May 2016 charolais banner web

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Charolais Banner • May 2016


May 2016 VOL. 50, NO. 2 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Ph. (306) 546-3940 • Fax (306) 546-3942 Home Page: email:

Features Tip the Scale ................................20 Rawes Ranches ............................20 McLeod & Kay R ..........................21 P & H Ranching............................22 Char Maine Ranching ................22 High Country ..............................23 Wrangler Made ..........................23 Beck Farms ..................................24 Maple Leaf ..................................24 HEJ Charolais ..............................25 Pro Char Charolais ......................26 Ferme Louber ..............................26 Coyote Flats ................................27 McTavish Farms............................28 Obituary – Samson ......................28 A. Sparrow Farms ........................29 Footprint Farms ..........................30 Benchmark ..................................30 Horseshoe E ................................32 Palmer Charolais..........................34 Reese Cattle Co. ..........................34 Gilliland Bros. ..............................35 Diamond W..................................36 Rollin’ Acres/Patton/Whiskey Hollow..........................................36 Family Tradition ..........................37 Pleasant Dawn ............................38 Sandan / Springside ....................40

Steppler Farms ............................42 Tee M Jay ....................................42 HTA & Guest ................................43 Elder Charolais ............................44 Borderland Cattle Co. ................44 Impact ..........................................46 High Point....................................46 Martens Cattle Co. ......................48 Saunders Charolais ......................48 Cornerview Charolais ..................49 Prairie Distinction........................50 North of the 49th ........................51 Tri N & Guests ..............................52 Best of the Breeds ......................52 Bar Punch ....................................53 Git ‘R Done ..................................54 White Cap – Rosso ......................56 Hunter Charolais ........................57 Cedardale Charolais ....................57 Sliding Hills Charolais..................58 Mutrie – Bar H ............................58 Cornerstone ................................60 Top Cut ........................................60 Bull Sales in Brief ........................61 Obituary – Morgan......................62 Bull Sale Summary ......................63 CCYA Conference Registration ..68

Departments From the Field ..............................................................................................6 Du Champ ....................................................................................................8 Charolais Life ................................................................................................9 Canadian Charolais Association ................................................................10 De l’Association de Charolais Canadien ....................................................12 Herd Health ................................................................................................14 Canadian Beef Breeds Council ..................................................................15 Profile – Brandon Sparrow ........................................................................17 Canadian Charolais Youth Association News............................................67 Magazine Rates and Deadlines..................................................................77 Calendar of Events......................................................................................77 Index of Advertisers....................................................................................78

On the cover… Just enjoying the view at Turnbull Charolais.

ISSN 0824-1767 Helge By, Manager/Publisher Candace By, Managing Editor Cell 306-536-3374 @ByCandace Susan Penner, Production/Design Dalyse Robertson, Web Design Box 2458, Neepawa, MB R0J 1H0 Ph/Fax (204) 476-8856 FIELDMEN: Alberta & British Columbia Craig Scott 5107 Shannon Drive, Olds, AB T4H 1X3 Res. (403) 507-2258 Fax (403) 507-2268 Cell (403) 651-9441 @craigscott222 Saskatchewan, Manitoba, USA & Eastern Canada Helge By 124 Shannon Rd., Regina, SK S4S 5B1 Office (306) 546-3940 Fax (306) 546-3942 Res. (306) 584-7937 Cell (306) 536-4261 @CharolaisBanner


Payable by credit card at

All Rates Are Listed In Canadian Funds Canada (Canadian prices include 5% GST) 1 yr. - $52.50 3 yrs. - $136.50 USA 1 yr. - $80, 1st class (2 week delivery) - $140 3 yrs. - $215, 1st class (2 week deliver) - $395 Overseas 1 yr. - $85, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $150 3 yrs. - $225, 1st class (2 week delivery)- $420 Animals in the photographs in the Banner have not been altered by computer enhancement or mechanical methods according to the knowledge of the publisher. The material produced in this publication is done so with the highest integrity, however, we assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. We are responsible for only the value of the advertisement. Charolais Banner (ISSN 0824-1767) is published 5 times per year (February, May, Aug, Oct and December) by Charolais Banner Inc., Regina, SK. Postage paid at Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Printed by: Western Litho Printers Ltd. Publication No. 40047726

Photo: Craig Scott Design: Susan Penner


Registration No. 9810 Return undeliverable addresses (covers only) to: Charolais Banner 124 Shannon Road Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 5B1 Canada

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Charolais Banner • May 2016



From the Field Helge By

Well another spring bull sale season has come and gone and as you can see in this issue, it was another great spring. Near the back you will see our annual bull sale summary with stats on all the sales we could get information on and it shows that there were more sales this spring, more bulls sold and the average was up a little. Wow! With the drop in the commercial cattle market, down by about a 1/3 from last year, I wasn’t sure how the sales would end up, but they stayed strong to the last one. The commercial producers who calved early and sold early last fall, in some cases, made more money than the year before, but as the fall and winter went on the prices eroded. Hopefully we have put a bottom in and will see prices stabilize and be solid for the fall calf run. Calf prices are still profitable for the cow/calf producer but we had a taste of the really good prices that we were hoping would last longer. What I think the strong Charolais bull sales show is that we have gained some more market share and the demand for Charolais bulls has increased. Now not every sale was up this spring and there a few that were tougher and in some cases, for no apparent reason. A couple I attribute to great sale hangovers as I call them. This is where a breeder has a really good sale and some customers who didn’t think they could afford bulls last year go to other sales or buy privately only to find out that this year they could have bought good bulls in their price range from their regular supplier. I have seen this happen over and over again in past years and it shows that after a good sale you need to work harder to keep some of your past customers coming back to stabilize the sale the next year. The other side of it is if your advertising didn’t stir up any business, maybe you are advertising

an unmarketable product or a product nobody wants. You still have to have a product that is in demand and fed and presented to maximize your returns. Now one trend I have seen developing for a few years that is disturbing to me is the chase for smaller birth weights. This isn’t just the commercial producers buying Charolais bulls but all breeds. Now I will use some generalities here as this isn’t the case in all sales but here are some trends that I saw. In the Angus sales once you got over 85 lb., the demand and prices started to drop. In the Simmental it looked like the wall started at 95 lb. and in the Charolais sales it was at just over 100 lb. I had a visit with a prominent Red Angus breeder after a sale this spring and he commented that when he phoned his customers this spring before his sale the ones that had bought 90 to 105 lb. bulls for their cows had no problems but when his sale came they wanted them 10 pounds lighter. Why? No reason just no one wants to help anything anymore. He said after the spring bull sales you wouldn’t be able to buy a bottle of white out in Walmart and the calving books would look like a snow storm had hit them. Is this the answer? Definitely not and I think in some cases fudging the numbers has maybe caused some of this problem. If a guy had bought a bull that had a published BW of 95 lb. and he was really 110 lb. and had some difficulties, he now thinks he needs to buy a 90 lber as 95 is too much. Honesty and integrity is the most important thing in the seedstock business for long term success. Short term you may get away with it, but not long term. Now if you have been selling your customers 110 lb. bulls and he hasn’t had any problems, you need to convince him to continue this to get the added performance that will be derived from the larger birth weight bulls. My biggest concern with everyone chasing the smaller birth weights in

the commercial industry is that the cows out of the very small birth weight bulls won’t be able to have a decent size calf and the performance spirals downward. We will end up with a bunch of little, no performance cows in the commercial cowherds that need to be bred to no performance bulls which won’t add up to pounds to sell in the fall. We had some bull sales this spring where the breeders have attracted a customer base that want the bigger, more performance bulls and their sales were great. Not everyone has to chase the same market or type to be successful. Identify what you want to produce and build your customer base of stockmen that are like minded and for goodness sake don’t change what you believe in or cheat for short term gains. Bulls on offer this year were generally quite quiet. Just a word of caution, it is always better to scratch a bull on the back from the side. Training a bull to get his head scratched can lead to issues. Most stockmen don’t appreciate a bull wanting to shake its head at them for attention and this can be misinterpreted as dangerous. Don’t discount good bulls by teaching them bad habits. Many purebred breeders bought herdbulls this year. If you haven’t already, be sure to pull hair and get the preliminary work done so registering your calves will be expedient. Also, if you sold bulls to seedstock producers this spring, make sure you have hair pulled on the dams in case it is needed in the future and they are no longer around. The Alberta Charolais Association is hosting the Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting in Edmonton with a day of herd tours from there. The information for it is in this issue and it will be a couple of fun filled, educational days where you can network with breeders from across the country. The Alberta Charolais Youth continued on page 9


Charolais Banner • May 2016

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Du Champ Helge By

Eh bien oui une autre vente printanière de taureaux est déjà chose du passé, et qu’elle grand printemps. À la fin de cette édition vous pourrez voir le sommaire des ventes de taureaux et vous verrez qu’ils y avaient plus de ventes ce printemps, donc plus de taureaux vendus et une moyenne un peu plus haute. Wow, avec la baisse dans le marché du bovin commercial du 1/3 avec l’an passé, je n’étais pas sur comment les ventes se termineraient, mais elles sont restées fermes jusqu’à la dernière. Les producteurs commerciaux qui ont vêlé tôt et vendu début de l’automne dernier, dans certains cas ils ont fait plus d’argent que l’an passé, mais à la fin de l’automne et cet hiver les prix étaient à la baisse. Espérons que nous avons atteint le fond du baril et que les prix se stabiliseront, et qu’ils soient encore rentables pour les producteurs vache-veau, mais nous avons eu un avant-goût des bons prix et nous aurions voulu qu’ils durent plus longtemps. Ce que je pense des ventes pour le Charolais, nous avons gagné des parts du marché, et la demande pour les taureaux Charolais a augmenté. Il y a des ventes qui étaient moins bonnes mais sans raison apparente. Quelques une dont j’attribue le phénomène gueule de bois, c’est-à-dire , que certains éleveurs ne pensaient pas se permettre d’acheter des taureaux de leurs fournisseurs réguliers, à cause des prix élevés qu’ils avaient reçu l’année d’avant, mais cette année ils le pouvaient, mais ils ont été à d’autres ventes pour leur besoin en taureaux. J’ai vu cela se produire maintes et maintes fois au cours des dernières années, la preuve qu’après une bonne vente, vous devez travailler encore plus fort pour garder certains de vos clientsréguliers à revenir pour stabiliser votre prochaine vente. D’un autre côté si votre publicité n’attire pas les acheteurs dans votre

entreprise, c’est peut-être que vous faites de la publicité sur un produit invendable, ou d’un produit que personne ne veut. Vous devez toujours avoir un produit qui est en demande et présenté, à maximiser vos rendements. Maintenant une tendance que j’ai vu se développer depuis quelques années, et qui est très préoccupant pour moi, ce sont les petits poids à la naissance. Ce ne sont pas seulement les producteurs commerciaux qui achètent des taureaux charolais, mais c’est dans toutes les races que cela se produit. Maintenant je vais utiliser quelques généralités mais ce n’est pas dans toutes les ventes. Dans les ventes angus avec des poids supérieur à 85 lbs les prix commencent à baisser. Dans le simmentale la limite semble 95 lbs et dans les ventes charolais ils étaient un peu plus de 100lbs. J’ai visité un éleveur de angus rouge de premier plan après une vente ce printemps et il m’a fait remarquer, quand il a téléphoné à ses clients avant sa vente de ce printemps, et qui avait acheté des taureaux avec des poids à la naissance entre 90 et 105 lbsN’ont eu aucun problème au vêlage, mais lors des ventes ils voulaient des taureaux avec des poids à la naissance de 10lbs plus léger. Pourquoi? Il n’y a pas de raison, personne ne peut le dire ou veut le dire. Je pense que dans certain cas les chiffres déclarés ont peut-être causé une partie du problème. Si un producteur avait acheté un taureau avec un PN publié de 95 lbs et qu’il était plutôt 110 lbs il a eu des difficultés et il pense que acheter un taureau avec un poids à la naissance de 90 à 95 lbs est trop pesant pour ses besoins. L’honnêteté et l’intégrité est la chose la plus importante dans le secteur naissance, pour le succès à long terme. À court terme vous pouvez vous en tirer mais pas à long terme. Maintenant si dans votre vente vous aviez des poids de 110 lbs, et que vos clients n’ont pas de problèmes,

vous avez besoin de poursuivre pour obtenir la performance ajoutée qui sera tirée de taureaux avec des poids plus élevés à la naissance. Ma plus grande préocupation avec tous ceux qui cherchent des petits poids à la naissance dans le secteur commercial, est que les vaches saillies avec des taureaux ayant de faible poids à la naissance, ne seront pas en mesure d’avoir un veau décent mais plutôt un veau avec une spirale descendante. Nous allons finir par avoir des vaches peu performantes dans les élevages commerciaux, qui devraient avoir avec des taureaux performants des veaux avec des livres en plus au sevrage. Nous avons eu des ventes ce printemps qui ont attiré une clientèle parce qu’elles étaient plus grandes et qu’ils y avaient des taureaux performants, et leurs ventes ont été formidables. Pas tous les éleveurs doivent viser le même marché, identifier ce que vous voulez produire, et développer votre base de clients, qui partagent les mêmes idées, et pour l’amour de Dieu ne changez pas à ce que vous croyez, pour des gains à court terme. Les taureaux offerts cette année étaient en général très calmes, juste un petit mot d’avertissement, il est toujours mieux de grattouiller un taureau sur le côté du dos. Gratouiller la tête d’un taureau ne peut juste que vous apporté des problèmes. La plupart des éleveurs n’apprécient pas qu’un taureau ce secoue la tête à leur attention et cela peut-être interprété comme dangereux. Ne détruisez pas de bons taureaux en leur enseignant de mauvaises habitudes. Beaucoup d’éleveurs de race pure ont acheté de nouveau taureaucette année. Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, prenez quelques poils, pour l’enregistrement de vos futurs veaux. En outre si vous avez vendu des taureaux reproducteurs ce printemps n’oubliez pas de prendre des poils en réserve de leur père car dans l’avenir ils ne seront plus là. suite à la page 9


Charolais Banner • May 2016


It’s a boy!

Charolais Life

Grandpa Merv and Grandma Joanne Nykoliation, Tri-N Charolais, Lenore, Manitoba, are excited to announce the birth of Hunter Ray Morris, on February 11. He is the son of Brittni and Trevor and weighed 7 lb., 11 oz. and measured 20.5 inches. Brittni is a CCYA Alumni.

FROM THE FIELD, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 Association is hosting the Conference and Show in Olds in conjunction with Synergy from July 12 to 15. They don’t need to bring cattle to participate and it is a great learning experience for both the youth and their parents. The

entry form is online this year with Synergy so read the CCYA editorial in this issue for complete details on registering for this event. Craig Scott and I will also be making herd visits to picture and help

you promote your program in the August Herd Reference issue. If you want us to pay you a visit, give us a call. Until next time, Helge

DU CHAMP, SUITE DE LA PAGE 8 L’Association Charolaise de l’Alberta accueillera cette année la réunion annuelle de l’Association Charolaise Canadienne à Edmonton avec une journée pour la visite de troupeaux. Les informations seront dans cette édition, journée pédagogiques et très amusantes avec les éleveurs de tout le pays. L’Association Charolaise Jeunesse

de l’Alberta accueille la conférence et les jeux à Olds en collaboration avec Synergy du 12 au 15 juillet, ils n’ont pas besoin d’amener de bétail pour participer, c’est une très grande expérience d’apprentissage pour l’ensemble des jeunes et de leurs parents. Le formulaire d’entrée est en ligne cette année avec Synergy, lire l’éditorial du CCYA dans cette édition

pour les détails complets pour s’enregistrer pour cet évènement. Craig Scott et moi, feront aussi les visites de troupeaux pour prendre des photos, pour vous aider à la programmation dans l'édition du mois d’août. Pour une visite de notre part vous n’avez qu’à nous appeler. À la prochaine, Helge

Rob & Heather Murray • Box 511, Marwayne, AB T0B 2X0 Home: 780-875-0218 Cell: 780-205-0912 • @lakeviewchar •

Charolais Banner • May 2016



CANADIAN CHAROLAIS ASSOCIATION 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais

Canadian Outcross Genetics Add Value to Mexican Operations


Mel Reekie, General Manager

ALBERTA President: Stephen Cholak, Lamont Secretary: Kristina Prokuda, Glenevis SASKATCHEWAN President: Greg Gilliland, Carievale Secretary: Dave Blechinger, Rosetown MANITOBA President: Shawn Airey, Rivers Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO President: Jim Baker, Stayner, ON Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC President: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secretary: Laurent Jourdain, Saint-Hyacinthe MARITIMES President: Ricky Milton, Cornwall, PE Secretary: Jennifer MacDonald, St. Mary’s, Kent Co., NB STAFF: General Manager: MEL REEKIE Registry Manager: LOIS CHIVILO Registry: JUDY CUMMER French Membership: BERNARD DORE EXECUTIVE: PRESIDENT: BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 613.646.9741 C 613.312.0270

1st VICE-PRESIDENT: ANDRE STEPPLER Box 248, Miami, MB R0G1H0 204.435.2463 C 204.750.1951 F 204.435.2021

2nd VICE-PRES: ROD McLEOD 293113 Twp Rd 263, Rockyview County, AB T4A 0N5 403.932.4622 C 403.540.7986 F 403.250.8928

PAST PRESIDENT: BRENT SAUNDERS RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0 519.986.4165 C 519.372.6196 F 519.986.4273

DIRECTORS: RICKY MILTON 4558 Route 19, Nine Mile Creek, PEI C0A 1H2 902.675.3091 C 902.393.8699

BERNARD BÉGIN 1630 Rg St-Martin, Ste-Marie, PQ G6E 3A8 418.387.7514 C 418.389.7181 F 418.387.5623 DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 306.693.2384 MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 KASEY PHILLIPS

Having just returned from the Charolais World Congress in Guadalajara, Mexico, I can’t say enough about the Mexican hospitality, their beef cattle industry or the quality of our Canadian genetic exports. Hats off to Canadian Beef Producers! We’ve been exporting outcross genetics to Mexico that are sound, adaptable and yielding success in Mexican operations. Everywhere I turned, a link to Canada was not far. The animals themselves or the progeny they’ve produced; Canadian cattle are adding value. I was fortunate to travel with Roger Peters, a fellow Director with the Canadian Beef Breeds Council and owner of Peterosa Exports Ltd. prior to the World Congress. We had a behind the scenes look at a progressive, working ranch in Tepatitlan, MX that imports Canadian genetics across three different beef breeds. Roger handles a number of clients between Canada and Mexico and attributes the success of Canadian exports to the fertility, adaptability and frame size of the cattle. Within the Mexican herd’s genetic evaluation, there is a strong presence of Canadian genetics amongst trait leaders. Attending the Congress strengthened our current relationships and broadened our network with not only delegates and breeders from Mexico but also the globe. As we look further into 2016, plan to join us in Edmonton, AB for the Canadian Charolais Association’s Annual General Meeting, June 17 and 18. The Alberta Charolais Association is sponsoring a herd tour, at no cost to participants, for June 17. We’ll tour Johnson Charolais, Wrangler Charolais, KAY-R Land & Cattle and finish the day with a steak dinner at Circle Cee Charolais. To ensure that we have enough

seats on the bus and food on the table, please register with myself at or call the CCA Office at 403.250.9242 by June 15, 2016. The Annual Meeting will take place at the Hilton Garden Inn West Edmonton on June 18, 2016 at 1:30 p.m. and be followed by a dinner Banquet. If you’re planning on attending the Banquet, please register with Mel by June 11, 2016. Alberta also welcomes the Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show, July 12 through 15, 2016 in Olds. This year’s conference will be Beefin’ It Up in conjunction with Summer Synergy while expanding the opportunities for our youth through additional scholarships and networking. Registration is online this year through Full details and Conference information can be found later in this issue. We strongly encourage you to come to Olds and support our youth; build and expand relationships with the next generation of decision makers. REGISTRY REMINDERS • Have calving data entered into the system by May 15 to guarantee the most current data from your herd is included on the next EPD evaluation. As producers, please continue to contribute your performance data as its imperative in the maintenance of an accurate data base thus ensuring positive breed improvements. • Remember to DNA your bulls; don’t leave it until the last minute! The current turnaround time on receiving results is three to four weeks from the time the sample is received at the lab. • Please keep your contact information (mailing address, phone number and email address) current with the CCA Office!

Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400

TRAVIS FOOT Box 414, Esther, AB T0J 1H0 403.664.3167 C 403.664.0961

Visit to browse the websites of Canadian Charolais Breeders


Charolais Banner • May 2016

Canadian Charolais Association ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016 Breeder tour sponsored and hosted by Alberta Charolais Association: Bus will leave hotel at 8:30 AM Arrive at Johnson Charolais at 9:15 AM. Tour until 11:15 AM. Arrive at Wrangler Charolais at 12:00 PM. Lunch at site. Tour until 2:30 PM. Arrive at Kay-R Land & Cattle at 3:15 PM. Tour until 5:15 PM Arrive at Circle Cee Charolais @ 5:45 PM. Supper at site. Depart for hotel at 9:00 PM • Please register with Mel Reekie at or 403.250.9242 by June 15

SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 2016 1:30 PM

CCA Annual General Meeting • Please contact Mel Reekie at by June 1st to receive 25 and 40 year membership certificates

5:30 PM


6:00 PM

Dinner Banquet • Please register by June 11, 2016 with Mel Reekie

Accommodation: Hilton Garden Inn West Edmonton 17610 Stony Plain Road Edmonton, AB T5S 1A2 780.443.2233 Block of rooms held until May 17, 2016

Everyone is encouraged to attend!

Charolais Banner • May 2016

2320, 41st Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 T 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324



ASSOCIATION CANADIENNE CHAROLAIS 2320, 41st Avenue NE, Calgary, AB T2E 6W8 403.250.9242 F 403.291.9324 @canCharolais REPRÉSENTANTS PROVINCIAUX: ALBERTA President: Stephen Cholak, Lamont

Outcross Canadienne Génétique Ajouter une Valeur aux Opérations Mexicaines

Secretary: Kristina Prokuda, Glenevis

Mel Reekie , directeur général

SASKATCHEWAN President: Greg Gilliland, Carievale Secretary: Dave Blechinger, Rosetown MANITOBA President: Shawn Airey, Rivers Secretary: Rae Trimble, Portage la Prairie ONTARIO President: Jim Baker, Stayner, ON Secretary: Doris Aitken, Mount Forest QUEBEC President: Mathieu Palerme, Gatineau Secretary: Laurent Jourdain, Saint-Hyacinthe MARITIMES President: Ricky Milton, Cornwall, PE Secretary: Jennifer MacDonald, St. Mary’s, Kent Co., NB PERSONNEL: General Manager: MEL REEKIE Registry Manager: LOIS CHIVILO Registry: JUDY CUMMER French Membership: BERNARD DORE EXÉCUTIF: PRESIDENT: BRIAN COUGHLIN RR3 1012 Snake River Line, Cobden, ON K0J 1K0 613.646.9741 C 613.312.0270

1st VICE-PRESIDENT: ANDRE STEPPLER Box 248, Miami, MB R0G1H0 204.435.2463 C 204.750.1951 F 204.435.2021

2nd VICE-PRES: ROD McLEOD 293113 Twp Rd 263, Rockyview County, AB T4A 0N5 403.932.4622 C 403.540.7986 F 403.250.8928

PAST PRESIDENT: BRENT SAUNDERS RR 3, Markdale, ON N0C 1H0 519.986.4165 C 519.372.6196 F 519.986.4273

DIRECTEURS: RICKY MILTON 4558 Route 19, Nine Mile Creek, PEI C0A 1H2 902.675.3091 C 902.393.8699

BERNARD BÉGIN 1630 Rg St-Martin, Ste-Marie, PQ G6E 3A8 418.387.7514 C 418.389.7181 F 418.387.5623 DARWIN ROSSO 78 325 4th Ave SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 306.693.2384 MIKE ELDER Box 216, Coronach, SK S0H 0Z0 306.267.5655 C 306.267.7730 KASEY PHILLIPS Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0 780.358.2360 C 780.656.6400

TRAVIS FOOT Box 414, Esther, AB T0J 1H0 403.664.3167 C 403.664.0961


Je viens tout juste de rentrer du Congrès mondial de Charolais qui a eu lieu à Guadalajara, au Mexique, et je suis encore complètement émerveillée de l’hospitalité mexicaine,de leur industrie d’élevage de bovins de boucherie et de la qualité de nos exportations de génétique canadienne. Je lève mon chapeau aux producteurs de bœuf canadiens ! Nous avons exporté de la génétique,de lignées différentes pour le Mexique, qui est adaptable et durable et qui apporte du succès aux exploitations mexicaines. Peu importe la direction où je regardais, j’y trouvais un lien avec le Canada. Les animaux eux-mêmes ou la descendance qu'ils ont produite ont prouvé queles bovins canadiens ajoutent de la valeur. J'ai eu la chance de voyager avant le début du Congrès mondial avec Roger Peters, un camarade du conseil d’administration au Comité conjoint canadien des races de boucherie et propriétaire des exportations Peterosa Ltd. Nous avons visité un ranch progressifà Tepatitlan, MX qui importe la génétique canadienne de trois différentes races de bœuf. Roger gère un certain nombre de clients entre le Canada et le Mexique et attribue le succès des exportations canadiennes à la taille de nos animaux, leur fertilité, et leur adaptabilité. Il y a une forte présence de génétique canadienne parmi les meneurs des évaluations génétiques du cheptel mexicain. Notre participation au Congrès a renforcé nos relations actuelles et élargi notre réseau avec non seulement les délégués, mais aussi les éleveurs du Mexique et tous ceux du monde entier qui ont participé. Jetons maintenant un regard sur un événement qui prendra place bientôt, soit Assemblée générale annuelle de l’association canadienne Charolais qui sera à Edmonton, Alberta les 17 et 18 juin. L’Association Charolais de l’Alberta parra inerades visites de troupeau le 17 juin, sans frais pour les participants. Nous irons chez Charolais Banner • May 2016

Johnson Charolais, Wrangler, KAY-R et finirons la journée avec un dîner de steak au Cercle Cee Charolais. Pour assurer que nous avons assez de sièges sur l’autobus et assez de nourriture pour tous, s'il vous plaît, veuillez vous inscrire par courriel à ou appelez le bureau de l’ACC au 403.250.9242 avant le 15 juin 2016. L’assemblée générale annuelle aura lieu au Hilton Garden Inn West Edmonton le 18 juin 2016 à 13:30 et sera suivie d'un banquet. Si vous prévoyez assister au Banquet, veuillez vous inscrire avec Mel avant le 11 juin 2016. La conférence junior Charolais aura aussi lieu en Alberta, soit du 12 au 15 juillet, 2016 à Olds. Le thème de cette année est ” Beefin’ It Up” et l’événement se tiendra dans le cadre du grand rassemblement de jeunes ruraux “SummerSynergy” qui offre l’accèsà des bourses d’études supplémentaires et l’opportunité de faire la rencontre de juniors de d’autres races. Les inscriptions se font sur l’internet au site Tous les détails et renseignements sur la conférence se trouvent plus loin dans ce numéro du Banner. Nous vous encourageons vivement à venir à Olds et soutenir nos jeunes; la chance idéale de bâtir et développer des relations avec la prochaine génération de décideurs. Rappelles du côté de l’enregistrement • Assurez-vous de soumettre vos données de performance avant le 15 mai pour qu’elles soient incluses lors de la prochaine rondes d’évaluations génétiques. Vos données sont importantes à l’avancement de la race. • N’oubliez pas de faire tester tous vos taureaux par ADN. Présentement les résultats prennent de 3 à 4 semaines, donc n’attendez pas à la dernière minute avant de faire parvenir vos échantillons de poils. • SVP tenez-nous au courant de vos coordonnées si vous avez des changement de numéros de téléphone (principal et cellulaire), courrielle, adresse postale etc.

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Is Your Bull’s Penis Cut or Broken? Roy Lewis DVM

Numerous times throughout the breeding season calls come in to veterinary clinics in regards to swellings along the sheath of bulls. In many instances a favorable outcome is highly attainable and with today’s bull prices, this may be good news for the client. Purebred breeders often may get bull purchasers phoning with these same issues and definitely refer them on as many times breeding function can be returned. If bulls are insured, the insurance companies need you to do your due diligence and get the bulls treated by a vet. Location of the swelling tells a lot about its cause. Generally if the penis has been broken the swelling is just ahead of the scrotum. Swellings lower down on the sheath are common with lacerations to either the penis or the prepuce. A broken penis is the result of a rent created in the sinus of the penis. Blood accumulates in the sinus causing the erection. A sudden bend to an erect penis such as being hit when breeding will cause such a break. Then in subsequent breeding attempts blood is pumped out through this defect. The blood is trapped in this location causing the visible swelling or hematoma. The degree of swelling therefore depends on how many breeding attempts have been made before the producer can pull the bull from the breeding herd. Some bulls will be turned off sexually and may not attempt further. To diagnose a cut penis your veterinarian will either sedate the bull to have a good look at his penis or use an electro ejaculator to be able to visualize it. Cuts are the result of breeding in bush, over fences, rough breedings sudden bends to an erect penis, overshooting the mark etc. Some bulls are more prone because of their aggressive nature. A few polled bulls have a tendency 14

to have their sheath prolapsed constantly and drying out. All these things greatly increase the likelihood of lacerations and tears. Complications involve several scenarios and can be vastly different in each case. Large cuts can result in infection and subsequent scarring which could prevent the bull from extending his penis therefore not achieving intromission. I personally have seen a case where 100% of a person’s herd was open because the herd bull had a scarred down penis from an injury the previous year. Another very good reason to semen evaluate and make sure the penis can be fully extended. If severe swelling has occurred the prepuce may be prolapsed. This can also occur with broken penises and the resulting drying, swelling and cracking of the prolapsed prepuce causes a serious complication. Hydrotherapy with medicating ointments is often prescribed and keeping bulls in the shade to further reduce drying. The swelling must be brought down to allow retraction of the prepuce back into the sheath. In all these cases the bulls can be immediately shipped for emergency slaughter as long as no medication has been given. However a vast majority can be treated so depending on age of bull and his value to your herd, this option is always available. The bull will be out of commission for some time so a replacement bull may be needed and the rest of the breeding season may be missed. Treatment is not complicated or costly just some labor and the tincture of time with sexual rest resolve many of them. Broken penises require hydrotherapy initially and then a long sexual rest. A few months later the bull may be tested to see if erection is possible. About 50% of the cases will heal (if caught early before large swellings have occurred) but they do have a higher incidence of reoccurring than normal bulls. Surgery was Charolais Banner • May 2016

tried more often in the past but because of the large blood clot that formed, infection is a very real complication. Prognosis is no better than the conservative medical approach. The blood clot is absorbed over time and as long as adhesions are minimized with hydrotherapy infection is unlikely. Cut penises involve careful scrutinization by your veterinarian. Flushing medication up the sheath along with hydrotherapy and systemic drugs are used in bad cases. Minor cases will be left with just sexual rest and time. If breeding is allowed the laceration may be extended and also blood is very detrimental to sperm health. With fresh cuts this mixing of blood and sperm can result in very poor fertility. We know that many minor cuts do heal on their own from the scars we see on penises at semen evaluation in subsequent years. These cuts most likely occurred the previous breeding season. The seriousness of the injury will determine prognosis and estimated return to function. Some minor cuts will be healed and the bull ready to use in two to three weeks. They should be checked to make sure complete healing has occurred. A high percentage of cuts will heal however keeping that bull until the next breeding season may be warranted depending on the value of the bull. That choice again is made based on the value of the bull, his age and when in the breeding season the laceration occurred. When checking your bulls during the breeding season watch for full extension when breeding, blood on breeding and keep a careful watch of the sheath area for any abnormal swellings. If anything is noticed pull them immediately and get them attended to. This is extremely critical in single sire breeding groups because cut or broken penises do not result in continued on page 15


Canadian Beef Breeds Council Report Michael Latimer, CBBC Executive Director

It certainly has been an interesting spring in Canada with bull sales remaining strong despite lower prices for both feeder and fed cattle. This may be something that purebred breeders will want to keep a close watch on. If prices don’t rebound and the national herd doesn’t embrace expansion, it will be a different bull market in 2017. On a positive note, there has never been a greater emphasis placed on genetics, the science of genetics, and in genetically improving the national herd. The Canadian purebred industry is in an excellent position to lead the world in breeding cattle that are the most fertile, functional, efficient and yet still produce the highest quality beef anywhere. True genetic improvement will only be achieved through breeding programs built by producers. Ideally this will include a blend of phenotypic appraisal, breed association

performance programs (EPDs and genomics), and good management. At CBBC we were able to source funding from Agriculture Agri-Food Canada through the CAAP program to help offset the cost of genomic testing for producers. If you are interested, please contact your breed association for details. The Canadian Beef Breeds Council has been proud to support the Charolais World Technical Tour in Canada last year and the recently completed World Charolais Congress in Mexico. It is critical that Canada is represented at global beef events in order to promote our world class genetics. Although we have benefited from strong domestic cattle prices in recent years and we haven’t relied on the export market, it is important to remember that Canada is an exporting nation and we need to maintain or expand market access in order to add dollars into our purebred industry. This is best accomplished through

direct interaction with international cattle producers of all breeds and types of agriculture operations. There are a lot of markets to cover and the contribution made by our purebred industry from breeders, sale managers, export companies and association staff are an important part of creating the Canada Beef Advantage that the entire beef cattle industry benefits from. The Canadian Beef Breeds Council recently elected Garner Deobald as President. Garner along with his wife Lori, operate Cedarlea Charolais in Hodgeville, Saskatchewan. To round out the Charolais influence at CBBC, Canadian Charolais Association General Manager Mel Reekie was elected to the Board of Directors and will serve a two-year term. We are very excited to have Mel join the board and work with Garner as President. Their experience and leadership will be an asset to the organization.

HERD HEALTH, CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 cows getting bred. The value of purebred owners’ herd bulls further illustrates the need to move on these quickly and return them to future

breeding function. Preserving good genetics is worth it. Collecting semen for freezing can even be done on bulls with scarred

down penises so don’t give up if there is value in the genetics.

Some great online advertising options at By the week or month… you will get noticed

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Charolais Banner • May 2016

Editor’s Note: Brandon Sparrow, Vanscoy, Saskatchewan, is a CCYA Alumni who participated in many conferences, served as a Saskatchewan Director, National Board President, Conference Chair and CCYA Co-ordinator. The CCYA program was influential in my interest of cattle and the beef industry. I attended over 10 conferences and made many life-long friends and connections throughout the years. Wishing to continue my involvement in the beef industry and to gain some new experiences, I was introduced to a unique program offered by the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. The Cattlemen’s Young Leaders (CYL) Program is a ten-month mentorship program that is designed to provide enthusiastic youth within the beef industry with the knowledge, skill set and network to become leaders in the industry. Open to anyone between 18-35 years old who has a connection to the beef industry, the program began in 2010 with six participants and has grown to 16 participants chosen in 2015 from over 60 applicants. Early each year an online application form for the program can be found on the CYL website. These applications are evaluated by a committee and reduced to a 24 participant group that is invited to the spring forum, which was held in Saskatoon in 2015.

I was selected in the top 24 and attended the event. The first day of the forum consisted of educational speakers and a very informative panel session with Alanna Koch, Greg McDonald and Marty Seymour on the power of networking and youth involvement in the agriculture industry. The next day involved the competition to determine the 2015/2016 participants. The selection process consisted of a series of round table discussions facilitated by beef industry members on a variety of topics. These ranged from antimicrobial use and resistance, sustainability of beef and the McDonald’s Sustainable Beef Pilot Project, and marketing beef in a global economy. The diverse backgrounds of the competitors was evident throughout the day as each discussion table saw a different grouping to discuss the topic. It was very interesting to meet likeminded individuals from across the country who are all involved in the beef industry in different ways. From vets, to feedlot operators, seed stock producers and a lawyer, the assortment of the group was evident, and provided a

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unique opportunity to network with these people. The judging panel evaluated our discussions throughout the day and from there chose the final 16, of which I was a part. Once selected, a committee led by Jill Harvie and Jolene Noble, the CYL co-ordinators, held a conference call with the participants to determine our interests and what we were looking for in a mentor. I outlined that I had interest in purebred livestock, international trade and genetics. The committee then paired me with PJ Budler of Fort Worth, Texas. PJ is originally from South Africa where he was raised on a cattle and sheep ranch. He is very involved in the Hereford and Angus breeds and travels extensively to judge shows all over the world. PJ has visited over 49 countries and counting, and sources genetics for clients all over the globe. He relocated to Texas a few years back and founded and, which is a market place to buy and sell cattle genetics across the world. A major initiative he has developed is the Hereford Champion of the World Competition which is held each December. This online competition takes photos of Hereford show champions from 66 countries, that are then evaluated by four official judges and a fifth “judge” consisting of all Facebook “Hereford Breeder” members who vote during the competition. There were over 4300 votes cast by Facebook members from 35 countries in the 2015 competition. From there, four regional champions are selected (South America, Asia/Africa, Europe, and North

Brandon and Autumn Jackson at the Saskatoon CCYA Conference in 2011

America) for both female and bulls. The breeders of these regional winners are then invited to the Fort Worth Stock Show for the Hereford Champion of the World week. I had the opportunity to attend this event as the highlight of my CYL mentorship and it was a great experience. The Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo has seen the value in this event and truly put on a world class experience for the attendees with cash prizes awarded to the regional and overall winners. Of the eight regional winners, seven were able to attend this year’s event representing England, Argentina, Australia, Scotland, South Africa and USA. The overall champion female and bull were announced during a ceremony at the Hereford sale with the USA bull and female taking this

Below: The Hereford Champion of the World week delegation Right: Mentor PJ Budler and Brandon at the Fort Worth Hereford show


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year’s top prize, ending a three-year Canadian female winning streak. The competition serves as a platform to bring these breeders together to promote awareness, goodwill and trade. Although not being much of a Hereford breeder myself, the event provided much more than the competition, with many presentations and tours as well. The hotel venue for the week was in the middle of the Historic Fort Worth Stockyards, which is a major tourist attraction and an experience all its own. This area of the city is dedicated to old western saloons and shops, as well as the original stockyards. The Fort Worth Stock Show is an event I would suggest every cattle producer attend at some point with cattle numbers similar to that of the National Western

in Denver, and weather that can’t be beat in February! Following the events at the show, the group was taken to Texas Christian University for a day of presentations. Each regional winner gave an overview of their operation and their goals as purebred breeders. The vast differences in scale of operations was evident with the Australian breeders running a 70,000 acre station of 40,000 sheep and 500 Hereford cows, to the South African’s operating a farm of 120 Herefords, 300 sheep, and 100,000 layer hens on a mere 60 acre farm! After this we began touring across the state and visited some of the leading Hereford herds in Texas and all of North America. At each herd we had the opportunity to judge a class of four animals selected by the breeder. We then placed each class and discussed our placings and reasons by country to compare the differences we looked for in purebred livestock. Some of the bull classes were extremely split, whereas the female classes seemed to be more consistent. It was very interesting to hear what qualities these breeders were looking for in their cattle and what different traits they select for in their markets. The overall experience was tremendous and the work that PJ and his wife Koula have done to put on the event is very admirable. The Fort Worth Stock Show is looking to expand the concept and include more

breeds in the future, with Angus and Charolais next on the list. Their goal is to become the international hub for the cattle trade and events like these are a great way to bring in breeders from across the globe. As well as this event, I was able to attend the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association’s Semi-Annual meeting in Winnipeg last fall. The majority of the CYL participants were able to attend this event and we had a full agenda, attending some of the CCA discussions as well as a negotiation training workshop. These events allowed us an insight on how the CCA operates and serves the beef industry across Canada, and allowed us to network with its directors. Throughout the year other CYL participants were able to travel to events such as the Five Nations Beef Alliance in Mexico, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Conference in San Diego and the National Western Stock Show in Denver to name a few. The program is very flexible for the participants and provides a travel budget to assist with the cost of attending these events. The CYL mentorship program encourages each member to stay in contact with their mentor throughout the year. As people with busy schedules, consistent communication is not always maintained, but I have kept up with PJ through email and phone

calls. The goal of the program is not for the mentor to take time out of their day to day to teach the participant, but rather for the mentee to develop opportunities to learn from the mentor, whether it be by correspondence or travelling to different events. As a result of my mentorship I have become the Canadian representative for This website is free to list, and aims to connect more breeders across the globe with a platform to buy and sell frozen and live genetics. To complete the mentorship program, a finished “road map” detailing my experience must be completed with a summary of the accomplishments I have made throughout my term in the mentorship program. New this year, the program will commence at the Canadian Cattlemen’s Beef Industry Conference held in Calgary in August. I encourage anyone in the beef industry between the ages of 18-35 to apply for the CYL program. It has been a great experience and I have learned a lot from my mentorship. The program brings people from all corners of the industry together and is expertly run by the CCA to better the future of beef in Canada.

Events during the Hereford Champion of the World week in Fort Worth, Texas

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Tip the Scale Bull Sale 11 th Annual “Tip The Scale” Bull Sale February 15, 2015 • Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB Gross Average 26 Yearling Bulls $159,650 $6,140 Auctioneer: Ron Pederson

A very large crowd was on hand to select from this very uniform set of bulls. Most of the bulls were sold within a 100-mile radius of the Farm. High Selling Bulls Lot 97, VIKSE BA LUCKNOW 191C (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 34.5 cm SC), sired by VFF Vikse Ice 189Z, out of an LT Predictable Wind 2079 daughter Sold for $8,500 to Kory Kasa, Edberg. Lot 71, VIKSE WHITE GOLD 122C

(Polled, 102 lb., BW, 36.5 cm SC), sired by Vikse Over Time 104A, out of an HTA Crown Prince 152L daughter. Sold for $7,750 Rod Sawley, Rimbey. Lot 70, VIKSE WHITE GOLD 23C (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 36.5 cm SC), sired by Vikse Over Time 104A, out of a Sparrows Anticipation 749T daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Larry Mix, Castor. Lot 102, VIKSE BA LUCKNOW 188C (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by VFF Vikse Ice 189Z, out of an SOS Smokin Joe 20L daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Lakeview Farms, Three Hills. Lot 98, VIKSE BA LUCKNOW 229C (Polled, 99 lb. BW, 33.5 cm SC), sired by VFF Vikse Ice 189Z, out of an SOS

Smokin Joe 20L daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Dry Plaines Ranch, Hanna. LOT 82, VIKSE ENCORE 163C (Polled, 85 lb. BW, 35 cm SC), sired by CML Encore 4Y, out of a Tri-N Prefix PLD ET 54Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Dry Plaines Ranch, Hanna. Lot 88, Vikse Encore 21C (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by CML Encore 4Y, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Ken Neil Coronation. Lot 83, VIKSE ENCORE 11C (Polled, 85 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by CML Encore 4Y, out of a Rocking Heart Power 11X daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Dry Plaines Ranch, Hanna.


Rawes Ranches Bull Sale Rawes Ranches Ltd. 33rd Annual Bull Sale February 16, 2015 • Strome, AB Gross Average 157 Two Yr Old Bulls $1,212,500 $7,723

Auctioneers: Brent Cary and Dean Edge This sale features the largest selection of ranch raised, performance tested, two year old Charolais bulls in the country. Buyers came from across western Canada to buy in volume. Center Fork Ranch, Rockglen, Saskatchewan took 33 bulls out of this great sale. High Selling Bulls Lot 401, RAWES DUKE 401B (Polled 104 lb., BW, 41 cm SC), sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of a Rawes Fasttrack 110R daughter. Sold for $38,000 to Buffalo Lake Charolais, Stettler. Lot 287, RAWES MADDOX 287B (Polled, 105 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired 20

SC), sired by Rawes Aden 54U, out of by Rawes Preston 216Y. Sold for a Rawes Dallas 33S daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Norman Orrin, Thorsby. $9,750 to 7 Pillars Ranch. Elk Point. Lot 424, RAWES DUKE 424B (Polled, 107 lb. BW, 38.5 cm SC), sired by Rawes Sir T 123Y, out of a Rawes Jamboree 103P daughter. Sold for $15,500 to 7 Pillars Ranch. Elk Point. Lot 142, RAWES DALLAS 142B (Polled, 87 lb. BW, 37 cm SC), sired by Rawes Dallas 44W, out of an HTA Scorpio 874U daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Soderglen Ranches, Airdrie. Lot 177, RAWES SIR T 177B (Polled, Wendy and Lyle Bignell bought the high selling bull for their Buffalo Lake Herd 98 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by WCR Sir Terrific 8123H, out of an HRR Adens 8M daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Four Seasons Ranch, Breton. Lot 217, RAWES Left: Michel Cayer, Center Fork Ranch, was the volume buyer selecting LUKE 217B (Polled, 33 bulls; Center: Jared Sherman selected a new bull for Soderglen 104 lb. BW, 41 cm Ranches; Right: Matt Elines, Big Valley bought 3 bulls Charolais Banner • May 2016


McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Bull Sale McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Bull Sale February 17, 2016 • Olds, AB Gross Average 1 Long Yearling $7,700 7,700 39 Yearling Bulls 361,250 9,263 40 Bulls



Auctioneer: Brent Carey

Once again, this sale was one of the strongest in the country. With many full brothers on offer, buyers bought in volume both to commercial and purebred producers. High Selling Bulls Lot 27, KAYR EXTENDER 804C (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by Rolling D Classic 878U, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104PET daughter. Sold for $33,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach, SK. Consigned by Kay-R Charolais, Waskatenau. Lot 2, CML EXACTA 514C (Polled, 94 lb. BW, 40 cm SC), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of a Merit Vintage 4065P daughter. Sold for $30,000 to White Lake Colony, Barrons. Consigned by McLeod Livestock, Cochrane. Lot 15, CML WILD CARD 522C (Polled, 97 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by CML Encore 4Y, out of a Harvie Stinger 2R daughter. Sold for $19,000 to White Lake Colony, Barrons and Acadia Farming, Oyen. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.

Lot 1, CML DERBY 511C (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of a Merit Vintage 4065P daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Nostadt Farms, Kendal, SK. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 6, CML Advantage 527C (Polled, 95 lb. BW, 37 cm SC), sired by Merit Vintage 4065P, out of a Target Derrick 11D daughter. Sold for $11,250 to Desertland Cattle Co. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 31, KAYR RENEGADE 802C (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by Rolling D Classic 878U, out of a MVX Cougar Hill Jake 767G daughter. Sold for $11,000 to High Bluff Stock Farms, Inglis, MB. Quinn Wagstaff got a Consigned by new herdsire for his Kay-R Charolais. Desertland Cattle Co.

Lot 14, CML GRAND SLAM 562C (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of a Harvie Stinger 2R daughter. Sold for $10,250 to TL Cattle Co., Nanton. Consigned by McLeod Livestock. Lot 9, CML SHOCKWAVE 566C (Polled, 104 lb. BW, 40.5 cm SC), sired by CML Distinction 318A, out of an SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S daughter. Sold for $ 10,000 to Spring Valley Holdings, Hill Springs. Consigned by McLeod Livestock.

Ron and Mike Elder selected the high selling bull

High Bluff Stock Farms took a new bull back to Manitoba

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Jerry Hofer (left) from White Lake Colony bought the second high seller and teamed up with Simon Mandel on the third high seller



P & H Ranching Bull Sale P & H Ranching Bull Sale February 20, 2016 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 57 Two Year Old Bulls $501,600 $8,802 Auctioneer: Don Raffan

This is your one stop shopping sale, with Charolais, Simmental, Red Angus, Angus and Ranch Horses on offer. The total gross was just over a million dollars. The Simmental bulls averaged $8,673, the Angus bulls averaged $7,638, the Red Angus bulls averaged $7,770 and the Ranch Horses averaged $10,200. High Selling Bulls Lot 24, PH CIGAR 194B (Polled, 89 lb. BW, 42.5 cm SC), sired by LM MR Cigar 2110Z, out of a Schraders Smooth Blend 8219 daughter. Sold for $18,500 to High River Colony, High River. Lot 28, PH WISHBONE 45B (Polled, 94 lb. BW, 44 cm SC), sired by Keys Wishbone 40Y, out of an HBSF Liberty 59N daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Highway 21 Feeders, Acme.

Lot 26, PH WISHBONE 196B Lot 11, PH WISHBONE 139B (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 45 cm SC), sired by (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 46 cm SC), sired by Keys Wishbone 40Y, out of a JSR Keys Wishbone 40Y, out of an LKPR Trophy 88T daughter. Sold for $13,750 Challenger 208M daughter. Sold for to Brent Bamford, Calgary. $11,000 to Nester Ranching, Cessford. Lot 13, PH WISHBONE 75B (Polled, red factor, 102 lb. BW, 43 cm SC), sired by Keys Wishbone 40Y, out of a Good Anchor Progress 606S daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Church Ranches, Balzac. Lot 2, PH BANNER 30B (Horned, 98 lb. BW, 44 cm SC), sired by JSR Trophy 88T, out of an LKPR Challenger 208M daughter. Sold for $11,750 to Church Ranches, Balzac. Nester Ranching took 2 bulls back to Cessford Lot 26, PH WISHBONE 115B (Polled, 97 lb. BW, 45 cm SC), sired by Keys Wishbone 40Y, out of an LKPR Challenger 208M daughter. Sold for $11,250 to Sever Left: Gordon Church bought 3 bulls; Center: Ed Miller, Highway 21 Farms, Rocky Feeders, selected the second high selling bull; Right: John Sever took Mountain House. a new bull back to Rocky Mountain House


Char-Maine Ranching Bull Sale Char-Maine Ranching 11th Annual Bull Sale December 17 2015 • Fort Macleod, AB Gross Average 21 Two Year Old Bulls $173,750 $8,273 32 Yearling Bulls 236,700 7,396 53 Bulls



Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins

A great set of bulls were on offer at this sale. A great selection of White, Red Factor, Tan and Black bulls were sold to many repeat buyers both in Canada and the U.S. High selling Yearling Bulls Lot 40, MAIN EL MAGICO 22C (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 1.8 BW EPD), sired by Main EL Magico 90Z, out of an SDC Ferrugo 45N daughter. Sold for $12,250 to Creek’s Edge Land and Cattle. Yellow Creek, SK. 22

Lot 45, MAIN LEDGER UP 4C (Polled, 84 lb. BW, -1.9 BW EPD), sired by LT Ledger 0332P, out of a Merit Round Up 9508W daughter. Sold for $12,000 to TJ Ranches, Mountain View. Lot 38 MAIN EL MAGICO 11C (Polled, 101 lb. BW, .8 BW EPD), sired by Main EL Magico 90Z, out of a Merit Rhapsody 8878U daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Donahue Ranches, Fort McLeod. Lot 56, MAIN BLACK FLASH 35C (Polled, Black, 120 lb. BW), sired by JS Black Flash 35Z, out of an SDC Ferrugo 45N daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Anchor X Ranch, Picture Butte. High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 18, HEJ BIG BANG 81B (Polled, Red Factor, 98 lb. BW), sired by Merit Round Up 9508W, out of a Sparrows Charolais Banner • May 2016

Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Hurlburt Ranch, Fort McLeod. Lot 9, MAIN HOMBRE 118B (Polled, 3.3 BW EPD), sired by G.Bros Hombre 908X, out of an MXS Allegro 701T daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Hansen Ranches, Cardston. Lot 21, MAIN RED MAGIC 115B (Polled, Red Factor, 2.2 BW EPD), sired by Main Black Magic 49Y, out of a Crystal D Uranium 52U daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Matt Nelson, Mountain View. Lot 6, MAIN LANZA 125B (Polled, 0.3 BW EPD), sired by LT Lanza 1427 PLD, out of an HEJ Ignition 31R daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Bartsoff Ranch, Raymond.


High Country Bull Sale 42nd Annual High Country Bull Sale March 5, 2016 • Pincher Creek, AB Gross Average 10 Two Year Old Bulls $71,250 $7,125 40 Yearling Bulls 267,000 6,675 52 Bulls



Auctioneer: Frank Jenkins

With this being one of the only sales in south western Alberta, it draws a very large crowd. Producers came from 4 provinces to select from this outstanding set of bulls. The average was off from last year’s sale, but they sold 8 more bulls. High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 49, CHAR-LEW BENNETT 59B (Polled, 84 lb. BW, 40 cm SC), sired by Merit Round Up 9508W, out of a JWX Quicksilver 421U daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Twin Coulee Farms, Vulcan. Consigned by Char-Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek. Lot 1, CTP MR BENTLEY 301B (Polled, 71 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a JWX Buckle 1X daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Footprint Farms, Esther. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek.

Lot 47, CHAR-LEW BARRETT 52B (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by JWX Silver Buckle 524U, out of a Winn Mans Kansas 9135W daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Robin and Kim Lewis, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Char-Lew Ranch. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 13, TURNBULL’S CORPORAL 421C (Polled, 85 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by HC Anchor 306A, out of a Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Nelson Farms and Char-Lew Ranch, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 19, TURNBULL’S COLT 400C (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 37 cm SC), sired by HC Anchor 306A, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $9,000 to TL Cattle, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 20, TURNBULL’S CHISEL 46C (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a CTP MR 34K daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Windy Valley Ranch, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 29, TURNBULL’S CHISUM 330C (Polled, red factor, 94 lb. BW, 37.5 cm SC), sired by Pleasant Dawn

Tracker15A, out of a Pleasant Dawn Maximum 138X daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Windy Valley Ranch, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Turnbull Charolais. Lot 36, TURNBULL’S COUNTRY 80C (Polled, 97 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by Pleasant Dawn MVP 316Y, out of a Snake Trail Chinook 2L daughter. Sold for $8,250 to Windy Valley Ranch, Pincher Creek. Consigned by Turnbull Travis Foot added a Charolais. new heifer bull to his Footprint Farms

Brant & Renita Lewis bought a new herdsire for Char-Lew Ranch


Wrangler Made Bull Sale Wrangler Made 4th Annual Bull Sale March 5, 2016 • Westlock, AB Gross Average 13 Two Year Old Bulls $93,000 $7,154 32 Yearling Bulls 229,950 7,180 45 Bulls



Auctioneer: Don Raffan

The 4th Annual Wrangler Made bull sale was moved home to the farm, with a change of format to a video sale, which was well received by the bull buyers. High Selling Two Year Olds Lot 46, WRANGLER FRENCHIE 99B (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 2,080 lb.,43 cm), sired by Wrangler Frenchie 2X,

out of an SVY Freedom 307N daughter, Sold for $8,500 to Brad Hein, Makwa, SK. Lot 51, WRANGLER KINGSTON 150B (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, 1805 lb., 42 cm), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a Pro Char 007 43S daughter, sold for $8,000 to Bruce Klassen, Dewberry, AB. High Selling Yearlings Lot 3, WRANGLER ROAD KING 44C (Double Polled, 100 lb. BW, 1,520 lb., 42 cm), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a Pro Char Roadster 4Y daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Billy Prokuda and Tammy Fitzel of Glenevis, AB. Charolais Banner • May 2016

Lot 1, WRANGLER BIG BEN 29C (Double Polled, 110 lb. BW, 1,750 lb., 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a Wrangler On Fire 49T daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Marvin Bieber, of Elk Point, AB. Lot 6, WRANGLER CLYDE 107C (Double Polled, 106 lb. BW, 1,565 lb., 39 cm), sired by HTA Bradack 137Y, out of a Pinay daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Border Ridge Ranch, Hilda, AB. Lot 14, WRANGLER RAT ROD 9C (Double Polled, 93 lb. BW, 1,655 lb., 48 cm), sired by Pro Char Roadster 4Y, out of a McKeary’s Reckoning 1X daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Sven Jensen, Warburg AB. 23


Beck Farms Bull Sale Beck/McCoy 7th Annual Sale February 24, 2016 • Milestone, SK Gross Average 3 Two Year Old Bulls $17,500 $5,833 34 1/2 Yearling Bulls 217,750 6,312 37 1/2 Lots



Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co

The Becks put forth the most consistent set of bulls to date and saw a very solid steady sale as a result. The weather was nice and a good crowd was on hand for the bulls and the homey hospitality. The Charolais were the high averaging breed with the McCoy Herefords averaging $5,733 and Gelbvieh averaging $5,530. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 97, BECKS LEGACY 552C (Polled, 934 lb. 205 DW, 1,500 lb., 43 cm), sired by Beck’s Titan 818U, out of a Beck’s Ricky Bobby 10S daughter. Sold for $11,000 for ¾ interest to Aaron Wilkie, Milestone. Lot 69, BECKS VIEW 507C (Double Polled, 89 lb. BW, 1,455 lb., 37 cm), sired by Steppler Orch 103A, out of a Sparrows Panama 826U. Sold for $9,000 for ¾ interest to M.C. Quantock, Lloydminster, AB. Lot 62, BECKS RESOURCE 508C

(Polled/s, 82 lb. BW, 750 lb. 205 DW, DW, 1,300 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by 1,350 lb., 37 cm), sired by LT Blue Sparrows Hombre 128Y, out of a Value 7903 ET, out of a Sparrows Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Panama 826U daughter. Sold for Sold for $8,500 to Salty Lake Farms. $9,000 to Miller Land & Livestock, Lot 91, BECKS CHARGE 545C Jarvis, ON. (Double Polled, 89 lb. BW, 747 lb., Lot 70, BECKS CASINO 514C 1,305 lb., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows (Double Polled, 96 lb. BW, 817 lb. 205 Hombre 128Y, out of an CJC Unusual DW, 1,475 lb., 37 cm), sired by Y789P daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Steppler Orch 103A, out of a Virgil SC Salty Lake Farms. daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Neil Miller Farms, Avonlea. Lot 72, BECKS PARALYZER 536C (Double Polled, 91 lb. BW, 1,325 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Steppler Orch 103A, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Salty Lake Farms, Watrous. Lot 73, BECKS BURN 539C (Polled, George & Dwayne Miller took a high seller to 91 lb. BW, 768 205 DW, 1,385 lb., 41 Ontario cm), sired by Steppler Orch 103A, out of a Sparrows Panama 826U daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Lohse Farm & Ranch, Beaubier. Lot 86, BECKS MOHAWK 555C Left: Repeat customer Aaron Wilkie selected the high seller; Center: (Double Polled, 91 Rick Klassen was again the volume buyer investing $28,750 in four bulls; Right: Blaine Lohse purchased a high selling bull lb. BW, 776 lb. 205


Maple Leaf Bull Sale Maple Leaf Charolais & Ranch 12th Annual Bull Sale February 26, 2016 • Ponoka, AB Gross Average 37 Two Year Old Bulls $259,050 $7,001 19 Yearling Bulls 101,850 5,361 56 Lots


steady sale. High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 32, MAPLE LEAF MAJOR 4118B (41 cm, 87 % semen test score), sired by Maple Leaf Major 52X, out of a Maple Leaf Laurel 317N daughter.

Sold for $10,300 to Dave Shand, Delia. Lot 4, MAPLE LEAF PINAY 448B (Full French, 83 lb, BW, 1,740 lb., 94 % semen test score), sired by Pinay, out of a Tempo daughter. Sold for $10,100 to Bob Beebe, Hughenden.

Barkley & Cheryl Beebe selected the second high selling two year old

Julian & Cliff Sutherland purchased the high selling bull


Auctioneer: Dan Skeels Sale Manager: By Livestock

A beautiful February day saw the largest crowd ever come out to select from the Full French and French influence set of two year old and yearling bulls from the Stewarts. A very active bidding crowd, with many repeat customers, gave them a very 24

Charolais Banner • May 2016


HEJ Charolais Bull Sale 11th Annual HEJ Charolais Bull Sale February 26, 2016 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 53 Yearling Bulls $325,650 $6,144 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manage: T Bar C Cattle Co.

Once again, a great set of white, red factor and black Charolais were on offer at the HEJ Bull Sale. With a few less bulls in this year’s sale, the average was up by $700 over last year. High Selling Bulls Lot 57, HEJ COBRA 4C (Polled, black, 80 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by HEJ Chipingo 107T, out of an HEJ Oaisis 59Y daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Keith Wilson, Rosedale. Lot 8, HEJ CHESTER 1C (Polled, 78 lb. BW, 43 cm SC), sired by HEJ Armageddon 84A, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston. Lot 56, HEJ COAL SEAM 52C (Scurred, black, 98 lb. BW, 42 cm SC),

Lot 38, MAPLE LEAF MAJOR 4123B (Full French, 103 lb. BW, 40 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Major 52X, out of a Maple Leaf Bobby 21M daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Dave Shand. Lot 9, BAR PUNCH VIRGIL JR 465B (Full French, 84 lb. BW, -.6 BW EPD, 1,685 lb., 42 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Cadet 18C 175Y, out of a Maple Leaf Reward 11X daughter. Sold for $9,600 to Allen Olson, Rimbey. Lot 24, MAPLE LEAF VIRGIL JR 495B (Polled/s, Full French, 100 lb. BW), sired by Maple Leaf Bar Punch 901W, out of a Maple Leaf Major Jag 620S. Sold for $9,600 to Lammer Ltd., Hanna. Lot 8, MAPLE LEAF REWARD 460B (.3 BW EPD, 1,705 lb., 40.5 cm),

sired by Main Black Diamond 33A, out of an HEJ Aviator 30R daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Burt Cattle, Topeka, KS. Lot 37, HEJ Cash 72C (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 43 cm SC), sired by NINA All You Need 44Y, out of a Willoe Brook Red Rocket 532R daughter. Sold for $8,000 Brian Quast, Hanna. Lot 2, NINA CARSTON 21C (Scurred, 108 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by Winn Mans Big Rig 639Y, out of an NCLP Triple Threat 914W daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Coldstream Ranch, Vernon, BC. Lot 4, HEJ CLASSIFIED 29C (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 43 cm SC), sired by LT Ledger 0332P, out of a JS Freedom 2U daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Kattle Country, Mortlack, SK. Lot 9, HEJ CORDOBA 17C (Polled, 80 lb. BW, 40 cm SC), sired by HEJ Armageddon 84A, out of a NINA All You Need 44Y daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Parsons Cattle Co., Tees. Lot 39, HEJ CANDIDATE 121C

(Polled, red factor, 98 lb. BW, 40 cm SC), sired by Anchor J Jimmy 15Y, out of an HEJ Gigabyte 42U daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Coldstream Ranch, Vernon, BC

sired by Maple Leaf Reward 11X, out of an MLC 18C Cadet Jr 219M. Sold for $9,000 to Murray Griffiths, Ponoka. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 49, MAPLE LEAF REWARD 502C (Full French, 105 lb. BW, 1.4 BW EPD, 1,405 lb., 35 cm), sired by Maple Leaf Reward 11X, out of a Snoopy

daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Sixtyline Charolais, Barrhead. Lot 52, MAPLE LEAF REWARD 517C (100 lb. BW, 1.3 BW EPD), sired by Maple Leaf Reward 11X, out of a Maple Leaf Laurel 317N daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Lammer Ltd.

Left: Jean Lamson bought three for their Lammer Ltd operation; Right: Lowell Johnston purchased two

Kelsey, Allan & Jim Norlie took three bulls and Dave Shand selected two high sellers

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Left: Steve Quinton selected the second high selling bull for his Char-Maine Ranching herd; Right: Cole Parsons took 2 bulls back to Tees

Keith Balcaen along with his granddaughter Gracie bought 9 Bulls for his Coldstream Ranch



Pro-Char Charolais & Guests Johnson Charolais Bull Sale Pro-Char Charolais and Guest Johnson Charolais Bull Sale February 28, 2016 • Glenevis, AB Gross Average 8 Two Year Old Bulls $59,950 $7,493 50 Yearling Bulls 404,250 8,085 58 Bulls



Auctioneer: Brent Carey These two progressive breeders joined forces to offer a very good set of stought, consistant, ready to work bulls. Both purebred and commercial producers bought. High Selling Bulls Lot 11, PRO-CHAR OUTLAW 13C (Polled, red factor, 82 lb. BW, 43 cm SC), sired by HRJ Widow Maker 12A, out of a Wrangler Headliner 28N daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Doll Charolais, New Salem, ND. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis. Lot 12. PRO-CHAR YELLOW JACKET 6C (Polled, red factor, 86 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by HRJ Widow Maker 12A, out of a Pro-Char CPTN. Morgan 8U daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Bremner Charolais, Dauphin, MB and Cattle Lac Charolais, Eddystone, MB. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 1, PRO-CHAR BOSS HOG 33C (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a Pro-Char CPTN Morgan 8U daughter.

Sold for $12,500 to Misty Hills Charolais, Vermillion and LakeView Charolais, Marwayne. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 2, PRO-CHAR RED CLOUD 4C (Polled, red factor, 87 lb. BW, 39 cm SC), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a Pro-Char Roadster 4Y daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Panylyk Farms, Rochester. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 8, PRO-CHAR RENEGADE 67C (Polled, 95 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a Southern Prairie Mr 71P daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Wyatt Farms, Arrowood. Consigned by Pro-Char Charolais. Lot 46, HRJ MAVERICK 556C (Polled, 80 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by WC Doubletree 2009P, out of a Sparrows Kingston 139Y daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Horseshoe E Charolais, Kenaston, SK. Consigned by Johnson Charolais, Barrhead. Lot 45, HRJ MR CHA-CHIN 542C (Horned, 107 lb. BW, 40.5 cm SC), sired by Sparrows Kingston 139Y, out of a HFCC PLD Chrome 51L daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Kummer Farms, Barrhead. Consigned by Johnson Charolais. Lot 56, HRJ CROSSFIRE 523C (Polled, 89 lb. BW, 35.5 cm SC), sired WC Doubletree 2009P, out of a

Pro-Char Sonny 63U daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Dwight Greilach, Barrhead. Consigned by Johnson Charolais. David Doll took the high selling bull back to North Dakota.

Left: Layne Evans selected a new bull for Horseshoe E Charolais; Right: Dwayne Panylyk, a repeat buyer, purchased a new herdsire

Brian Crisp and Rob Murray teamed up on the third high seller.


Ferme Louber Bull Sale Ferme Louber Bull Sale March 5, 2016 • Ste-Marie, QC Gross Average 32 Yearling Bulls $167,800 $5,244 Auctioneer: Charles Menard

The Bégin family at Ferme Louber once again presented a high performance set of Charolais and Angus beef bulls in their 12th Annual Bull Sale. The bulls born mainly in 26

December and January have that little extra size. Data, including ultrasound information, was available and saw bulls sell across Canada to five provinces. High Selling Bulls Lot 2, MR LOUBER MIKE 813B (Double Polled, BW 90 lb., 99 YW EPD, 4.30 ADG, 1,630 lb., 40 cm), sired by LAE Juice Box 190Y, out of an GMC Tyson 23T daughter. Sold for Charolais Banner • May 2016

$12,500 to Vikse Family Farm, Donalda, AB. Lot 11, MR LOUBER MANTRACKER 830B (3rd Gen. Polled, 86 lb. BW, 6.2 Frame, 109 Yearling Index, 1,486 lb., 40 cm),

Phil Hardy bought a high seller for his Pee Vee herd


Coyote Flats Charolais Bull Sale 1st Annual Coyote Flats Charolais Bull Sale March 7, 2016 • Coaldale, AB Gross Average 27 Two Year Old Bulls $195,000 $7,222 25 Yearling Bulls 166,300 6,652 52 Bulls



Auctioneer: Don Raffan Sale Manager: By Livestock

Coyote Flats Charolais have been selling bulls by private treaty for 25 plus years, but this year they hosted their first bull sale. A great cross section of two year old and yearling bulls were on offer. Bulls were sold to many repeat buyers which helped make the first annual sale a huge success. High Selling Two Year Old Lot 29, CFC SLAM DUNK 40B (Polled, 89 lb. BW, 42 cm SC), sired by CFC Pound Maker 52Z, out of an HCR Success 6073 PLD. Sold for $11,500 to Foat Valley Stock Farms, Carstairs. Lot 30, CFC POSITIVE IMPACT 11B (Polled, 94 lb. BW, 42 cm SC), sired by CFC Pound Maker 52Z, out of a JOR Top Cut 19M daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Wolfer Ranching, Tilly. Lot 36, CFC BANKROLL 34B (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by CFC Pound Maker 9Z, out of a CFC Sudden Impact 48W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Sandy Hills Farms, Claresholm. Lot 57, CFC WALK THIS WAY 54B

sired by HTA Mantracker 958W, out of a Grant’s Synergy 41X daughter. Sold for $7,800 to McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, SK. Lot 14, MR LOUBER BLITZ 895B (3rd Gen. Polled, 94 lb. BW, 4.72 ADG, 1,498 lb., 41 cm), sired by HTA Mantracker 958W, out of a Sparrows Panama 826U daughter. Sold for $6,800 to D & L Plewis, Swift Current, SK.

(Polled, 92 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by M6 New Standard 842P, out of a CFC Next Generation 9T daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Nelson Bros. Lazy H Ranches, High River. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 1, CFC 43Y VENOM 12C (Polled, 108 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by Elder’s Raptor 43Y, out of a DCR MR Tom Terrific J966 daughter. Sold for $9,000 to South Wind Farms, Tilly. Lot 5, CFC 43Y EXPANSION 10C (Horned, 104 lb. BW, 39.5 cm SC),

sired by Elder’s Raptor 43Y, out of an LLW Big Daddy PLD 50R daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Blair Turcato, Taber. Lot 23, CFC 38A MASTER PIECE 13C (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 36 cm SC) sired by Cedarlea The Keg 38A, out of an Elder’s Wahkamo 919W daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Grant Ellefson, Brooks. Lot 2, CFC 43Y PROWLER 16C (Polled, 110 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by Elder’s Raptor 43Y, out of a JOR Red Ripper 15S daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Agroscope Inc., Bow Island.

Primrose Livestock was the volume buyer taking 5 bulls

Gene Foat received the jacket from Mark for buying the high selling two year old bull

Gord Simpson and Blair Turcato each receive a jacket for buying the two high selling yearling bulls

Earl & Dianne Hemmaway, Sandy Hills Farms selected the second high selling two year old bull

Lot 21, MR LOUBER JUICE BOX 849B (Double Polled, 94 lb. BW, 104 YW EPD, 6.2 Frame, 1,538 lb.), sired by LAE Juice Box 190Y, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $6,400 to Pee Vee Charolais, Masonville. Dave & Tracy Vikse added a herdbull to their operation

Charolais Banner • May 2016



McTavish Bull Sale McTavish & Guest 5th Annual Bull Sale March 8, 2016 • Moosomin, SK Gross Average 2 Two Year Old Bulls $9,500 $4,750 28 Yearling Bulls 132,200 4,721 30 Lots



Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock

McTavish Farms along with guest consignor Charla Moore Farms put forth a very strong offering that unfortunately saw some good buying throughout the sale. The quality and consistency was very good from both operations. Seven Red Angus yearlings averaged $4,543. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 4, MCTAVISH RENDITION 56C (Polled/s, 101 lb. BW, 816 lb. 205 DW, 25.7 Milk EPD, 1,560 lb., 41.5 cm), sired by SVY Monument Pld 159Y, out of a Scarth Red Adair 333U daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Bricney Stock Farm, Maidstone. Lot 28, MCTAVISH ESSENTIAL 78C (3rd Gen. Polled, 100 lb. BW, 873 lb. 205 DW, 1,690 lb., 41.5 cm), sired by Merit 9874W, out of a Rolling D Design 730T daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Bar M 7 Farms, Eriksdale, MB. Lot 1, MCTAVISH GAME PLAN

46C (Polled/s, 96 lb. BW, 871 lb. 205 DW, 17.37 REA, 1,710 lb., 42 cm), sired by SVY Monument Pld 159Y, out of a Gilliland Diago 7R daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Kirk Botterill, Fleming. Lot 3, MCTAVISH BACKLASH 13C (Double Polled, -.8 BW EPD, 96 lb. BW, 802 lb. 205 DW, 1,550 lb., 39 cm), sired by SVY Monument Pld 159Y, out of an MSW Craven Red 29M daughter. Sold for $5,800 to John Wilson, Wawota. Lot 10, MCTAVISH TOTEM 109C (Double Polled, 104 lb. BW, 24.3 Milk EPD, 16.24 REA, 1,465 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by SVY Monument Pld 139Y, out of a Scarth Red Adair 333U daughter. Sold for $5,800 to Noble Bros. Farms, Abernethy.

Wendall & Leanne Weston selected the high selling bull

Left: Hugh Garrett selected three for Pipestone Grazing Co-op; Right: John Wilson added another McTavish bull to his herd

Many time repeat and volume customers Kirk & Dusty Botterill

Craig Miller, who took the second high seller, and Jared McTavish


Johanne Samson It is with sadness, after a long battle with cancer, we announce that Johanne passed away on the 30th of April, at the age of 48 years. She was

CYPRESS HILLS CHAROLAIS BREEDERS President: Darwin Rosso Secretary/Treasurer: Murray Blake


the wife of Raymond Breton, a Charolais Breeder from Inverness, Québec. Après une longue bataille avec le cancer est décédé à l'âge de 48 ans

Cedarlea Farms Garner & Lori Deobald Box 294, Hodgeville, SK S0H 2B0 T/F: 677 2589 Wood River Charolais Murray & Nicole Blake Box 86, McCord, SK S0H 2T0 T: 478 2520

Johanne Samson épouse de Raymond Breton Inverness Québec Éleveur Charolais.

N3 Stock Farms Lyle & Lynn Wilson Box 37, Admiral, SK S0N 0B0 T: 297 6263 Rosso Charolais Darwin & Kevin Rosso #78, 325 4 Ave. SW, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 5V2 T: 693 2384

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Char Top Charolais Glen & Lyn Sauder Box 569, Gull Lake, SK S0N 1A0 T: 672 3979 Prairie Sky Farms Lloyd & Christina Daniels Box 185, Avonlea, SK S0H 0C0 T: 868 4429


A. Sparrow Farms Bull Sale A. Sparrow Farms Bull Sale March 11, 2016 • Vanscoy, SK Gross Average 4 Two Year Old Bulls $26,500 $6,625 52 1/2 Yearling Bulls 734,750 13,995 56 1/2 Lots



Auctioneer: Michael K. Fleury

It was a great day, with a big crowd, loads of enthusiasm from both repeat and new customers and purebred and commercial producers willing to pay for the reputation offering. Bulls sold across Canada and into the USA. The lead off bull sold for the highest price we have seen in decades and this would be the highest average ever for a private producer bull sale from a great family operation that had their first bull sale 40 years ago. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, SPARROWS BRAXTON 519C (Double Polled, .2 BW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 1,622 lb., 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Winn Mans Lanza 610S daughter. Sold for $107,000 for ¾ interest to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB and Beck Farms, Milestone. Lot 9, SPARROWS LAMONT 524C (Double Polled, 98 lb. BW, 53 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 1,522 lb., 38 cm), sired by Winn Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Sparrows Panama 826U daughter. Sold for $36,000 for ¾ interest to Thistle Ridge Stock Farm, Taber, AB. Lot 58, SPARROWS ZAIDEN 507C (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 838 lb. 205 DW, 1,579 lb. 365 DW, 1,714, 43 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of a Winn Mans Skaggs 663X daughter. Sold for $36,000 to Snake Valley Charolais, Champion, AB. Lot 15, SPARROWS CASINO 511C (Polled, 97 lb. BW, 52 YW EPD, 101 YW EPD, 1,543 lb., 39 cm), sired by LT Blue Value 7903 ET, out of a Winn Mans Skaggs 663X daughter. Sold for $32,000 to Pro-Char Charolais, Glenevis, AB. Lot 5, SPARROWS RED TITAN 545C (Double Polled, Red Factor, 102

David & Marshall Prokuda took the third high seller home

Joe & Robert Cooper came from Nova Scotia to buy a bull

Andre Steppler and Wade Beck teamed up on Braxton

Bryce Weiss & Corey Haubrich bought top bulls

lb. BW, 807 lb. 205 DW, 1,475 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by HRJ Widow Maker 12A, out of an ABC Nuevo daughter. Sold for $20,000 to White Lake Colony, Left: Ben Tams added a herdbull to his Thistle Ridge operation; Nobleford, AB. Center: Jerry Hofer selected a red factor bull for their White Lake Colony herd; Right: Rob Murray bought a heifer bull Lot 45, SPARROWS CHARLTON 547C $18,000 to Balamore Farms, Great (109 lb. BW, 894 lb. 205 DW, 108 YW Village, NS. EPD, 1,618 lb., 40 cm), sired by Winn Lot 13, SPARROWS THACHER Mans Skaggs 663X, out of a Sparows 544C (Polled/s, 96 lb. BW, 53 WW Cerveza 106S daughter. EPD, 100 YW EPD, 22 Milk EPD, 1,503 Sold for $20,000 to B & H Charolais, lb., 39 cm), sired by Winn Mans Archer, NE. Skaggs 663X, out of an ABC Nuevo Lot 55, SPARROWS KEYSTONE daughter. Sold for $17,000 to Diamond 575C (Polled/s, 88 lb. BW, -.1 BW K Ranch, Maple Creek. EPD, 32.5 Milk EPD, 1,412 lb., 41 cm), Lot 54, SPARROWS Bentley 5101C sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out (98 lb. BW, 811 lb. 204 DW, 1,416 lb. of a Sparrows Cerveza 106S daughter. 365 DW, 40 cm), sired by Winn Mans Sold for $19,500 to Lakeview Lanza 610S, out of a Sparrow Alliance Charolais, Marwayne, AB. 513G daughter. Sold for $15,500 to Lot 8, SPARROWS DONALDSON Paradise Ranch, Medicine Hat, AB. 517C (Double Polled, ET, 98 lb. BW, 29.8 Milk EPD, 1,506 lb., 37 cm), sired by Winn Mans Lanza 610S, out of Sparrows Symphony 230L. Sold for

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Footprint Farms Charolais Power Bull Sale Footprint Farms Charolais Power Bull Sale March 11, 2016 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 30 Two Year Old Bulls $251,250 $8,375 33 Yearling Bulls 205,650 6,230 66 Bulls



Auctioneer: Cliff Paul This sale has a great offering of both yearling and two year old bulls. Many repeat buyers come to help keep this one of the strongest of the sale season. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 85, FOOTPRINTS SIR 4146B (Polled, red factor, 104 lb. BW, 42 cm SC), sired by JS Riggins 6R, out of an MXS Marathon 849U daughter. Sold for $13,500 to Hawks Haven Cattle Co., Compeer. Lot 65, FOOTPRINT SIR 4138B (Polled, 106 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by JS Riggins 6R, out of an LLW Sundance PLD 12T daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Sungrass Ranching, Hanna. Lot 53, FOOTPRINTS SIR 4115B (Polled, 107 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired

by DVY SVY Warrior 2W, out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Fawcett Cattle Co., Consort. Lot 63, FOOTPRINTS SIR 4137B (Polled, 105 lb. BW, 37 cm SC), sired by Fawcett’s Swagger 57W, out of a Stauffer’s Diesel 106R daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Fawcett Cattle Co., Consort. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 8, FOOTPRINTS SIR 508C (Polled, 100 lb. BW, 39.5 cm SC), sired by Gerrard Pastor 35Z, out of an SOS Hemi PLD 65N daughter. Sold for $9,750 to Fawcett Cattle Co., Consort. Lot 13, FOOTPRINT SIR 512C (Polled, red factor, 83 lb. BW, 36.5 cm SC), sired by KCH Load King 2A, out of a Beaver Creek Torque 222T daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Sungrass Ranching, Hanna. Lot 6, FOOTPRINTS SIR 504C (Polled, 104 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by SVY Rushmore PLD 145Y, out of an HFCC PLD Bond 19L. Sold for $9,000 to Kelly Cook, Coronation. Lot 1, FOOTPRINTS SIR 8C (Scurred, 100 lb. BW, 40 cm SC), sired

Left: Doug Noble, Hawks Haven Cattle Co. bought the high selling bull; Right: Repeat buyer Bill Davies took 2 bulls back to Medicine Hat

Trevor and Brad Fawcett bought 3 high selling bulls

by DR Revelation 467, out of a Sparrows Alliance 513G daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Goodbrand Land and Cattle, Youngstown.


Benchmark Bull Sale Benchmark Bull Sale March 12, 2016 • Cobden, ON Gross Average 23 Yearling Bulls $113,250 $4,923 Auctioneer: Stewart James

High Selling Bulls Lot 13, WHITEWATER CANYON 4C (Polled, 93 lb. BW, -.8 BW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 23.8 Milk EPD, 1,480 lb., 36.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Fargo 811U, out of a Bar EW Rebel 28R daughter. Sold for $6,600 to Linford 30

Martin, Westmeath, ON. Consigned by WhiteWater Livestock, Haley Station. Lot 6, BLACKBERN CALEB 17C (Homo Polled, 102 lb. BW, 95 YW EPD, 30.6 Milk EPD, 1,380 lb., 35 cm), sired by Tri-N Prefix Pld ET 54Y, out of an HEJ Magnum 26R daughter. Sold for $6,100 to Andrew Simms, Shawville, QC. Consigned by Blackbern Farms, Foresters Falls. Lot 26, KIRLENE EASY DOCKAGE 7C (Polled, 82 lb. BW, -.1 BW EPD, Charolais Banner • May 2016

23.9 Milk EPD, 1,370 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Kirlene Dockage 58X, out of a VCR Sir Duke 914 Pld. Sold for $5,900 to Stephane & Christian Marenger, Andrew Simms took Gatineau, QC. a bull to Quebec Consigned by Kirlene Cattle, Brighton.

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Horseshoe E Bull Sale Horseshoe E Charolais Bull Sale March 12, 2016 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 9 Two Year Old Bulls $58,500 $6,500 56 Yearling Bulls 405,050 7,233 65 Lots



Auctioneer: Chris Poley

This is the second year in a row that the average has moved higher and more bulls have sold in this annual sale. This year the sons of Circle Cee Legend were the main attractors with purebred and commercial producers alike wanting to own them. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 54, LAE CHANCELLOR 5122C (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, -2.6 BW EPD, 783 lb. 205 DW, 1,476 365 DW, 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Poplar Bluff Stock Farm, Chauvin, AB. Lot 44, LAE CONGA 9C (3rd Gen. Polled, 89 lb. BW, two year old dam, 2.3 BW EPD, 807 lb. 205 DW, 1,445 lb., 43 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $19,000 to Brimner Cattle Co., Manor. Lot 18, LAE CISCO 531C (Double Polled, 1 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 1,610 lb., 41 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Sparrow Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Johnson Charolais, Barrhead, AB. Lot 1, LAE CRUISE 502C (75 lb. BW, -5.3 BW EPD, 1,360 lb., 39.5 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a

Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Steppler Farms, Miami, MB. Lot 12, LAE COLUMBUS 518C (Double Polled, 101 lb. BW, .6 BW EPD, 1,565 lb., 46 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Jaydawn Farms, Sexsmith, AB & Landaker Charolais Farm, Brownvale, AB. Lot 15, LAE CLYDE 527C (Double Polled, 96 lb. BW, -3.8 BW EPD, 1,520 lb., 38 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Carievale. Lot 31, LAE CARBON COPY 563C (Double Polled, 106 lb. BW, 815 lb. 205 DW, 1,615 lb., 41 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Terry Sliworsky, Winnipegosis, MB. Lot 36, LAE CAIRO 579C (Polled, 106 lb. BW, 29 Milk EPD, 1,535 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of a Sparrows Sanchez 715T

daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Legacy Farms, Botha, AB. Lot 47, LAE CONGO 596C (3rd Gen. Polled, 106 lb. BW, 1,525 lb., 39.5 cm), sired by McTavish High Voltage 51A, out of a Sparrows Eldorado 361L daughter. Sold for $10,000 to R & F Livestock, Warman.

Left: Kelly Brimner selected the second high seller; Right: Repeat commercial customer Terry Sliworsky bought two

Ron & Greg Gilliland took one home

Kirsten & John Taylor purchased the high seller for their Poplar Bluff herd

Andre & Katie Steppler bought two top sellers

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Charolais Banner • May 2016

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Palmer Charolais Bull Sale Palmer Charolais & Nielson Land & Cattle Co. Bull Sale March 14, 2016 • Bladworth, SK Gross Average 7 Two Year Old Bulls $49,100 $7,014 33 Yearling Bulls 199,350 6,041 40 Lots



Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock

Many repeat customers and many buying multiples saw bulls sell across Saskatchewan and Alberta making this a very steady sale. The 38 Red and Black Angus bulls averaged $5,296 for the Nielsons. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 38, HVA CALGARY 221B (3rd Gen. Polled, 106 lb. BW, 54 WW EPD, 2,125 lb., 45 cm), sired by HTA Countdown 9103W, out of an HVA Manchester 821M daughter. Sold for $9,200 to Kevin McLeod, Biggar. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 8, RGP DELTA FORCE 25C (3rd Gen. Polled, Leptin TT Super Bull, 108 lb. BW, 106 YW EPD, 22.6 Milk EPD, 1,430 lb., 42 cm), sired by Merit 8789U, out of a Sparrows Durango 585P daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Miller

Farms, Milk River, AB. Johnson, Davidson. Lot 10, HVA ROLEX 806C (98 lb. Lot 32, HVA ROCKY 51C (Polled/s, 112 lb. BW, 63 WW EPD, 115 YW EPD, BW, 938 lb. WW, Leptin TT), sired by 1,480 lb., 41 cm), sired by Merit 8789U, Merit 8789U, out of an RGP Real Estate 129R daughter. Sold for $8,100 out of an SVY Freedom Pld 307N to Merit Cattle Co., Radville. daughter. Sold for $10,250 to Twin Curves Ranch Ltd, Eyebrow. Lot 6, RGP BRAVO 251C (108 lb. BW, 55 WW EPD, 110 YW EPD, 970 lb. WW, 1,565 lb., 40 cm), sired by Merit 8789U, out of a 4-G Payroll 364S daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Rob & Neil Hoffman, Oyen, AB. Lot 7, RGP WARRIOR 32C (102 lb. BW, 936 lb. WW, 54 WW EPD, 109 YW EPD, 1,445 lb., 41 cm), sired by Merit Left: Kevin McLeod again bought the top 8789U, out of a Sparrows Durango selling two year old; Right: Gord Miller 585P daughter. Sold for $9,200 to purchased the TT Super Bull Logan Ranching, Oyen, AB. Lot 3, RGP MONTANA 1109C (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 930 lb. WW, 1,415 lb., 38 cm), sired by MVY Showcase 8A, out of an HTA Countdown 9103W Left: David Esmond was again a volume buyer taking six; daughter. Sold for Center: Repeat customer Rob Hoffman selected a high seller; Right: Another repeat customer Cal Logan bought three $8,250 to Everett


Reese Cattle Co. Bull Sale Reese Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale March 18, 2016 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 39 Yearling Bulls $211,500 $5,423 Auctioneer: Mark Daines

After last year’s sale was under a little pressure, Reese Cattle Co. bounced back with a great sale. Many of the long time customers were back, which helped the average move up by $1,418 over last year. High Selling Bulls Lot 10, REESE CARSON 20C 34

(Polled, 93 lb. BW, 40 cm SC), sired by $8,000 to Michel Olsen, Spruce View. Reese Butte 43A, out of an HTA Lot 17, REESE CHURCHHILL 38C Quantum PLD 26R daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Gerald Wilsie, Caroline. Lot 22, REESE KANNON 53C (Polled, 104 lb. BW, 40.5 cm SC), sired by HTA Bradack 137Y, out of an SVY Left: Gerald Wilsie, a many time repeat buyer took 2 bulls back to Freedom PLD 307N Caroline; Center: Greg Hoar bought a high selling bull; Right: Michel daughter. Sold for Olsen selected to co-high selling bull Charolais Banner • May 2016


Gilliland Bros. Bull Sale of an SOS MB Syndicated 138Y daughter. Sold for $6,500 to J Bar J Charolais. Lot 12, G.BROS RIPKEN 244C (Double Polled, 83 lb. BW,-2.3 BW EPD, 1,500 lb., 37 cm), sired by DCR Mr 029 Dakota Bull Z90, out of an ACC I Am Legend 914W daughter. Sold for $6,300 to Geisel Charolais.

Some new customers and many repeat customers came and were treated to a quality set of bulls in this 5th Annual sale. Many bought multiples with many ½ brothers sought for their consistency. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 30, G.BROS MONROE 516C (3rd Gen. Polled, -2.1 BW EPD, 1035 lb. WW, 24.4 Milk EPD, 1,605 lb. 42 cm), sired by ACC I Am Legend 914W, out of an SOS MB Syndicated 138Y daughter. Sold for $10,500 to J Bar J Charolais, Napinka, MB.

Lot 18, DBLG G.BROS BOOYA 214C (Double Polled, Red Factor, .1 BW EPD, 910 lb. WW, 1,470 lb., 39.5 cm), sired by DCR MRU148Gamechanger Z173, out of a Beaver Creek Redzone 211S daughter. Sold for $7,400 to Wheatheart Charolais, Rosetown. Lot 20, DBLG G.BROS BULLSEYE 232C (Double Polled, 93 lb. BW, 1,510 lb., 39 cm), sired by DCR MRU148Gamechanger Z173, out of a JMB Dateline 754T daughter. Sold for $7,000 to B.J.G.Charolais, Lampman. Lot 1, G.BROS COOPER 504C (Double Polled, Red Factor, 92 lb. BW, 870 lb. WW, 1,525 lb., 42 cm), sired by Steppler Tandem 157A, out of a KCH Red Label 15X daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Geisel Charolais, Lampman. Lot 28, DBLG G.BROS G-FORCE 265C (Double Polled, -.4 BW EPD, 920 lb. WW, 1,575 lb., 40 cm), sired by DCR MRU148Gamechanger Z173, out

The Riddells of R4 Ranch took four to Manitoba

John & Brian Geisel selected three bulls

Tracy & Cam Buyers were volume buyers taking five

(Horned, 100 lb. BW, 37.5 cm SC), sired by Sparrows Patriot 24X, out of an HTA Quantum PLD 26R daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Allan Weiss, Sundre. Lot 20, REESE BAINBRIDGE 50C (Polled, red factor, 103 lb. BW, 40 cm SC), sired by Sparrows Patriot 24X, out of a Wrangler Double Shot 11S daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Steve Maddox, Eckville. Lot 25, REESE CONSTANTINE 62C

(Polled, red factor, 87 lb. BW, 39.5 cm SC), sired by Sparrows Patriot 24X, out of a Pro-Char Maxim 38N daughter. Sold for $7,200 to Double S Cattle, Olds. Lot 5, REESE BECKETT 12C (Polled, 82 lb. BW, 39.5 cm SC), sired by HTA Quantum PLD 26R, out of a Sparrows Patriot 24X daughter. Sold for $7,200 to Jim DeBruyn, Rocky Mountain House.

Lot 19, REESE COLTON 45C (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 37 cm SC), sired by HTA Quantum PLD 26R, out of a Cave Flash’s Brisk 181N daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Greg Hoar, Bowden. Lot 30, REESE CREIGHTON 82C (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by Sparrows Patriot 24X, out of a PCC Navigator 403P daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Gerald Wilsie, Caroline.

Gilliland Bros. 5 th Annual Bull Sale March 15, 2016 • Carievale, SK Gross Average 1 Two Year Old Bull $4,300 $4,300 36 Yearling Bulls 198,900 5,525 37 Lots



Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Left: Murray Jones added four to his J Bar J herd in Manitoba including the high seller; Right: Delores Simpson purchased the second high seller



Diamond W Charolais Bull Sale Diamond W Charolais & Angus 14 th Anuual Sale March 17, 2016 • Minitonas, MB Gross Average 5 Two Year Old Bulls $25,750 $5,150 28 Yearling Bulls 112,700 4,025 33 Lots



Auctioneer: Randy Hart Sale Manager: By Livestock

This year the Charolais average was down but the Angus average was up with the 15 Red and Black Angus two year old and yearling bulls averaging $5,030. The quality of the bulls in the sale is high but needed to attract more buyers from outside the Swan Valley area as the cow numbers there decrease. The local producers have been very loyal to this sale, proving the product is working for them. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 42X, DIAMOND W BLUESTAR 14B (3 rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, -2.2 BW EPD, 720 lb. 205 DW, 1,800 lb., 39 cm), sired by LT Bluegrass 4017 P, out of a Sparrows Bolivar 121S daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Dunston Land & Cattle, Carmangay, AB. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 4, DIAMOND W REVOLVER

Kerby Kleiber, Hudson Bay, SK. 69C (3rd Gen. Polled, 105 lb. BW, 1.6 BW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 820 lb. WW, Lot 1, DIAMOND W ROUNDUP 1,435 lb., 39 cm), sired by Merit 56C (3rd Gen. Polled, 100 lb. BW, 100 Roundup 9508W, out of a Sparrows YW EPD, 1,380 lb., 36.5 cm), sired by Bolivar 121S daughter. Sold for $7,000 Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a to Bev Christian, Bowsman. Sparrows Bolivar 121S daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Marvin Lychuk, Kenville. Lot 2, DIAMOND W ROUNDUP 68C (3rd Gen Polled, .9 BW EPD, 815 lb. WW, 1,495 lb., 41.5 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Sparrows Bolivar 121S daughter. Sold for $6,900 to Char-Top Charolais, Gull Lake, SK. Lot 3, DIAMOND W LONG MIRE 14C (3rd Gen. Polled, 102 lb. BW, 845 lb. WW, 1,455 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Left: Annual buyer Bev Christian took the Sparrows Cossack 11L daughter. Sold high selling bull; Right: Glen Sauder for $6,500 to Lakeview Livestock, purchased the second high seller Invermay, SK. Lot 16, DIAMOND W SNIPER 53C (3rd Gen. Polled, 102 lb. BW, 835 lb. WW, 1,465 lb., 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Bolivar 121S, out of an M6 Grid Maker Left: Darrell Prouse selected two for his Lakeview operation; 104 PET daughter. Center: Another annual buyer, Cory Lylyk, bought two; Right: Repeat customer Marvin Lychuk purchased a high seller Sold for $6,000 to


Rollin’ Acres/Patton, Whiskey Hollow Bull Sale Rollin’ Acres/Patton, Whiskey Hollow Bull Sale Annual Bull Sale March 19, 2016 • Hanover, ON Gross Average 29 Yearling Bulls $174,100 $6,003 Auctioneer: Carl Wright

This sale is known for the Full French and French influence bulls that have interest from across the country. High Selling Bulls Lot 10, ROLLIN ACRES 31C 36

(Polled, ½ French, 96 lb. BW, 810 lb. WW, 95 YW EPD, 5.89 ADG, 1,610 lb. 42 cm), sired by Rollin Acres Top Shelf 4Z, out of a CJC Big Sky X623 P daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley. Consigned by Rollin’ Acres Charolais, Shelburne. Lot 16, PCFL GALLANT 121B (Full French, 86 lb. BW, 816 lb. WW, 5.18 ADG, 1,722 lb., 36 cm), sired by PCFL Charolais Banner • May 2016

El Camino 51Z, out of a PCFL Admiral 116U daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Ranaman Charolais, Trochu, AB. Consigned by Patton Charolais, Shelburne. Lot 22, PCFL HISTAR 4C (Full French, 95 lb. BW, 851 WW, 5.37 ADG, 1,763 lb., 40 cm), sired by Rouky, out of a PCFL Tuscon 23P daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Kevin Frieburger, Elmwood.


Family Tradition Bull Sale 13th Annual Family Tradition Bull Sale March 18, 2016 • Dropmore, MB Gross Average 6 Two Year Old Bulls $48,000 $8,000 32 3/4 Yearling Bulls 276,750 8,450 38 3/4 Lots



Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Manager: Transcon Livestock Corp

The Jacksons had their best sale ever with a ¼ of the bulls going into purebred herds. The interest started with the show road last fall where their Casanova bull did extremely well in the all-breed bull shows at both Brandon and Regina. This combined with the best set of bulls they have produced to date culminated in the great sale not only for the Charolais but their 11 Simmental yearling bulls also sold the best they ever have to average $6,341. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, HIGH BLUFF CASANOVA 13C (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, 873 lb. 205 DW, 1,700 lb., 39 cm), sired by Silverstream Geddes G102, out of a Winn Mans Esperenza 835U daughter. Sold for $42,500 for ¾ interest to

Martin, Deona & Amy Horan invested in a couple top bulls

Lot 14, HIGH BLUFF CADILLAC Harvie Ranching, Olds, AB, Soderglen 38C (Polled, 101 lb. BW, 863 lb. 205 Ranches, Airdrie, AB & Sonderup DW, 1,580 lb., 40 cm), sired by SCR Charolais, Fullerton, NE. Lot 16, HIGH BLUFF CRAFTSMAN Triumph 2135, out of a Curtis Wallace 141H daughter. Sold for $10,500 to 112C (Double Polled, 85 lb. BW, -.9 Neilson Cattle Co., Willowbrook, SK. BW EPD, 823 lb. 205 DW, 1,485 lb., Lot 13, HIGH BLUFF CORVETT 38 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, 25C (Double Polled, 100 lb. BW, 888 out of an LHD Cigar E46 daughter. lb. 205 DW, 1,780 lb., 40 cm), sired by Sold for $13,500 to Beck Farms, SCR Triumph 2135, out of an SCX Milestone, SK. Duke 138P daughter. Sold for $10,500 Lot 12, HIGH BLUFF COMMON to Soura-Horan Farms, Bowsman. SENSE 2C (Double Polled, 75 lb. BW, Lot 6, HIGH BLUFF CRUZ 48C 743 lb. 205 DW, 1,585 lb., 40 cm), (Double Polled, 92 lb. BW, 900 lb. 205 sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of a DW, 1,520 lb.), sired by KKK Bronco Winn Mans Original 548R daughter. 2204 P, out of an HBSF Extra 2X Sold for $13,000 to Cattle Lac daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Double P Charolais, Eddystone. Stock Farm, Ste. Rose. Lot 17, HIGH BLUFF CROWN ROYAL 116C (Polled, 95 lb. BW, 866 lb. 205 DW, 1,600 lb., 39 cm), sired by SCR Triumph 2135, out of an MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Tri-N Left: Scott Harvie teamed up on the high selling bull; Center: Wade Beck bought a heifer bull; Right: Jared Preston added a bull to their Charolais, Lenore. Double P operation

Mike & Joanne Neilson bought a high seller Charolais Information Charolais Banner • May 2016

Merv & Jesse Nykoiation selected a herdbull

24/ 7 37


Pleasant Dawn Bull Sale

Buyers from five provinces and one state participated in the sale which proved to be their best so far. Nine bulls, of this total polled offering, sold into purebred herds and many repeat commercial customers were in attendance as well. The high quality white and red factor bulls found solid demand. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 7, PLEASANT DAWN CLASSIC 707C (Homo Polled, 84 lb. BW, -.6 BW EPD, 56 WW EPD, 105 YW EPD, 1,506 lb., 39.5 cm), sired by Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A, out of an HBSF Extra 2X daughter. Sold for $30,000 for 2/3 interest to Saddleridge Farming Ltd., Rosemary, AB. Lot 9, PLEASANTDAWN CLEVER 214C (Homo Polled, Letpin TT, 98 lb. BW, 877 lb. 205 DW, 64 WW EPD, 117

YW EPD, 1,544 lb., 39 cm), sired by Eatons Big Bud 10402 P, out of a Pleasantdawn Marshall 70P daughter. Sold for $18,500 for 2/3 interest to Char-Maine Ranching, Cardston, AB. Lot 3, PLEASANT DAWN BUD 276C (Homo Polled, 101 lb. BW, .4 BW EPD, 1,718 lb., 39 cm), sired by Eatons Big Bud 10402 P, out of a WCR Sir Impressive 8191P daughter. Sold for $10,000 for 2/3 interest to Pine Bluff Farm, Love, SK. Lot 6, PLEASANT DAWN LEDGEN 20C (Homo Polled, 92 lb. BW, -.5 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 1,532 lb., 40 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an HBSF Extra 2X daughter. Sold for $9,500 for 2/3 interest to Valley’s End Ranch, Central Butte, SK. Lot 12, PLEASANTDAWN COUNTER 19C (Double Polled, 82 lb. BW, -3.7 BW EPD, 23.1 Milk EPD, 1,390 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an SVY Monument Pld 159Y daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Cedarlea Farms, Hodgeville, SK. Lot 2, PLEASANTDAWN IRON 94C (3rd Gen. Polled, Double Red, 96 lb. BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 24.9 Milk EPD, 1,644 lb. 40.5 cm), sired by SRK

Canyon 2Y, out of a Pleasant Dawn Everet 23L daughter. Sold for $9,250 for 2/3 interest to Little Valley View Ranch, Forestburg, AB. Lot 5, PLEASANT DAWN TORO 21C (Homo Polled, 101 lb. BW, 1,526 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by by Vikse Over Time 104A, out of an HEJ Magnum 26R daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Mutrie Farms, Glenavon, SK. Lot 41, PLEASANT DAWN DIGEST 146C (Double Polled, .1 BW EPD, 54 WW EPD, 1,520 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Eatons Big Bud 10402 P, out of a CAD Triple Play 44P daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Blackbern Farm, Foresters Falls, ON & WhiteWater Livestock, Haley Station, ON.

Dane, Deb & Mark Oram added to their Valley’s End Ranch

Wade, Helen & Richard Sydorko bought a high seller for their Mutrie operation

Left: Raymond Paschke added the third high seller to his Pine Bluff herd; Right: Garner Deobald bought a heifer bull

Pleasant Dawn 13th Annual Bull Sale March 19, 2016 • Virden, MB Gross Average 1 Two Year Old Bull $5,000 $5,000 47 Yearling Bulls 331,200 $7,047 48 Lots



Auctioneer: Ward Cutler Sale Manager: By Livestock

Left: Ralph Retzlaff added the high selling bull to his Saddleridge Farming operation; Right: Steve Quinton took the second high seller to his Char-Maine herd ✓ News ✓ Videos


Charolais Banner • May 2016

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Charolais Banner • May 2016



Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms Bull Sale

This sale offers it all – bulls with extra age, two year old bulls, yearling bulls, red factor, white, horned or polled. Both commercial and purebred producers supported this sale which drove the average up by $913 over last year’s sale. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 24, SDC BARGAIN HUNTER 133B (Polled, red factor, 99 lb. BW, 42 cm SC), sired by HTA Bradack 137Y, out of an SVY Freedom PLD 307N daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Two Bit Ranch, Fenn. Consigned by Sandan Charolais. High Selling Fall Bull Lot 1, SDC BENTLEY 143B (Polled,

101 lb. BW, 41 cm SC), sired by HTA Bradack 137Y, out of an MXS Vermillion 527R daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Two Bit Ranch, Fenn. Consigned by Sandan Charolais. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 27, SOS HOME GROWN 15C (Polled, 104 lb. BW, 37.5 cm SC), sired by Winn Mans Chavez 826Y, out of an HTA Ice 19X daughter. Sold ¾ interest and full possession for $41,000 to A. Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 41, SOS HARVESTER PLD 61C (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 42 cm SC), sired by CSS Sir Navigator 20Y, out of an SDC King Ranch 70T daughter. Sold ¾ interest full possession for $26,500 to Wood River Charolais, McCord, SK. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 28, SOS CHIVE ON 122C (Polled, 92 lb. BW, 40 cm SC), sired by Winn Mans Chavez 826Y, out of a Rocking Heart Power 11X daughter. Sold for $23,000 to Circle CEE Charolais, Lamont. Consigned by Springside Farms.

Lot 55, SOS RAGE 128C (Polled, 94 lb. BW, 42 cm SC), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an SVY Pilgrim PLD 655S daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Flat Valley Cattle Co, Hilda. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 42, SOS TIPPIN POINT 119C (Polled, 91 lb. BW, 38 cm SC), sired by LT Ledger 0332, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Lotta Rock Charolais, St. Paul. Consigned by Springside Farms. Lot 38, SOS WHITE LIGHTNIN 34C (Polled, 103 lb. BW, 36 cm SC), sired by VFF Time Out 172Y, out of a Moore’s Legacy 117L daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Glen Quast, Hanna. Consigned by Springside Farms.

Stephen & Deb Cholak took the third high selling bull back for their Circle Cee herd

Murray & Nicole Blake, Wood River Charolais selected the second high seller

Jamie and Amy Ehret bought a new herd sire for their Flat Valley Cattle Co.

Sandan Charolais and Springside Farms 19th Annual Bull Sale March 19, 2016 • Erskine, AB Gross Average 5 Two Year Old Bulls $30,500 $6,100 21 Long Yearling Bulls 115,250 5,488 36 ¾ Yearling Bulls 336,600 9,415 63 ¾ Bulls



Auctioneer; Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

Cam Sparrow bought the high selling bull

Plan to Attend…Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference and Show

July 12 -15th, 2016 40

Olds, Alberta

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Steppler Farms Bull Sale Steppler Farms 5th Annual Bull Sale March 22, 2016 • Miami, MB Gross Average 11 Two Year Old Bulls $64,000 $5,818 55 Yearling Bulls 300,250 5,459 66 Lots



Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: By Livestock

A good crowd with solid local support and interest from across the country was seen in this 5th annual sale on the Steppler Farm. Many ½ and ¾ brothers had several buy in multiples taking advantage of the high quality offering with something in everyone’s price range. High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 85, STEPPLER ARCHER 496B (Polled, 91.2 YW EPD, 23.6 Milk EPD, 1,855 lb., 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z, out of a Sparrows Oakridge 66R daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Brad DeVries, Ochre River. Lot 81, STEPPLER DYNASTY 328B (3rd Gen. Polled, .8 BW EPD, 90 lb. BW, 2,012 lb., 41 cm), sired by Whitecap Revolver 69Y, out of a Stepplers Distinction 38T daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Darcy Watson, Rosendale. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 5, STEPPLER BLUE PRINT 64C (Double Polled, 1.4 BW EPD, 59 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 900 lb. 205 DW, 1,605 lb., 39 cm), sired by LT Blue Value 7903 ET, out of a Sparrows Seminole 927W daughter. Sold for

$15,000 to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z, out of a Sparrows Berlin 30M daughter. Sold Creek, AB. for $8,000 to Don Saquet, Ste. Rose Lot 11, STEPPLER SKOAL 73C du Lac. (Polled, .9 BW EPD, 26.7 Milk EPD, 1,554 lb., 41 cm), sired by Sparrows Copenhagen 210Z, out of a Sparrows Santiago 333N daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Desertland Cattle Co., Sedalia, AB. Lot 2, STEPPLER DENALI 9C (4th Gen. Polled, 82 lb. BW, - 3.8 BW EPD, 1,490 lb., 36.5 cm), sired by Steppler Jacksonville 335Z, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Acadia Colony Farming, Nanette & Curtis Turnbull purchased the high selling bull Oyen, AB. Lot 6, STEPPLER BLUE PROFIT 66C (Double Polled, .4 BW EPD, 57 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 790 lb. 205 DW, 1,469 lb., 40 cm), sired by LT Blue Value 7903 ET, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Soura-Horan Farms, Bowsman. Lot 66, STEPPLER BRANCOTT 285C (Polled, .6 BW EPD, 723 lb. 205 DW, 1,454 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Martin, Deona & Amy Horan took two Steppler Quinn 136Y, out of a Sparrows Berlin 30M daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Ian Tuttle, Pugwash, NS. Lot 43, STEPPLER LUCKY STRIKE 193C (101 lb. BW, 734 lb. 205 Left: Quinn Wagstaff bought the second high selling bull; Center: DW, 1,435 lb., 39 Simon Mandel selected the third high seller; Right: Don Saquet cm), sired by bought two


Tee M Jay Bull Sale Tee M Jay Charolais 12th Annual Bull Sale March 26, 2016 • Ashern, MB Gross Average 31 Yearling Bulls $122,000 $3,935 Auctioneer: Buddy Bergner

Solid local support and many repeat customers in the interlake area of Manitoba keep coming back for these 42

bulls. Volume buyer was David Gall, Moosehorn who purchased five bulls. High Selling Bulls Lot 4, TMJF CHAMP 374C (Polled, -2.3 BW EPD, 110 lb. BW, 780 lb. WW, 1,610 lb., 44 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a TMJF Tomson 65T daughter. Sold for $6,800 to Bar M 7 Farm, Eriksdale. Charolais Banner • May 2016

Carolyn & Craig Miller bought the high seller


HTA & Guest Bull Sale

A beautiful day, a big crowd, and a powerful set of bulls pushed the average and number sold up considerably from last year. Bulls sold into four provinces with a half a dozen finding purebred homes. This is one of the most powerful sale offerings of the year with performance being the key component. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 19, HTA STRATEGO 562C (4th Gen. Polled, 100 lb. BW, 832 lb. 205 DW, 1,603 365 DW, 118 YW EPD, 1,835

lb., 44 cm), sired by RGP Remington 101Y, out of an HTA Bravia 855U daughter. Sold for $20,000 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth, SK. Lot 14, HTA VELOCITY 548C (3rd Gen. Polled, 109 lb. BW, 851 lb. 205 DW, 1,750 lb. 365 DW, 1,915 lb., 41 cm), sired by RGP Remington 101Y, out of a Merit 5323R daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Fischer Charolais, Irma, AB. Lot 33, HTA ALTITUDE 5101C (3rd Gen. Polled, 112 lb. BW, 917 lb. 205 DW, 1,715 lb. 365 DW, 131 YW EPD, 1,815 lb., 38 cm), sired by RGP Remington 101Y, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $11,500 to JBF Charolais, Perth, ON. Lot 31, HTA PROSARO 598C (4th Gen. Polled, 110 lb. BW, 907 lb. 205 DW, 127 YW EPD, 1,710 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by RGP Remington 101Y, out of

a KBK Rally 24T daughter. Sold for $10,000 to FDKL Charolais, Ochre River. Lot 10, HTA VIPER 539C (Double Polled/s, 89 lb. BW, 876 lb. 205 DW, 1,654 lb. 365 DW, 1,745 lb., 43 cm), sired by Keys All State 149X, out of an HTA Challenge 161Y daughter. Sold for $9,500 to KYR Farms Ltd, Neepawa. Lot 5, HTA PARADIGM 518C (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, 828 lb. 205 DW, 1,645 lb., 43 cm), sired by Keys All State 149X, out of an HTA Bradack 137Y daughter. Sold for $8,500 to McKinnon Stock Repeat customer Farm, Dauphin.

Jeff Cavers bought one and Kris Kristjanson took three

Ringmen Craig Flewelling and Scott Johnstone visit after the sale

Left: Velon Herback bought the high seller; Right: Kelly Robertson purchased one for their KYR Farm

Lot 28, TMJF CORDELL 403C (Polled, 98 lb. BW, -1.4 BW EPD, 1,365 lb., 40 cm), sired by HC Apache 364A, out of an SVY Kaboom Pld 7115T daughter. Sold for $6,200 to Thorgilsson Farms, Lundar. Lot 14, TMJF CARLSON 384C (Polled, 104 lb. BW, 55 WW EPD, 107 YW EPD, 1,380 lb., 41 cm), sired by Winn Mans Bonita 931W, out of an M6 Grid Maker 104 P ET daughter.

Sold for $5,600 to Boyd Abyss, Fisher Branch. Lot 6, TMJF CARLETON 376C (Polled, Red Factor, 76 lb. BW, -6.7 BW EPD, 1,300 lb., 41 cm), sired by SRK Canyon 2Y, out of an LT Ledger 0332 P daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Jim Ryden, Eriksdale. Lot 1, TMJF CLEMENS 371C (Polled, 78 lb. BW, -4.8 BW EPD, 27 Milk EPD, 1,315 lb., 41.5 cm), sired by

Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an SVY Kaboom Pld 7115T daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Kevin Webster, Ashern.

HTA Charolais with Guest Rammer Charolais Bull Sale March 23, 2016 • Neepawa, MB Gross Average 42 3/4 Yearling Bulls $277,250 $6,485 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Richard Puhach took three

Boyd Abyss purchased a high seller



Elder Bull Sale Elder Charolais 6 th Annual Bull Sale March 24, 2016 • Coronach, SK Gross Average 35 3/4 Yearling Bulls $283,750 $7,937 Auctioneer: Jerry Kanewischer Sale Manager: By Livestock

Elders again put forth a very high quality offering that saw 20 percent go into purebred herds. This year the red factor bulls were the high sellers as bulls sold into four provinces with some solid local, repeat customers purchasing the rest. High Selling Bulls Lot 30, ELDER’S CHROME 107C (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb. BW, 1,445 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by HBSF Red River 61Z, out of an Elder’s Cocoa 30P daughter. Sold for $20,000 for ¾ interest to Reese Cattle Co., Didsbury, AB. Lot 38, ELDER’S CRUSIER 7C (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 95 lb. BW, 2.5 BW EPD, 99 CE EPD, 902 lb. 205 DW, 1,780 lb., 37.5 cm), sired by SRK Canyon 2Y, out of an Elder’s Lil Boogie 81T daughter. Sold for $15,500

Calvin & Darel Planz purchased another three to average $9,833

to Footprint Farms, Esther, AB. Lot 2, ELDER’S CASH 46C (Homo Polled, 103 lb. BW, 23.8 Milk EPD, 1,445 lb., 37 cm), sired by Elder’s Zeus 22Z, out of an SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T daughter. Sold for $14,000 to Kay-R Land & Cattle, Waskatenau, AB & Dudgeon-Snobelen Land & Cattle, Ripley, ON. Lot 34, ELDER’S COPPER 134C (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 110 lb. BW, 895 lb. 205 DW, 111 YW EPD, 1,600 lb., 42 cm), sired by HBSF Red River 61Z, out of a JWX Copper Kettle 718X daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB & Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite. Lot 24, ELDER’S CANDID 75C (3rd

Gen. Polled/s, 87 lb. BW, -1.8 BW EPD, 25.7 Milk EPD, 1,514 lb., 40 cm), sired by CML Encore 4Y, out of a Bar J Silverado 14S daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Phillips Farms, Estevan. Lot 36, ELDER’S CRIMSON 19C (Double Polled, Red Factor, 95 lb. BW, 815 lb. 205 DW, 101 YW EPD, 25.1 Milk EPD, 1,628 lb., 44 cm), sired by Elder’s Hercules 149A, out of an SRK Canyon 2Y daughter. Sold for $11,250 fo Duane Doell, Chaplin. Lot 41, ELDER’S COBRA 86C (Double Polled, 98 lb. BW, 750 lb. 205 DW, 1,554 lb., 39.5 cm), sired by LAE Land of Plenty 243Z, out of an Elder’s Wahkamo 919W daughter. Sold for $10,500 to Planz Farms, Coronach.

Eric & Darrell Howe selected two

Barry & Simone Reese bought the high seller

Craig Wilgenbusch & Doug Hunter teamed up on a high seller

Kristi & Kurtis Phillips added a top bull to their program


Borderland Cattle Co. Bull Sale Borderland Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale March 26, 2016 • Rockglen, SK Gross Average 2 Two Year Old Bulls $7,600 $3,800 11 Yearling Bulls 49,000 4,455 13 Lots


Auctioneer: Mike Fleury



High Selling Two Year Old Lot 42, BORDERLANDS ELDORADO 17B (Polled, 79 lb. BW, -2.3 BW EPD), sired by Sparrows Eldorado 361L, out of a Borderlands Mack 138R daughter. Sold for $4,100 to Merv Kozack, Kayville. Charolais Banner • May 2016

High Selling Yearling Lot 45, BORDERLANDS LEDGER 317C (Polled/s, 87 lb. BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 58 WW EPD, 96 YW EPD, 26.8 Milk EPD), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $5,700 to Marvin Bakke, Lisieux.

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Impact Bull Sale 8th Annual Impact Bull Sale March 26 2016 • Saskatoon, SK Gross Average 33 Yearling Bulls $235,150 $7,126 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co.

A capacity crowd was on hand for this three breed sale with Black and Red Angus also selling. McAvoy Charolais, Arelee, supplied the good quality Charolais bulls which sold into two provinces and the USA. High Selling Bulls Lot 68, MVY ALL SHOOK UP 18C (Polled, 95 lb. BW, 886 lb. 205 DW, 1,705 lb., 40 cm), sired by MVY All Star 61A, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter. Sold for $32,000 for 2/3 interest to McLeod Livestock, Cochrane, AB. Lot 59, MVY CLASS ACT 3C (Homo Polled, Leptin TT, 70 lb. BW, 1.8 BW EPD, 1,565 lb., 40 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $21,000 to Doll Charolais Ranch, New Salem, ND & Wilgenbusch Charolais. Halbrite. Lot 66, MVY CALENDAR BOY 7C

(Polled, 88 lb. BW, 814 lb. 205 DW, 1,670 lb., 42 cm), sired by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter. Sold for $15,500 for 2/3 interest to Jones Charolais, Gull Lake. Lot 80, MVY CARSTON 46C (Polled, 88 lb. BW, .1 BW EPD, 25.6 Milk EPD, 1,575 lb., 39.5 cm), sired by Steppler Veltro 226A, out of a Pleasantdawn Hybrid 37W daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Farrell Farms Inc., Duperow. Lot 93, MVY COWBOY 74C (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 54 WW EPD, 1,500 lb., 40 cm), sired by Silverstream Geddes G102, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Brian Weber, Landis.

Lot 64, MVY CANNON 19C (Polled, Red Factor, 88 lb. BW, .1 BW EPD, 1,510 lb., 38 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an MVY TNT 60T daughter. Sold for 7,000 to Little Farms, Ltd, Biggar. Lot 77, MVY CAPONE 38C (Polled, 102 lb. BW, 826 lb. 205 DW, 1,650 lb., 39.5 cm), sired by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, out of a PCC Balisitik 441P daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Kattle Kountry, Mortlach. Lot 74, MVY SECOND COMING 26C (96 lb. BW, 827 lb. 205 DW, 25.2 Milk EPD, 1,635 lb., 45 cm), sired by SVY Epic Pld 127Y, out of a PCC Balistik 441P daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Charona Farm Ltd, Asquith.

Left: David Doll purchased the 2nd high seller; Right: Matt Jones took the 3rd high seller

Rod, April, Colby & Megan McLeod bought the high seller


High Point Bull Sale 5th Annual High Point Charolais Bull Sale March 26, 2016 • Stayner, ON Gross Average 26 Yearling Bulls $144,800 $5,570 Auctioneer: Carl Wright

The sale moved to the Baker farm this year and saw the average move up over $600 from last year with a stronger top.


High Selling Bulls Lot 25, SUNRISE ANGELO JBF 25C (Polled, 89 lb. BW, -.6 BW EPD, 98 CE EPD, 811 lb. 205 DW, 25.6 Milk EPD), sired by Sunrise Sunburst 21Y, out of an SVY Kaboom 7115T daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Larry Moggy, Manitowaning. Consigned by Sunrise Charolais, Stayner. Lot 9, ECHO SPRINGS JAGERMEISTER 54C (Full French, 110 lb. BW, 981 lb. 205 DW), sired by Charolais Banner • May 2016

Jezebel, out of a PCFL San Antonio 131N daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Ferme Janick Bouffard, Stanstead-Est, QC. Consigned by Echo Springs Charolais, Hawkestone. Lot 4, BRIDOR CARLTON 6C (Polled, 100 lb. BW, 817 lb. 205 DW), sired by TR PZC Mr Turton 0794 ET, out of an LT Rio Blanco 1234 P daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Len Bridge, Lions Head. Consigned by Bridor Charolais, Mount Forest.

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Marten Cattle Co. Bull Sale Marten Cattle Co. Annual Bull Sale April 4, 2016 • Spiritwood, SK Gross Average 27 Yearling Bulls $183,250 $6,787 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co

Martens Cattle Co., Glenbush teamed up with Anderson Four Bar X Ranch Angus for another very good sale. A number of breeder bulls and local repeat customers kept the sale solid. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 23, MXS FAT BURGER 539C Polled, 91 lb. BW, .7 BW EPD, 870 lb. 205 DW, 1,412 lb. YW, 1,640 lb., 38 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z,

Left: Kody Meier selected a new herdsire; Right: Rob Murray added another Martens bull to his bull battery

out of a CJC Big Sky X623 P daughter. Sold for $21,000 to West Fork Ranch, Loup City, NE. Lot 11, MXS OLAF 522C (Polled/s, 98 lb. BW, -.6 BW EPD, 910 lb. 205 DW, 96 YW EPD, 1,650 lb., 37.5 cm), sired by LT Sundance 2251 Pld, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Hopewell Charolais, Kerrobert. Lot 17, MXS KYSER 528C (Polled, 91 lb. BW, .4 BW EPD, 865 lb. 205 DW, 1,570 lb., 40 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of an Erixon’s Spitfire 127T daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Lakeview Charolais, Marwayne, AB. Lot 28, MXS SHERLOCK 555C (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 59 WW EPD, 113

YW EPD, 32.4 Milk EPD, 1,640 lb., 43.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Landmark 963W, out of an LT Western Edge 4057 Pld daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Diesen Farms, Shell Lake. Lot 22, MXS JUSTICE 535C (Polled, 100 lb. BW, 868 lb. 205 DW, 23.6 Milk EPD, 1,610 lb., 38 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Sparrows Landmark 963W daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Sugarloaf Charolais, Minburn, AB. Lot 21, MXS AZTEC 534C (Polled, 91 lb. BW, -.8 BW EPD, 814 lb. 205 DW, 1,560 lb., 39 cm), sired by MXS Craftsman 910W, out of a CJC Big Sky X623 P daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Valley’s End Ranch, Central Butte.

Scott & Eric Anderson purchased a herdbull

Repeat customers Rose & Brian Diesen bought


Saunders Bull Sale Saunders Charolais 11th Annual Bull Sale April 2, 2016 • Keady, ON Gross Average 3 Two Year Olds $10,900 $3,633 25 Yearlings 143,200 5,728 28 Lots



Auctioneer: Scott Kuhl Sale Consultant: Jack McCoubrey

Solid repeat customer base gave the Saunders family a very solid sale with 48

total clearance on the day. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 4, JSR COLTON 12C (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, -1.4 BW EPD, 775 lb. 205 DW, 1,555 lb., 43 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a JSR Usher 32U daughter. Sold for $8,200 to Ron Hare and Wayne Boyd, Meaford. Lot 10, JSR REDEMPTION 34C (Double Polled, 95 lb. BW, -2 BW EPD, 776 lb. 205 DW, 1,455 lb., 38 cm), sired Charolais Banner • May 2016

by ABC Ultra Mahomet X843, out of an LT Bluegrass 4017P daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Dave Collins, Ripley. Lot 1, JSR HULK 33C (Double Polled, 107 lb. BW, .7 BW EPD, 859 lb. 205 DW, 1,780 lb., 45 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an EC No Doubt 2022 P daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Karl Spencer, Tara, ON.


Cornerview Bull Sale Cornerview Charolais 1st Annual Bull & Heifer Sale March 26, 2016 • Cobden, ON Gross Average 17 Yearling Bulls $90,100 $5,300 8 Open Heifers 26,650 3,330 25 Lots



Auctioneer: Stewart James

The Coughlins went with their own sale this year with guest consignor Fondoak Farm to have a very solid first event. It included bulls and some select open heifers with animals selling across Ontario and Quebec.

Volume heifer buyer was Windyview Charolais, Omemee. High Selling Bulls Lot 3, CORNERVIEW CHICAGO 29C (Polled, 78 lb. BW, -.2 BW EPD, 743 lb. 205 DW, 1,445 lb. 365 DW), sired by Sparrows Barlow 254Z, out of a Sparrows Coach 467S daughter. Sold for $7,300 to Tom Hughson, Manitowaning. Lot 10, CORNERVIEW CONQUEST 3C (Polled, 98 lb. BW, 852 lb. 205 DW, 107 YW EPD), sired by Mr Louber Synergie 457Z, out of a PCC Patriot Charolais Banner • May 2016

418P daughter. Sold for $7,100 to Rayburn Evans, Pakenham. Lot 17, FONDOAK CHELIOS 3C (Polled, 93 lb. BW, 839 lb. 205 DW, 1,461 lb. 365 DW), sired by KCM Tribulation 937W, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Kelvin Egan, Hull, QC. High Selling Heifer CORNERVIEW CALI 18C (Polled, 99 YW EPD), sired by Sparrows Barlow 254Z, out of a Sparrows Coach 467S daughter. Sold for $3,850 to Glen Tubman, Shawville, QC. 49


Prairie Distinction Bull Sale Prairie Distinction 2nd Annual Sale March 29, 2016 • Neepawa, MB Gross Average 15 Two Year Olds $96,550 $6,437 40 Yearlings 208,400 5,210 55 Lots



Auctioneer: Don Oberg Sale Manager: By Livestock

This year seven Manitoba breeders put together another solid offering with more bulls selling and a steady sale had. A nice day saw a big crowd come to select their bulls. High Selling Two Year Olds Lot 28, CATTLE LAC ZORRO 41B (3rd Gen. Polled, 91 lb. BW, 91 YW EPD, 2,070 lb., 45 cm), sired by HBSF Zorro 1Z, out of an Elder’s Stinger 115S daughter. Sold for $9,000 to Vince & Susie Wilkinson, Eddystone. Consigned by Cattle Lac Charolais, Eddystone. Lot 33, JAPR MR.ZORRO BEST 26B (3rd Gen. Polled, 105 lb. BW, 1,900 lb., 43 cm), sired by HBSF Zorro 1Z, out of a Winn Mans Kansas 9135W daughter. Sold for $8,750 to Munro Farms, Kelwood. Consigned by Double P Stock Farms, Ste. Rose du Lac. Lot 35, JAPR MR CADRAISER 12B (4th Gen. Polled, 108 lb. BW, .2 BW EPD, 1,975 lb., 42 cm), sired by Tri-N Accessor 148Z, out of a Merit 8676U daughter. Sold for $7,500 to Vince & Susie Wilkinson. Consigned by Double P Stock Farms. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 57, TWN CRAVEN 20C (3rd Gen. Polled, 86 lb. BW, -.9 BW EPD, 930 lb. WW, 1,555 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a

Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Gilliland Bros. Charolais, Careivale, SK. Consigned by Sunblade Charolais, Foxwarren. Lot 17, C2 CHECKSTOP 75C (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 29.7 Milk EPD, 1,345 lb., 39 cm), sired by Elder’s Armagedon 148A, out of an MXS Allegro 701T daughter. Sold for $8,000 to A. Sparrow Farms, Vanscoy, SK. Consigned by C2 Charolais, LaRiviere. Lot 31, HAPPY HAVEN CASANOVA 18C (Polled, 106 lb. BW, 24.1 Milk EPD, 1,560 lb., 39 cm), sired by MVX Cougarhill Hank 720G, out of a JWX Silver Buckle 524U daughter. Sold for $7,750 to Soura-Horan Farms, Bowsman. Consigned by Happy Haven Charolais, Oakburn.

Lot 32, HAPPY HAVEN THUNDER 43C (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, 1,575 lb., 41 cm), sired by WC Benelli 2134 P ET, out of a Rolling D Budweiser 601S daughter. Sold for $7,200 to DM Farms, AB. Consigned by Happy Haven Charolais. Lot 2, C2 CHICAGO 18C (Polled/s, 106 lb. BW, 96 YW EPD, 24.9 Milk EPD, 1,485 lb., 38 cm), sired by HTA Senator 8130U, out of a Winn Mans Lanzadero 849U daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Soura-Horan Farms. Consigned by C2 Charolais. Lot 13, C2 COWBOY UP 44C (Double Polled, 90 lb. BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 26.6 Milk EPD, 1,510 lb., 37 cm), sired by Elder’s Armageddon 148A, out of a Merit 8671U daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Cavelock Ltd., Neepawa.

Ron and Greg Gilliland bought the high seller

Martin, Deona & Amy Horan bought a couple high sellers

Left: Cam Sparrow purchased the second high selling yearling; Right: Vince Wilkinson purchased a couple high selling two year olds

Left: Eric Munro added a top two year old to their good commercial operation; Right: Mark Pollock purchased Chicago


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Charolais Banner • May 2016

SALE TOPS AT $82,500

North of the 49th Bull Sale 13th Annual North of the 49th Bull Sale April 4, 2016 • Halbrite, SK Gross Average 17 Two Year Old Bulls $104,700 $6,159 57 ¾ Yearling Bulls $512,150 $8,868 74 ¾ Lots



Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock

The 13th Annual bull sale saw a good crowd come to select from the quality offering of white, tan and red bulls. Bulls sold into five provinces and one state with 15 bulls going to purebred herds. DLMS was active with 23 bulls going online including some volume buyers adding to the sale. High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 97, JWX BADLANDS 206B (Double Polled/s, Double Red, 90 lb. BW, 86 CE EPD, 1,785 lb., 43 cm), sired by SRK Yahtzee 839Y, out of an HEJ Solidarity 24X daughter. Sold for $9,500 to Mutrie Farms, Glenavon. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 1, JWX DOWNTOWN 7C (Homo Polled, Leptin CT, 87 lb. BW, 919 lb. 205 DW, 1,650 lb., 39.5 cm), sired by JWX Fifty Shades 706Z, out of a CSS sir Navigator 37T daughter. Sold for $82,500 for ¾ interest to Semex, Serhienko Cattle Co., Maymont; Footprint Farms, Esther, AB; Hunter Charolais, Roblin, MB. Lot 73, JWX CACTUS CUT 1187C (Double Polled, 98 lb. BW, 817 lb. 205 DW, 1,380 lb. 365 DW, 38.5 cm), sired by KAYR Velocity 812Z, out of a Rolling D Broker 775T daughter. Sold for $42,500 for ¾ interest to Elder Charolais, Coronach. Lot 3, JWX SUNSHINE 378C (Homo Polled, 96 lb. BW, 871 lb. 205 DW, 1,515 lb., 38 cm), sired by LT Sundance 2251 Pld, out of a JWX Silver Bullet 524W daughter. Sold for

$15,000 for ¾ interest to Langstaff 37T, out of an LT Western Edge 4057 Charolais, Wallaceburg, ON. Pld. Sold for $10,500 to Martens Cattle Co., Glenbush. Lot 7, JWX CLYDE 617C (Double Polled, Leptin CT, 91 lb. BW, -.8 BW EPD, 792 lb. 205 DW, 1,560 lb., 38 cm), sired by SVY Skyfall Pld 321A, out of a PCC Navigator 403P daughter. Sold for $15,000 for ¾ interest to Diamond K Cattle Co., Maple Creek. Lot 22, JWX CLEVELAND 330C (3rd Gen. Polled, 84 lb. BW, 865 205 DW, 107 YW EPD, 26.4 Milk EPD, 17.10 REA, 1,560 lb., 41 cm), sired by JWX Silver Bullet 524W, out of an LAE Velon Herback and Dennis Serhienko both bought top bulls Juice Box 190Y daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Steeves Farms, Bluffton, AB. Lot 30, JWX CARMELLA 322C (Double Polled, 91 lb. BW, 52 WW EPD, 16.25 REA, 1,460 lb., 39 cm), sired by LT Sundance 2251 Pld, out of a Bar J Silverado 14S daughter. Sold for $11,500 to Palmer Charolais Land & Cattle Co., Bladworth. Lot 19, JWX CASEY 1153C (Double Cole & Codi Sjostrand selected two good bulls Polled, Double Red, 100 lb. BW, 94 YW EPD, 1,450 lb., 40 cm), sired by HBSF Express 77X, out of a Lang’s Red Soldier 22S daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Alton Century Farm, Lucknow, ON. Lot 29, JWX CHARLIE DANIELS 301C (Double Polled, 84 lb. BW, 837 lb. 205 DW, 91 YW EPD, 1,431 lb., 36.5 cm), sired by LT Sundance 2251 Pld, Kristi & Kurtis Phillips added another JWX out of an LAE Juice Box 190Y. Sold bull to their program for $10,750 to Phillips Farms Charolais, Estevan. Lot 21, JWX CRACKER JACK 197C (Double Polled, 89 lb., BW, 3.3 BW EPD, 708 lb. 205 DW, 1,450 lb., 42 cm), sired by Left: Bryce Weiss purchased a high selling bull; Center: Repeat customer Kerry Fahlman bought eight online; Right: Repeat CSS Sir Navigator customer Stan Jacobs purchased seven online for Douglas Lake

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Tri-N Charolais Bull Sale

Heartland in Virden was full for this first Tri-N Charolais & Guests Bull sale which also had some Black and Red Angus bulls on offer. The dark Red Factor bulls had stirred up a lot of dust and this quality set of bulls saw strong demand. Bulls sold into four provinces and two states. High Selling Bulls Lot 4, TRI-N SHERIFF PLD 517C (4th Gen. Polled, Homo Red, 94 lb. BW, -3.7 BW EPD, 55 WW EPD, 100 YW EPD, 29.2 Milk EPD, 1,648 lb., 40.5 cm), sired by Tri-N Captain Morgan 340A, out of a Tri-N-Payday 419P daughter. Sold for $20,500 Spruce View Charolais, Andrew, AB. Lot 1, TRI-N BOUNTY HUNTER 507C (Homo Polled, Homo Red, 95 lb. BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 1,747 lb., 41 cm), sired by Tri-N Captain

Creek Country 261A, out of a ProMorgan 340A, out of an SOS Crimson Tide 97S daughter. Sold for $15,000 for Char Cptn. Morgan 8U daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Graychar Charolais, 2/3 interest to Effertz Key Ranch, Mortlach, SK. Velva, ND and Bina Charolais, Lawton, ND. Lot 5, TRI-N CASTRO 84C (Homo Lot 2, TRI-N GAME CHANGER 61C Polled, Homo Red, 98 lb. BW, -.8 BW EPD, 857 lb. 205 DW, 1,503 lb. 365 DW, (92 lb. BW, -3.2 BW EPD, 875 lb. WW, 1,480 lb., 39 cm), sired by Tri-N Captain 38 cm), sired by Tri-N Captain Morgan 340A, out of a Beaver Creek Torque Morgan 340A, out of a Tri-N Payday 222T daughter. Sold for $9,750 to 419P daughter. Sold for $15,000 for 2/3 interest to Borderland Charolais & Bernald & Alice Link, Maple Creek, SK. Belmar Farms, Rockglen, SK. Lot 7, TRI-N THICK’N’RED 85C (4th Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 90 lb. Lot 9, TRI-N DOUBLE TROUBLE BW, -3.5 BW EPD, 827 lb. 205 DW, 528C (Homo Polled, 90 lb. BW, -4.5 1,405 lb., 40 cm), sired by Tri-N BW EPD, 890 lb. WW, 25.7 Milk EPD, Captain Morgan 340A, out of an SDC 1,525 lb., 38 cm), sired by MVY Laredo 17N daughter. Sold for $9,250 Xplorer 21X, out of an SDC Laredo to Bernald & Alice Link. 17N daughter. Sold for $10,000 for 2/3 interest to Doll Ranch, New Salem, ND. Lot 34, TRI-N COUNTRY BOY 62C (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 93 lb. BW, -4.5 BW EPD, 782 lb. 205 DW, 1,385, 38.5 cm), Marc Spagrud teamed up with Glenn & Wendy Ching on the second high seller sired by Beaver

Kevin Effertz teamed up with Lane Bina on Bounty Hunter

Alice Link took two high selling Red bulls

Tri-N Charolais & Guests 1st Annual Bull Sale April 2, 2016 Virden, MB Gross Average 31 Yearling Bulls $230,300 $7,429 Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Manager: By Livestock

Dennis Nielson took four back to Missouri

Larissa & Lorne Lakusta took the high seller to Alberta


Best of the Breeds Bull Sale Best of the Breeds 12th Annual Bull Sale April 3, 2016 • Yorkton, SK Gross Average 31 1/4 Yearling Bulls $166,400 $5,325 Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: T Bar C Cattle Co

A big crowd filled the auction mart for this multi-breed Sunday sale which 52

saw 82 ¼ lots of five breeds average $5,455. The quality Charolais bulls from Dog Patch Acres, Leroy and Harcourt Charolais, Quill Lake sold across Saskatchewan and into Manitoba with more bulls selling this year. High Selling Bulls Lot 1, DOGPATCH ROUGE 11C (Homo Polled, Leptin TT, 99 lb. BW, 96 YW EPD, 1,610 lb., 42 cm), sired by Charolais Banner • May 2016

Dee & Paul Valstar took a top bull


Bar Punch Sale Bar Punch Ranch “The Final Chapter” Dispersal Sale April 2, 2016 • Virden, MB Gross Average 1 Cow/Calf Pair $4,100 $4,100 3 Bred Heifers 12,900 4,300 23 Open Heifers 47,400 2,061 27 Lots



Auctioneer: Ryan Dorran Sale Manager: By Livestock

John Hoff turned 91 and decided it was time to sell his final project. After his dispersal in 2014 he bought back the heifer calves from many of the females he had sold to start again. Along with these, there were a few older heifers that hadn’t made the dispersal sale. Because of the short notice, the cattle were in their working

clothes and there was good buying with money to be made in the future on these females, from this long running breeding program with an emphasis on polled the last number of years. High Selling Cow/Calf Pair Lot 3, KERR MISS YAGERANO 401B (Polled, 1,215 lb), sired by Echosprings Yagerbomb 11Y, out of a R Ufano CW Martel 707T daughter and January bull calf at side sired by Bar Punch Martel Jr 305A. Sold for $4,100 to Wilkie Charolais, Big Valley, AB. High Selling Bred Heifers Lot 1, BAR PUNCH MS YAGER 301A (Polled, 1,655 lb.), sired by Echosprings Yagerbomb 11Y, out of a Martel daughter, bred to Bar Punch Martel Jr 305A. Sold for $5,900 to

Wilkie Charolais. Lot 7, BAR PUNCH MS VIRGIL 463B (Polled/s, 1.8 BW EPd, 1,240 lb.), sired by Maple Leaf Bar Punch 901W, out of a Pinay daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Wilkie Charolais. Lot 8, BAR PUNCH MS VIRGIL 481B (Double Polled, 1,205 lb), sired by Maple Leaf Bar Punch 901W, out of a Maple Leaf Bar Punch 8119U daughter. Sold for $3,500 to Peter Juba, Foxwarren. High Selling Open Heifer Lot 19, GOOD BPR ROSE 558C (Polled, 915 lb.), sired by Southside Bar Punch 29Z, out of a PCFL Cotano 4X daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Randy Franke and granddaughter Cassidy, Virden.

Vickie & Robert Kerr took three

Left: Casey Wilkie was volume buyer adding five to his Wilkie Charolais herd; Right: Peter Juba purchased five head

MVY All Star 61A, out of an SHSH Pld Broker 1P daughter. Sold for $10,000 for ¾ interest to Perrot Charolais, Naicam. Lot 3, DOGPATCH COLORADO 14C (Homo Polled, 95 lb. BW, 1,580 lb., 45 cm), sired by MVY All Star 61A, out of a Dogpatch Acres G.I.C. 32N daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Ryan Stolson, Hodgeville. Lot 23, HBC DIVERGENT 517C (Homo Polled, 103 lb. BW, -1.1 BW EPD, 858 WW, 1,555 lb., 40 cm), sired by Sparrows Divergent 104Y, out of a S$ Montana Silver daughter. Sold for $8,500 to White Cap Charolais, Moose Jaw. Lot 32, HBC SPECTRE 512C (Double Polled, 102 lb. BW, 889 lb. WW, 1,625 lb., 38 cm), sired by Silverstream Geddes G102, out of a

JMB Thor 735T daughter. Sold for $6,750 to Valstar Farms, Springside. Lot 18, DOGPATCH GEDDES 24C (Homo Polled, 101 lb. BW, 1,595 lb., 38 cm), sired by Silverstream Geddes G102, out of an SDC Progress 16M daughter. Sold for $6,250 for 3/4 interest to Hrebenik Farms, Yorkton. Lot 15, DOGPATCH REDGRID 61C Wade & Jeremy Hrebenik selected a good bull (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 93 lb. BW, 1,430 lb., 37 cm), sired by CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W, out of a Morre’s Lariat 136L daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Les McCall, Abernathy. Left: John Perrot bought the high seller; Center: Ryan Stolson

Randy Franke & his granddaughter Cassidy selected five for their May-On Charolais herd

bought a high seller; Right: Kelly Howe purchased a herdbull

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Git ‘R Done Bull Sale Git ‘R Done Bull Sale April 5, 2016 • Hodgeville, SK Gross Average 43 1/4 Yearling Bulls $355,500 $8,220 Auctioneer: Steve Dorran Sale Manager: By Livestock

It wasn’t a very nice day with rain, snow and a wind but it didn’t keep the buyers from coming or being on the phone to select from the Cedarlea Farms offering of bulls. The sale saw more bulls sell and the average go up over $600 from last year with ten bulls going into purebred operations. Ultrasound measured and some DNAed for Homo polled added to the value of the best offering they have put forth. High Selling Bulls Lot 78C, CEDARLEA TY COBB 78C (3rd Gen. Polled, 98 lb. BW, -1.7 BW EPD, 94 CE EPD, 16.45 REA, 1,645 lb., 43 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a CSS Show Boat 5J daughter. Sold for $28,000 for ¾ interest to Wrangler Charolais, Westlock, AB. Lot 83C, CEDARLEA SHOELESS JOE 83C (Homo Polled, 82 lb. BW, -5.2 BW EPD, 100 CE EPD, 24 Milk EPD, 66.95 LMY), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a VFF Time Out 172Y daughter. Sold for $27,000 for ¾

Roger, Ryan & Brett Stolson added a high seller to their large commercial operation

interest to Turnbull Charolais, Pincher Creek, AB. Lot 31C, CEDARLEA ARAPAHO 31C (Homo Polled, Red Factor, 100 lb. BW, 26.5 Milk EPD, 1,510 lb., 44 cm), sired by HRJ Mr Apache 3A, out of a CSS Sir Gridmaker 2W daughter. Sold for $18,000 to Lazy S Charolais, Beaverlodge, AB. Lot 9C, CEDARLEA CY 9C (Homo Polled, 91 lb. BW, -2.4 BW EPD, 22.6 Milk EPD, 1,515 lb., 38 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a G.Bros Ultimate 918X daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Prairie Gold Charolais, Rosetown. Lot 94C, CEDARLEA CHARRA 94C (Double Polled, 102 lb. BW, .1 BW EPD, 29.8 Milk EPD, 1,550 lb., 38 cm), sired by Sparrow Reno 824U, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $14,000 to LZ Ranch, Kyle.

Lot 35C, CEDARLEA JOLTIN JOE 35C (Homo Polled, 109 lb. BW, -1.2 BW EPD, 889 lb. 205 DW, 9 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 1,710 lb., 40 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $13,000 for ¾ interest to Stolson Farms, Hodgeville. Lot 70C, CEDARLEA KOUFAX 70C (Polled/s, 102 lb. BW, -1.2 BW EPD, 27.9 Milk EPD, 4.6 Marbling, 1,595 lb., 37 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of an SOS Polled Detonator 8M daughter. Sold for $12,500 to Peno Valley Charolais, Waldeck. Lot 11C, CEDARLEA BAUTISTA 11C (82 lb BW, -6.1 BW EPd, 100 CE EPD, 26 Milk EPD, 16.04 REA, 1,525 lb., 39 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Sparrows Reno 824U daughter. Sold for $12,000 to Elder Charolais, Coronach.

Left: Wade Meakin bought the high seller; Right: Dave Blechinger added two to his Prairie Gold herd

Curtis & Nanette Turnbull brought the family and took home the second high seller

Lawrence Haylock purchased two and repeat customer Wil Lowe took a high seller

Duncan & Nicole Spenst selected one for their Peno Valley herd

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Charolais Banner • May 2016

Charolais Banner • May 2016



White Cap/Rosso Bull Sale White Cap/Ross and Howe Red Angus 26th Annual Bull Sale April 6, 2016 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 43 Two Year Old Bulls $260,300 $6,053 18 2/3 Yearling Bulls 102,400 5,486 61 2/3 Lots



Auctioneer: Brent Carey The Howe and Rosso families again put together a solid, quality set of bulls and had great repeat customer support that they have built up over the last 25 sales. Selling nearly 100 bulls the 36 Red Angus bulls averaged $7,000 with at top of $27,000. High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 95, ROSSO BLADE 34B (Polled/s, .7 BW EPD, 9 year old dam, Leptin CT, 1,785 lb., 38 cm), sired by LAE XCeptional 46X, out of a Rosso New Horizon 8L daughter. Sold for $8,500 to Donald & Wil Banford, Eastend. Lot 107, ROSSO BUDWEISER 39B (Homo Polled, 3 BW EPD, 79 TW EPD, 2,020 lb., 43 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a GBR Rambler 78U daughter. Sold for $8,100 to Alfred & Freda Wakelan, Maple Creek. Lot 72, ROSSO BELLMAN 12B (Polled, 88 lb. BW, -.4 BW EPD, 90 YW

Left: Jared McTavish bought a new herdsire; Right: Ben Tams took a herdbull to his Thistle Ridge Ranch

EPD, 1,650 lb., 36 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an LAE XCeptional 46X daughter. Sold for $8,000 to Hawkins Bros., Shamrock. Lot 80, ROSSO BRYSON 115B (Polled/s, .1 BW EPD, 53 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 2,015 lb., 40 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a Rosso New Horizon 8L daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Dennis Kress. Lot 78, ROSSO BARTEL 88B (Polled, 1.6 BW EPD, 52 WW EPD, 93 YW EPD, 1,765 lb., 41 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an Impair daughter. Sold for $7,700 to Kevin McLaren, Moose Jaw. Lot 109, ROSSO TOUCH DOWN 70B (Polled, 4.1 BW EPD, 78 YW EPD, 2,015 lb., 40 cm), sired by Rosso Double Down 8Z, out of a Rosso Talli 68T daughter. Sold for $7,600 to Wayne Henderson, Lumsden. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 41, Don Banford bought WHITECAP MR high selling two COMPLETE 238C the year old

(4.6 BW EPD, 62 WW EPD, 108 YW EPD, 23 Milk EPD, 875 lb. 205 DW, 1,445 lb. 365 DW, 40 cm), sired by Whitecap Certainty 263Y, out of a Sparrow Sanchez 715T daughter. Sold for $9,500 to McTavish Charolais, Moosomin. Lot 42, WHITECAP CARNAGE 40C (Polled/s, 95 lb. BW, .8 BW EPD, 1,490 lb., 41.5 cm), sired by Whitecap Revolver 69Y, out of a JWX Silver Buckle 524U daughter. Sold for $8,250 for 2/3 interest to Thistle Ridge Ranch, Taber, AB. Lot 57, WHITECAP MR CRUSH 213C (Polled, 90 lb. BW, 51 WW EPD, 104 YW EPD, 1,380 lb., 40 cm), sired by Merit 9778W, out of a JWX Silver Buckle 524U daughter. Sold for $7,800 to Merit Cattle Co., Radville.

Repeat customers Dennis & Jerome Kress took three more bulls

Left: Repeat customer Jerrad Schollar selected four bulls; Right: Repeat customer Justin Duncan purchased five bulls

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Charolais Banner • May 2016

Repeat customers Freda & Alfred Wakelan bought a couple top two year olds


Hunter Bull Sale Hunter Charolais 5th Annual Bull Sale April 7, 2016 • Roblin, MB Gross Average 4 Two Year Old Bulls $18,500 $4,625 30 2/3 Yearling Bulls 211,750 6,906 34 2/3 Lots



Auctioneer: Chris Poley Sale Manager: By Livestock

The calving barn was full this year with new and repeat customers for this video sale. The quality was strong with bulls selling to five provinces and one state and seven bulls going into purebred operations. The LT Ledger sons lead the charge with strong demand for these calving ease bulls and with a number of bulls being tested Homozygous Polled it heightened the interest. 12 open commercial Red Angus X Simm and Char X Red Angus heifers sold to average $2,450. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 31, HC CROSS FIRE 504C (Homo Polled, 88 lb. BW, -1.6 BW EPD, 759 lb. 205 DW, 1,630 lb., 43 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an Eldersspecialedition835U. Sold for $20,000 to Louber Farms, Ste. Marie, QC. Lot 32, HC CATALYST 510C (Polled, 92 lb. BW, -1.5 BW EPD, 826 lb. 205 DW, 52 WW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 1,650 lb., 40 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a DYV SVY Rio 17P daughter. Sold for $20,000 to

1,650 lb., 37 cm), sired by Elder’s Zeus Wilgenbusch Charolais, Halbrite, SK. 22Z, out of a KCM Ultimate 144Y Lot 12, HC CENTURY 509C (Homo daughter. Sold for $9,000 to SouraPolled, 90 lb. BW, -.4 BW EPD, 24.6 Horan Farms, Bowsman. Milk EPD, 1,590 lb., 37.5 cm), sired by Elder’s Zeus 22Z, out of a Sparrows Fargo 811U daughter. Sold for $16,000 to Doll Ranch, New Salem, ND. Lot 33, HC CABARET 519C (Homo Polled, 90 lb. BW, -.1 BW EPD, 56 WW EPD, 99 YW EPD, 1,500 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an Eldersspecialedition835U daughter. Sold for $11,000 to Cornerstone Charolais, Corwall, PE. Craig & Trish Wilgenbusch bought a high seller Lot 13, HC CADILLAC 521C (Homo Polled, 98 lb. BW, .8 BW EPD, 91 CE EPD, 1,640 lb., 37 cm), sired by Elder’s Zeus 22Z, out of an HTA Crown Prince 152L daughter. Sold for $11,000 for 2/3 interest to Sun Dance Charolais & Bar J Charolais, Amaranth. Lot 52X, HC CORONA 531C (4th Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, 95 CE EPD, Ricky & Nancy Milton took a bull to PEI 1,320 lb., 37.5 cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of an Eldersspecialedition 835U daughter. Sold for $9,250 to Vern Sparrow, Vanscoy, SK. Lot 16, HC CONVOY 532C Left: Bernard Begin purchased a high seller; Center: Donald Toms (Homo Polled, 100 purchased a herdbull for his Sun Dance herd; Right: Vern Sparrow lb. BW, 3.8 BW EPD, took two for his good commercial herd


Cedardale Charolais Bull Sale Cedardale Charolais 13th Annual Bull Sale April 16 2016 • Nestleton, ON Gross Average 27 Yearling Bulls $175,200 $6,450 Auctioneer: Carl Phoenix

High Selling Bulls Lot 21, CEDARDALE CALLOWAY 82C (Double Polled, 88 lb. BW, -2.3 BW EPD, 779 lb. 205 DW, 1,485 lb., 46

cm), sired by LT Ledger 0332 P, out of a Sparrows Alcatraz 18N daughter. Sold for $13,000 to Bluesky Cattle Company, Sandford. Lot 24, CEDARDALE CALYPSO 93C (Double Polled, 93 lb. BW., .6 BW EPD, 839 205 DW, 1,755 lb., 44 cm), sired Merit Roundup 9508W, out of a JDJ Smokester J1377 daughter. Sold for $10,300 to Alan Cathcart, Kendall. Lot 26, CEDARDALE CYRUS 95C Charolais Banner • May 2016

(Double Polled, 94 lb. BW, .5 BW EPD, 11 year old dam, 1,515 lb., 41 cm), sired by Cedardale Zeal 125Z, out of a Sharp Hills 206J daughter. Sold for $9,200 to Taylor Farms, Dunsford. Lot 8, CEDARDALE CANYON 39C (Double Polled, 96 lb. BW, 903 lb. 205 DW, 1,775 lb., 43 cm), sired by Merit Roundup 9508W, out of an LT Blue Grass 4017 P daughter. Sold for $9,100 to Gilles Matthew, Dunrobin. 57


Sliding Hills Bull Sale Sliding Hills Charolais 10th Annual Sale April 14, 2016 • Canora, SK Gross Average 16 Yearling Bulls $83,000 $5,188 Auctioneer: Mike Fleury

The name changed from Size Matters with the dispersal of the Jordan River herd last fall. The sale is now just Sliding Hills Charolais and the Weinbender’s hospitality and quality of the bulls was very good as usual. This was the 10th sale they have had at their farm with many repeat customers in attendance. High Selling Bulls Lot 31C, SHSH KILL THE LIGHTS 31C (Polled, 104 lb. BW, 2.5 BW EPD, 870 lb. WW, 17,94 REA, 55 WW EPD, 106 YW EPD, 1,595 lb., 42 cm), sired by RGP Corporal 1100Z, out of an MXS Vermillion 527R daughter. Sold for $15,000 to Palmer Charolais, Bladworth. Lot 76C, SHSH STAPLETON 76C (Polled, 91 lb. BW, .1 BW EPD, 97 YW EPD, 23 Milk EPD, 1,415 lb., 37.5 cm), sired by RGP Corporal 1100Z, out of an LT Western Edge 4057 Pld daughter. Sold for $7,000 to Cedarlea

Farms, Hodgeville. Lot 28C, SHSH WHITE LIGHTNING 28C (Polled, 89 lb. BW, 1.4 BW EPD, 850 lb. WW, 1,455 lb., 37 cm), sired by Merit 9809W, out of an DYV SVY Rio 17P daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Ken & Linda Cherepak, Arborg, MB. Lot 8C, SHSH WAYLON 8C (Polled, 78 lb. BW, -3.3 BW EPD, 53 WW EPD, 103 YW EPD, 1,375 lb., 36.5 cm), sired by EC No Doubt 2022P, out of a Merit 9809W daughter. Sold for $6,500 to Malcolm Tessmer, Prairie River. Lot 12C, SHSH YANKTON 12C (Polled, 91 lb. BW, 4.3 BW EPD, 860 lb. WW, 1,600 lb., 39 cm), sired by Stauffers Easy Guider Pld 112X, out of

an LT Western Edge 4057 Pld. Sold for $6,400 to Clayton Hawreliuk, Sheho. Lot 36C, SHSH HARVEST MOON 36C (Polled, 84 lb. BW, -.1 BW EPD, 1,360 lb., 35 cm), sired by LT Blue Blood 1131 Pld, out of an EC No Doubt 2022P daughter. Sold for $6,000 to Les Danyluk, Insinger.

Ken & Linda Cherepak selected the third high seller

Left: Malcolm Tessmer bought a top bull; Right: Repeat customer Les Danyluk added another to his herd

Glen Mills and Garner Deobald purchased high sellers


Mutrie & Bar H Bull Sale 4th Annual Mutrie & Bar H Bull Sale April 13, 2016 • Candiac, SK Gross Average 5 Two Year Old Bulls $23,900 $4,780 7 Yearling Bulls 28,700 4,100 12 Lots



Auctioneer: Brad Stenberg Sale Manager: By Livestock

Mutrie Farms and Bar H Charolais again put forth a nice set of good pedigreed bulls that saw the dollars spent less than the quality. 12 Angus and Shorthorn yearling bulls from their guest consignors averaged $4,129. High Selling Two Year Old Bulls Lot 21, SWR BROCK 55B (3rd Gen. 58

Polled, Red Factor, BW 91 lb., 75 YW EPD, 1,840 lb., 38.5 cm), sired by JWX Wadsworth 5W, out of a Harvie Redembption 36P daughter. Sold for $5,600 to Bernard & Trish Ferner, Sedley. Consigned by Mutrie Farms, Glenavon. Lot 22, SWR BOLIVAR 61B (Polled, 96 lb. BW, 80 YW EPD, 2,110 lb., 39 cm), sired by Waylon16W, out of an SVY Kaboom Pld 7113T daughter. Sold for $5,400 to the PFRA. Consigned by Mutrie Farms. Lot 19, SWR BASH 33B (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 91 lb. BW, 1,870 lb., 39 cm), sired by JWX Wadsworth 5W, out of SOS Red Raven Pld 13G. Sold Charolais Banner • May 2016

for $5,400 to Colin Baber, Balcarres. Consigned by Mutrie Farms. High Selling Yearling Bull Lot 8, SWR CUJO 17C (3rd Gen. Polled, Red Elford took Factor, 100 lb. BW, Glen eight of all breeds 29.9 Milk EPD, for the PFRA 1,340 lb., 37.5 cm), sired by JWX Zeus 1071Z, out of an SVS Nobleman 24N daughter. Sold for $5,700 to Hatzel Farms, Grenfell. Consigned by Mutrie Farms.

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Cornerstone Bull Sale Cornerstone “More Bang for Your Buck” Bull & Female Sale April 16, 2016 • Whitewood, SK Gross Average 17 Yearling Bulls $99,200 $5,835 Auctioneer: Brent Carey Sale Manager: By Livestock

The Whitewood Auction Mart was again packed for this last sale of the season. Brimner Cattle Co., Manor, supplied the good haired, calving ease bulls that again saw strong demand. WRAZ Red Angus sold 33 yearling bulls to average $5,527 with a top of $17,000 and there was also 38 open heifers that were Red Angus or Red Angus X Charolais that averaged $1,786. High Selling Bulls Lot 2, BRIMNER BULL 26C (3rd Gen. Polled, 100 lb. BW, -.5 BW EPD, 25.5 Milk EPD, 1,485 lb., 42 cm), sired

by Bar J Trojan 68X, out of a KMAC Serio 32S daughter. Sold for $10,000 to Van Eaton Farms, Maryfield. Lot 15, BRIMNER BULL 61C (3rd Gen. Polled, 90 lb. BW, .5 BW EPD, 1,400 lb., 38 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Infusion413A, out of an HBC Encore 834U. Sold for $7,200 to Van Eaton Farms. Lot 13, BRIMNER BULL 43C (4th Gen. Polled, Red Factor, 102 lb. BW, 23.5 Milk EPD, 1,625 lb , 41 cm), sired by Pleasantdawn Infusion413A, out of a Rosso Red Cole 13S daughter. Sold for $6,800 to Tomda Enterprises, Mossbank. Lot 7, BRIMNER BULL 85C (3rd Gen. Polled, 93 lb. BW, -2.1 BW EPD, 22 Milk EPD, 1,330 lb., 39 cm), sired by Bar J Trojan 68X, out of a KMAC Serio 32S daughter. Sold for $6,800 to Albert Holopina, Inglis, MB.

Wyatt, Jarrod, Julie & Kale Chinski bought a top bull

Left: John Van Eaton bought the two high sellers; Right: John Howe purchased the third high seller


Top Cut Bull Sale 26th Top Cut Bull Sale April 12, 2016 • Mankota, SK Gross Average 1 Two Year Old Bull $5,000 $5,000 33 Yearling Bulls 133,250 4,038 34 Lots



Auctioneer: Bruce Switzer

Wood River Charolais and Blake’s Red Angus of McCord sold another solid, quality set of bulls with strong local and repeat customers. The 17 Angus bulls average $5,029. Volume buyer was Bluff Creek Ranch, Glentworth who took five bulls. 60

High Selling Two Year Old Bull Lot 106B, WOOD RIVER PORSCHE 106B (Double Polled, 92 lb BW, -1.2 BW EPD, 1,850 lb, 40.5 cm), sired by Sparrows Richmond 905W, out of a Chardel 206M daughter. Sold for $5,000 to PFRA. High Selling Yearling Bulls Lot 134C, WOOD RIVER HONKY TONK 134C (Double Polled, 87 lb BW, -2.6 BW EPD, 1,370 lb, 37 cm), sired by Circle Cee Legend 307A, out of a Merit Roundup 9508W daughter. Sold for $5,500 to Greg Weppler, Morse. Lot 39C, WOOD RIVER TORQUE 39C (88 lb BW, 775 lb WW, 1,330 lb, 38 Charolais Banner • May 2016

cm), sired by Sparrows Richmond 905W, out of a HTA Geronimo 749T daughter. Sold for $5,250 to PFRA. Lot 59C, WOOD RIVER ODYSSEY 59C (Double Polled, 105 lb BW, .2 BW EPD, 26.5 Milk EPD, 1,360 lb, 38 cm), sired by Sparrows Richmond 905W, out of a WCR Prime Cut 764 Pld daughter. Sold for $5,250 to Red Coat Farms Inc, Kincaid. Lot 130C, WOOD RIVER SPECTRUM 130C (Polled, 91 lb BW, .1 BW EPD, 1,305 lb, 34 cm), sired by Sparrows Richmond 905W, out of Chardel 206M daughter. Sold for $5,000 to Jeff Crooks, Lafleche.

Bull Sales in Brief 78th Annual Williams Lake Bull Sale April 17, 2016 • Williams Lake, BC Gross Average 5 Yearling Bulls $20,000 $4,000

Maritime Beef Test Station Bull Sale April 2, 2016 • Nappan, NS Gross Average 16 Yearling Bulls $75,700 $4,734

Lazy S Charolais Bull Sale March 24, 2016 • Beaverlodge, AB Gross Average 41 Yearling Bulls $237,800 $5,800

Daines Cattle O’Neill Livestock Bull Sale April 14, 2016 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 8 Yearling Bulls $47,300 $5,912

Transcon’s Advantage Bull Sale April 2, 2016 • Saskatoon, SK Gross Average 14 Two Year Old Bulls $80,500 $5,750

Northern Impact III Bull Sale March 24, 2016 • Clyde, AB Gross Average 23 3/4 Two Yr Old Bulls$144,300 $6,076 13 Yearling Bulls 61,500 4,731

Spirit of the North Bull Sale April 11, 2016 • Spiritwood, SK Gross Average 23 Yearling Bulls $126,500 $5,500 Vanderhoof Bull Sale April 9, 2016 • Vanderhoof, BC Gross Average 2 Two Year Old Bulls $10,750 $5,375 5 Yearling Bulls 24,200 4,840 7 Lots



Eastern Select Bull & Female Sale April 9, 2016 • Campbellford, ON Gross Average 1 Mature Bull $5,800 $5,800 23 Yearling Bulls 138,700 6,030 24 Lots 2 Bred Cows 2 Open Heifers 4 Lots



$9,050 5,400

$4,525 2,700



White Lake Colony Bull Sale April 7, 2016 • Lethbridge, AB Gross Average 23 Long Yearling Bulls $180,150 $7,832 Ranaman Ranch and Parklane Charolais Bull Sale April 1, 2016 • Olds, AB Gross Average 21 Yearling Bulls $91,850 $4,373 Chopper K Red Angus/Campbell Charolais Bull Sale April 6, 2016 • Alameda, SK Gross Average 14 Yearling Bulls $74,650 $5,332 Vermillion Charolais Group Bull Sale April 2, 2016 • Vermilion, AB Gross Average 87 Two Year Olds $573,250 $6,589 10 Yearlings 57,000 5,700 97 Lots


PIC Bull Sale March 26, 2016 • Listowel, ON Gross Average 2 Yearling Bulls $8,850 $4,425 Source For Success Bull Sale March 12, 2016 • Indian River, ON Gross Average 3 Yearling Bulls $15,850 $5,283 Allanville Farms Bull Sale March 28, 2016 • Tisdale, SK Gross Average 14 Two Year Old Bulls $62,600 $4,471 Lazy S Cattle Co. March 26, 2016 • Rimbey, AB Gross Average 6 Two Year Old Bulls $37,950 $6,325 Mountainview Bull Sale March 26, 2016 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 16 Two Year Old Bulls $90,700 $5,671 10 Yearling Bulls 71,800 7,180 26 Lots



36 3/4 Lots



Red, White & Black Bull Sale March 19, 2016 • Moose Jaw, SK Gross Average 5 Two Year Old Bulls $18,600 $3,720 2 Yearling Bulls 6,750 3,375 7 Lots



Grassroots Bull Sale March 21, 2016 • Veteran, AB Gross Average 5 Two Year Olds $39,500 $7,900 20 Yearling Bulls 117,400 5,870 25 Lots



McKeary Charolais with guests Prairie Cove Charolais Bull Sale March 16, 2016 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 9 Two Year Old Bulls $52,500 $5,833 31 Yearling Bulls 202,300 6,525 40 Lots



Family Bull Sale March 26, 2016 • Elk Point, AB Gross Average 26 Two Year Old Bulls $147,150 $5,660 6 Yearling Bulls 23,900 3,983

Buffalo Lake Charolais with Guest Wilkie Ranch March 17, 2016 • Stettler, AB Gross Average 19 Two Year Old Bulls $120,000 $6,315 37 Yearling Bulls 231,450 6,255

32 Lots

56 Lots





North West Bull Sale March 21, 2016 • North Battleford, SK Gross Average 6 Yearling Bulls $29,050 $4,841

Ferme Palerme Charolais Bull Sale March 19, 2016 • Cheneville, QC Gross Average 14 Yearling Bulls $75,100 $5,364

Alameda Bull Sale March 26, 2016 • Alameda, SK Gross Average 3 Two Year Old Bulls $19,950 $6,650 3 Yearling Bulls 19,200 6,400

Thistle Ridge Ranch Bull Sale March 18, 2016 • Taber, AB Gross Average 35 Yearling Bulls $163,900 $4,683

6 Lots




Charolais Banner • May 2016

Select Genetics Bull Sale March 19, 2016 • Herbert, SK Gross Average 10 Yearling Bulls $67,500 $6,750


Pride of the Prairies Bull Sale March 7, 2016 • Lloydminster, SK Gross Average 6 Two Year Old Bulls $30,600 $5,100 13 Yearling Bulls 58,600 4,50 19 Lots



Neilson Cattle Co. Bull Sale March 11, 2016 • Willowbrook, SK Gross Average 20 Two Year Old Bulls $115,600 $5,780 Northern Classic Bull Sale March 11, 2106 • Grande Prairie, AB Gross Average 15 Yearling Bulls $90,750 $6,050 Built Right Bull Sale March 8, 2016 • Provost, AB Gross Average 14 ½ Yearling Bulls $113,150 $7,803

7th Annual Harvie Ranching Bull Sale March 8, 2016 • Olds, AB Gross Average 28 Yearling Bulls $194,700 $6,953

Soderglen Select Bull Sale February 13, 2016 • Airdrie, AB Gross Average 30 Two Year Old Bulls $256,750 $8,558

35th Annual South Central Select Bull Sale March 4, 2016 • Innisfail, AB Gross Average 23 Two Year Old Bulls $136,450 $5,932 85 Yearling Bulls 515,350 6,063

Hill 70 Quantock Bull Sale February 6, 2016 • Lloydminster, AB Gross Average 25 Two-Year Old Bulls $215,750 $8,630 31 Yearling Bulls 220,250 7,105

108 Bulls



Rainalta & Guests Bull Sale February 23, 2016 • Brooks, AB Gross Average 22 Yearling Bulls $138,200 $6,282

56 Lots



M.C. Quantock Bull Sale January 30, 2016 • Lloydminster, SK Gross Average 39 Two Year Old Bulls $292,250 $7,564

Denbie Ranch & Guests Bull Sale February 13, 2016 • Ste. Rose, MB Gross Average 11 Two Year Old Bulls $58,600 $5,327 7 Yearling Bulls 24,400 4,067 17 Lots




Edward Morgan 1931 – 2016

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Ted Morgan on Saturday, February 27, 2016 at Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton, with his family by his side. He is lovingly remembered by his wife of 56 years, Pat and their children and grandchildren: Wendy (Chris), Russell (Deanne) and Kurtis; Laurie (Greg), Vicky (Brayden), Travis, Cody (Ali); Brian (Monica), Justin, Kyle; Krista (Paul) and Jake. 62

Ted was born on the Morgan family farm in the Spinney Hill district and grew up there. He loved the farming way of life, especially his cattle and horses. Something I just thought of is that I have never in my life heard my Dad mad and yelling about anything. He may be upset but never raised his voice in anger. In 1959, he married the love of his life, Pat, and they were blessed with four children and later eight grandchildren. Ted loved the humorous things in life. He loved hearing and telling many stories and jokes which we will all cherish. He Charolais Banner • May 2016

took pride in his family that he loved so dearly. He was an honest and loyal man, who always put others ahead of himself, always lending a helping hand. Ted’s passion was his Charolais cattle. He enjoyed looking after cattle on the farm as well as travelling to sales and delivering bulls. In his later years, when Ted retired, he enjoyed the time he spent with neighbours, friends and family. Ted was well loved by many and will be dearly missed. Our family would like to thank the wonderful friends and neighbours for always being there for them.

TOP SELLING BULLS IN CANADA • FALL 2015  SPRING 2016 BULL Sparrows Braxton 519C JWX Downtown 7C Pick of Springside Bull Calves High Bluff Casanova 13C JWX Cactus Cut 1187C SOS Home Grown 15C Rawes Duke 401B Sparrows Lamont 524C Sparrows Zaiden 507C KAYR Extender 804C MVY All Shook Up 18C Sparrows Casino 511C Pleasant Dawn Classic 707C CML Exacta 514C Cedarlea Ty Cobb 78C Cedarlea Shoeless Joe 83C SOS Harvester Pld 61C WJS Calling 7C Gerrard San Diego 13C SOS Chive On 122C MVY Class Act 3C PCC Fresh 527C MXS Fat Burger 539C Tri-N Sheriff Pld 517C Elder's Chrome 107C HTA Stratego 562C LAE Chancellor 5122C HC Cross Fire 504C HC Catalyst 510C

SIRE Winn Mans Skaggs 663X JWX Fifty Shades 706Z

SOLD FOR $107,000.00 $82,500.00

Silverstream Geddes G102 KayR Velocity 812Z Winn Man's Chavez 826Y Rawes Sir T 123Y Winn Mans Skaggs 663X Winn Mans Lanza 610S Rolling D Classic 878U MVY All Star 61A LT Blue Value 7903 ET Pleasant Dawn Chisum 216A Gerrard Pastor 35Z Circle Cee Legend 307A Circle Cee Legend 307A CSS Sir Navigator 20Y CML Encore 4Y Cedardale Zeal 125Z Winn Mans Chavez 826Y Cedardale Zeal 125Z Winn Man's Lanza 610S Cedardale Zeal 125Z Tri-N Captain Morgan 340A HBSF Red River 61Z RGP Remington 101Y Circle Cee Legend 307A LT Ledger 0332P LT Ledger 0332 P

$60,000.00 $42,500.00 $42,250.00 $41,000.00 $38,000.00 $36,000.00 $36,000.00 $33,000.00 $32,000.00 $32,000.00 $30,000.00 $30,000.00 $28,000.00 $27,000.00 $26,500.00 $25,000.00 $24,000.00 $23,000.00 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $21,000.00 $20,500.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 $20,000.00

PURCHASER Steppler Farms & Beck Farms Semex, Serhienko Cattle, Footprint Farms & Hunter Charolais McKeary Charolais Harvie Ranching Elders Charolais A Sparrow Farms Buffalo Lake Charolais Thistle Ridge Stock Farm Snake Valley Charolais Elders Charolais McLeod Livestock Pro-Char Charolais Saddleridge Land & Cattle White Lake Colony Wrangler Charolais Turnbull Charolais Wood River Charolais R & R Farms Soderglen Ranches Circle Cee Charolais Doll Ranch & Wilgenbusch Charolais Rainalta Charolais West Fork Ranch Spruce View Charolais Reese Cattle Co Palmer Charolais Poplar Bluff Stock Farm Louber Farms Wilgenbusch Charolais

SOLD BY A Sparrow Farms Wilgenbusch Charolais Springside Farms High Bluff Stock Farm Wilgenbusch Charolais Springside Farms Rawes Ranches A Sparrow Farms A Sparrow Farms Kay-R Charolais McAvoy Charolais A Sparrow Farms Pleasant Dawn Charolais McLeod Livestock Cedarlea Farms Cedarlea Farms Springside Farms Big Johnson Charolais Gerrard Cattle Co. Springside Farms McAvoy Charolais Prairie Cove Charolais Martens Cattle Co. Tri-N Charolais Elder Charolais HTA Charolais Horseshoe E Charolais Hunter Charolais Hunter Charolais

2016 Spring Bull Sale Summary According to statistics, the 2016 Spring Bull Sales had the highest overall sales average and total gross dollars in the 35 years the Charolais Banner has been compiling bull sale results. There were 89 sales reporting in 2016, 7 more than 2015, with the overall average up $14. There were 117 more lots selling and an increase in total gross dollars by $820,609. A quick overview shows that of the 74 sales reporting in both 2015 and 2016, 43% of those sales had an increase in overall

average. There were 30 sales grossing more than $250,000 and one sale grossing over $1,000,000. There were 20 sales selling more than 50 lots. Mature bulls were down in average with the same number of lots selling in both 2015 and 2016. There were 84 more two-year-old bull lots selling in 2016 with a decrease in average of $272. 34% of the sales with two-year olds selling had a two-year old average above $7000. There were 31 more yearling lots selling

in 2016 and the average was up $198. There were 79 sales with yearlings selling and 22% of those sales had a yearling average above $7000.

Bull Sale Chart Notes: • Statistics are from fall 2015 sales with more than 10 bulls and spring 2016 bull sales. • No U.S. bull sales are included in the chart. • The sales with fall long-yearlings were treated as two-year-old bulls.

It is the breeders’ responsibility to submit a sale summary to the Charolais Banner office (by fax, email or phone) to ensure that their sale is included in the chart and further statistics. Unless the Charolais Banner office receives a report, no information will be shown for that sale.

Yearling Sales Averaging $7000 plus A. Sparrow Farms Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Family Tradition Bull Sale Git'R Done Bull Sale (Cedarlea)

$13,995 $9,415 $9,263 $8,868 $8,450 $8,220

Pro-Char Bull Sale Elder Charolais Built Right Bull Sale Impact Bull Sale (McAvoy) Tri-N & Guests Char-Maine Ranching

$8,085 $7,937 $7,803 $7,501 $7,429 $7,396

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Horseshoe E Charolais Wrangler Made Bull Sale Transcons Mountain View Hill 70 Quantock Pleasant Dawn Charolais

$7,233 $7,186 $7,180 $7,105 $7,047


2016 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics Sales

MATURE BULLS (no. – average $) 2015 2016

Acadia Colony Charolais Sale Alameda Bull Sale Allanville Farms Bull Sale Beck Farms Bull Sale Benchmark Bull Sale Best of the Breeds Bull Sale Borderland Cattle Co. Bull Sale Buffalo Lake Charolais & Wilkie Ranch Built Right Bull Sale Canada’s Red, White & Black Bull Sale Cattleman’s Classic 1 - $6,000 Cedardale Charolais Char-Maine Ranching Charolais Power (Footprint Farms) Chopper K & Campbell Charolais Cornerstone Annual Sale Cornerview Charolais Bull & Hfr Sale Coyote Flats 1st Annual Sale Daines O'Neill Livestock Bull Sale Denbie Ranch & Guests (Myhre & Bar J) Diamond W Charolais Eastern Select Sale Elder Charolais Family Bull Sale (Alberta) 1 - $7,750 Family Tradition Bull Sale Ferme Palerme Gilliland Bros. Bull Sale Git'R Done Bull Sale (Cedarlea) Grassroots Bull Sale Harvie Ranching Sale HEJ Charolais Sale High Country Bull Sale High Point Bull Sale Hill 70 Quantock Horseshoe E Charolais HTA Charolais & Rammer Hunter Charolais Impact Bull Sale (McAvoy) Jordan River Dispersal Sale Lazy S Cattle Co. Lazy S Charolais Louber Farms Maple Leaf Annual Sale Maritime Test Station Sale Martens Cattle Co. (Branding the Best) MC Quantock Bull Sale McKeary Charolais & Prairie Cove McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais McTavish Charolais Mutrie/Bar H Bull Sale NE Source Bull Sale Neilson Cattle Co. (Range Ready) North West Bull Sale Northern Classic Bull Sale Northern Impact III P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Palmer - Nielson PIC Bull Sale Pleasant Dawn Prairie Distinction Bull Sale Pride of the Prairie Pro-Char Bull Sale 1 - $155,000 Quebec Select


TWO-YEAR-OLDS (no. – average $) 2015 2016

2 - $7,500

3 - $6,650 14 - $4,471 3 - $5,833

5 - $4,820 15 - $6,350

2 - $3,800 19 - $6,315 5 - $3,720

3 - $4,333 15 - $9,216 24 - $8,968

21 - $8,273 30 - $8,375

YEARLINGS (no. – average $) 2015 2016 34 - $4,435

32 - $5,944 3 - $6,400

35 - $6,379 27 - $6,348 28 - $5,857 12 - $5,075 32 - $6,940 8 - $4,988 2 - $5,500 31 2/3 - $4,568 27 - $6,962 38 3/4 - $8,608 43 - $7,651 14 - $6,893 24 - $5,585

34 1/2 - $6,312 23 - $4,923 31 1/4 - $5,325 11 - $4,455 37 - $6,255 14 1/2 - $7,803 2 - $3,375

27 - $7,222 14 - $5,454 1 - $5,800

11 - $5,327 5 - $5,150

2 - $4,800 36 29 - $7,370 8 - $6,438

26 - $5,660 6 - $8,000

3 - $6,367

1 - $4,300

5 - $7,350

5 - $7,900

12 - $7,108

10 - $7,125

33 - $7,470 10 - $5,950

25 - $8,630 9 - $6,500

5 - $5,370

4 - $4,625

33 29 28

6 - $10,541 7 - $5,378 35 - $5,039 19 - $5,120 1/2 - $9,566 9 - $7,045 24 - $8,019 17 - $6,159 37 - $5,359 42 - $7,600 20 - $6,935 26 - $7,509 60 - $5,445 32 - $7,492 30 - $4,910 31 - $5,960 48 - $6,833 3/4 - $5,988 3/4 - $5,045 1/3 - $5,750

3 - $9,750

TOTAL (no. – average $) 2015 2016 34 - $4,435

37 - $6,439 27 - $6,348 28 - $5,857 17 - $5,000 47 - $6,751 8 - $4,988 2 - $5,500 35 2/3 - $4,588 27 - $6,450 27 - $6,962 32 - $7,396 53 3/4 - $8,818 33 - $6,230 67 - $8,123 14 - $5,332 14 - $6,893 17 - $5,835 24 - $5,585 17 - $5,300 25 - $6,652 8 - $5,912 6 - $10,541 7 - $4,067 21 - $5,429 28 - $4,025 35 - $5,039 23 - $6,030 21 - $5,090 35 3/4 - $7,937 36 1/2 - $9,566 6 - $3,983 39 - $7,045 32 3/4 - $8,450 32 - $7,623 14 - $5,364 17 - $6,159 36 - $5,525 40 - $5,435 43 1/4 - $8,220 42 - $7,600 20 - $5,870 25 - $7,002 28 - $6,953 26 - $7,509 53 - $6,144 60 - $5,445 40 - $6,675 44 - $7,387 26 - $5,570 30 - $4,910 31 - $7,105 64 - $6,738 56 - $7,233 58 - $6,681 42 3/4 - $6,485 33 3/4 - $5,988 30 2/3 - $6,906 34 3/4 - $5,092 31 7/20 - $7,501 28 1/3 - $5,750 3 - $5,133

6 - $6,325

42 1/2 - $7,339

37 - $7,001

44 - $7,614 11 - $8,360

6 - $4,033

39 - $7,564 9 - $5,833 1 - $7,700 2 - $4,750 5 - $4,780

29 - $5,407

20 - $5,780

19 - $6,824 23 3/4 - $6,076 60 - $8,796 57 - $8,802 8 - $7,769 7 - $7,014

13 - $5,665 4 - $5,150 9 - $8,894

1 - $5,000 15 - $6,437 6 - $5,100 8 - $7,493

42 - $6,095 12 - $6,558 9 - $5,628 24 - $7,169 24 - $6,422 36 - $10,815 36 - $6,196 17 1/2 - $3,726 8 - $4,075 8 - $6,837 7 - $9,392 15 - $4,770 26 - $7,125 45 2/3 - $6,348 35 - $5,724 16 - $5,005 46 - $7,498 31 - $4,200

Charolais Banner • May 2016

41 - $5,800 32 - $5,244 42 - $6,095 19 - $5,361 54 1/2 - $7,167 16 - $4,734 9 - $5,628 27 - $6,787 24 - $7,169 44 - $7,614 31 - $6,525 35 - $7,121 39 - $9,263 36 - $10,815 28 - $4,721 36 - $6,196 7 - $4,100 23 1/2 - $3,804 8 - $4,075 29 - $5,407 6 - $4,841 8 - $6,837 15 - $6,050 7 - $9,392 13 - $4,731 34 - $5,918 60 - $8,796 33 - $6,041 34 - $7,276 2 - $4,425 47 - $7,047 45 2/3 - $6,348 40 - $5,210 48 - $5,708 13 - $4,508 20 - $5,035 50 - $8,085 56 - $10,357 31 - $4,200

SALE GROSS (Bulls Only) 2015 2016

32 - $5,944 6 - $6,525 14 -$4,471 37 1/2 - $6,273 23 - $4,923 31 1/4 - $5,325 13 - $4,354 56 - $6,275 14 1/2 - $7,803 7 - $3,621

35 38


42 34

27 - $6,450 53 - $7,744 63 - $7,252 14 - $5,332 17 - $5,835 17 - $5,300 52 - $6,948 8 - $5,912 17 - $4,824 33 - $4,198 24 - $6,021 3/4 - $7,937 32 - $5,345 3/4 - $8,381 14 - $5,364 37 - $5,492 1/4 - $8,220 25 - $6,276 28 - $6,953 53 - $6,144 50 - $6,765 26 - $5,570 56 - $7,786 65 - $7,132 3/4 - $6,485 2/3 - $6,642 33 - $7,126 6 - $7,442 6 - $6,325 41 - $5,800 32 - $5,244 56 - $6,445 16 - $4,734 27 - $6,787 39 - $7,564 40 - $6,370 40 - $9,224 30 - $4,723 12 - $4,383

20 - $5,780 6 - $4,841 15 - $6,050 36 3/4 - $5,600 57 - $8,802 40 - $6,211 2 - $4,425 48 - $7,004 55 - $5,545 19 - $4,695 58 - $8,003


$238,250 $171,350 $164,000 $85,000 $317,300 $39,900 $11,000 $163,650 $188,000 $474,000 $544,250 $96,500 $134,050

$63,250 $114,000 $176,350 $106,900 $349,150 $274,750 $243,950 $104,700 $217,400 $319,200 $175,450 $195,250 $326,700 $325,050 $147,300 $431,250 $387,500 $202,100 $176,950 $162,900

$256,000 $390,600 $50,650 $172,050 $335,000 $163,650 $389,350 $223,050 $89,400 $32,600 $156,800 $54,700 $65,750 $202,150 $527,800 $244,400 $289,900 $274,000 $100,700 $580,000 $130,200

$190,200 $39,150 $62,600 $235,250 $113,250 $166,400 $56,600 $351,450 $113,150 $25,350 $175,200 $410,450 $456,900 $74,650 $99,200 $90,100 $361,300 $47,300 $82,000 $138,550 $144,500 $283,750 $171,050 $324,750 $75,100 $203,200 $355,500 $156,900 $194,700 $325,650 $338,250 $144,800 $436,000 $463,550 $277,250 $230,250 $235,150 $44,650 $38,950 $237,800 $167,800 $360,900 $75,700 $183,250 $292,250 $254,800 $368,950 $141,700 $52,600 $115,600 $29,050 $90,750 $205,800 $501,600 $248,450 $8,850 $336,200 $304,950 $89,200 $464,200

2016 Charolais Spring Bull Sale Statistics Sales Rainalta & Guests Ranaman Ranch & Parklane Charolais Rawes Ranches Reese Cattle Co. Rollin Acres/Patton/Whiskey Hollow Saint-Martin Bull Test Stn Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms Saunders Bull Sale Select Genetics Bull Sale Sliding Hills (Size Matters) Bull Sale Soderglen Select Bull Sale Source for Success South Central AB Breeders A. Sparrow Farms Spirit of the North Bull Sale Steppler Farms Tee M Jay Thistle Ridge Bull Sale Top Cut Bull Sale Transcon’s Advantage Bull Sale Transcon’s Mountain View Tri-N & Guests Valley Charolais Bull Sale Vanderhoof Bull Sale Vente Synergie VerMillion Charolais Group Vikse’s Tip The Scale Bull Sale White Cap/Rosso White Lake Colony Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Wilkenridge & Guest Walking Plow Williams Lake Bull Sale Winn Man Farms Bull Sale Wrangler Made Bull Sale LOTS - Average Gross $

MATURE BULLS (no. – average $) 2015 2016

TWO-YEAR-OLDS (no. – average $) 2015 2016

141 - $7,528

2 - $6,719

YEARLINGS (no. – average $) 2015 2016

TOTAL (no. – average $) 2015 2016

24 - $5,227

22 - $6,282 21 - $4,373

22 - $6,282 $125,450 21 - $4,373 157 - $7,723 $1,061,500 39 - $5,423 $160,100 29 - $6,003 $216,000 $212,750 63 3/4 - $7,566 $345,950 28 - $5,146 $165,450 10 - $6,750 $38,500 16 - $5,188 $93,050 30 - $8,558 3 - $5,283 $15,300 108 - $6,035 $555,200 56 1/2 - $13,473 $646,800 23 - $5,500 66 - $5,519 $457,150 31 - $3,935 $191,950 35 - $4,683 34 - $4,066 $132,900 14 - $5,750 $47,600 26 - $6,251 $220,600 31 - $7,429 $138,950 7 - $4,993 $28,900 $20,700 97 - $6,497 $572,850 26 - $6,140 $241,500 62 - $5,850 $442,000 23 - $7,832 74 3/4 - $8,252 $581,250 $40,750 5 - $4,000 $371,250 $328,000 45 - $7,177

$138,200 $91,850 $1,212,500 $211,500 $174,100

41 - $4,005 32 - $6,750 42 - $5,065 31 - $6,608 28 - $5,909 6 - $5,500 23 - $4,046

39 - $5,423 29 - $6,003

2119 23/30 - $6,489 2940 11/12 - $6,617 3058 1/6 - $6,631 $19,459,300


157 - $7,723

26 - $5,606 3 - $3,633

1 - $5,500

36 3/4 - $9,415 25 - $5,728 10 - $6,750 16 - $5,188

24 - $5,227 141 - $7,528 41 - $4,005 32 - $6,750 42 - $5,065 52 - $6,653 28 - $5,909 7 - $5,500 23 - $4,046

30 - $8,558 22 - $5,781 6 - $7,125

3 - $5,100 23 - $5,932 77 - $5,183 4 - $6,625 55 1/2 - $10,884

17 - $7,441

11 - $5,818

51 - $6,483 41 - $4,682

4 - $4,875 9 - $5,288 20 - $5,290

1 - $5,000 14 - $5,750 16 - $5,671

27 - $4,200

3 - $4,867

2 - $5,375

67 - $7,621

87 - $6,589

39 - $7,131

43 - $6,053 23 - $7,832 17 - $6,159

1 - $15,000

17 - $7,168

19 - $6,042 27 - $5,146 3 - $4,767 4 - $5,175 10 - $6,225 30 - $7,550 24 - $6,829 76 - $6,045 12 - $3,396

3 - $5,283 3 - $5,100 85 - $6,063 99 - $5,338 52 1/2 - $13,995 61 1/2 - $10,517 23 - $5,500 55 - $5,459 68 - $6,723 31 - $3,935 41 - $4,682 35 - $4,683 33 - $4,038 31 - $4,287 9 - $5,288 10 - $7,180 39 - $5,671 31 - $7,429 27 - $5,146 5 - $4,840 6 - $4,817 4 - $5,175 10 - $5,700 77 - $7,440 26 - $6,140 31 - $7,790 19 - $5,389 63 - $7,016 57 3/4 - $8,868

93 - $6,250 12 - $3,396

5 - $4,000 43 - $8,633 14 - $7,185

13 - $7,154

30 - $7,580

4 - $45,938

4 - $8,763

854 1/2 - $7,210

932 3/4 - $6,958

2082 5/12 - $6,298






SALE GROSS (Bulls Only) 2015 2016

32 - $7,186

43 - $8,633 44 - $7,454

$482,359 $154,100 $67,500 $83,000 $256,750 $15,850 $651,800 $761,250 $126,500 $364,250 $122,000 $163,900 $138,250 $80,500 $162,550 $230,300 $34,950 $630,250 $159,650 $362,700 $180,150 $616,850 $20,000 $322,950


Sales Selling 50 plus lots Rawes Ranches South Central AB Breeders VerMillion Charolais Group Wilgenbusch Charolais (North of 49th) Steppler Farms Horseshoe E Charolais Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms

157 108 97 74 ¾ 66 65 63 ¾

Charolais Power (Footprint Farms) White Cap/Rosso Pro-Char Bull Sale P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. A. Sparrow Farms Hill 70 Quantock Buffalo Lake Charolais & Wilkie Ranch

63 62 58 57 56 ½ 56 56

Maple Leaf Annual Sale Prairie Distinction Bull Sale Char-Maine Ranching HEJ Charolais Sale Coyote Flats 1st Annual Sale High Country Bull Sale

56 55 53 53 52 50

Sales Grossing $250,000 plus Rawes Ranches $1,212,500 A. Sparrow Farms $761,250 South Central AB Breeders $651,800 VerMillion Charolais Group $630,250 Wilgenbusch Charolais (N of 49th) $616,850 P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. $501,600 Sandan Charolais & Springside Farms $482,359 Pro-Char Bull Sale $464,200 Horseshoe E Charolais $463,550 Charolais Power (Footprint Farms) $456,900

Hill 70 Quantock Char-Maine Ranching McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais Steppler Farms White Cap/Rosso Coyote Flats 1st Annual Sale Maple Leaf Annual Sale Git'R Done Bull Sale (Cedarlea) Buffalo Lake Charolais & Wilkie Ranch High Country Bull Sale

$436,000 $410,450 $368,950 $364,250 $362,700 $361,300 $360,900 $355,500 $351,450 $338,250

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Pleasant Dawn Charolais HEJ Charolais Sale Family Tradition Bull Sale Wrangler Made Bull Sale Prairie Distinction Bull Sale MC Quantock Bull Sale Elder Charolais HTA Charolais & Rammer Soderglen Select Bull Sale McKeary Charolais & Prairie Cove

$336,200 $325,650 $324,750 $322,950 $304,950 $292,250 $283,750 $277,250 $256,750 $254,800


35 Year (1982-2016) Charolais Bull Sale Trends Year

# of Sales



2015 2014





932 3/4





2 3/4




8 1/6





















565 1/2



4 1/2


544 3/4





















TOTAL LOTS No. Average



2119 23/30


3058 1/6

$6,631 $20,279,909

854 1/2


2082 5/12


2940 11/12

$6,617 $19,459,300

827 1/2


1854 1/4


2662 1/2

$4,769 $12,698,800

765 1/2


1813 1/12


2586 1/2

$4,095 $10,591,900

667 1/2


1876 5/6


2537 1/3

$4,435 $11,252,175




1652 1/2


2300 1/2




546 5/12


1597 1/4


2151 2/3



$3,288 1552 13/60


2158 13/60




1495 7/12


2072 4/5




1433 7/10


1983 19/20




1277 11/12


1838 11/12



644 1/2


1088 5/12


1735 11/12





1159 1/2


1751 1/2




799 3/4




2202 5/6






1667 5/6


2637 5/6











2896 1/12









1521 1/4


2495 1/4









1325 1/2


2262 1/2









1545 1/4


2467 1/4





13 1/4


1038 3/4


1383 1/2


2434 1/2





11 1/4




1587 2/3


2682 11/12









2019 1/3


3169 1/3









1487 1/4


3084 1/4


















1382 1/4




3151 1/4







1325 1/4


1482 1/4


2936 1/4







1315 3/4


1407 1/2


2745 1/4





12 1/2


1335 1/8


1167 7/8


2574 1/2












































2399 3/4







1112 1/2


671 1/4


1829 1/2





20 1/2






1122 1/3







714 1/4




1,391 3/4



Two Year Old Sales Averaging $7000 plus P & H Ranching Co. Ltd. Hill 70 Quantock Soderglen Select Bull Sale Charolais Power (Footprint Farms) Char-Maine Ranching Family Tradition Bull Sale


$8,802 $8,630 $8,558 $8,375 $8,273 $8,000

Grassroots Bull Sale White Lake Colony Rawes Ranches McLeod Livestock & Kay-R Charolais MC Quantock Bull Sale Pro-Char Bull Sale

$7,900 $7,832 $7,723 $7,700 $7,564 $7,493

Charolais Banner • May 2016

Coyote Flats 1st Annual Sale Wrangler Made Bull Sale High Country Bull Sale Palmer - Nielson Maple Leaf Annual Sale

$7,222 $7,154 $7,125 $7,014 $7,001


Beefin’ It Up in Alberta Megan McLeod, Alberta Director

Well, I hope that everyone is getting excited for summer, and with it, the 2016 CCYA Conference and Show that will be held in Olds, Alberta in conjunction with Summer Synergy! For anyone who has not heard of the Summer Synergy program, it is a program that works to promote and encourage youth in agriculture by bringing together Dairy, Sheep, Equine, and Beef youth exhibitors to compete for over $70,000 in scholarship money. Our Alberta Charolais Youth Association and our conference planning committee is very excited to offer this opportunity, as any CCYA conference competitor can compete for scholarships through CCYA NATIONAL BOARD President: Shae-Lynn Evans Vice-President: Wyatt Ching Treasurer: Courtney Black Secretary: Tomina Jackson

Summer Synergy if they are willing to compete in the five required components. These components include: Multi-Species Judging, Individual Grooming, Marketing, Conformation, and Showmanship. As well, this year, there will be a few changes to the regular CCYA Conference program. Instead of the traditional Beef Judging Competition, all CCYA competitors will be competing in the Multi-Species Judging Competition with the Summer Synergy exhibitors. This will still include various beef judging classes, but it will expand to encompass various other livestock species. This competition will allow members to gain knowledge on the selection of various species of livestock and become better stockmen. Director: Luke Marshall Director: Megan McLeod Director: Shelby Evans Director: Keegan Blehm 2016 CCYA Conference & Show Executive President: Megan McLeod

Moving on to some of the other details in regards to our conference, registration will be done online this year. This will be done through the Summer Synergy Online Registration, with a detailed registration guide to follow this article. As well, blocks of rooms have been reserved for CCYA Youth at the Pomeroy Inn & Suites, and the Ramada, with townhouses also being available at the Olds College. As well, our banquet will be held at the Olds College. Our planning committee is so excited to be organizing this event, and we cannot wait to see our charolais youth, both the new faces and the returning competitors. I hope that everyone has a great spring, and I hope to see everyone in Olds for the 2016 CCYA Conference in July! Vice-President: Luke Marshall Secretary: Jade Marshall Treasurer: Aidan Jamieson CCYA Provincial Advisors SK: Suzanne Smyth | ON: Billie-Jo Saunders | MB: Donna Jackson | AB: Kasey Phillips | Youth Coordinator: Kirstin Sparrow

If Charolais influenced animals do well at 4-H regionals near you, please send us the information and a picture so we can share the news!

Email or call 306.546.3940

Charolais Banner • May 2016


Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference & Show

BEEFIN’ IT UP JULY 12th TO 15th, 2016 • Olds Regional Exhibition Grounds, Olds, AB

AGENDA MONDAY, JULY 11 12:00 – 8:00........................................Early Arrivals can Begin TUESDA, JULY 12 8:00 – 12:00 ...............................................Arrival/Registration *Please arrive before 12:00 PM 12:00 -12:45 .......................................................................Lunch 1:00 – 1:20.....................................................................Welcome 1:30 – 3:30 .................................Individual Marketing/Selling 3:30 -4:15.................................................................CCYA AGM 4:30 – 5:00 ........................................................................Chores 5:30 – 6:15 ........................................................................Supper 6:30 ....................................................................Welcome Mixer WEDNESDAY, JULY 13 7:30................................................................................Breakfast 8:15 ..................................................Morning Announcements 8:30........................................Individual Grooming (Synergy) 9:00 – 12:00............................Team Judging/Team Marketing 12:00 – 12:45......................................................................Lunch 1:00 – 4:00............................................................Showmanship 4:00 – 4:30 ........................................................................Chores 5:00.......................................................Depart for Keep & Cull 5:30 ............................................................Supper/Keep & Cull THURSDAY, JULY 14 6:45................................................................................Breakfast 7:20 ..................................................Morning Announcements 7:30...........................................Depart for Individual Judging 8:00 – 11:45 .................................................Individual Judging 12:00 – 12:45......................................................................Lunch 1:00 – 4:00 ........................................................Team Grooming 4:00 – 4:30 ........................................................................Chores 5:00.......................................Supper/Educational Component FRIDAY, JULY 15 8:00................................................................................Breakfast 9:00 ..................................................Morning Announcements 10:00 – 10:30..........................................................Group Photo 11:00 – 11:45......................................................................Lunch 11:45 – 12:00 .............................................Closing Ceremonies 12:30 – 3:45 ..........................................................Conformation 4:00 .........................................Synergy Parade of Champions, followed by Scholarship Announcements 4:30.....................................................................Cattle Released 6:30..................................................Banquet/Awards & Dance SATURDAY, JULY 16 (CALGARY STAMPEDE) *Only Required for Purebred/Commercial Female Champions and Scholarship Recipients 6:00 – 9:00.....................Calgary Stampede Livestock Arrival 9:30 – 10:00...............................................................Orientation 10:00 ..........................................Scholarship Interviews Begin 6:00 – 7:30 ...............................Stars of Agriculture Reception 7:30 – 9:00 .................Grandstand Scholarship Presentations 68

SUNDAY, JULY 17 (CALGARY STAMPEDE) *Only Required for Purebred/Commercial Female Champions 12:00.......................................Supreme Parade of Champions 6:00...........................................Champion Livestock Released • Schedule is subject to change

ACCOMODATIONS Pomeroy Inn & Suites, Olds, AB...................(403) 556-8815 Queen Rooms @ $ 149.00 + tax/night Book until June 11th, 2016 Ramada, Olds, AB.............................................(403) 507-8349 Queen Rooms @ $121.99 + tax/night Book until June 11th, 2016 Olds College Townhouses, Olds, AB Townhouse @ $200.00 + tax/night Camping available (no power) on the Soccer Field next to the Megadome at Olds Regional Exhibition Grounds. It is first-come, first-serve.

TRANSPORTATION Calgary International Airport is a 50 minute drive from Olds, AB. Please inform Luke Marshall or Megan McLeod of your travel itinerary and transportation will be arranged if needed. For more information please contact: Megan McLeod 403-801-9309 • Luke Marshall 403-877-7017 •


Charolais Banner • May 2016



CCYA 2016 ONLINE REGISTRATION GUIDE STEP 1: • Go to • From here you will go to the side panel and choose the Entries tab • There should be a link to the online registration system here • You will be redirected to the Blue Ribbon Fair Online Website STEP 2: • Create an Exhibitor Account • Your Exhibitor Division should be “Junior/4-H” • Fill out ALL information STEP 3: • After creating your account, go to the Entries tab (top of the page) • Choose your department – #225 “CCYA Purebred/Commercial Beef” • From this drop-down menu, use the + signs on the far left side to show more options • Click the “Add” button to add this class to your entries • Clicking the “Add” Button will redirect you to a page to fill out all animal/ registration information • All CCYA Exhibitors MUST choose between Team Marketing or Team Selling • Junior CCYA Exhibitors have the choice between Individual Marketing Radio Ad, Individual Marketing Magazine Ad, or Individual Selling STEP 3A: (FOR SCHOLARSHIP COMPETITORS ONLY) • If you wish to compete in the Summer Synergy Scholarship Competition, you must register for the following events: Showmanship Multi-Judging Marketing Individual Grooming • To do so, choose the department - #500 “Summer Synergy Components” • From here, choose the "Summer Synergy Beef” Section, and press the + sign to bring down the menu options • You must add the 4 required components ($20.00 for each class) STEP 4: • After you have added all classes, please go to the Review Entries tab • The “Add Pen/Stall” box should be checked off for any animal that is entered in the show STEP 5: • From here, please go to the Items/Checkout tab • Please fill out all questions in this section • If you have not paid your CCYA membership for the year, you will have to do so in this section • Click “Submit Fee Selection” and Proceed STEP 6: • Make sure all entries and information is correct before moving forward to payment • This is also the section for Adult Registration to be done • This is also where you may add pens for Nurse Cows if you need them • Follow the instructions IN BRIGHT RED at the top of the page and continue to payment NOTES: For anyone entering the Summer Synergy Components to be eligible for scholarship, the age categories are not the same as CCYA. All Summer Synergy Age Categories use the following age categories, as of January 1st of the calendar year: • Junior: 9-11 • Intermediate: 12-14 • Senior: 15-20

THE CANADIAN CHAROLAIS YOUTH ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE AND SHOW COMPETITION AND SHOW RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. Entry The Canadian Charolais Youth Association (CCYA) show and Conference is open to all youth members in Canada or foreign countries who are registered members of their respective associations. Canadian members must have paid their $20.00 active membership fee to the CCYA or their $25 active membership fee to the CCA to be able to participate in the conference (see for more information). CCYA members may include their $40 membership fee with their application form for the Conference and Show. Registration for the Conference enters the youth members in all competitions. First time Conference participants will receive a $50 rebate of their registration fees. 2. Ages The age division for the competitions will be: Junior: 12 and under; Intermediates: 13-16 years; Seniors; 17-21 years, as of January 1 of the current year. 3. Photography Competition The photography competition is open to all participants. The photograph must be taken by the youth member exhibiting it. Photos should depict the purebred or commercial Charolais industry. Points will be awarded on clarity, quality, originality and relationship to the Charolais industry. Presentation and/or framing is not permitted. Photos must not be larger than 8” X 10”. Bring your photo entry to the conference and enter when you register. Only one photo per exhibitor will be accepted. Pictures entered in past competitions will not be accepted. 4. Art Competition The art competition is open to all participants. All artwork must be done by the youth submitting it. The artwork must depict something directly related to the Charolais industry. It cannot contain photographs. Any medium may be used: pencil, crayon, pastel, paint, fabric, wood, clay, etc. Originality is the key. Presentation and/or framing are encouraged but no points are awarded on this basis. Artwork must be brought to the conference and entered when you register. Only one entry per exhibitor will be accepted. The highest placing between photography and artwork competitions will be used in aggregate and scholarship points. Artwork entered in past competitions will not be accepted. 5. Showmanship Competition The showmanship competition will be divided into the three age categories. Animals will be made available for participants not exhibiting in conformation. If the youth have their own animal, it

Charolais Banner • May 2016


must be used for the competition. Showmanship will be a non-fit/dry-brush competition; animals that have been fitted will not be allowed to be used for the competition. The assigned ring marshal’s decision will be final. 6. Team Grooming Competition The team grooming competition will be twenty minutes in length. Teams of junior, intermediate and senior participants will be arbitrarily made prior to the show. Yearling heifers will be used exclusively for the competition. Heifers are to be washed and clipped prior to the competition but dressing prior to commencement will result in disqualification. Teams will be evaluated on the use of equipment, knowledge, skill, involvement, final appearance and presentation of the heifer. The judge will select up to three teams in each split to bring their heifer back to compete for the overall title. Teams that qualify for the final, if available, will have an hour to groom an unclipped animal. If not available, teams will have an additional 5 minutes per team to touch up the original animal in the show ring. The use of unethical or artificial fitting practices will result in immediate disqualification and under no circumstances will be tolerated. 7. Team Selling/Judging Competition All participants will choose between team marketing and team judging. This will be chosen at the time of registration. Teams will be made up of two members who are in the same age category. Teams will be made prior to the conference, but the committee reserves the right to modify teams based on actual attendance. a. Team Selling. Each team will have approximately 5-7 minutes to sell an animal, embryo, semen or related product to a prospective buyer. Teams will be judged on knowledge, enthusiasm, group cooperation/involvement, and overall ability to convince and sell. b. Team Judging The hosting province has the authority to choose if one or two classes will be judged. If expected to judge two classes, in the first class one team member will be responsible for the ring-person duties and the other will place the class and give a set of oral reasons to the audience. In the second class the team members will alternate positions. 8. Individual Marketing Individual marketing evaluates participant’s ability to promote a product (or service). Time is given at the conference; participants are not permitted to use/submit materials in advance. c. Junior: Individuals are given a choice of individual selling, or developing promotional item - one of: a radio ad, or a magazine ad. Tape recorders and art supplies will be provided for the ads. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing campaign. d. Intermediate: Participants will be required to compare and critique two advertisements of the same medium, and will be judged on logic and effectiveness. Participants will be judged in originality, and content. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to complete their questionnaire. e. Senior: Individuals will be required to develop a marketing plan for a specific scenario. The product/service will be selected by the organising committee prior to the conference. A set of questions will be provided as a template for the plan, as well as necessary background information. Forty-five (45) minutes will be given for individuals to prepare their marketing plan. Plans will be submitted in writing and will be judged on logic, clarity, creativity and originality, and effectiveness. For Intermediates and Seniors the top 5 participants, based on their written marketing piece, may be asked to return and given a face-to-face sales pitch to the judge. 9. Keep and Cull Competition Participants will compete individually and learn the basics of keeping females in the herd on the criteria of past performance and appearance. Members will be given EPD’s and a farm based scenario according to the competitors age category, as developed by the judge prior to competition, and will be expected to select three females from a pen of five. A class will be held by the judge prior to the competition to explain the fundamentals of EPD’s and what the industry is looking for in today’s producing animals. 10. Judging Competition Members will compete individually and will judge classes of steers, females, and bull calves. Junior participants will be expected to complete written reasons on three classes and oral reasons on one class, as determined by the organizing committee. The time limit for each class will be 20 minutes. The Intermediate and Senior participants will complete the same classes and be required to submit placing cards as well as complete oral reasons on all three classes. 11. Oral Reasons Members will compete individually by presenting their oral reasons on previously judged steers, yearling heifers or bull calves. Junior members will only complete one set of reasons on a chosen class. Only junior members will be allowed to refer to their judging cards while giving their oral presentation. There will be a time limit of two minutes. 12. Herdsmanship Competition The organising committee will group youth exhibiting with those youth without cattle at the Conference and Show. This allows for juniors without cattle to help those with cattle and to meet new people. All members are encouraged to help keep their alley swept and clean and to help one another out. Teams will be limited to a maximum of six members and will be made by organisers according to the youth members’ experience/age and the number of animals to be cared for by the team. A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners. All families with cattle will be in the same herdsman group unless notified by the families that this is unwanted. Farm signs will not be permitted. 13. The Grant Moffat Memorial Ambassador Award Members will be evaluated on the helpfulness, willingness, encouragement, spirit, and general attitude towards the conference and fellow participants. A select group of unknown judges will be monitoring the activities of the participants and will compare notes to pick the winners. Members will be evaluated in their respective age categories. A ballot will be filled out by CCYA members attending the Conference and Show and will also be used in the judging process. 14. Education Awards Education award monies will be awarded on an overall point basis at the conference and show. Eligibility requirements are listed in the CCYA Policies and Procedures, section 21. The amount of education award monies will be $1800, with $1000 for 1st, $500 for 2ndand $300 for 3rd place, based on the breakdown of the following competitions: Judging & Oral reasons 35%, Ambassador 20%, Showmanship 10%, Photography or Art (best of) 5%, Keep & Cull 10%, Individual Marketing 15%, Essay Competition 5%. 15. Aggregate Competition Juniors: Points will be awarded as follows: photography/art – best 5%, judging 25%, showmanship 10%, herdsmanship 5%, individual marketing 10%, team marketing or team judging 10%, keep/cull 5%, ambassador 10%, team grooming 10%, oral reasons 5% and 5% for bringing cattle. Intermediates & Seniors: Points will be awarded as follows: photography/art – best 5%, judging 30%, showmanship 10%, herdsmanship 5%, individual marketing 10%, team marketing or team judging 10%, keep/cull 5%, ambassador 10%, team grooming 10%, and 5% for bringing cattle. The first and second place winners in each division will be awarded belt buckles to recognise their accomplishments. Additional monies may be awarded at the discretion of the Conference and Show organising committee. 16. Conformation Classes Offered a) PUREBRED I. Bull Calf born in 2016 II. Heifer Calf born in 2016 III. Yearling Heifer born in 2015 IV. Female born in 2014 with natural 2016 calf V. Female born in 2013 or previous with natural 2016 calf VI. Champion & Reserve Purebred Female (top 2 animals from classes I (b-e)) b) COMMERCIAL (50% Charolais or visible Charolais cross) I. Heifer Calf born in 2016 II. Steer calf born in 2016 III. Heifer Calf born in 2016 IV. Yearling Heifer born in 2015 V. Female born in 20143 with natural 2016 calf VI. Female born in 2013 or previous with natural 2016 calf VII. Champion & Reserve Commercial Female (top 2 animals from classes II (a-d)) c) SPECIAL CLASSES I. Market steer (50% Charolais or visible Charolais cross) Entry deadline is June 1, 2016 and no entries postmarked after this date will be accepted. 17. Prizes All prizes and placings will be announced only at the banquet on the final night, with the exception of conformation. CONFERENCE AND SHOW REGULATIONS 1. Absolutely NO parent/adult participation will be allowed. Barn bosses and ambassador volunteers will be monitoring the barn, wash rack, and tie-out areas at all times. Any parent/adult participation may result in a deduction of aggregate and scholarship points from the youth member in question. Senior members are encouraged to help the junior members. This includes the set-up and take-down of the stall. 2. All purebred animals entered must be registered with the CCA. Crossbred heifers do not need to be registered. Calves should be registered and must be tattooed by show day. No tattooing will be permitted on the grounds. Original registration certificates must accompany purebred cattle to the show, including all calves. Tattoos will be checked upon arrival. 3. Members showing animals that are owned by them or their family can enter as many head as they choose, keeping in mind that they are responsible for showing their entries. Members who cannot bring their own cattle but wish to enter the conformation show may enter an animal belonging to another Charolais breeder. However, members entering cattle not owned by them or their family are limited to only one entry. 4. Animals must be shown by the youth member entering them unless more than one entry is in the class. 5. There is no limit placed on the number of entries per class, however, the youth will be responsible for finding other youth to help them show. 6. The entry fee is $15 per class. Calves may be split off cows, but in the case of a pair that goes on to the finale, the heifer calves will be ineligible to be shown in the heifer calf division. 7. Classes will be determined after the entry deadline and will contain approximately eight to ten animals. 8. All animals are expected to be broke to lead. If in a case where the animal in question poses a threat to the safety of the other participants, the owner will be asked to remove the animal from the show barn. The Barn Boss will have final say. 9. A bedding base will be provided to all participants. Exhibitors will be responsible for their own feed for the duration of the conference. Night tie-outs will be available, as well as pens for nurse cows.


10. For all CCYA members the consumption of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited on show grounds or during any show activities. Failure to comply with this rule will result in immediate disqualification and removal from the remainder of the Conference and Show. 11. Unethical fitting practices are not allowed in any of the competitions. This includes the use of artificial tail heads, and artificial fillers such as stomach filling; unless deemed necessary by a veterinarian. 12. Surgical alterations are not permitted on any animal being exhibited, unless a valid veterinarian certificate is produced that explains the reason for them. 13. All participants are expected to participate in all events, unless illness forces them out of competition. Youth not participating in all events will lose aggregate and scholarship points. Any youth that chooses not to participate in all events may be disqualified from all competitions and show, and forfeit any prizes or awards that they may have otherwise earned. 14. The show shirt is expected to be worn for conformation, showmanship and team grooming. Name tags are to be worn at all times. 15. The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee, Agricultural Society, or any of the show advisors or volunteers is not responsible for loss, injury or accident to animals, property or humans for the duration of the Conference and Show. 16. First time participants will receive a $50 rebate from the CCYA National Board after the conference, but should pay the full registration amount for the conference. 17. By submitting the attached entry form and signing the Code of Conduct, the youth member agrees to abide by all the above rules and regulations for the competitions and the cattle show. A group of adult advisors, including the Youth Coordinator have been appointed by the hosting Conference and Show Organizing Committee to enforce the rules and regulations. The hosting CCYA Conference and Show Organizing Committee has the power to, at any time, intervene to settle disputes or clarify the rules.

Charolais Banner • May 2016


Your ad should be here. 306.546.3940 Charolais Banner • May 2016


GOOD ANCHOR CHAROLAIS HOME OF “GOOD” CATTLE! Don Good and Marion Smyth Box 3261, Vermilion, AB T9X 2B2 780.853.2220 •

Alberta Breeders

Kasey, Arlana, Kord & Peri Phillips Box 420, Waskatenau, AB T0A 3P0

T 780.358.2360 • C 780.656.6400 • KREATING KONFIDENCE


Charolais Banner • May 2016

Manitoba Breeders

British Columbia Breeders

Charolais Banner • May 2016


Ontario Breeders


Charolais Banner • May 2016

Saskatchewan Breeders

Quebec Breeders

GET NOTICED! Advertise here. Call now.

306.546.3940 Charolais Banner • May 2016


USA Breeders

Suivez, moi sur Twitter! @CharolaisBanner


Charolais Banner • May 2016


Calendar of Events June 17 & 18 Canadian Charolais Association Annual General Meeting in Edmonton, Alberta

September 11 Renfrew Fair Charolais Show, 12:30 p.m., Renfrew (ON) Fair Grounds (A BOSS Show)

June 29 T Bar C Invitational Golf Tournament, Saskatoon, SK

September 23 Lindsay Exhibition Charolais Show, Lindsay (ON) Exhibition Grounds (A BOSS Show)

July 12-15 Canadian Charolais Youth Association Conference & Show, Olds, AB July 24 Saskatchewan Charolais Association AGM & Pen Show, 11:00 a.m., Saskatoon (SK) Livestock Sales August 9-12 Canadian Beef Industry Conference (CBIC), Calgary, AB

September 23 – 25 Young Ranchman’s All Breeds Livestock Show 2016, Swift Current (SK) Ag Grounds September 24 Eastern National Charolais Sale, 1:00 p.m., at Ferme Louber, Ste-Marie de Beauce, QC September 24 Patton Charolais Dispersal Sale, Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON

October 15 Autumn Prestige Sale, 6:30 p.m., Hoard’s Station, Cambellford, ON October 22 Uppin’ the Ante Sale, 2:00 p.m., Maple Hill Auction, Hanover, ON October 27 – 29 Manitoba Ag-Ex Show, Brandon, MB (A BOSS Show) November 9 – 13 FarmFair International, Northlands Park, Edmonton, AB Novermber 24 Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Sale, Regina, SK November 25 Canadian Western Agribition Charolais Show, Regina, SK

AD RATES Charolais Banner

Charolais Connection

Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $725 $1050 2/3 Page 610 840 1/2 Page 490 685 1/3 Page 345 505 1/4 Page 285 410 1/6 Page 190 n/a 1/8 Page 145 n/a 1” Business Card 45 n/a Classified 80 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)

Ads Black & White Full Colour Full Page $1100 $1450 2/3 Page 825 1125 1/2 Page 690 945 1/3 Page 525 725 1/4 Page 440 615 1/6 Page 330 n/a 1/8 Page 220 n/a Classified 80 n/a 1”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month) Classified 140 n/a 2”x1 column (add $10.00 to put on web for 1 month)

• • • • •

Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 Overruns are $1 each • Catalogue prices available on request 4 ad contracts offer a 15% discount (card ad exempt) Position pages will be given to yearly contracts Sale Budget includes Banner fieldman to attend the sale, take pictures, work the ring and report the sale. Female sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 2 colour pages in Charolais Banner or equivalent in Charolais Connection. Bull sale budget is $400 sale attendance fee plus 1 colour page in Charolais Connection.


• Pictures – $10 • Photos taken by fieldmen – $25 • Yearly contract – buy 2 ads and get the third at half price (card ad exempt) • Position pages will be given to yearly contracts • Catalogue prices available on request






July 15

July 22

August 8


Sept. 14

Sept. 21

Oct. 5


Sept. 28

Oct. 5

Oct. 19

The Banner cannot be responsible for errors in advertisements received after the ad deadline. The Charolais Banner reserves the right to refuse any advertisement. On any advertisement, the Charolais Banner is not liable for any charges over and above the cost of that advertisement. No agency commission allowed on livestock advertising rates. The Charolais Banner assumes no responsibility for distribution.

Charolais Banner • May 2016



Advertisers Index Amabec Charolais ............................................74

Gilliland Bros. Charolais....................................76

Annuroc Charolais............................................74

Good Anchor Charolais ....................................72

Potter Charolais................................................75

B Bar D Charolais .............................................74

H.S. Knill Company Ltd.....................................71

Prairie Cove Consulting ....................................71

Baker Charolais ................................................74

Happy Haven Charolais ....................................73

Bar H Charolais ................................................75

Hard Rock Land & Cattle Co.............................73

Bar Punch Ranch ..............................................72

Harvie Ranching ..............................................72

Beck Farms....................................................5,75

HEJ Charolais ..................................................72

Be Rich Farms...................................................72

Hicks Charolais.................................................74

Pro Char Charolais ...........................................73

Blackbern Charolais..........................................74

High Bluff Stock Farm.......................................73

Qualman Charolais ..........................................76

Bo Jan Enterprises ............................................75

Holk Charolais..................................................72

Rawes Ranches.................................................73

Bova Tech Ltd. .................................................71

Horseshoe E Charolais .................................33,76

Rebuild with Steel ............................................71

Bow Valley Genetics Ltd. ..................................71

HTA Charolais Farm .........................................73

Reykdal Farms Charolais ...................................74

Bricney Stock Farms..........................................75

Hunter Charolais ......................................74, IBC

Bridor Charolais................................................74

JMB Charolais .................................................74

Brimner Cattle Company ..................................75

Johnson Charolais ............................................72

Buffalo Lake Charolais .....................................72

Johnstone Auction ...........................................71

Canadian Beef Industry Conference..................16

Jordan River Charolais ......................................76

RRTS Charolais .................................................73

Canadian Charolais Association........................11

Kaiser Charolais Farm .......................................72

Saddleridge Charolais.......................................73

Carey, Brent .....................................................71

Kanewischer, Jerry............................................71

Sandan Charolais Farms ...................................73

Cedardale Charolais .........................................74

Kay R Land & Cattle Ltd. ..................................72

Saskatchewan Charolais Association.................13

Cedarlea Farms (Cypress).............................28,55

KCH Charolais..................................................73

Saunders Charolais...........................................75

Charla Moore Farms.........................................75

Kirlene Cattle ...................................................74

Char Maine Ranching.......................................72

La Ferme Patry de Weedon...............................75

Charolais Journal..............................................71

Lakeview Charolais.............................................9

Char Top Charolais (Cypress)...........................28

Land O' Lakes Charolais ...................................74

Sharodon Farms ...............................................75

Charworth Charolais Farms ..............................72

Langstaff Charolais........................................7,74

Skeels, Danny...................................................71

Chomiak Charolais ..........................................72

Laurel Creek Ranch ..........................................76

Sliding Hills Charolais ..................................59,76

Circle Cee Charolais Farms ...............................72

Leemar Charolais..............................................72

A. Sparrow Farms ......................................IFC,3,5

Cline Cattle Co.................................................73

LEJ Charolais ....................................................74

Springside Farms .........................................41,73

Cougar Hill Ranch ............................................75

Lindskov Thiel Charolais Ranch.........................76

Spruceview Charolais .......................................73

Coyote Flats Charolais ......................................72

M & L Cattle Co. ..............................................74

Creek's Edge Land & Cattle Co.........................75

Mack's Charolais ..............................................74

C2 Charolais ....................................................73

Maple Leaf Charolais........................................72

Davis Rairdan ...................................................71

Martens Cattle Co.......................................49,76

Stock, Mark......................................................71

Defoort Stock Farm ..........................................73

Martens Charolais ............................................74

Stockmen's Insurance.......................................71

Demarah Farms ................................................72

McAvoy Charolais Farm...............................47,76

Sugarloaf Charolais ..........................................73

Diamond W Charolais ......................................76

McKay Charolais ..............................................74

Sunrise Charolais..............................................75

Dorran, Ryan ....................................................71

McKeary Charolais ...........................................73

T Bar C Cattle Co. ............................................71

Double L Ranch ................................................72

McLeod Livestock .............................................71

Double P Stock Farms.......................................73

McTavish Charolais...........................................76

Dubuc Charolais...............................................75

Medonte Charolais...........................................75

Dudgeon Snobelen Land & Cattle ....................74

Miller Land & Livestock.....................................75

Eaton Charolais ................................................76

Murphy Livestock .............................................73

Tri N Charolais .................................................74

Edge, Dean ......................................................71

Mutrie Farms....................................................76

Turnbull Charolais ............................................73

Elder Charolais Farms ..................................45,76

Myhre Land and Cattle.....................................74

Western Litho...................................................72

Ericson Livestock Services .................................71

Nahachewsky Charolais....................................76

Whiskey Hollow Cattle Company .....................75

Ferme Palerme .................................................75

Norheim Ranching............................................71

White Cap Charolais ........................................76

Fischer Charolais ..............................................72

N3 StockFarms (Cypress) .................................28

Fleury, Michael .................................................71

P & H Ranching Co...........................................73

Flewelling, Craig...............................................71

Packer Charolais...............................................75

Foat Valley Stock Farm .....................................72

Palmer Charolais ..............................................76

Footprint Farms ...............................................72

Parklane Charolais............................................73

Winters Charolais .............................................75

Future Farms ....................................................72

Patton Charolais...............................................75

Wood River Charolais (Cypress) .......................28

Gerrard Cattle Co.............................................72

Phillips Farms....................................................76

Wrangler Charolais...........................................73


Charolais Banner • May 2016

Pleasant Dawn Charolais .............................39,74

Prairie Gold Charolais .......................................76 Prairie Sky Farms (Cypress)................................28 Prairie View Charolais.......................................74

Rollin' Acres Charolais ......................................75 Rosso Charolais (Cypress) .................................28 Royale Charolais...............................................75

Scarth Cattle Co...............................................74 Serhienko/Voegeli Cattle Co.............................76

Stephen Charolais Farm....................................76 Steppler Farms Ltd. .......................................5,74

Temple Farms...................................................76 Thistle Ridge Ranch ..........................................73 Transcon Livestock Corp...................................72

WhiteWater Livestock.......................................75 Wilgenbusch Charolais ..........................7,76,OBC Wilkie Ranch ....................................................73

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