Honduras: Journalism in the Shadow of Impunity

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73. Ibid and Anna B. Interview, supra note 70. 74. Becerra Interview, supra note 55. 75. conadeh, Informe anual del Comisionado nacional de los derechos humanos sobre el estado general de los derechos humanos en Honduras y el desempeño de sus funciones (Tegulcigalpa: conadeh, 2011), online: http://app.conadeh.hn/Anual2012/informes/conadeh_2011.pdf (accessed September 18, 2013) [conadeh 2011] at 62-3. 76. Ibid. 77. Ibid. 78. 2012 Annual Report, supra note 62 at 125. 79. Ibid. 80. “Honduras should investigate attack on two journalists” (May 23, 2013), online, http://www.cpj. org/2013/05/honduras-should-investigate-attack-on-two-journali.php (accessed September 18, 2013). 81. Ibid. 82. C-Libre, “Journalists targeted in gunfire in northern Honduras” (May 24, 2013), online: http://www.ifex. org/honduras/2013/05/24/norte_balas/ (accessed September 18, 2013). 83. “Matan a técnico en electrónica y dejan herido a periodista” (June 12, 2013), La Prensa, online: http://www.laprensa.hn/csp/mediapool/sites/LaPrensa/Sucesos/Policiales/story. csp?cid=365284&sid=951&fid=98 (accessed September 18, 2013). 84. 2012 Annual Report, supra note 62 at 129-30. 85. Interview with Juan Vasquez and Telma Hernández (July 30, 2013) [Vasquez and Hernández Interview]. 86. Differing definitions of what it means to be a “journalist” may account, in part, for these varying estimates. For definitions of the term “journalist” or “journalism” used by the organizations listed in the following table, please see Appendix A. 87. The 1993 murder of Carlos Grant and the 2001 murder of Aristides Soto are not included in the overall statistics. cpj is the only organization which lists the murder of Grant. None of the organizations list the murder of Soto, but his murder and profession were confirmed in several news reports (see e.g. “Condenan a 17 años de cárcel a dos acusados de matar a periodista Aristides Soto” (November 17, 2007), Proceso Digital, online: http://www.proceso.hn/2007/11/17/Nacionales/Condenan.a.a/2257. html (accessed October 23, 2013). If these are the only murders missing from the lists, it means that between 1993 and 2001 there were only two murders of journalists. As the data for the decade may be incomplete, however, this cannot be concluded with certainty. 88. Several of these sources had not yet listed the 2013 murders or Aníbal Barrow, Manuel Murillo Varela and Juan Carlos Argeñal Medina. 89. Human Rights Watch, World Report 2013: Events of 2012 (United States of America: Human Rights Watch, 2013), online: https://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/wr2013_web.pdf (accessed September 18, 2013) [hrw World Report 2013] at 242. 90. The dashes indicate that the organization has provided only an overall total for murders since the coup. 91. Journalists Killed in Honduras (2013), online: http://cpj.org/killed/americas/honduras/ (accessed January 12, 2014) [Journalists Killed in Honduras]. 92. 2012 Annual Report, supra note 62 at 122; data provided by the State of Honduras to the iachr in a letter dated February 22, 2013. 93. Freedom in the World 2013, supra note 21. 94. un Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Informe del Relator Especial sobre la promoción y protección del derecho a la libertad de opinion y expresión: Adición Misión a Honduras (March 22, 2013), Human Rights Council, 23rd Sess, A/ HRC/23/40/Add 1 [Mission to Honduras]. 95. Secretaría de Justicia y Derechos Humanos, Informe sobre la Situación de los Derechos Humanos en Honduras: Desafíos y Avances (2011-2012) (Tegucigalpa: Secretaría de Justicia y Derechos Humanos, 2012) at 27. 96. 2009 to 2011 statistics from conadeh 2011, supra note 75 at 59-60. 2012 statistics from conadeh 2012, supra note 66 at 47-8. 2013 statistics from “36 periodistas y comunicadores sociales muertos violentamente en Honduras” (July 12, 2013), online: http://www.conadeh.hn/index.php/component/ content/article/7-conadeh/235-36-periodistas-y-comunicadores-sociales-muertos-violentamente-enhonduras (accessed January 12, 2014). 97. Manuel Murillo Varela, a cameraman killed in Tegucigalpa in October 2013 and Juan Carlos Argeñal Medina, a TV station owner and journalists murdered in Danlí on December 7, 2013 have not been taken into account in these figures. 98. Based on available evidence, the professional details of the remaining two journalists murdered since the coup is unknown. 99. Anna B. Interview, supra note 70. 100. Ibid. 101. Email from Héctor Becerra (June 5, 2013) [Becerra Email]. 102. 2012 Annual Report, supra note 62 at 122. 103. Interview with Ramón Custodio (August 2, 2013) [Custodio Interview]. 76

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