Message Of The Stars

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another watery sign. It also shows many changes of residence which will be fortunate or otherwise according to other aspects of the Moon. THE MOON IN THE FIFTH HOUSE in cardinal or common signs indicates a person of very changeable afflictions, fond of pleasure and gambling. It is a sign of a fruitful marriage particularly when in Scorpio. Even in a barren sign like Leo the Moon will give children when she is placed in the Fifth House. This question, however, should always be judged from both horoscopes of the prospective parents, for should one be entirely barren, the Moon in the Fifth House in Leo or Virgo in the other horoscope, would not be sufficient help to mend the matter. THE MOON IN THE SIXTH HOUSE is a poor position particularly in a woman's horoscope and any person with the Moon in that position will be better in a [PAGE 223]


subordinate position employed by someone else than in a business venture his own. Should he be placed in the position of employer he will find difficult to keep servants or employees. They will change constantly.

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THE MOON IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE if well-aspected is fortunate for success in marriage, partnership and all dealings with the public for it makes the person popular. But if seriously afflicted it indicates a fickle, changeable marriage partner, loss through litigation, partnership and the general public which will then hold the person in disfavor. THE MOON IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE gives gain by marriage and legacy if it is well-aspected and it also increases the number of children though there is a change that some of them may die. But if the Moon is afflicted the financial fortunes will change for the worse after marriage and if legacies do come they will bring lawsuits with them whereby the person will lose. THE MOON IN THE NINTH HOUSE when well-aspected gives a clean clear mind of a serious, religious, legal or philosophy turn according to the nature of the aspect. The person will travel far with both pleasure and profit for himself and sometime he will come into the lime-light of publicity. This position also gives a tendency to dreams and visions especially if the Moon [PAGE 224]


is aspected by Neptune. If the Moon is afflicted the person will be too impulsive and jump to conclusions which are to his detriment. If he undertakes to travel he is liable to meet much trouble in consequence. He is also apt to make an ill-considered change in religion and be subjected to much censure on that account.

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