Yearbook 2012

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Abide in Me, and I in you. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit. John 15:4-5 Beloved Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As we begin this new year, with the blessings of our Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in the service of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Church, we give thanks to Him for His abiding presence with us. It is in Christ’s presence that we find the grace to transform our lives and restore our communion with God. In His presence we know the truth of the Gospel, and we experience the forgiveness and mercy that sets us free from the bondage of sin and death. In Christ, we find enduring joy in the assurance of His eternal promises and peace in the comfort of His love. As His people and His servants, we are granted wisdom and strength to offer a witness of salvation and ministries of compassion and healing. All of these blessings of the presence of Christ in our lives are the fruit that we bear when our hearts, minds and souls are connected to the True Vine, Christ. In addition, our connection to Him, to His presence and words, to His guidance and power, and to His love is essential for our work of ministry as the Greek Orthodox Church in America. For our ministries to touch and transform lives, for our offering and witness in this nation and our communities to bear fruit, every effort, action, and resource must reveal the presence of Christ. Our daily awareness of His presence and our commitment to bear fruit that brings honor and glory to God make this Yearbook more than just a directory. It presents a very sacred work throughout the Archdiocese and our Metropolises, Parishes, Departments and Institutions where the abiding presence of Christ is bearing fruit in so many lives. In these pages, we are offered a glimpse of the growing witness of the Church, something which is encouraging and simultaneously challenging while leading to action. We are encouraged to know that we share a ministry of faith and love with so many others who continuously offer their abilities, time and resources. We are also challenged because we know there is so much more to do. This is precisely why we must always remain united to Christ. In this new year of 2012, may we find renewed strength and abundant grace in our service to Christ. Each day let us seek to abide in Him through prayer, worship, and service. As we live in His presence, may our lives be filled with great blessings and our offering to others lead them to His saving and unfailing love. With paternal love in Christ,

†DEMETRIOS Archbishop of America 5

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