Numéro 44

Page 127


ennent de e café leur

ée sur la e - comme labore ma étranges "détecte" é et café.


TES PROJETS ? J'aime les techniques expérimentales, mais j'ai toutes sortes de projets, principalement dans le domaine du print comme les illustrations (pour les livres et magazines par exemple), mais aussi du graphisme classique pour des brochures, des cartes, des affiches...

YOUR UNIVERSE... … is the subconscious. That´s were my pictures come from. The colourful juice, tea and coffee splotches bring them to life. YOUR SOURCES OF INSPIRATION ? The way I work is based on the psychology of human perception - like seeing faces in clouds. I elaborate my own interpretation of weird looking characters and sceneries that my imagination “detects” in coincidental blurs of juice, tea and coffee.

YOU PROJECTS ? I like experimental techniques, but I do all kinds of projects, mostly in the field of printed media like illustrations (for books/magazines for example), but also classic graphic design like layouts for brochures, cards, posters…

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