Optimist Bridgetown Newsletter Issue 002/12

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Issue #002




Richard Winckler, President

Good Day Fellow Optimists, WOW another few months have gone clear and we are soon to the finish line. What a wonderful journey this continues to be and I expect more of the same in the future. As we round the final bend this is when we have to dig deep to reach that reserve power so we may remain consistent in our efforts to helping that “one” child more! Let us persist not for ourselves or others in the club but for the children! I encourage us all to remain focused on the goal to connect to the children through the various projects and programs the club has to offer. This is a celebration time in

Barbados and one theme is “out to all” and I want to urge us all to give of our very best and get “out to all” of what remains. Forget about what we “can’t” do and embrace what we “can” do because it only takes a little bit from many people to make the change that will bring out the best in the children!

Sterling Home- The children sow the seeds as they embark on an agricultural project Page 2

Let us close this year with honor for one another and especially for the children. I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve.

Golf Tournament and Father’s Day Luncheon fund- raisers both a success.



Optimists and Children hard at work.


Shauna King, CP

Eat What You Grow The "Eat What You Grow" project was launched on April 15th 2012. This project was implemented to teach the children to be selfsufficient and involved the planting of vegetables and greens (carrots, tomatoes, onions, sweet peppers, cabbage, lettuce, string beans) , seasonings (thyme, marjoram, oregano, basil, chives), and tubers (yams, sweet potatoes). Ninety percent of the items necessary to conduct this project were received by donation! These included plastic drums, soil mix, sand, seedlings and seeds, and varying tools for the tending and management of the garden. We would like to thank Carter’s General Store, West Indies Rum Distillery, Walkers Sand Quarry, CCP Haulage and our very own Optimist Mike for their assistance and generous donations. Our plants are growing well and we plan on helping the children tend to them at our visit this month on June 24th at the usual time, 4pm.

Drummers We had a last minute change of plans which worked out quite well. Optimist Lynda had arranged for a band of musicians to visit the children, but they unfortunately had to travel at the last minute. Optimist Sandra brought her neighbor and his partner who own a music school. Their interaction with the children was excellent. Things were quiet and subdued at first but after snacks ... what a change!

See the excerpt below from Optimist Lynda: "Sometimes a simple moment in time is magic and we had one of those moments this evening at Sterling Children Home, thanks to one drummer, his partner, 2 drums and a variety of percussion instruments. After 1 hour we had drummers, dancers with a beat of their own. Kids who wouldn't talk, were shy, introverted responded in their own time; they developed their own beat, a single dancer came forward and suddenly a

chorus line of dancers appeared. Finally as the drums were slid along the floor to the waiting car, there were at least 3-4 drummers who followed drumming in time on a single drum, through the doors, on the garden pathway and into the waiting car and still the beat went on. Those on the first drum continued even when it was put in the car and those on the 2nd drum stayed on the pathway drumming not wanting to stop, until that too was put in the car. Those moments are the ones we Optimists treasure. Those are the moments when we know we are making a difference."





Darshani Workman, Secretary

"I don't have the time" "I'm too busy" "I would really like to but…" “I don’t want to make another commitment” A big thank you to Optimist Sandra, CP of Fundraising and Optimist Joseph ,CP of the Golf Tournament along with all who assisted and made the Club’s two main fundraisers of the year such a resounding success.


Sterling Children- Field Harrison Cave In July

Sterling children Field Trip to the Concorde Experience in August

Back to School Project

Mentorship program at St. Michael School

Trip to

Pineland Boys – taken to the Movies

Chartering of the new Harrison College JOOI Club

Respect for Law week

All dates to be finalized so please watch your inbox for notifications.

Typical responses when attempting to recruit a new member, no? Yes!!! But it makes me wonder... It makes me wonder, should I sympathize and accept with understanding or should I revisit my approach? It makes me wonder at my busy colleague who had her entire day planned when she received a call from her child. The child had forgotten his class assignment at home. She immediately reprioritized – delivered forgotten assignment, lambasted child (?), executed original plan – all accomplished seamlessly within her busy schedule. It makes me wonder, would a busy person find a way to take on additional responsibilities if he was presented with the right opportunity like my colleague?

It makes me wonder how regardless of our station in life, each of us is gifted with one thing equally every day i.e. 24 hours. Are we using our 24 hours to actively make a difference in the lives of others? It makes me wonder, should I adjust the script for busy people? I decided I needed to because my wondering made me realize that everyone, student or otherwise, is already busy. So I returned to the drawing table and decided that in my updated how to recruit a busy person version, I would need to be cognizant of these things: 1. PIQUE THEIR INTERESTS – I HAVE TO CARE! Plan and rehearse the pitch first. Ensure that the message is compelling enough to grasp the person’s interest. Believe the message and deliver with passion and enthusiasm. I should not offer an opportunity that I don’t believe in myself – first, I have to care.



Issue #002


Understand the organization and know what is happening. If I don’t know what I am talking about and cannot provide answers to basic questions, everyone’s time is wasted. (Note to self: watch a $6 Tuesday movie instead). If I care enough, homework should be enjoyable and maybe even fun. 3. MAKE MESSAGE BRIEF, SIMPLE AND DIRECT Time is precious; remember the person is already busy. If he continuously glances at his watch, operates hand held device or looks everywhere except at me, chances are, I’ve lost his interest already. 4.


Identify clearly how the community would benefit from the person’s time and be certain to delineate the benefits that the potential volunteer would receive from learning a new skill, gaining valuable experience and from utilizing a once lesser used talent. 5. SELL UMBRELLAS WHEN IT RAINS, NOT ICEC-REAM Listen keenly to what exactly interests the person and adjust the pitch to suit. A person who wishes to help the community but prefers to work indirectly with the children can serve in an administrative capacity. Get help here now and indoctrinate them with “hands on approach” later...kidding...



Arrange a time that is mutually convenient to discuss the proposal. Whether it is a formal meeting or a casual walk to accompany the person to his car, remember that timing is everything and it is important to choose a time when he is receptive. 7.


Rehearse, rehearse and rehearse my pitch some more. So, I am on a quest to recruit a new member...wish me luck!!



by Richard Winckler,


I considered the following; how is it that service organizations became great? A place where autonomous clubs shined so greatly that it had a domino effect on the organization at different levels. How can an organization embrace the new member and at the same time maintain the enthusiasm of the seasoned? In the end it came down to… the people in the organization… “US”. What are we prepared to give and for how long we will give it! The bond between the organization and “US” is called the relationship and like any good, long lasting and thriving relationship it takes a multiplicity of adjectives to keep the fruit fresh. I want to look at a few that I feel are the core of the relationship between club and member. Passion, Dedication and Commitment are critical to a successful organization because together they add up to priority. Here is a question for us! How bad do we want to help the children, to serve, to be an example or to just be an inspiration? Here are some

definitions for these three words - Passion, Dedication and

Commitment - which I want to us to stimulate our confidence levels In this Optimism.



PASSION • - Intense emotion intense or overpowering emotion such as love, joy, hatred, or anger. • - Outburst of emotion - a sudden outburst of an emotion such as rage, hatred, or jealousy • - Object of enthusiasm the object of somebody's intense interest or enthusiasm Key words here like intense, overpowering, outburst of emotion, interest and enthusiasm are words that only indicate the level of involvement is so high that it takes over the individual for the emotional pleasure that the act will bring. Are we passionate enough about our own Optimism? Can we be more

enthusiastic about serving? What feeling did it bring us and can we get it back? Let us become more passionate about Optimism!

DEDICATION • Devotion - the quality of being devoted or committed to something Devoted is such a strong word for me because it brings concepts like marriage or children and for some of us employment. We don’t just give up on these things because they depend on us as much as we can depend on them. We move mountains for the things or people we are devoted to and nothing will deter us from accomplishing them if we are truly dedicated. Are we dedicated to our club? Can we be more dedicated to the children? What I want to promote is “what” or “how” can we do rather than what we don’t have time for because every little bit adds up to


a great mass. We are a great mass of people that can do little things that count. Let us rededicate to Optimism! COMMITMENT • Responsibility - something that takes up time or energy, especially an obligation • Loyalty - devotion or dedication, e.g. to a cause, person, or relationship • Previously planned arrangement - a planned arrangement or activity that cannot be avoided This is a tender subject because it infringes on how the individual allocates time spent. What I commit to will be different from most others purely because it is a personal choice based on prioritizing events. They say it costs to care and this is true but it doesn’t only relate to a financial cost. In fact, the cost is greater because it is time that we are paying with and we all only have 24 hours. Where money has many variables from the rich to the not so rich on one hand, time on the other hand does not care of financial status and therefore is considered a precious commodity. “I can’t do that because I have to do this!” This is when one thing takes priority over another, when something takes a back seat, when complacency sets in and someone else can take over happens. Has this happened to you? A new job with more responsibility or a new child or anything that takes the focus

from serving and places it to another. I urge you not to misunderstand these are important events but allow me to encourage you not to underestimate the power of the relationship and the power the relationship has on each one of us! Time management is critical… How can I make time? What amount of time can I afford? When can I slot in a project to participate in? Do something because there is always something to do. Let us be loyal and responsible and make this movement a part of the busy schedule we all have to manage instead of leaving it off to the side to fall victim to slow death. I want to encourage us to focus on the passion, dream and desire of giving back and at the same time, I want to challenge us to make this a reason to do instead of an excuse to let it pass. There is a child waiting for the opportunity that we will bring so we must press on, we must strengthen our passion, we must refine our commitment, and we must rejuvenate our dedication. Let us rededicate ourselves to helping bring out the best in children because they deserve every opportunity. Finally, recommit to the purposes, tenets, values and mission of the Optimist movement because we do it for the children first and then for ourselves. Let us make this a priority in our lives and when we do, I am confident our Optimism will shine and be reborn!


In closing we must work at keeping our Optimism Alive for the sake of each “one” of the children needing just “one” of us to care. This is the price we pay for being Optimist and I would pay it a thousand times over to see the look of joy on “one” more child’s face….. ….. Join with me and make Optimism a priority again. WOULD YOU?



incurring losses until such time as members pay.

By Lynda Lewis, CP

Are You Active? Are you an active member the kind that would be missed or are you just content that your name is on the list? Do you attend the functions and mingle with the crowd or would you rather stay at home and complain both long and loud? Do you give a little time and help to make things tick or leave the work to just a few and talk about the clique? There’s quite a program scheduled that means success if done and it can be accomplished with the help of everyone So come to all the functions and help with hand and heart

To help Clubs bring in new energy, talent and leadership, Optimist International are offering an incentive for young adult Members! For one year, individuals can enjoy the benefits of an Optimist Club with less of a financial impact. Optimist International is offering introductory membership to individuals under the age of 30years. This runs until September 30th 2012. These numbers count towards membership numbers. Note the applicable rate in USA will be different to Barbados. The rates to be offered by the Bridgetown Club will be discussed at the next Board of Directors Meeting. LTG Jo-Ann Jordan has contacted District office and we are awaiting their feedback.

don’t be just another member but play an active part Think it over member are you right or are you wrong are you an active member or do you just belong? Author Unknown (Taken from The Optimist Magazine Summer 2012).

This plea is for members to pay outstanding dues, (even if only) in monthly installments. Your Dues pay the administration costs of the Club. The Club has to pay, in advance, OI and District dues. If your account is not current the Club is paying OI and

“A proposed member should be apprised of dues payment structure and procedures. Since the Club is required to pay District and International dues in advance, Club dues should be advance payments. All members must understand the Club’s financial obligations and policies. This will minimize collection problems, reduce deletions and create stability in Club finances.” (Taken from Optimist International website) Please help us to close the year with a minimum of outstanding dues. If your circumstances have changed and you no longer wish to be an active member of the Club, please inform either of the following persons Treasurer – Sian Monteith; Secretary – Darshani Workman; Chair membership – Lynda Lewis.


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The PR Committee extends greatest thanks to all who have contributed articles to the second issue of the quarterly magazine for Optimist year 2011-2012. Please note that the third issue of the Optimist Club of Barbados Bridgetown Newsletter will be available in the first week of October. Committee chairpersons can feel free to submit an update, an article and any Upcoming Events to us on or before September 15th, 2012. Contributions from all Club members are welcome. This is a great opportunity to keep the Optimist community updated about all of the projects and activities which are taking place. Submissions of approximately 150- 200 words in doc/docx format including a title with at least two project photos (with preferred captions) should be emailed to laserdee@yahoo.com by September 15th, 2012.

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