Message Of The Stars

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Neptune afflict, also when the mercurial signs, Gemini or Virgo, are on the twelfth cusp and Mercury is afflicted, (no matter where in the figure it is placed). We append horoscopes of people who are suffering from this malady; No. 7 is the horoscope of a woman who is gradually losing here hearing. Mercury, Venus and the Sun are in close conjunction in Pisces, the twelfth sign, which is in the Twelfth House. Blood, lymph and the invisible vital fluid, called "nerve force" by science, are the builders of our bodies; each planet, except Uranus and Neptune, has dominion over one of their constituent parts. MERCURY rules the nerves, particularly the cerebrospinal system, and the invisible rose colored vital fluid which flows in the visible nerve sheath. THE MOON also rules the nerves in a general way, but has special dominion over the nerve sheaths of the body, the sympathetic system and the lymph. JUPITER governs the arterial circulation. [PAGE 600]


VENUS rules the venous blood. MARS rules the iron in the blood. THE SUN rules the oxygen. SATURN has dominion over the mineral deposits carried by the causes the arteries and other parts of the body to harden.



When a planet is in very close conjunction to the Sun, three degrees or less, it is said to be combust; its ray is, so to speak, burned up in the terrific heat of the Sun, and thus the afflicted planet is unable to properly exercise its function in the life of persons born under that configuration. It is also evident that as the weakest link of a chain is the first to give, so the disability would show itself in a part of the body otherwise afflicted. Horoscope No. 7 has both Venus and Mercury combust in the Twelfth House; we may therefore conclude that there is a lack of nerve force or vital fluid, and that the venous circulation of the ear is obstructed. Thus congestion is inevitable, and the hearing becomes less and less acute. Osteopathy is excellently equipped to deal successfully with a case like this; were the configuration in a fixed sign we might not feel optimistic, but flexibility is the salient characteristic of the common signs, so we see no reason why with patience and perseverance a cure may not be consummated. [PAGE 601]


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