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ls e s s u r B e id u G y 尔城市导游 / Cit


不可不看 / MUST-SEES


© WBT- Joseph Jeanmart

高半米的撒尿小童(于连)已经从一个简单的自 动饮水器变成了布鲁塞尔的标志。但是,这个小 男孩的背后隐藏着怎样的故事,知道的人却不多。 其中最广为流传的一种说法是,在城市被困时,这个小男 孩对着绑在火药桶上的导火索撒了一泡尿,从而拯救了布 鲁塞尔。

Manneken pis


一般来说, 许多游客在第一次看到这个撒尿小童时, 都很奇 怪这么一个小巧玲珑的铜雕像居然能够举世闻名. 或许此雕像也是一个能够很好地体现比利时超现实主义 幻想和幽默的众多例子中的一例吧! 在特殊的场合,撒尿小童会穿上特定的服装, 它一共拥 有800多套不同样式的精美彩服。 例如,他就曾经穿过 由中国成都市提供的熊猫装。

nee-high to a grasshopper, Manneken Pis went from simple drinking fountain to Brussels symbol status. But what’s the story behind the little peeing boy? No one knows for sure. One of the many legends tells that the little boy saved Brussels, as the city was under siege, by peeing on the fuse, attached to barrels of gunpowder. Many tourists are surprised when they see the little boy

for the first time.They wonder how something so small can be so famous. Perhaps this is one of the many examples of Belgian surrealism and humour. Manneken Pis regularly wears one of his 800 colourful costumes, most of which have been offered by representatives of countries around the world. For example, he once wore a panda costume, offered by Chengdu city. 布鲁塞尔2013春夏季 / Spring-Summer 2013 | 61

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