Message Of The Stars

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MARS IN AQUARIUS gives a tendency to varicose veins, fracture of the leg and blood-poisoning; by reflex action in Leo, heart failure, overheated blood, fainting and palpitation. [PAGE 564]


MARS IN PISCES gives a tendency to deformities of the feet, or accidents to them, corns, bunions and perspiring feet; by reflex action in Virgo, ventral hernia, inflammation of the bowels and diarrhea. PATHOGENIC EFFECTS OF URANUS Uranus rules the ether which is the medium by which the light rays are transmitted, hence he has considerable influence over the eyes and is responsible, when afflicting the Sun or Moon, for various diseases of the eyes, or even blindness. This is especially the case when the Sun or Moon is placed in the Pleiades (Taurus 29), or the Ascelli (Leo 6) or Antares (Sagittarius 8). Modern astrologers have not yet had time to tabulate the full effects of Uranus in all the signs, and as for the pathogenic effects still less is known, but he is said to be exalted in Scorpio and our own experience seems to indicate that Uranus has a very marked evil influence on the sex which is ruled by this sign, producing most deep-seated venereal diseases. By reflex action or affliction to planets in Taurus (ruled by Venus) where the organ of coordinated action is located, he produces erratic movements, as seen in St. Vitus dance, contortions, spasms, tetanus, cramps, hiccough and hysteria. As ruler of the ether and gases he is responsible for injury and shock by electricity which travels through the ether. Nitrogen, a gas, is the base [PAGE 565]


of a number of compounds whose characteristic Uranian instability makes them highly explosive, and Uranus is thus responsible for such deaths and injuries as occur on that account, especially if placed in the Eighth House. URANUS IN TAURUS gives a tendency to diminished pituitary secretion and consequent abnormal growth. URANUS IN GEMINI gives a tendency to spasmodic asthma, hard cough.


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URANUS IN CANCER gives a tendency to hiccough, produced by the erratic tion of the diaphragm, also to a hard, dry stomach cough and cramp of



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