1976-1977-1977-1978 catalog

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59 PLU BOOKSTORE is owned and operated by Pacifi c Lutheran University for the ben efi t of students, fa culty, s l a ff, and ( h ir guests. The bookstore ells the t ex tbooks and s up plies t hat are r e q uired or suggested by fac ul ty member.. f r t heir co urses. Add i tio n(ll read i ng m a i l er. suppl ies . gift items, gre tin2 cards. c l o t hing. fil m proces ing. toiletries. and ot her conven ien t i t ms are also available.

R ES I D E N T I AL L I F E As a residential n m pus, Pa cific Lutheran University o ffers students a valuable e. perience in gr u p l iving. The Unive rsi t y recognizes t he i m portance of n n-classr o m ac tivities in providing an ed ucatio n for the whole perso n . The a i m of resi dential li ving is to help t u dent ' gro w as h u man beings. Campus res i dence halls are smal l . They a r organ i zed i n t o communi ties i n which each individual counts as a per ( I l l . New knowledge shared wi t h frien ds in t h e residence hal l s takes o n a very personal meaning. Men and women o f many backgrounds and cul t llres live on campus ; the refore, studen ts i n residence have a unique opport uni t y t o broaden their c u l t ural horizons. The Universi ty cares about the quali t y of l i fe on cam pus. The a t tractive an d comfor table residence hal l s enrich the quality of life and enhance the leaming process. The University offers students h i gh-q u a l i t y hou ing o p po r t u n i t i e . in l u d ing s t udent l eaders hip experiences , formal and i n fo r m a l p r o gr a m s , and peer as ocia t ions. The student governing bo dies a re strong and activel y parlicil at i n i m proving t he pr gra m . A c' ele ct ion o f mod ern . a t t ra c t ive hal l s , each w i t h i t s own trad itjo ns and unique ad va nt ages. offer st udents the opport unity to es tablish a comfortable

l i ving pat te rn . All halls incl ude i n formal l o unges, study rooms, recrea tion areas, and common k i tchen and l a undry fac ili ties. Most o f the halls are co-educa tional . Al t hough t hey are housed in separate wings, men and women in cooed hal ls share 10 nge and recrea tion fac ili ties , and c o m mo n residence gove rn men t , and pa rticipate jointly in al l hall activit ies. Furth r i n fo r m a t i o n regarding residence hal ls can be obtained from the Residential Life Office. In addition to housing for single st udents, t he University main tains 26 apart ments on ca mpus for married students. Two- and t h ree-bedroom units are available. Applica t ion for these a partments can be made t h rough the Office of General Services .

E N V I RON S The Universi t y 's geographical sett ing a ffords th e student a wide variety o f both r e c re a t i o n a l and c u l t urdl entertainment o ptions. Recrea tiona l l y , the grandeur o f the Pacific Nortllwest coun t ry encourages p a r t i c i p a t i on in hik ing. camping, clim bing, kiing, boa t i ng and swi mming. The most c o nspicuous natura l monument i n t h e area i s M I . Rainier. I II addi tion to Rainier, t he distinct ive real ms of the Cascade and Oly m pic mountain ranges, and forests of Douglas Fir comp lete one o f t he most natma l l y tranquil environments i n t h e United Sta tes. Students can al " o enjoy t he aes t hetic o fferings o f nearby Sea t t l e and Tacoma. These city cen t ers host a variety of perfor m ing and rec ording artis t s , dozens of galleries and museums 3, well as unifl u e . ho p ping and dllllng e x periences.

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