Almanah 45. Festivala Borštnikovo srečanje

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spremljevalni program / accompanying program koprodukcija coproduction Mini teater Ljubljana, ARL Dubrovnik, Novo Kazališče Zagreb 19. 10. 2010, 19.00 mali oder Predstava traja 1 uro in nima odmora. Running time 1 hour. No interval.

Bernard-Marie Koltès

Noč čisto na robu gozdov The Night Just Before the Forests Naslov izvirnika Original title: La nuit juste avant les forêts Premiera Opening 1. 12. 2009 Mini teater Ljubljana

Prevajalka Translator Suzana Koncut Režiser Director Ivica Buljan Scenograf Set design Slaven Tolj Avtor glasbe Music by Mitja Vrhovnik Smrekar Fotograf Photographer Miha Fras Igra Cast Robert Waltl

A lonely man in the street stands in the rain and speaks to another man whose presence does not seem to be questionable. He does not want anything from him, or, if he wants something, the request is so forceful and confused at the same time that it almost denies itself. There is no action, no response; the text alternately fades away and erupts along with the speaker‘s thoughts. It is spoken in one breath, without sharp punctuation, as if the speed with which it is spoken forestalls any unconscious mental pause. The motifs are wrapped in the speaker‘s reports. In the opening two and the concluding one the speaker is a victim, while in others he is rather a viewer, although a bewildered and sensitive one. As if he cut off the longing for a beautiful girl with sparkling eyes who invites him to join her in the “hunt for rats.” Then a story about a woman in the graveyard, a whore, gulping down earth because she wanted to die. And about another whore who threw her customer‘s clothes through the window. All motifs involving women speak about love, hatred, death and submission. Death is already there, crazy soldiers, a general from Nicaragua who kills birds to stop them from flying, and their victim is the poor speaker.



Osamljen moški na ulici v dežju govori drugemu moškemu, čigar obstoj se nam ne zdi vprašljiv. Od njega noče ničesar, če pa že kaj hoče, je prošnja hkrati tako silovita in zmedena, da je skoraj svoje lastno zanikanje. Ni akcije, ni odgovora, strukturo besedila določajo pojemanja in izpadi govorčevih misli. Besedilo steče v eni sapi, brez ostrih ločil, kot bi hitrost govora onemogočala vsak nezavedni ali miselni premor. Motivi so poročila, v prvih dveh in v zadnjem govorec nastopa kot žrtev, v drugih pa zgolj kot gledalec, vendar kot zaprepaden in občutljiv gledalec. Kot bi odsekal prekinjeno hrepenenje po lepem dekletu z očmi, ki se bleščijo, »kot bi si lahko samo zamislil«, in ki ga vabi, naj gre z njo »lovit podgane«. Nato še zgodba o ženski, kurbi, ki se je na pokopališču nažrla zemlje, ker je hotela umreti. In še o eni kurbi, ki je skozi okno zmetala obleko svoje stranke. Vsi motivi žensk govorijo o ljubezni, sovraštvu, smrti, potlačenosti. Smrt je že tu, nori vojaki, general iz Nikaragve, ki pobija ptice, da bi jim preprečil leteti, in njihova žrtev je ubogi govorec.


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