Message Of The Stars

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eration of the vibratory rate frequently causes him to perceive the ugly, gruesome forms abounding in the lower realms of the invisible world, which are real elemental entities and not figments as believed by people who hear him tell what he sees during delirium tremens. These aspects also make the person liable to be swindled by sharpers confidence men, and easily hoodwinked.


It cannot be too strongly impressed upon readers and students that judgment is never to be formed on any planetary aspect or position apart from the balance of the horoscope. The unblended, basic nature of aspects is given so that students may recognize innate tendencies and be alert to overcome the evil and to cultivate the good. The free will of the individual can always modify the horoscope, as pointed out on pages 58 and 59, and in Chapter XXII of this book. ("A word to the wise."--EDITOR.) [PAGE 169]


In the 13th Chapter of Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians we find a eulogy of "love." The word used in the authorized version is "charity," but it ought to be read as "love." Love suffereth long and is kind, love vaunteth not herself, is not puffed up, believeth all things, endureth all things. . .Whether there be prophecies they shall fail, whether there be knowledge it shall vanish away." He concludes that in time FAITH and HOPE will pass away because we shall know the things in which we now have faith and our hopes will have been realized, but love, he contends, remains forever. The keynote of Venus is "love," "harmony," and "rhythm," and if we want to know her nature we may profitably read that chapter and substitute "Venus' for "Love." Venus vaunteth not herself, is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, rejoices not in iniquity but in truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things. These sayings are all true when applied to Venus for she furnishes the unifying bond between all members of the human family in whatever relationship they may be placed. It is the love-ray of Venus piercing deeply the heart of the mother which breeds in her the tender care wherewith she nourishes her offspring through helpless [PAGE 170]


infancy. Venus sounds the love call of the youth and the maiden, gives and takes, smoothing out all the difficulties in the conjugal career. She is ever burning incense upon the altar of affection and from her garden of love comes the flowers which scent even the most sordid souls with celestial per-

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