MSU ORSP Sponsored Programs Handbook

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contact ORSP Post-Award Staff (non-financial questions) or the Office of Grant Accounting (financial questions). Day-to-Day Management of a Sponsored Project I.

Processing Requests for Faculty and Staff (non-student) Payroll on Sponsored Projects: a. Summer Salary and Per Diem Employees: To process requests for approved summer salary or to hire an individual on a part-time basis for a year or less, the following forms must be completed and signed by the PI’s Chair and Dean. The forms are then forwarded via inter-office mail to Grant Accounting at 855 Valley Road. Grant Accounting will review, approve, and forward the forms to the Provost’s Office and Human Resources (HR). i.

Temporary Employment Position Action Approval: Complete the Limited Duration Professional Employment Section.

ii. Temporary Employment Payment Voucher: Complete the entire form. iii. To the above forms, attach a short, but descriptive “job description,” or a summary of the work to be performed during the time period requested. iv. New Per-Diem employees will also need to complete federal and state forms (see section IV, below). b. Release Time: If the awarded budget includes academic year or course release time, ORSP includes that time on the Committed Effort Form that is sent to Grant Accounting as part of the initial setup process. Once a semester, Grant Accounting works with the faculty member’s department to charge the grant the appropriate release time for that time period. II.

Processing Requests for Undergraduate and Graduate Students on Sponsored Projects: a. Appointing a Graduate Assistant: To appoint a Graduate Assistant on a sponsored project the PI/PD must complete a Graduate Assistant Application Form. The PI/PD will then forward the form electronically to ORSP and Grant Accounting for review and approval. ORSP will then forward it to the Graduate School for final processing. b. Undergraduate and/or Graduate Student Hourly Worker: First, review Montclair State University Student Employment Policy. To hire an undergraduate or graduate student worker on a sponsored project, the following forms must be completed. Once completed, they are then signed by the PI/PD and the PI/PD’s Dean and forwarded inter-office mail to Grant Accounting at 855 Valley Road. Grant Accounting will review, approve, and forward the forms to the Provost’s Office and HR. 50

Sponsored Programs Handbook

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