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© Jean-Pol Lejeune

座公园是1880年为举办比利时独立五十 周年庆典而建成的。公园中央的巨大拱 门让公园能被轻易地辨认出来。位于拱 门一侧的是皇家艺术历史和军事历史博物馆。 该博物馆被视作欧洲乃至世界范围内同种博物 馆中的佼佼者。而位于另一侧的是汽车世界博 物馆,该馆通过400多辆依旧能够正常运行的汽 车收藏诠释了汽车的发展史,其中也包括了大 量的古董车。在这里,从1886年到20世纪70年 代的汽车发展史得到了鲜活的再现。

Cinquantenaire Park


大广场 布鲁塞尔旅行,首先应该去的就是市中心的长方形大 广场。从大广场幽暗的花岗岩地面走过,四周尽是巴 洛克式的山墙装饰、哥特式的尖窄房屋以及古典式的 三角楣。那高耸的点缀着精美雕塑的尖顶下,一个挨着一个的 细长桃形窗户装点着所有的墙面。窗户下的拱廊、拱柱、门框 都有着典雅华丽的雕塑和镂刻装饰。每座建筑都集合了哥特式 、文艺复兴时代和路易时代的建筑精粹。难怪连大文豪雨果也 称赞这里是世界上最美的广场。


© Jean-Pol Lejeune

he park was built in 1880 for the 50th anniversary of Belgium independence, under the reign of King Leopold II.The monument shelters the Cinquantenaire Museum and the Royal museums for Art and History.Thousands of art treasures and historical objects are on display in this massive museum, which is also one of the biggest in Belgium. The museum is located in the Cinquantenaire Park, easily recognisable thanks to its massive arch. The Cinqunatenaire museum also boasts a superb Art nouveau collection.

Market Square


ecognized World Heritage by the UNESCO, the Grand Place, is considered to be one of the most beautiful squares in the world. One can admire the eclectic mix of architectural styles, characteristic of the culture and society of a prosperous city in northern Europe. Writers such as Victor Hugo and Baudelaire and even Karl Marx fell under its spell. The Grand Place is surrounded by magnificent guild houses, dating mainly from the late seventeenth century. The Town Hall of Brussels, which was built in the early fifteenth century (1402), dominates this beautiful ensemble. Today, the Grand Place hosts major events such as the Ommegang and the flower carpet. 布鲁塞尔2013春夏季 / Spring-Summer 2013 | 63

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