the whatSince c1 . U warriors have produced it will necessitate a little explan. Mowing. and our forward ..·all played �alen i rd ' um. beev:ly r as :;sdO� b)' giving the Irish the hardest ation our . � � z as to who we played ; the c'onditions Ulider which we played ' any of Ule elevens we met on even ylded as to t. a ex� �� tra batt they have encountered this and how we played. admln The sible. y u ' aa r . ll , e cente h ter our m's FadneSll. . vI n s m Into the best eeo44!r this �n: t�e O��:��I�n!�:�ntgro�� developed . on thl. S. veS. �e� �el: �� �(�e:�'es.:�:1t :; =: . ' r Foc . your optic. �: .E ? 1�.h�1 w � met '!'" .year was :�o:!s�� �: :::th��:t. ��::::: ma kini IUrangeme�te by sending three ele\'e;U do... considerably. �d as 'a considerably . ... In,er than our dlmlnuttY'e In.tltutlon. which II t... cked . result pa.o;slng ..... almOlSt Impossible Ii members Alice Alvness, Alice Roe. and but both teams used Ull.s method of aw.ay �., the ouhkirh of Tacoma, 'and, their foo�all tur.nout. were �b��s::��. ���dsw:':r:e;;r:c�:�:n� Mary ·LQ·u Prew to �nfer 'With Dean altaclt quite frequently throughout Ule qUi te In proportion to the size of their .tudent body. on the matter of dlvtsiollll and was not outplayed' the whole season. Hauge . r probl.ems which may arise. ... S. S. ....hlle Runsvold. a tackle converted In_ lothe At the Women's AthleUc AssOClaUO": COlumbia (trove Inw P. L. C. terri· Then. from The beginrling at the season to the end. the Luth- to a guard. came up fast. : tor), dJrectly after the opening k!ckort, eran mento'r had to contend with what is considered the most · im· '!We had two' big powerful tack]e.s In m�tlng on Wednesday noon November the first play of the game being a long portant makeup of a successful eleven, reserve material. I f you Ted Cronquist and Carl Martin. Ted Is 16. Olga Overll,e announced the '!lana- . . pasS from. _Nelh] to Thomas UlRt doubt this. why did Coach have to use "Peanuts" Larson sometimes one of the great,est tackles that Linco]n gel'S tor the various llport.e. The manars include: basketball. AlI� .A1vnes: brought the In\'adl'rs 10 thV LuUlerans' in scrimmage? Ho Hum! High School ever put out and easily ge 4S-yard str.lpc. The flght1ng Oladlaton; S. S. mnlt.s the best in Ule Northwest. Mar- h]klng. Georgiana .McClure<; posture. held I\t this point and Nelh] �Icked to But let's not stop there. Three of the teams (at the time this tin showed himself to have the Ideal MIs5 Fowler : volley ball, Martha the Lutherans' IS·yard line. is goi�g to presl ) are still und.efeate..!!, ,while Monmouth Normal. a quaIUlcatl�n.s of a grl'st tackle. and thl.s ?rnnde : golf. Eve]yn Irwin. sknUng . d e t n g e h ned to be best In the Je::J��ar�:o:w;��. the 'wlnter season. ��r�:::� to be �me of the l}��C�;l� ::�:h:;:�I�� �:r!�� :: :i�� � !::�; ���v�::r���:!:;.� :f :h,: g::�� !� "..:::.i! RHer an exchange .of punts look the S. S. 'At end. �ake .:.ontlnued to May his hikIng and basketball. Minor sports lead!ng tole. makIng' considerable yard· Show me any back field this year that traveled very far throt.!gh ·aagres.slve type of football. What he Inc1u�e hiking, skating. golf. cricket. age through the op�IUon'll forward OU£ I t. ne--not �any. but I've witnessed quite a number turn cart laclted In slle he made up In fight. J>06ture and volley ball. 'Wlllard ls the greatest end we ever had. AU gfrls. having 150 points by the ""all and wid" s"''C'eps around the ends. wneels attempting it. These boys could smack 'em! In the third quarter. the Lutherans S. S. He Is big and fast. and with hls ex. c�ose o( the semester In January wiU were In a pailtlon to score. when Lev. Ted Cronquist, o...r captain and veter�n ot more 'than one bat- perlence showed up every te�m vie met be Included as charter members. All Inson and Cronquist bl(:M:k{'(l. Nelhl's tie, appean to me to be a vile. ' I'm ablolutely lure that more than Ulls lIt'ason. In splti'of-the fact thal othe:s must obtain the requlred number punt and reco\'ered on COlumbla's 40· one back he wrapped hi� arms around, c�me off the field in a men- Levinson hurt hls knee tl]e first game. of points. be voted Into the club and a�. yard stripe. It ....M at thls polnt that tal dase. ht! sUII remained Ii good"ball lmal1er InltlPoints . be earned follo....s: lhe flghUng Irish got do9;'!l to business S. S. and when he WM ob]/ to play, tu rned' Basltet may ball. 100 polnt.e, 1st tea.m; 50 !\l}d halted the march of the Oladlatonl. Let's make a little survey of what our boys think. In good work. Score Showed signs of a points all minor teams 50 This put the Portlanden on the d�., S. S. ' good end. although on \account of lack polnts 2squad: . fense when Hanson punted to the CO· "The toulhest tc�m I played against this year w�. Monmouth. of experience he could not we his abU; .5 points for honor team : .5 s· lwnbla's 12-yard line. Durini the rest and the h�rd�t man I played again.t was their left guard. Weldon." Ity to the rreatest ell;ten� Rws Frye m!]e hikes. 100 points;. 3 9·mUe hiltes. lOll polnt.e: posture. 2.5 polnt.e for good of this period. the CUft-D...·ellers spent �BiII Whalen, showed good worlt at both guard and posture. 25 polnt.e for lmprovem�nt. mOISt of the time punUng out ot danger. S. S. center, and ....hen Fadness was hurt, The only score of the game came In "None of 'em were tough." Ted began. but I stopped him and look his place like a yeteran." the final period when the Irish sta.-ted then like a disgruntled child he continued. "Well. Niehl of Columbia Library Has Hunter's drh'e fro�_midfield. A pass. Nel!'l was about the hardest man, but Monmouth was, by far the hardest Swim Club Organiz.. ; "Musici_n's Handbook" Piskel!. nettl'd 30 l ardS. I\nd a five· team. "--Captain Cronquist . . ean Fowler Is Head l yard penalty for offside put the oval Among the new books received by the S. S. on Pacific Lutheran '.'s IS·yard marker.. "Let me lee, Scroglins. fullback for Monmouth, was about the At a mecUni held Monday noon un- IIbrartan during the past week Is one lnvaden mad: five yards on t...o best man. �nd the te�m he' played on was the hardest. "-Bob Levin- der the cUrecUon of Profeeaor Hlghby. a written by LeWis G. Hunter of Pacifle lineTheplays. and; a pSM. ThomllS to Nelhl, swimming club was organlz.ed by elect- Luuieran College. It Is a short but 1!rought the touehdown. Brennan son. Ing the following ottlcers; President. complete dlaeilsslon on the prlnelples S. S. count.ed the- extra point on an oft "Aw shucks, Leinwebber, left tackle for Columbia, was plenty ean-Marie Fowler. vice president, Os- of Harmony. Tht! UUe of the book ls J Anderson: secretary. MarUla "The Muslclan's 'Handbook:' $nd It was tackle thrust. hard. but Monmouth was the hardest· team. "-Swede Willard. ... · Nelhl ·as the outstancllll8" perfonner Grande; treasurer. Gilbert Sydow. More published in 193 1, by the Rubant COmS. S..... for the Invaders. proYlng to .be the "The wont beating I took was in the C, P. S game. 'but the than sixty students tlttended the meet- pany of Chicago. This year a iupplemost consistent threat for the Luther- h�rdest ment was published under the UUe of Ini. . man I played �gainst was Scroggins of Monmoutli."-Carl ut the contest. Piskell. . The swlm.s; which will cost fltteen to "Examination book to Muslclan:s 'Hand . Ulrougho COlumbia end. played bangup gtUne Martin twenty cents. depending on the humber book." These boob will . prove uaeful S. S. and frustrated many a Gladiator play. "Gee. I don't knoW. they all hit hard-well I'll say Monmouth tumlnl out, ....U! be held on Ule Satur- to stU·d'i'-t.e of music In the 'college "Swede" Willard and Ted CronQ.Uist was the Ule) contaln valuable dl� since by declded eveqings the ';oup at team �nd their dark complected guard who goes by day were the big . guru; for the Lutherans the namehardest useful Informaof McKenzie was the toughest man I played against this Ule Y. W. C. A. There will be a class and charts ,!S we.1I U:��ln�:le Fadness . Le = Uon . � , for beginne r s under the direction of Season. "-Dutch Moe. :n w::. ln N r In the seme.ster "'" orman Jensen. Late . S. S. ' . M 0;]ed up �II b� d McMillan s� "Let me slee�well if you want to know. Columbia. in my the club �111 arrange for Inter-class xaYler: We have already forrotnte r s:: II U d :hh� those who lost life and Umb In the : vlsl:On;r:od;f�ns"::.e ....�imore �:n opinion, was the har.dest team, and Scrogginl ot Monmouth was the and Inter-collegiate co�tltlon. hardest m�n, npw pipe down, I w�nta sleep. "-John Fadnea.. Plans are being rqade to hold the Ifl'('&t war although they are our broth. once. fint swim, Saturd"f" December 2. era In the "'faith. S. S. . , Summary: , "Uh! Going to get my name in the paper? Write it up big. j U t bla P. L. C. Col tell 'em Monmouth was the hardest team and Cannon. their right WWard .. . ....... ......LE ;;m rri , o · MarUn · Special bussei f r parti.i, ,I•• .. LT_ ·:-:·.... Leln° b:: tackle. was as tough as any of ·em. "-Stanley Score. How's this . clubs, teaml, ItC . Whalen . . . . ..1.0., : : : ...... �ert; for free advertising. Stan? S S �:;' Tim A,.., Plac.� � ' .. . Sh n .. MIl ... "Scrogcinl. f... llback for M�nm�"th. was b� far the most .111Call Mr. L . �n:d· . .'::.: ..·:.::R� :: .. : " ;:: �round . f w pl and outh Runno .... man. good."-Tr" d ty Mo�� ' . Cronquist ........ ... .RT.. ·:,":::::.: �d� TACOMA BVS COMPANY ;� S� . . LeVinson ............ ...lU:. . . ...... P1sk.1lJ :.... "Gagnon. center for C. P. S., was the toughest man I played AIoblllaDee - B-.Ne SentCe YeUOW' Cabs Moe .... ................... Q . ..·.. .....··SulU ... MAIN I1JZ . . � against this season-and. well-I'II class C. P. S. as as good a team Hanson ..... ..... . ....LK .... . � } ' against this obson season. played I as l Jacobeon '.. . ... ,... .RH : ::::;: ::::::...... Nelhl -:- S� .. .. ...... .. " ' "C�e. '!tat Monmou.... team could.hit ��rd, b...t �s an indi'lidu�l Sh=ILu-b;· ;�=; ·...0·. -0Corcoran e ol...mbla eleven. -Russ Frye. 0 0--0 'aye�, I II pick Sherman "rom . ' PacUic theran ............. � ; � � ' C ' "c. P.S. w�s the best team : b�t l'l1 have to think a bit in rega�d U Ie T h e l e Fa ci I iii 8 1 O==l a'��=T��c!m°N�� to who was !he best man."-Hal Votaw. point aIter' touchdown. � S. S. . Substitutes: Pac1ilc t.Uthenn-Me,.. E .....o [... I••d t'll P.] Proc' ••• ' .. Monmou.... was abo... t the tou,hat team I played against. but MWan. Votaw. R. Frye, N. Frye ; CO, lwnbla-Dungan. Flnk, Brennan. Koo- Burke. tackle for C. P. S was about the best m�n.".;...e.C ne Jack. ,.. Tlnto.... ph Proc.�. ' S. S. pang. Reboot, COffel!. ••ddltlo ••1 colon wltloout .xtr. pl....] P1nt do�P. L. C. t; Columbia IS; . " MO!1mout�. in my opinion. was t� best team. ! played against passes tried-Po L. C .5; Columbia t; thiS year. but Nlehl of Columbia stood but as the best all· around ,.. 0•• 0' til. b.�t ............. 0' til. passes completed-P. L. O. 2. COI'.umbta football playe�. :'-Marv Hanson. . •• w-•• t, .lIId ,1.'" t.... ,.c.. I. til. '

Homecomin, Contest Is H.ard�ulht Ga�e on Wet �nd M...d�y F'�ld; WIII�rd and Cronqul.t Shine for P. L. C.


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I Ladi .... Dorm �u.iliary u l l D�y. of Eating . Mrs. A. W. Fo ler Pres TI'ngelstad SI••p,ng and What: Not Associated Students - . C, ••• Rad,o to P.p Club . n dd asses S · u e .p v I SI.",ln._ ,,,In, . •",1 .,flln, In Honor F00tbaII Men Retu rns t.(rom ast' The Ludlf'''. Dormllor�. AUlclltflO. an ....hen WI! de l ,..!thou.!. !llgnln8 orunl7.:ll110n of womell Il1Cult)' mf'rn· From ct,'n'bn\1 'hf'nunorhftgl' �1:1(: h ' book ....·111 f!'fltu:..r the Christma.s VA,. At Annual- 'Banquet With Optimism . bt>M!. 1ll.. faculty mt'mbet"!l' "'h'I'5, and :ohf' n'Ct'\yt·d la�1 Wf'rlne8diy, lin< A. j C1ltlon ... of mo.o:t PIU:\fIC Luthenm col. . , . hR\'r ",..i\'!'5 of mlnlsk'n< of TftCOlllfl,.has ft'':- \V. Fowler. motht'r of MI511 F'o'l'Ier. nor- ! leg!' studt'n!.'. or rourst', ....e·1I Delegates at Meeting of Ct'lltir )T('�'ntf'd " mant.f'\ radio to Ih ,mill �upen·lM'r. I\l1d .graildmotIl�r 0f to \'l1I� "till' kld�:' And 1111 " At-bUI College ' Awards Swe� ...:on·t IL bf' hm! To CrJduating Lettermen American Lutheran Con- ) 1 . e 1 For .First' Time in Hi,story ference Pus Resolutions :1 ���.'b � � K::I�t;'IL:t��'::: �:'��I ;!t:;:a�:��;I:;.5 c;ro�;;:;. ::;\�� dl: ::: �'�·; O:](::);:�: 'I tl �,, � �� J : ; Of School ' F ••orabl. to P- l. C. �'�n ",d








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M�. J. P_ Pflu,,,,,_ ",{n, I", ..", h,ld In M••'on. "'Mh_ "", . P.-",.. •nd ",d., 01 .". Mond., momf'or the flr�t tlll1� In the 'hl�tor)' of' ��Idellt 0, A, Tln8eJ�tad returned 011 �1��r:�:�;\�'I��,r:', ;��I: ����tr.e:e:.�� ('r hOI�'" ;;f-th(' f'O\\·t('r.;' lit � Suild",. ���; �: �III�� �' �:·:13. to�oar�:ts1::� � I h l , NO\l'mix'r 2'9 from thl' American Luth· Ing held at Mr.!. LarSE'n 's homf', 11ft ('moon, hllt an opportunllv ' �:C�.r\�:dL�I:�;�::� f��l: ..nul Conferl'nel' m tlng hf'ld In Mil · Gi rl!" of th(' Pl'll Club ha\'� In!'lt llllt><l Mr.; Fowll'l' HS Rlone In her IIPl\rt _ I O S<"hool_ m Rt-Adlng fiction l book� lind l\lI \n bHm�lI 'l h e l d In tht, college d\nln!l ll b l h en ou ln, R . 'I "' .Uklt"(' W�I1!'; " I; c raj1;\ng llit' radiO In an dOl'IlI room. mt'1l1 home III 3910 So, YRklma ....hen . zhll'� 'not .....orld !It ral-ure nnd bioI. hRII TUI'!ida,V ('\, I'liing.\. Th Rwards ""ert repor .� of .�leps takl'lI al the com'tn · \l hlch will PT"e'M'nti}'I'ml)\)' be eOIl\'trt«! Into sh" \ln� found unCQIl!'Clous on Ihl.' floor otty. tl1hf'rI In bfod until � ll!tad. A aU houn Of 1)I'('st'nttd by Prell. O. A. Tlnge ' tlnn to nS-"IIrt' �he contlnURIlC'f' of PI\ _ ' ou , orLt>'::�:�rs� ..��t' �lr��.. llbout noon : � :;�;'k � l jllnitl)r. �1�:I"'�r�ln'�--: �.Y?-I�n·t II II 'KrR ll!! f\lnd stl\rtl"ll by Alumni I\�, the home· _ b�' tht' nllRrtnW dflc LutherRIl c:ollell�!, l1w conft'r Ri It p Sld l o II ,o o coming IJflllqu('t Willi lI�d o buy Ul(' t - ,.' RS relllO\'ed to R IOCR I . IOII I pItnI. Il"I' '·IIct'. r.ompo!'Cd 0f repreSE'n tR I 0f J,:fOUI). "HRW" no adequate words 9-1th 5· t t h"l' Lutht'rRn S�·nods. h ll.� not tht pow _ which . . to Ihan k the Auxil iary for Ihf' bul did nOl rt-galn CQllsclou.slles.� beforl' Dr J. C. Sh·gll'. ,rRCOmR. aent.ln and ° l t'r to RCI . but pR.'<.q-d thl" follo'Q;in!l l'f'i"O' n It In Saturdl\}' lIion · E '00 at df'Rth r IlI' k l 3 g ' Ba stad T e c l f h l ' m�m�r of th� footba ll �u'd formpr ° 0 o' c luLlons' I :�ifl h ('�:;' cl�:II: :�ld ���I���,,: t: ;:::; illg 011 1lPct'�Ibt-r 2 �{r�, f'owler C('le· • pf North "I'.�tA;rn Unhefllity. wR., ,hI' Re�ol\'t'd Th;ll l 011 tht' bHl<L� 01 f!lCl.� h Ol r TrIp Don tf'u 1 lIue�t 1 homt\' R plRN" as 1}()!l!I;lblt' where brKII>d ht'r .o;e\·enllelh blrthdRY sl He dlsc\lll.o;e d the Im� lIkl'r, I,nd !!.t.Rtlstics submlttf"d Rllel in vi I'\\' 11,, ," liS Sun'h'lng I\re her fOlir SOI �. C o l i n A. __ !lit"!"; In the I'\'('nitlll to r�Ad R I,1 l Oeol'gt' f'rnrl\ . 1'" t"xt;nell"d RUlOmoblll' trip portlll1<;(',of fOOlbli1l both In �hool and ' cnll I of Portlnnd. J1l1111'!!. of TIlCOIIIII. of Ihp urgenc y of the l)rl'!Iot'tH �l\uHllon. 1I�It" n \(t I ll!' rl\dlo." ....e. Rn' prepnred 10 t')CPl't'lI.� th� opinion Whnll'll of Sl\lelll. Rnd WlmaJll of Be· Ihrou�h the ' PRclflc District Edwin Mtrr life. ""\HI spedRI rl"ference to thr Paat mRde ' llport thl.'! of Ad\ 'RIlC1'ml"lI\ thRt Pacific Luthf'ran College III PRrkRtlll": R dRullhter Sophia R.. ·IUl hom T11l(WI�tRel r�fd 10 Pflrkland No. !'Iht' rl'�ld('d. and II �I!iter. Mn; W. F. \'I'mber 29, h \'h left NO\'embt-r 16. clflc Luthemn CoI1("ge during .the past !Rnd. WR.�hlngtoJl. Is tll.q.ntlal to the Del ta .Rho G amm as expre&.�d Olsor O. C. COI\ch M'1I,'lOn, an proper development And hl'lllth�; growth TIll' pur� 0 I� trip ....A. lI to try d . Alldt"rson 01 AlofllOnte. Ontllrlo. . of our L\lth�rRn Church 011 the PHdflC En terta in G ri dm en Duc to the death of her mother. ML'lIi get each of t pl\�torR to orgAnize sub. hi!: Rllll r("cln llon of Ull' team's work. coast. and It 15 hereby recommended : for the PRclflc Clarence Roell. a8 preflld�nt of the M· Powler .....IUI absent from her claMes �rlptlon .lre- Ilodated S· uden ts. was, (ILl ThlLt a program of more complete from lut Thursday Wltll yesterdlLY, Lulhel1ln Hera In Ihelr own COllf At "�. ("Iedl�" fOllowf:, the-a�d. ' cooperation be worked out twtween tht jJ(Ilta R ho valruna g1rb ('nlt'rt&1nl'd RI'\' J: P. Pflu("g("r, rollf'g� pMtOf, ac. gallollil. \ constituent bodle-II of th� ATl)I'rlcan mlat "mbe r-'" of the football t l'Rm [)e(:embt-r compl\nled tht' f'o ll'rs· to the funeral He lra\'eled 1111 h,r South RS' San Fm.llk Swede Willard lUI el!Ct.ed by 1'1 )latt)' In the college reception III Mabton Sunday. M R rt'preM'n!Rtlvc Diego. CIIUfomla. makIng contllctR with th(' l'tlt'rmen to bt- the 1933 footba�1 LutherRll Conferellce. morp partlculfl rl)' 2 captain. Swede W�II c,"pta n of thl' ix'tween Iht" Am('rlcalJ LutherAn room. Aboul .'iO Hltended the affair. or PlleUIc Lutheran College. Rn IlAl;tors In' our church.'from Portland StAdium HI�h t('am III the faU of 1929. th'e Augu�tanR S)·nod. "mel thl' RI which CORch alld Mn.. C. O. 01.'1011 Church. 10 51111 Diego. CXCf"j)t.lng three, ' W�f(" I(IIP�11i of honor, OrRduntlng Iettermell who were given • NO", egian Lutheran Chureh, Mr. Tlngf'lstRd iliadI' InquirIes Illllong weR The "w'llIng WAS S pellt m Illllylnil ,The . C" hrIs tm as i b l ThRI thl" lloo\'f' mentlOnf.'d 'ooopI ht' stOr.; A1- to the IId\'L'iII.!Jlllt)' of a !!. k'rl'l , rrr CaJl:taln TI'd CronquLst, lI tie lind rohing jlg-511.'" puzzlel' A ...ratlon shoil!d in\'oln: control 01 thl' ('{)O Pllclflc Lut.herim Choit : tour th�ugh Carroll JAcobllOn. · Bill Whalen. Carl arty Rates F' Irst institution Rnd shoulri l*prt"ss it.�l"lf In bRUot WR.�.tl\ kC n Rt thr jlRrty by ....·hlch 0_ the Sl,Iuth('tn IlArt of thl' Pllclflc dt.�trlct MRrUn, StRnle), Sco«-. John Padness. ' �uch cOntinued finnn'e;RI .�Uppol'l ,•.� Is thl' llAnd�mcsl mlln. prl'ttit'sl girl, nexI Spring. lIe_exprel<sed opinIon thllt 1'ryg\'l" RUIl!lvold. lind RRY I,.(orbRck and 1 h l: :�:II/�'h:n;�:�Il:��II Ilt"nt mllm l...l1· ;::nt��!� C �;:;l _ S ��:I' e���;:�: ·" C.�andma a.nd Mi st le toe.::. and �:I �l�� 1�1I:�!u��t :: :��r��n�u� ;::: �;�ll�r�R;:I��:'"�I�:�l:��r;ith-r:�a;:e;e�� � The Chrlstm",' Gh ost, Pre· • or chenlllt" letters. Fell letters were IC' 111Rt Iht' ApproprtRtlon� 01 I III' ' mt"nl WM arranged bY)L commJtlf't" of such a trip, awarded \.0' Bob 1,.(o\,ln80lI . Swede \VIIIhreefold Rforl'rl\l"nLlonl'd bodies bP Ihl' Rllchpl F1lnt. 'chRlrman '. E\'elyn Ir-l senred by �� Club Dec. �. n, n. e Ml Anllll Helen Coll ns wi H d kk M Sh L�l' . 1 subject of fur.t,her negotilltions belw'''l'n · l Uy lUI unlinlUlOll� " olc of Ihe judll(,8. Delta Rho's Will Cive I _ ��;c�. �:�� ��I::·r. �:��n Ihl' bodies con�rned ���,:�:: III�V�;:;:��,� r:;�t"�;: �h�I�Ln18.� mo- "Ti \' Chrlstml\lI Por�r, " onl' of the Christmas Box to Needy f'r)'1' RlIAAeI a n d Norman Frye. l d h 1 a� ���II\\)::':t : :ol;�:��c I�;:� liL ",11h t hf' flreplRcl' II.S the cenler of IhrNO Olle-Rct 1I1arli l)rest"llted �)'. the Al their regulRr meellng Iat;t ThW'llo Decoration!!. fRvon. aud the OOIItumeli r I Dramatic ac r Club 9 on . II>AS · dl\}·.. thl' Delta Rho Oamma·!!. decided to of Ihe "'altrl'�!! carrll!'d, out the foot· !tnd th A I lillY mRjor ChRllg� III the 1I111'RI'1I0n On I_he d('{'()ratlon commit· cor l'd fi Il lace �I'�be , \\:Ith GrRndmR and prepare II Chrl!.rmM bA..5ket for some bnll ideo. tOllett'!er with the �hool �l, flllun" be mRdt' onl)' 011 the bll.�I.� of 1("1' \I'I't'1' I«-I le LluJllh l ' chRlrman ! . o Dille Qual,,; COrR�n and Ol"OrglallTlR MIStll".�()(, st'Cond. I\nd "The Chrl�tma.s dl'l'Cr\'lng fl\mlly. The !lCrvlee commlt� co]oI'll. WliltreMes. under the dlrectl,on iC:onUnuf'd on rall't' Thl'fl'l Oh051 third. McClurl' with Lorraine Thoren M cha.irman of Jnne Wllllamll. were Satrle Torres· ' of lee . f«"freshment.' ,.'ere sen'f'd by Doro- The Ilrcsenuulon \\'R.S t he !;I'C()ntl \\'a� IIllpoln� to get. the name of � dill. Hel�n Ollrbell, Vlrglnl� Doen. Shlr· Pep CI ub Has Party lh�' WlnJ;()r. Alice Johnson lind �brilln thf' ,Yf'l\r, a�ld dre9-' R.n audlenCf' of 1l1I' d�rvjllg famll)' from some welfAre ley Sa\'IlIf'. J"nn.Marle PoNler. &18':1'1011 proxlmRtel) thrt'(' h.l.ndrf'd... With Mary Nash ppnnll', Marthll OrRl1de, Hazel Mon..sen , orgRnizlltioli . In town. . and Olga O\'erlle ' Penni!". a OU"�IS �rt'senl "'ere COI\ch and Mt1i. "The C�tmat; Oh05t.. the flnst Evel)'n IrWin, Anna Roness, Mary � hOlill"sSeS the Pep Club gave Chrlo;tmfUI party for ltll inembers In the Olson. Mrl<. Kreidler. John FRdnes.�. pIA.�· prl"st" . wa� gl\'l'n by (Il'OUI� 3 Lou\I;C �re\lll. Evelyn MOll1lOn. Irene Mrs. Edward, Convalescing . under of lhe of the direction clul �I l Ar. Mrs. J. O. Ed",-'a.tds. wife of Prof. Ed� Lludahl. F"rl:da Hendrickson. and Alice reception room IRSl n1g-ht at 9:30 p. m. i 3111 Wh�lcn. Jef,St' Pflueger, Kenneth Th(' room WIL� decorat.ed In holiday Roach. Cl\rl Martin, 011 Sydo"', Carrol ;::�I' � ����re:.,e ��rtl��CI� � ��. \1o'ardll. III reported to be convalescing at Nolan, fashlon "-1th Santa ClaUli pl'l'S("nting Jlloobson. Stan 8Mre. ClannCl' Mon· ' � home htre Arter returning Thesday CWford Mesford had c\lRrge of the :<mlLll g1ft.'\ to the, girls pruent.. lIOn. Ot'ne Dutch Mot'. John ;��: M�::e:�:;:' �a' �: �;�U=��=:' her trom th� Th�a Oeneral HOIIpltal, ticket !!RIC, as.sbk'd by Jean.Marie m n e k me re re s:.e29�derwent A major opcra� FOWle�c ':::yon w r !: hleell . Hvlddlng Mammy, Carrie :I'�. r��n��� �I!� �ll��I: .l and us � : :;n b}' on = �h � NO An 1�k'rmlssIOn . l�; of plano number� by :: ::: • and Clifford Mesford. et'1UI'I. - :-- _----:- ---:-�::-----c ---:--::;----:----:-: Salrie To..resdal was enjoyed, _--::::-: . . _ ---:: -:::---:-: --:-:: e �'lJlmlU, " 1 932 :- ---o l "Orandma and MlsUe.tot':· under the S 'utle�.t Po" tl � �Iearu"g oj CIt J1'nnd"rvollal 80)'$ 'oj YOIl_lh Movemen, oj-C" rnwn \' . n� ::'�� Wh ile �ecall,"g Fond Me,morles 0/ Earlre" Y,,'etrde� e!s : 2�:� b u t-: Gp 0/ $ n Af,lspi Vnder n', re l rma ce PrOllram P sp y t . Alice Roe a.s Can Christmas of 1932 be the .same? UtudS of the good . old Yuletide aplrlt . ' I ., h el Wesson as Orandma. tO h el e N t gh� :::=:�:I� =�:'�i:e: ;s: �::���� ��� l ;=n:;I}�' :� �' ;::n �:;:!ie �:le�� M�II:. �; I menUon thiS when m)' mind re fl� & :: I����t�e:II:-S�:�:�:�:• back �n thOlie days 9-'hen a Christmas <l .....Ith the bo)'s. The Ot'rman maid. • mLss!ng, ' , ' Collete tudent.� was offered during qualnte ' g ath Club n ta ned with I cheon . ln Alter a .OCIII solo by Bob Molll5Ol•l .sM 9- � one of pf'\yerful hope r er 1 find no possible explanation � thb [he chapel period · Wednesday. De , cem.. honor�ofte:rtheltra\'e]ers, Il Wl iumph, than t he days when a Intricate situation until t look bacll:. ill T "The Chr!.stmu Party," r thi r d pIa},. the bt-r 1. wh�n the Wandervogel, a group Th_ boys JeU their homtll In the was presented by Dickie . Leland·s Chr1atmaa celebration held a dlff�renl far 'back aa I can remember. To �he oJ boys repre.senung t.h� Youth· �ove· lower Rhine valley �arl)' In the year group, Among- the players 9-'ere Irene meanlng'than It doe!! now" that b, ap. day when t used to sit and alare ILt tJie ment ot Oerma�y were presented in a ot 19:,12. joume)1ng b)' way of Hamburg LJudahl as CamJUa Rose; Norman parently so, I wond If our priceless star which W&ll perched 10 prominently � by the' German Club" Prell'll· to England and th�nce to Ne9-' York. Westling as Chris; Ula Rudd &II Mrs, conception of thI hoUday Is changing, on top of the Christmas tree, 'nlat !lOr pflueger. who bua apeaklng knowl. where the)' landed In May, Since that ROlle : Gerhard[ Pflueger as Oua Rose; Just IL few morea days aru::I practically h'Ulignltlcant t1nse1,covered lilar meant edge of the German lanruage. welcom- time the), hQ\'� traveled about our Virginia BOen' as Polly; Helen Oarbell all Ute litudenta will be giggling In their much to ine" much more 110 than the ed the cuesta and introduced Dr, G, A. country giving entertainment \.0 many as Janet; Marian Peterson a.s Jane merriment to ret home ; to enjoy the glfl.8 t received, It ''''&11 mON: valuable . , w�us. who was host to the group thousanda of peopl�, " Ab]e; and .Jeanett.e Knutzen ·1LI MarIe, ple&lluTeIi that thIa holiday has In store In the re6pect It brought certain d� their stay In ,Tacoma, Dr. Wis· Alter leaving Tacoma the)' ,,1.11 'go Delta Rho Gamma girls had charge ior them; to drtnJt In the very essence usoctaUol)S to m� that weN: very ·deai'. Ucenus told of the Y,?ut.h Movement to San PTanclsco (rom whebce they w1lJ of the candy D1e:-' of Ita slcnlflcance. I saw the Three Wile Men, t vilua11&ed In Germany. &Ild Introduced the leader sa1J to Japan. When they hav� v:I.s:I.ted In the abserl'ce ot Trygve Runavold. . In .� inoo:lent of mental elUlltat10n the star and the place to "'hlch It lead . or the ' 1P'O\lP. WUhtlm Schmidt. who China. Indla and. ' other AsIatic club presJdent" Clarence Monson 'p� I become .omewhat cll.agrunUed" I am them. some , 1LW1LZ'e or what christmas ' means and But now � , new era h&I dawned 'and & abort talk In German: 1nterpN:· counttieS' 'they wW return by way of nounced the plays,.. , ted by Rk:ha.rd BeCker. who al80 an· s� their homea ear:iy in June of At Its meetlll&' lLst Monday" the club,t lnUDd to celebrate it. accord.lngly:· I am buUdlna � the old ·mthualaam. to , � � num� soap and a 1m, � J)UI'JXIR of �tbeJr \Our is .to decided to use the profits of the Iut "�ut.wh7?" I � �, ..tsn't:Christ- fIt !t. To aq� the happ� that rec1t8tlon. create a feeling' or brotherhood betJVb two presentatlooa to buy properties, &Dd mas the Ii&Dle It uaed to be?" My is . ln store for me, would be ute blUng nt. for the n&re. enthua1um bu �bbed. My lDo!Dtal at·- off my note to Jplte, mJ' face, , Alter. the chapel proeram a rKePUoa tbe )'Outh or' th� dUferent. countries. n�n' �u1pme· ' . : . _ . •






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Publ�" �/� F W�u,?,�,���� )�,.!!! t"






WIl.<;hll\gton. under the Act 'of MAr('h 3, EDITORIAL STAFF


FeRtur(' Editor

llt QUAil'.



PO!!I .







Rl ...h('im.



. .

�� !: ;�l�





h O CIRrence Monson ....ler . Jt'an-Marle Lltll. R berl MOIl_OQIl.








WALT : "Whert

O. J.

Cltrl lI.fllrtln



" Vou'rt . lo\<I'd."




\' .

Christmas. the most lestlve occasion of a l l the year. approaches Do .ve welcome It I n -again with its spirit 01 cheer ,,!nd fellowship Is Christmas merely another vacation Just a little

more colorful than the rcst'

Some say Ihat Christmas-has been too mud-, commerc ialized. and that. left to the mercy 01 the mode rn era. I t IS lOSing Its sacred meaning They deplore wholesale giVing

of gdts and sending of cards. because If causes beautiful sentiments . to become hackneyed and worthless


I SI'I'll


"'�ll'rf' \I L A





�rna It!" A

the blAme for




"Thrtf' )'ears ago



ovembfor 28 �veral ,Irlll �Ucl­ J


In a blrthday Sllrprl5e ' party on


Hecht. '


ThOM present

school ,,'en Vlrt1nla' Dyen. F1or�nct J � M�\P "chel Flint. er

IUld (f






hospitality reigned when membfors of othe r I.llt' stud n t thor;e ente:rtalnlnK ........ roo; "Vtll ?" mtm ers. SOme · WaRbo. Knud.8en. Olena Wt� ' -Rnd ' ra DubiRh. Allde Pete:rson. N LA , tw'r Am�1 Jacobson. JF.A.N"· MARr!=:: "I'm Ifolillf to lIpl'ak my Martin. and Carrol Ray Lerback, Jot\n mind!" Mesford. Ka.U1lee,l MARY LOU "SII�n: Dahl. a.n • Porath. Pe rl pi,,),

III no

unlr alrl





_� :�; � \


. ,I

your fIlCf'.' WI. "d A ·

''["lIl a.. ¥ftf de mRn:' N ORM : " ff�' noble of \'011 10 Ul kl'

Roe BrLL,

E\,t'lyn MonllOll

Stuen lind N.



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·" Pe.1CC on Enth. Good Wi l l Tow ard M en '''.

t he right splnt'


>1m Lou"" p"",


r ul t on Mantlgl'l




1lu....llleM Ma ager _ A.s5lstant BU! Man . Ad\ c i lng Ma ger . Circulation Manllgt'r As.....IMalit Ci c a i Ad\'lsers

' rts



p, fI' PRrkland.


�utheran Colli!'gt'. Parkland. Washington �lId c1a.� mll t tf!'r. Octobt'r 2. 1925, at Ihe Post OfftC'f' ..t .









b &rdlne

body entertained of


th� Rue,tll were ZKckrL"OIl. Clifford a '1I0mme. lrellt'

at Ia..t!'·



Wh y 1101



"nl l.� ' 1illlmf'nt



" 110"'-


nov.' 1 can!"



ont IIOI�.


Rrm. Dalon:s R<M!.





l ng �tudCIi.t." making plu&.. for lht' h lidays. Inlt'nd to v\slt their AmoliR !hOl;(' ..... e With


Chrllltmas R ho

li l\r


' L d . ")/Slf�:I\O�:ll� MI\I;II�:�P:;II��t�'n�=� s��: '1I1'Tf" '� mull In your 1''1,,:. :��::��,. k::;y�r J���;�� O:C::� rn'lIuly operalor <'le]1])I\ I11. AHl'r nd 01111' QllRle of Portland: L l.'ro....�f'd II ··Uoy. \\'P "'t did �hAkf PCI\rI ' Homme_ of Ka.I�peU: Mon�a: mOHn.... "Willi" " o l l' out.�ldl' of " JC'Rnrtte. ic r. Elmer. and P'l'by� IIUH �!n�'" . . . . . h 0 of BurllnR"ton . Mary; 11 \. Je e e R H r Cr;:r�E:�E.�,�:��'. .moHo 'Thlilk bo'- ::��""" �� :O��..k::;�::. ;::: tt: � : :.� �f �:;� :�� :nd ;�� r .. ....01/ mu.�1 find II of Aberdeen: :r.nd Mildred Lee. Tt:n " 80\\' ..... hu�; Illid Norman Jtllsen 011 fl,'a




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Yet it .seems that Ihose who really possess the true " Chn �mas 110\'" A OU T IlE MAN WIIO WAS NA.UOH·rv GIRL. GO TO THE VI-- , n tA In Porther p ....ZY HE DRQVE HIS CAR OVER URATOR TBiS MINUTE AND GIVE AI the spirit" cannot really suffer from these so·called Inroads on the so l enterlaln l offtd . Kathleen Porath sanctity of Christmas. nor can the first great "Gdt'· be forgotten. A BUMP IN ORQ� TO KNOCK T·HE VOUR.SELF A GOOD SHAKINO! ' Rn during the XmM VM:Q "Dh;lI:lc" L'A veneer of good (hristians and you w i l l ASH�:S Of f' HIS CIOAR? Look beneath tl:Je lon. t L A SWEDE : I h l l _ w l t h surely find the true spiflt of Christmas which causes us to l i f t our �o the beautiful HE 'Tm on Ill )' ....·11:.' 10 girl?" hearts at Yuletide and l i s ten WIth a _warm feeling .. Becall� his fathcr will soon undergo SHt: ·O a \· words. "Peace on Earth. good wtll toward men Dmtl 11.'< II i n 1\0..... ..Ild GENE "&.'Ild hrr rOlir plc�urt' '' MI�n�t.a, TrgVe SWEDE' " Din know" m�F Ihlm." . recent ly called to hL�' R nsvol . ' L /II. . ( be the Tr R" Portland. J ��SSt: . · 1" An xpression of Symp.1thy 11')·:·,)'0\1·...1' ItO!, ,,



Al.rlcl\," lo


. \ . . E ' rhe Mooring Mast staff t0InS With other members of the Pacific Lutheran Coll ege family In sympathy With Miss Fowler and --------�----l ean· Marie Fowler over the death of their �Iose relative Although D rothy graduat.e. doing the occasio'n marked . tK'e removal tram thiS ",:,orld of one of their hO Sp. 1\ mlly I hr no t dearest or: earth, it also marked the entrance of our friend into the l<!.'c\Jon Greater Kingdom Each of us must have our time of departure . or partake of the sorrow of"the departure of some loved one '31. hL'i started II glee May God comfort the bereaved ones. and mav this Incident Midl nd Junior High, wherc the help fo show to us who are left the glory and praise due to His Holy br her of Marian Peterson. !<1\ldl'lIl.�. ha.� t.e�hrr. name

of TacomR.

Hllrold Grey. chlb In a ot him for a

one of our

"How ,elln


r�--'----------� <Zrlumttt* o Fowler. U work for fR In Is r h


home of I d





an ollCration in u d was




l!!at. ? "

guest of


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They will waLCh the 6top lights; Red and green will have II special \nearung ror them at every .Important croMinr. Red and g� are ' the Chr1atmaa colors. too. Red at Christmu means the lovl! our Heavenly Father u manUested In the lovtng sacrifice of His·, only-bfogotte:n son.. Green at Chrtstmas mea"", the hope of ever· lasting · .Ute, The ' upward-polnUng e\'er"gTftn·t.ree lA the symbol heavenly hope. At the las1 great cf'$l5llIng may we h I f Je O 1 e w may we go Into the full realtzaUon· of our Chr1aUan hope In the- heavenly home abo\·e. Merry Chri.!Jtmasl O. A. TIngelstad.


Thousand n�lIa .. A

� � ::

ive at least a thousand dollar present 10 G fol k"s this Christmas. your A thousand dolfars of protec"t ion-insurance protection�oes not cost much at a student's age.· and never increases, . Ask abo�t this gift for your folk.s, a gift worthy of their sacrifices for you. It's easy to obtain.

-' -Wrile Our-

Quality Knittin, Co. -




jor Men, If'o�, Children


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Mi_nneapoILs, Minn.

t tn

403 I



St., TacOtn,l.




r I I



U p- T0- OQ te O .Inlng .



Carlyle Cafeteria

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Brookdale Phone 01 56R2

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Printers Stationers Engravers-


Specialist in . Office Equipment·

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FrH Oehvery


_ 6

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SATU RDAY'S Pot Roast lOc: po... �


Corner Tacom,l Aveoue aod Eleveofh



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Cod liver Oil

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Arrow Stmh,-Coopers Undt!rwu, l hn B. Stel$Ofl HItS


f� :: :: :: r;;:;;;:;;;;�:; Lien' & Selvig

or this


youn� of l

The man curl)' hilr the envy. a\ Ule co-eds? He spent the first part or Ulls semes­ ter enjoying hlrrult'lr pushing oppoa_ Ing football 'players over Into the mUd. a pastllne at which he He i.!J' a crooner of no mean ability. though he hILS managed to keep thlI! talent f�rlY well hidden. He don. t),ow­ ever. sirlg In the Colli!'ge Choir, of wbtch he Is an officer. He also holds an office In the Mens' Dorm Union. He Is rather heavy, not. .too tall, and very dark. Concerning the aforementlon� hAlr, It. Is black. and the accompanying eyes are brown.





goinll home for

They will watch the traffic signals,






.....,rrxp s \Q..., 11 r nt.r bAli?

sponsible for seeIng that only one meellng was held after chape! , and only one each noon. The plan would b e that stude'1ts Wishing Th... :;lud ent5 to call meetings see the manage,'. who would regl;Jlate the time Christmas. How about i.t . student and faculty administration'






lU �I l'I


are wl�1

)' wltl il ole III your home I II rclatlve..'ll. In KaJlspell, bren OU I II I""r." lana. during the hOlidays. /. - L A ..¥y IIlrl III Ilk l' poem,.. NEW' FAlL 'ST'I'LlS " o�'s C " 8Jt'II )ou meier:' ����:� 2 ��, �i�� � �he

r fer5 not only athletiC /orm('r edIIO�h t' Mooring Mallt. mallllhl� Jlrowe��. but� to a cheerful dispositlon' To the Student and Faculty Administration Stl'lIll SorbOl'. l.� WI\,� hjnglon and 1111 a b t y 10 take hard knoclL� . . ' Shllf' Colle�t. It s an old. old story. but nevertheless It IS t�ue If any group . and bump.s on the head W1th a IClinIS to succeed. It must have coop�r-dll�and thaI's what P L C needs It's a CUlt grin. too Emnll!. Ka!ll all�. surprised Alice more of. She has blue eyes: short. curly. brown . AiI'IWII w\tll a \'Islt 18.'it FrIday night. �hen �lne thing IS schedliled . .to plan another for the Same h lr retaJns a good deal 01 Emmll I� ICRChhll1 III Burlington. WfU<h . ll : �nd .'<un time IS certa,"ly .Inexcusab le. Couldn t the administration cooperate . . her !<umlllet'S tan: She 19 not very taU, "litton. with the students a l i t tle better ," regard to meetings announced and not \ler), ht'av),. though !;ht 1..'1 In chapel. as well as meetings held outside tfle school?r Chapel 0 Iwlther h ort or too thin. ;- k announcements become the laughing stock of the school when Itl h' :'II�; tOTIl t 7 :3�'h::1Ieh Though .\he 11'1 a freshman. she hold� three or four di fferent meetings are announced for the same time. ��� ��"l ��/ Il� ��1:�· V �l� one of two v er y Important girls' off ices g. d I .t e t May we suggest that a student manager be appointed to see at the .school. She also holds olflccs that only one meeting is held , at a time, so th,at students might In the Pep Club. Ule Drama 9lub_ and , �' partake of more . than one activity' Th is m�nager would be reo m I l hC W-.A.A. And Ilistle a whl;,; at bMII:et. A

"'-""ON< �N


I and . Supplies .

P t2�"�T.� Squan, R ine Office Furniture F

. 12th &; A st.

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Ph6ne MA;n 2 1 22 ,

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Choir Will R epea t 1 1',,'''' Tin!" 'I>",,1 ��:; Women Are Better! --. . �o:.� ,E,,. t Concert Tonight --'Con"�:,!':!'.!:.·! Old $ ,,' Nick •. It 5nrt'UI to hu Th� YOllth Mo\'cmenl 'of .Oermany At toe tI�l dtbRlt of lhe yt.r ht"ld l n h a]\\' I\Y$ been sadly neglected by the �:;�: a�II�e: ::��I,l: \ �� 1 I nitial Pre,ent�tio" of Year C 'y i en �� :��7;!�,�\':!:: �e �:!�o;t:�: .�I�OO;�r -r::=� O::���IY�� ....Ti�l"!"-Qf stones. We rell.d great. df'a! Potsdam. a city notedl: 1l8=m�: for Its mUl�r- Here Sunda),. To Be Re'peilted Conference may �ulre, and as the That Men '8u�r1or t.o!,n � about little Johnll)' and Mary Ism In (lennIUlY. the topic of the IIblllty or lhl' �upporUn8 bodies ..Ill Thl' rt'.!IpN:Uvc aldK of lh1.5 C<lffilc dr· ChrU!tma.� momlng. but h ev little of lalk gh-en by ElIlel Hagman al Ihf' For Welfare Society in Tacoma IX'rmlt. �� "Uf' uphrld by sJ)f'ak'rl"ll rf'p�ntr \ N an Club mee th" ndn'ntures of the old man hlm- Oenn UJ\iI: O 'embf' 29. 'n Ihf'lr flnll concut allpearll ncf' of 1f'1 ThaI lht: Amulcall LuUu!rI'nl Inl( .each of the �l!-es'ln QU:;:�I. thr ' )e h c t r ·�11 What a c1��lc that I\'ould makr! :� t�lt�;l �';�� /�M�:': l:·���� ��Ol; ::.\.; = :;:�� o:-::;:nf$��:I�: ;fO�:�::y :�l� :� (!!;f'���:���;; ci::�:kO���'�n��::1�h� d n e ImlU[hll' _hili Journey down Quiet, ' '�'�oLcI( 1 of K.lng Frederick thc Ort'Bt. ac - Trinity Lutheran Church of Parkland Planl prt'senl� �by represent-atlves. of ciuc Lu.ther�.n Coll� ...ludt'n ­ Iflmp-lil lIlreelJ! III Tacoma 10 lefl"" cording to the sPf'lUter. lasl Slllldfl)" evening. Ca.ndlelighL snd Pacific 'Luthrnn C�lIege for ratslnll ford Mf'sford. Archibald Ou lop In :\lllrllflrrf Wf"$."01l R ne,,' skirt In Jllilt'1" The OennlUl Club OCle� sallg a &TOttI> Chri!lullllol; df'COf'atlons pre�nted a funds'mrnt of Indrb�dneM IlJUt the perwn of and Clarrllcr �mmln". · TIlr ,,' the one she tore lI11dlng do"''' the of Oennllll sonp al Ihe c101'f' of. the 1)le�llg �tting to the large audience for endowment. Ilrgumrnt. of !hl! Ilt"li:lllh'e p�l!�nted bann�ter at lIChool: then thf' uhlla· ml!'l!tlng. I.q, IlUendllllce. �e Choir ass As to the teaUlRtlOIl of thl! plan. �- by MllIl Fllllllhril! Inga PhlllUlthrOJIlsl . ... Bafrle 'Iltlng tUghl O\'er tht' fort'lll$ to \11111 A dlsc:oun>(' on the go\'ernnlenlal and b� Ll'w\S O. HUlltf'r with - halll lsUd Ilnd It Im·.ohes ftnllnct�1 comml! - lufown .to Tprrf'sdal. Ilnd Bill Whalen. to leave him the pair of roucatlonal :o;rstems of f'rnnce by Jane \'lolln 1K'lecUom. IHld by l.orralne Plt'r. this plan 1 1I !a1IU. t recommrJl[' ("! Il · , 8ulIle Snooty. nont ' other tha!l Jl'K.n .. ' water·",·ln(:S he � 1lt'{'(Ied so ba4.!!: �t WillIam!!. .featur!'<1 the meeting of �e C)' with 1)lano numbt'nI. . r�sp't'clh'e cOllstituencle!O for fllvorllbll' Mllrle..,Fowler. how will the old rellow get dOW11 t.he F'Tf"nCII Club Frida)' 11001\. Decem�r 2.' For thl! LbUll'rll1l Welfare SocINy. �onlllderMloll IInU �\lch funht'r Hetlon Margarel 'WeII-�n. recf'.lltly t'll'Ctt'(' KJlPlK'1l ch'mney ,,-tlh the .ba.b)'-bugg}· . Le C (" Francais membf'n; gave thlll conc('rt wIlL be re�at(>d 10- ON- lllf'Y 11111)' find 1K),..�lble In rrlAUull p� of Ihe club. acl� a.� chalr­ LPIf hR� been wRlltln$! badl)·. And f'n!nch \ ,·erbs Rlld translated them night In tht' .Flr:o; ! t:-ulherall Church 011 IIl. t" r own 1I1HmUOII as wt'll It� tllf' ma.nld('llt and Janc WllliamA held th,' ah'rm thell ht' will come to the .school And to th(' Enl\1 the Innln of .t bf' il the Sixth find I Strt'et III TMooma. with 50- 1)('roll of lhls ;olnl elltCl'prllW ock I cl . t mR\' be of. ·lnterest 10 kno\\' footstep.5 l\i.1 rIng In Ihe \'8Cant I mf'etina. cent.!! adml.5s.�on beinG charged. SUII. thllt tIlf' 1If'�tl\·f" WOIl unallinlOu I:v hllll! ht" pay'"I hi... n!.5I)('Ct..� 10 thl' da�' c\'enlng concert wa-" rrml('n>t1 ;\)oO)oO()('ia�I.Sllllll'lit)oO . ib1l1 It would l ('\'�r do .to tell that tl1O" hr d n Ol l I the fairer �;�jst��m::�'�;I01: f' �'r �;; llrat�;� l ?ul��'r sth�t:�:IJ�t'e�' t�e ��O���l� C �t�!h�:�:��:� . follows HUllor ,FoIl'hull i\lI'1i flVf' Judl:l"� wl'n' ,1\lblo�I-�. howl'\'f'r. 01 hi� tlt"!;Cf'ndtn� lh(' AthlrUc Association. I I1clel'll girl... Ill· Pn-Iudl' nnd Procri<.«lonltl . I{'uotinutd .'rom I'llar-bor l COIl\H'r. II.rlld\lIlI< � JUl1ll1r -.chool chimll(,)·. but Ihen-imagllll' his tendl"d tilt' firM to-mile hlkt" of Ule Choir Pornth. and Waltcr UlIwd. . \ . . « De 1 al OIl l '��II��!�::: ���h�';,���tt�::mcll undl'r Ih� ;:!���a;�lt�al�I�:II�h:1 :t��:R�: �elt�t��� :;:::!r � �:::::=.: by ���:;:� �I;�I::;'::�'" � � ���:lrn�;�I�:� �� ��;·lr ���.:::·LI1:;;: ::, ��� �:�;UI::�� t ill' lZirb hiked Lake\'lcw a"nd Mar)" NaSh. AUCI' Al"lne�.... JlII,f' WI I. ! T" )(a" \\:hl'rr :\!r COOPN i... prncllrlllit Solo-Mlldre<l Monson bltck to Parklnnd. The hike wu (he Violin. \\'I lh plano alld orgallHums. Luulst- M\II('r. ArMI�r!. I�,! 'm !l .- ; Trinity Choir to Give a �rle:o; 01 lhrt'<' hikes which Prelude to" The lX'luRL_ Salnl -SIl" n.s nlll, .W.hlt.ak('r. . John Van ;:�\l1d ,, w Unit, NllnlHUl WI'Stlhllt. MrnK re t dlr r .. Cantata Here SU{1day t.hc IIltls will U\ r 10 carn 1)()lnl,� 10- C"zolll'tta 'f-'Tom Violin alrcady lound Go<111 WII)' k W(' l l l lg f knW�kr :�;:�III�:e�;r:::l;t:�f'�hKTg� 01 c l�"11 - I11J �: .I�'I � �:� �,�('��In�;: :�:' b�����I;; I c I I ' ' m�i::�!;;��� A��h �\;� �: le:': ! o :�::11I1�::� Ll n n I r� Pro:�'roe� �� th� n�::� :o ::: p::��::�� I c ' Lulhl'ran Church tll'O W . .... IIlrl� " lI.�t hike nLn(' amt by Ih!' Trinity knowlc;ljow. IZlft.�. Itlld cLOI<f'r apJlrOQCh ChoLr m'Nt Sl1mlnr l'I'("lllng at 1 : 30 0· · a hlll1 mU('.s logel1l'l'r In Ihrt'(' hOl1rs ! Cholr_01-';:lIn-Jor;ellh 0 'E<!Il'ltrd... to Oo(\ -PfhU'gCr . l Cive Splalh Party ----rJock.1n tht' Trinity Lutheran. Church. , wllh no morl' Ihan 10 ml! UI"'� 0111 lor In H�llvell Abo\'(' C\lrili!j�t)�I'n TheClub newly-otgllnlU!d f? w I m 1 n � . \ IIndrr Ihr dlrrcliuTl of Prof J. 0 Fod · ' n'Nt Solo-WRIlf'r Ustnd .. . ".'ij Club held If" flrst'�h jlllrly Ln Ihe � . ..' . . ""'nrds 1 l I Ouspud l Pom ilU L\'()$ky W. C. A. 1)()()I·at 1:30 m. Dl'ct·m· � Solo patt.� wu\ be IAk(,1l MtN. P. E· 'RllS. DR. WM,SMITH � hl1l PraY!' OHr t . Lurd ·d " God Ix'r RpproKlmat('ly with St;,dN1I8 ! Hnuge. Mrs.. E. HlIllkcllson.· ML... Alllt;lI Peterson StU 10 to . ha\·c IIlcrcy nnd facult)' n!l'mbel'li In aUt'n�f\nc!'. ; D"I(' Mn. A .W. Rnm:;tad. Mr I Kllllts Ilomeu Se\'eral rllct'S were held .stimulllie Ta ke. CIass p.Ie tures ThrM' Solo-AlUla Slra�.d . and Re\' T O. S,·are Mlkkel.'lO? l l GA 0 1 45R2 Amonjl Ihc wlnnt'rs w('rc -In IIddltlon to thr. CanU\tl\. flthl'r I Piano' Prof. Hlghb)'. Jelln-Marle Fowlcr. c!t ' numbers sc:h('dult't1 for thl' .program Price of 54 for First DOJ:en. $3.00 lIuntllll/. Sonlt . Mt'llde\ .... . �hn d n A. Norm "ll Jel\.�cn. Leonard \'Ve!l.,�n, SUnd!lY evening Arr violin sell'Ctlon� by For Second. Quoted on Photo- Ttl'('... Drl.! Oeorge"S\ . 'en.son. '"'- Gome in\.(. owl:<" O. HlIllter lind rre!tatJon by graphs : Party and Ring CommitLorralnr Pierc r The. datt' f(�r t1�c ncxt plungc. which A. Sior. of Chrl.,""" Cifll f.,.. MLo,;i Sllfrle TorTl'�nl. Mr. Hunur ""!II teel Named by Stan Score . Harp-. ;fJ:'. _hoi. fa""ily Chrl.stmllS Ihe after vaca· hcld bf' will pia)' " Sonata In 0 " b,' Halld('1 Th(' EnglCnllln lion hllll not been definitely decided " TIla� tht' Pet('rson StudLo wll\ !,JIk'" r.••J', .I .odn:..O'S,Lo, $\\"lIn:· b�' Sant SII('n$ and ··5f"renadt"·· \1 KIM BALL'S OeJ1lX 'n acrordlna to IU'I-Marle Powh.>r JC of · P . -:rp;�i:.l th .. gillduathlg thl' !)hOIQ8l"8phll cllt-''' lalll '� \ 1101 Broadway l l O l lA''''L�·O Hunter f ��e ;�;�: b club \)r('�ldent �:=:. ) fi i thl.' renr I... the d(''Cilll on or a commlt- Sollna SoloF'1lowlng Ihe prl'SClllllllon of lhl' Cltll- tl-'f" from IIlr clf\ll,.'. Plerure� will ShCIno �---� ------ - i X'rdll 111 Iht' Hu.,h of --.=.. --=---=:: -:: 0): ==:::: :: lala. Ih(' Trlnll�' LUlhrr Leagul' will b.' $4 for till' flr�t doull. lind $3.00 O hara ' Bo,",�le Be�uty Shoppe Night Parkland B.rber Shop Sludent.!! You are �elcome to hold socml 111 church bn.�en'rnl lor th" .�l'Cond. (If lht· rcgular grnoun. " Mlkkr\:<C1l Anll and com(' In :��t. �:�tlnll for Lion plcl.urrs In loldrr�. An 8 by. to-InCh CholrConfectionery Ci,II' Cym Classel Organi ze I'nlltl"genlcnt I... glvcll fret' ... lIh ,'ach I! Hmalmn III Ihr HI�h('NI SodermAn Shampoo Rnd Finger Wave 1�c I With Margan"t .Jacob.'!on as lri.�lruc- dmen ord("red. App!icAtlon plcturc� \lillY nh's.<;f'd I s Hr Soderman ' Maneb lr.MJnal-Haln:uttln, QEO KNUDTSON, Prop Expert Permanent W .,t"l" I tre..... girl'" gym eJ8SS('.5 hR\e ofl{llIlltCd be hRd $1 ror tIIf' rt dozcn und L Arland 0145-R-2 Parkland _ _________ _� G I f(lr tIl(' ",inter lICl\.own Into four grouJlIS 11 00 fm thr Stcond Sittings "'Ill blilin Trinity League Meeh J...__ .:. _______ _..:Ba.�kplball 1.'1 the onl� activit} t.akl'n aft('t Ihl' Chrl.«ul1lt� vltcation Iht' Trinlt} I..utlll'r \..(o al.lue held It.s up for clas.� �ork: \\\th each gTOl1jl or· rill' commlttl"( frOIll Ihl' CI""-" �I°+rii"tvar mef!ting Sunda) ('\elling Parklan d Col f Courle ItIlnJ:tInr;: R for Int('t-clas.." eom\X'_ choosl' thl' photogrllphcr liS IIPIlOlnlt'd I c('mber " Thf" Church Year IlasDe the l S h ol es b} PreNldl'm Stunlr} ScOrf' Includl'd t.oP.c for Ihl' e\cnlil" . dl.-.c11SSoed by Joh ulion. n ! ! f,o,tellenl Green� . Captains of the four ba��lball Tr}l!:Vl' HUI\ WOld . IC�alrmanl., Elmer HoI'I' and Waller YounM". Oth('r n�m. 15 m.nute, from c.'y groups Helf'n Collins. " Buster Roe. Knulzt'n. Olga O\erlle. 6hlr�l'> Hecht bt>r.< on lhe I)rogrnm .. a violin 1>010 I GREEN FEES Alice AlVllf"!! and Evelyn Monson. and Jennlt" her5Otl. Ule repre5t'nt- . by Alice Pet('rIlOn. and a pinno solo by ANY TIME Ing !.he high liChool graduatell. A Hum· Aarhus. Jell.'\C opfluegcr led Ihe I 18 holes SO<-9 holes 2Sc SEAMON'S ber of phot�raphers submItted bids Ardis devotion. and RUlh Fadnl'i<.'I In Spec,al monthl',t or season's 5tudent FLOWER on Ihe wOtk. Brookdale Crocery char,,1' of the socll\l IlOur , rales on requcst THE STORE TItAT HAS IT At It.� Ilwell"g. thl' Clll.... o . also t11'Clded "What ChpnmalS Means to Me" was SHOP WALLACE CARR, MIIf)lIger 10 postponr It.� part)' until lifter Ray. Fet!!d. Paint. Driap. Hardware dl.scu.� at the PJrel!lde Hour 2 1 1 South Eleventh \lrf'CedGarland 0 1 69-J-3 Chris.tma.�. The second year nonnal Ins the league meeting. Mal")' Lolli.§{' Rust Building n n l �: :�� ::e RJ,� Preu... Iffi the dlactwlon. L_-'.,___.. ���� ;':�III�:::Q�e agr::�: ,_ glo __ w.... _ k d._ _ ""' _ lan �__ _ !II " charge of a c'Ommll� compo.sed of AnFreshman III We want to fulf.1l your wlInlS. Ooe na Mikkelsen I chalnnan l. Alice Alv. SigneCollege BROOKDALE Hl4lman. college fre"-hmllll. has If� dill' seN;C!! on yovr photo work Iles and Norman Westling. been ou� of ."Chool for some Ume bf'- � no eKlr.l cost .and the wolk is done . BARBER SHOP To Invesllgate the prospe<:LI; of Sfi:llr· cauSe bv experienced wOrkmen at of Illnt"!';5. At the time the paper SUNFREZE . i . , ing class rings. tht' following gommltlf'oe wa.'!. being prln�. !Iohe reporte{ ;E; Brookdale LEHMANN PHOTO·FINISHING � , was named: Godwin Ro�m (chalr- bf' ICE CREAM STUDIOS vel")' 10\\'. The Mooring Mut ex· l manl. FranC1'-!l Andrews and WAiter pre$St'1I P..,khlnd Merunlile ConiPllny the s)"mpathy of Paclrlc Luth. � t.Jstad. . COllt'(le friends to her family to- l . ThI.5· )·ear·s graduating class 1.'1 rom- eran � g-ether with lIln('en> willhe,,- for her � : of Philip E membf'rs 38 Delln .5 Dahl C,ocery Co. posed peedy recovery L'Hle P.,il Beauty Shoppe i : Hauge 1.5 the advLser Phone Broadway 4129 We spedallU: In all llnt'll ot � l1li.",", Uaited 'llrity Stor.. i beaut:t work "Bll5ter-" Roe aDd BtU Wba&en wen ; Laklri ill Hair � pfl,u.r :t.l&ny people have Il VUJ desertbed In this _ed's NHan YOll : PARKLAND l e em hazy Idl;a 01 wha� It b to be a mem- Met'" StP r a.n�ma iii , iii +--_________-+ � 31(; �ts� u bf'r of God'. tinrdCDl. . "'-----�--�-""":-::--:---:--7----1 1 ,,-_________� ��r primary purpose to We 1a to i l �� ,J;�;�u!��d ' C�:,� t' d�� ,lo,Uy God .....,... we be.1onglo Hlm...J. Footb.11-SPAJ,:DINC COlF CH R I STMAS GREETING CARDS body, soul, and mind. We may ,do th1a B..ketball-­ by Uvine good chrlstiaD. clUuns and CLUBS FOR 1 93 2 ....ull Aliitrum '.rinting Comp.ny doing our duty on ew1h.:"'ReV. J. M. 9tO COMMERCE ST. Se_o"":::' MAIN 8768 Jensen . . L You will enjoyUfo ;CEMBER


Sa nta C laus Slighted

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WAS H I NCTON. H�RDWARE ' CO; acific r924 'P ���. ' .


fi '�' -:- ---�


Loggers Beat P. L.C . i=�--� ----;---�----=-------=--=----32- 18 In Opening ., /J . on C.P. Ttlt 8_ F loor

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It:tl .

P.L.C. V arsity Win' ' G lad ia t�rs Win lJ' . lt 2n d Practice G ame l PractIce Hoop Ti

n. ' Win FI;." C',me of CI.dl..." Win Sp.. modl, H oop L".h�.. Season From Parltlatld Men't Tilt: WiU,ard �ncJ. Fadnes. Stal Club: Moe a.nd ,.dnes• .Hi. At Cuard Point M'�n


..'l By C MoftllOft L�c"" of Offensive Power C�uses r Weakness in Lutheran Lineup: ••• uuu==:u :�_=_ __ ..._�._u_.._.n_.....""' =_ ....._... �= tn 'the second prl\.CUce game or ,the 111 their UMlt practice pmI' or')he Cladiators Ouhhine Rivals in �acific Lutheran Collele football warriors next year can be $eason. Coach Cllrt o"15On's hoopme!, 'R�n the F&c.lflc LuLhe?,n Coil Second Period of Contest proud to be I�d by on e of the most ouht,andinl Iridders who ever do",nro the '!!Crappy Yelm to�'ll team baSke �rs ",on a dOl.I1?,�.�er on he . At the footba1I banquet Tuesday eve· 21-21. on the Parkland floor. Saturday. ColI� maples. oece.,h d�nneda Cladla !Or unl'orm: bft 3. "'h the . . In It c1o."(' I!;am(' tho.' ColI�')t1' of Puget nlng, the unanimous vote for Swede Willard by the letter'men. J:>I'cf;'mber 0. �nd Men', .1 team defeated the Pa Sound dt'fl'atro thc Pacific Lutheran showe that his teammates were. �ell aw.are of his capability. . F.rom the opening .....hlstle. the OIadl- rtrst re!ervea: wlnnlng � the with 33.25. Club. Cnlll'1;f' OIRdllu(lrs. 32 1.0 18. Wednesday HIS work on the Luth.e.ra� Ir'dl�on thIS seaso,n' was of the caliber Rlors 'started sinking shoL, at leisure r':Om thr Mllton tOWI� lcam. 27·25. . .nl�hl. 011 the C.P.S floor. that was not only recolnl.eel Within our 'own Circles. but by every and RI· �he same time ;stretch�n8, a hrr' l failed to display a , !.he pppo- � -:� L� Thl' Luthl'tlln'� d..rf'Jl�I\'I.' 1>U"'er .....a.� team we faced. Col � mbia .Uniy�, who defeated the Colle,e of slrOng drrensl\'e pl:t around m h t :; !Iba.'iketball. O'I'ldf'1l1 throughout the gamr. but their PUlet Sound, champions of th.!:yaclflc Northwest con!erenc �, voted sidon. At half tl�f'. t,he �rf' 51 �med 'to be Intac1-. tJuo. defense thrir failure to producf' on the ofren� 8A"t· Swede the most valuable man they had played against thiS year . 19·:1 In favor of the Lutheran.�. · througbOUt. rrense \\'as Ii bit ragged Ihl' s��' lA:IIgt'� " c!ecl� ad\·an· This is significan� enoulh. �ith him ludin , our eleven next yur In the �nd period the vli!llor'5 �h marred by numerow IRKt:. Thr contest wu fast and �Ul Coach Cli!f �Ison can !ook forward to our nex! year's campaicn with_ abandollrd their orthodox .5t),le . and Gladl. thrft that re.5ult t�:S fOU�.5. qulnleL, s.ho.·rd promlSf' of de\'rlopmg much optimISm. Here s luck to our new captain! fonned a man to m�n defense .that left the f,1oor. - . At the half the . c:hecked thr Lut�eran scoring spree.. atOlS S. ,So l:lW II nl� working leam after the)' . n�rg1.n, but c1011t! a J held . OladlatoMl ha\'e a (t'll' morf' galllr� under their I� 0 I While the guard.5 checked Ulf' ngle· during the !;t'COnd 'pedod Incrll!ue<i ttus belL 1932 In eyed fo....·ards of P. 1.. .C . the I'!maln.. of Moe b)' the aecura'.le. IIhooUnk • Ing thre� piling up polntl. and lead ' Bates. LAJ(llwr's lon';u rd. �hlrt("(\ thr the Ume )lad elaps.ed. and Fl\dnesa: of much betOtil! .t !>COring a fell' minutes after the game I h rIng hoion



Chnstmas near-ahem. Well. anyway. m enth.used or hoop season has store . maybe a b!t dubIO �s to _hat, the for us. . It S real! am to tell-I . m aware �f the fact now, . �hat no matter you hav a good team. that term tough schedule somenttd "tarted: an� throughout t.tle fl';� times countefa s it.. �� .G1�::tor It'ad «-as',cut dOll'n t� f:��hf'::I�ng�; �:g1n::p l0 co�t� . e po . S. S. period Sand�rg s blUketern;. held the playing nice floor game

and After all, why worry? the nature of the comp.any', slated At t� point. 0l.'!OI1'5 men reorga·nl:r.ed rrsh upper hand. AI thl.'· half the . ' Ihe.mselvrll and halted the threatening Jo n Fadn�. wh0 cad.e nut with � �(ood. 24 '8\'or of C .'P.S denotes the success of our season. whether we win or lose. . . �r:": :c:':n; :o:.C;o:' Ilthe :��: t the until UIl\C that From Townimen. S S. nd 'i4'COud period Iht' Ohtduttor,game. �ladlator5 m�n ·· 5hOWed si of much Even SInce Coach Ol son has been at P.L.e . ; he· h.;l s inwardly,.. end oftoI.he Improved wwk . lIud uut.� ort'd the Logger... . � lead. this hold aged r : year. that appears it our mento 's chalk .. IIp I3 polnts t(l 8 forC.P.S.. lUld wished for a large team, This season 1 from R.5� '''Swede'' WillardS � John. �dneSS' mUch !>t'!tN offensl\'e /j:ltlne. wish will be gratified. WIth practically . all of our -starting line - up Lutheran playllll,t Ben Palo. I.'X-P.L.C. star, . wu.s the guards. liirt� most of the averaging close to the six foot mark. h . team's plays. and also worked well on shining light for the Clubmen. by S S ;:� �:I(Z:�::�7 g�I::���I:h>lO :.��!C:�: 6 counters and playing a In Johln Fadness and "Swed�" Willard. we have a pair of guards the defen�e, ",hUe D,utch Moe furnished checking up Itblr to I"kr lnl.\· Ihrlr f mou.� IUard. that are gooct-:-heaYy on the lood. The, literally s�arm over the most of the firework.!! on the offense \'f'(\' cOllslst(,llt gamf' �hou. g Jolly. Yelm guard and Ed Lhwups Ju and work tOlether like veteran,. opposition territory own their In Mftrthl. LUllwrMn I'enter. lugh -. Coate; forward �ere the Invadelll Le. 12 CI.b S) Men'. P S. S. 1 Dahl ta}s causing thf' Lutherall!! much MOt' <101 Not only that we have some good guards Jack Hudso,{ Bob malrlll ��;:� ��:;��� r:���� ,��I:;a�/��:�:� , H,I Lennox b) their fast orr('qslve ... . ork C LF trouble k Ja 11 points. Moe for P. L. C. Rnd ;\fc· LeVinson Bev Shuster Stan Score and Harold Holmberg are all and nashy floOr play. j Martin 17' (2) OlaMO , 'C capable �f holding up their end Th'ey compose a QUi ntet of power [Jneup Co� for CPS pJ8)'1'd a nice game and IS) Paio RO Fadness t81 ful reserves \ ron�tnnl t Ihrf'lIls IhmUIlOII" Coltom L C. (%"I POll. til Yelm is' LO P Willard I �: �e �a':e S S I RF Sub.,t1tuUon.�: P.L.C.-L. sanderson. · ,9 'Cartrlght Carl Marhn .at the Pivot pOSItion, IS handicapped by lack of Moe The lillf'lIp Coa PUkl�\d k Shuster: Hudson 5)'doll·. u J I�) LF' , experience, but he blC and hiS loom Inc ficure is qU ite an asset ac n C 121 Gcrll'ell$ �len'� .Club--R . SAnderson. DeMeIl. P L C 11111 Puo.. ( P under the basket And Cil Sydow, even if he has to wear a mask Marti (S Moe .2. RF RQ (3) Jolly �tt. �old . '8' Bait'S to protect his bespectacled eyes, surprises us with the game he can Willard f61 .lAck i l l Fadnesa LO DonaJdr.on Lf' I I ' Carlson really play . Mattln , 8 , C Lindquist , RI"S(!(\·Jame S S \Vlllard 16, . 1 Gagnon RG lUI MUkm ml POL I ' I · the at Jack Dutch Gene and Moe a are poSitions forward asses Play RftJervef LO Sander�n (21 RF i 3) Ne&II l-'adne!L� i t . . 10 1 McCoy clever patr of ball handlers Moe IS hard to find at tImes but he s GIr s C-Referfi'. Al Hopkln.� Votall i2.,,1 LF 15) Shadie there Jack has a world of experIence behind hIm and h I S best Mltt.oll The 1It'.... ly·olllanlzt'd girls; phy.5lcal Sydo� 19\ games are yet to come RO '81 LIndquiSt educaUon classes plMyed their rlrst I Score ,. s, S ; n.. ;nn;;;;;;;;;......;;.. is) HOp� LO Sanderson, Votaw, and Preu .are comparatively small , but at game� Monday evening Ilt 7 00 In the HudllOn �6) e lt s a I g a u the forward berths, are very c �� ab � reserves � Christmas ����:�d :�� �� :CICI� ��1II:e2�_� � � Sh��:� �6� Lev=n� �:�Helm. l A I vnes' a ta d a a a I b o a G ifts In st�r� f�r ��. l �: �av� ��: � Portable Typewtlten, Supplies. .-�����I� b:� :��� �C;:t����� ��! �:�O�a��!(:a::d\; ��.e�:�� J All �� �:S '�:'n:t e a t a b a t g our 1 , p That Appeal to Men ��� h ;�����r' :r��:���d ��;;j� �o��i�� ���e��� s������� �:�:�r ���!�:�s��p soon Chtlstma., holidays as pos.slblf'. J. F. VISELL CO. S. S. ·Two ptactice games hav.e-b.e_e.... played to remedy this , but. still th� �'ho pIA)'�d In these gamell. ��:�t,!:,ers it seems a bit ragged. I f our Sig. boyi' can ge , to work ing together- glrl5' \'atslty team will be Cho.W11. Tellm Phone Main 2870 905Ia Pac:. A\·e. membeMl are: watch their dust. ,... SCOn'

10 5 In








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13 1


St'-loO"', N_e�1 WC':lVe\




Two days before our home�'Om��g football game . with Columbia �::::� ��=, !�nU;-��::s..,�::�':il �--,-.---------.-� UniverSity one of the mo�t . �purar .�rsonage� around Lou !>nus. Vlrg:lnla Been. Htlen ,.Le. "ta,on', .rtttinll'� forced to have an appendlcltl lerahon. A dl $appoi p ted lad was Ellen Soley. and Nordb FROM was bell. AII� Roe's group-Dorothy he-in fact it was written all over his face. Dorothy Peterson. LouLse MHler. Vir" S. S. Being an ardent enthusiast of every pos�le activity that coa glota Harris. OunhUd Lar�n. Norma I on at our school. he asked the doctor to post�"e the operation until after the game .. The old physician stroked hIS bearded chin , looked at the patient critically, and replied with an emphasis, "No." S. S.

So "Suck': Swisher, our popular bus drive'r the home. coming game. A few weeks later r ....appened to seemissed him down a bit pale, but the same old "Buck." He closed a short Co.w" 5O,lo" 1 by asking " I wonder what the baske.t balr team will do this year?" ' .

L L Well, my conc'omeration of nothinl combined with of the epoglottes must cease, but permit me to wish � . Christmas.

To the Faculty an d Students of Pacific Lutheran College We extend our 1)eH1 wishe� �or a Merry Chri�tmas

!>nus., Mnd Alice Bee. Evelyn MonllOO 'l\ group-Nedra Du. j-l:==;;r��=" blgh. Jeanette KnuUen, Mary DIckie Leland, Kathleen Porath .

. Spe'c;,,1 busses for parti.i. cl•• clubs. team., etc. ", Any Time,

e.1I Mr. L,_


Place MAIn MIl


YeU_ CaM " · 'Amba1an�

- - l;'acJace Senke.

MAIN 11ft


, I


Club ,Ent.�t.;ned : .. n . Go on Rourd F. I Studon" ;nl Leaders Wag�rlve Students, Faculty, F'en,hMembers EnJo)' Open-hou.. Students Plan Trl·p 1933 S.,a, Despite Depres,ion ChOlr I.n programs ",'mu' �" .mong tho To Ramler Jan. 22 S,udo"" of P L C .. .. To Retul'n To Cash o�· tht' FrenCh Club. f ends As a holidfl), betwf'en the two 5t'mes!! nvorlng a S81ft In 1933. at their rtlu- B P. L., C. Benefit Conee',t" Dinner Ilmndllber!! Ul1.' ' aSI·s Next ' T'erm 1 l 1 i>ers , n eir opening t hllH' bt>c the l sp 5. Jan. meeting r a l De , �roup for light ret hsh· tt'r5• • many ?acltle Lutheran Coil Scheduled at Our Savio,', ,nd --financial conditions ",por� 51u�ents will go to the nlountaln Je:: favorable ·Cent,.1 Lutheran Churches in homE's ato the t r n e commJttee. 5atI:a fac.ulty lhe by t Committee Sertds Letten to Tacoma ac rdl g to I;l VOle t.k�n al the las� ��.���� :�: ���b ": �l;�\���:. r: ;� 22. t d l I . . $15,- · 011 JflI1UIIQ' and today Mrs. ml't' ting of the Associated Studll:nta I{te .�;:�:�� �f ���nc�;g ��e ;;::� ��� friends of College to Rai.e f a nwrUng be ,, Student d r-. A.. Tinll�lstp.cI h�leS5 to the cl b. ��: ;�:��! ;:;17��ire� �' CUlling down expen�s were d'lsc� 000: first S I .OOO r. Received ciflc Luthe:n CS:I�e; r::� �� l: � ODUrmg :re =�a,. o of proInter('stlilg an lcht'On 1�1 t th of'Cone tt.'(' ng Board st le1!t. of a l O Ifl benefit program In Our Savior's Luth. spor f,htas--:"been plRnned$i oor;l trot nnd the final dt'Cl�lon 11' ('xpectt'd To put Pncillc Luthernn Co tle , tti;::s ���g��� wlnler eran ChUrch of Tacoma. 011 1 th and �:�;�s.IIfI. ;o�.:�;, :l;dth�ic The cost o he trip will be . r r b I aAd Olone), Is belllg collected liOOn. student. ' de0 lind . n sholl· wert' cltr thot from ��\:�(' :�� :� �l�.cd;::�n��:�;.�!�c: . J ::�:I:�'I�I\ : :�de� b)' Anna crlpt on of tht' royal palact' wa gi en A rpmlt or i"500 has 15. Jonuory by s v . �� ��ft��nS��I: (::;�t�;:: . = Mlkkel.'>I"n . and Paul A. �us. who Jan 27 Is Date i>t'('11 l;('leeted during the past week. . olso sins a duet. Violin a,nd saxo· ....m Wesson . Mary Louise us. Ha el Mon. h rs n t p�;ne =: b}' 'ls Q. Hunter. and L. D. MIn. and Clifford · Mesford. A student Of Drama Ni!!h R. Girls Hear comm?ttee co t :�� =����, ��� r:� ��;:II� p o by �;. J. 0, Edwards "'ill will be In charg(' of refreAhe s h .co . ' 111 � prov d� from the Thal thc first Drama Night .of the ��� t�Sk,: ��:�.��! ��a�:r!��� · Int'nlS. .... hlchStuden\.!; ::::I��� I����= a dinner to � Of Alaskan Missions Assoclatt'd funds. Those on spring will be Friday. Jonuary to an exec�tlve board com. se-rved b)' ladles of the church '111 be e committee are KathalE'en Porath '21. Is the 'announcemt'nt of sident the fund ' of Pau l P eus chairman Ludv tW('nly.fh·e Ci'nts. All proceeds ",,111 go Wit h a talk b)' MI Soh'e' R I thchalrman n athr hnson, Alice .Tryg\'c Runs\'old of the Drama Club. Larson. N J. HrOng: Philip E.' Hauge. )' ' JoDublgh. i{ . Nedra I of · l.c ma as the f: ture �i t-:U;::'� l . Ellen !.Sole), to PaCific Lt:theran College. · Jane T Mak('r of Cremona" I.!I the Clifford Ol. n. E. and Thto. At another bf-neflt conc('rt In the gram. girls of the Lutheran Daughters WIIlIAOlS. Jt'8n·Marie ;Fowler. orrlllne "titleheofViolin the pla� to be. presented by the dore Ne�n. The committee haa sent Interest of this school. the PncUic ol the RefonnaUon m('t January " In ::��n. Dickie Leland. And LShlrle)' F tlight Re\·elers. un� ckl Leland. It'tt.r.!"5 to the congregations and PlUtors Lutheran Collegt' choir 111 rend('r a the home of Mrs. Paul A. Prel.L5. with . The CMt has not been Se�('Cted. of the Pacific Dlslrict. many memo pt"Ogn\m Of l('c ted numbers In the Mrs. L. reldl r ond Mrs. E. H. Bondy Ruchel FlInrs gr�)U � S age Step- bers of the De\"elopment AssocIation; Central Lutheran Church of Tacoma as asslstlilg h�tesses. MIM R},nnlng . � : c ar P k B 3 B a\�� 0 :� �' ���ua�r � r n h r a H �I�n:� �c� :��lt:l1�r�::d��fo�eaC:�:�J ����� � ' ��.� �; a :�l:t :' , a t/Oil mitt OI� . , c c s llar to th(' �1!k; C:�te�lt�; �� �al: ���hen:�� r("OtfCnr Andersoll V,sll Clure. F'lorel)ce P�\t PeArl Homme. tlOIl tt) Any who might wish to become 00(' Wen earlier In this semester. wtth sloll at Shlsm t and the orphanage Ex.(; ovrrnor Harl/ry G\II)Cr� Srdo\\,. an.� A}{hur Sivertson . Olembers of the committee of 1500. " Nlght and nely Star" by Chris· at Teller. Discussion of' the Alaskan The , Dra�\a- hal'l!� not ch06en The leHers ....hlch . have been sent ea. tlanson added. Lewis O. Hunter wUl nath·es. their modes of living-, ' . and their play yet.. plain that the need for immed.late tunds. nc ded In the s])('eCh assIst ""Ith two vio SOI08. Admission .tr:wel . ",,111 be twenty-five cen\.!;. The short program consisted or a With vcry much tn conmwn. Profes· During the past mo th the stat!:e In hall arIsen due to the Inability of busl. g),rnnoslum hos been undergoing neM firms to extend the mual 'credlt plano solo by Ellen Sole)' and a vocal sor... Beck slld BArdon. and our mo.o;t the In- neceMllry lor operating expe�s. and solo 11)' Mary Nash. accompanied. b}, n h lasti� student. the Hon. Oscar repolrs.awith gne e fooU!ngho Ua being W. A. A. Makes Changes I e r \' on of the ��e �a: ��� :t =��;t�:�s b� :��:�)� Rudd. Lila. In Membership Points \ t :��� ;:�a�U;�l��e:a;Oo� ):!�\::�: :::��y �:I:g �::d�.1 � t I t ld I a�lt' Ex-Gon'rllor land Hartley a so· of the Norwegl n Lutheran Church ot Members of the Women 's Athlt'tlc! Virginia Boen Will Head I;: : �ri: �d :� C. P. S. ��U� � �e n� •••1 America. l �:!�n:n : : �oc:laUol\ met Janua.ry 6 to pass ap_ l �;: a �� l in Delta Rho's Sprin e ' . r f :o t ��,a n e:� i Ch Membfo,rs ot the committee report a new pQlnt schedule tor proval . open arms. ceh'ed alii usual-....lth thilt. despite the short notice given . membership submitted at the meetlng . Olone), Is coming In. but not as rapidly the bl-wet'kl)' prograOl In chapel a BOt'Il will ht'Ad the Delta Well gO\'emor or no go\·ernor. man gini,--� by Olga Overlie. p ld('nt. The nt''''''ly- R Voi Gamma girls flext sprlnS a re- must �Ush thot Inherent cravln&- studenu of the College of Puget Bound as th('y had hoped bE'cauae of the ne. h �rranged point. system follows: d PaCific Lutheran College ce lty of replacIng commtttee members election of olTlcers ht'ld hu n r So dutlng tht' course ot theIr en �rtalneyes of Iht' pot'ln . j l'ult 33'" hours. Nine mile hlke-3 O ay. ster offlcl'fS nam('G at �he drl\'p hotTle (all unaware ot.the amount stud('n Wrday. Musical numbeu who could not serve. The irst '1000 thl'r d Yl' 20 . r o '" l'Five mile hlk 1 h u s po nts. w�re Included In the pro· was In )·esterday. reading a and thrE'e mt'etlng Include · Shlrle)' Hecht. vice pf mon('y eoch one posses.sed .the Skatlng-.l '" hou.n;;. 15 poln\.!;. . prcsldt' llt: Shirle)' Sa\·age. secretar}'; stopped at a Tt-staurant to partake of gram. which was announ�d !>y J. Her. If the cOmmittee does not succeed In SkaUng-J hours. 20 polnu;. man president or the· C. P. S. the task set before It. some curtaUment tso n v . occasion , folFrt'da Ht'ndrlcksen. treasurer. i t l e s . but sad some Golf-I hour. 15 points. Thl' election of ofllcers tach semes- lowed: going through their moth-('n.ten st uden t body. In college actlvlUes will be neeeuary; Pti6ture Improvement 25 polnU. I tt'r rathe.r than each tem was made pockel.5 It was learned that onl) elghreading The glv('n by Ru i.h Car_ however. according to PresIdent 'nnael· , . 25 polnta: BasketOaU-Oroup an amendmen� the dub', tet'ri cents t'xllltt'd between them. So ter. while vocal numbers were given by stad. the response to da warrant.s the possible b)' CI8.M team. 50 points : All-school constitut th('y "'ent. roud that they hAd E elyn Bratrud and Robert WUson. assurAnc(' that the present scope 01 the squad. polnta: team. mr-ellng ion. \'oled upon af-0 pr('\,lous home seen I hl' governor. but longing for their Grace Johnson accompanied the vocal- educnLional rogram 01 Pacl1lc Luth. 125 points. coUee. All! ·tls cruel what Ists. :Ittt'rnoon ('ran Colleg will not � curtaJled. To gain charUr membership ""hen . PRston and members of the Northmalt'rlal things one' must sacrl1lC(' lor Good the club Is finally organized at the I Prospects pleasure. tone high· little a Of Meeh Club Deb,ate sake the .....estt'm D I�t O.f the American Luth. of r mempfospect.<; Ith new y n a m openIng ot the n('w semeste . 150 pointa . Officers chosen at .the Debate Club eran Church ' are cooperating In th is necessary. The number of points bel'S Lewis G. HunWr. band and o he - Poor Oscar! meeting ·ht'ld December 13 were Vice dtort under the leadership of Dlstrlct lOr admittance ",,111 bE' Increased aft�r tra dlrt'Ctor. Is h ing to ha\'e a band presldel\!. God. ln Rorem: and re- Prt'sldent Ludw\J: �nd the ExecuU\'e and orChestra In complete shape next Coach Announces Cames .. that. r ur H r Co la C es e ra ow u Schedul ed This ' Seuon � ��::n ::8 :I:���O::��e��� ; =r�u�tus:�a ��:! Il! :::����t:! m�;:��Di:kJ�� :':�d ��=n:� :�; :���� c���:;:. �� o�:���; In session at Seattle. today probl('m menone thl!; to previous d l e h g n meeti . AlIce Alv- ""'hlch Mr. �unter plans to gh't' next Games played Helen �Uns. . far: tloned. On a committee to select a subsem\!st('r. nes a� Evelyn Monson. P. L. C. J3-.Pa.rklimd Men's Cl b 25 Ject suitable tor a debate are Evelyn Worb rPractice Oamel . been aWay Irom - Irwin 4chairmanJ. John Van [.eou\·en. VictorfKnutzenin huLali.l.ture Summary 0/ Fall Sem etfter Shows 1Uan)' Clr(lnlles� P. 1.. C. 27-Yelm Town Team 21 4 o n . ' tlce Game) Spring Term Prom;,e, Better T/tings /Qr P. L. C. �co:��u��: :I�� :.:� �p by.the' �l:�ui c;hl=::�=tu:e :,:: ,� , .:. gk�:�d�:�·�:b33� offi rs and Jean-Marie �wJer: on. . l s �:er / �.c� . . With UJ.e pubUc:.U of last paPer gymnasium credit. regular classes ;: t 4 B n F Fort.u ,�e; . �d�t=�:��: ���.: =:e=���t�::c::n::�:'::t aJ:! p. �a;�I=-�::'. Hardware 31 tPrac-. a tam l!101 Farmer Accumulates Onvoll Da'hl on Feathered Path 1.0 Fume the Improvements.· Chan� and newa ng athletic Unes•. W&.ll the tentaUve UCt; Oame)". Items lnteresting at Pacl!1c Lutheran organluUon on November 9th of t.he P. L. C. lS-Fort Lewis 21 (PracUce · am u you were to "make your way. Ahort-- lut. CoUege during. the fall semester. En- Women,'s Athleti Assoc1&Uon; with 01c te. nus IP"OUP wID P. OL. Ce). mornIng' to the dawn· Ah r At lut we've lound out why Or. 2IJ--S�kane Unlvendty 2e. Iy �fore raIment ligures on opening date. ga �e In ctuii . yard 01 a certain house I;Il Parlr.- woll doesJ)'t (1-) Illr.e girls; he's too en16. baclr Colle(e Jr. Vernon e?'31-Mt. a total of 223, .as com- pro de an a,:Uv.e 5porta program. lor P. L. Sept. land, and Uiere hJde �h d the wood- grossed in his fowls to have many other d!ne the gtrla. and ir.een Interest Is now 10 P. L. C. 24-BeUlngh,am Normal 40. � with 218 01 . pUe or climb a WeIr. fir . or do any- Interests. And why 41. shouldn'� he be' .M date last . These Include ligures the air when the girls try1n& to P. L. C. 18--8t. Martins CoU being a . hobby. hla fowls bnn,· thing to be ou� of ,ta:ht, you would be well for the summer aee&looa. the points necessary for charter Qames yet to be played: Jan. 13-CoUete or Puget Bnd. (there). rewarded. lor YOUT e!torte. Boon the h.lm pecuniary la1nII. In the recent Most InteresUng-1tf events calendared. membership by the cloae of �. Jan. 14-Aberdeen Jr. Col1t1e (bere). back d.oor would o�n. and out'would poultry show in Tacoma Orv entered ' this lail Was the hcmec:omlng 01 No- ter. vmaber 11' Uld 12. A parade. of decor- PolltlCl!? naUonal polIUca. Jan.. I�tr&lla "un. Colleae (here). trlp--sUp on frosty DIOrntnP--our .hero. seven Pain 01 hJa bantams. and won ,. pint sunbonnet O? bead and pan III seven tint pr1zea. A lew days aao Mr. nflbt �tatlon. tOO. lor on Novembe� 7 Hoover Jan. 21-UntieId College (bere). ated lollowl: radlo boos� bro&dcut, pme 111 Lln- elected. next president of the United. Jan. 27-YakIma Jun. OOliere (thtte) . \ grain In �d! 'l1Ie .tl"iPPing·would 10 Dahl's expe.nAe Journal read banquet at Ta- States In straw ballOt.. But·the poliU- Jan. �Mt. Vernon In. Coli. <here). on -untU Onroll (I forace to say that Seven lint prtza at '1.50 :.....10.50 coin Bowl. and Seven entriee at '1.00 ...... .... 7.00 . 3-�een Jim.. CoUep <there). OrwSll OOI 1a the hero) reached coiy coma Hoc.el· qetber 'consUtuted one of cal oonventson created ent.huaiaam . the m08t outatand1na homecomtnc enough to elect a head loe almoat. - Peb. 4-Centralla Jun. COrlUce <there)." chicken bouse. Alter 1ICr8.� a little ��.: Net proflta .;......:........� .......... .UJO oelebpUonl 'e*r att.emptei:l at � tblngl And or"9urse, there eJec- Feb. 8--81.. Martins COUere (here). . hom behind h�n OrBantam th�. that'. eno\llb lor twenty-three . (there). COUege �Alb&ny .. Feb aU: just Heb, Keh, pat. to beta Uon Lutber&n Oonere. ldeD Sea- sundaes;and a p&ekAp of c:be:1rtnc iWn. . 10 &Dd:U--columbia U. (there). wdO g1v� .all the other Go . Tbe.are&tt'!Sf. chance of the sem!$ter Leooan1 Weuon. r-i briibta. White Roeecombe, and BlAck- Keep up the gOOC\ worlr. II rnU·ba . l"�BelJ1J;lcham Normal <here). Jftthat made In the ' tymnaalum The t.d,!es'.DormJtor)' A Feb. I�WllIamette Un1veraUy (here). taUed J.� �_taina: �ir ·�reaJt- �): orv. ·· Pace I) (CooUned .A :. �ulee: �tead ot outalde work ler .








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I (U b r


\ JANUARY . 13.


mooring mast

Publlshtd I!\'er)' t",·o .,.·toea dl1rinr the school 191' by the students of Pacific: , Lutheran Coll�e. PartJand, WLShlna10n . E;p�� as s«ond c1aas matter. October 2. 1�, at the Post Office at Parkland, Washington. under J.he Act of �arch 3, 1879.



='!� Editor

MfLr)' Louise Preus



Buslnes.'l Manager Assistant Business Manaier Ad\'erUsing Manager Circulation Manager Assl!tant ClreulaUon Maneau Faculty Advisers

Marpret EllI;-:; visited or th� d� laat. Wffk end.


� �15,

SCORE has a pe� barber. shop In &I. Members ot.,.!-he faculty IUld friends ��tt "'Ahere he goes not only to re� surpriMd Mr and Mrs. Paul A Pn!U5 m celve,.sha.ves. but to 'feel the .aoft caresst their hom� Friday, January 6, co a vue Ing hand!> of the feminine barber. who i I�· II. body and bringing glfta, eh strokes hls hell;d 83 she someUme.s does " an ebo�y base and � sandwl Mr· Pillg: ··Doesn't }·our wife mlM you h�r dog. S�nl!us. n�.turt! . platter. The party wa.s tn � .when you stay oot tJU thr� In the . � famUy Pn:U5 of a housewarming, as the moni1ng?" "Oh, Mr. Bardon. el'ery lime YeN: to has recently mov'ed from Brookdale Mi. Pong: '·Occas.!onally-but usually, amlle, you remind me of my, ,rand- thelr present ho�i'D6 Parkland. h�r alm i! �ec:.t." moL""! " uclalmeil the. preUy Mt. . LA _ Ifomme one ueaJD&" .. abe met lbe Durins the Obrll� vacaUon MarMA fIDe lillie


� ;ltll





. a schOOl.


Mar:;::: Jane WIlIlalllS Dalores Roe Evelyn Monso.n '0. J. Stuen and N. J. Bong

�t Kaaland 811d.ftuth HO_ . . •pen� iraduau:s In ·the c� 01 '32 . nt.en� t ' J'Tlday vlslUra: ola .cqual


yoa help mother'!" Clarence MOMOn f't'ature Editor .Jean-Marle Pow-ler JUNIO.: "Yes. I aErlf roID&" 10 count" , REPORTERS-Virginia Byers. Martha grande, Cora LI\!!.:.Robert ... M�nson, the ,poens when you ",ve 'had. tea;." Florence Post. Dille Qual�, Jens R,lkshelm. Leonnd Wesson. . LA


8ocil�tP . ·


LA .

-.,-------------'<---------------- I RO ; "Shirley sa)'!' ,-· . nflll5 L .t ' . . F I Oc k to th . St.n d . .d · love ,,1th he!' ear "

pret and Leonard wesson a.s&1sted in tloo· of a program at Rocky-

� aIIe a ridly in vl':nnable prof_ In the hall. LA 1 Hjlve you heard about Dutel\'l opera.LanpNS: "YH! . Anothl':r cue where tlon? H� f�ls QUI cut-up about It. man Is dlIplaeed by mae�." �


presenta The problem of getting Pacific Lutheran College on a - ca�h Mdge IIChoot � IIChOol of elg�t pupils. basis for the spring semester at" 1 933 is the one which those most Florence Post att.endecl the procram" LA Interested in the welfare and ma�ntenance of the school now face. toml':Udnr for Elmer. En- Margaret's and t.eonard's pe5t. nk nf . � I The plan of the supervisory committee to get an active committee WlLMA :�_"Andy dor }·ou· al_� ; � ('Ounl'e him. ·11Is .... ehe 15 now In :; ,,_. the ,laCe whl':� :wrnethlnl' more than �_ l of 1 SOO to raise $1 0 each by Jan. 1 S is mee .ting. with conside.rable w;;::M,�� ;; �'::�u�:\ The young daughter of .Mr. �d Mrs. lve � mlrro� nted� success. Although It. may not totally accomplish Its purpose. friends pie that way already." Lei! Klippen was baptized Janet M�of the . sc�ool ar doing what they can cheerfull y. In view of these WILMA: "Oh. you darling!" In th!! Trlnlty LuthThe Monson children art' again on lene last Sunday . personn �1 of the \ facts. It IS up to the student body and the entire an bland. It's a good thing that Bob I':rlln ChurcH by Rev. 'r. o. Bvare. ClarCollege to "flock to. the standard" and show the backers of the insti- ....'I'IlUCK DRIVLA ERS SAY THAT th'e Goat can be used" as a pack horse. ener Monson was God-father. LA tution that it �eally is a worthwhile thing. Be interested in wha·t THEY-LIKE THEIIl WORK BECAUSE your teachers and classmates. are doing, and tell your associa-tes what THEY RUN INTO SO MANY INTER- Nonnan Swenland has a "weakn_" Postpon. January Swim In 11111. That's �ot news. A 1A th)s college means to you. Then Ihis Committee of Fifteen Hundred ESTING PEOPLE. will really ,",ave something to work for! LA WI.nehf'U. At a short meetlnl held January $,







Singne Ruth Florence Halman


LA NEDRA: ··It was quite thrilling last members of the sWimming club decided OScar Anderson and Clix Roen are to »OIItpone the swim set fO� this month night at thf' Temple. A mlln pro· p()6ed to me In the dark-a pl':rfeet COllsclt'nc:e-�trlck�1l About borrow!ns so until the {tnt week In February. riluch b,lolOSY . paper {ro� Irene and a The president appointed a -commitstranger:' . ELLEN: "Really! And ....hen . IS the wed- few others. �rty Jooks melt-n any- tee coDlilsUng of Ardis Aarhus and �ething. the Tacomr tWins are doomed. lyn Erwin to draw up a co�UtuUon ding?" LA (0' tho dub. . SOP"; "I like Eva. She's the son 0' n N1W FALL STYLES \ -F �'I� sib A girl In th�graduaUng class Wh05e


:��:� � :� 6,:: ���:�' ORt!" LA .

Member of Freshman Class. Pacific lutheran College Died December 20. 1 932


::: ::::= : ==1 I t:===':==':::=:

���ap�. �v��I�!::::! "None of us liveth to himself. and none dieth to hi mself. For C whether we live, we live unto the Lord : or whether we die. we die Judges In thf' country have thought She very athletic. taking an active unto the Lord: whether we live. therefore. or die. we are the Lord's. so." part In the work of the W.A.A. and r . LA I heard a vOice from hea...en saying unto me blessed are the dead who being on the gl.rb basketball squad who went Into a die In the lord from hencefOrth yea said the SPirit that they may Thet"I': Ho_ever she Is Interested In other druc storf' one StlDday.andasked, "GIl'I': school actlvttJes and holds otflc� In I rest from their labors and their works do follow them Up-To-Dote With these words CalVin CoolIdge Ex PreSident of the United m;,::od::� :� aa::;n�'�rked. "J ��f'e �r,::n ��ety the Pep Club and Dinin g States was laId In hiS final resting �ac-ea,...Plymouth Vt last Satur hope yo'll enjoy thl': snmon". ThIs peppy, popular girl 15 seldom day That none live to themselves as quoted In the Bible passage Sl':en unless In the company of a shortabove was shown by Mr Coolidge In the unselfish ser:'vlce he gave f'r darker girl hf'r exact opposite L"I to the people when he served them In the office of Prestdent { �-. 0 r ner coloring but very much the same In,:JI}r"xn's Carlyle C.feteria U. � c her fondness for dumplnl hem Not everyone can be a preSident of the United States bu�each ¥ 911 PAOIPIC Ne\\ Year ' one of us In our own humble way has a chance to live for others- Happy to think of and do thmgs for other people beSide ourselves When Yes I am entlrt'ly slncerf' In �Ishlns A tall young man with medium brown -�_�� his. we die In the Lord. and the SPirit calls us to rest from our labors, you stt beca se e fa togeth r a most halr, hazel eyes , and--dLD)oples! he has f' u w will our works follow us? May we ever live better, lives unto the Ju « a deep, pleasing voice and i! a wonder� r------,--, In the financial life tul spl':aker, an asset which should be Lord so that when we die unto . the Lord we slfpll be greeted in seriouse t'mergency heaven by the words ··Well done thou good and faithful servant." �� �:�le:e���� i�:t�: :�:��o� a :;ea� I':I l =�oM .rookdale Ca.h · M arket ;'VY�:':

I�:d?CI���:a ���-;

I': FOREP.1:AN ton excavaUon Jobl-"Do fair skln....:..oo fair It treeklt'S. ThIS girl you think )·ou are !It forhard labor?" Is about five feet six In height. and APPLI ANT-"Well. some of thf' best rather slender.

'Well Done . ThoU' Cood and 'Faithful Servant' •


\I'U a man



� �lt ':n:� =� f' of a well-ifOunded hoJ)t that 1933 will college students, and 15 ·worktnl h1s ----IiF====�==����-- bring us the· deep happiness that comes way through · lIChool. He hold! Sf:ver.a}


out .of a Cl1rbtlan .respon.s1blllty fully accepted and frankly met. Alter waltins half a year for an f'mer. gency appropriation of· $14,';;81 .35 that we now know we CoUld not Sf't lbeca.U&e of · clrcurnstances beyond controIl. we are rallying fMends far and wide 10 an dtort possible only through real cooperaUon. " . , In typln, -dasa we used to reiterate: ··Now is the' time tor all ,oad men to come to the aid of the party." Rev15ed version for January. 1933: "Now is,the o a that ���: � ��O;:r!�:��p�::� G od bless the gU' t.s and sacrifices made! Many sacrifices are touchlng', eVl':n heroic. Ours is the itfl':Bt. debt of gratitude. O. A.. TlNGELSTAD,

Good Investment.

y..!e have .m.ore policyholders among stu­ dents than any .other class of people. Why? B.ecause members of the Lutheran in general have always been strong be­ lievers in education for all, and are investing large amounts i � such education . ·Lutheran Brotherhood insurance prot�cts such investmerit. Learning and life Insurance! What a com­ . bination! "f1'!ey wil� make y�ur life happier 3nd easier.


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�pOnslble poaltioDli around schoo\, ea�lally In the· Mission SOCiety, Aalde from h1s IIChOOl work, he 11 president·. of the Tacdna Luthf'r Le8CUea. Thla IncUvtdualll the 'kind ihat forms hi! own oplnlons and Idl':ais and lives up to them, and It is bard to lmaatne· what the IIChaol would be l1ke without



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Phone MAin· 2122

"O't'e� HaU a Cnltuy of SI':rrice'"






�rof. Re id , ' Dutch' Moe OF HUMAN BONDI/(;E I e li s - I' . - . Undergo Operations Of :..""'"..:... :.. :::: t�n �· o . ege, AUlho.r H t . L. C. Is pl�nt1rWly SUPPJIed ..

1 933



p;·�:,::; :n�· 4£ � � �




faulta: It









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r;}. ...�mb'I'Ing r;}. ...�und

celve grace from th� I..oord.-Rams�. During this year �.speclally we should be nefit by praying dally that Oed will establish the work ot our hallds -Xav-

UtU� society



Dutchle can '10110' join that oldmalds whose pet aversion

Is lengthy re<;ltations about their operWe should greet O od s ad\ent wll.h atlOns. \HoW5 that for a mouthful so�and prayer to give rum glory ror tol b? ) OIdja know but of course lOU the old haa pa.s.sed a"'ay and all things do beCR� ever) one else does that Dod� and Trlg ar� hlttlng ott hav� becom� ncw'::"'PClueger pl'etty good together" Evel Monson H� Is satisfied that W� hav� aufflcl�nt greater Judgment tor Is sorta sktered of Th1s There will Mart hI' rand� I und�nt.andlng to appreciate thooe who have l�amed Ood s "''fLy and h�ard Its t g wI time can btl hastened by dolnr His wtll whdcommlt sin girl a bu::tb� tn::., � �I��I :vI�: and serving Him -Hong some trouble with her .drama group, she's got !.h� plays but the pla)'en won't Why did Christ come to earth to fit.-poor Flint. Santa sur�ly visited serve us. but,Jhat He loved us so much . THE STORE THAT HAS IT that H� wI.s!'Joed to help us? HI'l &1- Holmberg's house. '�use Harold's lOt . ready had Clory. honor, fame, and a new sweater and trousers. and shOes. Df1I6S, na."hnre and �verythlng. It·s being rumored riches to an �xtent of which we cannot Parkland. Washington an Leuvt..'"'1 is going In "traJnlng conceive; so th�re can ha,'1'l been no that V fall. the n Why? I didn't you hear Well. other reason for His suffttlng tor us ·bout him t� Raze home alek the ' than lov�.-xavtl'lr other nJght? That'l thIrty for tonight :!:�:O �ul� a �ho;:, ':�· �:� o Be not d�c�lved ; th� wages or �In is rolltS; this is the Richfield �poiur r no elllra cost and Ihe wOrk is done ' death. ' and th� man,I Iins always over- spealc:lng--6ee you· all .tomorrow night by experiel'lCed workmen Oil 4 take hlm. W� cannot undo evil no at ten o'c1ock, 000dn.Ight aU LEHMANN PHOTO· FINISHING matter how hard we ky.-:-�nG

� I




��I11 ::=: ���:e I C.

Brookdale Crocery


STUDIOS Parkland Mercantile Comp..ny

L. Roy Moore

Little Pari. Beauty Shoppe


In lines of � s w ped =ty w�

=:v�=: Tacoma

318 South 9th 8t







Th� reason for Chrbt's sorrow WM is nc> mON! lmpcl65ible for Ood to HIs reJecUon by m�n. It is In your build a glorlfled body after power to add to or detract from. HIs bOdie. It is to build OW' �arthly sadness by accepting or Him. from the food which we eat -X&vltr � -


t than

reallie \\hat an honor It called a son or daughter of ueger pn



Is to btl �: �� Jesus' feet only that. God - pin perfecUy balanced educatJ.:: teUectual, physical, moral, and splritu-

Wba' I'T

Use your Bible because you want do It and you wUI "",,,,by '''''''


you do-Thoraten-

a l -Sadu



Students You are welcometlto come In whlle \l;altlng for a

J! � � I t


Shampoo !:e�:�r Wave

15<: M&rcdil f�I-Ha1rc.wn. ExpertOI4"S-R-2 Penna.nent Wa.'f1nI" Parkland





II !



II ·



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Excellent Gr«ns

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ANY TIME . 1 8 holes 5Oc-9 holes 25c Special monlklyor $eason', $Tudent rates on request




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AUatrum Printinl Company .




Compliments of

Pete�on Studio .�

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reaurreUe on

Inv�st your tal�ntll In the work 01 th� master, for that la the lnvestment which pays big returns.-Tbontenaon

Any .e�.on--

.. ,



Christ would have son

Footb�ll- .... Ba.ketb�11BaieHIl $easoft-You will enioy-


e ---�,


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Hay, Feed, Paint,


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"��der unto Caesar th� tbinp that are Caesar s and unto God the thI n gl that are God Re M Jensen :. - v J The sins of the ,""orld are too heavy a bu �n to be conducive to laughter and ��ghtheartednes.s In th� Man who . bore them all -Xavt�r Th� lord will withhold th� ful ler knowfedge of salvation from us unW






Herman Oouthl�r





�, '

seuonJ- and·



Inwes .












Chapel Glealungs








I � !� ' n� the· Club with a handsoml'l P " · . Prof. K�lth R�ld ret.uTn� to his W Som�rset' . which � t o be ap� It la a book stud�nt3 "" tao slnt. stu,len.tII who . . hain '. home Iut Wedne!day from the St. pr edated. full of c aprice s. . A book one cannot the pilino. s.tudentll ";'ho shine in, s rtII . . Joseph's hOl5pltal where he underwent AJthough ,the dladlalpts dld noc. win . j. o ' students are '",'onden who in th late w. appr merely by reading ee revie an opt:raUon for appendicitis Jan. 1. . rnA:"Y to..-erinr victories In foofball ", that P"rtlcular field, ' trled._ In· place. According to reports hl'l Is convalescing on . we have "rtie Ing n� in �etball games. 'they held �ir own And now artUlclal. ·one feeIa thU 8Oml'l rapidly.. lhe rrtd haye during ee til. ' of way n talented th� C .�re Miss Margllret Jacobson and Miss ..,.� st.r&ln�liOugh the· author 10 f..,. IP the � ·s s ing edl- .shown up; well m. than' Monson. the Moor Berdln� Knudsen Ilr� In chaf1:� of Prof. �nr to get more Out ot the . COach Olson ha.a made lOme ':S 10 en - sport, tor. 1.\ writing " book ! He,ld'S cla..'\11e8 during hi! absence. th�y had. Sot:neUmes the Rntenoea gr d in thls n�w punult. that he Intl'lreating flndl In new m�n On Deoembtll I':. Sheldon "OUtch" are clumay; yet art la not lBded by osse h�re f:hls Yl'llr. . and has high hopes foc. ItII la not " ,mathema� gets out of � at 3:00 In th� mornlng to a good rrld seuon , n�xt year. with Moe underw�nt a similar operation ' reeord hla d8S. . . a Tacoma .p 08pltal. "Dutch" wtI1 be �au.e. k. aocordlng to Clarence. ls a "Swede" Willard as captain. The boO � ln right In their chatra, If a .prof� unable to �\ak� In athletics thls year . Phillip Carey/'ls not an �xtr F'lnanclaJ"mattcrl' for the aehool han! "�yeholog1CRI myster;':' Il1;Iplred by his . thls ary . Pf;rsOn. If he on account of this. � fit. from th� nalure of his been quite satbfactoty tor the presen!> aubiect. � probably woUld noc. btl 10 rood read! ' , w�rk under Prof. Phillip E. Haug , It to yHr. since the Am�rican Lu'h�,,!, a lecture or an Informal l be ll dashing footbal of playen. full wi _ �e wu very sensitive ; had been b� • aptype ot dbcusston; \be �Uon and dark mysterlous,coeds. Who knows, Ch�h voted P. L. C. an addtd, ed with a club foot ; and cursed· by �prop�latlo� of ",300.00 Per )'ear ·at It./! lIOOn falla off ; snd If he ls not espeyou may be n I It youneU? . He bungled ':larrowed up-br:lnging. . ciaUy dramatic or dyna annual m�tlnr I n Fon du I£c, Wls�c . h� Is a .' Clvllll!aUon ha.a become 10 complex thlngs, and �fTed' on ·the road to hap: bore. Such students l08t alght of letw.r by Fredetldl consin. wh.leh Pres. 11ngelstad and Excerpt . from , plneM by IntrOl5pection. In h1a youth � th�lr right objectlv� an drive The f ge l "tt�nded. �l.\ PC . et that that It seems w� CIInnot oo� with it � MoorIn 01, Ute w, t� . � he d1aelalmed Ood. y�t prayed" to him. M. the knowledge or thought p !tnted 11 put the !K:h!'Ol on, a caah ba:s1s for the . yet ther� Is Olll'l thing. !.hRt remaiN th Many U\oughta. many emoUons were lItael. lo Prof: P. J, Bardon ), the only essenUal thing. .O meeUng with IJUCprevall_ A lecture · on Communlam last week r�t f�th1l y�1U' same In lhls,ag� or change and progress h!,s. He made a a country " Ing tendency tolNards d�pende � upon will be by the local npreaen�Uve ot the' Bua1� cess. and wtth any luck at all, . doctor. , the penonallty 01 the penon present.- -thl:- Word of Ood.-Ramstad., profitable to the aehool. .ccordlng 1.0_ �. . t M�n'l Pocket Test:;amen Palnataklngly .written: The tne of ne&& Ina his lubject ls undes1t-able chi�ny ot. the \ l Paul c.harve In Is who Sr� PreWl, Man should a.rrange and appoilt his an adopted son to a childless CO\Ultry immediately reminded dte to write you because It hampen the growth or tn· a letter. ne speaker had visited the execut1�e committee. . wls- .I�. The Pl�: "Blaa,tabl�, Eneonly � on� ment thl'l dlvtduaUty and hinden the dev�lop- days so that he mRy grow II) th� h thlnp · !t Wit ' l u Cocn or the m nlst The. New York the land." Fl!h�r to w r� re. dom of the Lon!.-Xavler. Inent of seU-reliance. y at the Amtorr. nhe official Rus'- the highlights ot the Sf'mes� no vicar Is looked up to. ani!-Jle has QUat- Part lndlvlduallsm Is rOl5tered by company, and ending. outald�rs can .�llY � that bal�ard��1'" the &1an govemm�nt) tradtnr for our re�th the Cburc price pay h� to J�5US _ � "' have studenla T anced rn}nd, well-rounded out by eduthe AmeHcan A5aoclaUon for. the Ad- Pacific Luth�ran College a contorm nce to an acknowledged standcation and endowed ,.,1th gO<X1 joog- salvllUon :Fu alr�ady m�ted out during . of Athetam. He had 5e- really enjoyed a happy r.erDester. and ard or the placlng or c�dl�s on the van�nt a.a a whole is. stlll on menl.. In the cla.'iMoom facta either from the Cocn- that ·the school la not suf- chlldhood,-PClueg�r, altar. �d PhlIllP . groW'll up lh.lriktng CtUed hi! . ttlgher suocesses and flclcnt to be merely reeepUv�. A quiet, and athl'llsts concemed-or th� uphill road to munlsts he Is rebelling when he studies art. In s, : rove ent blgger,lmp �mpha.all It little · how notable s is n .a.1 deliberate lecture can cont n as much I from hla �wn expt!rlence or from govParis, He fails as � aocounUna: clerk, lub&t.anee a.s aile, of a D)ore Ung placed on I't'MOn and understandlng emm�nt statlatlcs. AOCOt.dlng to this and feels the meaneaa of povl'lrty. He . and brisk d�Uvery. but it requires more by the Blbl� The Lord says ..G�ve me falla in love a woman or the sluma. speat�f Communlsta aponsor the tA, cart!tul attention. This la a \.est ot the thlne h :. HellIOn and lov� do not She is an�mic.. garruJ�us, and IndU- which ha.a paid agents In many 001studenl"l abWty for grasping In(erma- neeessa�'go hand In unlVl'lrsltl�. and s.econduy y hand, but. if w� ferent. He ClU'Se5 h1maelf fOf' an &&I Jeres, Uon analyzlng our minds be but does nothing. Ills zp l�d revolts.' aehools In our cOuntry. who are re, .".. ....... ."."...,, ........... ... . .... .. � himself lmportance. One ' h'e God u � ... who adapta · young n for many to the mode s ble In- iaken car: :��� nrtlng oo . ler. and he thlnKs or t.h� romanUe dreama ponsl . strucUon btlnetlt from any type of people to a.thelam. Official at1)elat � of hi! you�f travel. or adventure. The be3t way to learn appreclaUon lecture or talk. Sympathy with the Uterature, .whlch saw myself, sta� He thlnts E1 Oreco hU somethm. for proreMOr and his pecullarity ls requla- of the church and ts many bl�ss1ngs �ern1st preachers .like FOIdlclr: i him In Toledo, and that Penla wlU lte to an appreciation of his Irntruc- 18 to Imagine what thls world would and others do more: to help the atbelat . unfold Its ancl,ent apl�ndor to him. But GA Ol 45R2 Parkland v.1thout th�m.-Ramstad. tlon. Honesty and Justice to self de- be hi'! settlts down u .. doctor amoor the cause �y other .,.ency. "The l = _ = = = = = = = mode�t �en," they say "have = mand that ev�ry opportunity be seized PTa: Ood that this month ot mourn- 0ftr eluaefl. and maII:.eI a IUeeesa btlIt to . rather wlsdom and knowledge. vir n ed d notlona of Ing tli� death of our prominent -coun- cause he dOes not clal� to understand. d18card ;-6l gi !.he BASKET BALL EQUIPMEN, II weD to keep In mind that th� forin rist and the need of salva.Of Haman Bonda&e while realistic birth ;Ch tryman may btl one of grace, and that Best VaJg� In Price and a.nd mann�r In which a thought ls ex- , .ucn. � they ha.�e nothing I�ft but :e ma� learn to appreciate the th.lngs 11 not aordld, but of lurp&5llng beauty . Qaauiy at. preaaed has noth.lug to do with the " an emptl\ shell ot ethlcal te&e�. . and understand;ng. a\e.-nng�lstad. ",e h thought It.selt. Who would Judge a -0. E. S, book by the jack�t? It ls up to th� coming gen�raUon to 1 107 Broadway ,. hulk tor the prlnclpl�s of ath�ism." Increase th� blessings which com� from -College Chips �Iam." the church. and tor this th�y wtll re-


Man, """on'-' "", that kind Ind�pend�nce which givre th�m seU-re!lance. Th�1 are dependent upon their professor's methodology In ralnlnc" lhd:r educaUon. When a claaa la dlsm.I.ssed we often hK!' such offhand ftmarks as. "sure had a IOod nap; what .. class; btl1ng. an Inwhat a prof:' BI'lsld es jusUce to the profesaon, luch an atUtude ls a aerious handicap to the stud���, Som� seem to expect a proteeeor to tackle them In th�ir tracks:' hold th�m s�Ubound and educate the:t\


!�-":';h.:.::.�. PAOE







/ '








W AS H I N CTON - H AR DWA. f C O . PacI fic; �e,_� �___����_� �___?24 ._

� ' aHa



Lutherans To Face Strongest Rivals In Coming Games



�( 0 r








, St. Martiits' Rangers P. L. C. Basketeers . Trim P. L..C� cagers .Beat Spokane 29·26

In lhf ftrst. sport& �lHt. . t'" -- , thr two lICl:ools, Padne Luthr n 001- FO!olI,"'....r ltint Home C..... of , , �t.c I • 8y C. X-_.. ..bY, �."• SeHOIl I.r., 5; 'ad';ett-,and ladl . .... �te.IIY � ,... ._ .... u� M.rtl:...�1 ....�1 ..l. Ar. LU.thera " Hil Point .... nlgt r ":' ..... ' .. . ! �:;: : .. ...... .. ........ .... ..... .... ....�. ��;�:t �c: !�d �: u In a,8OrDr�haLhrcUd-tttua�ie marred Uf bat· Glancing over our 1933 hoop schedule. it appears. that· 9 r- nIDI)' oppollitlon b Tonight at 7:30 on the College of Puby numerolJl foolll; the ' PftcUic LuthSOund mllpleB. the stU{lent3 of Pa- basketball men are in fo'r a strenuous season. but that's .what they Lie thr(Hqhout. l tllrted but assures Oene JIlCt for the lt��rflns L <'Iflc Lutherfln College ""UlI l't another like. It not only satisfies the desires .of our basketeers. B eran College butet�rs won th.�lr fln� tht scorl':lg shortly Ilflrr the o�nlng horne ",me-'ot th� MMOn bY squ� thl' Loggtrs and the our school a prominent place in the: athletic field. . dlllllre to nS . . . waft rollowed by two flrld t a 29 I 28 vIetory ovrr tbe &Ifut ",'hilltie-, ....hlc:h S. S. Gladlato� In action. The Lutherans , True. our Coach has picked out .ome 'hOJ" tea..." but in dqin, goals and .two foul shots by Taylor. St. � t UOnlvenlly quintet on th dropprd Lhe- flnt gamf'. 33 to 1 8. b\J.t to � !I(Iml'".(Il':1Irtf' hll\'e �n eurt'd of.-t:he MJf he has it ea,ier for future team, to ·bioteak in on tlfeir Martin crntf'r. From thrll UIlUl thr .tid �t;--n� Ie- n conselouSIlI"!i..... which so �"Ident In .c�ed,ule. Ther� i'n't much ..tisf.ction in pl.yinC ..,.ediocre team', of the n�t qUllrtu thr tl'afM" battled v-o�� s7:XP B. �·e u=I�· for ' th¥!o on e\'en.ttrms. e,,�pt the Rangrn' tat-' OIAdlators a �"" minutes '.ftl'r the thf'lr lint meeting Judging from' thl5. eyen If we do �In. 'In& advant.flgt of the bl"!'Aks to smt S. S. It I... reasonable to �Ile\'e that our bo,,11 fo1tle. which "'Mlty.ttOon I ' m not offering any apologies for this year' s team: i n fac:t ttiere flvl' bu)r:etl!. Al 'the �nd of first �: :t: Ilwhlauntl'r will makt much bettt'r �hO""lng by Fam Spokan� Theil tomorro"" IllflJl.-- oll the home is very little need to cast a melancholy eye on our quintet. We have quarler thr score lItood 10 to 3 In. favor t·· rd� :::o o their sttongest the talent. all t.hat is needed .i.s :o iron out a fe� of the most evident of St. .Maruns: floor. the Luthrrall. :ror,:: :�;� :n�O:�\�e�� Led by �r brl!lIant. shooUng o{ Rillf'. c�a';.;l'8 rh'al of Iht M'aMln In At)rd�n Junior flaws A flaw IS n�t ne�essaflly a flop. the- . first ' qUllrll'"r w(Ore IMdln,. St. Martln forwllrd. the Rangers start- 'Of S. S_ --" . Collf'g"t. During th(O last t '0 years. the' tte th o I ' f th ShOr t y Th� I�s of Dutch "'oe: our . dim.inutrie for�a�d.,.. was indeed a I'd a sconng Sprt'l': In the second quar- ond �u:r.�:. Grays Harbor te-am ha.<- p o,·t'd a Jinx � Beln, the scorlni punch of our tt'r. ringing up 11 points to tht Luthe-r- t hr fI r t�r �t1n�:rll� re:e::� for the O1adiator� and our bQ)"s art' out seyere blow to the. team, ans' 5. Tht' Oladlll\.9rs failed to �top :; ;1 th; �tI�::::� �)'�oop��an�� I team, his position will e iI hard one to fill . to ""IPI': It out of e-:>Iistt'nao . Ihlll onslaught by thl- rang)' opposition . shots and at the end of the flrllt half . . . . �. S. . Although Coal'll Olson 110"\11 be ""Ithout . . I t .seems when everything IS·gOlOg along n l.cel )'. �n ou� squad, An� At �e rrut' of Iht half the lht' sef\' ct'� of Carl Martin and Dutch had tiro Ihe- Oladlators. . 13 to 13'. . � lIt ' 8'\tw at will occur stood OIl to 8. ,;omethlOg has to happ� . Probably the ne"t tl; MOl'. conI \'ale�nU. hr has be-toll came b t h! I' Tht' r,-,II . IIeCOIld \'amlJlng Ills aggregation .untll It will be John -Fadne!i's' breaking his leg,or · · Swede �lard's maktng The Illst pt'rlod ....·R.' 50me"'·hat a r"- h If In: ; c Pl"1111�1I of' Ihl' first. The Rangl'rs star;,- p;oc�:�:e- g�V:�: lnVIl.d�;S � �;� � Sf'f'ms hn"e hit a fair �trlde. " Swl'"de" t�e distinctive honor rbll. . I'd nnOlht'r spurt In I,hl' IIIUer part of tu� S. S. ."I':J. Although the .game apPl':ared Wl!1nrd ha.� be1>n .<-hlHed \0 the ph'ol . . . . , n po�illon and In Ihl' last gaille lOOk care , I n. spite of anythin, t�at ma� happen, It s safe ·to �redlct that the third quartl'r. but .....erl' chl'cke-d by lto,,be nip and l�Ck frOm then on the of Ihl... post Ukl' veteran. " S\\'ede" can we. \I win �ur share of the lames thlt y.ear and we may be I ,:,strument- tht' determined Olndlaton. In th" last Lutherans again began to pile up II I p.�r po� ltlon. Ad,'antage al In cauSing a few up�e!,-' Follow the team throu,h then schedule cnn lo Ihc Lutherllll.� started on spurt I lead. In the -l atter put of the last that che-ckNI Arter thr!"e blloSkr\.& quarler thl8 Irad was shorrened 'by which the LoggrM; ..... 111 find "err e\'I- and form your O'l"'n op.lnlons. h e d l U S l o t O n r � ;:;�or��f(��. ����Ins ::: ��('yIO�g :::�·r: t : ��:�:� . There has �eeh �o.r1Je sen ��� nt expres.�ed around school reo l\:o� �I��: rlr�JI� c:l�;�!: :. 11�fl�l':es....ltate lll tll' point mell with 1 4 point... the floor poslt.lonll gardlO.g to athletiC facll,tles for those ,,:,ho f� " !O make. the college were high IIround :-:htrtlng guard Ihe In . n 1'o. C Agaln SI. MArtins. John Fadne �. Bob athleti teams Al though I may be a bit pre l udlced aga � nst any a�- e-ach. .... hlle Gr,ne Jllck for the Oladla- Farrelt)" of Spokant wu nigh point Le\' ln�n and. Jack Hudson handled tion that wo� ld i.n�olve extra expense. I can �ay that tbelr tort; came Ilt'xt .....lth II poInts man of the game with 13 COtJnters, while Lll\t'up: lhl'!<I' po5ts nlcel�·. but the reSl'n'l' Ihlll demands are Justified. John Fadness and Gene JA-Ck rarned 7 r. L. C. 1181 S. S. 1411 �1.rtlnll points eaCh for the Gladiators. . �lIrprl"Cd Ihl' nnlookcrs ,,"a� Bt,. ShusIf a ,roup of individual enjoy another �ctiyity that i. s!olit�ble Vola..... . Rf' ' I OIHagerty Lineup: t.n. Shu-'ie-r handlcapp('d by the lack of pn-. Jack!li. Lf' 4J41Rlxr P. 1 C. 1191 1%81 Spokane of f'XpI':rleJlC«. bllt judging from the Im- for physical education, they should be allowed th� privile,e 1� my in, opinion, express not am I WII actiyity. 41 .par�cullr '141Taylor Votaw 18) th�t C in ticipation l o;o L RF (21 Nyst.uen prol'emt'nl hI' l� making. O n wj J Hd RO 121f'l!sher Jact 171 LF 113) F'arrrity gllArd bcfort' Ihl' I am only statin, their views on .h em�er. . hal't' nlct ....orklng F'"dn"',� .,�', S. S_ .... LO Hurney Martin ( 4) C f21 Mf1rIU"drn . MOllson o\'er. L Sub tltutlons: P . C.-8C:Ort' 12 WlIlard I I ) I t seems to me though, that of .the <'Imount of money spent in RO J21 8tauke Tht'N" r.f'f'1lI5 to be no other choice LO Doa,nefor forward exrept Hal " Chnbb�'" Vota",·. this school for athletic equipment. that a little could be set aside for Le\'j son. Sandf'r!;()n. ShU5t(>r. St. Mar- Fad.neM (1) erberg. Hick.!!. Mull'l1gtrg I I ·Sube.:tltutIOns---:P. 1.. C. Dahl (3). kno.....n to his If'ammale� All " Leldl'r- boxing gloves , wrestling mats. etc. I n this way we would be showi �g tin Holmberg. �vllUlOn 0), Shuster. Hudmann:' and Oe-ne Jack. Jack ha� �n consideration to the majority! How about i t? Cladiaiq,. Win 2, L�e I .son Spotane-Floyd f2). Shively (51. hitting the hoop quite con�lstent1\" In Ihe last. few contrsts ""nd has �n' Glad'lators W·In Belling . ham Normal Vacation Practice Tilt Whlt.n�y. o r I I From Mt. Vernon D efeats P.L.C. Five On Decembrr .28. 29 and 30, the Pa- Dlcltl� Leland 'and WaJt VOlinI'" w�r� ��: r�:� ���� ��R;; �: :;��'c�: : tht ground. hl!s work of late-. has been cltlc Lutheran College bMtetl':enl ter- ,teat.ured In tl)� "lIave You Mri' �oI· . �urprlslng and ,'(Ory plt'a�lng. Stan Score Last Ft'Iday e'·e.nlng. the Pacific Luthmlnal.l':d their Chrlst.mB.'l vacation by umn tbis WHit; engartng In three: practice games. In "':::: I� anOlher like!)" pl'O.'lpt'C': with hili .'llze eran College Cll.(ler5 reg\!lered their 1\eC Playing thrlr third g�me In as many Ill = = = ..= = = = = = = nnt'i ability. It. Is rell..!lOnablr to bcllr\'e ond 'o\1n of the lI('ason ""hen they turn- n igh ts. the Lutheran casaba tossen be- the first game on Wednesday, Oecem- � that It wm not be long before he will be- I'dobfl(:k Ihr Mt. Ve-rnon Junior Coilrge gan to show Slgll6 of wear. and after ber 28, the Luthrrans won over the � . STANLEY BELL. quintet by 3 1-18 score Ilt Mount Ver_ hitting his sfrldl". SCore Il; a shot a spirited start that found them lead- ParItJfU)(] Men 's Club. 38 to 30, but l Printing Com piny. Inc. . artl!lt. and foOOn he can gah� l\ non. Duri.tlg the first half. th� OladJ-" Ing at half time. 17-16. let down In the we-re detf'ated the followlng'eve-nlng by � TACOMA r ;':� :: econd half under spiri ed drive of �� s n Ie f d 'e n h td make · "" :: �:� � :':e:% � o: the �� ! �;.shl=:)'�:c:::e�UI;;. i MAIN 7 1 33 t �s 1 0 1 2 A STREET : h r : !t%�� ::� f:r � �;�,:� : I The loggers ",m enter I he fra) as haIf Ume- found th(Om on the short end the Bellingham Normal aggregation to they cJoeffi thrlr p,"a.euce _Ions by Il; " . , ..' , .. , . .. . it dC{"ldl'd fll\Orlle& b, \trlue of 1-hl'lr rt'- of all 8-4 scon> LIed by Gen e- Jack 10fie 40-24 on thr Whatcom High floor squeel:lng out a victory over the: Fort '00 T Portable Typewrtrenl. BupplJe..... �nl ,\ctOT} O'er Iht Oladlal01'll but the} cam� 5ttoIlK,.tn the 5I':Cond last Saturday �\enlng Lewis five 2S to OIl All "Steel PUln, Equipmentto ring up 27 polntl! while holding During the- first. half thr Oladlators Ihl' !<am!" condillon exl.l5Ied last ) I':tlr thalf SChool Booka. 8uppUf!l th� s;;me- �I �ho"'ed marted superiority in floor pl"y, and Coach OI$Onl� mllrge-" nearb Up,'Ie't �e JUn :er::nI� t�1rst t\nnoOTK'e�enu Chan.. a ng ....ortlng the baJl ln close tor thrlr shota, thl'lll :h:)f�:�1 score 31_1� � �� I to shoot fr forcing and Teachers om Because of the connictl! m the m�tOttke Pwndtlll'e Jack I� the scorlTlG with 10 points outside the the The &eC Ing dates of \arlous lIChool actiyltles a Phone Maln frer-t.hrow 2870 _ % Pac Ave Votu ,athrrlng 1 and8 HUMon ond haIf fOlind GIrls Lose FIrst Game ",1th the Normal corning back change hM been made In the methpd � ���.;:;;;:;.:;..;. ;; ;.;.;:...;.;:;;;�. '" substitute guard rinrtn, up . Booth 1th a rush and teppIng out. In a lead of making annoum:emrntl! i, ................................". . I chapel. I;I! s v. �ng with fron:' . III thell' opening gaml' of the St'ason forward. 1C'd Ihe J. C:� which they were never headed �tr. In�lI'".ad of the stude-nu rel1lng of plan� I l R I I:"'I,C thl' Pacific Luthrran Colle- e coeds did points. REPA �;-�';! Ints to the Lutheran! 7 nt.d t.ventl!. the InformaUon Is approvt'd nOI fart. well. ' 1()IIlng th� contest to Une\lps ' ;�:. � BOYNTON'S-SERYICE t e-n e 18 �t.�= Fadness the Carstens. 26 to 10. The (n"adlng �. L C. (3 1 1 1 and Votaw It'd the Lutherans' ��a��' s::��:��r �he- d�;. :h� !�� HI,-.way F. . ��� GASon Pacific sextNte- Ilppt'ared to be too strong tor ptaw 7 1 soorlng. with 9 and 1 jJolnuretlpetttvely. es It , REPAIRING OIL ' � .F (5) Booth the.Gladtator girls. who hal'e not work- Jack 110 1 NoBtath with 1"4 IUld M06er with 12 led. � . Wlndus (I) ... . Martin 0.... (2) Ii........ ' . : � long ed tcgrthrr Ihls .5('aMln and as a 4 the Be-Illngham aggregation· In taJl�ng. . d d not click as ....ell as could be �= (4;) . � (3 ) -::;o:� The Uneups' .. . . � .. ..:. :�:;re� Specill bUlse.• for plrtiel, .re. 1.. C-<:Jydow. LeV- P L. C (26) Carstens openrd the scoring In the SubsUtuUons P itt.F Mt.. Vrmon- Votaw (1) ...clubs. te.m., etc. rarl) part of the Kame and had no Inson (31. Hudson �: e21 OUm� Watson Sln�e. Time, Any �1�c··M.tin hO I t U u t ..... : MIl : ::��t �� �r �:I:�� :: ::;: . L CaJl llr. . . .. . Invaders. EDlTOR'S LAMENT TACOMA- BUS C.OMPANY . Fadness (91 ...........0. .14 toIIY6 1n"Refavor see :;:of the Cantens �'a.s high QeUJ.1li out . PIlprr ls nO:PI�nIC: 8ubsUtuUons : P. 1.. C.-Hud5On (2) . Y�UO'lt' CabI - .. AMblllalM:e � Bq-rqe Iknke po� pJaser \1,1 20 JI:Oinl& with AUoe- If publish orIl1naJ matter, they Levinso n ; BelHngham-Nolte, M. McMAIN 11%% LUtherans comtng next say wr laclt '·ar\elY. n Beat.h (5), J41les. �: �c!:n�� If PU I thJnp from othrr pa- Referee; Jrweil u :. ----..... 1uy to wrlre: prn. WI' ��� �. \ ur job, ou,ht to ...i..ion Society H�ri Alvnes CSI .. .RF . �se If �� sta y· onnr.".. . . Talk by Prof. Bardon ' Leland (21 . ...�. . . tOll Wl':inprd be out rus� If we don't. print conUibuUona, we Knutzen . .C Livesly SCHOOL P R I N T I N G Me';rlbers of th� MlAslon Bodety h�ld Monson ' . ............. .sc . . F. W tnprd don·t. show proper apprec1atlon. Collins . . ...RO . . .. .......e Riven If we do print them, thr pa.per I.s :�=�e�:.ewt='::�y�� Porath . . ............LO Kemp fWed with "Junk." &II the teat.ure of the eve-' ANNUAlS - PAPERS - HANDBOOKS SubsUtutlona: P.· L. C.�l't"lie, A . Likr not. aome frUow w1ll ay we. .nP.ingJ.. Bardon Prof. Bardon told of the work te r TICKETS--PROGRAMS--INVITAnONS whiCh young prople are able to do in =i:��:'r� , =����'h�r�: ��.�g�!:=ldah . othe pa�. connection with mlMlona. HI' . also led Ch�hlll. t e de'Vouons. U·fO pet� how tNpu' ,.Uons or 10- hBecause many of the memben had -JOHNsoN . cox CO, and 10. Hwnan be�vcenUvf!I to the buketball game"at LaceY. lor Ls 50 tickle and ,eneral makwp ,onr ANY TDm AT election of · otnoera for' the !pring .!;- Inconslatent. that our mind-lIt.I': or �r defeJT"e4 unW the next. C.RIDDLE . lACK'S ,roal In s1ibt uaually I.s s��Jf!Ct to a m�tlng. 913 COmmel"Ol'. . , chan&e. Yes. about. &II chanleable ... ! r.n a.o,.. ....... Tout �e Wa&hlngton ,:uther. . "I 'I'b1np mliht be ... c.lfee � 8�'. Ift'mI � . • . -/&:. :

Coach Olson', A,.re,ation Han: dicapped by Los, of ....rtin and Moe ; Lineup Chan lH Made



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Chooses Reunion umni . Mission Society lesse Pflue,er P,esident Will Be Feb 24·26; At th'C mt'etlng ot thl' MLsslon So­ 3 EventsSc duled ciety held last WednC1;({ay. evening:

,,;,nn, McClu;. I, ere fit Stydent lod, Sec.reta,.,. Boa·r·d Meets lli Tho< o",...,�na ",«'Iu" wllI " ,h, • TueSday;NewSynod . new 6('crt'tary of the AssOCiated Stu' dcn" ....m' Luthuan COli,.. � th' . Representa . bv.e lUUlounoement o'r aarenoe Roen, preai­

Civel Benefit Lecturel



,( Jes..� Pflul'ger electro to the presl­ dency of the group ror the lIpring denL. She will fill the vacancy lett by Rachel ' Flint, ""ho "'1t.hdrew trom. 1 933 , s umme " s 0 � Auth;:��:nt��Lh���:I����:�.� and Arnold Orlmlund. treasurer. lAst Pub. . :=I/�=:eg :��� ::O�.:e� orised : No 5.,. �:�:r'��f;'�e=!�d�ckJ�al;;_ lished Thii Vear: Acc rd­ nominated f!lr the poIIlUon could be voted on since they are practice and John Zacltrlson. In the orner teaching. Oeorglanna, being the only ing to Trust ••s· Action Aceordlng to pillns no".,. under way. land offices named. other candidate. received the oUlce Dr C. R\ S·....·amlon ot Seattle. reprethe anouaJ PacUic Lutheran COllege ofProf. Xa\ l er addressed present those ' without a general election. alumni reunion will be held at Park- at t.hl' mt'etlng oQ South African mls­ ot the PrIvilege, cards were wuro to the !lentl"g the Columbia Conference land. Februl!-ry 24-�6. The Pt"OlJT"f'm. as slons. Frank Elliot played two trom- · made 'a regular student& last wt'ek, .under the direction Augu�UlnR SynO($. Board planned by th06t' In charge. :'1"111 center bone :selections. and Walter-Ustad sang' Trus­ or the or ot the Board of COntrol. Anyone ..ho \'otlng member around' thl' themI'. "Sm�lIn' Through." a "ocal number. ....lth Ardis Aarhus and the has not received his card should see let's of Pacific LutherRn Collegeorat this I n e . e I Arneson as accomspecth'e r � :: Tuesday held � : mr-etlllg oard b . John. either Clarelltt! Roen or Kathryn .. ::\li�h�gh� �r�'e :��:n�;�:; wt'ek at the home or Pres.ldent O. A. ",."'ul"'. . ' Ting·elstad. This acUon thl' Festh1t1es ",111 besln FrIday. Feb. 24, . a tal with' the fI�t D�ama Night pruenU!d I Clarence LemmIng W. Rece� ve :. �:���::w�::��I'::rt;a�:: ;:::r . 16 Girls ff �L�d�r t� n��:, �� :� ��:�::�� . ident of the Northwellt.crn District o ' Heads Drama Club e u M ' A A ' emberShip the American Lutheran Church. Blmwill be held in Parkland. Saturday eveJlar[y npreSt'llts hi8 .church on the Coinmg. with a theme or opUmlsm In Dickie ·Lel.1tnd. Mary Nash·Receive ' I Per. nent Officers EI�cted at lege Board I o . Heggl' ��: ��;m�r=' a����n::srr:;:!t �� 'Offices: Rachel Fli nt:s Cra:up Meetin, of Sp�rh At this 1l1t'etlng authorized the Fi t Regular-tOlfl,[ cost per plat.c shall not exceed Wins Fi rst Place for Friday's Play Re \'. E. M. H'egge of central Lutheran Croup : Olga Overlie I. President. ,1933 summer .5e!lll:on. to � held under . the direction of Dean PhUJp E. Hauge fort!' cents. sa th�t upen:ses ror the Church In Tacoma, 1s giVIng his serv- \, r e :::g alumni may be cut to a mlnl- m= Y�: :e��rsCI':I:: �t�� �:: : ::eg:oInm:!:s� OfCU:� At:r::C=:':::'::! d :�t!o: �:: .��S::=;��:c���:�ee;.: �� t 1 n t I Alumni '1.111 pther ()n Sunday fore-l mlng will a.ct as prl'Sldent ror the com- for the �neflt of the Eme�ncy Fund. first regular meeting ot the organlu- Il'ge durin, thl' school year 1933-34 WIl5 noon ror a d�\1ne service in the TrInity Ing :semester. Dickie Leland v.'8Ji elected During the last few weeb, Reverend tlon held last Tuesday. Olga Overlie also assured n the meeting. Lutheran Church of Parkland. Re\" ,ice presldenl. and Mary Nash seere- Hegge has de[h'ered several lectures : In v.1J1 be the president : Evelyn Monson . Thl' board refl'rred t� question of T. O. S\·arc. college pa.5\.Ol". has Invited I lary-trt'Murer. I�. announced at the the American Central Lutheran Church. vice president : .Mary Nash. secretary: seeking accrec;tltatlon In wider clrcl� Rev. Theo. Gulhau.gen, pastor at South . ml't'ting thai Rachel Fllnrs group v.'on Bellingham. LloI\5' Club. �11lngham. and Ella Johnson . treasurer. according- to Presl�ent TlngeLstad, with �wer to . act. The report& from Paul A. Preus Bend and Raymont!. and a P.L.C. alum- first place In the last Drama Night and Billiard Lulheran and lmmanul'l to the results 'of the election . nUl>. to dellver the sermon. The ChOir I l)rcsentatiollS. Lutheran Churches of Seattle. �na only 16 girls earned the neceMary .and Irene Dahl. re5pectiYe committee , has also �n Im'\ted to sing. Thl' thrN' one-act plays presented MlkkeLse'n has assisted. on two oc:c::a 150 points ror ml'mbershlp . and will chalnn� and Deve[opment' AMoclaS��d�:w�o :�= � end ��;_:7!a}����:��: v.�:;::\'�e:,� :�:ea:rdt::'!ra::�e�r;'o���e ���. :��ycl �:nJa;����:t: e;:;. o�:; ��en !:��:7'6�f\�e �:�:e:yd�:� e::� either Irene Dahl, president. or Rut h directed' " No�Qulle Such a Goose:' a grams. hu gi,'en short. tallta explaln- this, girls ",1shlng to join wilJ be re- lTJlttee of flflftn hundred: stated cub Fadness. :secretary, at Park[and. comedy v.·hich Included In Its cast of Ing the pres!nt situation at PacifiC qulred to earn more. points, and mwt contributions to date amounted ·to tl,"Stage Steppers" Gilbert Sydo.w as AI- Lutheran College. The programa will be Initiated. Girls who wlll ' !:Ie 049.44. The Board a130 authorized thl' bl'rt. Bell. Florence Post as Mrs. Bell. continue · \\1Ul all the proceeds golnl members Include Olga Overlie. DlckJe continued I'mPlo yment of Paul A. ?reUB . Band Receives 3 New · the Ka c l ec o Members This Semester ���:�:�ur;��p S�I��. :� to College. ���:;.!!��� �:::;� =��=; ���h ��;°:.r:��� m �I:::e p'::� . �::�= . Pear! Homme Hazel Henderson. Jeanette Knutzen Dorothy Peterand relate'<l proJect5. duties and comRoe. With Lhe arri ,..l of 3 addlUonal reson. Alice Alma. Ella �ohn.son. Helen pensaUon to I:?e determined by a speccruits. the band I.s expected to QOCOmp- Tryg.... .!tunsyold took thl' UUe role 36 Students Rate � oen ha ThLs Virgini Oarbell committee. mea tht" He[e t t lal . Collins, D a. . Crell1ona": of Violin Maker � he' ) "T se este spring IIsh much during the m r. ScholastiC Honors Jennie Lee and Jean-Marte Fowler. depression has .not deterred the Board according to Le"''is G. Hunter. the In- Mary Nash played the part of GlanThe group decided to Have dul'}l .of. rrom facinl 1t5 fuJI responsibility reSemester structor. The lack of sUitabl1' Instru- nina. h� daughter: Filippo. his pupil. For Fall 25 cents each .semester cfUt.rged the gardlng the future ot the oolll'le. Memmentation has handicapped the band hunchback. portrayed by Clara bt!rs lIIi:ewlse Ilsteni!d with. approyal to Plans are.under way tor during tJle pas.t t.cnn. according to the ence Monson: BUI Whalen took the From the reports of final Rmes f'!llbers.. mparty. regl.s which will be held soon. reports on the management of the enInstructor but he expect& mucb more part of Sandro. an apprentice. dowment tund and on the status of thl' ' or the �up this seml'Stu. with the As the last play. the "Drama'-Ucs" �;::.:s o���� 3�::::n�ro:'�ed II: , dormitory funding plan. which Jon Ex-Preslde"t In ented Bet, pr Otdal. ReV'. 8 In l'S' " following members: " Hiram , es · I'8mlng honor ratings. the colll' e Comets-Norman Jensen. D I I I e Clarence Roen wu Hiram JOnes; Ellen department Victor; Knutzen l�t the list 1 of P. L. C Speaks in Chapel_ According to actl�n take"; by the Boan:! on. l\.recommendation of the .tacQuale and Clarence Opheim: saJto- Soley. �. Matlldy Tripp : and Rosa of honor Btuden15 by recelvtrlr an aver. ot Our BaY.l.or'a ulty that . ReY . .J. O. Ordal the Baga be not publ1shed thlll phone:&-Don Reid and Jack Hudson; Dahl. .Clorlnda. ail' of 2.83. Cora IJen rated 'Second Lutheran Church ot Bellintham, for year, there will be no yearbook tor the m dr�Bob Monson ; ba.u-Cla.r-ence Intennlsslon numbers Included read- with an average of 2.76. Ten high IChool Monson: trombones-Frank Elliot and Ings by Virginia Davis, and saxophone students rarolted high. The compll' t.c er president of Pac:1fic Lutheran Col- 1933.graduaUn, cl&u. �owever, a (;(Im. 'l1st Inc[udes: salOIS by Mr. Hunter. lege. addressed thl' student bodx. at mltlft will be appoln�d to gather ma­ cilltord Opheim. their chapel exercise Friday, January terlal tor the next volume ot the Saga. 13. In his address, Rey. Ordal st&ted presumably to ·be publ1shed neXt year. .�8 StudenU Allend School Mountain Trip Jan. 22; vj",,, Knutun ColI". ..2.83 that undl'r -(;od. our IChool cannot taU, The question of a "pQ5aIble choir trip Hiking, Tobogganning, Skiing, Ealing Are .f'eaturps Cora Llet! ...... ...2.76 though oppoeltlon In a financial way refl'tred to a tor careful oon-' . (COntlnued.<in Pake 3) depressing. ... . . .::: : ::::�:�� Is With a shout �d. a cry they're off Chamber or Commerce. Ken Roach �:�I�;;:� ·· . .. f ors n ho all to off eemed CIUT)' Wes&en or. . � Margaret 2 69 &11 58' of them bound tor the m ' . fer Ca k e d E oe nlerlaln eteers . 8a&k Af ' rne ; I inia Yo :68 e&t.ching, �t.- Lorraine Thoren ..... .................. .......::2 taln tor a day· or winter spol1e and P.L.C. farng pltc�. wor the the of t d .... 2. Bo}), Hope Home Cirll Take Hint Given by Rivals t 6 4 and Oeorglanna McClure rea &I� ol. tlng iooo time. That'a the WAy thlnP were ot bueball team 1s conoerned. be- William Zier .... ......... .............. .... ...2.53 when student6 of Pacl.Ilc Lutheran CoI- Ingthe on our team. Harold Holmbera's the wittleat So deeply Indebted to the duUtul yaktthe oniy VlrgiOIa Been .. ..:.....:...........................2.» lege started on their annual trip to But everybody Stan SCOre's the pretIJest rna pia. "Spin Ule bottle" and' otheT Rreaent 1n tun Nellie Olson . .2.33 · 22 e n t ��::;:� =� �f� �p :OU:�c1::. :.���:e: ��r �:!�. :::. ::: .:::: : ��� A;I���t:;�ta=e�=�1a �e�� n=== :n:e� m. and Porath ,ure knew how to plan a meal M)'l""Vtn I£ne . before breakfut.-&t '.5:00 . . . ......... . ... . ......2.22 thought about our star bultet hurlers. rp.ent for the buketeen. After J,be rewere up at aebooI at 6:15 tor dh'ine that hit- homl', too. Then, of c:our&e Helen Collins . . . .2js Let them thI.n1: what they may. the tmmmenti . were aerved-and Ule bo,.. 'aerv:I� conducted In the recresUoll all had to be . t.Ileri to ret their Rachel Pllnt . . .......2.1S boya ha,'e their opinJona of the rtrla. were not uted to do �lhe by 'Pres. TIngelatad. ...2. is too, and It all be summed up in yoWII' ladle. escorted · t.hdr ruest. In .' lIOPb1at1cated facM Into movinl ptc. Freda Hendrlcltaon . .. .21S· th lIttle but meanJ.ng1ul 5enteoce "Gee prlnte car to the ra1lri'»d. slatkin SOme. people called It amitna-. bti Mr. PreUi toolt of the "pna" for Stanley Sco re Jeanette KnU�� : ....· . ·:::.::::::::::.:::.2l1 t>u� they had Iota ot SC.hooI spirit!"! ' where fond but sad fam.ella were.e�anyW&)' there .wu &' lot of noise coUege adyertJalni. One of .the lDt.eriatini 1nc1de:nt. ·of I4&ry t.ou·PreWl .. . . ...2.10·j After the Yak1m& ' J,untor COU. ptU5Cd. the bUi tbi....y.. up. Everybody went the aida CIt to- .the d&y ,u th&t In which a akller hit Frances Andrews . . . .... .. .. .2.10 boys had won over ·our OJad1aton lut And dJd the boy. apprec1&te the Idndbogaba and had & general rood time Hazel Mooaen and threw h1a ald' pole Jan-JlarIe Pow1er . .. .. .. ..2.08 Frld&y nlIht, .. group of lirla from neal. ahown theul.1 � all I&y that I f l . �t·: ==:�=-.� :O:;.e ::;.�!,..� :=.n0:� ..... . ...............;: � =� of�!�o! V� :n.� �.�� � ��&= balla were too bard. Durtnc \be "ter� for- the eata, but BueJ was ooly part CUrte Hviddlnc .2.05 nd a joUy eveniDa 1D P'!DIlI and I And apIn, all ba.I.I to the yaJdmt, lirll crOuP of Olacllator boys had tbe!'e--� body, but DOt in �- Kathryn Johmon .1.00 � rdreIhmentL Hal vou. their �ttume. aDd tmclDe.I! " mowsboe.� wttb . Jl'OUP cauae &be1Wl does not remember mUCh June.t I}I61baclt .. .200 Score. (}me Jack. "BID" HoImberI, Md '!t'. � Ute tha()wtikb brlnc )OJ lCqnt1nued on Pail' 1) 01 men repreeenUna !be � of the tri�. Johnny FadneM the bop wbo feel Into the bet..rtI Of b&l:ket.ball playen . \\'R.t;

Officers Plan Drama Night. Banquet and Service for. Former Students Who Will Attend Cathering








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• DOOIl &



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UlfiAnl for


._--l _

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Editor Aaaoclate Editor Sporta Pea.ture EdItor


��:=::.-::::; =--::



It\.., ·�utae Preus




.-�l Kanaen' 'Mr, !leek: (ID _a"UqI "WhM Is a LA. Cla..rence Monaon dRI1.!" Tbe �eOry Is n." that ' Jean·Marle P'owler Satrie: "A clraIl. Is r.: I-t of. wtDd..




.. �

..... aDf.



. ui· �� :v;::

B. "nnp�iad L. w.on . O. A. Tgelatad



Cha.�.·1 GIean·mgs Man Is 110 ateepeel lri &in UtAt he 1a ' . truth �ble to ��:n�;: to the



L. RumUlilSn . L. Ludw1l H. E, .And� H. L. POle . o. R. HaUkelt


' De Tocqueville, he distinguished French statesman, was . com. A pedfttrian b a man �ose ramU bu LA missioned to' visit Am rica for' the purpose of studying the of lbe ear. .,[ . George Jansen says he could have our institutions. ·In reporting to the· French Senate, he said� : ' 1 went LA been a baaket.baU p!l-yer. . but he didn't I at your bidding and passed along their thoroughfares �f tra��; I. �en th.ere .,,:,aa the coU� profeMOr IIke mov1ng obJecI3.JAJn't that liumpin? ",ho \\'aa paid to study sIeeplng condl. . ascended their mountains and went down their valleys: I. vIsI ted LA . ' 'Hlrbby : "ADdene", I don't. want you their manufactories, their commercial markets, and en;'lporiums of . tlons am9ng the :studenl3. trade ' I entered their judicial courts and legislative halls: but I to sit by tbat '�ir1 wblle you are taldnr . . sough't everywhere in vain until I entered the church It wi!s tnere. Steam haa ,.one c tbe hut. thb ·uamlnation." with . {'.� as I listened to the soul-elevating principles of the Gospel of ChriSt., Anderson: "That', alrt,.bt. Mr. Hlcb. . as they fell from Sabbath to Sabbath 'upon the masses of the peop�e, You stole my AuUn., you pick pocket. by, ..he doesn't· kno" anJt.hln,.." LA 'that I learned why America was great and free. and why France. LA . . , H ··Mr otaw. who was a sl�ve." •


C. R. Swanaon

·mut· be .-en. OId, ..-omeQ 0ftId: ., .i1 tbe tbJllP thai are credited .. tbem..

' Carl J4art1.n SCene I: tA he� rambling dOwn' d It.hf\3 come to now that . man • '"':I��') ¥�:=: .��n� s4Lys on his Job, while hIS Job goes on . . a vacation. . . . Evelyn MobsOn Sydow: "I wonde�:' . O. J. Stuen II.nd N. J. Hong Anderson: " You .wonder what?"' . 1aers y Adv Facult LA. . .' Sydow: Hei1Ier1!" ,0" " W"OI""I')'ID& "What'. Hobo: ride me let l!.they·U wonder '"I 7" . ...,. ..: .:.:.:. ::r"'--.:: ...:..::. back to town With you:' Herbett. : "1 loand a. reelpe ror .b_e. hy I. America Creat? LA ' "made beer , arid. � hay_'t a bome. •

Manqer Aasbtant Bualnesa Man.r




t�t,. he kno '. ' . . In �e .slght ot O¢, rich, and P9Ot' are eq�l, and the poor ma� be ever. . above the rich.-x.,vler God In heaven ls so. bountifUl and so merciful tha� He .� ready to take . care of us ' at all Umes.-Ordal David felt the YJelght ot hb abort_ . :�o:.n;��nbea�e �:-�� . ;! ��_ ��::n: � :.� �:o':;\�e =�:� M�:��.: . V t was a e f Soci�lism Is a Question Worthy Student Interest i V�e ��u�h 0;:: ;�::��::�;oJng ' CI�: �:=��y,: "She probabIy' went \'��r:e (��I� �a�ISw���:��;:�. Persons on the campus who had given up hope that tl)e downwalking with Walt... LA more to keep the wo:rld from rotung town newspapers wc;>uld stop playing up the Uni ....ersity as a "hot-bed J ew : "why. Wait never . sklp.!! chapel."' And then th.ere "B1I the t1me !.hat than , .:my other InsUtuUon on earth.­ of socialism" were gratified to sec the lack of publiCIty gi ....en the CH x : " You'd be surprised what power Clarence l\Ion..on bad· a flrbt with Heggt' women have over men: ' Ruth. sPeech of Kirby Page i n Meany Ha'l I last Monday. There b no P9wer In mere man, but . LA LA min to th� average liberal Of course. .. d�d student his lecture " God hM stepped Into the worId not ' ohnny z. (petti",. Ma;jM):fMan and And last but not least, there wl!.S the merely as an example, but to 11ft man, warranted no blazing headlines. and accus�tlOr1S to the' effec t. th at J do,.," time tne Mooring Ma.'!t. came out on from hl.s sin and to give him grace and ( University officials �arb.onng bolshevlks .and other enemies of Mellrord: "No, dO(. and Swede." . time' twice in a' row. . strength.-PfJUeger. the government on thiS ��mpus But you can t be too sure what a LA _ __ •_ f"-...,..... _ . The great changes in our wofld newspaper will do when It s hard up for news. . ' shack: the to letter a sent Jake And within us. 110 we needn't look for them ? It. wa� surprising to see what power u�n an audience th.e. w�rd .. . add�essll1i It: "SheHac, B. o. In the external worId.--8ve�n SOCIalism had. Many . . were asleep when Page reached the �lnt Runs'JOld, Mother Martin, and Mess--"'e There I.s One who directs eve�, I . where he connected technocracy" with social!sm. They all .ralsed or Starvation Ave.. 'Parkland, Washing: A \glrl In the graduating class who ,I.nd he b God· under .,.,hOlSe care we may their heads and stuck out their ears. Se....era.' walked out In t�e . ton:' Jake Is runny that way. never\cease� to smile? She wears her take refure.--Ordal galle s . n ln o t�:�;�·obser.vation seemed to show ' that the sympathetic re� Prote.or ll" H bby !:. a dual pen.ona.l- ���y,���. M:�: �h�� ;�� ���:: t)u�tri� =r �:a: �e���� sponse was greatest in the ranks .of the indepe�dents. On the ot�er U'�Jle anorea and the ot.ber one saWI Circle her big blUe eyea which never no man's expense, must have concern hand, fraternity meh and women. forming the most conser....atl .....e wood, and wben In. • deep lIleep they aU to send a happy smUe on. those ror the needy, and must be tiwnble In f group on th� campus, tried to find fault.with the talk. Parents who both ha nnonlu. . I with whom she 'comea In contact. She have enough money to keep their offsprings in Greek Letter Hou�es LA 1 b not vt'ry taH, but Is Quite studious. splrit.-Xavler If we aHow ouraelvC3 to rest In the do not want to see a change in the present system of monetary dls According to statistics, the rool and In flict, she carries a brief case with "hand of 000, we .shall then be able to tribution. his money have not �n together lor her to school every day, maybe Just grow In g�e and radiate His splrit.Such contro....ersial Questions should be discussed more often for looks. but lUIuaIly It contalIl;S lIOIlle Svenson in All-University assemblies. The more students are exposed to all ____ of the �owledge whlch sh�ab50rbs and ' GocI Is. a Goo ot OI"der peace! sides of an issue and all issues of the day. the better able they ' are which sbe hopes someday to expound not confusion, and according to Hb to reach a correct decision on the Question. a to h�r pupils. will, peace and order should prevail ' . ' I n spite of what the oown"fO\¥n newspaper� print. if the time ... � I..ast semester our heroine led one of everywhere.-XAvier comes when the majority of college 'stuqents are in fa....or of st l. -Among thOlSe who have tried to ,1m--- t�e largc clubs of the school succe:su some form of socialism, it will be a pretty sure bet they will ha....e· Evelyn Irwin entertained Jean:"Marle I y, and everyone enJoy� her pf.!!SIdency. prove human life al)l_.�wo clasaes-the formed their op(nions on unprejudiced reason ing. . Fowler, ' �artha Grande and Hazel She does not Inve!lt all her Ume In r�ers and tlie teachers. The rulers are . 1 9th. MonSen at dinner last Saturday eve.From University Daily,...-Jan . studying, however, for abe is one o! trying to remold the world. from wlt...':I. -::;:;:;:;:��::::;;:;: ; ::;:;: :: �::::;::::; ; ;:;: ; ;:;:;:� :: ::::;::::; ; ;:;: ; ;:;:;:;: nlng, prevIous to the mountain trip. the ' neceS6al"Y . elements to the college out and the teac�ers from wl�.-Dr. -, Chrl.stensen choir. At thelr home In ParItIand, Mr: �nd , -HIGHEST QUALITY PRINTING In a Modernly Equipped �op A ·taU young. man who seerna to be �=� =o: = Come In Anytime · I cobson, Dutch Moe and Ray I:.erbaclt one of the tradItions ot P.L.C.? H� Brookdale Ca.h Market AII••rum Printing Company last Saturday evening: The alfalr WBS has curly brown t:Wr, blue CJU and 1a IMO COMMERCE ST. in the nature of .. farewell 1llUty for very good.natured? Everybody knowa MAIN 6768 .'. "Jake" who will not be In school thts hlm.·and everybody likes him. semester. Hb chief Intete(ts are to keep everylOe body MPPY and to attend meetings of er e . CI&I:t:�u=� : r:�,!::�=:. :� tend P.L.C. this semel!ter. �, ahe of the Drama. Club 'and has had a ' . will remain at her home tn Tacoma, In one ot the playa preaente:l t� ye r. Brookdale Phone 01 56R2 . a and w1l1 re!-Um for summer achool Thia .important yourig man also holda . memtiershlpa In the debate and sw1m� -. ·Mrs. Bondy entertained 'M1sa Fowler, mIng clubs and attenda tte!hma.n class normal supe�, and Avalon We. meetings . Jahn, former stuaent, at tea Friday, U you . e:an't guess who Insurance the hero ot January 13. this true story 111, all there is to aay ;s sorry." "I'm OR

� " "

�ns Bb- =�::s


HfiV- E -YOU 1\IET".






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War Prevention Told l S1O(anIOn WiU it.prnent Choir .L.n..ars in Club Pians Swirn Outside Speakers Of by J. J. Handsakor AUI lta...a Synocl ' ,� , , And Give ChapeI Talks J, J, H�.....', ...._ Party' Feb. ll , C,� Swanoo",'...Io,on.,Board P.L.C.NlghtJan. 29 . �p""nta, ' o>u... R. D<, of the Natlooal Cou nctl lor tbe Saturda:y, February 1 ... set tiy the �e LU� Church. 8ea':ll1 1. Rey, Svenson. Rev. H.'le and S. dve � . . , -r � of War. presented � dbcus· Swtmmlna: Club a meeUnC held the rtnt repreaen':"Uft: "of the �'":': The annuBI ppclne Lu�er"'n Collete M. Chri,tensen Addr... Student �Pronevenontion , on lut Monday noon means for. preventi tana 8ynQ(l of· the lA1the� c� h -to nllht was ob&er:*d at �n�ra.l Lutheran � as the date for the next BodY Whil. Vhitinl School Thursday .morning In chapel. Mr. &W1m to be held from '1 to 9 p. m. at the be .an onlclal �mber -�f the � of Churc� 01" Tacoma lut Sundsy even� Handsaker told of the stupidity of Ao Following the ' swim ' tJ),ere 'I'rustft,� or "J'acUle Lu¥ran co�. Ini', ·re'l� b� a �notrl by·�e "Choir Y.W.C . Rev Ernest sVenson. of' the Pirat and the e orm .. FEBRUARY 2, lNa








. m- ot·the West. J. J. Hansakf'r, who spoke costa, including the willo be a ' party at the hoi:ne of Mr In this capacity, the a Lutheran Church of Tacoma, Re-v. E. mlWons of,?- Uvea�which were aaer\.ticed Reid tor aU thole "hIS attend the swim: �enta Tueaclay. a . g the "U� - at th�, Chapel exercises @St, Th.uraday . ? M. Hegge of Central Lutheran Church. during the World Wa.r. , P .:'commlt- ship of true ChrlaU ana !1r 00cI 61 W�flI. . · spoke briefly of The preal.dent a POinted Tacoma. and Dr. B. M. Chrt5tensen. "At t.h1a t1me, when the world 11 in . � , the preven�lon , a ' entert&.inment at Dr. S"a.n&On -wu 'for many :rears and he wm speak there more full)' ot p�:essor ot philosophy at AupbW1' the ha_ .' &;n economic deptellfl.oo, M:r� to rran('l! for cons1sUng of !, ,te p�dent _of the .co e l � � ubjeet u nex� Conterence, evenln Supda� lr ne . Reid's . home, Co �. Minneapolla. are among/vtsiton four thousand ��: , miWona of doUan aft rt given by the choir tollows: and at present is Ita �rer. He baa . Knutzen, Clarence"ftoen. � , , . . . iC.rved �e church 01 wh1ch he is pastor " auti year for war prepa.raUon. In vold, and Jeaae PfIu�. ;���a;�:�n recenUy in �h&pel ex- spent H.Ch Bavlor" Chrutl a.naen t ul ' --; the Un1ted: StatelS alone, app . 8010 by Mildred Morucn ,ately . Ray HlnderrTe, Haf.el Monsen, .0-. fpr·18 years . : Reverend Sve�n. who spok:-.. ,ran- a mllllon dollars 1a spent forrox1lJ:l the naY)' : '_ : .ChlfllUansen Highby; and Mr ' Beck wtll arrange ' The memberah1p ot D�. Sw�""'- "I� Heaven Above" ���n2e�f �.orf: :eIC u:.: H.Ch day and ano�er mlUioo each �y races d�ring the swttrt. ncketa at '1� J.he boe.rd ma.rlu the c�mlnlLtion of ':Night and a Lonely Star" ChrlllU�n " ou .r . Of effort to �ve cl�r coopera. ' tor the army. The Le&lue of Nauons oil sale froe:a. osca.r An,denon, �afll Incidental Solo'by Walter Uatad 1Ji.hlch takea cogn.Izance of material and the World COUrt an two lnstitll- 'each .re ' rt& thinp, and second, the spirit and a1i'- tiona wblch have done m h to pro Ollbe Sydow. 8 fr1e TolTeadal. and tlon bet'ften the No,rweJlan Lutheran "BIe&5ed 15 He" ' . _8o(lerman - Jean-Mane FOwler. . uc Church or .America and We Augustana "H6l>anna In the Highest" SOderman nltlcance In them. He � - �___ lnted out that mote workl peace and our national Synod of the LlItheran Cliurch In reAnna Mlltkelsen: the greatest c ch talr.e place satety lis In them; therefore we e.h<iuld gard to .PacIfic Lutheran ColI�. • "0 Dlvlri�eemer" Oounod 11'\ . the world � changeS "thin man I . do our best to prolJ).ot.e these Institu� ':'�Ulse�' , carp;entler himself. and not. changes n his sur- Uona and to learn more aboUt them." -' XC 'IN .THE cWS·aOO.M Lewls '0. g;mter: roundlngs. . .' . 1 stated Mr. · . :r ' In the "adm1n1strauon of the "The Saint�Baens "Why Is America I{reat?· wu the Delute" . Central State .Teachers College is geocraphy and '�h1gher arlthmeUc" ;'�mance" d'Arobroslo k n shawl-':1&' the �rld that It more claases. chances made. Mr., "AIl�ro Br.lllIant" Ten .Hlve � :'e�� J:�. � �� �:;h phy: no f w. W geogra is Bardon than When the hool. close to fire a. sc America Is great as she 11 or has been hi rich in righteousness, and that her � � .-..dBP" � """ � the tra.lnlng �hopl w�'�nUy rutd : :' 1ac:e� =Ph�«::� 1:W��� Shirley �echt I, I greatness will rise a.s her rtgh�ess Ha.s everybody' noticed how crowded by fire: the 270 tra� �1 .Cblldrftl teachlr" - �. a.r1t.runetlc formerly President of Frenctf Club Increases. Reverend Hegge aa.1d, "The the library Is at- some perlods'during w� put on an : . ' ' . � hed le · · church or Jesus Christ ls dotng more the day? But we can�get Just as m.uch 'and classes �'ere �ue acthoutU, a taur)'�' .by IoIr: StUeD. • • • - officers .of the French a ' Nelll i y elected :yk':! ;h�:��� �r�� ::� than studying' done in there as ever If'Y.�- �::\'::��� � � �: � � XlW'R. Iht.roclUcUon to F'lne Club tor the sprln'g seme'ster are Shir os �� I ua:!; A e l e O one cooperates by being quiet. Dr. Christensen spoke Janu.:o. 16 00 private .1IbrarIes. Five .thousand books. = � �=e!O��I:t�;:� lh Heeh�. I\re!:!dent; Florence Post. the miMlon of 'Christian teachers In At last P. L. C. � twins. They're Irreplacable manuscrlptB. •, worth �. Pf�.KIt: vice l)resldent; Carrie HVldding, aec:re­ r the sl.UdentB will leRrn 000 spreading their: splrtt. to others. Or. the Opheim brothers, Clifford and o� ,tols o and machines. recorda of 7;000 to Rpprectate the beauty. In art. sculp- tary�treasurer: and Margaret Wesson, n n d ht t o t I n h CI tu and the lilr.e. tery. pot re, :� �:; �� = �t;: : �h: e : � ��:� �rso� ���ey �:h�. a�� :� ;�: ::e:��l:: �h��. ��h��� ��e �!�h: p::e • • • reproduce lUe, in reaUt,.,. they � here professor might get the wrong one. chel Flint. In the order of otrlces °ha:e started pracfor th� purpose of reproducing spirit. MOI'lt of the school · thinks they'� a Students and alumni of West Texas Several stu<te;taParlda.nd and other Le Cercle meeta l"rI.tlce tnching at quiet pair. b!lt they make a big noise State Teachers College , ·Ca.nyon, Tei.. grade schools. Among th06e are Shlr- day noon In room . 5. and new atudenta have armed themselves to dQ battle for nvited. by the ofttcers to Francea are coJ::dlally I Harold Meredith, ley Hecht. 4 New Boarding Students In band every noon Alma Mater The 43rd Texas State __ 01 0 er�11 10ln The only requisite 1a that a stu;e:; E!,h�I ka�ns �: egislature s Joint COmmittee on Or- �-d :_ dent know some French 01 that he be With three! ne�nt.!! In the boys U18 Rudd just couldn t stay away Lga 1 J elen c vne on and Economy has a propo6ll� nlzati f' Uland taking It at the time he joins Mrs dormitory and only one In the girls fro�hool Glad )'ou re back Ula to .present whlch spells the end of the cobse90-.-..Edgar Larson Plclr.l and don t try to pull a fade-out on us Arthur Spencer Mrs Bondy Is the faculty adv1aer college Needless to say feeling 1a run - Carl Marti tlr�dn�,Dorothy the population of boordlng student.!! has ag8In pt'ncer Wlrucr � nlng hlg� not Increased a great deal with the __ • • • opening of the spring semester In the We'le appreciated the keen chapel women student.!! or the Unlv BROOKDALE west boys dorm there Is only one student talks we ve had lately Thank you, Editor and staff or the Chen')' Tree of callt.omla at I.o.s Al)geles are worltGeorge Wuhington Univefllity Wash- ng thel BARBER SHOP k- way through school Elghtynew to the school Edgar Lund, a.s spe- guest SJl('akers I .Inrton. D. C., are very pleased slx or th�' pay all their own expenses, clal student, who Is talr.lng a secretarBrookdale • 0 • . lai course. Mr. Lund Is from Buc1r.ley, . Jake's became qulte a ladles' (notlce days. The reason: Janet Oaynor and Wash. Myron Leque andFrank Ell10t the plural) man 'before he left. Tlahl Ronald Coiman , .fIIm stars. have agreed Temple University Hospital. Phlla- .. .­ ' ra.lns. looks, to act as judges In Ihe yearbook" beauty delphia. now boosts the most modem 1 1-----�----_ are the other boys who wUl board here, Tlsh ! Wonder who s the b botH or whom have resided in the dorm dishwasher and cook ot the Shack now? contest. and best equipped maternity departduring their previous attendance at mE:nt In the country. It·s doing bus.!· D.hl Grocory Co. Pacltlc Lutheran CoUege. Johnny ZacJtrlson is to be 8';!;a.rded Students �t Wlc�ta Falls _Jun!or ness, �. An' of ten babies per M....ber U,lIted ".,tty Stwn Mrs Kreidler reports Virginia Mance a medal tor kindness to dumb ani- College Texas, hAve no. trouble flnd- day ha_ve been bOm since the 'departtact, In campus. the Ing on talent J s ';!;'Omen the on In did girl you mais Thats a keen ob as the only new ment's completion recently. and. one PARKLAND r:g1.nla, who 1a from Win- Ma10rs foot. (Wonder how many !)EO- there Is one member of the college' day's high WM eighteen new cltlzena dormitory. VI ' ' family who Includes In his repertoire • 0 • lock. Wash., s I taking a nonna! course. pie thought we were talking about Ma.ry eighty-three ' artial and " 1 songs " 56 P 11ntll' recenUy, she ha.s been In t.ritntngLou)? The Freshman Choir Is now an.actu. sonp. It might be remarked In passing at the Tacoma General Hospital. al and detlnltely working OrganizatIon' _ ,_ , p.,kl.nd Golf Course a lItUe only versaWe 1a this artIat hat t . at Wilson Teachefll co\lege, Waahing­ P. L. C:s hallS' are again graced with . 1 8 holes Patro�lu the presences of many of last year's more than three years of age! Hu ton. D. C. This Is the flnlt !:!tolr of father Is In charge of the buildings and this nature to sing In Wilson chapel. Moorinr Mast students. Welcome back. grads. Excellent u-eens Ad...erUaera I' growlds of the college. 15 minutes from city • • • Here's our congrs.tllIationa to the If lost articles continue to remain STUDENT RATES tor winning the More thaD half the student actlvl�y "lost" In the cotlege ottlce, Junior CoIgroup Flint's Rachel 1 8 hotes 25c-9 holes 1 5c Brookdale Grocery tee at Ca.pltai University. �lumbus. lege of Kama.a City, K�. !;>!tera a prize last FrIday night. THE B'I'ORE THAT HAS IT Ohio 1a expended on athletics, accord. r __ sun:csUon: sell them. In the case of Ha,., Feed. PaInt. Drap, Hope ev�h'body our new col- Ing to tlgures<i by the C�lIege Junior College, 'all proceeds from the WALLACE CARR, M......... Pa.rltland, Washington umn. Don't forget to tell the sWt Board of Activities. student pa.ys sale will be given ,to the Children;a ' goes Garland 0169· J.3 S16. and from thla �ount $8.35 Home. -l, whether or not yoU Ulr.:e It. Who writes into __ . _ _ _ _ _ ... . ___ 'the athletic fund. The difference I It? Walt and see ! is sperit by eleven campus organlza- 0) -�-, . .... . _ _ ,_ We wolln_ t to_ f u l fill your wollnts. One tions. �arkland Barber Shop (Continued from Page One) dolly service on yoyr photo YIOrk at ' . . • . ". and . no extroll cost and the YIOrk is done slderatlon Prospects art! doubtful . acco;dlng � Board members. PlL'ladena Junior College Is SWI�wall:· � by experienced workmen at confectionery ' on LE'�'''A' NN s��gT8tINISHING Board members who were present In� . � waa�y�ar��=:; OEO. KNUDTSON' Prop. t v d P"rklollnd Mercantile Company . ! Tournament of Ro&es band. - , I� � � � :;�e�·E��::: �.�� ��;O:� cia , w represent the . ' '''''''';''''''''�''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''':''''''''''!II Tourna.ment in aU 1iI"""" j:)ranson, Bellingham: .Mr, H. E. �der. UI SEAMON'S HermaD OOuthler L. Roy , Moore son, Tacoma : Rev. L. Ra5m�Jl Bur- =esy:ugbout the rest of the � FLOWER � I � L::'��B!��'!'!soprr Ilngton; Mr. O. R. Haukell. Aberdeen; :: SHop Re Dr. Ludwig Port R. nd; C v. L. � , , : ork beauty e' Michigan w Th leg1.a.Iature state re SUNFREZE � La*-' ill BaIr . � swa�n: ·Seattle; Rev: H. L. Posa, Be- cenUy paased a law that 2 1 1 SOuih;E1eventh atrects all � RuSt Buirding atUe; and President 0, A. Tingelstad '318 =�e � t a:nen i:com.. . ICE -<:REAM S teachers' college students.' The law � or statelS that no degree or diploma. &hall � be granted to any a10udent of such col- � BASKET BALL EQUIPMENT leges r.t, June 30, I�, who- baa not . � Bett Val•.:. ID PrIee �d successfully completed a course In po- � ......IISPALDING COLF . �, at. Phone Broadw.,· 41 29 lIt1cal adence. . .. B..ketball­




�. � Keeper of the Mast


E ' hanges









��';;�;;�'��;;;;��� , F




yOu will enjoy-






t,t ', t

Any ....�It-


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KiM BAll'S 1107


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from the south- l



. !








---- ,--�


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.. � ,


/P "






Lutherans to Meet Aberdeen . Friday Central ia Feb. 3





----- ---


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.,eaIt U �

, - ____or

2. tWo

Yakima J. C. Beats P_ L. C. Wins Return Mt. Vernon Clash P' L.c. cagers37-23

�turn1n, from Yakima �IY In the BattUn;l throu,h a torrld ftn I ...... to hold an 18-1e lead at the rest nod. morning and �th only few boon a1eep i s t h e Pacific Luther.n ca�rs I�down to their -credit. the' Pacific Luthert.n IS,. C. M_ !CO�� ���h:.:r:n ��:: w�u� In the clOAI'pg minutes 9f play lose COOlege cagers . showed no aiana of they meet the ' Grays Harbor Junior ... __ ... . n. ... ... ...... . "",,,_ . .-..... . .... _ . 31-23 to the Yaklm' J�or Coli out- 'A""eartness when they the Nt Collt-te at Abertleen. Saturday ne- _�..�......... Our basketball aggregation experienced another shakeup �en tit I�t Friday nlg ning they will journey to ' Ct'ntralla. thdr loor. Vernon Junior Coll* Qop.tera. sa to where they are slated to hurl baste� it learn.ed that Swed� �illard a�d .Bob l,.evinson wi ll not � abl e 'to . The Oladlators star th a. rush 30. on the Parkland ma.ples laa"i Satur'with the strong Centra.lla. Junior Col- �a� :�s ���rbe�t ��c:! hard. SInce we have .already lost a capable and shortly alter the opening Up-oft. day. The ·�t.d1.atonl prese�ted. " . ro e c t a jumped Into a lead which they rnalu- da.ullng attack which the Invade� ' S. S. �': �.�:���� f:7c:a�: ,C;:� ri:! ��: Yet .Iene it to CO.1ch Ol.on-he i. sh.1pin, ouf .1 nice .quintet talned."th"?Uih the jlT"eater part of the could not seem to lathom and displayed erans. the Gladiators are setting �etr caps for thlA contes� and hope �� WIpe from th-e rest of hi• •qu.1d. Of coune • .they dropp'e;d .1 hot contftt ·1 1 halt. In th� second half. the the niceSt pulling lame they .have to Y..akim.1 Junior Colle,e. but what can you exPect af ' a re'l.1� ped Yakima boys came "'1th' a rush to ev�n shown thls 5e8.llOn. out the early defeat. . n: :\:,ee��:�:o:. G!::� orcaniutian? . the score and Jump Into � two-polnt The Lutherans starte<l th� �Ini· · S. S. e at=t ;�:tl o a change and rna}, not present such a Intercollegiate athletics' Have. a t the present. developed to the lead ""hl�h they held until. ",1th alxM:'t sh rtly alI.Cr the openlni "'hi»�l�. when with Ute hooP by a, strong team. Ne\'uthelel\S Coach Olson extent that they are one of the strongest organi�ed forces 'in the Six minutes remaining. �h�y went on a Jack connected . --hlA men In an ·country. The reason they are strong is because- they are organized. scoring spree that· put the pme &&fely difficult '&hot from the aldelln.ea. The is working hard � !?�u:; A unified organization d�mandS reCs.gnition. � :; U � r� l a sh point letid �-. . Ol&i:l a�;'"""'rln in the bac,. '. .' :: :� ; . . b t tt t shop. lanky slx-foot.-ro.ur forward rore the Vernonltes scored and IncrealHub city quintet may f a raster In the State of Washin,ton tfternre .ix Juniar�all.,ts! St. Bfthe opponen�. took scoring honan eel their lesd .. the �e p�. working agg:-egatlon.. Martins. Centrali.1 Junior Colle,e, .Crays Hul?or J U niot Colle,e. Mt. of 'I1\e ne\\' �omblnatlon that \\111 prob- Vernon Junior CoIl.e,e. Junior Collee•• .1nd our sch�1. Not lor the evening with twenty counten In . the latter part of the ROOnd qUAI"' ably be w.ed In this pme "'ill see Gene one of these school •. is\fecolnixed much i1'_ .1tftletics, bec.1ule none while 6cor� was hl8h)for the Luthera.ns ter:tbe In,..den atole the show b! mak ­ Jack at center. Hal Voww and Stan are areanixed. Their athletic' contests ue picked from any source .nth seve..... poln�. The play of Fad- ini'an ImpfftSh'e spurt, ocx,nln' within . . . Score. (o",-ards. and Joho Fadness and where they can eet them. neSs at �a.rd and Jack at center rank- I {Ive points of the OtacUators. . The hal� .' . Jack Hudson. guanls. A.lthou�h Geoe S. S. . . e<I them as the outstanding men on ended with the Parkland qu1n�t lead � Ilig 21 to 1. Jack hM been used as a fonlo-a.rd all Picture to yourself how much.,rnore interest aroused. th\! floor. . . season. he has had experIence at the how much more- publicity and recognition woul�sulf:-ff-. all the · l.Jneups: In the third quarter {he V�nonlta purt. pivot post and should leel at home in Junior Colleges in the State c.ombined to form a STATE JUNIOR P.LC. 0!3) another started s ' but were offset 13'f) Y.J.C. this 1)()&ltlon. Stall Score wtll fill the COLLEGE �ONFERENCE. I am sure �hat each one of these schools Score (1) ... RF (20) Bishop !)" the uncanny loni ahote .of Hudson vacancy at/left forward. and should do would be Interested in such a step--if. somebody would start the Votaw ( 5) LF ( 3) Movlns 'ond Fadneas. _who kept their team's In .... . ith �omparaUve ease. Stan has it ball rolling Jack (2) . .. .. C (6) Gemt&on heBl:1 IWOve'the water by drOpping . been sho.....lng up .....ell all season and � �: �: n: !:. � � �:�S. �:� .5. i��:�"a�� :b ::� ?: (6 ) Davis long shots with effective preelalon. . .RO . , :� Fadness (4) ' n dead eye with his i a e s e I e f u H � �:s�:::V�s�O 5':0:. �t . te o h �':�:�:lons: P�L. C.-':S��d�!� th�: ·10:x� 4��I=. O:; :;� watc a 'i . e As reserves. Coach Olson has Bev very impressive. but they do m.1ke some aw.�ul faces at times. point man with 13 counters. Hudson Marti Sh te H I be g r r Shuster. Lyal Sanderson. Harold Holm- :. came 'next with 12 points ond Fadneal! Re(�;ee: �an .·Du:n: . IO� e: closelY with 9. �7t, em:� Cooed Basketeers L�se :� p: • 25-1 9 Clrls Poultry To Co-eds Sparkle to Defe·at (301 Mt. VenKm P.L.C. (39) see a great deal may basketball f and Oof action in the enswng games RF. (8) Booth .Cirls Here SCOre (8) Fi;st Lutheran 0 . . Leading at the half by one point. the . .. " 13 Trulson .LF... . 4) Votaw ( C g as The Pacific Lutheran College cage� he-- PiI. t 1 I Windua �� � C co-edsl � · . RO ..... (4) FraUr t��t' l:.s�o��a: :� clleked perfectly the contest with T e IIIc Lutne College u ) 7h better In their �nd g�t'lI� m lost a hartl .fought game to the Tacoma � than In their �de . Fadneu (9 ) .. ...1.0... . (4) Thompson Poultry and Egg 5extette. � to"19. Jan- Grays Harbor Junior College. January o( 1hr . (2); p,LC.-MarUn uarv 19. 'I1\e Gladiator girls could nOt 14. and had IIt�le trouble In downing leatlng the Flnt Lutheran sextelte. 3e Substitutions: � to connect with the hoop In the their keen rivals. deleaUng them 35 to to 1� The Ola.d.lator girls held the Mt Vemon--Gllmore The Paclllc Lutheran College cagers see last period missing nwnerous shots at 18 The . Gladiator IIrst string upper�and throughout the contest and nearly upset their home rivals Januar; the basket plied up a score of 18 to 3 in the flnt W'l!re n t threatened once during the 13 when they led the Cpllege of Puget Both teams played a. fast game and half and the final ses.slon way to pme "\ Quolity Knittin. Co. SOund Loggers through a torrid game exhibited a good brand of basketball. the resenes. who also outplayed the COach Ma.rgaret Jacobson used two Lett.,. ,..�..,. 0.., $peel.lty teams acainst t:he Invaden and hath high Jaysees. . tt'. lose 32 to 35. The Lutherans led Hili. forward for the Invaders. was 403 I l lh 51 . .•. started out (rom the teams proved to be effective. Allee throughout the entire game. but In the point performer of the evening with The Lutherans -4 _ _ _ (!I>enlng whistle by sinking two baske� Roe. Lutheran forward. stonn.ed. the l �___�__ last few mJnutes 01 play went behind. 11 points. Alme& for the Oladlators and . from the game then on throughout x . hoop and was high point for 16 Evelyn t with Monson 10 coming ne ts poilol when the LoaiefS · began to connect .............................................................. ......i1 ' he Invader held e upper hand l .....Ith the hoop qui te coruit stenUy. th : .T s playe� ot the pme. with Olp Ovrr le played outstanding ball at side center played f�t ball b t seemed unable � coming next with 10 counters. The Gladiators started scoring rIght for the Lutherans. STANLEY. BELL connect with the basket. and as a re- l.Jneup: trom the swt of the opening whistle l.Jneu p: Printinl. Company. Inc. half found them with P.LC. . Flnt LaUseran and ran up eight points before &lo6ch - P.L.C. tI9) (tS) Tacoma Pou1tr,. '" En suit the first TACOMA ..RF ....... (5) Oraham Mme. (6) 1 11) HIli only three points. . .RF Sandberg's hoopsters could find \hem- Xlvnes � 10) he Jaysees sta ted the seco.nd hall Roe ne) 1 0 1 2 A STREET . .LF.... (4) M. Elmer MAI N 71 H 001 Bernard T selves. About thla time. Command. A. Roe / 91 .... .LF r f' n by J connecUng with the hoop ang ring- Knutzen . ..C ...... . .. ... Iverson Knutzen Mc ar ·.C a ..... Ii ..... I..ogrge; . forward. stepped In. and compll15 counters to the Gladlatonl· Monson . .....SO.. ._Bogdanl Clark Ing. up .� cated the sJtuaUon by sinking nwner- Monson TypewriteR. SUP U&tab Sandburg Fllllnpr 11 Kerr. Grays Harbor lorward. Upt Colt1na ... .. .. ....... . W... . .RG ous shots. but the haIr lound the Log. ColUns r P o P Porath ...._LG. . . McDonald Coach Olson's charges in hot. water Utts Potf,th . ..... . ...... ....LQ... ... L. All ' Steel Plllni 'Equlpment-gers trailing 16 to 14. School BooIU. Supplles . ding noor SubstltuU�: P. L. C.-Leland (5). In the second half. fa..ster pial' was Sub5t1tuUons: P.L.C.-�Iand. �er- period. playing an outstan and chal.k1ng up 1 poln� to ·hIs Over e nO). Grande. Nash. Bchlandgame Poultry acoma D. Eo' & ) . F; VISELL CO. exhibited by both teams. 'I1\e Luther- son. Ror._. T credit. He was also high point man busch. D. Roe. FIrst Lu�ran.,...u ...6 ther�taUoaen Glenn 4 4). ans took advllntage of the situation 0f the berg. l.Jndema.z;!-' R. Elmer. Nelaon. 0UIee Fmult.n · again by holding' their lead. At the end :; . Holmberg. an Gene ack. aIn:..:::: ho Jt 01 the third quarter the Gladiators sun Cladiators Drop Came : ; � . ,� � p::. :::n::::. M = .... · ::. ... :.: ":..... ..:;:...;,A;.:...:;.. t� ---:.::;:::;;::;;;::;::::;;:::;:;::::: 1 .� :: :;; hnd a slight lead. .. • ••• '.•• ..•••••JI � .•• ••••• • Centralia With J. C. by � scoring . h. 6 e � o; .. • • 't Bonn.1d.le . •••. •• Be.1ufy Shbppe .,. �n th� ast qu:r�r :e s;:;;; was 26-25 Score Here Jan. 1 8 �neup: Students: You are W'l!lcome to ns _, qu ckl y l� . Ja� or e era __ ·come in wbUe w�Uni lor a. \l8) Grays Harbor P (35) .L.C. then sunk a beautiful shot to make the Falling short one polot In their at- Volaw (2) !�� Wave 1St . . �_'" BOY N.TON ·S SE R. Vl CE RF .am .... (1) Kerr Sh . poe score -21 lor P L.C The contest was tempt to overcome a seven-point leaa Jack (6) .... ........LF (3) Brewer IIlc H i,h w.y MueeII (�l-BalrcaUlDr .. p .c hot a.nd the score close unW shortly Ih the last rew minutes or play. the WlUartl nn. .. . (3) HarrI.s G Es-pert0 P.� D t. W�a.rk C Ol� REPA I RI NC GAS befoft! the whlatJe when Carlson for Pacillc Lutheran CoHeae baaketeen Le ns (6) .. ......KG Arland 1 land McKay . .... (4) vi on . . gge st red In f t sh t I t . ''' .. . . .... oo some u r rs � � ",:::a� a ::; Lo �� ns l� t : C cltlC t o The iame ended 32-35 lor the Log- January 18. 26 to 25 The game (6) - Holmberg (2) Score Sanderson Special bUllII for parti.l, II • • gefS, but will po$SIbly be �membered throughout was marrfld by fouls and (e) Shuster (1) HudsOn Grays Har ... clubl, . t.allll, .tC. :::e ���:;ndlng game or the season rough play u. bor-Caveney. Jacobson (1), DlIlIes (3). . I p .... Arty Time. Any . Pin. ' Bolstad. dlmlnuUve Centrall& for· Jennings Cl) Referee-O F' IDte . .... -can air 1.7_ P.LC . JIAID Mit" c p.s. ward. held high honon of the evening ...... RF Votaw Command chalking up eiaht counters. Votaw. FraDces Andre". Pd CUlford MesTACOMA BUS C;OM.rANY. Carlson by Jack LP Score. and Fadness. for the Oladlaton ons were described In this week' . f Yellow � - - AiDbalaDee ·· - IIacPP 8nTIee WUlard -, C .. � came next With siX points each '"Ban YOII Met.... , IIAIN' lUI Lertnson .RO Gacnon Lineup ... ...... Fadness . .LO .................. MCCOy P.LC. (%5) Ceatnlla SubsUtl;luons: P.L.C.�rt'. Hudsoo. Votaw (6) . ........J;tP. .....(tA) · .. .. (8) BoLstad o.!:��ALL ..ra:�ts CP.s.-Carlson. Bower. Undqulst, En- Jack (1) _...... ..........LP ...._... (5) Straud Middishade 2 P.nrs Suits n� WUlartl (4) ......C ............ (f) Vlpn; �. A rrow � �n " >-Co . •. ,._ ..'!H opo U.""" " (WelT S ,, J <>n Padness (e) ....... ..RQ ... .. (2) H&rrtsoo . Jettand 6 P.1I."uti (CC!ntinued from Pq:e One ) Levinson (2) . ._...I.Q.... ...... (2) Meyers SCHOOL P. R I N T I N G ..................2.00 Substitutions: P.L.C.-Hudacm, Beare +-__ .Charlotte Spencer ..:. A:;: .. :::.,..:T �"""" :;:::=" _� We Si«i.I!kt in Fr'edrtka hlab dlstlncHolmberg: 1,..-1 --ANNUAlS - PAPERS - HANDBOOKS Uve; Paul 1£rson:. d1&UnC.t1ve; Janice d.l.&UncUve: WW.laJn Pflueger. T1CKETS-PR<XiRAMS--lNVITATIONS dlaUncUve:' . Ray HlriderUe. Norma Up-To-Date Prt'Ua, Paul Preua. Dalores Roe. Helen '



:��a:�I;�1 :!':�Ii���

Grays H arbOr Loses Tilt t GI·ad-lators

Glads Drop Exciting :�I�I��t�ra�n Game to Loggers










. . .






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Spencer. John Bt.!leD-



��t=�yn���non. .



.:; 9:.: 1 2..:P.:K:;.

. Dil1iog



726 'Pacific A�.




)Iarjla,ret We8$OD Is . - Editorof Saga for • . gasses of 1933-34

: � .C ';.. n. by Foculty ·to-i.· in . . Ch . ... of Publlutio. for 2 " . y.. .. ; 5t.H ' to ••." Soon ; No 5.,. Thil Y•• , '



j1t a !) t


jfl o o r i u g




==ce�.��=� 7� ... ... the t

Publ.l.shed uery two· weeki dW""lDa the Khool year by � at.udent.& of Lutheran CcUece, Parkland. Wuhtnaton En�red as 3eCOnd clua mat�r, October 2. 1825, at the PoIt Office at

The p��

Waahlnltdn. under the Act of Karch 3 . 1m.



yoart� 'yuh pre4ec:e. prtlllnlii t .t.udenta. un.:le' or one of e: , He tent I;&n JeaueD Wai hit me a h&nd�wr1tt.en � ''1;'he HUrfor � 1t. lSOS. � I quote, in the hope that. It may ot We crase mem� and of 1103 aDd' � other ela&IN Ncer t(l ' old �tmos� the • of whlrr &be a.dal1!lIRn- return tor


. S ��u.e� . In �a !:.. Ofbu ... ,:;;��._';;;;';; I .n�



FH::'-vU;lniaBye� � -Lun�, C�n� Op�e1m. CWford ""1,,,", 1 " '- :n- .,,�� ImpUe. Utat� ,u.;..:. de&tre &0 ";ld � � P�e� belnl' • &hOrtqe of hOlIdaya be made ,of Oar b....-... .... Bad ·acbt. toO maIle all PlOrftl(:e Post.-Alberta Schmitz and Gilbert Sydow. EDITORIAL STAFF

�=.te Editor


Kat.hlyn Pat�n.


and .• better day CDUkt not . . p�; "Wha�� a puuite. ·.Mr. It . �t John. Padnea. Ray ::;e.=�n.h!,:�r; = . t and Bill Holmberr lOt . doLe � Roen {5Urp�l: "'Uel': Qn her �utUul hOUd.,. dreu of pureet H1ahby: "Yes, no,", ' give me anot�r ��tI:n�u:o:r :n�:.��;� ""h1�. ' � �u;.uu1 and (Ittinl' Iynibol and � of oar hlPd-qurien.

Typlsts-OJad)"S S..�nl.nd. Safrie Tor:re�al.


dun' the winter term, It wU decided. to U':I1U LIncoln', b�d'1 ' t!U' ....�t

.. to which

EMil'. in chapel seeRU

.ch&nCtB of that.: crawl is Ilrance" however that (hey should or, the Il,fe and .� pick the �ee hours· of U,e mom1nr to : n::� of the �'f11 War, Abra·

'·The holiday was .pent qVJetlY" �y LiS . :: ���t:e:,.=:,�: . BIOI,.OGY CLASS LAMENT Besides giving American students holiday on Febru�ry . ....... . , Hlabb,. doeg't loft ... .. 1 933, George Washington did a lot of good for hi' country. � . oompanl� by an � .ut tn the . G_ be balie!l -. first Preside�t of the United States, he started o�r grea � Ptol, Pfl\leier =�� w �a .1 �Ls .:"' Makes cat. ap s ss th r el �� ::k�':: � ": : ::J.o..!s = :: --. l n��:��: B t. 10116. IIndJy 0 ;::It w��ers �;o;e� ��al ����rn�:�r � came pourInc tnoo the kitchen. ��::ay��ut8:!��'� . ��: �;� �n' years. Prof. �tad: ··l� a ..nih them crowda of �r U�e that, =n':�:'�S::: eplderma. . . Though the American people may feel mistreated by . �to �\l:'.uwe city. LA e n e re s r a Prom recent observations . It �:� t�;e���b� �r;;� �� �����: ��:n tr;;i�;:�� C��O�ies tried . r spa�n�:!� y ,,::; n:m � -' organize this COUr.'ltry, let alone keep it running. Tarifffs, disarma- Mo ten.-on 1.0 AndertOn: "Broihe-, �a�h�l:u�� :n�:.�::y and. ere.loil(. enry cba!r, table. ments, taxes, war debts. and foreign affairs are tbday' confronting pa� me iI. dame." d� an titor ,uJ w��!: also of used gum. Somethlni" our national director�. Better far that we should wrestle with these s LA ... o, ucaU .. U I O:rdI� o pr�lems, than that we should be fighting. as in the case in the Tryg laHermaklng a speCtacular �. gebende::I:rbo brought ln, and' the bl�· is mt �tbls ex: : y o t t w Orl�n� . �t us 'once again sit back in our chairs and count our many �� �"� )'00 need· a :. gullird. stuck up. stOck o� ;r)'�� =� . blessipgs. Let us think of the things which George Washington Coach:h"Yes, do you know where J can top prices. in&k1ng the lMHes' went through for the sake of our nation. and realize why we were get one?·' by some t33. HAVE YOU MET? given this holiday Wednesday. We aren't SO bad off after' all. sinc'e ' LA th14 Ume there was a tenera1 w� have a na.tionj a national leader for our nation, .and a God who Sin" In.wl'. amyal, Greece bas an- DO kno.., a Jirl al. L. C. tor IIOmethtna: With whlch � gUides all nations. other addlUon 1.0 U• •trlk.In,. rat-. ls . what ou·d call a real girl? . the :lPpeui.e. ' The coffee ... . . . may . lo� ot them. but thl.& D... ",ul.d �" steam::u���to��c:en= ' . ' QUelItton: " Why �n'; t�e In . A Blccer and Better Slgl the moon stve h18 "'ife money?·' younll iady hU dark hair. tBCUona. and the 10111 uWe �e first backward step which Pacifi� Luth�ran College has Anawer: "He only has tour quarter. and a ?nllllon doliar smile that rOiled merrlyl . 'down the taken � a�count.of the prese�t �onomlc. .dlstress IS the and needs, two halves to get. fu1l.� In the ) ast aell1!h wfth. She·, or the huncrY cro..,-d. But time of pu�hcahon, of the Saga for thiS year. Although. th� . tad : "WhJch one of ,._ drt Ybl � it you don.t know roiled ·on. and at laat the trar1l1nI ' her, :' qUle�. but will have its �1.$tOry aJ'ld data in the �k to be p.ub�lshed t�e follow· th� car ., 'he lime of Ute ooUWon ing year, it Will not be the same as haVing a book printed thiS year. Vndltr . the . �thci" (LrlIlllUlpban ),) : shoU!d get acquainted. With t.his issue of the Mooring Mast, announcement is being "None of We aU in tM Welcome home! made of the e.ditor of th� ye�rbOO k, who with others will chose a . O. helped her �up win first prize. staff to act for these t� for which the annual will be pub- . h�ld.s an �portant orn� In the LA t M a So ���1dit���f ��e Sa�:�,�:n��Js� �� :��t :%J���;i�� �����::�:����� =:'��'�ua:)a·..::tmbe�n·"''"'' .."y ..a.n�:ah::nl�::enw:s:�: = IN TIlE CLABBROOM succ;ess, in the task Which has never yet been undertaken at .Pacl.flc of bread: What table lanruaae! I Because Mr PfIueter .. m Orea:oo sheet to show slides on In .Lutheran-t.he publishing of a yearbook for tv.:o graduating classes. say, City lut TUesday and Wedneaday, hIS QUeM who? , To the student body, letus- no-t.,think disfavorfully of the action should bread.' ,. ReUgloua and Introduetion to Pine AIU taken by the faculty in regard to our yearbook, bot rather commend A certain you�g man ln the schoo'l c� did not meet on th� two days. them for their wisdom in 'so doing. With the 'fufr cooperation of the Taylor taUlht hia..Pu� SpeU1ns earned the reputation of �lna: the stude�\t body to those in charge, the Saga, when it is printed next helpful boy in Uli.s 1natltution. claas. and wl;1 continue to do unUl. most year, will be one of the best of its kind, lnstead of completely . �he deba� seuon 11 over. ' abandoning publicatiori. we shall ha....e. our yearbook nexryear. bigger --------�-_. I�� and better than ever, . hnons bad


attell� .r:e an opportiuUt,. \0


In jaIt

do Ule Wk.









� '

_ _ ._
















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·Supplles Fine Office Furnit.ure

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Debate'I'earn to Meet . Centralia Monday


Clodiatci< Girl. Defeo, C,P,S, ond South Toc_o

New Mooring Mast I Swim Clut. Ho. pmy : . At Y.W.r;.A. POol, Then : Stafr Announced .At .Home. of Prof. Reid to the '

Mrs. J. P. Pflu.,., I. ' French Club Speoke, .

Mrs. J. P. Pfl�J" spoke Prench club �ruary 10. on the M&rd1 Gras celebratlon 'ln New Orleana, a feative occulon wbich takes Kch year. before th� ob6ervance of Lent. All a special token of the appreclaUon of the cl�b �e:mbers. the preSident Shlrley Hecht, preaent.ed Mrs. Pfluecer and Mrs. Bondy with �. VaJen;rete eJ:chanll!<!. amone the mem· . ' : / Por a meetlna schl!<!.ull!<!. tor February 24. a mm1ttee co � ot Sb1rlty � �Je n-� Pow_ a el M tn Is a arran:,tna u ON . Iuncheon WIth a spec,lal lU t Iptuer. es

.__ The P. L. C. eaioe out . of ihdr slump and· With thiI !.&sue, announOl!ltltel:l' 18 be-' the Y":S. l&f f t oorinc' On ,.our maritI (kt R tI 001 Splash I So� J:t.ett.e to · � pme 0 ' l R M a I made t t.he M for III .. . .. Mesart. B«k ' and Hlahby. ply the w a y u pl on �he .w.�.A. floor In ed. and the sprin . . . r. m . ( It' eete Mary I..ou1se � waters of the Lank'"with strone swlfl . �. . / . will �t.aln !:ler posiUon as editor, ,,1th . The . I�tor rtr)i ahowed marked ' the bo&n1. of I!<!.ltora re� Wl- .strokes. At the op�t.e end the racers /"helr prerloul perent Oftt , a rouP of IP'lPro a by . w ere rtllevl!<!. In the re J:ce T )t l rorman(fl, cha� e pt tor the · �nce of a and ahooUIlf With . make-up I!<!.It9r throurh the Wtt�wlL1 f�lr menna.\� . equai effect: · " O1�e Leland won turh poInt'honon ·"h held This Will the ucltln. scene In the y. trOm school of Rachel O 1 marken' to ber this posIUon last fall. Thi& worit W1ll w. C. A.. p'ool PrIC:hy,eve�tnr. Feb. 10: of the evening W th Walter Young. We're aU ' colne t.Q take dlvtIlf le�ns credit, ' while Buster Roe of the aame not be tabn care of by the ck�tt- f�m R¥I'J' Pflu��The !ay he � aM The QUHtIon to be arrued tbJ.a. year Jane Porter, � forward, . mental I!<!.ltors. tumbles ,off the end ?f the. plank Is annelll!<!. 8 Polnla apiece. . ' ill : "Re30lvl!<!.. that the States should agree to a cancellaUOI1 ol inter. RePOrters for the sPdn&' statf wllJ. simply sUperfloblopshua. Jast TRY to The PacltJc Lutheran COIlep rirll . gy 'Lund. Clar- swim on your ba� and ro . do� the conUnul!<!. t.hel:J: winnJIlf wa,.. by deAllied war debta." The men . nepUve be Vlrgtnla Byers. Ed leneth of the pool fed' first. Yes. we futIng the South Taeom.a pll. " to team from PacU1e Lutheran met & enct Opheim. Clifford Ophdm. Kath- Kid ' couldn't be· don�. It al' tlrst. but 21. . ' . . me-n's afUrmath'e team from the COI. lyn Patten. P'loren� Post. AJberta we· dld lt .an�waY (and what a WaY lt it} ' game wu markl!<!. by dev el' . l('ge ot Pu�t ' �d ln a prac:Uce de_ e _ _ -_ ' , Opheim an wu, d OU�rt. 10 Sydow. Ol&dya � ' peo 8dun!u too. ) C l are�� � ft1.y team..-ork .on both sid� 1Ir1t.h.the O�"Ids rol l ' bate here on Ftbruary 13. No _ Many p th llh ,ife with S_enlandan 8el TQrTeSdal . will � Hlnderlle eYen M and n k 110 19_ In eight !eet Uhtl)lt ne more. abutty at. hitUnJ � rie sion wu riven. J. � Ma.tUoa. l faith and he depen�t on �aterla) the atatf typista. bo they �unoed the � --of water af_ on � uph Thoma . eld and Charles . hoop. . ' In the business ·department.. the bus.- tom. 'nley_ dicht·t have to empty the pool an o.n thoee ot the nr maUve tor tbe. vis!t1ng team. � �ther Diclde Leland ..... ..,.m the ahJnlllI ' splrlt.-Hallle. d to Inesa manaaer and h15 usoclate. Carl the next. day beca� tboee PttUul Pa- �ht for her team. nmnlne · .wU Prot. Pflutler announces that de, which pllons 2% but all drank clf!CltH • . bates bAve been schl!<!.uled wUh t.eama Man Is Intendl!<!. for the Ilfe eternal: 'Martin and. W�t Wesson. relpee. 800re \ointa. . from the Collele ot Puget Sound. Orays so hJ.s areatest tolly Is to be sattstll!<!. Uveiy. wUl keep thelr' dutleL Evelyn wu lett In the deep end . nil' uneupe: _ (37) r:L.c. Harbor. University of _ WuhIngton with the thlnP of this world.-Pfluej!-r. Irwin h.. been chosen Adv'erUslne And �l$-, �andaome lIJe-ruard So. T&e_ IU) bUI w�e .wlllard 'n per- armlcba.e ..............P. . Alnies freshmen. Centralla and Ya.k1ma JunGod has Rt � Into the world as ManRi'ltr. !o1th Clifford' Mestord as her -no l C ... .. .LelJind r«I � lor College. Probably other debates weavers with a pattern placed overhead assistant. DaIGre&" Roe baa-elVt!n over so � MORI ..:................ .J1r.... kl d ' . .. ltnutRn . O . . C.. ....·111 be addl!<!. to co�plete the achl!<!.ule. tor us to follow.-J'ohnson. '. her duties of Clrc� . ,Uon ·min.r to . . �akU: ) N� . up to h �Id' If Jesus came to earth now. ....e. would Evelyn Monson. � f&1l s ualatan�. Job sa\w t 'pllUles, billiards. an according to �t. Pfl�r. . The ttnt ., .........'... SC..... .... ..... ne- ChI 09WDI of these scheduled debate. will be held find Him too radical for our politics, who will be asaist.ed by JeaneU.e Knu.t- pone. m1 l!<!. Bomm .. ... ........... . .0..... _ .� IIIon8oD. te tu ah ring en rtainment du th ......... ' here Monday, with a . team from Cen- for. our social system. and even for many un . .._....... ..0" the evenlne. Then came the eats. They C. Eva Po� \. . Altho:uch many collere newspapers S ubs: . ' T�Anderaon, O. of our churches.-Xavler. l�1a Junior Collea:e. were keen tOo. and �30 the whole party P.L.O.'�e I:j worth living when we are have been forel!<!. to cut down In .!IIze Will . auOCMS ( exoept Norman W.elltllne Anderson. . �. ,Andereon. or treq�ency,- � In m&DY cues to spilled a.cup coffee, but � strlvtng for quut:.-Larson. ..'hat·s a cup BchlanbuSch: of (u) roLe. ely sus�n� publication. the ot coffee more or leul. C.P.S. (18) A word spoken today may be the complet Mooring Mut ",tit continue on Its · Mrs. WUlIain•. Jane'.!l mOl her. . . ... ..P....... Alm. acted PoJ1er word which destroys the lite of 30rne . present buia AI Iona as fln&nees will as cha ron. Oriswold . � person,-Ra\lie. pe .. ........ ... hlng a . L, D, R. �ir.ll ; Iannin, dod co�es . to us with everllllUne ... .. ............SC.. . MDoIOo KI:=n���!a:ay� truth. and we choose to believe the fan· those firms which advert.lse with w. ........ Roe . ...0..:"._ Tea to Honor Mothl!'" Grimea . Dorothy Lehman "31 vtslt.ed P.L.C. tastJc tales of man.-Pfluea:er. Moortng S · � wW a Ma be t able . t the . 0_. 8eb1&DbUKb th • so . In order to see our Savior Yo:e must to oonUnue as a bl-weeltly newapaper In honor of their mothetl, Slrls of the DoI'ot.hy is teachSubi CP.8 -Barrer, Aldrich. IsakI. Friday, February look d� Into his WOrd and wor�. here at P. L. 6." .tated O. J. Stuen. Lutheran Dalllhte rs of the RefO� O'riswold ; p.L.C.-overlie. D. Roe, N�. Ing at Longt)ranch, WUhlIl(ton. are plann.lne a �1I",r tea to Dahl. CoWns, POrath. and there "'e find him revea.ll!<!..-J'nhn- faculty' tlnandal adViser. ' In the collea:e re.cepUon . Avalon Wojahn "32 Is lnstructlng a son. . Arrangtmenta 8� In charte of et rnlttlwn re His not as Christ ject us gymnasium c.lass ot women and older L � D.lta Rho. Entertain Uth· re appointed by the p�sld�nt. I . _ BROOKDALE · tees girls at the Gault Intennl!<!.lte SChool people jected Him, but let us take . Ith P arty ryn ' C'IUb W p.p Him Into oUr hearta.-Xavler. . Johnson. In Tacoma. -. Ret. E. G. SVt!nson of Tacoma Betna bU1lt on nx:lt, don't think you BARBERSHOP . In honor 'of ,the hp Club. a velenun� Ruth Howard :;;: attendlne Beutel shall eaca� the storm. but know that party wu elven by the Delta flho Oam lue.t speaker at !.he meeUne ,of the eroup held Pebruary 8 at the home of though storms rag� we will sland ma's TUesday evenIng. Ff!b. ' The Mti. O. A. 11nge�tad. with MrS. Lud� ��=' Of 'lII. Is at- aplnst It Goo. hili rtven us B=e�:�� o t h tending St. Olaf College. . . ��::;�_=I,:: trll!<!. eve rything ��I�� :� :=r��e;�� :ik �: :o: =tl�!. :�S::��' ' va 00111 CrOcery .CO. emPhasIZed. the fact that miallons.II a n Members ot · the alumni group now else I the political We of our country. �:�re�:I��: MI,a FoWler.' Mrs. Taynd rt le e us . n e l e A � SC attending p. L. C. are lbe nrnlts. � ; = �:r��ee 8� \t. lor. Mrs. Bondy. Irene Dahl. Martartl ��c���= a '�::��e� M��;:� t &ve n we mus e Margaret Lll:mm�ra. NelUe �lson.· Jacobson. and Blrdlne KnulMn were We&llOn and .. vocal duet by Evelyn and ,: PARKLAND . k �� � � guests. lyn Patten. Mabel JeOlOn, Olena Wag- �:'t Mildred MonllOn. · I �______'-____ may e r . boo Arthur� Spencer. Delmar MortenStunts. euesslng games. and puzzles . � I ' :� -;d�:hur : vertaon, all. "32. and son tII�d the eveflng, Martaret Wesson. We lind m&ny fallen houses of llfe . � te te head of the entertainment commit e. In the world today because the b llde i P.,ldond Coif Cou;" U t jCoDUn.ecI rNll!. ,..-e _) s a e dl f 1 S.noles· . t Formei' �. L. C. studenta attend1nr In l!<!.ucatlon�1 naUtutlons .support.ed ::'�:. :�:Il: :�: ;:�: y I Y !.he College ot Puret Bound are: Fred � the Norwertan Lutheran Church Of Bafrie Tontsdal Helen Collins. Shh"ley . Excellent c,....s . ot falU'i.-8letten the naUonal conven 15 minutes f� city - Hecht. and Irene:.Luldahl. Walter. Robert . Reid. and John Hopp. America. In 1930 tlon was held at Parkland, whene Irene A nlht luncheon was Sl'rvl!<!. by a all "32 STUDENT RATES Dahl. now president of the Alumni As· committee of Kathryn Johnson (chalr. -ANY � AT 1 8 holes 25c-9 holes ISc 'man ) VlrFnla Boen Jane Williams Oladys J0rtenson '30 Is teachlng sociaUon vas vice president ot Monthly rates $ 1 .50 group Stanwood Helen Oarbell Dorothy Winsor and Junior Higb SchOOl at EalIt '. .13 Commerce • Walter wbo Is attending Pacllt Marian Pennie __ Z Pork Cbopa, P� 'hut WALLACE CARR" M.nllpt' fCkUt _. Coffee 1.11 , Paullrle Laraon "32 Is In training at Lutheranh CoUeee for his . c.;"and 0169·1·3 t.he Tacoma General Hoapltal. year, .was awardl!<!. a trophy cup at his 1CoDUDaed rrom ,..e �) • • n 1 e :-�;!:e �rs�:d ':��� � b� & �: :=: w: ,.,Id.nd .. ..... Shop ... . c�tes. In. 1930 he at��dl!<!. at en trom amone the Preshmen. Wa.\tBrookd.le Croce,ry .... Waahington Btate College the canven- re.!IIIelI will be 'Anlla 'THE STORE THAT RA.8 IT Arhus, Pearl �nfection.ry ' "B�ware tlon ot �f!. Lutheran S�dent.a Aasoc:la� Homme. Evelyn Irwin, I.ou1sf! J&CUOn. , _ Ba,: . Uon. .� tht: TrInity Lutheran Church . Kathryn J�n: Jeanette Knutr.en. GEO. KNUtiTsoN. Prop. Parklaild, Washl.ncton of Parkland. Walt baa several Umee Irene Luidahl: V1rv1n1a Maneke, Hazel ue pr ident of the l 'bten es oe&!. ieq . hu Monsen; Evelyn Morllon. .MIldred Mon- I t&llIht Bunday ·School for three yean. son, Allee SEAMON'S hl.eraon. Doro$h;y hter- I B t" We want to fulfill your wants. One and is IIodviacr ot the Junlor League: He son. OllIe Quale. uta. Rucld, Bb1rley FLOWE� bas shown Wlend1Dc lrit.ereal In the s...... Bat Torresd re. rle al. &nd J� WUSHOP prest- uams The .tatt of W&1w.' will Include by experienced workmen M.iaa1on: Bodety. ha"'f1DC been SUNFREZE 2 1 1 South-Eleventh dent. d� �e taU semester. "nil' Ta! LEHMANN PHOTO�FINJSHING Lemmlng. Myron Leque; Cl1fBuilding coma LUther Leque � him to comRust . , STUDIOS Kesf Ici CREAM ord, Claftnoe Ophe1m, Clltford P' "'I'nd ", wbo pJete the term of BerdIne Knu ford Opbelzu and Leonard Wl'IIIO:O f �� u Ita �ent J&K. fall. In arp.rel aeobeon' and J Ruth JI'adriesa E M 1;! v \.0-1 ICbooI &Cth1�, he baa woo three foot-J � will be hoIteIaeL ! ball Ietten., ... on the Mm'. Debate i . . SPALDINC. COLF F......II- . lIQuad. and ,wtlI haft a part In the nut. . !! , ,,"-M 'road ·rt 4'119 ...ko....11I>r'am& Nicht.preaent&tkmaon 1'ebrUar,. .' CLUBS FQl 1 932 • •...wl . Sooo""'o �Tbf! �iea for '. the convenUori iI! ... , .. ... . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .... .. . . _ .. . .. . . .. . _.... Ii._.... . ·yo nom1nated the ' ta.culty and by ...u. . -_

A call tor deb&te t.r)'Outa ..... �_ · Yo'rftd by RVual appUcant&. Of _bam 8 "'rre c.h06t.n to tMi" on the t.e&ma, by Prot. J. P. Pflu�, head ddlate coach. N�tlve t.e&ma are CCClPQlll"d. or Satrie Torresdal and IoI&rp.ret Weeson. and Cl&nnce Lemm1nr aDd Cl&reil� Opheim: while on the aItlrmaUve teams are Jean-Marie Fowler and B&u-i Monsen. and Johr, Van Leuven and.




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the Board of Control. others wbo were �ted to be deleptes were 'I'r7rYe Rtmnold. KathrJn Johnecm. Il&ry J.ouSae Preua. ' � ' Luan, CIa.r-eQce � ADD& �1Mn and J_ Pflue· �.: ,







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Gladiators Br� Losing Streak; Win From Jaysees 27-22



WillameHe �feats Gladiiltou- LG8e 3 . . Games in Oregon �. by 39-24 Sc!ore

P�D. wABiuNo'l'Q\

• Tbe cmIoa 10..... tDIde ·w . w.ctlal.or � � to 10. U. dld nol. pr'O'ItI io be .. .....tuI .. .... u.,. 8p!!eted. In thelrAJbULJ 'UnI�&7. wn. the f*J:"!" .' cb;owect a hard touch' QoUere. 2& \0 .. A\ ume ,. 1.0 16. 'De leIIi.den ID &bO:.� .core waa u.s .10 aD. tM tD. Cord bAd uWe troubie pft10d the � - Cowd DOt eoo: Nertbwelt • _ LutMrana. 1J'1 �"u.. theermce bui In \he, l\I!C\ with &be hoop. .' Tl)elr two ,.me aenei wltb OoIum- JUt period' � p.t � bla UnlftnltJ" "" .., miK bJ def_t, In repeaUllC &betr' nm bait ped'0I"ID- . ' � tbei nm aDatat., 2'J to .... aDd ' . aDd 1M a· ,.uJ' were ou� .. . � '\be .ocad • to iz, &nOI!. . b,. UlIBr, tim � oa.ctWcn �. to � . ' . • all CIlU'Il' �, \he GIl � .eemed' ... 00' \be lite floor � ..... . UJlabIe \0 inab t.betr clef_ tuDcUon, � � Ga.t .wtth ". � uid matntalDed t.I* 1*'11 �t \be. but ' in ihe lUt _ Of tha. .me.. put � fOUDd up a' fllht�J1 upMt \he'0Utt- pm halt. and .. . ' llen. [)we 00 neLl aoaJit durUIC � At the hAlf, u.e Orecon qUintet held reault tCored .. ...... pamt -.:t,. but. tbe Oladlatcn period. but ' lM48 n� . potng ... tbe The '� bJ . cIe'ter17 caD'e .� 10 \be I8CODCl pertod and 'foul rouf.e. UMt Oladiaklr abOI1ened U1k loeed by three point. at wea.w. � ball thrOUIIb deteMe, � � pertod :_la. :n \be Ilnal lUD. ) ' . Jack Rud8oD, Lutheran ruant, wu P<JlI!.ta. . '. . '. hIch pobi� man' or t.h1a trip ' with la The .OIad1&tOn pta.Jed � IeadlDI

IIJ C. Luth.,... Stop ion. Strift, of Defea" .., Wi" ()y., Alterlt"" ' . . lunior �J.,. Th.... Last Nip' -ars It is written in the stars that we, shall all have our bad �e $ult The Pacific LuUlaan coUep e.een and no matter what precautions one may take' against i t . th� rC! • finally broke tbelr kls1ni atrftk of IneD will remain the same. This is true of our country .and our' basketball .

iIra Pmi


games when they downed the On.;' season is somewhat typical-very depressing. S. S. Harbor JunIor collqe rIve by • �-2:I ....., . . !!COre on the Hoquiam hlal:l a.thool floor Acconli.., to �orch this h.. Meft the ,....t liN!tt'fOtll hoop last nilbt.. f ....... i... the history' of .... .chool. Of c....... conditioN TIle �aY«H toot the lead abortb' dlllri... .... ....... whkh h.ndkaPP4"f III to p..t ......t. btlt it -"ner the ot \.be pine when \bOey' jlllt our luck. too. th.t thlt y•• ...� oppoeltions fiav'. h-:4'.nc.,rio... ronverted a ooup� ot free throws but •• . .' . , . . S. S. . ",llnqll1shed the kad a few minute. '" Considering everything, I thi�k Coach Olson devel� •. nicer -up abot later. Then Boon .sank. a �t come we though Even expected. was than aggregation tew a working �d ute. oount., to nen the " the on the short end of most of .the games, not Dr)e bf the opposIng la�r £he Lutherana stepped In lesd .from which they were never Hod- Quintets ran up a sufficiently large lead to class the game as .!.. walked. and halt time found them lea Inl away. . ' '( 12-11.

The III!COnd half found the tuma bat.Ulni on even terms. Near the end of the third pertod Banderaon, dlminuUve fOTWard, was InJeCtM Into the 0lad1�tor 1I0eup and dropped in three buleta in abort order to give the Lutherans a sate lead for the Itrst Ume, and, with b�t a C1JUple minutes to 10, the Qladlators went 'into a stall to safeelr advan . fru� L �, � (5) GUnes sco"' till

hn.' ..,ite..


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-. -5: S. . ,,hav. Hen ift the i . •"'�M. of .., Th. whol.· troub•• "!r caprs. Without a doubt th · ey tu,.� at .t · tlMe .._lied th.t of . ........ ,.,�IIt.,. but lICk of ••,.�i.�. ��" ..t 11k. . • bad npetl.ftC. atHI .�.. . potntl. With Stan BcoI'e. forward, OOID- p'. � the � halt, b7 �U'lIb� . . S. · S _ . aDd ou� the In�. � cb&D&m. Dt'Xt WlLb 1'. . , . v Take Stan Scor.e._ Hal Vot�w, earl Martin; Jack �son, . inI from the -aM to the maQ"to-� 'Uneu�• Shuster, and Har�.ld Holmbe:rg. l":Jem.e of these men c�n epntribUte p. L. c, �, . lSi) detente, palyed ha.aO 'trltb u;. Bearmuch hoop experience outSIde our school , yet they have done ex: 800re S) . .. .RP (2) oeorre eat attack and .000 ·the Lu� U . . ceptionaliy well in our i�ter .Co legi te contes�s. � (2i ......... U�:�::�::: (5) ltnottI !fOUnd'open1ri... sI)9ta:




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Wh.n old Sol '. n,ht �am� do�� '� u. more di',Kttr .nd th� :� m ..�·.·".:O·�::-·( i;) (�u= for� a.nx!� . b.,ch beein to flit hi....' •.�"O... ...1. beei" to ..¥,'.tch "., ..... Budaon .) ..........LO ..._... ('7) woodrina'.aptece, while � raJ:lIJ.. JCocIa,er tor ( Jack . (4 ) JllOObaon and' wond., o�. mor_! wh.ttt., bas.ball will be Inst.lled in this .F BubsUtuUom: P. L. O.-Votaw (2), Wlllamette .... hiIh ICOI'ft or the eftI, . i�h Kerr schoof OM• •,.,n as ... In�,col " a .port. C .Mart.1ri' 1 21 MartI.n (6), Bhuster 5:'1; AJbt.ny-Pol- n1PI with 1�. poInta.. . . �� S: . 3 I Baseball i's a great game and a clean game, but we must remem- �, (c). 1� / :u�� . (st) � . lUI CeIaIbIa P. L . �ubaUtutlot}s : P. L. C.---8 husttr (2) , ber interest in this sport has waned a great deal in the last few y�ars. (?) ... ........RP. ... ($) MeOar1hJ SooN (I) ..._. ;.......RP...� .. ( 1) Lemmon Boore restJlt would success from much not enthusiasm or spirit Without 1 'lO . Sanderson 81. O H. J. C.-Andel n Jack (3) . . ....... U ... ..... (5) , ManIon .Jack (2) . ...11.. .. .: (14) lCloo.ter a sport season. (2). Nelaon. Hart. 1 ·.... . Reteree: LePenste. .. ' , . ( ) Luther.n o C. .... "" ".. "... (f) N<hl ....... (f)' �'''_JLI'''''''''''' (1,' _ PadDe!' ,, 5 To Centr.n. Quintet SubatltutloDl P L. C votaw t.u U P 1.. C --8&DdenOD Lutheran Coeds Lose , ' In Tilt Th.r. Feb. 4 ..;"';, Co.umb"'::;"""': H..,....., To K'pOwoin', 26-22 . __ . ' . Hardin., (2), Northup (2), ()l1tf1th, Burdette'(2). . . (UI Col...... In .a slow galne, the P. L. C. Ilrl buThe PacIfic Lutlleran CoUq:c calera I In their III!CODd meeUng or the P. I.' keteers met defeat at the h,ands of the again faUed tb upeet t� Centralia season, on the Parttland ficior PebrUary Score ( ) ......-RP (10) RuIIa1 3 Kapowsin team la3t n1a:ht .nth a !co"' Junior College baaltetee'rs. when they 7;. th� St. �&rtlnI c:acen no up ap1Dst J:ack (5) . �. ..Ll".. ._.._... (1) Kaolon STYLD ....._0_ (2) J. �weber of 2e: to 22 on the Kapowllfn floor. met them on the Centralia noor. Feb- • strons r oompeLitlon than they bad Kartfn '(2) Top eo.� e . MiddisMde 2 P�ts Suits Throl1lhout .the �n�1re n�t halt the ruJUY 4. 108ln1 the 31 to 34. The. expected, but defeated the Ol&d1&t.oin, Bud80n II) ..._ . .RO_..___..... (8) PIaJtoI P. L. C.-co-eds faUed to elIck, and the OlRclIators appeared to have the upper 37 (2) N A eb) rrow to 23. The Lutherans b&ttled \.be Pa.dneeI (I) _.. ..:.LO. ......_._.._ half ended With a 10-8 count. The IJIrla hand lhrou.lhout the contest. but 1000t Ranans, stubbornly throUlhout the . Bu.blUtuUOI'III: P. L. C.-Holmberl, I_tta. &_'alapati showed a better brand Of ball In .th� • c�ple of rqulara via the' foul route. p. CoI.�:uccutby (41., !_ T me &rut made It rather cUltieult for �UIter; __ =. 2,:; . .; 9 :: K,, ' P:: '.:: "":: ,'..: :. :: K::: � :::=-' _,+ A:: . cloa1n', minutea of the second h!,1f wIth The Lutherans started ott by t&t1ng the oPpoUUon to nm up as iarP ' a RlehardAOn ,(81, Ba.rd1nr, Pope . tt), ' .' . . Lel� chalkln, up 12 polnts. but the an early lead and· manastnr to hold It IHod as they dkfln their previoUs meet.- Clayton. ______ : _ .... _ -,_� _ rallJ �Id n:lt rome �h enough to over- throughout the first halt. Cen� Ipf. oorne the ,0pponenl;S' lead. Leland. P. L. tried ",peaUcUy to pierce the Lutheran ' The nellhbortng IIChooI at.arted out Qu.nty·Kni.ttini Co. Sq"ucII... ....., Shoppe C.. and Bryant.. Kapowsin, shared hla l!dCfense, but was unsueceasful. At with a bana, � up a sLx potnt 8tudm"';, You are welcome to Wttw s-t...s 0... s,.cwty point honors with 14 counters each. oome in whUe wa.lUng tor a the same Ume ,th� Oladlaton' scoring lead before ' the GI&dIatora 1OO1':ed. Bt.. . 403. 1 1 th St., TII!CO'N, w�:�ne was funcUOO� very nJeely Manins worked fut under �mmi.ry : the bastet, e W 7 �v 5c p, L. C. . ' K'apowain and Il appeared that Coach Olaon'.s but the Lutheran.& pthertld. 'up the:ti MM'OIII �)�. Overlie ..P--. (14) Bryant 'charges had the pme on lee. At half forces and cheeked \.be rano opposl._ , bperi01ts-R-2 .... 'WMID« , -0 OAr1&nd Parkl&Dd Leland ( 141 . .. ...:.7 .. (12) hi Llniley Ume the aeore stood 18 to l+"'in favor or a whUe. The comblnatkm Uon t . ...... �. ­ or P!tenon .. ......C... .. M. CurtlY or the Oladlators. AD Steel Pl1bJc . BqulpcDeDtHagerty and Taylor cmiJd DOt be de.. C R. CUrtlas Monson At the openln, of the npt. pe�, n1ed and as --fsult ended, the halt t-----_,,"'""--� a r , Dahl ...... ......0. A. Lln,le" by the accurate abooUnI of Btap Score, 21 to 8, in tavor of the Ranpn. I. • .vlsiu co. D. � ......,.._....... . _0..... ..... . . ... the Oladlators � up ten point. beEot •• the p The Lutbe:rr.h. came back lD 'fbi .b ....... r BubsUtuUonll: P. L. C.-AlvDe&, A. fo", the J.aYMjM could set started. nex t period aDd nearl)' equaled at. . Po th. KapowLu A� BUC1.BQO Una a in ra ::I�n: :.:: =�: ��� := M r �, up ·U , u

Q. H. J. C.


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· . =: (:�) ::::::::�= ��� �.(�= = S �::�::��::: :::=:: :(��\.:: , . Rangers Beat P.L.C, v':., :::..::; ;.u....;� In Second Match =�'����'�;'�=::::�. C,



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P.L.C. 8o�. to B.llinlh.m Norm.1 32.3 1 , Dnpit. . R�lIy in �ond . Half

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dflc Lut.berUl CoUep boopst.era lut. . tbeee men left the pme, Vi: Fr1 4aJ nJaht on the PartlaDd floor, Al.tB to ""'"" \'IIdDP ....... by • ., to " ..,.. C<n""",, """,L .",. ..... ....... u . _ _ ' '''''' the hoop an4 " .... _ _ ' e O t l d ODe-sided aftair and �ed up in .. beior the l&clla or ea ' 'I:U �" both ...... _ 1..- .... ...;.... ' ln Nonnautes �t �t In front.. the LutheraDI &Dd alto b1cb po , man \be lint balt, but tbe Olr.d1� 01' the pme Wltb 1. 0CItDI.te:n. VIpn to .. Ined 17tcn

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('7),' iihuaer, BIcta,·lIubleD-. I

bi!rw: (S); IW't1n 8t. JolarUDa-berg, R1du:nen.

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Up-To-Date) . ·Dining . . ..

' Dentist





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Sp.c1.1 "- h. ,.rtIea. ...., ' cl.... ....... de. . ,.., Th.i.. A., �


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F�rlY CMlyle·s , ' ' t� DOt cmI7 � eartbb' � • : " 9,1 7 Pacific . CA 01 45R2 ' s to ,Jbe t:r'OWD 01 ute that : Parttt..d .. � . . .;... � .,-..... .:.,,.....,,,.-,-.., t tbe_ � �� . -- ��--;" .....:.":"



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l' StanIe¥s Cafeteria .

DL WM. S'M� r; i "

eopd �off,ee a �ialty .

Vot&w . .... ...:.._.....LP_..:.._.._.' II) JUU

BudIaD. (1). _.-.RO__. (5) IIani8oa.

" , 8uauDarJ: L. C. (II) . (ill) . ...... � (I) --LO__ (I) Soc:n: (I) _�--RP_ m : 1kBM&b 8u11aU\UUoDI:' PL.C,-Vot&w, O beq. Centnb--JtoIat,ad cal.. old (1U _�_ (j) I(.' - , 0' ,=,��o.=-=" (t, ""'" ... ... _ ...... i- - (11) .... ... ....... .. , w. ,.....


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Homemade PiesanCi Buns,


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nexr-wtth 7.

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=:=: . (t:: := ;(4���.. '....:.�:'_''�..:_':�:= ': ==:��&Dd� � .=. ..C�__ (�) Payne Goa JuIt before tlDal CUDu.e .ecGDd ' Ptnoc!. aDd tbe 'VWDe"a �ten. Uneup: larp lead _ to dlm1nIab.. 7tnt.QD(l P.L.C. (II) team &Dd then u.e otber bel<! the ad.


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. The BeIUnrham Normal e:a.een caP-- tort!C!d to


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much harder. . Durin&' the latter part of the third 1 rano JUaatJ .aDd T&ylor, who .were ...., many 1_ .... ....... , to ._, ...... I.... all _




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L., D; R. Girls Plan Showalter Bill Will I ver Tea M S'I ncrease Percentage ' ar. 17; ,he unt.......,. """'" of all I ToJlon,or Mothers ��I::�:a�:�� ��:U!!:n�:� Of Teachers Plac�d Proc ••ds to Co to Shitni.,.f �:::� ::!:� 'allin, of M ur. N�hin State


, Du to

o � �c=;::��� =: d

. . .. -r U lllon : Jane W illiaml II gate from Pacific Lutheran couege. f,CN amed Chair,man of the has been Inderlnitely postpontd. ln e Afhir by President �:� �� :n�:�I'::w:e�v� :e ::�


c a held the week end of March 10-12 at Sioux Falls. S. D. Whether or not the 'conv�nUon Will be held this year Is dependent upon flnfLnclaJ condlUOM over the country at the close ot the nation wide bank holidays. Purther notice Is bel'1g awalte4 by Student �y offlcus In regard to this. . . . to suppoi·t. This tea. one of the' first of Its kind ever sponsored. by any group • • • at this school. will be one of the largest affairs of the year to be' glv.en by any organl:r:atlon here. according Kathryn Johmon, president of the' group, More than one hundred Invitations n f o . � � ::� �:;e: Do�I:: �u�l a



the hostess group, Tbe reat wUl be made

tlons; Batrle Torresdal. aTl'B.llgements; Alice Roe: retreshments; -EVelyn IrWin, � Vl.rgin1a Mahnclte. decora.· tloM; and Ellen Boley. (CooUnued on Page Two)



•• •• •


el cr :���I\:�:�:: � !���: � � p e d I date troll! their respective school boards



• ••

Pro,ram to B� Held on Ch,at.1ILIqua Crounds Followed by Breakfa.t ; You n, People to H"Ye C�.r,e


../ � by the comm1tte-e chal�an for 'the ataflr. They 'are Jenn1e .Lee, Invlta-

• ••

T L L Plan Sunn·se Service For Easter

Leagues will That the Tacoma Luther mother of ' each girl In ' school being In. , vlted. Girls in the do;mltory are mu:ln lJ again sponsor an early mornlni Easter p1aM ' to entertain mothers who _m sunrtse ServIce on the Chatauqua come trom a distance. while girls "'hose grounds' ot the Paclltc Lutheran College moLbers are unable to be present will campus wu d�ded at a :ineeun'g of "adopt" mothers from aptong the fae. the group lut weelr:. The ser:vlce proult.y groups and from among friends of gram wlJl consist of three talks on a the school In Parkland. Atter the. pro- I theme to be decided later. several gmm aod retreshmenu In the college ' mwlcal numbers. .selections by a. Jol;lt , dIning hall. girls wUJ show their moth- choir. and. devotions. The sen'lce' Will be on the· order ers around the school building and as the one which the u<llted Tacoma campw. , A St. Patrick's Day motif in gree� Luther Leagues held he"re !alit year. foland "·hlte will be carrted out In, th� lowed by '" brea'lr.fut ,In the college dlndecoi"atlons -1n the' dlnlng hall. accord- Ing hall or the' basement of the TrInity wI;1,o Is In Lutheran Church. AU the topics,' mwllng to ' Vlr�1a charge of these aTTBngement.!. The pro· cal number�. and work connected with gnlm. as tentatively announced by Eve- the service are taken care of by young Iyn Irwin. chaIrman ot the program people. with a committee working under committee. will Include a violin solo t!y the olflcer.s of the organization In Alice Peterson, a reading. and vocal charge, Each Luther LeBiue that Is af'solos by Anna Mikkelsen, Mrs. . Paul filiated. with the central group w11I'sup. Prew will speak as a repre<sentatlve ot ply at leut one number on the program. the mothers present. While KalJ:lryn and will have two representatives on Johnson will represent lJ:le L. 0, R. the working committee, Since Its organJ.zatlon; more ·Ulan two girls. Retreshments. consisting of tea. cottee. wafers and mints will be served years ago, the Tacoma Luther Leagues . before the program. with the hoste� have put on t.... o early morning Eaater I services.. have sponsored regul!,r_Sunday , In charge. J4rs. 'KnlcHer, dean of "·omen. and evening sefVl� In !fIany Tacoma Mrs. A. W. Ramatad. , advl ser of the L, .Churches. and haVe ,put on num�rol.ill: , O.- R. group and dtatrlct- key-woman of socl&l and , religious Pl'Olfl'lUD5 In which the Women's Mlss10naiy -bdera.tIon, all Lu�er League members ot Tacoma . will be faculty representatives on r "'ere Interested.

Letters art' being sent, through the reglstrar'S 0/lite : to the' graduates of Paclllc J..utheran College who are now

"The success 01 the Teachers' Placement CommItte. which Is now busy collectlni credentials. Is dependent on the amount ot coope�atlon glyen by the students and graduates ot the Nonnal de. partment of our Institution. nlese should all feel It their duty to notlly the college of any possible vacancy In teachIng posltloM:· stated Professor HaUie In commenting on the situation to a Moorll1rMIIl!t,. reporter. .-


Rev . Sydow Comp.1res Christ to Drive, in ' "d ,... C'hapeI Ta Ik�F,. ay

. -Rev. Arthur Sydow. pastor of the St. . r� College ot Tacoma. addressed � Lutheran Collt:ge students In ch& I last FrIday In his talk. Rev. Sydow morning. stated that Christ waa' to. this world what a diver Is to the sea, In that. Christ was In the world, but not ot the world ; Jwt as a diver I..! in the sea. but not. of the sea: . Although this Is the f1rst Ume he baa spoken In chapel this 'year. Rev. Sydow Is well known at Pacific Lutheran College, ��g a SOD. GUbert.. here , n,ow. and t.wo daughters who are former students. . On Frldt.y. FebTUal')' 11. Rev. Bloom. ser;u Jotinson. Pierce County �ro&e- Quist of 8eatUe. � put,or ot the Augw;cutlng attorn��. will speak at the Trln-. � Synod au;u1 Secretary of the eo. lumbla Con1erence. spoke in chapel. Ity League m�tlng Sunday,

Paul', Evangelical Lu


Berti� Johnson to Spe"k

.tlr � Stuen. Worries Over Fortune A. Bank.

"What do you thInk" ot the banu' of I�. though. folks; Mr, Stuen waa only ' French Club Spo nso., cI06.lng?'· was tI;Ie question put to sever.... apooflni.) . , L�ncheon fOr Visitor at members ot the laculty and �t.uden� OW' bwlness-mlnded Lell .KlJppen, recently: The anaw�rs were- .as varied 'when asked what he thoUlht of the as. test answeB. . bantu· clOsing. answered. "Judging from Present1.t 1l' . Ira L. ru�, ... OW' native 01 Prance nd former Instructor -protessor of Engllsh. Mr. Hona:, what's .bappeninl' In o�er sta.te6. 11 at. Annie Wright. Seminary In T&ooma. "Tbe closlng of the b&pb La a somethinl' L!n't. 'done about It. all the. the Prench Club beld a luncheon, meet., good thIng because It wtll empha:alze to banks in the countn' will clo6e. I'm not tnr in the qb.apel baaement em. Prtd&y. �e CoD{1'e8& the need of .. thoro� ,eDouah of an economist to mow wbat hb'rua:y 2t. lin-. , Rlcbaluaon spoke on reorpn1za� of tht bai1k1n&' S)'JteDi. the resu.lta will be, but I know It. w1U � educa� 'ot t.b.e � � III As MXIIl. U C<mareu' makes a to ·att:a the deprel&k)n aDme -..y.-You're iiteiUard dt>pOalt.i;"'theri: wU1 be·Plenf;J not rotnI w pr1Du.bat:..�" <.!�, coo.tzut, ·wltb � edUcatloD , , e"*n 1OOt.h. Anna 1IIktel8en &&nI, � ot IJ1OD;!!Y in clreu1atIon, and our ,de· Mr. KlIppen. we ·are,) . . pre:aa1on � be. over/' Mr. xa�:'''n dc:Ieal't IooIr:: aood. I . ._ ' P'lorence' PoSt. � ch&1n:n&n' ot the Wben the' qllel'J,..... put. . to Prof. undentaDd the b&nb of C&lU'om1a

�_ .





Bv1ddlnr, Becht..


��.----- ----....:



Jr:pow what

Bt.uen. he �tely assumed Ii aet4 loU. air, saJina'. don't to think �Ilt. 4"t ; I am afraid I " IIb&U I have in one at never ge't the -.---:. tlbem." (Doa't JOQ-dl8re-bc!Heve .. word.

lunchJ;OD commtttee, &III1st.ed by � ua.aDd Bblrler Aqeta Jacobson Jane � Pred& BerU1ck . � · 1On and. Marraret Wesson walt.. by



-� '

k 1�: ' s�R�r �t Etr: :::�� s

�uth.era� Daugh�ers of the Reforma-




. . . J._

. - , -

,tlon. to be helli thls afternoon at three:- Afflrmaflve Men.End ScheelL,,·,.I. , W ld � ·.., c U at.. U " .d to thirty at the home of Mrs T �Rre. ul. in Tour to C.•nt,ali. ePI,acemenh: C,,,du erd�.n ; . , .,:tiY . d et C,.denti.I, p to 'D;'.e :�� ;�!ll:���: ��to�p��lon'

Due to the oversupply of . graduat.ed school tt'achers without positions In the State of Wuhlngton, N·. D. Showal.ter. prominent education enthusiast, has Introduced a bUl into the state l�glslatUft. the passing of which Will COl'Tect the situation. The percentage ot placements of normal .school graduates wl!l be Inc;reased If thts bill Is passed, 50 that Pacific Lutheran Cl?lI�e studenUi and alumni should be actively' Interested In Its progress throUlh the state I�� Ia���. · �cordlng to Registrar PhlllP , . , e

With committee's alrE'ady at work. arrangements are under way for the Silver tea which metnbers ot the Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation are J;lanning lor March 17 in' honor of their mothers. The proceeds of the �a will be sent t.o the Shlsmaref Misslon In Alu,ka. which the L. D. R. girls of Pacific Lutheran College are helping

, ' Debate Squad Is " . , : Active' A ' s Se ' , aSon : !: N,ears' Completi��

L. D. R , Will M••t Todiy At Hom. of Mn. Sva..

Work the Lepers."


"ys �' .1y



10 to


�� an

• .

Other program numbers will Include In 'carrylng out the schedule mapped l tallm' PfluetU, a reading by Safrle' Torresdai. fLnd a out the lor them b Prof comet solo b� DIlle Quale. Mrs. J. P. debate i'lQuad ha.s completed a I5tren� ­ e,\ueger wUJ be the 8SI5�g hostess. ous two weeks' work. All four teamlI In the business meeting. plans will be have had.. numerOUA oppol'tunlUes to completed for the sllver · tea to honor ahow their s�lJl In argumentatlon 'In the-.mothers. set lor March 17 lntereolleglatt' contests with Whit.worth

Drama Club Votes ' T0 Improve' ..8ta , ge

of Spokane. CoII�e of Puget. Bound. Gray's Harbor 'Junl�, <XIllqe ot Abel'-

deen. and pentral1s �OI' (:()liege. On Monday. 1"Ht� 71, the Whit" . worth men's team up k1 thei nepUve . 'y � d dtm FIOG'rin, and Scenery to Be Repalr- 889 an J � Van , ter Inst Wal ed; Slip-CoOle· ... W'iII Protect Leuven. , cpuege Lutheran the, Paclf P Upholstery; 'Cabba,ei' Win. " , Fi...t lace ��r;::M:: w t. � rese�= __ . . preaented by Orowp 0f Whitworth., Tba� � That "Ca� I;M � '


�\r� �



number 1 under the leadenhlp of RAy C�nce Lemming and Cl&renee Op­ helm of the PL.C, negative met Lerbaelr: �rua:ry 24. received (lTIt . Gray s Harbor affirmatiVe. Rlchan:1 place w1th " Detour Ahead" receiving n spo e tor ayne oh ·J n8o lr: secon�. and "The Cheer-up Specialist" Y �:• third. was the announ�ment made I)Y.


Several practice debates have been Cl�nce. Lemming, Dr1Lpl& Club presl-. held between the op� te&lruI or the college squad, and three debates have dent, at a meeUn.g lut Monday. At the sam!! meeting It wu aeclded to been held with the C 'p,B. squad during beI'in Immedla.tely on further Improve- the week. John Van Leuven and' W!'lter YOUlli ments ot the stage, New noorin&' In the front ot the stage. repaI'n on the completed their season of debate ' last wben they made a toIp' of Monday sUp-covof scenei-y, and the procuring .ers for the overstufted furniture are southwest!ngton, partJctpatlng iiurtnk the al'temoon and conte8ts In few next the planned project/! the lor weeks. Committees to carry out. these evening' a� Centralla and Oray's fb:r. , plans we� appointed by the prealdeDt bor respectively. ' Clarence Opheim and Clarence Lem-' ( u 10110ws: !loor repair-Ray Ler�, (chairman) , Gilbert Sydow. and Clar- mlng of the negative are coDS1dering enee Lemming; scenery-Leonard We,.. a trip' to SpokAne over the next week. son (chalnnan). Gilbert Syd�w, �r end. There they plan to \IIa1t. spokane Larson. and Trygve Runavold; to make UnIyersity and WhJtworth '001.1*. Porath holding d�bates at. each place. slip-covers .:..... Kathleen the (chalTma,n). LouJae Jackson, Safrle Contellts have been planned Torresdal. Rou. Dahl. and Evelyn 1I4on- With· the Un1veq1W' of W� . . son_ frestunan te:ama A care-taking committee. : composed thus far have been All . debates of Lila �udd (chairman) 'and Vlrg1nia rion-deel&1on argume:tt&. but. all OIl the Bye!"', whOl5e duUea are to keep' the ,quM. and the COKh teel that tbeIIe drapes and other small properties be- arguments have been very helptu.i to . longing to �� club laundered and In t� who han. �pat.ed. , repair .was also appointed, . Much empbuia .. liyen to debate aa The presldent , �m�ended. l:iorman an extra. currleulaT actlV1tY .at PacI,tlc . Westl1ng on ·the ma.nner In which be. Lutheran College.;e t-:o credit. . took c;.barge ot the seatir;g In. the gym- ,t:loun are liven to each of. tboee on naslum tor Drama Night, the team. accord1nI' to Pflueier. The quesUoo � "Re8olved th&t the United. States ahould'qtee, b .. cancel· Remain Clo.ed ' latlon' ot the Inw-allJed JIV <kbta."



very well; In fact, I know as much a�ut·, It a& I do about men." (How about :wqttnr us 'aD. arUcle on men, Sblrley?) , "Not a Lblng." was Irene Ofihl a

Pep' Club " ani Tea For Dorm .Auxiliary ,



sweeptlg answer to the question. To show their appreciation fOl' tll,e M1M Fowier, tearful of committing r1ft.s the. Women's Dorm AuxWary re4 berself. stated . •rI don't know much cently raye them loi their radio TOODl about It, but my bro.ther says It wUl be now Called "L1aten Inn," the Pep club' , Is pl� .. tea J.O honor the Women', a rood thIng." AtUred In lou clothes. his feet on Dom Auxiliary IIOme� thIa month. desk, Professor .H1&Pby ventured the Kathleen Ji"Ontb,. president. named ��, HIt. . w,W make t.h1np e!'en �or.�, ·� ' i�) Ard1a AI>' ,_ Uabter than betore. People won't. pJay , .b� and.H�" Leland .. a comm1k. U �udi' rolf, � \:bey 11111 Jiana tee · to arrance aftair. . on to what. UttJe cub LbeJ have." At. the m.eet1Dc Of me' Pep'club" lIIn haYe a m�rium; my predleUm la "Ily oplnkln." ltatee (1eld apnt: Nel- ThlU'lld&l, Alice.. � PWu1 " .on. '11 t, It.'� poliUca. I8Dd theJ are ,Homme, aDd Ul& RUdd acted U thlt. we aball have it, �. too." . &lied wbat. � . try� to lee bow . lt. will &fleet the stocr �� �\Aarbua pJaJtld .; Pi&Do 8b1rIeJ . tbouIht, �ded in her uauaIb' yf. lind bond. marlI::e.ts after the Democr&ts solo, and Jean:.M&rte Powler pft 18 • ' �us_ma.n.O'er. "I don·t It ret In.'' read1n&.





. l'






PublIshed every two JVeeb durtnr the achool YHr by the students of Padflc Lutheran COUt'ge. Parkland, Wa.abinaWn En�red as �d dL'!8 mat�r, Oc�r 2, 1�. at the Post. Office at Partland, Waahln&ton. under the Act of !latth 3, 1879.



MARCH " 1m

. . , uen1nr Mable MeArtor. t Frida, . P&clfk: LuUtetan Collett stuer . tknt. hQl!lte8I!i to • I�Up\ hf'f Amon, ;1 IUHt# f!'O"' s«:hool rriends.Vlrl&W. Byers. norence. �t.. Shlrle; ilech\� Ha"?ld M'e�It�. and Clarence Ophelm. EDITORIAL STAFF Edlto, Mary La""" """, Mrs. Ma"'aret. LaBrie,. of !kIlttle': sill­ AMoc:tate Editor Raul Momen 1';he liehool sbOllid be eommmded on for Bruce Thoyer Ilnd may� tor a ter of "Buster" alld Oakll"Wl Roe. visited. ' . 1'"\ at -'Ch�1 last ,,:eeke�d. D� Oscar Aft- few others _ _ ��re Editor Je���C:1eM�w�e� ite: heaUnr I"'�Germa� I� L A :Clab in eporters-Vlrgln19. Byers, tdgar Lund, Clarence Ophelm. ClUford Opheim, denon'. \alII. 'I).e Gennan Cia" It . R a Vlrgltli , tl teachel' HlchbJ':': If I don't. ret 1111 f"outela- With two 8Chnol Kathlyn Patten, Florence Post. Alberta Schmitz and Ollbert Sydo"'. denon'. Wit In th Typb�18d}'1 �\\;enI8nd. Safrie TolnSdal. � or'the hot we wtU ha:e • .:.���::� �"'" :'i:'�. :: i ��� �� _ : ;: �-:,: b . a afr, L A three wm tht" the "Ucunion "the Oft BUSINESS STAFF boob he , . ... Rext alnee.n Ed· fo."d lowing Mr. rush, the What's Student: ' Martlri Bustn�'. Man�r Carl guests. of thelr ' gulde at dinner. . Assistant Bwlness Manager Margaret W�n wards? . his desk. h a · I'm � ClIf�:I)��70� I�:' �:�r}:��a:�; �; : �;!�:. thankful th�t\: sun Rnd moon Flo;ence Post bas abo recently visited �����d�:;:�; Manait'T Are both hung tip high, CI�ulatioh Man�r the capitol, �her vlalt taking place IMt Evelyn Monson from a Chln Oang. A.ssl!tant Cireulation Mana Jeanette Knutzen That no Ptetentlow hand can strdch LA . Sunday. -..... Faculty Advisers O. J. Stut'n and N. J. Hong rubllc.£B,lnlon today thlnlts we ought And 'pull th�m from th� sky. Aliee Pet��n 'and Nt'drl. Dublgk -----+-- to gh'e thl.s country back,--'o. the In- 'U tht'y 1'(ere not. I have no doubt dlan.s. ""Ith some resen'aUans of course. But some reformlng spent last wtekend In .BeatUe. AlI� ut Specialization? Would I't'COmmend to take tht'm down' ,.nth �t'r parents and Ntd� lit the LA Are the American students of today going in too str�ng far Tin,.: I W"ol)der",!"ho In"t"ented wot1l! And lIght the worlc! tilth gRS. guest ot. frlen&' specialization in the courses of studies which they pursue to-.. get a Dutch: You sboold wony. ytIa'u nnt'i LA . "complete" education? Emphatically "Yes!"' How can anyone'call Infrlnre on the'paknt. - , Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. parelj.ts of � S o Ion,. I ll !OU lat. e r. ' his education "complete" when he graduates wi'th a degree i n sci · L Dorothy, vlstted her at school w,,-,Saf.. ence, but knows n� thing o� hi� to.ry, mathem�tics or economics2 To "Ith porothy Takll\g Jane Williams lIo"as seen .be Ilttlng urday aftt'moon. . know much of one s vocation IS Indeed profitable. but not so when In BIol08Y Class IIo"I�t htr· on. them Saturday evenll\ll'. they went to this interest is pursued to the neglect of other subjects . WhRt·s the matter. Jane hGes pinch? HAVE YOU MEt.? Seattle to vblt for few days. From the early days in junior high schools, children are al lowed LA · to choose the subjects which they wish to study. How can these "I have. nothlnr but for our At her home In · south TRCOma, Rutb ll t Howard. mere youngster's know what is best for them? -ret. the directors of nr1ll' minister.'· formt'� atudent, t'nterlRlned l ;SSL u� ::\��EI,�s �� with education allow this.. f�u1t,,:, system to co � tinue; and fater complain "�o I noUttd whrn the ('olleottlon g"t�lI�e�O�t a party IILSt Saturday Norman se -Eve bod for all tho who HI y r . about too much spec iali zatIOn Why aren t students forced to f;?llow plate .... pused." and CIRrence Monson were r In'I �I.s d: In h r Iarge eireIe °I Jensen straight courses through '(he first three years of high sc-hool and then LA among the gut'!lts. ;t ; . pern:'itted to branch into. appealin g lines. with a limited r:'umber of There Is a growing sentiment around ,�e, el�l1ds think =:t.�:un�a�r;: l (:�d . . credit .hours '� each sub l ect reQuI ed for college graduation ? hOOI that a su rIPuon l t hO�4 one cf those personal:s that when- Minion Society Plannin, � � � � :, . r ppers pa pur a c to I n this modern � ge one must Indeed know a great deal about a 10 Pro,ram �t Welfare F.rm e\'t'r she's around you Just can't be blut' e SlRrted thing to. get a job in It . But for everyone to go de�ply into his own nor bored. A \'t'ry brunt'tte complell1� O ad of there belilg. � gUetlt lpeakspec ialty. with no knowledge of the workings of the rest of the world In.ste (hr_ ht'r s and . friendly eyes s have ht'r · . \ ings p �ha. e) Glean would be fatal. Our best advice will be "Know a lot about one thing, en heart to many .a lonely freshman. er at the mteUng of the Ml.sslon eo. :���verything else. but don't specia.lize until you Wars do not�because of the becauser..&b(S everybody's frlt'nd. Be· :I�����::es:::�u��:n���=� �: �e� �� ���� i . Jl�sence of God In the hearts of mt'n, �::�a�:g l:'�!�: �nd;::::'US �� Lent and 1iaptlam put to ·hlm by mem- . cs but In splU: of H� p�St'nce.-TlngelP . bers of the soclt'ty. Completing the prou r"" . . stad. To Our Hoopmen and Their Co�ch Kathlten Porath gave . piano . tI:� t'lt��r. �� gram. �t IS� t � s ::. thing that enablt Tht' ni } selec�o'n and Jean·Marle Powler a With the season over and with only 6 wins under their belts, . a . 'S u.s � .cau.� s� frtel ' dl.s trlbutes her break- reading. ) t�e Gladiator hoopmen t"tave completed their ·round of games for. th.e kno� the Apostlt's 1.!5 the fact that �e fast f� � t' mone th dorm studenu. In tht' bwlness mtetin, Jt'Me POue· . year 1 933 Taking into consideration the lack of material the dlffl - kno� their It'ader. Jesus Chrlst.-pnuen (J �l Uh o appointed Walt YOU�g to head a cult sched�le. and marw injuries with which the team wa; confront ! ger. ���\� t���� ::a�� �u� �h���:�lR;o� ger l� : I��:t)�g �:: :'��c�,��� want committee for arranging a program to ed, we congratulate the boys on what they did for our school . �::: anything d ne right. Just as n } P re� . be given at the Lutht'rtln Welfare Bo. Also. here's a rOund of cheers to our coach. whose tireless WOrk [ G\le� Who? I esent on the trip to · cldy F.a.rm at Midland before Easter. for the boys deserves the highest p�aise �a�;�!��.���; No matter ho�long the '"lost"' game list is. if the boys did their set lin Idt'al for }"Qurself and never "ont' of these dark and mysterious Ood wants us to' use the power that , men, golf on the brain' and otudy- e hILS given us.-Xavler. best and played the game squarely. there IS a moral vi ctory . The allow yourself to cease striving to at- )oung __ �riendships and experien�es of these games and trips will l ive tor · taln It. In order that you may flU the Ine Oerman on the slde"-thls can dt'- H \- ever in the h�arts and minds of t.he pl�ye�s. These unseen but un· place that GOO has set for you.-Xavler. /!Cribe only on.e young gentleman In our Belng rather short,. In forgotten : incidents are those which ,:,",111 live on .. and wh i ch Wi l l be The Lord wants the people to be still student bOdy. our hero makes up for It In remembered long after even th�tctOtJous scores are forgotten Quolity Knittln, Co. lind acknowledge Him as the guiding slBturt'. wit and hU":lor which he dl.stributes �tfef s... ...... O.r Spaclalty force of tht' world.-T1nge\ f""ly. Though .he Is r:a�er small, he � Lenten the of entire a keynote ,The ",,03 1 1 th St TKOI11., dV'sh. Death. Takes Th ree P.. L . C . F flen ' dS . God, can tOIlS pianos around at will,· as he L . who were close ff l ends of son Is Jesus Chrtst. the amb of . has entered .Into three famlh�s Gnef dt'monstrate.s In �he college ch!)lr:belne +-_________.... which laketh away . Ihe sins of the world. a mt'm�r of that select group. Serond Pacific Lutheran College. May we again remember thaYal1 things -Pflueger. baskt't-billl c1atmt'd a good deal t work t?gether for good for those who love the Lord , and remember The Scriptures are reliable and give tt'am ANY Tll&E AT hl.s ltme last . year, and someUmes only HIS ki ndness to us. May Cod comfort the bereaved ones ' us a true picture of Christ. as· of thla he has officiated at �nd IA��'�����LE Mr. Nash. father of Mary Nash. died of cancer. cradled In the SCrlptu�s.-Bloomqulst. . ng e I l As Christians �'e should dally pray ��: �: ;' �,r�: � � �:�� :� � Howard Vinje. son of Rev. Vinje of E�erftt. killed in a �cident t m Cbos-, p..... Tout P r t' e t' . Rev Edward M Stensrud former preSident of the PacifiC Coast thRt the Lord will show mercy to men. time to gt't acquainted with him aad COUh! ,.II . , 1 District of the Norwegian Lutheran Church of Amenca died at hiS In spite of their sins and shortcomings -nnge1.stad. home In San FranCISCO * " .. .. '..� .. .... Typewriters. suppueS- Q tI!00>-If an Individual has no vlslon he will Portable ---All pel111h The vblon of God Is the g�atest P :�l � � '� ��t.--� that man has therefore \\e must PP - keep . ,. F.·VISELL CO. " In m'nd -X..,,, SUNFREZE ; There must be sacrifice for sin-and , � �,-=en i ICE CREAM God has provided the lamb -pnueger Phone Main 2870 1KIt� Pac Ave � •









_I wu





� ' . S:


s. oe








1ir""� ��;;;;::;;�=="'i11 ' Our Annual . SfateIDent -

corresponds somewhat to a

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We are rather proud of 'our marks for 1 932-for we marked up a gain in fnsurance i n Force : in Assets : anct in Surplus. ' .


. Such a growth during adverse times is worthy. we believe. of your consideration, and we invite you to learn more about the insurance contracts of this strong Lut.heran Organization . .

Lutheran Qrotherhood .



_ Legal Reserve Life Insurance t", MEN. WOMEN. and CHILDREN HERMAN L.'. � ERN. Pres. ' . / MINNEAPOLIS. Mlt-IN. 602 Second Avenue �th






(Contlnued from. Page Onel Otht'r committee mt'mbera are: Invl· tatlo.n.s.. Dickie IA!land.· Ella Johnson. . Olena Wagbo. and Nordi.s, Arne!Ol1; ar_ rangemmts. Marraret Wesson: refresh­ ments. Irene Lludahl, Oalorea Roe. KaUtlren Porath, Allee Peterson; dt'OOr· aUoRS. Shirley Hecht:. Lila Rudd. Allee Alvnt'S, and Oeorg1&nna ' McClure; pro­ gram. Jean·Mt.rIe Powl�r :�d Haul """,n, .


Up-To-Date _


Stanley's Cafeteria






. ..... " ."...................."..""••





.......OJ 4129




For�rly Carlyle's 917 Pacific

Bftiokdole CroCery .


Ba:r, r.... ...... .,...,.. ....... ParklaDc1, WAllllnlton·

COmpliinents of

w.m: COAST



" 'i.



Alums'Beat Glads .- n�.k :Y.. . In Reunion Game ":;.;."::':-:'.::;.":':."",!,,:: �"i IA.�\. C.... Bullt on an alopn. the Score '33. broucht greeUnp from their ' --. . . . 1i- L_ulhe. Cl n Albany" w t e o fl- 1 Pt:rf a teat �hat � not. �g. n�. Q 11 �J"w, CHI''''' , . h pal r 933 reunion of .Pacltlc Luthl!'r&1l COI- rfl�Uve ea " emblem clAl , painted on a u larre pe l AlumnI, Paul Preua. as the main speake of dupllca In the hlatorJ'of the Mftfont. J� rn�, IUId Art 81c10ee l af u .uccea a to came ege TUesm banner at the bas�elbal1 ga e evening, y,1U1. the "Snillln' the Alu n1 o ' �elflc lAi eran 1- ftiuocL The �� of. � ,.&pfoInWd da)' e\·enlng .as the Women'S Athletic Sunday. February 26. Many friends the . i . -mit,", wtIb to lb&ftk • Roe f. Through" .iopn In , ke t hla UaA.s.�laUon held Its first 'Q Jl to Ute plak! of wiebe. uliVtbe P!' of project and former .tudents returned to the leners In a cheerful by � w.l� I('� defeated the Vane-Y ulntet. on. )·ear. Donnll(!ln &1ngham'dl'Mlolls school to celebrate this annual t�vtty. In presentlng hla wor'k to be done tor 30. at the annual Afiln lq !.� 00 "" she -.en, Oft.,· t.o I.hem' lhe n!cM . and lLI"m.ed ..1th dwt.mops., bucket.s and and as a result the reunion ..... one Piu:ltiC LUthenln College. February 25. the, worilled on . the . W.A.A. Puts on Pep Act At Last Game -up

'Alumni Reunion Succe../ul,' Say. Pres. Ir�ne Daiu ; . More Than 200 Former Sluden" Allend Banque.



mind p moOli'


of the








brooms, the girls serpenUnIl(! the nOOl" of ·the moat cHterftil. 't'Iluniona held, Sunday morning. Rev. Theodore The Alumni, compoeed of ' C!Jt.atan . Drama Ch,b, ot. the gymnasium between hal� of accordl� to President Irene Dahl. Oulhaupn or SOuth Ben�, Waah., ,,�- �iho have perronned under the P.L.O, the game. leading the rest or the school Ju an opening rl!'ature, the collere livered the .reunlon sennon, and Sun- colon:. PreAent.ed a I.eam that ..103 hard In songs and yells. ') Drama Clu� presented th� one-act day ..rten:-oon t� �n,d annual' choir to ,top. The' Lutherans battled . hard . Season ', 5eo,., Civ. n t n d t es a c e d da� ��� �:� ::� � :.�����::. o� , :� �ho� l!u: ;:�w:. =h::� �:-:: :=�ththe u!; P.LC. head t.t:'e varloWl spor� aa follows; �el- ball teama met Ahimnt' qulntela In'� Qf mt!mbel1ll fr:om. the OQIlt-re hoop. on the other hand.,the Alumni (7)'1 (25) Milton Town Team . en Colllm. ataUn,; Jean-Marte Powler. their annual atrua&le. 8&turda)' worldI1J" 1331 (23) Pa k. Men', Club nJah'· choir former membenlof t.hI!' choir: cagus played hard, laat ball. swimming; Helen Oarbell. rolf; Jennie nearly two hundred attended. the ban- Theand program COD&1s·ted of. numbers It down thl'Olll"h' the Van1ty'.. .one de- (7)', 120 Yelm Lee. hlklna; Dickie !.elan • baeeball; quet aiven to honor the former stu.-, by the pup and adecllons l?Y the coI- fenae and connectina wUh short �, (8) . (33) C.P.S. Kathleen Porath. d BUiter dent&. - "(fe) .Park... Men'a Club . .Iere choir. A violin 8010 by �� O. At half Ume, the forme.r P.L.C. lta,re 1 38': Roe. tennla. Alice Almes namll(! Irerie' Dahl. Alumni pre&iden� pre- Hunter and aelecuona newly Ill(! by one PoInt. ' From that point (251) ·(3U .W�h, Hdwl!'. r th Peter n Id : th so . : : -:: d�\�' ��':t.':" ::��::.:!'!.n.Do o ' :��g!h�:d:!k :'ane r w w �e�e: : . Polnta made band ir.nd the "Kollen Knlghta"� quar- spoke on \lie Importi.n� Of the ap�tu- ened to upeet the Alumni: but the vlal- 4311 (15) Mt Vernon In most.' sport.! mwt . .by taking either the first or RCond tette urnlsh t ed music, �prelM\lltaUftS al message A:5 p�nted by the choir toni came back In the ftAiII.h and upset 4241 (40) Bellln,ham team In that sport. In hik.1.n, and akat141> St. MarUru of the claMes, Ludq t.rsOn '03. alP and. •ummed up the spirit of �e re-' such hopes. . fl81 Ing points be made by partlclpat- Hong ' 13. (35) C.P,S. John Fadness and Carl Marl1n turn- 4321 Oyen '43, and Stanley union. ' �" Ing for certain numm of houn In . ed In a rood performan� ·for the V.r""' 135) (18) Aberdeen . that sport. and In s.....lmming. b y paM- Keeper ldty. While Bl11 �yman. Sankey John(25) (26) Centralia. e th Mast . V: UdY Sanderson. starred for ::� :�. ' ar, boys t l basketball Tnlve ' as At rn to . In�{:=�p���n all girls ea �� ��':':non back In cir. culation again af r th�ir . Ing 150 points, (34) (:'imP'alla (31 ! long term of training-. We�re glad Resuming their CU5to� of last $fm- summary': ester, Delta Rho Oamma girls had a P.L.C. (31) t. A.hamnJ 1231 that's over-no dales. no nothing. not luncheon last Thursday noon In lhe Votaw ......................RP. (6) S. Johnson i271 Exehlnge of Program ,. (35) Albany even walks .whlle basket,ball oc.cuples • (36) Columbia Puyal�up With P. L. C_. . Ch the me. ���:�� �,ed so Chapel basement. About forty girls Sanderson . .. .. . LP.... .(6) g. Dahl (181 C (4) Mitton (29) Jack (3)" . (32) Columbia :� %tt �! �,:� th� wen! present . .�1th Mnl. Kreidler g T� Be Annual �Ha., (2) Nyman 131) Misa Powler as honor' guesta. Hud50n (4) RO... l n ( i? th� dl��:Ulty. -Palo (24) w,,','.m.",," ,' ,. ", "' ," ..., " The organlzat.lon plana to hold these Fadneu (5) . ... ...LC;I. On Invitation from Harl')' P. Bub8t1tutiofUl: P� L. C. _ Beore ( 8 ). (27) luncheons on the first Thursday of each (22) Orays Harbor s e I 1 the high school principal six Pacific I -: :; ����;; : ',khool year: A1u.mnl�ott. of Martin month the (31) A1.wnni for (8). the M� rest I'll, (30) sh f n I Sande rson. (24) Albany 4311 IOH�d editor ( and ".e don t realize how =:d: :e ::��:!�:t :a:,';.; th 10 Puyal lup �Ia�. t Friday. where they :hl!'co!:p.�n: :he�s were ' VIrt:1n1a Boen. Bafrie Torresdal. �.lblec;n POf"&th •.nd W�. � .."" '"'''''''' "",,,,,.,, ,,,, ,,, ,,,, ,,, ,..:,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,...., th v presented progmm before a Joint as· Helen Oarbell S'hlrley Savage and Hel- Jill&" �re dClllr1 l bed In lbe "Have Yea � For �tislol(lory Work, See Us sembly of the Junior and Senior hlgh Mary �: CORle back !LU pepped uP. en Colllns. . �: Mel" C'OI�bla week. . , school rroups. At the close ot the pro. and don I let pappa. C0rtel about that chotr trip. "A Trial I. All W. Ask" gram. Principal Hamon announced that ' h g ��:= �e"'�:� sc�oo� Our practl� teachers seem to be get\ �, ,�:.:�,�,:� , , , , �::.�,..� In comment, he stated, "'I'h1s was tlng along pretty well this semester ". At a meeUng Qt Ule 5Wtmmlna chw high calibre program which "'e have .(we mean the'ones that are teaching the grade schoob-not those that prac- held Monday noon. Jesse pnueger was T . HeRdq\iarters of Offlclal . from real artlsta:· " ; Ul;l. I elected see�tary I� place of Martha Now 2Se By Introducing each parWclpant of tLce pvery day on-Baseball Equipment I Orande who did not return to school the progTarn as relJa.rds his Interests tn L..rgest Complete Stock in Tacoma � nce mming ar "Swede" and this WII_ mester, Le c �I L studen� activities. Clarence emming. � � The'"next chairman of the group from P. L . C. . lard have made a re!lOluUon-never to swim, It decided. will bt BR. 321 I ..i � 755.57 Bro..rdway. brought out ---------4.... i!i . , .." .,,, ,,,,,,,,,.. ,.. ,�,,,,.,,,,,,',,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,",," . interesting cross-cut of broadcast over a "mike" . again. e8pe- held March 18 at the Y: W. C. A. P:OOI +1 --....------- ------student life al the Parkland school. ac- clally when they have to listen to their The president appolntf'd a ,eommlttee, r cording to Prof.. Hauge. Vocal solos by own voices. "Hear yourself as othere consisting ot Jane WIlliams. Claren� hear you." Lemming. and, Willie Pflueger. to Anna M.lkkelsen and Bruce Thayer. .range races for the swim. 5BlI:ophone selecUi;ms by Mr. Hunter. .��ng has sprung. All the little frogs reading 'by Margaret Wesson, and 'OlI . talk on "Colle,e AthleUcs" by "SWede,, 1 once .lga�ln are . happlly hopping aboutI Clover Creek: but on our own Willard comprlud the prognm. In hls not n .Studenta: You llI"e welcome to come to �� ::�g tor a s ech. "Swede" POlnt� out the �:���an::/�� pe ue;:r. �e t s c /' " � as�I:I��r The following business houses are loyal subsc ribers ��� . Expert. PenQalWD1. Wavln&" . lege, He spoke trom experience. having nc e, Ma.rpret Wesson. OArla.nd Olt:i-R-:l Parkland Give them your support. to the Mooring Mast, attended both a large miaU col- Virginia. Mab 0 and Jean-Marie broke all rules . and . . I e g to �."....".."'.."....."".."'''''.'' ''.....'...''''''''''''....'''''� ��rdlng to 5talements of Dean regulations b�-80lng swlmmln i prorrams H,.Jge. being ar- Spanaway lake,Sunday, and wad.lng on Alls'rum Prin'ing Co. j G�t:'J DERSON rAnged for pre�ptatlona In high schools the campus groun� Monda,. � Mierow',s Jewelry Bell Printins Co. IndiVIdual Jewelry ::� o f thls vicinity In the comln� ...eeks. Mary Nash has, ret.u.rned to schoof i Miller Brothers �nadelle Beauty Showe after being out more than two weeta TKoma 762 Broadwa�"$hington : P.. rkland Barber Shop Boynton's Service StatiOtl � Preus ' in California ' due to the Ulness and death of he ...."....."".".."."."......".",..."""'''''''"..,,,.,,;,,,.,,j!) ..... P..rkland Golf Course BrPokdale B..rber Shop We're. glad to see you b�k, C WW InvesUpte PoalbWUes ot Choir P..,kland Mercantile Co. )Brookdale Golf Course •Toar tor Thll SprbJ.. P..,kland Shoe Repair Brookdale Groce� Co. For the puipose ot doing Developwas J. C. Penney Co. Brookdile Market ml!'nt A.ssoc7laUon work and for arrang- the topic presented to tb.e .Oenn.n club PelerSOf'j's Studio Oahl Grocery Co. tng tor a possIble choir trip to be held . . Oscar AndenJOn last TUesday, He . In May. fIeld agent Paul Preus and. his made .special mention or the hlstorlc Pioneer Inc. Dick$Orl Bros. daughter. Mary Lou. left for ("'al1forn!a buUdl,np in t.hJa elty, Qu.lity Knitti,:,g Co. ustmln Kod..k Stof"es last Wedn�Y., Kathryn J�n. the preatdent pre: .., Gunderson's Jewelry Se..mon·s Flower. Shop. , ShJpplng their car w1th them. they sided over the meettnr and read, the . left boat froc:! lkattl.e. Wedne:may club constitution In preparation for tu­ .. Smith. Dt-, y.'iIIiam Hanson', Jewelry evening. p�to be goo,: two MADE LIKE �W weeta.. It with the Board of COntrol. Smith Studios Inc, Hartsook Studio Send your old $hoe5 to P..rkland . �th TacClm.l Undert.k>n, Co.� Shoe'R�ir ... .. .."."""" . " ".. . ... ... . " •." . .." .,,.,,",, .....,,!IJ We w t to fulfill your w l"$. One ' Repair Shop. We'lI doctn.> them day Mrvice on your photo work. at Stanley's Cafeteria Jack's Griddle M I EROW'S -� . -� no extra cost'ind tM work. is done into fresh. sprightly Joo:kin� shoes Sunfreze Ice Cream Jetlanct60 Palagrutl r i -yoUr friends will think they LE�� 7 �;; F;�� ' l1 ; ay Tacoma Bus Co, Johnson-Co� Co. � TACOMA .re broond new. i Parkland ���� Comp.ny Tacom.i En,ravin, Co. Kimball's Sporlin, Goods Co. MvslC Co, Llet;' & S.lvig " PARKLAND .SHOE Ted Brown Music Co. Uttle Paris Beauty Shoppe . REPAIR .. J. F. Visset Co. Luther,n Brotherhood ACrOss from �auty Shop Washington Hardwar. Co. Lynn Mortuary ART NORLIN. Prop Brookdale -; PARKLA,ND W�' GroCery Co . �


::.J::���� :::=�,..


= =:::c: ':c;"ftJ1;:=a�

� �� : .





:::t�;m:ro�����p s���;:/�:�::;






De'!! Rho Ca!'"mas' Monthly Lu ��eon


::t u�-:.




� s�:: :��I::

fa': :f


wi i I b � ll'lll'l n�:': pf�!:��r Secretary





l a�te�d::!:�t na and a


I:�� frog ad-

lZ1n�ar tnday?-

d �� :a';_





Holm,ren's Shoe Repair

" "" "'==='�;:::= : =====t '�" " "POP'lJLA'R""Mij'SIC' ' '' '''

�� �:'�� ����:,���:�




Ted Brow.n Music Co.


� ., .....

D:::a:o!,: : ' ��aro:����� by


Bonnadele' Beauty Shoppe








'" "

I �·

"" "


� ��

Old Shoes

. t.1·=�:�:::.h:.I:U:.:_=. :-:ry:c:=-:.=:;I -:=�,---'

=�=====� == I!'==;� ... Butter Rod

h;ghest qu.Hty •. ' always uniform • . made ;n Tacoma by. MiII.r B Comp.ny



Your duty to the Mooring Mast arid to .the school is . to c"onsul t thIS l ist 'carefully before sh�ing. , .



I· t

Padflc Lutheran Col1� the Ude 1r � : u:� l� qbt �..Oladi.ator rtrls &ppear!d to have



S4 to 25 defeat b, the Sumner HJ.ab School eullu In the season, t.M � baaketers e '�ed oa by chalk-


" -� a""



Surniter Girls'Turn Tide to Beat P.L.C.


By C. x...a


---- e----- ---







larid Door J"ebna&l'J Bound



.... �



Dow.. Glads Close Season LiltheranP. ci,Ft. s_ .�ty C;; By . Beating A1bany In their aeeond pme � ... r�.�� ,aclt St.... 1ft Ca.... EMi". With p.upt . , BorcJirttJ p�roftd �, be far , 35-25 Score Ov., T.a", 0..... .; leu wcCelaful a,am.t. {.he _�Ulen.n -tr.etelJ the. in, P.L.C. Boys Oft Or_10ft Trip pl's team- than tbe���



le1'. U

Aa • fitUnl cJose to the hoop Rason. lubmerpd. 42 to Well-we saw eVidence In our last basket ball �ontest as to coach upper C f Olsons Pae1ftc" Lutheran . Tbe Gladiator Iii ....:t'at suppor' can do. Our b:oys just didn't feel like lOSing a fter that 'Co lle,e bulc�tbt.ll � broke their haDd from the openinC Jfh1ltJe and . long string of defeat6 TUead&y' . reb- held It �UI�t the cbnl.e8L 'lbe play a .ddenslve game. Ebe�hart.. display of real sch�1 enthUSiasm. B'umner forw&rd, who proved to be the '. hand it to ttl. � A A:"�� . They haYen't bHn or,anl.eeI roar)' 28. with !"_ t.rl�ph ove.r .-\l� lnvaden. �o:t. =U:.:.u� nem tor the Lutherans In the prev- " Let but when ttl..,, �hat h.p';'neel'. Ban,r ttl.., .tarteel ttl•. �e:�c�:gPl�:r:.:�th�e:-: .=.otwre . and foucl?t 10Wi pme. checked closely by the lon . ball rom.,. Dr..sed up I!!',.....countTy maW.... , land poorl, AlbanY. guards and t&1led to duplIcate her tUbbornJy to keep their � above - dressed on.. tooI th.., "",rched to tt.e IVIft to pro". to those pr ...f.nt TIle la�e started 'out with the Luth- sthe At half .Ulne the surface fCll" 1.0 · o .. ...t. but ju.t dawnin, The tlrst halt tJotly contested th taking the leed lmmf!d.latd.1 a.tter .&tood . It.. ne..t school �Pirit " not' "�D '. _ reiln. "" stroDle with both teams pl&JinI' on w era in which h. .1(.1i.. will Ute Open1n1 whbU�. when Jae�. Glad- . . -S� e en . Gladiators lthough , f course, Sf ce this school is no diHerent, complications set in. lator torward, �k. a basket by an e,uy Co-" M"�. U�."'ted O slvo.... In retUn ot from ll1e sldel1nea. At U!-J.a point e st.a.rted, kept 8;the lead A\.t� e tGdents $ opinion M ed the affair, who voiced witnes their ••Ift in Last CaM. frida, T . hout e . period and th hall that t e l lay was a bit too immodest and silly for college girls to the Pirata �an to perk u� and IIOOn throug . ended. 12, tot.h1s fl. In their tavor. the Gladiators. P\'Om participate i Permit me to gnash my teeth. I f this organization had. took� lre om In Utrdr .... iU- 01 &be ....... &be Coming back In the final period w1� not broken the ice, judging from the spiril shown at the games, it then th en� of r'be tint period, hettk L-.t.bcnD CoUere eo-eda will lIlt.ent to overcome the tour polpt INd, would not' have been long before it would have been considered ·the A1b:&nY el(J1a amall lead. At rtrlI 01 Ute B__' Q.rtU ' . . the B .ner rtrLs p1a.yed D;1uch tmprov- silly to the halt the score was It to 13 1n lavor . ' yell. bene at 1:31 P'rIdal'.-. IlfPrt.. M_b baed ball. but could. not to cope ot the Inyaders. -SS-.. bdDI" � � Ute \ . ' with the Lutherans, ....ho also stepped And ttM:re w.s Paul Preu., cauli", Much ..Hention b, hi. Ip the openlnre minutes 01 the seco. nd ' ten.l �\eIIL, onJ1 � 11. . .. uae the . halt. ..cesli"e yelline, And Dr. Tincelstad, fo" ettin, hi. o fflc al duties the P rat ll a&"It l n ' be( an to air'" Lut Pille of t.b.e --. bwl be�rfi i , ! out a and gained a 19�o..:bt.!ore Allce AIvnea. Lu theran forward. .was bec.u.e of hi, enthusi...m. and De.. n· HIUI. n....,I, cllmbln, tbe OPPoetnI" taun from 'hcon . ::te����t ':c�:: l;'!lan��u!! windo,:: �t re..lI, �. ,ood �sL . �O:P�u;:�=I:� :n o��thth:' ::.��:a.u::'=':tr.;JtI other Gladiator forward. and Ness for s eason behind them, quarter the Olad1ato� �an to cUck '" .he toa('.b. With a strenuous and rather a disa' s trous ' Sumner coming next wIth 'S polnt4. . the Gladiator cagers can put aside their suits and look hopefully to and � to l n the -lead of ary : th i on e terial i t g � � p.� Sumner ���d���r ��t���ba���:� d id n���u���� ���� a��d �:a;�. �Alt!:;��:n� the Otadlators ex- P.L.C. Fems Win·Ov.r m Eberhart Midland Jr.. t:til� Te.m AIvnes ( 18) btblted thelr cowllltent laat hall rally , -S� . . .. .... (8) Ness Leland (s> . .... Out of .iehteen c..mes (thi. i, not countin, the-pr.ctice and chalkt(t up 12 counte ....hlle hold- �r a breather, the Pacltlc Lutheran Knuben . ... . . ..... C ... .. .. Bl.ack&dder g.mesl". we chalk� up Ii. win. and twelve los.... Si. of these 1ng the Invaders 5COreless. The Luth- Coll� g1rl's buUtb&ll tHm joume'ed . . . Munch . Monson ,ames we lost b, -such a close Ift.." in, that we .could hardl, erans stayed out In rront trom that to Midland, 'I11waday: March 2, to deA. ROfl . ..... .. SC ...... .. . Uvealy twelve petot on. hold it a,..i�t our boy, .s .. defeat ..t .11, feat the Midland JunIor Ht�b 81:bool. Collins .. ......... .... . .... DaN Gene Jack collected 1.2 polnl,a' 101" In- 25 to 1'7. -SS-Substitutions; Swnner-Conant (2). �et's consider some of the teams we played. Take St. Martins dlvldual 5C()ring honor.s. while " " In th1.s conteat, the Lutheran Iitr}aenCollege, College of P!r'get Sound. and Willamette University. Two of Buchanan of Albany waa second wIth countered more com'peUuon t.h&n theY INDlVlDUAL SCORES these teams are members of the Pacific Northwest Conferenc, while nine. . " expected. Bot.h. teams ,tere held to a Individual standings of the basket­ u e f ball team. lor Inter-scb� games only; �:. t�:;�i;�!i� W�I����t��� :�! :�:����;�f� �f!�� ��r����� �7c�: AaIuI, .� �....� �nWi� :�:=�i :O� F TP conference, and C. P. S. did not e"nd up at' the bottpm'of .the·lrst by Vo .... 1 1 1 FG RF (8) "V i' Glad1aton . t.h ta far. Columbia University, th�t also liolds two victories over .us, also SandersOn (II .LP (3) Halsto� second period wu featured by .. ... .30 19 , Jack 9 won over some of the strongest teams in Oregon and WolShington Jack (2) ... C .... .. . (3) Knotl,a 7 fouls both te&ma whieb . 27 BhWlter ,... 1'7 . . ...RO .. . (91 Buchanan' : P'adJ:1es5 . 'Jl and they didn't outclass us. but only defeated us. 1':' up tb ' extent. e �e to .. .28 5 ..Jl Hudson . Holmberg . :...... .La .. ......... (1) George :-S� the beVotaw-.. .. . . .....22 53 I.t was very fittin, th..t we should win ou, I••t ,.lfte, .inc. it B Ut Uo Pac.1l1c Lutheran- During 1&t �nod�. of tbe ett� MarUn . . .....18 ,38 wal the lut hoop c.,ntest. in which John Fadn.... Stan · Scor., iind Score (01), Manto (4). Hu ended w th (5). - �:�, � ' i e, Wlll&rd . .... . . . ........ . 9 21. C.rl M..,tin will partic ip..te under t"e colors of Pacific Luthe,an Dey (S). Albany-Kropp, P1cltman. Lu� b�:' 11 potnt Jread. It C.olle,e, We onl, wi,h it were poslible that they would be able to Referee, A I Hoptlns. Levinson Le : hJlh .corer 01 the 'game, Holmberg 12 return next year, with 19 counter&. K. CUrUa .c:cmlnc 11 .... ... ..... .... 5 Bh""'" -55.. Sanderson Before the storm there is a calm and after the storm there is a So, T..coma Uni:fe�takine Co. next �th ellht ----:: a fm. so let me rave. 5036 Soulh Union Ave. . .. ...... 451 Last BIlturday Nordll e n spent Total No. . r1.nd 122 CA Cirl Reunion Vi.iton to the nll'ht with J4arprt!t Bllmo In Ta· , Lose C Studenh P. esc,r Storlie :t- ��'7�::��=t :: � R esis




"90-.3 a.








.RF. .


. _.._



. .RO .




team b


____ _
















. ..







n.s :












Specialist in Office Equipment and Supplies Fine Office Furniture

P 1,,2t!R�� R 12th & A Postott\.ce Square Bt.

, Phone MAin

'" Salvi.

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ItEPAlllNe BOYNTON'S SEI'VltE on Pacific Hlpway








South Eleventh RJJS! Bu.ilding


P.Cific Ave,

Speci.1 b...... . for "';rtin. ,in . elu.... tearn•• etc A., . Tl... .

caa JIr, �



!<r/ PIau . IIAIIl MIl












G.rland 0169-)-3 ' .... - .....- Rumuaeen Knutzen . . ... Kr.aland :. ========::::t=========:: Monaon .. . .... .. . .... .. .. HICUIES'r' QUALITY PRINTING . .. .. .. . In ... Modernly Equlpped Shop . . . ... ...... ...... . Ja.cobeon 00m.e In, A:lyt1me Overlie ._..___.� _._ D. M1t� (8) LdaDd (14) . ._.LP "_ . _. ___.C ._ . M. . . .. ... . SC _ _ ....._._ H1lmo CoUina -:--.. .._. ._.RO..___ __ HOward· A.- Roe' . .. . . .. . 1.0 . M. 8ubliUtuUona: p.L.C.-Almea (8), --. D. Roo. K. "" Dahl. Alumni-E. K&aland (8). M. Padne&ll.




'21 1





PresCription Dru" iSls


................................. ................. ...... ... .. ...... ' p!�' �



····,,·,..·..·, .. ,''''',,·,,·,'',..,,·,''''''''',·''''·''''.





t � GAS REPA IRING OIL The CoUese team' bad d1Wculty to ImROrters of Norwegian 11: .. ,,,""',, ... .......""'''''''"...,..,,,.,,''''''',,.... .. "� a lead over the AIumn1 in the �hlCh ended 12 to 9, l:n first haU Cod liver Oil Parkl.":d Colf CoU ... · ::: ..:cr� ':e�ae:n-:��: = Corner TKom. Avenue .nd Eleventh ·I S·holes t... .... 1 up a lead sUltlclent to cinch the Str"t, TacOl"M, W.ih. Excellent Greens 11 1 pme . .. I 5 mlnuln' from clty � The Wt wU lnteruUDg throuabout, . Tel. 1 3 1 4 Free Delivery REGULAR RATES D R. WM. SM ITH , 1 With both ...... battllng to e , th "... '::::::::======== � In the l quarter. the A1umn1 team '! �I�� Dentist � appearedinal to and sla.cter"!ed their MONTHLY. R/.I.TES l.rlMr Shop P,i,.••ncI. ... . Men $2.50 � , P.rkl.nd r ' CA Ol4SR2 l pace somewhat. Wornef1 -$2.00




acy, the

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2 � 22 "'Oftr Ball a Cent....,. of 8entoe"

the annual at.rugale College for supremPacific. Lutheran girl'. again �nquered A1wnn1, rroup, 22 to 14, when the two ·met at the annual -Alumni Re�on l'ebruary

. Brookdale Casu Market Saturdays POT ROASTS 10c POUND BROOKDALE C.rland Ol56R2

Printers Stationers Engravers




• .

. .











Gro. Kl'lUlrraoN, Prop•

Allttrurn Printi .., Cornpany "


. Foolball­ ...blb.JI­ .......11 Suoo_ You will ••loy-




I I · :'�"



Wt Sp,«i.lite m



JOHNSON -COX. co. . Pod&' ·A....


-.��-") '

-'-: '



� ' " ,: ' ,






, ¥ito� �ounces, Senior Class Play Campu> Day I'ellivilie. Will Be Monday; P. L. C. C.hoir Plans Bn.ebal/. Tu:"",,·Wor. Eo,. Schedil/p " _ , t0 Concert Tour ' �ff; Work Practices Started; b o t April n Ore n Q � !-::"�'7.:'eek Of �. ��:���:���:n� ;e ��I;�� t:'r:' -' , Begin Immediately, Set f�r May 6 or 7 ninlaandflttl:� ) crammIn,. 'campus Ofty res- the longer the ("venlng will last. Moral · \

" , --





. tlvltlt� ,,0'111 � held hen!: next Monday. -"'ork hard during lh. day\A program 2 W••k I,tinltary C,II, for E\'ents on the calendar for the annufll will be Arrtlnged for presehtlltlon·around .•• in Co.1t CJt. . clt'8nup ""111 begin at 8 : 10 Monday the fire that evenlnl · .i•• on Trip South,; Retu," to II �n rn I r . �� ;;:�tW�;;r-s� ."C:��:1�t�e�� ",�� �: ::���� ' �� b��:tI:'=��:�� 8• .by Inl.nd- lt�ut� gath�r for lut mlnut� InstrucUolUl. those In ch'artr� ''''ish Il to be. �ptelally . -7That lh� Patl\ M-. COlle(le. The campus will be divided Into ten emphaslted th�t uld clothes are to ¥ "Choir of the WeSt·\ will t.ake Its an. B,. � We.oD. I.Jter tryouts held last "eek the cast oUferent parls each !leCtion to be clean- "om becau!W' good onea might get dlrly nual trip after Easter W&8 the anAs the editorial stat! for th� 1933- for the graduating dasa play Passing ed up b} one SpeciAl group und�r a cap- Also th�re is that added warning, that nounc�m�nt of Paul A Pre� bHd 1934 Sap has no,,! �n chosen, work of thi ThIrd f'loor Back," has · been lain appointed 'by the student Board of s.hlrke� of their duties will be severly field a-'�nt, after InveflUpUn, 1)(*1will � �ately on the dlV1slon announced, and practices are already Control. At n!?On, all , the hard laborers.. chAStised by a bath'ln Clov�r Creek. It bllltiefl for oon� In Orqon, Plans of th� �uaJ to be prepared thIa year, "'ell under "'ny, acc::ordln, to Mrs. facult�· members Included. will be !W'n'ed Is rumored that !he Stu:!! t prexy: for the tour Include concert. to eXtend � anyaccording, to Margaret Wesson, edltor- Louise Ta.yIOl'. who is coachln, the play. lunch In' the college dlnlll'l hllli. under though he has workt>;.d hard�r than over a period of from �n days to two auspices of Il committee of �llce Roe one on this CampWl ORy , is to have his weeks. In-ehJd. The east Includes: . Olp O\'erlle cchalrmanl. Chllrlotte Spencer find CArIdeas d"mpened In thi.!l hm� way. Myron lA!que Is to be bual.ness� �{rs, Sha..rpe Because the eUorta of .Mr. Pr�ua to . ImprO\'enlenls to be acc::ompll,shed arrange ger, th� only po&Uon 00 that staff Slasia Kathleen Porath rie and Esther H\'tddl�g. for concerta In'CaUfomla .were AO'" ch�n. Associate editoR w1I.l be I Miss Kite Shirl�y Hecht Work wtll be resumed' ,Immf'dl"tel�' during the da�' Include the tilli ng of the uruucceast"ul on account of financial .Ellen SOley after noon. Ilnd will continue untn 3:00 tenniS courts, ftltlng the baseball dla- dUficultles, the ItinerVy will lnclude Victor Knutzen and Clj.fford. Opheim. M�. BeHooley Norman Westling will. write the per- M"jor Tomkins Tl'ygve Runsvold p. rn.. when coffee and �oughnuls "'111 mond. cleaning Chatauqua. grounds. and only places In Waahlnrton IIi.nc1 ore-. sonals for this year's IT"f'duates. Jesse Mrs. Tomkins Kathlyn Patten ce S(!n't{\ by the dutlJul refreshment qenerRn.�' cleaning up the whole cam- gon. As tentaUv�lY" planned, the choir' �ueger. u editor for organlr.aUoca tn Vivian . Nellie Olson eommlttee. All "'ork belng done. the IlUlf grounds. Committees ha�'e been ap- will Journey alon, the coast ... lar as 1933, g,111 turn over h1s posiUon next Mr. samuels William Pflueger students will be ,h'�n the treat of �- pointl'd to � in chartre of the �f�alr as Toledo, OretOn, and back by the tn_ year to Marlon Pe�rson. St.an1ey SCOrt Chrlstop'her Penner Norman Wefltllng Ing the annual tug-o·-.",·ar bet"'een th!' follows: rules-Nellie Olson. Norman land route. ConcertiJ have- been &rand Allce Roe F to take care of the' Joe Wright ..Walter Young Fr�shmlln and Sophomore classes". ac- Weslllng, Claren� Roen and 'Claren� ranged for In Olympia, Aberdeen, and sporlB section of the annual. Came Harry Larkcom Arthur Sivertson ros.'! Clover Cr!'ek. And. believe It or' Lemming: tool_Ray Lerbru=k, LeU Ra o d Washt Jton.' ancs Aat.or1a �.. G ilbert Sydow not.. some of the fa�ulty membe� stili KliPpen . CIUford Mesford. and BtU Hvtddin, WIll 'Write rellg10n and Ardis Su=anger , Portl and, � . Pu�� �i�nd, nl1 _ . AarbUl_DlUilc. The Qal.e for tb� presentation , thouah have tt.'e notion that Lhey can run., for Whalen; colle(:tlon llnd �aunn,-H..r: Iockt, MKl OII..n-, � '_ ..u _ Dickie Leland, cboeen art1!t tor UllI not finally decided, "ill be either May th�)' have challen� the Student Bod� old Anderson, Harok! Hol mbeJl. ON:Br In oUler cities in which Mr. Preut 11 Roen. year, will be a.ss1Sted by JanIce Peter- 6 or 7. The "Pa.s&ing of the Third to a baseball game, the f1�t to be Anderson and Clarence makin, arr&npmente at the. pnIIIHIt son, who will In tum take up the duuee! Floor Back" Is a drama, WrItten by played on th� bue�AIl diamond. "Her Crew Cll.ptAin.!l for the event ha\'e been time. named to be Jesse Pflueger, Try,ve , for uhge. fixed · . In tbe fall. MOl,lDting WIll be tn charp Jerome K. Jerome. Practices ar� al- 11' 111 Norman In order to help defray the upenael of Ray Hlnd�rUe, 'and Arnold Grim- ready und'�r .....y. and a �Iar sched - At 7:3� in the e\·enlng. the cllmRll to Runs\'old, Clarence Lemming, of the triP. each m�mber of the choir y. tin d lund will collect IInap ahots "", the ule for part rehea.rt!;&ls has I:!een J)OI5ted the day s Ilctlvltles. WIll come In the Jensen, ClArence Mon5OJl. Norman I.a required. to petour � was tl".1aollara. Zackrt- 'I1le John Wal�r Young. Westling, feat� page thIa year. Leonard Wea- on the t.ulletln board.5. With the ne... hulte bonfire w be lit on !.he campus. In . p J'!'POlJed son 'NUl see to having the group pic- equipment and Improvement6. which Heft' all the rubbish taken from the son, C�rl Martin. and Ervin ORmm!'!!"ven California and the aoutnem pert. of tures taken. Copy re-ad� are to be ha\"t been Installed on the stqe In the- grounds wlll . be burned: and the hflrder Won L lI'e have run, watch.lng Pactflc !.he Dlatrlct PoeatbIllUee. of Haul Monsen, WUllam Zier and John gynmasl\lm under �W1plces of the th� students ....·ork during Ule � the our , :. acUIW members work on C9.mpus such an utendec" �ur. were ended, . Van Leuven. Jean-Mute Fowler of the Drama Club, ava1lable.' the presenta.- morfi rubbi.!lh there will be to,purlHh.Pa� however, by the naUon-wlde bank hOlg l t e d . -,0. R. ��: :::-�:�e!�; ;:S:�:� ' :�:n :�a�: � : und" N...d� Am""n .. ,,"" "'1<>", mo� IIk'l, I<> '" ,u_,rul. """"" ng M..., LouloO w. ... In Cam...... mak1ni I n vc prellmlnary lnvt.ltlpUona thne w�b ----L' : �� to Mr.;. TaYI� to; ��it�:::,t:�: �e::�h:� w ,o, . I With more than 100 pr6tnt. the mer,,' 'Oon,'t: 'and 'Romantic daon of h� taff f d li ,,, :Oh.n �e -'''Daughten or tbe Reforma, net R Will Lutheran a e ::� u� l l: :bos:'e�� "':II .: the"::�:'; ' ln m n man u h l C ':: ::: I Cym- ca�llrom,la cI,lea. J of the aou. ttiem I � heId heI IIr n h da ht.era Be ��:'e:ted in r� f y I r �lnlng �n �O�I'; ��; �r te� ��' na'i� ' �:�� �l:c� ��ttI:l�o� :lII � ���e :� -( hall lasl Fnday afternoon. Many season on the buslne511 1ta.1f. all memof the Women's dorm- A� flnlloun�d by CI"rence Lemming, Freshmen to · bers of that group "til be chosen next ForeM�CS Close �',th Oehte members ltor), Auxiliary, putor's ",1,'t.I from 1'1.- club pres!dt'nt. three one-act plays will fall . CradI at Sk.tln. ' Party A,aln't Centraha Junior CoI- coma, aud fa.culty wives at�nded. be- be pre&ented' by the Drama. Club nellt The_ committee · whlch aele(:led the Italf from the numerous applications lel�;- Un!ve"ity 0.1 Wa,hin,- side the I.arre number of girls' mothel'll Friday at 8 P. M. In the college �m- FollowtnC the CWitom tor. tbe c:oUere . ton Froth Debate Cirls' Te.�s w:a=�eato�:nev:�� In the after- �a'���:�r," a comedy, will be glVe� by freshmen to �nterta1n the' (tadWr.t).nI M :�l.U�: �����: : ��:��s:�. �:� the cJlUIIefI each year at a party, the underReid of the faculty snd Margaret Ending the P&culc Lutberan COllege goon with the aervtoe of refrahmenta the ··Footllght · ReveJ�R," under .. meeUnC �d Wed- 1 The c::&6t wlll rrad.uat.ea voted atto w�n Stan Score H'�I Monsen and fon!nstc season rot thIs year, Ceo- In.the dlnln, hall. Mn. P. E. Ha� leade�hlpofRay Lerback, nHday, e, I1v� a. � par- • Gamell. Helen Boen, Virginia Includ� Nordls �rnesori of �e Itudent· bod),. tralla 'Junior couec� debate team m- and. Mrs. Paul Preus poured. The din aend their as ty �off for- . th1a J'tU'. gaged the boys' nep.tlv� team, CJarence lna .hall � sttracUve In decoratlons Agnes LangneM, Irene Lutdahl . . , "'''.' . c · Lemming and Clarence Oph�tm. in a In . a St. P.trick's Day . moUf, Wltb "Don t," " ��edY-drama. wl�l be .of- t.;;: party will be held at - s PflueCer', Entertain Debate . debate here last Monday guesta sea.ted st small tables about the feud by the Stale Steppers. whOle Roller runk, � and Pacltic, 7I1d.ay,I - Team. at Season,. Close non.decblon leader Is Nellie Olson. The c::&6t will oon' nI tit. rcom �ursdsy e\.mtng. M&rch g, L"\e Th� progn,m afterwards oonai.!lt.ed of sist of Irwin Dammel, Shirley .Hecht. Al?rll �1, trOm .10 to 12 o'doc!t wUn,· • • ,_ , 1933 debate freshman men', team of the Unlv�rs1ty 1101015 by Anna Mlkkl!laen and a pia' Carl Martin, William pnue(ler, DIlle only those who art Jr&d�Unc and. of#the closeTo mark the se�n, Prof. and Mrs. J. p, pnu�ger of WaahlllJlon d�t:.ted women's teaml sextette, a violin �l�tioa by Alice Pet- Qual�, Alberta Schmitz, ·and -Gilbert co�e f� preemt. Aa. " tbe ' tradiUon, MR. Krtldler, dean �ntertalne<! membeR of the debate [rom PacIfic Lutheran COllere,'d1aCUS-' erson, .and r'eadlnll by V1rjtnia Davis Sydow. . and Prof. A. J. Bect, 1 t.eama at· th�tr home 1ut PrJdAy eve- sing Inter-AWed War Debts. From. and ' 8&f'.rI� Torreadal. KathryJ). Jobn- "RomanUc M:�llsaiIde:' a romance. en, �d . by the "Drama-Tiel," claall advisor, will chaperon the �­ riIng. .Oames and mWl1c werl! enjoyed Seattle sc.hooJ t..wrmce Lew Kay .and lOll, �ent of. thl! 1.. D. R. (rOUp, will be presen r a.fler � refreshments we� 6erved Ken)'on Bush presented \be arnrma- ftIcomed the tuelt.a. and Mrs, 1.. Wea- und�r !.he Jeaderahtp of N.ordi.!l Arne- alr. Refreshmenta .will be llerved at with � c::&6t." Harold An- the rink. y �h?Stese. � b Uve aplnat loI.argaret Weaaon and son rea�nded OIl the part of. the moth- S?n, rson, Vlrtrlnll Davia, . Jennie Lee, At t.hla meeUq t�, �n alIIO Those present and the teams to. which, whO uphekl the neg_ en preamt.. lnat.ead of'!4n. Paul PreUI de MOMen. and B�CI! Th8y�.r. Haul passed � moLlon to paint tbe1r eton• •, they belonpd were : Marpret w�n. Bafrle I Us.bed u eoualy erron n the pb aUve for P.L.C, At !.be same time as wu Since �e last Drama Nl(ht new staal' again. debate, manarer, and Bafrie Torresda:l Jean-MarIe Powl�r and ' Huel ' Mon- l.ut. W.ue of" the Moor1na Kut.. . i by mad� have committee been aets women'. Ileptive; Jean-Marie Powler (UMta (lownatain, t.ed tor- P.L.C On the aftlnna- After tbe Pf'OII'IlDl and Bud Monsen, women's arrirmll.- live,det. qalmt BerW o;.,nberr and. WD- were Ibown around . the bu1Jdin& by consisting 01 Leonard WeAOn (chalr- Next Delta Rho Luncheon ,Uve ; ClarenOl! ,Opbe� �d Clarence l1am Pinnoct ot the UnIventty, tbelf. b98t.eaea. Muly motben came man) , yGilbert. Bydow, Edp:r Lanen,- . Set for Tuesda" April '. Lemmln&:, mens nepUv�, and John a1 e1 daUlb- and Tr gve RWUlvold. Thi.!l work � , __ Alt.hougb the nC!p.t.lve men's team. from out. or tori to v1 t th r :'�irm��:� and ��Le� "':'OUtl&", men'l c:o;m � of ClarenCe, Lemm.l.hI" And ter. 10 t.h;1! dormJtory� the 'mothen of ::1. ��u!,h�m.::a��J: Of !� . On Tuesday noon, April 4 the , �i!.a w r . CIarm.ce Opbeim, � not ro 1.0 Spo- LOa Rudd and �,� com- and fooWchte �y]D.I ' prevlouaJy � Rho Gamma's ....m hold their f"tI1ilar tcane. as ha4 been p� te"R'l"al In& clear froaI: PoI1laDd fDr' the affair, ' monthly luncheon In the Chapel bate. ' . ·Silv...• ..... ... TOni,..t oppcrtuD1ties for � "WIn' 11ft!!. . ,menL to sPecial Easter mo� . wt,U 'be.. . Tb1a rten1n&' at 7:30 p, m., 8lJVU&, a to eaclI team durlnc the aeucn. and . ,rot. RaMlt.,d T.lkI Million Society ".".. worked out, ac:cord1n( to' KAU1lyn·Pat. trJ 'I1le prcIP'aID for .,..... 8odet7 ten. cba1rman ot the com.mItta: W"bIdI � : wU1 perform 'feat& of niqIc., � Co. the t.euDI.' .. wdI as their ProJ'esecn: RaDiatad. or t.bI! chemla llet&bt of babel and. � In � � c:oacb.: feel � ....'.,, hu been ' a. depaitment. iue a tan:: on , aerinaP � Iaat ��� COIl- Is ;:;:o.:.t!O\C the arranaemente, fo.. . tIM a of . e th � liated of 80bC b)' AmoI4 0t1mJImd. altair. Ne4.� 0U0il 11 the ehalrq:LaD of cIiemiaa bef9ft members , eWe LuUleran OoUeae ., 13'QUlUlJUD. prontabll! Obe. ' Tbia ])l'Olr8.lD lI beinl lPClll.llOl'ed by the Last P'r1day evenlnc P.rofe.or . 1Uld man dub OD. �, Maich l•. Pre- 8crtpture � by P"" · OcIIbJIII,. "'.4 l uW menu , and· , � Weeley Leape qt the � W. E.. Kn. pf1uecer.ent.erta.:JDlld the squad at TioUi to' Ramstad'II talt, the a 00 Da"rid. lb� br ........ IIchmtta cbaInDaa 01 &M .� " · _ �� AI1miaII101l;l are set at ui cents their home with a party: committee. �. : me�R sane � eonp, Moneen, • \ Flculty Ind' ' Student CommiHee Names �yro'� Leque Bu.inn. M,nl,.r; Stiff. To Be Completed Next Fin




Girl. Cast In 'Pu.ine of the 'Third � : FI �r ck I Dr.m. By Jerome K. Jerome Boys and





::�= =:,: :� :

Meet With Jaysees Ends Debate Season




Silver Tea Drama -Club Gives Is Well Attended " Plays Next Friday


:n:.n=!J �,; .






- ID b r-jRO o r t n g JM a "i t



PublW,ed every two weeu'durm, the echool ,ear by tb� stutknts of hciflc Lutheran Co�, Parkland, Washlntton Entered as �d claaa matter. October 2, 1825, tbe POIrt Offtce at ParlrJand. Waahl.ricton, �der the Act o.f llart;h 3, l�.

M.r. A. �rL1n, 01 "rUn , vulit.ed . t\1s son: Carl.laat Wednesd"'y ..nm�ay Carl 'wen" to Olympia ' with his father and on. Prld. . ' rh'PN)led him hom.e. been . P'i'anees Ne , of .Silverton, haa vmlt� a' -sc: 1 the l�t. f,ew daYs A19nes1. guest of AliCe Amont the at the te!MtUle' EDITORIAL STAFF - - - - Mary Loul8e Preus . other afternoon was . LUll. R'Jdd's..from =�ate Edl�r - == The potket. �1L1on tennis addicts say "Bo,.. will be Bo�" _� an old _w. Portland; . ' Sports C . rather. ; lean-MarIe Powlu that It Is bettu to have pinged than to J.. ... 11 tbeJ': 1d � �lDr e__ Kathleen Porath·s . mother. F'utu� !;dltor her v a e never ng t a . e po � : u , Kat����:�o�!';:i,�:�uns!h��re=d ':jt�:e�' �� Ophelm, � � oni WaY't9 mak� I�ht. or&r t.r�ubies �; ;�=��::u�;:�rs isited Typists-Oladys Swenland. satrlli 1'orresdaJ. "J , "Bdore we were rn&r1ied MId rni Is bum our unpaId bl1� . ' home of her Parents: Clanbe.lle the At tlleh&est "ish "oald be: ral.fllled." LA Roberts enterta.lned several P.. L. C. . ' The old m_ ralled.lo BU.SIN�SS �TA! 1i ". know, btlt I'm .. un l�lnl" for help IUs '!";e 'students lut Satur,aay evening. An:aong BuSiness Manager Carl Martin Ihn's " sltehl" " . tnla .'lIe ear the guest.$· weu Nonnan J�n. Broce Assistant Business Manager Maflaret Wesson LA "Y_'re n. .. p.11an', .. when . .. Thayer. Prank. E.mot.. Dorothy PeterAdvertising Manager Evelyn Irwin Assistant Advertlsing Manager a u C a e = �o' Nuh. Ir.ene Clrt;ulatlon Manqer ���:Knu �:= ca�;��\�: ;� ��� :���:� ��Il���� !;�:,: =.!':..:raM ' .. ,wben I ��d�lll� !. : : '", 1sststilnt Clrt;ul.atlon Manager Jeanette tun ware. Whom did you..plundE'r?·· w!'. boy.H he repI� Peierson'!l moQler and faUl-' Dorothy . Faculty Advisers O. J. Sluen and. N. J. Hong . YE'II: ..'rtvo fraternity howIes, on buslnes& t.til� Tacoma in been L A er'have ------,---:-----:-------'---- I Honor... Mlnls�( (torman breaking up rlclts): past week. While In town they inade dotSn·t seem to get any I ' On Chapel Behayior do::!�nlt°ho:�;�: d=U: :� ::: ��I�r.�n� se��7r!e�8�':;�� :;�e1en COllins were . . . ' Chapel exercises which are an est�blished part of college i fe stuff." ' Worker: ' "No sir. It's Just'lIke the ten the wef!kend gUesLS of P'lorence PoRt. . LA '. �m.manrdment.s, You kef!p: ,on at P. L. C. have been �ade more interesting this year by the inno· _ ' It".;..UifO ",!,nt� .a' In a Jirl', ,�e breaking�bl!t you �an" get rid or �Ilard Quale '32 13 �acbing at Seavation of bi-weekly programs under the provision at the new StU' . that mljy -h.ld he �u. em -:� :' r-\ � . dent Body constitution which has gone into effect this year. These . �� . � programs... which a �e both educational and enterta ining. �ave been. "No�:' said Professor Riumtad to his WUh MQn and MarUn aroand, u.... We w""t toJ",lfili your w"nt;s. One generally well recelve� by students and faculty alike . It IS too bad Chemistry ClaM, "paM all your. papers IIrhooi h.. a bout 10 ", networti;. d.y Hrvice your photo work .,t no extr" cost "nd the work is ·done that a few fail to show appreciatiol"l' and courtesy to thoSe who ap· to the end ot the row. have carbou i u pear and to their fellow·students. Even "if. these misbehaving young� lE��:::� e�t�:r��� �;;H��' :�ha�:��:�� I can corrKt Chapel GIe:a�ing8 � ����'a e :�t�� sters'do not appreciate what is being ' pr�sented, they might h� ve A ' . . . P"rkl"nd �r���� . Compa"y S himself a enough sense of decency to let others listen tq .It "WIthout being Evefyone.wlll hn� . bulldA for 1h a(1'eoe 'haI Wheft Ea�h person character, for disturbed. the !lOin of oar shoa "'"t1Ir oat, we will structure known 0 character l.! not �ethlng acqu1red at Portable TypewrIters, be on oar ftori ip,ln. � �!�� ��SupplJe&-L A birth. �� nor m It a -"!ft_ of' "Iater I1fe.- . All :=t � . , p Campus Diy Com-es Again 1'ryg Run5vold has developed. an ex- Butenshoen ' , . I. F. VISELt CO. Campus Da� ha� been : 'gala day" on. the P. L . C. campus, for tl"l'mely bad habit of dropping things. � nl / ' wom Every man -an should have many years ' and It Will continue to be so If the students show that He had better be caretul or. somt' dAy ;- o . ��� lg n n . . they wisn i t. ' The girls dress in their brothers' old clothE'S or �ny he's goi ng t� bust �;ethlng �: ng :d : � S � � : t �h:· ���- Phone Maln, 2s7O 9091,i Pac. Ave. � � : other attire suitable for hard labor. the boys come in overalls � nd old Stffft Car CondDC'tor; "Hey, thl., standard. tor that is the h.\ghest.- , _________-t " cords" and carry big red bilndanas. if they own them :' the fac�lty tn'-oster has e�pl rH." +!A . ..jJutenshoen s WIU� Day Stadent:. "Well... can't B also turn out in working �Iothes: e�eryone looks the · part. even end . to ' ome burdened friend a Quality Knitting Co. . though they only lean heavily �n theIr h�s and tell .others how It �h ehe In IltC'h �l,. ftntJI· cheertul greeting sO that he .may to Lettw S......n 0., s.,.cialty , . pun· :�::: a:. 5 hould be dOJ".le. Those who shirk too obVIously receive �heH . that God is stili WIth us, helpin . . \ A g -403 1 1 th St., TXOfn", Wash. - ishment in the fnrm of coin bath in the wa ters of Clover Creek _ By a new proce�. lumt;er 15 exposed T1nlfe)stad The day is counted as a regular school day . so-all are expected to .j. hot - air lind a vllcuum successlvel)', The wltn� who show theli" If>ve +-___�___.:..._ -be present and devote their energies to cleani�g up the campus � n- lind seasoned In twentY-,rour hOu"rs. We �r �Od are drawing · others to Hlm.- '� .------�--O; . ANY -- AT stead of poring o�er their books. The 'result will be a new and tidy should put all our green timber In 11.1 avn The Lord hu plana for t.tle character , appearal)ce of the school grounds befitting the coming of spring. room with Leonard Wesson. JACK'S CRI,DDLE a 813 Commerce The pleas.ures a!"'9 privileges of this festive day are many: but let us ��� so� :O�I: ��: HAVE YOU MET? ;��:t=� . z Pen �d�r� T� . Ilot abuse them. for surely we !Oee th!1t by so dO.irig. we have nothing Butenahoen to gain and everything to I ose. ' " Just one or thOfoe. brawn he·men." . Men. might find Jesus. yet they dare Q . . . But this one has something else besides not approach Him because of their �-----�---t , . When It's Spring � -----... j!Jst physique-personality, braIns. lind slns.-Pflueger · '" � . rs::�� �nce �gain ;he seaso,:, nas arrived at which students acquire a cRpabtfHy 4qullrler for that ?nel. He m�:::: !:'d:, �� . peculiar diSinterestedness In class ,:",ork . . and a fondness for nature. has blue eyts. a frlend1� smUe. and sort HIs' Up-To-pote d ted. in the �I rea�y we notice. g�ntlemen strQlllng wltli �ew . lad� friends in the of r�dlsh' blo�d hair. " Wh8-cha-rtla- forgtvene:a ":r 0:;a:1na.-= � direction of. the. kicking pas.t. Lessons seem Just a �It harder fa get call-him" Is In 1ht thick of things here ' ClOd has I\e'nt His son Into the world Dining . . t�an they dId whe� all outSide was cold and stormy , . at college.. th�ugh hl3 unassuming �an- � be a second Adam, to be tempted. or . . Spring. Th�t s the bad disease which affects students minds ' him appear . be rather the deVil and Win the Victory for UL Stanley's Cafeteria ner makes . . so peculiarly. But though the symptoms are most noticeable now lh Pflueger FormeHy Carlyle's th� dis�ase s�ems to stay with us until the end of the year . Let's ���� l ��y���,:,!� . : . ! a�:: ��: : Pra.tse � unto Him-the Son of enJOY life while we are young. but also,. let, s get a l l we can out of � r w hoops In the recent season or baa- who knew our Inflnn1Uea was tem ted 917 Padfi� school while we have the chance, by attending every crass and get· Uke aa we are and yet re'ma1ned ,.';th­ ting all our lessons. Having done this. by t.he �nd of the school year ketball. He representll his claM on the out sln.-Pflu�er -u w 0 . we will have acquired that one gre�t help In itfe---'wdl power. f we God l I consider the ove Wh1ch_ ......,, " .!Il ..=:t :e �:���� � :tu�:n� ::� .f� ,. ., ... .. ".:" � .. "".. .... ulty members. The nice thingabout him II1II:Illlested to, mank;l.nd I?y' the 11ft or· � . i.'I that he la always Interested 10 the H1a I;l00. we canrioc.. but, abow � i same thinp you are. and,...8fCrrlea on a I1"*Utude to B1m. in lOme ""'y, even i perfectly marvelous ' conversation as U it � �y I.na1cn1tlcant.-Ram-, � . � stl!>n as the shyness haa worn off a l"tt- ltad . ' ICE CREAM tle.-More about his perSonal appear- From the � It. 'It taUIht tbat. �. . ance-"he, haa beautiful white teeth" aa God 1.1 righteous and 'Just, and that Be � l a co-ed said, and "a ·very· Inteillgent must puniab &in.. Alao, . wcrda of the � . � smlle"-from the mouth of one' of the ereat lov�. of om for sinner." i � pro�esaors. He is ot a rather stocky build throag� the enUre Blb1e.-Pfluepr �. Pho... . lroadway 4129 and- (here's a. secret.) he'hates to" have We WOuld nDt � Onr Annnal . SaYlor, � . �I . �: Plcture taken . . Beteha 'don·t knOw =: :: : ! StateIDent · H� .i. . ....... '...... ."':.'". help and try to the nO ,,1&11. ... . corresponds somewhat to a -,... "'--t I t---... "Dhnplea, a rood aport and a perfect In OUJ"RI,"�.-pf]ueaer student's examination papers. lady" descrlbea one of tbe strls at P. L. . Man ,Cannot wipe .away the tean 0( . lrooluble Crqce,y ' C. She has lovely curly hair, IIOrt of a· Chrtat.'. aonOw' J� but. ". 'l'BJ: 8'1"OU 'l'IIAT JI.UJ. ""tt .We ate rather p.roud of our l"h� broWn 11'1 color. and a beautUul ulrouah b..lI ute. and aacrUlce,·be can 1Ia7. r';'" ...... Dnp.'�. marks for 1 932-for we marked up gain in Insurance-in 1m1le and blue-grey eyes. Rather tall cbanp the tean of jeeue tnto joy..' Force :. i.n Assets: and in Surplus. and aWetie tn -build. abe'la an excellen' Pfluerer (U&rd on the baaketball team. which . Such a growth during' adverse . poIIiUon abe baa held tor two years. '8� times is wOrthy. �e l?elieve, of your consideration. and we Ia also a member of the ·W. A. Ii.. and 11 invite you' to learn more a�t the . insurance . contracts of the Drama club, having takm pazt In . ' this strong Lutheran �a:nizatiori. One 01 the recent preamuUona of that troup. Altbouab abe la active 10 extra­ ComplimentS of ular act1vUJes • Pula much time L�theran curric on bet' lesion., lieinc' very mucb inter­ ested In prePartnl' her&elt to tiacb next Brotherhood' e :Legal ReserVe Life Insun.� . mT · COAST 'G��Y . =� :a=::ro�=�� . . f.or t-AEN; WOMEN, and CHI I!..!2.REN ' . too. . She.1a anotber ol tba.e people . .










































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. HERMAN L EKERN. P.res. . . MINN. � MINNEAPOLIS, 602 Second Avenue South ,

who Ia everybod)'·. pal, and would. be Jlad to bave you· to!" oOe.. too, if jou'

·____�__··�___·�__��__· ___�·--�__ · ____l l um� �� �____·� .



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�RCH 23,



Ke�per of the Mast

W�'n! tlad to hue Mr. Preus and Mary Lou back. but. would have prelerred to haft them wait until the big � &ke stun.t was pulled oft. We U ���.!

l. • •


' P. L. C. Choir Sings Returning Sun · Mrs.. C. W. M.lOn R.I.t.� · Stud.nt 09inion . O...·r. H"u'. O ...n,n, . " On P. · .L. C: L,br.ry: MAudba . , In . Sunday . ." . . Tacoma . . , .. . --. saw the for the first. after -Jan.

1 . "".. Today ""

IUD. tlme. In a talk on the openlnc ot the new able te�tW'H � �rk Youn, Society of Rey, Its abseDCe... 'Ibe r.rn.y of buut1lul 'Va� Memortal pPera House at .San fOne-'of· the m. the P.L.C 15 I�btar,{ 8OO1 eth �dw.rds: C�urch 'r.ent Sin,- colo� which � beavenl don at th1a Franct.sco. Mrs. C. W. MUOh of nulne ·should take 'J'&OO: tudenta a. : � In, Croup I n 'rop.", .. len- gnat festival, the ret.urn or the sun rna prt'Wnted a· vivid portrayal Of . p·...lde . Ir" th.e . .{ v e . . efit fo� Colle,e · b utterly Indescribable. :��!o:��:;��m�:e!� o': � �: : � � �. just t.h1nk. Mr. Reid's operation IOI$ip Under the �Wlplc:es of th� Yount How I wt5h that I were able In·. some the operu and pictured the I , ·vartO\is orren much l�mi nd�(�·sup . p . . would be a me� nothint when It come;s �Ies' Soci�ty of 'the Flnt Norwe- meuure to depict thIa transport.1nf vi- scenes. Several vooal �108 were reD- I th �udent. to e : pnctlcal.b' anythlnt he , to earthquakes. Look at the popularity K1an Lutheran Church of Tacoma. the sloe I A flamUl&: red color In the south- dered durlnt· the pltl.UJ'Uatlona of the desires. In addition to tt,e many you missed, Mr. A'eus. raclllt Lutheran Collqe .chotr will preI eaat prepared tor Its �ng. and the operas. .Mrs. Mottroe sanl seleCtions .shelves of' �u. we subsq11X! k, !!Onle c u n 1 · but A ditch dlgfIn;-;;am baa been or� �: rest of the heavenly va�ft· dkt •. �lt=n7�:::pe�. ��� pn1zed at P. L. C. No. you're wrong. wUI be no ad�l on c:.h&rp for the and donned Ita most august prment and Paulson sana two sdeCE x, � recently had bound for clrculanot to dlt dttches. but. to remove the OOD� but an o ffering will be .taken on this ooeasIon. F'tom. a deep b:lac� ""hleh ""ere also f� oPeras , pitt &n 33 volumN ot The National Ceostones and deepen the duc.k1ng pood as a benefit. tor/ the coUetre. Besl.des: blue alonr the northern. hor\r.on the by tI\e speLter. They were- aooomp rraPhlc . Mq:azlne .ni:! 17 volwrlea of In Clo,·er Creek to preclude the risk the ooocert numbers. Dean P. E. Kaup became br1Jhtu and brithter led lin the plano by MI"!. 8c:h.larb. The Literary Dileat.. Then. too. we now of [osslng shirkers on � rocks on wUl give a short address. as the sun rose, untu they pswried a Laat Wedne!4ay In chapel. ·the Rev. have ''The Handbook ot"ChUd Pay'chol­ Tbe church in which the coaoen wt1l perfect. wedge� · hu"e at the !:enit)'. E. M.. Butenabon ot.the Trinity Luther- 011:' and fI\'e copies of ''The Bplrit ai.d Campus Day. be given b the c:.h&rp 01 the Soev. O. J. On th1s marvelou.sIy .blue bacqround, an Churc� of Taooma lave a talk. SubStance ot Art" for UIe. or the PIne f e f dt es h · to . ge�d= ed�::r ���:. �� I :=:t �� ;. O�.� :,� WU:- !; :t=! �:���o:� = :: the Dmited number Of� wkids should have warned · him so bel West.." Prof. EdwlU'ds was formerly 50 tnt.ell5ely .purple red as to make the dents · frequenttna the fl'cUon ue�could at leut·have taken off his shoea the choir director and orpnlst. In the phenomenon perfecUy bllrfd:1iif:·� In We've ment. "the . library bolds no de.flnille, tha�: �Ioe Rnd stocklnp and prepared for tile �a congreptlon. boundless rejoicing one might throw tor the ncUon room th15 �m­ On t.h� evening of Matth 13. the �Il down "l)n � k::nees and thank a �SOmebody scared KnnUen by putting !lours wade. ' · e.ster. Whenever sudl a book b dealred dummy in her bed: . P. L. C. choir rave a s.l.mUar concert God fo� belng pen;nltted to behol� such tudent e need only,� P.:'of. xavier, dt tJ) , We·re all savlnr our pennies to to to at the Luther Memorial church In Ta- a beautllul vl.sfon. The night-blue bar- Walter Fren b wearln a banda e wbo wUl immedI tely see th�t· be lIi lalt· A under hb len eye. (Draw y�r own. co�. . San Franclsco to �ar U1y Ponds next coma. Alter the program. which � boOn Is preMed en care of, Of the 894 boob �at were dow':l- �U!. It clusw . ) ; . . year. Mary Nash Has K1ven up hope of pre.sented to .a packed house. refreall- disappean altorether when the Solar -"..-iU . . checked out lor th� month of Ja�nual1l.. partles 01 lots U h� sam!! �I I n C and N " " 15 ( n base church the .success Davis said Lily weighed menU were served ln only 23 were fiction. And beca� our she in orwegian) Quee the sun . less than 100 pounds). Don·t. .'worry. ment. Tbe repertoire for next Sunday rel'eats herself Ill: all b;t glory. . What o�em�or two : . Shelves are amply stocked with the . , Mary-)"ou1re P. L. C:� lead.l.nt lady evenlng's concert. will be the ·same as a moment to one who for such a lont ce�1n tlrls seem to like everybody choice novels u well a:s· the most POP'!that K1ven In Tacoma· two weeb ago. time had been deprived of her warmth el se', clothes b�t their. own: now. anyway. choice · novels and short atories, t.hla lIi . The comple� pf""Oll1UJl foUo,": and splendor I I can easUy urulenl.and . Edgar Lund lOOk hb untimely dlpplnt a surprblnt number. , SOme people �plaln because the Choir ---:Ed� L.undl.. thgse· J)e(?ple ';"'hO bend their heads to like " good sport; Mooring Mast doe&n't come out On O··Sacred Head ................ChrtsUansen the rround before the rLslng sun. Bud·s wrbt watch doesn't Quite . fit time. Well. here's a cordial invitation In Heaven .Abo\'e ............Chrtstiansen W1lma: -Roa id Amundsen ' RONIZE". PA T �) to' all . the kickers to come down and �lo-Walter Ustad Rolf Preu.s uses the cutest color M Bea s ansen it mes match' ��� �: T __ _ �: _ _ Mn . Miyanki is Hostess · ro :�:..:= ·M��hri u :U:�f :ek� n�:: D.::::.:�;:: S::: _ Takal Ml}·azakl. teacher at the Jana. Jean-Ma ::::. or does U.s business. W�lcome home! Violin rie Fowler ill reducing; : _ . nese languate school, Fite, Washlntton. . .. The Swan ... . .5alnt-Saens People still �alk to the klcklng post., . . " ".,......." '''''''''........''''''''.........''''''''''" " " " "l student at P. L. C., will be h06te.s& even li lt. .I.e elt&D\ week ; � .. Ed� and Have you missed our "Prexy's Cor- Lament. In F Minor .. For Satisf«tswv Work, See Us n n o o no ner" In. the lut two is.5ues? Our prexy Lewis O. HW'lter �ac�e: :� � �a:�ue� :� �e ;�� ����y Roach has-�n $pOrtlnt a tlrl . Irl • Is a busy man and has been away whlle Soprano . Sch00I, Sa turday. March 25. In the spring a certain )'OWlI, man's v:e hav� prepared these two p&pen. He Shall-Feed Hb Flock Handel ree O The menu "':til entirely of (Meslord·Sl lancy turns to thou ht.s of Anna Mlltielsen but. ""� hope to have him With us aga.I.n Entr.lnc� f �!;�i�l �acoma � I Japanese ·dishes cooked . by 18 ,01 �. love. . Piano I ne'(t time. . explain . . k will pupUs Mlya She za t"s . Ii!"..."".." ......."; . ". :..................,,,........,..,",, ..!il Schena In E FIa' MInor ..... .Brahm.! the meUlods of ma�nt t.he food In the , , , Rameau-MacOOwell , U·s nice to hear that. the choir will Sarabande POPULAR MUSIC � -..L . �. T" apanese language and WIll have as an PINC PONC SIE be able· to take Its 50uthern alter "A.omance ,. ..., . ........SChumann J Now 25'c ,\ y J. o. ·Edwards all. Now we wonder who'll sit by whom 95c and up Largest Complete Stock in Tacoma � ! \ �u�=; e��� � ed t h �� : b��:n! :;t �: �1Il oller C ;I�; KIMBALL'S · � Brown Mu�ic Co. t and a Lonely Star..Chr\t;tlansen native music and danclnt· e st sl rs 1 1 07 Broadway BR. 32 1 1 '" .! � 755.57 Broardwav . . Three Kings . kk ae .....Romeu Eric Hauke '32 Is worklng In A.storla. 1 .''.:;:; . . '. " ":: . ... '" . " ":;: ,''': ..": ....:: ...: ' ':;:; '...:;: '..: :;: ;:;: '""::; "":: "';:;: "":: Funny, but 50me people Just can'l; J SOlo-Anna Ml el n : . Orelon behave In chapel. even when there', Snow Mountain ...............ChrI5t.iansen . Ph. E. Hautre ··company:� Here's hoplnil some of the Sbort Address Rudolph Sanderson I.! teachlnt at ortenders ret theIr noisy· Ide8.11 damp- Choir. Chambers Prairie. ened by a. good ducking In the creek He Is Blessed ...... SOderman _ _ _ . . Lord Our Ood Have Mercy....Lvo�1r:y :. on Campus Day. . , -- ' Hosanna In -lhe-Hltt)est ... Soderman What's hapenped to our InternatJon� rome In whUe waiurig. for a 0'" al �laUons Club? Can·t you sUr up Physical Ed Leaders street. car. so�ethlnt to call a m�Unt about. . (���:,::� Arranging for Tennis =: The following business houses are loyal subscribers KUp�n1 And Coif Tournaments Ezperi Penoanent Wa."riJI&"· __ _�_ oJ(fland 0145-R-l Parkland to the Mooring Mast. Give them your support. 0Now that the play cast has The Pac fic Lutheran Collqe ph)'lil� i been cbo5en. there's Just that. mucb cal educaUonal department 15 &mont- If· more· to do for those In It. But. we're I ng for roll "and tennla tournaments � Medosweet Dairies Alistrum Printing Co. �l loolr:1ng forward to the bit presen- for both boys and girb. A 115t. o/been � GUNDERSON Bell Printing Co. l.atlon In May, and we know It will be pos� on I ndividual Jewelry the bulieUn board 10 that ! Miller Brothers �. Bonriitdelle Beauty Shoppe th� tn �clpate could sign � , , 762 Broadway " '." " '." . " ". '.. .'''.' ''' ''.. .. .'' ''..,.. ''''''.''.. '.." •• •• ,,. an!n r:6S I: h�: •• , , " . ' ' Boynton 's Service Station . • "... ..,,,,........... �� ���:, t P.lrkland Golf �r5e Brookd.lle B.rber Shop M I EROW S � teams which W1ll defend P. L. C. In P.lrkllnd Meruntile Co. Brookdale Golf Course Jewelers � sprint sporta. Last year's boys' . ¥ team was undefeated .· and Coach Ol� 1 1 05 Broadway Plrklln9 Shoe Repi1, BroOkdale Grocery cO: TAC€)MK � son hopes that his boya will be able J. C. P�ney Co. Brookd.lle Mark. � to dupUcate the teat thIa year. Peterson's Studio ·I?.Ihl �ery Co. Pioneer .Inc. Dickson Bros. Qu.-lity Knittin. Co. D.hl Groceri CO. E"tm.ln Kocbk StOres Selmon', FIC$er ShoP Gunderson's Jewelry M.",,", U..ited ,.rity S.... . Smith. Dr. Wim.lm H.".5Of1'S Jewelry PARKLAND MAD.E LIKE NEW Smith Studios Inc. H.lrf"lOok Studio Send your old � to P.I,kland South TacorNl-Underl.lkinl �. Shoe Repair KIRSCHBAUM R�ir �. We'U doctor them St.".ley's Clfeteril lack's Criddl. c..... T.i&orM 2-P••" ....... ..... into f�, spriihtly Iookinl shoes / Sunfreu Ic� Crn,;, Jetl.-nd 1:7 P.laaruti c:-.-'•. u-'-- . -your friends will think they . .... •• se.t- Hats ·764 Broadway TKOfN Bus Co. John5Of1.Co)(.�. I.... .. & P.......ti .Ir. bI'".-.d new. Tacorn"� En.r�vin" Co• Ki';'�II" SP.or!tn. Goods Co. 912 Pac. Ave.-'r&COm.l TacOfN Music �. f Lien C:r .Selvi, PARKLAND SHOE Ted Brown Music·Co. ' lItile P.lris Be......ty Shoppe BROOKDALE­ REPAII!J. F. Viuel Co, .Lutherln �ro� Across from. Buuty Shop BARBER SHOP Wuhinlton Hlrdwue Co. Lynn Mortulry • • .ART NORLIN . P�. West Cont Grocery Co.

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Ratnbling Aroun�




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Courtesy of , Petei:Son Studio





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Old Shoes

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always uniform


in Tacoma


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GoIdan Rod Butter highest quality

¥b!Jr du � to the


Mast and to the �hool

is . to' consul.! this list carefully · before sh�ping:








Kapowsin Bows to Glad Co-eds 20-28



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42.4 EII A" "'. tion·{ I ?-�3 � o:ne . of tJ:le ,..ont �etta.t.& .ln -the h� 01 the sehool. - lhl, COllett! PJa}1ng an extmordlnafY brand of W. , , '. .. n ...... , . ' ' trst March" 15,' �e rtt�' team lost to the HoetkIn'� O"HlI\. , H"" In' their Iaa . balCthe Pactrlc Lutheran College girl!' . . sext�tte on the' local "00( March. 10. ' caPri eo-ed Collea;� Luth�ran Paelnc . basketball team avenged their pre\'!ous By C. MoaMa lost to t�""""C'Om. · POultrj 'and En ,.2 ,to t.. . :- , . ' . <Ideal of this season b�' t\;lmlng bact . , U representa . v� �. 'The l!lto to 19 The Taoorna clty champions p�t- . . , . the Kapo'A'Sln se�tte February 27. 28 - -- -- ... = -- -. appea� to ha"e "ft strt;nrer eel the nlcel� and smoothest ,working ' � 20. on the home t1oo.r. - Will baseball con:.e. back as the great American sport that used lion than the one that �,u''I!I Y, d i.RirttaUon. that hILS ev�r pertormed� The v15ltors start.ed out as If they . reign supreme among the sport ,followers of Our countr{?C)This out the. Oladlator Rlrls earlier In'' the the eolleg'l! mapl� .,nd had Uttle tro le . ;�::::\: ::er:�:��:;�:u:y�� qtouest a e I �on �ems to be �he main issue in the .�i n�s ' of the old-t mer's, se:;'\' l 3 td a rut b�ak�r :a; :�:.�t�::lsi�r3o�:�! : ���e�� 15 a play i l or dl Gladiator girls. NeYertheless' the Ka- '1h� lived In t�e day when baseball was glOrifIed Instead of com�er- orrenSe and an defen . mllk- ans scoreless a.�d In t.h.e ·' pertc.d se . powsln team managed to k�p a I"-d clahze�. lrtg It almOllt Impoaslble'tor the Luther- 1L\nlted them to only two rteld .aoal8.. durtnR 'the nrst Pf'rlod. by close cheek-.., . ' ba an torwJlrdS ' to b'reak' throuRtl tor . .por wr.tenS. areS. d mu pace Althouah the col1� girls worked e:ll� , ell known Ing and ch.'\·er �lng. At the half they i h . W " ts, t � ,. . t:o l ��.s . � alt re stood 10 to cepUoniJ.IY well. they could n�t cope . an attempt to renew the Internt and nthu....m h . the sco ball !n led by a 2()-16 score. th..� ha. 20hotI At . - fath and ablllt"y of the VIU 0f the Poultry and En with the expt!'rlenee In the seeond hair. the \'!.sltors ap- eb�d .o noticeablr in the Int few yean. , Whe�er �ey ,,!,iII be abl.e . vlaltors. . in the l�t !i.aif. the Inva� ..ain· BummlU'Y: peaT"!!d to be helpless before the Luth_ fo direct the pu�hc mind toward uch. � .�p. " qu�tion. · 'and It te�m� attack and soon dropped bf.',hlnd. that ttaeu �fforh will be In .val� If the pub'lI;: i. 19in, to took the leaC! and by piAl' betan to P. L. C. HI (UI HoUdDa P. L. C. 1%1) (te) con'lder. the port In .dollan and cents _IMteaci of the whql..oene un Ad.w .Rl". . AlveDeS (2) .. out-distance the Lutherans. Alvnes (8) .RF (2) Mary LtllRley pleasuN derived from It. LP� (22) Hlete)' (2\ Leland � . " Summary: . S. S. Leland t2() 416) Bryant . LF , r... ..... Hanl . U91 . C :,. &: Eli Knut..ftn Poa,i\ry C L 'j_ (531 . Today we no longer see rival ·towns. clubs. and schools. get to- ' n Curtis PoL C Knutzen ...8C Monson . CorU.. Be Monson basebalr,---'without that �le- AJv� l!S ( 8) ... . . �. .. . . . «:;) �I��� Collins RO.. Curtb� R. gether' for the exptess purPose of playing ...... , Lonl Roe. A� RG I;lng1ey ment of professionalism entering in . Whenever t"ey get . (ogefher Leland (11) �.C .La . ..... . ......... TMm Roe A Connar Collni s' LG HOlm�rg nowadays you can bet �our dad's sriu'f f box, that their enthu�iasm �s' ��=n ,. .. . , .. sc . C rk SubaUtUUOM P L C-D Peterson Substl!utlons: Kapowsin-A. Curt15. entere arong that nIce. fat .contra.ct.. lodged so secureJy their A. Roe. . .RO Mc6;;nald H[)lIklns-AlIeman (11) � ip poe�ets. Scl;ell ' . HIl1 .� .....LO:. . Porath K. ." '-... . ' . ';" . S.· S C. ter L. P. tltutlons S son.:col- Ping -p�ng To..urnn�en � �: :. �bs ; " � � han! baseull that . �i:hool. sP . our It i� evident by �the , Cirls" Season Scores II Edd and ltry 12 ns. . . -: H.I <. ), In Full ; DIckie ed new winp. Practically everyone of the fello� ha,.e exp.!.� I! �U . , P.L.C .IO Carstens Packlnl Co 26 their desire to renew the lame alain t"is year, but 'due to � lack -...... Mfie, Girlt' Win, Leland . P.L.C.36 Fl:r:5t Lutheran 12 of finances in our athletic fund, we wi.n have to limit oun.1f to Internatl0r:'lal Club I. ...P.L.C. '19 Tacoma Poulyy &: E8l!' 25 inter-mural baseball, Formed; Klippen Lead. Dickie 1A:,land waa the w�rin�r of the v I During the last three .year;"litt�� attention has been P�id to our With a large cro:wd In attendance. an �:��:; l� ��:f�; =���=!�� � ::�:�:� ��:l:�� ���Igh P.L.C.29 Wo.shlngton Bus. Col 25 golfers. Their record during these years .deserves a little attention. Intenlat�onal Relallons eiub was fqrm- 'Jeanette Knutzen'. ' nu: boJll' division P.L.C. 32 C. P. S. Borlet}' 1.8 because of the fact that "they hav� dropped only two inter-school ed at Pac1flc -Lutheran College two ha.s not yet reached the llnais because "'eelu! ago. Mr. Beek presided at the of gi'eal.t'r numbers of entraDts In th�t P.L.C.37 50. Tacoma . 28 matches during this time. first meeting . at whiCh officers 'were contes� The' expense for balls wa! de.P.L.O. 22 Kapowsin S. S. 251 P.L.C. 22 Alumni 14 A most remarlt.ble·feature abOut �ur last year's te.m wjJ tha't, elee� as tollows: LeU Kflppen. presl- frayed. by a ten-�nt entry fee. 22 with one exception; every member was enrolled in the hilh .cliool dent Oscar Anderson. vice president: . Throngs of enthUlU..stic st�dents may P.L.C.42 C. P. S. 5o e . P.L.C . 2� Midland · Jr. Igh g: sec- bf.',· 'seen at any hour or the day ucept 17 department. This i. exceptional. especi.lly after the team had Norman We�t1lng. correspondln re�arr: Bhlrley recording secre- slu P.L.C.26 Sumner H h 17 turned in wins over riy.1 colle,.. . di hourtl. of course. impatiently . " tary. PL.C.28 Kapowsin 2() S. S. awalLlng: the turns to bat the e-vaslve . e a . s II e b t o w a P i ::���: I: �::� ::':I:ry &: Egg :� the s�� ������o���;t:�I�����r �:r�� ;�!y ��:e �!e� ��e;�� ��; .at�� �=l ���(, ����� ��is�:�: ::t';:tus will be pT"!!- course q�ite often-:--a very gOod . sign. �. furtherance elf the lowledge of Inter- &ented to the wln�er on campua · Day. " 393 399 Totals . S. S. . naUonal . alfalR . mong American stu- provided that the tournament has been Total .polnts made by forwards: Campus day is not far oH, which calls for a reminder ' to th.�. dents. Oroupa lm1Ii.r to · the one re- run to the fln� by t.ha� time. �Iand 200 facul to or,anise a baseb.1I nine. The .tudents wa "t .to .how th ., centiY orgi.nlzed t P. L. C. are In more The ·contell,t. has been rUJI Wider the ty Alvnes.s . 12() superiority over their elden. at lea.t in one. thine. .�an 400 a':ld ' universities or direction of Burton Kreidler. aaaiatant A. Roo 40 S. S. the United States. lterature for study dean of men. Overlie What would be funnier than to see Olson beh ind the bat . H igh- l a sent to the clubs from the head.. 33 EXCHANGE - by doing the chucking . Ramstad sleeping on third. base. Reid throw- quarters In the East. Tota, 393 ing rocks at the ants on second base. Xavier �is afte�n�n -::========= , ==t How about It Ilrls? At St. Olaf COIlege glrls have declared a leap year day. coffee on first. and Hong. Hauge and Stuen, chaSing butterf"�s '\I T Helen CoUins and Be,. Shuner .th e outfield? Then . of course. Coach Paul Preus Sr, would dI rect So.- Tacoma Undertakinl on " which glrl5 have , the .PrlVUei' 01 ' ··deterlbed. In lhbl week'!! ''Have Yoo his team f rom the s idelines. What would be nicer? u ln for · dates. Iq spring a young 5036 Soo t+! Union Ave , �ak�'�l�-:�� l;:S ll��:;-�: �v?er:; Met." , 1 1 22 GArland a m Taco_ of Rev. Edward. . y. . a g P. Oscar Storlie TKoma. Wash. they Tell• of 'Sc:tcial Co.pel t� , apprecl�te 8Jlrtoa leM? In Ch.pel M.r. 7 >---. Cash .--BFopkdale . !' _.:....................." Printers rc� ! R,EPAIRINC. Market w�s�;��:: � �t�de�'!: Stationers Lien 6 Selyi, 1 BOYNTON'S SERVICE , "",.., ,' ..." Ed· In ·,h..., on "S.,,,. t . ; ; ��.� . J 'an � Im � . . BROOKDALE Cod liver Oil -- -V- t l Carl.nd @156R2 ��� . �:;C: Specialist in Parkl.nd.Colf Cou," 1 � �� :;����� Office Equipment t... .... I ..I 1 vatlcno of Jesus Ch�lst.�eWe admit sol Corner Tacom� "venue �;'d Eleventh l a. holes and . . . .. . . . . . . ,.......... ....... dety sbu or lOciety �mes. but 00d Street. TKom�:. Wash. 'EJU:ellmt er....,· 1 5 minutes from city Supplies ' �'. dC� " "'tb tl)� ..� �lV ul pon d ual , "�. " , 0'-" Tel. Main 1314 Free Delivery . . wh.n Ood Fine Office. Furni.�ure • ' . SM'ITH DR. WM STUOENT RATES =::::= ::::= = = = . .= i We � orten m;:I1na .Wltb ;�d . ! 0entlst liOC1ety . tran.slonn to bUS}' are we When 1 25<;-9 holes 1 5c IS holes , EE R ...., Shop 11 1.04· .... ' P I O N��:: GA Ol 45R2 Monthly ratH $ 1 .50 �! �=cU�ual�c!:t�::'ld= f�� Bquare � Parkl�nd 12th & �Net�R . 1 � CO , 'i.fec --:"" ... . . . . . .. . . 1l WA�������:j.:'3.M :.....-.... . .. ....... . ���::O�.":d���..:'.t�..' .. � . ��:;,2�2�....... � ro, o S!,ALDING COLf

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two educat10nal conferences. v1&Iied Bt. OW .nd Lut.hei­

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In .. MOdernly Come In Ail.�I! · ' .

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KNODTBO;'''''' �=====�=:j.:-::;:B:::;:-::::::::;

_D� ·�·e:!.R=.::. .... t' Sunday' night from atior:t trip to the

Ttngelstad attended

_ _ _ -'--



__ _

a . MJdC1le West. While he .u � Dr.


::� : : :::::




_ _ _ _







WI!' S1'«UJi{� m . ANNuAlS - PAP!lRS � HANDBOOKS.





, ,

19 Are on College) loho P...o .Subject 01 . Choir Tour Guaranteed to Be SeU.Supporting o Announc:e Casts of , At M..,".oo Soc.... Moo" ol I st High in Cities Named on Tentative It� . Two O I1�Act Plays Honor Roll; 11 On At the Ml",lon Society meeting l'Ield Withntere the �r:&ntee that It will be to Paul A. hu arn.nre4 the " I L·ISt H•Igh S,ch00 last Wednesda)" ('\'enlng. Frank Elliot self-supporting q�-Paclnc trip, For' G'ra' d' Clas'ses Lutheran COllege "Choir of tile West" Will begin Its trip �h Ortgon 6Il� Southe� Washington on April 21. vl.!!IUng , Aberdeen. Raymond. 9hinoot, ,utorla. Tillamook. 00rv&11b . s&lem, Silverton, Canby, rtland. Longv1e'W. Winlock, and....l.o ymp� llCheduled. alth0l!-ih the� 1\lneraJ-y ls subjec t to change. May 5 ls the da� set for the c��!r's re� to Parkland. .o\ccordlng to those In authority. much enthuslum for the �In.g concerts Is 'he� the being Sho"'TI In the places ... choir .... 111 stop. a good example being In Astoria ..·.hen I� the bulJeUn "of the ....egtan Lutheran Church. �v. M. Nor A. Christensen announces u. loI.lo... 'S : ' for more grand music .. The "And no... "ChOir of U\e West:' 45 membtrs trom Pactrlc Lutheran COllege ",111 give a sacred concert in the Methodlst Church Sunday evening April 23 Ask any of .the P.L,C. alumni in Astoria about It, Olga Hennln�, Elmer and 'Erlc Hauke. Walter and Ferdinand Chris· tensen. Joha.ruu. RaSmussen, E: B. �u'ke. Bankey Johnson. Hulda SImoneon. a:nd oUlen. Th1a choir II.... a wonderful cona:n and we want to give . them a worthy reeept!on Sunday nlg�t . Other In the Methodist Church III churches In the city have already gni· fled the!r Intention of cancelling their evening services and attending thls sacred concert The choir is -expeeUd not only to pay Ita own expenses. but cn!alt' good Mil for the collegf' as nll an Interest In Ita a.ooording

had charge of the scrtptu« lesson, Ellen Soley played the plano. and W lter ", Young spoke on John Paton. missionsI')' In the South Sea blands. . At the business m�t!�. I l was an. g IS . 0 nounced that the en\'eJ.opes w:"lch ha\'e been dlst·ributed among the students to h n o :�:::: :e� � :� ��� be tilled for t!le support ot a bo>' ';l,'ho lis7��d n oo Is studying to be a miSslonnry In Mada. the honor rolls for the 'thlrd quartf>r gascar. would be again collected the h�ve been complle<t by the oUlce adfollowln, Friday. mlnlstratlor.: Of the e'leven on the high school list.. one--DanJel F'J�leved a place on the high dist.1n·cUve hoDOl' . ) high h s tid n'

Georgian"a .McClure Le�dl College In Scholarship : Daniel Flotre Achieves Hi h D" t"Inc t"Ive R II


I three

Tuition and Salary ' DecreaseS Voted bY Board of Trustees


PI� .


NeWe Olson WJlma

William Zier Sophia Schultz Ma.rgaret Wesson Esther Jahr Edgar Larson Myron. Leque .. Kath1een Porath Kathryn Johnson . Oscar Anderson Lett KlIp n pe Stanley Score


[ log

whlc.h guided the Bo&td of Regents of ....2.25 .2 .25 the University of Wa.shlngton. and left .. .2.22 It to the colletf!' administrative ollicials 2� to adjust the details. Ho,",'ever. accord· ng 2 2O � to President Tingelstad an attempt 1 be made to rt'ta.ln tht' whole !;taC� 11 2 16 ... Intact 2 13 Tu lt�on fees CO(' the hlah school dl!" 2 05 _ ,.; 2 05 �ent ere reduced from $45 to S30


. Westling .






.2 1 2 2 2

Daniel Flotn, blgb disUnctJve Vtrgtnla. DaVis. dilIt.1ncUve Prederieka. Schlanbusch dilltlnctlve Helen Spencer. d1s1lncUve

�::=n WUllam Pflueger Preus Roll Preus n pe �� �::e: Ctt Nonna

French and German . . .


r �ter applicable aN four years during the perlod of,...experimentatJon with the ne,.; &Cholarsh1p pollc} Ac· cording to thls Pqllc> Individual congregatlons wUJ {nvlted to ?tabllsh scholarship!; rather than the college Final approval on the bui:lget for the next school year waa postponed until the next meeU�hlch will probably �:e: a � 29 �orrt �g ot Comm�cement


Members .at f:be Qennan club haft

p� tor'

MinnIe, his aiater, �t We8lOD: -Adelbeld, the aunt. Lorraine Tboren: rrau Orunert,: the CI)C)I(. ' Katbleen Porath; BelT 1trauR, h�t.beeeh- et'. Clarence Roe:n; Jobann. Karl's friend, Oecar Andenon. . Th!a play wUl' be IIftD here � 8Cbool, and before the IntemRUonal or Llncoln H1ab 8ebool in Ta-


"I:'he Prencb dub wW prtlleltl the Preneb play. "I.e Mededn Mnwt�.. lOOn., The cut 1ncIucleII : Ie mededn, Edpr l&rson:'la dame, HaRI MonMsl; 1& .vieWe pauvn!ll8t, Came B'IJddlni'. A talk 00 Met.eiI � by oubert BydGW featured the omiaan' club taeet1DI GO 'I"Ue8daI,y April 11. Tbe pro.. anm Uo 1ncl\lded . � Of German poUUca by LeoiPard "flDm:);. on Jlonday ·AprU ·1'7, .the club membenb1p wtD'CO u a IfOUP to the Buckley KiDI" lIo!'tu&Q: in Tacoma. By ...� My people � 10 tb. name of' the dub, the club wW earn '(0.00,

The choir will Tt'm1er the rollowing

program :


, Ch Ir






In 'l (CP.·",

�111 1�'�I an�0;:::;� �e:;tbor Mrs� WlMtHd,







Croup Allo Cets I RayF'ntLerback'i PI.ce for Last Present.- Frahnten:to

Year', CoII.,e CI..,es .t KinK RoIl.r . Rink

I ��::, �;; :':'aem':t:

hon, Party to 8e May 5



Wlnatad Trygve Runavold, chaulfeur. to be !\elected Ann@. Helm Colv Cb.r1st1a.naen Un&. TIle from th@ comt(ly-drama He' Is Blessed Soderman fonnerly selected was made neceauy n e Hosanna. in the ,HIghest Sod rma by the choir trtp Although choir mftnbera art! in these playa. there be Ume after thetrip to pracUce the parts.. according to Taylor who ill In charge Betw!m the two pla)'l, a mull-cal program wUl be by membus ot the graduating elaases from This . both the high school and college departm ta. H.p School .nd en Solo. Anna Mikkelsen

Nlgbt and It Lonely Star

Party for 't;radS W·In Drama Honor Is Next Toesday



Mulllnl _


1IMF- tl·Ight ReveIers 00




. Members of �hm.:n CJaas ..·lIi


p e v ��:��� ::u::n: �r; :: �ng. the preSl.dent... at the club's meeting lut Monday. The w1nn1ng for belinnen from ,1.50 to music '1.00 peT leeaon; and the eht.ngtilg ot the ,.tn.Uoo me�, so that stunCl!l:' und@r the leadership of be I t :18. a:! C:Y ::.w ,: Arneson, came �d. potnts.

'The'Forfeit," StltionYYYY! . . . To, B' • . elVa" 1".t�ld �f Comedy D,lml; Choir " " . Trip Necellltite. Chin I.

' , ChrlsUIUlIK' -( Head ? .Edwards That "The Forfeit'" and "St.lI:Uon Oloriow: Christ . ChrisURnaen VYYYO." one In Heaven Above t Will take tbf! � SOlo. Walter Ustad place bf "The PaMlng of the Thlrd 0 Praise Ye Floor Bac .� AS the preeentatlon of n. Soprano . this yean' graduat.1ng cl-. the com0 Divine Redeemer Oounod edy d th f :,,i: :b �oun:; or: He Shall FeN His F'Jock . Handel y n ent an . . Spirit F1ow@r ........J r.ampbell-npton director. The president 01 the collen . Anna MI�1sen � . graduating claaa. w:llh MIl. T&ylor, wilJ" ' III. Cbolr ; appoint the. to make ar Sno.... MOU n . nl.a1 , Th .ChrlAtiansen fangementa for the plaia. · whi h art! c ' So 0.- Bruce ayer . tentativelY scheduled for M:;'y 13. Oo6pod1 �mUul ... . Lvovsky "The Forfeit..." a one-act drama by ( Ru5Sian-pf.ayer: Lord. Our 006. T. B. ft.oIers has the follo1f1ng Ha\'e Mer,i Y) -. Mr. Sheldon, Gilbert Syd�; MW ChrisUa.nsen 8ol.ey; Mr. Pembrey. . �utltul our Hyde, Ellen Wal Sol , Mi l dred Monson r y . Mrs Dick1e IV. f1a,DO \ � @ d' Seheno Flat Minor Brahms 0( Valae No. 2) .............._Cbopln "8t&Uon VYYY," the .. ot _blOb. tnMotion ........"... .... ...We btr cludea: . AI er ta , J. O. Edwards ! Schmitz: Herbert, Edgar L&r8on; AnIta, V. Cbotr . 'Nellie Olaon: caro'itne.' Kath1een Wng PIXonn� ac . Th� K1np . Romeu ath; R er N . Wee ; Mr.

,0 o . Sacred

Other acUoru taken by the Board of Is Ray Lerback.. won thIa year's honor this year's ,",dua� at a aka� "I'ruat.ft:5 at last W$esday's meeting among the three gioups of the Dnl- party to be held next TUesday eventng�Iuded the raWlcaUon of the action matlc Club. as announced. by C1&re!lce at !.he King'Roller Rink. 21th and Pa-

clflc Avenue. from.10-12 p. m. OraduatH

In thls year's claaRs from both the hJg-h

=� �� �::. �. ���,�

school and'tbl col� departmm18 will be guesta ot the . lreshmm, with only


200 Attend W�M.F. · Convention. Here , .


With morc than 200 In attendance. t:he 'SOuth P\q'et aoi.and clreult of the Woman's M1IfIonary P!deraUon held en � �,:, Cb W$esday. Blcbltghtl of the meeUna:

:U� prlnf

� -rn:�

sophomores and hlgb aehosIl over CIeorp O. L&neof Bebectnnln they PQ at ·and· P'Oup 2,. the "St.ace Step.- \.lllderJT8� being barred.. a.ttl@ preskled, g Of the lII!m . A.ceord1na to ,.- pen," � het.d Is NeWe OlaoD, t.h1rd, During L. races by Rev. and Botatad, a mleIIoDtalk the evening. eeteT tb1a new . traUon policy, studenta may � for l be held, for whleb �rlzes will , wil of these .teats I uir of beln s req ed groups were Dickie Leland, Clarenee be given. Ret�en� will be served- tion" by Mrs. K. N. R.Oe at QtI" �, n1n� to f'eIII!Iter tor the @ntire �.. a comm1t- clrcult belP.8l" for LemJning'.-and Rachel Punt. J"eq)eCtlve- I,Q,tbe torm of "hot dOlI':' pla 'JI'OUP. Women'. Wulonary P!d� tee of wblch Evelyn chairman. �uate fot the · wU fur­ erat1oa. Boutb. Pupt Sound C1reu1t . . The last P'Oup of P� at the �- Clarence Lemming and Inne Luldahl nIshed by the �c"Lutheran Co11ep ­ of whieh bek1 Its convenUoa, In the· teat were preamted � 31. "Elmer," are fn charge of entertainment. Net cboir 'ai the rqul&r c:bapel uerclaeS Trtntty. Lutheran Cburdl at the �e �nted. by group ODe, won tlr5t plaCe. charge wID be madl, ot COun!!, and no uiat-�. Uie wives q\t& Board ... meet1nc, Paul 'lbe cut Included: W1lllam. Zter as outalders wID be admitted. MrS. Knld- t.e"'w- a b10 at Mrs. Sauce, lin. OllOn Preus reported to the Board that Jackao Elmer, Loul..Ie o as Susie, Irene Ier, and PrGf. Beck.. P'reIsbm.&n Claal adRev:, couece putor. national Women's � Peden.- Liudabl 'u JeAIl1e, &len Oarbellzu visor, .ill be the chaperones. Off� elected by the IfOUP lDcludUon .18 beIna CII"P.JlIsed tor a naUoo- LUa Rudd as JoIlI8 PlDDeJ, Ella "Even tbouab the pitty 18 on a aebool ed: Praldent.. Kn. Oeorp .·� of , � effort GO behalf of Paclt1c Luth· Jobnaon u'KnL OolUer, NOrman Wst,.., we hope every craduate and SeatUC: nee president., Mrs; 'ottman 11n&' ':' Hubert Brown, AaDM lAqneu Jere !� wUI be present," atated x..non. o( Tac:oma;' iecreLary-t;reUurer, , to and eontlnuin&" t.hroucb 1834. as' PannII' 'Belle, and Delmar �- Clarence Le�. '''l'be party wu loin. O. L. ' Ha&Y1k .of �, �. :tJl . lOll as Ru. JamiIcm. have IH!ld the tollowtna Saturday the Presldent Of the PacU1c t.ut.Mran . French, Germlft "RomanUe Mel.lande," offered by �vel$.g, but ow1nC to the choir trip, CoUere Boud oC" TruateM; h1$riaD. . date was chansed 110 that ChGIr lin. Theodore � or �� P t.bnIe, won IeOODd p�, and IfOU Meet. He., I __ too., The ofter1Dc ot thIa drcu1t COD"Doo't." "liftll b7 group two. third m� could attend.·, . . ' On TueIc1a.Y, � 28, AValon We- place. '!.'be ·cut ot." '"RomaZltsc lIeU- .' ftIlUon .� to 10 to P.L.C: Durtua" u. ' t-jabn, a P. L. C. ll"&duate or tbe en.. eaDde" � 01 V1Jstnla:� .. CODveDUoo.. tben ".. a dIIpl&J. Dr Go .. ...... . or '32. pve • talk GO the German oem- Jleu..ocse;' JIuoJd. 'AJ::IdenCm .. � �/ea. RIbbeIm. IDIIIIIber 01 UlII ,.ra. PoIten made' ''' u.' C(IIIep � • and his opens. Jennie Lee .. lMIbel oe.a. Buel CCIBIIrp • � daa. . wm lea.. �t., UDder &be dI:recUGD Of IDa. P r en � : b...'club members diacuMed the MOD8en as Ada PI::der, aDd. Brace. IQIDetIme ibis rWeet.-Cd for � �. 'l'be. oat c:lrQIlt ...... .", aDd ' prepared. It, for 'I'bayU' u Bob PoI'ter.· · Tbe CM$ 01 trbere .be wm. work in· the naalinc ID-. ttie poop club !" baa had tbst job for .,,; Wltb. the Student Bo&rd. Of CoD-. "Doo't.. . .... � � &:'11. Bee at� . (Continued on Paie Pour) ' era! �. . trol at the � lUt �y. .

C1u'bs Plan Plays been p!tIIeDtaUon · the whieby : ���Kar��

Mrs. Kreidler and Mr. Olson �11U &Ccompany the choir M ch,�ron and managn �spect1Vf!ly.

At� �

on the clli� lncC:ve �n� ts ::e� . On the college llst... unusually high ratings were obtaln� by �na McClure .secretary of the student body, and Edgar LUnd. Wh06e ratings wen! Mpmber� of the Board of Trus_ :I 87 and 2 83 respectively The lists as compiled and announced b} the �s- te(>s ot Pacltlc Lutheran College met last Wednesday at the home or Presitrar's ollice follows dent :rtngelstad dl.scuss problems CoU� Oeorglanna MCCIurt! . .... . .......2.87 relatl\'e to the contlnuana: of the . . school. and to Its operation for the next Edgal" Lund . .. .2 school year. Chief among the actions 2'68 . .. �� taken by the �rd wu that regard_ . . .2 teachers' salaries, concem1ng which JMIe Pf]�. 31 .2.26 �e � adopUd the $8.ITIe principles 0

Prem. ·who




wtth 30

�:eS5t:;:.In:�ester I�ers


��, �


, ly,




cXm.ututlon. illlD&"







� =:;":. -:e ':!: t.he'� oonvenuoi!.

by Inrin �

eran COllege, beIInnlna after Easter



whkb �, lDcluded a �ioaaly O.




of AlbertA, "'. �

"' 1UmOIII'IOId f� ""'" � lD CIre cl '�� . . �.-Radx.Gte' .









.m o o r i n g .m a � t

APRlL Il. 1m


Three hlln(fred nC\1 )'OUfta people: 1Ii.rpst �t.heran audience yet &11In AItorla, ·In the opinion 01 •

Publbh� enjoy t. :�� d ��re:�A�nta of racmc �u ��i.u Entered U !IeCOnd class matter. October :l. Ibl,'at the Post Oftlce at Parkland, . Waship,t.on. under !be Act of March 3: 1m.

r �� -...'ate .




= r��� .;::: ·


ninI'. in • double:.Mton Luther LeIlfUt! Ruy �eetlnr aponeond, by Ute tour


'· A'... Who,. mat _

� blta--.tck? ·

.... .., -... ....".R �...� �....� � � Je


8&uee-"Why?"��;�o�!,� ��un�B&trte :e='I'orresd �u:e�. ��!� Opb�lm, ARP1e-�pY:. Lhe N�" . Typlst.t---Olldys tJ. SaUce-them'.

=re Editor














_ _ Buslneea Asailtant Buslnts5 Manager Manacer A53lst&nt Advert1sln, CtrculaUon Manteer • • Asslstant Circulation Manager Pac:uJty. AdvlMn

' ca.rl .M&rUn


Marpret Wesaon


!:velyn ll"win


Eftl.rn UOIlIOI'I

Jeapet.t.e nutzen K O . J . Stuen and N . J . Hong


--. ..,.--Are You at Fault?


• •• 1oC.



P"refJ), the P'I.rlmih Lu.theran. and. the Nonresian



About a ye�r ago th�re was launched at �acific l:utReran Colle�e a movement which seemingly crE!ated great mterest among the stu.dents at that time. �any subscribed to this new interest-the Pock"' t Testament League--agreein g to read· a portion pf the B ible. . " eve r�' day. . . Even this fall there seemed to be some students who took




"I "'J: be ...... �t rm IMt Mol." Chrlatl� ute,:' Joyful, pray:ertu1. m�erate, thankful. Insplrtr\l' 'm�qetI f'Oftfkt8d Ute Ihlrt 10 Ute collar. : from Leque ri\emben- on the tour uLA H��"R:eep quiet.. thla b',. bf.t- peetli. Beautlru,1. sacred mUBic. Won_

..-..• _..

dmui �nt from and, for the "Oh. - ' &Ichin HarM:: lIe of bralna." ' . . LA ,Sapdy-"Oh! How brave ot you' to com.lnJ' �rat1on or � roam ,lad I w.. then!. I am ,lacl lbe P.L.C. · te ,go 8b&bunarmed." � _rs " li rary hhl&orlaa · . , . Cholr will be!! there, ' God- willlna, 011 LA • � a� _ � droft � (OM. � &ale --- .. _ � _ TrYl' (to LellUlLlnr . earT}'bIf' food) : APt'1\ 23. _� ...., eYer ,.t "In' unit)' there is .tren;th." "cam... ' � wtth hi. 1IH!Vt'. "Tba&'a u.e rine. dIM ,.. � _ � tabIe."' .' ·Iog ,everil. �t t.he1r ahadows �ore." . LA As he was going hom'e from xhool Lem.minl': "YiMI're �, I ,.rt my "Lilt.uP )'OUr t..dal� the'otb� day CUx,..Roen (CACI , burnt . And Mr.· �, tUnerant. bo_' Dn II. en" drM J eaL" . Duteh �lor. wit,hout a c:otn for the out a bearing. 'It �ms necessary t..'lat LA some of the student&.".wlio I•.ave h1& wei·. Ttme healll aU �unds. Money III a180 ,Longview brtdre. and low on precious 'j � :�art should eheek his �I now 11. great


ClUford;Mesford •



�: t e

ald, �n.. ('hambe� her rram�: Tl













:V::��� �=�

t \'elt'lI the man." d .pleked:hlm up and . if a IIrt.� O. A.. TItiOELSTAD.

Chapel GleanIngs

r:-::; �=='�;;:::::: :: �:::::i

pve. him

'We are' little cortllClOUS that day by we walk wlth Jesi.lll. ot we walk �;;,'�·r�� :�tc !O�u':i the other way; that we ei h r accept o n interey in i t under the furtherance of the Mission Soc iety : bu f ,now e�� : ::O� :'-�: : : : :'� or Him; that we cannot l'!el've . VII 0 ' nd IMe work 'S h � f e . . nation-wide r M Ood and mll.mmon.-P'oM ,t . even this has died out. What is wrong with it? Has thiS an l in water)-"Ha-Ha ! I'm not LEHMANN s���TgsFINISHING . It JesUlt eame an� waJ�oo on earth mOVemer;lt fail/?d entirely. or is it only the fault 'of Pacific Luthera.n ('omlng out. I'm commUting �ulclde:' ��ay���:r :;: W:;ldj ;:U!!n:;:e�� Coll�ge groups and students? .LA P,rkl,nd Merc,nlile d o The Poc�et l. .estament league sou h t to interest lutheran . � anger IUld crucify Him apln, eV('� M '4!'" . 0 .. young people In the Word of God. by asking Its me!T'bers to agree a we Individually mUlt sUt'h a l Portab e Typewrlteri. Supplleat r:v� daUon. · to read some pa � t of the Bible every day and to ca ry it with them .,,11 -= eholee.-Pflj. l eger . � LA . 1 always. The purpose of the movement was not to drive young people of radlQII. Adam had the Chr1lIt. even though He w� �ng death the thought oC the to l ive up to a hard and fast rule, but to encourage the spread of tint. He made a loud speaker out of s H . Christianity �hrough the rea ing f the Word of God. We should like hili. spare partS. omce hnlltvre ? . ' . ���:e . :a�U�� !� _ to see more Interest taken In thiS. . and hope to .someday see Paci fi.c 00 Phone Main 28'10 9001,i Pae. Ave. tfiln-Hla own will.:"'xavler Weft all _t Lutheran College one hundred per cent cn �olled In the Pocker Testa. Q!ten com� to th Sfate of that ment league. rauon because h hM lived only l �------t d�. fOf the ","oorldly things. and forgotte� " Old any one' In your Camlly /.,guaJi� .KniHi�" Co. thlnp ' of the splrtt. wh1� are: Easte, Vacations make i a brtlllant marrl&lt!'?" � 5w...." 0., s,.cl.ty etc , al and everlaaUng, and "O�y my Wife." Many of u.s have no doubt notice(fthat public schools toget�er ' : 'e:th for Ume a� for etetnlty.403 1 1 th St.. TKom" WlSn. with many colleges and the universi l'1 have had their spring vacations . during the past week, whereas 'we will have ours immediately before ' The lIweet and tender loye of Chrlat ... + to our boy In makell It J)OMIble for describes and Easter. dyring Passion Week. Perhaps this i s j ust a coincidence. but perhaps burdenll upon Him and know peace; ANY TIllE AT ' i t seem� to , hav� �m�, ti?ri with the fact that Pacific Lutheran Pa.clfle Luthera.n I College IS a Christian rnstltutlon; and. therefore. that we who attend he's not so quiet at times. Anyway, for He hu. a balm for every ,!,CJe and a . lACK'S CRIDDLI . solution Cor evel1' problem.-nnrel� colleg� her� cele�rate Easter and the week of our Savior's greatest In3 Commerce he's �Iways b\l8Y. and when he'll not lItad suffertng With a bit more reverence and grati tude for the great sacri. z Pori!: Cb..... p..... T...a . doing �Ings for the school. they re: Cor aDd CoIf. UI fice wHich the lord made for humanity at this time. Perhaps. to us. International Relations . these day's which are not filled with classes are just a littl e less someone elae. A dark complexion. 0.-_---'CI Ub H as ConstOt b J Ut'Ion ,...-----1 ','vacation" .and more of � when we · may " count our many rown eyes, and a ig lIDLIle that tums • u ce n blessings." their since meeUng . :: :: ::. ::�:: as1 : :::t::�� 1 In th:elr second .... . Up-to-Date Dini. n·g Inter· • DuUes OIl the Bo&rd of Control occupy. organiDUon on �h 20, the Let's Back the Choi� Trip �� much of h1a time, and Drama Club as naUonal RelatIons Club _of Pacific I The Cholf of the West" and those who are behind Its tour are .,.;ell as Die Deutche Vereln an: two Luthera.n CoIlCj'e met y�terday to d1a..\ • ;). to be commended for thelf courage In brtnglng thelrl""message to the organizaUons whlctt ela.lm h1m loll a c� the C01lSUtuUon dra.wn up by the frtends of the college durtng the present finanCIal CrtSIS Members member We'll be � him from ottlCCnl Beea.uae of IJle long leDith. It. j , mmIt It of the chOir have contrtbuted five dollars each to help pay the ex. school In a few days. because he Is to was moved that a co tee read . .1 penses of the tri P and the congregations where the chol f will Sing with the xhool songsters tAl ore- approve It and presen� It to the stu\; ." dent Board of after havtnc have guaranteed funds for thiS purpose �1So so the burden Will not goo You ought to know him • , made the ntceMa.ry Improvements: fall on the general college fund Now th�t arrangements and saCrl__ flces In time and money have been made have these young people Bnmette and beauUlul With brown President LeI! KUppen appolpted � 917 PaCifiC not the fight to expect the support and enthUSiasm of the entire eyes and Il pretty sm1le-kno* who? Mon&en (chairman), John" Z&chrlllon. and Ellen Soley on col lege constituency In their efforts to . lick Old Man Depression " You should because she'll quite well �." ."",.." ." ." "" " ,.." ..,,,,,,,,.....,..,..,,......,,,,,..,..,"!I} the comm.lttee. known around Paclfle Lutheran.. since alter- � 1 this b her third year 10 uu. grand �t the If'OUp wUl meoet on na te TUeedays. with the Ge� Club � inatltuUon. She Is a.n acUve member motion, the § decided ' by oC thf: Drama Club, and a1nga 10 the a; nqon, was SUNFREZE . t meeting to be held next TU�Y, � <COlleq eholr. Now here's a � nu l8: The president was to see Prot. � ICE CREAM · �'I recently been seen walk1ni' · to the April p Beck . to have him addre:ea , the JI'OU E� a brunette UDder o In Germany" to fill the time ·"Hltler R graduate boy. We don't wODder.thoqb. before the Uterature fot study hB:! at- �. bereauR where Is the boy In P.L.C. woo rived from the Carnes1e Pound&t1on, � wouldn't lIie to. take a walk with th1I . as







no. e:y�x�e�i��Ced WOI"kmen' done

e rH-r:: 7tb�!:'!��.('�h=




Tbe Frfthmen �y �.I'-Of-_r �


Mar; ever t� }p







features of for 1 932


Surplus Increased .. . ".., ........$ 92.771.59 Insurance in Force In Increased . " ........... i14,os6.oo Admitted Assets ' Increased . . . .. . .;.:.". 616.210.48 Mortality · .E�perience i4.51% Interest Collection Increased Over last Vrar


A LutNr.wl Institution Servin, LutMr<lC'S ' , 01'1 . S.f. and Sound Basi,

L U T H E R A N B R O T H E R Jl O O D '. " Lapf ..... .... I.....}... ... .... w__. cww... HERMAN L"" EKERN,. PreSident ' .

.few weeb have

ReY.•H.' L. PcJi.. of eei.tue, and Rev. �l lDDo. or Tacoma. �. P(a apote KOIlday. April' 3,: aDd �. lmlo

�.�k�V;i��� J9Il. aebool for several days


April 10.


receot;q, � at the ",shack" whei-e be. Uved when be attended, ·P.L.C. 'Dur1DC b1s atQ be , pve .. aboit poeret;Iq to t.tWt ItudeDtI at lItudent



Ja-=� �=' aDd ttr..trut .. .. c!imU: to .. week � "' .""' I. .., � . ... .."••

t.-==-==========;;i;;;====="'!J I � beId � BoI7. w.... 603 � .�...... s. .

Miftne�Ii,.. MInn: ·

( J


Stanley,s Cafetena


,o�-? ::":.,:;:: :"::::"'th:',:'''''': '' I Ph.n• •�wlIJ 4129 =nd.!".,:: �n�h::" any materiaL :-.i "- l. . . . . ... . .: Ion"'''.Yn� '••uty ShOppe 1ut. been r"'"'"------,--t welcome to

dllrlnC the


� ..


Mary Louise Preus

;;=;;;;;;;;:"'=='i!I k1ek1lia" potIt with 11===';;;;;;;;;;;;;;= t · OUTSTAND.ING






terrible �=� e



lJAVE YOU MET ? a. "Qutet busy" ColJe�; 'but

l �:, ����:t--, Comp,ilny

'0, � � .me. ,,� haft

._ '_



come _In


=t :;� for ...

'I'st Marcell (1..aI}IIIar -BaIro1lU.fq EXJI!Iri PenIut.DeIK Wariltc GArland Ql'5-&--:I PIU"tlan d·. StWnpoo and PlDpr Wave

;:::::::::::�::::::��::�::::::::::::::; Parkland., WaablnltOn .

Compliments of

. wF.sT




. , --





12. 1933

PACIl'lC L1.JTHER.AN ��.c. PAJUtL.\loI'\); WABilDiOTON

Sore Bock., Mwcle.

Rev;ard� by Clean Camp�.

Students Present A L UMNI Service Is Sunday I Knu_n -,. . ho D "ter Programs ' I .. ,..t Hip i llltt.� at.tendlna the faculty accepted the students' challenp

Anil Improved Baoeball DwmorUl and Tennfl Court. BT Mary LCHi PrMr



.. L. • ... -state � al Pullman. operaUon 1_ tbe � General Bill

Wl Uam



_ _ UUUl!


A clean campus was the co�- to a buebaJ.I rame to InatlfUl"ate the week prop.... .IMI ''''f �-t-� underwent a major . Pieree non which the workers rot for the newly completed diamond.. Althoush 7 Visit H .p Sc hools Hb.pit.l lep. and sore biLcks that the faculty PT'@!Ienled an un�ted1y Aftd. Thurs� �ou..ti.. to Ad- �ntere8� is hl,h -amoo.-,day sbidehts was stricken wHile �nd1n. tew a followed Campus Dt.y which was held hard ba�Ue. the studehts ou� a� ".rtise ActIVIties ..ftd C�rs.. and thOle If! the dorm es hO 1t1.I1 of his spring vacatIon v1Iittac days hia last. Monday. The t.ennis .courts and the big end 0( a 12-5 score ('Ibere At Pacific Luttte,... Collel. . Mt home·tor vaet.U· In the . brother vtc:!tor; and htl � r ll� SChool�ll dlamotKt were aeenes of fur- some �Isput.e about the total owing tor.--. sunr: aerv1ce and. . ut = ·matea at P.L.C, · .G . : . lous acttVity tor lhe gre& put_ of the the fact that one kep� orrlcl&J. score.) To acquaint studenta of high" se hools wUl be held h� at 8:30 next Bunda day and have been In almost InA self-appotnted duclling oommlttee on. Y Harold Oray '32 haa �n I C1!SM.ntJy ever practleally all captured CUx Roen. aft8 sprlntlng l � outlying d�tr1cts with th.e actlvttlee :hCInl1 the campua �verai Umee durlnr ' the , lCh� n:.c.:n��ra1.:u�� :",: put the other !It!'CUons, the work fln- several blocks In purau1� or him. and I it.n!j couraea or Pt.clflc Lutheran Col- Chata rew Wl!'eu, Ho.roId Ia t.8Cl;\lnl 'at . und 1t1.I1 be I l5hed early. and metnbenl. 01 thoee dumped t¥m In the � dran1ngjlere, a ITOUP of stw:'-�ta ha!'t! t.&lteri . =.�e :reakfaat ��h::e�� Mtdii.nd Junior Rich. crews were free to malte the annual him across .by a rope ded around h1e several toun into Pierce and Thurston lege Ol&l HIoI'\!1lt!I.II '31, WhO Is tel.Chinl the bUt or th ha I t charge ' pllgrl.rnare to P.L.C:. penthouse �"the ankles. . i counUe�. v!sluhg �wtl;ve hlgh SChOOiif"A wui be ::41. but : cCO: and k . �O:o be I.a" P'tfe. VtaJ. t.ed aeh OOrl � , , . will roof. there to enjoy the John Z&c.hrlatxl and Jack Bud80nlahort ):ll"Op'am. rep�ntlnr t.he�'s taken to cover expeneesI: . . It Is . rumored. tool'; OM or our �Uof the band and to gt't a birds-eye view also recel.vecl . peculi&r, ftt, OtJJd numerous .acUvtUes. was liven by aeven .. . " � ilnown athletes down the IIne�1ri a)It-"· atudenta. ·whlle Coach Ol 8on hf)ld eon . Because Dr. n�tad wt�1 be Int he Ue pme of ping Pong. 01 Ule campus. the town. and ·the sur honor. .. roundlnc countryside. In the evenlng, students did . . ser- lerences with prospeeUve studentll. Eut., Rev. J. P. Pfl�er · wUl be p�t &arl J>!!rcl¥al. "32. di-opped In on UI rv Promptly � o'clock all labors penUne act and sana' .sonp around leaving eatalorues tn the ·orrtce of each at the ae 1�, lnatMd. .of t.he college rro:m PelhuUn .heN! he Is t.erOChlnI. , Preei . ent, .. formerly a nnounced... The vtatf.ed. \l.P IMUtuUon made of was whkh ceaaed. and everyone pthered a� the I ro&l1n&' bonfire, and. In �Ung to the studerit body. � stand behind the chapd. where coffee all the debris pthered from the cam I Anna Mlltltel5en sang ... . .-roup 01 ,=� ete prorram for , the Rrv1ce. tol- advU!ed i¥ I�udy hard In order . J.o tw n:: �ri! .�ltIc· L lheran �I� .;:� � our .8ehool daya. :! U =�� ok =�:��� � llth;:e':. y :nO::g:!:,:!�= �::s =' �u:: �u:w:� u:=�c�� IOClatea .ho are In char;-e of the atP'red Bch·eel and. Ole. P'kIe ¥ialted cow\!. was kept of the amount Of cof- the P.L.C. mountaln trip, after which well l"I!CI!lvecl In moZ:ne numben, fair are Mary Lou Wa l Preua, ter. . school on TUesday. March 21. MJ will fee conaumeod) . After refreshments.. the ! everyone wen� home at the end of a and walter Olt.&d and Bruce Thayer Young. BerdIne Knutr=n. Marpret and perfect day for which thn bad. waited toot alte�ate. trips. completlng the tor Alaalta. . ------------- for Wesaon and H.uel M.onsen. ' program.a-w1th aonp. "Swede" WIllIi.rd Leo?ard a whole week... · SOlVeig L tlon onard : Wash. '31. ' II teaChing .t. WellllOn EagIPgOrgeWangen. e 8poke. on t�. 8�n, the point �: . no' noticed e tha� have you rhaps P .HU�h ;J"I�t Bernlce- Schafer. '32, vtslt.e4 P.L.C. §ocietn t: . menUon waa m:ack! of the noon meal that !UhleU(:IJ we.�uch more eastly a1 Kerr �tly. BemlC1! . Is . te&Pl!n, at which C1!rt.alnly·"hlt the right spot; .. nartlclpated In at a. sm'at�l. than TVlolin . alk ar · at : r a Q ll: a one. large &ctLemming a. to u like b don't we the C���ce mind. to WI � l .t Itudentll P.L.O. a tendlng a. urp� ocal u tet tra. re� �m Vaughn. L V dle e r P I U Carsten Pedersen God. as well as . man. regardl the =:��g :c����; Talk �r:;!y e:�I�g. �rc��o. :���I�� :: ��I��ac= ::m::�C:er��::;� .::I:/�� :I:g glnla Lou H�r", . Paul Preul. Alice Boe. to take because ot lack of table space). actiVitiel he represented In Pacific Tro;nbon.�::t E·I I�. Cll!fOrd Opheim .�lU"�h 0(. JelI!,ls-lnta Jerusalem aa one ot the most Important events In Ille sayLutheran COllege. Ardlll AaThUII Ted Thompson. and LJoyd Thompson. .Be�. J. P. Pn'-1eger lor' c.ompanled the n:'uslcla.ns on the Ben�Ictlon & life; and He haa cauaect I.� to be In a program liven at Bethel Luth- Ylvisaker Will Speak eran Church FrIday. MB.rc!l 24: severa . At Railles In bistrict En"::�CI�:. :�c�:��r=�Ro������� AtU!r considering all that God �. �:���� ���e=:��:: t on t oe l���:����� Rallies will be held at vwow pla� Eaton�l�e. Kapowsin. and · Gig Harbor. � ; :: 18 surely wm-thy or &II � reveren �r:::�':� . :� �:t��wI�U: ::: which man show,-·PnuegeT Iyn Patten lang a. soprano !IOlo. and In th� Pacific DIstrict ot the Norwerian Yesterda�:� �p�r:.��::. thy 9.y111 be��r:� done.,,--it.vte; Mar�t WeMOn pve re&41np.. Ardis Lutheran Church In connection with := and �t Qrc.hard. 1.:9."...... .........."""".......'..'......."......'..'...."........� AarhUS aceompanled the muatcal num- the visit ot Rev. ·N. M. Ylvtsa..lel: r. execu- Easter. more programs w1.ll be present- ·Man Ia apt to try to compromise be- � i See Us live secretary. ot t� Intematlonal ed. probably tncludin, Stadium. Ltn- tween JesUII and the wprld. aa P\]ate � For s..t<sfacIOfY Work, ben on the plano. � . did With JNUlI and the Jews, � Holm,r... Shoe R.p"". Bill Wh&len spent the week end of Young Peoples Luther League. who Is � Hi h School In d S s a f lflC April J at his .home I� Stanwood, even b I d h n u pe �:� ;::e: � ��:�::';! :' e:; sc.=��e :rou rron:' Parkpon � , "�O�ri�I'h�I: I:;I�" .� Ctla� Y� �Ul man tnoti.mna.tio do Ukewlse?Nordls Amt!flOn's mother vl.sUo!d over !:'::eld In SiIVerton�oeregon, May 5 to land waa well recel\'ed, P�Ing to � Entrance 1 1 th &- Pacific Tacom.l . 1 e n h e ha a part In the prok t l =: '· n . O :.o:.� � : ;�l1=�; r�::��t: lor whl� arrangementa are not yet \ PING PONG SETS PAY LESS a. recent ·lIlnua. Mr: and Mrs. Runs- complete: TUesd ay evenln" May 2 : i Rambling Around. void vi51t.ed their IOn. Tryg. last week. . Bremerton, Washington. '\ 95c and uP. MEAT MARKET Reverend flo� :: , Nedra Dublgk spent l.ut week end kenstad. pastor; tng Wednesday even . We·ve noticed that: � On', choice I••f, V.a'.�"ork. 1 KIMBALL'S at the home ot her parent.'! In Con0 3 cre�. Wash, ::; ��=��: � ;���.�:�: The nets tlnally arrl_ved on the tenI I O 7 B ,oad Wa L.... .",. :: .. . . ..:;: : �..: .�: .�:;:.: �.�:;: ,�:;: ,". � ,d..:::: ,I,�:;: .., ,..:;: MAry Nash rt!C(lntly vL�lted her sister tor; Thursday evening,n May 11': Seattle, Ills court.'!. \nd the tennis fiends are I : ==:::=:::::Y==:J� ::;::::: : finding out who put the bliss In bUst.- I in seattle. Phinney Ridge Lutheran Church. Revers; AUce Alvne-s ,,·as contlned to her home ./ lAne. pastor. to the In $outh Bend las" w�k because- of erend The l ocai Luther LeAiues wlll spon- Carl Martlrf took Helen Collins Illness. theater pa.rty. OetUng big-hearted; p t IU"ranging he ro Carl sor the meetings, Ellen Boley spent April I and 2 In gram and encertalnlng with a social ? Eve�tt with her parents. As seen on CIUJIPUS Day. not only ·-���r ·foIIO�ng the rally. bathing sulUJ reveal what shape the Mrs.. E. H. Bondy and .... colle,e Is In; nngt'lstad are to � guest& of the Cirls Will Entertain ... Frendi aecUon of the American AssoThe d� girls gave the day girls a The following busiiJess houses are · Ioyal subscribers Faculty Wives May 3 ; e I�::� � �n::��y � I dr ��� � !�:: . Pflueger of India TeHs :� :: :=��IU to the Moo ring Mast . Give them your support. JIPus Day shirt Y a o nlng. At the Lutheran Daught.ers ot the had seen Ita beat days; 11"Ie Pf"OlTam of the lasl meeUng of Reformation meeting at the home of Prof. Hlghby 15 becoming famous tor AlIslrum Pri nt ing Co. the Pep club consisted of a plano solo Mrs. J. o. Edward.s TUesday. April 4. his Intimate eonnecUoa"" wlt:h · worms ; by Mary Nash and a readlng by Olga plans were);\.LlSed lor the next meet.- Since nJce wea.ther has come to stay. Mierow's JewelrY Bell Printing Co. Overlie. Vtrgtnla Mancke and Jea.n- Ing at which the lirill will entertain Major has had a bard time keeptna" Miller Brnthers Bonn"delle Beauty Shoppe Marie Fowler were the hosl.e65ea.. the faculty . members' wivel, who have t.rack of the Kiclt1ng Poet h1kers; Parkl�nd Barber Shop Boynton's ServiCII Stati� (JI:'"'''' .............,...................."........"........ "il been their hoeteMes during the last Stan Score ·and Gerry POUegff sUll . little (tfie mud the In wallow Brookdale Barber Shop � year. The meeUng. which wl.ll be the IIke:to M I EROW'S � of the year. w1l1 be held May.' 3. pip) ; Parkland Mercantile Co. .Brookdale Coif Course � Jewelers At this meeting a.lso. Annr. M\k..kelaen Anna MIk..kel5en·s tint love 11 baseBrookdale Grocery Co . � arid· President Kathryn JOhnIOn. will ball ; I lOS. Bro..dw.y . TIulyer Bruce helps Roberts Clarabel � M1Ia10nary live reportll of the Womm'l Brookd.lle Market I . c. Penney · Co. TACOMA � wI ; Peter1On'S Studio Cti..."......"................"..................,.....:........ ..,..� ��::U:�c:=::� �::l:�a� �o!�ce�g Played chauffeur· to GrocerY Co. . . nearly a dORn or the youth 01 P.L.C. Pioneer Inc. . Dickson Bros. r-----------t the L.D.R. group. of the theater partJ'; nIah� the ma.ln � J. P. Pflueger Prof. Qu.lity Knill;n. Co. Eutm.ln KOiUk Stores . Dahl Cr�ery Co. spealter ot-the AprU meeUnc. tell!ns" Jeanett.e Knutzen . has a very sUlf Sumon's Flower Shop . nec:�; numOther of India. In experiences h1I s... ,.rity UliitH "''''",beor Smith. Dr. Wlm.m . com.poa1... on \he program Included a Vocal In his c1.uaes in freshmanIJiat.ruet1nc . bers, PARKLAND bona: baa been selection by Ne!.i1e Ollon. accompanied Uon prof n J in Smith StudiOl Inc! Hartsook Studio . punctua students the _ numbers _ _1 by Ardis Aarhus. and planO +-__ ___ __+ �t�-com.l Undertakin. Co. 1----===""",----t I by Ellen 8oIeJ. Au1sted. by Mrs. Ed- Uon and other part of the rbetorte of t.be7�·s u'eteria KIRSCHIAUM lack's Griddle win nn,eIatad, Mra. Bdwvd.l ·aerved the eDllllIh � so that DOW CttdoM l!:::' S:�.... the.�· 01. .U8fI an w-eU vened. in refreshments to the Ifrls present. Sunfru:e lee Crum letl..d & Pa lalnJ ti colon period �on mid:: 4Mb. and -,. �'. U....r... Tacoml BUI Co. Johnson-Co. Co. and tnow eooucb to �t In t.hiI weU'. "IUft Toe Md." -', ... .- •• � .Jt... . Jetll ftd 6- P.. I.,Futi � aDd NeDIe 0IMct trIft de- apoatrophe bet'Oft � \·tn dOllt. Tacoma Music Co. Lien & SelviR ...... . Ted Brown Musk Co. Little Paris Be.uty Shoppe sore

arms. sen














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764 �roadw'Y



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is to consult this "fist c�r'ef�lIy befor-e. shoppi .,g: . "





Stude�ts, Faculty Turn Interests. To Golf and Tennis


.,,,a ... �. � " ·..


�€"0�tv � .


Ii,. c. Boys. 16 Cirh Si,,, Up For . . Court To",,,a,,e, nh: i Letter - I """",,,� ,, ,,,, � , ,,,, ,,,, , _ , ;s;,, ,,, ,,,,";' , ,,,, ,,,, , i4 ,, ���_� men Retu'n for Links Contest .� :I . . . The spring days are back again and wIth them has .come,suen. . Ou"ttook I!.. Irich!


W.A.A. PresentS . . Leland, Preus Win . . First Spo N g n rt ! u:e:_


F•.Ihlr. C,m ,...

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D� '"!",;

. ..e- -\be cUlUncUon. .

.. rau)t. 011 . plni

.� Ci-:.. A��. . ry b.h ll:H�i poIlI toum&meol �U1. ltaced at C!I,I '.. ke�" �fUt � PJ,clJ'k: Luuierao 0011 •. of belnc the" firSt Ch&mPIQJV !n' �' �� aport '. -- .. / ' �f their major, �YiUN of the In the h� of t.h'- tcI).901. . DlctJe Inon�

, · ......

�Uon came t.hrouIh the toumatGnt "'RUne thi�gs as baseball. tennis, and golf: .�n a� ti\l'e s�ep has_ bee� takeo' �r�h �W'��:ri'\ AIXxly that. were ·�l:i prft.ed h&rd � the, �-� " , t:hey : e the map by .po� ' the tint. :�� �,�:i,���:Y eIiam� e direct«!. toward the :'Sport'a Night" In Ute history of the ploath " . 1p Plw. · , -SS-. E\'eryt.hlng haa . school. : . di�mond Jdl"t.he flnt round. RoU Pn!UI .was Campus day left our tennis courh a� basHall and for in fiM �nlna th� PrGfP"BJh, which was held. 'defeated b; Vietor J?1utaen; S1AIJ,1e, COiteh .hape: aftd as a result. the .tvdenh a�. m.kin• •oOcI- u,e of ft.elft- In 'the gymn&l.lum lut P'rfday eyen1ng, Score ddeated Ted ·.Thornpeon ; .TrJ;I . who (:harge. The date which is a pod si.n: ., Aim. MJ�elsen rave h.-o. vocal lIOlos. RunaVold 'dd� �.I votaw; M� set. t "Happy Sonr" and "Love� Come Bact WcatUng defeated BIU Whalen. and -SS-. " . �.:c�r!�ai�en: :r �:=� ' t ��nsi der me too f�rwa.�d for �roposi ng �m�t� ing.: bu't · �!M!�f.�� ::: Pi.�e�;;n= �uw= ::: . ce Don. m=:� spring lust has to. com� a� we c�n t do �nythlng a�t It. . I �:;; sl!", of Ume to warrant such • steP.. and those he hAi:i taken Campus Day. WesWhI", aNt Paul Pn!ta. and 1n \he Forty-six boys have entered the ten- suggest that we make It a little mo�e Intere�tlng by arrang ,:",g our PrecediI1r � group' Of. &OnP and a fin:iJ ma h. J\uJ Preus em� ric� � . � , baS.IS. nb toumammt and twenty-tour have inter,mural spoJrts on a mQre competitive Sian 8oore. in a ha.rd pantoinlne baseball 'game by the W..A.A. toriOWl . signed up for .the golf tournament. ThIs. . � --SS ,.girls. Evelyn 'MOIl8On. d� in romp- fought match,. J ::t::� , :;or:�hae:�� �=n��o�r: , We · the Dormitorr Union' ( �i.h l, . the Ira� 6�e.r of the �c�; =!�� :":0::; t �=�n�:,�:;te� d o , tht' matches �o1l1 be pla)-ed off. Slx- ....rlO�. f�m. of .huh• •\nd. the .uperlor .d.y 'h!d�.nh. These thr.. tap 'dance. Four lirti' donned boys' onlooken plenty of thrlll& In th� .nni.J teen oo-eds ha\e been matched up tOl" .rganlution, could be easily arr.n.•ed Into a tTl-lea.ue ba.�11 baslcelb&ll tnmb and Je�ya and boX- match. 'Dlckle bUely ¥loeed out Jeanthe tennIs. and far onlyt seven have pennant race---tJte penlNlnt to be .�Ii'ni.hed b, th,e "(��" Athgiovea and clont'd to the tuile or ette Knu·�. entered the propoi5ed rolf ournament. letic Auociation. · At 1he close of this tweh'I!! -.aMe�eI.·;h e win. Ing . ' music played by ' �ordi! 'Ar]leeon. . . ' , Judgtng trom Ule number of entranta. (COntinued from. Psg!! ' Onel nin, team would be presented the" pennant, dl(rin. · a .iVcI;ent' body Mr. Pfluetrer.. wtth' !M!veral bo� .and a definite schedule will have to be ." . plaln Sydow aUbert Harper. .. . .. n himself by mllde Mrs. aa Schmitz l!M ro� r a' t' .. rangt.>d for the matchtlJ, to prevent any mee In, . some ot the arts ot- a.rc:hery and gave u Kirk Brightwell. Carl Martin all S'S-conflicts. upcle John, Bhlr.ley. Hecht as Carrie pTUtlC . &l lademonatraUon. Bill Whalen and John Fadness are We could also Widen our-.field With . 'hese three dubs ha\,ll. ng a,Eig ht glr I,..:,o!n showed their abllt.y H�, Envtn 'PQhunel as PRnon Oden. ' only lettennen year the s their tenni� and g�1f teams competing against eaCh. other. Tb�nk at tumbll,ng back from wt Bob Harper. an� which they followed with Willie' Pflueger tennis team. an� are ex.pec:ted to battie what enthusiasm would prevail on .the campus during the spnr;'lg tr9k relay A bt4k�t� pme DUle Quale &II Mrs.. Doler. l , ing t o In the fl &ls Many pr 'wtnn1ng group will be liven a women', team a' and Why' would-m3terialize step a such if t�rm I omis men's a . between n ut I get would everybody The . aaplrantA have been doing (meti stutf . . ' completed the program. Because tbey · party by the two .Iemng groupe. At . �J� the courts lately and may �rov1de i up for brea kfast--even Car'I M had to wear �nny aulu. the boya theb- m�UnI Monday, the c:1ub mem. �:� �f compeUtion fO� the t... let d It won't be Ion. now. until the tennis .nd .olf tournaments underwent a handJcap 7��� u: ben vote� haV �e part�= n. . . May 5. . ' . to 4. Marrare prMl���_��.�l " d:� will and nicely conducted were they year Lut off. run be girls. tourboth 8 ' for this year's IOU team namenh were run oH smoothl,; but there i. a tendency, i ou e .. e . ml ene many ....e .. ..., . .. . "'Y' a as amonl I�en •• � group made ee, r rere. . e pecially Uook Four out of the fh-e la Th mu(:h llnghter. in tennis. to put oH the m.tches until the tourna"'ent ha. to be boya becallM. they c1&lm. ..she dJ� t �nera! arrangementa tor the alfair, let�rmen are b&(:k and are playing rushed " At the .e� of the half the meet eduled h sc:: lut the was this As f&lr. ref' throw . ry with cooperate to order In . ... in thOle ch.r.e eve · . .­ bette:r golf each day. The tour-Paul . .olf .hould complete hi, m.tch.. a. ,oon rorw�the mens teftIIl were turth- / Ing or the club thiJ year. the pree1dent Prats. Norman WesUlng. Ray IDnder- one • both in teftnis HId the co­ for appreelaU� .hb er ,IOV,:,' boXinl th expre:ued adorned .elect to fime a",ple Olson Couh ,ive also would Thi. poI.ibl,. as a lle. and Jo Stuen the respective team me",be" 'and arran.e·hi chedule accordin.I,. Memben ot, the � Wornens AthleUe operaUon liven him by the club meml11 compose -... hnnywhich �h Olson v.1Il nucleus around . -SS-.A.s8ocIa' who helped to make thIa ben. parUcularly by the IJ'OUP. leadertl be able to build a strong team. These Special consideration should be given to two members of our -:rtair CCleutul were Alice Alvnes, Ella and tl}ose who w.or�ed on the repa1rlna. unde- student melt ...·ent , through the \ Jeanette J 'Knutsen. Dietee I.e- of the stage. dream the been has which goal the attained have who body. and year la w greater poe- and desires of every student of our school ; two members who Jought land. E �e�. Monson. feated st M:1Idred Mooaon. -, n better slblllUes of turning &bO I willingly--but blushingly-to conquer in the end. As you glance Mary Nuh\Olga. OverUe. � PetJ. fATRONIZE th1I yefU', ,. upon these names. think of what these people have attained for erscin. ,Kathleen Porath. AlIce Roe. 0.MOORINe MAST their h¥d work-work that resulted in discouragement for Oscar IOreA Roe. and Jean-Marte Fowler. A�VE'TISIRS a n a e i h g n \P. .".............""'"".".".".............."". "........, �7���� AhT�ti� :a:�:t O��a� ��k :� ��� �i�!' :';��� �; �� i� . was Dickie Leland and Paul Preus that had attained this ! DR. WM. SMITH . goal. Who So. T.coma Undertakin. CO. wouldn't. 5'036 South Union Ave. -SS-Dentist GArI.nd 1 1 22 ;�

U in . these sports to counteract the spr!n� fever which is bound to en - on a::::t = � t�:��; sue '

a te=Of 1�e; y tez:m1s and will be beftl golf toumamenta. la In readiness t!te arranged operung mat(:�ts. aceordlng to Oll!on, Is In baa bu lP(tU be rev�e4 by not been �
















• • -



' l lllty was .Ia� to t.n..e w'ith the .tudenh in baseb.1I ••me on ' ''iI ' '''' ' '''' ' '''' ''' '''' rr"=""''''''' � �mp,,-. day. But how m�ny inhibited tfiat laup when they saw that I .amel' I did, ThOle teachers put everythin. thtty· h.d into that ,ame l ' Print�rs aftd .ave u. . ....I nhibition. but I .till that Ram.tad Can't


A lot of u. I.u.hed up our .Iee.... when .we heard that the bcI

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HAnyUmeCo-'m ����I�I:.. �':"�...�P�.n�.n�;.n;; ���oo�_ ' �;;.; ,.n�Y�MAlJf ;;�rr;.;� COme in




Wr" Sp«� in 'HANDBQOKS



·Speci.1 b_ for ,.rti"" II" dubs, "'811; etc.

,..., n,;,o. ,..., PI-

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Excellent Green, I 5 mit'lutes from citY were decorated Tel.'l 7314 . Free Delivery to t RICULAR RATIS ........ . l ....tecI ::e d::u: ::ru�� 9 w.. 25c J . O. win . Prop. ,.iic••net ....... Shop · berta Schmitz (chalrm4n). Marpret AI 0., 50c l--------....-" I Lamm en. and Pi'allces Newton. -:o�ery Confec 1 .. 1' � $1.50 · ........ . About fcny 'girls were prellent, wt� "'Oftlllll, R.�W_ $1.00' OEO.' .�N. Prop. Mrs. Kreidler and Y.Jsa PowIei &II hon. th. SPALD ING GOLF .,.., ..... """ !'ow'" -..; ·the "S : :::::::::::::::::: == 1Jllf1cance of Easter." 1 ======= CLUBS FOR 1 932 . �, &nd .,.-..", ""'..... ., th. ffiOBEST QUALITY PRINTING ' . In . Kode_ Equip"", Shop The 'menu ,omm"'", � the'




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12th at

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JOHNSON • 726 Paici6c Aft.'


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Date of �tuoents Eledion For Board Offices, Petition,- CO"hl�I"C .',27 Hime. to Be H,,,d�' to Ceorgia" " a Mc ¢iu .. by May S : Majority Vote. Will Q,ua , ify \

On the regular Student Body gram day laat Thursday, Voelcker of Dupont addressed the denta on "Why:' In her addres8, : Voelcker told 01 the "Waytanr ," a drama presented In Beattie after World War as a clvtc "Wayfarer" was a bewildered man who, <ou",Ong.

Mrs. A.


creation down to the prese� time. ... I 'n. "ua.n� one "Uriderstanding." , who sought make clear the "Why" fit "It a\1 to wayfarer, . Mrs. Voelcker ta prominent In clvtc and educational affaJrs of the state, s kn F ous MuPr�c· N ick�l. !r: �run:��n ;: sici�n Visits HiChby Monday · Parent-Teachers A&3oc1ation work, Her hw;band. A. C. VOelcker: Ii! superln� . tendent of the scboola at OU.... Prof. Theodore Nickel. dlrectOl" of E. Lucky Are Sp·eake,. at ... t. man repreSentaUve, wblch wUl Rev. R, p. Hammer .of Kennewick. music at Luther Colleg1! . vtalted at Pa- ' League Meet in Silverton. May be el�ted at the o� of �1 next Waahlngton, and Dr. Tha:naa R. Cole . .� .o � � ",, �,: �l cetJ :' · t.. : ot :� clnc Lutheran Collej:e Monday of th16 . . of the Unlversity ot Wa,ah1nrton wen .. _.. -_. . speakerl"tii· chape"i Mondag morn1lii. �x. PrOr. NlcW.eI wu- accom panled. "The Chrilltlan Warnor" will be. preslRev. Hammer told of tbe conllrmaUon by Rev. O. 1.. Haavlll: of Seattle, � topic for consideration at the . •. . church 0t the ..y "",fore, at .,,and dent of the Board of Trustees of P 1..C • DB and repre Walter a"thletica and adVerUal 10IIo Ln Dormltory bO d1scussed the problems whIch confront The t9iO vlslted with Mr HIghby who convention of the North PacUic ;,�tory een Par- sentatl�ea trom ·the : atria Ka� . Oraduat1DB .and eague, whIch will be the young people just at this age Dr trlct Luther L u SOphomore claMea , and one from the ther Nickel at Lu day students, CI�rence studied nder - Prof Cole, who I.s at presen the cha1nnan I In Immanuel Lutheran Cnurch Silverhigh school lepartment. 01 the Accredlt&tion Committee of the cO�e ton Oregon, Rev J M Jenaon, paator St�enta who are now rlOf'IIW �ef Nickel was bom In MecklenUniversity WLS here to paM judgement ' g May 5 to 7 Rev N M Ylvtaaker, Y partment freahmen will elect the Bophta f ri on wh�ther or not PacifIc Lutheran Mlnneapolls. execuUve � ot\he repreeenta.tin, wb1le � omore y , College will be accredited for the t . . Intemational Young People.' Luther . year liberal arts and aeeond )'M!''nOl'101lo'ing. year. In his short greet,tng to where hill father,� Lu��a�:stor. Leagues. d Rev. Carl E. Lucky, Paige, . -' mal swdenu will ·chooee the oi-aduat� e eran ng estalll the student.!, Dr. Cole advt.s:ed that they "aM1sted In COipmittees have been.chosen (or the In8' CI� representative The petlUons N. ,'D.. clr�ult pre5!dent, are th� con. (<::00&111'" . Drama Club �y. wblch' will be 'liven work Intelligently, wor� with IIOClable- Church there. Here Prof. Nickel . ventlon speakers. 0f1 raduating from tlon, educ celved . hls � ; ness. and never allow themselves to . ' . Special features of the convention May 5 by the '·Stage Steppers"rand In become discouraged by see�g re- col�ete In 191:1, and from *,m1ruu'y Include a reception by the Immanuel " Drama.-Tlca" In honor of the "Poot. . mlni!try for �e In active Wall He 1915. Cheer, Body .Student whose one, number verses. Dr. Cole is a fonner irutructor League after the opening IM!:SIIlon Fri- light RevleI'll" gri>up time engaging ..41 hoir Lea"e• • 1200 Of Dean HaUg1!, who Introduced the some years. at the �� day evening , a special JunIor League Jeader 18 Ray Lei-back, won the play C ' In music. being the director of the speakers. seSlllon. a banquet a.t 5:30 8at�day contest Within . the .organ1&aUon thla • Lutheran Ch� work there. .4t F..rlt Tour Concert evening. communion services Sunday, year. Nellie Olson, leader of the "Stage In 1922 he ent to study music In . , . I A. M: and a choral union con- Steppers," baa apPOinted a comml.ttee 9:00 at Everyone Falh' Laugm t Oermany, and grac!uated In 1971 �rom cert. SUnday: at :1:30 P. M" under the of Georgianna ¥CClure lchalnnanl, Id ab�Ung and "b�" and .� Eo" at Party the ··Konservatorium der Musik In direction of Prof. J, O. Edwarda, of Pa. Clarence Opheim and Alberta SchMit&. 'the f1utte� of many �fs. . -Lelp"l.lg, Dr. Nlck�1 achieved wide at- cUlc llUtheran cOllege. laat Nordla Arne£On, head· of the "Drama- the "Choir of the West'.' Bbout& ..ot.-lauabter. .and screams from tenUon as the director of larger musl _ Those· who will represent the Park- TIca." ha:.s appointed a �tte! to be Friday on lu lona-antlC!p-ted . tour the terror-str1cken novice!l, LS well &II cal organizations in Germany, He re- land lea.guu are Gertrude nnielatad Composed of Evelyn Irw1n <cba1rmanl, w�eJ:1 will take 1� 1;broua!l" centnJ. and from the more. experI.en� skateI'll, celved hIs appointment to Luther COI- and Helen Olaon from the JunIor· Cliff . Mestord "and vtratnia Davies; c'oIuIt.1 Oregon and aoutherD· 0reI0n. atrunled for the ,!pper band at the lege when he came to the United S.tates Lea',ue. · and Irene Dahl and Walter These comnutteea will have .full cliarre At IIfteen minutes to four, . � laat , akf� party which the Preabman in the spring of 1928. For several sum- Young from the Seinor ·League . Walter .of the 191!rieral arranreipenta for the �byes bad been a;a1c1 aDd "final arrangementa . had been made,�the big ,!! pve tor the .last TUes- meI'll he baa r�turned to Germany � Young will spnt at the convention. . affair. lfeyhound nOlled Ita way trom. \be day eve.nlng the K1llr Roller Rink' be guest director of a large·-ehorua of ' ' the sleepy Vw� of Parkwut In" the dI- . WbJaUes, bOrn:a, � caps of all llbapes a�ut 1.000 choir me� Ul&t 200 Att.end Luther Lealue ' He"r of and co1� mUnned th f� ..rttiel, and Lutheran Free Churches, t l At . the German Club meeting on .r...kf..t recUon of Aberdeen w� the tint Service great aobe of coatettJ �e .the riot a ' .,' oSudlen� of the trip cut. 1Ome Under his direction. the men'� a �- Tu�ay, AprU 25, Freda Hmdrlcboo . veritable no-man's-land:. where even pella chorua "SchOla Cantorum," from .aav.e a . tali!; on ', .a Oenrian Mote than 200 people .from Tacoma 200 BtrOlll' to give the � fi11J?I' the beat perflXlDen .were aubjeet. to Luther COII�e, Decorah, Iowa, ' hall ,poet. EIIlher Jahr reviewed the ute of and . Parkland attended ' the �ter start on IU' are&t.. ad'(�ture. achIeveC1 wide at�ntlOll In the .middle Frank �t, __ Oennan mUslctan of mom1n&' BIlIU1&e service and breakt..t , freq�mt apUla. � � ot.: �. eftr'J(IDe . R&eee ad4ed ..t to .the even.1ni of west. Th1a ehorU8 wUl appear In T&- note. Melba Ross preSented a. piano which. the Tacoma Luther �� dotbeI abet 'WIth the fNfun. · 8tan1ey sCore tame forth vie- coma June SO. and In Seattle July 2, .solo, Junet Runbeck WLS In .charge'·of l ,poNlOred on the ��ua 1fO� h1s br1Iht. �. tlv� � and torlous In ·the men,. dub. Jeanette ot th1I year. Dr. �lctel lll now OIl .the the program. . . Easter mom1n&'. Despite rain of to c . , �M C: "s:= I :!re m:n�:::' PLC. C.u&NDAa eIIleIpd with the � for bec1nDen. held in Seattle week. At the same May I-TrlnJty Guild May '-B�lUIt 'ut1c abOut the sen1ce whlch included'&Il concemed wtab. to have .mema\to. e talks and veral m ' t :. aa uaical :e�l=c:::P se . t�� =t :r� u:.� � : :: to: � . tended the .,.ny tot tocet.ber 5,.6, 7-Luther � CODven- ' The parlon of the Trinity Luthen:n whalen', �e. lUI if i.hJ. 1WIUIIeT, · Whlle 10 Seattle, Prot. .ache8 and pa1na aDd. bladr: Nlctel preeentec1 a 3O-minute coocert tIon, 8llvertoo, cburch were fWed to capacity for the occurence to .tt by cbotr � and. blue marks .. a f1naI tat fOr the !aat. SUnday eve Ballard ntnc 10 13--Sen1or ptay Imakfut wblch .. Rrved atte:r the c.rul 11atened attmUvely the Jut mIDsuccess o the party, alttt which I ,... P'IrIt. . Luum...n Chureh, Rev. 0, L. li--cholr Concert in Rev. Swan. of Man&ier. CWf� . - seiv1cie. �le food left .from. the ute t decided, if there had been any .dotmt. Haavtk, putor. �nu wu given to tb.e Lutheran Com-; wh1le .the cbo1r � 100" Church, Seattle· ' UlemaelveA comfort&blJ �. '� ,prevtouaIy, that aftair com. 17-Edwarda' pupUa' recltal • Pf,u Wulon in T&c:oma.. . pletely. sueceutUi: and a � time 18--Cho1r. � in 011' 1W'bor. . euahJona In preparation f,Ot the kIN · Play Com ittees · N. . J;1ad by all. tide before tlie -'upper bell in AWt_ l�Edwan1l' Recltal to be inI c:harp ot de" CI..., . Vitih MOrtuary . : . '. ' �otr ' at ou: ��� . On Monday• APr11 17, the . German deen.. . taUa tor Orad.uat1Da CIa. produc;'" . , .t Church, Tacoma club DWDbera aDd tbelr .frlentta madf: Now that the ehott la rean,. en � , ,Will �tte.ncI Con.,ention Uona on 1&,. lJ, have been cboIal by :lI-Chok,: at CoDventloli. 1A � trip to the �ueldq Kine. � we "ata,.-at-bomea" � . ..,. aitm. Taylor and stanley 8ctft � fol. , �a ::�ot . { 21Luther Leque theAna!: . :z5-PubUc School Grad.uaUm. �ent or the �, �yo�. rlaon (cba1rmanl, Wl1U&m . 2'tIuePr, by IS2 people t� Padl1c Lutheran qoI. . .. � auoceaI .. aieeted · tbem; oft . 27......cIu1 Nlc:ht Exerd8ea Hecht aDd o.:lona Roe: adftl'-:1ep .The club reOetved 'a oompena.-. �. flnt nl&bt '�. that tdp" 'I.

Luther Prof, Here






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faculty memb;ers and the atu· riow at Pactfle Lutheran Colleae verv' oonscloo, of Ute � �f' "Chelr of '�1 Weat.," i� dJrec . t . M�. J. 0: Ed.irt.rda. Mrs, Lcra. 8. ttrelfC ler, and Mr. C, O ..Obon, At" the sam� uine: we 1lnI happy to hear of the sucCess that I!�tn.. made ., !or by th1& Choir. �DI,!,OR� AL.ST�FF We appreciate the support that 1& be· Editor _ ���ate �dltor lug given to o� Choir and hope that - /Hobo 1My I really don t know where Announcer MLss Penwinlde 11'111 next weH will be a replUUon of _ _ _ _ siqg. Oh. That I Were .. Dove. Id !.he - ---,.,."" ·..".....,." 1 my next �eal 15 coming from." ""' F't!ature Editor Ute present one. namely. a week 01 nal . · FJff:" Is th& ll, e lnformation "W. no Lady: Reporters--Vlrglnla B}'ers. Edgar Lund. Clarence· oPheim, Clifford · to .u .coneern�. . Kathl)'n Patten. Florence PoIt. Albefta Schmitz and Qllllen Sydow. ' westl1og: Dad. what·s a dove..eyed· flea? ' PHIUP E. HA"G�. l)-plsts--Oladys ·Swenland. SaIne Tort'Hdal. -LA-LAT "Now we 'Ail!. play ' he Star Aunt L.: "Buddy. A""t � will BU_SIN�SS �TA!F . 8panal� Banner' tor our seCond n�ver kiss you with. that'dlrty face. _ _ ." '' Mana '''''n, Alvin: "Thflt·s what I ·flgured." number." Assi stant Business Manager -LAAd,·ertlslns: Manqer - DrunlM: _';} am llOrry.. but I can ksslstant Advert!s.tng Manager Circulation Manager . - You only half as much ·castor 011 =�;���:t1on Manager "Mls5 SmIUi.:· saJd tht: dentlst to his a dime u I. used 'k,." 0, J, le�vlng J,6F the golf Wesson: "I don't mlnd. In lor me." . . :"::������I ::,�':':."If when =-� <::::�::':.......:....... :_=-..:.......:....... :-= .t anyone-ealls. please .tell him . -LA0 .-h een Enioy the Spring While You Can !f:��:.�� � . cavlUe, to fm · thls. pr;!��Hf���r.�������Sg:�OOks I �tra:�!eTJ�:-���U1�i::��. ' 8ehool Boou, Suppllea ' With the coming of good weather. spring activities. votaw.:. "8ure,I �_ his fountain j. f� VISELL �O, ;! . "Thanks very mill: "<;;)il,the vll!ar. everyone. but more particularly the student . Termk . go1t. · little Tommy hani! his offer- Martin · Hn hotell'� "Say." there·s baseball. and other sports tak'e up much time . . especially I i �':i,=en i m l I I f e a y ng a · spring before the novelty of outdoor exercise 'has worn hone Main 28'10 909 .... .P!::� 0P . l �u�� t�:'..::���; �ri�· : a':� CI:�� . }·�� �uc� d: Y:Uoop�; .for ma e n t v g e a mother for these eight beautiful room?' . �� :�e�d�� io�:i�; s�f����V �ygr��t:� o� �:s�!r :��:�� �f " Martin: "F1fty-cenUl." because of Mis enthusiasm for these new ways to spend his i apples. ··P-please. sir:· stammered Tommy. Clerk: ··Well. ",·hat do you want which speak so loudly of spring QUllity1<�i"inl CO. ·· would you �-mlnd thanking her 'for flft�' cenLs-a bull flaht?·· Tournaments and contests of all sods are organized for L.. tt ... $.....n 01., S,..c 18l., ':"'LAenjoyment and benefit of th� student; while. at the same time, t-1'A·elve app es?"-LAI "Now: \\, · al\l Delmar t.o have a 1 l 1"th 51., TaCom Wash. 403 must combat the pangs llf spring fever which cooper:ate with) over few th.lnas toaeth·. oughly modern and up-to-date ··Let' great outdoors in inveigling bim from his scholastic pursuits and . saids run '1 the automobile Instructor to t. I on. " said M� . �ortenson, . other r,esponsibilities which. for SQme reason. seem heaVier in his pupil. spring than at any ·oth.e r time of the year. Spripg, right now. is -LA. ����. of course:lSSld AT---:-' ANY _ time when it is most worth-while and most important for Mr. Hanson too k. his son Mar'" to the L:\tlJ"! Is. as you know, a dead IA'CK'S CRIDDLE make his everv ., m,oment count ·, so that he may 'benefit incubator In the cellar to see the. egas ··Well. lI.1l.the better. Delmar Is . IH! com�erce Ch of both work and play as he can comfortably crowd into hatch. to,be an. undertake�." ;;:� ChI).... PotatoN., Tout '"""'--LA- . said Mr. Hanson Imp·ressively: "Isn"t ' I % Pork aad corr�· I.%5 It wonderful. son. ho"' the little chicks Mrs. Preus: �un over and how old 0 get out of t·he shell?·· Mrs. B� ls,tooay. Norma:' Elections· Coine Soon · . ··�hat get.'! me ls j'ionna: . he wl1\ tell me It's nOrie of The fact that we· are now in the p�ocess of nominating candi . "Huh." saN Marv. there !'· my b Inesa how old she Is." dates to fill the offices of our student body for the coming school how the)' get In-LAljp-to-Dote Dining -LA. . year should impress. itself upon the mind of. every student. ' The enthusla.s�lc young man entered Janice P.:\(Bee my new purse? It whom we now select will become the leaders in student Il\V found. he matches finn shoes." big first the of office e th' during the next year .. and will shape the policies and desti n ies "What �rt or a chance I� there for ....lIce· B.: ·'What does have' Associated Student to a"great" extent. This will be· the second young fellow beginnln!l' at the bottom Janice: "Nothing." tion to be held under the new constitution. and we hope that i Alice: "Then YOIl a� wrong. It .I to work his 'A'ay up?" be a·success. However. if it is to be successful. it must /J ·· Not much chan�." said the mana_ your hat." "\ . , fI careful consideration of each student. He must have the , I , his convictions. and do wha_t he thinks best for the we"lfare «;iIVE "ME. A ROSE students and of the college itseJf Stanley's -LA'Translated from the Norwegian by 911 l.A>mmlna (to .Anderson) : "See that old Rev. O. J. Edwards) ln . rube e plo'A'lng over there? Watch me C�apel'Gleanings I �el��.e:��� �� �h::����eS get a rise out Of.him. ITo farmer) : I O l' while I'm living. Millions of �le have seen In �out.-Pflueger hear the rarmers In �hls section lv me alUirose and grace! person of C,hrtst a king of the. Jews. i If men have so limited a �re waging a ruthless 'A·ar on Insect My eyes will �ragrance be closed to the rloweNi as well as true son of God d th h� t ey m t Ui. I are the suppose one of you pes Tha. casket you on m·ay t· SUNFREZE I � � � be ��;:1. ��ey redeemer� and they haye recelv: fro; active camp�ll"neNl." that belief hope. Joy. and comfort In member that Ood belongs to other "Ye�:· ICE' CREAM Give me a :unll e while I"m nvlng; tlmt'S when these. thlnp were needed and Is dear to them. so that out "My! I'll bel a pest's life Is For sympathy. IiIndnesa I plead! m08t.-Ramstad consideration for his fellows. If not g as he s e e t d h Ip the gospels. there Is very little God Himself. men may ha\'e ���!e�/:o��� fifty ' � :.:� � ��J �:��.�� ��r�=� about the meaning of Chrlst·s dea!.h. for His name.-Hauge "Than all rlaht. I .... .on·t e n e e you If you. slay on your own side 01 Uwe me while yet' I am living: Phone 'ro.d�.y 4129 :1'��es:��:n:�:� �: fa�� l�:���: god� a�;�nf��e���t In the fence:' My heart for this blessing doth temple veil tom Interprets the Ing of th05e godly, It does Let others enjoy It when some da� death of Chrtst--that Its purpose W83 mention of their faults; so My body Is placed In the grave. H �VE YOU MET? to open us to the Immed- get the Idea that' any mere men !��. ��the���yof for GOd and Bi5 me1'C;y should strive A tall vouna man with very flllr hair 0 weep not when I have departedI :�:�jo���:�::y The second commandment is the one Th� _rending of the temple veil did ��;! &:��.:t���k U:n:���te°�� It bnnp jneI no comfort and cheer y ed r p a t a set of . white tee� 01 ��\:i ':! �r:: =::s:�e�ar. :'��=h�: !�� :;��7::� �:e YW�:I: ��:7!�: ���; �� .:: Illexion. eand : I�� . IIves.--,Hauge temple. It show� that the. temple no �!":�: d:p�YlIml�hg:�';� �=dgnn . s years are so rapidly f1eettng. Christ Imew, that it, was n�ry to longer represented the presence of God The student In. question. . donn stu- Life ls . Why �. we prone to delay '?;;;;biniself .... ;; ;;;;;;;; offer for ;;; ;;;; the s1nII ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; of�;;;; men. ;;; men. for ",;, ;;; ;;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; Lono ;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; . ;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; � ;;; . dent who gradu�ted from the high The acattertnc sch'ool. department lit PacifiC Lutheran brighten aoftraveler'. . . way? r College. and wb:o . will ccmplete hls work iii· the liberal · arta . Publ.1sh� e\'ery two w�b during the scbool Yeal' by the students of' Lutheran Collen. Pvkland. Washlna10n En�red as second c1LSS matter. October 2. 1925, •...."e Post Office at Washington, under !.he Act of March S, 1879,












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L'U T H E R A N B RO T H E R H O O D LePI a- Uh 1 _ i?1 ..... w--. a... _ HERMAN L EKE RN, President .

.603 SeCond .Avenue S.



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Mo�ality E,xperience 24. 5 1 % Interest Colle,ction Increased Over Last Year

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a a �����;�� F:!e In . Incre sed. � Admitted Assets�lncreased .. . .



Minnupofis, -�._



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1__ ' '-

APRLL .2'8;' tt33 .




· FrencM. C.rmo� Club, Keeper of the ....: P,e.ent One-Act . Play. -And for he satisfactionMast of �oee


.,..",IaUO", 'O', belnl ';'1•. 10 .., up " , . . 110 early, ru- eondp]ences ror 'h�., � ng �h . . " wetlk rhenltUity u to w . ant to· se� UI" ' . .t . ._ We've n�tloed �t: ._ '. -. . . ' . CooperaUnc to gift a joint pl"Ogt"&Jl1 students who' are In the choir, (and we � . ".y h"Om , home The do� lids .' we don't . ' Put· 1-0..... The Euler vacaUon found many stu- Thursday, April 20, the.....0Hman and hope they're a dents enjoying brief sojourns at Uleir French clubs preRn� 'two one-act wlyeri they ru.d -thi.s), we � you th! bo)'3), ha�e sure been mo.Y"inr lhe!r N'ordls Am� went dilU�t1y ir rlbly: and are t bare]y s ar und since the e tlng · 'cho � Il l'S " Irish " jw; ltl.! b liu been In U . Udlence le after iEMter In her becomlns , dormitory students whose pia to a fairly large homes. Man) . ",'Ithout you. ' �,"e. Everybody. sleeps,ln . a ' dlfferentJ ne... dreg: · recreation room. . " . ' homes are at a dl5tance from The cast of the Derman play, "Karl .' ' room or hu. a. new roommate Virginia Byers has got. !.he snaadest " ' school vl5lted 'other members of the hat Gahnsehmerre-n," Included �Ui1am We tQOk partlcul"ar notice of th� tact. night,. �rm"nenl: . " " 'b Pflueger, Marsaret Wesson, t..ocTalne t�t BUd and WIlm& , had II. terrible student body. several ':fell down �' went boOm" Tho�n, Kathleen Porath. Clarence Ume to say good.bY. Bet the gqyem� WHAT COLLEGE IS . at the, sk.Uns party +6Mda1� chotr trip .ment .makes money on . Among the llslton in Portland ...ere Roen and oscar Anderson. ' Ciu-rJe Hvlddl� 'had 'h�r hair cut·. , going to. Write to "him" "College is preparation �or Ufe," How ne , Pearl Homme as the guest of LUa Rudd, In the French play, "Le Medh::ln My- If ��� I,s and WI! like· It: or her every day, and some of them often we have rationalized away ... real �arold Anderso.n can �urely pile " kid!. "Buster" Roe as· the guest. of Nordls �Ufle," were Edgar lArson, Huel Monare 6 cent letters, �. decision, have saved ourselvts trouble, Int � hl5 Ford; Arneson, and "DlcltleH Lel�d as the sen and Carrie Hvlddlng. t H n e of Kathleen Porath, -; �:. ��\�o=:. mental or o erw1se by that � "oe pl IiDI lt g a l le .... 'b . .. !.h KSjU :y : ; Ma hen: con r tu a ur de o n dear "ColUns:o an� her ,every con�nlent flCtlO? t CoU� ,ls IIfl'! get to the ocean . from Beat le: . Florence Post Visited her ��nt at duced the cut of the Gennan play: CIQckamM. Oregon, oloer the holIdays. and Shirley Heeht. leader of the Fn![Ich SUcce&!l I� the future, We roe ,sun glad- Study �roupa are valua,ble, propagand- When a,Ued . her favorlte O bymn " _ . club, announced the French play, g1v.- for you. Helen. and hope he l" jU!t u Is� are necessary, . But, students should "Dickie" replied, "I haven't tbund him _ _ . . nice as you are. Ing a brief re�\Ume, . � . . living, here a�d now, In the fuUelIt yet." Da]ores Roe was the guest of Alice . . . . Ahnes In South Bend for the same -.!.... II-Better o Is Mesford trying 1:0 � funny or' po- �ellM' of that ...ord, It"l5' easy ' ' : fe"" days, A L UMNI . lite .hen he help!! every p'f1 at hls mate our energ1es Into study gToup!!, ' A certa�rl 'and a certain girl tOgether-the boy's name Burton al'ld LyeU Kreidler of the table to h" che.1r when sltUng down t� :0, moye through· coll�ge with oUr eyes 'along · swell -. , When the choir reach�t Sllver �m, � ' ' eat -.rid: he parks himself by on the ground, thereby mas:slng an op- Is ROach. . . then . � .1Uesae5 M to the jprls ; es of '25 and '29 ' respectively saU� t'orman Je�n and Ardis Aarhus will clllSS " ' . throwIng hlS leg 'oven'the back of hl5 oortunlty toaUay the freshman's home. ' Mable 8"nd Johnny could very well ' \'L,lt their h ed ro Alaska .17 on �� motor· chair?' hat. town. , back we're "Now sont r poPul� the slpg to hantl, a ��ckness janltor the glye �� � 5hlp ,Northland ot th� Northland , __ mske a friend- of t),: foreign student. toge�er asain ; . ' Harriet Schneider spent Easter and Transporta ion CO. sailing with them ' And was thilt..skatlng party Jus� th'e to SaYe the waitress at the cafeteria an Porath and Momm.sen have �n ret ' �e .....eek followtng at her home In ""'8.5 J 1 journe �hlng! nume� , W� ' s making all fh .... . , had a good 0 cently time, the YII . to ,.lII kitchen, i.ra trIp to ens Rlkshelm this year s grad- f � kl U a rna. th I n SO n u tlng clllSS. All. h.ave employment :: e a��;p: U __ , � l:e ���� �=��d '15, "!.hat w'1..Y" ai?Out � , lIV:� :::� t�e� e::r� �� d���;:' Last. Friday " Buster" Roe and Alice ·,,.,th the Skinner & Eddy fisheries rO,r attve, and .may ey&lt m �e m'onry perhap!! the oniy dynamIte that can a certain little girl; . Alvnes went to South Bend In order the summer. � been seen ' on a similar activity, knock this Jadtd old "'orld out 01 Its Frank . to hear the choir sing In Ra�'l1lond Gertrude Sydow, '29, daughter' of lethargy, SOCial reform, whether of with Harriet Schneider: on Saturd,}' el'enlng. Rev. Arthur Sydow of Tacoma, and We h.ave not(ced man)' pec�lIa.rIUeS sodety politics or of world dlsarma.- Ray Lerbac� took Louise home from sister of OUbert, will be the valedlc- about' !.he tennis addlc!.S· as regards nlellt. will find energy, enthusiasm. and school the lather evening. Last Thursday afternoon the Pep torlan of the graduatinl class or display underwear, etc" but the wont SUCceM if we will live a '�g]ow·.rlous" Club entertained thi! Women's Dorml- nurses at the St. Joseph's Hospital thl5 yet Is blue goggles. A collectlon' l� ' ln artlrmation ·Of Messeng- If heathen.� ... l llIng, even eager. . torr at a tell.. 1jhe committee spring. . '� order to buy v1&()J: caps to be used er. to sacrifice both posse�IOtu and bodily �,n Ch�� of the affair Included John Johnson. '31 . visited school FrI. ",,'hlle on the courts. (."Omfort for .wme false Ide&. should we D� le �Iand, Nordls Arneson. and _ PREUS GOES EAST not � willing to do such little things C: Aar us: Mar�' Nash acted as I day, April 21. Are you having a lot of fun" Jonnhle . a� w� cau for the true God who sent. . In a recent Issue of the "Capitol -. r e k r Y ' :::I�t'irt;:� �� His son to die (or U!.?-Xavlel'. Chimes," stude.llt publication of Capitol !,}: �:�� �: : :�e:� ;�� . __ e t e U Columbu Ohio, anat nh'ersity s. Coming as a SUrprise to her frlendll '_ he will· Join Victor ElveSt.rom, They are . the best of luck, . was the announcement __ Man has never been able to under- v the engage- Ilouncemellt was made that Frederick , to \-{ork with the Women's Missionary ment of He]en Collins to Rolph Ander- Ml!ou, '32, has been �ppolnted managing Wonder If Lem�lng or Lerback ' h�ve Fede.r8t1on In gaining. rinaru:lal support stand how man can be sa,yed. but he son of Portland, The couple becam� editor of that publlcallon for the oom- �pUled any soup on the poor victims, for �fl Lutheran College for the has 'al.ways felt hlmse.1f to be alnfuJ.: Ing year. . The Mooring .Mast wishes of the dorm? "When, oh when, will t'Om�, � llChool ' engaged Sunday, April 23. Xavier, year. . �_ . you e\'ery success In your ne", posltl?n' our ',,'arlers" come b __ . ack-''' · IJ"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''!IJ . . ' __ Berdine Knutsen 15 spending a week Fred. Last �'ear, Fred was editor of .: ' _ � PING PONG SETS PAY' LESS \·acatlon In her home In Portland, She the paper here at P.L.C. It's all In the family. Mr. Preus sold . eltpects tc' retum to school $Orne time Edel Austin, '31. Y�lled with frle��s his car, but It wasn't a week before It i MEAT MARKET 95c and ,� In Parkland last wetk . and found time was again .seen at school. this time In this week. , . to drop I� and pay the sthool a visit. the possession of Mr. Nelsen. ___� , Oftly cholce. leef, Y••I, Pork, KIM8ALl"tS ' t arvln o M rt t� 1 1 07 Broadway �hl and � ;an:�v�� c� �� ;�� ��l: ��� d:e:��� l .. appreciates getWe hope the \I� : "RI!d" Carlson, '32. Is a member of tlng news from "home" while they are tlsmal \'OWS and enter upon thelr Chri1ltlan Careers, It II the. act.ual be- the track team at Luther College thl5 'on their long journey. Greetings, ginning of splrltua1 maturity, not the �lLSOn. "Red" Is a sprinter and a hlgh- brothers and slsle'rs alii __ end, as many people �lleve.-Hammer, jumpe�. He will probably take the place he u he c s N l I """''I'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ""'!tJ L t . U�!��� :f ��:e�� r on�:i�:e %��x=S�j:t �!:�_�:: rmore days and we'll all. with the ex· . M I EROW'S � . Agne.s .Berge. Everett. who attended cepllon of those remaining for sumJewelers P. L.. C. IMt.-)'ear. mourns the death mer school, be 'saying "goodbye" to '05 Broadway of her brother, Dr. H. M. Berge. ' good old p, C., some of us, who are ' houses are loyal subsC ibers -

JO;L :D'OCtttH!: •









=!�b �r:!�'



, ..



A�rU ,



h4M1b.r U.i..... ".ri". S� PARKLAND

---+ +t----:"" "' SC '= .A "",..U,---1' . .. H"' . C",t_ TaBoM 2-P",.. A_ Sh;m

�o, U"--r H John "I, Sf-'- I"

.In the absence of choir, It was necessary to make substitutions for those g� who are on the Mooring The Mooring Mast extends Mast gratitude to Ferdinand Bondy for wrltIng " ighter than Alr':' to Robert MonL sen Cor spor� articles, and to Dalorea Roe and Gladys Swenland for taldng charge or the clrculaUon. Mooring �asts will be sent to the choir members at .sUverton, f'r1Uay.

J:I�'-' ·;,:!,'--!= e, � �. �: +-__ � =''-_+


Every human belng seelta a Dod, something to worshJp ; � i 'seems God has .Uowed them .. few """"'''' . . .. ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. '''' ... '''''''' .. '''''''!iI S .' " � glimpses of the truth.-XaVleor. i

Across from

� -Xavier.

Beauty Sheppe



r Cle�riers






graduating, forever.

Though many couples journey datiy to the kicking post, there are two couples, Mary Leu and Johnny. Hazel and Walt, ever faithful trodden of thL, well worn path. ' __

It's been rumored that Vlrglnla Mahncke and Mildred Lee ate a quart of· pears and a plnt of Ice cream bet�een the. two of them. Better .watch that weight, girlll,

in the There are : now . seven radloe girlll dorm which are always � tune ---each with a. d1f!erent st ..t i'on,· Thla makes the fourth floor a gala pla.ce for . !l01se loVer!!,

Are some 01 our amblUoua co-eda try_ mi' to ' get �.' make' a good lmpreasion, or Just �t. f� the rGOd �e, by the way they Indulge In baseball every, 110



It la rather ' undecided whether to



Cold.n Roci Butter highest quality






always . uniform

· mode in. Tacoma by

MiII.r Bros. Compony'


The follow 'ing bu :in�ss to the Mooring M ast .

� Give them your support.

Al1str..,m Printing CO,.

Medosweet D.t,ies

Bonn.tdel1e Be....,ty Shoppe

Mi ller Brothen

Mierow 's

Bell printing Co·.

Boynton.'; Service




�uber Shop .

Brookd..le Buber Shop

p.rkl..nd Golf

Brookdlle Grocery

P..rklsnd Shoe

Brookd..te Golt COIJrse


�o. Grocery Co.

Dickson B�O$. EOIIstm..n KocI..k


Pionee r





Se..mon',s Flower Shop Smith,

H..nson's JeWelry

Dr.. WltIi'm .I "c.

Smith S�ios

Hutf:OOk Studio

� Rep..i,

. Stanley's

JKk's Griddle Je!,..nd



Qu..lity Kn tt na: Co,


Gunderson's Jewelry




J, C, Penney

Brookd.. te Muk�t

, ( P.I...ruti


Sunfreu ke Cre..m

JoKnson-Cox Co,. Klmb.lI's Sporting .Goods Co,

TKOmI Bus Co.

littl. Pui, s.MJty $hoppe'

Ted Brown Music. Co. '

Lutheran BrOtherhood


. Hy



Morris (heim (, Son .


,,l Env..yina: Co.


MlISic Co:,

f F. Viual Co., W.shinlton H.rdw.... Co, P'Y I:.ess �t·� "

West eo..t Gtocety Co;


the . schoc;l i s to consult this' list car:efu!ly .before shopp ing,

. Your, duty ,ta: the Mooring tylast .";d t�

764 Broadway ,

�, \



; 1

L""",,,,,,,,�,�,,�,�� ��,�,��,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J �

I M ,P 0 R' T A N T !

�=:::£':::: : � II;:====:::::!==�I!



of Courtesy . . Peteriioo Studio


� Behold �e man, but &lao behold the � King who deacend� f� b1s .throne � to sh<!� � �e ".y to behold our Dod,

Parkla"d Shoe Repair

We Have the ·Agency






;:� M:�a�I1S���s!���






Dohl Crocory CO.




U:: =:











Rambling Around '


'. . ;./(




Complet� lst R�und , Matches in Tennis

�n.9ltt w.

,.,1 Whllen Defea'" " ui Preus in Ooly Sec""" Rooood M.tch PI.,.­ .. ed; to I. Fi.nishsd on Choi,', Re . . turn •

ne first round of the Pacific LUtheran Col�� tennis toum&mmt saw hard plaY 'wIth talrly e\�n oompet1Uon. The m,tches bt-t"'l!en Carl Matrtn ≪d LyILl S&ndenon. and au Sydow and Vlct.or Knutzen were the highlights of the prel1mlnary round. Martin won after three &ets, 8-3. 4-8. ll-g: and Sydow 'came' out on top \1a the same rou�8-4, 4-8, 6-0. Othu, reault5, are as folIO!!!.: Clifford Opheim defeated Ototye Knutson�_l, 6-3: Frank Elliot forfe!ted to Edgar Larson: Del� MOrtf :�;mPa�� ��b�:= . Pflueger: Paili lArson defeated H&rry MCCormlcll':--8_l. &-3 : Norman J�nsen d:feated . Rolf Preus--8-0. 6-4: BID Wtiah!n defeat:ed Ervin Dammel--8--G, 6-4: Paul Prew defeated Orwoll Dahl7-5, 6-4: George Janssen defeated .u. \'In Lehmann�-2, 6-3 ; Myron Leque defeated Bruce TIiayer--8·1. 8·4; John Stuen defeated JeSse Pflueger�·2. 8-3: . Bob Levlruon defeated Ployd Knu�n by default: Arthur Spencer forfeited to Walter Fnnch: Trygve RUNVO)d de· reated Leo� WeMOn--8·I. 6-3; Wll•.


( \.

d "IJa"�'" '. �

By c. __



"BACK TO SCHOOL :.= ) m�' . !: ":''''';;! ""r: NIGHT" FEATU RES. ..- _ by ... ......, '" tho m=- .

c!':ottola e...en· �� ou::� �.,: : I:


ben ot . c� l..... .�' to .. ....biL) "- to f!<hool" '" "'" ,..."'" '" ",. 001 , ""u ��f�C: Sat� hdd ent the entetwnm �th� 7 -

:: :�:ce:1s��

I �� ��


the TrinIty Lutheran Church ot PArIl:. Yay 12. from S In the � �tll , 12 noon, ' A majorit.y Yo . UI qualify. land. ' dent pr ence Cla to r RoeD. ell During the last two years: the annual tennis tournaments at Pa· � In &tna:ham drtueI &n:d 'with ,Ac:cord.lQI ' �� meetcific Lutheran College have drawn increasing i nterest from the _ . tbdr h&1r � iad1el.' of the Student BodY. .. bel be held m .. apeda1:Student contestants and students alike. Also,. this year, there is an air of cu�·lltue WI o� may Ul. Inc 'b .' � mHUni lit chapel the d� befor:e graveness and determination hanging over the courts. As compared drantnl' theil: more aophlaU.'c:ated . with tournaments' of the i?<'st years (not too many) , our present banda behind them. Iltten!kd the.. foy.r the electlO�: Here. the'candldllU!l w1ll -


--- -


_ ____





cJ.assea t&Ul"ht by d�lK1 tet.cben In be � ., chance to deUvu

competition takes on the appearan<::e of a do-or-die melee. . . S. )

and to preeent thelr plat- ' S. fashl�n. . :Orne cl.auN and�hee . Who will follow liII Nym n'.nd CIiH Krop .. the masculine a blla.riowi " co' nsiated 0r p6yehOl�... tau.cht forms. ' hel'1l of the courts for thilrI..lon? AM who .mon, the. ,irll will teac a lit in the hieh chir which '.. uline urson .nd Ru th How.rd form:- by. Mr. �aure ; which � moeUy · . 'Be,ni.' Bi.rma,. .lne,l, held? "Fud" FHII8U .nlll 8i11 Wh.I.n em to be cood bets tem of intelll&en� (OZ' maybe non,ayeLu th.r 'Coach e�.: SchqoI for the boys' championship. Th.n how I�ut �.rVot.w. the .mil. tellll'f!nce) tests: a' �. 1n ·.lU'1thmeUc in, younpter who has tak.n mor. ·th.n on. -upstart to the cl.,�. taught by Mias 8. R. Fowler: � � Bernard W (BemIe) Bierman he&d d,ar, Del Mot'te",on• •� the r�t of In S�mng ta�ht by Mrs. E. �en- , footbal� �� at � university or :na'!��� ::�:F::ty' :a�:e:::'�' E on euquet�ta�ht �y son and a -el . :tn:: c:: ' ��::: S. S. . . :"t��;�c:: hkh ca e l

��s.:":��i; =�;::�de�:

ed Wlllle Smltb-----tI l, 6-4: �orman Swenland defeated Ray ,Hlnc;lerlle---6-1, 6-2; , J0tu:t Fadness defeated Ted ThomJfSOn�-o, 6-2: Hal Votaw defeat� ed Clarence Monaon--8·3, 6-4. This list giveS only flnt-round matche:5, Atte� the choir membeu retum. second matche:5 WiI.1 be played. In . the only second round match played so far, Blll Whalen defeated Paul' PreU&6-3. 6:4.



' v eaaoru And among� the ��-Iooking women aspirants-Ne�ra Dub!gk, Mrs., E. HaaketlOn w. Kathleen Porath, Olcl�le Leland and Oal'ores Roen are al m.lng high . on th� proper way to eat peaa' with a . \ knife, and such. . Mra. Ba\lif! led In Take your pick. . ph�&.1 exerciaea, �· . A. R. LoebS. S. . _ man ' � principal. , V ' If • ,I ii, an .aaea mbly .. ed •• Pollow� the cl ly, was h, • was held. Ope� the cUrec ' on or an ' orcheatra ' under Mrs. Genevieve . Anderson. and containS. . ' . Mr I t . wOUld be a change in spring activity for �hose of. us. """"'0 mg Mr. Ha\lif!: Mrs. Ha\lif!, . Raln. nothing besl�e take tramps here and there. Then, again, It would stad. Mrs. .EdWards• •and . Mrs. Ta-ylor mean ' th� t we c.oul� get a�other thump at the College of Puget awayed the audJence p--ea.Uy (� o a be Sound-In an a !hlet'c way. ' f ou pl ase. :re :, . :u�:n: � �� F1c'.,al. �s. Haure, and saucy Uttle, a duet, MI'1I PnUes:er, ' w� Refreshments, which were in charge • of Mrs. Xavlu, MI'1I. Preua; and MI'1I. C. •• o. A. 'nngelatad. were aerved cafeteria ' style In the basement. ten cents was c� fo A fee ot ' P. C. rectaterlnr tor the claWs: Oraoe Gunt . . ' 5, buatneu manqer. collected the a.a An interocollegiate league maX eve� be arranged.; no one know� money. ---E!ven I don't. ' ' , !he conmilttee �e arrange. menta for th1a deUrhUul humorow . at· 5 Cirl Colferl Remain Beck. Addresses Club

l'� Met.r:


�����.!..' ' ' ' '''..". J : L.... ....".""....?��". .

Pi-inters Stationers . Engravers Specialist i n Office Equipn)ent and Supplies . Fine Office Furniture


RaU,a Cent...,.

J. O. Iwin, Prop.

0I, �






tit .

!t., .



" .

WAS H I NGTO,N 'HARDWARE CO. 924. �acific .Ave,

Speci.1 buIHS for". ,I.. elu"', t.�ml, etc.. ; Any

Call ·Mr. Ly.-


Improvement-IT by him of sartorial excellence-to t)e subject to a new species of cul�w1� the mllIt&.nt in a :o:'�o:=� :� � bear on bearda, etc.-wtat ye not, K.•





,..---'----" Islon-the slumber nor sleep.



!em:� sang

according to COUe,e ChI�.· . •

Club to Have �wlm. In Spanlwl, Lake Soon . •


With the advent of a\?r1ntr the aw�rn-

mlng ·club Intende to Plaid a swim at.-

�naway Ulke soon. . ."A aWim in the open. may aoun� cold to many/but--l,ut year st thla Ume the same- type f !�Y. was liven lor the U =� I1lrdl na :e prf!$1dent. 'I1le eui:t date of the awlm cec1 later. will be W C A . Tenor and Mrs ofttonr subeUtuted 'for Beca�n � . . . had Mr.. Knldler 'when she left on the � o� .. a:n th:d::; m · choir trip. April. ...,,.. .. .. ,,.... ...,,. ...,, " ... . ..,,::: :: ::: ",, ":: ..= ",:: "":: :: ::: "...:::: ,", :: .. ;;: Mrs. Dorothy . Orundeberfr of Seattle : ' � . rulted' Sophla Fowler at.the dorm over ,� • ". WM. ' SMIY", � DR the week end. " . . Dentist


=. �ns:=,' ��.��ls::!:


;:'�:r� .






Time. Any '-'ace . . . ' lOla MIl



doth neither

---CoU�e Chips.

.: ::::::::: "::. :::;: ; ::::::: ...:::.:::. :::::


I; !

� ...


t-_________� I ��� y:·r:�U�I�:ro��:w.::

�" ,

SEAMON'S FLOWER SHOP ' I South Eleventh Rust Building


An, Pot Roa,t lOc Lb.

. 12th &



Brookdale Cash Market

Square A at: �fnce ' Phone MAin 2122


:mTU�P �' Thlane � i�ea

W.lth two of the .seve� eontestant& dropping out by default, there art! now speu,lng at a m�tlng of the Inter- only five co-ed competitors for the : � national club. Mr. A. J. Beck tol� of ,club offered Pacific Lutheran COllege'a � Adolph Hitler'S worll': among the Nazis beat girl golfer by the Parkland Golf w �hee�l��yd:n:�:e o���t�o� d� Cou rse. . With spring- weather 5UcJ:I. a.s there. Is tlons of the German.people. PII,kllll"ld Men llre wonl'to emphaalze God'a love CA OI-tSR2 ! � Because of lacll: of time Mr. Beck Rccordlng to coach. Olaon there la no and fortrCt hIS juatlce.-xavler, ._ . . �': .\':,\\,', \�,',\'" �,,'.'.�•.',�,:,�,::,�':,�',','.�: :,'.\'::.�':,...:::,':. � lot the matches not being played ' .�':,�'::.'::.\...: was unable to f!nlah his speech, ° . . . � will complete It at the next meeting orl 8!'>"aoon as po&alble". The girLa now � REPAIRING . '; o� the Club. . i leH In the tourna.m-;-nt art! Mary lDu Lien & Selylg I SE�VICE Preus. Helen Garbe!l, \.'lrgtnla Boen, Prnc,jpt.� Druuists ! � Kathryn Johnaon.'and Ellen Jjoley, ' Importers of Norwegian . .. - nd Saint ChrLatopher Is with us . Cod Liver Oil new plan for social


P 112"t;i,,�& R

In �inkl Competition

Spelk, on 'Hitler in Cermany' to P: L. C. · Intern.tional �fOUP

Ted Brown MUlic Co. ' 1 LATEST POpU 1 ar M usic


, --


� .�


S Lest we forcet-"The Wirrnin, of larb.ra North,"·.plrdoft)the winnine of th'e pin, pone cla..ic. by Dickie L....nd .nd '.lui Preu. may .eeM mot'e th.n liCCle: The pinl pon, c·r..:e is .till· at lar,e throu,hout the .country. and practically �ery Ich�, frat·hou.e and Y. M. A. in the United St.tea h a table or two, where y.§un, people Coin e.n,ale in inter-cl .... competition. M.ybe .it will become cr..:ier .till·, who knows? If '0, then Dickie and " ui will be "'e pioneen of the .I.p .nd ,funt ,ame here at L. . S.

m!r, accordtna to a.n /UlDOunoement In . COllege Chlp8, orncl4l 'FslubUcaUon of Iowa. .clw6z: t.h�I:' a.n atbletlc coacb of na. tI a1 ' uta.Uon, havtna" been coach . unlverslt.y under htJI lead-' a � 'won 25, out 'of rahI �layed 10 the 8oulbr:rn coon 8 'since lnil Tulane n . lnce U = dC;fe�ted but �Wlce, once b; North. western and once by Southern Call. m1 . fo � lor ,the naUonal eham�p


we had a bolt we could pl.y b.lI ,f we h.d b l . n.t if we were bl . with . few "potatoes," we could t.�e the b eball unifot'mt out of th. mo"'. bill. and m.ybe enl.ce three,.me .eri" with the lumberiacka, .Iii., the 1011en. S.

D.sores Roe _d Jolin Zac:krleon were d�bed in this wee!r.·i "Have




Corner TlKomll Avenue ..-.d Eleventh

Street. Tacoma,

Te l. Main 731"' "


' Free Delivery



. ' �

I IL.", :,�" ". ""�'��:�.�.�.�'�"Co".."U".."'..��'�" J I

IOYNTON'S on �.ciflc H1Chway

,.rkl.nd G6lf

1 8 holes

;::=====� I


11 B... !Ioo:--I Boa. lie

P...I.... ....... $hop

Monthl, Rates S1,DO , t WALLIS. OARR. Mp-.



1'eJe9'!0De Q.4. '1.-'-'

GW. KNlJDT8OK•. Prop.

.lQ:a� QUALITY PRIN'l'I!ia


In· a � Equipped 8bop Come

In An7Ume

AII.t"';� ·PrI�tlnI COmp.;',


.rr. ·




IIAIK- 87.

, lellt.tbali­


SC�OOL P R I N t i N G

� ill ••lor-





1 1 1 '::=. �' INt '

Wt' Sf1«i.Jk.r m '








., ' . ',





' Grads to Present Two On�Act PJays 'Toinorrow, Evening

", tenunigil Presides 1)ver Associated Students 'Next ' Year

' I",.",..,...

HoI;"IM�; K""'ryII ITiJ1lg.eI!!�d Returns H.roId Io/In_. Iw, SII u_ Cet Ccmjrel�e'ltE!81 OHicn; 'instlilitioft .I.

Ediar. urson to Le.d in Comedy. "Station YYYY" A n d Cilbert Sydow in . Drama, "The Forfeit" At

e:lrht o'clock

I .. ,Chl...1 MIY 25


tomorrow IiIght. thl!

of th� annual graduaUon- c1al1S produc·


Beside the two one-act plays


be presented. the coll�e orchtstra. .

under, 'the direcUon of Le901s



wW play sev� selecU'ons. · Mucb

hu been done on the plaJ'll durhut weeks: according ,to Mrs. dlnctress, 50 that exceptionally good present&UOI15 are expected.



ina the



'nle l1"'t play



to be presented, ''The

� by T. B. Rogers.

with the problems of a modem orn� in

"'hleh a man finds he


cannot success-

. tuUy mbi: bus1hess with pleasure.


YYiY," Is a comedy by Booth 'IVkiDItOD. Tbia ecmcetnI; • • .". .-·faaatJy -Wbo_.IC!lftll· ita dlf1Ieu!tM. second, "Station

radio. Included productions

=� �

In the casts of the two




"'ibe Forfeit'"

Mr. Sheldon ........................OIlbUt. Sydow


Y � ...- · :.··.:.·· · . .. p Mr. Pembrey. . ...... ..........C1ar:ence


Gw-t S,.d_ Cabon) and ROen Larson. who wU1 taIl� �nr the Grad_lion ClaM playa to be

MuJilna . .......................�ckJ� Leland

..S� yyyy"

.eale4..J.n...�collece �1lDI

r· ���� : ::.. �= Bcr::: o'clotk tom�w ennm � AnIta. Wlqst.e-ad. . . .. .. .-

Caroline Wu1atead' Mr. Wlnat.ead ..




. Roger Colby .... Cb&rlttJ .



, ( :'





JiLbL .fl{ O 0 r t n II weeD

PubUshed eveJ'7 two


Jfl a � t

the acbool � bJ \he atucknta

Ente� as second claaII matter, October 2, 1t25, at the Po8t omce at Waah�n, under the Act of March s. 1m.

Lutben.n CoUete. �d, Wub..tDcton

"This 15 an 19eal .

�re Editor _ )_ Rath���r!!,::,���un��:e::s � u:e�. :;;::s ----1-..... � _/-

TypI.!ts--OJadya Bwenland.

Satrte 'I"

M&I).aItt .

i· P'acu1ty Advtsera


arana«et •-

Welcome. New Leaders

With open arms do we congra tulate and welcome our new ol. ficer.s Sfudents and members the �oard of Contril. The student body at large have made fine year's leaders. SQ that a successful season should be enjoyed . To newly-elected officers. we wish to say that yO!J have been ch�en as' the best-fi tted of our student body for your new positions. Fill your o fic s best you can, while here school ; and a.lways remember while you are not here that you represent the best that College h�s offer way of student's. Our in you. so i�stify it by doing all you faith cooperate for the best interests' of students-you 'Who ,have these others to lead of their terms depends greatly upon you, Do all vo!l: the with �helTl to the end that the,ir work might be Assist when called to make our next . year even more successful than the present one. Now as our year draws to a close, we heartily congratu · late those students who have led us so successfully during the pres · ent school year. We have enjoyed you regret meeting the termination of your May' ypur success in the future equal and sL:Jrpass your great success as leaders of stude6t ' activities at

of the Associated


choices for next


f e as Pacific Lutheran has been placed And to the success you can to cooperatemade easier . school





for ..

t t 1�t8··��us t! :a::H itl , . A.

l'�."Uce �·i an � Ml

=t�-=:')=' "'-"IN .. dabl _ tile ,

doa" RlI ).he ..... ......


pOtkb that L. Lealmm, tboqilt h,e'. pd .. 'rut .,.. ibm i t�. wltb � .., _ · lbt:! podortlee dep.�tlDftI:t., · _ Utat .,....1 take It eff: L. A. aaUed .. ktkr � One ftdl 1akr the Ietkr eame tnousand dollan · fIX' one Jt&r at cut'onll ...... . . martr;td: "llIRIf.!!sJent ." pu 'eent1-Pnueser. · pay .ttm�I" . rL. A... Pfluett'l': "At two per cent I'm not And ho,.. 'It1)U].� you ' llt� to tit

Ilan�r Ad\"ertiatnc Manacer ....lst&nt Advertls1n& Kanager

AulItult O1rcu1atloD




Businl!M Man.r C1rcul& Asslsta!lt BuaiDea





Asaodate Editor

11, 1m


in the the school. chosen





working 'with leadership. Pacific Lutheran College. Suppoo't the Cia.. Play



. EYen




have lockjaw?


his best he · nuked

tl;e L. A.


Cop: "� you can tum aroUnd on ClIx: "I think I can make








. 'J L. A. Doitor laI� brlNbll" .wtm . ) : dJd 10_ happen .. 6aIte tbAt 'Didn't ,.. I'K4 .tlle dp OIl tilt i l,••U•• It ..... 'Poboa.'. ,, · . · · P. : "Tb dr, btlt I IUd." be-


4 " A. :\Ioortn, Mut Is a mat th" school ·�te aU- the fame.


�rters ret th� ,lory, editor the blame.

1... A. .

Hanson (looking at test paper ) : now I'm just as famous as Washington,"





"wh, not'� Marioa: "SeeaBle "Ibl. 1III_ II .UI __ • .tin that "'4, 'Lye.' '' i.. A. .





"Oar "Yea. '

Quality Knlttln, Co.

� s.....

,. o.' �Wtr


In3 COmmerce

t Park Ch.... ....... T....

ehlld had a lot of will and even rilon:' won't 1... A.

.� " " .' � /:

Up-la-Dole Dining .I

year this







atn.,. 1IZl1lln&'. He baa t1&rt hasr and a very tanned face.


c:anieI h1m8elf like a aOld1eI'. Ueman in que.Uon w ftI'J atfain. beiDc the

-- "'"'!­

,or .. ,..,......, . ...

During your colleg,e �ars you are prepari�g yourself , for meeting life's problems. They . a re years .of ha�d ' work. mingled with pleasure.

J:hese same ynrs a� l�rJnce Ye�rs--Iow rate � will MVer corne, again. �ith all your learning. learrYaboUt oui"�ial" insurance plans for fuh:tr:e years.,_

,s��' year;s.

. L U T H E R A N .. B R O T H E R H O O D ·l.:eg.Il. Reserve Life /�r.nc4! k MEN. WOMEN .nd CIf!U>REN .. - .HERMAN L Emf{ . Minn • •poU•. Minn. . 608 5Ocond Aveht<e S: •


� IIDd a.ttunc

' I���

PAY Liss MlAT 1llA1CITA '

o.e, -�!:';.�....


DIB 8ToBa 'THAT IlA8 rr

r; �"';;;;:;� ; "''''''''''�'''�''''''�;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;;; ;;; �;;;; ;;; � ;;; �ileyta, he ti not be It ' welI

With All Your Learning


.ComPlinieittii bf

. :. wm .·COAST GltotERt .




andl1'�1 =========:: .""",d.I. Croce"

-_ .








ination Even teachers

::;1:,:: �bel: .�=' Z:. it is from l gi the inauguration II to the they of preparing that sev'eral to justice to the him? her "fdlow atudmt&. She attended hlch now I'Di" a � Othe� colleges. /a.rger and smaller than' pacific Lutheran. , are IIChool here. � " no... trlevtnc oYer the f m a I , , 'AT�ONIZE . ��t �� r'::la� �=� ��e'd�� �� �� �iC:;t:t,e� �;!�r:'�� :e�edtor�e:�fttb�tU:n�ahe MOORINC' MAST' this year? I s our problem here now so different that the administra- her? tiPf"! 'can not do �is much for its �tudents. ,even after the detested ADVERTISERS system used �t the close of the tall semester end i n tended for use A YOUIlI ql&n who" at...,. . b:uY



' .

_a CoIf" ,...

l �r:s�Sr�t:�io�fstSis� �f �� � t;:��� :'�

a miserab:le bilure?



1... A.

Think This Ov'er. Folk.

agai n. has, pr oven

"J. F. VISILL CO. . .

-403 I rth St" Tacom.,'i.

.... , ••n. , ,·"'U..�

the i.mpending close of 'the school ed week of e�aminations. why must c the 'n""m,'nQlin . An extremely tAlented young l&dy o m s l u an abundance or' long. blonde. �" . a "1t'I'J � sch edule? ' hair, . She fa rather short. and agree that easier to read and grade , hour paper than two one-hour paper!io the ...... each student, . "ly plump. 'I1ll.s rl baa won JOa.•botild do II Ie e'II('a""' ·Ule for Pacific Lutheran CoIgreatest help of all i n of a e.., ,,,,,,.tion m.ny "D',. think ria a fGOlf" own Une In wbleh she wUl WeIIpOIl. "Il', schedule ' would be students: for the poa1'. .� to � helihte. She " _'l Ie tbroqb." added burden class recitations during at times, aJ)d ts ,eull, year instrucfors have preached two hoUrs must 1.. A. . preparation of each recitation. With teache'rs such assignments' and ,others announcing exams on an day. now is the poor student work h�avy 00 Inc peraonallty and g ' much loved by I atu16d 'at a .


. 'BuPPIl�


��t::e. n /.


The succes� of the an'nual class p1ay is twofold. financial. The artistic succt;.Ss depends on the cast. its and the staging. but the financial success is dependent students, Each member, shoulders some i ' especially fhe graduates. for it is their swan song. the which they undertake as afunit, rn addition to that, it the fund with which the class will purchase its gift to 'Therefore, it rests with the students. the graduates in bring their families aQd friends to patronize their play, may be a success as .ir has been in former years,




. Phone �. 2170 1IOt�.�. Ave.

Shuster: "Ho... come?" Hanson: "Well. .1 jUlit went down hlstorv today."









12. 1_




PACIPIC, Ll1''I''ffBftAlf OOLLBO&.

,pARK1fo" "A8BtNO�

==�.a �="=1t ·== tt.= S�tude ::: nt.o�G� 0�by��a�r, Keeper of t}l.e Malit ::: =:"!: :. : ::: '::. � =.':;118 .Students Attend . =�1�3� Um" · ," Trailer to Olympta � O '" �!:' man 'Club' Party �Hear Lot, ChoIr - ConceJ:'t . , aL tadr, :-ed.. -. PA08 'I'iIRD

.... . .. happy � m....-.f,"""'" ..... W.ll. •....,.. � \ .. . .. choir lOt b&et, 10' the 8CbooI can � ne.b'�.wedI mlsIed .�e ehanoe of hal'· � . -,1n runnlnI onee more. sorrt we"had - Irw- 'wmt.Y-l:�O of w.:cb --:--. \.1 It may ha e n bee Y e&Her, � , rather un-To m·...1t the el� of �e to malr:e It'sO dull fot fOU for a .hUe, ��na. With QlymPla as the coal•. b wu 'aU heard ot / b �t U _,uu1d· haTt �n �1f� ��mbers of In the bes' interests of ut It <h m C tJ *Ir the an er ' . d lub h studenu set out In "CUI'," coupe lut reN:nt 10 say lhe iH.St., An1Wa, 1tf" . . lhe schoot. · . _ TUesday even1nc to hHr the choir Pn!... . _ wta� them aU the . happine$l in t.he final dlnne� of the � ��, Batw' . . . sent Its lut tour concert., With .. tnt,l . '. . , d.y. M.,. 5. In Reftrend __ . The dust has cle&rtd ....y. and Ken- world. �r flUed by seven studentl hitched on . • 5eV1!ral of stUdents chureh In ��. ny and M.rtoo sttll takin, thOle . ' . ftnt to , __ . behlnd. they bumped mem!,. oftr the "l j u Even dOHn't seem to k�p t.hoee I d a nts. to the t.1ckinl. POSt. M.y 3. to. hea.r the choir In road Durin. ttle evening Katlv,.n John. to Olympia. where the, a.rrtftd . _ ._ . Iweet youn. thlnp from their da.JJ' son . u concert of ttl tour. . , pruldent presented MrI. Bond)' Just In time lC! hear the .cholr IlnI the Mrs ' . tkUer has that same ol� t� to .the kicking p t r veren�e . Kr . oe , � ee with a lift on . behalf Of 'the' 'dub .. .. ,lUt song. Wh�n they saw that mob am1Ie-ma)'be she wun't llad � .ret . Wlna JC!U know. ' . E\'elyn Irwin took part In the pre� eomllll. In single tile. the choir memtoten of appreciation of her 8I!rri� 'u home. after that tmlve-day ordeal: It., , .sentatlon of "The Blue Bq" rttm lut bef'S)'thOUlht t�e . whole achool , ..� euler to .. say "No�. :."�m . the Conlratl. t9 the newly eleCted .ott!- �lub ��r. Friday n-enlnc by the Parkland M. E. tl}med out to creet them but ftre had mueh . bad- eh Udrt n ' ' tMr, Heinl obJ�tI to ..ltlds") eenl Hope you h . .... e a sueeea &verend and Mfa. Arthur Sydow � . u at' l year . Church. Iy d1sappolntrd. In the dOnn want to ro p1aees 'than It next ,.ear;' and o:ur wbhea are w1th·fOU WeJ"I! rue!ita of hOnor. . Othen preaent the -. �Itng t.t:adr funda. on ' W&1 is to It� forty.-six. '00 the st:ra1a:ht �d whriher some . of ui will be here oc: not. were '!:Ither J&hr, P'reda �. . VlsI tlnj" with her folb, Allce Peter- 'home aU thirteen plied Into a b&rber Anyln,., everyone acrets '. nar ofr, that -- . . KatJuyn JohNon, w&r.are:t 'Y�n, son spent last weelt end cue place where the,. partook of coffee in 8estUe th; sonpten wl!re "goOd" on' the trip. . onl1 two mOft w!eks ot IChool,. and lta:th1een' Porath, Abna lII.Itblem. Lor. . . . -__ and hamburrers. then Our alatel,. sopha will bf: with us raiJle Thorm Al berta... ltathBchmJta. . Ol� Wqbo and Orne Quale -rlstted on thetr tl!tum to school. eVl!f)'Onl! �'s .rettin&" cold teet over 'the no mOf'l!. Hum up II you w..nt � make l3n , Patten; ' A.n�non. Cl&ftonoe their homes In Portland, Baturda,. and l sanr and had a merT)" Ume. , out-door awimm1n&" part)'. but aren't tha� hit with the blond ·or football Rot'n. OUbert 8)'dow; Leonard W�: !"our rode In the front 1t:II,t. two In Sunday. May e and �, ' JOIn Y . l to ha fUn! "Don't }arget hero that YOU'VI! been PutUnl off .I'tt� Arnold Orimlund" J� Pfluqer• . a.nd and RYeIl in we . -the wOuld-be rumble seat. . your cups," (famous lut "1rords 01 Unl acquainted with unUI SPMI Mrs. J;Sondy, . ' . Thoee Bill' Whllen spent lut week 'en<! at a trailer hooked on behind. __ Fowler). . · his home In StantrOOd. makin&" th1a l"entU!'nDfn1! journey ftrl! . Vloleta malte a rood excua§ to 10 = __ . :-:_ _ ", . ::-: --:: :-:--::: =: : 'that We know that-:-:Yt-. .. w now Oiaon '. Shtrley Hecht. Jean-Mull! Fowler.·ua · I looks as 11 thC. In sChool Just places on thl!!M! nice � ? ) daJS. the bus. III'U crowded. and' lO � tried • t ' Saur Monsen. Irene Dahl. and WIl- Rudd.. Pearl Homme, OeoraJanna M�- couldn't w�lt to � th� Ch� Dtembe n You don't neN to ttunk YOU'tI! faGlln. to: shake some 01' �. But we aU .� ' 1 . tfr Young attended the Luther League Clure. Bev Shuster. H�lcr !lolmberr, bY' th.e way they turned ou w", It us., WI! know that "in the sprin,-." the tHt. �nd hetl! ,we are. If � don t .. . Con\'mtlon at SIIverton. 0relOn. Ma. Clarence Reen, Marv HaM:On. ,OSC&r ':strung In'') to the concert I n 01 , .,Don't mind us: · we Jus� Work la on thb get, what l'm ':-Allong about you m�'ht. . ) rso Ervin Dammel. Rolph ' n. Ande Preua, Anyway we7wetl!' real :ilad to-aee yOu: aper: 5 to 7. ' . be Informed that we went throulh' the \.j and Willie Pflutl,er. to say notblng of ! pen and 'pUled the I�e'uyhim in nothIng, like having baclttni.' 1. vla1Unr


Mr• aDd. Wrs. Rudd. • P!:li:rl HOttIme, LIla. Rudd, "Clb:" Roen. aDd Ray �t spent. the � end of Aprtl 30 in Podland. . . 'IIVIth






8�w" .



. __ . Helen Collins, Clarence Lemming. the battered car and the overlO6ded and Art. Sivertaon. st.udents of P.L.C.• trailer. The Monson ml,ll5tache ma.sque.rade 1a and . Rachel 'F1lnt and Dorothy Delacoming off again In a blg_ way. Not marter. former stUdents, were among e\'en the pleas of the choir .Ctlwd make those� who attended a party jlven by him part . With tbb ruffle ' of feathers. . __ ...) ShJrley Hecht. AprU 29. ' ' . , Chrut can bless our souls. c al l us Le mming is haPpy� a� lut since �_ '. • from sin, rescue us from ur p mans have Ctlndescelld� to buytn, penael� and the world, and tach us to ny whlsUes, and now everybody in the grow In f.vor with God and man.-Roe shack hu to hide Ma penny banks. . prone pu ev�rythlng

Chapel Gleanings

Rambling Around


Man 11

We'"ft noticed tbat:




f The dorm students no longer have ���O : toworry &bout havlnl SOup spilled down despair, and �y brlnl one to �o wbat their backs, he th1nlta good and not do what he' The nelghborbood barber baa' earn� thinks evil. and thuS to believe h.lmee;f money on M.ry 14u �, Erwin to be a good ·ChrlaUan.-PfIuea:er Dammel, and Wilt Young since our We think of Jesus as ,the man of last p&prr: meelmess and aonows. but we flnd


is ·the flrat Urne Shirley,Hecht's that He III'U capable of strong emo­ been seen to- lions anger and Indlrn.tlon IIke_ . w1ae.-X&.vler ,.

and TryJ'1I names have gether In print: .


onr Dahl has chlcltens with fur on them: •

Wilma seemed mighty glad back from the cholr triP : Dorothy

\'eloped a


. Peterson baa fioeI!m.J.Da:ly �ove for aIt:a�. lately.


get w ����� ��:::needs a guide. �e- What better guide than Christ. who stancia at mom1ng'� BOlden pte stretch1na: out His hand to help them.




ca � = In .own IrMI't. That that mah perlect and 1a wise unUl the that he three In one, body. aouI. and mind, yet ,one perIOn.-Pflu� It




eCt he t 'lli'hen we rej

meaaare of





�A�rtI'$ e"LIIY ....�.""...

, l 2l1 1!1O. 11t.b St.

, 'hooma., �ub..



What tb1bp anpr ua' An tbe1 \be tb1Dp tbM- a.apred CbI1It. seIDabDi-. b&tnd, aDd · ln�. or Oft · .... ....... .. .. 0< .... hUllW1 '"""....xa " _ _ _ _ _ _



• ....- #- �i l,.. ._ .. ....... ,. - any

· ...,, 01--- 11""·

Concert Tour Ma y2 .

� ��tbi'=


- Lutberazi 00Uere "CboIr of &be w... "'Iret;umed to PaatiaDd em Ib,J 2. aRer IlDIiDI to � 1.000 penoGI. AD eitra amciert ... iIh'eD em &be felT)' ,

--. .'�-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � ....

�ns or fina�. commerce "and i� '

.nd de

reflected to a marked d� upon· the in7eat­

to AiI&oiti:

ud ,at ae...J; p*- ca� erowdt 1Nft ill U&eDdaDce. Ai � aIId ..... IDUI)', people .... ...... .. _ """"." ­ lit. &be caMal ball. ba& .. repeat pro­ ana. ... P..a. ." u.& ail could beat \be·P• • b. � . .1 I .

' PA� �G '� �

� t� .

commitment. , " The Bank or CallbNa ad:I U 'trustee, E:il:cutor, Ad· miniItra..,Ol',' Otani.. of F..Itats, �, Recel�, 1ft Trander Agent aDd Reptrv or stocb a� bonda, or . any .iidodary capacity,permitted to baDb Dr tnISt . _� by ·Feden.1 and State ta...

1 Choir Returns From



.Tht �k. of Calif'omia, established 5's. y� �, and' to with � wid� e.xpenenoe, La �H"'l)' well eqUI� saIq:uard and. kerpintKt.estates of every character, "The penna­ �tiaJ tnm requlremenUi of integrity, fidelity, eYerJ: fiduciary � .ni:t judgment it ofIbs In full, fn


.. .. . p.."':.: ':=:,.... . "•::...... . =� : '�:.: -::�=�

Tr Ull Servic el

� expez;ience and molt �I judgm� dun�g' pen­ rt' ods ofunc:ertainty. This problem ia partlcul.rIY l�� an eltate behind &nt' to the man who will IOtDe dar leave


c..-'. .,... .. ...... .....




,:.;....... Wt � :::-U.. ....,


holdings of individual., estates and corpb,",uona. . ol'"lu:�pmg Thoughtful tDCn, understanding the problems tor inmct during good �rues, know the mmt


W�'re ulttng the cooperation of all . . Mr., KrI!ldler was busy on the trip. the . students In the matter ·.of haYIng and what you heard her say mOllt often "aaa:a" .plctures soon to be, taken. It n ·get was "Ollbert. have you �tudled . jour may h.elp to' It:n�� that tr we ca part tor the' play? You'tl better quit them ta.ken In one day the price will · pullin; Evelyn's halr and ,get to work:' be much chea�r. . Pleue try to be



pr:�nt .t

1 01 f Ppcifil: .Ave. G. •• AAu'CH. �

and �ng the. (I'OUP -

the. appointed' time

Who aa1d the choir wasn·t ol)oe h,un- place when we that Clarabel and dred pe�nt In behavior and braJos? pictUres. Thank



the Holy Bplrlt that God �ot for:; rt�, lor that abut. RIm lrom our Jewelers � heai1.a.-X&vm<.' I I 05 ·8,�� . nw: teat1mony whl1h an honest man TACOM,ap. � must make 1a the lUDe r.a that of the ; fI".".".".""".........."".."..,,,..........................,,..iii centurion, "Truly. t.h1a 11 the Son of God."-....... ... The bravett the tenderelt. U C_ery you Want to be .. r-.l man. be .. CbriI� tta.n. for CbrtIt maa. UI aound-mlnd­ M__ UIIk-M P1trity s.... ed. atroDI, &n4 tender. --Boe. PARKLAND 'I'Ile:r'I! many &hlDCI whlch we ....___________• cannot undenrtaDcl bd-e: but. there. ,the 1'--' :: . ' '' 111: = ' "''' = '' ::: '' :'' take the pt.ce .


� booms

....... •

_We wish to thank Rev. Ylvbaker for Salem on our' trip . Bet the ' rest Of you' ' It cou.1dn·t do that M;fely" . ' --

his fine sPeech In chapel Monday. m�nt a lot to us.


The Ideal held up for men to follow t!I not the godly men In the ecrlptuna, .but <?hrl!t �maelf is the example we


a ll



-������������������iii We're




. .

,MAY 11. illl

Drama CliIb Ends Year With_Party


.., ",w"'� �tan<£a .


The "1"oOtl1cht Reftlen." wtnninc group or the Dr&maUc Clul;1 cootest tot' thL!l yeu. were entutairieci at puty &i\"ftl ln the eoUece lJ1lUlU1um by the "8�8tePPl"-ra.. and the "Orama-Tlc:s."




By O. _-.


. I�:U��� 1��=Y :fV�'club



�• �

. w,

Wllilim "lu..., I . . . Swlmmlnl elu.. · H ....



. IWcitai thUrsday .

. . .. . -. Ioi.., 1ft... .. . . wuuam.. EnUflft' ,� ' I.. ·c..c.t hr � . . . eleet.ed prnk1ent of � 8WimmlDI ' . . : _ _ _ . . ., Club rOf Dext J8I' a\ ... his ,.tI••' A.rd1 meanore ..AaWUd .Monda)' DOOD. He 11 al.o � Bdwarde. ' . Ed""" wtll ap· cl:Wnn&n of' the swim 1.0 � � at pear' .. laDOf reCiW ln tbe '.,-m: ln p Sp&naw&1 tonll�t. · 'naalllDl nezt, " · ennlnl'. 'Prof.






Prof-bJ .� J.

. mee�

:I ���:: =maf��Ux.e' �b� ::::. :� "�.I='p=:'O.� , Iln�BoOcb'. :!i

The sports se'ason for this year will 'soon come to, a close and it ",'ere present.. ' With Mra.. �Id.l@t' and will not � a dramatic one, either. Only three weeks left and neither 'their �wn c ps , ' 'fen oentl 1rill be rndinI ' ;'Tbe �t. �,': u . .. an Mrs. Taylor 1.$ honored lUeata. in ap- our tenms nor golf tournaments have �e.n completed. Of CC'AJ�se, 'Interm1lG� Dumbft-. .u Ulual t.h1I ch&qed thOlie who \lIe· the .�en. . ! predation for their Interest. In and this can be blamed to the weath�r. chOIr tnp. etc .. but none of th�se '!be nrtmmlnl' club I:- a,new.orpn.1to the � recl.iai LI "Yell OOII1P�t.u')' errON on behalf of the dub thta put. factors were SO Important as to stand in the way of completi ng ...Uon In the 1ICbool. tia'fiDC bem f�� ' In'ttted. publlC; aDd eftf7QOe LI . either one of these tOUf'),aments. year. . .� WI � UDder the _�p:ot � Pf'OI!UD f�: . ' .. The entert&1nmen� In charIe of a . L S. . S. . ..../ . ' Jf$J\-JrIarle' Powler QDd . the � • compo&ed of � Op. 'ports, of Mr. HlIbbr. � tg 10'. Andante in V�t.lOI\I ................Ha1dn hdm IchalnnanVeut-MArte Fowler, by ......... Th. .. � HlCbb1. the .�ub bU � � for 8&rab&nde .......... ...._ ..JWDeau�M.acDo1rell and Shirle1 Hecht. conslsted Of ' -:CUYe .IMI • ..,... I'I"ftt.el' actI'tt\1 and P.QWUl .du:rllC the NlcbUnple _.....�. .......................,..__.. .L&a1. . : pmes and stunts. one belnl liven b . y ,",is week. w yean; ·to CCIIDe. .. . 8iCbeim in Z Plat UlnOr ...�._....BrabmI each of the 1f"OUt=-. OroUp Dumber one. . .' S. S. ' . ' .' n.-TWo Dudethe "F'ooUlght Renier.." prese-nted an Since the school year is drawing to a close. wou�d�·t.. it be a . ... ...._......._..c,hDPln 'Ref'OluUon&I)' ...._...._ l�pron'lPtu musical comedy. .hUe good idea to direct attention to next year' s football c�mpalgn? �hat p. ,kland Cra·de .Schooi . Hatp ......... ........."..._.. _._ ...;_ .:..-.... _Cboplo ' WInl Trae'k ... group number two. the "Stq'e: Step- the prospects will be. re'T'ains to be �een ; but since we have taken �. H �re _" . ' ....... v,.. 'OP.. M. J) _....... _ .......� pets." P'''e Rip Van WIIille: oroup l step. into faster company. the stu�ents of our school shoul.d en · .. . � r-- ' m.-P'oI' the Ch1kl.rt'D .. num�r ' three, the MDram.:ncs, pre- courage togkal candidates to try out P. L. C. .. . . P'rtda1," M., 5. the annual Pierce Prelude (P'oC' the left hand)" ..8erlab1oe • . sented a medicine 'ahow. S. S. eount,.. ,rade 8Cbo01 ttack m� .... Album Leaf 1..... .............._�......DebUiII1 .' Light refmhmenl& were served by a .f PacifiC �thera:n 000.. In I.e Tambourtn ...... .......... ....._. ..Rameau \ for coll\ of VlrJI.nJ.a. 'By� (chalr"Swed." � .� thla meet, Pa{k,land Ifade acbiloI Walt.. In A Pl.t Major- ......_.:...�. III fI man). Clarence Lemmlng. An. • . ' rOmped �� -tne evenJa to wtJ.k March .Orot.etque _...... ........_..._..8lndInI A1bert SChmitz. •rid V1rgInta S ' w U . �..........::...Oriq �·�::;-k .:!t. H"' �I .. ...... n-:-=��. Graduation th s year will iye �ur agg�egation a ·tcrr;ble. b.�w ��Je � � ' The general antn�eota were in owing to the fact that we will be,losin� practica�ly all. .our ) in� baa on \he collep campU5· The P'ou4t ��nr' ............ charge of • commUtee from thf! two line that"'held its own with any club we r:net thiS sea�nl l! nl �ss The schoola pu1.I,clpa�1 and their Ardy !!:Ieanor Ec1wardl best jTOut=-: Group two. ' Georgiana Cqach Olson and "Swede" can find material around wh ich to wtal po�t.I �re: .Parkland '71'. CCnV, . McClUre (chainn.n). Cla�ce Opheim. a team. our chance next year will not be so bright. . tral Avenue 38. Ruston 3O� . Wood- Spanish Romance ... .8chumann-t'aual. and Alberta 8cbmIt.z; group three: S. S. " . land H�. McK.enna 1I�; Clover Creek J.paoefJe Etude . .....:.... ....P.oldlnl. Evt'tyn ' Irwtn (chalrm&n>. CWfO rd and 13. span •••y lJ, Lakeview'5, . Cc:!l· BolttO ............,.. ... ......_.. ..... lIoako-*l Mesford, and VlrgIni. Davis. I1nll 3. • . .tIted"\lJ..Af . . Perpetu&l MoUO� ......... . : ....... : .. The leaden 01 'the grout=- for : ..W'ebn •. The ...tO





If .. ...peet?tO h... ...,. In....� . �h ohon will h... to do th� JopClI thinl .-coI c r . picki"l apin in .hape the Ii... ha.... .Iw." Hen. to It " the .nd of both of th...· .....,..."'..." couW c

"Sweet." Willard at ttle hellll composn . ..ucl.u. pro","'nl resulh: .,yt i. only human and 'needs tjln ottl., work' with.



three :: !:'!tU::' t��rd!r t




i\ltholilh we did not tu,n in a, lIIany wi... n Wat ...peeled Many Int .eaton. w M.U,ed ounelyes of a place on the ,chool, ..,y OU' ,howin thinc to'do now it I la'ier the second semeater were; Group one, ttli. rep.utafion and·ttle only way to do it i. to ,et in ,.OM. p,olll l,lnl Ray'Lerback: grOUp 1..-0: NeWe Ol5on; I lIIa,"ial �o, next year.















. .


A..- � � "WIDW" �' coatlnuing a peech on kiUer .blch J'eI' wen � ... UdI ...... "Bay" y Met." o. st.artl!Ji he . Prof meeUnc. prntoua a at Of course. ' athletics aren?t e �rything: but what schoo' 'has pl � ftnt. jTOUP thre-e. second. and maintained any distinction by no having them? Although many o : .:::; ." = ... :::; ." :::; " · .= :; " ·� · · ..= ;;: f.':::; ...:: :;..:; :; ..:::; '.... :::; ... ..·..:::; ..:: . : . . . n: ,roup wo. J-hlrd.. of ad med ums It. the one thIS IS of us ay not be aware of i best Th�y �. In hIa talk. �

:U� 0: Am

. . . POPULAR . . ; . . . . MUSIC



,. .





Printers . Stationers Engravers


P t2��� R. .

PostofDce �. Phone MAin 2122 . "Oftr Hllf a �� CIt �

.� '



�d� ann�nCed .... :;:;:;;:; L ;;;:; ;; :;:;:;;








Prncrlptlon Drulli�ts


. .for SATIS-


!t. .



.Gomer TKom. �vtnue .nd Street.

t d I:§.�· �: ]g: l land�

924 Pocifle Ave.











' GA





..''''''''''' ''''.'.'''''''''''''''''''''''!'''''';'


i 8 hol.e�

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U'GtJLA& .&ADS . • S... ..._..._....._._.._ .110 AU .. ,.. .. .. ... ..._•._.•




AnyUme .

coach 0""" � ananst .. '0< m&tch· es to complete the ,�. with den' trrJ1a Junior' COllege, �een Junior


ExoeUent. oreena

15 mlnut.el from

H:t��ode���P=O Come In

. ::::..::::..::::::::::....::��.�! : . ..::::::::� �= : �:-=�oo::�··::·:: .

.... ..��:.

. OIL '

' 'a"'land· .COif CoUIH

GKO. �N. �.

AliltrUm Printinl


Com piny


...", ·"'.. I� ... :OO:= "" =="" I11'�:==:.======= . = =:::::: :: : Co;:''::,:!:� :..'::r..;...",..I =,

match. Accord1na: to �. OLaob. the aec:ood nine ... a dr&•• but be . refuaed . information OIl the fint nlDe. .•

Kathryn J� defeated Helen 0Ubell 1 up '� in \he' nm mateb JJ!. tbe atria;' IOlf tournament.

Cqhl... Rod Butter,


high�t ct�lity .


w..-�-'-r;;;;;:;;;9j"'--'-· '

always \Jniform made' in Tacoma by Miller 11'01. ·�,.ny



will ••101'-





A returIt"'match will be p�

�=�� �

Free Deliyery

,..... .nd ....



TscOft'l•• Wash,

T.I. 131'"




I � .n P.clH. Hlahw." ·I�i .' '.' ' .' ' ' ' !

Cod liver Oil .

eim Play CoIf Matcha .




Importers �f Norwegian

Return Match to' i. at Hipland . N' T ' d M ' C �:::�es;:ill ::S:��ul:·

the CO&Chee; o. P. Hlte of C. P. B. and 1 ,.------"'( 1 C. ' 0: oleori 01 P. L. C pl&yed a



Match From C. P. S.

In lbe flnlt intercol.J'eA. .ppolnted by Clargt te match or Par- the seuon. the Pacific ' Lutheran Colen� Roen to chooSe Uculan will be In the next e'p � l era de!8ted the par-clu.aera o;:; ;:; .. _ ;:;;; ' '" ;:; "';:;;; OO _ . ;;; ;:;;; .u. ! from the College of Puget Bound by a ;; 1 '7-11 count yeaterdayaft.!mOOll at Park-

. Specialist in Office Equipment . and Supplies Fine Office Furniture 12th &: A st.



Friday &Jtemoon, May 28, Is an� nounced. u the dat;e of . !.he · �ual i student body picnic. �t a ptcntc e . '::::;:t! e��: ��·y::� e

. "...,,',.."'.,,......,,,.iI da!. eommlttee Tacoma

ii. .. ..""""'".............".."!".. .


..":: , , �:o; :::;...:::

Mr. Beck · 0�

stated that HlUen' 'ttolent w:ae




of M'IY Afte",oon' --

. �

25c Ted ����=:!c C�. 1 ���l:r

urle,' Complete Stock in



·"·" "·"

� ::�::"� �Iu�eat��::u:: ::::.


. .. .. .. . ......... ... ... .. ..;.....,....,....................!I!







Contl�u.. Talk

Dentist I �� for hLI .tUtUdI!i � i Many ' prolllin...t' TaCOMa attlleta 'have e·xpres,ed . d..i.... �f ))4ltriOUlm m . ! P.tkl� U I ... SRz i� n Mon- attendin. P. · L. C. next .eaton: Let', ho� lIIany !"o,. �.II �..I ttl... bnt' QCle� Getman1. lalli_ o w� can .iye ttle LOlcen a work'''C-oye, .n .u, .nitlal �ay. May 15, at B,tanWood HIgh SChool desi,e . " •; "...':.�,.':,'.�.::.�...:::..:.':::::.w:::::::\'::.; :::::::::::.�'::,...::::.�..,.;��,_ and at KrJJ.nst,on High ned yea'. at 9:00 a. ' "'hool at "00 p. m. :n>ooe who 1 wtIl School Picnic D.te I. REPAlllNG . : Li en 6- SIlvie P L C' Wins Golf �rtielp.te In the pf'OIr"JlllI ar@: !

Will. P'nent . procralll� ::��n�!=':� u


� ,


f ,.

"'\1'1 -!



:...., .



.. . .


Hazel Monsen will Edit Mooring Mast During Nexi Year

58 Students tQ Be Graduated May 29; SIlowa(ter to Spe�·


.Clarence Opheim Chosen by Cia.. Ni,ht I. Saturday, Bee­ c...,'.ur••• e $und'Yt .net . Board of Control to Be Bus­ in.� Manag.,; Rest of St.H. Commencement · Monday; To Be Named Next .Fall Rev. J. €. K. proui Sp•••r . As a result of el�tloNi held at Completion of atudl� 4" the bilh aped..! m!tUng last Friday noon. the Junior college or -normal de. Board of Control announced that Hazel I of Paclllc Lutheran .Collqe MOnMn will be' the editOl' of the Moor­ d ing Mast for the next school year. At th� ,�;;�:l:�����.:���= :�: . pre&1dent. and Dr. Tlnge15t. a d awarded thls same meeUt\i. Cla,renee Opheim buketbaU glrla' and boys' to letters named to hold the purse strings of teams and the golf team. as well a.'1 the school publication In thll capacity college gymnasium. .. . . presenting the prizes the winners ot-business manager. Showalter. SUpUint.endHlt. of ' Public -Cut courtesy or Tacoma Ledger of The el�Uona " ..ere held In the spring Instr\letlon for the State 01 Wash1ng� t.p. e golf tou�ament3 In ch�pel exer." e o O th th m �;::;�::t:O�: ��ec::I= clses yesterday morning. : ge� by��: e �c!:gU:as���::�l:opening ����II�:I ���n t��= = �: :tarted of the Moortn, Mast dllrlnc tbe next The girls who received lettel1l were: Lmlned1atelY after the s elude numbers by A,.Iln& .M.lktelaen and � e News o�. Trtb . 8("bool year. Alice Almes. captain. Dic ie Leland. k of the achool year nut. fl.U. a.ccord1ng Of the Faculty Ladles Quartet.. .Rev. O. 1.. . .uperlntendoent Olga Overlie. Jeanette Knutzen. Evelyn. to Roen. reUring president ot the SLate of Haavik of Sel.tUe. prealdent of .the the 'Student Body. Clarence alao an� Virginja Mahncke P.1..C. Board of Ttustees. wUl live Ute Monson. Dalores Roe. Alice Roe. comthe deU;er l tl leen Porath. an� Helen Collins. Olga t v n O�y �-:�!t o��::= w1ll e :�� :�th� :��_�� � :� Is, New L.D.R. Head Overlie. : =� �� �:::� th preteam. the o� "manager the A Other events OIl the fIT&C\'w new COnltltuUOIl, wtll be' Used hereafter ij\,:m eyenl8&". schedule ' sented Margaret JacOOsen. who In Ule el�on ot the Moortng Mast Mrs. Preul ElecteeI Include- the rq'u\ar'" Cl&u to Mrs. RamNight program. IUld Bacca1&ureate beads. . Itad'i Place :At Advilor at Tea the team IUld arranged the games. l .· Hoeodn•. FKulty �iw_ pu:::o��v:a�e��U:f�:: f: 1 :� °;'::���·':W::'���;lard, be:... �� �?on . a;:"" �,to,...�� J\.s a result of elections held last Jack. nHarold Votaw. Carl Martin. and E .�� e:' ;���e �=�� venln prese"ntatlon � given elaewhere in t.b1I g' .. ... DCOl!old h""' y m"...uo:: �. Rev. J. C.' K.,Preua, Ed�nal . ...... Tuesd y alte Vlrtinla Mahn�Ir.e Stanley Score received letters for Members of the · graduating clWes l.I8ue. as LSIkld.l.te ed1w' of the' Mooring....Mast, Director 01 the Nonvqi&n Lutheran will � the p � O: ent and Mrs ul will present their IUlnual C� Night Church: of America, 'flU! preach the Ibe editor 01 the 8t&cUum World, Preus the adviser of the Lutheran basketball �pondmt on the . Tacoma Dally Daughters Saturday, May 27 I.t B p. -m.. B�laureate IItnnon In the coUtee Reforml.tlon group Letters for golt wer� given to Alvirl. program n the college gymnUium under the chapel Sundayeveninl May 21, at etcbt ger. and is a member of QuID and durtng the 01nCJ!:.the I T H m rgtnla . year Thompson. ed Ledroll. school Leh an. Ray inderlle. Vl dll1!ctlon of a commIttee of graduates o·clock. Walter Ustad wW atna �o. IUl Intern&�onaI honorary 50- won over Hazel tMon s SC en'. the other can&.' nnan Westling. and John I Preus. No P eie.lY for JournaJilts. She is I.lIo active dldate for the position. MnJ. Preus waS :J consisting �f NardLs Arne.llOn ( and the college choir will pve aevua] In stu�ent alfa1r& at. Pacific Luthe�. Inated and elected lor the adv1sor- Stuen. These· awards were made. not man). Wl.lter Young. Frances Andre,W!. numbers. The puJ;ll1c 18 Invited to all belnr I. member of the debate on the buls of points. as Is customary. and WII.llam Pllueger. graduation functlonl. aeeordln. to at the aame meeting. s � . the Dr. O. A. Tlngel!tad. and $nnual staff. and holding active The elections w.ere held at the tea but for the nurnber of mat.ches played Preceding tl?-e event 18 the Ivy plantpartlclpl.tlon In several student c1ul?& which Ing. .at 7:45. IUld follo�g It Ls the Members of the c1ua are: the 1.. D. R. girl! give each year In' inter-scholastic competition. IUc"h School Grad....... here. . ·s reception I.t which it ·1.s the during Mny to honor lJIe faculty wives n Johnson and AlVin Lehman presldent u to f C e::::lved � golf club. given by the �: r:d::te��P::l5anS:�::S:! M:re::. �::�/�!r� �: onc:;.re�: ���:�f:�':I;:�e::: who· have been- their h05� durtng o to student orrtclala. because of com :u��a7= �=��=tg :r:� Parkland Golf Club to the winners In qualn� with �e f&Culty members. . Donald R4!lct. D.alores · 'Roe. wWU: merd&l experience bad In high school dent, presented Mrs. A. W. Ramstad the boys' and girls' tournaments. Dalorell Roe and Walter Youna will Smith, D�lel\FlC?tre . .: Ployd Knutsen ' ::�.I��:!eO:0:e ���teL.��:� ����wte�can:y:w\�. Those who took their bows as .�ewiy PI����t�' to com'plett the amnge- and M::�:" ��';" Grad_," v r e the embers � oftt�rs elected �d � 0 hold!! active membership In student al- L. D. R . I.t �IC �U�eran llee:e Board of Cont.rol were. Clarence Lem- ments for the clasl nJght feliUviU� In- Allee Aivnea. Nord1&' Arne.oO, J� f&ira. Both Hazel and Cla.rence are ever slnte Its organlzaUon here eight mlng. president: Harold Holmberg. vlce- 'elude: Class prophecy-Otlbert Sydow. FadneSs. Carroll Jacob.on, �er Knut-freshmen enrolled In the Junior col- years Porath, IUld Trygve �ulUl- un: Elme!; Ray Lerbaci, J41ldrfld J,.ee, ago. At the, tea. she tendered her president; Kathryn JohlUlOn, secretary: Kathleen id: elUl wtU-Bhlrley Hecht. and Kathleen Porath., Mary. Lou1Iie Preua. lege department. . resignation from the position. Mrs. Bev �hUlter, treasurer: Jean-Marie vo Arthur Sivertson. The Freshman Cla&s Jens Rl.ltsheim, Cla.rence Jt.otn, 'I'rfIVe Preus. the new adviser. hl.l a.Jao been. Fowler. soph�more representative; : will In charge of the deeoraUonl. . Runsvo1d Stanley Score OUbert S aftlve In work of the Women's Miuk?n.: Mary Nash. second-year normal" re.pre- Thebe if&dua� 8 Grads Recelve · will a.Jao preaent at. dOW: wl.iter Ustad, No�an w�, a.ry �eratlon. of which the 1.. 0 R. sentatlve: John Stuen. high school repthl.s t1me' their gilts to the.·schoof. and WUlIam whalen, W&lter YOW1&' and . part, I.s I.s well Qtted a to do the commlsscntatlve: Ray ·. Hlnperlle. ft eliM adv1sol", Dean Ha.uge. The John Zl.clu18on... .. Teaching POslOtlOons work. aeeo� to Kathryn Johnson. re to the sJ.oner of adverUs1ng: and Payl Pre�. eommJttee in 'charge oi procurlni" the' . Normal Depu1.m.eal Grad..... .. . . of the Program numbers at tbe . te.a. which commlYloner --. rraduates of athleUca. That ellht stlldent.s. gifts 111 compoaed of Kathleen Por&tb Prances Andre";",. JHelen coWna,' . three-year nonnal course of Pacll1c was held in the college recrea�O . ) Ethel Hagn1I.n. Dal Shirley Hech . IAr&o &�. Ance1a �= Lutbe� COUege. have received teach-' rooms. Included vocal nUmbers by D Roe. �n �gve RunsvoId. ason olr e Alle by .selectlon s violin a n Anna Ch ° E d Se (� MikkelMn, Ina. poe."ltiolUl for the next ael\001 year . H&rol� M�:' ��Over�e � throUlh the college plat:ement eomm1t.- Peterson. a �r '·What. my 1.. D. R. . U1II:kelaen VI0� � . . ' Newto�'' Ellen tee. II Ute announcement of Dean membership means to me/, by Mary u,u $263 Cleared Abo"Ve Expenses on �tudent PlcnJc ' 801e and' Ph1llp E. BaU&t--Altholllh the number PreUI .reaq.· by Evelyn Monson, and a Annul Sprin, Tour Depending on Weather �1rd ��':"u&e. -of "lraduatea pl&ced. I.s.not &Teat short talII: on beb&lf of the ' faculty �. 'LeU �:i'' Hq:man, �the' number placed last y,ear, more wives by Mrs. O. A. 'l'fnIel!tad. Ard1a To close Itl lIta.son. the pacllic Luth- Becausc of ",eather conditions. the �lwaiJ� expected to receive paslt.lolUl be'fore the AarhWl aecompanled the mual� at eran College Cboir wll� sing at �e Bac- p)a.ce I.nd type of Stoldent Body plc�lc. r.mmen. 'Nellie O� K&tblYn May 29 . in � pIano. the , ea ll.ureate aer:vlceti, Sunday. ; which to I.s ,lChedulE'1 fC?r thl.s I.fternoon. . according ear, y ope� of the next Alberta 8chmJ� Artbur 81ftrt. . To make up for the detlcit .1n the the college chapel During the past is uncertain. In cue of nice weather. ten.' Arth the oOmmJttft members. 8 Chari - 8peQ ' AI announ� by the �trar:s of- group treaaur)', . the girls held candy weell:l. the choir baa ap�tfed in sJ.x !.he .students will' SO to Spanawl.y �fter .:�: � � 0: Wd oo Mo d&y In W n ay n I I. e w 2�': ::! ��:: :;:!:. �:���;!:�·fS:�� :: and M&r7 EU&abeth 1IOlmM. :':Uou:e80 f: ::: y=::u:C:: wea D � ed Md � ::�I���y�of=� eran Church Tacoma at the Luther boats �n" rented, and swl.mm1ng, OVerlie, sixth grade at El.tonvtlle . . School. �tonvtlle. W�.: Arthur Society Elech Pflueger ague ' Convention 01' the Columba bueball. boaUn&" &lid other picnic sporta Dr: Sodt Vilits p L. ·C. . Spencer, fllth and .sixth rrad-es at PaWIJUam Pflueger was elected PresJ.� COnferenoe. where Dr. TIngelstad will be' enjoyed. ' Dr. ' W11ll&m O. Sodt, '8tewa.ntab1p . cUl.e City 8cboOt Pacific City. ·Wuh.; dent of the Wss10n 8oc1ety for the spoke : · In Our Bavlor's Lutheran' :rhe lOng Roller Rink haa �.n of 8euet&r)' (J( tbie AIDerlcan Lutheran Bendleta Camp Po� School. )'nt at the laat beld Cburch, Saturday, May 20: Cromwell chartered for the afternoon, jn , :8ot'dnuz, WUh.; PranCCl_ AD.di'e... all �. 11&1 17. 'The PtOIfMD. at Lutheran Church, cromwell. Rev,IKel- �. In thill . event. apttnr wlll be In· OOrltereDOe, Yklted PacUSe·'. .1A.Itbei.a KcQda.i (If Wi ..... Dr cr-adM at � 8eboo1. PUidy, Wub.: the m.eeuDa 1Dclucled. deYot1on ied bJ mer Roe, putor.� 14&7 1"; St... Paul's duI&ed'in lrom 3 o'cIoCk unW ':30, at 00Uep ftaDCea NewtOn. all � eis at Fox Ia- � UUdabJ.. ..... I0I0 bJ Walter Lut.hen.n ChUJlCb, 'TacOma.. May If. wbleb Ume �� ...w be .ened In an,. 8odt, wt.c.e � ant 'lD oOi� land 8cbool. Fox ialand. Wub.: IU\d U.tad, ,a J*I)eI" CD AnDa Bu.eth, Wbtn � aIIo In $JIe &f�- s1d01lfs ebureb. on 27th aa;wt 'hcom& bbSo, ".. ali the ..... ·COUl to attend == ==��.;,�Oo� ����t;: � = u:. :.��:' �urcb: A�e:�: ted bV Claren� � On a :=:.m.;u: !u��.� J-.e Pfluepr. Prea.- Dlrectot J, . O. Edwards announces CIXJI!IlIt.tee to plan t.he altair'are 'I'rilve IPfI&k1rlI' fA?:W' 01' tbe DGrUnreR.. a. . lI'&duate tl'OID iut. years el--. Mary \� ofncltn �� wbo � complet.1ni the third CS�t.: AnU. �ua, m�prealdeat; that. the tcMJ eam..Inp or the choir t.r1� .Runavold (�), Bhirley Becht, wt&h BeY t9 In WbI?- cb� . Iti.t.hleen Pof&tb. �; I,Dd Am- to 0r"tc0D. ..tter. payment of . all U· Ollbert Byc:t0w and oeol"(lann& Me�. ButenlboQ of .:rear bOI"mal � t.bia ye&;r, 1a be deU"t'ered . tba& � , . Clure. t.-c:.b.IDI a&.�, Wub. - old 0t1m1uDd. �. pen-. wu ... " . '

















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_ c:ame



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thAt. t.h1a IChooI JHl" Ia drawtnl tq a c101M!, I desire to· tJw;1k t.he Edt· totla' stalf of the- MOOt"in& Man and .omcera and other jDemben of the t body far tbtlr .m&nJ OOurteaIet At acti of klnclMse aM·t.hetr· 1OJal and a fl1ei\d1y �uanl � .'-dlffl­ cult year. My hM.r1J ION out to them 10 rraUtude, �d my wWi for. th!D' Ia


two weeks d� ,the ac:hool yKr bl the Itudenta or �Ie Lutheran eone,e, Partland, Wa.sb1na1oD Entered as IeCOl1d class matter', October 2, 1925, at the Post Ofnce at . Parkland, "Waab.lnI1?n. UQder the Act of Man:h S, 1m.

Publbhed e�



Mary Lou1ae PreI1l

. � onat, .

' r· >


� 1 m.y e:on�n� to wtn fr.l that · th� ..,.....: =_y /--.. , ::.--. .. .- . -���_ :...� . b ' ���":��� : '::::If:rt: Rolf: "I � yery mat.u�· t the date ' what. an: \.be •


MAY 18, 11m




lA'r to the' outcotnl �Itor., Miry u Ceo. J.: "Oh, yeah?" Loui8e Preu.s. and to the Incomlnl edit. "Yeah, 1 had as many tefeth u Ol', Rasel Monsen." t d�re to exprHs Rolf: F 'grandpa, coukl" walk u· well u rrand· 'my aPprte.lation of the pr lere ea. B""n... MAn..., _ . • . SIN�55 STA! carl Il&rttn • A.sIistant Business Man., Marpret Weeeon Bardon: "Ye.. of 'l'Oa'Ie." . : rna: and had ,u m ch hair on my hhd u:nded to me throu,h PREXY'S OOR� AdVert1sing Man�r EYeIyn InrIn hd: "Football aDd bukeu.t1." • NER. TIlelr loyalty to the OoUere hM · ...... dac;t:.. . -Li-. ' -LA.As315tant Advert1s1na: MAn.,-er • _ Cllfford Keetord been marked b, frtendllne. ahd Mortensen.and votaw I�ped on the - E't"elyn MOb$OII. Circulation lhnarer 50 Yean h'om Now 'and a deep for �the frantneM K en to each tze other I�t Mo to talk mM ar."" had .e or nu �bfr ee n A.sIistant CIn:ulaUon Man"",r � fls American prtnclpJe of freedom . of Jeanette at f • Ue pin. an .piwn lap. &ad ... be .... · CIan.- peec . even for Prv:l. 'Ibe,. haft Faculty A'dv1aen O. J. 8tuen &rid K. J. Bona .1I'"U "'eartn, a la.r,e diamond -.rl-- "Mortensen," uJd Vota�, ..that Is .a bd .tarieCI downsWrs Ute,. met the saddedh .. beautiful Ie&! to mJ' book ' or nne�lamond you have. Where did you plnt_ co� .p. . 1tnee .... : "'Be� precious memOrtft;. . . Jet IU" fore 1 re do�n, I ..... like to "'-y o.. A. �. . " Well," explained Mortensen, ".hen af!qutnt ,oa with Ute trW..." Now that the school year is over. our faculty members can at

AMoclate EdItor

Raul KoD8eD

JotmlQ'� . meaa

FWl: . "Yo. StAte""

Thanks To The Ad,,?iniltrdion



last breathe a �igh of relief, before !aking up �ore work after fwo �eeks. Throug� this :ear of excess strain, o.ur instructors have �rne up ,exceedmgly well, none of them breaking down �nder the burden. We are grateful to them for their great kindnes$. to. u�, and their will ingness to understand and help in our many trivial problems. Also. we thank our faculty members, froni the bOttom . of our hearts. for the very great monetary sacrifices. madt: just i.n order that our educations might be carried on wi thout interruption.

Our greatest appreciation, however. goes di rectly to our good friend Dr. Tin�elstad. He has done so much for us in a silent and !Jnostentatious manner. that we cannot neglect to thank him heart­ ily for his many s.ervice:;. We students, too, are anxious about" �ur school and hope, just as much .as anyone. that we wil l · be able�'to greet our faculty intact next September.

Stude�ts. Take .Notice: Thil Meanl You


Students. do you know what you are doing? Do ou know that your representative body has established a new precedent this spring by electing the edi tor and business manager. of your school paper for for which you are responsible. Do you know t�at it has set date. tution with regard to elections without subjecting them to your approval . and that the constitution is the' basis of school policies for which you are responsible. Do you know hat i t · has set date. place, and named commi ttees for your school picnic? I f you know these things, how did you find out? By hearsay?' If you don't know them. why don't you? Does not the Board of Control represent you? Have you not a righ,t to know what goes on at its meetings? The constitutign shquld more clearly define the rights and pow . ers of the Board and of the Associated ·Students. where their duties and p?wers overlap, and whe �e t�ey are distinctly separate. Fur . ther, It should become. constItutIonal to read the mInutes of the Board of Control i"n Associated Students meetings so that the stu · dents may know just what their representative body is doing.



. . \.be. tJDtt.ed

·of· my. birth."

for a �I:�� re:�ed-r:dha�th:a:'�teIJ '


WFteued to meet '""� -LA" .Weltllng: "I was unkloUi



ho� today." }YhaJen: "An a<:<:1�ent?"

-LA- . ". reali, don't �" mllCb." V. M."'bncil:t: "Oh. no, ,... r. Peck at •

V.n LNYen: "Can JOG sene com �!" expenses.'"

Ne. Maid :




ellber -J.""

waJ'" r.

New Mald . . Yes � , "


.pln. and






�eJ II

W"Oft L


S ' The 80M: On your way to mith and Sons you will JmM' A too�au field. pe . slr. Yes, : o fully) Ray L (h The HoM: Well. PMll It. -�lfocbOn: "Wrltlnc" borne'" Willie S.: "Yeah." Jackie: "Mind makln&" a carbon'" -LAMr. �Iand: "Well. after 1 d�e I want

Dickiea: "Why?"

-LA"Whal lnN"Ct ""Iolree


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""a",n't"""�a t.o&d oa riot to .... "

Mrs. Ma.n o. eoGkJes'" aid Mn. � Yln,I,.. "H_ man, ten JO. tbal poDte bo,..


Omes mat



�a:';/��re��.,.rk landing. on mount "'The






B� �,�:rn:t� I .

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Q... lity �nlttln, CO.

S.�...� .0., ·S.-:laI.,

"iB \ It ... St., TKoml,

. _ .... -+ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

j p-t����te �ining u� ANY TDD: AT

�:r;m.::.. T....t


! Pork


and Coffee UI'

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... .. . , t--------....-










" Gee. mister:' she returned. "I alri't seen a paper tor three dAYS:'


b-n Pac. Aye"\! "



m nl ht hl�se�Y:���ed :;; re'::ln l� a


Portable �I�n, BllPP:u.- '

. Phone 0

don't do �b thin..'" . "Bat I .. hfto. znotbto.r," .. w Ah'ln ddenll 'f� IJ, ". know .bere .be Ile-ept them." � .

Phon•. 'roadway 412.9

Brooltd.l • .Cro... ry 'I'BE 8"I"OU THAT lIAS' rr

��� the

A very tall. lanky youth with dark brown hair and blue eyes. who 15 the . presldent or his graduating class, the I representative of one 15tudent unit on butl.res. Is?" asked Mr. the Bot:rd of Control, and. a member "Oh, I tnow;' aa1d Harry of the choir. ThIs yollng man 15 actlv- "It's a nanny IOatl" ely lntere.sted In sports. being a twoyear goU let.terID,llln �. t.hIa year, a T member of the be.slr.etball squad, as'well U belng the rint ping-pong champion ot P. L. C. and parUclpaUn, 1n .the tennis tournamenL. He tias been a stu­ . dent bere for several years ·an.! 15 • � resident of Parkland.




IlDd Re!trimg

r··-· · · -:����:�� · ·. · · :l KIMBALL'S

L.U T a E R A N B R O T B E RH O O D

����n��:.:::;: ::: recdft!d at ihe bome of a nelfbbor.


two years she ha.s taken part In d m b r I n view of . the fact that the�e is no Saga. being �ublishe.d this �:, : ���:r ::U��O� :e c:: year. the Moonng Mast staff WIshes to dedicate thIs-theIr lasl commltteeA.

During your college years you are preparing yourself for meeting life's problems. They are years of hard work. m�,:,gled with pleasure.


a��-: .


town on aeco t t . h t railroad caUS: �y ;eU h: which wu ttlll �n I lli d ren14. At supper �� _ e urn eel0:the wattHer P pa: "Well. the deacon trlnuned me on a horse trade once:'

you to marry Dea.con Bro�..

� ���� : � r;;�




. Ounhlld .L. Un book.lteeplng.' cla.lliJ ) : "How ShAll 1 book the amount with which the Cashier abllconda?:' Bardon' 'Put It dOwn U 'runnln,


With All Your Learning




issue of the 1 932-33 school year-to the 'Graduating Classes.


. Westllna:: . "No" Jwt I!atchlng up on sleep,:'

To The �.du.'e. leasl noorlabmea'''' Th is is the season when we must bid farewell to a�umber of our Marth,a: "The moth. It eat. bolea." schoolmates who are about to pass another milestone in their lives. As they leav'! us. we ·thank. them for th� foundations which they HAVE Y-OU MET? h�ve laid for us .to build upo�. for the guidance which theY have A merry You", lady. medium alzed. gIven to us, hoping that we may follo.w. We know that they go "..lth bro1lFn hair dimples and a forth in the Christian spirit to take theIr places in the world. They "ery InfecU01.lS .smile : She Is ' rather cannot fail to spread cheer and happiness where ever they go, and lump And belng a prospective in so doing. they must reap a harvest of cheer �d happiness for �sch i m� " ""ears glasses. She Is a oo themselves as well. We hope that they may live (fheir lives in such member of graduaUn, class ill h '(, be said of each of them. "Well done thou good and e l ! a . a :�s�: �� �e �l�;�




1 1 07 Broadway


Only choice l.m. V••I. P....;

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.. ".._. ".


.ComplimentS of



. _ . , � -........ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --_�. ,





MAY 26, 1m




P, �. c.

R turn. Frog Farm Keeper of the Mast Majo� Inspect-. Jea�.M(I"e . �Olmer . . . . MlNcot r-�t:u .oodertng all Rmbeen you Han . We bOUeed tbat: lioloey Class Visih Klrstenhort ' , ' a!!ter who -s "WTI.tI.... t.h1s ww Delta Rho Gamma pis 5Ul'fll.y "Yes. but, what .bout· 'Major?" �- te (tue ' cr:re�1etI •• the Veterinary hv ; , . rn�. eat Manor, N'ear Roy . ? U COlumn� . you a en you ou,ht .to c1�Iy. but with no U.tUe � of HosPital, Major to home. a lot: returned d�p �C't:m. �eton.Mluje put �he 00_ "here he 'shall alwa.p remaln� . A lund. Wal� French picked Jane WUllams a To .get an Idea of the Importancr: of ::ave n!d � I� :r:� for ,WhatI � bunch of violets on the frog farm: the frog lndWltr)', ml!'mbers of Mr, � ' JUw!SSO :' ::: ��� w. portant question �f,?re the. f.MOClA� stArt� by �e&I.'I"'Marte Fowltr &nd VlrFloyd KnutRn Is rraduaUnw from bl,h Hlghby's Biology class �'ent I...,t ThUl1l- te e Mh� tbee n... . the Students of Paelfl.. LU!.heMl.n.'c �heee In �Inla Mahncke. provkled for a conar, school �f1nt.lly) ; day aftem�n to K.lrstenhort Manor. : �: ° .., �� ;��':Uto he:! ��Ir last �Ula.r �eeun,. qy'the year Inoculation, and '�uma'ne Soc'.11.1 r�" Frances Andre�'S. smBI!' is retUng .b_lg. a large frog and toad farm near Mc- hOOII .., e yeste�ay. 'We t dtMrt hlm now. After a conl!.ullation of sc�1 ot�l. .when he's 'a t the Humane Socl(ty. ger than ever; and dais to decide �hr.ther or .Qot studenta Kenna. \Vull. Students were sho.''''n SCBut :, . lumn' Isn.t hers thill .week. he needS aU of w." . Mr. Plotre <ls fickle: he �lIowed to have a dOl the over the grounds of the larte farm., And And .truucodon t Uke what 13 said In . Reoognldng hill new duty as 'presl- should Jack Hudson Is ItudYtng harder than Dr, Kirsten explained to them many of 11 � · request �al lrant.ed, under'co,,: one. Jwt to be quiet a�t It. You 'dent of the group. Clarence Lemmln, 'popular ' that: he not' be pt.rmll� lnaIde wual 1(jwt for impreSsion); d ilion the habits. and peculiarities of the thll we Intend pan everyt:lody worth. made a. moU.On that Major be adopied the bulldlng. [f the mUcot Is allowed Anna M kkelsen is grtevtng about ie&v- frogs, Ing P.L.C .; ;. Interesung amOng the many thlnp pann!nl", an� Ir YO"'dk1n�t.get panned, �the �OOI mUcot.. �ud w�re the lnslde. he must be taktn away. In ful. paMed almost unanimoWlil. miment of the agreement. of the ItU' Choir members are kicking harder than noUced on Ille farm �..., the fact that Just co��er. yourself ,panned .for not "Aytll" . But-moreIt trouble. ever; "Then, who'l rolng dents. with !lChool IIdmlnlstraUon oln... Dr. KIrsten, a noted na.tur!!.llst.. has bring worth panning, Ckt' lt? Sian SCor.e appreciates one Mba N� .5e\'eral pet frogs on hiS desk. These. . Well s¥ on the profa.. The oth� to feed him? 'can we take the.�oney ctals.; . eaeh one of ..bleb had a lI'OUId 'day Mr. Hong lAid he could plet out his out of the'Student Body treasury?" Mks . Ca.rl Mi..rtJn had a blrthday; talk. a.ct and eat for the studen .. on hat from among 20 others In. !to dart Jean (hyphen) Marie. Many hands went Porath hates to leave PaUl Mornm..sen their fann, 'or. Kirsten and histpart. room. Now wouldn't· enjoy havln, up at this. On J. C. K.· � Preul II H.r�, but Claren Is the Mons ce . behind; ner m�e small clay Islands and Mr. PIIuetft' pick out Mr. Hona-'I .hat honored one who will be priYilqed to an.::. offldal.,--- lnlpector, Mary Louise Preus has become quite a houses for sale. In wblch frogs and by mistate, tee hee. fetd �ur achoolmucot.. _ Whtn the prob_ COming as speaker' tor B.�alaUJ"N,te &en' ' .speaker: . Ih-e � house pets. According And thezr-thei-e wa.s the tI e Jnn lerM relatift to·the keepln, of Major �-ell Ices at �e people tan �I.g·&hots) appear In to Dr, Kirsten. the frog Indwtn:- Is ( hyphen) Marte . uaUon, Re•. J. ? K... Preua, ovlr a�e car� Wl!'te dl.scussed, ueryone offered to help� cretary'rad "Iissy·pant." and no socks: gro'llling "And may soon be a profl�le line, all readY to I nve for Portland, Prof, X....ler volunteered a kennel, and u . of �uc:aUon of the No",� . utl1eran C:hureh . of America. arrl� �Y '5 walUng for the school ple- business. when she remembered "Oh, I gotta go Harold Anderson gave th� � of his Lyes \ terday . '!Iornlng ff'$Xl1 �inneapol.Q. nlc: Students were tatl!'n to the'farm by !)act to say goodby i.o my aunt.." And car to haul It over to school. Is h13 h�dqua.rters: Althouah The .schools' sweethearts \aU of them. members of the class 'IlI'ho ha4 cars. where� do' you su pj)OS4f she...... �d hl!'r John Van Lellven took & ,roup of which · have �n Mlmewh&t . dbrup'fl �Ia.·,ses and some others) &re takln, their The whole of Thurs:l.ay e.afternoon was auntie ? Why students ' t the Tacoma HUm!l(le Society. of course er o In . . where dear old ' . h , because ot examinations, Reverend ' . lut strolls on the lovers' l&ne to the devoted to tbIs first B la Lrip to be Jumped at the ' BU.t ,ll!Lve you. he�rd about f. xo� fence at !.h� nrs�MAjor crass this year. lOcking potIt' sight 'of friends from' PreUllI has made asI thomuth'I ex� taken by the Biology h · C. Th we were There Isn't �U�h mort for us to nouce. f rtuna get· t e . - I -�;1 t:��t:�:a��t?ne�� � "� q . i} ��:t:} t: t:-��ca��:na: 'to=:� ( !; p, L. so goodby til next year. to be quiet: On his little hike badt ��:� �;tr:�I�bra��: :f;��� �= ��.: upon ,hls return. While he II In Park. Chapel Gleanings who) J land, he will \/islt\hli brother. Paul A. to his private &partment In �he bact he caret.aJr._r .. J3 for him. And unle Jean· ' . ss The people of the Old Testament slipped on a banan& peel left therl!!' by Freda Hendrick-son to Be fl�ld agent 'at P:L.C. and hll could hardly understand the CUH0f!i' Opheim, and tore a hole in bll Marie .had taken th� Initiative. ht" prob· Preus.' son Rolf. who has attended 8Chool Cerman 01 u b PreSI'de�t times meaning of the proPhecl�: Ad.a�nd suit.. cthe coat ptlrt), so that all the ably "ould have gotten our.!'.fIl)or. Ar· 'here thIs fetor, .-Eve did not understand: �bMl.ham d id stuff fell out of his pockets. Boy. That Freda Hendrickson 'IlIil1 preside not understand: nor did Lulah nor the his phl'slognomy �rmlllion when th08e O\'1!r the German Club next fall was other prophets really grMP the plan studtnts 'IlI'ho had been trying to Itudy R , . C,. Forman G'Ives Camp Wil�_!�..July 23 ...27 tl of &n c n ' Characte� Jngton. At Drape�'s P.a.rk. Del Moina!!, WMh���d :t ��: :: :���;� ��I�� :r� Z::-;;:�U:!��'\.essel "'hlch Is to be ���::gS�:ra��:I: �:: =e:n)��� Talk on -the annual summer Bible InaU· flccn arl!!' : Kathryn Johnson. president: used. no matter how be&utlful. mwt be Ing about In chapel for the ' llL'It two . ' tute will be held July 23 to 27 ....tth Dr". R e v. C. E. Lucky and Rev N. M. WlIRunbeck. vlce·presldent: Junet kept clean. Thus the \'essel unto fa\'or months. These absent-mlnded profes. Yivisaker Allo Addresl Stu- Conrad Bergendoff. dean of Augustana . lIarn Pflueger. aecn!t&ry; And Oscar In thl!' chureh must at lOme time be sars l ' h An�::� t:=� n �:l:':�� ���n�� �t��!..�I�-;.! denh"' l�hapel 'roir�ms bsd: thll rear for Cllx, the h&d a "gemuet. 'IlI"7n :e: t��: lt� =i���:YheIP' It:s been b old t��g. toht;;' to baM a.eo;;. Among t oul:slde speakers who of the Lutheran Bible Institute of St.. Ueher NachmJttar" on Frtday. May 19. ful to man to be 'Invited to Partake of dainty �retary: ut have addre the students In chapel Paul guest llpeaten and lnatructora. aroun a.s at the home ot Mrs. Bondy. 'IlI'here they the peace' that Christ offers.-RlIJ1llItad. lan�a .. tch the fun flext year "'hen Clancy camp. Is open to,anyene who wtshtl recently � R, C. f'orman. educaUonal The decided to gi\'e two dolllll'li to the Pa- All that natural man has to Uve for (that hollow·�ndlng name Just tits adv�r Luther of t Puget Boundl!:.Power and to come and Invitee paJ-Ucuiarly clllc LutheMl.n College . endowment Is the favor. Influence. honor and him) LemmIng s�rts telling Kathryn Ught Compa Rev. C. Lucky. of l.c&guers of all synOlb under the leader· y: fund. power. whIch ("Buse furious competition Johnson � what to do. Ihlp Of. !.he f.u�t.ana Synod lea,uen!J. Paige, N. D.; a d Rev. N. M, Ylvls&ker, and enmity. hatred, bl�hed, and . but It·s true. Freda. ... execUtl� 5CCretary of the Interna.tlonal The eoet fOt' & ....eke 'a camping Ia .,.00 e\'en' 'IlI·aMl. However. U man II Chrl8t. It'ns funny. Shirley Hecht and Paul PTfu.� and down, meala l.ncIu ed. lme d h ou g e e gu h rt dtl'Crlbed In this lI'CC'k'S "Have \'0.1 ���� :=:�l��S�' � :X��:�� ;� c� � i :.,: ; p � r::: ��. :: =:� t��t ��: y��. ,=��: ,::: ;�: ;�Ursday, o a t r � Met". bits. ¥ay 18. student body day, gave an men up. whose motto was len'lce. and nearly blew the whole' them lab to that Perhaps It was because she feared �dress on character building. slatlng whose banner wa.s 10ve,-POurrer. e for examlnatlon.� cI t were The New gelUng o<:! OII that ea.c:h man should'be an In"tUvldual Whether we are doing our best or PA RONIZE MOORING MA T T different from all of hll fellowmen; S living an evil life. the wwlng of reo comfort, o A a I o T ' r_ _ _ D I _ VE · E l "S S --: , �::� � :: ;: ��� :.� : a:� R:��I� �O����:'�I:�;� �:��� :�I::.r:,I�� �::�t ;; ivt�����:� �: _ _ h l Uons of honor on thll tion to . el poII. mil ec should not lean on otherl. that he e become vessels unto honor In 8 ROOKDALE paper. Accept our best 'IlIishes for a should �t the facta. exerelse good We have 'eml Chrlst·s klngdom.-Lucky. ·BARBER SHOP Now we can undefStand what even .oIucceMful year. and. Incidentally. we judgment. be courageous. and be cheer· the diSelples did not see th&t !.he son hope' that the depresslon.wllI be over luI. Mr. Forman said !.hat by follDW­ Brookdall!' , of Mary really re{ltemed to God's so Clarence t:ake In the pennies and Ing thest SllggClltoN one C&n stt&l:n Individuality which wtll make him out· _ . grace and brought us to sal\'atlon.- Hatel can spend them. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "Mr. Hlghby 'l\'as so hopped up about ltandlng I'n the wlIrld of mediocrity, 1P.""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.""""'''i'''.� Pflueger. ge a C n nd u I M I EROW'S h:�' �; I!ke �: � �t�!������:� �� co � w::��: :'IlI��e �:�I����: !�� = ��� ::�t�� ��: �; for the message that each man should be a Jewelers � flee of the Lmt""ln bJa.sphemy.-Ram- reAlly braln·teaslng questlOllll were so \'cMeI IInto honor In the kingdom of biology exam. KIa studenl.a � st�rl, ? I 105 Broadwity � The ent.rance of Christ Into our lives gl&d !.hat they were ,olng to give him Ood. TACOMA ..i. will make fit for His use and wllllng a new golf dub. but. decided aaslnat It, Revcrend Ylvlaater addreMed ·the . �""'"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' -----' to work for tHe f.urtherance of His tearing that his conAclence might tell student.. after h1I return from the .-,. ' ....... . t kJngdom.-Lueky. ... him thI.t ,"It bribery because marks D�strlct Luther Le&8ue conventlcn In We have . · abirtAaroa..l K in Arrow', . · Sllverton" Oregon, on the pla.ce of the . tion If Martin Luther did not.h1ng else �e out so soon. . Sh irtl, Here;.)'our� D.hl Grocery Co, tOl' mAn" he Ihowed th&t man II When school opened. Frttz Tayeta Cl)rIaUan Itudent In the world, and (Im.gine) for Taylor . Mrs k mlltoo a.ccompllsh. may he whtch shirts good the cli�6fund have to man that alone, faith bY ustine(! J 1 ----,co·ed and Mted her for She ar· should tear and love God, And that ra at mod_erate GOtt. PARKLAND PATRONIZ E thereby God's commandments become . nge<! to meet him &t the reglstra�1 office Picture hl.8 surprise when Dean AoOCUK.l ... SanfOrized. . MOOItINC MAST eMy,-Pflueger. Hauge greeted him with a smile and ADVERTISIRS and they come in e. l e on dbt� II!ted 1m t h to . stgn h I � . KlkSCHiiAUM trulin, tw�tooe bluea, . II an , ardent tennis and Rev: bmstad to Relinqunh Mr. . Bect CIlltoM T ...... 2.',"h Mit " Tacom. Minnterial Duties swimming . . . . . brown. and . ...... en!.husl..,t.., He played RV- So, Tacoma Undert.�inl Co. c.:.,m:; u�r $1.95. . ' . took then and tennls of hard'lets ' . Rev. A. �. Ramstad, temporary pas. eral ..... •. S..... .H.b 5036 ScM.Ith U.,ion Ave, DICKSON ••OS. out his !!!COG.rt.nd J 122 tor at OUr ��our's Luthtran Ch,urdt, a shower before making 'letiaM 6 Pal."uti 17th and J St.reeU In Tacoma , wlU be nomlca quiz.. May we commend him on 912 holce of st1mulw and the t. It l u o e r : � , : ;:t �� �esA= == :::' � I. a HAN SO��ELRY i =��:.���oct� a ::::e� �inD��ta':: muCh mMe PACIFIC LUTHERAN COLLEGE installed u reru,lar pUlOr of the that !.hey could have sold Reasonable Prtces .... . 1� church. Prof. Ramstad has been len.. than they did. Shirley Hecht 'WU self/ announces its had that ....rbe . r taat.e appointed I. Wash. 7 capacity tng St. � 11th m1n1ster1al a So. In eburch , the 25 with the � of quanAnnual Summer Session ��"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,o"''''''';''''''''''''''�'''''''''''H,,,,,ii :':: �::: :em=�raM;:; :;et.h1ng to do June 1 2-August 25 . . We understand that Tryg RunsVold ,befort.. The new pastor, whOse bome 1& in feels .ua:"ht.ed becawe all the other Special courses offered for Elementary and Junior 10 tbed r deee been have "s.haeters" in onWnecl. be D� will SiOUJ: Fa.ll&, 8. . High School teachers: Credits earned apply towarc:f . home �on aDd wUl "Have You Met"'. Don't wony, 'I'Ii'I, b1S . life certificat�. 00me tmmedia.teJ.y to Tacoma.. accept- "only empty barrela rattle," and be-­ d��. Courtesy of First Term, Jupe. 1 2-July 1 9 · ing the call in our Ba.�'1 Church. aidl!lS. you defy

Rambling --Aro�d

From H�'man" Society a.






' was
















_ _ _ _






Arocliks !







I r::======�;:;:;�


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P ;fi A �;P�. OK�.�"�� StM��' ; '::T�K;; om"�W�� '"'�!l:==:l:'.:'::K:: C :":'===�

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Peterson StUdio


C-.-cW ,.,..... . .,

'nD .... INTYRE Btdy. 2621 114 St.

We w.,t to futtjll w.,ts. .at .t LEHMANN �.FINISHI� P.rk.I.nd Merantlie

poIr ,0d.y service �"',¥OUr photo .work no ej1n cost � the work is done by experi� wortunen CompIrny

Second 'T�rm. July 20-�ugust 25

For information, address .' Philip E. Hauge, DireCtor of Summer School• Parkland. Wash.


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MAY . 1m


At ete,

Glads Again Beat c. P� 8. in GoU, 11-7

'Swede' Willard, Mo�ntaineer, lrutr.tctor, hl I. Nudeu. 0/ '33 Grid S'/llad .


;;,;,�;.:I"U""w=S. :���� �; cOUeP of Ptlpt. 'BouQd .e·lbac:k t.hle IMIOD, b, defMUng

Coach Chon Faces Job of Cettinl New Line; " ackfield to Remain Intact; . �an, Prospects Reported


� Pa(:1fic Luthtr.n OoU�m.1dcet the



the r.ogera: Ii to -7. 'I'ht ma� Played on the H "t\land�\ Shennim. Q. P. B.� anc1 8tulrn �d' Lehmann. P. f:.. 0 tied tor medal bOn- . .




coma. "S,,·tde" trraduated from U1ere In 1930. beln, captain' of �h the slty football and basketballbo leafIU dur­ Ing his 5Cnlor year. Arter graduation he attendtd Washington Stille at Pullman for year. during which he \\'on a vanity football lett�r. Aside from all these scholastic 8th-



mountaln�rin'g partl'es to a helght.of 14.928 teet. On CIllIiona he hM be-en cue parties. In the '::'::�:"'::: : '�:�:n� photograph. "S9..tde" 1s ;hl the Congressionl'l.l mtdal bravery "'Ith which the Q(j\'emment honored him. been one of a small party cued the body of a U. of from a deep crevice at the A.ilde from his experiences on Mt. coma. "Swede" has cilmb!!d nearly The losses of Carl Martin. Ted Cron­ the �ks of the Northwest. Including quist. Ttyg\'e Runwold. BIU Whalen. Mt. Hood In Oregon and Mt. Baker in John Fadne!lS. Carroll JI'I.cobson and' Washln,ton. ' With such a prom1slfl8' captain as Stan SCOl't'-almost the complete line_ _ = = = _ _ _ ___ = ha\'{' caused Cpach Olson to look for . r·.. .��"����·�"���"'�·��. ���i'�· . � ne'" material. Among SOnle of the � good prospects In mind Is Bill Shore. "I G�I"O"",·� ReCords now 35c § ; Popular La� Sheet Mualc 25c i fo;�e�:t�����je��Op���:�I;oa�t�: � TED B ��:�d��!C CO. j will retum. the coach ('xpects great 7 g �...."""..''''����..�,�����.�... ...... ...,J ��� �o�:� �=� ��t:;n. �e�: Jack. V Shuster are returning back­ l,," :� d rF==""'====";:"'il� ,�"' �. ...hile Bob Levinson and Willard. end� are Printers to come blLek.



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To mark the birthday of Carl Mar­ tin. the "Shack-era". Carl Ttygve RunavoJd. Clifford Westord. Lerback. and Clarence Lemming . a party lut Th)lnday evenlna·







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. Kathryn 'JohneOn It··the poeaeseor Of shiny n�w Kroyden .nlbllck .f. reward for being the mOlt excellent IOlfer of . her 'sex at �lflc ' LU�eran . COllete. In order to win .the club. ahe took a


12th &;

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IMn I, Runner-up In Cir'" lattle


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