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This lovely stop on Mexico’s Yucatán is best known for its amazing dive sites, but the fascination only begins there. Once a sacred destination for the ancient Maya, cozumel retains a great deal of what this much-studied civilization left behind. Well-preserved archaeological sites make cozumel a top destination for students of history. and no matter your reason for visiting, you’ll be well sustained by the succulent seafood, meats, fruits and vegetables of the area’s cuisine. fAST fACTS CLIMATE The weather is sunny and hot year-round, with an average temperature of 81°F. LAnGuAGE spanish is the official language, but most shop clerks and taxi drivers also speak a little english.

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LOCATIOn The island of cozumel lies 12 miles off playa del carmen on the east coast of mexico’s yucatán peninsula, 30 miles south of cancún. MOnEY The peso is the legal tender. u.s. dollars and major credit cards are widely accepted as well. POPuLATIOn approximately 80,000

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10/4/11 5:47 PM

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