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District President Jepson

Undersecretary Fowler

DISTRICT IX'S NEW tr· PRESIDENT Brother !'\. Ill1 J epson, Lansing, ' }.f . lch., claims that his prinThal distinction in Alpha e~a, Michigan State Universtty, during his under$raduate years was in beIng th ' on I · e only man who lived d ~Ill the fraternity house lltlng h is college career.


h' ~!though the years since IS lllltiation September 27 193 5, have dimmed hi~ tnemory 0 f . of h. many detads Brother Kim Jepson B ts undergraduate life · rather Jepson said in at~ ~~~er~iew. that "two recollections of my active mem~er1P In Pt Kappa Phi are rather vivid. Ch"First, my attendance as a delegate at the Supreme th a~r .Meeting in Seattle in 1936. The hospitality of as~mgton alumni was tremendous, and the impact / 0 1 ,, earn1ng the true meaning of national brotherhood was v . ery unpressive.


our chapter house burned and was rebuilt a d ~ I Was an undergraduate. I rescued several coats that Jackets from the fire, but only one pair of pants. At ei I was better off than my roommate who rescued g t shoes- none of them mates."


tio~n.. reference to Brother Jepson's "principal distincat th he ~xp!ained that he moved into the chapter house, en ~. l11VJtat!On of a cousin, during the Summer before 1 "ur~ lliVtng. as a freshman. "By devious means," he said, in th erslty regulations were by-passed, and I stayed on th e house, pledged as soon as it was permitted, and en was initiated." ad Bro~h.er Jepson's entire business career has been in ve~~r~tSing and marketing. He started as Assistant Adfa IShlng Manager, later becoming Advertising Manager Inr t e M'1ch'1gan Mille.~;s Mutual Insurance Company. 1 Jep 943 he founded the advertising agency that is now tne s~n-Murray Advertising, Inc. A 4-A agency, it is a 'Wo ~ er of Trans American Advertising Agency Netcour and handles consumer and industrial national acnts.

ad~:~ther Jepson has contributed in many ways to the his cement of the interests of Alpha Theta; however, fun:ost ll~portant service was given in helping to raise hou s, des1gn and supervise the construction of a new cha s; ~or Alpha Theta. He is now President of the Per s Building Corporation . ke~is professional

memberships include Industrial Mar-

(pae~s of Detroit, Sales and Advertising Club of Lansing M:i ~·Pres i dent), Advertising Roundtable of Southern 1 ~an (past President), Advertising Federation of


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UNDER-SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY in the Kennedy administration, Brother Henry H. Fowler, Xi '27, Roanoke College, will probably find his debating prowess developed at Roanoke College still of great benefit in Washington. Brother Fowler was " a member of probably the most outstanding of many Wid e World Photos debate teams to represent Brother Henry H. Fowler the College," a story in the February issue of Th e Roanoke Collegian declared. The team was undefeated in 1929. In glancing over the 1929 edition of Th e Rawenoch, one can find such designations beside his name as: Editor and Sports Editor of the Brackety-Ack, President oF the Hi-Y, Vice-Pre.sident of his class, Secretary-Treasurer of the General Athletic Association, President of the Roanoke Club, Special Honor Student in English, member of Tau Kappa Alpha, Debater, member of Pi Kappa Phi, German Club, Basketball and Baseball squads, and member of Harlequins. "His climb to national importance has been steady since leaving the campus," the Collegian pointed out. "He went on to earn his law degree at Yale University and begin law practice in Washington. From 1936 until 1946 he held many important government positions under Presidents Roosevelt and Truman." A native of Roanoke, Va. , Brother Fowler returned to governmental work in 1951 as Deputy Administrator of the National Production Board. Later, he became head of the Defense Production Administration, and in 1952 he was appointed Chief of the Office of Defense Mobilization, a position he held u11til the end of the Truman administration. For the -past several years, he has been senior partner in the law firm of Fowler, Leva, Hawes, and Symington in Alexandria. Brother Fowler is a member of the Board of Trustees of Roanoke College, having served since 1954. Other activities include Rotary, Lansing and Michig1n Chambers of Commerce, City Club, Elks, and the Lansing River Improvement Committee. "In my spare time (during trout season there is spare time) you'll find me fishmg . . . and when there's no fishing, my hobbies are woodworkmg and filling inside straights." Brother and Mrs. Jepson have two sons, Noel and Jan, and a daughter, Susan. 7

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