1990 1991 v 21 no 1 4

Page 108

Pacific Lutheran University SCene

December 1 990

A lumni

1 00 Al u m n i Receive Cente n n ial Recog n ition hey represe nt a l l age g ro u ps. T hey are men a n d women from d i verse c u l t u r a l backg ro u n d s a n d career fields. They are t he 1 00 a l u m n i of Pacific Lutheran U n iversity hon ored t h i s fall in observance of t h e 1 00t h a n n iversary of the u n iversity. "The focus of this a l u m n i centen n ial rec- . ognition is upon those who exem p lify t he diversity that is now PLU, as we head into our second ce ntury of service," said PLU . Alumni Association president J ames Hush­ agen, a Tacoma attorney. "It is the i ntent of the PLU Alu m n i Associ­ ation to make a stateme nt. on the occa­ sion of the 1 00th birthday of the u n iversi­ ty, about the d i versity of o u r gradu ates who take seriously their respo n s i b i l ity to serve their fa m i lies, co m m u n it ies, c h u rch­ es and hu man ity as a whole," he ad ded . The honorees were selected from the vast a l u m n i const i t u e n cy outside the emp loy of PLU that had not yet received a l u m n i recogn ition. "As we honor these persons who have b rou g h t h o n o r to t h e i r a l m a m ater thro ugh their ach ieveme nts, leaders h i p a n d involvement i n their comm u n ities, we are a lso hono ring all PLU al u m n i wl�ose l ife focus is beyo nd themselves a n d toward the betterme n t of h u m a n ity a n d the world around them," he added. The 1 00 hon orees re p resent a m i cro­ cosm of PLU's 25,OOO-plus a l u m n i . The Oct 1 1 banquet hon ori ng the a l u m ­ ni was a h igh l ig h t of PLU's cente n n i a l homecom i ng weekend.


James W. Aageson

( n i....lIIry. poliri..:arscicm:c:)


Jerold Armstrong

A.uiSl.1nt Professor of Bibliol Srudics, Concordia CoJkgc:, Moorhead, Minn.; also CHARIS FA-um i a Center (Moomcad) and North Dakou Statc Univcrsiry (Fargo)� board member, CH ARlS Summer Theology Conference; Who'" Who in Biblical An:hxology and Bibk Srudiu; Joctoratc from Un iwniry of Oxfo rd, England, 1984; author of P.lfit u. Bod eian Library. O.f rd; numerous 3rtKks. m1C\l1'!i

l."n l." l





and prcscnurions..

Arli. M. Adolf

rhy�i(ian. Family PUl1:k:C; AJ.,isory Board. Colorado Baby Your Bahy Campai@;n. :10 SI;l(e'o\;dc muhi·media program; Boud of TruR«� and A lLi n Dirc(tnr o((h( �pannK'nl f mi )' Mcdi.:irK. R05C MedicI! Ccnc r; Board Mcmhcr, Colorado A,,:adcmy nf Famil)' Phrst..:i-;ans; (()rmer chu rch orpni.... , (h,lir din:l"tO( Olnd

o n l


(ullm.:il member.

John Amend (cdll(.ni..n )

1 960



Musil.: Teacl\cr, Di�lrin Fine An:; Coordinator. Highlinc (Sunk, Was h. ) Publi, Schtxlh" sin..:c 1966; Choir Director, Glendale F."·angeli..:al Lutheran Chur..::h. .sin..'" 1960; former

communitY ..::hoir I,hm..1or, 10 ,·nr.�; former prufC'sionai band musi..::i�n, ynD; eXlensinn raJuOIte in${I'\II."tnr lor Ccnn4l1 Wa!lihingwf1 Sta.le Uni\'(uir),; (�ndid3te for pf'C'SoiJcnl. W35 h i ngton Music Edu.:ator'� AsStXiOilion, 1982.






' hl � lnr\' �

Stoll.: &!nJtnl ( W�·,h 20th 0,,( ). ,ira:c 198�; S(.1fc R':-jlN"Vi'l1Ilol[TU', 1 9 "1\ �K, Prop.'nI'i.')' M ...m J � .l'r, '\�fll"W Comp.lm, (:l'flTldh..l, w..�., � Sck� h,>J hy Am.�'ri�,lIl (:vuP1I 11 ( I( )'()ung l'ohTK..ll l..r.:.lJl'T' lut {Hilt u f lU.jSR. I<IX;; nU'�l.nJII1�' YoulI� :"":1'1 III .'\m( nun, 1987; R.urtl MCI11h1.,.-, IIIJu�n..d f)nt'l ol'fl\l U[ C, u"P, ufl,oo,J' ('oum)'; !-1 1 r 1 11 (r Ro;.rd �kml'\:r. I.o:I'.oI� ( "lllll'\


Wu h ington Stare SuperintenJent ()f Pul1li..: tlJscru.. t·ion, since 1989; I.A:gh1Jriv( �rni"lisr, liS Hou " of R...:prciiCnt3ti\1..'s, Suh .. :nmmim: c (10 �.km .. 'TlUT\', Sc: � ( ln� ..and VO(Jtl(mJoI r'Atu(.Hion, 197\) · 8)«. 1 961 7!:1; i......l�hingmn SUf(" Ib.r A)'�\x.:i;r,[irrn. SI1I(C 1987; nUD"K'H' U ' pnltl.' }'�lnn.3.i and "'ummuni()' orl!-lnil.Jtil1n�; A ....'J.rd fwm , ·�litIl1.o\1 A�'''!KJ,m(]n ofChaptcr One CoorJln.ItOrS tflr c:\cmplo1r)' I,\. C H k on n:�ud1("lril.J.tior. ofChapc-er

BnICC T. Bjerk.


; h l " l n�'�" ,h.lmln,'( r.HII JIl I




Judith (Sannerud) BiI1inp




f �'Jul..";aliun I

Pmti:ssor of Chemistry and AS)(M.:"I.h: Dl'p;mmcm Hl"3.J. M'Jnt3n.:l SUI&: Unin:rsiry; Chcmr�[I')' I c�r J,ol h()� 61 pnJ(cssion.11 pr�)4;nla(i()n.\; 82 rutl1i,:atinm; more [ han 55 n:)o(.".1n-h �r:1nts; hn no(!.:J fiJI" Jistinb'UI)hcJ tC'Jehing J.nd tJ.l"ulf)' J.(nio·cmcnr; fl lu nJ( r (Ii" (In\.' (If the '()r,�c:<or runnin� _�umm('r inSlinltC) (III" h igh !o,..:hool [(.Kh.:rs in the tl.ltio". ,,:on s l rJ IlI to U.S. A fl lm il" En"'rb 'Y CUfTIm i�:si t ln. L.J� Alam(b s.,.-il'nlifil- Uh(lrlwri(!I lnd mln y

Neil Amondson

Founder, UIC 10<" ,oItn, III" 1 965; anufactu r and distribu· tor of food [c Siin r; in !olNmcnu, 1990 :u.k:oi: S 1 5M ; daughter (()fn�nin in Shor�'ood, III., West Germ.any; Board of Regenu, PLU; Boud of Directors., Thrtt Ri,,'cD Manufactu re A..s.ocia· lion; ChOl i an, American ChcmicOII So.,:iC1)' J�iC! &ction, 1 97 } · 13; Will Count''' F.n\;ronmcnu.1 COnlrol lkwr,d. 1978 · 82; PrCiidcnl, H" kory Slate Bank, Nn.. Lenox. III., 1982·83; Co­ c hOli Oln, Sc. JU�mond [)jO("c�n Fund JUiwns Dri"'e, 1988.

Gerald C. Bayne ( eoo ( ;)tjnn I




( c n(,nli:olIf\'1


[',u1na, s p.. .,, ...:uli'll 111 (0'1 latl' 11,W. U!1'1 1 111C'h.il) trJn'J.\·Utll'IS ;lnJ 11 1 ./ l p ml·, tt.idddi. Willum", �q'hH �11{j \\'Jlb hl\� lJ.\� timl, 'lie ". � 111 )1.. r, «uJ lcd ,It (hfcln.l �'J[rlt; pte, 'ir�1 ",l1Id nnl L'nh..::r\!n', Ei1ld.md 1<)71 ;" !-orTiln bw ..Ink h i linn. Oon",l..I �, \·o(]rh�·i." . U�, Dl',(rt\( ( "'Urt . \\\',rC:ln \.... 'hlrm�,I()n. 1976 77

1,�I J11(lnlK [k' I.."J'Jpm":lu CIlUn(ll: nllTllCnlU), ":I'I� .ll.lhl[l�" ',

Ruth M. i l r..:n, 11

( Elli.) Andu.on


Ctllllnd. lI.S. ,\Ir hlrl�'; U.S, nt:kn"",;Al r �\rr.u.hl.." t , ... [ 1t1 l\�1\ ( li r \T h'O'llk I i i hold �lh.:h .m .1lI.1..:lu: p n<; r) • • tnH· ] 9 M, l\:r'H� 1 ) i rl..",- Ij,' �llJiIJll.\! I.m.'l l'n)p.rJm� ()tl;�1,: Stnnc,: 'I�' I1dll\'� Ill 1li.1!lo;'( O�nll'.illl,n , OHi!.." !.: q( �t:(fl'(J.n orl1ef..: \\:. . I lJ}\fl H7: (1m' 'icru(I'-:lI)t' bd,lItrJI J� rl·(m.·n" \\. r h NAT<' ",\1UII)' U !lwan lltf!, �n'l11\d l. l\1n�hI.:J � n lt' 1.: 1T1l\\!I..:.,. 1 979 �U. Rrtln:h' StJ' \tt:d. d I kl�" �. M...rir. 'rh " I\ \I.: r \ ( .. '\k�\.I I, f\\o'(l luk 1:.:.11 ti;r"ll" �; 2� :-l'-" F ',IT.k-(,



G. lam<5 Capclli { rdu� ...tll'l"'

1 9;"

(]"" 'f!f P,ut S� 1'w1l 11 Ol!IIfTrd �T.H 'lfnl jilml moJ,l r..wlr "!I'l�' 1 l}�9: m Wfll', 1 ()lJ{i; l rn:",Jcnt l;-,kH. J 4- � l�\q ul AI1:..1 ( lumh('T of Cni Jlc\Uon XI I irc'-'tnr . .. 'jl " " -.ll C,,!�ti·n.:r c nrt. • •I ,-\,\lnllll '.lt.: I IUII , 1 9\01.7 90. f,II"''' (I! ��: Siluon,li Q;- UTlI . ( ')\In. d un ""• .J.tlI ITI,II · Pn:'tlIlknl, 1987; RCgJ4 fI \' Ph'''''.\(' , ,�ml,-n � .ln \ ' .... U H 1I \ J ] A" ,1\ \r.�:..:: "....,(; \.1 W):Iohll'lt'HloO 1 1 . 1 \J�",, iJhlJn, tq82·8� Outlr.lnJJO � j., ,nll\n fi ll �\tr�'r;-l D!uhd �l1 !" �lJ llJ", 11 . dnr'1 ml, 1979; 01 I'rnlJcm �7' 5 ')M l . ,:,,,rknl IJkc J>:Il I\,·n. lin", 1972 P, Inr..ll ,If� I.!l q�· (lq'"H\{/..ltllln... � u rn \ h';lfT1U1 1 , rt\JRlD" t

Cente n n i a l Alu m n i Recog n ition: Excell enceJ Diversity And Se rvi ce By Jim Hushagen preSident, PLU Alumni ASSOCiation


PLU's C en ten nial is a "on ce-i n­ a-l ifet ime" event. M ore than two years ago, you r Al u mn i Assoc ia­ ti on began looking for a way to celebrate the Cente n n i a l by hon­ ori ng both the Assoc iation's con­ stituencies - PLU a nd the PLU a l u m n i - i n a u n ique and mean­ ingfu l way. The Centennial Alum­ ni Recognition em erged; its p u r­ pose was to honor PLU d u ring its 1 00t h b i rthday by h o n o r i n g a representative cross-sect i o n of 1 00 of PLU's most dist i n g u i shed alumni. The Alumni Assoc iation did not inten d to select PLU's 1 00 great­ est a l u m n i or to honor a g a i n those a l u m n i w h o m t h e Assoc ia­ t i o n had p reviousl y h o n o red . And, we did not i ntend to honor decea sed a l u m n i or t h o se employed by PLU. Rather, t h e Ass o c i a t i o n 's intent in g i v i n g the Centen n i a l Recog n i t i o n w a s t o ce l e b rate and honor the d i versity a n d excellence that exists am ong the more than 2 5 ,000 PLU A l u m n i . h e Centen nial Al u m n i Recog n i ­ t i o n reci pi ents exe m p l ify the

best of what PLU has stood for and meant d u ri ng the past 1 00 years They are models of excel­ lence, h a rd work, h i g h ach ieve­ m e n t a n d i n t e g r i t y - va l u e w h i c h have cha racteri zed PLU throughout its history The Cente n n i a l Recog n i t i o n rec i p i e nts exh i b i t a n ext raordi­ nary corn m itment to excel l ence and number among thei r ra n ks a Rhodes Schol ar, severa l Fu lbright Scholars, a Pulitzer Prize winner, severa l E m m y Awa rd w i n ners a n d n u merous re c i p i e nts of "Who's Who" and " O utst a n d i n g You ng Men and Women" awa rds. They in clude severa l chief execu­ tive officers of successfu l com- · p a n ies, a Lut heran b ishop, t h e h e a d of Tacoma's n a t i o n a l ly acclaimed "Safe Streets" p ro­ gra m , i nternationally recognized sc h o l a rs, severa l school district superi ntendents and Washi ng­ ton's Su peri ntendent of P u b l i c Instruction. The recipients have been cho­ sen from the u p per echelon of the m a ny d i verse ca reer fields p u rsued by PLU a l u m n i - educa-

tion, health care, m i n istry, busi­ ness, home m a k i ng, h u m a n se r­ vices, the a rts, law, media, th e m i l itary and government. ju st to name a few. They a re a lso ch ro­ no logica l l y d i verse, sp a n n i n g more th a n 50 years of PLUs h i s­ tory, from the Class of 1 9 37 to the Class of 1 989. Their single most salient cha r­ acteristic, however, is their ded i­ cation to service - to their com­ m u n ities, th e i r fa m i l ies and the world . I n d i vi d u a l ly a n d as a g ro u p , t h ey are having a p ro­ fo u n d effect u pon the U n ited States and the world. O u r world wou ld be different, and certa i n ly wou ld be a l ittle worse, but for the lives and work of the Cen­ te n n ial Alurnni Recogn ition recip­ ients. In recog nizing these and ot her a l u m n i award rec i p i ents, t h e A l u m n i Association is rea lly hon­ oring PLU and the value of a PLU education. D u ring this Cente n n i­ a l yea r, the Association is cele­ brating 1 00 years of PLU - 1 00 years of dedication to the vision of creating a "fi rst-ra n k school "

wh Ic h w o u l d ed ucate its st u­ dents to be "good Ch ristia ns and good citizens " We a r·e also cele­ b rat i n g PLU 's ever- i n c reasi n g qual ity, as i nd icated by its recent recog n ition by US News a n d World Report as o n e of t h e nation's finest schools - the only Northwest p rivate school to be top-ranked in every U.S. News su rvey si nce 1 98 3 . Final ly, t h e Association is cele­ b rating 1 00 years of com m i t­ ment to servIce. PLU's Centen n i­ al motto, a n d the title of P h i l Nordquist's Cente n n i a l h i s-tory, are "Educat i ng for Service." This dedication to serv ic e to the co m m u n ity, fa m i ly a nd world has characterized PLU duri n g its entire history and conti n ues to c h a racterize t h e l i ves of its a l u m n i worldwide. The Alumni Association sa l utes the 1 00 Cente n n i a l Al u m n i Rec­ ognition recip ients a n d sa i utes the countless other PLU a l u m n i who are qu ietly m a k i n g a differ­ ence i n the world. They a re PLU's reaso n for being, and thei r l i ves are a n i nsp i ration to us a l l .

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